UWF 2012: Past Raw Trashtalking

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Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
Re: Starrcade: UWF Championship - Stone Cold (c) vs. Wade Barrett

Wade Barrett takes that prolonged pause to draw heat from the audience before responding with something he has noticed from most American wrestlers he has faced in the UWF.


Wade Barrett: you know, if I had a pound for every-time someone said that around here I would be a billionaire. "God Save The Queen" is not a request, nor a statement, nor a wish. It is merely a sign of respect. But of course, as Americans always do, trying to be clever when you oh so clearly aren't, you try and over-think a solitary turn of phrase and believe that I am actually making a request. Do I seem like the religious type Austin? Have you ever heard me stroll down this ramp and make bible references. No, see, I don't think I'm some Austin 3:16 rip-off.... and not even an Cody Rhodes 6:25 rip-off either. In hindsight, I am still skeptical to the actual fact that God even exists. Maybe the big bang did create everything because, if there was a God, for you at least Stone Cold, then the referee would have hesitated to make the final pin-fall count in my match against Rob Van Dam and I would have never been made the number one contender to my own Undisputed Championship. Yeah, you can re-dress it any way you like and change from two to one straps, I'm still referring to it as my own because with everything that has happened the past couple of weeks, I am counting the only fair thing to happen with the championship, is our match on Sunday. One on one, for the belt, the way this built into such a phenomenon that you and I thrived to be part of. Not these contracts you can cash in any time you like putting the champion at a dis-advantage, and not a multi-man match that literally anything can happen in.

Wade looks around at the crowd not buying his get out clauses for losses in his last two championship matches.

One thing I will give you Austin is maybe you were right about how I may have burnt myself out had I taken the tag match with the New World Order too seriously. I have had the much tougher run-in since our Fatal Four Way match at Backlash. While you get a debut rookie, I had to solidify my position as the spearhead coming towards your championship, next week you get a week off when I get my hands full with one of the most impressive debuts of recent weeks, who only last week beat Randy Orton.... but I won. Then you had a match with the man that I turned from a juggernaut to a mere mortal CM Punk, and well, myself and Antonio had decided that our respective championship battles this Sunday were more important than this group warfare that Randy Orton has decided to take a personal ventedetta, whether it be jealousy or just revenge I took his opportunity for the Undisputed Championship off him. But as myself and Cesaro spoke about our match on Raw, you were the only thing in my mind, and I know Cesaro could only see Miz. So, we never exerted ourselves. I knew I had a contract signing to come out for, and that you were going to be fresh only having your match at the start of the show and you know what..... Well.... I'll leave it to the tron to explain this one.

With that, Austin kicks Barrett in the gut, looking for The Stunner. Barrett pushes Austin in the back as he reaches for his head and Austin bounces off the far ropes. As Austin comes back, Barrett lifts him off the mat and hits the Winds of Change side slam. Barrett then goes to pick up the table he just flipped over. He sets it up, before turning his attention back to Austin. Austin is still struggling to recover, and Barrett lifts him off the mat and places him on his shoulders. Barrett walks over to the table before screaming and bringing Austin down through the table with Wasteland. Austin's body crashes through the wood and Barrett stands tall. Barrett then turns around, and spots Austin's title. He picks it up and holds it high. This is the last thing we see before Raw goes off the air.


Yeah, you're not the only one with access with past footage. But a few noticeable differences between my footage and your delve into the archives. Number one, mine is way more recent, so therefore you can trust that to be a lot more reliable to the truth. What you showed of me, was still in my rookie company, in my rookie year, before I honed my skills to become the World Champion that I am today. Second of all, what you showed was an absolute joke of a contest from back in the day. What I showed was how you tried to get the upper hand on me, but failed. And you went crashing through a table for your troubles. No matter what you say about you having a win and I having a loss on the last show means, nothing compares to the lasting image of me holding my championship above my head, whilst standing over you, unable to get to your feet. But, what I suggest, is you hold that feeling you had at the end of Raw, you learn from it..... and you just get used to it, because the end of Starrcade is going to feel exactly the same.

The crowd boo but Barrett smirks and keeps the microphone raised.

You know, it's quite funny that not only you brought up footage of my past, but you went through my whole past like as if it even matters. I could grab a steel chair, sit down in the middle of the ring and reel off a whole load of your past failings and near accomplishments, what was meant to be and what not. I could sit here and talk about how you bitched about facing Brock Lesnar in a King of the Ring match because you just couldn't cut it no more. But I'm not going to. I'm not going to speak about all the past times you have failed before because, unfortunately, I had nothing to do with them. Instead, what I am going to do is make a solemn vow to you, to Wolfe, to the locker room, and to every single person here that shouts what every time you come up for air. The Barrett Barrage is going to be your latest failing. The way you still owe Austin Aries a championship rematch, the way you spent from your own pocket to redesign the belt, and the countless times you have come out here trying to force yourself upon us as the face of the UWF. You can re-package it all up, talk to your good friends in the media department, find a nice fancy theme music and sell it as the latest DVD. The title practically writes itself don't you think.

"The Time Austin 3:16 got Bottom Lined by the Barrett Barrage"

Wade Barrett wears the unmovable grin that everyone has grown accustomed to see with him, as Austin looks next to take the microphone.


Jun 26, 2010
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England, UK
Starrcade - #1 Contdership: MVP vs. Mr Anderson

There is silence in the arena at a UWF live show. A few fans are buying merch or talking amongst themselves but the energy is good. Suddenly, with no warning, a voice that most recognise is heard over the PA system.

Voice: Ahem. Is this thing on? I have a question…could all the ASSHOLES in the building tonight make just a little bit of noise…



Anderson’s music hits but he makes his way out from the crowd, from a concourse door, instead of the usual entrance on the stage. A spotlight quickly finds him, microphone in hand, and his music dies down as he walks through the crowd.

Anderson: See, this is what I like about you guys, you can just tell you’re all assholes. You’re an asshole…

Anderson points at a guy and takes a few more steps closer to the ring.

You’re an asshole, you’re an asshole…DAMN you’re the biggest asshole I’ve ever seen.

Anderson spots a kid in an Anderson tee and bends down to ruffle his hair.

And aren’t you just the cutest as…the sweetest as…wait that all sounds so wrong. Well you’re an asshole just like me anyway. Anderson jogs down the rest of the steps and throws one leg over the guard rail, straddling it. He sits there briefly as a small ‘AN-DER-SON! AN-DER-SON!’ chant begins. Ken chews his gum noticeably and smirks as he finally enters the ringside area and walks up the steel steps before swaggering into the ring. He goes to speak but looks at the handheld mic in disgust before tearing off the UWF logo piece, throwing that to the crowd, and dropping the mic on the mat. Ken poses for his usual drop-down deal instead as the lights go down and a spotlight rests on him.

Anderson: M…V…P.

The crowd boo relentlessly.

This guy is using the same shtick as he was last time we all saw him and it was boring then and it’s boring now. He seems to find it easy to play management into his corner. Don’t believe me? I’ve been here busting my ass longer than he has and we’re supposedly on the same ‘level’? All the time I’ve been here and I can’t even get onto the FREAKIN introduction video or any of the damn infographics or any other crap that management produce…but it’s fine, that was last weeks deal and today is a brand new day. Today is a day where I’ve shown why 2 weeks ago CM Punk blew William Regal off. Huh? Why? Huh? Oh yeah, it’s because Regal is past it and can’t lace my boots. Next point. This is a week where I finally get my hands on MVP.

More boos.

Now this is the guy who jumped me after our beat the clock match. This is the guy walking round saying he’s the most valuable player in this company…wait a second how many matches has he actually won? 1? At least I’ve got a handful of victories, all he seems to prove week in and week out and week in and week out and week in and week out…that’s the like, 3 weeks he’s actually been here by the way…is that he can’t finish the job, he can’t get the job done! I hear you though, my career hasn’t exactly been the picture of domination I’d have liked, I can accept that sure, yeah. This guy? He’s never been relevant, he’s never been liked, he’s never looked good in this ring and 2 weeks ago the stupid son of a bitch couldn’t even get my name right. Let me help you out here MVP, it’s K-E-N, I hope you’re writing this down, A-N-D-E-R-S-O-N. I’m slightly better known though as MISTERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR ANDERSONNNN…..AN-DER-

Ken is cut off by…

Chris Dresdon

Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2010
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Re: Starrcade: UWF Championship - Stone Cold (c) vs. Wade Barrett


Stone Cold: Well if you wanna talk religion son, I suggest you go over ta' Smackdown, they're rosters full of 'em. Shawn Michaels, Sting, Irwin R. Schyster's boy, I'm sure they'd be willing to debate it with ya. Fact is, I'm not, there's not a place in this disagreement for it beyond who you'll be callin' out for when you're getting beaten ta' death. But since you don't believe in a higher power, it's been established it won't be God, so who will it be instead? I guess you'll be callin' on yer boy Cesaro, which quite frankly would do ya as much good as enlisting the services of Heath Slater or one of the other nobodies you tried ta' take to the top. I mean, with the shaved head he kinda looks like Stone Cold, but the fact of the matter is he isn't Stone Cold, so comin' down here to this ring for even a fraction of a second to give his partner in the Revolution a helping hand would be pointless, cuz if he did and if he does, I'm gonna give his European ass a very American ass whoopin'.

Even if he was a competent competitor and was actually a threat to my well-being and championship were he to get involved, you honestly think he's gonna pass up that piece of ass he's got walkin' around with him? I wouldn't hold yer breath. So while yer out here on the mat, flat on your back, crying out to Antonio, in a hotel room somewhere Aksana's gonna be doin' the same thing. Which honestly, it's fitting that you would have female tendencies in common because if it walks like a bitch, talks like a bitch, acts like a bitch, looks like a bitch, and in yer case, fights like a bitch, chances are it's undoubtedly, one hundred and ten percent a bitch. Ever since you graced this damn company, all I've heard about is the Barrett Barrage and the European Revolution and how unstoppable both forces are. Because if the Barrett Barrage was unstoppable, when you put me through that table, that would've been it. I wouldn't be standing right here, in the flesh talkin' ta' you on this microphone and there would be no match at Starrcade, this belt would be as good as yours. But that didn't happen, Wade, ya hurt me and kept me down for a little while but not for good. I know you think your victory over me is a certainty because of what you did, but let me remind you of something, that was on RAW. It was on a television show, not the big stage, and it was at the end of a contract signing, not the match itself. You have won nothing, and in five days the same will still be true.

You and I can trade bits of video footage all day long, I'd have no problem with that, but you'd lose that too. Because there are far more great moments in my career than your piss poor excuse of a legacy. Answer me one thing, should I keep calling you Wade Barrett, or would you prefer Stu Barrett? Maybe Stu Sanders? Lawrence Knight? The names you wrestled under then are as bad as the theme music you come out to now, son. But I'm going to leave it at that, because if we get into a gimmick comparison and starting digging up my Ringmaster days, well this is just going to mirror the trash talking trade-off I had with Austin Aries, and surely you don't want to recycle another man's material. However, if yer gonna bring up things I've done, at least get yer facts straight. I didn't bitch about facing Brock Lesnar because I couldn't cut it anymore, it's because that's a money match they wanted to give away on free tv. And judging by the looks of things, it's Brock that can't cut it anymore, not Steve Austin. And this belt, yeah it came out of my pocket but it's the money I got from beating your ass at Backlash, so in a way you helped get rid of the very sets of titles you're so desperate to get back. Ya know, the ones that are now non-existant cuz I trashed 'em, remember me tellin' ya that? I'm sure you could go over to one of the merchandise stands and buy a set of replicas and wear 'em around.

By the way, I am the face of You Dubya Eff. This recent slew of absurdity, being given the night off and so forth, that's just bad booking. I am the holder of the most prestigious title in this company, and even though these disrespectful bastards we call fans boo me ta' death, they paid ta' see me. Maybe not me specifically, but even with all the hate I possess from them, I'm willin' ta' bet more of 'em wanna see me than you. Why? Because I'm the biggest star that's ever existed in this business, past, present, and future. What are you? A six foot something William Regal rip-off that has two failed stables and a finishing move he stole from Abyss. Is there anything original about you, son? As for ya boy Aries, whenever he decides ta' show his face in my company again, he can have his rematch. And the DVD, I'm gonna sell that sumbitch as a set, one DVD's going to be of You Dubya Eff Backlash, and the other's gonna be of You Dubya Eff Starrcade. I'm gonna call it the "Barrett Barrage Sucks" two-pack and sell it for three dollars and sixteen cents a pop, because that's the most people are gonna pay for anything featurin' yer ass, three dollars, the sixteen cents is a gratuity.

When you signed the contract Tuesday, what you thought was your guaranteed return to the top will reveal itself to be your death certificate.

Austin lowers his microphone, waiting to see what his opponent has to say in response.


Jun 5, 2010
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NSW, Australia
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Re: Starrcade - #1 Contdership: MVP vs. Mr Anderson

Ken is cut off as the lights suddenly go out. The fans sit anxiously, asking the people next to them what is happening. The arena starts to flash gold and black lights everywhere, with some very known words inside the wrestling world ringing out over the PA system.



The camera focuses on the stage where a big inflatable tunnel which can now be seen, presumably being inflated while the lights were flashing on and off. The crowd rise to their feet awaiting one certain special superstar as smoke starts to escape the tunnel. The crowd aren't waiting long as the figure of MVP bursts through the flaps. He stops dead, looking around the crowd who give him a mixed reaction. He smiles, even chuckling to himself as he lowers himself to the ground, touching the ground and mumbling to himself as he quickly jumps up, putting his arms out to his side in his signature pose, setting off the pyros behind him.


MVP starts to slowly makes his way down to the ring, ignoring all the fans that is leaning over for high fives while he just holds up his '305' bling bling up to the camera, yelling 'Mr 305' towards the camera. He comes towards the bottom of the ramp, stopping for a second, taking out some gum he was chewing and throws it into the crowd before he takes a little run up and slides into the ring. He doesn't waste anytime getting to his feet, running towards the ropes, bouncing off and doing his signature dance and Ballin taunt at the end.


He holds the pose for a while, smiling cockily as he lowers his arms, pointing at his chest with the fans still giving him a mixed reaction. MVP walks towards the side of the ring, bending over to pick up a mic that was placed on the apron. He strides back to the middle of the ring, raising the mic to his lips but the noise the crowd is making stops him from starting his speech. He lowers the mic, looking forwards now, smirking away as the crowd in front of him are booing and jeering him. He raises the mic to his lips again and this time is allowed to start.



Mr Andseron, the king of assholes, I don't wanna live in a world where being an asshole is a good thing. You wanna go round the ring and call everyone an asshole, even nearly calling a child one, Mr Anderson, you a disgrace and you lack some class.

The crowd boo MVP as Anderson just keeps chewing his gum. MVP look towards him as he shakes his head at him.

Your damn right it's the same old stuff but why change a winning formula, why should I change anything when I get exactly what I want every single time, when will you figure that out Ken? You said it yourself, you have been here busting your ass as you say, when all I have seen is you getting it kicked but Anderson, I literally walk in the backdoor, I get a Number One Contenders Match against an opponent I am certain to beat, I get my very own parking space right near the arena door, I get the dressing room in the whole arena, I bet it won't be very long until they change the video to feature no one else but MVP, you may get a cameo though but it will only be me laying over your prune body with my hands raised high.

MVP lifts his arms up, mouthing this is what It will look like. MVP lowers his arms as the crowd starts booing once again.

I can't get the job down Ken, I can't get the job done? Did I make you hit your head a little too hard 2 weeks ago? I left you lying 2 weeks ago and missed out by 1 second, thats all it would of taken for me to already be number one contender and this past week I beat a man that has taken out countless number of superstars, even adding Edge to his list this week, the leader of the NWO wasn't even a match for me but yet you still think I can't get the job down? What have you done since our last match? You got the week off because I show management that you are not worth wasting time on and then you beat a no body called William Regal. You can claim that as a win but it means nothing, it means zinch and at Starrcade, at the end of the night, you will have the same amount to celebrate.

MVP lowers the mic and awaits a response from Anderson, with the crowd chanting for Anderson.

OOC: Reckon we stay short and sharp Killz?​
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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Re: 06/14 Bully Ray v. Jeff Jarrett v. Zach Ryder

Jarrett cracks that wiley smile of his.


Jeff Jarrett: Well, you come out here and you tell me you don't need my advice. But, not two minutes ago, you were pandering to this Newark crowd! Listen, son, no matter how bad you sucked last week...and it WAS pretty bad....you don't owe these ingrates a thing; much less an explanation!!

The crowd erupts into a backlash of hate as Jarrett paces in the ring with a confident smile.

Jeff Jarrett: See, that's the problem I see here with you, Slick. You couldn't get WWE management to spit on you, so you grabbed your iphone and started acting like a dimestore Scorsese and did the ONE thing I will NEVER do! Beg these people to like me. Plead with them to get noticed.

Ryder doesn't look too happy.


Jeff Jarrett: Listen, boy, I don't care how many hits your Lost Island Iced Z's gets, you're still nothing more than a walking, talking gimmick. You're as bad as that damned clown back in the WWF. What was his name? DOINK? Yeah, you got the funny costume and the fancy hair and, hell, the kids love ya! Let's see. You've had a lot of on camera time as the supposed REAL talent's sidekick and favorite whipping boy, but no real gold. Not really. And there won't be any for you HERE either, Zack. Cause you're just here for the entertainment. Hell, in no time, you'll be doing kids parties while I'm takin' the gold off of that trained ape, Lesnar.


Jeff Jarrett: Bottom line, ZACK, if you think my age is a problem, why don't we give it a go, boy! Hell, Bully might not even show! I mean, without somebody to get his tables, he's really about as dangerous as...well, you are!

Then, suddenly, Jarrett steps up to Ryder: And, oh, yeah. I have a problem with your spikey haired, trending state wide, space goggle wearin', head band initialed, Youtube panderin', no talent ass!


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Feb 13, 2012
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Re: Starrcade: World Heavyweight Championship Match: Daniel Bryan vs Dean Ambrose

Dean jumps off the top of the turnbuckle and starts to talk.

Really? Biggest fails in wrestling history? Even if you were correct, many more people know who Mantaur is than Daniel Bryan. More people also care about Red Rooster than they do Daniel Bryan. Those people have made a legacy albeit not a very good one but a more memorable one than you. Smackdown has just gotten started and I will reign as king. I will go on to cement my legacy by extending my reign as the longest reigning champion in UWF history, but with the World Heavyweight Championship instead. Everyone will remember me till the end of time. You have your Stone Colds, your Bret Harts, your Ric Flairs, your Hulk Hogans and I will go down in history as the biggest wrestling icon of all time. Yes that's right, not only will I become World Heavyweight Champion, but I will begin to cement my legacy. I'll make Smackdown the number one show in UWF. The European Revolution, the NWO, Stone Cold, they all have nothing on me. I will reign supreme as everyone else falls by the wayside including you Danny! No one will stop me and no one will ever be a match for me. Not even close! I am a freight train on a path of destruction and anyone who stands in my way will just be a casualty.

Dean slowly and calmly walks a circle around Daniel Bryan, looking him up and down and letting out a smile.


And you think you stand a chance against me. I can't hold a candle to you? No sir you can't hold a candle to me. Where as I am the sun you aren't even a candle. That would imply that you could actually be around for awhile. No you are simply a match being burned out of existence and no one will care. That's right Danny, no one cares about you. No one will care if you win and no one will care when you inevitably lose. Your just another forgettable wrestler in the sands of time. You may think your the perfect mix of Bruno Sammartino, Stone Cold, Bret Hart and many others but your really just a cheap bootleg version of them all with absolutely no originality. I on the other hand have taken certain traits of others and exponentially expanded on them. I may not be able to roll around on the ground grabbing body parts or whatever the hell you do that well but one thing I can do is fight better than anyone. I've beaten more people than anyone here has ever done. Sure a lot of them may seem like nothing but that’s because I made them nothing. I’m pretty sure the first time we met in this ring, I made you seem like nothing as well. You managed to redeem yourself but you will never come close to beating me again. I am the epitome of greatness!

Dean rallies the crowd into excitement.

You act like beating Brock Lesner was on par with beating me. Sure Brock was a former UFC champion but he was also an idiot. I actually had to save him from a beating from you. The man went around with this false facade of being a badass when real tough guys don’t go around trying to be edgy or cool. No I’m just naturally captivating. I don’t need to put on an act for anyone. I’m been the same since I stepped foot in here and the people have embraced me for it. I haven’t pandered to anyone. I’d advise you to get out of my way but I know your ego won’t let you. Ya’ know, confidence can be an evil son of a bitch. It can really get you into some sticky situations. I know I’ve gotten my ass beat several times because of it. Luckily for me though, it made me tougher. I spent nearly all of my childhood getting beaten up and doing the same in return. All those years of fighting have improved my damage threshold and I can barely feel pain anymore. It’s an amazing trait. It’s difficult to learn but if you start young, you become a god among men when your older. I can tell you desperately want the same Danny but you can’t start now. Yes you are in fact getting stronger each time we get in this ring but this should be the last time we ever fight and I’ll make sure you won’t ever think about crossing me again.

Dean once again stares through Bryan and awaits his retort.




Jun 3, 2010
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Re: Sting vs. Ted DiBiase


Sting remains on screen, but the screen splits and Ted DiBiase Jr also appears on screen, he looks calm and collected, as he adjusts his tie, and goes to speak.

Ted DiBiase Jr

Ladies and gentleman, when I returned to this company around two months ago, I stated that I would quickly rise to the top, and become a World Champion. Unfortunately, things haven't quite gone my way since then, and after becoming lost in the shuffle on the pathetic brand that is UWF Monday Nigh RAW, I became lazy and careless. I didn't care about whether I was winning or losing, the only thing on my mind at that time was money, therefore my quest to become World Champion faded. However, after being on the brink of being released for no showing, I decided it was time to get my act together, and re-ignite my quest to become a World Champion in this company. Before, I could get started, I was drafted to Smackdown, honestly I'd never been more pleased over being drafted in my entire life, a fresh stomping where I could assert my authority and prove to management why I deserved to be given a World Heavyweight Championship shot. As soon as I joined the brand, management gave me the opportunity to prove to everyone why I should be considered for a World Heavyweight Championship shot, and I did just that by beating Zack Ryder in the classiest of ways! It is definitely safe to say that I debuted this brand in style, and I aim to continue my run to the top, this Friday against Sting.

DiBiase pauses for a second as he looks across to the part of the screen Sting is on.

That's right, management have put me up against a legend of this business; Sting... I know all of you low lives sat in the crowd, are writing me off already, and I admit it's going to be tough, however I believe I have the tools to not only beat Sting, but embarrass him whilst doing it. That's right ladies and gentlemen, for me, a win is no longer enough, I want to be able to send a message to the rest of the roster, and embarrassing a legend such as Sting in Smackdowns main event, is the perfect way to do so, and it will also earn me a fair bit of money! That's right ladies and gentleman, this match screams MONEY! A fresh up and coming young talent against a top veteran, and I guarantee that the young talent will be taking the winning purse in the classiest of ways. I'm by no means gonna' underestimate you Sting, but when it comes down to it, I will prove to everyone why your ass shoulda' retired years ago!

DiBiase smiles as he awaits a response from Sting.


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2010
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Starrcade: Batista vs. RVD

The fans begin to get on their feet, booing the hell out of the arrival of Batista. He walks through the curtains, a few seconds afterwards. Batista walks to the ramp holding a chair in one hand as he stops half way before crouching down as the pyrotechnics goes off.


Batista gets back up, slapping himself on the chest a couple times as he makes his way to the ring as he calls for a microphone as he indicates he wants spotlight and is given so as he takes a seat on the chair.



When I ask for silence, I mean it. You morons are starting to get on my nerve but everything has been exposed. Rob Van Dam is NOT a wrestler, Rob Van Dam is some couch-surfing fat tub of lard pretending he can fly and be a wrestler. So while Rob sits at home and watches wrestling DVD's, I am in the gym working out and working to be a better wrestler. This is my job, I come to WRESTLE and kick people's asses, I'm not here to make friends at all and what really gets me on my edge is Rob... I don't know how many times I have to freakin' repeat his damn name but it's absolutely pissin' me off knowin' he isn't trying to be the man he truly is. You're lazy Rob, you don't have the pride like I do here and this is why I stopped caring. This is why I don't give a freakin' crap about anyone here but myself. And you morons constantly ask, Dave... Dave Batista, why did you stopped caring about the loving fans? It's simple, I'm not here kissing babies and fat chicks, you people are paying your tickets to see me wrestle. When I look towards the audience, I don't see people, I see money and dollar signs and this is why I'm still here, this is why I am not going anywhere! I don't care if you idiots like that or not but I'm here and I am going to accomplish my goals. Unlike Rob, his goals are getting high and trying to entertain you miserable people and somehow it's like watching Beavis & Butthead, it somewhat entertains you when it's clearly plain stupid! Wrestling is a passion, it's something I believe in, it's my freakin' job and it astounds me knowing that I have guys in the locker room like Rob Van Dam who wants to piss all over the Wellness Policy and that too pisses me off... This isn't no WWE, but we need some freakin' change around here! We've got guys who are abusing substances and before you speak... People claim I was on steroids, I got busted once... ONCE. Then I hit the gym and built all this muscle all by myself, I didn't need to cheat the system like you Rob. I didn't need to take marijuana to ease the pain, that's what you are afraid of Rob; Pain. Pain is something I enjoy delivering, my spears are said to be brutal and it could break your very own body in half. Pain is something I did to you last week Rob, when I knocked you out backstage with that chair. That was pain... it's taken enough time for you to recover, you're not out here... probably watching this in your hospital bed. Rob, this very Sunday... you better turn up or else I'm coming into that hospital and dragging your freakin' ass out of there and into this ring where I will punish you some more, you're just a little bitch to me Rob.

The crowd breaks out a huge RVD chant...

Rob isn't coming out here guys, I'm disappointed too... because this Sunday, I demand a freakin' match against you Rob. I don't care how much pain you have to go through because I'm doing this to wake you up, these people don't freakin' care about you. They are only cheering you on because I'm hated a lot more and I chose to allow myself to be hated by many here in the UWF Universe. Rob, when was the last time you went to a freakin' gym instead of snackin' on potato chips? When was the last time you sat down and realised you had to do something with yourself, to maintain and look after your health and yeah... I said I don't freakin' care about anybody but it's concerning knowing you're damaging your own freakin' body. This is a place for WRESTLERS and WRESTLERS only, not freakin' jokes like you Rob. There are many people who are on my target and if they don't freakin' listen well they suffer the consequences and you Rob... You're my first victim this Sunday. At Starrcade, I'm goin' to tear you from limb to limb and end your career before you even know it! Your life will flash before you even blink, look I've had enough of talkin' get your freakin' ass out here!

Batista impatiently waits... The silence around the building as everyone hopes for RVD's music...



Feb 1, 2012
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Re: Starrcade European Championship: The Miz versus Antonio Cesaro

The Miz smirks after what Antonio Cesaro has to say. The Miz then whispers something to Paul Heyman to say.


Paul Heyman:

My client would like for me to send you a message Antonio and I quote from him "really, really, REALLY, really?" You want to know the truth Antonio Cesaro, the truth is, this Sunday you can't win. This Sunday you go into a locked steel cage against a man that already has beaten you before and should already be the European Champion. The Miz is going to inside the steel cage and whip you around like you were his bitch. You Antonio Cesaro can make all these claims that you got your big break in UCW and made it all the way to the UWF, but let me remind you who my client is. My client is a former World Heavyweight Champion, something you have never been and never will be as long as The Miz is in the business. You Antonio will always be in my clients shadow because greatness comes in one, in doesn't come in doubles and greatest is something you are not and never will be. You made a claim to be better than CM Punk, a man whose been the World Champion on multiple occassions and even have the nerve to call him mediocre, boy if you were in this ring, I would slap some sense into you.

The crowd is starting to get intense after that last line

Paul Heyman:

You Antonio Cesaro are nothing more than a posure! The new standard isn't you and you can make all these claims that you are stating that you won't lose the title, you better back it up Sunday because if you don't my client is going to rip right through you once again. This time you won't have any friends of yours come in and make the save so you keep your championship. This time you are confined in steel. I told you all my client is a new and improved beast of UWF. Look at what he did to Brock Lesnar last Friday Night on Smackdown, he is going to do the same to you and is going to become the new European Champion. My client though isn't going to win this belt for you the UWF Universe, he isn't doing it for me, he actually isn't doing it for him. My client is going to do it for you Antonio, he is going to win the title for you and show you what a true European Champion is all about and once he has done so, he is going to go on to the next level with the European Championship and challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship, because he is an "AWESOME" wrecking machine!

The crowd boos at Paul Heyman while he lowers his microphone. The Miz motions the title across his waist as the fans boos at him also.


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Re: 6/14/12 Smackdown: Shawn Michaels vs. Damien Sandow


Damien Sandow:

This here is precisely what I have been speaking about, yet another ignoramus whose way of thinking has become so convoluted that he simply does not comprehend that his placed in our industry has far gone past perishment and now reached a level of dreariness the likes of which even I have not witnessed. Still I find it rather inconsiderate not to acquaint myself, so for those who weren't listening as the ignorant are one to do, My name is Damien Sandow...I am the Intellectual Savior of the Unwashed Masses. And by masses I not only refer to the sea of nescience here this evening, I also refer to those I shall be competing with here on Smackdown. I am here to tear down the chains of ignorance, and I am not only shining enlightenment to these people I am imparting my message physically as well. However I must interject on you believing you’ve somehow “paved the way” for myself, all you senile competitors of the prior era seem to believe it is because of them and only them that we are here today. A statement that proves ignorance is not only reserved to these people sitting here this evening, for if the aforementioned “Heart-Break Kid” didn’t decide to lend his presence to the company. The company would simply churn out yet another young hopeful into the limelight, for it is the machine that paved the way Mr. Michaels not the nuts and bolts that made it as any bolt could be replaced.

*As the crowd boos, Sandow turns towards not in anger but in disappointment, before he turns back towards Michaels*

I would also like to inform you Mr. Michaels, you have already done something which is grounds for termination. I understand why you might have overlooked it, as I am sure those big words on the big paper seem scary to an ignoramus such as yourself so instead you read the number and signed trying ever so hard to keep it on the dotted line. If you would have gone through your contract, you would have deciphered that it is against Ultimate Wrestling Federation inc. policy to discuss the terms of ones contract with others. Doing so could result in suspension, and even termination, and yet I do feel it rather unlikely that would happen. Not only for the astounding hype surrounding your name, and your name only, but also because our “esteemed” General Manager is rather…obtuse himself. No matter, for while I personally do not fully grasp the appeal of yourself or Mr. Wolfe, it does not take away from the fact that you need to be saved. For even in you there is an intellectual yearning to be enlightened, and I shall be the avenging sword of taste and decency for even the likes of you. Even though you are one of those men who appeal to the masses while you should be reprimanding them for their ignorance, I will still show benevolence towards you.

*Sandow turns around, walking over to the ropes and stepping out on the ring apron, stopping there he looks back at Michaels*

That of course meaning I shall be imparting wisdom to your feeble mind, what that lesson is I shall be leaving to Smackdown. I do however feel it only necessary to point out how a dunce such as yourself may not be able to grasp the lesson that I am trying to teach him, So I implore you do something abnormal for simpletons such as yourself. And that is think; yes I apologize for putting such a heavy task on you, but please think so that I may enlighten you as I will all of these people. Furthermore, please refrain from taking any further action afterwards until you have done so, say it with me…Think. Perhaps there is hope for you yet, for while with age comes experience if you grew old with such a horrid mindset then you may have gone too far down the intellectual ladder for even your intellectual savior to help with. I however have faith in you Mr. Michaels, as I do all of you here.

*Sandow turns towards the crowd*

Lastly, as much as I would relish in standing here soaking in the sophomoric and irrelevant opinions of you all, as well as try and help Mr. Michaels here with his dreadful grammar and his abhorrent dialect by pointing out it is pronounced Showstopper, E-R Mr. Michaels. As I was saying, I would stay however I feel my own intellect withering away the more I share the ring with you. I also do not wish to further assist you in promoting the misconceptions and fabrication of your importance, As well as being the Intellectual Savior being a full time duty, I must bid thee adieu for I have much work to get to. So to all you yearning to place me upon the pedestal and have me enlighten you and to Mr. Michaels himself I say Good Day…

*Sandow turns to leave towards the ring steps but pauses, he turns back towards Shawn in the ring*

You’re Welcome

*Sandow says with a smirk on his face, the crowd booing as Sandow steps down the ring steps and makes his way back up the rampway*
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Nov 8, 2010
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Re: Starrcade: UWF Championship - Stone Cold (c) vs. Wade Barrett

Wade shakes his head in disbelief as Austin stares at him. Barrett lifts his mic only to drop it and share a quiet laugh with himself while pointing at Austin.


Wade Barrett: You don't get it do you? You've had way too much alcohol intake during your career and even though it went to your head years ago right here right now is the moment that we can all take a step back and see the damage that it has done to you over time. You know what I see standing before me today? And don't interrupt, because I doubt your going to enjoy what you hear. But what is standing before me today is nothing more than a pitiful old man that will cling onto his past to set up his future. Oh, but let me finish Austin. You see when I told about what has happened this past week, you want to talk about your storied twenty year history. You want to talk about how you were hard done by in WCW, went to ECW and made a name for yourself.... well here's a newsflash for ya. At this moment in time, this time where you were dropped from a major brand? That's exactly where I am in my career right now, I am in the top business wrestling has right now and have been a world champion. I didn't need to wait for no pathetic opponents in a King of the Ring tournament to etch my place at the top of a franchise organisation, I done it off my own back, even with a general manager that never even wanted to give me a chance. Randy Orton picked me as a pick the poison for CM Punk and when I showed I could beat him, and Randy couldn't, there was no holding me back and I was Undisputed champion the very next night.

Don't get me wrong Austin, if I wanted to end you on Raw I would have. If there wasn't so much more to gain from leaving you lying face down on the mat two nights in the same week then I wouldn't have bothered waiting. I would have taken you out the moment after you failed to hit me with the stunner. After you failed to blindside me, I would have let the Barrage take full effect and leave you unable to compete at Starrcade. But like your match with Brock Lesnar, me taking my championship out of your grip, as puny as your fight will be, it is too good to feature for free television and only the people willing to put their money down for a spectacle deserve to see your demise live. Like you said, your history speaks for itself, so why would I let people see the end of "Stunning Steve" for nothing. I can be a nice guy Austin, but I also know whats good for business. And you look down the card, there is no other match that anyone is even caring about this Sunday. The main event and the only event is me kicking you to the kerb. Do you think management would be happy with me doing that live on Tuesday Night Raw?!

Not that I even care about any of the fans, at least these people know I am telling the truth when I say that. The difference between you and me is that these people have never liked me. You used to be the apple in every single one of these peoples eyes. You were the top favorite for the majority of wrestling fans everywhere until you decided to tell these you have no regard for them anymore. The reason you are booed out of the building is a fake boo, they're dying for you to say you care about them again, desperate for you to become a crowd favorite again. They don't want to boo you, they want to cheer you. They want, and feel the need to boo me out of the building because they can't stand the fact that everything I say I end up achieving. You ask any of these fans if I fight like a bitch. More to the point you look yourself in the mirror and ask how you got beaten to the Undisputed Championship by a bitch. Ask yourself how the only Grand Slam champion this company has ever seen is a bitch. And how after Starrcade, this bitch will make you look like a bitch.

Wade paces the ring, and starts to contemplate on after Starrcade.

After this Sunday Austin, yes, you are going to feel the shame of being schooled by someone you seem to regard as a rookie, and when your re-match goes down the same path, you will feel a bit dejected at first, but, look at it this way. I am setting you up for every big match you ever have from now on. From here on in this is the format that you will find your career hitting time and time again. The fresh young competitor that you will deem to have no chance because he hasn't done what you have done in the business. But ultimately your body is not up to it, and maybe more importantly your mind is not up to it, and you fall short time and time again. So, Austin, after the dust has settled on our match and feud and I go on to the next challenger and you slip further and further down the card.... months, maybe a year or so down the line, I will expect you to come up to me, and thank me. Thank me for preparing you for what is going to be the rest of your career. Failure.... Failure.... Failure.

Wade, happy with what he has come up with, awaits the imminent response from the champion.


Apr 23, 2011
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Re: Starrcade: Batista vs. RVD

For a moment there’s a big silence in the arena when suddenly ...



After a while "One Of a Kind" by Breaking point hits the PA System of the arena as the crowd goes crazy. With the first guittar riff hits, one of the most loved UWF superstars Rob Van Dam appears under the titantron with with a wide smile on his face as the crowd chants his name. Huge ovation for Rob Van Dam. RVD goes down the ramp and making his way towards the ring.


When he's at the ring he slides in it, then stand up points at himself with his thumbs and jumps around. RVD then grabs the microphone and starts to talk ...

Well, before we get to my thing, let me tell you what happened in past few weeks. Last two weeks happened something you can't see everyday, because even big RVD got defeated. Well, as you may know ... shit happens. And that shit is just stuck on Rob Van Dam's boot. But it's not everything that happened. Last week, things got a bit interesting, when a human train ran across me. I guess it wasn't train, but it felt like it was. However, I got home later that night, I sat on the couch and got my shit together. I asked myself, if I should let this pumped up monster kick my ass. After very short thinking, I came to decision, I have to rip this dude in half. It'll be even easier, when I'm facing that piece of trash at Starrcade. It's easier, because I don't have to search for that Hulk in the entire building, I'll just wait for him in the ring and when he'll step in, I'll make a short process with him and go home. It's obvious that I don't like him, you don't like him and another thing is obvious .. I'll kick his ass. There's no better way to attack your opponent from behind like a coward right, Batista? I got some news for you homie, you can come from whichever direction you want, I'll still take that huge body of yours and slam it to the ground, destroying the ring with you. Wrestling was always a one-man-show, it was always about one man, who puts hell of a show every night and who's kicking his opponent's asses with some style. Dude, if you don't get it, I can tell you ... that man ... is Rob Van Dam ...

Crowd cheers for RVD and he continues ...

And man, if you still don't get it, I am Rob Van Dam. Which means you've got Rob Van Dam at the Pay-Per-View. And that means, you're pretty fucked. You did cost me my match on SmackDown and you may have won the battle, but the war is mine. You know man, in my head, there's a little red button and when I push it ... remember, the keyword is push ... when I push it, I'll become something, what you can't handle Dave. Since you have limited vocabulary, I don't know if you understand, what I'm sayin' right now, but I'll show you, what I'm sayin', when you come down here. I will push ... you see, here's it again, the keyword, push ... push myself to the limit, not because I'll have to, no, I would defeat you, with one hand tied behind my back, but just to entertain these people. It was nothing for me, to take you out, on the first edition of SmackDown, it will be an easy job to take you out at Starrcade. You see, I'm usually telling my opponents that they're cool, but not as cool as me, but in your case ... you're not. You're exception as I would call it. You better be prepared Batista, 'cause we got some unsolved issues and you know that better than me. As a matter of fact, it's not an easy job, to face The Whole Fuckin' Show in one ring, but that's destiny dude. The thing is that everyone has destiny and Rob Van Dam's destiny is to kick some tail and this time it's gonna be tail of yours and you Batista ... should smell what RVD is smokin' ...

Huge ovation from the crowd for Rob Van Dam and attendance is chanting "ROCKY! ROCKY! ROCKY!" and then they're giving Rob some applause, Van Dam continues ...

Dave, you're just another line, that will be drawn in my diary. Diary named "Those who got their ass kicked". Probably I will release it as a book. I'm damn sure it would have been the best-selling book in the world. I guess you would not buy it, but ... whatever. Dave, I guess, we'll never be friends, because you're prick. Dude, we may not see eye to eye, but I see some potential in you, you're good. But you're not Rob Van Dam good. And since you're not that good, you better not ask for spotlight, 'cause the spotlight always shine brightly on Rob Van Dam and you can do absolute shit about it. By the way, I think, I've never said, you use steroids, even though I have it in my mind. To be honest, I wasn't even listening to you 'Tista and these people neither, 'cause if they would, you would confuse them with that nonsense you're saying. It's simple as this, RVD 4:20 says, I'm gonna kick your ass...

Rob drops the microphone and is about to leave ...


Jun 26, 2010
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England, UK
Re: Starrcade - #1 Contdership: MVP vs. Mr Anderson

Anderson simply smirks and chews his gum before raising his microphone back to his mouth.


Anderson: Huh? Oh…oh wait, I’m having a bit of a déjà vu moment. Could it, COULD it be the case that MVP here, UWF’s most valuable player, has once again completely not got the freakin’ point?

Anderson implores the crowd to respond.

MVP, let me let you into a little secret, come here.

Anderson gets in real close to MVP’s face before screaming…

EVERYONE IS AN ASSHOLE! It’s not an insult; it’s a term of endearment! See this is what I love about these assholes in the building tonight, they get me. Unlike management, unlike certain other companies and certain other owners, these people get me because they realise the times of the ‘good’ guy vs the ‘bad’ guy are gone. They don’t want a champion from across the pond who runs down our country because he loves to hear the sound of his own voice. They don’t want a champion who used to be embody the very reality of the working American but is now nothing more than a whiny bitch…

Pop from the crowd.

No, they get me because I’m real, THIS is real, you MVP, are fake and everyone can see it. Do you think I give a rats ass where you park or how big your contract is? All I care about is Starrcade and what I’m going to do to you. Look, I want you to keep walking round like you own Raw, keep walking round like you’re already champ, telling the interns grabbing the writers’ coffees that you’re the biggest star this company has ever seen. Keep thinking I can’t beat the likes of you, keep presuming that laying me out has given you the upper hand, keep thinking Regal wasn’t worthy of lacing up your boots last week because for all you have your eyes and that crap…it’s just going to make it easier for me to give you a, 1..2, testing, testing, MIC CHECK on Sunday.

Anderson takes a few steps back, arms outstretched, arrogantly smiling.


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Re: Starrcade: Batista vs. RVD

Batista stops RVD who turns around.



You think you can just walk away? You'll be staying here, listening to my very words as far as I'm concerned Rob. What you said, you began to slur... I was finding it very hard to comprehend what was said but I tried to picture it... but then I couldn't. All I heard was you claiming you can kick somebody's ass, mine presumably? Wrong answer Rob, wrong answer... You see you cannot slam me, you could barely freakin' lift me up Rob. The energy that consumes in your body isn't enough at all, you're not a frickin' machine or anything Rob. You're just a couch potato who somehow managed to get into the business, I swear the board of directors felt sorry for you because you've accomplished nothing. I've won countless titles in my wrestling career, more than you'll ever have Rob and I shouldn't have to resort myself to a lower league like you, I should be with Daniel Bryan and Dean Ambrose competing for that World Heavyweight Championship. In fact I know I'm better than the both of them. This is what's corrupted Rob, are you paying attention to me or are you off with the fairies again? Please... Look at me when I'm speaking Rob. I didn't think marijuana would make you use profanity in front of these children, that's the problem with people like you and society today... I might not give a freakin' crap about these people but what concerns me is your profanity around here, you've got one potty mouth and I've seen people on marijuana before and yeah they were pretty high but they were very laid-back. I think you could be on something else here Rob... There isn't a freakin' war, this is a freakin' lesson, a stepping stone if you ask me. This is me flogging a dead horse around here. You're worthless to me Rob but I demanded a match, I'll escape with a win so management can realize that you have absolutely no potential. They might even shift you to RAW if you're lucky because you've got no freakin' hope after I'm done with you. You're pissed off because I attacked you from behind, you're just freakin' lucky I didn't attack you from the front... You wouldn't be seeing me today if that was the case and that's exactly why Sunday is going to be real pretty for me. Knowing that I will destroy your frickin' face from here to Africa is a pleasure for me, kicking your ass and makin' sure you're out of my face is what I'm seeking Rob. You have failed to learn the life of a wrestler, you just frickin' ignored everything I stated and started rambling some crap that put me to sleep. I don't freakin' care what the fairies in your head say, there isn't a button... It's a freakin' timebomb ready to explode Rob, your mind is playing games with you but you think you're like some little kid in a toy store thinking everything is alright. You've failed to accomplish the fact that there are no toys this week, there's nothing... It's emptiness in you Rob. AND YOU TRY AND CLAIM I'VE GOT LIMITED VOCABULARY?! WHO IN THE WORLD ARE YOU FREAKIN' KIDDING HERE?! Did you not listen to what you just had to say? Are you freakin' serious?
Batista is just as pissed off as ever...

You couldn't reach the sky even if you got high Rob. I don't want to smell your stash, I don't deal with drug associated people like you Rob. I'm the better man here, I'm the man who goes to the gym, work out and focus on wrestling. You're just like Brian Kendrick and the bunch of jobbers that came and go because they couldn't handle the pain. Like you Rob, you cannot handle the pain and you use your gateway drug as an escape. The more you use it, the more you ramble on about things that are completely irrelevant and that's exactly what you've done. The destiny you need to find Rob is called a GYM. A freakin' gym, do you understand me Rob? Destiny isn't on the freakin' couch while watching The Simpsons or whatever crap you enjoy. A nutritional diet allocated with working out is destiny, it's looking after your own body in order to become the best. Rob, you're far from the best... you're only at the bottom of the chain here Rob. You've got to step away from the smokin' crap you do, step away from the television and the couch itself. There's a real world out there, explore it, explore your own mentality because Rob... There isn't any. You've got no motivation at all, there isn't a chance you'll beat me because you're too blinded by the lights. Wake up from your very dream and realise what I'm saying here. I don't want to repeat myself but I feel I have to because you're missing the point here! You morons need to shut your freakin' mouth and quit yappin' because there isn't a F'ing show... The only show you'll be watching is 'The Animal Unleashed'; you heard me and I won't repeat that again. I don't think you understand Rob but I'm much more powerful than you are, I have more strength and willpower in this very ring. MY RING. This is my territory and you are invading it trying to make a 'big' name for yourself and trust me when I say this Rob, but you stand no hope... I will destroy you and make you my bitch, I will kick your ass and make damn sure you are never to be seen again. I'm not done with you at all... I'm not-

Batista is interrupted...



Apr 23, 2011
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Re: Starrcade: Batista vs. RVD

Rob just laughs and then replies ...


Dave, I'm not freakin' serious. I'm fuckin' dead serious in everything I've said so far and if your ass, wants to know, what it is to get kicked by good ol' ECW boy, Rob Van Dam, then you got it. But take you pills before our match, so things will get a bit more interesting, 'cause I know that without them, you're lost. As a matter of fact, those pills are not gona help you and just as Rob Van Dam, these people around here know that. It's a pity, that this match is not for some kind of a title, 'cause that would mean, that I wold have another gold on my shoulder after a long time. If you excuse me dude, you have a big mouth and speak big words, but big acts make us stars, not big mouths and that's why Rob Van Dam is the biggest star you'll ever see. I hope this will be a fair fight, 'cause I don't want you to cry here, after you got beaten by one of the best. Just so you know, Rob Van Dam has never cared about you and I still don't. The only thing we have in common is our match and that's the reason why I'm talkin' to you, if it weren't for our match, I wouldn't be here. I don't care who you are, what color your hair is or what you're gonna do to me. Perhaps you're gonna defeat me in some kind of a lucky way, but I don't care, 'cause the only thing I care about are championships and since this match is not for the title, I have to kick your ass just for fun. Well man, no problem for me, but it's gonna be you, lying down on the canvas, looking at those bright lights hung on the construction of this bulding. Just to tell you, how it's gonna look, I will arrive .. smoke your ass .. and leave. Now I'm only talkin', but next time we'll see each other, it will be something different, 'cause when that bell is gonna ring, you're gonna have a bad time. It's not about reaching the sky Batista, you should finally leave your fairy tales and imaginations and grow up. The only imaginations you should have, would be after smokin' some goods, but I guess, you're not really into this. I'm really sorry for you Batista, I hope they'll finally do somethin' about that brain transplantation and in near future, you'll be able to get a new one, 'cause this one you have is awful. No, sorry ... it's freakin' awful!

Fans are laughing and RVD continues ...

You know why I said freakin'? 'Cause it's very original word, even after you said it five hundred times in less than seven minutes. And you really wanna scream at me here, that you don't have limited vocabulary? Whatever. But dude, you should collect your thoughts, or maybe I just simplay have to kick some sense in your head, but side effects are headache and being another victim of The Whole Fuckin' Show. But you do deserve a credit man, because I know, that in your impressive career you have already smashed some guys. But Rob Van Dam is not "some guys" and let's face it, you're not that big deal as you think you are. Maybe you should just make a step backwards if you don't want to get hurt. All you gotta do now, is to finally shut your mouth, turn around and get the hell out of this ring, because it seems you still haven't realized you're facing Rob Van Dam. But I guess, after the beat down, I'm prepared to give you, you should pack your bags and go back to Washington, so you can cry on mommy's shoulder, because last time I was with your mother, maaan, she really gave me some satisfaction, if you know what I mean ...

The crowd goes "Oooooh" and then chants RVD's name, as Rob goes near BAtista and is looking him straight into the eyes ...
Let's leave it 2-2?
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