UWF 2012: Past Raw Trashtalking

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Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
Starrcade: UWF Championship - Stone Cold (c) vs. Wade Barrett



The packed out Starrcade crowd let out a sigh of disappointment, barring a selection of fans that have taking a liking to the former Undisputed champion, as Wade Barrett walks out from the back and smirks at the UWF Universe at the top of the ramp, before forcing the jacket off his back and punching the air. As one of the biggest tests in his career approaches, a confident smirk fills his face as he makes his way down to the ring.


Wades walks around the ring to get a microphone and then enters the ring via the steps on the far side. He waits inside the ring for his entrance theme to be cut and then he waits a further few moments more, affirming his importance, before lifting his arms up in the air once more, forcing more boos from the paying customers. He moves the microphone up to his voices proximity and lets the UWF know exactly what he's thinking.

Wade Barrett: I am a firm believer that some of life's most testing, most thought-provoking conundrums will always stay unanswered. As if they are never meant to be completed as a riddle, but the mere fact that the question even exists is enough. Will the US Government ever be able to one hundred percent prove, that they did not fake the moon landing? How does Keanu Reeves constantly, constantly find work? Why does Randy Orton constantly surround himself with nobodies, only increasing the level of hilarity that goes with his name, everywhere he goes. But, on the contrast side, there are some questions that are asked that people already know the answer to. A predetermined question, usually only asked by delinquents that cannot think for themselves, or generally people simply too lazy to think for themselves. Why is the US full of obese children? Hello, it's the way you raise them! There was a poll on UWF.com, who was the best tandem in the whole of last month... Myself and Antonio won it hands down, without even teaming up together in a match. And then, there's the one question that doesn't need an answer, but yet, so many people seem to think there is a need to ask it. Even though the result is already set in stone, everyone is going through the motions, trying to cause doubt, make it sound like its not a formality. And that ladies and gentlemen, is what I am out here to set the record straight on tonight.

Wade pauses before letting the universe know the question, yet they can already have it a guess as to what he is alluding to.

Who is going to win in the main event of Starrcade, and thus, becoming the UWF Undisputed Champion. In the first ever one on one battle between Wade Barrett, and Stone Cold Steve Austin who will pick up the victory, and the prize as the UWF Champion? What a load of pretentious nonsense. This is not going to be a battle. Your forgetting that on the one side is the man that had the Undisputed Championship taken away from him after a gruelling battle already in the same night, and I even nearly stopped Austin Aries on that night. But now, look where Aries is now. Back in the scope of obscurity where he belongs and nowhere near the championship picture. That's one Austin taken care of. But the one thing that never got settled between me and Aries, was that I never received my one on one championship re-match. I was already in the title match at Backlash, which was an absolute farce by the end of it by the way, literally anyway could have, and indeed did walk away with the gold on that night. So I already had a rematch coming my way. But not only that, I also proved that I was worthy of my re-match by beating the clock, beating everybody on Raw to the fastest time, and becoming the number one contender by right. I guess what I'm trying to say in a round-about way is that at Starrcade, I get my one on one rematch against Austin.... Just a different Austin.

Austin, it took you how long exactly to become a world champion? Over a year? That's cute. It really is. I become Undisputed champion here by coming up through the ranks, by breaking through the barricades that management tried to put in front of me, trying to stop me from progressing quicker than I was capable of, and I reached world championship glory in six months. And that's after picking up every other championship dangled in front of my face along the way. I have beat everyone put in front of me and that is damn sure not going to stop now. Especially when what in front of me is a man that after winning the belet came out here and pretty much admitted that it was a fluke anyway! You need to learn how to become champion gracefully... well maybe not, because once I take the belt off you, it's going to be the last time you become acquainted with it but, you don't make the victory look like it's everything to you. It should always be just the finishing part to your plan, you should be expectant of it, like I am, and like I was going into the match against Randy Orton, and CM Punk. I already knew back then that becoming the best was in my stars, and I know now that it is my time again. All your going to end up being Stone Cold, is a transitional champion.

The crowd boo Wade in his dressing down of Austins championship win and reign, but Wade smirks before continuing.

Stone Cold, you said last week that me fighting my way back to the number one contender spot is me looking to close the chapter of this book with a happy ending. If happy endings are what you find out of professional wrestling Steve, you must have forgotten about every injury, every surgery and every set back you have ever gone through. But I guess drinking the copious amount of alcohol that you do does help to block all that out. No, it's not a happy ending that I seek, more of a restoration of normality. It's time to settle all the rights that have been wrong the last few weeks. No more patience be deemed necessary as the countdown has already begun. The countdown to The European Revolution become the juggernaut of power that it has already reached. And from there it can only get bigger, and stronger. Your going to want to hope that the fact I don't take nights off and you do is an advantage, but it's not. It keeps me in shape, and hungrier for more, and more. The Barrett Barrage does not feel fatigue, only momentum. And Austin, this one is on a shift in momentum that not even The Texas Rattlesnake can imagine to comrehend. Bottom Line is, my championship is coming back to it's rightful home... Draped across my shoulder.

As the next, and first ever two time Undisputed Champion.... God Save The Queen.

Wade smiles, but it gets remove pretty quickly when......

OOC: DRES! Let's get this flying bro!
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The Hoov

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Re: UWF Smackdown - Batista vs. Daniel Bryan

Daniel Bryan has heard enough from Batista and angrily interrupts him.


Daniel Bryan: That's it! I've heard about enough out of you! I don't have to sit here and be slandered by some 'roided-up freak who injures himself by merely walking into the ring. Batista, listen to me and listen to me very closely and repeat after me: I am The Best Wrestler In The World. Unlike your nickname Mr. Animal, I live and breath my nickname each and every night I step into this ring. I have earned the right to call myself that and I don't deserve to have a hack like you pass judgment over me and compare me to the dinosaurs of the past. You know what? I'm proud to be nothing like those people because I am better.

Daniel paces around the ring and eventually gets closer to Batista. No fear is on Bryan's face as he continues to bash Batista.

Daniel Bryan: But, you know the more I think about it, the more and more I myself come to an epiphany. You see, let's look back and what you first said. You were angered at the fact that I call myself the best. You screamed over and over that you're better than me. It almost sounded desperate. It's almost as if you're trying to convince yourself more than you're trying to convince me. You see, Dave, when I look into a mirror, I'm not delusional. I can see what's staring back at me. I'm not the tallest. I'm not the biggest. But, regardless of those two attributes I've managed to become the single most talked-about UWF Superstar of all-time. Batista, what is it that makes you any different or sets you apart from any other big man in the business? Nothing. So, the question remains....Am I better than you?

The crowd starts a “YES!â€￾ chant but Bryan cuts them off.

Daniel Bryan: No, you people shut your mouths! Sing-along with Daniel Bryan is officially over. The answer is indeed I'm better than you and , on SmackDown, I prove it and you go become my warm-up match for Dean Ambrose. You see, unlike Dean Ambrose, I have no respect for you. I'm going to get you in the middle of this ring and stretch you like a rubber band and, Dave, it's an inevitability. Sooner or Later, Everyone Taps.

Bryan lowers his mic and angrily glares at Batista.

OOC: 2-2 works for me dude.​


Jun 3, 2010
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Re: The European Revolution vs. The New World Order

The crowd are sitting, soaking in what they have heard and seen thus far when suddenly the rousing orchestra sounds meaning only one thing.

Freude, schöner Götterfunken
Tochter aus Elysium,
Wir betreten feuertrunken,
Himmlische, dein Heiligtum!


'Ode To Joy' by Beethoven hits the PA system and before long, Antonio Cesaro emerges from the back onto the stage with Aksana by his side. He stands on his stage, the European Championship wrapped firmly around his waist and he simply stands with his arms behind his back looking ahead at his competition for a few moments before continuing down the ramp towards the squared circle.


Antonio and Aksana walk side by side until they reach the bottom of the ramp where Aksana takes the lead as she walks up the ring steps before Antonio. She sits on the middle rope as Antonio makes his way up the ring steps and proceeds to sweep his feet on the ring apron and strike a pose before entering the ring. Aksana quickly scurries and hands a microphone into the waiting hand of Cesaro, Cesaro begins to speak.


Antonio Cesaro: Excuse me sir for interupting so rudely, but I can not listen to your ridiculous ravings any more because I know that what you talk is little more than just that, meaningless talk. I know what the nWo is all about Cody, I do. They're about teaming up, backstabbing people and spray painting the nWo logo onto said ambush victims back. Very intimidating. Very, very scary. Until you look at the group and you see little to no threat. I mean Christian?, what's he ever done here?, Randy Orton?, when was he a champion here and as for you Cody, ja, you may have been the first ever UWF World Champion, but last week on Raw I pinned you one, two, three for a clean win, no interference, no shoddy methods, just the Ricola Bomb and the three count. Now you talk about the changing of a guard?, let me remind you that the guard is not those you have targeted, the guard around here in the European Revolution, two of the most successful men to ever compete in this company and the two finest European wrestlers to ever compete on this side of the Atlantic. The former and future UWF Undisputed Heavyweight Champion, Wade Barrett and the three time UWF European Champion. And I look over at your team, and for the past few weeks I see nothing but ambush attacks, big speeches and no championships. And as we all know, to ever gain power in this industry, you need one of these.

Antonio rubs the European Championship that hangs around his waist.

Now Mister Barrett and I, much unlike you and Christian have been a team now for months. We know each other very well from our past matches back in the formative months of UWF when we competed over this European Championship, and since then I've held this title on and off, mostly on, and he's went on to be a multi-time champion and the only triple crown champion in UWF history. And the fact that we do know each other on top of our championship pedigree and above all else our European intellect, makes us simply better than anything the New World Order will ever amount to. Quite frankly looking at you Cody, and looking at your partners, who you so openly despise, I can only see the New World Order being as you say, a flash in the pan?, ,mit einem kurzfristigen deal?. Whereas the European Revolution, myself and Mister Wade Barrett?, we will forever reign supreme, and soon, once Mister Barrett wins back what is rightfully his, the Undisputed World Championship?, the nWo will be nothing more than an afterthought if you even last until then, as the European Revolution remains the guard, remains the number one unit, faction, team... remains the standard for prestige, success and above all else, we remain Very European insuring that we remain better than you, better than the rest of your gang, better than the rest of the roster and better than any other man, woman or child in this crowd tonight. Insuring we remain the very best faction to ever grace this business and this disgusting country, ever.

Antonio Cesaro soaks in the boos and chants of 'USA!, USA!' before finishing up.

And that prestige, honour and ability is what will ensure the downfall of your little gang this week on Raw and make sure every body knows that the top dogs, der untermensch around here are Mister Wade Barrett and the European Champion, Mister Antonio Cesaro!.

Cesaro stands looking pleased with himself until suddenly another new theme hits the PA system as both men and Aksana turn to face the entrance way


Apr 23, 2011
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Re: UWF Smackdown June 8th Ambrose vs RVD

Rob just laughs and then replies ...


Dude, what you fail to realize, is that I'm not here to talk to you, I'm here to knock you out. This is the real reason, why I'm here. You are here, because UWF management wants me to get some more self-confidence, so I can finally become a part of some championship match and I don't see any problem in one thing. I don't see any problem in adding me to the Hardcore championship match at Starrcade. But everyone knows, Rob Van Dam, can do much better, than just win this title. Maaan, I can see how happy you are, that you defeated Rob Van Dam .... once. Even maestro like me can step aside. I'm not crazy, you know, I just can be in a state, that I would describe with one word ... high. Let me say, it sucks to be Dean Ambrose right now, 'cause he's the one, who'll get some ass kicking from good ol' Rob Van Dam and you can do nothing about it and neither your mom is gonna save you. Because when we were discussing your future yesterday, in the evening, well ..... she was totally on my side ...

Rob Van Dam just smiles and the crowd goes "Oooooh" and then cheers for RVD ...

With that last sentence I may have crossed the line, but it's up to you to either deal with it or to prove me wrong, but the only way to prove me wrong is by defeating me in this very ring, which as everyone knows is not likely to happen. It's cool, that you're trying to step out of the line and get down some bigger dog, which I am and that's cool, I like it. But everything is cool, when your Rob Van Dam and Rob Van Dam is not the one, on who you'll make your career to take off. They can call you insane or crazy, because of what you behave like and believe me, you behave like you escaped from some kind of asylum, but they call me insane, 'cause of what I am capable of in the ring and that means more than you think. You can call me whatever you want, you can think of me what you want, but I am and I will always be The Whole Fuckin' Show ...

Crowd errupts and RVD continues, while the atmosphere is good ...

Mr. Pay-Per-View, now Mr. Friday Night and many more and who are you dude? Dean Ambrose. Even engineers have their names, but you have to do something, what will be written in these people's minds, to get a nickname, because when these people will give you a nickname, it means you've done something, but when they scream at you "You Suck", you gotta realize, you're going the wrong way. Well, the thing is that you're going down this time dude. And don't get me wrong, RVD is gonna kick your ass in a big style. It doesn't matter, who I fight, I'm always everybody's favourite wrestler and there's no way, that these people are gonna screw me, because me and my fans, we have good chemistry. They're giving me the support and I give them a hell of a ride worth their money. I would like you to be one hundred percent. The bad thing is, you're gonna drop some teeth. Well, that's all I gotta say, get ready to face Mr. PPV ... RVD ...

Rob drops the microphone and heads towards backstage, ignoring Ambrose, who's still standing in the ring ...


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Jun 11, 2010
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re: Starrcade: World Heavyweight Championship Match: Daniel Bryan vs Dean Ambrose

Gentlemen as soon as Cwalker, RIR, or Fett see this the title will be changed to the WHC hopefully. I'm counting the two tt's you already have up, but if you would like to start over you are more than welcome to or continue on. You guys have earned this opportunity so do all of us proud boys like I know you can. Good Luck.


Jun 3, 2010
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Re: Starrcade European Championship: The Miz versus Antonio Cesaro

All of a sudden, Antonio Cesaro appears on the titantron, his back firmly against a wall. He's decked out in a completely ridiculous suit and he proceeds to speak.


Antonio Cesaro: Twelve years... twelve years is how long I've spent in this industry. Twelve years I have spent in this country trying to make a living... living the so-called 'American Dream'. For eleven years I got nothing. For eleven years I 'humped the road' and gained nothing other than indie acclaim and championships, that is until I signed up to UCW. UCW was the very biggest, number one company in professional wrestling at that time and they treated me well, I was on national television, I was an X-Division Champion... and then the company folded and from it's ashes came UWF, and here in UWF is where I truely became the very best I can be. It is here in UWF that I won the European Championship... three times. It is here in UWF that I will hold this European Championship for a total of 147 days... and in that time I have become very attached to the belt. I have become one with the title... frankly, I am the European Championship in some obscure manner... and I do not want that to change. I will must not, and will not allow that to change.

The crowd listen in, intrigued, however persistant boos still continue on as a low hum. Cesaro turns to face the camera, he raises the European Championship up in his hand.

This is what I live for Miz, Heyman. This is what I wrestle for. This is what I believe in, I believe in Europe. I believe in European superiority, and above all else I believe I am the best European to wrestle here in this stinking country in the history of professional wrestling. Is that what you believe Miz?... I do not think it is. I certainly know Heyman is only in this for the money and fame. I am in this because I am this title. I am at one with this championship and I am the only man worthy of being the European Champion. All the past holders, my good friend Mister Wade Barrett and Robbie E?... they were not the model that this belt is modelled on. I am. Because unlike you Miz, I am European. I am talented. I am the best technical wrestler on this roster today and above all else Miz... I am better than you. I am better than anyone in the back. The standard in this company has always been mediocrity, CM Punk, Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes... mediocre... and that is why I am now stating that I am the new standard around here, Mister Antonio Cesaro, the standard of excellence. European excellence. And that is this excellence that ensures Miz, that I will defeat you. I am not doing it for Teddy Long, I am not doing it for the people... I am doing it for the simple fact that I respect myself and this title too much to lose to anyone. I made a promise to hold this belt until I can no longer... and Miz, I'm just beginning my reign of excellence... and I never... break a promise. I promise to end you at Starrcade. And if you remember what I just said. That does not bode well for you. Auf wiedersehen... for now.


Apr 29, 2011
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The Throne
Re: Starrcade: Randy Orton vs. John Cena


John Cena’s entrance music blares out of the speakers, and the crowd bursts in thunderous cheers. All of a sudden, an completely focused John Cena walks out onto the stage, with is a change from the usual. John Cena looks into the camera and screams out “Buckle your seat belts, it’s go time.†before meeting the end of the stage. John Cena takes a bow forward, straightening himself before raising his right arm quickly, saluting the ring. John Cena, instead of sprinting, slowly walks down the entrance ramp toward the ring. John Cena slides in the ring and hops up and onto his feet, as he throws up his hand sign on the ropes. John Cena bounces off the ropes and throws his cap at the crowd, who fight over it. John Cena walks over to the end of the ring, grabbing a microphone before speaking.


John Cena: No, shut your mouth Orton!

John Cena walks toward Randy Orton, as he cuts him off before continuing.

John Cena: You wanted me, Orton – you got me. No more games, no more behind the back attacks, I’m sick and tired of it! Ever since day one, we’ve been enemies. That’s not gonna’ change, let’s just clarify it right now. We’re always gonna’ be enemies! Whether I’m a ‘bad’ guy or you’re a ‘good’ guy, there’s always gonna’ be a pint of hate for us. Hell, speakin’ of day one, when I first arrived in this company I put out an open challenge to anyone in the back. You were the accepter, and were I surprised? No, not at all – Orton, I know. You’ve always been jealous of me. Every company we’ve been together in, especially ‘Vince’s’ company, I was on top. I was the cover boy and you were always in the passenger seat. Always, however this time, you took it too far. You decided to bring the New World Order in it, and ya’know that’s a problem. I have a problem with it; the CeNation around the world has a problem with it, and for you, Rhodes, and Christian, that’s a huge problem. Orton, by now, you should be fully aware of how I take care of these situations. I fight, I’m gonna’ fight until the New World Order are out of the company for good, and if you don’t believe me, wait until Starrcade. You’ll see how serious I am then.

The audience cheers at the intensity of John Cena, who slowly walks toward Randy Orton, who share a stare off as Cena continues.

John Cena: Orton, for once in your pathetic life, you’re right. These fans do cheer for me, some of em’ boo me, however that’s beside the point. They do want to see if I have what it takes to stop the New World Order, and I guaran-damn-tee I’ll do everything in my power to do that. By myself or with members of the company by my side, tonight, I’m making a promise. A promise that the New World Order won’t be stayin’ here much longer. So, don’t worry about that, Baltimore! And, heh – I do come out here lookin’ like a box of Fruity Pebbles. That’s also beside the point, what matters tonight is stoppin’ the New World Order from doin’ any more damage to this company. I know I said they aren’t a threat, and I’m stickin’ to that statement. Despite all the attacks, the vandalism, and the insults, I said it before and I’ll say it again, I’m not backin’ down Orton! Insult me all you want, call me a box of Fruity Pebbles, whatever -- but when it comes down to the end of the match, the man whose arm will be raised, will be me!

John Cena nods his head, as the audience begins the classic “Let’s go Cena, Cena sucks!†chant which echoes throughout the arena. Cena inserts a smirk across his face, as he continues.

John Cena: Randy, you caused yourself your own personal Self-Destruction. You’re dying from the inside out. Everything you ever aspired to be is fading. Much like the man yourself, you’re fading away to nothing. Like a pin-drop you can hear the echo of your pity words, much like you can hear the count of three as the referee will slap the mat for the third time in succession tonight on the back of your failure to win. At Starrcade, we will witness the Self-Destruction of Randy Orton in one of its finest stages. Stage one approach, as I will defeat you Randy and end the New World Order’s “dominance†-- and you will be gone… long gone. And I’m damn sure we’ll all be happy to see that!

Randy Orton tilts his head toward John Cena, as he is unaware of what’s to come. Cena, once again has a smile across his face as he continues.

John Cena: Randy, I fight and when I fight, I win. I’ve grown a reputation cause’ of it, I’m sure you are one of my many opponents whose attitude was adjusted. Heh. Success comes when you put in the effort, and with success comes hate. Applause waits on success, why? Success is earned, and never given on a golden platter! That’s the problem with you Randy, I’ve been successful, I earned my spot in companies, I was never given it face first! Unlike you, I went out there and earned my success. Success comes with hate, and I rise above hate! The CeNation rises above hate! Hate means nothing to me, opinions matter, and quite frankly my opinion of you isn’t so positive. Love me or hate me, I live the life of a fighter -- a winner. I’m proud to be a winner, and when the smoke clears, I will still be a winner! Orton, I said this before and I will say it again, if you want some... come get some!

John Cena lowers the microphone, as he awaits Randy Orton’s response.​


Jun 3, 2010
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UWF Smackdown 7/14: Bray Wyatt Vs John Cena

The crowd are sitting waiting for what's going to happen next at a Smackdown! Live show when suddenly the lights go out and a haunting guitar track is played.

???: Well ain't it dark out here!... I thought as much...

Before too long a dimmed spotlight centres on a man who is speaking at ringside who we know as Bray Wyatt, he has Eli Cottonwood standing in the ring behind him as he speaks.


Bray Wyatt: I thought I'd enter this arena tonight in a sea of darkness because I walk through that smoke, that fog of darkness every day of my life, and especially so when I walk in front of the bayin' crowd of barbarians that I have to face each and every night here on the Smackdown. Yes sir, I am the one shining light in a sea of repulsion, hate, intolerance, unintelligibility and senselessness. I am what one would call a 'guidin' light'. Capable of shining through even the blackest of skies man, I come out here and little kids flock to get closer... the parents scurry to see who the man in the light really is and the rest of the crowd, well the sqwawk and they roar their displeasure. And the runnin' them of all of that, is that y'all really are just a bunch of animals. And that's all the human race really amounts to, a bunch of sick, twisted, sinnin' animals who don't give two damns about what they could be if they just listened... if they just listened to Bray Wyatt, and Bray Wyatt's words because I can change all you, man. For I am not like all of you, man. I ain't no animal. I ain't human, man. I am divinity. I am the ghost of all worldly righteousness... I am... a messenger, but not for god, nuh-uh, we've had enough of them. I am a messenger for my own self... and I bring one message to you all tonight and that simply is... wash yourselves.

The crowd boo, Bray Wyatt laughs to himself, he takes of his hat and places it on the ring apron.

Hand on my heart I didn't mean no offense, I mean I'm sure all y'all hygenes are just rosy, but I mean wash your minds. Wash your minds of all the senseless filth. Immoral trash. Unrighteous nonsense. Wash it all away. Make sure it goes down that scummy drain pipe along with the sewage, because for too long... for too long, all y'all's minds have been in the gutter... in the sewer, man. You've all been swayed by the ways of this world, with yer twitters, and yer facebooks and yer television sets, yer DVD's and yer Blu-Rays... it's all junk!. All you need in your life... is me. I didn't grow up with no internets... I didn't grow up with no, Blu-Ray disk machines... hell, I didn't even grow up with a daddy!... because I made sure of that. I made sure that I didn't have any distractions on my path to purity and divinity and that is why I stand above you all!. Maybe not from a physical stand-point but Bray Wyatt ain't just a physical entity, man, I am metamorphic!... I am omnipresent, man. I am in your minds as a voice. I float around your home as a spirit watchin' all of you waste your lives with emptiness and I am here to open my arms of divinty and welcome you to a world where you can learn to love life like Bray Wyatt does... to love everybody like Bray Wyatt does and become just a little, tiny bit less animalistic and more like the divine, pure bein' that Bray Wyatt in fact is.

Wyatt takes his time rolling into the ring and onto his feet, he faces the entrance way.

Last week, I opened my arms to a kid by the name of Kit Osbourne!... and Kit shook my hand, but the look in his eyes was one of fear!... shock!... and above all else confusion. So I showed him why in fact he shouldn't fear me. I danced with him. I had a cosy little chit-chat with him, I treated him like a friend, but it is a wrestlin' match. I made it as comfortable for him as possible. Shame he ended up in hospital with internal injuries, but I am with him through his recoveries, man, he has my blessin'!. Now can I give my opponent this week on Smackdown that same treatment of love!?, yes I can... it's just the kind of guy that I am. John Cena... well, he's a whole different kind of person from Kit Osbourne ain't he?. He's more like all of you... in fact... he is what causes the disease that all of you have. He is the devil. He is that rap artist that pollutes the air-waves with foul language and immoral lyrics, he is that wrestler who teaches little kids to respect each other and be a star, when he knows full well they'll amount to nothin' more than one of you out there in the crowd. John Cena... even through all of this, I will extend my hand to you, because maybe, I can change you. Maybe I can help you, and in turn help all of these people... but until that point I hope you take in these words man, because they are propthetic of the future of this world man... because I will be the future of this world... I am your new messiah... and John Cena, I will show you why you should join me, why you should ALL... join Bray Wyatt... and I will lead you from this darkness.

Bray Wyatt proceeds to sing his favourite song as the crowd doesn't know how to react. We get a 'Cena!, Cena!' chant as Wyatt finishes up.

Tiiiiiiime is oooon myyyy siiiiide.... yes it is. Join me children.

Wyatt stands with his arms outstreched like some sort of Jesus character, the crowd boo heavily until!.


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6/14/12 Smackdown: Shawn Michaels vs. Damien Sandow


*The crowd gives a mixed reaction, if only because they do not yet recognize who the theme signifies, Damien Sandow comes through the curtain a microphone resting in his hand as he looks around the crowd*


*Sandow takes a couple steps down the ramp before raising his microphone, which he is holding as if it were a wine glass. His music quickly fading out*

Damien Sandow:

Allow me to beg your indulgence for one moment, My name is Damien Sandow and I am here to help all of you. Thursday night saw the emergence of a new era here in the Ultimate Wrestling Federation, for it was the debut of Smackdown and yet in the acquaint of this new program I could not help but feel this be only an impasse in the furtherance of your enlightenment. While I began the dawning of a new age here, I could not help but stare in bewilderment at the decisions made for this new era. A rather abrupt General manager given the reigns of power, and two men who were competing for the...simply appalling "Hardcore" championship were handed first claim to the holy grail, otherwise known as the World Heavyweight Championship, simply because aforementioned miscreant saw it fit to reward these unbefitting and unsuitable men simply because all you ignoramuses find their little dissension and enmity, quarrel if you will, entertaining. And in that lies the greatest issue, for if you..."people" are being rewarded for your benightedness what does this say for the future of our company, let alone our industry.

*Sandow walks up the steel steps, wiping his feet on the ring apron before stepping into the ring, the crowd is booing him and he lifts one finger up as if telling them to hold for a moment*

Please refrain from your sophomoric chants when I am speaking, Thank you.

*The crowd boos louder as Sandow simply nods his head in disappointment*

If you choose to stay a dunce, it appears those in charge shall simply take advantage of your situation. However those people shall be dealt with, for seeing what was set to be an abysmal hardcore match become the main attraction of our brand will simply further all of your spinning nosedive through the darkness known as you're idiocy. That however is the whole purpose of my being, to set you people free from the chains of ignorance, to enlighten you all and be you're savior. I was informed earlier that I'm to compete in my debut here in UWF, I however did not bother to ask who exactly I was facing. As after a glance at the roster when I was first signed, there was little to no one who I deemed worthy to be in my inaugural match. Therefore to whoever it may be scheduled to appear against me on Smackdown, please refrain from wasting you're time in coming out here this evening. For you're appearance and as a result your forcing of my acknowledging you would add to the despondence I've already been administered by these people here tonight and the beginning of Smackdown. I thank you to simply pause until said show comes near, once the time comes I shall then contemplate and weigh in your worth and perchance...I reiterate, Perchance I shall grace these people with my presence in the ring. If by chance I do not deem you worthy, simply know that my decision to not compete with you is simply a lesson. And I do hope you learn from that lesson and take my teachings to heart for it is not only these unwashed masses who need saving it is the entire muster of the locker room as well. And to all of you I simply say Fear not my sweet simple minded people, for I shall overcome this tedious task and I shall be your intellectual savior...You're Welcome.

*Sandow lowers his mic with a smile on his face as the crowd continues to show their hatred for him.*


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Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
06/14 - Jeff Hardy vs. Rey Mysterio

The Smackdown arena is all set ready for another exciting Thursday night of action. Before things kick off though, the tron flickers into a green light and a countdown begins.


The tron shows Jeff Hardy, and sure enough, the Anti-Christ of Professional Wrestling stands atop of the ramp, not his once usual self of pandering to the adoring fans, but instead with a purpose, cold and still. After pausing a moment, he walks down the ramp towards the ring.


He slides into the ring and wastes no time in retrieving a microphone. When the music stops it's apparent that the first live appearance of Jeff has brought a mixed reaction to the fans in Newark, New Jersey. The enigma looks out towards many of the people chanting his name and booing him out of the building before he starts speaking his mind.

Jeff Hardy: There is nothing on this earth that I despise more than an unwarranted happy ending. A grand finish to something that emulates people to a pedestal that the victors are not even worthy to occupy. Yet on the very first Smackdown, our general manger, Mr. Desmond Wolfe, decides to make to no good down and out nobodies, and take them from battling for a Hardcore championship, and decides that it is worthy of being our match for our main championship gold. Now, believe me I am all for people earning their opportunities in life and making their own headway. But if Dean Ambrose or Daniel Bryan had any decency inside them they would terminate the deal on the grounds of not effecting the prestige of the World heavyweight Championship and not embarrassing the already laughable name that the UWF has already built for itself. It's focusing itself away from the competition again, honing in on what they think is going to make them rich, rather than do whats right for the wrestling art. Next week is the very beginning of this. Next week I plan to start my conquest to take everything unwanted out of this federation once and for all and my Antichrist Conquest, begins with a walking cliche of what I am out to get.... Rey Mysterio.

The crowd cheer the mention of Rey's name, but Jeff looks bemused by it all.

Exactly my point. Rey once upon a time used to understand. At one time he knew what wrestling was all about. But then it happened, like a lightning bolt frazzled the very limited mind cells in his Hispanic brain and his mindset changed. Then it was all about coming out here and pleasing you like he owes you a living. He sacrifices the limits of his abilities and the depths of where he can go, just to stay on your side, to hear the chanting of his name and the adoration of the fives and six and seven year olds which if you ask me should not be allowed in a true wrestling environment, but of course we are not in a true wrestling environment. Well, yet. Rey, I am going to apologize once, and this is it. I am sorry in advance for Smackdown. I have a plan already set out to change this company to the ways in which it found its glory. I am going to take you to depths in which I doubt the UWF have seen yet and turn this arena into a true wrestling environment, the way it should be. Don't think I'm singling you out Rey, this is just the beginning, everything has to start somewhere. I will be the start, I will be the savior. In one twist, of hate!

The crowd boo Jeff, but everyone looks up at the stage when.....

OOC: Let's keep em coming short but often Chase buddeh!


Jun 5, 2010
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Re: 6/12 RAW: MVP vs. Orton

The lights suddenly go out. The fans sit anxiously, asking the people next to them what is happening. The arena starts to flash gold and black lights everywhere, with some very known words inside the wrestling world ringing out over the PA system.



The camera focuses on the stage where a big inflatable tunnel which can now be seen, presumably being inflated while the lights were flashing on and off. The crowd rise to their feet awaiting one certain special superstar as smoke starts to escape the tunnel. The crowd aren't waiting long as the figure of MVP bursts through the flaps. He stops dead, looking around the crowd who give him a mixed reaction. He smiles, even chuckling to himself as he lowers himself to the ground, touching the ground and mumbling to himself as he quickly jumps up, putting his arms out to his side in his signature pose, setting off the pyros behind him.


MVP starts to slowly makes his way down to the ring, ignoring all the fans that is leaning over for high fives while he just holds up his '305' bling bling up to the camera, yelling 'Mr 305' towards the camera. All of a sudden, MVP stops dead in his tracks, looking into the ring, seeing Randy Orton, the Leader of the NWO circling in the ring. MVP rubs his chin, thinking to himself as he slowly turns around and heads on back up the stage. The crowd start to boo thinking MVP is leaving but as he reaches the middle of the stage, he turns to the left and walks forwards. He looks out into the crowd before turning to face Orton again. A member of the crew runs and hands MVP a mic which he accepts and turns his attention to Orton again.



Whoa, Whoa, Whoa homie, lets just slow your roll a bit ya know? I have something to say to Mr Anderson, you know my opponent for Starrcade? I have faced him once before when I returned to UWF and guess what happened then? If you don't know what happened, I suggest you stop living your life, stop listening to everyone else for once and just listen to me because I don't know how many times I've said what I did to Mr Anderson but I just love reliving it that I'll tell you one more time. On my debut for the UWF company, I was placed in a Beat The Clock Challenge against one Mr Anderson, I know what your thinking, I thought they could of got a better opponent for me too but not one to complain, I made my way to the ring and stood across the ring from the man, it was the greatest achievement of his life, standing in the exact same ring as MVP but it's an achievement that only an idiot would want to achieve more then once but then fast forward to the timer running out and where was Mr Anderson? What was he doing and where was I? I'll explain it to you, Mr Anderson was taking a little nap while I stood over him, looking at the damage I just inflicted on the loser, it was alot of damage but I didn't know the extent to what I had done until this past week on Raw. Will somebody please check the man for brain damage? Teddy Long, if you can hear me, please drive Mr Anderson to the local mental hospital so he can fit in with the people around him. Why anyone would want to enter the ring with me so quickly after receiving the beating of a lifetime is beyond me so brain damage is the only reason I can think of. I will defeat Mr Anderson and all you assholes out there that will be cheering and chanting your an asshole, I would save it for a better day, maybe save some of your energy for when you go home and pleasure your sister or something.

The crowd boo at the top of their lungs, not only at the disrespect MVP is showing towards Mr Anderson but to the disrespect his showing towards them as well. MVP smirks as he looks out into the crowd before he quickly turns his head to the ring, he jumps back, looking surprised as Orton just stares a hole through MVP. MVP smirks again, raising the mic to his lips again.

Oh dear lord, you scared me, I didn't even see you down there Randy, I'm sorry I didn't interupt you or anything did I? I hope you weren't in the middle of something important. Who am I kidding, what in the possibility of you doing or saying something important. I must of missed you Randy because your wearing that boring black and white shirt that I've seen so many times before, all I have to do is walk through the backstage area past all the merchandise stand and I can see millions of the same shirt being untouched and growing mould on them but it's not to worry, if I ever run out of toilet paper, i'll know what to use. I see that you aren't quite impressed with me going on and rambling about my opponent at Starrcade. Is it because i'm ignoring you? Doesn't little Randy like being ignored? Or are you just that bored because it has nothing to do with you and our match on Raw. I have to tell you Randy, I was definatly the latter when I was in the back listening to you cry and moan about Wade Barrett and that stupid group that call themselves the European Revolution. Do you think I care about Wade being backstage and interupting your interview? You think I care about the main event this week on Raw when your sissy boys take on the European guys? I don't wanna hear about all that crap Randy, all that matters is what is going on between me and you but I will spare a second to talk about your group that is the NWO.

The crowd let out a chrous of boos for the group as Randy's expression hasn't changed, just staring at MVP smiles a bit back at him.

The New World Order is trying to take over UWF, day by day, Raw by Raw but lets be honest Randy, can you really call yourself 'New'? What version of the NWO is this, I think there has been more NWO's then I have had birthdays. You couldn't think of something new Randy? What about Randy's Snakes? Yer yer, lets look at it, all of you are slimy things that don't belong in the wild, all of your are ugly things that make little children cry just by looking at you and all of you deserve to have my foot on the top of your head, embaressing you and tormenting you. It is quite the list though that you have taken out, The Rated R Superstar and Chris Jericho, wow they are big names, huge names aren't they? Oh wait, its not 2005 anymore is it? Those names mean nothing to me Randy, it's just a list of hasbeens that deserve to be put away and it took 3 of you to do it, bravo, bravo, I applaud you for that, it really is an achievement if I have ever seen one.

MVP sarcastically claps while the crowd boo for the list of people the NWO have taken out. Randy just looks at MVP, stone eyed and not impressed with the cocky man that is speaking his mind.

But Randy, there is something I don't get kid, once you are done with this business, once you are forgotten and unheard of anymore which for me will be as soon as you walk through the day, don't you realize what people will be looking back on when they look up my history, see that I defeated you on an eposide of Raw and decide to look you up on Wikipedia because they have no idea who you are, do you not worry about what they will see? Firstly they will read about how you were apart of Evolution, then it will show you being with Stacy Kiebler, god she was sexy, why anyone would RKO her is beyond me, but back to my point, after Stacy along came your daddy to help you out against the Undertake but it didn't stop there did it? Edge came after Daddy to form Rated RKO, a special kind of bond you formed with him I heard but not as close as the bond you formed with Legacy, two young boys doing everything you want them to, sounds like you could of had a career as a priest as well Randy but it still hasn't ended yet as you end up with the NWO today. Do you see the pattern here Randy? Do you happen to see what everyone else sees? I certainly see that Randy Orton is afraid of being alone, you are afraid of what might happen if you actually have to face this business without any help, if no one was there to have your back and you might argue that you like to associate yourself with power but this week on Raw, your friends will be tied up facing the other two morons in the main event so it will just be you and I Randy, I will show you what will happen if you ever grow a pair and decide to face this company all by yourself.

The crowd give a mixed reaction as Randy still hasn't changed his expression towards MVP. MVP looks into the Vipers eyes as he remains calm and continues his speech.

Now as for the bias view you think Teddy Long has towards a brother, you are mistaken Randy, Teddy didn't fork out all of UWF's money to sign me just to be a mid carder like you and have pointless matches against people like John Cena, he knew exactly what he was doing when he signed me and he knew exactly what he was doing when he made my match at Starrcade a Number One Contenders match. Teddy is impressing me more and more every week, its weird to say that but it seems Teddy also sees me as the man to show you what's what Randy. You see Randy, yes an injustice did happen last week, an injustice that the last thing that is shown before Raw goes blank is you spray painting someones back after a 3-1 attack. You think I need 2 people to help me lay people out, please Randy, I do need 2 things but they aren't people, they are my fists and my feet. I walk alone, I am a lone solider and it works for me Randy because I don't let anyone else in my spotlight, lets just say people will burn in my light if I ever let them near me, trust me, people have tried to share it with me, people like Matt Hardy and look what happened to him, people just don't have what it takes to deal with the Fame and fourtune of MVP, they don't have what it takes to keep with the talent of myself. It's funny though Randy, I will agree with you in the fact that it is a disgrace that you mention me in the same sentence as Austin Aries, as Edge, as Stone Cold, as Chris Jericho. It is a disgrace because they are not even anywhere my league, they are so far beneath me that they look like little bugs. Randy I am 10 times better then them and on Raw, I show you what everyone already knows, I will show you that I'M BETTER THEN Y......

MVP suddenly gets cut off as Randy suddenly springs into action after sometime being motionless. MVP doesn't seem impressed but he lowers the mic, listening to what Randy has to say regardless.


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Feb 26, 2012
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Re: 6/12 RAW: MVP vs. Orton

Stop yourself right there Montel....


Orton interrupts MVP, bringing his mic back up to speak​

Do we need to compare last week already? How I coasted through my opponent to set the time to beat in Beat the Clock; a time that wasn't touched until I was screwed last match of the night; or maybe about how you were unable to defeat a guy as sorry as Ken Kennedy...Anderson...or whatever the hell he's calling himself now days to try to get noticed. My performance last week proved why I'm the better competitor standing in this ring right now Montel. You're looking at the apex predator, the Viper Randy Orton, eyes to eyes. Last week I defeated a man who has accomplished more then you could ever imagine doing in your pathetic and sorry career MVP. While I was victorious, you dropped to zero and two now since you've been here? If Mr. Anderson's greatest achievement in life was standing across the ring from you, then what's your greatest achievement since being in this company MVP? Longest losing streak? Unfortunately for yourself Montel, that streak continues tonight, when you step into the ring with the Viper.

A RKO chant breaks out as he pauses for a second before continuing.​

You know, if I had a nickle for every time some guy has said that the New World Order isn't really new, the NWO is not a fresh idea, you need the NWO to win a match. I would probably donate all that money I earned MVP and give it to you so you could finally afford a new haircut.

This gets a chuckle from the crowd as Orton continues

I'm going to tell you MVP, and everyone backstage in that locker room and the monkeys running this company. The New World Order is here to STAY. Last week we grew stronger with the addition of Cody Rhodes, and this week both Cody Rhodes and Christian shows the world why the New World Order is the most dominated force that this company has ever seen, when they defeat Cesaro and the Undeserving number one contender to MY Championship in Wade Barrett. Tonight I will prove without a shadow of a doubt, that Randy Orton is, was, and always will be the most dominant force in singles competition. The NWO is here, and we will take over. Cause injustices from Teddy Long will no longer be tolerated. We will take what's ours, and what we deserve; and we'll take out anyone that stands before us. Montel tonight, you're just another name. Just another name to be added to our list, just another jobber that some day no one will even remember. Cause while you come out here and claim that in the distant years no one will remember the name of Randall Keith Orton, in all honestly whose going to remember you for anything significant? I've won countless championships, I've been in groups with some of the greatest minds this company has ever seen, and I've been in some of the greatest feuds in this past decade. Ask yourself MVP, what have you done? Tonight when I leave you laying in the middle of the ring, laying in a pool of your own blood. I want you to think about where you are, think about how you got there, and think about how you were beaten by the better man.

Montel, I want you to lay there, and stare up into the lights as my music blares through the PA system. The only image you'll see before I punt your body into unconsciousness is my hand being raised in victory, and three letters being sprayed across your chest....N....W....O! You'll lay there and just think to yourself, that you were part of the greatest moment in this companies history. You were a part of the takeover, you were part of the changing of power. You had one moment, even while it was in defeat that Montel, you were actually relevant to the conversation.


Orton rolls his neck a little bit, and stares over to MVP.​

MVP tonight I'll show you why Randy Orton doesn't need the New World Order to defeat you. Tonight the Viper will show you why he was The Legend Killer. Tonight I'll show you why I'm called the Apex Predator. Tonight I'll show you why when you step into the ring with me, you will get hurt. The time for fun and games is over Montel, and now it's strictly down to business. Tonight injustices and bias will be exposed, and our general manager will be one to suffer the consequences. MVP it could be just me, it could be two of us, or it could be all three of us; it matters none the less. When we attack, we make a statement. A statement to our biast General Manager Teddy Long, and the upper brass that runs this dog and pony show. MVP you can come down to this ring to try to be the guy that finally shows me what's what, but I promise you that you won't be walking back up that ramp the same man. Cause if you decide to come down to this ring tonight MVP for our match, I will destroy your inning being, I will destroy you mentally and psychically. This Viper will take you somewhere dark, somewhere so sinister. He'll take you to places you've never imagined your career or body could go...


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Re: Starrcade: Randy Orton vs. John Cena

Orton smirks before raising the mic up to speak​


Jealous of you John? Hardly the case at all. Shall we give these people a little history lesson? We were both in Ohio Valley Wrestling, Vince McMahon's developmental territory. I had just got called to the ring, to announce that I was indeed called up to the big show, and who comes down to my ring green with envy to interrupt my celebration? It was yourself Johnny Boy, or should I say "Cyborg" or whatever ridiculous name that you were using at that time to attempt to get noticed. John I know you don't like to admit it, but you've always been jealous of not only my talent but the total package that I bring to any wrestling company across the globe. I'm a third generation superstar John, wrestling is in my blood. My father, and my grandfather took companies to places they've never seen before; and have wrestled all across the world. It was my destiny to step into their shoes, to take the WWE above and beyond, and I have. Just like tonight here at Starrcade, I'll take not only the New World Order to places that are above and beyond, but also the UWF.

A NWO chant breaks out as Orton continues

You were the cover boy John? Once again Hardly. While you was over on Smackdown playing Doctor, I was over on the "A Brand" RAW and winning my first major title at the age of twenty-four. While you were fighting for the United States Championship against the Big Show at Wrestlemania, I was already facing and defeating The Rock & Mick Foley, and myself delivering the RKO and pin for the victory over the Hardcore Legend. John the only thing you were a cover boy for was children ages eight to twelve. You were where you were John because you catered to the age group of your average viewers. I didn't cater to these people, and could care non the less if they cheer me, or if they boo me. I'm come to this ring for one thing, and that's to prove that I'm without a shadow of a doubt, the best that's ever stepped in foot of this squared circle. John tonight, I will finish what I started.

He rubs his chin, taking in the cheers from the crowd before he raises his mic back up to continue​

John Cena, rather you like it or not the New World Order is here to stay, and we're taking over. We're not damaging this company John we're saving it. Cause injustices and bias from our General Manager is killing this brand. We will stop at nothing to take what we rightfully deserve, and will destroy anyone that steps in front of us. Cena I told you weeks before Backlash to stay out of my way, and I would overlook you. That I wouldn't completely destroy everything you stand for, your CenaNation. You can come down to this ring tonight and we'll go to war, but in the end there'll only be one man standing. There'll be one more standing in this ring with his hand raised, and he'll be donning the Black and White of the New World Order. I will finish what I started at Backlash, and I will finish what happened to you weeks ago on RAW when I RKO'ed your head into metal. I have no remorse John Cena, can you say the same about yourself? Can you handle the dark place I'm going to take you, can you bring yourself to break your character; to do things that you wouldn't normally do to defeat myself and The New World Order? I don't think you have what it takes Cena. I don't think you want to disappoint your "CenaNation". You may call it the "self-destruction" of Randy Orton, but if it is John Cena, you're coming with me.......


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Feb 13, 2012
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Re: Starrcade: World Heavyweight Championship Match: Daniel Bryan vs Dean Ambrose

Dean is standing staring through Bryan.


You think you scare me? What about you could possibly scare a man like me. Do you even know what I've seen. Have you any idea what I've done in the past just to get a scrap of food? There is nothing in hell that could possibly scare me especially you. You talk generic promo, A generic Dean Ambrose promo is still 10x better than a Daniel Bryan promo. I don't have to rely on futile catchphrases to get a reaction. These people admire me. They look up to me. They pay to see me beat up people like you. You're a wannabe legend. You claim to be better than everyone and yet here I am, being infinitely better than you just by standing here. You're not a legend until you make a name for yourself here in UWF. So far what have you done here? Your only claim to fame is that you beat me once. ONCE! And that's the only time you'll ever beat me because everyone already knows the outcome to our Starrcade match. It's going to be me beating you 2-0 in an astounding fashion. You better study up on various roll ups because there is no way in hell you're going to make me tap out or get a clean pin on me.

The crowd applauses in approval of Dean Ambrose.

You know it was just announced on the first ever UWF Smackdown that we will now be competing for the World Heavyweight Championship. This makes things a little bit tricky for me. I was planning on utilizing every single opportunity I would get whether it be weapons or the five count but now that that title is on the line, It’s a little hard to say this isn’t about a title anymore. Don’t get me wrong though Bryan, I’m still gonna make your life a living hell in this ring. I’ll just be a little more careful when tearing your body apart limb from limb.

The crowd explodes at the thought of the dismantle of Daniel Bryan.

Usually becoming the World Champion would make you a target. Actually becoming any kind of champion makes you a target. While I was Hardcore Champion, was I a target? No because nobody wanted to fight me. Think about it. Think long and hard about it. Everyone who was ever put in a match with me never called me out directly. Now the world title is a completely other thing. People really want to be champion but let’s see just who exactly will have the balls to call me out. I doubt it’ll be anyone because I can’t be defeated. I know it’s easy for you to admit defeat. No one can deny that they will lose to me, it’s inevitable. I technically lost to you yes but I wasn’t defeated. Until you actively make me tap out or pin my shoulders to the mat, WITHOUT rolling me up, only then can you claim you defeated me.

Dean calmly walks over to the turnbuckle as the crowd cheers him on. He climbs and rests atop it before beginning to speak again.

You see, this is why I’m getting a World Heavyweight Championship match. Not because Daniel Bryan made the hardcore title the most important title no. Everyone knows that he had the title but I have the glory and prestige of that championship. I’m getting a title shot because I’ve earned it. You are simply just a technicality because they don’t want to just hand the title to me. That’s originally what they wanted to do but I want to make a statement. I want to remind these old timers, these new young crops of guys just why exactly I am the most feared and loved wrestler in all of UWF. I’m sorry Daniel but your ego will be busted at Starrcade. You’re just an example to be made of. Everyone already knows this but your ego won’t allow you to accept it. Don’t be sad Danny, your ego will be the least broken thing you’ll have to worry about after Starrcade!

Dean drops the mic and tries to calm himself down while awaiting rebuttal from Daniel Bryan.


Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: Starrcade: UWF Championship - Stone Cold (c) vs. Wade Barrett


"Badass" by Saliva begins to play over the PA system, sending the fans in attendance into an uproar as they give the Texas Rattlesnake a negative reaction. As they voice their disdain, through the curtain he walks, with his championship belt in tow. Austin makes his way down the ramp quickly, eyeing the ring with a purpose, as he arrives at the steel steps and walks up them, then turning and walking along the apron before stepping through the ropes. Austin walks over to the opposite ropes and motions to the ringside official for a microphone, and is granted one. Austin turns and walks towards the middle of the ring as his music cuts off, making the reaction of the crowd more audible. Stone Cold looks at Barrett.

Stone Cold: Well aren't you full of piss and vinegar, but hell fire, I guess ya should be. This past week on Raw, you beat the mortal piss out of MVP. Last week, ya not only helped yer little buddy keep his European Championship, but you beating Rob Van Dam is the reason you and I are standin' in this ring together. This week, you and Antonio are back in the saddle again, getting the first true crack at the New World Order, a faction that can claim they got the better of Raw's Undisputed Champion and Raw's former Undisputed Champion. That's quite a wave of momentum ta' be ridin' on, meanwhile what the hell have I been doin'? I was supposed to defend the Undisputed Championship the night after I defended it, but Aries decided his head hurt a little too much, so I was thrown into the ring with Edge. Last week, they gave me the night off, and this week, I'll be facin' the man that no-showed his debut match, See Em Punk. So from Backlash ta' Starrcade, you've been whoopin' ass and I've basically been on vacation. Ain't that a sumbitch? It's alright though, because I'm not that angry about it. Why? Because it's evidence of exactly what kind of a talent pool we have around here, a bunch of sorry pieces of trash that don't wanna put forth the effort ta' walk their sorry asses down to the ring and do what they get paid ta' do, wrestle each other. And even though you've been gaining momentum by running roughshaw all over Raw, you've also been accumulating exhaustion, and even if you are a young buck, eventually every man, woman, and child needs some rest. If you wanna burn yerself out before Starrcade, be my guest, but let me remind you what happens when you get in the heat of things and don't take care of yourself.

Austin motions to the titantron screen, where a select piece of footage begins to roll.


As the footage concludes, the camera pans back to Austin, who looks amused by what he's just seen.

Stone Cold: That could be you this upcoming Tuesday night, and then what happens at Starrcade? I guess you join Aries and Lesnar on the bench and they either send the next number one contender out or I'm given another night off. Doesn't sound like much of a main event ta' me. But let's say I'm wrong, let's say Tuesday night is business as usual and another Raw goes into the books having Wade Barrett whooped some ass, and you show up ta' Starrcade just as full a' piss and vinegar as you are right now. Well, then we have a championship match unlike anything the wrestling world has ever seen before. Normally I would commend an opponent that shows up filled with as much fight as you, but in this instance, I find it comical. The Undisputed Championship that Austin Aries took from you, that I later kept you from reclaiming, is a thing of the past. The two worthless pieces of garbage that you carried around simultaneously during your reign, that Aries carried around during his, that allowed you to call yourself the Undisputed Champion, they are where they belong, the trash. This that I'm carrying, is my Undisputed Championship. If I was still lugging around the pieces of shit that the champions before me had to carry, I wouldn't care if you beat me at Starrcade, in fact I'd let you do it, that's how worthless holding those belts made me feel. But since I'm not lugging them around, and I have a true championship worthy of someone of my calibur, you have a better chance of seeing Andre the Giant walking out from behind that curtain joining Orton, Rhodes, and Christian in the NWO than you do of beating me at Starrcade. The only way you'll win that match is if someone runs down on my account and attacks you, which would be a win by disqualification, which would leave me still the champion at the end of the night.

Not that you have anything to worry about, cuz I don't know if you've noticed, but Stone Cold doesn't have a whole lot of friends in You Dubya Eff. That might not be so if the people that work here showed me the respect I deserve, but they continue to show me the opposite, like Justin Roberts failing to introduce me to the ring and hold the ropes open for me as I made my way into this here ring, but I'll deal with that at another time, maybe on Raw during the time I'm supposed ta' be wrestlin' See Em Punk.

Austin looks off briefly, seemingly lost in thought over the fact that Punk will likely no-show, soon snapping out of it.

Stone Cold: Something else that amuses me about your determination is the fact that you are a creature of habit, a fact that you are blissfully unaware of because of how high an opinion you have of yourself. That habit, is failure, and it has plagued your entire career. The Nexus failed to keep the momentum it initially came in with, The Corre failed to make a significant impact, because of your arm injury you failed to get a Wrestlemania payday because the Money in the Bank match they booked you ta' win wasn't held, and more recently, you failed to hold onto your championship against Aries, you failed to win it back at Backlash, and at Starrcade, you will fail to win my title from me. That isn't boasting, that isn't me shooting my mouth off, that is me sharing the facts. I will bring you into this ring, my ring, and open up a can of whoopass so large in size that the impact from my offense will remove the gel from your hair and the tattoos from your body. Your threats are empty and the beliefs you have in yourself will leave you feeling disappointment, because if the Barrett Barrage hasn't felt fatigue yet, it will. Do yourself, your friends, the Barrett family, and the few fans you have a favor, Wade. When you call out to God, don't ask him to save the Queen, ask him to save you.

Austin looks at Barrett with intensity in his eyes, lowering his microphone as he awaits a response.
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