UWF 2012: Past Raw Trashtalking

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Chris Dresdon

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Sting vs. Ted DiBiase

The arena is packed to the brim with UWF fans as they are watching the events of the house show they're attending intently, anxiously awaiting what is next. Suddenly the camera pans over to the stage, where the titantron screen comes alive with the man they call Sting. The crowd comes unglued with excitement at the sight of the Icon, who is painted up messily with white, black, and blue face paint. Sting has a crazed look on his face as he looks straight into the camera.


Sting: Ladies and gentlemen, I can already tell that my run here in UWF is going to be a wild ride, and in honor of me being drafted to the Smackdown brand, as you can see, I got a little crazy with the facepaint tonight and incorporated some blue into the mix! Now the question on everybody's mind is why I wasn't on the debut edition last week, and the answer to that is quite simple, you don't want to bring everything you've got to the first show and tell, you've got to leave something for the next time! So here I am, the second edition of Smackdown, making my UWF debut in the maaaaain event. I've secretly always wanted to do that, eat your heart out Michael Buffer! And my opponent really takes me back to the earlier days of my career, I mean I can't believe I get to face my good buddy the "Million Dollar Man"!

Someone is heard talking to Sting from offscreen as the Icon turns to them.

Sting: It's not the "Million Dollar Man"? But the card clearly says...oh, it's his son? Well isn't that something, I remember little Teddy Jr. from when he was smaller than my trademark bat, and now, fast forward numerous years later and I may be provoked to hit him with it. It puts a smile on my face to think about how funny life can be. Anyhoo...

Sting resumes facing the camera.

Sting: Teddy, I don't know what you're expecting heading into this match with me, but I'd say it goes a little something like, "You're old, you're washed-up, you did nothing in TNA, you should retire, you stayed away from WWE because you knew you couldn't cut it there, I'm the Million Dollar Son, blah blah arrogant heel talk". Well I may be an old timer, been wrestling almost twenty-seven years, I'm twenty-four years old than you, but I digress, that's neither here nor there. I may be an old timer, but don't underestimate what this old dog can do, because just as you lean in to pet him, thinking his advanced age has caused him to mellow extremely, he'll bite ya! When we step in the ring Friday night, you better watch, because the Scorpion Death Drop comes without warning. One minute you're tailgating with your DiBiase Posse, the next you're looking at the ceiling lights like you're wishing on a star. See ya out there, kid, I'm excited!

Sting walks offscreen excitedly as the camera pans back to the inside of the arena, where the fans are cheering and chanting for Sting, until...
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The Hoov

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Re: Starrcade: World Heavyweight Championship Match: Daniel Bryan vs Dean Ambrose

Daniel looks over at the enraged Dean Ambrose and a smirk wipes across his face. Daniel lifts his microphone back up and addresses him.


Daniel Bryan: Dean, I'm sorry I had a hard time understanding you because I was too busy sifting through the tough guy facade you put on and through the 5-foot thick wall of denial and fear. Yeah, “You're not scared. You've been through Hell. Yadda Yadda Yaddaâ€￾. Dean, you're like a broken record but not any kind of record anyone would ever like to hear again. You want to comment on the things that I say over and over again but there's a major difference between us. You see, while you just seem to go on and on and pull these outlandish claims out of thin air with no probable cause or any evidence to back them up while I, on the other hand, I prove what I say week in and week out. No one can touch me in this ring. Not you, Not anyone in the back, No one in the world can keep up with me. I find it odd that you claim that my only claim to fame here in UWF is beating you once which, I admit is a major milestone in my career in UWF but also I kicked Brock Lesnar's head in, a former UFC Heavyweight Champion. Pretty good for someone who's barely over 200 pounds and isn't even 6 foot tall. If you ask me, I'd say....

The crowd begins to chant “YES!â€￾ but Daniel cuts them off.

Daniel Bryan: No, don't you ingrates try to patronize me. It's clearly obvious what you people are trying to do but it's not going to work. If you people want to play sing-along with Dean Ambrose and chant his name then feel free. I'm not here for your amusement. I'm here for one thing and one thing only: To become World Heavyweight Champion and, at Starrcade, I have a chance to do just that. I tried to be like you, Dean. I tried to pander to these people and please them. They used to chant my name as well but where did it get me? I got nowhere and I got there really fast. You see, that's another difference between you and I. While you seem complacent in having these mindless drones chant your name and not having anything to show for it, I strive for more. I strive for and I achieve excellence and success and that's exactly what I've gotten here in the UWF. You see, Dean, you brag about your lengthy title reign with the Hardcore Title but all of that occurred before I signed my contract here and, ironically, signed the death warrant of your career because, as much damage I did to your reputation at Backlash, I left you a shred of it. At Starrcade, I finish what I started and I end this between us and, at the same time, I end you and everything that you stand for. And when it's all said and done, I will have my hand raised as the victor and you will be stretchered out of the arena and out of the UWF for good.

The crowd is booing Daniel Bryan out of the arena but Bryan just doesn't care. Dean still looks enraged but Daniel keeps walking closer to him and continues talking.


Daniel Bryan: That's right. Do you hear those people? They hate my guts. They can't stand me. Do you hear the passion in their boos? Well, Dean, multiply that by a thousand and you have my exact feelings about you. I don't like you. I don't even respect you. Respect would imply that you have any ability whatsoever. I've proved to the world who the best man really is between us so go ahead and claim anything you want. Go ahead because I'll just embarrass you and prove again to the world just what I've been saying all along and that is this: Dean Ambrose doesn't hold a candle to Daniel Bryan.

Daniel then turns to the crowd and addresses them.


Daniel Bryan: And this goes for you people as well who want to chant his name and be his biggest fans: You might want to jump aboard the Daniel Bryan bandwagon if you want to save your pride of watching your favorite guy go down in flames. Throw away your Dean Ambrose t-shirts and buy Daniel Bryan t-shirts because, I can guarantee you that Dean Ambrose will go down in history as one of the all-time biggest fails in professional wrestling history, on par with Mantaur, Red Rooster and The Goon. “Daniel, that was uncalled for. That was not nice!â€￾ Well, I'm not a nice guy.

Daniel lowers his microphone and lets Dean glare into his eyes and Daniel does the same.


Jun 5, 2010
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Re: 6/12 RAW: MVP vs. Orton

Orton rolls his neck once more as MVP looks on from the stage. Orton finishes what he has to say as MVP smirks. He looks towards Orton, once again sarcastically clapping his hands as the crowd boo both men. MVP starts to talk to the middle of the stage now, so he can look down the middle towards Orton as he begins to speak once more.



Are you done playa? Have you said everything you wanna get off your chest son? I guess it's my turn again and thank god for that. It has been two weeks since the Beat The Clock Challenge Randy and you think you were screwed out of beating the clock? No, that was not what we call a screwjob Randy but the real screwjob happened in my match. Everyone knows the referee screwed me out of my match, Mr Anderson screwed me out of my match and you wanna know how Randy? I had Anderson beat but he decided to be a coward and run to the outside, that is how I got screwed by Anderson, you were lucky enough to be booked in a match with a stupid Animal that has a brain that is smaller then his bicep, thats even if he has one but then the ref decides to slow count just before I was going to beat your time. You tell me who is the one that got screwed now Randy? I know that everyone is on the same wavelength and everyone thinks I deserved that title shot, why else would he reward me with a Undisputed Title Shot, he might think Anderson might step in my way but his just wasting his time if he thinks he has any chance, Teddy should have just given me the Number One Contendership there and then while giving me the night off at Starrcade. You see Randy, Anderson's biggest achievement is standing across the ring from me, your greatest achievement will be my fist win inside the UWF ring. I mean that's only in the records books, technically Randy, I am undefeated. You wanna know how I got to that? You might not be able to figure that out so I'll show, would you please give your attention towards the titantron.

Wade pushes himself up to his feet stumbling immediately falling back into the corner, once he does he looks around trying to shake the cobwebs before he looks down and sees MVP still laid out. Wade grips the top rope thinking for a moment before pushing himself up on the second rope sitting on the top turnbuckle, taking a couple greedy heavy breaths before standing up straight trying to focus on his opponent on the mat.

King: I don’t know how wise this is, you shouldn’t go up there when you’re not even able to keep your feet on the ground.

Wade leaps off the second rope going for an elbow but MVP manages to just move out of the way as Wade lands on the mat with a loud smack, the crowd ooh as Wade bounces to a seated position before falling to his side on the mat.

Cole: Wade Barrett went for it all and got nothing in return.
King: The one problem with going by instinct is you tell yourself to finish it without thinking things out, that cost Barrett a lot here.

MVP pushing himself up off the mat, holding his back in pain as he tries to stand, Wade is pushing himself off the mat as well struggling more. Wade gets up to one knee his head down trying to catch his breath as MVP locks in on his target, MVP runs forward stepping up on Barretts knee slightly before bringing his other foot up and hitting the Drive By kick square on the side of the head knocking Barrett face down the mat. MVP arches his back on the mat still hurt from the winds of change as Wade seems out

Cole: Drive By boot
King: That risk cost Wade Barrett the match, MVP has beaten the number one contender.

MVP pulls Wades motionless body over to his back before dropping his body on top of Wades covering him.


Cole: Wait what, was that three
King: no the referee is waving it off.

The referee stands up kicking the bottom rope showing Wades foot on the bottom rope

King: He got his foot on the rope, good eye by the referee because I’ll be honest I didn’t see that.
Cole: I can’t believe that, Wade just got kicked right on the side of the skull.

MVP watches the Titantron, while Orton hasn't taken his eyes off MVP. The video finishes as MVP starts to clap himself. He turns his attention back to Orton who doesn't look impressed.

Did you see that? Did you watch that Randy? Once again we have me winning a match but the referee can't stand me winning clean so they have to screw me out of a match. I put Barrett down for the 3 count, he didn't have the energy to kick out, please explain how I don't win if Barrett can't even get his shoulder up? I thought the aim of a one on one match was to get your opponent down for a 3 count, with them having to kick out before the 3, so please tell me how I didn't do that? That is what I call injustice Randy, not giving a Contendership match to someone that deserves it. I deserve it Randy, I deserve to be in the spotlight and for one night only, I'm going to let you share that spotlight.

MVP points towards Orton as he flicks something off his shoulder with the other hand. The crowd still is booing both men but it seems niether is worried as MVP continues.

Thats a nice joke Randy, did you think about it just then? Did it just come to you or did you have that one written down backstage somewhere? It certainly wasn't thought the whole way through was it? You joke Randy is implying that I don't have enough money to afford a haricut. If you think this is in fact true then where have you been playa? Have you been hiding underneath a rock or something? Do you not know who I am? You obviously watched me arrive last week, you obviously watched me park my car inside my reserved parking spot, can you remember what it said? I'll remind you Randy, that spot was reserved for the 'Highest Paid Superstar in UWF' which is of course, me. Now you know how important I am, I get air time just to park my car while you have people like Wade Barrett interupting yours.

MVP starts to laugh a little as the crowd once again, boo the two in the ring, really hating on the two in the ring but MVP stops laughing as he cratches his mouth and continues on.

So I now understand why you made NWO version 300. It is good to hear that it's not the first time you have heard that NWO isn't new, NWO isn't a fresh idea, I thought maybe you would of realized now that the NWO just doesn't strike fear into people anymore, It did the first time it was around, it did the 10th time it was around, it did the 100th time it was around but your little group just doesn't cut the mustard. It doesn't matter how many warnings you want to hand out Randy, it doesn't matter how many times you try to be an artist and all you can muster is three letters and you still think thats artwork. The NWO will have there hands full like you said Randy with the Europeans but do you really have faith in them. Do you really think they can get the job done? Can you really put all your trust into them? You clearly showed that you don't believe in them which brings me back to why you think you should be running the NWO? You come out here Randy, knowing full well you have a match against a superstar that is Half Man, Half Amazing, and you decide to turn your full attention to the main event, you decide to turn your attention to Wade Barrett if I was to be precise. By the sounds of it, you wanna take the attention of Wade Barrett away from that main event instead of just leaving it to your lackys, you wanna make it about you instead of letting Christian and Rhodes take care of business and does that really sound like a group that everyone should be afraid of? You go after old men that can hardly walk Randy and you punt them in the head, are you really claiming that to be your biggest achievement inside of UWF? It doesn't impress me one bit but what will impress me Randy is if you get up after our match on Raw and you can walk out of here, you see you might be dreaming about being able to stand over me, looking down on a bloody body, being able to take a long run up and being able to punt me in the head, I beat your dreaming about that because you know that I am your biggest threat ever inside a wrestling ring. You know what I am capable of Randy don't you so you wanna stop the threat before it spreads.

MVP opens his arms, showing something spreading as Orton stares, still motionless but MVP just smirks and fixes his cuffs. He looks towards Orton still and doesn't move himself. He taps the mic on his hand as he then brings it to his mouth.

No matter how hard you wanna stop me Randy, no matter how hard you wanna try and prove that you once were something, it doesn't matter to me how much you wanna do anything because inside reality, it will be MVP that will be victorious, it will be MVPs name you hear being announced as the winner as I prove that you are a shell of what you use to be and I prove that the leader of the almighty NWO is nothing by himself, is nothing without his lacky but to be honest Randy, even if Christian and Rhodes were watching your back in this match, the result would not be different because I gurantee that this Tuesday Nigt Raw will be BALLIN!!!!!

MVP does his signature Ballin action as Orton just looks on and the crowd letting MVP know what they think of him. MVP holds the pose for a while before the silence is once again broken.

OOC: MCfetter, This could be my last one for this week but chuck another one up because I might be able to get to it Monday night, If you wanna TT again I dont wanna stop you. Busy weekend of cricket coming up but if I cant get to it, just wanna say mate that I've enjoyed this, apart from last week, its been a while since I enjoyed it so lets the best man win and thanks for this mate. You play an awesome Orton.​


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Re: Raw June 12 - Regal vs. Anderson


William Regal's theme song hits the PA system and the boos instantly rain down on him as he walks onto the stage. He ignores the crowd and begins to walk down the entrance ramp. A few fans go to shake his hand but he just ignores them and walks straight past them drawing more heat from the crowd. He smirks before climbing up the steel steps and into the ring. The announcer hands him a mic.

William Regal: Shut you you bunch of dimwits.

The crowd rain boos down at Regal and he smirks cockily.

William Regal: Last week, what happened last week was what I truly expected to happen. The supposed 'Best In The World' was scared. He was too scared to face me. But hey, I'm not suprised, I'm the toughest wrestler there is, the best wrestler there is. I would have just showed the world what a pathetic excuse for a wrestler CM Punk is. I would have beat him easy. That, that is the reason that CM Punk didn't turn up for the match last week. Now, I know you all wanted to see talent in the ring which is why I'm going to apologize to you all, on behalf of CM Punk, that he didn't come to the ring for a beatdown last week and as a result, you didn't get to see the most talented man in the history of this business, me compete. I know, sorry ain't good enough, but take that up with the smurf.

The crowd lets of a mixed reaction of boos and laughter. Regal turns to face Anderson


William Regal: What's the matter Ken, you look like you've seen a ghost. Suppose you are a little bit scared, Don't worry Ken, I'm not going to hurt you, nnot yet, even if you are a little prick. You see, you're still young, I can train you to be something special. All this failure you're having in your life, I can teach you how to stop it if you listened to me. But, you're too busy targeting people you can't beat. I'll teach you a lesson in that ring Ken and don't you forget it.

William Regal lowers the mic waiting for a response


OOC: Sorry about the wait Killz, good luck.​


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Re: 06/14 - Jeff Hardy vs. Rey Mysterio


Fans cheer crazy as Rey Mysterio jumps from the stage and he begins to spin around as more pyro goes off. Rey goes down the ramp quick and starts to clap a lot of fans hands and he starts to go to a young girl who is wearing Mysterio gear. Rey puts his head close to her and pats her head as he gives his overlay mask to her. Rey goes and raises his hands high as the fans cheer and Rey goes in the ring. Rey looks at Jeff as he begins to speak


Rey Mysterio: Hola de' ce paso everybody here tonight. The master of the 619 is finally here, I know it took a while but you see traffic on the way here was bad. So bad that I almost had to jump out of the car and start running all the way over here. So I apologize for being late, and I definitely apologize for you having to sit here and listen to Jeff over here. So Jeff what is it this time amigo? OR... are we even amigos? You see Jeff I remember always watching you, and saying man I like this guy. I always thought we could get along, but it seems you do not want to be friends with these people. It seems like you want to get into fights, and be some sort of rebel. Well Jeff I hate to break it to you, but your rebel ways are going to be stopped this Thursday on Smackdown!

fans cheer for Rey's heroic speech and Rey goes on to begin to speak

Rey Mysterio: Jeff I live by a code every single day of my life. When I was given the name Mysterio, I was told to be righteous to all, and to be good to all. Carry the Mysterio name with pride and do not tarnish it. I am sure your father would not appreciate the way you are acting Jeff. You see Jeff I have honor I have pride, and all though you may think I am below you... we both Jeff have something in common. We were both underdogs, underdogs that became world champions. We proved all the doubters wrong, and what I liked Jeff is you never let your ego get in the way of your success. I can see that has all changed. You have let your success get to your head. Well Jeff maybe I should tone you down a notch, maybe I should give you a wake up call, and I know how to do it... by hitting you with a 6....1...9... and Jeff when that happens you will know that I am no joke!

fans cheer as Rey awaits for Jeff

ooc: For the writers my Mysterio is suppose to act like a superhero. Hope you all know, thought I might add something to Mysterio, I know he never did it in the WWE, but heck if AK can make Sim Snuka into some bad ass heel, why can't I make Mysterio act like a super hero.


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Re: 6/14/12 Smackdown: Shawn Michaels vs. Damien Sandow

The crowd is waiting in anticipation for Smackdown's second show ever to continue. Fans are just making their way back to their seats from the break when the music unknown yet to this company, but known around the world begins to blare over the PA system. The crowd erupts!​



The Heart Break Kid emerges from beyond the curtains as the crowd is going nuts, he smirks as he points out to the crowd at the fans holding "We Love HBK" signs. He begins down the ramp, but stops at its beginning, dropping to two knees. He looks out, pointing to the crowd and to himself to let the fans know that he appreciates everything and all the support. Camera flashes fill the arena as HBK has arrived to Smackdown.​


He points up as his pyro goes off, jumping up he proceeds down the ramp slapping the hands of fans, before climbing the steel steps, and entering through the middle rope. He proceeds to the middle of the ring as he drops down in his signature pose as more pyro goes off behind him. He takes a quick glance Sandow's way before climbing the turnbuckles and acknowledges the fans He jumps down as his music fades out, and someone on the outside hands him a mic. HBK chants fill the arena as he takes a few seconds, raising his mic to finally speak for the first time in a Smackdown ring.


"Oh oh oh, It's the SHOW STOPPA! He's finally arrived to Smackdown!"

The crowd pops huge for HBK as he continues​

Before I begin, let me just get this out there for you the fans, YES I did screw Bret Hart.

This brings some instant heat for HBK, who usually is always the face of a company

I came to Smackdown for one reason, and one reason only, to win the World...Heavyweight....Championship! Last week when I heard that our general manager gave the first opportunity for UWF's World Heavyweight Championship, to Daniel Bryan and Dean Ambrose I was beside myself. Our general manager just signed one of the most iconic wrestlers to his brand in the biggest contract this company has seen, and he decides to give a title opportunity to guys whose biggest achievement was holding the Hardcore Championship? I've wrestled all over the world, and have won almost every single championship imaginable. I've wrestled some of the best to ever step foot in this ring, and I've beaten the best to ever stand before me. If anyone deserved to compete to be crowned UWF Smackdown's first World Heavyweight Champion at Starrcade it's the Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels.

The crowd begins a HBK chant as he continues​

If you don't know me, or have been living under a rock for the past two decades let me give you a little lesson about the Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels. I wrestled my last match at Wrestlemania, where I faced the Phenom himself, The Undertaker...twice. I lost both times to the Undertaker at Wrestlemania, and that was suppose to be my last stand, HBK's final moment in the spotlight. Mr. Wrestlemania himself was retiring, and was taking his ball and going home. Flash forward to a couple weeks ago, one of my dearest friends in this business gave me a call and said hey Shawn, UWF is the newest and hottest thing to our industry, check them out. So I placed a few phone calls, was at the show last week and decided that this is where Shawn Michael's would make his return. I entered Desmond Wolfe's office and signed the biggest deal this company has ever seen. Which brings to me to why I'm out here tonight.​
Shawn finally acknowledges his opponent across from him is even in the ring again, as he turns and stares him up and down​

I'm sorry; who are you again? In my twenty years plus of being in this business I don't think we've been introduced. Yet here you are in the ring that I sweat blood and tears for, and telling the fans that your opponent for your Smackdown debut may be deemed unworthy? Just in case you haven't figured it out already Mr. Sand Dune is it? Tonight you face off against the Show Stoppa! The Headliner! The Main Event! The Icon! Shawn...Michaels! Tonight, it's time for yourself to earn your stripes. Cause you see Damien I've broken my back for this industry, I've traveled the world and I've broken bones. I've done everything for this industry, for you to even be in this ring doing what you do, and running down these people here tonight. Tonight you talk about teaching a lesson? Tonight it's yourself whose going to be taught.

Daminen Sandow has a smirk on his face as he goes to speak, but is cut off by HBK

You shut your mouth when I'm speaking! Cause Tonight Sandow all games aside, tonight start's my return to greatness, my return to being on top.The Heart Break Kid is tired of little punks like yourself coming down to this ring that we've paved the way for, and disrespecting the ones that got you here in the first place. Tonight It's yourself that will be taught the ways of this ring. Tonight when you step across the ring from Shawn Michaels, I will slap some respect into you. Cause you see Sandow, I know you're a greenhorn but I'm here to give these people what they want, what they pay for! They came to see The Headliner superkick you into submission, and cover you for the pin. Tonight your debut will be not the way you envisioned it, cause tonight I will prove to these fans, to everyone watching at home and to Desmond Wolfe that it's the Heart Break Kid that should be in Smackdown's Main Event. HBK will be on top of the ladder, while Damien Sandow will be at the bottom, just like he was before he came to the ring tonight.
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Apr 29, 2011
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Re: UWF Smackdown 7/14: Bray Wyatt Vs John Cena


John Cena’s entrance music blares out of the speakers, and the crowd bursts in thunderous cheers. All of a sudden, an over-hyped John Cena dances out onto the stage, with is a change from recently. John Cena looks into the camera and screams out “We have Husky and Mustache Man, eh, I’ll take it!” before meeting the end of the stage. John Cena takes a bow forward, straightening himself before raising his right arm quickly, saluting the ring. John Cena, taking off, sprints down the ramp toward the ring. John Cena slides in the ring and hops up and onto his feet, as he throws up his hand sign on the ropes. John Cena bounces off the ropes and throws his cap at the crowd, who fight over it. John Cena walks over to the end of the ring, grabbing a microphone before speaking.


John Cena: There’s an awkward cloud surrounding U.W.F. at this moment.

John Cena’s eyes would narrow, as the audience are somewhat confused at what he is saying, yet interested.

John Cena: Everything seems to be a little different. Whether that being positively or negatively true or it’s simply a mistake on my part, there’s something different. I can’t quite figure this to be a good thing, or a bad thing. I mean, I got my match with Randy Orton at Starrcade – I get to finally kick his ass and disband the N.W.O. while doing so but that’s not it. Hmm, spoiler alert by the way, I’m calling out the N.W.O. this Thursday night on SmackDown, so I can also, kick their ass. He-he. That’s not it also; I have a match – finally – on SmackDown, the show where the legend of John Cena was created. Maybe it’s my opponent, I mean he’s in the ring with me as well, so let’s introduce him shall we?

John Cena points toward Bray Wyatt and his manager, Eli Cottonwood across the ring and raises an eyebrow, possibly confused at what he has to deal with on SmackDown. Cena continues.

John Cena: OK, so what did you say your name was? Bray Wyatt? That’s funny, because I could have sworn your name was Hu – heh, never mind. However, you know what’s so funny, Bray? You’re like all the guys in the back, half of the guys to be correct, you don’t give a damn. You simply don’t give a damn, you’re like Bully Ray and Randy Orton, you don’t give a damn. You think by comin’ out here and insultin’ all these people that it’ll get you somewhere in this business? Think again, buddy. I started down that road, I’m sure you all remember ‘The Doctor of Thuganomics’, and well – it didn’t go down too well for some of you. Basically, what I’m sayin’ here, you disrespect these fans. I said this before and I’ll say it again, these people came here to get the best experience possible and to have it ruined by you, nah, I’m not gonna’ let that sly by! These fans pay their hard earned money to see their favorite superstars compete and to have their night ruined by people like you lecturing them on some B.S. they don’t wanna’ hear? Who really wants to leave this ‘darkness’? Especially when a couple of days later, in this ‘darkness’, I’m gonna’ kick your ass all around this great city of Newark!

The audience cheers at the promise of John Cena, who nods his head before continuing.

John Cena: By the way, get the cup this year, Devils.

The audience releases thunderous cheers, as John Cena inserts a smile across his face, supporting the Jersey Devils.

John Cena: Bray Wyatt, I don’t mean to upset you or anything, but I’m a man on a mission. Ya’see, beside you, I’m on a very important road and that road is decimating the dominance of the New World Order. And, quite frankly, I can’t trust anyone beside these people. It seems as if everyone is a part of the N.W.O., and ya’know what? That’s fine and dandy for me, because more people means more assess to kick. The N.W.O. left me with a concussion, and I’ll be damned to forget about it! Every day, I have to wake up with my head aching, my body sore, because of that one group and you bet your ass I’m not gonna’ let them off easily. I’ll deal with New World Order, and Randy Orton specifically at Starrcade, but on SmackDown, I’m gonna’ prove to you, all these people, and especially New World Order that I ain’t someone you can walk through and be all smiles about it! Nuh uh, I’m John Cena, I prove day in and day out I joke around backstage but when it comes to wrestling, I’m serious as serious can be! So Bray Wyatt, I’m tellin’ you once and once only, if you want some… come get some!

John Cena lowers the microphone, as he awaits Bray Wyatt’s response.​
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Apr 23, 2011
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RAW June 12th - Edge vs Chris Jericho

The fans are on their places, drinking their drinks and chatting with each other when suddenly..



Lights start flashing wildly and an avalanche of dark gray smoke bursts onto the stage as Edge runs from the back onto the top of the ramp, doing his signature pose, as the pyro goes crazy. Edge slicks his hair back and the fans let out a mixed reaction, mostly boos.


Edge ignores the crowd response and walks confidently to the ring, takes a microphone and enters the ring by sliding in underneath the ropes. As his music's volume starts to lower down, he spins the microphone in his hand a few times, looks at the ceiling, smiles ironically for a bit.. and when the music stops.. he kicks his promo off.



They say "sky is the limit", right? Apparently, it isn't, because the amount of idiocy in this company is humongous, and I'm taking it very lightly. You see, my contract.. is worth.. a LOT of money. By signing this contract, my current salary plus every dollar I made in the past ensured that I can live on a high level without moving a finger. Now, the thing is, I'm seriously playing with the idea of terminating the contract and quitting on live TV, right now.

Fans boo.

Boo me, I don't care, but I'm talking about a serious problem right here. What has been happening to me during the past few weeks is something I never allowed in my life. I never allowed people to made me look like a hopeless nobody, and that's what Randy Orton did last week. Now, you may be asking yourselves, why Edge, oh why are you sounding that evil, compared to the last week? The answer is simple - everything made me go insane. Mostly Randy Orton, then you.. you bunch of emotionless.. hypocritical.. foolish.. dirty.. unwanted life failures. The biggest problem with you is that you lack this.

Edge points at his heart and smiles ironically, as he slicks his hair back again.

You lack the heart of a fan. What you did was the same.. I don't know.. if you were a Yankees fan, Yankees lost so you started rooting for Red Sox. Or, Lakers lost and you suddenly bought a Celtics jersey just after the game ended. Since the very beginning of my career, I've been here every single day for you, I sweat blood for you, I broke bones for you, I survived my death for you, only to know that you'll return home with a smile on your face, entertained. One week I lose a pretty decent match to Randy Orton and guess what, you're on his side. That'd be even somewhat understandable for me, since Orton knows how to mess with people's minds and he can make you love him or hate him in 2 minutes. The worse part of the night came when that coward Orton and his boyband introduced Cody Rhodes as the newest member of their team and he gave the command to his team to brutally assault me in front of the crowd, my former fans, in front of my friends, my family, on live television!

Edge scratches his head as the fans boo again.

Another thing that bothers me is that the management ruined my plan. A plan that they knew about, a plan that was set to revolutionize this federation, a plan that would change the complete landscape of UWF. Guess what. They basically ruined it all for me, and for 5 other people by doing the draft. And what now? I sound like a liar, that's how I sound, after I told Orton 'I may have something up my sleeve' and I've ended up having nothing, saying stupid, plain words in an attempt to cover up my failures. Believe me, I was minutes away from calling my lawyer to sue UWF. Guess what happened, Teddy Long apologized to me and gave me a new contract. That means I've received a MUCH MUCH better contract, when it comes to conditions and salary, and it also includes the caliber of my future opponents, this week's is Chris Jericho. Instead of thinking that I sold out - and I know you aren't even chanting it.. yet - let me enlighten you.

They actually start chanting "You Sold Out".

The ones who sold out are your favorites, your heroes. Starting with Randy Orton, Christian, John Cena, CM Punk, Chris Jericho after all, and the list goes on and on, simply those who you come to cheer when they fight us, the "bad guys", the so called "heels" as wannabe experts would say. They sold out. Chris Jericho in the first place. Now, they didn't sell out the right way. I did. If you want to sell out properly, be clever and get yourself the best conditions and get the best salary. Be stupid, yell nonsense, attempt to entertain the idiots and get a significantly lower amount of money than me and you're Chris Jericho. "Welcome to Raw is Jericho", no, Chris sorry to burst your bubble right now, but RAW was, as you would say, NEVER EVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVER your show. Sure, call yourself a legend, but the only time I saw you as a true man, the only time I thought you are a true man was when you wore those suits, came down here and told the fans the truth, with no regret. This what you are, and the same goes for Orton, is just the body of Chris Jericho, with a soul of a spineless fool that I once used to be friends with. Even tag team champions, but, I'm glad that was the past. Because this right now, this moment, marks the return, the return of me as the most dominant, ruthless force. From this week on, I will defeat and humiliate "big" names, week by week, starting with Chris Jericho. And--

Edge is interrupted.​
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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
06/14 Bully Ray v. Jeff Jarrett v. Zach Ryder

The flash and the bang of the show opening has got the crowd in a crazy mood. Chants and signs let a person know real fast who their favorites are.

Maylene and the Sons of Disaster - Step Up (I'm On It) [official music video] - YouTube

Suddenly, a new song breaks the excitement. The crowd doesn't know quite how to respond to it at first; not knowing who is about to walk onto the Smackdown stage. To their surprise, former TNA superstar, Jeff Jarrett comes out in his traditional wrestling attire with a determined look on his face. He steps out onto the stage and lifts his fist sporting a black MMA glove as the crowd gives him a luke warm reception.


Jarrett doesn't seem bothered as he just sneers a little and makes his way to the ring. Once there, he slides into the ring as Lillian Garcia goes to make the entrance announcement.

Lillian Garcia: The opening match is set for one fall and will be a TRIPLE THREAT MATCH. Your first, competitor, from Nashville...

Before she can finish, Jarrett grabs the microphone.


Jeff Jarrett: What in God's name, Lillian? They have you reading from a script? Listen, I'm not from Nashville, Tennessee, I'm from Hendersonville and, if you don't know where that is, tough nuts!

The crowd starts to boo.

Jeff Jarrett: I'm not here to play any games like I'm a country music superstar! I'm just Jeff Jarrett, the man who's gonna kick a couple of asses tonight!

The noise from the fans gets harder to talk over.

Jeff Jarrett: Oh, come on! This is Newark! When the only wrestlers you can come up with is SNOOKI and that damned Robbie E that's killin' my TNA, there's not an opinion in this Jersey town that I care to listen to. SO, just sit back and shut the hell up long enough to learn from someone who's been in the business for nearly thirty years.

He stops as the crowd turns on him. Jarrett turns to the camera.

Jeff Jarrett: All of you know me and you know what I'm capable of. I've stood toe to toe with the best and I'm still standing. I didn't come here to play games or cut promos or build feuds. I came here to fight. And what do they give me? One half a tag team.

He stops as the crowd buries him in hate.

Jeff Jarrett: Now, don't get me wrong. I have a great deal of respect for Bubba Ray or Bully Ray or Brother Ray or whatever he wants to be called this week. But I think he let this solo gimmick go to his head. I mean, Hogan's not going to let him near the gold so he came here? Come on Bully. Reality Check time. You got the basics and can cut a good promo, but you're only always gonna be half a tag team!

Jarrett smiles when he says the next sentence.

Jeff Jarrett: And as for 'Woo Woo boy', you have GOT to be kidding. Listen kid, your Youtube channel is lovely and entertaining, but, where as I have TONS of respect for Bully, I got nothin' for you, but a few words of advice. After I get through stomping a hole through you, don't take it personal. Just suck it up and pick your 'flash in the pan', trending, spikey haired ass up and come and see me. I might be able to help you. But, first, we have to TAKE CARE and FIX THE HAIR!!


Jarrett, always full of things to say, is suddenly interrupted by the theme music of one of his opponents. Jeff nods his head with a smug little look on his face awaiting his 'competitions' arrival.​


Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Smackdown 7/14: Bray Wyatt Vs John Cena


Bray Wyatt:
Cena, Cena, Cena!... you've got my all wrong!. I didn't insult anyone, that wouldn't be very nice of me and I'm one of the nicest, most genuine guys you'll see in this world John. No, I didn't insult them, I... warned them... I let them know that what they are right now can consume them... what they live for, what they believe in and what they indeed consume themselves can consume them from within. That's what lecturin' is?... well I'm sorry Mister Cena, John if I may, I didn't go to no college or university... but that ain't no lecture... that ain't me tellin' them somethin' they need to understand and learn... nah man, I ain't that forceful. They can believe what I say if they want to. They can make the right decision if they want to and indeed heed my words, or, they can go on with their lives, they can go on supportin' people like you, and who am I to judge. I'll tell ya who. I am the all-seeing, protective angel in the dirt my friend... and I have in me the light. But some people can't see that, they just fear me, so fear me if you will but you will listen... and the same goes for you John. So open yer ears and listen up, because class... yer star pupil hear is gonna soon learn what I'm about. Hush.... hush...

The crowd quieten down as Wyatt tells them to, he sits down on the mat, he offers Cena to sit down, Cena decides not to, Bray Wyatt continues.

Class. Pupils. Listen. I am not some kind of trailer trash preacher. I am not some kind of a joke. I am not some kind of evil magic man, but I am the magic man. I bring about the good magic, man. I bring about change with my magic words, my prophecies and my lessons... not lectures... and what I am going to show everyone this week when you and I compete in this ring, is that you... Mister Goody Two-Shoes Cena... are indeed the root... of all evil. That you... are much closer to the devil... to Satan... to big ol' Lucifer himself than I am, than I ever have been. Because it is you!... John Cena, who melts the brains of these people who pay their 'hard earned money'. It is you that takes that money from them, in return for their attention... hell, it's you that makes people who can barely etch out a livin', people livin' in poverty, waste their money watchin' you make them repeat what they've already done did for the duration of your time here. Understand?, if not it's ok. But it is the truth, because I, never lie. I am angelic, understand?, again no?... that's fine, man... not everyone can 'get', Bray Wyatt.

Bray Wyatt stands back up and wanders around the ring chuckling to himself, before speaking once more, he hushes the crowd who are chanting Cena's name.

And if you don't 'get' Bray Wyatt... well then that's your loss. You will go on with your miserable existence, cheering on villains like this man you call a 'hero', wasting away money that you could be savin' for the end times, man, because this corruption that floods your thoughts and rips apart your soul... and I truly pity you all. BUT!... my congregation you can all change...some of y'all already understand Bray Wyatt... some of you 'get' Bray Wyatt and it's up to all of you to change the minds of the ignorant masses...and that ain't no insult I hope you don't take it as such, because it ain't y'alls faults. No it is the fault of this vehicle of ignorance, sin and corruption John Cena. And I will purge you of your evil. And maybe then... you can take my guiding hand Cena... and get away from this darkness that surrounds you... and join us all!... in harmony, man. Join us all, at the end times, because the end is bein' ushered in my friend, by Bray Wyatt... and if you fear me, you should... I am unlike any man... I am not human... I am the omnipresent voice in your head and I will save you all!. Includin' you Cena... but as I said before, don't be afraid, I ain't a bad guy,I'm actually a really, really nice guy... and if you want to join me... you can brother... "and if you wanna fight hell with me?, I can show you what it's like"... I can show you all... what it's like, man.

Wyatt starts laughing into the microphone, Cena stands perplexed as the crowd boo heavily.


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Sep 19, 2010
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Re: RAW June 12th - Edge vs Chris Jericho

Break the Walls Down!


fans cheer like crazy and Chris Jericho comes out as he begins to hype up the crowd, Chris Jericho goes and throws his hands up in the air as Jericho stays on the stage and he begins to speak


Chris Jericho: Well Edge...

fans start to chant "Y2J" and Jericho pauses and he smiles as he begins to speak

Chris Jeircho: Sorry Edge, my public is awaiting it's saviour. You see Edge, although you may not be affiliated with the NWO, it seems that your ego likes to get in the way of your own ability Edge. Edge I do respect you as a friend. I always saw you as a friend, but Edge this whole egotistical side of you.... not so much. First off Edge, you seem very unoriginal by stealing my own catchphrase never... and I mean neeeeevvvvverrrrr steal it again. It only works for me. Second off, you like to think that you are on the same level as me. Edge last time I check all your world championships lasted like what two weeks maybe a month? Really Edge you are nowhere near my level, not to mention the same boring, and I mean booorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiinngggg ways you one it over and over again. So Edge you have no right to call someone a legend, and talking about heart... what heart? You have no heart, you come out here and tell all these fans to shut up where is the heart in that?

You see Edge you may come out here and talking about beating top guys, but Edge that is not my goal here in the UWF. Oh no... you will know my goals this Monday night. I will explain how not only will Raw will be saved, but the whole entire UWF will be saved. If it means Edge that I may have to get rid of you, and embarrass you in this ring, than so be it. Just so you know Edge it is nothing personal it is just business. My business with you is nothing personal, but my business with the NWO is persona;. Also if any of those NWO assclowns come out during our match. Nothing personal once again Edge, but I will go out and kick their asses all over the arena. The saviour is here and the UWF will be saved.

fans cheer as Jericho waits.


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Jun 26, 2010
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Re: 06/14 Bully Ray v. Jeff Jarrett v. Zach Ryder

Woo Woo Woo! You Know it!


The words play over the PA system signaling the start of Zack Ryders music. He bounds out from the back holding a flip camera which is facing him and yelling words that can't be heard into it. He says a few more things then turns the camera on the audience as he walks down the ramp making a "Call Me" sign with his hand.


He continues to make his way to the ring while filming the crowd. As he climbs up the steps to enter the ring, the camera changes to a view of some Zack Ryder signs.


He picked up a mic on the ramp and approaches Christian as his music dies. The fans can still be heard cheering but have calmed down a bit.


Zack Ryder:First off, I would like to take this time to apologize to all my broskis out there for coming up short in my last match against Ted Dibiase. The scores tied with me and him right now. I won't say I like the guy but I gotta give it to him, he knows what hes doing and he was able to beat me last week on Smackdown. But don't worry because every week is a new show and a new chance to show UWF what I got. And this week I get it in the form of my first ever UWF Triple Threat match. Against Bully Ray and the man you see before you Jeff Jarrett.

The fans boo Jeff after Ryder addresses him. Ryder sizes up Jeff at first, before speaking again.

Zack Ryder: Are you serious bro!? You gotta be, like what, 50? What are you still doing in my ring gramps? And what is with that stupid gimmick of yours? Oh wait, can I say gimmicks on TV? Eh, whatever. Point being Jeff is that you're a joke. Not like me, but you're a joke, and you always have been. Since you debuted in like 1950. If you have a problem with my "Spikey Hair, trending ass." I'm right here. Say it to my face.

Ryder gets in Jeffs face as the crowd cheers at the tension building between them.

Zack Ryder: And let me tell you one more thing, I will never look to you for advice. When things got rough, and you couldn't run with the big boys you went and made your own company. And even that was a failure. When things got rough for me, I got a video camera, and a Youtube account and I showed the world just who I am. And look at me now. Like it not this "Woo Woo Woo kid" is more then just a "flash in the pan." You're not the first to underestimate me, and you won't be the last, but I'll be damned if I don't do something about it. We'll settle this in the ring.

The fans cheer as Ryder flips from goofy to serious.

Zack Ryder:If you ever come out here and disrespect me again, acting like your a big shot, then you got another thing coming bro. You may have been big else where but your a no body here. And I'm the pack leader in this backyard. I'll stick your guitar where the sun doesn't shine. Woo...Woo..Woo.

Unsure to cheer, or stay quiet at Ryder's very serious words there is a mixed sound from the crowd. Ryder stares blankly into Jeff's eyes, not moving his focus from him.

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Stone Cold vs. C.M. Punk


"Badass" by Saliva begins to play over the PA system, sending the fans in attendance into an uproar as they give the Texas Rattlesnake a negative reaction. As they voice their disdain, through the curtain he walks, with his championship belt in tow. Austin makes his way down the ramp quickly, eyeing the ring with a purpose, as he arrives at the steel steps and walks up them, then turning and walking along the apron before stepping through the ropes. Austin walks over to the opposite ropes and motions to the ringside official for a microphone, and is granted one. Austin turns and walks towards the middle of the ring as his music cuts off, making the reaction of the crowd more audible. Stone Cold looks at the stage.


Stone Cold: According ta' Stone Cold's watch, it's an hour and some change away from officially bein' Tuesday. Now, normally comin' out here and talkin' trash about yer opponent ta' hype the match is frowned upon, but I had a little talk with management and they understand that Stone Cold's a busy man, and although they might not like me, they knew Raw's opening match needed some promotion so Teddy Long put a microphone in my hand and told me ta' do what I do best, talk trash. I could talk trash about Teddy Long being incorrect, because although talking trash is something I do well, it's not what I do best. I could talk trash about Justin Roberts continuing to be a disrespectful pissant and tell 'em he's got a beating coming, the likes of which will have him longing to relive the night he got choked out by Daniel Bryan because of the difference in severity that will exist. I could do that, but I won't at this time, because quite frankly, my frustrations don't lie with either of them at this present time, they lie with my opponent, See Em Punk.

Punk, I've heard different things from different sources. Some people agree with me and think you'll do a repeat performance of last week and simply not show up, while others have said that yer lookin' to redeem yerself so you'll be on Raw live and in person to compete. Well so far, it's looking like it's going to be lightning striking twice in the arena on Tuesday night, because you have done nothing to convince me that it will instead be the latter. But don't just take my word for it, let's ask one of these pieces of trash occupyin' the crowd.

Austin exits the ring and drops from the apron to the floor, walking around and surveying the crowd. After a moment of looking around at them, Stone Cold approaches a fan fully decked out in C.M. Punk gear.

Stone Cold: Well, look what we've got here, a See Em Punk fan. Ya got the silly arm tape, ya got his little t-shirt on, you even have yer lip pierced like him. After seein' you sittin' here in the front row, I've decided I'm not gonna ask any of ya if you think Punk's gonna be here tomorrow night. Since you like ta' dress up like him, why don't you fill in for your hero and step in this ring and talk a little trash with the Undisputed Champion?

The fan stands up and nods his head, looking pumped up and ready for the challenge.

Stone Cold: There ya go, all full a' piss and vinegar like he would be if he was here. Go 'head and climb over the ring barricade here.

The fan is more than happy to oblige as he places his hands on the barricade and swings one leg around, straddling the barricade as he swings the other leg around and drops to the floor. He turns around to face the Rattlesnake and Austin meets him with a knee to the gut. Stone Cold throws him into the ring post shoulder first, where he also crashes into the steel steps. Stone Cold follows after and stands near his head, looking down at him in disgust.

Stone Cold: I hope everyone's gettin' a real good look at this, cuz if See Em Punk shows up, this is exactly what he's gonna look like. Here, you look like you could use some ice.

Austin grabs a drink from the hand of someone in the crowd and throws the contents on the C.M. Punk fan, who flinches from the cold of the liquid and the ice cubes. "Badass" begins to play as Austin leaves up the ramp as medics and security run down to help the fan.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
Re: The European Revolution vs. The New World Order

OOC: Apologies not letting this go 2-2-2-2, i wanted to but the last couple of days have been hectic.


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Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
Re: 06/14 - Jeff Hardy vs. Rey Mysterio

Jeff looks at Rey in disbelief before responding to him.


Jeff Hardy: Are we amigos? Amigos, really, we're doing this huh? I guess then.... No campadre, we are not... "amigos". Not by any stretch of the imagination, when you proceed to suck the life out of everything that was right about this business. You become this environmentally friendly Rey Mysterio for what? The fans? The glory? The adoration? No. It's not that complicated with you is it, emotions don't run high in you. No, I remember a time it was just about the wrestling with you and you still enjoyed the business. No, there's something simple underlining this whole persona and it doesn't take a genius to work it out. Look at you, you wear your mask everywhere you go, you wear a freakin' t-shirt with your mask on in some shameful advert, it is all painstakingly obvious that you have become a slave to the peso. It's all about the money to you, admit it!

Jeff doesn't leave Rey long to respond, not that he was going to anyway.

We are not friends Rey, I do not associate myself around people here that are around for the wrong reasons. It is my mission to eradicate this company of anyone and everyone that I feel mocks the profession, and your the first in a long list Reyrey. Maybe I didn't spot it at first, and it took being put into a match against you for me to realize it, but when a man surrounds himself with as much fakery as yourself, tries to hark on about being truthful and honest and to live by the right morals, yet you can't even look at any of these people and let them see your face whilst your bare-face lying to them?! I have realized that maybe Desmond Wolfe is trying to tell me something. I think he sees what I am trying to do and he is helping me by getting straight to the source of the problem. The movement of the Antichrist has started Mysterio, but it certainly won't be taking a break to dial up any numbers. Time waits for no man, and on Thursday it's running straight through you.


OOC: I like the superhero addition dude, adds extra depth to Rey.
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