UWF 2012: Past Raw Trashtalking

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The Hoov

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Re: Starrcade: World Heavyweight Championship Match: Daniel Bryan vs Dean Ambrose

Daniel lifts his microphone back up and responds to Dean's remarks.


Daniel Bryan: You know, Dean, it sounds like to me you're trying to convince yourself more than anyone else. I mean, think about it: you make claims that cannot possibly be backed up with any kind of concrete fact, you get angry at the drop of a dime, I mean, what's going on? Has Daniel Bryan gotten into the head of Dean Ambrose? Could it be that a man who claims to be the world's toughest man, someone who's “threshold of pain is unmatchedâ€￾, could it be that he's being psyched out by a guy like me? It's obvious to me and everybody out here and watching at home that you never truly left Backlash in your mind. You're still in that ring with me. You're still locked in the YES Lock with nowhere to go and nothing to do. Backlash haunts you, doesn't it? I bet you wake up night after night in a cold, clammy sweat just thinking about the beating I gave you and I bet it increased ten fold knowing that you'd be doing it again at Starrcade, this time in a 2 out of 3 falls match. Dean, you spend all of your time trying to convince yourself that there's nothing to be afraid of when in all actuality, you should be deathly afraid of me because I am a man possessed and obsessed with becoming World Heavyweight Champion. I would've gladly beat anyone for the title but it's even sweeter knowing I get to take your dreams away from you.

Bryan is being boo-ed very loudly, almost muting his words. Bryan continues to speak, mocking Dean and his comments.

Daniel Bryan: And how dare you? How dare you compare me to such losers and has-beens and never-were's like them? I am nothing like Bruno Sammartino because, in about 30 years, the name Daniel Bryan will still be relevant in the business of professional wrestling. I won't merely become an after-thought of yesteryear. I am nothing like Bret Hart who, in this ring and on this mic is the literary equivalent of watching paint dry. And, on top of that, he's just so whiny. If I got screwed like he did, I would've took it like a man instead of a gutless coward. And let it be known that I am nothing like Stone Cold Steve Austin who, years after his prime, continues to embarrass himself and this very company by lacing up his boots and coming out to the ring every night. He's a talentless waste of space just like the man I see before me. Dean, you might think I have respect for your abilities as you do of mine but, let's face facts here: I really don't. I don't have respect for your abilities because, you don't have any. You are lucky, damn lucky, to be standing in the same ring as me and to even have been given this opportunity at the World Heavyweight Championship. You should just feel privileged to even be involved but instead, you have it in your head that you can actually win. Is that another instance of you lying to yourself and being in denial or are you just that stupid?

Dean looks on angrily as Daniel continues to just slam him with every word he says.


Daniel Bryan: Dean, there is something that you are right about and that is, at Starrcade, this will be a fight and I say we end this by leaving it all in the ring. We put ourselves on the line and just prove, once and for all just who is the better man. I believe we all know the answer to that question but just to further solidify it, we go out there and we beat the living Hell out of one another and we see who is man enough to walk out as World Heavyweight Champion. But, as much as this is about the World Heavyweight Championship, it's just as much about me kicking your ass and shutting your big mouth for good because I'm tired of hearing the same old tired excuses and same old tired cliches out of your mouth. I'm sick and tired of hearing about your pain level, I'm sick of hearing about the fights you've been in and I'm sick and tired of your fake tough guy facade. At Starrcade, I reveal the true Dean Ambrose by removing the shrouds of secrecy and showing you off for just who you really are: a pathetic, useless, cowardly little worm and I will squish you underneath my boots and walk out as World Heavyweight Champion. And that, as they say, is not opinion. That is fact.

Daniel lowers his microphone and both men stare at each other from across the ring as the fans are going wild.


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UWF Tuesday Night Raw Past Trashtalking Thread

This thread will contain all previous trash talking.
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Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: Starrcade: UWF Championship - Stone Cold (c) vs. Wade Barrett


Stone Cold: Now yer puttin' words in my mouth, Wade. I didn't talk about coming up in Dubya See Dubya, I didn't talk about my days in E See Dubya, I didn't touch on any of that. What I said, since you clearly weren't listening, is I'm not going to go into detail about your developmental days as Stu Barrett and Lawrence Knight and such because I didn't want to get into another discussion about my early days in the business, but damnit, ya just couldn't help yerself. You had ta' be like everyone else, you had to say what's already been said. And not only that, but what you're recycling right now, the person you're recycling it from was recycling it from somebody else when they said it! How many times do I have to point this out to you fucking kids before you realize I'm on to you? What's it gonna take ta' make you sit yer young ass down and make observations that others haven't made, sit in yer hotel room and scribble down even a half decent promo, and then come out here and deliver it? Stone Cold's old, Stone Cold's a drunk, Stone Cold's going back down the card after I take the title from him. It's time for a new song and dance, somebody call up the choreographers and the writers and tell their lazy asses ta' get back ta' work.

Before you give me anymore newsflashes, stop and turn the camera on yerself, you hypocritical bastard. Clinging on to the past to set up the future? What exactly do you call what you're doin' right now? Ya talk about how you've already been a world champion once, how you're a former holder of the Undisputed Championship. Well as long as that's all you have ta' say, you're always going to be that and only that, former. Another thing you need ta' do besides letting go of the past is you need ta' quit making excuses. "I didn't end you on Raw cuz of this, I didn't end you on Raw cuz of that." Bullshit! If you could've ended me, you would've ended me. No ifs, ands, buts, or piss poor excuses about it, I would've been done. But you can't do it, you just don't possess the fortitude, you're this close to having enough ability but close doesn't count in this game, kid, you either have enough or you might as well have nothing.

The past few weeks that brought you to the table are the only ones I want you ta' focus on. When Rob Van Dam tore in ta' that ass like he was sufferin' from the munchies you were the last bag a' Doritos, ya dug down deep and found what ya needed ta' win. But that was Rob Van Dam, that was Raw, that was a Beat The Clock Challenge. Sunday night, the stage will be bigger, the match will mean more, there will be no clock, and your opponent will be a pissed off Rattlesnake defending what's his, not a pothead that's trying to climb the ranks victory by victory. And you barely beat him, so I have no reason to believe that you're going to beat me. Especially because, as I stated, you fight like a bitch. You took exception ta' that but Stone Cold's a guy that doesn't mind offendin' somebody with the truth. If you want evidence, look no further than ya boy Cesaro, the very reason he's defending the European Championship this Sunday instead of challenging for it is because you had ta' get involved in his match. Bitches play the numbers game, Wade, and you've been playing it your entire career.

And that's why they hate you, not because you achieve everything you say you're going to, because if that was the case you would've beaten the In Dubya Oh. As for why they hate me, well, it's for the reason you just gave. They still love Stone Cold; they want ta' cheer him, they want ta' laugh at his jokes, they want ta' chant for him, they want him to revert back to his old theme music so they can hear the shattered glass, they want ta' hear me threaten ta' take people to the Broken Skull Ranch, they want me ta' tell 'em the bottom line, and they want me ta' hold beer bashes. They hate me because I took all of that away from them; I won't let them cheer me, I won't let them participate with chants, I won't let them laugh, and that's not going to change. You're just pissed off because I can be just as successful when I'm getting booed as I can when I'm getting cheered. That's why you wanna knock me off my perch so badly, so you don't have ta' try and outshine me anymore. So you don't have ta' compete with me in any fashion, so you can finally achieve something other than "former".

You want me to fade into obscurity more than anything, but as you desperately try to take me out of the spotlight, the curtain is instead closing on you. They used ta' say I choked when the pressure was on, but instead it's you struggling to perform. Like I said, you got lucky when you became number one contender, and even though ya came outta Raw lookin' like a million bucks cuz a' what ya did ta' me, ya still lost yer match. We've been over that I haven't been in as many matches as you since Backlash, but I've also stayed undefeated since then, and that is momentum that makes all other quantities of momentum look minute in comparison. I'm in a can't lose situation, Wade, and even if I do somehow suffer defeat, I've got a rematch. What are you going to have when you lose? Your face on the Raw graphic at the beginning of the show, and when you watch me mow through the next man in line and whoop Aries' ass when he comes back, as your career fizzles out and dies, it'll be you that comes up and thanks me for making you relevant for a few weeks and allowing you to see what the main event tastes like.

Austin lowers his microphone again as the audible sound of chants of approval begins to rise from different areas of the crowd. Even though he didn't intend to, the Rattlesnake has won back some of the fans with the words he has thrown at Wade. Stone Cold shakes his head as he drops to the mat and rolls out of the ring, turning and heading up the ramp, with "Badass" beginning to play again as this happens. Austin stops at the top of the stage, with his back turned to the crowd, turning around and looking down the ramp at Barrett still standing in the ring. He raises the Undisputed Championship in the air with one hand and holds up four fingers on the other, signifying it is only four days until their Starrcade encounter. Stone Cold lowers his arms and turns his back again, walking offstage and back through the curtain.

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: Sting vs. Ted DiBiase

Darkness falls over the arena as the fans cheer, some of them out of anticipation, others out of lack of knowing how to react. Suddenly a young voice begins to recite a familiar poem.

When a man's heart is full of deceit
it burns up, dies, and a dark shadow
falls over his soul.
From the ashes of a once great man has risen a curse,
a wrong that must be righted.
We look to the skies for a vindicator,
someone to strike fear into the black heart of the same man who created him.

The battle between good and evil has begun.
Against an army of shadows comes the dark warrior,
the purveyor of good, with a voice of silence,
and a mission of justice.

This. Is. Sting.

After a brief moment of silence and darkness, the titantron screen lights up with the entrance video of the "Insane Icon".


As the crowd erupts into cheers, "Immortal" by Adema begins to play as the fans are joined by the one and only "Insane Icon" Sting as he makes his way from the backstage area and enters through the curtain, turning the corner and appearing on the stage before them all. Sting stops and outstretches his arms and leans back, letting out a loud and passionate, "Wooooo!" with his bat in hand.


He makes his way down the ramp, darting over to the steel steps as he reaches the end of it. He ascends the steps and walks along the apron, stepping through the ropes as he walks to the opposite side of the ring and retrieves a microphone from the ringside official. He turns around and faces the stage, the music fading out to silence as he raises the microphone to his mouth.

Sting: Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen. You sound like a broken Saliva record, Theodore. Didn't they tell you that you're supposed to clean the disc regularly and if that doesn't work, get a refund or a replacement? I guess you were adjusting your tie while they were talking too, which is a shame, because those people working behind that counter are employed they for a reason. They are masters of their own domain, and have a lot to offer you, knowledge you can't get from anywhere or anybody else. But, you have to choose your battles in this life, if they are disgruntled by your disrespect, I will leave it up to them to say so in person or write you a nasty letter or dislike your Facebook status, they can do that now, right?

Sting looks around at the crowd for an answer.

Sting: The battle I will choose is the main event of this week's Smackdown. I'll admit, I'm still a little disappointed that it's not going to be me and your father mixing it up, but you'll do just fine. I can pretend you have a beard and sparkly jacket, that's the beauty of imagination, unless you want to borrow the jacket from Jericho, I'm sure he has a few sparkling coats to spare. Might want to wait until the night of Starrcade itself though, if you go see him about it before then, you might get served with a fine like Cody Rhodes did. Then again, you come from moneyyyyy, you come from class!

The crowd laughs at Sting's rendition of DiBiase's theme music.

Sting: In all seriousness, Ted, this Friday is a big match for both of us. You're looking to continue your recent string of success, and I'm looking to make a good impression on my first night in UWF, especially since UCW and GZW both folded and I'm starting to feel like I might be cursed. And you knew that, and you still kicked me while I was down by saying I was old and should be retired, and you swore at me? Why the swearing, Ted? If you want to know what's in store for our match, all you had to do was ask. I'll come to the ring, you'll come to the ring. Some grappling, some striking, Stinger Splash, near fall, you gain momentum, attempt Dream Street, I stop you, then Death Drop, Deathlock, pin. Hope ya like scorpions.

Sting is having the time of his life as he lowers his microphone, waiting to see if DiBiase will decide to join him in the ring.


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Re: Starrcade: World Heavyweight Championship Match: Daniel Bryan vs Dean Ambrose

Dean scratches his head in confusion. He then starts walking around the ring talking to himself, slapping himself, grabbing the ropes shaking them violently before he walks right up to Daniel Bryan.


In the head of Dean Ambrose? I can't even get inside my own head! You say I dream of our match at Backlash, what makes you think I can even remember that. If I remembered every time I've ever been busted open, I'd be crazy and I most certainly am not crazy. A little mad maybe yes but we need madness or else we never dare cut the rope and be free. I am free. You on the other hand, your just a copy and paste person. You know how many people are like you? Thousands, millions maybe. Guess how many of me there are. Very few. One actually. You have different people in this company talking about change and guess how many of them will complete their goal. None. I on the other hand have successfully made change. I raised the Hardcore title from obscurity and I single handedly made Smackdown a reality. RAW didn't want me and they had no idea what to do with me so they gave me my own show to rule. Think about it. I was the first draft pick of Smackdown. Why would Smackdown pick the former Hardcore Champion and then immediately put him in the World Heavyweight Championship title match? Well because the plan all along was to give me my kingdom so that theirs may be left alone. The problem with that is that I will make Smackdown the number one show and leave RAW in the dust. I don't dream Daniel, I make things a reality.

The crowd cheers and begins to chant Ambrose's name as he smiles and walks over to lean against the ropes.

Also I don't really sleep so there's that. It's funny that you make fun of Stone Cold Steve Austin because I would much rather be facing him. Not because I'm afraid of you or whatever other weird ideas you have in your head to justify your existence, no I want to face him because I want to prove to the world who the true champion is. I’ve beaten you and Wade Barrett so they should just make the title matches a unification match. I could care less what happens to you. As I’ve said before, you're just here to make an example out of but I’d much rather make it against someone whose actually made a name for themselves. Not some amateur whose young arrogance think’s he’ll become a legend. My arrogance was beaten out of me at an early age. I'm not arrogant because everyone agrees with just how damn good I am. Since I have to fight you this Sunday, I can’t wait to beat the arrogance out of you. Who knows, maybe you’ll finally become as good as you think you are once you stop being so damn arrogant. Maybe that’s it. Even when you were begging for attention from the crowd, you felt it wasn’t enough. You thought you deserved much better when in actuality, you were getting what you deserve. You don’t deserve the same reaction I get. You don’t deserve to even be in the same ring with me. You don’t deserve to win the World Heavyweight Championship. The one thing you do deserve however, is to have the taste slapped out of your mouth. I can see it now. You start off by doing your dumb yes chant. You take your eyes off me for a second and in that small innocent second you think I won’t do anything. But Daniel I will do something. I’ll punch you so hard in the mouth that the match may just have to end right there. One fall by knockout. Second fall by your own submission maneuver. Then I’ll make you say I quit just to rub it in your face!

The crowd cheers loudly beginning Daniel Bryan’s signature “Yes!†chant as Ambrose teases the though of making Bryan quit.

Well these people sure as hell know what they want to see. And since I am a man of the people, I’d be an asshole not to give them what they want. Knowing me though, you’ll probably get one fall on me. Not because your “technically superior†or anything, but because I have a tendency to get a little out of hand. I’ll probably end up hitting you with a weapon in the excitement of everything. I honestly have no idea how you think you’re going to win. The only reason I passed out last time was due to blood loss. And you can’t make me bleed without a weapon in your hand. I won’t tap out no matter what you do either as shown at Backlash. I know you have to be watching all my past matches wondering just what exactly is my weakness. What do you have to do to beat me? The answer is simple. You have to be tougher than me. It’s clear that you're not. Starrcade will not only be the night your career is ended either due to sheer humiliation or sheer dominance, but it’s the night that UWF has been trying to avoid since it’s inception. UWF will be mine and whether it’s a good or bad thing for everyone else is yet to be determined but it will go down in the history books as the day Dean Ambrose finally became the World Heavyweight Champion! And the madness will soon follow after.

Dean drops the mic and has a far away look in his eye with a smirk on his face.



The Hoov

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Re: Starrcade: World Heavyweight Championship Match: Daniel Bryan vs Dean Ambrose

As Dean gives an evil smirk, Daniel appears to be frightened, obviously mocking Dean's last words.


Daniel Bryan: Oh no the madness! Oh dear the madness! When will the madness end?! Get real, Dean. The only madness that is taking place in this ring is the fact that you have it in yourself to dare compare us and think that you stand a chance of even surviving, let alone win. The madness here is in the fact that our brain-dead general manager Nigel didn't award me the World Heavyweight Championship. Instead, I have to kick your head in for the one-thousandth time. Not that I mind because beating up Dean Ambrose has become something of a pastime for me, a hobby if you will. The fact that I go up against you for the World Heavyweight Championship is almost like being awarded the title because, let's face it, I know you in and out. I know your style like the back of my hand. Think about it: I've been in the UWF a short time and guess who 2/3 of my matches have been against? I can wrestle you blindfolded and still stretch you. Dean, you must be mad if you think for even a split second that you can keep up with me.

Daniel continues on his tirade as Dean patiently listens.


Daniel Bryan: And, let me get this straight: Daniel Bryan, trained by Shawn Michaels, mentored by William Regal, multiple time World Champion all over the globe, a man who knows a million submission holds in a million different positions, a media juggernaut the likes of which this industry has never seen before. A guy like me who is The Best Wrestler In The World and I'M the dime a dozen carbon copy and YOU are supposed to be the original? A guy who cuts promos like a watered-down Mick Foley. A person who's wrestling style is similar to that of a Great Khali. You sure do make a lot of wacky, zany off-the-wall statements for someone who “isn't crazy” Dean. But, I'll tell you what I'll do, since I'm such a great guy and I have nothing better to do at Starrcade, I'll make you an original. I'll make you the first real victim of the Era of Bryan, the original victim. How about that, Dean?

Dean doesn't look too amused as Daniel doesn't give him a chance to respond as the crowd begin to chant “YES! YES!”

Daniel Bryan: You hear that? These people love me despite the fact that I don't care one bit about any of them. You like to think you have them in the palm of your hand but, in reality, you are transitional. If it wasn't you they were cheering for because they are told to, it would be someone else in your place and no one would be the wiser. Me, on the other hand, people gravitate towards winners and successes and that's exactly what I am. Outside of that first loss to you, I am undefeated here in UWF. No one has beat me and no one ever will. Just compare us for one second, like I know you love to do, but this time do it right. I'm a word-class athlete who has perfected the art of Professional Wrestling. I'm good-looking and suave, in fact some refer to me as “Beautiful Bryan”. You? What are you? A vile, disgusting, ugly, untalented waste of a tuition to a wrestling school that I have ever seen in my entire life and I've wrestled Batista so that's saying something.

The crowd, despite their love for Ambrose, oooo's at Bryan's diss. Daniel wraps up his rant.


Daniel Bryan: What's the point of all of this back and forth? I mean, honestly? These people and even yourself, deep down, know exactly how Starrcade is going to go down. It's not even up for discussion. There won't be a third fall in our match because I'll make you pass out again and then the referee will have no choice but to stop the match and hand me the World Heavyweight Championship. It's not arrogance, as you proclaim. It's fact. I will win the World Heavyweight Championship because I have to. I will win because it is supposed to be so. It's destined to happen. It's an inevitability. Nothing you can say or do can chance cold hard fact. I will become World Heavyweight Champion at Starrcade and I will be the one to rule SmackDown! And I will rule it with an iron fist and no one on the roster, RAW or SmackDown! Will be able to overthrow me. Not you, Not the nWo, Not even Stone Cold Steve Austin will be able to stop Daniel Bryan from becoming the face of UWF and the biggest superstar, first in Professional Wrestling.....and next.....the world. Will my prophecy come true? YES! YES! YES!

Bryan starts screaming “YES!” right in Dean's face as the crowd anticipates something happening, all the while chanting along with Bryan.
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Jun 3, 2010
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Re: Starrcade European Championship: The Miz versus Antonio Cesaro

The crowd are booing after Paul Heyman finishes his last sentence, when a familiar theme hits the PA system.


The theme of Antonio Cesaro hits the PA system and before too long, he and Aksana walk out onto the stage. They stand there for a few moments, Cesaro has his new ring jacket and beret on. He does his usual posturing on the stage before heading down the ramp. Askana takes the lead and heads up the ring steps before sitting on the ring rope as Antonio walks along the outside ring apron, sweeping his feet before entering the ring. Aksana then hands Cesaro a microphone who has his hand extended in an expectant manner, awaiting it's arrival. Cesaro begins to speak as Heyman and Miz watch on.


Antonio Cesaro: Please excuse me, I was in a fit of laughter backstage at what you just said, and I have barely managed to control my giggling as I walked through the curtain, because what you just said made absolutely zero sense to me... and I know, I know, English is not my first language... but I do speak five languages, and what you just said Mister Heyman, made absolutely no sense in any language that I know. You talked about The Miz being a former World Champion?... I'd like to stop you there because being a World Champion in 'that company' means nothing to anyone any more. You talked about The Miz beating me and showing me what a 'true European is all about'... I'm sorry Paul, you've been up and down the road enough times to know what a European is all about and The Miz?... he wouldn't even last a single day wrestling in Europe, he is nothing but a weichei... a soft-egg poser who has a manager who was good in the eighties... not so much now... talking for him because maybe people don't want to hear what absolute nonsense he would spout... instead you do it for him, and allow me to just shut you up because I am not finished and I know how much you love to run your mouth. Also bitte, sei für einen Moment still

The crowd boo the German speaking Swiss native.

You want to talk about a 'true European' Paul?... look no further. I wrestle a style that is entirely alien to all of these stupid Americans... I wrestle a style that on Sunday, means that The Miz will most likely be in a hospital for the foreseeable future. I will grind him down with submissions, chain wrestling and finish him off with my famed Uppercuts. And after that?, I'll have a coffee... I'll listen to some Schubert and continue to live the 'Very European' life I live with this European Championship that I hold around my waist, by my side. Because this had become now a matter of principle for me Paul. Before it was simply, I must beat this man, because he wants my title. Now it is more, I must beat this man because he believes he will not only a better champion than Mister Antonio Cesaro, but a more European Champion than Antonio Cesaro. Now you want to talk about your 'Awesome Wrecking Machine'... which by itself is entirely ridiculous by the way... well then allow me to maybe, steal a few ideas from you, because what you're going to meet at Starrcade is the Swiss Wrecking Machine... oh yes... and inside that 15 foot high Steel Cage, I am going to teach you a lesson on why I have held this title for almost the duration of it's time here in UWF... and why European wrestlers are just oh so much better than American 'sports entertainers'. So Miz, please wear your best black suit, because at Starrcade, it will be your funeral... and once again... just like in 'that company'... you'll be buried by superior talent. Namely me, the European Champion... Mister Antonio Cesaro.

Antonio Cesaro lowers his microphone and he an Miz share a staredown. Antonio slowly reaches behind and unstraps his title, he raises it high in the air and Miz looks at it with enamoured eyes.


They share the staredown for a few short moments before Cesaro drops out of the ring, Aksana not far behind and heads up the ramp and through the curtain out of sight.
================================================== =====================

OOC: Call it a day at 2-2 methinks, best of luck.​


Jun 3, 2010
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Re: Sting vs. Ted DiBiase

I come from Money....


I come from money hits the PA system and Ted DiBiase Jr comes out from the back with a cocky grin on his face. He gets a mixed reaction from the fans as he walks down the ramp, blowing off their attempts to give him. Ted flexes his muscles at the bottom of the ramp before grabbing a mic off one of the ringside crew and climbing the steps to the ring to enter it. Once in the ring DiBiase points to himself in a cocky manner before bringing the mouth to his mic and speaking...


Ted DiBiase Jr

Sting, I find it funny that you suggest I go to the store and get a refund or replacement for a broken record. For a man of my caliber and class, the words refund and replace do not exist, because when you have as much money as I do, you simply buy a new copy. Another thing I find funny, is the fact that you have the audacity to rip on me for saying ladies and gentlemen over and over again, but throughout your little speech, all you've done is suck up to these fans and pander to their every request, mentioning them on numerous occasions. I honestly don't know why you continue to listen to these poor little peasants Sting, because at the end of the day it's these people that are ruining you! That's right, the only reason you're still Wrestling is because of these stupid fans, who feel it's okay to pay to see a fifty year old man put his body on the line. It's clear you're hurting Sting, and any one in the right frame of mind would've of called it a day years a go, but the problem is, you're not in the right frame of mind, and that's down to these fans making you believe that you've still got it, when clearly you haven't... I really can't take any of these people seriously Sting, I'm so glad I stopped listening to them, seriously, with the money I have I don't need to gain knowledge from a bunch of low life scum... Maybe you're right Sting, maybe I do say ladies and gentleman too much, to be honest I don't even know why I am saying it, because these fans don't deserve to by addressed in such a positive manner, they're not ladies and gentleman, they're TRASH!

The crowd boo DiBiase's dig at them as he looks into Stings eyes.

I expected better from you Sting, but just like Zack Ryder you have to take pathetic little digs at me in regards to my father. Man, you're fifty, not five, and it tires me each week having to come out here and address my relationship with my father. Like I've said on numerous occasions, I am, and always be better than my father, and that's not just some cocky little statement I choose to make, it's a FACT! I have achieved more things so far in my relatively short career, than my father did in his long, yet not so illustrious career. The thing is Sting, I bet the reason you really want to face my father is because he's almost the same age as you, and when facing him you'd actually be able to keep up with him. The only problem with that match is the fact that it's suited for a past generation, a generation myself, and the rest of the roster are above, that suggests to me that the match between us is a huge mis-match and your age is going to show when I embarrass you in the middle of this ring! I'm not joking Sting, the history books don't lie, and this Friday, another page will be added to the history books, about how Ted DiBiase Junior, ended the legendary Stings career.

DiBiase breaks into a huge grin as he continues to look in Stings eyes. The crowd boos once more at Dibiase's disrespectful words, but he doesn't care one bit.

That's right you pathetic pieces of trash, in the main event I'm going to prove to the world once and for that I am the true Icon of Professional Wrestling, when I send a washed up old man down Dream Street.

DiBiase drops the mic and squares up to Sting as a 'Sting' chant is started by the crowd.

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: Sting vs. Ted DiBiase

Sting looks at DiBiase for a moment before responding.


Sting: Theodore, why are you so ashamed of your father? Your father amassed great success in his career and is now a man of God, you should be proud to be carrying on his legacy, but instead you undermine his accomplishments and boast that he is nowhere near as talented as you. Well, perhaps I need my eyes checked, but from what I've seen you do in your UCW run and now your UWF run, I'm not seeing it. When I listen to you cut a promo, I'm not hearing it. You tell me that I'm acting like a five year old but I'm just having fun, Ted! Have you forgotten that this profession can be fun? Every time I see you, you look stone faced serious, almost like you're constipated. You claim to not pander to these fans, but you are pandering, because by building yourself up and stroking your own ego, you're trying to put your opinion of yourself into their minds so they'll think you're the best and cheer for you and pay to see you and that whole deal.

Do you want to end up like Adam Copeland, Theodore? Adam Copeland was released from his contract because he accused Theodore Long and the booking team of only scheduling their favorites to win. Now why would someone as talented as Adam throw such a tantrum and end up losing his job? Because he forgot to have fun while he was doing this, he lost sight of the true purpose of this profession, and got too inwardly focused, and collapsed in on himself and melted down. That's the fate I fear is in store for you Theodore, if you don't rid your body of all this arrogance and frustration regarding the constant comparisons to your father. Now I know what you're thinking, Cody Rhodes makes reference to being better than his father, in fact that's probably why you said it, and he hasn't had a breakdown, he's pretty successful actually. Look at him over on Raw, getting to wear those black and white t-shirts, my favorite colors by the way, beating up on people with his buddies, he's even got himself a title. Why hasn't he suffered the fate I'm warning you about?

Well to that I say don't worry about it, because you aren't United States Champion Cody Rhodes, brother of Goldust and son of WWE Hall of Famer the "American Dream" Dusty Rhodes, baybeh. You have not dined with kings and queens, I know you've eaten pork and beans though, how can you not? They're delicious! In fact I might ask you to excuse me while I go to the grocery store and pick up a can, if you whee-el.

Sting goes to leave the ring, but stops and returns to facing Ted.

Here's a bit of fun trivia for you. The Mid-South promotion from back in the day was once called the UWF, a promotion that your father was a part of before he left and it was bought by Jim Crockett Promotions and later became part of WCW. I was also part of that promotion. Now, over twenty years later, with no sign of Bill Watts in sight, I am part of UWF again. Interesting how things come full circle and history repeats itself, but Smackdown better not be a repeat of a certain piece of history. You see, your father used to win a lot of his matches by using a loaded black glove to strike his opponents down with when the referee wasn't looking. Now I've seen you carry the Million Dollar Championship like he used to, and I've seen you walk around with Virgil like he used to, so I wouldn't put it past you to resort to the same tactics in our match, despite how much you claim to resent the "Million Dollar Man". Tell me something, is it just you that's like this, or is Brett a whiny little brat too?

Doesn't matter, what matters instead is what will happen to you if you try to use a loaded black glove to beat me. I will use my trusty black bat to load your youthful little noggin with whelps and bruises! Sorry, lost the happy, but the happy's back now. A request if I may, Theodore, tell me who in Legacy was Alvin and which one was Simon, would you please? And one more favor while we're at it, when this old man shows you that he does in fact still got it and beats you, don't eat anymore sour grapes, be a professional and count your losses. Because humility is something that you can't put a price on.

Sting lowers his microphone, allowing Ted to speak again if he so wishes.


Apr 29, 2011
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The Throne
Re: UWF Smackdown 7/14: Bray Wyatt Vs John Cena

John Cena, with an intrigued expression on his face, nods his head in a strange manner, as he continues.


John Cena: Bray Wyatt, you’re one strange fellow. I’ve been facin’ opponents like you for gods know how long, so you aren’t new to me. But, I can say it’s gettin’ pretty old. But, I’m not gonna’ sit back and let you ‘warn’ these people on what they don’t want to hear, note I said don’t, these people know what they’re in store of. As much as you don’t wanna’ admit it, these people know what’s going to happen in the next week. These people, on Thursday Night SmackDown, are gonna’ stand on their feet as I, John Cena, pin you on these mat. One, two, and three, then these people will know that your warnings were a bunch of B.S., just like you!

As Bray Wyatt sat down on the mat, John Cena shook his head in a confused manner, before continuing.

John Cena: You’re right, Bray, not everyone can understand a man like yourself. Not everyone can understand ‘Bray Wyatt’. By the way, where did you get the name, Bray Wyatt? Name generator.com? Ha-ha, I’m kiddin’. In all seriousness, you can call these people all you want, and whether you admit it or not, insult these people. Call em’ your class, pupils, and say what you’re doin’ is for the good of their lives when in reality, it isn’t. Quite frankly, I’m one hundred positive these people don’t give a damn what you have to say. Especially when you say I’m a man of evil? I’ve been bustin’ my ass for more than a decade just for these people! If it wasn’t for these people, I wouldn’t be here today. These people are my life, and I’ll be damned if you say that’s not true!

The audience cheers at the passion of John Cena, who slowly walks toward Bray Wyatt, before continuing.

John Cena: Bray, Bray, Bray, you don’t get it, do you? You’re givin’ these people, and myself the option to join you? Who in the hell wants to join this guy? No one, Bray! Don’t you get it? You’re a freak, and I’m sure that comment will make your opinion of myself change. I know you don’t like me, Bray, a lot of people doesn’t like me. There’s a line of people who don’t like me, so get in line, grab a ticket and say it to my face. From what you’ve said already, I don’t like you either. In fact, I’m beginnin’ to find you extremely annoying. Who isn’t? You walk around here, and I’ll say it again because we all know it’s true, lecturin’ people about how you’re the best! You don’t wanna’ admit it, but you know that’s what this is all about. You think you’re the best in this company, you think you rule this company. When in reality, we all know that’s not true and Bray, whether you like it or not, this Thursday night on SmackDown, I’m gonna’ prove you’re nothing but a joke!

John Cena lowers the microphone, as the audience begins a ‘Cena!’ chant, as we fade.


OOC: Sorry for the late response, Sam. Good luck though!​


Feb 1, 2012
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Re: Starrcade European Championship: The Miz versus Antonio Cesaro

OOC: I'd like to get one more TT'ing piece up, but unless you cannot.


Jun 3, 2010
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Re: Starrcade European Championship: The Miz versus Antonio Cesaro

OOC: Can't do man, I'm away from Friday through to Sunday. Maybe another time though, best of luck.


Jun 5, 2010
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Re: Starrcade - #1 Contdership: MVP vs. Mr Anderson

Anderson takes a few steps back, arms outstretched, arrogantly smiling. MVP doesn't seem to like this as his face changes to one of displeasurement. He looks towards him shaking his head before beginning to speak again.


It's funny you talk about having Deja Vu moments, it's kinda ironic actually because I swear we have been here before, you talking complete nonsense while I speak nothing but the complete truth, now if only I could remember when that was?

MVP scratches his chin, trying to figure out the answer to what he wants to know, suddenly, like a light goes off in his head he puts is finger to the air.

Oh, I remember now, it was 3 weeks ago wasn't Anderson? Do you remember that? Who am I kidding, of course you don't remember that, your still having visions of my boot coming straight for your head aren't you? That is the only secret everyone wants to hear from your mouth Anderson, in fact thats the only thing anyone ever wants to know about you unlike me. Everyone wants to know whats happening with MVP, it feels like its my life and everyone elses entertainment.

MVP is the one now to raise his arms but he doesn't quite get the same reaction as Anderson as the barrage of boos coming flooding in.

These fans don't love you because they get you, the only reason they are on your side is because they are trash like you, they use horrible language, they like to spit, they like to chew gum while talking to people, they will dress up in shirts and shorts to go out on the town. You are the shoelace on my expensive shoes Anderson thats how much worth you and these people have. They cheer everytime you call them that word because they enjoyed the taste of soap, they enjoyed their mothers touching their bottoms to give them a spanking but I was brought up better then that by Mumma Porter. Your like a horrible comedian Anderson, tries to tell a joke and the only reaction he can get is from adding in language that isn't fit for this world.

The crowd start to yell and scream at MVP, even starting an 'You're an Asshole' chant directed at him. MVP shakes his head looking out into the crowd.

NO, no, do not attempt to drag me down to your levels, I will remain on my level and I know why you think I'm fake Anderson, its because you truly can't believe the life I live can you? It's like a fairytale my life and you can't even dream about living it but I understand, I really really do get where you are coming from, your trying to get your 5 secs of fame by being in the same ring as me again but unlucky for you Anderson, that is the exact amount of time it will take for me to dispatch of you.

MVP lifts his head, looking up to the ceiling as the crowd boo him. He just looks up towards the ceiling while motioning for the title as.....
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