UWF 2012: Past Raw Trashtalking

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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2011
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UWF Great American Bash - 6 Man, KotM Match for the World Heavyweight Championship


Okay guys, standard old school UCW TTing rules for a match of this calibur, you're allowed five trash-talks apiece and you must wait two goes before going again, I'm sure you guys may stick to a posting order though! Let's see if all of you can make five posts a piece :p!

Good Luck all of you!​
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Sep 29, 2010
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San Francisco
Re: Raw 6/26/12: U.S Title match - CM Punk vs. Cody Rhodes (C)

" ... Love, your hate..
Your, faith lost..
You are now.. one of us!"


"Miseria Cantare" by AFI pounds throughout the arena speakers, signifying the arrival of one man - CM Punk. The capacity crowd erupts into a thunderous mixed reaction, as majority of the audience isn't quite sure which version of CM Punk they're going to see. After a short while, the man of the hour quietly steps through the curtain, wearing black shorts and his trademark t-shirt. Punk outstretches his arms and begins to walk down the entrance ramp, soaking in the crowds mixed reaction. Punk has a look of determination on his face as he ignores any possible fan interaction.


Once Punk reaches ringside, he proceeds to walk up the steel steps and climbs his way to the top rope. He once again outstretches his arms and lets out a loud yell, which causes a small section of the crowd to boo even louder. Once finished, he hops down and skips one lap around Cody. He then proceeds to grab one of his signature 'pipebombs' from a stagehand ringside. Punk walks dead center in the middle of the ring and sits, all while locking eyes with Mr. Rhodes. He waits for his music to be cut before he begins to speak.


CM Punk: You haven't changed one bit.

Punk chuckles to himself and smiles, before regaining his composure and continuing to address Cody Rhodes.

CM Punk: Your "rightful spot", Cody? You think you deserve to be the face of this company? I find that amusing, because last time I checked, this is coming from the same man who couldn't even hold the world title for longer than a month. If you thought putting your little mask back on and immulating Steve Austin with this 'Rhodes 6:25' thing is what would propel you to the top of this company, think again. You see there's a reason I've always been that thorn in your side Cody, and it's the same reason I held the UWF Championship for a total of 118 days, it's the same reason I defeated you to end your little pipe dream reign before it even started, and it's the same reason I've been granted a shot at your United States Championship Monday Night on RAW.. I'm the best in the world!

The crowd lets out a loud mixed reaction, cheers coming from the fans who despise Rhodes more than Punk, and boos coming from those who just hate Punk regardless. Punk smiles and pauses before continuing.


CM Punk: It's just that simple, that's the only moniker I'll ever need. Not "Teddy Long's secret weapon", or personal servent as you seem to be implying. I am, and always have been, my own man. But that's more than I can say for you. You've gone from former UWF World Heavyweight Champion to once again carrying Randal Orton's bags as some lacky for another one of his petty faction experiments. You just don't learn, do you Cody? Let's go back in time a good three years and reminisce on another one of his disasters known as The Legacy. Replace Dibiase with Christian and it seems to me we've got a pretty similar situation on our hands, except this time, it's even less original than the Legacy was! Randal nearly ruined your career once before, and now you're handing him the opportunity to finish the job on a silver platter. But if you want to ruin your career, fine by me, just realize you'll have no one to blame but yourself when you see me holding your coveted United States Championship high above my head after Monday Night.

Another mixed reaction from the crowd. Following a short pause, Punk finally gets to his feet, and addresses Cody face to face.

CM Punk: I don't know this goal you're trying to achieve is, and quite frankly I don't care, but if you believe you're going to get through me in order to accomplish it.. well, maybe you are just as troubled as you think. Since day one in this company, I've had your number. This time around will be no different. And I've got this sneaking suspicion they'll be showing up anyway, so go ahead and bring your little nWo buddies ringside. I want them to watch as I dismantle one of their 'valued' members for what seems to be the one-hundredth time, and take away the only source of relevance your group has.. this Monday Night, that United States Championship finds a new home.

Punk lowers the microphone to his side, and awaits a rebuttal from Cody Rhodes.


Sep 29, 2010
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San Francisco
Re: Raw 6/26/12: U.S Title match - CM Punk vs. Cody Rhodes (C)


CM Punk: Let me get this straight, you're accusing me of being the one who management favors? The one who's easy to get behind? And this is coming from the second-generation 'superstar' who walked into the business underneath his hall of fame daddy's arm. I think there's quite a bit of flaws in your logic there, buddy. It's because of the fact I am that small straight edge kid from Chicago who loves WRESTLING, not 'sports-entertainment', that I had to kick, scratch and claw my way to the top of the ladder. While you were literally handed a WWE contract, I was still living in the back of my car, wrestling in high school gymnasiums for chump change, just looking for a chance to receive the same opportunities you were gifted. But this isn't sour grapes, nor am I complaining, I'm proud of the road I traveled to get the spot I find myself in today. But you neglected to mention that those 'pipebombs' you claimed the upper brass revered me for were directed at that very 'upper brass'.

Punk takes a short pause, as the crowd remains relatively silent, enthralled by Punk's words. Punk begins to speak once again.

CM Punk: I was sick and tired of their 'creations', the generic pretty boy company men such as yourself, being given all of the spotlight, while self made professional wrestlers such as myself, Daniel Bryan, Dean Ambrose, Claudio Castagnoli, Austin Aries, had to fight to get five damn minutes of TV time, let alone championship title shots. I was a matryr for the change this company so desperately needed, and that's why I had to make the most of each and every opportunity. I won the Money in the Bank ladder match, cashed it in, and knew there was no looking back, and take a look at what my sacrifice has resulted in.. Daniel Bryan and Dean Ambrose stealing the show and main eventing our last pay-per-view. Point blank, I MADE this company what it is today, and there's not a person on this roster who can disagree. It's because of that I was granted a shot at your United States Championship, because I EARNED it, not just because I signed a contract. Everything that comes my way in this company, you can bet your ass It's well deserved. I refuse to be handed anything.

Majority of the crowd pops for Punk, agreeing with his previous statements. A small 'CM Punk' chant breaks out as Punk takes a pause. He raises the microphone to his lips once again and continues to speak.


CM Punk: You're tired of CM Punk? Well I'm tired of watching one of the most gifted and privileged professional wrestlers on this roster do nothing but continuously bitch and moan every week, while wasting the unlimited potential he has by alining himself with two of the most pretentious jack offs I've ever seen. I find it funny you take that stance on your fellow nWo members while addressing me, but I'm sure your tone changes whenever you're around Christian and Randal. You, of all people, should know about Randy's little superiority complex. Try telling him he's not the leader of your little nWo and that he barely deserves to hold your bags and I'm sure that'll end with you getting slapped right across the face. But with your nWo cronies aside, you like to have fun in this ring? Well I don't think there's anyone who enjoys a good ol' fashioned brawl like yours truly. Let's see just how much fun you're going to have when you find out firsthand why I am.. the best in the world!

Punk lowers the microphone to his side, while smiling one of his trademark grins. He laughs as he awaits another response from Cody.

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Chris Dresdon

Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2010
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UWF Raw: Austin & Aries vs. Christian & Orton


"Badass" by Saliva begins to play over the PA system, sending the fans in attendance into an uproar as they give the Texas Rattlesnake a negative reaction. As they voice their disdain, through the curtain he walks, with his championship belt in tow. Austin makes his way down the ramp quickly, eyeing the ring with a purpose, as he arrives at the steel steps and walks up them, then turning and walking along the apron before stepping through the ropes. Austin walks over to the opposite ropes and motions to the ringside official for a microphone, and is granted one. Austin turns and walks towards the middle of the ring as his music cuts off, making the reaction of the crowd more audible. Austin looks over at the commentary

Stone Cold: Well, well, quite a tangled web we find weaved before us, wouldn't you agree? Do me a favor and don't answer that, it was a rhetorical question, so I wasn't looking for a response when I asked it, nor do I expect ta' get one. Not to mention, each and every one of you should know by now that I don't give a damn about your opinions. If I did, I'd have given you all what you want by now. You would've heard the shattering glass before I came out here to the infamous theme music, I would've come in this here ring and ascended all four turnbuckles and issued the Stone Cold Salute each time, then I woulda' stepped down and cut a promo apologizing for all the mean and hurtful things I've said, issued you back all the rights I took away, then it would've been business as usual. What this, that's the bottom line that, then for the hell of it, drink myself stupid and celebrate all the adoring fans I have and how good it is ta' be Stone Cold.

Well, it is good ta' be Stone Cold, and that's because I don't do any of that garbage anymore. Countless people have told me time and time again what a mistake it was to turn my back on you, and the reason they say that is before, when I was your redneck puppet, the closest I could get to either heavyweight championship was by winnin' the number one contendership and facing the titleholder. Those that are telling me I made a mistake are jealous because they didn't have the nuts ta' do it themselves, or they want me ta' go back ta' playin' fan favorite so I'm not an obstacle in their road.

But why would I do something as stupid as that? I am the You Dubya Eff Champion, the top draw on both Raw and pay-per-view events. No one sells more merchandise than me, no one sells more tickets than me, no one cuts better promos than me, and no one wrestles better matches than me. Em Vee Pea and Shawn Michaels can boast about having the most lucrative contracts in You Dubya Eff all they want, I don't think it's a fact, and even if it is, someone should get their damn money back cuz Em Vee Pea couldn't get the job done at Starrcade and Shawn Michaels has been gettin' his ass whipped every Friday night since comin' here, by juicehead Dave and the second coming of Mike Knox. Me turning face again is about as likely as one of the number one contenders in Smackdown's King a' the Mountain match gettin' injured and bein' replaced in the match by yours truly.

Next Tuesday night, I find myself in the ring with some of those jealous people, the ones that want me to surrender my venom and give in to the fans so that I no longer pose them any threat, two-thirds of the New World Order, Randy Orton and Christian. Both of you men try to match my arrogance by having a chip on your shoulder yourself, which makes me laugh uncontrollably on the inside, because with your undeserved ego, you celebrate the incompetence that you're unaware you possess. You're undefeated and you three hooligans are mercilessly attacking and spray painting everyone you can, but what's it getting you? Mockery. No one takes you seriously, which is why Smackdown management and their viewers, and I'm sure Raw's end too, view you as nothing more than a really random faction.

You're trying to fill another man's boots to keep yourself relevant, when the original In Dubya Oh was only successful because of the shock value Hogan turning heel had. You? We've seen you as a heel before, we've seen Randy as a heel before, and Cody Rhodes has been a heel his entire career, so what is it about you that's supposed to be fearsome and intimidating? Tuesday night, I'm going to do what I did the last time an incarnation of the New World Order came barking up my tree, I'm gonna whip some ass. You got the better of me last week, but I gained something from that defeat. In the pain of that loss, all of the weakness left my body. When you took the belt into your hands, I hope your friends and family took plenty of pictures, because you'll never truly hold it. Why? Because I refuse ta' let you beat me. Raw, Great American Bash, Smackdown if it ever happened. Never again.

But don't fret, take solace in the fact that you can at least get a good look at the belt while I wear it on my shoulder as we're talking trash to one another. I know you feel like facing me last week, this week, and at the upcoming pay-per-view is something you've earned, but you're looking at it the wrong way. Instead of having a chip on your shoulder about it, you should consider yourself honored that the You Dubya Eff World Champion is taking the time ta' wrestle you and grace a peon like you with his presence. As for Randy, well, karma always comes back around. Like when you going AWOL in the Marines resulted in you being pulled from a Dubya Dubya E Films paycheck, and when, after years of thinking you could do anything cuz you were a top guy, you got suspended. On Raw, karma's comin' after ya again, and yer gonna wish you never laid yer hands on me.

However, the interest in this match seems to come not from the fact that I'm facing my pay-per-view opponent, not from the fact that the In Dubya Oh finds themselves being opposed again, but from the fact that my tag team partner is the man I took this You Dubya Eff Championship from, Austin Aries.

The crowd pops for the "Greatest Man That Ever Lived".

How predictable of you. As I was sayin', the question on everybody's mind is whether or not we can co-exist. Aries, I've said it before, son, you can have yer rematch whenever you wanna step up and cash in on it, I've got no problem with whippin' yer ass again. But don't make next Tuesday night when I have ta' whip yer ass, because if we can agree on one thing, it's Tuesday Night Raw needs ta' quit bein' defaced by the likes a' these bitches. After that, we can go back ta' havin' an axe ta' grind for all I care, but until the match is over and Raw's off the air, keep your fists flyin' at Randy and Christian, not Stone Cold, or I promise ya you're goin' back on the shelf for a more permanent period of time.

Austin lowers his microphone as the theme music of one of the other participants begins to play.
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Apr 23, 2011
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Great American Bash: European Championship - RVD(c) vs Mysterio vs Raven vs Jarrett

For a moment there’s a big silence in the arena when suddenly ...



After a while "One Of a Kind" by Breaking point hits the PA System of the arena as the crowd goes crazy. With the first guittar riff hits, one of the most loved UWF superstars Rob Van Dam and his manager Bill "Fonzie" Alfonso appear under the titantron with with a wide smile on their faces as the crowd chants RVD's name. Huge ovation for Rob Van Dam and Fonzie. RVD goes down the ramp and making his way towards the ring, while Fonzie is jumping behind him and he's blowing his whistle, while holding the European Championship ...


On the way to the ring, Rob is high-fiving many of the fans and when he reaches the ring, he enters it and after him goes Fonzie. Rob then jumps and turns around, pointing with his thumbs at him, while Fonzie goes for the microphone. When he bives the mic to RVD, Rob starts to speak ...


There is only one man, who's the real European Champion and I think I'm not mistaken, when I'm gonna say, that it's Rob ... Van ... Dam ...

Crowd says RVD's name simultaneously with him and then erupts, while Fonzie lifts the European Championship above his head ...


You see, there may be a guy, who has word "champion" written next to his name, but I am the real champion, because I deserve it and I rightfully won it. I won the match, by the way of disqualification, but what matters is, that I WON. And the thing is, that when you're fighting for something of a big price and you win it, you should have it, you should have the accomplishments, you should be written in the historic records, you should be everywhere. But I don't if I'm in a book or my face is on the poster, because the thing is that I and these people around here know, that I am the true champion, because I won it from that guy named Miz, when I defeated him and his sidekick Paul Heyman. I wasn't expecting that Miz is gonna be such a tough son of a bitch, but I won. And I would have won the match even without DQ, if it wasn't for Paul Heyman, who grabbed my leg, which caused me some time and I jumped right at the time when Miz already got up and he was holding the chair. By the way, when he was holdin' the chair, I think he had some bad intentions and Rob Van Dam as a real superhero stopped him in the right time and in the right place. And this championship, that belongs to me, is only award for my hard work and this match at Great American Bash I'm takin' as my title defense. You know it sounds cool, when you're holding the belt, but your name isn't on the list of its holders. But ,,, whatever. Now, I think it's right time, to welcome back my very good friend, my former ... well, my actual manager, Fonzie!

Fans start to chant "Fonzie" and Bill grabs microphone from Rob as Bill starts to jump around like crazy and blows his whistle and then starts to talk ...


That's right baby! Bill Alfonso is back in the game baby! And I don't care what their names are or what they're gonna do, 'cause at Great American Bash, you're gonna be only one thing, big fat losers! Zeros! Because it's Mr. Friday Night, who's the champion here! And he's gonna defend that title, anywhere, anytime, just so he can kick your big asses! The greatest man that ever was in pro-wrestling daddy! Rob Van Dam, Mr. Pay-Per-View, if his right hand is not going to knock you out, his left will! You think you're good, you think you're tough? Well, you're not! You two are gonna be in lot of trouble, baby! Because you'll be goin' home, without that title, just like you went from that Heatwave episode of SmackDown daddy!!


RVD just smiles and looks at Fonzie, who immediately starts to blow his whistle and jump around. RVD grabs the mic back from his manager and continues ...


Yeah, everything what Fonzie said, was completely true. Miz, I'm gonna knock your teeth out!

RVD thinks for a moment, then looks at Fonzie, wo already stopped jumping around and is now looking at RVD. RVD then looks on the ground ...


No offense Fonzie. I'm, I'm .... I'm gonna knock ... knock your head off! Yeah! That's right because Rob Van Dam is the greatest wrestler in UWF. He's the reason why people watch wrestling, because they wanna see Rob Van Dam in the ring, kicking some stupid punk's asses. And Rob Van Dam is worth people's money here, but when I'm gonna beat you Miz, RVD is gonna be worth their money everywhere. But as I am only talkin' about me and you, Miz. I've got a little message for Paul Heyman too. Well, Paul. Fonzie said to me in the locker room, that ... when I'm gonna ... how to say that ... if your client is gonna be lucky enough, to get a win in that ring, Fonzie is gonna kick your little tail and if I'm gonna win ... well, to be honest I will win, he's gonna do it anyway, but don't be afraid, Paul. You won't be the only one, who'll get his ass kicked at GAB. I hope I didn't scare you too much, I still believe you're gonna come down here like a man and run your big mouth like every fuckin' time. You're gonna confuse my fans with some kind of nonsense, but I will bring them back on their track, so it will be pointless. For these people, there's only one God, only one man, they believe in and that man is me, The Whole Fuckin' Show, The Sheik's Favourite Wrestler, Mr. Friday Night .... ROB VAN DAM!

Crowd goes totally crazy, when RVD looks pumped and says his name, right after that RVD continues ...


You see Fonzie, since we're friends, we have this little rule. What's yours is mine and what's mine is mine too. *Fonzie's looking a bit confused* Nah, just kidding, dude. But Fonzie you know, it's time for those two to finally realize what exactly is going on here. They don't get the thing that, when I'm finally holding this belt, I ain't gonna release it. That would not be cool and as you may know, everything is cool, when you're Rob Van Dam. Seriously, I think that Miz is gonna be the shortest reignin' UWF European Champion and it sounds pretty funny to me. Miz, I beat you and at GAB, I'm gonna beat you again and if you keep comin' back for more ... guess what, I'm gonna beat you again. It's because the gold, is right where it belongs. Guys, you've got me and Fonzie to worry about and from sound of that, you should be fuckin' scared. It's not the main event, that have the biggest TV ratings, it's always the match, where is RVD. So you Miz and mister Heyman, should be happy, that you'll be in a most watched match in a PPV history. Why most watched match? Because I said it and what I say is gonna happen. When I say I'm gonna take Miz's head and I'm gonna stick it up Heyman's ass, I'm gonna do it. To be honest, Fonz .. I'm pretty excited about this match, I don't how about you, but I am excited about it ...


I'm REALLY excited 'bout it, baby! Here's what I'm excited about! Miz, Great American Bash, Chicago, Illinois and fight for the belt baby! Because it's Rob Van Dam with Bill Alfonso versus cockroaches daddy! And Rob Van Dam is gonna stomp on their little heads and crack their bodies baby! And that belt is goin' home, baby! That belt is goin' with Mr. Friday Night! You got it! Miz, Heyman, your days are gone! And we're gonna knock your heads off, daddy! How about that??! Come On!!

Fonzie looks pretty pumped and RVD smiles as they are looking at the titantron and waits for Miz and Heyman to come down to the ring ...


Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
Justin Gabriel & Evan Bourne vs Shark Boy and William Regal

UWF Tuesday Night RAW opens in a flash of pyro, as the camera pans the hyperkinetic crowd!


Jerry "The King" Lawler: Good evening, folks, and welcome to another exciting edition of UWF RAW! I'm Jerry "The King" Lawler, sitting right beside me is Michael Cole, and Cole, what a show we have tonight!

Michael Cole: That's right, King! A lot is riding on this week's show! CM Punk will be facing Matt Morgan for #1 Contendership for the US Title, and our main event is a tag match full of uneasy alliances!

As Cole is rattling off the main matches on the card, an unknown, upbeat theme song comes on the Titantron, making everybody take notice:


King: But this match is no less important! Not only does it mark the debut of two of the most exciting new superstars in wrestling, but it will also decide who gets to represent RAW in the first ever UWF World Tag Team Championship match, at the Great American Bash, against a handpicked team from SmackDown!

Ring announcer: Introducing first, the team of Justin Gabriel, and Evan Bourne!



The two small, high-flying superstars step out onto the stage, to an approving reaction from a select portion of the crowd. Despite the less than enthusiastic stance of the remainder of the fans, the duo still takes time to wave and smile, looking stoked ust to be there. Then, Justin requests a microphone, which he is quickly given, and wastes no time in addressing the crowd:

Justin Gabriel: Hello, Miami!

The ploy has the desired effect - a cheap pop - as the South African quickly continues:

Justin Gabriel: You know...they say I suck on the mic...can't cut a promo...

He pauses for effect, as a few jeers and whistles are heard here and there, presumably from fans expecting the typical heel tirade about injustice. Gabriel, however, throws them a curveball by admitting:

Justin Gabriel: ...and they'd be absolutely right!

An initial arena-wide gasp is quickly followed by chuckles, as even Gabriel's partner, Evan Bourne, can be seen smiling. With a smirk of his own on his lips, the high-flying wonder continues:

Justin Gabriel: See, I've always sucked at reading lines...memorising scripts...all that stuff. Now, at actually *talking*...that I'm not too bad at.

The chuckles intensify, as the fans see right through the transparent dig at the boys' former employer. Without missing a beat, Justin concludes:

Justin Gabriel: And, as anyone who has seen me will tell you, I'm not half-bad at wrestling either. That's what I'm hoping to show you guys here at UWF, along with my buddy Evan here.

The South African turns to the strangely subdued Bourne, placing a hand on his shoulder:

Justin Gabriel: Do you want to say something?

Evan nods, and Justin passes him the microphone. After taking a moment to grin up at the crowd, "Air" Bourne coolly quips:

Evan Bourne: Is there good weed around here?

Hearing this, Gabriel has a mock-horrified reaction, yanking the mic from his partner's hand. The crowd, understanding it is all an act, get behind the duo's antics, gracing them with a sizeable pop. Justin, seemingly oblivious, continues to "berate" his partner:

Justin Gabriel: What are you doing?! We can't talk about that sort of stuff! We'll get in trouble with the Wellness Policy guys! You don't wanna get suspended when we've just arrived, do ya?!

Then, turning to the crowd once more, he drops the acts and once again becomes serious:

Justin Gabriel: All joking aside, though...Evan and I came here to UWF to prove that we deserve more than we got at that other place...

Another pop interrupts the cruiserweight, as King comments simply:

King: Damn right...

Gabriel patiently waits for the noise to die down before continuing:

Justin Gabriel: ...so we chose a name which reflects that. See, if we had been pushed, we could have been famous. But despite the fact that we had quite a few fans, they decided to bury us. And that's why we never got to be famous. We were never more than...

At this point, a graphic appears on the Titantron behind the two men, just as Gabriel is making a sweeping hand motion in that direction. Flashing on the big screen and on the lateral monitors are two words:


At the same time as the words appear, Justin Gabriel voices the new tag-team's name out loud, to the delight of the crowd.

Cole: Well! Someone's been watching a few too many DVDs!

King: Well, it's certainly a memorable name, and a great way to declare their intentions!

The crowd seems to agree, as they continue to shower the newcomer duo with xheers. As for the two men, they merely stand on the platform, grinning like small children, until another theme song erupts behind them, announcing the arrival of their opponents!


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2011
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UWF Raw - Robert Roode versus Mr. Anderson

I'm off the chain!
Time to go against the grain!

The fans suddenly erupt into a cheering frenzy as the NWA World Heavyweight Champion's theme hits the PA system and after a few moments, Robert Roode steps out on the titantron.


Roode marches down the entrance ramp, clutching at his NWA World Heavyweight Championship and serious look on his face as he makes it down the ringside area, Roode glances over his shoulder before walking up the ring steps and into the ring, the fans cheering for Roode as he is handed a microphone from a ring technician, Roode takes a moment before addressing the crowd.


The NWA World Heavyweight Champion,
Robert Roode

I am the National Wrestling Alliance World Heavyweight Champion! I am the BEST champion in the entire wrestling industry, I am THE man! I am more relevant than UWF Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin or World Heavyweight Champion, Dean Ambrose. I don’t need luck to succeed, because I have all the tools I’ll ever need to succeed, no general manager to save me or dodgy officiating. However, my debut match is not a championship match, it’s a singles match against a familiar face, Ken Anderson but before I address you Ken, I must mention Montel Vontionious Porter and New World Order.

Roode chuckles and takes a deep breathe before tackling the issue of MVP.


Firstly, MVP, you are nothing but a sham, a poseur, you cowardly attack on me and this World Championship was nothing short of pathetic; if you was even close to Championship material, you would of faced me like a man but you didn’t, instead you attempted to belittle the championship and attempted to degraded but you failed because I am still standing and the NWA World Championship is still the most prized championship in the entire industry!

The fans pop wildly as Robert Roode lifts the NWA Championship high above his head as Roode continues to talk.

That’s right, this championship is more valuable than the UWF Championship or the World Heavyweight Championship! And that eats the New World Order up, particularly Randal Orton, a man who so desperately wants to become a champion but he simply doesn’t cut it to be a top tier champion, let alone be THE champion; instead he’d rather sulk and complain when things don’t go his way, Randy Orton, you are the same as Cody Rhodes, you are nothing but a joke and a coward… And I’m glad my debut match is against a man with a small ounce of class.

The fans pop for Mr. Anderson, seeing as both men are faces but Roode clears his throat as begins to talk about his opponent.

Mr. Anderson, us two don’t particularly see eye to eye and I am not particularly fond of you, however, we do indeed share something in common, we both despise the New World Order with a passion and I wouldn’t object to us forming alliance to take them down but that is only if you prove yourself to me; just like I’m one hundred percent sure that Theodore Long has booked this match, to see if you are up to the standard of a champion and I am that bench mark, I am the bar! You see Mr. Anderson, I am the best champion in the world as I stated earlier, and if you can defeat me, which you won’t, but if you, then Christian and Stone Cold Steve Austin will be a walk in the park!

The fans are unsure how they should react, so they boo for Austin and Christian but cheer for both Roode and Anderson, some of the fans break out into Anderson chants as Roode nods his head.


Don’t get the wrong idea Ken, just because we have goals in common and this is a test our prowess, this doesn’t mean I am going to let you win nor do I particularly like you. You are rude and crass but you do win matches, and that’s what works in your favour, however, I am the leader of the next generation and you can put your money in the bank for that because it really does pay to be Roode.


Sep 29, 2010
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San Francisco
UWF RAW - CM Punk vs. Matt Morgan (US Title Number One Contender Match)

The capacity arena at a RAW house show is rather silent, anticipating the next bit of action. Many fans begin to leave their seats in search of bathrooms or concession stands, when suddenly, all of their attention is diverted to the stage when a familiar theme hits the PA system..

" ... Love, your hate..
Your, faith lost..
You are now.. one of us!"


"Miseria Cantare" by AFI pounds throughout the arena speakers, signifying the arrival of one man - CM Punk. The capacity crowd erupts into a thunderous mixed reaction, as majority of the audience isn't quite sure which version of CM Punk they're going to see. After a short while, the man of the hour quietly steps through the curtain, wearing black shorts and his trademark t-shirt. Punk outstretches his arms and begins to walk down the entrance ramp, soaking in the crowds mixed reaction. Punk has a look of determination on his face as he ignores any possible fan interaction.


Once Punk reaches ringside, he proceeds to walk up the steel steps and climbs his way to the top rope. He once again outstretches his arms and lets out a loud yell, which causes a small section of the crowd to cheer even louder. Once finished, he hops down and skips one lap around the ring. He then proceeds to grab one of his signature 'pipebombs' from a stagehand seated ringside. Punk walks dead center in the middle of the ring and waits for his music to be cut before he begins to speak.


CM Punk: As you can see, I'm not in the best mood. Last week on RAW I had a chance to disarm the nWo of the only source of credibility they lay claim to, Cody Rhodes' United States Championship.. and I failed. I'll give credit where credit is due, Rhodes' did it the right way. Fair and square, without outside interference, after a hard fought battle. But you see, loosing doesn't sit very well with me. It never has, and it never will. You're looking at the man who once held the UWF Championship for a record setting 118 days, the man who solidified this company and put it on the map as the most dominant wrestling federation in the world, and now I'm struggling to even win a match.

Punk pauses, finding the words that just came out of his mouth to be very bitter. He takes a deep breath before continuing his promo.

CM Punk: I've never been one to make excuses, and I'm sure as hell not about to start now, but believe me when I say there's going to be some serious changes. Yet unlike Cody Rhodes' and the new world order, I'm not going to bitch and complain, blaming everyone else for my troubles. These changes reflect one man, and one man only, and that's CM Punk.. I'm done with the games. No more Mr. nice guy. The smiles, the high fives, the witty remarks, they've all been put on hold until I can get myself back on track and accomplish my goal of defeating Cody Rhodes at the Great American Bash and winning the United States Championship.

The crowd cheers at the prospect of Cody and the nWo loosing their championship. Punk takes a short pause, before continuing to speak.


CM Punk: Defeating Cody will be my vindication, and all that's standing in my way of getting another crack at that belt is none other than Matt Morgan. I'll admit, the guys on a roll. Returned to UWF and won the Hardcore Championship on his first night back. But Matthew, you picked the wrong week to step in the ring with me. I've got nothing against you personally, but to me, you're nothing more than a speed bump on my road to the Great American Bash pay-per-view. I will not continue to be made a mockery out of, and I will not allow this little loosing streak to go on any longer. Matthew, this Monday night, I will prove once again why I am the best in the world.. and you can count on it.

Just as Punk lowers his microphone, he is interrupted by..

The Wrestling Addict

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UWF Raw: The Rock vs. Dolph Ziggler



Dolph Ziggler's music floods the PA system as he steps through the curtain and makes his way down the entrance ramp with Ric Flair following behind him.


Ziggler and Flair enter the ring and Ziggler follows up by leaping to the top rope and striking a pose.


He jumps down and smiles as he is handed a microphone.

Dolph Ziggler

Last week, the UWF Universe whitnessed the on-screen debut of Dolph Ziggler. This week, the UWF Universe will have the privelage to whitness the in-ring debut of Dolph Ziggler. If you missed last week's edition of Tuesday Night Raw, Ric Flair came out here and introduced myself as his protege. I then, threw out an open challenge for this week. Sadly enough, nobody accepted it. Most likely because everyone in the UWF lockeroom is afraid of Dolph Ziggler. But fortunately, Teddy Long decided to find an opponenet for me. Looks like the best he could find, is the Rock? Come on Teddy! You could have done much better than that! I mean will the Rock even show up to face me tonight? Or is he off filming some cheesy-ass Disney movie?

Dolph Ziggler pulls out his phone to check twitter.

Dolph Ziggler

"Cheesy-ass Disney movie", trending world wide! By the way, follow me @HeelZiggler. I guess Teddy Long has placed the Rock in a match against me for one reason. He wants to see if the Rock can still get it done. By putting the Rock in a match against a guy like myself, it will show if Rock can still get the job done. Now throughout Rock's iconic career he has faced many greats such as Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Undertaker, Mick Foley, Triple H, Hulk Hogan, and so many more, but he has never stepped into the ring with a man that has the attributes that I possess. Those guys may be legends but they were no Dolph Ziggler. Besides, The Rock is way past his prime. This isn't 1999, Rocky! Or should I call you Dwayne? Because last I heard, you didn't want to go by the Rock anymore. You want everyone to know you by Dwayne Johnson. That tells me right there that you no longer have the passion that you once did since you don't want to go by the name you used when you were on top of the wrestling world. Or did you ever have passion? Because if you ask me, I think you used this business to get to the top in the entertainment world! You used the wrestling industry and you used these fans! But yet these out-of-shape, idiotic, pathetic excuses of wrestling fans, will still cheer for you. It's not only that Dwayne but you haven't reinvented yourself once so ever. You still use the same corny catchphrases, you still raise your eyebrow, and you still use the wrestling industry to make yourself an iconic entertainment figure. You are just so damn predictable, Dwayne. I can already tell all of you what the Rock will do, tonight. He will let me speak for a short bit, before his music will hit, he will walk down here, snatch the microphone out of my hand, call me a jabroni, tell me to shove the microphone up my candy ass, ask me what my name is but won't let me finish and tell me it doesn't matter. Well Rocky, the only thing that doesn't matter is you! Nobody gives a damn about you anymore. You show up for a short period of time and then you leave like the sell-out you are. Maybe that's why these people love you so much, because they are just like you. They would sell-out anyday of the week and become a lame actor like yourself. Last week, I actually sat down and watched the Tooth Fairy with my nephew because he begged me too. I made it about thirty minutes before I ripped the dvd out and threw it in the garbage. That was thirty minutes of my life that I will never get back. Hell, even my nephew said, "Damn that movie really sucked!"


Dolph Ziggler

Now I want all of you to take a good look at the man in my corner. He is none other than "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair. You people act like The Rock is a big deal. Ric Flair is a living, breathing, wrestling legend! And unlike The Rock, Ric Flair didn't sell out to become an actor. Trust me, the offer was on the table but this man, rejected them, no matter how pricey they were. But trust me, he could have been a whole hell of a lot better actor than Dwayne Johnson. But he didn't because he loves this business!

Dolph Ziggler hands the microphone to Ric Flair.


Ric Flair

Dolph is absolutely right! That is why I picked this man as my protege! He will tell you exactly what he thinks and everything that comes out of his mouth is the truth! Dwayne has no idea what is coming to him tonight. I dare him to come out here and smack talk Dolph Ziggler because we all know Dolph is more athletic, Dolph is younger, Dolph is a better wrestler, and Dolph is a better entertainer. So Rocky come out here and threaten to smack the taste out of Dolph Ziggler's mouth! I dare you! Because everyone knows that you would be the one getting your candy-ass kicked! Dolph Ziggler will beat The Rock right here tonight, and after he is finished, Dolph and myself will laugh and say, we told you so! WOOOO!!!

The 16 time world champion hands the microphone back to his protege.

Dolph Ziggler

There you have it folks! Straight from the mouth of a wrestling God, that I will defeat Dwayne Johnson in the middle of this ring tonight! Ric Flair is the smartest man to ever step inside the squared circle. He has 16 world title reigns to prove it. But if you still don't believe that I will beat The Rock, shut up, sit your fatass down, and watch closely as I prove all of you why I am UWF's Next Big Thing!


Dolph Ziggler starts to show off but is cut off when...

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Re: UWF Raw: The Rock vs. Dolph Ziggler


OOC: Ignore the annoying intro. This is a sick titantron.

The crowd comes unglued as “The People's Champ” The Rock bursts through the curtain and out in front of his loyal legions of fans. He looks around before heading to the ring.


The Rock strolls down to the ring while the fans drown him in flash photography. He scales the top rope and throws his arm into the sky. He then climbs into the ring and is handed a microphone. He walks around the ring for a few moments as the crowd goes crazy. He then begins to speak.


The Rock: Let The Rock begin by saying FINALLY......The Rock HAS COME BACK to Miami!

The crowd pops loud as The Rock says the name of his hometown. He looks across the ring at Ric Flair and Dolph Ziggler as they don't look impressed at all. Rock then addresses them.

The Rock: Now, The Rock was back in the back, trying to fight Lillian Garcia off as she was grabbing for The People's Strudel and The Rock couldn't help but overhear the diarrhea flowing from your mouth. Dolph Ziggler, Mr. Ziggles in the flesh LIVE on RAW! Dolph Ziggler, the man of many faces. Does The Rock have this right that you've done many jobs? Well, we all know you have but is it true you've held many jobs throughout your career? You look like you don't know what The Rock is talking so allow The Rock to refresh your memory and let's teach The People a history lesson here tonight. I can't talk about Dolph Ziggler without talking about a man by the name of Kerwin White. You remember Kerwin? Chavo Guerrero with a sweater vest? Well, apparently, Mr. Ziggles here used to be his personal caddy. That's right folks. You've heard it here. Dolph Ziggler used to carry Chavo Guerrero's golf-clubs, his golf tees. Dolph Ziggler even used to carry Chavo Guerrero's balls.

Dolph isn't too happy to hear that joke and Flair has to contain him. Rock smiles then addresses this.


The Rock: Woah woah woah, Dolph! It's ok. It's 2012. It's a different time. You see, while The Rock was playing the Tooth Fairy, Dolph Ziggler was playing a Cheerleading Fairy! You see, you even mention Spirit Squad around him he goes into a wild fit. Dolph, can The Rock ask you to do something? Just one more time IN FRONT OF THE MILLIONS.....

The crowd screams “AND MILLIONS” of fans for The Rock.

The Rock: AND MILLIONS of The Rock's fans. Just one more time, how did that part in the theme music go? “NICKYYYYYYY!!” Go ahead let The Rock hear it. No? That's ok nobody cared about the Spirit Squad anyway. Then you took a bottle of bleach to your head for about an hour and out popped Dolph Ziggler, running around introducing yourself to everybody in the back. “Hi, Dolph Ziggler!” We don't give a damn what your name is just run your ass back to the Boogie Nights reunion!And Ric, Ric you should know better than anybody just what The Rock is capable of doing in this ring. You and The Rock have tied up once in this ring and, to the best of The Rock's knowledge he laid the SmackDown on your candy ass! Ric, The Rock respects the Hell out of you. You were a big inspiration for The Rock but don't think for a second mistake my respect for weakness because Ric, at the drop of a dime, The Rock will whip your monkey ass all over God's green Earth. It doesn't matter one bit if you are the Limousine-Ridin', Jet-Flyin', Kiss-Stealin', Wheelin'-Dealin' Son Of A Gun because The Rock is the Jabroni-Beatin', LALALALALALALALALALOW! Pie-eatin', Trail-Blazin', Eyebrow-raisin', Heart-Stoppin', Elbow-Droppin', He-Ain't-A-16-Time-World-Champ-But-He'll-Whip-Both-Your-Monkey-Asses-In-16-Different-Countries-And-Languages The Rock!

The crowd goes crazy as The Rock spits that line out, which was quite a mouthful. Ziggler and Flair are still glaring at Rock.


The Rock: You might be asking yourself what this all has to do with our match tonight? Well, the point The Rock is trying to make is this: We all have pasts and things we aren't necessarily proud of but one this The Rock is proud of is being The People's Champion and The People know that, even if The Rock isn't here, The Rock is always gonna be there for them. Whether it's the big screen or the squared circle, there's only one man who can electrify and captivate an audience and that is The Most Electrifying Man In All of Entertainment and something The Rock is gonna be proud of is the ass-whippin' he's gonna give to Mr. Ziggles here because, Dolph, you're good....great even.....but you're not The Great One. IF YA SMELLLLLLLLLLLLL-LALALALALALALOW!.....What The Rock.........Is Cookin'?!

The Rock lowers his microphone and waits for their retort.
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Re: Justin Gabriel & Evan Bourne vs Shark Boy and William Regal

The crowd are still on their feet cheering when suddenly a once familiar voice is heard saying:




'24:7' by Dale Oliver hits the PA system and before too long Shark Boy emerges from behind the curtain to a raptuous occassion, the former UCW Hardcore Champion wastes no time in walking down the ramp, his head bobbing, mouthing off to everybody and everything. He walks up the ring steps and through the ropes into the ring where he walks straight past his opponents and heads to the top rope to throw his fists in the air and shoot out his signature 'Fin Salute'. Shark Boy does this on all four ring corners before stepping down and grabbing a microphone. Shark Boy wastes no time in composing himself, he just starts speaking. The crowd chant what with every word.


Shark Boy: Well looky here, ol' Shark Boy back in the big time!. And what does Shark Boy get met with on his return to the big leagues?... a shot, at gettin' a shot to be the first Tag Team Champion in UWF history. Now I ain't the sorta guy to make friends... I ain't into socializin' unless it means drinkin' beer. Drinkin' Jim Bean. Drinkin' gin. Drinkin' vodka. Drinkin' clam juice!... Shark Boy ain't interested in socializin' unless he's drinkin' which I why I prepare before every match by havin' a nice cold, refreshin' beverage to myself. Just like tonight. Because I'm gonna have to talk to these two jackasses and meet my tag team partner William Regal. Now, first off, right off the bat, Shark Boy don't like nobody. He don't like people. He don't like fish. He don't like a single thing about anythin' other than whippin' peoples basses. So what I do to make life bearable is make sure that I open up at least one can of bass whip every day. And it makes me especially ecstatic that I get to open not one... but TWO, cans of bass whip on one night... and hell if ol' Bill steps out of line, maybe even THREE!... and that'd just make my night, let me tell you that.

The crowd cheer for Shark Boy as he continues.

Now what makes it even better for Ol' Sharky is that it's these two sorry sons of bitches that I get to crack the can on. I mean they've came out here to Shark Boy's ring. They're spittin' a load of crap about readin' and weed like they're supposed to be some kinda goddamn comedy act. Well let me tell you ya dumb bastards, this ain't no comedy act and this ain't no laughin' matter. You're goin' two for two against two of the most dangerous men, and THE most pissed of shark on the UWF roster. And right now, I'm just itchin' to shut both y'all's mouths up with my boot. Now Shark Boy ain't one to gamble, but I'd bet my house on whether or not Shark Boy's gonna kick both yer basses this week on Raw. It ain't a matter of if, it's more a matter of how bad yer gonna get it. So what I'm sayin' to both of ya, is that ya walk yerself up that ramp, through that curtain, through the halls and straight out the arena in yer little rental car and you both go home and share yer bed, and you say yer prayers and beg to the lord that you don't become another victim of Shark Boy... and beg that Shark Boy ain't as pissed off as he normally is.

The crowd are chanting Shark Boy's name.

But it don't matter none 'cos Shark Boy and William Regal are walkin' outta Raw and into The Great American Bash to whip some Smackdown bass... and that's the fishin' liiiiine... because Shark Boy said so!.



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Re: Justin Gabriel & Evan Bourne vs Shark Boy and William Regal

As Shark Boy is going through his tirade in the ring, atop the platform, the two members of Almost Famous are staring at him, in a mix of confusion and amusement. Then, once he has said his piece, Justin Gabriel turns to Evan Bourne, nudging him, with a big goofy smile:

Justin Gabriel: Hey Evan, look...it's one of the Street Sharks!

The two jump in the air and high-five, yelling out the catchphrase for the old cartoon show:


Then, Justin Gabriel once again takes to sizing up his opponent, this time a little critically:

Justin Gabriel: But you know, I'm a little disappointed...they told us we'd be fighting two legends here tonight, and I was kinda excited. And I still am! I mean, William Regal?! He's a bloody boss, man! He's the bloody Professor! We're not worthy! And Antonio Cesaro? Ach, his reputation precedes him! Indy rat made good, exciting talent, all that. But nobody told us anything about sharks. Now, I don't mean to be SHARK-astic, but...

Here, just as the crowd are beginning to chuckle and get behind the two goofballs, Evan interrupts his Tag Team partner:

Evan Bourne: C'mon now! Don't be like that, Juice! You know our opponent's FIN-tastic!

Jerry "the King" Lawler (muttering and chuckling): Good one...!

The two high-five again, as giddy as ten-year-olds on a sugar high. The crowd, sensing they are having as much fun as any fan in the audience, react accordingly, chuckling along with the dynamic duo, even as Shark Boy paces back and forth, clearly displeased.


Hitting his stride, and backed by the love of the crowd, Justin pipes up yet again:

Justin Gabriel: I dunno, mate...I think there's something FISHY around here! Know what I mean? Like us and him are not dancing to the same TUNA!

Evan Bourne: Well, I don't know, man...all I know is, this whole thing is making me crave some fishsticks!

The fans laugh again, as Justin retorts:

Justin Gabriel: We'll go get some after the show! We just have to make sure we don't borrow from *him*...

The South African jerks a thumb towards the increasingly irritated Shark Boy, as Bourne frowns:

Evan Bourne: How come?

Gabriel deadpans:

Justin Gabriel: Ach...he'll charge us interest! Haven't you ever heard of a LOAN SHARK?!

By this point, the crowd is laughing hard - and popping hard, too. Suddenly, after sharing a guffaw with his partner, Gabriel looks horrified, as if he had just come to a startling realisation. Turning to Evan, he frets, in an overtly dramatic tone:

Justin Gabriel: Bloody hell...! Evan! I just thought of somethin', mate! We can't go in there with that guy!

Evan frowns:

Evan Bourne: Why not?

Justin gestures frantically, in a broad caricature of anxious behaviour:

Justin Gabriel: Because...!! We're high-flyers, mate! We don't want to JUMP THE SHARK!

This finally does it. A roar of laughter explodes throughout the arena, and the newcomer Tag Team are suddenly basking in the adoration of the fans.

King: Almost Famous in something of a boisterous mood here, and the crowd are loving it!

Michael Cole: Oh, please! Their puns are worse than Arnie's in "Batman and Robin"!

The duo, however, seem pretty pleased with themselves - that is, until yet another song begins on the Titantron.

King: Well, funny or not, it's time to cut the clowning, because here comes their second opponent!
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Re: Justin Gabriel & Evan Bourne vs Shark Boy and William Regal


William Regal's theme song hits the PA system and the boos instantly rain down on him as he walks onto the stage. He ignores the crowd and begins to walk down the entrance ramp. A few fans go to shake his hand but he just ignores them and walks straight past them drawing more heat from the crowd. He smirks before climbing up the steel steps and into the ring.

William Regal: I strongly suggest that all of the half-wits in attendance listen up carefully because I have a little something to say.

Regal is loudly booed however he chuckles to himself.


William Regal: This week, I have been placed in a tag team match with three complete half-wits I do say. I am teaming with, I know it's unbeleivable, but I daresay, I am teaming with a grown man. Halloween is for children in October not adults in July. However I do have a couple of things in common with Shark Boy. I do like a good old pint of Tetley's Bitter. But one thing we both dislike, is these 'fanboys' coming out and talking utter nonsense to these people. I'm sick and tired of these people equipped with their delusions of adequacy that no-one really cares about and I will have a jolly good time sending you to a defeat in your first encounter. Now, all that is going about is can William Regal and Shark Boy co-exist. Well, if it is what it takes to celebrate championship gold then so be it. But, if we can work together, there are no team in this tournament who can compare to our combined talent.

Regal is booed heavily but he just smirks and continues


William Regal: Your name says it all, you just can't make it. I'll tell you why, it's because whenever anyone looks at you, they just see a couple of talentless individuals who have no business being here. Normally, you could get away with it but neither of you have the intelligence to do so. As a veteran of this business my advice to you is to stop trying. It is obvious that you have no talent, that you will never make it. Now you may think this is all a big joke and all but I can tell you it isn't. Evan, last time I saw you, you were on a lengthy suspension, things are different here to the precious safety of the WWE. If you do something wrong, more than likely you'll pay the price and if the board doesn't do anything about it, someone else will. Who that someone is, it doesn't matter, it can be anyone because to be quite frank, even Eugene could beat the living daylights out of you. So I'd strongly recommend thinking your actions through thoroughly before you do them. If you do not, you won't like it here very much.
Regal lowers the mic.

The Wrestling Addict

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Re: UWF Raw: The Rock vs. Dolph Ziggler

Ric Flair throws off his jacket with force and stomps on it, before bouncing off the ropes and jumping in the Rock's face with Dolph Ziggler standing behind him.


Ric Flair

How dare you come out here and disrespect Dolph Ziggler and myself! Look at me, Dwayne! You are looking at God! You think it's okay to come out here and talk about God like that? And since Ziggler is my protege, he may as well be Jesus, so don't come out here flapping your gums about him either! I find it funny, Rock, that you want to talk about me and you squaring off, and how you beat me. You know why you beat me? Because I was way past my prime and you were in the prime of your career. Just like tonight. You are way past your prime now and Dolph Ziggler is in his prime. So if anyone will be beating anyone's monkey ass, Dolph will be showing the so-called, "Great One" what it is like to step foot in the ring with a wrestler, not a damn entertainer! You can come out here and use all the goofy one-liners you want, but that will not change the fact that you are no Dolph Ziggler, and you are sure as hell are no Ric Flair

Flair hands the microphone to his protege, Dolph Ziggler.

Dolph Ziggler

Dwayne, you can come out here and talk about how I was Chavo Guerrero's caddy, and how I was a member of the spirit squad, but you don't realize what you're saying Rock. Basically, you're saying, I paid dues. I had to do whatever it took to pay my dues so I could make it to where I am today. Something you know nothing about, because unlike you, I wasn't handed everything on a silver platter. When you wanted to break into the business, your daddy called Vince and said you were ready! As soon as Vince got the word from Rocky Johnson, Rocky Maivia was competiting at MSG the very next week. So make fun of me all you want but Dwayne Johnson, you are nothing more than a spoiled, little, brat!

Ric Flair asks Ziggler for the microphone and gets it once again.

Ric Flair

And Dwayne, you keep ignoring the obvious. You are ignoring how great Dolph Ziggler is. No matter how many cheesy one-liners you use on him, you will still get your ass handed to you by him, tonight! Just in case you were too caught up in your acting career the past few years to realize how Great Dolph Ziggler has been, I have a video to show you. Take a look.

Everyone looks up at the titantron as a video plays.



Flair then gives the microphone back to Ziggler.

Dolph Ziggler

Rocky, Rocky, Rocky, if you don't believe me. If you don't believe Flair. And if you don't believe the video... I guess you will just have to find out for yourself when that bell rings and you are trapped inside this squared circle with the reflection of perfection, Dolph Ziggler! All of your cheesy catch phrases that haven't been funny since 2001 will be thrown out the window. And there will be no tooth fairy to save you! Tonight, Dwayne Johnson serves as a stepping stool for Dolph Ziggler's UWF career. It starts with you, and it will finish when I am the UWF World Heavyweight Champion!

Dolph Ziggler is done talking so he drops the microphone and does a headstand.



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Re: UWF Raw: Austin & Aries vs. Christian & Orton



The crowd erupts, as the New World Order's music begins blaring across the arena, and a Viper who was once again victorious is soon to emerge. Seconds pass before he finally steps through the curtains, donning the usual Black and White of the NWO. He's smirking after knocking off the Number One Contender last week on RAW, proving the New World Order is the most dominant stable this company has ever seen. He pauses briefly at the beginning of the ramp, throwing up the NWO hand signal as pyro falls from the rafters, black and white instead of their usual gold of the old age of Orton. He proceeds down the ramp quickly to the apron, as fans reach out to touch him. He ignores them, climbing the steel steps and entering through the middle rope. Up the turnbuckle he goes, posing with his arms out, before climbing each turnbuckle in succession and repeating. He hops down as his music fades out, someone from the outside hands him a mic, he gives it a few seconds as the fans are going nuts cheering for the NWO, and some even starting a Randy Orton chant, he raises his mic to speak his first words of the night, but makes the crowd wait just a few more seconds before finally speaking.​


Here I stand before you the fans, victorious once again. Hell last week the New World Order proved what I've been coming to this ring and saying for the past month. WE ARE the most dominant stable this company has ever, and will ever witness to stand before them. Champions and everyone in between has fallen at our feet, have succumbed to how superior we are to anyone else backstage in that locker room. Rhodes, Christian, and myself have proven to the monkey's running this company that they can only hold down their top talent for so long, that we will accomplish everything that we've set out to do and beyond. Before I truly begin let me offer a congratulations to my colleague Christian. Last week he defeated the very man standing across from us, the man who holds so dearly to that title with a death clinch, cause he knows it's only a matter of time before it dons the black and white fixtures. While Teddy Long has decided to put me farther down the card against the likes of the other man standing across from us, in Austin Aries at The Great American Bash; Christian will be taking Stone Cold's only prized treasure left. As soon as that title is lifted off you at the Great American Bash you'll be as irrelevant as you were when you made that god awful movie The Condemned.​

A ooh goes through the crowd as Orton glances over at Double A.​

Austin Aries that last time we stood in a ring together, well I stood and you were laid out on the ground, I put you out of action for a month. At Backlash I made my statement after your championship match, I RKO'ed Stone Cold and I punted you into a concussion on a mere whim. You see Aries you never were originally the part of my master plan, I mean hell why would I involve a certified mid-carder such as yourself? You were simply at the wrong place at the wrong time as the saying seems to go. There was only one Austin I was going after that night at Backlash, and it wasn't some spot monkey who competed in a promotion that's best ideas were to rip off Vince McMahon's WWE. I understand Aries you think you were on some kind of peddle stool, but you're only accomplishment in this company was cashing in a briefcase on a wounded champion, and losing that title only twelve days later, to that man.

Orton points over at Steve Austin as he continues

Now don't get it twisted Aries, I don't blame you one bit for cashing in your briefcase. If it was myself In the same situation I would of done exactly as you had. My problem with you Aries is that you think by some mere uncertainty that you're somehow better then myself or Christian. That UWF Undisputed Championship is your only achievement in a rather dull career, while we are multiple time champions on talent alone, not because we can jump the highest off the top rope. Tonight Aries you step across the ring from two of the most decorated pro wrestlers to ever step through those middle ropes. You come down that ramp and into our ring and brag about making a name from superstars who you've put out of this business. It seems Aries that you've been studying up on the Apex Predator in your time away from the ring, on how to be a successful and talented superstar such as myself. Cause you see Aries I was killing Legends before it was the cool thing to do. I beat Shawn Michaels at Unforgiven in a Legend vs. Legend Killer billed match. I spit in the face of Harley Race, one of the most well known and successful wrestlers to ever step foot in a ring. I beat Mick Foley after spitting in his face at Backlash, in his own style of match. I bleed and cringed in pain as I made it through barbwire bats and thumbtacks to kill the legend of Mick Foley. I became the youngest World Heavyweight Champion ever by defeating Chris Benoit at Summerslam.

Aries scoffs at Orton as he raises his mic to speak, but Orton cuts him off.

No Aries your time for talking is over, and now kid it's time for you to listen AND learn. Tonight when you step across the ring from the New World Order you may think it's time for your redemption, it's time for you to finally end the most dominant reign this company has EVER seen. I'm sorry to burst your bubble but tonight you will be shown what being in the spotlight is about. Cause we're not some European Revolution who claimed to be the face of this company and burned out, WE are the face of this company. The two guys standing in this ring right now and Cody Rhodes are the future of this business, we are what brings the fans to watch the product. Aries you are nothing more then a mockery of people who take this business seriously, who come down to this ring every night to prove they simply are the best. This isn't your bush league wrestling promotion you're so dearly use to, cause you see Aries the closest you ever came to "making it" was voicing a character in your rivals video game. Tonight Aries I'll show you why this isn't about just me and you, there's a picture that's way bigger then what you could imagine.

Stone Cold make a ahem noise as Orton finally glances over his way.​

Steve, don't think I've forgotten about you, not in the slightest. You see you're the reason in why I even bothered giving these fans a few precious minutes of my otherwise busy life. That title hung over your shoulder is what interests me the most in this otherwise unappealing match up with a winded has-been and a kid that could never make it. Last week on RAW in this very ring I pinned the number one contender to your UWF Undisputed Championship. Ken Anderson is just another who has fallen to the New World Order, and did it get me my DESERVED championship shot? Don't think so. Teddy Long is on screw patrol again, and instead of granting me my championship match tonight on RAW as it should be, instead I'm in a tag team match against the Champion and my opponent at The Great American Bash.​

Orton thinks deeply, as the crowd is eating up every word still​

Steve I've proven that I'm better then you; Christian proved he was better then you last week when beat you in the very ring we stand in. That title you hold so preciously is a fable, a lie I suppose you could say. Our unfit General Manager has spent countless of hours in thinking of how to keep that title around your waist, because he fears the power and domination that we've shown. Tonight on RAW will be a continuation of the fall of the UWF's era. Tonight when we stand above you and Arie's broken bodies with our hands raised the dawn of a new Era will be upon not only these fans, but this company. Tonight the New World Order Era officially begins, and we sit on top of the food chain. We ARE YOUR future.
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