UWF 2012: Past Raw Trashtalking

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Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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UWF Tuesday Night Raw 7/10/12: Curt Hawkins vs. Dolph Ziggler


This thread is for Curt Hawkins(Tapout) and Dolph Ziggler(The Wrestling Addict) to trash talk for their match for the July 10th edition of Tuesday Night Raw. Have fun guys, let's give Cwalker the best Raw he's ever seen!

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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UWF Tuesday Night Raw 7/10/12: Robert Roode vs. The Rock


MVP on commentary

This thread is for Robert Roode(EffectsofRaven) and The Rock(Hoov) to trash talk for their match for the July 10th edition of Tuesday Night Raw. Have fun guys, let's give Cwalker the best Raw he's ever seen!

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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UWF Tuesday Night Raw 7/10/12: C.M. Punk vs. William Regal


This thread is for C.M. Punk(Dom) and William Regal(Doink) to trash talk for their match for the July 10th edition of Tuesday Night Raw. Have fun guys, let's give Cwalker the best Raw he's ever seen!

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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UWF Tuesday Night Raw: Matt Morgan vs. MVP


Robert Roode on commentary

This thread is for Matt Morgan(The Red) and MVP(Albo2) to trash talk for their match for the July 10th edition of Tuesday Night Raw. Have fun guys, let's give Cwalker the best Raw he's ever seen!

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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UWF Tuesday Night Raw 7/10/12: Stone Cold's Open Challenge


"Badass" by Saliva begins to play over the PA system, sending the fans in attendance into an uproar as they give the Texas Rattlesnake a negative reaction. As they voice their disdain, through the curtain he walks, with his championship belt in tow. Austin makes his way down the ramp quickly, eyeing the ring with a purpose, as he arrives at the steel steps and walks up them, then turning and walking along the apron before stepping through the ropes. Austin walks over to the opposite ropes and motions to the ringside official for a microphone, and is granted one. Austin turns and walks towards the middle of the ring as his music cuts off, making the reaction of the crowd more audible.


Stone Cold: Yer probly wonderin' ta' yerselves right now, why is Stone Cold out here? He doesn't have a match, we're not supposed ta' hear from him until next Tuesday's edition a' Raw. Well, to all of you wonderin' that, I just shake my head in response. I mean, I know yer stupid, but do you really still fail to understand that Stone Cold does what Stone Cold wants when and exactly when he wants ta' do it? Well this is the last time I'm gonna tell ya, because quite frankly I'm not a man that enjoys repeatin' himself. I'm not on payroll ta' be a broken record for you, so either get it through your heads this time, or spend every week wonderin' why I'm doing what I'm doing and saying what I'm saying. The fact of the matter is, I'm out here for another reason. These past few weeks, Stone Cold hasn't been on what I would call his 'A' game in terms of trash talking his opponents in the build up to his weekly matches, my participation hasn't been up ta' par like it needs ta' be. When I came out here for my tag match this past week, and when I came out here for the singles match against Christian two weeks ago, I picked up the microphone once, and didn't speak again. Because of this, You Dubya Eff management is startin' ta' doubt me, and everyone that's involved with Raw, both backstage and in front of the camera, think I'm startin' ta' slip, that Christian's got my number. You fans think it, the men on the roster think it, the referees, the cameramen, the commentators, the creative team, the Board of Directors, even the hot dog vendor thinks I'm but a few weeks away from losin' my You Dubya Eff Championship.

Well obviously none of you have been listening to a word I've said these past few weeks. From the day I signed a talent contract with You See Dubya to today, I have been doing this for two and a half years. This championship I've got here, I won it on May 20th. So it took me two years and four months ta' win a belt that everyone recognizes as a top tier title, something that everyone sees as a legitimate championship and wants to capture and wear around their waist or over their shoulder. I fought everyone they put in my way, and though I didn't beat all of 'em, where are they today and where am I? Most of 'em don't even have a job, so those off days that they got the win over me mean as much as these recent wins Christian has gotten over me, nothing. I have fought for far too long to let this championship slip through my fingers, I have put too much hard work into ma' promos and ma' match work ta' let any of you undeserving, far less talented, bottom-feeding pieces of trash take it from me. For any of you to take this title would mean tarnishing it, making it worthless, and making the company worthless for making you the centerpiece of their top brand. I bring legitimacy to this company and my brand. You might not like me, but you can bet yer bottom dollar that there isn't a fella' on this sorry roster that works harder than Stone Cold Steve Austin.

This week, I'm gonna make up for the unsatisfactory work, and I'm gonna shut up all these people that's been doubtin' me. And at the end of next Tuesday night, the question on everyone's mind won't be whether or not I can beat Christian, it'll be the opposite, can Christian beat me? So here's how it's goin' down, Teddy Long left me off the card but I'm still gonna wrestle, although the pickins' are slim. Out of everyone still listed on the roster, seven soup-er-stars were left off the card besides Stone Cold Steve Austin: Chris Jericho, Shark Boy, Ric Flair, Mr. Anderson, Eddie Guerrero, and the team of Almost Famous. Well, I logged on ta' You Dubya Eff dot com, and apparently Mr. Anderson's been given the pink slip he deserves, so he's out. Chris Jericho retired earlier this week, so ya won't see him wrestlin' the Champ anytime soon. Ric Flair's just a manager, so count his old ass out, and I'm pretty sure Eddie Guerrero would no-show again if I called him out, so that leaves Shark Boy and Almost Famous. Sharky, if you're up for it, you can swim yer ass on down here and get yerself a can of whoopass opened up on ya for old times' sake if ya like, but I'm going to go with Bourne and Gabriel. Two weeks Stone Cold put in a half assed effort on this microphone, so this week he's gonna take on two opponents.

If you accept, I'll make sure ya get famous. You won't win, but everyone will know who ya are, the eyes'll be on you, for one night only. The ball's in your court.

Stone Cold watches the stage and lowers his microphone, waiting on a response.

OOC: I know he's not writing any of Raw this week, but he's still the man in charge, so I got Cwalker's permission before I did this.


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw 7/10/12: Stone Cold's Open Challenge

OOC: is it ok for a Smackdown superstar to accept if yes. I'll accept the challenge and TT tomorrow.


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw 7/10/12: Stone Cold's Open Challenge

The crowd are awaiting Austin's challenger when suddenly a familiar voice filters through the speakers.



The sound of shattering glass brings the crowd into a frenzy as Shark Boy's theme hits the PA system. Before long Sharky emerges from the back with a fire in his eyes as usual. He wastes no time in walking down to the ring. He gets in the ring and strolls right past Austin to the corner where he gets up on the top rope and throws out the fin salute before raising his fists in the air. He does this at the three other corners before finally getting himself a microphone. He steps up to Austin, showing no signs of intimidation and says:

Shark Boy: WHAT?!.

The crowd pop huge for a straight verbal slap in the face to Austin. Austin looks quite clearly agitated by the whole thing more than anything. Shark Boy raises his microphone again and begins to speak in his usual surly texan accent.


You think you could whoop Shark Boy's ass?, what?. You think you can stomp a mudhole in my ass?, what?. I'm sorry son, but I don't think beer is the only damn substance you're abusin' because I drink a hell of a lot of beer and I don't talk the same amount a' trash you do. And what's this 'for ol' times sake' trash?, hell you ain't ever beaten Shark Boy up in your life. One of the few who haven't!. I've had my tail kicked by just about every sorry son of a bitch in the business today, but I don't remember you ever openin' up a can of whoop-ass especially for little Sharky. I feel like I've missed out Steve. I feel like I ain't part of the group. Well Shark Boy's always felt that way, I mean with a face like this you don't tend to find yerself makin' friends too often, so it makes no damn difference to Shark Boy, but Shark Boy's always wanted to test himself 'gainst Stone Cold Steve Austin, he wanted to take that ass whippin' to see if he could give it right back. But I will say this, the more you run your mouth, bad mouthin' the people who got you where you are today, the more you make me wanna take that microphone and start beatin' ya over the head with it, and then hit ya with one, two Stunners BAM, knock you out like a light, give you a bass-whippin' you ain't ever had before, will have since, or will ever forget, if you know what I'm sayin'. What I'm sayin' is I want to whip yer bass, I want to stomp a fishpie in yer bass, I want to beat the livin' shrimp outta you... and if y'all wanna see Shark Boy here give ol' Stone Cold a bass-whippin', give me a Shell Yeah!.

"SHELL YEAH!", is the cry from the crowd.

I'll drink t'a that. And I don't care about no contracts, I don't care about yer little match with Christian at The Great American Bash, Shark Boy's got his own match to contend with. It's for the Tag Titles, I'm teamin' with William Regal, god help me, and it ain't gonna be easy. But I've found some time in my schedual for a fight and when there's time for a fight, there's gon' be a fight. And that's what this is about for me Steve. This ain't about yer match, or my match, or anybodies match for that matter, this about Shark Boy and Stone Cold Steve Austin. One on One... mano a mano. In a fight. On Raw. Is there pride at stake?... damn right son there is, I've been called a Stone Cold copycat since day one. Because I happen to drink a little beer... drive a pick-up truck, stay on Shark-Tooth Ranch and happen to be pissed off 24/7. And I will admit to similarities, but they never say similarities attract now do they?, is Shark Boy attracted to Stone Cold and vice-versa,I don't think so, EH-EH, and that's why I don't like you. I'm damn sick and tired of bein' compared to Stone Cold... I'm Shark Boy... and I'm meaner, drunker and more pissed off than Steve Austin's ever been in his career. And I can't wait to prove it on Raw. And will beatin' yer dumb redneck bass all over the arena improve my standin' here in UWF?... maybe. Probably. But again, it ain't about that, I've got tag titles to win before I take that strap you've got, son, but it's only a delay before I do win that World title.

The crowd begin to cheer, imagining Shark Boy as UWF Champion, Stone Cold looks disgusted by the mere thought.

But as I said son, this ain't about titles. This is about a Shark and a man beatin' the shell outta each other for the damn fun of it. And Stone Cold, you sorry sumbitch, I cannnot wait to see yer face after I pin ya one, two, three and prove t'a you that you ain't some big fish in the small pond... instead you'll be nothin' but fish feces in Shark Boy's deep blue sea!. And that's the fishin' line!... WHAT?, 'cos Shark Boy said so!.


OOC: Stone Cold/Shark Boy was too good to pass up. Also, didn't see AK post before I posted, hence the complete ignoring of said post. Sorry Ani.



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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw 7/10/12: Stone Cold's Open Challenge

OOC: I'm thinking to jump in just for the fun. I've faced Dredson and Sam before but never Aniking. I'm up for a challenge this weekend so you may see myself in this if I have time.


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw 7/10/12: Curt Hawkins vs. Dolph Ziggler

The crowd in attendance is murmuring to themselves quietly, waiting for the next event to happen. Most members aren't paying attention when a single word is uttered over the loud speakers:


The crowd stops, and quiets down to listen in to the voice off stage.


Finally, Curt Hawkins steps out from the back, ready in all his ring gear, while holding a mic, and his cane.


He walks slowly while talking on his way to the ring.

Curt Hawkins: One word. Yet such a big meaning. The past weeks on Raw, it's been the same. The same people, over and over again. Do you even know that I was signed a Raw contract almost a month ago, yet I am just now making my debut? I had to beg, and plead to be put on a card. But it was always the same answer, "Sorry Curt, we don't have anything for you this week." So I'd wait. And wait. Next week I'll try again. Can you guess what happened? Yeah, same answer again.

Curt has made it to the ring now. He walks over to the far end, and sits down on the ring apron. He soaks in some jeers, and boos before starting again.


Curt Hawkins: I really don't understand why you people are booing me. I'm not the bad guy here. UWF is the bad guy. You've seen nothing of me because they wouldn't let you. But here I am. Once and for all I sit on the edge of a UWF Tuesday Night Raw ring. And you know what? It doesn't feel that special. I've grown to be bitter. I've grown to be a bitter, bitter man, siting in the back waiting for my time. Then, something hit me. Do you wanna know what it was?

The fans boo more. Not as loudly though, as Hawkins is struggling to get a reaction.

Curt Hawkins: I honestly don't care what you think, I'm going to say it anyways. Who knows how long I'll actually have this mic for before a UWF monkey cuts it. I found out that my "time" wasn't coming. It was lies. All lies made up by the UWF to make me happy. To make me content. But it didn't work. I wasn't happy siting in the back watching people take MY spot, win MY titles, and compete in MY matches. So I did something about it, and surprise! Here I am. Change.

A little more reaction, but it is clear that the fans don't have a reason to care much for Hawkins.

Curt Hawkins: Change is going to come to Raw when I win my debut match against Dolph Ziggler. So do yourselves a favor. Shell out 15 bucks, buy a popcorn and a drink, sit back on your fat asses, and watch as The Party Starter brings Change to Tuesday Night Raw.

Hawkins rolls into the ring now and bends over the top rope to yell at some fans. His voice is not audible however because he has set the mic down.



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Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw 7/10/12: Stone Cold's Open Challenge

OOC: I'm thinking to jump in just for the fun. I've faced Dredson and Sam before but never Aniking. I'm up for a challenge this weekend so you may see myself in this if I have time.

If you read my TT, I'm not in the match. Christian was just saying he'll be ringside. Sam missing my post matters little too as it was only Christian getting invovled in Austin's business.

Seeing how you're from Smackdown, maybe ask, otherwise probably leave it. Also, nobody else OOC post. Don't wanna clog the thread up anymore.


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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw 7/10/12: Stone Cold's Open Challenge

OOC: Stuff this... Consider Roode involved.

TTing after I've finished this Job Application Business ^_^!


Jun 5, 2010
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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw: Matt Morgan vs. MVP

The UWF faithful are waiting patiently, waiting for some action to happen after already seeing an action packed night but its quieted down a bit for the last few minutes. The lights suddenly go out. The fans sit anxiously, asking the people next to them what is happening. The arena starts to flash gold and black lights everywhere, with some very known words inside the wrestling world ringing out over the PA system.



The camera focuses on the stage where a big inflatable tunnel which can now be seen, presumably being inflated while the lights were flashing on and off. The crowd rise to their feet awaiting one certain special superstar as smoke starts to escape the tunnel. The crowd aren't waiting long as the figure of MVP bursts through the flaps. He stops dead, looking around the crowd who give him a mixed reaction. He smiles, even chuckling to himself as he lowers himself to the ground, touching the ground and mumbling to himself as he quickly jumps up, putting his arms out to his side in his signature pose, setting off the pyros behind him.


MVP starts to slowly makes his way down to the ring, ignoring all the fans that is leaning over for high fives while he just holds up his '305' bling bling up to the camera, yelling 'Mr 305' towards the camera. He comes towards the bottom of the ramp, stopping for a second, taking out some gum he was chewing and throws it into the crowd before he takes a little run up and slides into the ring. He doesn't waste anytime getting to his feet, running towards the ropes, bouncing off and doing his signature dance and Ballin taunt at the end.


He holds the pose for a while, smiling cockily as he lowers his arms, pointing at his chest with the fans still giving him a mixed reaction. MVP walks towards the side of the ring, bending over to pick up a mic that was placed on the apron. He strides back to the middle of the ring, raising the mic to his lips but the noise the crowd is making stops him from starting his speech. He lowers the mic, looking forwards now, smirking away as the crowd in front of him are booing and jeering him. He raises the mic to his lips again and this time is allowed to start.



Good evening to all my adoring fans inside this arena tonight. You are all in for a treat as Montel Vontavious Porter, yours truly if you have all been living underneath a rock for a while has come here to grace you with my presence, a presence that hasn't been felt ever before, a highlight that will never be forgotten, a man that is on top of the world, you should all get your iphones out and start video taping this so you can relive it over and over and over. I know you certainly don't have anything better to do with your time during the day.

The crowd srart to boo MVP as he smiles looking out into the sea of boos. The boo's quiet down after a little bit as MVP continues.

Now the reason I am out here is because Teddy Long, our general manager has finally woken up to himself and realized that all these cards that hasn't had MVP has been killing UWF Raw. I mean just look at what it has become without The Franchise having a match but don't you worry no more Teddy, don't you worry no more you fans, don't you worry all the people in the back anymore, you see once again you can all sit on my shoulders, I will carry you once again and bring this company back to where it belongs, you see the great thing about me being the leader, it doesn't take to much effort for me to do this, it doesn't take much time out of my day as it just comes naturally to me. Most people are contempt with standing in the background watching others take the ball and run with it but most people in the business want to be that bloke, Stone Cold at one time was that person, John Cena was at another time, even Triple H was the bloke everyone looked to but their times have come and gone, they are all the past where as the man standing right here is the present, I am the bloke you can call the saviour, it showed when Chris Jericho had to retire because he tried to be just that, it showed that it isn't for everyone but I am MVP, I am not just anyone, I am Half Man, Half Amazing.

The crowd boo MVP again as he raises his arms out to his side looking pleased with himself. He starts to smirk and looks into the crowd, knowing full well he has them rallied up. He lifts the mic to his mouth again and begins to talk.

And the first person to be riding my co tails is our very own UWF Hardcore Champion, Matt Morgan. I watched the match where he won that title, I had some free time on my hands and I sat down, watched it with some lovely ladies by my side and saw you beat William Regal, congrats is in order for that but the fact that your debut match was for the lowest title in UWF history, in fact it only just come back from being defunct because of the value of it, you opened the show as well so why am I wasting my time with you, you might be asking yourself. The question is simply Matthew, Teddy Long needs me to be at my best to show everyone UWF has a future but he knows that I can make you look good at my worst so Matt, please come on out here, show your face, step into the ring for the greatest 5 minutes of your life and maybe do a little sucking up to me because that will only help you in the long run before I show you that I am simply the best. Holla To Da Wo......

The music of Matt Morgan hits the PA System before MVP can finish as he turns his head and awaits the arrival of Matt Morgan.

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw 7/10/12: Stone Cold's Open Challenge

OOC: Well, I had Almost Famous in mind, so Austin can face them in a Handicap match as a way to prove not only can he beat Christian, but he can beat two guys at once. Gives Pete a good rub from the UWF Champion, plus they aren't on the Raw card this week. If Christian wants to be ringside, cool. If Roode wants to pull double duty, absolutely. If Batista wants a piece, the writers need to think of a loophole, unless he's just doing it because Batista, much like Austin, does what he wants when he wants. Would've responded sooner but I've been at work.


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Re: Austin Aries vs Randy Orton


Smirking he raises his mic.​

Who was running away at Backlash Aries? I attacked John Cena to make a point, to make a statement. I told Cena before Backlash to stay out of the New World Order's business and he wouldn't get hurt. He like yourself and many others who have actually managed to be relevant in a wrestling company not featured from a theme park, have traveled the same route and have all met the same fate. Cause you see Aries you can come out here and claim to be Double A Austin Aries, you can come out here and claim to be the "greatest man to ever live", hell you could claim to be UWF Champion, even though you only managed to hold that title for twelve days. That's the difference between me and you Aries, while you are just a tiny dog with a big bark, I'm the big dog that runs the yard. I took away your most prized possession at Backlash, since you like to come down to my ring and run your mouth; let's talk about them shall we. Aries your whole career has been nothing but right time at the right place situations, because other then that no one cares about Austin Aries. You sell the least merchandise, and quite honestly the only time anyone doesn't use your match time to go take a leak or grab some food is if you're fighting someone that's actually relevant to this business,or if they already used that time in between a Robert Roode match.

The crowd lets out a ooh that resounds throughout the arena as he continues

Aries I'm still trying to understand if it's simply the fact that you are that ignorant, or should I blame the education of the poor town you grow up in and how economically challenged it is; but maybe you weren't watching Starrcade for the fact that it sickened you, sickened you knowing that it was myself that kept you away from a month, that kept you away from losing your chance at a championship once again. You said that no one could beat a fresh and powerful John Cena, you said no one could beat Superman himself. Well you're staring into the eyes of the man that finished John Cena at Starrcade, the man that put John Cena down like a sickly dog at the pound. It was myself and ONLY myself that sent John Cena to Smackdown, cause he knew our match at Starrcade was to be the last time he would want to step into the ring with the Apex Predator.

The crowd starts a RKO chant, as Randy steps back for a second and leans against the ring ropes. He finally continues.​

Aries at Backlash I took away your livelihood, I took away your streak of good luck and your ability to weasel your way into situations that you never belonged in, in the first place. Main Event spots that you stole because you are and always have been a spot monkey who can only get a reaction from this crowd when he's throwing himself off the top rope. It's always been that way with you Aries, hasn't it? You don't show any god given talent or actual wrestling ability, so you toss yourself around and abuse your body to entertain hillbilly backwater country people like alot of the ones here tonight.

This brings instant heat for Orton who just continues​

See Austin these people eat out of the palm of my hand. They cheer me when I tell them to cheer me, and they boo me when I tell them to boo me. These people are nothing but puppets, in a even bigger game. You see Aries if you like to admit it or not, yourself are a puppet in the New World Order's game, cause at Backlash I did put you at the wrong place at the wrong time for one of the first times in your career. At Backlash you were merely just a consolation prize of not being fast enough to get out of the ring when a real superstar enters it. You were a pawn being tossed aside to farther a point that this is our business, this is our company, and we're here to stay. I had a target list bigger then the ones of the New Orleans Saint's defense, and you were never once a thought.

Aries what happened to you at Backlash was nothing short of just a whim, a way of showing you just because you managed to cash in a briefcase on a injured champion, that you weren't on some kind of peddle stool. You have and always will be a mid-carder at best, destined to job and carry my bags in from my car hoping to one day just catch that break, to be taken under the Apex Predator's wing. NO! Aries, that time will never come because tonight marks the beginning of your end. Tonight marks the night that the New World Order stands tall at it's second straight Pay Per View, as the website title will read "NWO dominates Once Again". Aries you need this match, you want this match because you want to get revenge on the very man that proved in a single punt that he was better then you.

He rubs his chin as the crowd begins a NWO chant. He waits a few more seconds before continuing.​

Tonight Aries this ends. Tonight I will forever prove to the world that Randy Orton, and the New World Order will always be on top. Aries you're looking for a end, you're looking for a way out from this situation and this company. Aries at Backlash when I punted you in the head, it felt great. I had no remorse, and I will have no remorse for what happens to you at The Great American Bash. Austin Aries tonight is more then a match, tonight is WAR.

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw 7/10/12: Stone Cold's Open Challenge

OOC: Double posting but I needed to create awareness. I'm tired so forgive me if it's not that great.

Austin stands there, looking at Shark Boy, having heard what he had to say on the microphone and what Christian had to say on the titantron screen. He raises his microphone and unloads in typical Rattlesnake fashion.


Stone Cold: It appears as though my little open challenge has garnered me some unexpected attention. It's lookin' like Almost Famous aren't gonna accept my challenge but I have it on good authority that, although they have matches of their own, Robert Roode and Curt Hawkins want a piece of this action. I also heard through the grapevine that Batista from Smackdown wants to get involved, and as we can all plainly see Shark Boy wants involved, and maybe it stops there, maybe it doesn't. I'll put it to ya this way, whether I have ta' beat one of ya or six of ya, it doesn't make a damn bit a' difference ta' me, I'm a fighting sumbitch and since I hold this title in my possession, I'm a fighting champion. As champion, I will take on each and every sorry bastard that graces my crosshairs, and terminate them accordingly. I'm done half assin' things, which is why I welcome all of ya to the fray, and cordially welcome you to the Rattlesnake's pit.

Christian calls this an act of desperation, I call it equal opportunity. I am the drill sargent and I'm giving you new guys the chance ta' prove that yer different from the other soup-er-stars on the roster that you've made the decision ta' join, that you aren't talentless pieces of shit that aren't worth the paper yer contracts are printed on. A lot of you would like to agree with Christian though, wouldn't ya? You think all of the attention I've gotten since becomin' champion, all the promos, all the publicity, everything that comes with the territory has finally gotten to me, that this old Rattlesnake is startin' to crack and turn senile. You think yer gonna get a fresh face representin' this company, you think there's going to be someone else holding this belt, well yer wrong. Christian, you're confident in yourself because you've had a better few weeks than Stone Cold. Ya know who else had a series of victories and had a better series a' weeks than Stone Cold? Wade Barrett. He was as full of piss and vinegar as you are, he was just as cocky and just as confident, but then at Starrcade, I beat it out of him and here I stand still holding the belt and he's left the company.

Which is how it should be around here. If ya aren't cuttin' the mustard, or ya cut it for a little while and aren't gettin' the job done anymore, you should get out of the company. Management should release you from yer contract and send you on your way. That's what happened with Wade Barrett, Antonio Cesaro, Ken Anderson, Edge, and See Em Punk before he got his shit together, but it's not gonna happen ta' me. You can stand ringside if you want, Christian, in fact I'm hoping you do so that you can see what's gonna happen to ya at the Great American Bash a few days before it happens!

As for those of ya that are gonna be steppin' up, I'll address ya as ya bring yerself down. Until other folks start showin' up though, I'm gonna address an old nemesis, Shark Boy. I tell ya what son, when I brought you up in my Starrcade promo ta' Ken Anderson, I didn't think a few weeks later you'd be here in You Dubya Eff. But yer not just in my company, yer on my brand, you're waiting ta' make an impact on this show and make everyone take notice. You've got yerself a title shot comin' at the pay-per-view, but you want to accomplish something on your own, and because of that and the fact that we have history in this business, you're out here wanting to accept my challenge.

But if you're gonna step ta' me, at least get yer facts straight, son. I beat yer ass on three consecutive occasions, I guess the head trauma from me punchin' ya and the glutial trauma from me stompin' a mudhole in yer ass was pretty severe since you don't recall. But that's alright, you wanna remember it that way, we'll just chalk it up as Stone Cold never beatin' ya before, it'll make beating the shit out of your sorry carcass this Tuesday night all the more enjoyable. I distanced myself from all that gimme a hell yeah and "What?" chanting and other bullshit for a reason, and it had gotten to the point that these bottomfeeders weren't even antagonizing me about it, then you wandered in.

They'll still boo me, but you've pissed all over the progress I've made. I took away the theme music with the broken glass, my catchphrase, my chants, their right ta' laugh at my jokes, their right ta' cheer me, and here you are, opting to be the Shark Boy that's a carbon copy of my schtick rather than the Shark Boy that put you on the map. And because you're here, the stuff I revoked is going to get cheered again, you have made a mockery of my heel turn and I don't appreciate it a damn bit. You stand there and tell me what yer gonna do, well that's what you think yer gonna do, here's what's really gonna happen. I'm gonna take that bottle a' clam juice you drink from, shove it so far up your ass your uvula gets caught in the top, and drop yer ass with a Stone Cold Stunner so that the esophagal lining in your throat is irrepairably lacerated by the glass yer forced ta' swallow on yer way to the mat, and then you'll bleed ta' death, and I'll take back what's mine and ensure that nothing bearing the Stone Cold name or likeness ever gets cheered again.

Austin lowers his microphone and waits on a response from Shark Boy or anyone else that chooses to get involved.
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