UWF 2012: Past Raw Trashtalking

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Feb 17, 2011
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Re: UWF GAB Tag Team Championship Match: The English Tide vs. The Black and White Mac

OOC: 48 Hour Rule is up in the next 24 hours.

One of you better bloody TT! I'm psyched here!


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Feb 17, 2011
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UWF Great American Bash TT - Nigel McGuinness versus Bryan Danielson


The fans erupt as "Doberman" Kasabian hits the PA system, signalling the arrival of the General Manager of Smackdown, Desmond Wolfe, the man himself emerges from the backstage, wearing a suit and shades, he stands on the top of the titantron and looks out at the crowd.


Wolfe marches down the entrance with the smug look on his face, he marches down the entrance ramp before climbing into the ring, no nonsense approach from the General Manager as he takes a microphone for himself, he clears his throat before talking to the crowd.


The General Manager of Smackdown,
Nigel McGuinness

Well, well, well... If it ain't me, the General Manager of UWF Smackdown, DESMOND WOLFE! Or should I say, Nigel McGuinness? That's right, for one night only, I am going to step into a UWF ring as Nigel McGuinness because I ain't 'ere to mess around with silly name changes, or gimmicks, I'm 'ere to take on that muppet, Daniel Bryan! Sunshine, for the past month, you been walking around like yer the man on UWF Smackdown, well, you ain't! You ain't the dog bullocks, you are nothing, you just got too big for yer shoes and you decided to rub me the wrong and well, 'ere's the consequence, you gotta eat yer words and step up to the plate against the best in the business! I ain't trying to say my wrestlers aren't as good, but me record speaks for itself, ya can't touch me! You ain't got a chance, and it will be a pleasure putting ya back in yer place, there will be nobody chanting "Yes, Yes, Yes!" instead they will be chanting "Nigel, Nigel, Nigel!" because I'm gonna beat the livin' crap out of ya!

McGuinness pauses for a moment as he thinks about what he's going to say next, the fans are going nuts, but McGuinness settles them down.

Shush, shush Thunderlips! We got a major issue 'ere with Bryan Danielson as I like to call him, while I haveta say he used to be one of the finest talents on the roster, now he ain't nothing more than a tosspot whose had way too much shandy! He jumps up and down like an idiot, hell the wankers doesn't know when he's getting annoying, he really is turning into a pathetic wine-o! And not only that, he's got that pretentious prick, Damien Sandow with him, Sandow, hope yer listenin' ya wanker, cause if I ever get into the ring again after I've taught yer buddy a lesson, you'll be next in line, Sunshine! While I'm on the matter of Damien Sandow, if yer even think you'll be interfering in me and Bryan match, ya got another thing comin' sunshine, 'cause I'm saying it right now, if anyone, and I mean anyone interferes in my match, they will be suspended for one year without pay!

Wolfe takes another one to pause, before continuing.

Now, I ain't gonna continue on me rambles right now, 'cause I'm sure ya wankers don't want the General Manager out 'ere, hoggin' all the spotlight; 'cause that ain't my way anymore, I'm just 'ere to teach Bryan Danielson a lesson, he ain't ever gonna forgot 'cause I'm simply in it, to win it!


Sep 29, 2010
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San Francisco
Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw 7/10/12: C.M. Punk vs. William Regal

" ... Love, your hate..
Your, faith lost..
You are now.. one of us!"


"Miseria Cantare" by AFI pounds throughout the arena speakers, signifying the arrival of one man - CM Punk. The capacity crowd erupts into a thunderous roar of cheers. After a short while, the man of the hour quietly steps through the curtain, wearing black shorts and his trademark t-shirt. Punk outstretches his arms and begins to walk down the entrance ramp, soaking in the crowds reaction. Punk has a look of determination on his face as he walks down the isle.


Once Punk reaches ringside, he proceeds to walk up the steel steps and climbs his way to the top rope. He once again outstretches his arms and lets out a loud yell, which causes a small section of the crowd to cheer even louder. Once finished, he hops down and skips one lap around the ring. He then proceeds to grab one of his signature 'pipebombs' from a stagehand seated ringside. Punk walks dead center in the middle of the ring and sits. He waits for his music to be cut before he begins to speak.


CM Punk: And so it begins.

The crowd cheers, as Punk takes a short pause before continuing his promo.

CM Punk: Last week I came out to this very ring, and I made a promise. A promise that I would defeat Matt Morgan and become Number One Contender to the United States Championship.. and I delivered on that very promise. My road to vindication at the Great American Bash in my home town of Chicago is officially underway. The first stop on that said road? This monday on RAW, when I face William Regal.

The crowd boos at the mention of Regal's name. Punk smiles a small grin, then continues his promo.

CM Punk: You see William, these fans don't like you. Hell, I'm not very fond of you myself, but there is one thing that I want to get off my chest. There's one major difference between you and the majority of the other opponents I face each and every week. There's a difference between you and Matt Morgan or Cody Rhodes for example, just to name a few.. I actually respect you, Will. For years on end, you've come out here and you've stuck to your guns. You've always been that stereotypical villian, the one that people just love to hate, and you've perfected your craft all around the world.. but it just so happens that I have as well.


CM Punk: I'm looking forward to our match on Monday William, I really am, because I know just how much you love the fight. And that's exactly what our match is going to be, a fight. Two of the greatest wrestlers in the world going head to head, toe to toe, for bragging rights. And I can only hope that Cody Rhodes will be watching, just so he gets a little taste of what lies ahead for him in three weeks at the Great American Bash when I become to United States Champion and finally bring the prestige that title so desperately needs.. but I'm getting ahead of myself. William, this monday night, you will find out first hand why I am.. the best wrestler in the world!

Punk lowers the microphone to his side and begins to walk out of the ring, when suddenly..


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Feb 26, 2012
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Re: Austin Aries vs Randy Orton

Unimpressed Orton raises his mic to speak​


Aries Aries Aries, you don't seem to be taking much of this in at all; now do you? When the clock strikes midnight, this story won't have a Cinderella ending as you hope it to be. No. Cause when Austin Aries leaves this arena tonight, he'll be the exact same man as he was when he walked in. A leech looking for someway to make himself relevant, cause that's what you are Aries; a blood sucking leech. You feed off other's successful careers cause you find yourself unable to make a name for yourself, unable to shine in the spotlight when it's your time. As much as you come out to this ring and feed this crowd lies almost as much as they feed their faces full of the garbage that continues to make them obese; the only reason why Randy Orton will leave this ring humbled is because he'll know that he is the GREATEST superstar to ever grace a UWF ring, after beating you tonight at The Great American Bash.

Orton's comments bring a instant chorus of boos down from the rafters.

Come on boo me! I want you to feed off the anger, feed off the fact that you'll never be as good looking, as talented, or as rich as I am. You work a eight to five job every day to get by to have a little money in your pockets, while I grace this ring and you feed me millions of dollars because I put your asses into seats! You come out weekly and pay to see ME in this ring. You pay to see what the New World Order will do next, whose their next victim. You're all sheep! You boo me because unlike the city of Chicago, my hometown can win Championships! You boo me cause your hometown hero CM Punk get's fired and hired back to OUR company more times then you've probably have working at McDonalds. It's people like this guy over here holding the John Cena sign that makes me sick to even breath the polluted air of Chicago,to allow it's stench to dig itself into my clothing. Every single one of you SICKENS ME!

Orton smirks as the crowd starts a "You Suck" chant. He turns his attention back to Aries.

Austin you're EXACTLY like these people sitting out here, and sitting at home. You're content with being second best. You're content with being "Just another guy"; content to be a false prophet to our company, leading these Sheeps to their slaughter. The fact of the matter is Aries if I "deny" something or don't "acknowledge" what you said, doesn't mean that it's the truth in the fairy tale world you've been living in since I punted you in the skull at Backlash. When I see your mouth open, myself like alot of these ignorant people in Chicago, just tend to tune you out. Your words and your prophecy means absolutely nothing to me. It's funny Aries that you claim I "quit" to go to a Indy circle, a circle that you yourself so proudly hold dear to. Your prance around here like Robert Roode and think your championships in Total Nonstop Action hold any merit in a REAL wrestling promotion. That's like claiming your degree from a Internet College is better then one from a University, which I'm sure you've done already, haven't you Aries? Wrestlers fear to step into a ring with me because I BREAK them, because I hurt them. I show no remorse for my actions, I'm a calculated predator that strikes when he feels fit. These "skills" and "talent" you claim to have, are just another part of the clouded storybook in your head Aries. Tonight the lie you've been living in for these past two months will be exposed, the whole world will see "The Greatest Man Alive" fall to the feet of TRUE...GREATNESS.​

Orton is standing nose to nose with Aries now, he slowly raises the mic to speak as he's staring into the eyes of Aries.

You're looking into the eyes of the most dangerous man you've ever stepped into a ring with. I could end your sorry existence right here right now, but what fun would that be? What would be my payoff? What would satisfy my hunger to hurt you Austin Aries, to break you. Tonight this ends, tonight I write your final chapter. Tonight, the false prophecy of Austin Aries will be forever buried like your career, never to be seen, never to be heard again. Aries tonight when I physically and mentally beat you down, there will be no remorse. There won't be anybody in this arena that can stop it. You are looking at your future. THESE PEOPLE...are looking at their future.

The Hoov

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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw 7/10/12: Robert Roode vs. The Rock

The Rock lifts his microphone back up and looks at Roode's smug look and it angers him.


The Rock: Don't you ever AND THE ROCK MEANS ever try and talk down to The Rock. You see, The Rock wants you to get something nice and crystal clear, Robert Roode. You have never and will never accomplish what The Rock has done in this business. You can stand there and make excuses that The Rock was handed success or the he was kissing ass to get where he is, no no! The Rock came down to this ring, week in and week out and gave these people everything he had and then some. Robert Roode, you can stand there and clutch onto your precious NWA Title and make fun of the movies The Rock's done but the fact remains is that you'll never be in the same league and you'll never be at the same level as The Rock. You'll never be The Most Electrifying Man In All Of Entertainment. You'll never sell out arenas like The Rock or set merchandising records or even be able to electrify the people like The Rock does. And one other thing you damn sure won't experience what The Rock does each and every time they chant his name.....

The crowd starts chanting “ROCKY! ROCKY! ROCKY! ROCKY!â€￾ as Roode continue to glare at Rock.

The Rock: Robert Roode, you wanna talk about The Rock's catchphrases like it's a sign of weakness. Let The Rock tell you something, there isn't a shred of weakness in The Rock and even if there were, how in the Hell would Robert Roode know what and where they were? Robert Roode, you are a nobody compared to The Rock but you act like a somebody. Well The Rock says this: The Rock says he's going to out you in front of the world for the nobody you really are. And the one thing people will remember about this match is that the trending topic on Twitter about this match will be HASHTAG: BOOTS 2 ASSES!

The Rock lowers his mic and glares right back into Roode's eyes then raises The People's Eyebrow.



Jun 5, 2010
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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw: Matt Morgan vs. MVP

Matt Morgan finishes up his little speech as MVP has a shocked look on his face. He puts his finger to his mouth, seemingly trying to put together in his mind what Morgan just said. He removes his finger, bringing it down to his mic before raising it back to his mouth.



Oh, so you are Matt Morgan, the current Hardcore Champion? Oh buddy boy, I must first welcome you to my ring, to my business and into my time to talk but please Matt, make yourself at home and disrespect a little bit more, please don't feel overwhelmed that you are in the presence of the Highest Paid Superstar in UWF.

MVP takes the puzzled look off his face as it is a face that seems a bit more serious. Morgan just stares a hole through MVP as he continues.

I thought you were never going to show up and after that little speech, I really wished you hadn't. You see you big oaf, these people are only here because of me, they might not pay to see me come out of my jumping castle as you like to call it, I just think your a little jealous that you didn't think of it first, or that little Matt Morgan never was allowed on a jumping castle because he would burst the roof every single time and they might not of paid to come and watch me talk about my matches that won't even last as long as the last time you opened your mouth but these people out here spend there money to see what MVP will do next. I am still the highest draw in UWF and Teddy Long knows this, hell Morgan, I bet even you with the size of your puny brain knows it, when I arrived today in this arena, I had millions of fans waiting in the parking lot willing to pay thousands of dollars just to get a picture taken with yours truly. I don't know if you know what a picture is, has anyone found a camera that would be able to fit you in? I had little kids dressed up as me, with their dads telling them to be like me when they grow up because I am what they call, a perfect role model.

MVP starts to chuckle to himself as the crowd boo him. The boos get louder and louder as MVP still hasn't taken his eyes off Morgan and vice versa.

I don't mean to be but I am, everyone loves me Matt, and everyone will for years to come, until I decided i'm tired of earning all my money, until I'm tired of beating the some people over and over, until I'm tired of winning championship after championship. That is when you will be watching from home, looking down on your tv screen through the roof, watching me strut my stuff not the other way round homie, do you not remember 2003 man? Isn't that when Matt Morgan was suppose to be the future, isn't that the last time you had all the potential to become someone, you were turning heads back then and then what the hell happened to you? You proved you couldn't live up to the hype, you proved that you just couldn't hack it in the big time. I bet you forgot about that until just now, if I was you I would be doing the same thing because it must of been a dark time for you, it must of nearly tipped you over the edge but then you try to change it around by going to TNA where once again you are the future, please Morgan, TNA was a joke, being the future of that means about the same as being the Brooklyn Nets best player during the NBA Season and you might ask yourself, who the hell are they and I would say in response to that, exactly my point Matt.

The crowd boo MVP as it seems he is getting cockier and cockier as he continues on.

The same value that your Hardcore Title has as well I might add, do you not realize why Teddy Long picked you for my opponent on Raw? It was not just to give me a match, it wasn't to show everyone that I will slay the monster, it wasn't even to show everyone that you are a waste of space, my match on Raw with you is a warm up match for my Pay Per View match against Robert Roode. If you need a little proof just look at who plans on boring the fans to death with a little bit of commentary. I don't wanna go on and on about my opponent for Great American Bash, by the way who are you facing at the Pay Per View?

MVP lowers the mic a bit, fans continue to boo but his remark towards Morgan spark a little reaction from Morgan as he stops staring for a bit to get an even serious look on his face. MVP nods his head and continues after that.

Oh that's right, enjoy the night off, another reason people are going to pay money to watch me but the reason you are facing me on Raw is because Teddy Long wants me to fight a man that wears a championship that the man thinks means something to anyone but him. That Hardcore Title means nothing Matt, it is for the human beings that are happy with being the bottom of the barrell, that is why I will never be challenging for it and that is why this will be the only time you face me Matt, but don't worry, 1 time is enough for me to show you that I'M BETTER THEN YOU.

MVP lowers the mic and looks straight towards Morgan again, smiling at him and waiting for a response.

The Red

Jun 11, 2012
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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw: Matt Morgan vs. MVP

Matt Morgan shakes his head in disbelief, he looks out to the crowd as if to say, "is this guy serious?", he turns around and walks back up to MVP with the mic in his hand


Matt Morgan

Montel are you dilusional? Are you hearing voices in that thick head of yours? Do you actually believe that these people out here enjoy seeing you out here? Just listen to the fans, im sure they will tell you differently, and as for you being the highest paid superstar in the UWF what a joke! I can tell you right now Teddy Long is not a stupid buisness man, if you really were such a great draw for the company and pulled in the crowds, wouldnt you be on the cards every week? I mean ive been on the card every single week since I debuted here in the UWF, where have you been? hidihg behind a mic every second week? maybe thats why you will never make it to the level of the Stone Colds and the John Cenas, and quite frankly Montel every single time you come out here I vomit a little in my mouth and im sure most of the fans do because we are sick and tired of hearing the same old bullshit come out of your mouth every damn week.

The crowd are really getting behind Morgan, and are getting slightly louder and louder

Matt Morgan

So you want to talk about the past do you? Yeah I came into the WWE in 2003 and left but it is also my knowledge that your time in WWE wasnt exactly spectacular, I mean what you had a couple of mid range title runs and were then forgotten about by the wrestling Universe, so you ran off to Japan while I stayed and worked my ass of to get to where I am today, Yes the UWF Hardcore title, sure its not a glamorous title but its on title more than most people in the UWF have around their waist, maybe your just a bit jealous though Montel, youve busted your ass to try and get a title shot and never won a title in the UWF, I walk in and Teddy sees the potential and win a title on my first night in, not to mention the Hardcore title is a stepping stone to larger things considering that two of the 5 title holders being Dean Ambroe and Daniel Bryan just competed in what may be Match of the year for the UWF World Heavyweight title.

Crowd begins to chant "You are Jealous" at MVP, but he just shakes his head

Matt Morgan

Now as for the Pay per view, you had better hope that I am booked, because I can guaren-damn-tee you that even if im not booked I will have an Impact on a result, but first off comes this Tuesday when we meet at RAW, now you needent worry about Roode on comentary when you need to keep an eye on the near 7ft giant across the ring from you because I promise you if you pay the slightest attention to him I will put my boot in your face, then your so called "warm up" match will have completely backfired wont it, and Teddy Long will see not only why I deserve to be on the Great American Bash Card but why you shouldnt be on any UWF card full stop.


Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Great American Bash - 6 Man, KotM Match for the World Heavyweight Championshi

OOC: Hey guys, just had a few things to sort out in personal life, with job interviews and stuff. So will get a post up tomorrow. Thanks for all your patience in not skipping.

The Hoov

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Re: UWF Great American Bash TT - Nigel McGuinness versus Bryan Danielson

As Nigel stops speaking, an old theme comes over the PA system.


“Final Countdownâ€￾ by Europe plays as Nigel puts his focus on the ramp. Then, after a few moments, Daniel Bryan, or Bryan Danielson as Nigel has been referring to him as, walks out with a microphone in hand. The music fades as Bryan addresses Nigel and begins to clap.


Bryan Danielson: Congratulations Nigel. You've finally gotten what you've always wanted: Your name up in lights and yourself in the spotlight. Don't apologize to these fans for it. It's what you've always wanted but just couldn't achieve. You see, we can drop our “gimmicksâ€￾ so to speak and we can be ourselves. Nigel McGuinness vs. Bryan Danielson. Nigel, you seem to have all of your facts messed up so allow me to clear up a few things for you. I know you're not in the right state of mind since you seem to be drunk with power, so let a sober mind do the talking. I never rubbed you the wrong way, I never crossed you and I never antagonized you. Your jealousy and your inflated ego brought us to this point. That's right because all of this boils down to the fact that my success further validates your failures.

Bryan begins walking down the ramp towards the ring but he's still talking.

Bryan Danielson: Nigel, you took this general manager job because it was all you could do. You're professional wrestling career was in the toilet. No company would look at you and, quite frankly, why would they? You have no skills to speak of. So, you become the general manager of SmackDown and you see me, someone who didn't have any more opportunities than you did but someone who took advantage of them and made himself a success and that eats away at you, doesn't it? You can't stand the fact that I am a superstar in the world of professional wrestling and you are just a piss ant who couldn't make it to the big leagues. I'm a success in all the ways that you are a failure. You were a failure as a professional wrestler. You are a failure at being a general manager and most importantly.....You are a failure as a man.

The crowd “oooohhh!â€￾'s at Danielson's remarks towards McGuinness. Nigel isn't happy about it and is visibly upset. Bryan enters the ring and mockingly tries to calm him down.


Bryan Danielson: Nigel, Nigel....it's ok because I'm here to put you out of your misery and let you go out as a main eventer. For all of the dastardly things you have done to me during my time on SmackDown, having me eliminated from the Rumble, costing myself and Damien our match against Sting and Samoa Joe, stacking the odds against me each and every time I competed for the World Heavyweight Championship, I'm a giving guy and by being in the ring with a guy like me, you are going to main event for the first time in your pathetic and miserable existence. But Nigel, I wouldn't get used to it because it's going to be your last. You've crossed me and you've rubbed me the wrong way and now, I'm going to make sure that your career truly dies and it will die a slow and agonizing death. And you don't have to worry about Damien Sandow, I don't need him to teach you a lesson about humility and respect. You're going to learn first-hand why I am The Best Wrestler In The World and just how dangerous I can be. Oh Yes.....You Will....

Bryan lowers his microphone and glares into the eyes of Nigel.


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Jun 26, 2010
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Tuesday Night Raw July 17th: Curt Hawkins vs. Robert Roode

The crowd is a hushed murmur, talking about Raw. They are taken a little off guard when instead of music, an off stage voice is heard. This week the crowd knows the voice, as it is voice of Curt Hawkins.

Curt Hawkins: Time.

After his first word the crowd gives a louder mixed reaction. After his impressive victory over Dolph Ziggler last week he has won over more fans, but most are still careless to the young UWF superstar.

Curt Hawkins: Time.

Hawkins has now stepped out onto the stage, mic and cane in hand.


Hawkins continues to talk on his way to the ring.

Curt Hawkins: The time is now. It is my time to show the UWF just how great I am. Last week I had my debut match against Dolph Ziggler. Now it's no surprise that Ziggler has been given more opportunities, and more chances than I have. But what did he do with his? Nothing. Nothing at all, which is why I took my opportunity Tuesday night on Raw when I pinned his shoulders to the mat after my Heat Seeking Elbow drop. And surprise! Here I am again for another match.

Hawkins has made it to the ring now and sits comfortably on the turnbuckle.

Curt Hawkins: This week, I get a better opportunity when I face Robert Roode. Now I could do what most people do, and that's come out here and talk down to my opponent. Maybe insult him a little bit. But not me. You see, I'm above that. I don't need to do that. I can just do what I do best, and win. I'm not an idiot though. I've done my homework on him. And seems to me he's got some problems with a certain MVP on the roster. But that's not my problem now is it?

More mixed reactions from the crowd. It seems however that more and more people are starting to take an interest in this kid.

Curt Hawkins: But do you know what I really want to do right now? I want to get the party started. Last week Dolph was a Party Pooper and didn't even show. I want to see Roode, face to face. Let's get the ball rolling. The balls in your court.


Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Great American Bash - 6 Man, KotM Match for the World Heavyweight Championshi


DiBiase Jr looks around the ring and shakes his head, clearly angry with what everyone has had to say about him. He pauses for a second before looking in the eyes of Batista.

Dave, you just don't get it do you? Myself, and all the other people standing in this ring are not scared of you at all, we never have been, and we never will be. You see Dave, whilst going around the ring trying to assert your authority like a big man, might look scary to all these pathetic fans, it doesn't bother me at all! As much as you try and trick me into thinking that you're a massive threat, I've been in this business long enough to realize that you're everything BUT a threat. That's right Dave, I've been keeping a close eye on you for weeks now and reading between the lines on everything you do, and I've come to the conclusion that you're all talk and no play. Sure, you may of attacked a few people including myself, but every single time you have, it's been when they were already down or had their backs turned, you haven't once done anything that's looked impressive. You might claim that it's all leading to a massive climax, and that every attack matters, but you've been doing this whole spotlight crap for nearly two years now, and it hasn't gotten you any where. Even when you had a little bit of success, it wasn't all down to yourself, you had others helping you out along the way, of course you won't admit that because you're an arrogant self centred jerk.... Seriously Dave, you've come out here, and you've made a complete fool out of yourself. Not only did you not address what I said about you prior to you joining us out here, but you managed to spout off the biggest load of crap about my self and my father as well. At least my other opponents managed to come up with something remotely close to the truth, you couldn't even get one bit of your information correct. For the record Dave, I'm just as wealthy as my father, sure, some of that wealth may of came from him, but I earned a LOT of it and contrary to what you say I dress better than my father, and always will do. You're right Dave, I don't chose to be the Million Dollar Man, because if I did, morons like yourself would give me stick for copying my father, but it doesn't matter Dave because instead of being the Million Dollar Man, I have gone one better and become the CLASSY MAN! Oh one more thing Dave, it's funny how you bring up irony Dave, because the ironic thing about this whole situation is that whilst you go on about wanting to get money all the time, I already have ten times the amount of money then you'll ever have!

The crowd lets off a mixed reaction for DiBiase's words as Batista tenses up looking ready for a fight, DiBiase smiles knowing that Dave can't touch him. He pauses for a second as he scans the ring, he locks eyes with John Cena and smiles as he looks into his eyes.

Well, well, well, look who we have here, it's none other than the guy that beat me last Friday on Smackdown, John Cena!

The crowd cheers at the mention of John's name, but DiBiase looks pissed off as he quickly butts in.

SHUT UP ALL OF YOU, SHUT UP!... It sickens me that even though you had to rely on interference to win last week John, all of these people will continue to cheer you on like you're some kind of hero and role model. If it wasn't for an interference by that scrawny waste of space Dean Ambrose, I would of got away scot free and all of your fans would of been wondering why their idol didn't finish the job quick enough. Of course that wasn't the case, and although you didn't beat me fair and square, your fans will fail to see this and act like it was some kind of hard fought victory. Don't try and act like that's not the case John, because you know full well that your victory on SmackDown was a fluke, yet just like you always do, you'll sugar coat it the best you can to ensure you that your good boy image remains, and all these fans continue to support you. This is the reason I don't like you John, you act like you're above everyone else, and try to make out that everything you do is the right thing. John, what I'm getting at here is the fact that you'll do everything in your power to come off looking like the good guy, and if it means humiliating other guys or looking down on them you don't think twice before doing it. I mean, how many times have we seen you make a fool out of that poor soul Michael Cole for no reason other than to entertain the fans and make yourself look cool? I'm telling you now John, none of things you do impress me, and if I'm being brutally honest they anger me. I'm tired of you and your antics and it's time I got rid of you from this company... That's right John, I'm tired of you, and if this was any other occasion, I'd probably of stopped talking to you by now, but I'm a man of class and there's still the small matter of responding to you comments about me being the Million Dollar Son... You just don't get it John, do you? Ever since I came to this company I've distanced myself from my father, I've become my own man, a man of class, yet you have the audacity to stand their and call me the Million Dollar Son? John, let me tell you now that I'm so far above my father, that the only thing I'd want from him now is for him to shine my shoe's! I'm well aware that I lost the World Heavyweight Title a minute John, and I'm also well aware that money can't by me everything. I suppose that's a good thing John, because I won't be using money to win back that World Heavyweight Title, I'll be using a Dream Street on YOU, to realize MY DREAM of becoming the World Champion for a second time!

Massive boos from the crowd as DiBiase smiles once more looking pleased with what he's said. He turns towards Bray Wyatt as he continues on.

Please forgive me for crashing your party Bray, but we are in a wrestling ring, not a church. I'm not joking Bray, you might think that this preaching business is a good thing, and something that's going to help me in the long run, but I can tell already that this is going to be your ultimate down fall in the King of The Mountain Match.... You see Bray, no one wants to hear about how you're going to save the likes of Jeff Hardy and John Cena, they want to hear about how you are going to beat these guys to win the World Heavyweight Title, and so far you haven't enlightened us on that matter whatsoever. The point I'm getting at is the fact that due to your obvious mental instability, you seem to have your priorities all mixed up, and saving John Cena and Jeff Hardy seems to be more important than winning the world title, and that's where your problem will lie in the King of The Mountain Match, because you'll be too busy trying to enlighten these individuals that you completely forget the main goal in the match... To be honest Bray, I'm extremely glad that in your own words there's 'no saving' me, because the thought of worshipping a disgusting man like yourself sends shivers down my spine. You truly are a weird human being Bray, and I'm quite angered by the fact that a dirty 'bum' like yourself is ripping on the way I choose to live my life. It wasn't my fault that I was born into a rich family Bray, but I chose to embrace the wealth and make the most out of everything I could. I'm not going to stand here and let someone like you try and change that, and whether you think what I do is right or not, I couldn't care less. .. It's funny how just like every one else you bring up my father, like he was some kind of bad human being. Sure, I may not like him now, but my father guided me through the early stages of my life, and maybe if you had a good father figure when you were a kid you'd be out here talking sense instead of talking complete an utter garbage. I'm well aware that I had a five minute reign with the World Title Bray, but it's made me even more determined to earn it back and have a proper reign. That's right Bray, I said EARN, because contrary to what low life scum like yourself say, I'm not just driven by money, I'm driven by the thrill of WINNING!

For the second time the crowd lets off a mixed reaction as they clearly hate both men and agree with some of the things Ted DIBiase Jr has said. DiBiase doesn't smile this time as he's getting tired of hearing the same old stuff. He quickly turns his attention to Jeff Hardy.

It's crazy how I've gone from addressing a guy who's pro christ and pro religion, to addressing a guy who calls himself the Anti Christ isn't it Jeff? What makes matters even worse is the fact that you talk just as much crap as the Bray Wyatt. However, luckily for you, due to my fathers ever growing obsession with religion, I actually agree with some of the things you believe in so I'm not going to remain on the topic of religion any longer because I don't want to put my self to sleep... In regards to what you said about me taking a blind-sided shot at every one in our match, seriously man the fact that that even even crossed your mind really offends me. I mean, I'm a man of class Jeff, and although I'd love to have some sort of advantage in the match, my names not Dave Batista, and the little respect I do have for my opponents means I wouldn't purposefully hurt them to increase my chances of winning. The reason I interfered in your match was simply down to the fact that I was still mad with Dean Ambrose for what happened in regards to the title, if I remember correctly my interference was targeted at Dean Ambrose, and had you not been performing so badly and being dominated by Dean, you wouldn't of been hurt.... Oh, and it's funny you say that you really dislike my Jeff, because I really dislike you too! That's right, the only reason I claimed to like you is so that I could use you to gain an advantage in the match before turning on you. Well done for not being fooled this time, but more fool you, because considering you've ruined my chances of gaining any advantage at all I'm going to to specifically target you as soon as I'm released from the penalty box and take you out!... One more thing before I turn my attentions to to Mr Ambrose, Jeff. I love how your dislike for me came out of jealously, no honestly I do. I know that I'm doing something right when I have someone that's jealous of my life and what I've done in it so far. Keep the jealously up Jeff, because I'm going to win that World Title and increase your jealousy towards me even more!

Again there's mixed reactions for Ted. He doesn't waste anymore time as he looks to finish off his words as soon as he can, he faces Dean Ambrose and smiles...

Dean Ambrose, we meet again, and considering the personal aminosity between the two of us, I'm pretty certain this isn't going to be the last time we meet. To be honest with you Dean, I'm quite glad that this probably won't be the last time we meet, because you've caused me so much grief during these last few weeks, that the pain I plan to inflict on you will need more than just one match to be complete. Of course Dean, I'm going to start inflicting this pain on you at the Great American Bash, by making sure you're the one I send to the penalty box, before hanging the World Heavyweight Title at the top of the 'mountain' as they call it, to become the new World Heavyweight Champion, whilst you can do nothing but watch on in dispair. You can try and avoid me all you like during the match Dean, but I will catch you and I will punish you for the pain you have caused me, that my friend is a given... You can ontinue to moan about management if you want Dean, but if it wasn't for them you wouldn't be where you are today. Seriously man, you look pathetic, you're the companies World Heavyweight Champion, yet all you do is moan constantly about how you're mis treated. Dean, if you were mis treated, you wouldn't be the Champion I would, so I suggest you quit complaining and thank yourself lucky that management saved your butt at heatwave instead of complaining about them so much, because if you continue to complain you might not be so lucky next time. Besides, what happened to the Dean Ambrose that claimed to be a fighter and a warrior? All I here is an ungrateful competitor who's complaining because he has to defend his Championship in difficult matches. What do you want them to do for you Dean, hand you victories by forefit all the time? It doesn't work like that Dean, you're holding one of the most prestigious Championships in the world and if you don't like the fact that you have to defend it in tough matches, I sugguest you give it to someone who will defend it whenever and wherever, no matter what the circumstances are... Oh of course, you couldn't talk about me without mentioning my father could you Dean? It's all well and good saying that I am only here because of my father Dean, but the truth is I still had to work hard to get to the top of this business, because it's not like my father is around today is it? Whatever, keep mentioning him if you like Dean, continue to add fuel to the fire, because you've already angered me a huge amount, and the more angry I get, the bigger your beating will be Dean.... I have a secret weapon that I know is going to help me this Sunday Dean, and it's going to guarantee that I take your World Heavyweight Title, and make it MINE....



Apr 29, 2011
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The Throne
Re: UWF Great American Bash - 6 Man, KotM Match for the World Heavyweight Championshi

John Cena releases several chuckles, as Ted DiBiase Jr. lowers the microphone. Cena nods his head, locking eyes with all of his opponents as he slowly raises the microphone, signifying ‘The CeNation Leader’ is next up for talking as he speaks.


John Cena: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Stop, stop! Every one, lower your voices because finally, ladies and gentlemen – The Champ is Here!

The audience is slightly confused at whom John Cena is speaking about, but it is revealed when he points toward Dean Ambrose as the fans cheer for the World Heavyweight Champion. Cena nods his head as he continues.

John Cena: Dean, Dean – Dean, it’s good to have you join us. Isn’t it, guys? ‘The Champ’ has joined the challengers, which some might find risky considerin’ we’re all out for that World Heavyweight Championship. But it’s Dean Ambrose, this has man has went to hell and back to own the right to be called World Heavyweight Champion and for that – I applaud him. We all saw what Daniel Bryan and you put yourselves in to for that World Heavyweight Championship and it was you who overcame the odd and emerged victorious. You had a successful championship reign since then, but all good things must come to an end. Dean, that World Heavyweight Championship is gonna’ come home to the true champ and that person is me. He-he, Dean – you might be ruthless, tough, and decimatin’ and all, you proved you’re one of the toughest kids in this business but come The Great American Bash, I’m gonna’ show you tough when I beat everyone’s asses including yours and emerge the World Heavyweight Champion!

The audience cheers as John Cena becomes more and more focused every minute, as he tips his cap toward Dean Ambrose before facing the first challenger, Ted DiBiase Junior.

John Cena: Ted, man – that was some big words comin’ from a small fella like yourself. It’s almost as if you said the same thing you say all the time. ‘My name is Ted DiBiase Junior, my legacy is more important than my father’s, blah, blah, and blah’. Y’see, Ted, I’m gonna’ keep this short and sweet. Everyone doubts you, and you’ve assured to all of us you’re no failure. Honestly though, you sound like one and you look like one. You talk about cheatin’, isn’t that what you’ve done your entire career? Hell, if it wasn’t for cheatin’, you wouldn’t be in this predictament with us. You’d probably be in the back beggin’ to somehow get in this match. It’s the truth, Ted – you got in here by bitchin’ while I got in here by actually doin’ somethin’ worth rememberin’. Yeah, Ambrose proved a point durin’ on match which ‘hacked’ you but on Heatwave, I proved a point that impressed. I outlasted fourteen other men in the Royal Rumble match which earned me a slot in this match. Earnin’ stuff, heh – that sounds like somethin’ you need to practice more on doin’.

The audience explodes in cheers as John Cena nods his head as he mouths the statement ‘Start earnin’, kid’ as he continues.

John Cena: Ha-ha, Ted, are you bendin’ backwards for Michael Cole now? That’s a new low – however you got it all wrong, buddy boy. I didn’t mess with Cole so I can look cool. In fact, it was to entertain these people – everythin’ I do is to entertain these people. They most especially deserve it, but back to the matter at hand, I did that to Cole because he’s an enormous tool. We all know it, even you know it, no one likes Cole, hell you’re probably stickin’ up for him because he talked his way in for some special privileges at the – y’know what, I’m not gonna’ finish that sentence. I’ll probably get fined by the L.G.B.T. Heh.

John Cena rubs his chin, as Ted DiBiase Junior and especially Michael Cole are most likely aren’t happy about Cena’s comment. Cena raises the microphone and turns to Bray Wyatt before continuing.

John Cena: Ah, Bray Wyatt – you never fail to bore me to death. As I attempt to ignore the usual B.S. that spews from your mouth, let me remind you somethin’. Heatwave, a random superstar was chosen to be included in our match come The Great American Bash. Surprisingly, that man turned out to be you – Bray. I wasn’t able to congratulate you, so congratulations. You got a half assed win over me the prior week when I was beat down before the match started and the next week was chosen to be featured in arguably the biggest match of your career. Where exactly is this goin’, Bray? I’m gonna’ tell you, you have your shot Bray. You’re in The King of the Mountain match, you’re on a roll and you know you’re gonna’ walk out the champion. I’m tippin’ my hat off to you, sir – you have dreams. But, I’m gonna’ turn your dream in a nightmare when I snap you in reality and become the World Heavyweight Champion.

John Cena nods his head in agreement to his words, as his tone turns extremely emotional and focused. Cena turns his head and stares at the next challenger, Jeff Hardy as he releases a couple of chuckles before continuing.

John Cena: You don’t know how much I’m waitin’ for The King of the Mountain match, folks. Of course because it’s for the World Heavyweight Championship but there’s one man I wanna’ shut up, and that’s Jeff Hardy.

The audience sits in silence, as John Cena struts toward Jeff Hardy, as they await the tension to break between the two men. Cena continues.

John Cena: I sincerely hope and pray that I’m the one who deals with you, Jeff. I want to be the first man who gets their hands on you so I can make sure you know what you’re dealin’ with. Like I said, I can’t wait for this match for that one sole reason. You’ve dug yourself a mighty fine hole in the ground, and I’d like nothin’ more than to see you lie in it. You and I got a lot of unsettled business to attend to, as our match several weeks ago on SmackDown wasn’t enough to end it. Let’s face it, with your new attitude Jeff, this isn’t gonna’ end anytime soon. By continuin’ to insult me might be fine for you, but it’s simply addin’ more salt and vinegar to your wounds. I hope you got a good pill on pain, because you have no idea who you’re dealin’ with anymore. You have no idea of the match we’re facin’ in with the type of people in it. You call yourself The Anti-Christ, I call you lucky that I didn’t beat your ass yet.

John Cena pauses with a focused smirk inserted on his face, as he raises a finger in the air, before turning to the last challenger, Batista. Cena points toward Batista, as he begins to speak.

John Cena: What’s wrong, Batista? Is that chair makin’ you quiet? Usually, you’d be comin’ at me like a dog with Rabies and spit promises at me we all know especially you would never happen. Promises such as emergin’ out of The Great American Bash with the World Heavyweight Championship. And, we all know that promise is an opinion which will never happen as long as I’m in the match. Batista, I’m still here, I’ve been here, and I’ll always be here until the day I die. It’s about time I showed you the ropes, Batista, it’s about time I prove to you – unlike Dave Batista when John Cena makes a promise, he sticks to it. When I make a promise, I will stand by it and make it a fact and that promise will become the next World Heavyweight Champion. You better freakin’ believe it.

John Cena lowers the microphone, as he awaits another response.​
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Re: UWF Great American Bash - 6 Man, KotM Match for the World Heavyweight Championshi

OOC: Thought we were going to do an order Blizzard. I call dibs on next post. I actually waited for Prodigy to get his up and I was going to do mine tomorrow but looked like you jumped in the way


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Merthyr Tydfil
Re: UWF Great American Bash - 6 Man, KotM Match for the World Heavyweight Championshi

OOC: I don't see the problem as long as one set of six is done, then another, then another. As long as we aren't getting third tt's up when some are still on one I don't think there's much difference?


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Re: UWF Great American Bash - 6 Man, KotM Match for the World Heavyweight Championshi

OOC: I'm fine with it. All good, I will get one up tomorrow.
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