UWF 2012: Past Raw Trashtalking

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Sep 29, 2010
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San Francisco
Re: Raw 07/17/12: Steve Austin, Punk, Aries vs. The nWo

" ... Love, your hate..
Your, faith lost..
You are now.. one of us!"


"Miseria Cantare" by AFI pounds throughout the arena speakers, signifying the arrival of one man - CM Punk. The capacity crowd erupts into a thunderous roar of cheers. After a short while, the man of the hour quietly steps through the curtain, wearing black shorts and his trademark t-shirt. Punk outstretches his arms and walks to the center of the stage, soaking in the crowds reaction. Punk has a pipebomb in his right hand. He slowly raises it to his mouth and begins to speak as his music is cut.


CM Punk: It seems to me we have a different definition of the word "greatness", Randal. I hate to be the bearer of bad news here, but nothing you've done over the past couple of months constitutes as great.. not in the slightest. Let's see, you've managed to create another one of Randy Orton's trademark mediocre factions with mediocre talent, only this time, it's even more unoriginal than the Legacy was. Hell, I didn't even think it was possible! It was bad enough when you tried to emulate Triple H by taking Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes in as your proteges, but now, you're taking credit for something you had absolutely nothing to do with. The New World Order? Seriously? News flash Randal, it's 2012, not 1996. How you can give yourselves that name without having any affiliation with the original group baffles me beyond belief. The new world order was original, it was fresh, and they ushered in a new era for professional wrestling. This on the other hand is just another one of your pathetic attempts to manipulate others for your own personal gain.

CM Punk takes a pause and continues walking down the ramp as he turns his attention to Cody Rhodes.

CM Punk: And luckily enough, someone just so happened to be stupid enough to fall for your devious little plan a second time.. Cody Rhodes. How does it feel to let this man emasculate you for the second time in your career? Now I heard what you said, how this time around it's different, how you're a bunch of equals, and how you believe it's your turn to lead.. right? Well I'm pretty sure that deep down we both know that's a bunch of utter crap! Randal has you eating from the palm of his hand. He's pulling your strings like a puppet, and for some reason, you're still too blind to see it. But that's alright, because soon enough you'll learn as your entire world ends up caving in around you. Enjoy calling yourself Raw's quote-on-quote "true champion" while you can, because in two weeks at The Great American Bash, in my hometown of Chicago, I'm going to take that United States championship away from you. And this Tuesday when we lock up on RAW? Well, that's just going to be a little taste of what I have in store for you.

Punk takes a short pause as he continues to walk down the entrance ramp. As the crowd dies down, he begins to speak once again.


CM Punk: When it comes to my partners, we may not always see eye-to-eye, but I can guarantee we're more unified and ready for battle than you three. There's no manipulation, there's no using each other for our own selfish gain. We're just three of the best wrestlers on this roster with one common goal.. and that's kicking your ass! Our mutual hatred for your pathetic excuse of a faction is what will bring us together, and this Tuesday Night on RAW, Randal, Cody, and the third stooge who's still hiding in the back, you all will find out why I am.. the best in the world!
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Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
RAW 17/07/12: Almost Famous v AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels

The pyro for the beginning of Tuesday Night RAW has just died down, and the arena fallen into a lull, when the silence is shattered by an increasingly familiar theme song:



Soon, Justin Gabriel and Evan Bourne, the duo which has been calling themselves Almost Famous, steps through the curtain. Much like in previous weeks, their reception is not the most enthusiastic; the fans seem to recognize the two have done nothing but job thus far, and do not get overtly excited about the high-flying tag team.

All that changes, however, once they realize what the wrestlers are wearing: both members of the team proudly sport sleeveless t-shirts reading "I JOBBED TO STONE COLD". This move is just cheeky and self-aware enough to turn the crowd over to the duo's side, and, as they take to the ring, their pop has increased exponentially. Justin Gabriel - first to the mic as usual - reads the crowd perfectly, and responds in kind:


Justin Gabriel: Ya know, for all that we call ourselves Almost Famous, we're sure livin' up to our name, huh? I mean, we're oh-for-two, and our two matches combined were about half as long as a Triple H promo!

The reference to the long-winded COO of the WWE elicits the desired reaction, and Gabriel grins for a moment before continuing:

Justin Gabriel: Yup, at first glance, it would seem like we're nothin' but jobbers! But let's look at this another way: who did we job to? William Regal. Stone Cold Bloody Steve Austin. Legends! People we grew up watching on TV every week! Forget jobbin'; just being in the same ring with them is an honour! And you know what? In two weeks we've been here, we've already accomplished more than many wrestlers do in their entire career! So how 'bout THEM apples?!

At this point, Evan Bourne picks up the mic, in what can be considered a rare intervention:


Evan Bourne: Even so, we've been discussing, and we figure it's time we stopped jobbing. I mean, we're not Johnny Kickpadz and Billy McJobber, fresh off the wrestling school round the corner! We're Evan "Air" Bourne and Justin "The Juice" Gabriel, two of the most exciting superstars in professional wrestling today!

This declaration of confidence does get a positive reaction from the crowd, as Evan continues:

Evan Bourne: As such...AJ...Christopher...no disrespect, but we're going to up the ante tonight. Don't get me wrong; we have massive amounts of respect for you. You're indy people, just like us, and everyone knows you're massively talented. We're honoured to be in the same ring as you, just like we were honoured to be in the same ring as Stone Cold or Mr. Regal. But it's like Justin said; you're probably sitting there backstage, looking at us, and going "yeah, they're a couple of jobbers with a God complex". We just want to prove we're more than that; and, if possible, entertain these people in the process.

Bourne gestures up at the fans, who respond with an appreciative cheer. Then, his trademark crooked grin in his features, the small, agile wrestler concludes:

Evan Bourne: So, y'know, if we beat you tonight, it's nothing personal. It's just what we have to do.

With this, the high flyer sets down the mic, finishing what is possibly his lenghtiest intervention in a while. He checks to see if his partner has anything to add and, when Justin signals he has not, leans back on the ropes next to his partner, awaiting the arrival of their opponents.

(OOC: Thanks to Dom for the awesome pictures of Almost Famous. Much love, bro!)

(OOC #2: Expect a custom Almost Famous video as soon as I can be bothered to make one/manage to bribe somebody into making one for me! ;) )
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Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: Great American Bash: UWF Championship- Steve Austin (c) vs Christian

As Christian is still brimming with the same immovable confidence that he's shown the entire time, a smile is still plastered on his face as he waits to see if the Texas Rattlesnake bothers to respond to him, and in what fashion he does so. The crowd is scattered with droves of fans that secretly want Stone Cold to shut Captain Charisam up, as suddenly the UWF Champion himself appears on the titantron screen.


Stone Cold: You want my final words? You're going to have to wait until Raw, son. As for the last thing I have ta' say here and now, well, here goes. F**k you, Christian. How's that for a response? You have talked so much shit, so much ego-stroking, arrogant garbage and I refuse ta' listen to another second of it. I left the ring because if I stayed in it, I wouldn't have waited until the pay-per-view, I would've hauled off and punched you until the whiplash snapped your spinal column to the point that your head winded up in the lap of a fan sittin' in the front row like I passed it to him In Bee Aye style. And you might think that's just tough talk, but since I've decided ta' walk away and save the physicality for another day, you'll never know if I'm shootin' straight or talkin' outta my ass. Normally there wouldn't be any doubt, but as the shadow of the man I used ta' be, doubt seems ta' be all in inspire in fuzzy little bastards like you. Well naturally I'm insulted, but not because it's you talking out of your ass, I'm insulted because I've swallowed the bitter pill of realization that when you point out I'm not the Stone Cold of old, you're right.

It's finally time for me ta' cut out all the bullshit. Lemme tell ya a little story. When You Dubya Eff ushered in a new era, I was hungry to make my mark in the company and prove that I still have something to offer this business. So hungry that I was willing ta' tell everyone that brought me to the dance and was keeping me there ta' go screw themselves, and not only was I willing, I did just that. And with my focus on only me, yeah I beat Wade Barrett, yeah I beat Austin Aries, and yeah I beat Chris Jericho, but who gives a shit? I finally won the top championship for the first time in several years, my hunger had brought me to the big feast and I ate like a damn king, but who gives a shit?

When I shed tears the night of that title win, there was a reason for me bein' so emotional that I didn't share, I cried because I had allowed myself to become one of the slimy, self-absorbed, underhanded bastards I had long fought against, and it made me sick. Yeah I was defyin' authority figures like the good ol' days, but for the wrong reasons. I had finally won what I had fought ta' get for years and it meant nothing because I had no one ta' celebrate it with. Not a single fan in that building cheered, even though they wanted to and deep down, I wanted the adoration. When I stepped through the curtain that night, not a single one of the boys patted me on the back and congratulated me, hell, none of 'em even talked to me. My goal was worthless because I achieved it the crooked way.

When you arrived in this company, I didn't think anything of it, because I figured this run would be like yer previous runs, nothing ta' write home about, but I was proven wrong very quickly. Because the first time you stepped in a You Dubya Eff ring, you competed at a level I'd never seen you compete at before. The first time you picked up a You Dubya Eff microphone, you spoke with an unbreakable confidence I'd never heard from ya before. These things made me take notice, and while I was hungry for competition, there was a part of me that was intimidated by the thought of us facing off, because I knew in my current frame of mind I'd become complacent, my interest was dwindling and my efforts were decreasing in quality because of it. But not you, Christian, with each week that I got more complacent, you got hungrier, you continued to impress. For weeks upon weeks, the talk has been all about you, Cody Rhodes, and Randy Orton. What's the In Dubya Oh gonna do next? That Cody Rhodes sure can cut a hell of a promo. There's no stoppin' that Christian.

Well that's one thing I said that wasn't me bullshittin' and saying things for the sake of shooting and being the bad guy, I really feel like people have been pissing all over my hard work. There are people that watch the shows and contribute to the shows that would love nothing more than ta' see you beat my ass so severely, I never return to this company again in any capacity imaginable. Wrestling, cutting promos, interviewing, announcing, managing, catering, they're plum sick a' me. For some it's out of jealousy, for some it's because they doubt my ability and don't think I've deserved any title shot or reign I've ever had, and others share the same sentiments you do, this Stone Cold isn't the Stone Cold ya wanna see. This Stone Cold is getting his ass kicked at what he does best, talk trash, and I agree with ya, it is a sad state of affairs that quite honestly I have no excuse for. And like I said before, I was this close ta' quittin'. Well, since I said that I've come even closer ta' quittin', mostly out of disgust that I've let myself get so verbally outclassed. If I'm such a legend, if I'm so damn great at what I do and I'm one of the best ta' ever do it, why is this so difficult for me? Is the torch I'm one day meant ta' pass being violently pulled from my hands? These are the questions I asked myself, Christian, these are the things that went through my mind as I pondered over how I was going to respond ta' you.

But that was several days ago, son. I've finally come to the realization that even though I was trying to punk you out, not all of it was exaggerated. You see, I truly am in control of this entire situation, and while victory isn't assured, I still feel confident about it. If this was a debate team and all you had ta' do ta' win this belt was talk, well, you'd be the new You Dubya Eff Champion, but it goes without saying that this isn't a debate team, this is a wrestling company. This isn't Student Government Day we're talkin' about, it's the Great American Bash, and at the Great American Bash there's not gonna be any talkin' whatsoever, hell, there's hardly gonna be any wrestlin' as far as I'm concerned, I'll be comin' in there lookin' for a fight. Talking is all you're good at, kid, so when that microphone gets taken out of your hands and you have a Texas Rattlesnake that's ready ta' go, instead of the lazy sumbitch you beat on Raw several weeks ago, what are you gonna do? Well in case you don't know the answer, it's quite simple, you're gonna get yer ass stomped in, kicked off, placed on a silver platter, and served back to ya. In the verbal department, you've had a lot more ta' say than I have, that's clearly evident, but I'm a man that likes ta' let his fists and feet do a lot of his talkin' for him, so when you consider all I have ta' say and am gonna say by means of stompin' a mudhole, your cocky little quips and tirades of insults are going to pall in comparison, to the point that it'll be like you said nothing. As if yer a mime without the face paint. (What?) Kane without the electrolarynx. (What?) or Edge at the beginning of his career. Wouldn't hurt you ta' steal one more thing.

Ya come out here in what I'm guessing is Ex Pac's t-shirt. (What?) Ta' Hogan, Nash, and Scott's music. (What?) Callin' yerself a member of a faction you were never actually a part of just cuz ya think it'd be fun ta' do another rehash. (What?) Ya use Edge's Spear. (What?) Eddie's Frog Splash. (What?) And Chris Benoit's Flying Headbutt. Of all people ta' take a move from, you pick Benoit? You do know that headbutt is what eventually pushed him over the edge, don't ya? I guess that would explain why you're trying to kill my career, but as I said to ya earlier, it's gonna take more than some clever work on the mic ta' do something like that. Much like a diamond can only be cut by another diamond, to close the book on my career forever would be a feat only achievable by someone with a bigger name and a more impressive career, and those are credentials that you simply don't have, and frankly never will.

If Teddy Long wants ta' come down and kiss yer feet or smile like a donut for ya or whatever it is you suggested he was gonna do at the Bash once our match has concluded, that's ya'll's prerogative, but he won't be doin' it because you've saved the You Dubya Eff or Raw or Gotham City or whatever the hell, for one I know yer on a roll with stealing guys' schticks but come on, leave the superhero trash ta' Rey Mysterio. For two, you're the very thing You Dubya Eff and Raw need saved from, you and the In Dubya Oh. You think you winning this championship will restore prestige to this land, when it was never lacking in prestige, it's just the holder of this belt has far too long been focused inward, so much so that I forgot what it meant ta' put up the fight that only Stone Cold can put up. Now that that's the fight being put up, and this is the effort being put forth, You Dubya Eff is in for a change, but not a change of champion. 'Round these parts there's gonna be more of what ya heard earlier, "What?" chants. There's gonna be the sound of every man, woman, and child cheerin' me from the opening riff of my entrance music when I come out to when it starts back up post-match. There's gonna be the sound of shattering glass when in fact I do come out. There's gonna be bottom lines and threats pertaining to the Broken Skull Ranch, but most importantly, there's going to be this sound. Justin, if you would be so kind...

Justin Roberts: Here is your winner and STILL the UWF Champion, Stone Cold Steve Austiiiiiiiiiiin!

It's time for me to start enjoying what I do again. I'm done trying to get them ta' boo me louder than you or Randy or any of the other assholes around here, I'm back to opposing the bottomfeeders these people boo at, and I will take great pleasure in shining the scuffs from kicking your ass off my boots and washing your blood from my hands. I just hope your dentist didn't buy a ticket to the event, because once the ring on my finger quits simply swelling yer face and starts knocking teeth out on top of that, he's gonna piss himself in intimidation cuz of all the work it's gonna take to repair it all. In six days, Steve Austin, the man that everyone has deemed the underdog, is going to the most patriotic wrestling event in You Dubya Eff history to whoop some sorry Canadian ass and retain the You Dubya Eff Championship, and THAT's the bottom line...cuz Stone Cold said so!


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Feb 17, 2011
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Re: Tuesday Night Raw July 17th: Curt Hawkins vs. Robert Roode



The fans explode, even though the Roode defeated their favorite Superstar last week on Raw, never the less, Roode comes out in his sandy trousers and a black t-shirt, the NWA Championship over his shoulder, he marches down the entrance staring at Curt Hawkins.


Roode climbs up the ring steps and into the ring, staring down with Curt Hawkins, he lifts the UWF Championship high above his head before circling around Curt Hawkins, Roode takes a microphone and clears his throat before talking to Curt Hawkins.


The NWA World Heavyweight Champion,
Robert Roode

It's your time? Just because you have won just one match, doesn't make it your time, far from it, you're gonna have to scratch and claw your way to the top and when you get to the top, that proverbial summit, I am going to be standing there looking down on you and laughing because Curt, you won't be able to beat me and I'm going to prove that this week.

Roode chuckles as he stares at Curt Hawkin, not impressed one bit by his opponent.

Hell, you are nothing but some new guy thinking he's going to be hotshotted to the top on Raw, you got another thing coming Curt. I am the class, I am the standard but Theodore Long is too much of an idiot to realize that, I just defeated the biggest name in this industry, the Rock and proved why I am the leader of the next generation, why I am the person you can bank on, why I am the NWA World Heavyweight Champion! But instead I am forced to face opponents like yourself, who lack class and ability, you aren't even fit to shine my shoes, Curt.

Some of the fans boo at Robert Roode's attitude but that doesn't bother the NWA Champions as he wraps it up.

That's that simple, Curt. So you better get to the back of the line of rising stars because there's only enough room in this spotlight for one person, and that's me, The National Wrestling Alliance World Heavyweight Champion, Robert Roode! And once I'm finished with you, and Montel, I am moving onto bigger and better things such as the UWF United States Championship and then the UWF Championship and well, if that isn't the case, then Theodore Long can kiss my ass! It pays to be Roode, Curt.


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Sep 14, 2010
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Re: Great American Bash: Edge vs. Damien Sandow

The tron turns on showing Edge backstage with Josh Matthews.

Edge… Edge. I’m glad I caught you.

Rated “R†Superstar Edge:
Well… why is that? I mean I’m here aren’t I. Figured I wouldn’t be that hard to find me.

Well I mean I wanted to catch you before you went out there to confront Sandow on everything that he said. You know the whole epic confrontation between you two. Your first match back in UWF, all of that. I just wanted to make sure I caught the first exclusive interview with you.

Rated “R†Superstar Edge:
Oh well in that case congratulations. You have accomplished what nobody else has yet and hold an interview with me. Which leaves the question… who will be second. I’m actually curious about that now. Oh wait I have to remain focused. I have a match. Match. Oh hey look over there.


Rated “R†Superstar Edge:
RARR! Haha. Funny wasn’t it.

That was… um very random. So I take it you are… focused? Or not focused, or something.

Rated “R†Superstar Edge:
Okay fine… I’ll get serious.

Clears throat

Rated “R†Superstar Edge:
Allow me to indulge you with these words. Damien Sandow is just another pawn on the chess board. He is just another person that is in my way to my ultimate goal that is the heavyweight championship. When I decided to make my return I didn’t want to come in at the bottom, or even near the middle. I wanted to come in against the top. I wanted to come in against the best. I wanted a challenge and instead of a challenge I get this guy. I mean yeah yeah he has talent. Yeah he can wrestle, but he is not better than me. He is not ready for what someone like me brings to the ring. He is not ready to deal with someone as intelligent in the ring as I am. He is not ready for someone that is as giftedly athletic as I am.

But he wants to believe that he is. He wants to believe that he and his bromance partner Bryan are the absolute best and untouchable. But I showed them both on the Cutting Edge that they are not untouchable. That they are very much beatable. And this tirade that he goes on about being so clean and how detestable… it is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. A way to disguise his disdain for having to face such an opponent as myself. Realizing that he won’t have an easy task. Knowing that he has an impossible task. Knowing that he has to deal with the Spear… Spear… yeah you know it.


Rated “R†Superstar Edge:
No. Dropkick.

Oh. My bad.

Rated “R†Superstar Edge:
Yeah so this whole era of enlightenment… it is definitely coming. The light will shine so brightly on me. The light of enlightenment is knowing the truth and the truth of the matter is this… I am back and I will light a fire under UWF. I will reignite UWF and turn it upside down. I will bring Smackdown into the limelight. Make each and every show bigger and better than the one before.

Rated “R†Superstar Edge:
THIS IS MY TIME! THIS is what I have been waiting for! THIS is what I’ve been preparing for! THIS is going to be my time to shine. THIS is going to be my match to win. THIS is going to be my match to lose. THIS is going to be the opportunity above all opportunities. Sandow… you better get your ass ready cause soon you will feel… the spear.

Rated “R†Superstar Edge:
Okay that sounded really gay. Is there a way to redo that?

We’re live.

Rated “R†Superstar Edge:
Well… you all know what I mean. I’m Rated R for a reason. So be prepared Sandy… I’m coming.

The tron shuts off.
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Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Great American Bash - 6 Man, KotM Match for the World Heavyweight Championshi


Bray Wyatt:
Not once. Not once did I compare myself in anyway to the Son of the Lord. Not one did I ever say that I was Jesus Christ, reincarnated because I know I am not, I am nowhere near that. But I guess you folks are finally gettin' it. Maybe you do truly see what I talk about every time I step out from behind that curtain... maybe you truly do see divinity. Because it takes a man with great divinity to be compared with Christ, man. And I do find it funny, amusing and almost hilarious that people seem to think, that I think, that I'm some sort of Christ like figure, because I'm not, oh no I am not and you best believe I am not.... no, I am simply the conscience of this morally corrupted society, I am the compass that reads "Sin, Sinner, Sinned and Saint"... because when I look around that's all I tend to see, in this ring right now for instance, we've got Jeff Hardy, sinner, Dean Ambrose, sinned, Batista, sinner, Ted DiBiase, sin and we got John Cena... a suppose saint... but no different from the rest. And whilst I am not Jesus Christ, what I am is a Saint. I am the one standing at North on that compass because I'm bound for ascension...be it a physical sense, a metaphorical sense or maybe just in my own strange kinda way of thinkin' about things... my ascension is bound to happen, and it will happen at The Great American Bash.

The crowd listen in to Bray Wyatt's prophetical speech, a bit confused, but nevertheless they listen.

Now one likes to assume that when Bray Wyatt talks about himself bein' divine n' all, that means he's talkin' about bein' the Son of God... a Holy Ghost. Well that just summises everythin' wrong about this world, 'cos y'all don't listen none. Y'all haven't been listenin' closely to me at all or else you would ALL understand what I am saying. But y'know what?... I ain't gotta tell you right upfront what Bray Wyatt is talkin' about. That'd just be silly, because as a man of wisdom, I know that with great wisdom comes great responsibility, and as clichéd as that statement is, it rings true for all of us 'cos Bray Wyatt, well he's got a load of responsibility restin' on his shoulders right now. He has on his shoulders the responsibility of winnin' the World Heavyweight Championship... he has the responsibility of silencing the sin all around us, and most of all I have the responsibility for savin' the world from the end times that dawn on us. But guess what.... I ain't gonna save none a' y'all!. Y'all don't deserve it... but I will rid you of the sin that cripples all of you and not Bray Wyatt and I WILL become the World Heavyweight Champion... and it ain't written in no book or nothin'..., it ain't written fact, it's simply verbal fact and y'all should know, everythin' Bray Wyatt said should be taken as just that, fact.

Just like when I say that the man who no longer stands here among us awaiting his judgement at the hands of Bray Wyatt, Batista, is just an angry man filled with pent-up aggression. An aggression that he can't contain, that he can't control. He just wants to go beat up everyone does Batista. And I will say this as a matter of fact, a statement of truth, a prophecy of sorts from Bray Wyatt that this anger, this sin of rage will cost Batista his opportunity. I mean just think about it, for one moment... he's got to climb on up a ladder, place a title belt up on the ring that's hangin' from the rafters.... all whilst these guys and myself included that stand in this ring, scratch and claw at him to make sure he don't win no match. Tends to frustrate people... tends to make people get a bit angry. Most people like myself can supress these sinful thoughts... however, Batista, as he will say himself is an Animal and through the sea of emotions and thoughts will come his animal side and he will not surpress these thoughts... he will snap, he will embrace this anger and it will cost him his opportunity... and that is a prophecy, not from the Son of God, but from The Angel in The Dirt... and Dave will most likely deny this, mostly through some cussin' and shoutin'... but that just goes to show that he really is just an Angry Ol' Animal and no animal is gonna stop Bray Wyatt... no sir.

Seeing as Batista is no longer in the ring, he isn't there to do his usual caged animal routine, but he's probably pacing up and down his locker room, weight in hand of course.

And I know people tend to connect the word prophet with folks like Jesus, so maybe I'll use another term. Predict. It's all the same to me, but maybe y'all can understand it better... I mean I ain't in the business of caterin' to y'all sinners, but just so you can all understand me clearly, because clearly y'all havin' some trouble. So I 'predict' also, that Jeff Hardy... through his recklessness, will also cost himself the match and the championship. Y'see Jeff Hardy is a free spirit. He ain't no 'deep' thinkin' man like he tries to be. He's just a thrill seeker like those folks that jump out of aeroplanes or go surfin' down at the beach. No different. And d'you know what tends to happen to them folks?... well they tend to make one mistake and they're gone. One slip, and they're drownin', free-fallin' or crashin' into the ground and I 'predict' that Jeff Hardy will crash, fall and drown in his own lifestyle. Call me a 'walking contradiction'?... well ain't that just pretty because at the end of the night, you'll have contradicted yerself. You talk about bein' used to all these ladders and jumpin' off things... well I 'predict', I theorise that you might just be too familiar with them ladders... you might slip, or y'know, Bray Wyatt might just throw one in yer face... all out of love of course... but at the end of the night Jeff... you will fall to this 'walking contradiction' and then who'll be the 'walking contradiction'?... you Jeff, you will.

But like you said Jeff, this match truly is the Devil's Playground. However I'm sure that's a whole different match from a whole other time. But that's another story. But I get your point in sayin' that this match might just be the most dangerous match that exists in the UWF today. And you said I wasn't ready for that sorta thing. Well Jeff, that's just silly talk now ain't it?. I mean how hard is to throw a ladder?... how hard is to climb a ladder?... hmm?... well, I'd imagine that all you normal folk have a tough time but not me. Because y'see I live without fear, and I can this because I am fear. I am everything, man, like I said. I am fear. And for all of you I will be torment. But like I was saying... I have no fear, because I live as the 'Angel in The Dirt'... without fear of the repercussions because I know that I will be safe in this life and the next. And maybe that just gives me the edge, Jeff. Maybe that just gives me an advantage over all of you. Maybe that don't make me seem too inexperienced on the night because all the teachings, and experiences can't make a person feel no fear... no that only comes with true divinity.

The crowd are laying in to Bray Wyatt because he's rambling for far too long for their liking.

Which makes me question our champion... because he feels no fear. I sense it. He's fearless, man. But not because he's 'divine', no. He feels no fear, he has no sense of fear... because he has nothin' to lose. And y'know that makes you dangerous, man. I can see that clearly. But it makes you like Jeff. Because unlike myself, you cannot control your fearlessness Dean. I saw you as the Hardcore Champion. The things you would do to your body in order to keep that belt were astonishin', man. But it made me realise that you can't control your lack of fear, and in the running theme of things, your downfall will be your biggest asset. No fear. People with no fear of animals?... well they get bitten, stung, mamed... people with no fear of heights?, well they tend to fall and people with no fear of what another human being... if you can call Bray Wyatt that, can do to them?... well they gon' get hurt. And this all or nothin' attitude that explains everything you do?... well it's gonna cost you everything. You will not get it 'all'... nah, you'll be left with nothin', and it'll just go to show that you really should fear Bray Wyatt... because unlike all these other real silly fears over spiders, ghosts and heights?... Bray Wyatt is real. And he's starin' you in the eye. Do you feel the fear now?.

Dean Ambrose shakes his head, smiling in the face of his opponent.

No?... well you should Dean. Y'all should fear Bray Wyatt, but don't fear me because some folks call me a lunatic... fear me because I am far worse than that. I am far worse because I am real. And in this world of consumerism, moral decay and superficiality I stand as the one true beacon of light in the darkness. A darkness cast by the likes of John Cena and Ted DiBiase. Two different kind of guys, sure, but at the heart of it all is greed and a lust for money. And really, I respect Ted more than I do Cena. Young Theodore here, whilst I don't really respect all that much at all, is actually forthwrite about his love for money. The gold coins and silver signots that have plagued man for millenia. The same silver that cost this man you seem to be obseesed with his life. And I'm talkin' about Jesus. But I ain't no Judas Iscariot. I will not sell my soul to the devil for mere coins no, sir. I have seen the devil, he ain't worth it. No what I will do is stay true to my beliefs that man's most significant traits will be their downfall. And I could go all day about how Ted's greed will cost him his chance at true glory. But he's petulant, man. He looks like me like he does his daddy, when he should no, I ain't no preacher. Instead I like to call myself, a 'teacher' of sorts... because my words are not those of a preacher... no they are nuggets of knowledge and they are truth.

And truth is, you and John Cena, plagued by your insatiable hunger and appetite for success and more importantly, money, will make you both overzealous and you both will FALL. And Cena might hide this under this false smile, bearing his teeth and grinning for the world. But ask this, how much merchandise did John Cena sell last year?. It must go into the millions... and who to?... little kids who are too impressionable to say no to this morally corrupt garbage. Instead of becoming brothers and sisters in the family of Bray Wyatt. They buy John Cena's merchandise. And John Cena rakes in the money, by brainwashin' folks. Now I ain't gonna go ahead and say that Bray Wyatt don't brainwash folks... in fact I will say it, I do brainwash folks, I'm doin' it right now, but I am washin' peoples minds not of their own individual thoughts in favour of becoming a clone of you John Cena... but I am washin' peoples minds of the sin and decadence that plague them. And although you seem like the Mister Nice Guy character around here... I see through you, I look into your soul, man, and I will not be on hand to save you when your world comes tumblin' down in the end times, because you are a terrible human bein' John Cena, and you will sent down to see the devil!... with my daddy, and with your whole army of Cena Worshippers...

Cena looks genuinely confused by Bray Wyatt's rantings, but Bray Wyatt looks to continue and probably end his retinue.

My downfall?. I ain't got one. Because I have faith.. in Bray Wyatt, and like I always say 'Good things, come to those who believe in Bray Wyatt'... and you better believe that I will be the next World Heavyweight Champion. Because I am the harbinger of this world's demise. I am bringing down this world of moral monsters and replacing it with FAITH. Faith in Bray Wyatt can save you!... but the lack of faith in this world will ultimately throw you down to hell, just like my daddy, and you can go see my daddy, he's probably got his own display down there in Lucifer's fire... and you can go tell him after The Great American Bash that his son finally did it. You can tell my daddy to look at Bray Wyatt 'cos he is shining. He is brighter than all the stars!. He is the World Champion. The beacon of light will truly be ignited and the apocalypse will commence. Will y'all join me?... well, let's just say if you ain't a brother and sister of Bray Wyatt?... well I can't save you... and just how would you fell then?, knowing that the all seein', all powerful World Heavyweight Champion, 'The Angel in The Dirt'... chooses not to save you?. You'd fear me.

The crowd are booing intensely as Bray Wyatt lowers his microphone to stare at them all before raising his microphone once more to finish up his monologue.

Hear me, fear me, or believe in me!... but understand that I am real, I am your reality and I prophesise, I predict, I theorise and I tell the world the truth and the truth is that come this Sunday night... I will stand tall amongst the halls of the living as the truly divine... as the UWF World Heavyweight Champion. And wouldn't that just be somethin'...

Bray Wyatt goes into maniacal laughter as he pokes the belt on Dean Ambrose's shoulder before he drops down and rolls out of the ring. He extends his arms in a crufixion-esque pose and walks backwards up the ramp. Before turning and walking out of sight with Cousin Eli right behind him. Leaving everyone angry, dumbstruck, awe-stricken and confused.
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Re: UWF Great American Bash TT - Nigel McGuinness versus Bryan Danielson

Nigel looks at Bryan Danielson for a moment and nods his head, not accepting his words more acknowledge of what he's just said, before responding himself.


What was that, sunshine? My facts aren't right? Well Sunshine, if I remember correctly, you was far too busy complaining about the fact you get yer ass handed to ya at Starrcade fair and square that you attempted to use ME, as a scapegoat and I tell ya where to stick and you couldn't handle it sunshine, then you made the mistake of slapping me across the face like a woman! That is the fact, hell if ya don't think it is the truth, then come over 'ere and slap in the face again and call me a liar, 'cause Sunshine it's last time you'll ever get that chance again against ME!

Nigel McGuinness smiles and points to his cheek, taunting Bryan Danielson but Bryan manages to resist the temptation as Nigel McGuinness continues.

Ya think you're that better than me, Sunshine? Allow me to remind ya about our accomplishments, more title defenses than ya, a longer reign than ya, undefeated in UCW, never lost that UCW United States Championship, ya name it sunshine, I've done it! What about you, you was in mid-card hell till I gave ya that shot, ya wanker and this is how you repay me? Ya cross the line one too many times, this ain't gonna be like Unify or Rise Above, no no, this time, I'm gonna slap the taste of yer thunderlips and put ya back in your place, below me! 'Cause I ain't here to be in the spotlight, I'm 'ere to kick your ass so hard, that even Damien Sandow will think it's as rough as sand paper!

McGuiness takes a moment as he watches Daniel Bryan thinking about his last insult before taking another shot at Bryan Danielson.

This ain't about being in the Main Event, this is about US! Always it was me versus you, wanker. Who was better? Nigel McGuinness or Bryan Danielson! Ya just got lucky, I have been plagued by injuries but Sunshine, when I say I'm ready for ya, I'm ready! There ain't gonna be any excuses sunshine, if ya beat me in the ring, ya beat me, if I beat ya, and you better believe it, then I beat ya! This ain't gonna be a wrestling match, this gonna be an asskickin' contest, sunshine, so ya better be ready 'cause I ain't gonna be worried about where we're in the card, 'cause at the end of the day, it's about who is the better man, so the question is Bryan. Are ya really as dangerous as you claim to be sunshine, are you ready for this, Wanker?


Sep 29, 2010
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San Francisco
Re: Great American Bash: U.S Title Match - Cody Rhodes(c) vs. CM Punk



"This Fire Burns" by Killswitch Engage pounds throughout the arena speakers, signifying the arrival of one man - CM Punk. The capacity crowd erupts into a thunderous roar of cheers. After a short while, the man of the hour quietly steps through the curtain, wearing his wrestling attire and trademark t-shirt, and a pipebomb accompanies him in his right hand. Punk outstretches his arms and begins to walk down the entrance ramp, soaking in the crowds reaction. Punk has a look of determination on his face as he walks down the isle.


Once Punk reaches ringside, he proceeds to walk up the steel steps and climbs his way to the top rope. He once again outstretches his arms and lets out a loud yell, which causes a small section of the crowd to cheer even louder. Once finished, he hops down and skips one lap around the ring. He panders to the crowd a bit more, rallying them behind him. Punk walks dead center in the middle of the ring and sits. He waits for his music to be cut before he begins to speak.


CM Punk: What, did you think you were the only one who could bring back an old theme?

Some of the crowd cheers and some of the crowd laughs as Cody Rhodes looks on unimpressed. Punk continues.

CM Punk: You gave quite the convincing, motivational speech there Cody, bravo. But within that never ending spiel, you managed to prove one of the points I've been trying to reiterate for a number of months.. you're fake. You're as fake as fake can be! Six years ago, you walked into this business underneath the tutelage of your Hall of Fame father, Dusty Rhodes. You came in as that scrappy, innocent fan favorite who tried to rally everyone behind him.. but that didn't work out too well, did it? So you and Ted Dibiase Jr. aligned and formed your little second generation tag team.. and even that didn't turn out quite like you planed. So eventually, you aligned yourselves with none other than Randal Orton.. and once he was finished with you handling his dirty work, he kicked you both to the curb! Then you won some random poll on WWE.com, became 'Dashing' Cody Rhodes, just to have your face kicked in mere months later, and you adopted this whole 'Dark' persona.. gee, haven't seen that one before, have we? And since then, you've switched back and forth between gimmicks more often than I can count.. and therein lies the major difference between you and myself.

The crowd, intrigued, remains remotely silent. Punk continues.

CM Punk: Since the day I made my television debut, August 1st, 2006 at the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City, I walked into this business as CM Punk, and that very same man stands before you today. Sure, there are some noticeable differences. Different haircut, different attire, different theme song just to name a few, but my persona is one thing that you will never, ever see changed. Since day one I have remained true to my beliefs and my convictions, and I've been judged and vilified for it ever since. But unlike you, I didn't just roll over when Vince McMahon would stare me in the face and say "Gee kid, I just don't think you have what it takes". I refused to give into his demands and play the bull[CENSORD] parts he placed in front of me. I blazed my own trail, went down my own path, and I made the professional wrestling industry adjust around me.. not vice versa. And as a result? Well, I think my accolades pretty much speak for themselves. So Cody, you are dead wrong. I was never looked at as "marketable", "promotable", and I sure as hell was never "easy to mold". I was none of these things because I wasn't one of Vincent K. McMahon's treasured "creations".. which is more than I can say for you.

The crowd lets out a simultaneous "ooooo", as Cody looks ticked off. Punk takes a short pause before continuing.


CM Punk: Since you broke into the business, you've been handed everything on a silver platter. Opportunity after opportunity, promo after promo, gimmick after gimmick, because McMahon and his cronies labeled you as one of their chosen ones.. yet, like a fool, you NEVER capitalized. You found yourself in midcard purgatory because you were too afraid to take the necessary risks to propel yourself to the next level, and too busy playing second fiddle to the likes of Randal Orton to be taken seriously.. this starting to ring any bells? And of course, the one time you finally found yourself knocking on the door of greatness, guess who was there to stop you dead in your tracks? That's right, me. And I think you're finally starting to see the reason why. I've never liked you, Cody. From your piss poor blame everyone else attitude, to your need to follow rather than lead, to the number of times you've failed to capitalize on your opportunities. And worst of all, how you're one of the fakest, most pathetic "superstars" I've ever come in contact with.

The crowd cheers like mad as Punk continues to rip Cody to shreds. Punk waits for them to die down before continuing.

CM Punk: It's time you realize that you are your own worst enemy. At The Great American Bash, in my sanctuary Chicago, when I defeat you for that United States Championship, it won't be because Teddy Long wants to see someone like me defeat you, it won't be because this company has some anti-Cody Rhodes vendetta, it'll be because once again, I'm going to prove that you're not even worthy of sharing the same ring with me. I understand that I've beaten you, you've beaten me, but previous wins and losses don't matter anymore. You need a reality a check, and that reality check is coming in the form of my knee getting driven directly into your face, and I'll watch your lifeless body fall down to the canvass, ripe for the three count. This sunday, all of the trash talking and all of the bad blood comes to an end as we write the final chapter in the Rhodes/Punk storybook.. and mark my words, this storybook ends with CM Punk proving why he is.. BETTER. THAN. YOU.

The capacity crowd explodes with cheers and Punk awaits a rebuttal.

ooc: Sorry that took so long, the past few weeks have been hectic and I wanted to make this trash talk a good one. I'm off of work this week so I can get some more in, I'd love to go 3-3.
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The Hoov

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Re: UWF Great American Bash TT - Nigel McGuinness versus Bryan Danielson

Bryan waits for Nigel to quit speaking and he begins to laugh at Nigel. This gets the fans going. Bryan lifts his microphone back up and retorts.


Bryan Danielson: I'm sorry, but were you trying to grasp at straws just now? You tried looking for things about your career to bring up and the only thing you can think of is your “accomplishmentsâ€￾ in some dead organization? This isn't UCW Nigel. If you would've been doing your job right as a general manager, you would know this place is UWF. These people don't care about what you did in UCW. Hell, most of these people are too idiotic to remember what they had for breakfast this morning let alone something that happened in that money pit of a wrestling organization. Nigel, you still don't get it, do you? You can't comprehend what I'm trying to convey because your head is to thick or you're really as stupid as you look and especially as dumb as you sound, WANKER. What I'm saying to you is something I've been saying since the very beginning. Ever since you stuck your nose in my business. I am The Best Wrestler In The World and I prove it every single time I step into this ring. That World Heavyweight Championship should've been handed right around my waist but instead, you decided that you wanted Dean Ambrose to be the main guy so you did everything in your power to make it happen and now you're doing everything in your power to keep me away from that World Heavyweight Championship. I see right through you, Nigel.

Bryan starts getting on a roll and Nigel just glares at him.

Bryan Danielson: I know exactly what you're thinking at all times and I know you like the back of my hand. You can't stand the fact that I've reached heights that you could never reach so you get a position of power and you try and change that. You think you can just keep me down and I'll be fine. SmackDown was become all about you. It's the Nigel McGuinness Show and we're just bit players. You refer to me as a “muppetâ€￾ but really I'm the only person on the roster without marionette strings. I don't just go along with what you say and play ball. You're the puppet master around here, Nigel. You pull the strings and each and every person on this roster does exactly what you want them to do but you despise the fact that you can't control me. Nobody controls me. My loyalty is to my pride and dignity. I'm not going to sell myself out and become a corporate lacky like everyone else in the back. Damien and I know better and see it plain as day. I know what I have to do at the Great American Bash.

Bryan then addresses the entire audience as well as Nigel.


Bryan Danielson: You are right about one thing. Of all the facts you make up or all of the history you spew that know one cares about, one thing you said rings true. At the Great American Bash, it's not going to be a wrestling match. It's gonna be an ass kicking contest. I know exactly what has to be done. I have to end you. I have to beat you to within an inch of your life because, if not, SmackDown and the entire UWF for that matter won't be able to function. You people shouldn't boo me because I'm doing you all a favor. This man is a poor excuse for a general manager and we deserve better. Hell, a trained monkey could do your job. And at least he would know better than to step into the ring with someone like me. You better believe I'm dangerous. You better believe I'm ruthless. And you better believe I can make you TAP.....OUT.....

Danielson lowers his microphone as Nigel gets ready to speak again.


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Feb 17, 2011
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Re: UWF Great American Bash TT - Nigel McGuinness versus Bryan Danielson

McGuinness chuckles at Bryan Danielson's attempts of rebuttal but which didn't work with Nigel as he clears his throat.

What was that? A trained monkey can do my job? A trained monkey is as good as you in a world title match, absolutely useless! If you was as good as you proclaim to be, ya woulda won the damn title regardless if it's stipulations, but that ain't the case, you lost yer match and yet you think it woulda been different as a singles match, well ain't the case, is it sunshine? I ain't seeing ya with the World Heavyweight Championship, I ain't seeing ya in the Main Event with the champion Dean Ambrose, instead I see ya in a fight against me, NIGEL MCGUINNESS!

McGuinness smirks and rolls up his sleeves as he stares at Bryan.

So if ya think I'm mentioning it's UCW and thinkin' this is the place, well yer wrong, 'cause UWF came from the UCW ashes, ya pillock! And the UWF title was originally the UCW Championship, so yer wrong again, WANKER! If ya gonna call me a wanker, learn to pronounce it right, ya tosspot! I can continue on with the British insult if yer wish but that ain't gonna do much but that might confuse ya! So I'll make it perfectly clear to ya how the Great American Bash will go down for ya.

Bryan Danielson crosses his arms and chuckles, thinking Wolfe is won before it's already begun.

We step into the square circle, we wait for the three bells to ring and then we kick each other's asses till only one is standing, ya wanna meet me within an inch of MY Life? Sunshine, ya gonna have kill me before I lay down for ya in the centre of the ring, ya nothing without, noone gave a damn about you sunshine till Me and you kick eachother's asses at Unify, even then ya had to use the ring post and then elbows and had to KO me to beat me, but not this time Sunshine! Ya ain't gonna get the chance, ya ain't gonna make me tap because I'd rather snap sunshine, it's 'bout time some broke those thunder lips of yours! 'Cause you ain't saving anybody, far from it, so wanker! Bring yer best shot!


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Matt Morgan vs. Curt Hawkins Tuesday Night Raw 7/24

The house show has been great and the crowd is buzzed waiting for the next event to happen. They are talking among themselves when the now familiar voice is heard over the speakers. Speaking out one word like usual.

Curt Hawkins: Opportunity

Curt steps out from the back, signature cane, and mic in hand. He has on his wrestling tights and one of his custom jackets. His hair is pulled back in a slick ponytail, and he is all smiles tonight.


Curt Hawkins: Opportunity

He once again says his word of the night as he makes his way towards the ring. This time tonight he walks to the crowd side of the ring, and jumps up on the apron. Just like he did in his first appearance ever, he takes a seat on the apron to address the crowd. Who tonight have a bigger reaction for Hawkins, but it is still split down the middle if they love him, or hate him.


Curt Hawkins: When opportunity knocks, I answer the door. It is my third week here in UWF and look what we have now. The night after The Great American Bash I will compete in my very first singles title match. I said I was here to make an impact, and the change the UWF. And this my friends is the first step. You see, Champions are the ones taken seriously in this business. They are the best of the best. The cream of the crop. Champions, change things. Champions, make impacts. Curt Hawkins, is a champion. I've said before, and I'll say again, I am the must under rated, under used, and under appreciated man on this roster! But...not any more. That changes. That changes now. That changes when I win my first ever UWF singles championship. The first of many, I might point out. I have all the tools it takes to be great. To be a main event player. All I needed was the spotlight. And now the spotlight is fully on me on July 24th when I take on Matt Morgan for the Hardcore Championship. And my spotlight will continue to grow brighter until I'm at the very top of this federation. I know it. And you all know it. Despite your opinions of me, you can not argue that I don't deserve to be champion. In just two weeks. Two weeks, I made an impact and I got my title match. What have you done the last two weeks?

Insulted by Hawkins, more of the audience turns to boos and for the most part Curt is receiving a negative reaction.

Curt Hawkins: Take it easy. Take it easy. What I have to say, is important. As I was saying, in two weeks time, I defeated both Dolph Ziggler, and Robert Roode. Two men that thought I was a nobody. Two men that counted me out before even knowing what I was about. Two men that in their own rights, were champions, and this "nobody" came in, and put them in their places. I don't care if you boo me, or you cheer me, but you can't deny that I have heart. I have more heart then any on this roster. That's why in my third match ever here, I get to go one on one, for the Hardcore Championship. And you can bet money that I will not let this opportunity slip past my fingers. So that means you should all mark your calenders, text your friends, update your Twitter, your Facebook, tell the world, that July 24th, Curt Hawkins, becomes a champion!

Curt holds his arms out and closes his eyes. He is "visioning" his reign as champion. After some rounds of booing from the audience, Hawkins opens his eyes again to speak.

Curt Hawkins: Matt Morgan. Matt Morgan is not a small guy. He's big, he's strong, he's athletic, but sadly, he's just out of my league. A lot of people don't think I can take on a man like him. A lot of people don't think I have what it takes to go extreme, to dig deep and come out with that one big victory. And I think a lot of people are going to be surprised when I prove them all wrong. I have more then what it takes. And I know Matt, that you're going to come out here, play the big boy role and say I'm nobody, aren't you? Well let me just remind you that the last two men that called me a nobody ended up with a fat L on their records. I'm tell you this right now Matt, I hope you don't get too attached to that little championship of yours. Shine it up real nice for me. And kiss it goodbye. Because July 24th is you're last day with that title.

Curt Hawkins finishes up and looks to the ramp for the Hardcore Champion.
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The Hoov

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Re: UWF Great American Bash TT - Nigel McGuinness versus Bryan Danielson

Bryan gets upset and lifts his microphone back up.


Bryan Danielson: I'm gonna stop you right there before you write a check your mediocre skills certainly can't cash. You certainly talk a big game, all of you Brits do, but there hasn't been a single person who has been able to match me, despite of their point of origin. You honestly think you are the one who gave me my big break? You think you're the one who handed me my opportunity to break out? I broke out on my own. I was never given anything. I took my opportunities by being the Best and no one, not you, not any of those glad-handing yes men in the back we call a SmackDown locker room and definitely not these people can do or say to change that. Face it, I am the franchise of this business. I'm the man. Which is so ironic, isn't it? Someone who looks like me wouldn't have ever made it in this business has BECOME this business. When you think professional wrestling, Hulk Hogan and Stone Cold Steve Austin are afterthoughts. Bryan Danielson is the here and now. I AM professional wrestling, pure and simple.

The crowd is boo-ing Danielson right out of the building here tonight but this doesn't phase him one bit.

Bryan Danielson:And as far as your obviously biased opinions about the World Heavyweight Championship, this isn't about the World Title. Although it is true that I should be standing here as World Heavyweight Champion or at least competing in the King of the Mountain match, No instead this is about respect and I'm gonna teach you all about it. You thought everything you put me through I'd sit there and take it because you're the general manager but you don't know me like you think you do. You think I'm just some nerd vegan who doesn't own a television but really, Nigel, I'm an atom bomb ready to explode and consider our match Hiroshima.

Bryan then gets closer to Nigel and finishes up his speech.

Bryan Danielson: My goal in our match isn't just to win. I want you gone. I want the UWF to be rid of you once and for all. You had your run, you got drunk off of power and the white knight of the UWF had to drive you away. That's how this story ends, Nigel. There is no happy ending for you. To me, it will be greater than any fairy tale ever told but, to you, it will only be a nightmare. I've beaten you many times, Nigel and the Great American Bash will be no different. Only this time, you won't have a career when this is all said and done. And that nightmare I alluded to earlier, well, let's just say it won't end there. Like a Vietnam veteran having flashbacks, one word will bring back all of the feelings and no matter how much you try and forget, you won't ever be able to because one word will haunt you for the rest of your life: Yes......Yes......Yes......YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!

Bryan starts throwing his arms up into the sky as the crowd chants along with him.


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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Re: Great American Bash: European Championship - RVD(c) vs Mysterio vs Raven vs Jarre

Maylene and the Sons of Disaster - Step Up (I'm On It) [official music video] - YouTube


Suddenly, STEP UP (I’m on it) by Maylene and the Sons of Disaster plays and the crowd begins to turn. The boos rain down as Double J, Jeff Jarrett steps out onto the stage with a big smile on his face. As the crowd starts to taunt him, he simply grins and wags his finger at them. He turns to the ring and smiles even bigger. He and RVD make eye contact; although Rob looks a little confused. Jarrett struts down the ramp to the disgust of the crowd and the two men in the ring.

Jeff makes it to the steel steps and stops; taking a moment to collect his thoughts and give Van Dam a knowing look. Then, he runs up the steps and explodes through the ropes; throwing both hands high in triumph!

RVD looks a bit angry as Jeff does one more dance in the ring for good measure. Finally, the King of the Mountain gets down to business.


Jeff Jarrett looks at RVD and grins like the cat that ate the canary: I bet you’re wondering why I’m here, aren’t you? Ya see, I almost missed it too. Cause in the fine print on the card was a European Championship match scheduled for the Great American Bash. You know? That title you keep going on and on about? The one you are having words with the Miz about? Yeah…well, I read on and sure enough they’re havin’ a title match at the BASH!!

The crowd lights up before Jarrett can finish.

Jeff Jarrett then points to himself as he announces: And I’M in it!

Suddenly, the crowd turns and Double J smiles that gaping smile of his. RVD starts to argue.

Jeff Jarrett: Oh, no, I saw it just a few minutes ago. You and me going at it for the belt. Seems I may have to take back some of the harsh words I used on our beloved General Manager, Desmond Wolfe. Oh, and he threw in a couple of filler jobbers to make it interesting; That miscreant, Raven and that spot monkey, Ray Mysterio!

The crowd gets crazy when Jeff mentions the others.

Jeff Jarrett: But we got KING SPOT MONKEY right here, don’t we!? That’s the only reason TNA, WWE or even UWF management ever calls your tokin’ ass. Not because you’d be a great champion. NO. Because you wow the crowd while you job for the real champions. And, at the Great American Bash, you’re gonna do just that, Robbie! JOB, to J-E Double F, J-A Double R, E Double T, Jeff Jarrett!

HE stops and the crowd unites in their hate for him. Alphonzo starts to yell off mic.

Jeff Jarrett: Oh, shut it ‘FONZIE’! Hell, I thought your tired, wrinkled ass died with ECW! I mean, look at yourself, Robbie. You’ve ended up being associated with the likes of Fonzie here and guys like Balls Mahoney, Tommy Dreamer and Sabu. Let’s see who I’ve had follow me to the ring.â€




The lovely Debra McMichaels


Wrestling superstar, Owen Hart, God rest his soul


I’ve been part of the FOUR HORSEMEN and the NWO

Jarrett takes a breath as the crowd chants: SLAP NUTS! SLAP NUTS!

Jeff Jarrett turns on the crowd: How about shuttin’ yer pie hole!? This here is a one man show!!

The crowd erupts into a mob of angry fans as they begin to get loud.

Jeff Jarrett turns his attention back to RVD: But all of that pales in comparison to the arm candy that I scored just recently. You know what, Robbie? You hug up to that sack a bones and remember the good ole days. I’m gonna be sharin’ the sack and my rings with this!!


Suddenly, Jarrett’s familiar theme plays but segues into that of his significant other, Karen Jarrett. She steps out onto the stage wearing a striking, tight, black dress. She walks casually down to the ring and ascends the steps. Jeff helps her in with a Cheshire cat-like smile.


Jarrett laughs: This is my secret weapon boys. Beauty this stunning is nothing more than a distraction of EPIC proportions.

As he embraces the beautiful Karen Jarrett, the moment of tenderness is broken by an unexpected interruption.


Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Great American Bash - 6 Man, KotM Match for the World Heavyweight Championshi

OOC: Will have a tt up sometime UK afternoon dudes. Been writing all night and not getting much luck. So gotta go bed now and recouperate.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
24/07/12 - Bully Ray vs. The Rock


"The Beaten Path" hits the PA, and the crowd are all in unison as they boo the resident bully, as he makes his way onto the stage. A scowl over the crowd before he walks down the ramp and slowly makes his way up the ring steps. His facial expression hasn't changed as he gets through the ropes and demands a microphone be handed to him. He waits for the mic and then once it's in hand he looks around at the packed out arena. His music stops and Bully Ray starts to address the fans.


Bully Ray: As if it wasn't ridiculously obvious to the whole world by now....

The crowd interrupt Bully with a set of "Bully sucks!" chants. This only makes Ray raise his voice over them.

As if it wasn't ridiculously obvious to the whole world by now... My name... is Bully Ray. I am the only reason any one of you have showed up tonight and everybody knows it. The Great American Bash, forget about it. It's all a joke. The superstars getting a 'rub' off management for what? A skingy hole like Chicago, Illinois and being an under-card to other prima-donnas, and under-achievers. That's not for me. Before I am given full licence to kick who-evers ass I want to kick, and take whatever I decide to take, whether it be championships, TV time, illustrious faction status off of people, and even careers, I am in place to headline a night that will take The Great American Bash, rip it a new back door and pound the living hell out of it. Set your DVR's, screw any other arrangements you may have for next Tuesday night, because the first of many is going to happen on Raw. IT will be the first time of many, that Bully Ray... Headlines Raw.

The crowd boo but it has no effect and Bully Ray carries on.

That's right, for the first time I am being put where I belong, the lasting image in all of your minds while watching Raw, will be myself, bringing the demise of all superstars put in front of me, to the forefront of your attention. And the first I get to bring down in my first main event? Oh your going to love this.... The Rock.

As if like a shock of electricity, the crowd shoot to their feet, and cheer, chanting The Bully's opponents name.

Please, he's not coming out here. I mean, let's look at when we were live on Raw last week. The man decided that he were too big to turn up to Denver, Colorado, and set up a video package for you all. The big movie star decides to interact with you by shooting his very own mini-movie. That is not the way I was trained. That is not what we bust a gut, taking brutal weapons to the head and throwing ourselves over and through god knows what for, to see one of the biggest exports use the profession the way you have. I don't speak candidly very often so take heed in my words, Rocky. Every time I take my little girl to the movies, and your in a trailer, she asks me why I'm not in movies, why I'm not flying round on fake dinosaurs and trying to catch criminals in fast cars and you know what, that would cut most fathers up inside. But, when I look her in the eye and tell her that if I was going flying on dinosaurs all the time, I wouldn't have the time to be with my family, and be the father I pride myself to be more than a bully, she smiles and tells me she's glad in the end.

So that leads me to think Rock. With your busy schedule and you always jetting off away from your family, is it all worth it. Trading real friends and family for ones that are only nice to your face because they are getting a paycheck at the end of it too. The ones that tolerate your guitar playing and your singing simply because they have to. If you do enjoy it, relish it. Because come Tuesday what I do to you the only role you will be suitable to play is the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Your face will be disfigured, your back in agony, and all your be hearing is the bell!

Bully looks up at the ramp expecting The Peoples Champ any moment.
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