UWF 2012: Past Raw Trashtalking

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Feb 17, 2011
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Re: UWF- Great American Bash MVP vs Roode

OOC: Yo, I'm doing this on my mini-PC, so it won't have anything but text till I get my base unit up and running this evening but it is in the ring Albo - Shall we try for Four - Four?


That little act you had one Monday Night Raw Montel, costing me a match against Curt Hawkins but that doesn't matter as I know, the fans know that Curt Hawkins victory was a fluke, a fluke! Much like your first attack on me weeks ago, how pathetic it was but that isn't going to happen again because at the Great American Bash, I got your number Montel! It's almost satisfying to know that I have lulled you into a false of security and that at the Great American Bash, because I'll be damned if you think you can defeat me in a straight forward match, you have ONE way of defeating me, whilst I can defeat you with any move in my arsenal because I am that damn good!

The fans pop as Roode smirks and clutches at his NWA World Heavyweight Championship, he clears his throat before striking a nerve with his opponent, MVP

While Montel, you are too far busy concerning yourself with the fact, I am the better man, why I am the higher paid superstar, why I am more relevant than you, I am busy prepping myself for the true task at hand, beating you in the middle of this ring! Because no amount of money, no amount of relevance will save you from suffering a defeat my hands, so I suggest you get your head into the game because I'm already ten steps a head of you, hell, that is just testament to why I am more valuably to this company than you! Unlike you, Montel, I do not lose to the likes of Mr. Anderson in the big game situation, hell, I defeated the man, knocking him out of UWF Championship hunt, a match that dispatched you with ease! Then I defeated someone as famous as the Rock, for all his talk and catchphrases, he could not get the job done and the same would of applied to Curt Hawkins had you not interjected yourself into the equalisation. It's really quite sad how little of the chance you have against me, and you can bank on that!

The fans pop for Robert Roode's usage of one his catchphrases and his general rebuttal of MVP, never the less, Robert Roode continues.

At the end of the day, Montel, it's all about one thing... Class, something you have nothing of, you don't have the class of a champion, the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, a champion who cannot be defeated due to his class! I am the bar for class, I am the bar of what it takes to be a champion, while Stone Cold and Dean Ambrose can believe they got the class, they don't, neither do you and that is the real reason why you'll never defeat me! I am the leader of the Next Generation, I put the NWA Championship back on the map and I will be the person who puts you back in your place, the mid-card, filled with mediocrity, which suits you, Montel because you're just a mediocre talent with mediocre ability and no class whatever so ever! It's a harsh truth isn't it, Montel? But at the same time, it does pay to be Roode.


OOC: Apologizes for the awful presentation, I will sort it out later!​


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Feb 17, 2011
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Re: UWF Great American Bash TT - Nigel McGuinness versus Bryan Danielson

McGuinness chuckles and smirks as he clears his throat and responds.

Well I hate to break it to ya but you'll haveta kill me do just that 'cause while yer running yer little mouth all across UWF, I ain't gonna go lay down for you or any body. Ya think I'm drunk with power, you're absolutely slaughtered on fame, ya think it's about me riding ya coattails, no no no! It's about me bringing ya back to down to earth than ya better believe! And I ain't gonna be clearing up the mess when yer broken body is scattered all across the ring 'cause of ME, ya hear? Even Sandow is head is gonna be in the carnage, 'cause he's so far up yer ass, I'm gonna haveta some how remove it before the match starts 'cause I ain't letting him get my way!

The fans pop for McGuinness as he picks up intensity, Nigel is on fire as he snarls and continues his offensive speech.

While yer a vegan nerd, that don't make ya any less of a threat, ya wanna rebut our history, that's fine by me sunshine, 'cause this is about making history, history of ya! I can't stand ya, Bryan, 'cause you just rant and rave about how great ya, no respect for me, nor the rest of the guys on the rest, I am the one whose gonna beat some respect into ya and pride outta ya, that's what it takes! 'Cause a pillock like ya, will never learn till you ain't got nothing left, if ya lose, you cannot do anything on Smackdown! No title shots, no random outbursts, 'cause if ya do, you'll be suspended for a year without pay! Now he's the clincher, Sunshine, I lost, I gotta shake yer hand, call ya the better man and I will retire! I'm putting it all on the line, Sunshine 'cause I know can beat ya, but have your the pay of dog's bollocks like ya claim you do, or have you got a bigger vagina than Hannah Harper? You know her right, Sunshine, 'cause she is yer pornstar, and ya love that stuff, hense why I call ya the wanker!

The fans cheer for McGuinness owning Bryan Danielson, but McGuinness rises his arm into the air to quieten them, snarling he continues.

Hush hush, let us 'ear what Bryan Danielson has gotta say to my wager, 'cause I'm bettin' on him bottling like John Cena did all those time. So Bryan, let's 'ear it! YES OR NO!?


Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Great American Bash - 6 Man, KotM Match for the World Heavyweight Championshi

DiBiase really can't believe what he's just heard from the men that have made their voices heard since his. He shakes his head as he turns to look up towards the titantron. He looks less than pleased as he begins...


Ted DiBiase Jr

So now you decide you’re above everyone else and decide to leave the ring? That doesn’t make you look like a big man Dave, it makes you look like a coward who can’t face the truth when people give it to him. Who the hell do you think you are? The way you act is out of line, and if you seriously think it's going to get you anywhere in this business then you're seriously mistaken. The way present yourself in this company, acting like you have the right to order people around, disgusts me. You're not the boss around here Dave, and I'd rather take orders from a fish than you! Your actions towards myself and others this past month, have proven that you're nothing more than an bubble of rage who can't get anywhere in the company without breaking the rules and taking constant cheap shots.... Dave, I'm getting sick and tired of hearing the crap that comes of your mouth, if you spent as much time winning championships as you do whining you might have the World Championship around your waist. But let's be serious for a minute, when the Bash comes you won't be able to whine any more, you won't be able to make demands, you are going to have to use those doctor prescribed muscles of yours to win, muscles that are useless against someone with such character and class as yours truly. I mean come on! You act as if you're the tough big guy, yet time and time again you fail to directly address what I say to you and dodge all the perfectly good points I make. What’s wrong Dave, scared of someone who’s half the size of you? Or is your brain that that mashed up from all the drugs that you take, that you’re too mentally inept to come up with a direct respon222se?… Keep on looking down on my past if you wish Dave, but the more you do that, the more motivation you give to me to succeed and prove you wrong. You mention me not accomplishing anything in this company apart from leeching, sorry but how the hell is leeching an accomplishment? Besides, your point is wrong anyway, because I accomplished winning the World Heavyweight Championship in this company, and even though I held it for less than five minutes, it’s a lot more than you’ve managed to do in your time here, and at the Great American Bash I’m going to make sure that remains that way!

Ted looks at shakes his head in disgust, as the fans let off a mixed reaction. Ted scans the ring before turning to face John Cena.

John, whenever I look at you I get a bitter taste in my mouth. For the past few weeks you’ve made a fool out of me, and been the focal point of SmackDown, and although you’ve played dirty in a lot of the things you’ve done, you’re still made out to be a hero and loved by everyone. I’m getting sick and tired of seeing you constantly in the limelight John, it’s about time somebody else became the face of this company, and I’m going to do my best to ensure that person is ME!.. Of course John, you have to bring up the fact that I’m repeating myself don’t you? You’re always perceived to be mister perfect, and you constantly have to bring others down to keep up that perception people have on you? The main problem I have with it all John, is the fact that you’re repeating yourself just as much as I am, if not more, and it really angers me that people don’t see that fact. Besides when you constantly throw the same crap at me, always bringing up my father and the fact that I have money, it’s inevitable that I’m going to say things I’ve already touched on, because unlike Dave Batista I’m a classy man and I like to respond to everything someone has said about me. So instead of making me out to be the fool, why don’t you look at what your doing, and stop bringing up something I’m so passionate about and have strong thoughts on? Just for the record John, I didn’t get into this match by bitchin’ I got into this match because I worked my backside off, had a great match with Dean Ambrose and proved to everybody that I am a force to be reckoned with here in UWF. Contrary to what you like to believe, I worked my ass off just as much anyone else in this ring, and I deserve to be here just as much as you do. You can keep on saying that I don’t earn things if you like, but you’re just escaping from the truth. Also John, I’m not bending backwards for Michael Cole at all, I just hate how the guy gets so much stick from people like you. He’s just doing his job, and I feel he does a good job too, good enough that it doesn’t warrant the stick it gets from people like yourself. I certainly didn’t find what you did entertaining, and I’m pretty sure no one else in this ring did either, because although dumb un-educated kids get a laugh out of it, adults don’t. Oh, and you mentioned me cheating John didn’t you? Well I’m going to make sure I don’t cheat in our King of The Mountain Match, but is there any guarantee you will stop cheating on Liz?

The crowd boo’s DiBiase heavily for this line, he know’s it’s really pissed the fans and John off but he is happy that it has. He smiles as he turns to face Jeff Hardy.


You’re right Jeff, sometimes I don’t make sense, but I’m not alone in that department here, because you’re the king of not making sense. Maybe that’s down to the numerous times you’ve fallen on your head like a whack-job or perhaps it’s due to all of the drugs you put your paycheck towards, either way a infant child with a speech impediment sounds more interesting and appealing than you. I also find it hilarious that you have the nerve to call someone stupid Jeff, because whilst you might not think it you are probably one of the most stupid guys in this ring. I’m not joking Jeff, who the hell would want to waste well earned money on drugs that get you nowhere in life and only end up leaving you with an empty pocket? I may not have a big brain like you say, but it’s big enough to know how to win, something I’ve done plenty of times. Taking drugs isn’t going to help you in the winning department Jeff, and as much as you mock me now I’ll be the one laughing when you become incapable of ever winning a match due to being too messed up on drugs, whilst I’m holding the World Title high in the air as the FACE of this company… You may of thought you made some good points about me there Jeff, but once again the stuff you mentioned was way off the mark and no where near close to the truth. Continue doing it if you like, because I love being fed ammunition by pathetic little losers like yourself, so that every time I come to address you I can make you look like even more of a pathetic loser than you already are! If you’d of actually been sober when you saw the confrontation that I had with my father, you would of realized that I didn’t want him to be there whatsoever. Why the hell would I waste my time inviting my father to the arena and staging an argument, when I had an important match to prepare for that night? Heck, if it wasn’t for him showing his face I could’ve got some vital preparation in that would of ensured I left with the title. Of course, you don’t think that way do you Jeff? You like to think that you’re thinking outside of the box, but in reality you’re thinking like a complete and utter maniac. You’re right Jeff, I did reach the top of this company before you did, and I’m glad that your jealous of me because jealously is what I strive on in this company. I am going to reach the top of this company again and once again you will be the jealous man. Go on, say it’s not my type of match if you like, but I have plans to ensure I win, and at the end of the night, you’re on twist of fate will be you’re mind twisting around in a daze after I send you down dream street!

Once again Ted shakes his head, it’s become customary for him to do this after he’s annoyed with opponents saying the same thing over and over and disrespecting his choice to distance himself from his father. Ted now turns to face Dean Ambrose.

Are you out of your mind Dean? I’m pretty certain that I put up a hell of a fight when I faced you on Heatwave for the World Heavyweight Title, and to say I don’t even deserve another shot is a disgrace. I put my life and my body on the line to win something that so many people said I could never win on my own, and even if I hadn’t of won the title at all, the fight I put up during the match would’ve been more than enough to have another shot at you. You know what Dean? I’m getting a little sick and tired of you complaining and acting like you’re hard done by in this company, you’re the World Champion here, yet you act as if you’ve been forced to be the companies slave or something. Your ungratefulness really does get on my nerves, and the fact that you are constantly bashing the management who helped you get to where you are now disgusts me! Seriously man, you’re in a great position and all you do is complain, and what’s more, you were the last one out here, not only can that be put down to your pure laziness, but it can also be put down you your lack of passion for a belt that many people, included myself worked their backsides off for. You certainly aren’t dong yourself any favors here Dean, and the more you speak the more I want to beat the crap out of you and put you in your place…. Let me just get this straight for the last time Dean, I’m not following in my fathers footsteps whatsoever, I’ve made that perfectly clear since I came to this company, and it’s pathetic that you still make out that I am trying to follow in his footsteps. If I was following in his footsteps I would never of lost the World Heavyweight Title less than five minutes after winning it, and this match wouldn’t involve five other people, it would involve one and I’d also of paid someone off to avoid the five minutes in the penalty box… However, I’m a fair man Dean and I like to do things the right way, whether you like it or not. You might think you may of seen me as a shell of my former self, but that’s ridiculous, in fact the only thing you have seen from me throughout this confrontation is someone who is more confident and determined to prove what you say wrong, and trust me I will. There’s only one person that’s a shell of his former self in this ring, and what’s you Dean, you’ve become lazy, and you’ve lost your passion for wanting to win in this company, and come Sunday, I’m going to make sure that you see what you’ve become when I beat you to a pulp and take the title from you without you even caring….

Huge boos from the crowd once again as Ted DiBiase turns to finally face Bray Wyatt. He’s getting sick and tired of hearing the same old stuff.

Bray, if you’re wondering why I left addressing you till last, well it’s not because I find you the biggest threat in the match oh no, it’s simply down to the fact that I don’t understand half of the stuff you babble on about. I’m getting really sick and tired of having to interpret something that you’re saying, because at the end of the day it’s all a load of crap and most likely just repeating what everyone else in the match has already had to say about me… You have faith in yourself do you Bray? Well that’s nothing to be proud of, and it’s not exactly smart is it? I mean maybe if you’d actually achieved a lot in your career I would understand if you had confidence in your own abilities, but you’ve done nothing as of yet, so in that case I wouldn’t be so confident in what you can do, because it’s extremely risky and isn’t necessarily going to turn out to be a good thing. It’s no secret that you’re living a massive lie Bray, no one here buys the ‘faith’ in Bray Wyatt stuff, and it just seems like you’re covering up your past failures in life by bringing in positivity that’s not really their. The truth is that you’re a fat useless waste of space who instead of trying to act like a messiah, should go and pray to a messiah that he loses some weight. It makes me cringe that I will be sharing a ring with a sweaty poor loser like yourself. I’m a man of class and I really don’t like the though of getting my hands dirty to deal with the dead weight in this match, but unfortunately it’s got to be done, and hey if I’m feeling generous maybe I’ll throw some money in for you to sort your terrible life out.

There’s a mixed reaction this time from the crowd but Ted quickly speaks once more.

You can quit booing me now, as I’m done addressing all these pathetic human beings that call themselves my opponents. It seems like I’m the only sane person in this ring right and maybe that’s a good job, because it makes me confident I can win MY World Heavyweight Title back with ease. I’ve taken too much stick in my career, and it’s time to prove everyone including you benefit seeking idiot’s wrong. I will overcome the so called impossible odds that are weighing me down, and I will hang that World Heavyweight Title at the top of the Mountain!


Ted lowers his mic, it’s not clear whether he will speak again, but he remains in the ring, not wanting to miss a trick.
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Re: Great American Bash: Edge vs. Damien Sandow

*Sandow looks up at the tron shaking his head in what seems like disappointment, raising his microphone as he turns back to address the crowd*


Damien Sandow:

This? This is the man who has you the unwashed masses wrapped around his finger? It is quite frankly revolting to know that all of the lambs sitting here this evening are being lead to the slaughter of their own ineptitude by such an abhorrent, alleged “superstarâ€￾. However, even though disheartening, I must reiterate that this is the very purpose of my presence here in the Ultimate Wrestling Federation. I choose to depart without incident when I am set to face an unworthy opponent; I do this so as to not subject all of you to a loathsome contest. The man I face would be one such opponent, and yet I find it necessary to rid the world of this miscreant. For he is simply an infestation, an infestation of ignorance mind you, but an infestation nonetheless. And when you seek to rid yourself of an infestation you normally choose to have someone else handle the extermination, however I fear if I do not soil my extremities myself that no one will be doing so.

*Sandow pauses for a moment as the crowd keeps showing their hatred for him*

At such a high level is his ignorance that he believes what occurred on this program was beneficial in showing that he can undoubtedly defeat me. For all that the aforementioned Cutting Edge served to prove was firstly: Edge now has a chink in his armor with a proverbial bull’s-eye attached, that being the left appendage in the bicep and triceps region as well as the collar. Areas of which my favorable maneuver do most damage in, and of course secondly: That the all mighty spear, can be outsmarted. For when Mr. Cena chose to insert himself in an issue that did not concern him, Edge attempted to once again accost me with his oh so famous maneuver. And yet with little to no effort I was able to avoid said move, and in doing so showed that the falsely appointed “ultimate opportunistâ€￾ is not as intelligent as once was thought.

*Sandow turns towards the stage*

For taking an opportunity during a bout is not intelligence, it is basic knowledge that even those in the audience with no in ring experience would know to take hold of. However creating said opportunity is what I am capable of, For unjust handicap like situations in rumbles and from behind attacks have tainted my record, before hand I was defeating the likes of Mr. Michaels and Mr. Mysterio two men who have experience in downing the Rated R dunce. See what this man fails to realize is that I am not a stepping stone, I am the man bringing enlightenment to the unwashed masses. A task that I do not take lightly, for while he may be competing for his own selfish gain, I am competing to for each and every one of you.

*The crowd boos as Sandow simply smiles out.

I of course realize that most in the audience believe this match to already have a clear cut winner, that a returning Edge will undoubtedly and without effort emerge victorious in the first bout of his return. And this is the same ignorant thinking that I am attempting to eradicate, for while Edge may be returning there is a reason why and that is because he could not stay long enough to make a name for himself. I will show you all just why he was gone in the first place, just as I will show my opponent why I am the man setting all of us free from his bad example. And even though your miscreant antics plague this company with the disease of incompetence, at the end of the day Mr. Edge…Yes…even you are Welcome.

*Sandow smiles extending his hands out as the crowd boos him*

The Hoov

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Re: 24/07/12 - Bully Ray vs. The Rock



He doesn't let Bully Ray have any time to wait as “The People's Champ†The Rock emerges from the back with a look of malice on his face and is looking straight at Ray.


The Rock makes his way down the ramp, never letting his eyes escape Ray and Ray is doing the same. The crowd is going crazy and, quite frankly, Bully didn't expect him to show up.


He is handed a microphone by a ringside worker and he climbs into the ring and stands across the ring from Bully Ray. He waits a few moments as he sizes him up and waits for the crowd's excitement to die down just a tad bit. He lifts his microphone up and begins speaking.


The Rock: FINALLY! The Rock HAS COME BACK to Phoenix, Arizona! Now, let The Rock get this straight, The Rock finally has the chance to headline an episode of UWF RAW. The Rock has the opportunity of a lifetime after being left off of last week's show to main event RAW and electrify the people like no other and The Rock's opponent is Bubba Ray Dudley?!

The fans in attendance begin to laugh but Bully Ray doesn't find it as amusing. The Rock then continues.

The Rock: Don't get me wrong. You and D'Von, The Rock loved you guys. You know, you came out here and you beat people up, won tag titles, Hell, The Rock even knows how much you guys loved Wood. I mean, everything the Dudleys was about revolved around Wood. “D'Von! Get the Tables!†The Rock knew exactly what you were talking about. Not that there's anything wrong with that, Bubba. To each their own, that's what The Rock says but, you?! This week on RAW, in the middle of this ring you want to go ONE-ON-ONE with The Great One?! Bubba, The Rock knows you've been hit over the head one too many times over the years, but The Rock just can't help but wonder just what in the blue Hell are you thinking? Not even to mention the fact that you have the balls to run down The Rock like you did. Just because The Rock has made some movies and no director alive would put your fat, ugly face in their movie doesn't take away the fact that The Rock has done it all, He's Done It ALL....something The Rock can't say about you.

The Rock is starting to get under Bully's skin with that statement and his constant usage of the name “Bubbaâ€.

The Rock: Wait a second....wait a second. You don't like to go by Bubba anymore, do you? No, no, you're Bully Ray now. Wait kind of name is that? Are you trying out for the next Karate Kid movie? “I'm a bully! Rah! I'm Bully Ray! The Rock wasn't here! The Rock makes movies. That's the excuse I use because I†ABSOLUTELY SUCK! Bubba, Bully Ray, Jimmy Jack, whatever the Hell your name is now, listen to what The Rock tells you. The Rock is damn sure a family man and I take care of my family, but something else The Rock is, is that The Rock is an entertainer and The Rock does it like nobody else can. So that means, in the main event, IN FRONT OF THE MILLIONS........

The crowd screams “AND MILLIONS†towards The Rock.

The Rock: AND MILLIONS of The Rock's fans, The Rock is going to whip your roody poo candy ass all over Phoenix and rest assured, The Rock will make sure he casts you in his movie, and you'll have top billing in the “Ass Whippin' of Bully Ray†IF YA SMELLLLLLL........

Bully then cuts The Rock off.

The Hoov

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Re: UWF Great American Bash TT - Nigel McGuinness versus Bryan Danielson

Bryan lifts his microphone back up to respond to Nigel.


Bryan Danielson: You think you've got it all figured out, don't you? You think you can say or do anything you want and there won't be any repercussions? That's your problem, Nigel. You don't think. That's what got you into this predicament in the first place. For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction. That's basic science. You wanna know my answer to your challenge? Let's see if I can decipher what you said because God knows, none of the rest of us could. If you win, I get no more title shots and I have to keep quiet like everybody else on this roster and turn a blind eye to all of the injustices you create and If I win you'll shake my hand, like a man, like you should've done your first night as general manager and you'll retire for good? Forgive me if your wager sounds hard to believe.

Danielson walks around the ring, weighing his options.

Bryan Danielson: I mean, on one hand, it sounds damn good. You talk a big game but you haven't done anything that impresses me. Your career is pathetic to say the least. You're undefeated, big deal? Who'd you face? A bunch of nobodies because that who everybody is who isn't me. Nobodies. This seems like a win-win for me, or should I say win because there's only one inevitable outcome to our match and that's me with my hand raised in victory and you, lying in a pool of your own misery, a pool of your own self-pity and a pool of your own blood. You can say anything you want to me right now and anything you want for these people to get behind you because I can see what these people can't see right now. I can smell it. I see the fear in your eyes. I see the self-doubt you have that you can beat me. You say you can beat me, but your eyes say otherwise. I smell the fear. I can sense it. And that's what I'm gonna feed off of.

Bryan then stops walking around the ring and looks Nigel dead in the eyes.

Bryan Danielson: My answer to your challenge? It's that same word, Nigel. That same word that you can't stand. That same word that keeps you from having a good night's sleep. If I win, you're gone. History. Ka-put. If you win, which is less than a 0% chance, I will keep my mouth shut and I won't ask for any title shots and, more than likely, never get any anyway. My answer......is YES!

Bryan lowers his microphone and he and Nigel have a staredown.


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Feb 17, 2011
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Re: UWF Great American Bash TT - Nigel McGuinness versus Bryan Danielson

McGuinness clears his throat and removes his sunglasses and places on them on top of his head, first time in a long time, people can see the General Manager's eyes as he responds.

Real cute way of basically saying yes! Then again, a boy like yerself would need to go on and on about how you're so much better than me, so ya feel much better about yerself! For all the statics and blind ignorance ya rant on about Bryan, ya got one thing right straight, it is a win-win situation, 'cause there ain't anything bad about that wager, 'cause the other blokes on the roster don't cry like a little bitch over a lost, that's what pisses me off about ya, Sunshine! That's why I'm gonna force ya to shut your claptrap and give some peace to UWF Smackdown! Do I make meself perfectly clear on that?

Bryan Danielson laughs and waves it off, but McGuinness really doesn't care anyone as he continues the rebuttal.

Ya see sunshine, the reason I'm gonna force yer to shut yer mouth isn't because I don't want to have their opinions voice, it's just that yer just the most pretentious and annoyin' little bitch on the whole damn roster! Yacking on and on about being the best in the world, ya ain't done one thing to back up that claim Sunshine! Ya ain't nothing but a has-been, ya can talk about me retiring, I retired 'cause I got the cushy job of bookin' that best damn card in UWF and handin' Raw's ass each and every week and I've saved yer ass from having to put up with the likes of the New World Order, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Austin Aries, I got a show where stars and born, ya muppet! So, if ya beat me, then you'll gonna be a star, 'cause noone has touched me in over 2 years, and I ain't planning on letting ya beat me on the matter of principle!

The fans pop for McGuinness stating a lot of positives about his Smackdown and his actions, McGuinness smirks and puts his shades back down and clears his throat.

So, American Dragon. Ya better realise this sunshine, it's the Englishman is gonna bring his long sword and battle across the pond against the fire breathin' dragon and make it kiss my sweet British derrière, the hunt is on, WANKER!


OOC: I really do apologise from the lack of pictures... This computer blows lol. Having real blast btw Hoov.​


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Re: UWF Great American Bash - 6 Man, KotM Match for the World Heavyweight Championshi

Suddenly they are all interrupted. The titantron comes to life as we see Batista, somehow Josh Mathews appear out of nowhere.


Josh Mathews: Uh... Batista. I know you hate me but... knowing you're not going back out there, care to say a few words?

Batista: It's always you Josh, always about the other guys as well. Look I don't freakin' care who I'm talking to! Get out of my face, I don't want to have to tell you over and over. I'm getting sick and tired of you wandering around, I'm going to address what Jeff, Bray, Ted and Dean have said since I left the ring. Now skiddle off!

The camera fades for a minute. The next thing we know we see Batista sporting a red polo shirt sitting backstage somewhere.



You know what I'm getting tired of? You Dean. It's probably due to the fact you're all incapable of acknowledging exactly what I've been doing here, I'm unpredictable unlike the rest of you standing in the ring like little schoolgirls. It's almost like an episode of Gossip Girl or whatever the hell teenage girls watch these days. I'm different from the rest of you, I don't need to waste my time in that very ring yet I'll still address the matter of your bitching. It doesn't matter how many times I've won a match or lost a match, my theory here is this very Sunday at The Great American Bash, I'll hurt someone severly. A career will be ended and I can guarantee you that it won't be mine because I'm only beginning things. You're intimidated by me... There's no denying that Dean, while you're constantly being cocky about winning this entire thing, you'll find the fact that I'm here to hurt somebody. If I walk away with the Championship then that's a dream come true, but regardless of the actions in this match... I'm positive, absolutely positive that by the end of this match... One will not stand and one will quit. Pain is something that can be seen as unbearable especially if I'm the one delivering it to an opponent, since my switch to Smackdown I'm on top of the world. I'm given the rightful opportunities and a slight respect from the board of directors but that doesn't mean I'm changing my attitude, oh no no no... My attitude will never justify who I am at all, my attitude is something that creates me and earns myself to be known as 'The Animal'. But Dean, you only said a tiny little thing about me yet you blabbered on about the rest of the guys in this match, it's fine with me if you don't see me as a threat because you've got to worry about me as well. You cannot be serious when I say this but I've taken you out before... you've yet to get a one-up on me and you never will Dean, this is why you're worthless to me because you don't see me as a threat. These freakin' morons sitting here paying their tickets don't believe in me either, I'll prove everybody wrong! WRONG!

The camera pans back into the ring where we see Jeff Hardy having a chuckle, Batista sees this via the TV Monitor.

So Jeff, having a bit of a chuckle are we? I've never liked anybody here, ever so your assumption is invalid. Why the hell would I care about you Jeff? I'm telling you to freakin' grow some balls and wake the hell up! This stupid crap about holding the dirt and never cleansing yourself... I don't want to get freakin' infected when you're bleeding! I'm going to make sure the damn doctors are by ringside because when you freakin' bleed the doctors better wipe you up quickly. You're just like an inbred redneck Jeff, you destroy your life and probably don't really have health insurance. I'd be damn surprised if this company is paying for it! Do you see the risk involved in all this Jeff? You're probably carrying yourself with Hepatitis C and you're trying to infect me because you're just some dirty drug-junkie of a guy! Why do you think I've taken a slight care Jeff? It's for my own freakin' health! Not to mention, the dark is a place I've been to before but here I am in the light Jeff, the light... something you're not quite used to because every single day you're only digging yourself deeper in the hole. There's no escaping, nor do you want to escape... You're here to infect everyone from your filth, well, I'm no Bray Wyatt but I must say... Cleanse yourself Jeff, cleanse yourself. I'm not going to pay my freakin' massive health bill after this match knowing I could be infected, you can pay for my freakin' bills, regardless if you like that outcome or not... I'm going to freakin' break your skull!

It looks as if Bray's slightly agreeing there or nodding his head in disapprovement.

Bray, Bray, Bray... You know something? When in the world are you goin' to shut the hell up? Angel this, Christ that, Saint here, Sinner there. You're just as incapable of delivering a speech! You know while you spoke, I found some time to take a little nap because you were boring me to death there Bray. You've wandered into this company and somehow did something with the board of directors and they must have loved your preaching in order to give you this match. As far as I'm concerned you've done nothing to earn this. Last week on Smackdown, it was me that got the winning pinfall for our team, ME! Not you, not Jeff Hardy. This is why the both of you do not matter to me at all, nobody matters to me. I'm at a much higher, higher league than you are Bray and I'll be damned if you get a one-up on me here in this match. I'll do everything in possession to ensure you Bray or you Jeff... don't even get near to winning this match. I'll destroy you both, psychically and mentally. This is an opportunity, once in a lifetime? No. I'll get many more opportunities and that's a fact! I actually stick around and turn up to matches week in, week out. Everything I've done over the past month has been watched by everyone in the locker room, they have no clue what I'm going to do next. Everybody thought I was going to team up with Jeff Jarrett and make the division relevant, but no... I took Jeff out and what's he doing now... some European Championship match? I haven't seen much of Jeff since I beat him up good! Do you get the picture here Bray? When I beat people up... they become nothing. In fact, I should be thanking Randy Orton for beating me up, you know why? Because he made me see the fire in my eye, the unleashing that is yet to be unleashed. He made me think about my career not once, but twice and here I am, higher than Randy is right now. Randy isn't even competing for a Championship and that just proves... when I lose... I become stronger... Stronger than ever and Bray, a little warning for you. Keep out of my way or else you're going to end up in a bloodied pool.

But Batista doesn't stop there. The camera zooms in on Ted DiBiase while Batista speaks.

Are you freakin' out of your mind Ted? I'm not a bigger man? Do you not see the muscles on me, to me... you're just a scrawny kid, just slightly bigger than Colin Delaney. I left the ring because all your blabbering on about crap gave me a headache alright? Who the hell am I? My name's Dave Batista, your next UWF Heavyweight Championship, unlike Ted DiBiase Jr here, I don't leech off my very father in order to be rich. No, I work my ass off in the gym and the ring every single day to achieve my very goals. Ted, please... quit trying to be me, I know you're jealous of me but that's okay because you've got your own father to deliver the goods for you. The way I act isn't out of line at all Ted, far from it... My act has gotten me opportunity! Now I can see you're trying to behave like a little schoolboy here... did your daddy tell you not to get angry? Is he paying you money for acting lessons? We all know how the Marine Two turned out Ted. As for me, my movie is yet to be released but I've been given opportunities to do movies, to fight here for the UWF Heavyweight Championship and it's all because of how I act. My actions are agressive, deemed ruthless. People may not like me, but what do I care Ted? What do I freakin' care?! The way I present myself here ensures that you and everybody in the locker room are afraid of me. You had to bring up the way I do things around here and poor Teddy doesn't like it at all. Well what the hell are you going to do about it Ted? What are you going to do? There's nothing you can do at all, not even your father is incapable of trying to stop me being ruthless! I don't give a freakin' crap if you or John or anybody else, I don't care if you're sick of me, that's just too bad. I could give you a damn tissue to cry over the fact I'm speaking right now but I won't because you don't deserve it! Win or lose Teddy, it does NOT bother me. As long as I freakin' break someone's skull and tear them limb to limb then I'm fine. However, winning the Championship is my ultimate goal here but I've got many goals in this match Ted. Many. At the Great American Bash, I'll achieve more than you will Ted, even if you've won for five freakin' minutes the fact you couldn't hold onto it is a complete shame but at least you did something better than your father will.

Batista pauses for a minute before sipping on some water.

John Cena... The man who said to be about half an hour ago why I was being quiet. Well John, cat got your tongue? I don't hear a single word out of your mouth. You're nothing to me John, you are just a former enemy but in this very match... There's no friends, there's enemies... a word you don't like to hear John. You're all about 'Friends', but we... we've never been friends, ever. We'll never be friends ever. John, you're a fan favorite however when you first joined the company you hated on everyone. Then you changed... changed for the worst. Thing is with me, I once appreciated these freakin' morons and God that was a stupid mistake! Do you see the difference John? Since my hatred of everyone, I've became a real man while you John... you just come out here and try please these fat chicks and babies but the boo's are starting to be heard John. The crowd is slowly turning their back on you, this is why John you're life is taking a toll on you. If you don't win this match, you've lost everything... You've lost a wife... an opportunity... just where is your life headed after all this John? For me, win or lose... my career still continues because I know in this match... One of you will be hurt. I know I can walk out of here World Heavyweight Champion, come Sunday... The cage will be opened and there's no going back.

Batista then switches the camera off, all five men in the ring look at each other for a moment...

OOC: That's my 3rd and final TT. I won't be able to get another one up. Really enjoyed the TT session here, may the best man win!


The Hoov

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Re: UWF Great American Bash TT - Nigel McGuinness versus Bryan Danielson

Bryan continues to laugh off Nigel's claims. He lifts his microphone back up and addresses him.

Bryan Danielson: Saved me from the nWo and Stone Cold Steve Austin? Let me make something clear, those clowns couldn't even hold my jockstrap. Nigel, you really are delusional, aren't you? I mean, not only do you get harder and harder to understand each and every time you open your mouth, but you also try and take credit for my accomplishments, which is an outright lie. And you wanna bring up the fact that I've had some bad luck on SmackDown? Well, who's fault is that? Who stacked the deck against me at Starrcade? You. Who had me eliminated from the Rumble? You. Who got in Samoa Joe's back pocket and cost Damien and I a shot at the Tag Team Titles? You. Nigel, you're the root of all the evil in UWF, don't you sit there and deny it. Embrace who you are, you'll be much better off. I can promise you life will be much more satisfying for you if you just accept the fact that you're a no-talent waste of human life who never amounted to anything. I can't stand you, Nigel. And not just for the simple fact that you've screwed me over time and time again but because you're just so smug. My nicknames, aliases and accomplishments that I talk about.....I've earned them. You? You haven't earned squat.

Bryan is getting exponentially madder and madder after every sentence.


Bryan Danielson: You're unbeaten, you're undefeated, well guess what Nigel? That ends at the Great American Bash because you are stepping into the ring with, and I can't stress this enough, THE BEST WRESTLER IN THE WORLD! Everybody knows it, including you, but you just don't want to admit it. Nigel, when that bell rings, your life ends because being in the ring with me is like throwing yourself in a lion's den covered in raw meat. I'm going to stretch you. I'm going to break you. And, most importantly, I am going to beat you. Nigel McGuinness, you have not, do not and cannot live up to me in any measurable way.

The crowd is really against Bryan here as they boo him right out of the building but Bryan doesn't really care.

Bryan Danielson: This wager just sweetens the pot just that much more. After the Great American Bash, you're going to be gone, out of my life, once and for all. No more comebacks. No more undefeated streak. No more cushy general manager job. No more Nigel McGuinness period. Oh, Nigel......Nigel, Nigel, Nigel......The Great American Bash is the end. The end of a tyrannical reign as general manager. The end of your “unbeaten recordâ€￾. The end of our rivalry. The end of Desmond Wolfe. The end of Nigel McGuinness. Oh Yes.....the end.

Danielson drops his microphone as if he's said all he can say.


OOC: I had fun too EoR. I'm starting to feel like we're repeating ourselves a little bit tho.​


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Sep 19, 2010
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Re: Great American Bash: European Championship - RVD(c) vs Mysterio vs Raven vs Jarre

The fans cheer like crazy at RVD and Jeff looking at each other when all of sudden

Who's that Jumpin' out the Sky!


The theme song of Rey Mysterio hits the pa system as the fans cheer like crazy. Rey Mysterio comes out with his cape that everyone knows and loves. Rey goes and he takes off the cape as pyro goes off as Rey makes his way to the ring. Rey goes and interacts with his fans. Rey than goes and he enters the ring as he looks at RVD, Alfonso, Jarrett and Karen and then speaks to them


Rey Mysterio: Hello everybody, it is I the superhero of the YWC. Rey Mysterio and I am here to rid all evil here in the UWF, and it seems to me that evil never rests. First off, I am going to start with you Jeff. Jeff I wonder what were you thinking? I came out and protected you from the evil Raven. Than you decide to side with him. You know Jeff behind your family man background you so love to claim. It is another haux and lie you are telling to these people. So Jeff even though your beautiful wife is out here, and Karen you are looking good. Her beauty will not distract me Jeff, see the thing is Jeff I am here to stop the evil here in the UWF. I am here to make sure that everyone here is looked in positive light, that all the negativity is gone, and Jeff in this horrific monster’s ball you will understand what truth and justice really means.

Fans cheer as Rey turns to his good friend RVD and he begins to speak

Rey Mysterio: Rob… a fellow super hero here to stop the evil in the UWF. You know what Rob I do not have a problem with you, we have been amigos for a long time. We know each other so well. You know that wherever we go out to a movie. That I like no butter on my popcorn, or when we go out for dinner. You prefer to get ice tea instead of caffeine drinks. That is how well we know each other, but Rob even though you are a fellow super hero. You are merely Robin, while I am Batman. Now this is not to belittle you Rob. It is me saying that honestly you are a good friend and you do good deeds here, but none of those deeds amount to what I do, and it takes time and practice to become a great super hero trust me. It is not like you wake up and expect to become the best super hero ever you know? Rob though I do like how you represent yourself, and I do like you amigo, but this Sunday it is nothing personal but I will win that strap.

Fans cheer as Rey begins to speak some more to the fans in Chicago

Rey Mysterio: You see I notice that I was a hero here in the United states of America and Mexico. People love me here, but the thing is I know the UWF fan base is bigger than that. That it does not stop here know it is all over the world, and when I win the European championship this Sunday, Rey Mysterio will not only be a hero here, but a hero across the pond as well. That is something I think the people of Europe would like to see. A hero who will protect the streets of Britian, France, Italy and all over the country. The people will feel safer and not only that the children there will finally have someone too look up to. That is how I see this opportunity , a way where I can expand my heroism to the whole world, and I will do so but Rob, and Jeff although you two are also my opponents in this match there is one more man that I need to address.

Rey goes and he looks into the camera and he begins to speak with anger and rage

Rey Mysterio: RAVEN! You know I am talking to you, You may not be out here right now, but your tyranny will end Sunday. Raven I knew you despise me because of how loved I am by the UWF community. How my upbringing to this world was not as bad as you, because despite my size no one ever picked on me. You knew how everyone loved and respected me. Do you know why Raven people love and respect me? They love and respect me because of what I do as a person, and in the ring. They love the fact that I am never selfish. That I will take my own time just to bring a smile to their faces, and Raven most of all I am not a bully… What you did Raven too my friend Todd, what you did Raven will not be forgiven nor will it go without justice being served. You see Raven as a super hero you can’t let your emotions get to you, and so right now I am doing my best to keep them in check. I am making sure I do not get out of line right now, but come Sunday Raven you will face it. In this monsters ball you will face the Masked warrior, the west coast pop hero, and the 619 of truth. You will realize the light that comes at every tunnel, and not only that you will feel what it is like to be saved. Raven you may not feel these emotions now, you may not feel the pain I am feeling right now, but come Sunday hombre’ you will feel it trust me.

Rey pauses as he begins to pace around the ring he turns around and he begins to speak again

Rey Mysterio: Guys right now I am feeling emotional. Someone that I wanted to protect a good guy here in the UWF got hurt because of me. Though I now right now Todd does not blame me, and he would want me to keep on fighting this Sunday and I will do that. So Sunday guys you will witness the one and only super hero of the UWF. You will know what it is like to be in the ring with I Rey Mysterio, and you will know what it is like to feel justice... because remember Jeff, and Rob, everyone is one move away with getting hit with the 6…1…9…

Rey lays down his mic as he awaits a response


Jun 5, 2010
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Re: UWF- Great American Bash MVP vs Roode

Roode stops and looks up, waiting for MVP to arrive. The crowd are waiting, everyone is waiting while Roode seems to be losing patience.

???: Whoa, Whoa, over here Mr Roode.

The camera search frantically, as well as the fans looking for the voice that obviously belonged to MVP. The cameras finally find him, it seems it wasn't too hard as MVP is to the side of the stage, dressed quite smartly and with a microphone in hand. He looks towards Roode in the ring as he seems unimpressed.


The Ballin Superstar
Montel Vontavious Porter

Whoa, let's take a deep breath Roode before your ponytail falls off, it's a very cute ponytail by the way, exactly how a women would wear it so well done on that front. Let me get one clear to you Roode about my little preview of what is to come at Great American Bash, I didn't do it because I needed the upper hand, by god you should of realized I've had the upper hand all along. I attacked you on Raw to show you how much smarter I am compared to you, I attacked on Raw to give you a reason for losing to Curt Hawkins instead of losing by yourself and cruising all your confidence. I didn't do it just for me, I did it for you as well, you see, I look at you and I see a pretty smart guy, hell you dress like a smart guy, you use big words like a big guy, your confident like a smart guy which in reality, you would be smart enough to realize just who I am. You have the look and everything but it's that one simple, little fact that stops me from believing that there is actually a brain inside that ugly head of yours. I'll remind you that I am Half Man, Half Amazing, I am the Highest Paid Superstar in UWF History so you might think it pays to be Roode but I wipe my ass with your paycheck and then I give it to the first person I see, it seems that no matter how many times I tell people these things, they never seem to listen and Roode, that is what their downfall has been in the past. It seems every single opponent of mine makes fun of it, everyone of them tells me I don't deserve the money I get paid, but they don't think that way for very long because I beat them down and defeat them, I show them exactly the things that they questioned and you will be no different at Great American Bash and this lul sense of security you think you have me in, if thats your game plan to defeat me, making me think that I have the edge, well so far it has worked perfectly because week after week I have left you lying in the ring, lying on your back and looking up with me holding your piece of garbage NWA Title in my hands and I would like to say disgracing it by spitting on but I would just be a liar. That title has no meaning and as much as you think it meant something ever, it doesn't mean squat now except for the piece of trash that has helped me beat you down every week.

MVP starts to laugh a bit as Roode looks at his title over his shoulder. Roode looks at it, motion hasn't changed before lifting his head and looking at MVP. The crowd give a mixed reaction, mostly for Roode as MVP stops laughing and continues with a massive smile on his face.

I aren't fretting you playa and although you can say that I am distracted by all those things, you can maybe even convince youself to believe but it is clear to me that you are the one with something other then MVP on your mind. Do you remember the first night I showed you how great I was? I certainly remember it like it was yesterday, maybe because I've had it on replay for the past few weeks in my dvd player but I'll once again refresh your memory, the stage was set after Starrcade, thats enough about that stupid Pay Per View as all of you certainly understood the meaning of fluke when Kennedy stole a victory from me but one thing did happen, a big contract signing was announced and Robert Roode came into UWF, wow everyone please take a moment to shed a little tear. It certainly is a sad story but the night after, you didn't call me out, you didn't interupt me, you wanted another man didn't you playa? I'll ask you this but I already know the answer, who is the real man you want to be facing at Great American Bash? I know the answer isn't Montel Vontavious Porter, no ones answer would be as it is a guranteed loss, no the real man you wanted to face was one, Cody Rhodes. You have been caught up in trying to get to him this past month and Great American Bash will be no different and it's alright Roode, after the greatest match of your career, after I hit you with a Play of the Day, or a Playmaka or even a Drive By Kick, it doesn't bother me because all of those moves will put you down for good and then you can worry about Cody Rhodes, then you can worry about trying to get a room together and spending the night with the NWO, whatever you are into but before then, you will make me waste my time and put you down like a dog.

MVP gives Roode the thumbs down as he just stands there smugly looking back at him. MVP smiles as he fixes his sleeves and walks around the stage a little. Roode follows MVP's movement as the crowd are getting behind Roode and opposing MVP. MVP stops and looks back to the ring and starts to talk again.

At the end of the day its about class? Really Roode? Where is all this class you claim to have, week after week you prove that it's just a word and actually has no meaning. Class is something children go to to learn something, is that what you mean? You will be going to class at GAB to learn something? At the end of the day Roode, it doesn't matter about much money I get paid although it is alot, it doesn't matter what Stone Cold Steve Austin is doing, it doesn't matter what Dean Ambrose is doing, it doesn't matter about who has class, the Leader of the New Generation isn't something to be proud of because it won't happen for a while, the current Generation is still here and I'm still kicking Roode, kicking young kids ass just like yourself and as for Medicore, please Roode, everyone knows that MVP is not medicore, everyone knows just how good MVP is, something I will prove to you as at the end of the day, all it comes down to is that I'm Better Then You.

MVP finishes off with one of his trademark sayings as Roode looks up to the stage at MVP. MVP lowers the mic and starts to nod, keeping the cocky smile on his face as he nods as well. MVP doesn't move anything other then his head as.....

OOC: I'm fairly certain I wont be able to get another up before Cwalkers Deadline. Sorry Cwalker, it sucks we couldn't get more up but this is it for me.​


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Re: Great American Bash: Edge vs. Damien Sandow


Edge walks out on stage to a thunderous ovation from the crowd.

He walks down towards the middle of the ramp and then does his pose as the pyro goes off.

He makes his way to the ring and pulls out his mic not holding up anymore time.

Rated “R†Superstar Edge:
Yes. Yes I am the man that has everyone up in arms and excited and from the looks of things I also have you wrapped around my finger Sandy. Because it seems like for some reason anytime I happen to say something you are ready to retort. You are ready to say something to try to dismiss me. You are always ready to try to bring me down. But you just don’t understand that I am Edge and I am not going down. Well then again I am also the Rated R Superstar so I only go down on a woman. But I digress, you talk about cleaning the UWF up but you’re dealing with the dirtiest player in the game today. You are dealing with the real deal here and I’m not talking about Evander Holyfield. I’m talking about the Canadian standing right here in front of you that at the Great American Bash is going to kick your ass from bell to bell.

I mean you seem to mention something about a chink in my armor. A wound that you could easily exploit. But what you don’t understand, what you seem to be lacking knowledge here is that right now what you are dealing with is someone that is wounded. And when you wound someone… that heightens everything else. That makes everything else stronger to compensate for what was weakened and hurt. And yeah I felt your little submission but what you should have done was finish me off. But you didn’t. Instead you elected to puss out before I could strike. You decided to take what you felt was the wise choice and it was wise in that sense. But foolish in another. And what I’m going to do is I’m going to explain to you why.

Rated “R†Superstar Edge:
Because Sandy, when you didn’t decide to finish me off all you allowed to have happen is that rage to manifest itself inside of me. To continue to grow inside of me. To continue to fuel me and that rage will in turn be unleashed on you. For back then it would have been wild rage that could have been thwarted. Rage that could have been used against me which would have allowed you to do further damage to me. But instead you left the ring when you saw that I was back up to my feet and what that means now is that all of that rage from then… is going to be focused rage. It is going to be completely focused on doing one thing and one thing only and that is spearing you in half. Its focused and I’m not seeing double, I’m not seeing red, I’m seeing clearly.

It’s like my entrance says… you think you know me? You don’t. You don’t have an inkling of an understanding of what I am capable of… yet. But comet he Great American Bash oh you will. You will have an understanding and you will be used as the example for all the others. For all the other champions. You will be the sacrificial lamb that all will look to when they see that they have to deal with me on a later date. You will be the one that will feel the wrath of Edge and when everything is done and you’re left staring at the rafters wondering what the hell just happened… just know that you brought all of this upon yourself.

You wanted to talk intelligence and I’m here to tell you that you are dealing with a mind that you haven’t yet comprehended and even after the match is over you will not because I’m already a couple steps ahead of you. And while you ponder on how that is even possible… just know that you won’t figure that equation out until it is too late. So ready yourself Sandy, because in due time… you will have to deal with me and it won’t be the fun loving me. The happy go lucky joking me. But you will be dealing with the serious Edge. The one that has been getting sharper and sharper with each passing day. So after I have taught you more than you ever expected… I won’t be expecting a thank you because you’ll be too hurt to say anything but… I will say that… yes… you are welcome.

Edge lowers his mic with a serious look on his face staring down Sandow.


Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF GAB Tag Team Championship Match: The English Tide vs. The Black and White Mac

Suddenly on the big screen, everyone's favourite Shark appears with some words for The Stinger.


Shark Boy: Hey Stinger, up here, boy!. I was just chowin' down on some beef jerkey, listenin' to some ol' country music and drinkin' beer , generally thinkin' about whippin' both you and yer fatso partner at The Bash when I heard you out there talkin' about Shark Boy. Let me tell you somethin' ya face painted son of a bitch. You wanna talk about not respectin' Shark Boy?. You wanna compare Shark Boy to the likes a' Bray Wyatt and think that I'm sort of religious psycho fat man?. Well I'm one of those things, I ain't religious and I certainly ain't fat, so you work it out and it becomes apparant that Shark Boy's got a bit of a psychotic situation goin' on and you just went and triggered it ya dumb son of a bitch. I mean I used to respect you Sting. I really did. I used to watch you when I was just breakin' into this industry in the Dubya See Dubya fightin' the likes of Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Lex Luger, Kevin Nash... legends in this industry... you in my opinion were the top draw Dubya See Dubya ever had on that roster, even in it's dyin' days. And then I saw ya in the YouSeeDubya, I saw ya relivin' them glory days, I saw ya beatin' folks left-right and centre... whippin' everybody's ass and I saw that glimmer in yer eye that said, 'I'm the man'... 'I've still got it'...

The crowd are cheering thinking of Sting's past exploits in the business.

But now we're here in the YouDubyaEff... I look at you and see a washed up old bastard. A man that can't get it done no more. I see a man who I've seen LOSE to the man he compared me to, Bray Wyatt. A man who can barely even form a coherent thought let alone wrestle a match. And I see a guy that has to rely on his tag team partner who I think is a damn fine wrestler, shame he's such a prick, and I size you up Sting... that glimmer in yer eye?... it's gone. And I see standin' before me in that ring a vulnreable old man and it makes Shark Boy sad. But it won't stop Shark Boy from kickin' yer bass at The Great American Bash. EH-EH!. Ya see son, I don't like William Regal none and I'm gonna make that clear. He's a slimy sumbitch, he cheats, he tried to hand Shark Boy a pair of brass knucks so I could knock out Bully Ray and I said naw son, that's cheatin'. And yeah, I lost to the fat bastard, but losses come and go for Shark Boy. So I could care less about William Regal. He's just there to be good in that ring and keep Shark Boy fresh and conditioned for continuous bass whippin'. Which I plan on bringin' to you. And ya can continue yer little tirade about how I haven't matured, and ya can piss and moan like you usually do, hell Samoa Joe can bring his fat ass on down to the ring with his hick manager and he can run his mouth and give the censors a heart attack again. But when it's all said and done it won't matter none, because Shark Boy will whip yer bass, he will become Tag Team Champion... even if it is with that English sumbitch William Regal.

The crowd are booing Shark Boy who is becoming very villanous in his tirade against a well respected wrestler such as Sting.

And son, like I always say, that's the fishin' liiiiiine.... because SHARK BOY SAID SO!.

Shark Boy with an intense look in his eye walks off camera and into the distance presumably.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
Re: 24/07/12 - Bully Ray vs. The Rock

Bully Ray immediately cuts The Peoples Champion off.

Bully Ray: NO ONE!

No one smells what your cooking Rock, absolutely nobody. You may be cooking but you've left the gas off, because ever since you come here, what have you done? This is the first time in two weeks you even bother to show up. My first night here I showed you what type of beating you give to a man like Wade Barrett. And did you want a part of Bully Ray then? When I was walking down the ramp, and you were walking up it, was there any intervention? Was there a typical Rocky moment melee on Bully Ray? No. The Rock didn't want to get involved with this and THAT, Rock, that was the smartest thing you have ever done. You let me go about my business and take care of my agenda. this week your luck runs out though as you will find that YOU are my agenda, YOU are my business.

Bully points at himself before continuing.


You are not facing a man that wants to put on a show for the "people" this week Rocky. This is a man that if he had his own way wouldn't have the "People" in the same arena as him as they are not worthy. We're in the desert out here and the clue is in the name, the UWF should have deserted this hellhole, and not even entertained the thought of putting a show on here. Wherever the show is though, I wouldn't give a rats ass. You got a group of people that will clap what they're told to clap, boo what they're told to boo, cheer what they're told. And your the champion of that? The champion of a demographic that can't even think for themselves. Yeah that fits, they're the only idiots that would actually eat your bullcrap up. But the best part about all of this is... That you already know I'm right. My "Bubba" days, thank god they're gone and thank god my brothers gone, but those days, we were told to... be like The Rock. Embrace the fans like The Rock, and entertain the fans like The Rock. You know where that got me? Apart from being the only working part of the greatest tag team of all time.... It got me kept behind you. All that time I was told to be like you, was to keep me under you in the pecking order. No-one can be above the movie star. no-one can surpass The Tooth Fairy. Well, this Tuesday on Monday Night Raw, I surpass you. I surpass anything that laces up a pair of boots in this company, and I show the whole world that there is no beating, a bully.

A confident Bully Ray stares at The Great One.


Apr 29, 2011
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The Throne
Re: UWF Great American Bash - 6 Man, KotM Match for the World Heavyweight Championshi

John Cena shakes his head at the titantron, soaking in Batista’s last comments before chuckling to his self. Cena turns his head to the present opponents, as he nods his head, increasing his voice as he begins.


John Cena: Slow your roll, everyone! Why is everybody decidin’ to leave so early? C’mon, guys – the party is just gettin’ started! We have a King of the Mountain match for the World Heavyweight Championship this Sunday at the Great American Bash -- these people don’t deserve your absence. These people want us to give our heartfelt speeches because we all know they’re the judge of our fate. If the people like you – your journey to success will come much easier. However, if the people dislike you – well y’know, take note of most of the guy’s in this match. But I’m gonna’ stop right there because sadly, most of the guys in this match don’t care. Ain’t that right Jeff, Ted, Batista, and not too sure on Bray, no one knows what the hell this guy cares about. He-he. What I’m sayin’ is, folks, what I do is for these people. Everything I do is for these people, and these people want to see the man that stands before you emerge victorious and win the big one. And, that will happen because I will not be denied again! I will not lose an important match again because I can’t, I won’t, and I shouldn’t! Why? Because I have the biggest advantage goin’ into Sunday…-

John Cena pauses momentarily, as he keeps the audience wondering what he’s on about. Cena inserts a wide smirk across his face, as he slowly raises the microphone, revealing his advantage.

John Cena: You people might be wonderin’ what I’m on too, but let me take you on memory lane. You all might be too focused on the actual match to have remembered this, but after I outlasted fourteen other superstars and won the Royal Rumble to get here tonight. SmackDown’s General Manager, Desmond Wolfe came out and gave me the ultimate advantage. In order to win the King of the Mountain match, you have to score either a pinfall or submission and hang the World Heavyweight Championship on the hook. I however, am free to do that. That’s right ladies and gentlemen, I don’t have to score a pinfall or submission! All I need to do is hook the championship belt I will soon be holdin’! And for Ted, you have to spend the first five minutes in the penalty box but c’mon, let’s be realistic. We all knew you wouldn’t win. Ha-ha.

The audience cheers as John Cena chuckles to his self, and Ted DiBiase Junior isn’t the slightest excited. Cena changes his attention to DiBiase Junior, as he continues.

John Cena: Let’s get back to business, though. Ted, I’m not sure if you’re deaf or stupid. Maybe you’re both. You just don’t know when to shut up, do you? You’re an annoying bug, son! We all realize it, we realized it the day you stepped foot in this company. That’s sayin’ something! You’re an annoyin’ bug, and since you won’t stop buggin’ in people’s business, then I have no choice but to shut you up myself. Ted, you’re an afterthought in this match! You claim to be the self-proclaimed ‘underdog’ but I see you as someone who will never make it big. Ted, you won’t make it big because you have an ego the size of Jupiter. You don’t know when to stop and it always bites you in the ass soon. You claim you had one of the best matches in your career against Dean Ambrose – but you cheated to call yourself a former World Champion. That’s not a real man, Ted and a real man doesn’t bring up a man’s personal life. Keep talkin’ about my life, Ted because there is no excuse going into this Sunday I will not quit until I hold that championship, and I will not lose! I’ve been beaten before, I’ve been busted open, pillar to post I’ve gone, I’ve fought the biggest, meanest, toughest, weirdest, strongest guys you could ever imagine in your entire life, and when the odds are stacked against me I perverse because I have never and will never quit! For me there is no such thing as tomorrow. I will walk into this Sunday with a do or die attitude not because I want to, but because I need to win! And there’s nothin’ you can shoot at me that will stop me, ‘Million Dollar Boy’.

John Cena looks determined as Ted DiBiase Junior doesn’t once again look impressed. Cena nods his head, as he turns his head to the back once again, speaking to Bray Wyatt. Cena continues.

John Cena: And, then Bray Wyatt left the arena. Bray, I know you’re listenin’ but you left me to dwell upon the thought of facin’ you once again. Now, Bray, I don’t understand you, I’m sure none of us does. Hell, I don’t even think ‘Moustache Man’ does. He-he, what I’m sayin’ Bray is you’re a strange – strange man. I’ve had time to think about you – how I’m gonna’ prepare for you. I’m not yet reached the understandin’. Does that qualify as an excuse? No, because I’m here right now to show you and tell you I don’t care what you mean to this business, to the people, to me! What matters most importantly is my quest to becomin’ the World Heavyweight Champion. Now, I know I might sound like a broken record, but this is why we are all here for the opportunity to become the big man. Bray, you’ve been walkin’ around here with your head up high, proud of what you believe you’re goin’ to accomplish. I’m here to tell you that no sin on God’s green earth will go unpunished. I’ve listened to the same B.S. you spew every night, Bray and It’s beginnin’ to get old. This Sunday, the focus will not be Bray Wyatt’s long and borin’ speeches. It’s victory, and when I hook the championship, you will be lookin’ at the real all powerful World Heavyweight Champion!

John Cena appeared very tense s his body language did the same as his muscles began to bulge tight on his tee shirt. With his veins popping, and the tension at an all-time high, Cena spoke with his eyes locked on with Jeff Hardy’s as he continues.

John Cena: Jeff, Jeff – Jeff! Y’know, I’m shocked you’re still here. I’d expect you to be in the back as well along with Batista and Bray. The two people who obviously aren’t in it for the World Heavyweight Championship, they’re in it to stroke their egos just a tad more. You got the passion, Jeff – I give you that but when it comes to John Cena being in the match as well? You have no chance in hell, homie. You gotta’ lot comin’ to you, Jeff. You can talk about pain – you can dig deep in the dictionary and snatch out the darkest and deepest thoughts to describe your anguish life. But this Sunday, Jeff, you will not become the World Heavyweight Champion – I will! Instead of fightin’ for that World Heavyweight Championship Jeff, I’m gonna’ take it! I’m gonna’ take your dreams away and cut it open because they will not become reality! When I become the World Heavyweight Champion this Sunday, I will stand over you broken body and I will whisper in your ear the same words I know you were thinkin’ after you defeated me on Heatwave – ‘I told you so.’ Keep runnin’ your mouth, Jeff, keep doin’ whatever you do. Because this Sunday you’re steppin’ in the ring with a man who will change U.W.F. for the better. This Sunday, I will take it and that night will change the grounds of U.W.F. forever. Like you said Jeff – if I have any say in it, it will be.

John Cena ended that speech extremely softly, mimicking what Jeff Hardy previously said to Cena. Cena lowers his head for a moment, as he lets the audience cheers rise in volume. Cena raises a finger in the air, signifying that the cheers should lower. The cheers indeed lower, as Cena faces the back, speaking to Batista.

John Cena: Ha-ha, Dave Batista. You’re a funny one, y’know that right? I mean, you talk the biggest crap, you leave, you decide to show your face again and then you leave again. I don’t understand you because you said the same stuff every time. You’re the ‘Animal’, you think you’re the best out of all of us. You think you’re the best wrestler of all time and this Sunday, you have the opportunity to prove yourself. You can talk a big game Batista despite the fact most of it makes no sense. You can talk about anything and everything until your mouth bleeds and our ears suffer. You don’t hold back how ‘great’ you’re but what you need to realize Batista is that that’s all you’re – talk. You’re nothin’ but talk, Batista. I know what to expect from you, Batista. I’ve been there and done that. I’ve beaten you more times than I can count Batista and tonight will be no different. When I become the World Heavyweight Champion Batista, you will fail again. Like your career Batista – you will fail and everyone will once again realize that’s all you’re – a failure.

John Cena tips his hat toward the back, as he is well aware Batista Is paying attention. Obviously, Batista isn’t at all happy of what have been said, so Cena releases several chuckles. Cena faces the last man in the ring, and that is Dean Ambrose as he speaks.

John Cena: Y’know I have to leave the best for last, and in this case, the best is the World Heavyweight Champion himself, Dean Ambrose. Dean, you like to talk a lot. I respect that, y’see the difference between yourself and Batista is when you talk – you back it up to the fullest. That’s one similarity between yourself and I, what we see on the microphone, we back it up every single damn night! One difference, however, you believe you’re gonna’ make me quit and still emerge the World Heavyweight Champion after this Sunday? Heh – there’s something about that, Dean. I ain’t gonna’ quit, I ain’t gonna’ back down from no challenge! Clearly, you must know that about me. I don’t care who you are, I will meet you in this ring and I will give you my A-Game. I respect you, Dean, I respect you as a champion. I respect the fact you’re willin’ to step up to me and try to prove me wrong. I respect it, but I also see it as a mistake. This Sunday, Dean, I will walk out as a winner and you will walk out as a loser. I will prove to you, the four other guys in this match and these people that John Cena will stay true to his word. Mark my words Dean – you will remember this Sunday as the night you got your championship taken away by The Hulk’s super child.

The audience shares a chuckle, but it isn’t joke time for John Cena. Cena looks extremely focused as he slowly raises the microphone up to his lips, staring at the camera.



John Cena drops the microphone to the canvas below his feet as it bounces up. The audience explodes in cheers at John Cena’s attitude as he throws up his signature ‘H.L.R.’ sign. That is until…-


OOC: I had a load of fun, guys. Good luck to everyone! :)
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