UWF 2012: Past Raw Trashtalking

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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw 7/10/12: Stone Cold's Open Challenge



The Apex Predator emerges from the curtains as a New World Order chant begins throughout the Arena, he stops at the ramp and raises his mic to speak as his music fades out from the PA system.


Austin Austin Austin, let me stop you before you bore these fans with more of your delusional and alcoholic filled rants and raves. While it seems like we are both already in matches for The Great American Bash, I've found myself here tonight with alot of free time on my hands. While these other pretenders have all came out here staking their claim to this little "open challenge" you've issued tonight, there's only three men on this roster who are deserving to be out here tonight, one's booked and the other has already made a complete fool of you these past two weeks and already tonight.
He rubs his chin before he continues

You see Austin in our past endeavors you and myself haven't really spent any time in that ring together until last week. As a competitor and a fan, I'll admit I was a little excited to be in a match with such a legend as yourself. Not because you were the champion, but because you have spilled sweet, tears, and blood in this ring, but I was disappointed. Cause last week in this ring, was just a shell of the Stone Cold I watched when my father brought me around the shows as a kid. When I RKO'ed you at Backlash Stone Cold, I expected a Steve Austin that would go to no end to bring revenge, but instead I got a alcoholic wash up crippled old man, that comes down to the ring every week and bitches and complains. You see Austin last week the New World Order proved that the championship you so proudly hold is just a fable. It's a cheap ploy for yourself to have fifteen minutes of fame, a ploy that ends at The Great American Bash when that title comes home to it's rightful spot.

He smirks

You know Steve it's funny that you brought up such names as Ken Anderson, Wade Barrett, and Cesaro. You say that you were the one that forced them from this company? It was the New World Order that took out every single competitor you ranted off here tonight, not Stone Cold Steve Austin. I hate to come out here and steal your thunder Steve, but you haven't terminated anyone. WE killed the European Revolution. Myself drove Ken Anderson from this company, after I beat him on RAW three weeks ago. It was myself that took out Teddy Long's number one contender, but did I get my title shot? No. Instead I was placed in a match against yourself and my opponent at The Great American Bash, where we once stood tall; our hands raised in victory. Was I featured on the card this week after such a victory? No, because here I stand in front of a fake champion, and not across the ring from someone who actually has full functionality of at least one of their knees.

Stone Cold goes to raise his mic but Orton cuts him off.​

The time for talking Austin is over, it's time for myself and you to finally give these fans what they pay to see every week. Cause while Teddy Long can try his best with his bias decisions to keep me away from MY title, tonight I step another pace forward. This is how it's going to go down. Steve you have two choices tonight. You can take that I've accepted your open challenge, I'll come down to this ring later tonight and whip your crippled old ass back to a assisted living retirement home, or you can ignore my challenge and I whip the shit out of Shark Boy here, and proceed down that ramp and kick your head clean off your shoulder; it's your choice Austin, what's it going to be? I have alot of free time tonight Austin, and I'm looking for a fight.

Randy Lowers his mic.​


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Merthyr Tydfil
Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw 7/10/12: Bully Ray vs. Christopher Daniels


"The Beaten Path" hits the PA, and the crowd are all in unison as they boo the man that changed over from Smackdown to Raw two weeks ago as he makes his way onto the stage. A scowl over the crowd before he walks down the ramp and slowly makes his way up the ring steps. His facial expression hasn't changed as he gets through the ropes and demands a microphone be handed to him. He waits for the mic and then once it's in hand he looks around at the packed out arena. His music stops and Bully Ray starts to address the fans.


Bully Ray: Ladies and gentlemen lucky enough to end up having tickets for this night. Like a zip code lottery it is all of you that have been chosen to have the precise privilege to witness the debut on Raw, of Bully Ray. You are very, very lucky but my problem is, I don't think any of you even deserve to see me break up a sweat!

The crowd boo Bullys words slandering them, but Bully raises his voice over them.

It's also a shame that no matter how much any of you raise your voice, that I couldn't give a crap about you! This is a business about the performers, you are merely a money-making side-project that the suits and the ties have used for years to shadow the fact that this is a business strictly for us, the wrestlers. No matter how much you people chant for a good guy, if he's useless he will stay at the very bottom, and the cream will always rise to the very top. And cream does not come any richer than yours truly. And the bottom? Well, Theodore Long might be happy to have signed me over from Smackdown but he has a damn funny way of showing it, first of all telling me that my services were not required last week, and then scraping the bottom of the barrel, and giving me for my debut match, "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels.

This is the man that calls himself the fallen angel. How can I take a man seriously when he is telling the world that he is down and out even before he steps in the ring. Am I really supposed to show how dominant I will be in the months to come in this company against a man that doesn't believe he can win himself?! What I came down here and done to Wade Barrett, and what I done to Antonio Cesaro two weeks ago was something the whole roster of this company has been trying to do since it's very first induction, and that's take them out! I one by one, first demolished Cesaro while all Aksana could do was beg me to stop, and then I came out here and for the whole world to see I left my lasting first impression on all of you. Now Daniels, if you think I marched onto Tuesday nights in a blaze of glory, and like yourself, quality is going to 'fall', you must be out of your god-damn mind. They call me a bully for a reason. I don't let up, I don't give in. I will rip and shred at you until your limbs fall off if I have to.

Christopher, this Tuesday, the angel falls at my feet... Right before one of them gets lodged right up your ass!

The boos for Bully Ray can only be heard until Daniels' music is heard on the tron.



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Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw 7/10/12: Stone Cold's Open Challenge

Suddenly, just as everyone thought they wouldn’t show up…




Almost Famous step into the platform grinning from ear to ear, as the fans give them a somewhat larger ovation than the previous week. Their laid-back attitude and the good performance at the previous week’s RAW – despite the defeat – seem to have endeared them with the fans. Now, they seem both ecstatic and nearly embarrassed to be in the presence of so many superstars. Evan grins sheepishly, hands behind his back, hardly daring to look up, like a schoolboy in the presence of the girl he ‘likes-likes’; as for Justin, he merely elbows his partner, in disbelief:

Justin Gabriel: Evan…it’s Stone Cold!

Bourne nods slightly, as Justin now turns to Steve Austin:


Justin Gabriel: Mr. Austin, can we have your autograph?

A gigantic pop – a mixture of chuckles, cheers and “aaaw”’s - can be heard from the crowd at this point, as some of the other superstars point and chuckle at Almost Famous. As for Stone Cold, he makes his answer to the two youths very clear:


Faced with this somewhat hostile attitude, Gabriel shrugs simply:

Justin Gabriel: All right then, I guess not…

He pauses for a moment, then continues:

Justin Gabriel: But, correct me if I’m wrong, did we just hear you say that you thought we weren’t going to accept your challenge? What the hell made you think that?! We would be honoured to face you! Bloody ‘ell, who wouldn’t?! Just ‘cause we took a little longer comin’ out here, doesn’t mean we’re not bloody goin’ to accept! The only reason we didn’t come out here earlier was…well, Game of Thrones was on! And you know what that shit’s like! We couldn’t bloody well leave halfway through an episode! How are we supposed to know what happens to Stannis?!

The young South African shrugs again, as the crowd definitely gets behind him on this one. Then, he proceeds:

Justin Gabriel: So how is this gonna go down, then? I mean, we were under the impression that this would be a sort of Ryback-style match, us two against you…but now there’s this whole bunch o’ people out here… Are we gonna be takin’ turns or something?!

Another chuckle comes from the crowd, as Gabriel lowers the mic and patiently waits for an answer.

OOC: Hope this isn’t turning into too much of a clusterfuck, I did mean to answer yesterday but it just wasn’t flowing. Also, feedback for style and coding is appreciated, but be gentle ;) Feel free to PM me or leave a comment on my wall.
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Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
Re: UWF Great American Bash - 6 Man, KotM Match for the World Heavyweight Championshi

Jeff Hardy looks around at everyone before walking closely up to Dean Ambrose, the last person to address him, and he lifts the microphone up.


Jeff Hardy: Last and maybe least Dean? There's a couple of problems I have with that statement. One; I beat John Cena over there to qualify in this match up. Two; I actually turn up and show up for my matches unlike Bray Wyatt here. And three; If the others didn't turn up uninvited, then I would have handed you a loss this past week on Smackdown. He might have been in your face straight after but you can thank Ted DiBiase for saving you a defeat at the hands of this 'Least favored superstar'. Nothing compares to the extreme that no-one is watching? Is that seriously what you mean. Are you really telling us that no-one watched you wrestle before you came here. And no, I'm not making a big deal out of this because you have made yourself look weak, it's because your deluded if you think anyone is even watching you now. The only reason you had a championship opportunity is because Smackdown hadn't opened it's doors to new talent at the time, and you made the best of an opportunity to brown nose the hell out of the general manager as a message of thanks. But there is literally nothing he can do to sugarcoat you when I take that championship belt, and drape it on the hook making myself the champion and solidifying my rightful spot at the top of this brand. But where-as for you that was the end of an epic journey, for me, it's the beginning. The beginning of the eradication of all wrong. And the biggest wrong that will be put right is having an sorry excuse like you as a champion.

Dean stares a hole into Hardy but Jeff shows him no respect, turning his back on him and clapping his eyes on the next person he sees; Ted DiBiase.

Is this how it's going to be from now until The Bash Ted? Coming out here every time someone in the King of the Mountain match has a match and take a blind-sided shot at them? Try and take someone out before the match comes about is that it? Unlike the rest of you, who either have warm-up matches, or nights off, I have other business to tend to. Like taking care of Sting, and Samoa Joe representing our brand in a second match at The Great American Bash in the Tag Team Championship match. But it's not the titles I care about. If I captain my team to a win at the Bash against the very best Raw has, then win the World Heavyweight Championship, it will only just cement my position as the best this company has full stop. And that is something I would very much like to see come to fruition. Now if you really did "like" me Ted, you would leave me alone this week. Hell, if you were smart, you would leave me alone. Think about it. Me, having a match, before our championship match, puts me at a disadvantage right?

Jeff laughs to himself.

Heh, you can only hope. While we're on the subject DiBiase; You like me? I'm glad. Because, I have to admit, I really, really, dislike you. You had the upbringing that I had longed for all through my childhood, and no, I'm not talking about wiping my ass with fifty dollar bills in the bathroom. No... You had the ultimate wrestling fans life, travellin' with the stars, talkin', walkin', shakin' hands with them. Becoming one of them without having to work hard in a house show, in a federation you built with your own to hands with hardly anyone watching... Which is more than no-one right Ambrose? you never had to go through the struggle I had to go through. You had the silver spoon firmly in your mouth, and I guess you still do. And yeah, maybe at some points in my career when I earned a spoon to feed myself with, I took a wrong path and popped a lighter under there, but you learn from your mistakes and get better from them. You will see exactly how talented I am, climbing the ladder and making yself champion quicker than you can say "King of the Mountain".

Jeff starts to try and show dominance in the ring pacing around using his space. He takes the next person on his list, the man he has already spoken about before, John Cena.

John. Oh John. I think you have shown absolutely everyone here that despite your words to all the other competitors in this match-up, what you said about myself.... Or, I mean, the lack of words you had for me show one thing. I beat you one on one. when you knew you had me to deal with you never showed in the tag match. And you have no words to say to me when I am in your face. All that tells me is you are scared. The mighty "never give up", "Hustle loyalty respect" always up for a fight no matter the odds... is scared.. of Jeff Hardy. Like you haven't said a word to Randy Orton since he beat you at the last pay per view, your not saying a word to me... It's almost like... you can't see me John. And the same will happen at The Great American Bash. When the bell rings, and music hits, you'll be on the mat, looking up at the hook, and with the lights shining in your eyes you will not be able to see that your winner, and the new World Heavyweight Champion... is Jeff Hardy!

Bray Wyatt. The man that never even qualified to be a part of this match. Yet a stroke of Desmond Wolfe's genius changes this match, normally a five man match, into a six man, by having a roster wide "raffle" and congratulations Bray, your ticket came out. *ahem* Now I have the sarcasm taken out of the way, question. Do you even know where your beliefs lie? I mean, you sound like you have trouble knowing where your allegiances are yourself. Your the Christ of Professional wrestling. Okay, so the christ of wrestling doesn't turn up to his own battles, like last week? You leave your fellow men fight in your name on their own. Your a Judas at best. I'm the Anti-christ because I am on a quest of eradicating all that is evil in the eyes of the old glory that this business was in. Your Husky Harris in a Crocodile Dundee t-shirt. I am not buying into your bullcrap, nor am I buying into you. Your like the amateur that weasels his way onto a live poker tour table, got the right cards, at the right time online and finds himself on a table with kings and queens. Your a non-entity, and my time talking to you is done. You will all realize I have left one man for last. The Man With The Iron Fist, Dave Batista.

Dave smirks at Jeff, mentioning his latest movie. But Hardy continues to a tone less of Batista's liking.

Dave. My past is my past. I have never hid my past, nor have I reason to. When Jack died admittedly I was upset, thanks for bringing that up. Perhaps you want to bring up what I lost in '86 too huh? Perhaps I can then bring up[ how you were stealing cars when you were thirteen years old, and your daughter was making sex tapes at a similar age yeah? We can go down this road because you opened my personal door and walked right through without even wiping your feet. I was only going to keep it to bad movies, and making career moves like John over here that now has caught his own tongue when in regards to myself. But Dave, there must be something else that is really getting you in the temper that you have been the last few weeks, I don't understand. You get "given" a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship, did you actually think you were going to be gifted a one on one encounter with Ambrose? You have as much reasoning to be here than Bray Wyatt has. I beat John, John won the Rumble and Ted beat Ambrose. You two? You have done nothing. And that was one of the things that really never would have happened back in the golden days when the top federation was a Federation and not an Entertainment company. Of course, you weren;t around for those days were you Dave. You were too busy running around with a fake belt, and then losing it to idiots like The Prototype, whoever that ass-hole was.

The fact of the matter is this Batista, you may have looked mighty good coming down and cleaning house after I had had a match with the World Heavyweight Champion. You may look good when The Scorpion King 3 comes straight to DVD and your pocket gets line, like you have already said, is the reason your here. But your one of the evils I am here to exterminate, like a bug. And I don't worry myself over the fact your stature is bigger than mine. All that mines is when I squish you, there will just be more mess for the cleaners to wipe up after The Bash has been and gone. All of you need to realize that this is not just my time to be a winner, this is not just my time to be champion, it's my time to become.... Smackdown.


Jun 5, 2010
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Re: UWF- Great American Bash MVP vs Roode

Robert Roode's interview has finished. The camera pans out and slowly turns black but the action doesn't return to the ring, no it goes across to another area of the backstage, zooming in on a face that everyone knows belongs to Todd Grisham and standing next to him is none other then the man that faces Roode at Great American Bash, MVP. Todd is looking towards the camera now, with a microphone in his hand while MVP has his head turned, looking towards the tv that is behind them, showing the last bits of Roode's interview.


Todd: Ladies and Gentlemen, we just heard Mr Roode's thoughts on his match at Great American Bash and as you can see, I am standing by here with his opponent, UWF's Franchise Playa, Montel Vontavious Porter. Now Mr Porter, this whole match came about 2 weeks ago when you decided to attack Mr Roode in that ring, did you happen to get the message across that you wanted to that night?

MVP quickly turns his head to look into the eyes of Todd as Todd shoves the microphone in his face, waiting for a response. MVP strokes his chin as he quickly responds.


MVP:Todd, the message I wanted to get across was a simple one, it was one that you just can't walk into my company, bring your own title and decide that your going to run the joint, no it doesn't work like that yet Robert Roode thinks he is an exception to this. We had to have some massive party at Starrcae because Robert thought he was special enough to have to sign his UWF contract on a pay per view, he got my air time to tell everyone lies and claim to be great on the Raw after and then he even gets a match on my card to face Mr Anderson the week after, are you beginning to see the pattern here Todd? Robert Roode walked straight through those days and got everything I got when I first arrived but it seems everyone is beginning to forget about the Highest Paid Superstar in the history of UWF. What do you do when you seem to be going down the road of no return, a road that has no ending apart from nothing, you make yourself relevent again don't you Todd? That is exactly what I did when I put Roode down on his back, looking up at the stars while I stood over him. I took the man that was making headlines, the man that everyone was talking about and I put him down and look who is back in the spotlight, I won't give you any guesses but I will tell you that I won't burn in this spotlight, I will shine in it and everyone will be talking about Montel Vontavious Porter once again.

MVP looks up to the ceiling, basking in his greatness as Todd pulls the mic back to his mouth and continues the interview.

Todd: You might of got the better of Mr Roode a few weeks ago but this past week on Raw, everyone watched Mr Roode get a little payback and leave you laying flat on your back, what do you have to say to this Mr Porter?

MVP once again quickly changes his head position as he quickly looks back down into Grisham's face. Todd looks a bit surprised at this as the mic slowly goes towards MVP's mouth. He starts to talk, not looking impressed.

MVP: You wanna talk about Raw Todd? How about you did what you did on Raw and just stand there once again and hold my microphone. Let me straighten things out about Raw this past week, Roode, you can claim all you want that you beat Mr Kennedy fair and square and that it's because of you that his taken a little break but the fact of the matter is that ever since his match with me at Starrcade, he hasn't been the seem man, it seems he lost a bit of cockiness when I took him down a peg, it seems he lost a bit of swagger when he knew that he fluked his way to a number one contendership but look at what has happened to him since, he is gone and I am still here, raring to go and undefeated since Starrcade. You see Roode, I should be the man in the UWF Championship match at Great American Bash, Teddy Long realized how great I was in the first place to give me a shot and he should realize that I was cheated out of my shot but instead of Teddy Long having a brain and making Great American Bash the greatest Pay Per View UWF has ever seen, I have to waste me time facing you in a match. I am the one that has the right to be disgusted.

MVP has a sour look on his face as he pretends to swallow something as Todd doesn't dare move his mic.

The thing that disgusts me the most Roode is the way a man that is suppose to have class and prowess as yourself conducted himself on Raw. The way you attacked me on Raw was disgusting and truly uncalled for. I was just making my way out to the ring to watch and get some pointers on how I will easily win this match at GAB, I was even going to shake your hand for beating a man I crushed but you just come from no where and took a cheap shot, if I was you I would be disgraced, if I could, I would take my gloves off and slap you across the face with them because that's about the only amount of dignity you should have left after Raw but then again, calling me a common thug and saying I have no honour or respect, I think you just lost all of it Roode, what are you going to do now because isn't that what you pride yourself on? Isn't that the thing that in your mind, seperates you from the rest or is it that worthless title that you carry around on your shoulder? That NWAChampionship will never be sanctioned because it has and never will be worth anything, the biggest thing that has been on that title has been the saliva from my mouth, that was the first time anyone actually gave a damn about it Roode. That title doesn't mean anything which is why you have it, it fits perfectly with you Roode and after Great American Bash, when I prove that I am worth every damn penny I am paid and I prove that you should never forget about MVP, you will become nothing and Robert Roode will have the same value as the championship you carry around in UWF, The Great American Bash is coming but it ain't going to be a party to celebrate for you Roode, no no no, it will be a great party for MVP though, you could even say it will be a Ballin Party.

MVP pushes the mic back out his face, doing his signature Ballin taunt. He looks at Todd one more time, chuckles to himself before walking off in the other direction, perhaps heading to the ring so both men can continue.
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Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw 7/10/12: Stone Cold's Open Challenge

Stone Cold: Randy, I'll be honest, when I was lookin' at who was on the show this week and who wasn't, I overlooked ya. I guess I figured you got suspended for steroids again. Ya see, besides the fact that you're echoing what the youth before you have already stated, you calling me washed up is ironic because not once did I have ta' pop a supplement or shoot a needle into my ass to maintain my spot on the roster. The fact of the matter is, you saw your star falling, and it was falling fast so you got desperate, you just weren't counting on Vinnie Mac and the Levesques changing their tune and nailing you to the wall for it, for once. And because the big, mean Dubya Dubya executives were bein' so cruel to their once golden boy, instead of tryna' fix yer mistake and redeem yerself, you put yer tail between yer legs and scurried off ta' You Dubya Eff, and the only reason you feel good about yerself here is because of yer little faction. Well lemme shine some light on the situation, because there are some things yer not willing to admit.

Cody Rhodes doesn't need the In Dubya Oh, Christian doesn't need the In Dubya Oh, but you do, Randy, and right now yer runnin' around like a chicken without a head tryna' keep things together. Cody's already startin' ta' realize he's better than this, in case you didn't see the promo he cut, he deems even his stablemates as jealous of his success. You're watching history repeat itself, your star is falling and there's nothing you can do ta' prevent it from crashing into insignificance and exploding into a pile of trash, because at the Great American Bash, the In Dubya Oh is going to disband because of Austin Aries, and also because of Aries, and myself and See Em Punk, the individual members are gonna get an ass whooping they haven't sustained since rolling into this joint. Damnit, I said rolling and joint in the same sentence, I bet you want a fat doobie now, don't ya Randy?

That's why you're so pissed off, because the only thing that's kept you semi-relevant is soon to be no more, and this crippled old shell of a Stone Cold is holding onto his success, and isn't having to fight ta' do so, besides defending this title. So in all honesty, you disappoint me, after all the publicity you've gotten over the years and all the hype surrounding you, you're just another generic heel, it's just like yer days in Evolution, you can't get the job done if you don't have a numbers game to stack the deck with. I guess I can expect ta' start seein' Randy News Network updates on my show again. If this is what you want, yer more than welcome ta' join the party, but there's no washed-up has-beens here, just a mouthy never was and a kid in a shark costume and the Rattlesnake that's gonna beat the piss outta both of 'em.

Austin looks over at Almost Famous.

Well ya decided ta' show up after all. You're probably wondering why I said no to yer autograph, and I understand that because yer just makin' yer way into this company, well allow me to explain. I don't let these people cheer me anymore, they want to but I won't let them, they'll boo me and they'll like it. Why? Because being the fan favorite got me nothin' but warm fuzzy feelins', and there's no pay increase for that, and you can't put that on a Hall of Fame resume', so I threw that all away in favor of going into business for myself, and look what happened, I'm the top dog in this company, which is how it should be, and exactly how it's gonna stay. I'm not gonna slap the taste out of yer mouths, at least not yet, for bein' starstruck, because maybe it means you see true talent when you see it and you aren't unoriginal pissants like Randy Orton that point and laugh and say, "You're old, I'm young. You're a drunk, I'm not. You can't wrestle anymore, I'm the future." etcetera, etcetera, generic young heel bullshit that I've heard since I debuted in You See Dubya two and a half years ago, etcetera.

As far as how this thing's gonna go down, well, that's not really up ta' me, the final word is Teddy Long's. But as I said before, I don't care how it goes down. If it's four on one with a tag format, elimination style. (What?) If it's four on one, no tag format. (What?) If it's a gauntlet match. (What?) Damnit, Shark Boy, do you see what you've done? (What?) Stop "What"-ing me or I will leave this ring, hop that barricade, and Stunner each and every man, woman, and child in this audience.

The crowd stops chanting and starts viciously booing.

That's better. But however this goes down, all that matters is it's goin' down, and I will prove just how dominant I still am, and how deserving I am of being the centerpiece of You Dubya Eff Raw, the fighting champion.

Austin lowers his microphone again and dares anyone currently in the ring or in the backstage to respond, even if it's Teddy Long explaining exactly what the format of the match will be.


Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Great American Bash - 6 Man, KotM Match for the World Heavyweight Championshi


Bray Wyatt: Underestimation should be a sin. It should be a sin to undestimate the unknown 'cos it leads to the downfall of many men. The Egyptians, the underestimated the power of god when they would not free the Israelites. And what happened to them?... they suffered plagues, man, frogs fell from the sky, the rivers, they turned to blood and the first born of every Egyptian family died in the name of the Lord. Well I ain't gonna bring frogs fallin' from the sky, and I certainly ain't gonna turn no rivers into blood... but I will make you bleed for your sins, and I will kill all of your dreams with one sweep of fiery vengeance. I am that powerful. And I look around this here ring and I see my opponents at The Great American Bash and they look at me with little fear. And it worries me, it really does. And it worries me because y'all should fear me. Not as a monster. But as something much more terrifying than that. Because I am real. And I am staring you in the face and telling you things you can't handle, you can't handle the fact that I am telling you the things you do not want to hear but hear you will because my voice can not be ignored. And as much as y'all try, you will not ignore Bray Wyatt, for the mere fact he is the dark-horse so to speak. Y'all should listen in closer when I tell you that I will be King of The Mountain and from my mountain my words will be louder than thunder from the sky when I tell you all... that you should not have underestimated me... for I will be, the champion of the world!.

The crowd boo Bray Wyatt heavily, his prophetic style of promo is not one of their favourites.

And I say that with sincerity. As the champion of now stands before us right now, Dean Ambrose. A man, who at a time was truly a dark-horse like Bray Wyatt. An unknown quantity. Constantly overlooked, and unappreciated in every portion of his life. And y'know there's a strong corrolation in our lives Dean. As very different as they are. We've both seen the depths, man. The fire was in our faces and we faced hell itself. A living hell that is. I mean I was raised in a broken home, my daddy was the captain of his own shrimp boat. That boat fell into the sea and my daddy weren't seen 'round no more. Your daddy?, well the police took him. They sent him away for a while. His sweet ol' ma, well the vice of drugs took her and the social services took away the only lasting light in his life, his cousin. A tortured soul was young Dean Ambrose. Just like young Bray Wyatt. Y'see little Bray Wyatt didn't know his special abilities. He didn't recognise the power within him. He didn't go to no school... he didn't read no books, except the good book of course. I didn't have no internets or no computin' machine, no telephone, nothin'. My daddy he died. In an accident of course. So the similarites are there man... you realised your potential, and that's mighty fine. But I have the potential to be truly great. And without soundin' all high and mighty,I can be so much greater than you Dean. But... to do that, I must take away the last thing you really have to hold onto in your life and that's the World Heavyweight Championship.

And I don't want to send you down into the pit of despair like you emerged from, man. No, sir, I am not that kind of man. I am indeed not a man at all. No what I offering you is salvation. I can save you from your demons. Offer you a helping hand through the darkness 'cos I've seen what the darkness can do to a man. And I look into your eyes and indeed the eyes of many men, women and even their little kids and I see that same darkness in them. It needs to be exorcised. And that's kinda what I'm plannin' on doin' to you at The Great American Bash, Dean. I plan on exorcisin' your demons and suckin' the demons right outta your body and makin' you a believer!... makin' you believe in Bray Wyatt and as a result of you can be saved. And good things come to those who believe in Bray Wyatt. And what I can offer you is love Dean, I can love you like the father or brother you never had. And you can truly become the man you should be, instead of the wretched waste of humanity that you are right now... on a path to total self-destruction... it's an offer I extend to many, but you... truly do need saved Dean. Before you become another statistic... a lost cause... just like your momma and daddy.

We hear 'oh's' from the crowd, Dean looks angsty. Bray Wyatt doesn't look phased at all, keeping his laid back demeanour at all times. Bray Wyatt lowers his microphone and looks at Dean for a while. Bray then turns and faces Jeff Hardy.

And speaking of tortured, wretched souls, I turn my attention to you Jeff Hardy. And to tell the truth, every single person in this ring is a lost soul of sorts, all with our own downfalls. And yours?... arrogance. The sense that you are better than us all. When in fact your no better than anyone in this ring. And just like Dean. You have your personal problems. I mean your history with substance abuse is legendary, man, it really is. But that's neither here nor there, because you simply are a destructive human being. And I know Dave has talked about this, so I won't go too much into it. But merely offer you the same support I offer Dean Ambrose. Because this match isn't just about Bray Wyatt ascending to true divinity as World Champion, as King of The Mountain. No this match is also an intervention. A chance to show you and everybody else what Bray Wyatt's power can do for you. And I know you see me as no threat. Such is your arrogance. But fear not Jeff, 'cos unlike that one night where I didn't manage to appear and be your tag team partner on Smackdown... I will be at The Great American Bash, in the flesh. Both as a mortal man, and as a divine being. And I will show you why I am not here by chance, I am not here by luck. I am here as the Angel in The Dirt. Not as Christ, and not as an 'Anti-Christ' either. I am here to make an intervention and make you see the wrongs of your ways Jeff. Not for me, not for them in the crowd, but for your own sakes... and if you need to fall from grace from the top of a ladder to find your final salvation then so be it. I might be here as the result of a lottery draw... but I am telling you now, man... everything happens for a reason with Bray Wyatt.

But I have no sympathy or love for these two men Dave Batista and Ted DiBiase. Greed is the downfall of humanity, and the greedy men that inherit this sinful activity are the most evil and corrupt people, and there can be no saving them. Ted DiBiase, you are the son of a Millionaire. Yet you denounce him, only to completely re-enact his career piece by piece. Granted, you are a former World Champion, but for how long?. Y'see son, you can reach heights that your father never reached. Your father now is a pastor, but once he was a wicked man, blinded by the Great American Dollar... the root of all evil. And you could be so much better than that Ted. But, man, you just don't seem to want to be different. You claim to be. But really your just the same as your daddy, and it will be your downfall, just like your daddy and you'll end up remembered as a money hungry, rich man, blinded by his own greed... never to truly be a real World Champion, because, I hate to break it to you, but a five minute reign?, it don't really count. And you can blame management, and you can call me a liar... but Bray Wyatt never lies. And I see right through your vanity and find nothing but a wretched human begin just like Dean, just like Jeff... you may claim to be high and mighty with yer dollars... but at the end of the day, y'all gon' rot in the ground and the maggots don't discriminate based on wealth. And you talk about corrupt?... the only thing corrupt in this ring is you... and your corruption will be your downfall when you fail to be named king and end up remembered as nothing as a pauper... a pretender to a throne he couldn't buy.

The crowd strangely enough get on Bray's side, but Bray moves on to Batista undeterred.

And as for you. You are a man who has endlessly sinned from the day you walked through these doors and your time for atonement is here. Dave, you talk about Hardy's problems... and yes he has had many, and I have offered my guidance. But you are much worse. You are a person consumed with hate, anger, and much like Ted, as I alluded to, greed. You want to be World Champion so bad, that you don't care none for any other man. You will tread on any man to be able to do this. You would even tread on your wife, who was on her deathbed Dave, so you can pursue something you want. And if that isn't the mark of a sinful man... a man with true greed, I don't know what is. But this isn't about your personal life David, and this ain't about your sins of the past which include, lust, greed, pride, wrath... but at the end of day after The Great American Bash, after Bray Wyatt has proved y'all dead wrong, the only sinful thought in your mind will be one of envy. Envy that a being you didn't see as no threat... has ascended to his rightful place as the messiah... not like Jesus, not like any other... the messiah or professional wrestling. And my words will spread further than before, my following will grow. And you, you will still be an angry old man, hell bent on the destruction of others 'cos some people don't ever change... no matter how much you try... and that's why I will not save you... but rather condemn you to the hell you deserve.

Again the crowd cheer, but as Bray Wyatt turns his attention to Cena, the mood changes.

And you aren't much different. Adultery is already a common theme. And greed also. But your greed is hidden beneath a veil of positivity. And I must applaud you for that John Cena. But y'see unlike all the fools that follow your words and worship you like a god... I see right through your lies. And I've seen through them before and I've beat you before. Will I do it again?... well, that's for me to decide ain't it?. Y'see John... your no different. Your just hidden beneath a veil of lies, image and merchandise. You take the money of these people, these poor unintelligent people, you misguide them with the mantra of 'never give up'... when in reality... you've already given up on them in the pursuit of money and glory. These people should give up. Give up and give in to my words. They'd be benefited greatly from my wisdom... and I would never lie to them. I know this world is wretched, I know everythin' ain't just rosy-red and happy... this world is at it's end Cena. And you can't hide it with catchphrases. And yeah, you might say it's an escape from reality for these people. But the reality is, I am reality. You are a false saviour for the masses and you are nothing but a promiser of greatness and a deliverer of failure... and you will fail once more. Because like all these supposed 'bad guys' and 'rebels'... you are the one to truly underestimate my influence in this match. You sicken me Cena... and you sicken my people, my followers and I promise, not falsely, that I will reign down on you with the reality that I am greater than you. That I am greater than you all. And that reality is fact, and the fact of reality is... I will be the King of The Mountain... I will reach my zenith of greatness and I will become truly the saviour of this company... the saviour of this world from greed, lies, wrath and rage and usher in the new world. The new reality. My reality. And in choosing Bray Wyatt as your lord and saviour, you are choosing reality... and as I always say, good things come to those who believe in Bray Wyatt... and I will bring you reality.


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Re: Austin Aries vs Randy Orton

Both men are standing face to face, as Orton just smirks. The two men stand nose to nose, neither giving a inch. He raises his mic to speak, as Aries stares his opponent down. Orton grins, as these fans can feel the intensity of these two competitors in the air.​


Aries tonight, you'll get a fight. TONIGHT you'll get a end. The end you so undoubtedly want, but can't bring yourself to realize that it's what you need, what you crave. Isn't it Aries? You can waltz around talking about how you're writing a book, how you're writing a new chapter to your career to your livelihood. Unfortunately for you this book you're trying to write, will never come to fruition. Cause you see Aries for weeks I've came to this ring, and have simply stated the truth. The man that stands before you, the men who stand by myself united for one cause, are not your everyday ordinary spot monkey such as yourself. We don't settle for second best, like you have your entire career Aries. We were born for greatness, were brought to this company FOR GREATNESS.

Orton calm and collected backs up, and finds himself a seat on the top turnbuckle, as he stares down at Aries.​

You know I've been hearing for weeks now how the New World Order is a ticking time bomb, how we're imploding from the inside. Funny, cause it's those same people who have held us down from our arrival to this company, the ones who have fallen at our feet; the ones that KNOW deep down they don't have what it takes to be the top dogs running this brand. People such as yourself Aries, people who have always been against us because we ARE living legends. Austin I want you to take a deep hard look at me, I want you to witness first hand what Greatness is. As much as you hope, that you pray for the New World Order to dissolve, we aren't going no where, NO! The New World Order is united as ONE. It doesn't matter who holds what champioship, because at the end of the night WE are this brand, WE are the UWF. Austin Aries you're just another guy, you're just another guy who comes off this top rope that I find myself sitting on, you're replaceable. The UWF doesn't need you Austin Aries, because the UWF can go back down south to that little theme park studio you came from, and find a hundred guys JUST..LIKE...YOU. You see I'm the Apex Predator, I'm the Legend Killer, I'm the LIVING...LEGEND...Randy...Orton. You see Aries, guys like Cody Rhodes, Like Christian, and like myself; We're one in a million.

Orton pauses as the crowd begins chanting his name, he closes his eyes and breaths taking in the chants as he continues.​

Aries my whole career has been nothing, but Greatness! I arrived to this company, and hell I'll admit I couldn't win a match to save my life. I was just a green horn looking for my way into this business kind of like yourself but not my whole career; my way to learn from the best. One day Hunter himself approached me, he told me I had all the potential to be that guy, to be the guy that would carry the company into a new generation, into a era of Orton. I joined Evolution with Smackdown's Batista, Ric Flair, and Hunter and I excelled at every thing I did. I held the Intercontinental Championship in one of the longest reigns in SEVEN years. I spit in the face of Mick Foley and Harley Race; I beat Mick Foley and The Rock on the grandest stage of them all, Wrestlemania. I didn't stop there, I continue on to win my first Heavyweight Championship at the age of twenty four, and proved I was the top guy. A great man once said, To be the Man you have to beat the Man; and I WAS the man. After I left Evoultion I knew that greatness awaited me. Cause while someone such as yourself might have been satisfied with one major championship run like you find yourself doing here in the UWF; I was hungry for more. By the time I left Vince McMahon's WWE, I collected ELEVEN championships.

Orton finally descends the turnbuckle, as he stares Aries down.​

For months I've been denied my shot at being the top dog, by our bias RAW General Manager Teddy Long. For Month's I've destroyed anyone and everyone that has stood in my path; I've been through all the stages and still have NOTHING to show for it. For MONTHS my shoulder has been bare, a travesty that starting at Backlash was to be righted. I've destroyed Teddy Long's number one contender, I've put numerous men out of commission and removed them from this company, to only be slighted by Theodore Long. Tonight Aries that ends, tonight people like yourself who never deserved to be in the ring with a superstar as great as me ENDS. No longer will you use the name of Randy Orton to farther your lackluster career, no longer will I be denied.

Aries scoffs at the idea of Orton beating him tonight​

The voices inside my head talk to me Aries, they take me to a dark place of no return. When you step inside this ring with me tonight, there will be no remorse, there will be no turning back. The Viper will strike, and he will strike viciously and strategically to finally put to a end what has been started. Aries you have to ask yourself what John Cena asked himself in the weeks leading to his destruction at Starrcade. Can you go to a place of no return? Can you do whatever it takes to end me, can you end the New World Order? When we step into this ring tonight, neither will walk back out the same.

Chris Dresdon

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UWF GAB Tag Team Championship Match: The English Tide vs. The Black and White Machine

Darkness falls over the arena as the fans cheer, some of them out of anticipation, others out of lack of knowing how to react. Suddenly a young voice begins to recite a familiar poem.

When a man's heart is full of deceit
it burns up, dies, and a dark shadow
falls over his soul.
From the ashes of a once great man has risen a curse,
a wrong that must be righted.
We look to the skies for a vindicator,
someone to strike fear into the black heart of the same man who created him.

The battle between good and evil has begun.
Against an army of shadows comes the dark warrior,
the purveyor of good, with a voice of silence,
and a mission of justice.

This. Is. Sting.

After a brief moment of silence and darkness, the titantron screen lights up with the entrance video of the "Icon".



As the crowd erupts into cheers, "Immortal" by Adema begins to play as the fans are joined by the one and only Sting as he makes his way from the backstage area and enters through the curtain, turning the corner and appearing on the stage before them all. Sting stops and outstretches his arms and leans back, letting out a loud and passionate, "Wooooo!" before making his way down the ramp.


He makes his way down the ramp, darting over to the steel steps as he reaches the end of it. He ascends the steps and walks along the apron, stepping through the ropes as he walks to the opposite side of the ring and retrieves a microphone from the ringside official. He turns around and faces his opponent, the music fading out to silence as he raises the microphone to his mouth.


Sting: I hate to be the one to say I told you so, so I'll let Jim say it!

Jim looks confused as the camera pans over to him, Cornette clearly not expecting the comment. He asks, "What the-" but the camera cuts away before he can drop the infamous "F" bomb.

Sting: Just kidding, I don't hate being the one to say it at all. Because there were so many people that didn't believe in the power of the Black and White Machine, so many that didn't think we could rise through the ranks and make it to the end, droves and droves of anti-Sting and anti-Joe followers of the product that wanted to see us get squashed and quit, or be driven apart and end up fighting with one another instead. Well, we proved all the detractors wrong. When they said we won't work as a team because our personalities don't match, we worked together on this microphone and instead complimented one another instead of failing to click.

When they said we won't work as a team because our wrestling styles are different, we went into that ring and flowed, rather than not meshing. When they said Joe would turn on me and eliminate us from the tournament, he remained loyal, and our team is still intact and strong. All of them were incorrect, we beat Y.E.S. and we beat the team of Jarrett and Hardy, and now here we are. So on behalf of myself, Joey, Jim Cornette, and all the little Stingers and Samoan Submission Machines out there as well as our adult fans....I TOLD YOU SO!

Sting begins laughing with glee as the crowd cheers in unison, creating a humongous pop.

I am overcome with an outstanding feeling of accomplishment, and it's all thanks to my partnership with Joey, and the support of all you fans that believed in us from day one. Thank you, and know that things are just getting started, both for the Black and White Machine and the seperate entities Samoa Joe and Sting. I am far from accomplishing my mission, therefore I must stay diligent each and every week until all of my hard work and fighting the forces of wickedness pays off and I can call it a job well done in retrospect. The next stop is the Great American Bash, where Joe and I, representing Smackdown, will compete for the UWF Tag Team Championships against Raw's team of William Regal and Shark Boy.

Now William is someone I respect because of his reputation as a gentlemen as well as his workrate and his microphone skills, he is one of the best to come into this business. However, do not mistake respect for weakness, because it's your ability I respect, not your character or your actions. You have a similar problem that Jeff Jarrett possesses, you refuse to rely on your ability alone to win a match, and instead use a foreign object for leverage, ninety-five percent of the time with success. You are relentless, remorseless, and do not belong to the group of men on this roster and in this company that do right, therefore you are an enemy on the road of my mission's completion, and must be defeated.

Your tag team partner, Shark Boy, makes me want to accomplish my goal even more. He is like Bray Wyatt, Damien Sandow, and Jeff Hardy in that he's a talented young man but he's developed some wrong habits and ways of thinking from this business, and is corrupted, and therefore corrupts those that hear him speak. Surely you could've found a better role mode; than Stone Cold Steve Austin, Sharky. Is that why your ring name bills you as a boy instead of a man, because you haven't matured to see that there is right and wrong, and you must choose a side? At the Great American Bash, you men are going to experience the kind of defeat that Jarrett and Hardy experienced, you will feel the pain of loss that we administered to Y.E.S. And at the end of the night, I will have secured a better position to work on my mission from, because Joe and I will be the very first UWF Tag Team Champions. IT'S GONNA BE SHOWTIME, FOLKS!

Sting lowers his microphone as the fans cheer him and many begin a, "Sting!" chant. "The Icon" stands there and awaits the arrival of either his tag partner or one of the members of the opposing team.


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Feb 17, 2011
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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw 7/10/12: Robert Roode vs. The Rock

I'm Off The Chain...
Time To Go Aganist The Grain!!


The fans suddenly erupt into a mixed frenzy as the NWA World Heavyweight Champion's theme hits the PA system and after a few moments, Robert Roode steps out on the titantron. Marching out wearing a suit, Robert Roode takes a moment to look around the crowd before marching down the entrance ramp.


Roode makes it down to the bottom of the entrance ramp, he slowly walks up the ring-steps, and glances around, soaking up the reaction before finally getting into the ring itself; Roode smirks and takes a microphone before speaking up.


The NWA World Heavyweight Champion,
Robert Roode

Last week, I learned that what Theodore Long considered UWF Championship material is nowhere near my standard, nowhere near the standard of the NWA World Heavyweight Champion. In fact, Mr Anderson is possibly the biggest let down in the history of professional wrestling, hell, he's now suspended and this is the biggest slap in the face; I am not even in contention for UWF Championship, so I can unify it with the NWA World Heavyweight Championship and become the Undisputed NWA World Heavyweight Championship but that isn't why I am here, I am out here to talk about one man... The Rock.

Robert Roode pauses for a moment as the fans cheer wildly for The Rock, but Robert Roode continues.

Usually when someone hears that they are going before The Rock in the ring, they celebrate and believe they are finally getting their big push, their chance at being a top dog but to me, it's a disgrace, it's a step back for someone of my talent, my level, my class, I am the IT factor of Professional Wrestling, where as the Rock is nothing more than a Hollywood Superstar. He is not worth my time, and by the end of this week's Raw, the Rock will be nothing more than another name of the list of people who have fallen to Leader of the Next Generation, me, Robert Roode!

The fans begin to boo Roode heavily but Roode shakes his head and turns heel for this match completely.

SHUT UP! Everyone knows it's the truth, I am the best in the world, regardless of what CM Punk or Chris Jericho proclaims, I am not interested in becoming a Superstar, I am not interested in becoming a "Superstar", I am a professional wrestler and I hold a professional wrestling championship and I am not ready to lay down a man who relies on catchphrases to get a cheap pop or try to mock his opponents. That isn't my style, Dwayne, my style is to simply beat you in this ring, because it pays to be Roode.

The Hoov

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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw 7/10/12: Robert Roode vs. The Rock


OOC: Ignore the annoying intro. This is a sick titantron.

The crowd comes unglued as “The People's Champâ€￾ The Rock bursts through the curtain and out in front of his loyal legions of fans. Robert Roode glares from the ring and Rock glares right back.


The Rock strolls down to the ring, never letting his eyes leave Roode's. He scales the top rope and throws his arm into the sky. He then climbs into the ring and is handed a microphone. He walks around the ring for a few moments as the crowd goes crazy sizing Roode up. He then begins to speak.


The Rock: Robert Roode! You know, The Rock has heard all about you and The Rock has seen you around here, running your damn mouth to everyone and everything, calling yourself the IT Factor well The Rock says this. The Rock says Robert Roode, you know your role AND SHUT YOUR MOUTH! The Rock is sick and tired of seeing you walk around with some title belt that doesn't mean anything. You're the NWA Champion. Well, guess what? This isn't the NWA. This is the UWF and the NWA Title might mean the world to you but to The Rock, it means nothing because The Rock has his own title and that is this: The Rock is the People's Champion!

The crowd erupts as The Rock acknowledges them. Roode, however, seems unimpressed and clutches his “titleâ€￾.

The Rock: You see, Roode. You're not going up against The Tooth Fairy. You're not facing a Hollywood actor. Robert Roode, you are going ONE-ON-ONE with The Great One! The Rock has come to the UWF to save it from pieces of monkey crap like you who come out here and bore them half to death week after week after week. The Rock has come back to bring some electricity back to this ring. Roode, you're merely just a stepping stool for The Rock because, when The Rock whips your candy ass on RAW, he'll still be undefeated and Roode, you'll still have your little title belt, but you'll be sent down the card in one swift motion.

Rock moves a little closer to Roode and says this to him.

The Rock: This isn't NWA. This isn't Hollywood. This is the UWF and The Rock owns this place. IF YA SMELLLLLLLLL.....What The Rock.......Is Cookin'?!

The Rock lowers his microphone as the crowd is going crazy.

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: Great American Bash: UWF Championship- Steve Austin (c) vs. Mr Anderson vs. Chris

Austin takes no time at all in responding.


Stone Cold:I've been at this place in my career before, many times in fact, my back is against the wall and the odds are stacked against me, with not a solitary person backing me up or believing in me. When the time comes for the fans to make their predictions for the Great American Bash, for our match, they're all going to choose you. When you were named the Raw soup-er-star of the month, management predicted that you will "put the cherry on top" and leave the pay-per-view with my championship. Okay, I had a few bad weeks, and you beat me in singles action and tag action back-to-back, but is that any reason to lose faith in me? Is that justification for everyone suddenly desiring the belt be taken off of me, regretting it was ever put on me in the first place? I have given everything I have to give to this company, as much as the time I have ta' spare in a day would allow, to talking trash to my opponents in the build-up to our matches, to cutting promos on Raw each and every week, but none of that's been good enough, you still have their backing.

So what do I do in a showing of good will, as proof that I'm still willing to put one-hundred and ten percent into my trash talking after having a few off nights? I, on my night off, choose ta' issue an open challenge, a challenge that has so far been answered by Shark Boy, the team of Almost Famous, and your fellow In Dubya Oh stablemate Randy Orton. But that still isn't enough. The talent doesn't appreciate that, even though Teddy Long left them off the card, I have given them a chance to wrestle. I hate ta' share my spotlight, because no one deserves ta' stand in it with me, but I put that aside and I have extended the invitation to guys that just debuted and so far are at the bottom to step in the ring with the man that's at the top and, with all eyes on them, prove exactly what they're made of. But once again, my effort's get pissed on, not a single person in You Dubya Eff is appreciative of what I'm tryin' ta' do. You chastised me for it, Randy chastised me for it, and I'm damn fed up with the disrespect.

I was this close to saying f**k it and walking away, but that would make me a hypocrite, that would make me cut from the same cloth of the soup-er-stars I was ripping ta' shreds for no-showing. Which, by the way, the comments I made were issued before Anderson's suspension was announced. Either way, I don't apologize for any time I spent talking about him, because he deserved every word of it. The other night I told Vince McMahon he'd be a fool for firing me, because then You Dubya Eff would die in my absence. If I quit, having just fought for my right ta' stay, that'd make me a hypocrite too, right? Not quite, because when I was in the face of termination, I had cause to resist, but when I considered walking away, there was no cause. Now in case yer gonna borrow the page that Randy borrowed from every other heel I've come in contact with since January two-thousand ten when my You See Dubya career started, Christian, let me stop ya before ya do. My age had nothing to do with it, I don't feel washed up, I don't feel like a has-been, and I wasn't ready to make way for the real talent of the future.

My near departure had to do with the frustration that not a single one of you appreciates Stone Cold Steve Austin, and this goes deeper than what caused me ta' turn my back on ya, I'm not speaking from the perspective of a heel or a face, or even a tweener, I'm speaking currently from the perspective of a contracted You Dubya Eff performer. I work really, really hard for everyone that buys a ticket, that waves a sign, that purchases merchandise, all of you. I bust my ass ta' make Raw not only successful but the dominant brand each and every week, because even when I lacked in the trash talking department, I was there with a promo, and I tore into every soup-er-star that came ta' mind, in hopes that I would light a fire and get some of ya some exposure you weren't currently getting, the same thing I was trying to accomplish with the open invitation. But no one had a thing ta' say about it except Dean Ambrose, who I'll address on Raw.

But of course I was going to leave, right? I threatened ta' quit back when I couldn't win the You Dubya Eff Championship from See Em Punk, and I actually did quit back in my Dubya Dubya E days, what's one more incident? That's what Stone Cold does, he bitches and complains and if he doesn't get his way long enough, he goes home and drinks himself silly. F**k you, the Stone Cold that threatened ta' quit was done bein' matched against See Em Punk because he couldn't beat him, and the Stone Cold that left Dubya Dubya E did so because the creative team was writing him ridiculous material and angles ta' be put in. But, at least those Stone Colds were appreciated for the work they put in. This Stone Cold has a few shitty match outcomes, and yer ready ta' count him out.

As you can see, I didn't quit, and that's because I refuse to deny myself the satisfaction of repeating history, walking away from a pay-per-view stage carrying the championship being fought for while Christian is left suffering in defeat. I'm still frustrated with all the things that nearly drove me away, but maybe now you'll start ta' take notice and things'll change. How stupid of you ta' crown him the victor already anyway, are your memories that short? Going into Starrcade, Wade Barrett had all the momentum, not Stone Cold. Barrett had the better competition, and because of the night off I was given during that time, Barrett had more wins. Going into the Great American Bash, Christian has all the momentum instead a' Stone Cold. Well, you all know what happened ta' Wade Barrett.

Too much stock gets put into wins and losses. Wins are important, but it's not how many wins you have, it's who's on the other side of that recorded match with an 'L' next to their name and where it took place. Christian's beaten me twice, so he has a big name in that record book of his, but where did it take place? Raw. Was the championship on the line? No. So what does that guarantee him? Not a damn thing. All you've proven is you can beat Stone Cold on a bad night on weekly television. This is a pay-per-view we're headed into, where, as far as I'm concerned, you haven't proven yerself because who's ta' say Jericho didn't know he was going to retire all along? Maybe his heart wasn't in it. And, as you know, the belt is on the line. The last time you competed for a championship was See Dubya Eff, a match you whined and bitched ta' get, and while you beat Kevin Thorn and won the prize, it was short lived.

That's what you can expect ta' happen again. If you win this championship, I get a rematch, and I promise you I'll be taking that belt and putting it right back over this shoulder. Which brings me to my next question, what happens ta' you? When I referred ta' you winning the championship I said if, and I use it strongly, because as long as I draw breath, I refuse to let things go down that way. So when I beat you, what's next for Christian? You will have no guaranteed rematch, the next man in line will be Austin Aries, who I will be more than happy ta' give a title shot too if he gets rid of you pricks. You'll still be around, sure, but the fact that you won't all be wearing the same t-shirt, running around fellating each other's ego and playing with spray paint warms my heart.

Too much stock gets put into undefeated streaks as well. Every undefeated streak that has ever occurred in wrestling has eventually come to an end, except the most famous one, and that's because Vince refuses ta' let it happen. Goldberg's was ended by Kevin Nash, Crimson's was ended by James Storm, Samoa Joe's was ended by Kurt Angle, and soon yours will be ended by Stone Cold. Especially if yer takin' career advice from Alberto Del Rio, I've beaten his ass so many times in in-ring competition I've got the high score.

But enough of "I'm going to whoop your ass because...", "I'm going to whoop your ass because...", cuz at the end of the day, there's one glaring reason I'm going to whoop your ass, one that takes precedence over all the others, and it's the only one you truly need to know. See, I love this championship, it's a part of who I am, and I love that after years of pursuing it, it's finally mine. And the fact that I fought so long for it is much longer than the period of time I've held it has me extremely protective of it. And when someone comes ta' challenge me for it, I look at it as if they're another man wanting to have sex with my wife. So for that reason above all, at the Great American Bash, I'm going to win.

I see that you've finally shown up to work, and I'm done watching you flap yer gums on a screen. In fact if I have ta' see one more backstage segment, our match is going to come early with a Falls Count Anywhere stipulation. So get yer ass out here! Here, I'll extend you the same courtesy I've shown many of my other opponents. Fire it up, you piece of garbage!

Stone Cold gestures to the back and the music of his opponent, Christian, begins to play.


Austin crosses his arms and waits for a response.

Rated R Superstar

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Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw 7/10/12: Bully Ray vs. Christopher Daniels

As his music hits, he feels as though the fans will be entirely on his side. This doesn’t bother Daniels to be honest. He’s always really done it for himself, but if people were happy enough to cheer him, who was he to complain? Yet, he knew he could do anything he put his mind to without them. He never needed them; they weren’t truly there when he broke his body, when he was in the hospital for a multitude of reasons. They would only say something on the fan page of the company he worked for, and that was only when the company mentioned it! He hated how bipolar the fans could be, it truly irritated him. And here they were, cheering him now, the total opposite of what they were doing when he was talking about Eddie last week. He just couldn’t figure it out.

He stood up on the ramp for a little bit, waiting for a backstage worker to give him a microphone. Once he got one, he was free to speak his mind.


‘The Fallen Angel’ Christopher Daniels: Well look who it is ladies and gentlemen. Where did they pull you out of, some rundown bar that offers all you can eat wings?

Daniels smiles to himself more than anybody at the last comment. He thought it was semi clever.


You mistake me for someone I am not. You mistake me for someone who will fall to your words, who will buckle under the sheer pressure of your power. I have news for you my friend, I will not! It’s people like you that actually give me something to laugh about. You, much like all the other big guys that walk out from behind that tarp seemingly think that because of your size, you are invincible. It gives me great pleasure to be the first to knock you off of your self-imposed pedestal. I don’t call myself the ‘fallen angel’ because I fear I will love, it’s quite the contrary actually. It’s almost like a metaphor for me. It’s my inspiration every time I step into the ring. It allows me to prove the non-believers wrong. The ones who think because I am smaller than most, I have no chance in this ring. If I do lose, I shall simply rise again and continue on my path to glory.

He pauses in his speech as he slowly makes his way down the ramp.


You see, it doesn’t matter how many times you defeat your enemy. It only matters how much you’re willing to go through to see them fall. It only matters how determined you that if your enemy by some off chance takes you down, you have the strength to get back. You see Ray, I’m exactly that. I will not fall so easy to you, but if I do, it will be like it never happened as I will get back up, and continue on my way. You’re nothing but a stepping stone for me. You call yourself the bully; I call myself the fallen angel. The difference between you and I? I am actually God’s gift to wrestling. You’re just some high school drop out who’s only claim to fame was beating on those weaker than you. In my opinion it’s quite pathetic.

The fans are showing some real support for Daniels now, who hasn’t taken his eyes off of Bully Ray since he walked through the tarp. His focus never faltered as he walked down the ramp, simply ignoring any fan attempting to touch him.

I see through your empty threats and I see a damaged soul. It’s very clear to me that you are not someone to fear but to pity. So Ray, I apologize to you. Not for my words, as I only speak the truth but for the lack of pity I will have on you once that bell rings.

Daniels quickly gets inside the ring and just stares at Bully Ray. Both men never backing down as they both stand there patiently.

The Red

Jun 11, 2012
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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw: Matt Morgan vs. MVP

An Unfamiliar song begins to echo throughout the arena as Matt Morgans brand new theme begins to blast through the speakers


Matt Morgan appears on the stage to a mixed reaction from the crowd with the UWF Hardcore Championship around his waist, looking as intense as always Morgan jumps up and down before tensing and throwing out his arms showing his huge wingspan as the pyro goes of along the stage behind him.


Morgan makes his way down towards the ring and is actually engaging with fans even high fiving a few on the way down towards the ring, he jumps up onto the apron and climbs through the ropes, walks past MVP and takes his title off his waist to show it off to the crowd.


Morgan grabs a mic and walks towards MVP

Matt Morgan

MVP, shut the hell up!

The crowd goes nuts as Morgan walks right up to MVP, hoping for Morgan to shut MVP up once and for all


Matt Morgan

These people out here have not paid their hard earned money to see you come out of your ridiculous 12 year old jumping castle and talk crap about your empty hopes and dreams, and how you have been hard done by, by Teddy Long, well Boo Hoo! Poor little Montel isnt getting what he wanted, have you ever actually thought that maybe the reason Teddy hasnt booked you on any cards is because your just ummmm Crap? Boring? Predictable? Overrated? All of the Above? Its obvious Montel your not the Most Valuble superstar on the roster anymore, your time has passed, the closest thing that you will get to gold around your waist is if you turn those stupid neclaces of yours into a belt. Its time for the new breed to come through, the next genereation of superstars to come through, the future of UWF to step up and make its mark, and judging by those wrinkles beginning to show on your forehead and the clicking in your knees, the only thing you will be doing in the future is sitting back in the nursing home watching Matt Morgan dominate the UWF!

The Crowd is really beginning to get bahind Morgan as he continues to rip into MVP

Matt Morgan

MVP wants to compare himself with the Stone Colds, John Cenas and the Chris Jerichos of the buisness, what a joke! These three guys have given their all and revolutionised the buisness, and you want them to pass the torch onto you! What exactly do you have to offer the UWF Universe, another 5 years of your mediocre performances? If anyone deserves to have the torched passed onto them its me. The proud holder of the UWF Hardcore championship, which Montel I believe is one more title than you have around your waist, who knows at some stage you might earn a shot at MY title if your lucky and ill get to kick your ass for a second time under hardcore rules, the first time being this Tuesday night!

The fans continue to cheer for Morgan as he continues to rip through MVP

Matt Morgan

Montel you can run around all you want saying your half man, half amazing but this week you are coming up against the blueprint of the perfect human speciman, the most genetically jacked athletically stacked giant in the UWF today, MVP you will have to be more than half amazing to beat me tueday night because at the end of our match im leaving you behind in the ring with my Carbon Footprint imprinted on your face.

ooc - Sorry its late I told CWalker I couldnt TT this week but he musnt have gotten it so its a bit slapped together since I just got home today, again happy for any feedback
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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2011
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Re: UWF Tuesday Night Raw 7/10/12: Robert Roode vs. The Rock

Roode begins to chuckle as he stares down with the Rock, The fact it's the Great One does not bother Roode.


Going one on one with the Great One? Tell me, Rocky, what makes you sooo, Great? Is it the fact you draw big bucks or because you have an array of catchphrases and one liners which makes the crowd chuckle? Hell, or is it just simply the fact you are willing to kiss Mr. McMahon's ass at any opportunity to make sure you still relevant? I really don't give a damn about what makes you the Great One because at the end of the day, you'll just be another victim to me, Robert Roode.

Roode smirks as he paces up and down in the front of the Rock and strokes his beard for a single moment before responding.


You see Rocky, you are nothing but a broken record, repeating yourself time after time but these fans continue to lap it, really Rock, it's tedious! I could predict everything you said before you said it yourself, and you want to know something Rock? I don't give a damn if you were the Tooth Fairy or another pretentious Disney character, it does't matter because I will beat you Rock, because when you disgrace the most prestigious of the World Heavyweight Championship, you are gonna pay the price; a hefty price, because Rock for the first time your predictable career, I am going to make you tapout and I'm going to enjoy it, no. I'm going to LOVE It!

Robert Roode pauses and seemingly lowers his NWA World Heavyweight Championship before finishing off.

And that is something you can bank on!

Robert Roode chuckles knowing he's mocking Rock by doing one his own catchphrases.​
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