UWF 2012: Past Raw Trashtalking

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Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
Re: UWF Great American Bash - 6 Man, KotM Match for the World Heavyweight Championshi

All the custom lights and trons have been wheeled in. The gates have opened. And the fans in Chicago, Illinois have all busted their way through to get to their seats. The Great American Bash will soon be upon us with a night that could bring historic title defences, defining championship wins, and monumental battles. One of those matches, for the World Heavyweight Title, will try and out-do the job that Daniel Bryan and the current World Heavyweight Champion Dean Ambrose done at Starrcade, and produce a match of the year. One of the men in that match is standing by to come out to the arena and to the UWF Universe.



The tron shows Jeff Hardy, and sure enough, the Anti-Christ of Professional Wrestling stands atop of the ramp, not his once usual self of pandering to the adoring fans, but instead with a purpose, cold and still. After pausing a moment, he walks down the ramp towards the ring.


He slides into the ring and wastes no time in retrieving a microphone. When the music stops the boos that The Antichrist retracts are quite loud by the fans in the arena. The enigma looks out towards many of the people chanting his name and booing him out of the building before he starts speaking his mind.

Jeff Hardy: Ladies and gentlemen of Chicago. I come to you tonight not as a superstar, trying to reach the top to prove that I can finally be that champion my momma said I could never be. I am not out here as an opportunistic business-head foreseeing that getting to the top of this brand would do wonders for my bank balance. Nor am I here on false pretenses of being the knight in shining armor cleaning house for all the good in life to prevail. And I am definitely not here just because a flashing light stopped by my name and has given me the opportunity of a lifetime. I am straight up, a man just trying to do what is right for the art of professional wrestling, take it back to it's rightful state, and the only way my message can truly be taken as seriously as it should... Is if I'm the World Heavyweight Champion. For too long in this business has the mould been sculpted out to be a man with all the values that a normal person would be proud to carry around in life. For too long the suits and ties of this business, and others like it have thrown a proverbial smokescreen in front of all of you, fed you the BS and led you down the garden path to smell roses, when what they're covering up has a whole different scent to it.

Wrestling is a business. It is not a dance and prance love fest that some allude to it is. If you looks at the basic principal it is still hurting your opponent enough to keep them down for a three count, or for them to tap out. It is all about doing whatever it takes, whatever ploys you need to pull, dirty tactics, it all comes hand in hand because wrestling is literally catch or be caught. In a dog eat dog business, it was the intensity of a winner takes it all atmosphere, whether you have to pummel someone with a steel chair, or put someone through a table by jumping fifteen feet off a ladder to do so. I have started to see some movement towards my thinking. I mean, putting six of us in a match of this style, this magnitude, is definitely a step in the right direction. But for my message to be given from the strongest standoff I can get, then first I need to win this match and become the King of the Mountain.

The crowd boo Jeff but he continues regardless.

Now, to become the king of this mountain there are a few people that need to be compromised. There's the two men in which I have the pleasure of facing off against on Smackdown. Firstly the man I dispatched of last week, and the man in which I qualified for this very match in spite of, John Cena. The man that has made millions lying to all of you for years, and the man to which I proved to you all is nothing but a joke, and a fraud, but is yet still the best of what is admittedly a poor bunch of under-performers that management here like to call the Smackdown roster. You won a Royal Rumble after facing me to get your nose in this match but John, the part you are failing to refer to is that you will have to face me again. And just like the first time you decided to get in my face, and try and use your morals and your fighting essence on me, it will not and you will fall to your knees to the power of The Antichrist. And at The Great American Bash, you won't have the World Heavyweight Champion there to prop your back up either.

Dean, I listened to you earlier this week tell me about how you can 'smush' people as easy as I squashed that spider, which was a metaphor if your brain couldn't quite develop that one on your own.... But Dean, I have yet to see that, you see. All I have seen since I got here? Was a lucky escape against Daniel Bryan, and a general manager that seems to like you a bit more than just the average employee if you get what I'm saying, and reverse a decision that for any other superstar, in any other match-up, would have stood. I'm not judging you on that, don't worry. I'll be judging you on how well you have to end up eating your words once the dust of an eventful and indeed... "Great" American Bash has settled, and you attempt to tell these people that chant your name religiously how a man with a new found wannabe creepy persona has wrestled, and fought, your World Heavyweight Championship off you. You want to talk about extreme? You see, when WWF suits decided that me and my brother should come in with the nickname "Team Xtreme" it was no coincidence. The only way we could put on wrestling matches at the extreme levels we wanted, was to make our own damn organization. We didn't travel the circuit, taking paychecks from anyone handing them out, blading ourselves for kicks from hicks just like in this arena tonight. We literally put the show of our lives on every week, and still got offered a deal. We earned it the hard way, and although my brother and I don't see eye to eye, I still respect the hell out of him for going through what I did.

Jeff Hardy pauses and some of the fans applaud. Not the response Jeff wanted, he continues speaking.

You're not the only one that goes out on a tangent Ambrose, admittedly. My thoughts are erratic, I don't know what I'm saying until I've heard the words come out of my mouth half the time, and unlike yourself I'm not exactly proud of being a loose cannon. But what I am proud of, is where I've come from career-wise and I won't stop until the UWF is the same place. I need somewhere that I can actually call 'home'. I've had the taste of the family life and, it bored the hell out of me. This is what my family life is, and the demons that I have kept deep down inside of me for all these years, they're the family I need on this travelling life. There's just one thing I need, a comfortable constant. And that will come to fruition Dean, and it will come at a cost to you, and the four other competitors in this match-up, when I become the World Heavyweight Champion.

Before even having an opportunity to speak about anyone else, ______________________________________

OOC: Didn't wana bomb, didn't wana waste anymore time either. So I'll leave it as this. Hope we can get five rounds in! Good luck all y'all.
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Rated R Superstar

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Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
UWF Raw: Eddie Gurerro vs Christopher Daniels


As the Fallen Angel’s music plays throughout the arena, the crowd is instantly on their feet. Christopher Daniels was caught off guard by this. Given all he had done in TNA to some top faces, most people had given him much heat. But now he was nearly being praised. He felt slightly bad that he had to pop their bubble. As he made his way down to the ring, he made no attempt to interact with the crowd. Walking down he simply just stared ahead, more focused on his task at hand.


As he entered the ring, he instantly asked for a microphone, but before he could speak, the crowd decided to get even louder for his arrival. He wasn’t sure why, but he felt slightly proud of this unexplained following. He looked throughout the arena, looking at the crowd. Taking note of some signs, which were reserved for some of Raw’s elite. A particular sign was directed to the current UWF Champion, it was a child with a sign basically claiming Steve Austin of smelling bad. That got a chuckle out of Daniels as he finally put the microphone to his mouth. That single movement commanded silence, which he thankfully got.


‘The Fallen Angel’ Christopher Daniels: Allow me to introduce myself to those that don’t follow talent. I am the Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels. For years I have proven to many companies that I am one of, if not the most talented wrestler today. Now, I am not here to “save” you as some of you would like. I know a lot of the new guys in this company will claim to do so. Claim to save you from the mindless oppression that is Randy Orton and his lackluster NWO. Or save you from the moronic Steve Austin, who recently just broke your hearts.

He said the last statement in a mocking term, the fans did not approve. He expected as much.

Furthermore, I am not here to put a smile on any of your faces! I am here to move up through the ranks as I lay waste to all that stand before me. My first obstacle? The lying, the cheating and the stealing Eddie Gurerro. You all praise him so much. You love him, you chant his name. It drives me crazy! His run in WWE was nothing but a damn joke! He’s not talented, he’s a coward. He did anything in his power to not man up and face his opponent face to face. He cheated his way to victory. There is no honour in that; there is no honour and being a cheating scum. Every night when I would come out from the entrance, I made it my goal to get my name out there. My name is not known for belonging to a coward. It belongs to a man who has faced every challenge that has come his way.

A fan begins to boo, causing Daniels to hesitate with his words for only a second. Closing his eyes he finally interacted with the fans.


Interrupt me again and see where that lands you. I’m tired of the disrespect shown to me by you peons. Show me some damn respect as I speak and please, remain quiet.

The fans obviously didn’t take too kindly to those words spoken. They began to boo heavily as Daniels stood in the middle of the ring. He would allow them this moment. Once all the energy had been sapped from the fans, he continued.

As I was saying, Eddie and I are total opposites in our tactics. But Edward, so help me, if you so much as pull any of the stunts you’re so famous for on me, it will be your undoing. Now get your ass out here!

Daniels shouted as he waited for his very first opponent in UWF.
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The Red

Jun 11, 2012
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Re: UWF RAW - CM Punk vs. Matt Morgan (US Title Number One Contender Match)

Just as Punk lowers his microphone, he is interrupted by.......

Click Click Boom!


Matt Morgan appears on the RAW set as intense as usual with the brand new Hardcore title wrapped around his waist. The crowd boos as he points at his title yelling "I told you so!" out of nowhere he trows his arms out to the side showing of his massive wingspan as pyro explodes on either side of him


Morgan begins to make his way down to the ring keeping his arms out pointing to the Hardcore title every now and then completely ignoring the fans yelling at him, he stops at the bottom of the ring and jumps from the floor to the ring apron. He grabs a Mic and begins to walk around the ring


Matt Morgan

You know I would hate to say I told you so (fans) but last week I did exactly what I said I would do to William Regal, and walked out with the UWF Hardcore Championship, so, well I TOLD YOU SO! (Matt Morgan laughs in the ring as fans continue to boo him). Now not only did I teach Regal a lesson but I sent a message to everyone in the back, To Every old timer not willing to make way for the new generation, and to every other current superstar thinking that they are the top guy. The Future of the UWF has arrived and its in the frame of a 6 ft 10, 325 lbs athletic beast!

Crowd continues to boo Morgan but he just ignores it.

Now lets forget about my demolishion last week and lets worry about this week, My Number one contenders match for the UWF United States championship, Teddy Long not surprisingly has noticed that I am the future of UWF and given me yet another opportunity to put some more gold around this perfect waist of mine, and all I have to do is defeat CM Punk this week to earn my opportunity. Now what I dont understand Punk is why you are getting another opportunity at this title, you had your chance last week to prove yourself and you lost, as simple as that, and as you said he beat you fair and square. So in my opinion you deserve to be at the back of the queue and made to wiat your turn.

The crowd begins to chant "Morgan Sucks" but he shows no interest.


Like I said before Punk you have had your chance, now its time for you to go to the back of the line and ill have no problem sending you back there the hard way, there is no man who is able to stop me, and after this week I will have made the greatest debut ever in UWF by capturing not only the Hardcore championship but the US Championship aswell, now you talk about your record of holding the UWF championship for 118 days well by the end of the month ill be the only person to ever hold two titles in UWF history, and it will only be a matter of time until I win the big one. So this Tuesday Punk, Cody Rhodes is not the person you should be worried about, the person you should be worried about is the most genettically jacked, athletically stacked superstar in UWF History, the UWF Hardcore champion, The Blueprint Matt Morgan!

ooc - Any feedback please PM me, happy for any advice


Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Great American Bash - 6 Man, KotM Match for the World Heavyweight Championshi

The crowd are still booing and mulling over Jeff Hardy's words, when the familiar guitar strums of Bray Wyatt's theme hits the PA system.


'Broken Out In Love' blares over the speaker system and the crowd immediately begin to boo even louder than before. Before too long Bray Wyatt steps out from behind the curtain and onto the stage as Cousin Eli Cottonwood stands towering behind him. They make their ways down to the ring slowly and statedly taking the time to look out to the crowd, looking for a reaction. Bray walks round the ring looking into the squared circle a few times to catch a glimpse of one of his opponents at The Great American Bash, Jeff Hardy. Bray grabs a microphone and gets into the ring where he stands, slouched in the corner, leaning against the top turnbuckle as he begins to speak.


Bray Wyatt: 'Anti-Christ'. What does that mean Jeff Hardy?. I mean people?, them people they use it to stand against religious beliefs, they say, I am like the devil, I am the anti-christ, but Jeff Hardy I look at you and I see neither Lucifer or Jesus Christ, I see a tortured soul lookin' to be saved. Now you said several moments ago that you don't even know the words that come outta your mouth and well, I found that interestin', man. Because you are not like me. Every word. Every single thing I do is preplanned because I know that one slip up, and the people of this world can start questionin' me on my divinity... on my status as the Angel in The Dirt and well, I can't be havin' people questionin' me. Because I am the Angel in The Dirt and I am divinity... and divinity can never be lost in this sea of sinners. But you Jeff?... you are more akin to these people out here. You're a sinner. A self confessed sinner. And that's where we have problems, because a life of sin condemns one to an eternity in hell. No sugar coatin' it Jeff, your gonna burn like my daddy. But I suppose you'd see no problem in that, you are after all, the 'Anti-Christ' of professional wrestlin'. Just so happens that I am the closest thing to the 'Christ' of professional wrestlin' that the world will ever see... but I ain't sayin' I am Jesus Christ... no... I am much different than that... I am much bigger than that.

At that comment of being bigger than Jesus, the crowd boo like hell, blasphemy isn't over with this crowd.

My ascendancy is guaranteed and so could yours if you were to follow me but I know you Jeff. I know you much more than you could ever imagine, because I watch you. I am ever present. I see and I hear everything. Omnipresent the smart folks call it, and I know your one of those individualistic cats, I know you do not care for authority, for association with people grander than yourself such as Bray Wyatt and I know you do not care for the human race. And it's a damn shame because in 5000 years from now... they ain't gonna be talkin' about Jeff Hardy and his high-flyin', show-stealin' risk-takin'. Nah... they're gonna be talkin' about Bray Wyatt. They are gonna hold me in great regards in the future Jeff, because I will still be there. In their thoughts, in their prayers. Man, I'm gonna live forever. And it is because I am, the new messiah, not the second coming, but the first of my kind, and these people will grow to realise this and you will grow old, and on your death bed Jeff, which could be soon I'm afraid, you ain't gonna be prayin' to God for forgiveness because God is dead... and I will be in his place because I give you something that God could never give you... and that's real love... that you can feel, physical manifestation of my words!... and my words are truth, gospel and knowledge... and they will live, much like Bray Wyatt himself, forever and ever.

Bray begins to laugh to himself, he soon begins to speak again however.

And them scholars in the science departments, and all those crazy non-believers, they are going to try and get rid of me, man. They'll be askin', 'did Bray Wyatt really exist?'... and they'll look through the annals of time and they will soon find that I did exist, and I still exist, because at one time, I was king. I was the lord of all I saw as the World Heavyweight Champion of the Ultimate Wrestling Federation. The highest honour this company has. But it is much more than that, man. That World Championship well, it gives people power. It allows people to influence people more than they ever could before. It also legitimises people. I have people on them internets, which I am not a part of for the sake of my own purity, and Cousin Eli tells me that they say that Bray Wyatt, well he's just a character... another looney in the world of Pro Wrestlin'. Well a looney?... that's up for debate, but I am not a character. I am real. I am much more real than you could possibly comprehend. Your minds can not bend to function properly and understand that Bray Wyatt is in you all. He is real inside your minds. And that could be put down to two things... you believe in Bray Wyatt, and your belief will not go unrewarded my brothers and sisters... or that I have been scarred into your mind with what you folks call 'brainwashin'. And for those who think I'm brainwashin' folks down here?, just you wait 'till I get my hands on that World Title, I'll be up on a pedastel then and no one can avoid Bray Wyatt's words then... not a single bein'... and you can all become followers... and take my words as the prophecies they are.

And I prophecise of a time where I am the World Heavyweight Champion. And I see things, that tell me that I will be the Champion by beating five other lost souls. Dean Ambrose, the biggest example of which. A man who was raised without a home... a man that confesses to being extreme... a man who thrives on the energy of other people to simply exist, so that his soul carries on just one more day. Well I ain't sayin' I'm the reaper of souls or nothin', but I'm takin' away the one thing that's keepin' that boy together, his championship. But, if he does fall apart into a mess brought on by his past, by his broken home... well then I will be waitin'... I will be waiting with OPEN ARMS!... such is the love that I have. The other opponents are Ted DiBiase... a man of great wealth... but loose morals, a man that has thrown away his human decency for the man made weapon of mass destruction that is money... then there is John Cena, a man who claims to be the man for the people. He runs around here and he hugs fans, he signs their shirts and poses for photos, but all he's doin' is takin' away their hard earned money... money they don't have, and that makes him a horrible man... Batista... a man with no caring for man-kind. An 'animal'. He claims he can not be tamed, but I know that my words have effects on people that far outreach the boundries of the human race... and I know that I can tame the 'animal' like no man ever could before me.

Wyatt chuckles to himself, he looks at his hand.

But this match will not be a war of words but a war fought with these hands, I am certain of that. Yes, this match will be dangerous... you've gotta climb a ladder, put yer body on the line... but in the end I put my body in the hands of my own divinity and I know that I will not fall... and I will not fail in my 'quest' for Holy Grail of professional wrestling... I will become the World Heavyweight Champion. And you all will learn the name of Bray Wyatt. And you will learn to love me like a brother... for all the things I did for you. When I fall from the ladder, which is most likely, I fell from it for you. Out of love. When I am bludgeoned half to death by the lunatics in this match, I am taking the beating for all of you. Out of love. Jesus had to die before people would truly believe his words that he was the son of God... he had to be crucified... well maybe I will have to face the same fate at the Great American Bash in this King of The Mountain match... but I will rise if this is so, it won't take 3 days, but I will rise, ascend the ladder after any fall immediately, any bludgeoning, any 'crucifixion' that I face!... and I will become 'King of The Mountain' and lord and purveyor of all I see... and I will do it, out of love... for all of you.

Bray Wyatt points to the crowd, a moment of intensity is clear in Wyatt's eyes, but suddenly another theme hits the PA system and the crowd respond loudly once more.

The Hoov

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Re: UWF Raw: The Rock vs. Dolph Ziggler

The Rock takes a look around the ring at Dolph and Ric as the fans are waiting for his rebuttal. Rock scratches his nose and then offers up his two cents.


The Rock: How cute, Dolph Ziggler. The Rock is touched by your montage and tribute you just showed him. The Rock especially loved the fact that it kept saying your name over and over again, like we forgot who you are. The Rock won't ever forget who you are because you see, Dolph, you're going to be the second person in his UWF RAW history that The Rock takes his size 13 boot and crams it so far up your roody poo candy ass that the moisture on his boot will quench your thirst! Dolph, you try and intimidate The Rock when really it's you who are intimidated. You see, The Rock can see you shaking in your boots every time you hear them chant The Rock's name.....

The crowd begins chanting “ROCKY! ROCKY! ROCKY! ROCKY!â€￾. Rock then continues.

The Rock: And you, Ric Flair, you wanna get all heated at The Rock but, why? Why do you wanna get in The Rock's face when you know that, at the drop of a dime, The Rock will slap the scar tissue right off your forehead. Is it because you've finally gone off the deep end? Is it because you've become senile in your old age? Or is it because you know that your client Mr. Ziggles here has bitten off way more than he can chew? You see, Ric, when your boy Dolph here wants to plug his twitter account, play little tribute videos to himself and call himself a “Show-Offâ€￾ The Rock is busy being The Most Electrifying Man in All of Entertainment and he's busy being The Great One and The People's Champion. Ric, either you're in denial or just plain delusional but everybody knows Dolph Ziggler isn't in The Rock's league. Hell, Dolph Ziggler ain't even in the same sport as The Rock and that's a fact.

Dolph and Ric don't seem to pleased to hear what The Rock is saying, which causes The Rock to smile.


The Rock: It seems The Rock struck a nerve, well good, because The Rock wants competition here on RAW and I hope you give it to me. You've paid dues and The Rock sure as Hell has paid dues, sold out arenas, sold out merchandise and set ratings records so The Rock suggests you do your research before you slander The Rock's good name. But all of that doesn't matter. What matters is what happens in between these ropes and when that bell rings. The Rock vs Dolph Ziggler. No more talking. JUST BRING IT!

The Rock gets in Ziggler's face as the scene fades.


Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Great American Bash - 6 Man, KotM Match for the World Heavyweight Championshi

I come from Money....


I come from money hits the PA system and Ted DiBiase Jr comes out from the back with a pissed grin on his face. He gets a lot of boos r from the fans as he walks down the ramp, blowing off their attempts to high five him. Ted flexes his muscles at the bottom of the ramp before grabbing a mic off one of the ringside crew and climbing the steps to the ring to enter it. Once in the ring DiBiase shakes his head before bringing the mouth to his mic and speaking...


Ted DiBiase Jr

I should be standing here as your UWF World Heavyweight Champion, however due to poor management I stand in front of all of you poor souls with nothing but broken dreams! I worked my socks off, wrestled the match of my life and proved every single one of you wrong by winning that World Heavyweight Title, but just minutes later I was royally screwed by UWF management, and lost it just minutes after winning it. I honestly don't understand the mindset of Desmond Wolfe, I won the title fair and square, yet he decided it would be funny to have me defend it just moments after winning it, not only that but the corrupt referee he employed restarted the match BEFORE I was ready. Normally a man of my class would accept what happened, but this is an injustice and every single one of you knows it! I'm extremely close to going to the board of directors and filing a formal complaint, because I've been unfairly treated in this company for far too long and I'm getting tired of it. I'm not joking ladies and gentleman, I'm tired of being the subject of poor management and I won't stand for it any more.

Desmond Wolfe certainly hasn't done himself any favours at all by placing me in a Six Man King of the Mountain match and deciding it would be funny to place me in the penalty box for five minutes when the match begins, that's right, whilst everyone else fights it out I can do nothing but watch on.I shouldn't have to face FIVE other guys to win my, that's right MY title back, it should be me and Dean Ambrose one on one, or even better, I should be handed the title because I was screwed. Of course, in UWF it's never that simple, because management doesn't like to do things the logical way, and it seems like Desmond Wolfe is doing all he can to make sure I don't win. However, his decision to make this match will backfire, because what he fails to realize is the fact that my five minutes in the sin bin will give me a chance to study all of my opponents, as well as ways to win the match, and when I get released from the sin bin I will be fresher than every single guy in the ring, and I will win!

DiBiase shakes his head as he paces up and down the ring, he looks at the two guys in the ring already, before looking up the titantron.

Normally in these kind of situations I would address my opponents in the ring before anyone else as I'm not a rude person, however due to the circumstances surrounding my World Heavyweight Title loss, I feel that it's necessary to break the rules, and I don't think that's will be much of an issue considering the amount of rule breaking that's gone on in this company recently. Dean Ambrose, I know you're sat backstage thanking yourself lucky that you got an instant chance at redemption at Heatwave, but I just want you to know that sooner or later your luck is going to run out. Don't you dare think for a second that you beating me for the second time means it's over between us, because it's far from over. Sure, what you bought to the table during our match impressed me, but I still hate your guts, and the way you won the title back makes me want to beat you so badly that you can never compete again! This match isn't going to be the end between us Dean, oh no, it's going to be the beginning, and no matter what happens regarding the title, I will continue to make your life a living hell until I feel that justice has been served. I'm not kidding Dean, you rubbed me the wrong way, and I don't like you or your attitude whatsoever, I mean what kind of Champion waits to address all his fans, you should of been the first out here, yet instead you choose to hide backstage because you're scared of me hurting you. Also, it sickens me that just weeks ago you were saying you were fine being left off a poster, yet on Smackdown you complained that you weren't on the Great American Bash poster, why the hell did you change your mindset on these kind of things in a matter of weeks Dean? It seems to me like your developing a massive ego, and I don't like that at all, and at The Great American Bash I'm going to deflate your ego in an instant!

DiBiase pauses for a second and collects his thoughts as the crowd boo him like crazy, he ignores them as usual as he turns to face Jeff Hardy.

Jeff, you're probably the only guy I actually like in this match, we've had similar careers and are constantly subject to the poor management in this company. It's pretty clear that we're the underdogs in this match because management will be doing all they can to screw us out of a chance of winning, and I'm quite happy to work with you to ensure that doesn't happy. Although I like you Jeff, there is a few issues I have with you. First of all, I don't get why you fritter all your money away on illegal substances, I mean seriously, you're a talented guy, but instead of spending your money wisely like I do, you choose to waste it on pointless stuff that only has a negative effect and could end up ruining your career. I don't like it when people waste money Jeff, you should follow my perfect example of how to live the high life instead of wasting your money on crap... Second of all, I don't get the whole painting your face thing, I mean seriously it seems like you're trying to hide something and I don't like it when people have something to hide. Like I said Jeff I don't mind you, but unfortunately only one of us can win the title, and I guarantee it will be me.

DiBiase quickly turns to face Bray Wyatt.

Bray Wyatt, I haven't heard much about you or seen much of what you do, but from what little I have seen I get the impression that you're a bit of a weirdo, and I don't like weirdo's. Seriously, this is a Wrestling Company, not a church, and preaching doesn't get you anywhere at all. I don't like preachers Bray, the fact that my father is a preacher makes me hate you even more, because you're all the same, trying to feed people with your lies and beliefs instead of accepting that everyone is different and should be allowed to do what they want. You're also a red neck, and you know for a fact that I despise rednecks because they're worthless pieces of scum who contribute nothing to our good society. I'm not joking Bray, I don't like your kind, I don't like the fact that I'm sharing a ring with someone way below my league who thinks people are going to buy what they say when they've only been round for five minutes. I'm going to make sure I teach you a lesson on the twenty of second of July and after that the only thing you'll be preaching is my name...

DiBiase lowers the the mic when suddenly...
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Re: UWF Great American Bash - 6 Man, KotM Match for the World Heavyweight Championshi

The fans begin to get on their feet, booing the hell out of the arrival of Batista. He walks through the curtains, a few seconds afterwards. Batista walks to the ramp holding a chair in one hand as he stops half way before crouching down as the pyrotechnics goes off.


Batista gets back up, slapping himself on the chest a couple times as he makes his way to the ring as he calls for a microphone as he indicates he wants spotlight and is given so as he takes a seat on the chair.



Get out of my ring... NOW.

Hardy and Wyatt don't move, instead they go to the nearest corner turnbuckle.

Jeff freakin' Hardy... I may as well address you first. How's the dog? Oh... I forgot, he's dead, just like your freakin' career is! How did you even manage to stumble upon this company and actually win? Were you supplying something to your opponents? I'm a bit bedazzled here Jeff, really.. I am. All your constant claims of trying to change yourself isn't going to work at all Jeff, I don't understand what it is with people around here trying to think they're going to change in order to be a better person because quite frankly I've done the opposite. There's a reason I've turned my back on these people and god damnit, I'm actually getting somewhere at doing that! For too long I've been held back in the dark or whatever shadow, words you choose to use Jeff. I've been there, I've suffered your depression and bullcrap but I managed to escape my problems and this is why I am competing for the World Heavyweight Championship but you on the other hand... You're just a puppet who tries to steal the words I've been expressing. In case you didn't know but I clearly stated that Rob Van Dam is not a 'WRESTLER' yet you're trying to tell me you have passion for this business?! You don't dance and prance?! Oh come on, what's with you being on the top rope trying to freakin' kill yourself?! As far as I'm concerned you're freakin' prancin' around twenty-four seven because you're high off your frickin' mind! Those drugs are speakin' to your mind again and you Jeff Hardy out of all people try and tell me that you're a WRESTLER?! Please quit kidding yourself Jeff, we all knew you started your career on a freakin' trampoline in your backyard. I didn't know this company actually hired backyard wrestlers because I've seen a few clips on Youtube that are more impressive than you Jeff! Being on a trampoline isn't hard, being in the ring is. All these bumps you take, you don't feel them because you use a gateway drug to help mend your pain. Try taking the drugs off your body then come back and tell me how you really last because I'm going to take your damn drugs, throw 'em down the drain so you can't have access to it and I'm going to break every frickin' bone in your damn body! Speaking of you Jeff... How's Reby and Matt? Last I heard Reby was complaining because she couldn't get a gig here... Left at home just like your brother, who knows what they're up to. But you're just a shadow of your own brother Matt, you're both the same, the word 'Hardyz' get spoken around and everyone acknowledges what you do now and not your past. All these kids in the front row who actually pay attention to what we do is only going to remember the most recent stories, not when you and Matt were tagging and were actually relevant. Because nobody is relevant these days, nobody is relevant as I am because this past Friday, I held that World Heavyweight Championship up high and closed the show with me raising the belt. You Jeff... you'll never get that close to the freakin' belt ever, this may be your only opportunity but it'll also be your downfall!

Bray Wyatt looks to interrupt but Batista is quick to the chase.

I'll address you when I feel like it, I'm not done with Jeff just yet. Everything in your career hasn't been picture perfect, neither has mine... After all I have to deal with not just you but 4 others in this very match to accomplish what I came back for. For the past few weeks I've been dominant, I've been unstoppable but then again nobody has been worthy of competition. Nobody is on my league, look at what I did to Jeff Jarrett last week on Smackdown... He thought it was going to be fun tag-teaming with me but I proved that I'm not here for a freakin' tag team championship, I don't make friends with anybody! This is why I delivered a Batista bomb to him... Jeff, while the demons are in your mind and obviously get the better of you, I don't have demons. I am my own demon. I don't need to ridicule myself to a low standard like yourself because you failed to address me as part of this match. That there is a huge mistake, I am the biggest threat in this match, not you, not Dean Ambrose, not Ted DiBiase, not John Cena, not Bray Wyatt and certainly not John Cena! So Jeff, sit in your freakin' corner, shut your damn mouth before I put your teeth right into your intestines that you will not be able to digest properly!

The crowd lets out a little chuckle, Batista walks up to Bray Wyatt.

I only got your name, Bray Wyatt... Who the hell are you? What are you doing in this company? I've never heard of your name, I don't like you at all. Remember, I'm not here to make friends. Don't you dare try and freakin' save me because you'll continue to fail, I'm no preacher, in case you failed to research my past... Before I was known as Batista, I was Leviathian. I couldn't careless if I was a sinner or not, I couldn't give a freakin' crap what you think about me Bray. The fact is, nobody's heard of your name until now. But funnily enough, the technical guys told me that your daddy is Mike Rotunda or IRS... So did your daddy's taxes turn you this way... I always knew there was something wrong with your freakin' family... Just like the 'Rhodes' family, you're all weird and stupid. I don't know what you've been taking Bray but you're just like Jeff, slurring off every word trying to play make-believe. I'm not here to believe, I'm here to accomplish and kick people's arses and you... you're here to save people. Please... We had someone do that a few years ago and his name was CM Punk, he tried to preach Straight-Edge towards the people and look what happened... he failed thus giving into the fans. That's exactly what you're going to be doing soon Bray, you're going to give into these people after you realize that nobody gives a damn about religion because if they wanted to learn about religion and the guano you're speaking of they'd go to church. I came here for competition, not for people to talk about their freakin' life and claim they're better than God himself... you're putting me to sleep with your boring talk. These people here they paid to hear me talk! They paid their seats just for me! You couldn't freakin' tame me if you tried Bray, now get out of my ring! NOW!

Bray refuses as Batista gets in his face as he gets pissed off, Batista kicks the chair as he points to Jeff and Bray as they stay back from Batista.

This ring here... this is my territory, this is where I belong. So when you dweebs step into the ring... we've got a problem. The problem being I am going to beat you and there's nothing you can do about it. Not even John Cena can beat me, just because you duct taped me up in a Last Man Standing and made me quit the company does not mean you defeated me. I was barely beaten up, I barely had stratches nor bruises and you continued to live in that spotlight claiming you can beat anybody?! John, you're not freakin' Superman, you never were, just because these dweebs are unable to wrestle does NOT mean you are superior. This is why I dreaded hearing your name when I came back here, knowing you're back and you are trying to haunt me, look... do your best John. You're nothing but a freakin' parasite, we're not friends, we never were. You just tried to live your name in glory and you did just that, right now these people chant your name... While you're hugging fat chicks and kissing babies, I'm making MONEY.Money here, money there, everywhere I go, money's being made for me, not you. During my time off, I went to try out for MMA, it wasn't for me... I made movies, while you... you suffered not having a championship shot for a year. Do you see what I freakin' do to people? I kill their career. John... these people are barely holding on for you, they're getting sick and tired of your name, being shoved down everybody's throat day in, day out. This is where it all ends John because I'm going to be that person that tells you... You will not be winning this match, I don't care if you claim you're going to try win this and use mathematical odds, you will not walk away here in one piece. I'm going to tear you to shreds, break you from limb to limb and you will become a broken man... Or are you already one? You try accomplish so much but look what happened to you and your wife, you split up because you couldn't be there for her. Look at me, I am never there for anybody, this is why people have problems with me. I kill careers, take a look at John Morrison... couldn't keep his girl on a leash, which is why I got with Melina. Damn it was a good night! But look at John... where is he? Where is he they say? He ain't here! Just like your freakin' wife, she ain't here either John. You're all alone now, with all these depressing thoughts in your head like Bray and Jeff over here... Everybody's depressed... But I... I'm raging inside, just waiting... like a time bomb, to kick your freakin' asses!

The crowd boo's for what Batista has just said but he doesn't stop there...

I'm far from done... Ted DiBiase, former World Heavyweight Champion, couldn't even hold the belt longer than a minute. I'm surprised you didn't listen to your daddy... He could have brought the Million Dollar belt for you, something for you play with. Look Ted, the fact you became Heavyweight Champion for a mere minute means absolutely nothing to me. Knowing you are constantly ignoring your father's help also means nothing. Because like Bray, you both used your father to enable a career here, if it wasn't for your father you would never have made it into the business. Where as I, I put my life into this business, I didn't take any cheap way in. This is what pisses me off about the company, Vince McMahon or whoever the hell is running the joint these days tend to find people like you and give you a freakin' job. You're not made out to be wrestlers, you're only following your daddy's footsteps but take a look Ted, your father was never successful. He never held a freakin' World Championship belt where as I, I've already held it before, just not in this company. But it won't be long until I do. Ted... isn't it ironic that your father named you after him? Yet you refuse to be the Million Dollar man, instead you're just a nobody. There's no money being made for you, you don't wear the fancy crap like your father does but when you choose to... he's probably paying for you. Everyone has problems, but my only problem is that I'm not World Heavyweight Champion yet. But at The Great American Bash, I will take it off Dean Ambrose, whoever that is. Yeah, he might be the Champion here but as I've said... Smackdown has only hired a bunch of rookies and no-named people. So Dean... you say you're quite hardcore, you'll beat people to a pulp? That you're a bit crazy in the head? Well Dean, my name's Batista and they call me the Animal and before I let anybody interrupt... The Animal is prepared to be unleashed!

Batista allows the crowd to boo, he raises the microphone once more but all of a sudden a theme song is heard playing...

OOC: Man I had fun doing this TT! Let's get it on!



Apr 29, 2011
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The Throne
Re: UWF Great American Bash - 6 Man, KotM Match for the World Heavyweight Championshi


John Cena’s entrance music blares out of the speakers, and the crowd bursts in thunderous cheers. All of a sudden, an over hyped John Cena bursts out onto the stage, which is a pleasure from the U.W.F. Universe. John Cena looks into the camera and screams out “Ah man does it feel good to be back!†before meeting the end of the stage. John Cena takes a bow forward, straightening himself before raising his right arm quickly, saluting the ring. John Cena springs forward and sprints down the entrance ramp. John Cena slides in the ring and hops up and onto his feet, as he throws up his hand sign on the ropes. John Cena bounces off the ropes and throws his cap at the crowd, who fight over it. John Cena walks over to the end of the ring, grabbing a microphone before speaking.


John Cena: Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages, the champ is… Dean Ambrose.

The audience is mixed as they both cheer and boo at Dean Ambrose; the current reigning two time U.W.F. World Heavyweight Championship. John Cena nods his head, agreeing with the fans and looks around the ring, noticing his opponents as he continues.

John Cena: Oh, no. Don’t fear, Chicago, because myself and the four other men in this ring are goin’ to do their hardest to take that title away from him. I and the four other men in this ring made a promise to their self to be the next U.W.F. World Heavyweight Champion by the end of The Great American Bash. There’s a difference between myself and Dave Batista, Bray Wyatt, Ted DiBiase Jr. and Jeff Hardy, they think they’re goin’ to become the next World Heavyweight Champion, I know I’m goin’ to become the next World Heavyweight Champion! Ever since day one, I striven to be the best. I striven to be at the top of the food chain and so far, I haven’t been doin’ a pretty good job at that goal. I’ve lost matches, I tied matches, but I didn’t win any matches and that was until last Friday night at Heatwave where I came out the Royal Rumble match as the winner. That night was the beginning of the road of John Cena’s success. After winnin’ that match, I knew right there that when I receive my shot to become the World Heavyweight Champion, I’m seizin’ it and I’m winnin’. No doubts about it, but of course as always, there’s goin’ to be certain individuals who believe they’re goin’ to win as well. So, let’s start off with the man everyone doesn’t believe to win, if I say so the underdog in this match. That man is the World Heavyweight Champion, Dean Ambrose.

The audience continues to cheer for Dean Ambrose, as John Cena looks to the back, nodding his head. John Cena chuckles to himself, as he raises the microphone up to his lips, continuing.

John Cena: Since June seventeenth of twenty twelve, Dean Ambrose has been the no remorse, no mercy, violent and tough World Heavyweight Champion. He impressed everyone in the back, includin’ me after his match with Daniel Bryan that he was no man to mess with. So, with that bein’ said, we all know Dean Ambrose is a tough fellow. He’s a fightin’ champion for not only his self, but you people. And, I respect that – I respect Dean Ambrose as much as you people respect him. Do I believe he’ll walk out of The Great American Bash? Some of you people believe so, but there’s one teeny tiny problem. I’m in this match, and I will do everythin’ in my power to not only walk out of The Great American Bash standin’ tall but as the World Heavyweight Champion. Dean, you have heart, kid. But, I can tell you right now, you don’t have as much heart as I do. And, word of advice – come The Great American Bash, come The King of the Mountain Match, you have to survive. Come July twenty second, you need to survive five other men and stay the World Heavyweight Champion and I’m tellin’ you right now, it ain’t gonna’ be an easy task. I know what it takes to survive, Dean, but not only that – I know what it takes to win in a multi man environment like this. I have an greater advantage over my opponents, includin’ you Dean, and you all better bet your asses I’m gonna’ use it. I have an advantage knowin’ what to expect in a multi man match, and exactly what it is that I’m steppin’ into when I fight for the right to be called World Heavyweight Champion. Good luck, kid – you’ll need it.

John Cena spins around, and notices four other angry men in the ring. The four men include Bray Wyatt, Jeff Hardy, Batista, and Ted DiBiase Jr. Cena nods his head, as he decides who to start off with. Cena raises the microphone up to his lips as the surprise is revealed.

John Cena: Ted DiBiase Junior! The Million Dollar Boy of professional wrestlin’! I come from money, my time is now, and you still believe you’re made of money. Which essentially means, Ted DiBiase Junior, your immediate rise to fame within U.W.F. led you to capture the World Heavyweight Championship. Impressive, not to mention you beat Dean Ambrose for it. But “The Million Dollar Boy†is all you’ll ever be, Ted. Because right after -- what happened, Ted? You lost. You have the shortest title reign in history, hell it could be a world record, who knows? All I know is you somehow made your way here in the King of the Mountain match. Kudos to you for makin’ it back in the big time. But, make no mistake about it, Ted. Come July twenty second, that’s my time, that’s my moment, that’s my night! You walk around here with all the money in the world – but the only problem is? Money can’t buy you everythin’. Money can’t buy you victories, and money can’t buy you the World Heavyweight Championship. You have money. Congratulations, but one thing you’re not, Ted? Is a champion, and enterin’ that King of the Mountain match; it’s every man for himself! You and I both know what it’s like to be in a multi man match, but only one of us know what it takes to win. That’s not to say I underestimate you, cause’ I know what desperation can do to a man who wants it bad enough – only problem is? Nobody wants the World Heavyweight Championship more than I do and I will do everythin’ that it takes to emerge victorious!

John Cena keeps his attention on Ted DiBiase Jr. who shows no emotion toward Cena’s speech. Cena points toward his next opponent and the next person he’ll speak toward and that’s both Jeff Hardy and Bray Wyatt. Cena shakes his head in disbelief, as he continues.

John Cena: Jeff Hardy and Bray Wyatt! “The Anti-Christ of professional wrestlin’ and the self-proclaimed Savior of U.W.F.!†Man, am I glad to see you two again? Ya’see, I didn’t get to congratulate both of you on your victories over me. Congratulations, Jeff – congratulations, Bray. You both capitalized on a mistake of mine and made it into a victory. Impressive, not to mention you defeated a man on a mission in me. But, “The Enigma and The Savior†will all you’ll both ever be. Jeff, you never had true success with multi man matches, examples include Elimination Chambers and Royal Rumbles where as I come out on top on all of them. And, Bray, I’m almost positive this is a first for you. That sucks, Bray, it honestly does. This isn’t a one on one match where you can simply capitalize on a mistake and become the victor. No, this is more than that; this is the match of a life time. This is the King of the Mountain match for the World Heavyweight Championship. There’s no chance in hell you two will or can add World Heavyweight Champion under your name. Just because you may have bested me on your lucky night, I won’t let it happen. And, I’m sure DiBiase, Batista, and The Champ himself will have somethin’ to say about that. Last time, you two got lucky but in The King of the Mountain Match, there’s no such thing as luck. I guaran-damn-tee you two both this, when we meet each other in that match, starin’ right back at me with fear in your eyes, and piss runnin’ down your leg, you’re gonna’ see a side of me that you have never seen before! I don’t forgive and I sure as hell don’t forget. Come The Great American Bash, you will both be beaten by the hands of John Cena!

John Cena pauses temporarily once again as he stares at the final man in the ring. That man is Batista, Cena chuckles slightly as he raises the microphone up to his lips, continuing.

John Cena: Last, but certainly the least, I saved the best for last and that’s Dave Batista. Batista or Mason Ryan, it doesn’t matter how you look at it. Either way, Batista and I, we have a lot of history. A lot of tension unresolved to this day and I gotta’ admit, knowin’ that you’re in this King of the Mountain match, Batista? It’s gonna’ be fun to – how can I put it, re-live history. The Animal who was nothin’ then and still is nothin’. Last time, Batista, you were the unforgivin’ Animal, who took me out of action and kicked my ass all over the world. You always gave a good challenge, and you’re definitely one of the toughest guys in the world. But, no matter how tough you are, these types of matches will always take a toll on ya’. No matter how big you are, how bad you are, or how determined you are to win when it’s all said and done – the multi man environment will knock you off your feet, despite you sayin’ it won’t, Batista. But, back to the matter at hand, you and I Dave? We have all the history in the world to look at, but that doesn’t matter. Because we’re walkin’ in this match for one intention and that’s to become the World Heavyweight Champion. The stakes are high, and when you and I go head to head? It’ll be on like Donkey Kong, Dave; it’ll be like old times. I haven’t changed, you haven’t changed, but championship desperation never changes. Between you and I, there’s a lot of history to be unresolved. Rest assured, come The Great American Bash, I will get my revenge and you Batista will fail. Everyone else will fail because come The Great American Bash I will win and I will become the new World Heavyweight Champion!

John Cena gives an aggressive nod toward Batista and his three other opponents in the ring. Cena lowers the microphone as a too familiar entrance music hits the speakers.​


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Feb 17, 2011
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Re: UWF Great American Bash - 6 Man, KotM Match for the World Heavyweight Championshi

OOC: I know I can't stop you guys from doing as I first said but Bumxout has some computer problems at the moment, so I'm curious is if you guys are willing to stay in a relevant order... Like post in any order you want as long as each guy has 1 TT each, then 2 TT etc.

Enjoying so far and I'll imagine you guys will get all five in anyways


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Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Great American Bash - 6 Man, KotM Match for the World Heavyweight Championshi

OOC: Much prefer if we do an order. It's just fair.

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: Great American Bash: UWF Championship- Steve Austin (c) vs. Mr Anderson vs. Chris


"Badass" by Saliva begins to play over the PA system, sending the fans in attendance into an uproar as they give the Texas Rattlesnake a negative reaction. As they voice their disdain, through the curtain he walks, with his championship belt in tow. Austin makes his way down the ramp quickly, eyeing the ring with a purpose, as he arrives at the steel steps and walks up them, then turning and walking along the apron before stepping through the ropes. Austin walks over to the opposite ropes and motions to the ringside official for a microphone, and is granted one. Austin turns and walks towards the middle of the ring as his music cuts off, making the reaction of the crowd more audible.

Stone Cold: Before I address anyone else, I wanna talk to the guy runnin' the camera. Step in ta' Stone Cold's ring son.

One of the cameras can be seen getting a closer shot of Austin, indicating the man operating it has abided by the Rattlesnake's command. Austin kicks him in the stomach and delivers a Stunner, much to the dismay of the crowd. Austin grabs the camera and holds it in his left hand, aiming it towards himself.


Drink it in, You Dubya Eff, take everything in. Eat it, sleep it, feel it, breathe it. In case you aren't aware, I am Stone Cold Steve Austin, the most dominating male on this here planet, and any other planet if you can prove ta' me there's extra-terrestrial existence somewhere out there. I am the toughest action star to ever grace cinema, the films I have starred in are so classic, so gripping, so well written and excellently acted that they have bypassed theatrical release so as not to expose the "real stars" for the talentless pieces of garbage they are. I am the most well-rounded performer ever to grace the business of professional wrestling, a technician on the mat and a linguist on the microphone. No one is more entertaining, more marketable, or better at this than Stone Cold Steve Austin. For those of you that have heard me state these things before, now you can be especially certain that they're true. And you have no one ta' thank for it but yours truly. I told promoter after promoter that all they had to do was let me be myself, and no one would ever be able to touch me. And all these years later, that still remains true, no one can touch me. That's something else I want you to observe through this camera's lens, in a match that has three participants, the only one standing in this ring, on the other side of the curtain, in front of these worthless people, is the defending You Dubya Eff Champion, me, Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Ya see, that's why I'm so damn good at what I do, because I'm the only one on this roster with the balls ta' not only do what he wants, and say what he wants, but actually back those words up when the time for talkin' is done. I'm standing right here, ready ta' tell these silly bastards exactly what I'm gonna do to 'em at the Great American Bash, fired up about walkin' in that night and giving them a fight the likes of which will force them ta' kill me in order to win the championship or retire from this business, and yet, here I am alone. I guess I'm the only one that cares about this championship match, because if Christian cared he'd be out here in person, not sittin' outside a damn Starbucks or whatever the hell it is complaining about getting latte' foam in his pre-pubescent facial hair, or whatever it was, I wasn't listenin' ta' be honest with ya. But I'll get ta' him in a moment, who I most want to talk about is Ken Anderson. Ya know, the one that busted his ass ta' beat Em Vee Pea at Starrcade so that he could get this title shot. Ken looked me in the eyes at Starrcade and told me he takes opportunities, Money in the Bank briefcases, advantage of other people's mistakes, and championships. He told me that I was the one that inspired him ta' push himself further than he ever thought he could take himself in this business, but found out that Stone Cold was a bitch.

But, just like I told him, if he won the contendership, I would prove ta' him just how in over his head he was, and even though he did it himself, the point has still been proven. Performers of his caliber don't get put in matches like this, and you see why, but Ken's the exception, but not in the "rise above the doubt, prove everyone wrong" way. Anyone else on his level, Em Vee Pea for example, that got this opportunity would choke in a situation like this in that they'd show up and give an at least half-assed effort, but Ken couldn't even muster that. He's folded his hand, thrown in the towel, taken his ball and gone home, likely ta' curl into the corner of a hotel room floor in the fetal position and cry over the unstomachable reality that he's not the star he boasted he was all this time. Never was, isn't now, and can never hope ta' be. With your cockiness and your f*** everybody attitude, you thought you were poised ta' be the next Steve Austin, didn't ya kid? Instead with this attitude of wantin' ta' get paid for not doin' any work, you've turned into the next Sid Vicious. What, you thought I was gonna sit idly by and let you ditch this like it was no big deal? You are the lowest type of performer, kid, as much as I feel like these fans disrespect me and the management disrespects me and most of all, the talent, if you can call them that, disrespects me...only two of them have been stupid enough ta' pull the bullshit stunt yer pullin'. One of 'em got his ass fired, and the other's competin' for another crack at the United States Championship, which goes ta' show that some guys learn from their mistakes, and some don't.

But this isn't any match yer no-showin', kid, it's for the championship, and not any championship, the top championship, MY championship. Is my belt not worth fighting for? Am I not worth wrestling? You're pissing all over my legacy, wiping yer ass with this championship, telling this fans ta' go f*** themselves, and slapping the face of everyone that busts their ass ta' put on the weekly shows and pay-per-views, including the man that put you in the number one contendership match, Teddy Long. I hate these fans, I hate management, and I hate Teddy Long, but I'm the face of a brand damnit and one of the hardest working men in this company, so despite my feelings about everyone I just named, I will always honor my obligations and never, ever, ever, EVER do what you're doing!

Stuff like this is why I'll never let any of you take this title from me, because none of you deserve it. Your promos don't have the passion that the top of the heap titleholder needs ta' have, I do. You don't work every match like each one's the most important one in yer career even if it isn't, I do. That's what's expected of you, and I not only meet those expectations, I exceed them, and I'll be damned if I let this belt that I busted my ass for two years for slip into the fingers of someone that's going to do even a percentage less of what I've been putting into this business.

Christian, you're showing up ta' fight but you and Ken Anderson still have something in common, and you already know what it is, because I've touched on it before. But for those of you that weren't paying attention to what I said regarding my Raw match, here it is. Christian only got over in The Brood because of Gangrel, after that he only got over because of Edge, now he's only over because him and his buddies are stealing someone else's act. As for Ken, well, I said it to his face at Starrcade, and I said it earlier but I'll say it again, he's a Stone Cold wannabe. And I say a wannabe instead of a rip-off because he's something that Stone Cold isn't, a pussy!

You disagree? I invite you ta' prove me wrong.

Austin throws his microphone down and it bounces off the mat. He throws the camera out of the ring and it shatters on the ground. Suddenly, the music of one of his opponents begins to play, drawing his attention to the stage.
Last edited:


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Feb 13, 2012
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Re: UWF Great American Bash - 6 Man, KotM Match for the World Heavyweight Championshi


Dean Ambrose's music hits as the crowd goes wild. He comes walking with the World Heavyweight Championship in his left hand and a mic in the other. He quickly begins to speak.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hold your horses there people. I know all of you are so eager to get your voices out there but nobody wants to hear it. A true champion never unveils his hand before he's ready and I'll be honest, this match is probably my biggest challenge to date. Guess what I'm going to do? Go ahead and guess! Ya' know what, don't speak because I'm just as tired as everyone else is on hearing you guys blab on for what seems like hours. Especially you Batista, shut the hell up! How many times do we have to see you come out here and sit on a chair and just go on and on about things other people have already said before you including myself. I'll admit, you got the better of me on Smackdown but don't be surprised to see me return the favor in one of your matches. Sure you had my World Heavyweight Championship raised high at the end of the show but anyone can attack people from behind after they've had a long match and seem dominant. I dare you, double dare you, no I'll take the physical challenge and put my foot right square in your jaw and make you swallow all your teeth. Oh yeah you better frickin' believe it! I noticed you called out everyone in this match but you kind of just glossed over me. Why is that Dave? I mean you attacked me from behind Friday and yet you don't call me out here. I mean your a big guy Dave. Clearly you can kick some ass but why attack me from behind and acknowledge that you had the title but just gloss over me. Hmm....that seems a bit strange but hey who am I to question your methods. I mean it worked against Daniel Bryan right? I mean who can forget the most epic match you had with him while I on the other hand just lost. Wait a minute, was that me? Oh no wait that was you. I had the best match in UWF history and you lost to Daniel Bryan. If you can’t even beat him, what makes you think you can beat me? I mean weapons can’t stop me. Have you seen me ever stay down when hit with a weapon? No I get up and ask for another. This of course brings me to a man who I’ll gladly once again love to shut up, Ted Dibiase.

The crowd boos Ted as Ambrose walks up to the ring. He starts slowly walking around the ring.

I can’t believe your still out here whining about Desmond screwing you over. Desmond is one guy. Imagine the entire company trying to screw you over! It’s what I had to go through when this company realized just how popular I was becoming so they stripped me of my Hardcore Championship. This company is still trying to screw me as evident by making me defend my title mere days after the most hellish match in the history of professional wrestling. Then they say I have to defend it again in a scramble match. Then they decide to add another person and just make it a King of the Mountain match. Yeah Desmond likes me because I’ve proven I’ll do what it takes to get to the top and stay at the top as opposed to being handed everything just due to money or legacy. You owe everything to your dad because without him, you wouldn’t have had a shot in this company and you’d probably be poor as well. I was both of those things and I’ve had all this success so far. Just imagine if Dibiase was my father! I mean I would have had all the things at your disposal. I’m pretty sure I could have been immortal but hell who knows, I could still be immortal. I mean could you guys imagine if I was born into this business? I probably wouldn’t be as immune to pain as I am now. I’d probably end up being a crazy babbling lunatic. Speaking of which Bray Wyatt is here.

The crowd boos as Dean Ambrose finally stops walking around the ring in front of the announce table and he just leans against it and continues talking.

Yes this God loving lunatic, or does he hate God? I’m not quite sure because every time you open your mouth I tend to tune out. People say I’m crazy but I mean come on. Has anyone else heard this guy? Apparently Bray Wyatt hears everything so I assume he’s heard of me. I mean who can avoid hearing about me. I’m the goddamn World Heavyweight Champion after all. Whoops I didn’t mean to take the lords name in vein Bray. You can understand my frustration thought right? Me and God aren’t on the best of terms. I mean he dealt me a pretty crap hand but luckily I’ve got a bit of moxy. Out of everyone in this match, you’re a bit of a wild card. You’re still relatively unknown and you got a couple wins under your belt but so far I’m not impressed. Right the only thing I’m worried about is you boring me to death. I guess you could make me fall asleep during the match. I’m pretty sure that’s your game plan so I think I’ve got a perfect counter balance to that. Spoiler alert, It’s a ladder to the face.

The crowd cheers as Ambrose finally gets up to the ring apron but he stops from going in and just waits on the apron talking some more.

John, I know you weren’t able to see just how bad I can decimate people first hand but make no mistakes, You’ve seen my matches and I’m sure your studying my movements as we speak, but nothing compares to seeing me first hand. Ask Teddy or Jeffrey here, I can be a real pain in the ass when it comes to trying to get a victory over me. You may have a never give up attitude but there is only one person who truly never gives up and that’s me. Hustle, loyalty, respect. These are qualities that I don’t need or want associated with me. I could care less if anyone respected me because quite honestly, I’m not a person who people really should respect. Am I entertaining, yes. Am I ruthless, yes. Will I do anything to win, yes. These aren’t exactly qualities the average human being should aspire to be. John, you’re not a bad guy, you’re simply a casualty of war. I know you won’t stay out of the way so you’d better be ready for the worst match of your life.

The crowd mainly cheers but there is a bit of boos due to the nature of the threat given by Ambrose as he finally makes his way into the ring.

Last and maybe least we have Jeff Hardy. Not the average Jeff Hardy but some sort of dark and mysterious Jeff Hardy. Listen I’m all for being a little crazy Jeff but it’s clear your trying to change yourself. Your not doing these breath taking feats of daredevilism anymore but your gonna need it if you plan on beating me. You obviously couldn’t get the job done Friday so you need to figure something out and fast because the King of the Mountain match is almost near us. Sure you were considered extreme for the WWF at the time but that’s mainstream extreme. Nothing compares to being extreme when no one is watching. So while you all claim to become World Heavyweight Champion, you fail to realize that there are some huge obstacles you have to overcome first. Each other, a couple ladders and of course the biggest one, me. If your smart and lucky, all of you would team up against me and get me out of the way. However, I know all your egos will get in the way and it'll become a free for all shortly after. Your biggest chance of winning this is to avoid me the entire match. Good luck with that because I'm coming at all of you like a hurricane and will leave nothing left in tact.


The crowds cheers loudly as Dean Ambrose walks over to a corner and sits atop the turnbuckle.

OOC: Sorry it took so long guys, I sort of gave myself a vacation last week from writing and then Friday I decided to write and I got a blue screen on my laptop. Luckily my neighbor fixes them so he fixed it over the weekend. I'm back now so let's get at this!


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Re: Austin Aries vs Randy Orton



The crowd erupts, as the New World Order's music begins blaring across the arena. Seconds pass before he finally steps through the curtains, donning the usual Black and White of the NWO. He's smirking, as he stares out at fans that love to hate him. He pauses briefly at the beginning of the ramp, throwing up the NWO hand signal as pyro falls from the rafters, black and white instead of their usual gold of the old age of Orton. He proceeds down the ramp quickly to the apron, as fans reach out to touch him. He ignores them, climbing the steel steps and entering through the middle rope. Up the turnbuckle he goes, posing with his arms out, before climbing each turnbuckle in succession and repeating. He hops down as his music fades out, someone from the outside hands him a mic, he gives it a few seconds as the fans are going nuts cheering for the NWO, and some even starting a Randy Orton chant, he raises his mic to speak his first words of the night, but makes the crowd wait just a few more seconds before finally speaking.​


Austin Austin before you continue, let me save our precious camera time for a superstar that has actually won a match since Backlash. Week in, and week out you've came to this ring and have done nothing but talk about how you're going to stop the New World Order. How Double A Austin Aries is going to be the man that finally stops Randy Orton from achieving what is rightfully his, and what has rightfully been denied by our bias General Manager. Two weeks ago Aries you had that chance to silence what we have started. Since we arrived to this company we've done nothing but eliminate everyone that has stood in our way. Wade Barrett and Cesaro gone and never heard from again, Chris Jericho retired last week, Cody Rhodes put Edge out of commission for good, Ken Anderson realized he couldn't hold a candle to the NWO and quickly vanished. These men have all tried to silence us, and all have failed. There is not a mortal man in that locker room that can stop what Rhodes, Christian, and myself have accomplished. You see Aries it's only a matter time before everyone including Teddy Long realizes that we are the best of the best.

The crowd pops for Orton who continues​

Aries two weeks ago in this very ring you had your chance to shine, you had your chance to finally finish what I started at Backlash. When the night was over, and all was said in done it wasn't Randy Orton "staying away" as you so falsely claim. It was Christian and Randy Orton standing in the middle of the ring victorious, OUR hands held high as you were laid out in the middle of this ring, staring up into the lights. I don't know if your memory is that bad, or maybe your head is still a little cloudy from that punt at Backlash; but lets take a look at the footage shall we?

Orton points towards the titan-tron bearing the Great American Bash logo, as the footage begins rolling.​

As Orton looks for the RKO, Aries pushes him in the back. Orton’s momentum sends him to the ropes, where Christian slaps him on the back, performing a blind tag. Orton grabs a hold of the ropes and stops before coming back towards Aries. This doesn’t stop the former Undisputed Champion. He goes right after Orton. He grabs Orton by the arm and whips him one more time. Orton this time, reverses the whip and Aries and Austin collide, knocking Austin off the ring apron. This catches Aries’ attention, and he turns around to check on his fallen partner. This was just the opening Orton needed though. The split second distraction allows Orton to spin Aries around, grabbing him by the head and slamming it on the mat with an RKO!

Cole: RKO! It’s over!

As soon as Orton hits the RKO, Christian climbs the top rope and quickly leaps off, landing on top of Aries with a Frog Splash. Christian quickly hooks the leg as he’s the legal man…




Roberts: Here are your winners; Randy Orton and Christian; The New World Order.

Orton is smirking as the camera cuts back to the ring, he raises his mic​

Ring any bells for you Aries? Your fate tonight is one of similar situations. You can try to stand in this ring, the NWO's ring and claim that it was a one and done situation, but when it all comes down to it, twice we've been in the ring together and both times I've stood tall. Tonight you're just another name to be added to our already long growing list of past champions to fall before us. Aries I am the most acclaimed pro wrestler to ever step foot in a UWF ring. Ive beaten guys in this ring that have accomplished more in six months then you have in your entire sorry existence of a career. When I look into your eyes I see a coward, I see a man who knows he doesn't have what it takes to defeat me, to finish me off. To look up, to grab that brass ring and be the first one that has promised to finish us, and actually succeed. You like to come out here and call me a fox, but I'm much more then a fox Austin Aries. I'm sadistic, I'm cunning, and I will do anything and everything it takes to be on top. I've RKO'ed my own father to claim my place on top of a company,and I would do it again in a heart beat.

The crowd begins a Cowboy chant, which irritates Randy a little.​

Aries in your whole tirade of falsities you did spew something completely right for once out of your mouth, there was one thing that was perfectly the truth. You see Aries you were correct in saying that I was a dangerous man, but you've yet to truly see how dangerous I really am. The places I take you tonight Aries will make yourself wish, make yourself beg to be back in that small low promotional recording studio company you called home in Orlando. My "imaginary ladder" as you like to call it means nothing to me Aries. You may have nothing to lose, because in all reality you never had anything to begin with. I have everything to lose and that make's me that more dangerous, it drives me that much harder. Unlike yourself Aries I've always driven myself on success. My grandfather was a wrestler that help build a company. My father was a superstar that helped build a company. I've helped build two companies now, I'm a third generation superstar,a superstar that has been built on nothing but success. Aries for you to come to this ring and claim that you helped build this company, is not only a slap in the face to myself but a slap to all the greats that have stood in this squared circle. You will NEVER be the face of this company,of the makeshift studio in downtown Orlando, or anywhere else. Aries tonight I finally end what was started at Backlash when you were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.


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UWF- Great American Bash MVP vs Roode

OOC: EoR is going to be away a few days and wanted to be able to get this started so Im posting it for him

The fans are going nuts as Robert Roode stands in the backstage, looking smug, holding his NWA World Heavyweight Championship, with Jeremy Borash.


Jeremy Borash: Robert Roode, you successful defeated Mr Anderson during Raw this week, and subsequency he’s been suspended for a month, tell me your thoughts, Mr. Roode?

Robert Roode takes a moment, basking in his own glory as he responds.


The NWA World Heavyweight Champion,
Robert Roode

Clearly Theodore Long realised Mr Anderson is nothing but a no good waste of space, who has proven to be nothing but an unreliable member of the roster as isn’t up to MY standard, a World Champion’s standard. It’s unfortunate, it really is Jeremy, because Mr Anderson had potential but I’m just a cut above him in class, prowess and skill, I am simply better than him and I am disgusted I haven’t put in his place the UWF Championship match, as I am the who beat him! But that doesn’t matter at the end of the day because MY championship, The National Wrestling Alliance World Heavyweight Championship is far more prestigious.

Some of the fans boo at Roode’s comments but the majority side with Robert Roode as he’s right about Mr. Anderson being a let down, but Jeremy Borash quickly changes the subject.

Jeremy Borash: But Bobby, firstly, the NWA Championship isn’t a sanctioned UWF Championship and secondly, what did you make MVP spitting on the championship.

Robert Roode glares at Jeremy Borash in disgust before looking at NWA Championship. Robert Roode takes a moment before responding.


[color=”red”]Firstly, Jeremy Borash… It’s Robert Roode or Mr. Roode to you, you said it right a minute ago but you failed to keep it up. Secondly, it doesn’t matter if it isn’t sanctioned, they WILL sanctioned and I will prove why I am better than Stone Cold Steve Austin or Dean Ambrose, and thirdly, Montel you made the biggest mistake of your life, defacing this championship. You are nothing more than a common thug with no sense of honour or respect and I cannot wait to get my hands on you at the Great American Bash![/color]

The fans erupt as Robert Roode chuckles and continues to explain.

Spitting on this championship proves you are just not up to the standard, the Robert Roode standard! I hope you are listening very carefully because I rarely bother myself with people like yourself, a nobody, a man without class, but I’ve made an exception just to put you back in your place at the moment of the card, back into mediocrity. This is only high profile match you will ever be in, do you hear me, Montel? You are about to face the IT Factor of Professional wrestling, the leader of the Next Generation, THE NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!

The fans erupt as Roode stares into the camera intensely; a small snarl grows on his face as he finishes off his promo.


But all those nicknames won’t matter at the end of the night, because all that will matter, whose arm will be raised in victory and I can guarantee it won’t be you, Montel. I’m one hundred & ten percent certain of it, to the point you can bank on it, Montel… Because it pays to be Roode!


Robert Roode glares at Borash, completely amped from his earlier encounter and clearly prepared for battle with MVP which is heading his way, but one has to wonder. How focused is Roode on MVP and not Cody Rhodes?


Chris Dresdon

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UWF Tuesday Night Raw 7/10/12: Bully Ray vs. Christopher Daniels


This thread is for Bully Ray(Lewbrication) and Christopher Daniels(Rated R Superstar) to trash talk for their match for the July 10th edition of Tuesday Night Raw. Have fun guys, let's give Cwalker the best Raw he's ever seen!
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