UWF 2012: Past Raw Trashtalking

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Great American Bash: Edge vs. Damien Sandow


Sandows theme hits the arena and the crowd immediately responds with hatred, their self-professed savior steps out on the stage. He raises his microphone up holding it as if it were a wine glass


Damien Sandow:

Allow me to beg your indulgence for one moment, My name is Damien Sandow and I am here to help all of you. For the past couple weeks on the Smackdown serial your intellectual savior has been the target of atrocity, injustice, and overall deplorable treatment. I defeated the likes of Mr. Michaels and Mr. Mysterio soundly and yet it was only until I gained the attention of the man put in his position to keep these atrocities from happening to me that these began. I was unfairly accosted by everyone in the ring in the battle royal, the following week Daniel Bryan and myself formed together to be a tag team when Mr. Joseph decided to not appear on time for his scheduled bout and yet because of this fact the general manager decided to interfere and cost us our spot in the tournament. Something that caused the attention and hype the tag team division received early on to dwindle down if only for the lesser people involved, And after making a request to my general manager I was met with a joke of a response and an uncalled for accostment from the miscreant I shall be facing at the Great American Bash event.

*Sandow steps up the ring steps and walks across the ring apron*

This man represents everything that is wrong with all of you, for the self-proclaimed Rated-R Superstar is a man who glorifies the immoral, lewd, and crude conduct you all seem to find so appealing. And yet what you fail to realize just as the man himself, is that you are all the murderous hands to your own drowning intellect. For you have willingly thrown it into the sea of ignorance and now you are forcing it to drown in it, while I am here to save you from yourselves. However there are those who are past the point of saving, and are now only carriers of the infectious disease known as incompetence. Edge is one such person, and he is only serving to further your self-imposed inadequacies, and because of that he must be dealt with it. Which is why, even though he is an unworthy opponent, I shall be soiling my extremities of the filth of this man so that as you bear witness to the demise of this miscreant you shall immediately be able to hold me to that pedestal and bask in the glow of my essence.

*Sandow holds out his arms basking in the thought of it himself but the crowds boos snap him out of it, looking down with a disgusted look on his face*

Thank you for your irrelevant opinion.

*The crowd boos even louder as Sandow continues*

This man appeals to you unwashed masses; he is a false prophet whom I will expose. For while he may just be returning, he won’t be around for an extended period of time. And that is thanks to my hand, for I shall be imparting my lesson to him physically and he will be learning the errors of his ways. I’ve saved the older and addled minds of some superstars, and now Edge is simply another one I shall be helping. Just as Mr. Michaels has now moved on after I imparted my wisdom upon him, Edge shall be the same. I shall be saving you all from Rated-R ignoramus, just as my colleague shall be ridding us of our crude General Manager. Once The Great American Bash broadcast has signed off, it will mark the start of a new era, and while it shall be just the dawning of said era it will be a step in the right direction.

*Sandow thinks for a moment*

I have yet to appear on a Pay Per View event, and I feel rather despondent of that fact that I shall be having my inaugural appearance against the miscreant known as Edge. However this isn’t about Damien Sandow, this isn’t about Edges “triumphant†return, no this is about the unwashed masses. I shall be tearing down the chains of ignorance that hold all of you, I am benevolence incarnate and when I defeat this…ignoramus, I won’t be doing it because he chose to accost me. I won’t be doing it because of the level you hold this man up to; no I shall be doing this for the benefit, the well-being, and the common good of each and every one of you.

*Sandow steps into the ring standing in the middle of the ring*

And once I’ve brought you all the enlightenment that you all desperately yearn for, and it is you all begging for I to give you some indulgence to your queries or praise. I will say then what I say now, You’re Welcome.



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Raw 16/7: Bully Ray vs. Shark Boy w/William Regal


"The Beaten Path" hits the PA, and the crowd are all in unison as they boo the man that beat Christopher Daniels last week as he makes his way onto the stage. A scowl over the crowd before he walks down the ramp and slowly makes his way up the ring steps. His facial expression hasn't changed as he gets through the ropes and demands a microphone be handed to him. He waits for the mic and then once it's in hand he looks around at the packed out arena. His music stops and Bully Ray starts to address the fans.


Bully Ray: If it's not being given matches, it's being kept off the show entirely. If it's being given a debut match, I have offered to me the biggest disappointment since Denver heard the name John Fox. Christopher Daniels was so much of an empty threat to me last week, that I never bothered going for the win and I still picked it up. I merely put Daniels in his own Koji Clutch, and man who claims he is an expert with that hold, couldn't even get out of it. As a man that claims he can use that move to perfection I would have thought he wouldn't get caught by it himself. I heard that last week was nicknamed the SBS Special. Well I guess that the SBS stands for Serving Beatdowns Severely, because the way I schooled Daniels, there's no way he's even going to be able to win his little tag match this week. Now this week, after last week you would think I would be pushed through the queue of bullcrap waiting for a turn in the limelight and get push to where I belong, but that doesn't seem to be the case. You never were a clever referee Mr. Long, nor were you ever a good general manager, but thank the lord you haven't stuck me in a useless tag match!

Instead, you have given me one half of Raw representatives for the tag team championship match that's going down at The Great American Bash. Again, your intellect has let you down again 'Teddy'! Why in the hell, this close to a match in which you are hoping to get one over on Smackdown, are you letting one of your golden guys, be put in a fight with Bully Ray? You are practically handing the Tag Team Championships over to Smackdown immediately. You see, I look at Shark Boy, and I see the only professional wrestler that could actually be worse than Christopher Daniels... at least that guy takes things seriously. Imitation may be the best form of flattery but what are you trying to do, get a date out of Steve Austin? This is wrestling, not a popularity contest and this Tuesday, I will make sure that by the time we leave Colorado, you more than anybody else will know that.

Bully looks around at the booing public, but raises another point about Shark Boy.

And when I am done with you, and you are left nowhere near one hundred percent to compete at The Great American Bash, don't blame me for a wasted opportunity being taken away from you. That match was originally booked with Antonio Cesaro teaming with William Regal making a second coming of their European Abomination. But thanks to me, Cesaro left with his tail between his legs and got replaced by a man who likes to believe he has fins instead of legs. I gave you the damn opportunity that you have, it's not me that's taking it away from you, that's Teddy Longs doing. All I am doing is ensuring that I get what I deserve sooner rather than later, and if that's done at your expense... Well go and tell someone who actually gives a crap!

An up-roar of boos echo through the Pepsi Center, but then ________________

OOC: C'mon Sam bro, let's kill this with our new characters mannnnnn! (Well, you got quite an established Shark Boy... but UWF new anywho!)​


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Re: Raw 07/17/12: Steve Austin, Punk, Aries vs. The nWo

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Re: Raw 07/17/12: Steve Austin, Punk, Aries vs. The nWo

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Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: Raw 07/17/12: Steve Austin, Punk, Aries vs. The nWo


"Badass" by Saliva begins to play over the PA system, sending the fans in attendance into an uproar as they give the Texas Rattlesnake a negative reaction. As they voice their disdain, through the curtain he walks, with his championship belt in tow. Austin makes his way down the ramp quickly, eyeing the ring with a purpose, as he arrives at the steel steps and walks up them, then turning and walking along the apron before stepping through the ropes. Austin walks over to the opposite ropes and motions to the ringside official for a microphone, and is granted one. Austin turns and walks towards the middle of the ring as his music cuts off, making the reaction of the crowd more audible.


Stone Cold:This whole thing is a slap in the face if I've ever felt one. It's not the fact that I'm in a tag team match that bothers me, that's the Teddy Long Special, I've come to expect it. It's the fact that I have to, once again, babysit the You Dubya Eff incarnation of one of the most overrated factions in the history of professional wrestling. What do I mean by babysit? Well, lemme tell ya a story about the In Dubya Oh. While Randy came out here every week warning of the arrival of the In Dubya Oh, behind the scenes Teddy Long was having none of it. So, much like Christian would later do in regards to a title match, Randy threw a fit. "Bu...but Teddy, I told them the NWO was coming, they'll think I'm a wiar if they don't", but Teddy still wouldn't budge. So Randy stomped up and down, started hitting himself, screamed, bawled his little eyes out, and eventually Teddy caved in, then had ta' change a diaper because Randy shit himself. But now, Randy was happy, and Teddy ordered him three t-shirts, and eventually it came ta' pass that the In Dubya Oh found its way to the You Dubya Eff.

Like a bunch of mark kids, Cody and Christian and Randy have been running around pretending to be Hogan and the Outsiders, and in their minds, the entire roster fears them. But in all actuality, most of the roster is like Teddy Long, they're adults that give children what they want just ta' hear them stop fussing, so the individual members find someone they don't like and beat them up, screaming at them to admit the In Dubya Oh is scary until they do. Well, Stone Cold's gotten his ass whooped by all three members of the In Dubya Oh at one point in time, and doesn't find them the slightest bit intimidating. Here's a poll for the fans, when the end of October rolls around and you've got little munchkins coming to your doors for candy, dressed as assorted ghosts, ghouls, and monsters, are you afraid? Of course not, they're kids, so why anyone in this company is afraid of these three little pissants is beyond me.

Tuesday Night Raw is being held hostage by children, if anything is pathetic about this place or anything in it, my vote is that it's most certainly that. Well as far as I'm concerned, the charade is over, kids. It's time for this little game to come to an end, so this here match should be cherished, because it's the last time you'll appear in You Dubya Eff as a cohesive unit. Myself, See Em Punk, and Austin Aries are going to whoop you mercilessly from bell-to-bell, and finish off the scrap meat next Sunday at the Great American Bash. It's as simple as that, no matter what you say about any of us, it's going to happen that way and the stench of the In Dubya Oh will at last be gone from the air. Or the stipulation can be altered and you can all piss off to Smackdown, it doesn't matter to me either way.

Chris Dresdon

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Re: Great American Bash: UWF Championship- Steve Austin (c) vs. Mr Anderson vs. Chris

Austin looks at Christian, having heard every word that the number one contender had to say. He stands there letting it all process for a moment as the surrounding crowd is alive with boos for both men standing in the ring. Austin maintains his eye contact as he raises his microphone to his mouth.


Stone Cold:What?

The crowd pops for Stone Cold for the first time in many months, as the Texas Rattlesnake has seemingly opened the door for the chant to be used again.

No seriously, what? I mean, damn, I was fired up before, but all I can do is laugh now. I mean, is that all you've got? That's what you used to make your presence felt now that you've finally been ta' Starbucks, gone through baggage claim, took a shower with Randy and Cody, gave Edge a welcome back blowjob, slicked your hair up with the residue, and finally walked through the curtain, down the ramp, and into my ring? You've gotta be kidding me, son, I almost feel like telling you ta' take that microphone yer holding, leave this ring, return to the backstage, sit in the make-up chair, look into the mirror, and see if you can come up with something better and practice it, then come back out here and try again, because that was honestly one-hundred and ten percent hot garbage.

I mean, you talked a lot of shit, don't get me wrong, but at the end of the day it's just that, shit. I know you feel real good about yourself for comin' up with all that, and have an air of confidence surroundin' ya for deliverin' it all to my face without yer voice crackin', but as desperately as you tried to come off as a badass, you came off the same way you always do, as a jealous, whiny little bitch. The dumbass Stone Cold fans heard a whiny little bitch, the people that aren't fans of either one of us heard a whiny little bitch, even your peeps heard a whiny little bitch. Basically what you did was just throw a giant temper tantrum, kind of like you used ta' do when you would lose matches in Dubya Dubya E, before you cut your hair and started dying it and spray tanning so that you come out of the locker room like a carrot with piss on its head, you remember. Ya touted Dee Dee Pea as yer manager, it led to a Wrestlemania match. No? I guess you only remember riding the Brood and Edge to relevancy, then.

I see ya standing there licking your lips, anxiously waiting ta' hear what Stone Cold has ta' say in response, at least I hope that's why you're licking your lips at me. Well, truthfully, there is going to be no response to what you just said, I'm not going to dignify a single word of it with a response. Why? Because I'm the type of adult that doesn't give a kid what they want just because they throw a fit. And that has nothing ta' do with our age difference, and it's not because I call everyone a kid when I talk to 'em, it's because when I look across this ring at you that's exactly what I see, a child trying to stand up to the biggest, baddest, meanest dog in the yard. And I know you hoped I would be ready ta' slap the shit eating grin off yer face when you got finished talkin', but in all honesty I just feel like takin' one. Ya see, when you speak the garbage you speak, and my ears are forced to shelter the sound of your words, and my brain is forced ta' process it, and I'm forced ta' stomach it, something about all that gives me indigestion. So now there's a great need to evacuate my bowels and use your stupid t-shirt to clean up the aftermath.

Actually I take that back, I will respond to one thing you had ta' say, the balls in the purse line. That one actually made me chuckle, but not for the reason you're probably thinking. It made me laugh because for someone that has a reputation for absolutely lacing into someone on the microphone, someone that's heralded as belonging to the better talkers of our industry, you had to steal from someone else's promo, and the man you stole it from is ironically facing one of your stablemates for the United States Championship next Sunday. Reality is setting in, and that's all the evidence I need ta' make everyone else realize it, the material you're coming up with now lacks the vitriol the words you've said over the past few weeks have carried, that coupled with the fact that you're plagiarizing means I'm inside your head, and it's only a matter of time before I initiate a total body shutdown. I said all along that it was inevitable, but everyone denied it, they deemed it as mere boasting, but if you look at the FACTS, you'll know better. You have never beaten me when a championship was on the line, I have never lost at a Great American Bash, and next Sunday, those things will remain unchanged.

Anything else you have to say, say them in regards to the six-man tag team match on Raw, say them to my face on Raw when we're fated to meet, the last time words will matter and hold weight, when the time for talking will cease. Say it all then, and please, make your words worth listening to, and make your words your own instead of a repeat of what someone else said at one point in time. Until then, I'm done toying around with you.

Austin feigns going for another Stunner as Christian flinches, but Austin merely laughs at him as the UWF Champion's theme music begins playing again and he exits the ring, heading up the ramp and making his way to the back. Before he leaves, he stops at the top of the stage, and his music stops playing as he raises his microphone to his mouth, his back turned to Christian in the ring.

Just one more thing. A five...second...pose.

Austin turns around and, mocking Christian's old gimmick with Edge, poses with his championship so that anyone that wants to take a picture may take one.


Austin then turns and leaves, disappearing from view as his music fires back up.

OOC: The option to continue is there, I figured leaving the ring freshens up what can be done if this resumes. This trash talk's less than half of what yours is, but I said what I wanted to say, and if that comes out in the form of a shorter TT, so be it. Just didn't want anyone to think I've stopped trying.


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Re: UWF Great American Bash - 6 Man, KotM Match for the World Heavyweight Championshi

Batista is already irritated as he has been waiting far too long to speak.



I waited patiently here, so I suggest everybody shuts their damn trap and listen to me while I'm speaking! Firstly John... I got to hear you speak not only once, but twice! Your rambling on about how you're going to walk away here as Heavyweight Champion. John, I think it's time that you stop being a pretender for all these kids and fat chicks in the crowd! You're claiming I'm absolutely nothing to the business, if I was nothing, I wouldn't be slotted into this match would I John? So much history between us, yet it is almost like you'd want to repeat it... Well I'm all for it but this time I will ensure you don't walk out of here as Champion, anybody for that matter. I've got determination and a lot of willpower, I've been in the gym day in day out but while you guys were rambling on... You wasted my time in what could have been spent in the gym preparing for this one tough assignment. But John, I may just speak about what you said the second time around, the chair makes me quiet? I beg to differ John, I actually dosed off for a minute because I got bored of what everybody had to say. It's all repetitive, I'm going to win this, I'm going to win that. Aren't you morons already bored of talking about the same thing, I'm sure there's better things to talk about. I know this is a King of the Mountain match but I am getting sick and freakin' tired of hearin' your voices! But enough about you John, I've got other people to speak to so they know exactly what I'm capable of doing come Great American Bash, I don't care if you John don't believe what I'm saying here but my actions will be proven, not my words.

Batista then looks at Dean Ambrose.

Dean, that gold around your shoulder is quite nice... yet it's daunting to know that you're going to be losing it very soon. I don't need to shut up at all, in case you've been hiding under a rock, I haven't spoken for a while... I was generous enough to let everybody speak. Something I don't normally do, I'm not nice to people at all, everyone is an enemy to me. Especially you Dean. I don't even know you yet you parade around here with that Heavyweight Championship that should be mine. MINE! You're in for a surprise this week on Smackdown Dean, a real surprise because I guarantee that we will face off one-on-one in the ring, you think I'm afraid? To me, you're just a kid who happens to have the belt, a kid who's keeping it nice and warm just for me. While you might have some voices in your head like Randy Orton and you claim that you can get to a psychopathic side, everyone can... It still doesn't scare me. There's no fear when I step into the ring at all Dean. I lost to Daniel Bryan on RAW because clearly RAW isn't the mental-state I need to be in, Smackdown is my home. This is where I gain opportunity and it doesn't matter what I did on RAW, what matters is what I do on SMACKDOWN. Because lately on SMACKDOWN, I've proven myself to be a real contender, a real threat to each person in this match. Dean, I can see the fire in your eyes... I can see your fury ready to be unleashed just like mine. We're probably thinking the same thing right now, tearing one another limb to limb and at The Great American Bash, we'll do just that. I know everyone is capable of giving it their best, everyone does when a title is up for grabs but that doesn't mean I'm playing nice. I may be giving facts, but let me tell you Dean, the real fact is... That Championship isn't yours after Great American Bash. Ask for a rematch clause, you'll just lose. It doesn't matter if it's me winning the belt or not, I'm here to do a freakin' job and that's to ensure somebody gets hurt. It'd be a lot better if someone was on the shelf after this match because I will freakin' hurt someone so bad that their career will be ended!

Jeff Hardy looks to speak but is stopped.

We've all made mistakes in our past Jeff... Speaking right now would be another coming from you. It's very nice how you brought up my daughter, after all I don't speak to her and didn't prior the sex tape incident. She may be off the rails like Brooke Hogan, this doesn't make me Hulk Hogan at all. You see Jeff, while I did some stupid things as a child, everybody did... but you Jeff, you pissed on everything that mattered! I don't give a freakin' damn if I make movies that aren't good enough for your liking, I'm making more money than you! These people... they pay to see me, not you! They didn't come here to see a washed up drug addict, CM Punk was right about you and I don't tend to agree with people a lot either. But what CM Punk said was right, you got fired from the company... Spiraled even worse and started abusing yourself. You lost everything... your brother than followed suit and started to destroy his life. How's Shannon Moore and Gregory Helms going? Knowing that Matt's wife Reby has screwed up everything for you and Matt. Where is Matt anyways? Is he still in rehab? You see Jeff, I'm not in rehab, I don't need rehab. Did you enjoy being in rehab? Did Amy Winehouse sing a song for you? You getting the picture here Jeff? Are you?! This is why you were jumping off the top rope and ceilings, clearly you're not a wrestler. We all know how you were brought into the company, doing a few stunts off your roof and the trampoline, we've seen it all Jeff. Yet you are trying to tell me... of all people that you're going to walk away here as Heavyweight Champion? Please Jeff, I'm dying inside by your utter stupidity! You were champion once, yet that was short-lived... just like your stay in rehab. You never stayed and really cleansed yourself did you?

Batista laughs as he turns his attention to Bray Wyatt.

Is there a problem Bray? Does it matter if I have rage inside me that's ready to be unleashed? I'm not a follower, I am my own man. I'll do things as I wish, I don't need you to freakin' tell me what I am because I already know what I am. I'm the freakin' 'Animal'. Why the hell should I care for anybody else in this match? Quit speaking about frickin' religion or whatever the hell you're dabbling on about. You won't be saving anybody here but yourself Bray. Save yourself from whatever your mind has set you to... You know something... I never understood why you turned away from being Husky Harris to this piece of crap! Wearing a stupid hat, a stupid hawaiian shirt. You're not even freakin' Hawaiian! Your father was a freakin' tax-man who couldn't even be original. I'm sick of people trying to impress playing some stupid gimmick because I'm Batista and I'm not a gimmick, I'm not a joke either. I'm a real freakin' man who wants to tear everybody apart! Your grandfather Blackjack Mulligan was another with a stupid name. It's your freakin' family! All these generation passes on down, yet they're all stupid no-brainers! Bray, please get the hell out of my ring and quit speaking about the crap you're on about before I break your frickin' skull into millions of pieces like a glass bottle that has been dropped onto concrete.

Batista is furious, DiBiase goes to step in but Batista snatches his microphone and throws it to the floor.

Got a problem that I mentioned generations? Families passed down with gimmicks? You seem bothered by me Ted... Knowing your father gave you that Million dollar belt to try at least make you something into this company. You'll never be. You are just like your father, a useless person who somehow was known regardless of winning a Championship. I've won countless championships, I've done it all Ted. What have you really accomplished other than leech off your last name? Just like Cody Rhodes, just like Bray here... you're all leeching off your family. This is how you got into the business, I worked my ass off in Ohio Valley Wrestling, I wrestled the likes of Kane, Brock Lesnar and many others and accomplished my very goal. I entered the big company, won championships while you Ted... you couldn't get anywhere at all... you're stuck. This is why you moved here... trying to prove everyone wrong. Well, I applaud that, I do because now I get to kick your ass and put you back where you really belong. You're not ready to play with the big boys yet Ted, you're still learning... but this match will give you a taste of what this is all about. When I attack, you've just got to be ready, whether I attack from behind or front... you've got to be prepared. This is what the business is all about, preparing yourself for attacks and being hurt. Whilst everyone has been crying me a river about how I've attacked from behind... The Great American Bash, I attack from the very front, I'll mess your face up, I'll break everything you've got, all 206 bones in your body and walk out of here... World Heavyweight Champion!

Batista drops the microphone as he leaves the ring, all the opponents look on as Batista heads out to the back... The camera follows on, the last image we get is this.




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Re: Austin Aries vs Randy Orton


Orton stares quizzically at Aries, chuckling a little before finally raising his mic to speak again.​
Aries there seems to be some kind of misconception that yourself has a choice. Cause you see Austin Aries Tuesday Night RAW is no longer a democracy. If you haven't been paying attention this past month, WE run this brand. It's not a matter of choice if you bow to my superiorness or not, it's WHEN I make you bow down. For the month you've been allowed to speak, you've been allowed to run around here and pathetically try to prove yourself relevant, because I allowed it so. It was myself that made Austin Aries relevant again, because I punted you in the skull at Backlash. You may think it's because you've somehow weaseled your way to a UWF Championship match, but that again would be another misconception on your part. It seems to be a running trend with you Austin, that still to this day you think yourself a equal to The New World Order's greatness. That somehow some way you'll be the one to end the New World Order's reign of terror, to "cut off the head of the snake" as you so loosely love throwing around. For week's I've proven that you weren't that man Aries, that you don't have what it takes to end me, to finally bring the UWF some kind of "savior". Yet its yourself that calls me a coward?
Orton strokes his chin as he continues.

You're existence in this ring Austin Aries is only one of comedic value. When you raise that mic up to your lips to speak, you're rants and raves that are so similar to a early UWF CM Punk, expose themselves, showing how weak you really are. Yourself like CM Punk, and like the slum city of Chicago have one thing in common, a losing streak that continues tonight. Cause you see Austin Aries you've ran around backstage and have came down to this ring, and have called me a coward; you've claimed that it's Randy Orton that fears Austin Aries. Correct me if I'm wrong, but two weeks ago it was myself and Christian that stood over your broken body Aries, was it not. In fact I've proven since Backlash that The New World Order including myself will ALWAYS be better then you Austin Aries. I RKO'ed you weeks ago on RAW in our tag match Austin Aries, it wasn't Randy Orton that feared Austin Aries, no it was the other way around. That night following along side Backlash you realized that simple truth, that truth that you can't beat the Apex Predator. You will come down to this ring tonight knowing deep down inside yourself, that you don't have what it takes to stop what we have already set into motion. Now I don't know what feelings you think I may be trying to come to terms to, because when it comes to our match here tonight at The Great American Bash I have none. When I step into this ring across from you tonight Austin Aries, there will be nothing I won't do to you, and nothing I won't do to myself to walk away as the true..Greatest Man..Alive. Everything I do Austin Aries inside and outside of this ring is nothing short of PERFECTION.

The crowd begins a "You Suck" chant. Orton ignores it and continues​

Your accomplishments will never merit what I've accomplished in my Hall of Fame career Aries. You claim to be the world's best independent wrestler, but that's all you'll ever be, a nobody. At the age of twenty four I already accomplished everything you set out to be Aries, and it ate you up didn't it. The fact that I was the guy on top of the company that you were so desperate to get a break into. You were desperate enough Aries to even try out for Tough Enough, and voice a character in their video game weren't you? You were denied that chance twice Aries, and that drove you farther into the delusional world that you now find yourself living in. You hold dear to companies like Ring Of Honor, like Total Nonstop Action and whatever other back water country you wrestled in because that's all you were ever good for. My accomplishments and every legend I've killed in this company make me the greatest superstar and the greatest wrestler to ever step foot in this ring. I've won more championships, I've beaten more legends then you've ever stepped into a ring with Aries. How many legends have you faced Aries? I think that's the same number of times you've wrestled in a WWE ring, NONE.

It's funny that you mention Cody Rhodes, another New World Member that beat you in the middle of this ring, on a night that our bias GM Teddy Long gave me off. Naive are we Aries? That night we showed you first hand that we BREAK wrestlers like you. The New World Order is the single most dominant stable that has ever graced a UWF ring. I don't need the New World Order, but with Christian and Cody Rhodes no one can stop us. Tonight at The Great American Bash I will for the final time show why it's in the best interest to stay out of our way. You see Aries, while you claim to evolve others in this ring, I destroy them. I bring them down to their lowest point, and then I crush every dream they've ever had. Tonight Aries this finally ends. Tonight you will no longer be given a choice to come down to our ring and spew such prophecies, to spew such fairy tales that you hold so dear.

Orton gets nose to nose again to Aries as he raises his mic one last time.

The Greatest Man Alive will be silenced tonight at the Greatest Bash of them all.

OOC: To be honest this will prob be my last one, with focusing on RAW and writing, it's been fun though for sure. I feel meh bout this TT, kinda why I wanted to keep it where it was.


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Re: Austin Aries vs Randy Orton

OOC: Hey guys, don't mean to interrupt, but I just want to say this was great. I enjoyed reading this. And if this is the final product, I just want to thank you for going all out.


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Re: UWF Great American Bash - 6 Man, KotM Match for the World Heavyweight Championshi

Wait wait wait wait wait!

The crowd cheers as Dean has his arm hovering above his head as he tries to comprehend all that's been said.

What the hell just happened!? Oh wait I get it. Batista shows up, tries to look intimidating to everyone and then leaves. Huh, I guess it's kind of like what he does ALL THE TIME! And why the hell is he flexing his muscles at us? Yeah you're strong Batista, we get it. There's something that nobody seems to bring up and that's that we're having a reverse ladder match. How many of you have won matches involving ladders? Cena has won a couple and certainly so has Jeff but those were so long ago who really cares. I on the other hand just came out of one a mere couple of weeks ago. Sure the circumstance are a little different but I can still get the job done. Bray and Ted are pretty new at this and I don't even care about Batista. I seem like the best bet to win this whole thing even if you took away my substantial abilities which there are many. Nobody stands a better chance at winning than me. Not even the man desperately trying to get the people to like him again John Cena.

There is a mix of cheers and boos among the crowd as Dean cocks his head to the side and squints at Cena.

Cena, you may have been able to hit me with the attitude adjustment this past Friday, but don't think for one second that it was enough to put me out. You want to know why I didn't immediately get up and beat the crap out of all of you. It's because I've started using my head. Beating all of you single handedly is a very tough task even for me so It's time to show you the evil genius inside of me. I have plans now. Of course I'm not going to unveil those plans just yet but there is a very specific plan in order. It's probably too hard for all of you to comprehend but it's there. You've claimed I've had a successful run thus far but I don't necessarily agree with that. While I have been champion, there has been others trying to steal my spotlight. I mean that metaphorically and physically right Batista? I'm still the World Heavyweight Champion nonetheless. I am the king of Smackdown and my reign will not end until I get to execute some people. I will make an example out of everyone but you John Cena, you just may be my prime example. The man who never gives up and never surrenders will be bowing at my feet and pleading for the suffering to stop. But honestly John you...you've fallen a long way from being the face of Wrestling in the WWE. You among others here really don't belong in this match. You've done nothing to really earn a title shot. You out lasted 14 other guys and managed to throw a couple over the top rope. What the hell does that prove! You think if you can throw me over the ropes you'll win the world title? You've lost to Bray and Hardy and no showed our tag team match. Sure a snow storm hit but I managed to get my ass to the arena and despite some frostbite, managed to not let Jeff Hardy get an undeserved win over me. I am the only person in the history of this company who has truly proved his merit. I have been to hell and back as you’ve said but I like to go for conjugal visits.

The crowd cheers as Dean lunges off the turnbuckle and stands in the middle of everyone.


But you're not the only one who doesn’t deserve even a shot at this title, it’s pretty much all of you. I mean Teddy, the only reason you have another opportunity against me is because you technically won the title and your entitled to a rematch but that’s it. Your lucky that you could avoid me all match long and not have to pin my shoulders because I know you're too afraid to actually attack me head on. You may claim the same from be but I only returned the favor last Friday. To play with cowards you need to think like cowards so I did the cowardly thing and distracted you from your match which in turn made you lose. Oh what's the matter Teddy, you don't like it when someone distracts you from your matches? This won't be the last time I catch you off guard Ted. That's right you need to watch your back 24/7 because I'm coming after you.

Dean walks over to Ted Dibiase, squinting and scratching his head.

I really don’t get you Ted. All the money in the world and yet you want to follow in your fathers footsteps and for what reason? You could have literally done anything else and yet here you stand in front of me a shell of a man. I can see it in your eyes. I brought out something in you during our match and it’s eating you up from the inside out. It’s only a matter of time before it takes a complete hold over you. I will only exasperate it come the Great American Bash.

Dean starts walking backwards with his stare still gazed on Ted Dibiase. He quickly turns around to find himself standing right in front of Bray Wyatt.

Well look it’s Bray Wyatt. Bray I don’t even know what to say about you. You want to exorcise the demons out of me well then by all means try but I have no demons to exorcise. If I did it might make me more able to think clearer but my monsters will put up one hellavu fight. That’s right I said monsters. Plural. You want to know the reason why I can never be put down? I have multiple entities living within me. These beings all come together to form me. I am no mere human Bray. No Angel in the dirt will be able to overcome me. Don’t get me wrong though Bray, the offer you gave me might be tempting to normal people. I mean to posses the love I’ve never had, who else could give me that but it’s not love that I want. I already have all that I could want except even more notoriety. You may want to spread your message across the world but my message will speak louder volumes. When people hate you, your name gets spread across the globe faster and you may be more famous for the time being, but it's merely your fifteen minutes of fame. While you may be popular to hate now, someone else will step up and take your place because one man will continually beat down all who try and overthrow him. That man is me Bray. Rey Mysterio may claim to be a superhero but I'm the real Superhero and all of you are just villains who may get the upper hand every once and while but the hero always prevails even when the odds are against him.

The crowd cheers on Ambrose as he looks over towards Jeff.

And then there’s a man whose mind is a complete waste of existence. A man whose mind can’t even comprehend what most of us are saying besides that dumb oaf Batista. You can call what you did in WWF “extreme†but like I said the fact of the matter is there is nothing more violent then the act of violence when no one is looking. What your residue infested mind can’t infer is that I’ve done things 10 times more “extreme†than you back when I was just a poor kid fighting for survival. That poor kid is still here fighting for survival so you best move out of my way because this train is gonna splatter you all over the tracks. I'm gonna do what I should have done two weeks ago and end it for you. If I'm such a sorry excuse for a champion, I'd hate to see what you think of yourself. Poor old....definitely old Jeff Hardy. Not only a shell of his former self but a shell of a...person. I can't even call you a man. That's how much you've fallen from your glory days. Sure you beat John Cena but you couldn't beat me. When someone comes into my match, I beat them up. Ted tried to interfere in our match and he met my fists. I fight like a man. Batista got the better of me that night but I don’t hide until he finds me like you did. I’m gonna expose you and everyone else for the frauds they are at the Great American Bash.

Dean walks away from the center of the ring and back to a turnbuckle.

Smackdown is my Kingdom and this ring...no this turnbuckle is my throne. It is from here that I look down on all of you and I can see very clearly. Greed and envy fill your eyes. I can see how you're all willing to sacrifice your lives in this coliseum. Don't think for one second that I am a king that was born into this business, this throne like others. No I took this by force and when you put a weapon in my hand, I'm far more devastating than all the tales. You're all just victims on my list. After this match I won't even remember you except your names. Your blood will live on in me and everyone will recognize you as just another casualty of war. I will stand tall as the arena screams my name.


The crowd cheers loudly and begins chanting "Ambrose!" as Dean stands tall on he turnbuckle soaking in the cheers before he sits back down.

Now I'm not gonna stand here and talk all day with you idiots. I don't need to keep talking as much as you to get my point across because I'm pretty sure my matches get that across just fine. Now you can all stay here and bicker about who will beat who and whose crazy and whose gonna be champion when this is all over but at the end of the day I will still be the World Heavyweight Champion and all of you will bicker and make excuses saying it wasn't a one on one match. Jeff had a shot to physically beat me and he blew it. Ted Dibiase you also had that same shot but on a much bigger scale and blew it as well. I have no problems shutting up Bray, Cena and especially you Batista because I know your still listening. I would love to shut you all up one on one and I may have to do that soon. So while I know just exactly what will happen come the Great American Bash, you fellas can just go back to arguing about who will be the next number one contender. Now as you were.

Ambrose rests his mic as he let's someone else speak.

OOC: Didn't know he could go out of order so long as no one has 2 TT over another. I'll keep that in mind for the next round.


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Re: UWF Great American Bash - 6 Man, KotM Match for the World Heavyweight Championshi

Who cut order?


Jun 3, 2010
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Re: Raw 16/7: Bully Ray vs. Shark Boy w/William Regal



The familiar sound of shattering glass causes the crowd to go wild and from the back walks Shark Boy. Shark Boy stomps down the to the ring with little to no interaction with the crowd. He has his eyes firmly set on Bully Ray. He walks up the ring steps and through the ropes into the squared circle. He walks right past Bully Ray and goes to every top rope, throwing his fists in the air as he does so. Shark Boy then steps down and gets himself a microphone and begins to speak.


Shark Boy: Well look here, son, here's a guy who gives a crap!. You think you're just gonna walk on down to the ring next Tuesday Night on Raw and line little Sharky up, and knock little Sharky down?... is that what you think?. Well I hate to break out to ya fatboy but that ain't happenin', EH-EH!. You see Shark Boy's been left in a bit of a situation. Last week Shark Boy was unsuccesful in his attempt at whippin' Stone Cold Steve Austin's bass, and even worse, the week before Shark Boy went and got himself in a permanent tag team with William Regal that some people are startin' to call The English Tide. Now y'see, I have no problems at all with William Regal, hell I happen to think that he's a hell of wrestler but Shark Boy ain't the kinda guy who goes about tagging with people, because let's face it Shark's just ain't a social species of animal now are they?. Naw, they ain't. And the frustration in Shark Boy's been buildin' up, and buildin' up because little Sharky ain't got to do a damn thing he's wanted to since signin' up the premier 'rasslin' company in the world today the UWF!. Shark Boy ain't had time to drink Sharkweisers or his new and improved Sharkwieser Lights for those who can't drink beer like a real man... or Shark for that matter can... and he ain't had the opportunity to go into a one on one match and beat the livin' crap outta somebody yet!.... until now...

The crowd are firmly on the side of Shark Boy as he speaks further.

Until ya came face to face with me, Shark Boy!.

The crowd begin to chant 'Shark Boy!, Shark Boy!', Bully Ray stands unamused.

Y'see Blubber Boy...you are gonna be made an example of this week. You like to stand there and talk about how you made Chris Daniels tap out to his own move. Well son, I watched yer little match and I have to say, I was not impressed whatsoever. What I say in that ring was a big fat piece a New York trash throw around a guy that's A... smaller than him, B... certainly damn thinner than him and C and most importantly, you faced a guy that would rather fly around and ring and tie ya up in little knots, than punch ya in the mouth and kick ya when yer down. And whilst A and B might apply to Shark Boy, C ain't the case here. I will step up to you and punch yer ugly mush, I'll kick ya in the ribs when yer down, I'll chomp on them calves you like to talk about so much and I'll make sure you get yer bass truly whipped by someone who you can't bully like the other guys. So fatso, what I suggest to you is this, ya stop runnin' yer pretty little mouth and you go to the back, you prepare for a bass-whippin'... hell, maybe even stick some cushionin' in yer silly little cargo shorts, because you will get the biggest bass-whippin' I've given out in a long time, and I can't think of a sorrier son of a bitch to do it to. And I will take great pride in openin' up that can of bass-whip on yer fat bass and givin' ya the Chummer... and I couldn't care less if Regal was in my corner or not, because at the end of the day, this is all about Shark Boy and Bully Ray gettin' his bass kicked... and if you'd like to see that, give me a Shell Yeah!.

The crowd yell 'SHELL YEAH!' but Shark Boy is suddenly interrupted by Bully Ray.


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Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
Re: UWF Great American Bash - 6 Man, KotM Match for the World Heavyweight Championshi

Jeff Hardy pushes himself up from the ropes he was leaning on and starts to laugh to himself as he addresses the whole group, including Batista who has retired to the back.


Jeff Hardy: Wow, the last fifteen minutes haven't been so kind to me, nor was I expecting them to be. But if I can just summarize what we got here. We got a man that maybe looks the most physically intimidating here, running his mouth to the point that he feels the only way of escaping backlash is to head to the back... We got a man with a silver spoon in his mouth, never even seeing the world for what it is and he believes I'm jealous of him.... A man that has finally plucked the courage to speak to me, but only because I called him out on it. Then the two that really grind on me the most out here. The lucky son-bitch that to be quite honest has overstayed his welcome already, without even having a match at the top level, but yet claims, without proof, that he is the man to "save" us all. Honestly Bray, that wasn't working for Chris Jericho when he had put it out in Lamen's terms, you think these neanderthals even know or care what your talking about? And then... "The Champ." The man that has done the most extreme moves imaginable, moved the bar in regards to risk and danger... Yet, no-one actually saw it. Credibility goes through the window with your own one statement, and you still stand there with your self-confidence in tact. You all have flaws in your arguments when it comes to who is the rightful claimant to the World Heavyweight Championship come the Great American Bash and to be truthful with you all, I wouldn't normally take time out of my day to clear other peoples heads... It's normally the other way round. But seeing as I seem to be the only one with a clear head here, and that's including these people from Chicago.... I shall digress.

The crowd from Illinois all boo professional wrestling's anti-christ but Jeff turns straight to Bray Wyatt, and Hardy takes a deep breath.

The walking contradiction, Bray Wyatt... Sounds good right? I think that should be the new announcement every time you walk down to the ring. There is no constant with you, you will say something in one breath, and make that out to be nonsense in the next. You said earlier on that you are the closest thing to christ, mocking my "anti-christ" ways, yet now you say you will turn up but not as a christ. And I'm not clutching at straws here. You claim you got a guaranteed ascendancy, yet you signify yourself as an angel of the dirt. Things that you say Bray, they don't add up, and I would go out on a limb and say here, that if we had anyone with any religious beliefs, they would see through every single word you say, not only because of the contradictions, but because of how you go about your business. You look me in the eye right now and tell me that this is the best practice you can show of love thy neighbor. Your a fraud Bray, every word you have spilled since coming to the UWF is lies. So take all that away and I judge you on one thing. You have a couple of wins under your belt, your un-reliable and your damn lucky and that's it. You can talk about everything you have learned in religious studies as a child and turn it into a prophets speech if you like after I'm done Bray but let me tell you this. Once the King of the Mountain match begins, anything goes, the cross gets turned on it's head and this ring becomes a devils playing ground. An un-fatherable funfair, and I've had plenty of practice at the attractions here, I know I can get the top prize.

Quite an uncomfortable stare starts to hang on and the crowd are getting excited but Jeff smirks at Bray, and turns away, now turning his focus to Ted DiBiase.

If that man gets the walking contradiction tag above his head, then I struggle to think of a severe enough tagline to go above yours. Making sense isn't a class they had your private tutor give you a lesson in is it? Your father never paid for your brain to expand to a size that his did, and to be honest that suits your old man down to the ground. He exclaims love to all but keeps them on that pedestal for all to see who's in charge. A lot of people would frown upon keeping their own son dumbed down but not high on morals is the DiBiase name hey? You like me, but you don't really like me, infact you hate me. You've distanced yourself so much from your father that just three weeks ago you invited him here and staged a weak argument to make you look stronger than the man himself. I'll go on record that I have no problem with Ted DiBiase Senior, even though he never paved his own way here in this business either. But he done what you say you do. He distanced himself, made his money and became the Million Dollar Man. Your theme music still says "I come from money", so how you can come out here and lie to the world saying your trying to distance yourself is incredible. The most degrading part of this is that I have yet to reach glory in this company yet, but you are a one time World champion. You reached the top of the whole of this business, albeit for twenty seconds granted, but you got there. And I cannot say that yet. But I know that deep down I have gone through more in my career getting here than you could imagine and a ladder match of this kind will be so far out of your comfort zone. This King of the Mountain match suits me more than it suits anyone else in this match. You look around this ring and show me anyone else even accomplished with a ladder, let alone to my level, I know you can't!

Ted DiBiase looks at the other competitors and Jeff pans the other three too with a smirk across his face.

The fact of the matter is Teddy, the writing is on the wall. And the five of you are too ignorant to stop for a second and read it. Cena, this is something you are normally top notch at, reading a situation, knowing when you are in a corner, knowing the trouble you may or may not be... in this case definitely are in. You've lost to me, you've lost to Bray, you've lost to everyone but that Royal Rumble win as far as I can tell. But it's not about the past is it John. So you keep letting us all remember is it's about the night in hand. Which you would be correct, but, tell me, wasn't it about the night all the times you have lost so far? When Randy Orton embarrassed you, wasn't it about the night in hand when your big plan was to take down the nWo single-handedly? Wasn't it about the night in hand when you saw that our match was made a number one contenders match, and you failed also that night. So what are we, what are your followers meant to believe John? You come out here, night in, night out and say the same thing over and over again that literally is not true. The only match you have won is a gimmick match that you needed no pin-fall for whatsoever, and your up against five other superstars where you not only have to gain a pin-fall, but climb a ladder and stick the belt on the hook afterwards. You don't want to concern yourself with making sure you get your hands on me first.... You want to concern yourself with the distinct possibility that this could be your last match... And if I have any say in it.... It will be.

Jeff looks at the World champion, but before getting to him looks up the ramp, imagining Dave Batista was by the stage, talking to him.

I know that you've rushed to the back to your locker room, listening to every word that is still being said out here, so I want you to listen up and listen good, I won't be repeating myself once you come marching back down the ramp demanding I say it to your face. You seem to have taken a real disliking to me. Family, past issues, whatever you can find on Wikipedia about me you just can't wait to use. The way I see, the more you know about me, the more you must care about me, the more time you have taken out of your schedule, curling the mighty impressive weight dumbbells and trying on new sunglasses, to learn about my past. It leaves me to believe the only obvious truth that is staring us all in the face, that your trying to gain an advantage getting in my head as you are... Scared.. of me? You leave your scathing attack as an aftertaste in the ring as you head to the back as you can't face me anymore is that it? Hey, John Cena got scared earlier on but at least he stayed out here. Rehab.... Rehab rehab, I don't know how many times you said the word rehab there, and honestly, you can come out here and say it another thirty times if you like. You can come out here and say that you have found some proof somewhere that I still am the man I was before rehab, and that I am a shadow of the man I used to be. You can come back out here and call me a junkie that doesn't deserve to be here... Because it is only going to make looking down at you from the top of the ladder so much sweeter, knowing this shadow of a man beat the big bad animal, and has sent him right down to the bottom of the pecking order. I never really stayed and cleansed myself. I never will be cleansed. The dirt I carry around me is the grit that keeps me going. It's the entity that separates me from you, from any of you, and it's whats going to elevate me to become champion and all of you to the back of the line. Your fifteen minutes in the spotlight Dave? Relish them. Revel in them. Enjoy them as much as you possibly can, because at the Great American Bash, I'm shooting a hole straight through your spotlight and just like the direction I am taking this company.... You will be left in the dark.

He finally turns away from the stage and looks at the last man he has yet to acknowledge since his last words; The World Heavyweight Champion, Dean Ambrose.

And finally. The man so extreme he could only do his dastardly deeds behind closed doors. You should have ended it for me two weeks ago; probably the smartest words you have said all evening. You should have ended it for me, but it would have been for you. The night you say you had me 'beat', the night where we fought to a no contest, you should have put me down and kicked me to the curb because that's the only way you would have had a chance in leaving the bash with gold still around your waist. But what you should have done, and what you would have been able to do are two completely different things Dean. You had lost the world title the week before, I had staked my claim to the gold. I would have beaten you and you know it, and the story will be exactly the same come a week Sunday. What-more, unlike the last time you lost your championship, your good friend Desmond Wolfe will be somewhat incapacitated after what Daniel Bryan does to him, so he won't be able to restart the match in your favor. In fact, the way I see it, the only thing that you actually have going for you is the fact you will be due a rematch once I've taken it off you. But since that will also be against myself, it's not much of a consolation. And you know what, I'm looking forward to the day where you lose your rematch. I look forward to the day where you take a microphone, stand in this ring, and have to eat your words, being humiliated by "a complete waste of existence.". Make your apology sincere enough then, and I might spare you once I take Smackdown and turn it into its former glory of a company where pain and suffering is order of the day. Twist it, with hate.

On the word hate, Jeff drops the mic to his side just staring at Dean. But another voice is heard next.....



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Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
Re: Raw 16/7: Bully Ray vs. Shark Boy w/William Regal


Bully Ray: If you have finished, we can cut the crap and you can actually let me explain something to you. If you want to have your five minutes of fame in the spotlight at the Great American Bash in your little tag team match, I suggest you shut the hell up and let me talk, or I'm gonna end up doing something you'll regret. Your wasting my time, your wearing my patience and my god you are numbing my brain with your nonsense dribble. Stone Cold kicked your ass last week, I saw that, and to be honest with you, it was pathetic. It was like you were adoringly looking up to your father, and your father looking back, down at you, seeing that you should have been the semen that dribbled down your mothers thigh, and done the honorable thing and put you down. The only mistake Austin made, was that he didn't finish you off for good, and that job has been notably handed down to me. Austin might pretend he doesn't give a crap about anything but himself nowadays, but I can see right through him, he's too soft in his old age and he won't take the necessary steps to do what needs to be done. But make no mistake about it Free Willy, I will be the one to put you down for good.

Bully looks at Shark Boy in amusement, and the crowd all boo Ray.

You come out here in my ring, you talk about me being made an example of.... Do you even know who I am?! Even if you were a real shark, you wouldn't be making an example out of Bully Ray, nobody makes an example of me. You ask Wade Barrett? You ask Antonio Cesaro, Christopher Daniels. None of them have made an example of my and I regard you the lowest of the low when compared to that list. You couldn't even get your teeth stuck into my calves, you won't have the time, you'll be too busy gasping for oxygen is I trap your air supply and send you to the bottom of the ocean with a Bully Bomb. If there's something you can be thankful of it's the fact that once I'm done with you, and I've probably put you on the sidelines for months on end, there will be nothing stopping you from drinking as much beer as you want, aspiring t be like daddy Austin. But there is one more thing you should take heed in remembering. I am heading to the very top of this company and there is nothing no-one can do about it. Very soon, I am going to be the face of this company. This face of this organization that no-one wants. And the best part is I don't even care. When people get sick of seeing my face everywhere, then I will make sure they see it even more! I will become UWF, and not one man, not one person, and certainly not one damn fish, will be able to keep the bully from bullying his way to the UWF championship!



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Re: Raw 07/17/12: Steve Austin, Punk, Aries vs. The nWo

I HEAR VOICES..........



The crowd erupts, as the New World Order's music begins blaring across the arena. Seconds pass before he finally steps through the curtains, donning the usual Black and White of the NWO. He's smirking, as he stares out at fans that love to hate him. He pauses briefly at the beginning of the ramp, throwing up the NWO hand signal as pyro falls from the rafters, black and white instead of their usual gold of the old age of Orton. He proceeds down the ramp quickly to the apron, as fans reach out to touch him. He ignores them, climbing the steel steps and entering through the middle rope, he pauses to stare down both Austin's before climbing up the turnbuckle, posing with his arms out, before climbing each turnbuckle in succession and repeating. He hops down as his music fades out, someone from the outside hands him a mic, he gives it a few seconds as the fans are impartial and split down the middle about the New World Order; Some cheering and some booing the Apex Predator. He raises his mic to speak his first words of the night, but makes the crowd wait just a few more seconds before finally speaking.


You know, I'm having a little Deja Vu moment. The last time I was in a ring with Austin Aries and Stone Cold, it was Christian and myself standing over Austin Aries's broken body, and the time before that I RKO'ed Stone Cold and punted you into a month of being out of action Aries. Here we stand again tonight on Tuesday Night RAW, together. Like a moth drawn to the light, we seem to be drawn to each other for different reasons. While the Likes of Christian and CM Punk are absence, I felt it necessary to correct you Austin Aries in a couple of your statements made here tonight in OUR ring.
Orton turns all his attention to Aries as he continues.

Just making a name for myself after not having a job in this company Aries? Are you that blatantly stupid to make such a heinous comment? Before the reboot of the UWF, and before Austin Aries I was in this very ring for this company dominating everyone to step across from me, like I have since the monkey's running this company decided it would be smart for a reboot, for new beginnings. I was the phoenix of this company, I raised this company from the ashes along side Cody Rhodes as the biggest drawing names this company has ever seen. The New World Order continues to build this company every week that we stand in a UWF ring. Last week alone, you falling to all three members of the New World Order in the past three weeks was the highest rated segment of the broadcast. Austin Aries WE are Tuesday Night RAW, WE are the UWF. For weeks you've came down to our ring and have called me a "spoiled little kid". It seems like Austin Aries that you have some insecurities about yourself. Since Backlash you've had a obsession for Randy Orton, for the New World Order. Every time you raise that mic to speak you have a temper tantrum because I don't acknowledge you, because I don't buy into your fake prophecies. Austin Aries you calling me a "spoiled little kid" seems to be a case of the pot calling the kettle black. The idiom used describes everything you've stood behind, everything you claim here tonight and these past few weeks.

Orton turns his attention to Steve Austin

Do you listen to yourself? Do you think before you speak Steve? It's obvious that Christian is getting into your head; you're finally coming to terms and realizing the fact that your reign as UWF Undisputed Champion will come to a end at The Great American Bash this Sunday. The New World Order arrived to this company on it's own two feet, I didn't seek permission from anybody as you like to claim. Cause you see Stevie Boy I don't need permission from Teddy Long, I don't need permission from the monkey's running this company in Administration, and I don't need permission from any of these fans here tonight that paid to see The New World Order destroy it's opponent's at The Great American Bash tonight. The New World Order does as it pleases when it pleases, as we have since our arrival at Backlash. Steve while you jump through hoops for these fans and Teddy Long, WE take what we want, we take what's OURS.

Orton glances over at Cody Rhodes, he smirks as he continues

Fear. It's what I see in the Big Bad Rattlesnake. I smell it emitting off your stench Austin. I can see it in your eyes, and as much as you want to deny it; I can sense your imminent fear of the New World Order. Underneath your personality, it radiates off your Aura. You can come out to this ring and try to be someone you're not Stone Cold; but I see you for what you really are, a coward. I see through your transparency Steve Austin, and I can see that you know that you won't beat us tonight, and you'll lose your championship that you hold so dearly at the Bash. The past month has been a taste of the domination that the New World Order brings to this ring. For weeks you have fallen to our feet, proving yourself to simply be as Christian says, a paper champion; a paper champion exactly like the other two men you'll be teaming with tonight. After your lost here tonight and your lost at the Great American Bash it'll be yourself clamoring to join the other rejects that call themselves Smackdown. The New World Order is going no where, and next week on RAW we will have a celebration of celebrations for our newest Champion; it will be a celebration that is equal to the Greatness of Cody Rhodes, Christian, and myself. I want the crowd to take a hard look; get out of your seats and get your cameras ready, because they're looking at TRUE greatness here tonight, in the New World Order.
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