UWF 2012: Past Raw Trashtalking

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Jun 3, 2010
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Re: Raw 6/5/12: Antonio Cesaro vs. Cody Rhodes

The crowd are still taking in Cody's words when suddenly Antonio Cesaro's theme plays over the PA system.


Before too long, Antonio Cesaro walks out from behind the curtain wearing his usual ring gear and jacket. Aksana soon follows. Antonio stops dead centre of the stage and throws out his signature pose before he and his valet head down the ramp.


Antonio takes the lead in walking up the ring steps, he walks along the ring apron and wipes his feet on the apron before waiting for Aksana to sit on the rope for him so he may enter easily. Both Aksana and Cesaro stand in the ring, Aksana grabs a microphone and hands it to Antonio Cesaro who will now address the crowd and Cody Rhodes.


Antonio Cesaro: Last week, I retained my European Championship. It does not matter much how, all that matters is that this European Championship remains around my waist for the foreseeable future and that has been allowed to happen courtesy of my business partner and friend, Wade Barrett and my new Head Administrator, Aksana. Some people say that we cheat, week in and week out, it is all I hear. 'Oh, Antonio Cesaro and Wade Barrett always help each other out, that's cheating!'. Well, maybe for all of you illiterate, out of shape, out of work Americans, it may appear to be cheating. But for me and Barrett?, it's merely a way of making sure that everybody knows that we are a unit, and that we are here to win, be successful and dominate here on Tuesday Night Raw. And believe me, after Starrcade when Barrett is announced as the new, World Heavyweight Champion, and I, Mister Antonio Cesaro remain as the European Champion... and let's face it, being the champion of Europe makes me better than a champion of this stinking country which is what my opponent aims to be...

The crowd boo Cesaro, there's small chants of 'USA!, USA!', but due to the overwhelming hate for Rhodes, the chants are muffled by the constant boos that both men are met with.

Cody, your lack of ambition startles me. You really want to be the United States Champion?... you were the first ever UWF World Champion as you correctly stated, so it baffles me why you'd want to be the champion of this backwards country just to 'prove a point'. Nevertheless, the point is Cody, that none of this will matter when I face you in the ring this Tuesday night on Raw, because I wan't to prove that I'm better than you. Simple as that Cody. You say I'm lower than you?, I say blödsinn, and I will prove just as much when I hit you with the Swiss Death and gain momentum ahead of my crushing victory over Der Miz at Starrcade.


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UWF Smackdown June 8th Zack Ryder vs. Ted DiBiase

Woo Woo Woo! You Know it!


The words play over the PA system signaling the start of Zack Ryders music. He bounds out from the back holding a flip camera which is facing him and yelling words that can't be heard into it. He says a few more things then turns the camera on the audience as he walks down the ramp making a "Call Me" sign with his hand.


He continues to make his way to the ring while filming the crowd. As he climbs up the steps to enter the ring, the camera changes to a view of some Zack Ryder signs.


He picked up a mic on the ramp and approaches Christian as his music dies. The fans can still be heard cheering but have calmed down a bit.


Zack Ryder: Before I start I want to get something off my chest. It doesn't involve Christian, or DiBiase or even me being placed on the new Smackdown brand. It has to do with Starcade. The next UWF PPV. And by a quick look at the card, you can easily tell that yet again, Long Island Iced Z! Zack Ryder has been left off of the card. Are You Serious Bro? After I beat Dolph Ziggler. After I beat Ted DiBiase, and after I took a ring veteran Christian to his very limit I still don't have a match at a PPV. 5 matches has been announced I still don't have one. And Cody Rhodes is in my match. MY match for the US championship bro! Me and Brock still have unfinished business, and I won't stop until I fist pump his face!

The thousands in the audience cheer for Zacks passion.

Zack Ryder: Now that that is dealt with, I guess it's BACK to the proving grounds for me, as I get another chance to embarrass Ted DiBiase. You may know him as Daddy's Little Spoiled Brat. Now the word is that Teddy has been walking around saying that management has screwed him, and that he should be the world champion at this point. I'm sorry Ted but I don't think you have any room to talk. I'm not saying that management has screwed me...yet, but I'm just saying that I have been over looked, under estimated, and under appreciated. That makes me a little angry, it frustrates me. But instead of walking around with my nose up at everyone complaining, I'm taking action. I come out here, and I speak up. I speak up waiting to get noticed. I win matches. I take people to their limits. What have you done except complain backstage to no one who cares? Get noticed. And luckily for you, you get the honor of facing The Long Island Iced Z this Friday on the very first episode of SMACKDOWN. So by association you will be seen. But this is a little good news, bad news type thing here. With yes, you will be seen facing me on Smackdown, that's the good news. Bad news? Management will see me beat you with ease when I stick my Broski boot up your Candy Ass!

Ryder gives a sly smile to a cheering crowd.

Zack Ryder: Ooops. Sorry Rocky. Feel free to use Woo Woo Woo whenever you want. Where was I? Broski Boot... Management...YES! Ted DiBiase, I've beaten you once before. With ease I might add. And this encounter will be no different. After I fist pump your face in, me and my Broskis are going to go out and slam some Bud Light Limes to celebrate not only the start of Smackdown, but the start of The Ryder Revolution! WOO WOO WOO! YOU KNOW IT!

Ryder holds the mic up eager awaiting Ted DiBiase.

The Hoov

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re: Starrcade: World Heavyweight Championship Match: Daniel Bryan vs Dean Ambrose

Daniel Bryan: Excuse me, Dean, but allow me to retort.

Daniel Bryan, the current UWF Hardcore Champion walks out on the entrance ramp with a microphone in hand. The crowd is boo-ing very loudly as Dean angrily glares at Bryan at the top of the ramp.


Daniel Bryan: Dean, I hate to come out here and interrupt “Generic Dean Ambrose Promo #543â€￾ which I'm sure took you all day to memorize, but I just had to come out here and offer my rebuttal to your outlandish claims. You would think, after weeks of us going at it that you would get it through your thick skull but apparently you don't so let me offer you up a history lesson. This is the history of Daniel Bryan vs. Dean Ambrose.

Daniel pauses briefly as the crowd boos him out of the building. He starts to pace at the top of the ramp as he begins his “history lessonâ€￾.

Daniel Bryan: My first match here in the UWF was against you on RAW for the Hardcore Title and, what you said I agree with. You and I are very different but not in the ways that you allude to. You see, Dean, let me give you an example. Unlike you, I can admit when I lose. I'm man enough to admit it. In my first match in UWF, almost as quickly as I signed my contract, I lost and was sent to the bottom of the barrel. Do you know what I did Dean? Did I come out here and whine and moan and complain like you do? What I did was prove week in and week out exactly what I say and that is simply that I am The Best Wrestler In The World and that no one compares to me. Not you, not any of those clowns in the back. No one. I took that defeat you gave me and I used it as fuel. Something else I agree with is that this isn't about the Hardcore Championship anymore. It's nice to be a champion and it tastes sweet but not as sweet as kicking your head in and seeing the blood trickle down your face. At Backlash, you unleashed something in me that no one knew I had. I became not only The Best Wrestler In The World but I became The Most Hardcore Wrestler To Ever Live.

The crowd is continuing to boo the hell out of Bryan but it has little to no effect on him. Bryan begins walking down the ramp, continuing to speak.

Daniel Bryan: People like Terry Funk and Mick Foley became afterthoughts in the wake of the destruction I caused at Backlash and the degree in which I tortured you. Dean, I can look into your eyes and I know how much Starrcade terrifies you. You talk a big game when no one is out here but when I look into your eyes, I can see the fear. You know Teddy Long signed your death warrant when he made our match a 2 out of 3 falls match. Not only can I make you tap out, but I can also take you out.....for good. The punishment you gave me isn't anything I haven't felt before. I've wrestled with broken bones and detached retinas. Your “rise to the topâ€￾ is a shame. There's no such thing. The only thing Dean Ambrose will ever be known for is losing to Daniel Bryan. Your “riseâ€￾ will be your fall and it will be at my hands.

Daniel reaches the steps of the ring and he very slowly walks up the steps. He makes it on the apron and Dean is staring a hole through Bryan. Bryan enters the ring across from Dean and continues speaking.


Daniel Bryan: Do you see this title? When you held it, it was nothing. A meaningless hunk of junk. But just look at how prestigious it has become now that it's around the waist of a true champion. A champion these people and UWF management can be proud of. I'm sick of talking. At Starrcade, we end this. The best thing about Starrcade is I get to beat you twice in one night. If you ask me if I'm excited for our match, all I have is one simple word to say: Yes.

Daniel lowers his microphone as Dean lifts his back up.


Jun 5, 2010
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Re: Raw 6/5/12- MVP vs Wade Barrett

Wade smiles as he looks at MVP, inviting him to respond. MVP stares at Barrett, seemingly mulling over Wades words inside his head. He looks a bit shocked for a little while but his expression changes back to the cocky MVP that everyone knows. He looks at Barrett now and raises the mic to his lips.



Well look who decided to show up. What you couldn't take me having my rightly deserved spotlight Wade? Or you just get bored of sitting in the back staring at a photo of your Queen and wondering why you never find a women like that? It doesn't matter why you have decided to come out here, what does matter though is that you are here, I actually wanna congradulate you. Congrats on beating Rob Van Dam, congrats on helping Antonio keep his title, congrats for getting a title shot at Starrcade, you should really accept all these because I don't give them out easily but I will give them to you before your month just starts to go downhill. Right about now your 3 quarters up that hill aren't you? It would be a real shame if someone like I dunno, me knocks you right back down to the half way point only for Stone Cold to Stunner you straight down to the bottom of that hill but then again, you Europeans are use to failing when you have the upperhand, it must be in your blood or something.

MVP lowers the mic, looking at Barrett who doesn't seem to happy with the disrespect MVP is showing his motherland but he gets a little pop from the American fans. MVP looks around before putting the mic back to his lips and starting again.

You don't think I showed Mr Kennedy a lesson dawg? Did you even bother watching my match with that man? I bet you missed it putting the whole tube of gel in your hair. My match was never in doubt who was on top, Mr Kennedy spent more time on his back then your mom ever did, we all wish she didn't now as we can all see what came about after that but Mr Kennedy was never in control, I showed that no matter how long I've been away from the ring, it comes natural to me when I step through those ropes. I heard the viewers doubled as well for those 10 mins so you better thank me Wade for lasting that long with Kennedy, your lucky I decided to take my time and get a bit of time in the ring, If I wanted it to end, it would have been the quickest match in history but I had some stalker fans trying to get into my dressing room, you know Kim Kardashian and her family just won't leave me alone. I don't know how many times I've told them that I'm not having Kims kids. Anyway Anyway, lets get back to the point, Mr Kennedy lasted longer then 9 minutes and 19 seconds because I let him, I know that it's just a little too early to have all the spotlight on me, i'm already the highest paid superstar here, I'm already in the main event after being here for 2 seconds although whenever I'm in a match I'm the main event and I'm already the most popular guy in this business.

The guy start to boo quite loudly for MVP as they quite clearly don't agree with the cocky superstar from Miami. MVP just shrugs it off, ignoring them and keeping his eyes on Wade Barrett.

Where as you already seem to know Wade, you are quite unpopular. I personally thinks it because you come from England but who am I to judge, oh wait I'm MVP so I can judge anyone I want. I have to admit, these people are stupid but even they know what you are Wade. I mean don't act like to try and get them to dislike you, I know it comes natural to someone like you. I on the otherhand have people dislike me because they are jealous of my good looks, jealous of my paycheck, jealous of my V.I.P status in every single nightclub I go to and jealous of all the pretty women that fall into my lap. Thats the difference between you and I Wade, you have nothing to be jealous of so all those boo's are because they hate you but all my boo's are because people wish they were me. I saw your match with Rob Van Dam, I saw how you just Beat The Clock, you narrowly won that match and Rob took you to the limit, he nearly had you beat and that's not something I would be proud of. You pulled out a fluke win against him in the last second and you claim that no one was interested in him. Trust me dawg, no one was that interested in the match, it put me to sleep half way through, I only got woken up by one of my boys kicking out another lady from my lockeroom but don't worry Wade, you better laugh as much as you can before Raw because people will be interested in your match this week, people will be watching but only because of The Ballin Superstar being in the ring across from you.

The crowd continue to boo but don't know who to boo the loudest. MVP scrathes his arm while Barrett just stares back with a smile on his face. MVP gets his own smile across his face as it seems it isn't finished there.

At the end of the day Wade, comes the night, none of this crap about whether you got it or don't because the reason's you give for having it just don't make sense. Success isn't about the fans, success isn't about having to run and find someone to watch your back because your scared, success isn't about victories, it is about money when it comes down to it. Its about the nice mansion I live in, its about the Limos that drive me around everywhere, its about the numerous amounts of Rolex's just sitting in my bed side draw. You see Wade, all the things that you think will lead to success is just success to have if you want 15 minutes of fame, I bet no one even remembers your name after Starrcade when you lose and lose all those things that thinks leads to success. You see Wade, I hold the future in the palm of my hand, I challenged you to this match and you accepted, I have a chance to show you what the real deal is, I have a chance to get my way into that title match, something that I deserve and I will show you that I'M BETTER THEN YOU. I just hope your expecatations aren't too high that I knocked you over the rails.

MVP lowers the mic this time, the crowd booing like crazy as MVP looks straight into the eyes of Barrett who is unmoved. MVP keeps the mic down to his side now as it looks like its Barretts turn to speak.

OOC: Well I won't be getting another one up, I hope you can get one up in time Lewb and if not, whoever is writing this match, just ignore this post. Sorry about only being able to manage 2 posts but its the Queen's Jubilee over here in England, lets just say it was a very very big weekend filled with alot of beer.​
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Raw - 5th June 2012 - William Regal V CM Punk

William Regal's theme song hits the PA system and the boos instantly rain down on him as he walks onto the stage. He ignores the crowd and begins to walk down the entrance ramp. A few fans go to shake his hand but he just ignores them and walks straight past them drawing more heat from the crowd. He smirks before climbing up the steel steps and into the ring.

William Regal: So this is UWF. I've got to say I am not impressed, I have never seen so many talentless idiots in one place before. Luckily, I have come to rescue you from hours of boredom. You see, I was watching this show closely as I thought it had potential, how wrong I was. We get talentless morons like Austin Aries running round with the title who has about as much talent in his whole body as I have in my right testicle. The things I see are people rolling round on the floor. That's not fighting. Let me show you how us Brits do it, you will actually see talent.

The boos came down on Regal

William Regal: This week, I take on 'The Best In The World.' You might be the best in the world at being a comedian because that is the most load of bullshit I've heard of in my entire life. If anyone is the best in the world at wrestling then it is me and I'll show you that on Monday when I beat you on Raw.

OOC: Sorry it's short, I have had some personal problems this week so I haven't felt up to posting but of course it is better than not posting at all and the other guy looks like he won't post so here it is.​


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Nov 8, 2010
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Re: Raw 6/5/12- MVP vs Wade Barrett

Wade chuckles to himself before looking at MVP, wagging his finger in disbelief, before returning the compliment via the microphone.


Wade Barrett: So misinformed, I believe that you well and truly out-done your own stupidity, and have given yourself the wrong end of the stick. Fifteen Minutes of fame? I'm the first Grand Slam Champion! I have fifteen minutes of fame, every time I am out here. Less last week, because it only took me nine minutes and eighteen seconds to win a match last week. My fifteen minutes of fame, it's a regular occurrence here every single night, and it's a position that you truly desire, and every word that escaped your mouth was seething with biting jealousy, it was obvious from the very first things you said. Congratulating me, turning the situation on its head, trying to convince all these people, as truly idiotic as they may be but they still watch the show, that it's your spotlight, after one match, and no championships... Which let me add wasn't the case for me, I won the European Championship the very first time I stepped out here. The spotlight you speak of Montel is very much reserved for me, and for The European Revolution, and if you think for one second, that you can change that fact, then you are very much mistaken.

You know what I don't understand however? How you just open yourself open to ridicule time and time again. I have already told you, doesn't matter what happened in my match last week, I got the job done and made myself the Number One Contender to the UWF Undisputed Championship. But yet, you bring up how you dominated Ken Anderson and really made him your... 'bitch'. You really cleaned the deck with him and got the job done in record time. you then become the Number One Contender, and now you are bookies favorite to wipe the floor with Stone Cold Steve Austin too, and you are practically already the UWF Champion....... Only none of that is really true is it. Admit it, it's okay. You struggled against Ken, you never got the job done, your not the number one contender and you don't even get the privilege to fight Stone Cold Steve Austin, title fight, or non-title. That position is kept for me, to become the first ever two time Undisputed Champion.

Wade paces before remembering another point.
Oh, and don't even entertain the joke that your main event. You idiotically challenged me to this match. Because I said yes, then we were pushed to the main event. We are main event because of me, the face of the UWF. I am sharing my spotlight with you and you should be damn appreciative I even said yes to this match. I could have taken the same easy road as our unworthy champion, take the night off, put my feet up, let everyone else do all the hard work. but no, I was always a fighting champion, I will be a fighting champion again, but while I can't do anything but wait in limbo for my championship match, then I'll just have to be a fighting challenger for now.

So, while your thinking of next weeks excuses for why you didn't win, you didn't want to go backstage because you were too scared that Megan Fox is going to be backstage waiting for you naked, or more realistically your music label is backstage waiting for you to ask you seriously, how is your music so damn bad. While your thinking of your excuses, I will be working towards my Undisputed Championship match, and becoming the only two time world champion this company has ever seen. It's set in stone, all I have to do is wait it's the clock is ticking... Tick Tock.... Tick.... Tock.

Wade laughs at the poking fun of MVP's theme music as he leaves the ring.



Apr 23, 2011
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Re: RAW 5/29 Orton vs. Edge

When all of a sudden..



Out of nowhere, Edge emerges from the backstage area right onto the entrance ramp, wearing a leather jacket and a t-shirt, walks confidently a few steps and does his signature pose, just as the pyro explodes like an erupting volcano! Fans cheer loudly the returning superstar, as he walks cockily right into the ring to join Orton and Christian.

Some Edge chants are heard, some nWo chants are heard as well. However, Edge grabs a microphone and is ready to address the situation as he laughs.



Randy, Randy, if you don't want me to throw up from laughing and the evolving romance between my former tag team partners, you and Christian right here, stop talking and listen to me, okay? Now, first of all, do you really think this all makes perfect sense, Randy? Because it doesn't. When I first saw you spraying the "nWo" on the backs of your opponents, everything I could have thought to myself was "Are you freaking kidding me?". See, it's logics. There is a slight difference between nWOrton and the nWo. In fact, if I have seen Scott Hall, walking alongside Kevin Nash, Hulk Hogan, Scott Steiner, Eric Bischoff and the whole original nWo crew, even though they're all old for it right now, honestly I'd mark out. But, believe me, Randy, this all leads nowhere. Do you really think you will gain any credibility by copying a legendary stable? Nope, that won't do. This all you do looks like a joke to me. And I see the look in your eyes Randy, I see it, and I know you just wish to beat the living hell out of me right now, and as a matter of fact, go on, do it, be the Legen.. oh, I forgot I'm dealing with the Good Guy Randy. You see, you aren't even able mentally, after all, to attack me right here and now! 'Cause it's all you left behind you, just because you couldn't stand the heat coming towards you from the audience, yeah, that's why, you simply couldn't stand it, you gave up all you worked on since the beginning of your career, just for stupid cheering.

A mixed reaction for Edge.

The Randy Orton I knew, that Randy Orton would have made sure that I couldn't even make it to the arena today, the Randy Orton I knew would have made sure that I'll never be able to wrestle again, just because of these words I'm saying RIGHT NOW. And I am one-hundred percent sure that what I just said won't happen, because the Legend Killer I knew is gone for good, and you know it. It maybe physically is still you, Randy, however, it's not the guy that was in a tag team with me, it was not the Randy I knew, everything you had you have thrown away, and the only thing that's left from the unstoppable force I knew is an eunuch poser wearing a shirt of a legendary stable he's actually mocking.

Again, a mixed reaction for Edge.

I'm not sure why you decided to introduce Christian as the newest nWo member right now, maybe you thought it would somehow mess with my emotions, but in that case, you're damn wrong. You see, Christian is a bitch. He always was. Sure, I had some pretty big fun with him, I won a LOT of titles with him, I wrote history with him, but that never changed the fact that he's a bitch. He'll always pick the side he thinks that is stronger. To him, you seemed more dominant because you probably fascinated him with spraying on people's back or something. Not only that that would fascinate people like 15 years ago, it looks so goofy, it looks like everything else than a badass action by a dominant force, or whatever you intended. Christian was amazed by that because he's still stuck in a time capsule and he still thinks it's 1996 or I can't find any other explanation for this, yeah that's it. He thought that you can actually do something, so he picked your side. However, you'll see, when the others destroy your little mockery of nWo, you'll see how fast will he run away from you and pick the stronger side. I know him, Randy, trust me.

Edge recieves a mixed reaction once more.

I really want to see how bad will you beat me up tonight, boys, I'm really intrigued to see how your plan will work out! Because, even if you manage to immobilize me tonight, well, there is a certain possibility that you'll end up sleeping in hospital tonight instead at your own home. In fact, you don't even know why am I here, you don't even know my plan, nobody knows it and nobody will find out about it before I say so. And believe me, I wouldn't be that sure that your nWo will be the most dominant group in this federation, because the only reason it is the most dominant right now is that it in fact is the only group over here.. but more about that the next time. Interesting is that you brought up my loss to Steve Austin last week, and yes, I lost, and what, are you going to make a party because of it? Let's party because Edge lost? Let's write a column about it in New York Times? In fact, the only reason I lost is that I was informed that Austin Aries couldn't compete that week and I was informed that I'll face Stone Cold several hours before the show; I couldn't even train properly for the match, not only because I've had completely different plans for that night. But that doesn't even matter, I'll fix it when I spear your ass on RAW, Randy, and you can bring any friends you want, I'm sure that you remember how a Rated R asskicking looks like, I'll spear each and every one of you, for these people and the GM to see that I deserve a better placement on the card, for you, so you can't sleep peacefully, and for the whole world to see who should really be the champion!

Edge smirks as he drops the microphone, tells Orton "Go on, beat me up" and leaves the entrance ramp as the half of the crowd chants Edge and the other half nWo.


OOC: I have to stop it here. I tried to match up with your length, Fett. I'm sorry I haven't TT'd earlier, I had a tragic happening in my social life (my ex attempted suicide and ended up in critical state in hospital), so I couldn't get to TTing and RPing before. Sorry again. If we have a rematch one day, expect a 5-5 atleast :)


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Re: UWF Smackdown June 8th Ambrose vs RVD

Dean looks on a bit confused and just lets out a big smile.


Hey Robbie, I know you think you just stood there and gave me and the crowd this amazing speech but what you fail to realize is that you just stood there making noises for a full 5 minutes and some but very few words came out to form some vague sentences. I'm not even sure what kind of drug you're on right now. It has to be amazing if you think you can come out here and try to talk me down. Maybe I just knocked a couple of screws loose the last time we fought because you don't even remember me beating you for the Hardcore Championship, which I will do again to Daniel Bryan at Starrcade. If it only took one encounter with me to make you this crazy, imagine what will happen in our next one. Maybe another couple of screws will come loose, maybe your body will fall apart from the lack of support from said screws. All I know is that this should be our last encounter because I'm going to put you out of your misery.

A plethora of cheers rain through sprinkled with a couple of boos as Dean looks on laughing.

You know a couple of these people may cheer you but it's for one reason and one reason only. Nostalgia. When someone returns to a promotion, they always get cheered. After awhile though, those cheers die down. I on the other hand have been becoming more and more popular as the weeks go by. I was booed initially but now I am revered by the masses and guess what? I didn't change a damn bit. People saw that I have a knack for fighting and they cheer me to do so against the most hated of wrestlers and usually don't mind when I do it to the most loved either. I am one of the if not the most popular wrestler here and now that I’m here on Smackdown, I have unlimited potential. Unlike you Rob. In case you haven't already haerd all the talk backstage, you were brought in as a tune up match. People won't be paying or watching to see you no, they pay and cheer for me.

The crowd eats up every word that comes out of Ambrose’s mouth as he goes to the corner of the ring.

I'm sorry Rob I probably hurt your feelings. Sometimes the truth hurts and unfortunately for you, that won't be the last time I hurt you. Luckily for you, this isn't a hardcore match so I won't be able to do as much damage as I'd like. Unluckily for you, this isn't a hardcore match so you stand no chance in beating me in this match. You should really just hang up your boots soon. Make no mistake, you have made a legacy for yourself. You were known for kicking people right square in the mouth but now, now you just come out here, talk gibberish for 5 minutes and then try to leave. What kind of hardcore legend does that? Instead of standing here and facing my like a man, you simply drop the mic and begin to walk away. Ladies and Gentlemen, Rob Van Dam.


Dean exaggeratingly bows to RVD as there is a mix of cheers and boos, some cheering and booing Rob and vice versa for Ambrose.

OOC: Sorry it took so long to get another one up as I was away on business and hotel Wifi is shitty.


Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Smackdown June 8th Zack Ryder vs. Ted DiBiase

The camera cuts to a location that can be made out to be an outdoor music venue, and on screen is Ted DiBiase, he has a serious look on his face, and on his T-Shirt is the name of the band The Targets...


Ted DiBiase Jr
I'm guessing some of you guys, including that worthless piece of crap, Zack Ryder, are wondering why I'm coming to you live via satellite instead of joining you in the arena. Well there's two reasons for that, the first reason is the fact that none of you peasants in the arena, are worth my time or money, and I honestly can't think of one good reason as to why I should grace you with my presence. The second reason, is because I've been offered a good sum of money, to fly all the way to the United Kingdom, to promote a band I have been a good fan of for a few years now; The Targets. Yep, that's right people, I'm so classy that people are choosing to pay me, to promote their work, rather than going down the conventional route of using social media, I'm just that damn good.... Talking of being good, it seems like Smackdown management see something good in me, making me their fourth draft pick! I would've loved to be the first draft pick, but to be honest, I'm just glad I'm off Monday Night Raw, a brand where I was robbed of my rightful world title shot. I'm the classiest man this company has to offer, and it sickens me that I was never given that title shot, so hopefully now I'm on Smackdown all that will change.

DiBiase shakes his head as he takes a few minutes to gather his thoughts.

To begin my journey to the top, I must face someone who I cam across a couple of times on RAW, and that man is Zack Ryder. Let me get this clear Zack, you may of beat me ONCE, but I still remain the far superior man in this match up, and no matter what brand you are on, you will always be in my shadows. What makes me laugh, is the fact that you're still going on like a kid on Christmas day waiting to open his presents, over your ONE victory against me, that's right you think that one victory against me is such an achievement, and you can't go one day without mentioning the fact you beat me once. Let's be honest for a second Zack Zack, the only reason you beat me is because I'm better than you, I'm above you, and I couldn't be bothered wasting my time in a ring which such a peasant like yourself. Your childish antics didn't impress me then, they don't now, and I just wanted to get as far away as possible from you as I could, I didn't care whether you beat me or not.... The funny thing is Zack, is that you fail to mention the fact that just weeks earlier, I beat not only yourself, but two other men, in a fatal-four-way, that's right Zack, I defeated three men, in the classiest of ways for all of these fans to see. Weeks later, people are still talking about that victory, whilst your fluke victory against me has been forgotten in an instant! Also, I find it hilarious that you're stealing catchphrases from greats such as The Rock, and just because of that, I'll make sure you get no-where near my 'candy' ass as you put it, and I'll kick your WORTHLESS ass for dis respecting the great Dwayne Johnson.

Ted looks pissed off as he finishes off.

I can't wait to get my hands on you Zack, you really are a pathetic little human being, who acts as if he's a fifteen-year old virgin in his bedroom, marking over his impossible dreams of becoming the next biggest thing in Wrestling. I aim to show you what true class is like, and you can forget spiking your hair, because you'll have to take care, that you don't end up in Hospital.

Ted awaits a response as the crowd boo.


Feb 1, 2012
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Starrcade European Championship: The Miz versus Antonio Cesaro




The crowd boos heavily as the duo of The Miz and Paul Heyman come out from behind the curtains. The two heads straight for the ring without even listening to the hatred the fans are pouring on them. As The Miz heads inside the ring, he heads to the closest corner and climbs the middle turnbuckle and holds his arms in a cocky way in the air while Paul Heyman gets a microphone.


Once The Miz hops off the turnbuckle, Paul Heyman gets ready to speak, but hesitates as a massive "YOU SUCK" chant breaks lose which doesn't phase either individual


Paul Heyman:

Excuse me for a moment while I have the chance at speaking after all you ingrates shut your yaps. Now onto the problem at hand and his name is Antonio Cesaro. The man who claims to be the European Champion, grant it in the record books he is the current champion, however, from what I saw on Raw two weeks ago, my client, The Miz was a one count short of winning the Eurpoean Championship, but because of outside interference by Wade Barrett, you Antonio Cesaro would not have that title anymore. You are as they say here in America, are a lucky son-of-a-bitch. Teddy Long though finally made his best decision yet when he granted my client a rematch for the title. But, I feel very sorry for you Antonio because this time you have no place to run and no place to hide when this match happens inside a steel cage. What The Miz did to you on Raw was just a tast of what to expect come Starrcade and much more because you see the look in his face right now. I want you to get a close look at The Miz's face, he is determined more than he has ever been determined in the past. He wants this and because of how the match ended two weeks ago, he wants it that much more.

The crowd is split between the boos and the cheers as most fans do not like Antonio Cesaro and the others can't stand The Miz either

Paul Heyman:

Can you please allow me to finish speaking before you go about your ways? Personally my client and I do not care how you feel about us because this isn't about you any longer, this is about The Miz getting what should be around on his shoulder right now and that is the UWF European Championship. Do you know that I was the founder of extreme and who do think has been telling The Miz about how to become extreme, I have. The Miz is now a fierce competitor and will not shy away from a fight no matter how big or how small the person may be. You Antonio Cesaro are going to pay the price for finding the easy way out on Raw. You are going to be put through pure brutal hell inside the steel cage. My client is going to take that title away from you because you do not deserve to carry that championship. You have finally found an oppenent that you cannot beat and at Starrcade it will be, The Miz 2 and Antonio Cesaro 0 because The Miz will be the new European Champion!

Paul Heyman lowers his microphone as he and The Miz have a big grin on their faces as they await the champion

OOC: Round 2, just a little something to get going here. Good luck
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Nov 8, 2010
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The European Revolution vs. The New World Order

Josh Matthews is seen as the tron lights up, ready to conduct an interview.


Josh Matthews: Ladies and gentleman, joining me at this time, the man behind the attack on Stone Cold at the end of Backlash last week, the spearhead of the new New World Order, The Viper....

Josh stops in his tracks, when instead of Randy Orton walking round the corner, it's the former Undisputed champion, Wade Barrett.

Wade Barrett: Hold on just one damn minute Matthews. Randy Orton is a little too busy a second somewhere in the back, imitating Wade Barrett in an attempt to be as successful as I am, so for now Josh, you have the extreme pleasure of interviewing me, the leader of the first group to terrorize the UWF, The European Revolution.


Confused but intimidated, he continues to question Wade instead.

Well, Wade, you were there at ringside when Randy Orton attacked Stone Cold and sprayed his back with the famous nWo sign, thus starting this movement of force, in which he has enrolled your opponents for Raw, Christian and just last week Cody Rhodes, into the illustrious group. I mean firstly, about Randy Orton, what are your thoughts?

To be honest Josh, I couldn't really care less, I haven't thought about it much, but I'll entertain your question and analyze it for you right now. Randy Orton may think he is doing something refreshing and new, but he's not. He's so cliche, and he doesn't go out and make himself a new brand of terror, no, he brings back one of the most over-rated groups that the last time they came around, it was a parody by a selection of fat, shapeless untalented dimwits in the bWo. But, what I will give Randy credit for is how he runs the operation... Not that he hasn't had experience in doing it before. He's got Christian and he's got Cody, and together, they target one person, and go out there, attack them and leave him gasping for breath and begging for help. That.... it's revolutionary. It's something I've never heard of being done before. I mean, it's not like as if I have done that in the past say, month or so. I was there when he done it yes, but we were all here when I got Cesaro to do it to Jericho. But I suppose imitation is a true form of admiration and Orton, I'm flattered, I really am. The only thing that would have impressed me any more is if you had tried to do it to me. But as part of a prospering European Revolution, he knew the numbers would be more even, and he would never have tried to run through the Barrett Barrage with Cesaro backing me up. But now, the stage is set, the match has been made, and he must pit his minions against myself, the number one contender to the Undisputed Championship, fresh off of shutting MVP's big mouth up for him.... and our European Champion, Antonio Cesaro, who just last week, made light work of little Cody Rhodes in a night, that was all about the European Revolution, instead of the New World Order.

You sound confident Wade, wha-

Of course I am confident Josh, look at me. Come after Starrcade I will once again be officially the biggest superstar in the game. I have one of the most successful superstars in the history of this company as my partner, and we are fighting two gentlemen that are proteges of one of the men, I beat for the Undisputed Championship in the first place. You got Cody Rhodes, a man that cannot decide whether his career is sailing or failing, on minute he is the hottest new property here, the next he falls off the bandwagon like he's a rusty out of shape old wheel, only suitable for the scrapheap of wrestlers that tried and ultimately couldn't cut it. And Cody realizes this because he does the only thing that is left to do when you can't pick up victories on your own.... You join other people. And he that he has joined, is Christian, a man that never even gave himself a chance here. He jumped at the very first opportunity to jump on someone else's back to gain glory just like he did with Edge for all those years. And this week we saw the ultimate back-stab, and it seems that Christian really has sold his soul. Myself and Cesaro never sold out, sold our soul, done anything to question our credibility. We have literally done what we have set out to do and literally be a force in greater numbers. This week pits the original faction in the UWF against the supreme copycat faction that Randy Orton has set up. He is letting literally anyone in, where-as with the Revolution you need to fit certain credentials.... more than just being European.... to be able to join our ranks. And you will see that is the case when we lock with the nWo this week on Raw, and we show that Randy Orton's minions, are just mere mortals. But myself and Cesaro? We are, a revolution!

Wade Barrett smirks at Josh Matthews as the camera fades.


Jun 26, 2010
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England, UK
Raw June 12 - Regal vs. Anderson



In typical fashion the crowd pop for Anderson who jumps out from the back, more energy than usual. He smirks and swaggers down to the ring, clapping hands with a few fans but stopping in front of someone dressed head to toe in MVP branded bling and with a 'Most Valuable Player!' sign. Anderson asks for the sign, all smiles, and takes it from the fan. Anderson holds it up to the camera before tearing it down the middle to a big pop. Anderson hands the sign back in two pieces and the fan is pretty amped to even be acknowledged by a superstar. Anderson jogs up the steel steps and swags on through the ropes. He hops up the turnbuckle and throws his arms into the air to another mild cheer. He hops down and the lights remain dim as Anderson centers himself in the ring and poses to receive his drop down microphone. His face is all business suddenly.

Anderson: First thing is FREAKIN' first!

The crowd hush, unaware of what Anderson is referring to.

Are there any god damn assholes in this building tonight?

Pop from the crowd.

See this weeks show? Anyone? No? You all missed it? Let me give you the gist of what went down. I turned up and called out management on their treatment of me. They bottled it and threw MVP to the shark, that's me in this metaphor, whilst also handing me the opportunity I've earned, the opportunity I deserve to become the Undisputed Champion!


Pop from the crowd and the cameraman comes in for a close-up on Anderson - "Green Bay's gonna be title town again..brother."

Now for next Tuesday night, to prepare for the "onslaught" of MVP and his trash hip-hop speak and power ranger outfit, I get to go one on one with a guy I actually sort of...respect in a way. William Regal.

Boos from the crowd.

I know, I know but hear me out. The guy was probably the original asshole! He knows all the tricks in the book and he's a tough son of a bitch. What that doesn't change though is the facts, the fact that I will not stand at the side any more while people take MY spot. I don't care who you are, whether you're Stone Cold Steve Austin, whether you're Wade Barrett, the nWo or William Regal, you're getting the best of this asshole. So come on Regal, come lay your accent on me and tell me why you're going to beat me when the only action you've had this week was standing in the ring being blown off by CM Punk and generally looking like a tool.

Anderson says those last lines almost apologetically as he awaits Regal.


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Feb 26, 2012
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6/12 RAW: MVP vs. Orton

I Hear Voices In my Head.......-static-........​


The crowd erupts shaking the arena off it's barriers, as the NWO's vicious leader has arrived. Moments pass as the crowd goes crazy, before he apex predator emerges from the curtains, wearing his trade mark smirk and the black and white of the NWO. He begins down the ramp but stops at its beginning, as he soaks in the crowd. He throws up both arms, as pyro falls from the rafters, but not the usual gold but instead black and white.​


He proceeds down the ramp, climbing the steel steps and up into the ring, climbing each of the four turnbuckles and hitting his signature pose again, before hopping down and yelling at the ringside crew to hand him a mic. He retrieves a mic from the time keeper, as he calls for his music to cut. A huge NWO chant breaks out, as Orton raises his mic to speak; he pauses for a second longer before finally getting into it.


Before I'm so rudely interrupted again by some "European Revolution" that thinks their relevant again, let me speak about the domination displayed by the New World Order last week. Cause you see Wade Barrett, while you may have interrupted my little meaningless interview time backstage, here I stand before you in MY ring, mic in hand. If you feel obligated to once again interrupt the Viper, you know exactly where to find me.​


Randy Orton rests on the ropes staring hard down the ramp, inviting Wade Barrett to come down to the ring. He motions for Wade Barrett to come out to ringside to join him, but nothing. He smirks as he continues on the mic​

Wade Barrett you run around backstage spewing whatever whimsical fairy tales that you want and claim that I'm imitating you, or that I made a faction because you're in some over glorified tag team that you call a faction. Truth be told, fact of the matter is, is that you'll never have as much success as the Viper. Cause Wade Barrett while you were in whatever polk town city wrestling for fifty bucks every night, I was in Evolution becoming the youngest WWE champion. I captured my first major title at the age of twenty four, after learning from two of the greatest minds to ever step foot into this ring. Hunter and the Nature Boy Ric Flair took me under their wing, they groomed me to be nothing but the best at what I do.
A huge WOOOOOO resounds across the arena at the mention of the Nature Boy.

Last week on RAW the New World Order once again showed why THEY'RE the most dominate force on not only this brand, but this entire company as well. Last week in this very ring not only did Christian remain undefeated by defeating Chris Jericho, I myself was victorious in my match against the Rated R Superstar Edge. Jericho and Edge are just two more causalities added onto our ever growing list of superstars that have viciously fallen to the NWO. Two more guys who didn't heed the warning that the NWO will destroy anybody and anything that stands before them. The icing on the cake last week, was that the New World Order grew stronger and more dangerous, and grew by one. The addition of Cody Rhodes was a no brainer; I've known Cody Rhodes for a long time throughout Legacy and after, and he processes more talent, more drive, more determination, and more charisma then Wade Barrett and Cesaro have combined. Cody Rhodes was the first ever UWF Undisputed Champion, and now aligns himself with the only faction that was made for nothing but championship gold.

Wade Barrett, you may have gotten the best of the Viper on the reboot episode of UWF's RAW, but the Viper that stands before you tonight is not the same one that was occupying this ring one month ago. He's more cunning and more vicious then ever before. A apex predator that will stop at nothing to right the travesties of our RAW general manager. "Barrett Barrage" after I finish smacking my boot across John Cena's head at Starrcade, we got some unfinished business to take care of. I hope you defeat Stone Cold Steve Austin at Starrcade Wade, I really do. I'm rooting for you because when I finally punt you and Antonio Cesaro in your heads, it'll make it that much more satisfying taking MY UWF Undisputed Championship off your hands. Don't worry though, I'll be sure to send you a thank you card for holding it safely for me, that's if you and your lackey even make it past Cody Rhodes and Christian tonight in the Main Event.

A RKO chant breaks out as Orton continues​

On to my scheduled match tonight, a match against a superstar that hasn't proved himself worthy of anything; but yet Teddy Long is handing him a opportunity at Starrcade for the UWF Undisputed Championship just because of his bias views to help out a "brother". It sickens me to see such injustices being allowed by our administration. MVP tonight you're in for a reality check; your free run that started last week by Teddy Long ends here tonight in this ring.

Orton is heating up, as the crowd begins another chant.​


MVP stepping into this ring with me tonight may be your dumbest decision yet since you showed up here last week in that Rent A Car. If you come down here tonight to step across this ring from me, you will get hurt. That's not a threat MVP, that's a promise. Cause injustices like the ones last week, and the ones that have continued over these past few weeks will no longer be tolerated by the New World Order. We're here to take over, we're here to take what we want and tonight MVP you stand in the way of that mission. You stand in the way of that mission just like Austin Aries, just like Chris Jericho, just like Edge, and just like Stone Cold Steve Austin. It's a disgrace really to even mention your name in the same sentence of superstars of that caliber as low as it may be, because honestly Montel you're nothing more then a show opener at best. You're always been that way in your career MVP; you were that way in Vince McMahon's WWE, and you've proven that you're the same old MVP here by losing to both Ken Anderson and Wade Barrett.

MVP I know you're backstage, and I know you can hear me. Why don't you come down to my ring, let me slap you around a few times and we'll call it a day. Cause I know, and yourself know that you won't, can't and never will beat the Apex Predator Randy Orton. I'm a third generation superstar MVP, I was raised for nothing but success in everything I do. Let's go MVP, come down to this ring and show me you're a man. Show me that you're not just some jobber. Prove to me that you're existence in not only this company but life itself is one of importance..I'm waiting...
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Re: UWF Smackdown - Batista vs. Daniel Bryan

Batista looks absolutely furious.


You defeated a man that is absolutely worthless and means nothing to me. What sickens me is the fact you people come from little promotions and try and steal my spotlight. MY SPOTLIGHT. With everyone from small promotions crossing over, perhaps... Just perhaps I should grab my friend and bring him over here, just maybe I should go Leviathian again. Yeah, people would pay to see that... People pay to see me and all this crap that's freakin' going on is just pissing me off! The days of glory are over, the days where 'Real' wrestlers were around are no longer here because of morons like you and Dean frickin' Ambrose! To me, Stone Cold Steve Austin is the true Champion around here; not you; not anybody else. I might not see Steve eye-to-eye but you flaunting around here with your freakin' hardcore belt disgusts me. Who do you think you are claiming you're the best in UWF? I know I am better than you and I will get to prove my very point this week because if I can't beat you... Then I don't know... Maybe I'm too old, maybe I'm just not cutting it anymore but I ain't frickin' quittin'. I did that before and I don't want to be known as a quitter around here. You know something Daniel... What you just said made me realise something... new kid on the block, trying to make a name. That's exactly what you and Dean are doing, yet you're fighting it out like little Indy Shmucks that you are, I'm here to wrestle but I'm also here to give you guys a warning. If you want to fight with the best, you've got to prove yourself, not run around and bad-mouth everyone else like I have been doing. Yeah, this could be an

The crowd gives a mixed-reaction...

These people are slowly beginning to understand me Daniel. These people enjoy watching people cry, they enjoy the fact that I could be picked on, but that all stops Daniel. These people only chant 'YES' because it's true when I ask them this... Are you saying YES, Daniel Bryan is an idiot? YES Daniel Bryan is trying to get himself over, YES you people are cheering YES to make him believe this all?

The crowd begins the 'YES' chants, this outrages Daniel, he tries to cut Batista off as Batista laughs.

Just you wait your turn Daniel, I've studied you. I know who you are, you're not just some Indy Shmuck I've been calling you. You're in fact one of the greatest guys to ever wrestle and now you've made it to the big stage, you hold a Championship. I applaud you for your efforts but I'm having a bit of a rough path as of late, just perhaps I have the effort to beat you, maybe so, maybe not. I know you're speciality is your technical skills, the abilities to put people into submissions but I think you're forgetting something as well. Just before I left the WWE, I delivered a new submission move and I can be proven that I can get technical as well Daniel. Whilst you've got the arsenal to deliver everything in your path... Just maybe you're going to be mistaken. However I'd shake your hand in respect but I know you wouldn't shake hands with me, I could show everyone I've turned a new leaf after your words but seeing is believing... Just remember everything I've said...

The crowd not sure how to react to that, there's a few chants breaking out... Bryan interrupts.

OOC: Can only go 2-2 this week Hoov.

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Re: The European Revolution vs. The New World Order

The camera pans the arena, with the only sounds coming from the crowd speaking to one another waiting to see what is going to happen next when they hear the intro that immediately cues them to boo towards the stage*

Whoa Oh


*The theme goes from the intro to the nWo theme, the music playing throughout the arena as the crowd looks towards the stage. Finally Cody Rhodes emerges through the curtain and the crowd boo even louder seeing him in person, Rhodes looks around for a moment before he makes his way down the ramp. Rhodes runs up the steel steps and wipes his feet on the ring apron before stepping in and going for a microphone, standing in the middle of the ring he waits for his theme to fade off before lifting the mic*

Cody Rhodes:

A lot of people were talking about my sudden, grouping with Randy Orton and Christian. And I'm already noticing a lot of people misinterpreting what exactly this group is about, like Mr. Barrett

*Rhodes motions to the stage as the crowd boos*

Who likes to call us a copy cat, while he was ever so kind to take Randy Ortons interview in a mirror image of what I did on Monday Night Raw. But no matter, what I am going to address is a few comments Wade made, namely the implication that we are minions of Randy Orton, Randy Orton this Randy Orton that Wade is as obsessed with Orton as Orton himself is. See Wade this isn't Randy Orton you're facing, and the nWo Isn't, I repeat...ISN'T Randy Ortons group. See there is no one leader, you know like you used to claim in that rip off of a rip off of yours. Except here it is the truth, the nWo name wasn't chosen because of it's past no I know now why we are the nWo. We aren't a copy, we aren't a tribute, we are in no way associated with those old timers, now first and foremost nWo stands for "New World Order" and that is what we are after. And that is what we are after individually, we are only together to help fulfill that goal, there is no leader and even if there was The First UWF World champion...and the only man going after a championship at Starrcade would be him But I digress.

*Rhodes turns back towards the crowd*

I am not Randy Ortons protege, see Wade instead of Randy Orton with Christian and I behind him on the pictures like Cesaro with you, all you see is the three letters. A New World Order a changing of the guard, of all those who have overlooked me in the back. What is the little Revolution of yours about? it is about You and Cesaro helping each other win matches but we are about something so much bigger. Which is why Christian and Myself will be taking it upon ourselves to defeat you on Raw so quickly, because we want to rid ourselves of being compared to you quickly so we can get to our real issues. As far as you're Championship shot all I really can say is the best of luck to you, Stone Cold is a man I've beaten before you I have eliminated from battle royals but I still haven't shown you first hand what I am capable of so it'd give me a reason to waste my time with you. But I am getting ahead of myself, on Raw it isn't about Wade Barrett and the championship I am for all intents and purposes more worthy of than the one who holds it. This is about a new world order putting a revolution in it's place, I don't like Orton and honestly I don't like Christian but we want things to change around here so we're going to be helping each other in that change. The first change on the list just so happens to be the idea that the European Revolution is the top group around here. Christian is a former World champion, I am the first UWF World champion...you are a two week long champion and Antonio is simply a champion thanks to you appearing in his matches. That is above all else the biggest difference between us, you two men need each other to be able to get things done we are three individuals not helping each other win a match but helping each other take over. But by all means, the best of luck to you Wade and Antonio in your little revolution, I'll be too busy changing the world to be watching...Cody Rhodes...6:25.

ooc:....meh. Good luck gentleman.
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