UWF 2012: Past Raw Trashtalking

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Re: UWF RAW - Batista vs. Orton

A few moments pass as Batista waits inside the ring for the arrival of the viper...then his titan-tron hits.​


The video plays for a few seconds before it suddenly is cut short, leaving the crowd to a chorus of boos and Batista smirking. He raises his mic to continue bantering and raving to the audience when the titan-tron lights up once more.​


The crowd explodes as Randy Orton passes through the curtains and onto the main stage. He's wearing his usual smirk, but donning some new ring gear. Across his chest is no longer his corporate t-shirts sold on websites or in the arenas, but a black one bearing just three letters, N..W..O. He makes his way down to ringside, as Batista looks on. The fans reach out for Orton but he continues up the steel steps and into the ring, as someone from the outside hands him a mic, and his new music fades out. The crowd begins to chant NWO as Orton pauses for a few seconds, then raises his mic up to speak.​

Orton: Dave Batista, let me please rescue this crowd from any more of your delusional and pathetic rants and raves, that honestly they and myself do not care about. You see Batista you're here, and you're here for one reason only. That reason being that Dana White decided that Dave Batista wasn't good enough to be a MMA fighter, and you were sitting home out of a check. Here's the kicker Batista, the one thing that really puzzles me. Is this the Dave Batista that I knew from our Evolution days? Is this the Dave Batista that turned his back on me, stabbed me in the back and dropped me on my head just because someone told him to? Or is this the Dave Batista that realized he couldn't hack it anymore, he couldn't beat myself, Cena and many others and picked up and his ball, and walked out on a company?​

Batista me and you have had our past, we've beaten the hell out of each other at PPVs, but we all know, and these people know; that its myself that is the better man standing in this ring right now. I have more talent, I have more charisma, and I have more drive to not only win championships, but to also retain them. At Backlash I showed everyone in the locker room, I showed the monkey's running this company, and I showed all these people here tonight and watching at home that I always will be the better man; and that I ALWAYS will be the face of this company. It was Randy Orton who laid Stone Cold Steve Austin out in the ring moments after he raised his title high, and a tear dropped from his eye. It was Randy Orton who punted former UWF champion Austin Aries in his head sending him to the hospital. It was Randy Orton who brought the NWO to this company, and it will be Randy Orton that leaves Dave Batista laid out in the ring tonight

Orton smirks as he continues​

You see Dave that's the difference between you and me, and always has been the case. While you come out here on the mic and rave and shout that you demand respect and championship matches then eventually just quit in general, I enter this ring and I earn them by simply being the best at what I do. Cliche I know cause so many claim this title, but they are not the Viper. Cause you see Dave when I enter this ring, I already have the respect of these people, and of everyone in the back cause I AM What keeps this company alive. The month I've been out of the ring, the ratings and sales for this company has dropped drastically. Why? Cause without me this company is going no where. Backlash alone sold in over a million homes across the world, why? Cause I appeared for five minutes to dispose of the trash that was occupying my ring and to announce the coming of a revolution that's actually relevant to this company. Everyone backstage all week has been asking me why Randy? Why would you attack Stone Cold and Austin Aries, and why have you brought the NWO here. Those questions will be answered later on tonight, which will the most watched segment of the entire show. You see Dave you should consider it a privilege, actually hell you should consider it a HONOR that you're standing in the ring before me. You are not worthy of my time, nor my energy but I will be rid of you just as I did Austin Aries. You see Batista this isn't about the UWF Undisputed Championship for me. I could lift that title off Stone Cold Steve Austin any time, any place, Stone Cold is not a threat anymore and neither are you Batista.

Batista goes to make a move but Randy puts his hand up​

Whoa there big boy, I don't want to give these fans their entire five minute match just yet. You'll get your chance Batista to be room mates and share the same bed pan with Austin Aries later on tonight. Dave Batista this isn't about you, and this isn't about me. This is about a event that marks the beginning of something bigger, a idea and a plan your pea brain can't even fanthom. Tonight starts the end of corporate power and the injustice and disservices that not only Teddy Long has brought to this company but the Office of Administration itself. It can't be stopped, and will not be stopped. WERE....TAKING.....OVER!

Orton drops his mic as he raises his hand up into a Wolf, signaling the old school sign for the NWO.​


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Re: Beat the Clock - Rob Van Dam vs. Wade Barrett

Rob Van Dam is looking at Wade Barrett who's ready to reply, but Wade takes just a little while longer to take in all that has been said, before responding.


Wade Barrett: I don't actually quite believe what I'm hearing here. I had to take that little time out there to try and work out whether I am tripping off your aroma or whether you are just talking plain nonsense, and since I can still smell the undeniably foul stench of Rockport fishing town, I'm now pretty dam sure that it's the latter. Rob, after you had your chance with the United States championship, let me tell what happened to that championship. In your absence, it became one of the most prestigious and sought after belts that you could capture in this company.... Because to do so you would have had to take it off of me. My European dominance was over, and my eyes were set on a new prize, seizing something precious that belongs to the Good Ol' US of A.... and taking it hostage from where no-one could capture it. And the only reason I'm not still the United States Champion.... Because I went one better. I turned Mr. Untouchable himself, the unbeatable CM Punk... Remember him, when you were here he never lost? Yeah, well he lost to me twice without reply, and one of those times was for the gold. So, maybe when I'm done here, you can tell me who I'm really a wanna-be of, when in all seriousness, I am the one that sets the standards and raises the bar around this place.

Wade pauses, almost to let the UWF Universe let off some steam against him, and chant 'RVD', urging him to respond. But Wade hadn't finished yet.

You hear that? Can you hear that? You know what that is don't you. Don't get fooled by the facade that they are chanting your name Van Dam, the reason they are saying that is not actually for you. No, no, the only reason anyone chants the opposite when I am around is because they want to see me fall. The want to see me fall and that means they will literally get behind anyone else, to try and stick it to me. But I'll let you in on probably the worst kept secret in history, I love it when they chant against because I know that I am planting seeds in every single one of their heads and when they're leaving through the main doors, with kjust half a fifty dollar ticket stub and three hours worth of memories in their heads, the one lingering lasting memory is that I am still the man, and despite all of their efforts, they could literally do nothing about it. There is one thing you said through that whole comeback speech that is actually correct, and that's only due to an observation of the opening line of my theme music, and it is that I really couldn't care less what you think of me. If you think good of me I don't care because I know I'm good. If you think bad, I don't care because I will prove you wrong and make you eat your words. And to be frank, I especially don't care what you think, because I doubt you even know yourself half of the time.

The crowd boo as Wade grins like a Cheshire cat, but continues to speak still.

It's going to be a great night Tuesday night, and I really am glad that you are going to be there to share the occasion with me. Where I am going to take your hierarchy of main eventers like me, and then you above them... I'll tip that directly on it's head when I show you that whilst you've been sitting on the sidelines waiting for the opportune time to come back and catch everyone by surprise, that I have evolved into a superstar that cannot be surprised, and have transformed into a superstar that one on one there is not a person on the face of this planet anyone can handle. Not only that but this whole company is on the cusp of a European Revolution, where Antonio Cesaro and I will literally grab this company by the horns and ride for everything we can literally get out of it. If Randy Orton thinks he can jump on the bandwagon and start a group that never really had any substance to it to start with, then he has another thing coming. I understand that saying this is like talking to a brick wall, but an idea for Randy Orton would be to try so originality, instead of making a name for himself as a copycat of his peers.

But Randy Orton is not a worry to me. Randy Orton is going to struggle to get the victory over Dave Batista, never mind beating the clock in doing so. And you will be the catalyst that will thrust me to championship status, you will be the one that the Barrett BARRAGE runs straight through, similar to how it looks like a hurricane is blown his way right through Michigan. And you, Rob Van Dam will be the very reason that these people will be mourning a premature end to Stone Cold Steve Austins reign, and the beginning of the true European Revolution. Viva La Revolution.

Wade smiles waiting for RVD to respond.


Apr 29, 2011
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The Throne
UWF RAW: John Cena vs. Bully Ray (Beat The Clock)


John Cena’s entrance music blares out of the speakers, and the crowd bursts in thunderous cheers. All of a sudden, an over hyped John Cena dances out onto the stage, all pumped up as always. John Cena looks into the camera and screams out “Celtics are going all the way, and so is Cenation!” before meeting the end of the stage. John Cena takes a bow forward, straightening himself before raising his right arm quickly, saluting the ring. John Cena hops and in an incredible sprint, races down the entrance ramp before sliding into the ring. John Cena hops up and onto his feet, as he throws up his hand sign on the ropes. John Cena bounces off the ropes and throws his cap at the crowd, who fight over it. John Cena walks over to the end of the ring, grabbing a microphone before speaking.


John Cena: Can’t say I didn’t expect it.

The audience stays quiet, awaiting to see what John Cena meant by that.

John Cena: I come out here every week with the sole intention of entertaining you all, whether or not it works, but tonight, tonight, we’re in Boston! When John Cena’s in Boston, we louder than New York can ever be! Ladies and Gentlemen, we ain’t gonna’ sleep tonight! The entire world has been talking! They’ve all been talking! It seems as if my sudden signing to Ultimate Wrestling Federation has really lit a fire under everyone’s behind. I guess you could say not many of y’all seen it coming – that’s the beauty of it! When the entire world found out John Cena signed on the dotted line with U.W.F., the entire professional wrestling industry was shaken! Everywhere I went, people were talking! Facebook and Twitter, people were talking! They were talking about John Cena leaving that other company and jump shipping to U.W.F.! It was inevitable! And tonight, is the night where I make the world talk more. Tonight is John Cena’s official debut! And U.W.F. decided to throw a new signee as well. When you think of this guy, you think of passion, determination, athletic, the future! I’m of course talking about Bully Ray!

The audience chuckles with John Cena, as he lowers the microphone, knowing Bully Ray’s name doesn’t scream any of these words. Cena takes a moment to reflect, before continuing.

John Cena: Obviously, those words don’t stand out to Bully Ray. And, I’m not gonna’ think of words that do because it’s not important. What’s important is why Bully Ray is, well Bully Ray. Bully Ray is the kind of guy that’ll turn down a picture or autograph with a smug on his face. Ya’see, that might be fine and dandy for him, but that’s disrespecting the U.W.F. Universe who paid their hard earned money to get the best experience possible. As entertainers, it’s our jobs to give these people a good time, and Bully? It seems your head is too far up your ass to realize how damn lucky you got it. It’s not me you have to worry about Bully, it’s these people. Some of em’ is booing me, but it’s safe to say I earned their respect! If I saw a kid who wanted a picture, I’d take it with him! Ya’know why? I used to be that kid – I used to be the kid who wanted autographs, and when someone ignored me? You better believe it didn’t feel good, and I made a promise to myself that if I made it, I’d give one hundred and ten percent each and every night, cos’ that’s what I do!

The audience continued to show their support for John Cena who smiled and looked around the arena before continuing.

John Cena: Everything I have – I had to earn! I worked my ass off to get where I’m at today! Countless hours in the gym, nights when I believed I would never walk again, nights away from family and friends, it was all worth it to get where I’m at today, live in Boston, Massachusetts, starting new and soon giving you folks a show of a life time! And, we’re gonna’ tear the roof off the building! It’s gonna’ be on fire tonight and you can bet your ass we ain’t gonna’ put it out any time soon! Cos’ this is Boston, Massachusetts, my home state and we’re gonna’ do it big and the real main event tonight isn’t ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin vs. Edge, nuh uh – the real main event is Bully Ray vs. John Cena! And when I win tonight Bully, not only will I have the shortest time in the tournament, not only will we steal the show and put on a five star match, I will advance in the tournament and go on to Starrcade to face Steve Austin for the U.W.F. Championship! Enough of the future, tonight John Cena is startin’ things off on a good note! You’re gonna’ see what happens, first hand when you step in the ring with a new and improved, Ruthless Aggression approved, John Cena!

John Cena calms his self down, before taking a deep breath, continuing.

John Cena: Try and bully that, homie.

John Cena lowers the microphone, awaiting for Bully Ray to come out.​
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Apr 23, 2011
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Re: Beat the Clock - Rob Van Dam vs. Wade Barrett

Rob just laughs and then replies ...


Dude, tripping off my aroma? I am no damn coffee bro. Also it doesn't matter whether I talk nonsense or not. It's about me kickin' your European ass back home. United States championship became one of the most prestigious title, but wanna know why? 'cause Rob Van Dam made it prestigious, so everyone wanted to be just like RVD and everyrone wanted and still want to win that title and after I'll kick your head off in our match, guess what, yeah, everyone will want to kick your ass. I remember CM Punk, how he was unbeatable, but remember the guy named Rob Van Dam, who was for almost two months undefeated? Dude, I'm a tornado. Because when I appear the only thing I left in the ring are lying bodies. I'm Mr. Mond ... uhm Tuesday Night and in all seriousness, if my right arm is not going to knock you out, my left will do it. All those championships are not the things you should be interested in right now, 'cause, you've got Rob Van Dam to worry about and it ain't easy to stand with The Whole Fuckin' Show in one ring, believe me, I know how it feels ...

RVD blinks at Wade Barrett and fans are giving Rob support. The Whole Fuckin' Show continues ...

Next thing is, that ... I don't see anyone else around here, who's name is Van Dam, so, I think they're chanting my name. Maybe it's time for you, to finally realize that, you're standing against ... against ... Rob Van Dam and I think, when people hear this name, the first thing on their mind is respect. And then many other positive things, but it seems Wade, that you just don't get who I am. But it doesn't matter, 'cause after the match, we can become friends and ... and .. you can shake my hand and if you won't shake my hand, nevermind, I'll shake yours. And then we can watch TV together, shopping together, grow up some nice green grass together, if you know what I mean. And, uhm, you don't have to say, you don't care what I or we think of you, dude, we heard your theme song, don't worry, it's okay, there's no reason for repeating it. You know, a lot of people are predicting that, actually this time it will be you. who's going down and I think they're right, 'cause there's no way, you're gonna beat somebody like me. But don't get me wrong man, you're great, awesome. You have skills, charisma and all these things, but you're just not as good as Rob Van Dam and that's what it's all about. It's big night for these people, 'cause they can watch they're favourite wrestler in action and just to assure you, that favourite wrestler I'm talkin' about ... is Rob ... Van .. Dam ..

The crowd says RVD's name simultaneously with him and then they clap their hands. When there's silence in the arena again Rob continues ...

Grab this company by the horns and ride for everything we can literally get out of it ... dude, I thought I'm weird, but I gotta ask you ... what you've been smokin' bro? As I'm lookin' at you and I'm listening to this crap, I've come to decision, that you're pretty high. And I don't mean high like high, but I mean high like high, if you know what I mean. *Attendance starts laughing very loudly* For example I have never used word bandwagon .. well ... right now I said that, but I mean before. By the way, I'm not sure if I know what that word means, but whatever. If it makes you happy, then I admire, you have more words in your vocabulary than me, but I'm still plannin' on kickin' your ass. Obviously, it' gonna be another great night for Rob Van Dam, which means you're gonna drop some teeth on the floor Wade. And not even your Garage is gonna save you. Doesn't matter this match is not main event, because Rob Van Dam is making it the most watched match of the show. As a matter of fact, these fans will wait for our match and then they will tear their tickets and go home, 'cause all they wanna see is me stompin' your head down to the canvas and that's exactly what they're gonna get. Dude, I know you're seriously stressed out, you should relax, maybe smoke it off, but from what you've said, it looks likr you already ... relaxed!

RVD has smile on his face and fans are chanting his name ...

By the way, that guy Cesaro. I think he's, you know, better than you. But it's probably only my opinion. At least he can carry you throughout your career, but I don't think he would like to spend his career with such load like you are on his back. If you think, that I'm trying to separate you right here ... then you're more than right. The thing is, I don't care what the prize for the winner of this match is, if there's any. 'cause anyway, RVD 4:20 say ... your ass is about to get smoked dude!

Rob drops the microphone and leaves the ring ...


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Re: UWF Raw - Christian vs. Zack Ryder

Ryder looks very seriously at Christian before turning to the fans, and he can't help but laughing. He mouths "Are you serious bro?"


He looks back at Christian before starting up again.

Zack Ryder: Maybe I would respect you a little more if your weren't such a little bitch. Yeah, that's right, I said it. I see it, and so does everyone else. You're a complaining, whining, little...bitch.

The fans pop for Ryder's use of "Bitch"

Zack Ryder: I'm not wasting any of your time. Even if that's what you think. But let me tell you something. I don't care if you underestimate me. I don't care if you don't take me seriously. Because no one ever has, and look at where I am now. And I'm only going up. Granted, yes, I'm not the best in the back, and I'm not the best out here. I'm simply not the best. But what I have is heart. Heart, Christian. It gives me the strength to push forward. Too not just sit around and wait for a title push. To not just sit around and wait for someone to notice me. Unlike you. You sat around, waiting to be seen. Waiting for your chance, and you missed your prime. You never tried. That is one thing I beat you in Christian. In heart. You may have more experience then me, but I'm more motivated, and more driven than you ever were, or will be. And that is why come Tuesday my hand will be raised.

Zack is in Christian's face now, not backing up. Christian looks at him with almost zero emotion.

Zack Ryder: You think I'm a goof? Fine. Think that. I dress funny, I act funny, I'm just having fun bro! I'm a fan. A lifelong fan of wrestling and doing this is just amazing. I don't care if people don't think I'm the best in the ring. Or that I'm the best in the mic, or that I act silly. Look at me, I'm decked out in my own merchandise! It's just a dream come true bro. There was another wrestler, who had a boy hood dream. And he dressed extravagantly, and he acted funny, and he was silly. But he backed it up in the ring and he went on to become one, if not, the greatest of all times. Shawn Michaels. Wrestlers have been called goofs for years. People like Shawn Michaels, Triple H, John Cena. But the fact of the matter is I'm just like them. I come out here, I have fun, I make my Youtube show, but I get things done. Like it or not.

Zack shakes his head will the crowd cheers him on. He goes in for one more statement.

Zack Ryder: Christian, I like you. Always have, always will. Doesn't mean I like the man you've become, but I will always respect your in ring skills. Which is why I'm looking forward to our match more then any other in my career. Because I get to wrestle someone I watched while I was still in high school. And training. I get to BEAT someone who I looked up to. And honestly, it's just going to be fun from a wrestling fan standpoint, and I can bet all the fans agree with me. Like him or not, he is Christian, and he is an all time great, but I'm not one to be looked over either. It's going to be a hell of a match. And you can bet your ass that I'm not loosing it.

Zack extents a hand out to Christian, waiting for an answer.


Jun 5, 2010
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Beat The Clock: Mr Kennedy vs MVP

The UWF faithful are waiting patiently, waiting for some action to happen after already seeing an action packed night but its quieted down a bit for the last few minutes. The lights suddenly go out. The fans sit anxiously, asking the people next to them what is happening. The arena starts to flash gold and black lights everywhere, with some very known words inside the wrestling world ringing out over the PA system.



The camera focuses on the stage where a big inflatable tunnel which can now be seen, presumably being inflated while the lights were flashing on and off. The crowd rise to their feet awaiting one certain special superstar as smoke starts to escape the tunnel. The crowd aren't waiting long as the figure of MVP bursts through the flaps. He stops dead, looking around the crowd who give him a mixed reaction. He smiles, even chuckiling to himself as he lowers himself to the ground, touching the ground and mumbling to himself as he quickly jumps up, putting his arms out to his side in his signature pose, setting off the pyros behind him.


MVP starts to slowly makes his way down to the ring, ignoring all the fans that is leaning over for high fives while he just holds up his '305' bling bling up to the camera, yelling 'Mr 305' towards the camera. He comes towards the bottom of the ramp, stopping for a second, taking out some gum he was chewing and throws it into the crowd before he takes a little run up and slides into the ring. He doesn't waste anytime getting to his feet, running towards the ropes, bouncing off and doing his signature dance and Ballin taunt at the end.


He holds the pose for a while, smiling cockily as he lowers his arms, pointing at his chest with the fans still giving him a mixed reaction. MVP walks towards the side of the ring, bending over to pick up a mic that was placed on the apron. He strides back to the middle of the ring, raising the mic to his lips but the noise the crowd is making stops him from starting his speech. He lowers the mic, looking forwards now, smirking away as the crowd in front of him are clapping and cheering him. He raises the mic to his lips again and this time is allowed to start.



Are you all done? Is it my time to speak yet or you wanna hog a bit more of the spotlight from the greatest superstar that has ever stepped foot inside a wrestling ring? I'll just assume that it's my time but then again, when isn't it MVP's time? While I'm on the subject of time, more specifically my time, all of you will know why I'm out here, making my debut in UWF in front of you all, trust me, if I was everyone in this arena, I would go buy a lottery ticket because your luck is very high at the moment.I'm here inside this ring once again because this week on Raw, I have to not only beat my opponent which I will do without even breaking a sweat, I have to try and beat the clock as well. What the hell is a clock? Is it that thing that the timekeeper rings to signal the end of the match? Is it something that has feathers, being sold by the kernel? Oh wait, I know what it is, it's that thing with the 2 hands going round and round keeping time or that thing that shows the numbers signalling the time, I'm sorry for that, I haven't had to look at one of them for a while, well ever since I became rich and brought my 6 rolexs, let's just say I was getting bored with my ass with my money so I went shopping for a bit. Anyway, anyway, lets get back to the subject of this Beat the Clock challenge, does any of the other competitors really expect to beat the time that I will be setting? John Cena, Bully Ray, Batista, that won't even be able to wipe their ass by the time I beat Mr Anderson. Orton, Wade Barrett and RVD won't even be able to finish strecthing by the time Anderson has his shoulders pinned to the mat, hell you fans won't even be able to figure out the answer to 1+1 although I have an hour to beat Anderson by then.

MVP laughs into the mic as the fans get up and start to boo now as they realize he is still the cocky bloke that he was before. MVP just shrugs it off, lifting the mic back to his lips and starts to speak again.

Thats enough about the Beat the Clock Challenges, lets actually dive a bit deeper into the man that has the unlucky task of facing me on Raw. The man from Green Bay, straight away that should tell you that his a loser, no need to even look at his past but we will anyway. You see Kennedy, Anderson whatever the hell you like to call youself twice, you were seen as the future, you were seen as the one to take wrestling to the next level, no wonder every wrestling brand folded and UWF had to be created to save that brand. Once again though, you are being known as the future and look where UWF was headed, it was headed straight down that toilet, straight down to your level which is never a good thing but don't worry Anderson, the UWF management has identified the problem, they have identified the solution and if you haven't figured it out by now, you are the problem Anderson and the half man, half amazing speciman standing in front of you is the solution. We are the complete opposite of each other, you have bleach blonde hair that looks whack while I have my dark black hair in the cornrolls which looks abosolutly dope. You were born in Green Bay which is for the scroffs while I was born in Miami where all legends deserve to live, you like to call yourself an asshole which is well kinda the same because I speak the truth when I talk about myself when I say I'm the Ballin Superstar. You will lose this week on Raw while I will win, you future looks bleak Anderson and my future is just starting but will blossom and I intend on making it blossom by winning the beat the clock challenge, then going on to beat whoever is keeping my title warm for me. You know what, I'm getting bored of this, you should already know how good I am so how about Mr Anderson, you get your ass here and just prove to everyone that I AM BETTER THEN Y......

MVP suddenly gets cut off by a familar tune as Kennedy's theme song plays out over the PA System. MVP lowers his mic and look towards the stage awaiting Anderson's entrance.

OOC: Wow didn't think I would be that Rusty plus I get Killz first match back, damn!!!! Good luck Killz and the rest of the Beat the Clock people.​


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Re: UWF RAW - Batista vs. Orton

Batista looks extremely pissed off as he looks into the eyes of Randy Orton.



Dana White? MMA? What the heck are you on about? We're not here to talk about the freakin' past Randy, what was done in the past was done in the freakin' past, do you get it? You're too busy thinking about the freakin' past and that's what pisses me off! Seeing you brought up the past, let me tell you one thing and one thing only. I left on my own reasons and I'm here now with a big fat pay-check and there isn't anything you can do about it Randy. I'm sick and tired of hearing everyone backstage especially you whine and bitch because I'm back, are you people really that afraid of me? Did you want me to go back home? Too bad I'm not going home anytime soon so tell ya wife, tell ya kids that they are going to witness me kicking your ass this week! I don't care what you've got these days Randy, I really don't freakin' care! Now I had to listen to you while you almost sent me to sleep and trust me, I don't like sleeping so much... So you've accomplished a few things here and there whilst you've been here in UWF but I'm here to tell you that what you've been doing... Isn't quite good enough. You took out Stone Cold but I don't see no freakin' title around ya at all, you've taken people out but you've accomplished absolutely nothing and here you are stuck facing me this very week while I make sure that you don't get through to the next round of the tournament. I should be facing Stone Cold this week and kicking his ass but instead I've got to go through you, regardless of our past I know exactly what you try to achieve. When I speak of past, the NWO, are you freakin' kidding me? You're trying to bring something that was used fifteen years ago back? Look, if I wanted the freakin' NWO, I'd sit on me freakin' couch and put on the freakin' WCW DVD and watch it. But I don't wanna watch no freakin' WCW, I don't wanna see the same old crap over and over, every freakin' promotion are trying to relive the old days but I'm tellin' you that it is not freakin' possible! You won't be earning bloody championship shots trying to relive 1996, we're in freakin' 2012 and if you want to see a repeat of Evolution, a repeat of DX, a repeat of freakin' NWO then perhaps, just perhaps I should find some guys out back and show you how it's really done!

Orton tries to interrupt but Batista is quick to speak once again.

You will listen to me while I'm speaking Randy. These people do not like you, are you freakin' deaf? To try tell me you've got the utmost respect for these freakin' morons? If these morons are cheering your name then somethings wrong, I'm freakin' telling you morons that Randy Orton is nothing but a two-faced piece of crap! My freakin' dog's doo has more charisma than Randy! Now you're trying to tell me that you were the highlight of Backlash? As far as I'm concerned you were tapping out like the whiny little bitch you are in the middle of the ring, to me that's an embarrassment but you think it was some feat? Tapping out in the middle of the freakin' ring? What's that smoke inside your head because you need to stop! You're wastin' my energy by your absolute boring talk, please be relevant because if you think you're stupid segment is something special then just perhaps, just perhaps I've got something in store for you. You want to play mind games? I'll show you mind games. You're just using a petty excuse to try make yourself a bigger name than you already are but Randy, your name becomes useless after this week, once I'm done with you, everyone will be asking you... How Randy? How did you lose to Batista, he hasn't wrestled in so long. Wah-Wah-Wah! This company is smart putting me against you Randy, because they clearly know I will be escaping with my hand raised high over your bruised, broken and bloody body. You still think you're the best here but I'm man enough to prove that you're just a walking joke around here! I didn't freakin' come out here to hear about your stupid NWO and the past, I came here to wrestle and kick your ass so if you're going to raise that mic one more time, you better be freakin' telling me something other than the past and NWO 'cos if you don't... I'm going to make damn freakin' sure that you won't be taking over anytime soon and that's a freakin' promise!

Batista is suddenly cut off by Orton...



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Re: UWF RAW - Batista vs. Orton

Orton smirks before continuing

Batista before you came out here tonight, no one even knew you signed with the UWF. Why? Because no one cares about Dave Batista, and what he may or probably won't do in his short reign here in the company. I took out Austin Aries and Stone Cold Steve Austin to send a message that I am the best this company has to offer, and that in due time at Starrcade I will become the new UWF Undisputed Champion, with as much ease as it took me to beat you time, after time in the the WWE. Cause you see Batista you can say you left for your "own personal reasons", but you're not hiding the fact very well that you're not that great of a wrestler, your mic skills are diminishing, and you have as much charisma as paint drying on walls. Batista you never were, never have been, and never will be in the UWF, championship material. The only reason why you held a title in Vince McMahon's company was because he got a chubby for meat heads with no talent, and because you were too busy riding the coat tail of the legendary Ric Flair.

The crowd lets out a huge WOOOOO! As Orton continues

Batista, unlike yourself I excelled above Evolution. I was better then Evolution. I used Evolution, and everyone in it to further my own career, and to make myself as successful as I am today. I used you like a puppet and you were too dumb to realize it. While you were just peddling around in the water, I was proving that I was better then HHH, I was better then Naitch, and that I sure as hell was better then you. I went on to win countless championships that actually mattered, while you were stuck in tag teams with the Nature Boy, making jobbers pay for a five minute match, and it ate you up. Now here you are again, in my ring looking for another hand out, another attempt to give you five minutes of fame through someone else. I won't allow that to be so Dave, because tonight starts something that you, or any other group that tries to raise against us can stop.

He lowers the mic as the crowd begins a NWO chant, and raises it back up to speak once more​

Dave if I was you, I'd watch out who I kept around backstage and who you think you can trust, because the NWO is upon you, and tonight will reveal itself to the world. Your "super hero group" will fall at the NWO's feet as we take over this company and take what we deserve. Batista you're only a stepping stone in the master plan, you're nothing but a speed bump thats going to get rolled over and forgotten about. I will go on to take the UWF Undisputed Championship from Stone Cold Steve Austin, and will leave you laying in the middle of this ring unconscious like Austin Aries at Backlash. The NWO is here to take what they want Dave Batista, and take it we will either by willingness, or we'll take it by force.


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Re: UWF RAW - Batista vs. Orton

Batista looks more annoyed as he sits on the corner turnbuckle.



Nobody knew of my signing because these freakin' morons don't need to. I'll arrive when I feel like it, not when the freakin' internet is blowing with rumors and when my music hit did you see the expressions on all their faces. Shocked would be the word wouldn't it Randy? My reign here will be far from short, I'm here to stay for a freakin' long time and these people need to show respect! As far as I'm concerned when I am in this ring, I'm the only person in the arena so everybody should be paying their attention to me! But once again you're talking about the freakin' WWE, when will your voices in your freakin' head tell you to freakin' wake the hell up 'cos this isn't WWE this is UWF. So ya decided to send a message to a couple of guys to send out a message, well aren't you good? Do you want a freakin' medal for your actions? Do ya?! 'Cos I don't freakin' care what you did, I am not out here to talk about Stone Cold Steve Austin or Austin Aries, I'm here to talk about Randy frickin' Orton, I got a real problem with ya Randy. All your blabbering isn't making much sense anymore, you've got your head up someone's arse a bit too far 'cos all you are doing is talking about my past. How about you talk about the future or are you afraid because you know what's coming? I'd be Vincent Van Gogh in a minute if you don't keep your freakin' mouth shut! Now listen to me. You want to know the real reason why I left? I had family matters that are more freakin' important than wrestling but now all the family matters over, I'm back, better than ever and ready to kick some freakin' ass, you just happen to be the first person upon my return! Now how dare you disrespect Vincent McMahon and Ric Flair, I got along with both of them and whilst you were out there disrespecting people who made wrestling what it is today you somehow seem to get away with it here. But the consequences will come around to you Randy, you're not going to get very far with your disrespect towards other, especially me. I might not respect people here and why should I when they don't freakin' respect me back? I'm my own man and I'll do whatever the hell I want!

Orton looks to interrupt as the crowd gets behind him.

I'm still speaking... I don't freakin' care about Evolution alright? What concerns me is you have the brain of a freakin' goldfish, all this repetition about all these freakin' guys you hanged out with... The past, the past... You're like my freakin' grandfather when he talks about his freakin' glory days! I don't want to hear another freakin' utter out of your freakin' mouth! But I did catch something you said... You're not a puppet... Then what on Earth are you doing trying to reform NWO? If you weren't a freakin' puppet you'd be on your freakin' own trying to do something relevant but it's been proven Randy, you cannot accomplish a mission without the help of some people. This isn't a five minute piece of crap I'm looking for, this is reality Randy, if I have to be a freakin' puppet to prove a point to you, I'll freakin' do it. Not because I've asked for it but to prove you a freakin' point! I'm sick of your new attitude, you're a sell-out Randy. You sold out to these morons because they were desperate, these people wanted someone to cheer and that ate you up, it ate you up when these people popped everytime you hit that RKO. You wanted them to hate you but you sold out and gave in to these freakin' morons and look at you now. Claiming you can do the same old thing. All these freakin' threats, you're just like my next door neighbour tellin' me to take the freakin' garbage out and then one day, I beat him to a bloody pulp and told him I'm takin' the garbage out. Now Randy, you're hiding behind all these freakin' people... why don't you try beat me like a man or are you too weak to do that? Yeah... I knew you'd be that same ignorant prick from the good old days, you were given the run because we allowed you... But this week on RAW, there isn't anything to give you a run... The only running you'll be doing is trying to escape the freakin' ring when I step in because you've just unleashed an animal!


Chris Dresdon

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UWF Raw: Austin vs. Edge

It's a UWF house show, and in a moment that the action has subsided, Stone Cold appears on the titantron screen, inspiring a lot of booing from the crowd.


Stone Cold: All week, the entire wrestling world has been abuzz because of You Dubya Eff's newest signing. The signing occurred on Monday, six days ago, and nothing has come of it. I haven't seen his car in the parking lot, haven't seen him grab a bite ta' eat in catering, haven't run across him backstage, and he obviously isn't out here cuttin' a promo so I'm officially declarin' him AWOL. And that fact makes all of you as disappointed as I'd say Teddy Long is right about now, because he, much like you, thought he was signing Edge. The "Rated R Superstar", the "Master Manipulator". The innovator of the Tee Ell See match, the man that tugged at his hair and bugged his eyes out like a maniac before he cut his opponent in half with a Spear. Teddy Long thought he was signing that guy, and pissed his dress pants with excitement. And all of you soaked yourselves with anticipation because you thought that's who you were going to get to see on RAW every week. But both of you were wrong, You Dubya Eff doesn't have Edge under contract, they've got Adam Copeland trying to be Edge.

Which is something that can never be said about Steve Austin. I am Stone Cold twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, four weeks a month, twelve months a year, and so on. Adam, I don't know what made ya wanna come back, but lemme tell ya this, you better put the fear you've got aside. If you're gonna take yer life into yer own hands and step in this ring, don't half-ass it, come with it all or ask out of yer contract and leave. Because Tuesday night, if you're feeling scared or doubtful that you can pick up where ya left off, I'll smell it on ya, and I'll hurt ya, not, "Ow, it really hurts when you stomp me" hurt either, I mean you'll leave Stone Cold's ring worse than ya were when ya came into it. I will not carry you to a good match, if you show me no effort, I will squash you like yer ring name is still Sexton Hardcastle. Either way, you're still going to lose, but when I fight it's just like when I fish, I feel more accomplished when I reel in something that put up a fight instead of somethin' that just bit the bait and let me get 'em. The ball's in your court now, Adam, I'll be waiting to hear what you have ta' say.

The screen fades to black as the UWF crowd begins an "Edge!" chant, wanting the "Rated R Superstar" to give Stone Cold a rebuttal.


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Re: UWF RAW - Batista vs. Orton

Orton shakes his head in disgust as he speaks.​

Family matters Dave? You mean like your daughter's sex tape? By the looks like it she's almost as good with her mouth as her daddy is. Maybe one day you could slip her my number Dave, maybe I can find out for myself. Cause you see Batista you can come out here and rant and rave, you can repeat exactly what I've already said to you, and you can butcher my statements into your nonsense as much as you want. I'm already in your head Dave, I've already beaten you so it matters none the less if I speak about your past, cause your future will always repeat itself. Your past is your future Dave, it's pathetic that you can't already realize that and accept the fact that you've already lost to me before you've even stepped into the ring for our match. Dave it's pathetic that you come out here in front of the whole world and show what a imbecile you really are, and sadly attempt to make yourself relevant by using the word "freakin" every other word you say. It adds NOTHING to your rants Dave, and it just shows not only these fans but the whole world how superior I am to you in everything I do.

You want to talk about respect Dave? Why would I respect someone that I've already excelled over, that I've already proven that the torch has been passed and that I am the man. I give great credit to the likes of the Nature Boy and HHH, but when the time came I showed It was the student training the master. A great man once said if you want to be the man, you have to beat the man Batista, and you're looking at "The Man". If you want my respect Batista you have to come to my ring, you have to beat me. You have to reach up and grab that brass ring, but honestly I know deep down that you don't have what it takes to carry this company, because you've already walked out on one. Your debut for the UWF is going to be one of failure, one that defines what your career is, and what your career will always be.

The crowd begins to chant RKO as Orton pauses for a second, taking in the crowds chants before continuing​

Batista the only one that has sold out, is yourself. You may claim to be your "own man" and whatever else, but I wasn't the one who sold out. I wasn't the one who took his ball and walked away from a company, knowing that these fans pay to see us every night in whatever city were in. Dave, that's where you're mistaken, cause I could care less if these people cheer me, or if these people boo me. I come to this ring every night with one mission in mind, and that's to prove to everyone that I am the best. I am what drives this company, and I am your next UWF Undisputed Champion. I've proven countless times before that I need no one but Randy Orton, to get what I want. Dave, the NWO is more then you could imagine. You can come out here and spew whatever whimsical tales you want about how Randy Orton needs the NWO, but in due time you as well as everyone else will witness the power that is coming to this company. The call before the storm is here, and tonight begins something that has been a long time in the making, ever since the reboot of this company after Wrestlemania.​

Dave let me break down to you nice and slow so you can understand, how tonight is going to go. You're going to come down to this ring, and step across the ring from a more vicious, a more cunning, and a more driven Viper then you've ever seen before. That bell is going to ring, and I'm going to show you how sadistic Randy Orton can really be, and how he will stop at nothing to beat you, and how he will hurt anything and anyone that steps before him to get what he wants. I'm going to leave you laying in the middle of this ring Batista a bloody mess, your head will feel like it's disconnected from your shoulders, after my boot goes clean across it. Your will be staring up into those lights in a daze, and the only image you will see before you pass into unconsciousness is my hand being raised in victory. I will stand over your broken body, and I will paint three simple letters across your chest....N....W....O!


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Re: UWF RAW - Batista vs. Orton

Everything Randy has just said just angers Batista even more.


Who are you to speak about my daughter like that? What she did was wrong and disturbing. You've just made things personal now Randy, how dare you even think about getting with my daughter, don't you have wives and kids to look after? Isn't your wife Samantha good enough for you? It must be hard being on the road all this time not knowing that Samantha could just as well be with some other guy, is your marriage on the rocks? 'Cos I'll freakin' make it happen Randy, you have no idea what I'm capable of and I'm sick and tired of you trying to bring up personal matters into this. It's a desperate act coming from you, knowing you have that USMC tattoo on your left arm yet you were suspended from the Marine Corps and you were there for just thirty-eight days. You're nothing but a freakin' criminal and it sickens me to know the fact you want to sleep with my daughter. What even goes inside your sick twisted head? I'd like to know because it's not the freakin' voices anymore... it's something more frickin' twisted and I can't seem to figure it out. You're far from superior Randy, you're just a lost man who hasn't found himself yet... My time off allowed me to find who I really am, I realised that my time here in the past was absolutely worthless, I tried to care for these people but really, they didn't care. I have no friends here and I don't care about that. I wasted my time here in the past and now I'm out seeking for revenge. Everybody will be paying a price for what they've done to me, my own family destroyed me, my past destroyed me and now... Nobody will be able to destroy me Randy. NOBODY! So while you stand there with that smug on your face, I'll quickly wipe it off. Everything has angered me, such rage I've kept inside me for so long will finally be unleashed Randy...

The crowd boos Batista heavily.

I walked out on you because I don't need to associate myself with you at all, I've already stated you're a sick twisted man and I don't need to leech off people to prove a point. I've won countless championships in the past as have you as well, we're battling over who the better man is but I'm just waiting until that very day to prove my freakin' point. You've blabbered on like a little toddler at a candy store, you're not getting what you want Randy. You clearly sold out but you're denying it because you know you constantly hide and need people to help you here, it's why you've always been successful. Your father Cowboy Bob Orton is what got you this job in the first place, luckily enough you've managed to extend your stay. NWO isn't needed for you Randy, you're a better person but you're too freakin' stupid to even realise that! You're too stupid to realise you have a wife and a daughter because all you care about is getting with mine! Are you seriously a pedophile Randy? Are you seriously wanting my daughter? Just what will that prove for you? Should I just sleep with your freakin' wife? Oh wait... I probably already have, that wouldn't be surprising would it Randy? You may be a sadistic piece of crap but once the Animal is unleashed, then you've got a completely different side of me. If you want to talk about a bloodbath, you'll freakin' get that, I'll flog you around the ring like a dead horse and to a bloody pulp. These idiots might want to keep their freakin' kids away this week or else they're going to have nightmares and that's a frickin' promise! There won't be any frickin' punt to the skull coming from you at all Randy. You can try everything in your arsenal but I will not stop until I'm freakin' done with you? DO you understand me? I SAID DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!

Batista steps up as he points at Orton who looks away.

LOOK AT ME YOU PIECE OF CRAP! You brought a personal matter here, something these people didn't need to hear. It's guaranteed that I'm going to tear you from limb to limb, while you're going to head backstage and speak with the board of directors and ask for favors, that won't be necessary. You know why? Management loves you a bit too much, they don't give me the respect I truly deserve and I will tear this freakin' place apart until I am given what I want. If you somewhat manage to beat me this week, it won't be the end of it, bring all your freakin' friends to the ring. Bring everybody Randy, 'cos I'm telling you that you're messing with the wrong person! Until you are out of the tournament, my mission will be accomplished and my very goal is to take you out and take you out for good! I don't care how long it's going to take me but I'm going to do it!

Batista drops the mic as he pushes Randy before heading backstage, Randy kicks the bottom ropes as he looks pissed off, he still has words to say...



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Re: UWF RAW - Batista vs. Orton

Randy smirks and glances over at Batista​

Dave, Dave, Dave yet again you prove my point to be correct. I'm already in your head, and you could only imagine how twisted I can really be. Cause you see Dave I'm going to take you somewhere dark, a place you've never seen me go before not only in our match tonight, but in the weeks coming up as our master plan is finally revealed. This Viper is not the same that stood before you in Vince McMahon's ring, oh no Dave. My feelings for these people, anyone backstage, and hell even my own family are non-existent. There's only one thing on this Viper's mind, that's getting what he wants and what he deserves. Dave, the UWF Undisputed Championship is simply just a belt with a name on it, it's the meaning behind it that matters more to me. Being recognized as the best is the bigger picture, I could give a thought less to actually wearing the championship gold. Dave you need that belt, you need something to solidify your career, while mine on the other hand is already of Legend and Hall of Fame caliber. While in Evolution I may have been known as The Legend Killer Batista, After I dismantle you and everyone else leading up to Stone Cold; where I will take my place as the best at Starrcade I will simply be known as a Legend. After RAW tonight Batista you will go back to being the guy that comes out here and complains about how these fans don't like you, and how you were screwed but you know deep down you never were the man, and will never be the man.

The crowd is tense as they feel the tension between these two competitors, as Orton continues.​

Now I don't think I ever remembered saying that you walked out on me, Dave. I don't know if you didn't hear me, or if maybe you're just that stupid. If I remember correctly I said you walked out on these people, because you couldn't handle them booing you. It was yourself that sold out because it was you who wanted to be liked so much, and to have so many friends Batista, well you know what Dave? They're DEAD. Eddie and Chris aren't here no more, and it eats you up that these people realize what I did many years ago Dave, that you're just not Main Event material. You're just some meat head in tights, that grunts like a gorilla and throws people across the ring with no wrestling ability what so ever. You see Dave that's why you're never get anywhere, because you care too much about what THESE people think. I've told you before, these people mean nothing to me, but I won't walk out on them. Why? Cause they pay my check and allow me to compete in the world's best wrestling promotion to prove that I am now and always will be simply the best in the world. These people can boo me, these people can cheer me, these people can hold up stupid little signs they made with crayola crayons as long as I'm making a buck, and here competing with the world's greatest talent. Which to think of, they seem to fell off the train by scheduling me in a match against you, but I digress.

Dave I want you to unleash that Animal, I want you to come down to this ring pissed and ready to tear me limb to limb. I want to see the rage in your eyes, and I want you to focus on destroying me. Cause when I pin you in the middle of this ring, right here in front of the world and am declared the winner; I want you to know that you put everything out there, that you gave it your all and I still was the superior competitor and that I am and will always be..better then you. Batista tonight is my night, tonight is the beginning of something that is going to not only change this company, but shape it for the future. The NWO is something that will be talked about in the UWF for years to come, while the name Dave Batista will be recognized only as the guy that got squashed once again by the Viper and NEW Undisputed Champion..Randy....Orton!


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Re: Raw 5/29: European Championship: Antonio Cesaro Vs The Miz

OOC: Got_Swag, I have to apologize for being sloppy this week of all weeks, I've had exams, parties and whatnot, and there's actually sun shining in Scotland which is a rarity so I've not had the chance to go again. Which, considering it's a title match, is shitty.

I know it's close to the deadline, but if you want to go another round?, I'm totally down for that, but if you can't I'm not going to sandbag you and go 2-1.


Feb 1, 2012
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Re: Raw 5/29: European Championship: Antonio Cesaro Vs The Miz

OOC: It's ok man, I understand that and I appreciate that you didn't post one today because of all the days I was busy more than ever today and would not have gotten one up today. So no worries and good luck! Hopefully will have at it again down the line!
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