UWF 2012: Past Raw Trashtalking

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Feb 17, 2011
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Broken Dreams hits the PA system as the crowd erupts into a chorus of boos as the Chosen One, Drew McIntyre emerges from the backstage swearing a suit, he begins to make his way down the entrance ramp to the disgust of the fans.


Drew McIntyre ignores the fans as he arrives at the bottom of the entrance ramp, McIntyre stares at Cody Rhodes before climbing up the ring steps before going through the middle rope, continually staring at Cody Rhodes, Drew McIntyre takes a microphone from the ring tech before addressing Cody Rhodes.


The Chosen One,
Drew McIntyre

Is that what yer thinking Cody? That us two aren't equals, I'll have you know Cody, I am the Chosen One, hand picked by Vince Kennedy McMahon to be the future of this Industry! That is the truth Cody, we are gonna be dominating the 'best' UWF has to offer and that ain't much Cody and once WE dominate, then us two can worry about who the better man out of us two is.

The fans boo and begin to chant "You Two Suck!" loudly, which gets both Drew McIntyre and Cody Rhodes attention.

Shut up! You ungrateful slobs! Yous lot do not realize how good I am, how important I am to this company, how important Cody Rhodes is to this company, US TWO are the best in this industry but I am the overall BEST and there ain't a single damn thing anyone of yous can do it! And there especially ain't anything Paul London and Chris Hero can do about it! Paul London, you ingrate, while you're busy flying high on Cloud Nine, I will be winning matches, hell, you couldn't win a match even if you tried! Paul, one of the reason yous don't win your matches is because you don't even bother showing up when you are confronted by your opponents, hell, you might as well pack your bag and go home now and take that boy, Ohno with you because your dreams are broken before they even begun.


OOC: Eugh, that wasn't the greatest for a first attempt, need way more research especially at 2:41AM -_-​


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OOC: Been busy this week, won't be able to TT.
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Feb 1, 2012
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Raw 5/15/12: The Miz vs. Drew Mcintyre



The crowd boos heavily as Miz's music blasts off throughout the arena. The Miz then makes his way out to the ring and without hesitation heads straight for the ring without going about making himself look cocky. As The Miz heads into the ring he demands a microphone


The Miz:

Last week there were reasons why I did not show up to Raw. General Manager, Theodore Long had the nerve not to book me in a match, but wanted me to give my thoughts about losing to the new and improved Y2J. You know what I said to him, I said no. I am not going to just come in here and be told that I am not booked for a match, but I still want you to give a little speech about losing. No, I am tired of that. I am tired of all you and I am especially sick and tired of Theodore Long! Enough is enough. I am the must see superstar in this company and you know what irritates me beyond belief is last week when Chris Jericho came out here and was bad mouthing the fans, but said it was all just an act. But yet you people bought into him and bought into the new crap coming out from his mouth. You actually think he cares about any of you, he has you in the palm of his hands. All of you make me sick. That is why I did not come out last week. I wasn't even in the building, I stayed home and listened in on the people wondering where is The Miz at tonight and why is that, that's because I am once again the must see superstar on this show.

The crowd boos at Miz

The Miz:

You all can shut up. When I'm done talking you can express yourself, but for right now I am the one doing the talking and not any of you and sure as hell not anyone in the back. This is my time and I am using it. So I go one week of missing the show, but I do get a match for next week against someone who I onced respected because he doesn't get the same appreciation from you people much like I don't. But, next week Drew Mcintyre you are going up against the best in-ring performer in the UWF. I did once respect you, but you come in here for one week and right away get yourself into a number one contender's match? I had to work, you hear that, do all of you hear that, I had WORK to in the number one contender's tournament to even get a chance to get a title match. You, you didn't work for it. And it's this system that Teddy Long has that is a rip off. Yet, what I see is very unfortunet mishappening here by our general manager once again. Instead of giving someone who has earned a title match for all that he's WORKED for, just like I had my entire career, he gives a number one contender's match to you.

A mix reaction from the crowd as they don't care for Mcintyre that much either

The Miz:

I hope Teddy will be watching though because after I get through with Drew Mcintyre and completely dismantil him, he may need a replacement to face Cody Rhodes and that replacement will be none other than me, The Miz. But, I want all you to know that this is the beginning of the end for things to come here in the UWF. I am going to go on a new path of destruction until I get what I rightfully deserve and I do not care who comes in my way, whether you're a champion, legend, it does not matter. Next week Drew, I am starting with you. Next week starts the beginning of a new era because I'm The Miz and I'm AWESOME!!!

The Miz lowers his microphone and soaks in the boos from the fans


ooc: good luck


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Feb 13, 2012
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RAW 5/15/12 Ambrose vs Dibiase

Dean Ambrose's music hits as the fans go wild. 10 seconds later Dean Ambrose comes staggering onto the stage with his signature black jean jacket and his Hardcore Championship firmly around his waist. He soaks in the cheers for a bit and continues walking down the ramp with a stride in his step. He stomps on the ring steps as he goes up and goes through the middle rope. He asks for a mic and is handed one.


Now that’s what I’ve been missing for the past two weeks. I’m not sure if you guys noticed this but I haven’t had a match in two weeks which is the longest break I’ve ever had. I’m used to beating the living daylights out of someone, doing it another week, get a mandatory week off and then beat someone else. Well unfortunately for me, I wasn’t exactly medically cleared to compete last week. Naturally UWF would want their most popular wrestler to still play a big part of the show but alas I was AWOL last week. Now don't get me wrong, I was very much ready to fight anyone but they said I was too "mentally unstable". MENTALLY UNSTABLE! As long as I still have a beating heart, I'll come out here every single week and beat whoever they put in front of me!

The crowd cheers for Ambrose as he rubs his head and pulls his hair in front of him a little.

This of course brings me to my opponent this week, Ted Dibiase.

The crowd boos a bit.

Yeah boo that man! My thoughts exactly. Another useless person thrown in front of me on my way to the top of this company. Just who exactly is Ted Dibiase and what did he ever do to even get here. I swear the higher ups just keep signing new talent just to try and slow me down as I ascend to the top. At first I thought I would be facing his father Ted Dibiase Sr. and I was a little thrilled. Retiring old timers makes me happy as it allows the true stars to be not be held down anymore but instead it's his good for nothing son. The man couldn't cut it in WWE and he won't be able to cut it here either. He's going to be fighting for the United States Championship at Backlash. The man can’t even beat Zack Ryder and I‘m supposed to take him as a threat? Don‘t get me wrong Ted, I‘m actually pulling for you in your match at Backlash. That wannabe ass kicker thinks he‘s the toughest S.O.B in professional wrestling when everyone knows I‘ve been here longer and am far more dangerous.


The crowd cheers as Dean walks over to the ropes and leans against them crossing his arms appearing very calm.

There isn’t a damn person whose gonna stop me from taking over this entire company. UWF will fall at my feet. First there are many things that must never come together but it’s only a matter of time. People are doing everything they can to stop this but it’s inevitable. There is seemingly a new era coming and it’s not the era of Austin Aries, it’s the era of Dean Ambrose.

The crowd is a little taken back at first but then slowly begin to cheer for Ambrose.



Jun 3, 2010
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Backlash: No Holds Barred: Antonio Cesaro Vs Mr Anderson

The crowd are on their feet, excited of what shall occur on the PPV pre-show, when suddenly their excitement turns to resentment when the Anthem of Europe plays over the PA system.

Freude, schöner Götterfunken,
Tochter aus Elysium!
Wir betreten feuertrunken,
Himmlische, Dein Heiligtum.


Before long, to the rousing sound of 'Ode to Joy' which is from Beethoven's 9th Symphony, Antonio Cesaro walks out to the entrance way. His European Championship is around his waist and his arms are behind his back. He begins to walk down the ramp bad-mouthing the fans as he does so. He slowly walks around ringside before walking up the ring steps, he walks along the ring apron before performing his signature pose his two fists raised in the air in front of him. Cesaro lowers his fists and sweeps the ring apron with his feet before stepping through the ring ropes. He demands to be handed a microphone, and the ring tech is only to happy to oblige. Cesaro begins to speak.


Antonio Cesaro: Allow Mister Antonio Cesaro to tell you a little story tonight. You see several months ago this organisation started and it yearned for the world's top talents. It wanted the very best. It scoured the entire globe looking for the best in wrestling today. They searched far and wide, and the funny thing is that they continue to bring in new talent every day, ignoring the fact that they already have the very best talent in the world today in the shape of the European Revolution, Mister Antonio Cesaro and Mister Wade Barrett. Now, back into Mister Antonio Cesaro's history lesson. On the very first edition of UWF Raw, I found myself standing across the ring from my 'partner in crime', Mister Barrett. It was for the European Championship and the match ended by countout and the title was handed to Wade. We could not best one another, in many matches we came up short against each other, although I would walk away from our feud as the champion. We never truly bested each other and that's down to one reason. Wade Barrett is the only man on this roster who is my equal. The only man at my level and the only man I consider worthy of standing by my side against the tyranny of this organisation.

The crowd boo Cesaro heavily.

The tyranny that was clear to see this past week when Wade Barrett was robbed of his fairly won UWF Undisputed Heavyweight Championship by Austin Aries, a man of little to no real talent, and in turn his championship defence was turned into a fatal four way for the title against both Chris Jericho... who, by the way, I defeated like I said I would on Raw, and Stone Cold Steve Austin, the epitome of everything that is wrong with this rotten country. However, the tyranny of those in charge of Raw was not isolated in this instance... no, it was also evident in the making of my match for the Pay Per View against a man who has no right to lay a hand on me, Mister Anderson, and on top of that?, it was made a No Holds Barred Match.

The crowd cheer for the mention of the match stipulation.

Ja, you would cheer for this wouldn't you. A match that takes little to no skill, a match that only needs for the competitor to be good at swinging a Singapore Cane or a Steel Chair rather than, y'know, be a proficient technical wrestler like myself. Yes, I have been forced to lower myself once more on Pay Per View to face a simply, stupid ruffian... who has no place in my ring. However I will not dwell on the technicallities of the match stipulation, rather I will focus on defeating my opponent with the use of my superior European intellect, my superior European strength and agility and my very European... and by proxy, much better than any American's, wrestling ability. You've all seen what I can do with a chair in my hand... but at Backlash?, I won't need it... and no matter if my European Championship is on the line or not... I will treat this match like every other match I have and show the world why being Very European makes me very much better than any man who chooses to stand up to me in this ring, and Mister Anderson is no different.

The Hoov

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Backlash- Hardcore Championship: Dean Ambrose(c) vs. Daniel Bryan

The scene opens on a black room with nothing of note in it. Just plain. Then, someone walks into frame wearing a black shirt. The person turns and faces the camera and it is none other than the number one contender to the UWF Hardcore Championship “The American Dragonâ€￾ Daniel Bryan. He is seen wearing a PETA shirt. He begins speaking to the camera.


Daniel Bryan: Surprised to see me? I'd almost be willing to bet that no one expected me to have anything to say but, on the contrary, I have a great deal to say. Last week, I told the world that I was going to defeat Paul London, regardless if he had his friend Kassius Ohno at ringside and I did. I told the world that I would do anything I could possibly do to secure a spot to get my hands on Dean Ambrose one more time and I did. You see, unlike other people around here on the roster who claim they are going to “bring about the darknessâ€￾ or other nonsense like that, I back my statements up and my statement is that, despite numerous other claims to the throne, that I am the Best Wrestler in the World and that NO ONE can beat me. Dean, you may think you've beaten me but let me ask you something: What kind of man are you?

Daniel pauses for a brief moment to let that statement sink in. He then continues speaking very bluntly to Dean Ambrose.

Daniel Bryan: I thought we had enough respect for each other that we would find out who the better man is in a TRUE wrestling contest but that was my downfall. My own naivety was my own demise. I should have known you wouldn't hold up to the honor system I thought we had between us. Dean, you're not an honorable man. You're not a decent person. Me? Look at my shirt. I'm a member of PETA and was voted the most Animal-Friendly Athlete. I'm well-educated. I don't numb my mind with brainless television. I don't immerse myself in trivial things like partying and acting like a buffoon. Dean, I am a better person than you in more ways than one and, at Backlash, I'm going to prove it in front of the world by humiliating and embarrassing you. You see, a few weeks ago on RAW when you won the Hardcore Championship, it was a fluke. You didn't beat me. I beat myself. That won't happen again because, when I step into the ring with you again, I'll be leaving my decency and compassion in my dufflebag and the person stepping inside the ring will be a ruthless animal ready to do whatever it takes to walk out with the title. It's not even about being champion at this point. It's about driving the point home that you are not half the wrestler that I am.

Daniel pauses again but this time points straight at the camera.

Daniel Bryan: At Backlash, Daniel Bryan goes Hardcore and Dean, I don't think you're going to like it. But, you won't have a choice. And when I strap you in the YES Lock......the only words you'll be able to utter when the referee asks you if you quit.....will be......yes.....yes.....yes.....yes...

Bryan shoves his arms up into the air and begins yelling at the camera.

Daniel Bryan: YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!

The camera fades on Bryan's face as he intensely looks at the camera.


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Dean Ambrose’s music hits as he comes out looking down with his signature black jean jacket and the Hardcore Championship in his left hand dragging across the ramp. He slowly picks his head up and gives a smirk before continuing down the ramp. He walks down slowly, one foot in front of the other with the title still dragging slightly behind him. He gets to the ring apron and throws his title under the bottom rope before he rolls under and goes to grab a mic, leaving his title where it lays.


In case you guys couldn’t tell, I’m a little angry right now. Not only was I not allowed to even be at the show last week, but now I’ve got Daniel Bryan too afraid to come out here and call me out like a real man. I mean seriously, how cowardly do you have to be to not even be out here before me. I mean you could have backed down once I came out but the least you could do was confront me face to face. So you managed to beat Paul London and his little lackey so what. Ya’ think that makes you tough? Do you really wanna see what tough looks like? DO YA’! Because I’ll be more than happy to show it to ya’! You know you can claim that you’re the best wrestler in the world and hey who am I to argue, I’ve yet to face anyone else who can make me bleed. To me you are the best wrestler in the world.

The crowd boos and begins to chant “No! No! No! No! No!â€

But get this Danny. I’m the best fighter in the world. You don’t need technical skill to be the Hardcore Champion. You need guts. Hell I’ve spilled a couple of them out on this mat before but I’ve got more than enough to beat anyone who steps in front of me. You wants to know what kind of man I am? I’m the kind of man who takes a chair shot to the head and asks for another. I’m a man whose legacy is bathed in blood every single time I step in this ring. Call PETA to save and bring a real ruthless animal to help you and I’ll still come out on top.

The crowd cheers as Dean calms himself and looks down at the mat and stares at his Hardcore Championship.

Ya’ know, it’s funny that Daniel Bryan wants to so badly win that title. My title. I’m not only the longest reigning Hardcore Champion but the longest reigning champion period. Three months I’ve had this championship and even if you count the idiotic move to strip me of my title a couple weeks back, I’m still the longest reigning champion in UWF history. You know who can take that away from me? No one. Certainly not Daniel Bryan. Even if he were to win due to some sort of miracle, that title is meaningless without me. Without me, that title is just what it seems. A piece of junk. I rose that title from mediocrity to being something everyone wants whether they admit it or not. Nobody has come here wanting to fight for Hardcore Championship while I‘ve been champion. No one has ever called me out directly and to be honest, I wouldn’t want to either. Management needs me to defend it so they send some poor chump to fight me and he reluctantly agrees. Yes he desperately wants the title but he doesn’t want anything to do with me. Or do you Bryan? Why don’t you come on out here and show us what kind of man you are.

Dean lowers his mic and motions for Daniel Bryan to come out.


OOC: Alright let's make up for the time we could have been posting. I actually wrote a TT and then barely noticed you had already posted so I had to rework stuff again. I got a couple more bullet points I want to hit so lets get this thing rocking.
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Jun 26, 2010
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England, UK


Mr. Anderson steps out onto the stage with his ribs taped and selling the Cesaro attack from the previous show and with a slightly intense, crazy stare. He cocks his head to one side and poses for his microphone which falls into his hand. He wastes no time with introductions…


Mr. Anderson: You need to shut your mouth! You need to shut your damn mouth. No right to lay my hands on you…no right?! I had the champ, I had your buddy “Wade†down for the 1…2…3. Whilst he’s fighting to get his title BACK, a title he LOST last week, with 3 other guys, 3 other guys deemed to be the “main eventers†I’m back of the line? No right to lay my hands on you? When you were the sole reason the Undisputed title match is not a 5 way match? I had Barrett down for the count, you could have counted him down for 10 and I would have kept my word. Well let me just tell you a little something…

Mr. Anderson smirks and his usual smile is back.

I couldn’t be happier. Since I’ve been back I haven’t had any, uh, personal issues with anyone if you follow, I haven’t ruffled anyones feathers, I’ve tried to keep myself to myself backstage and in the locker room and leave it all in the ring out here but now YOU have given me a reason to be the real asshole I know I am!

The crowd pop!

That’s right, assholes like assholes, chicks dig assholes and assholes like lead pipes.

Anderson pulls the pipe he used on Tuesday night out of his back pocket to another pop from the crowd.

Cesaro you’ve made an enemy you’d have done well keeping clear of. I hope to GOD you were under instruction from your buddy the FORMER champ and you’ve got some sort of…ahem…arrangement with the guy because if you genuinely thought it was a good idea to cross me. Another thing about assholes is that we just don’t…really…care about losers like you. Losers jerking the curtain, amongst other things.

Pop from the crowd as Anderson shrugs his shoulders.

This is all fun and games now but it’s only the cheap shots from last week stopping me coming down and kicking your ass right no. On Sunday there won’t be any fun and games. You took away my dream, you took away my shot so I demanded a no holds barred match so that I can bend you and break you and take away your livelihood if I have my way. People are fake Cesaro, people are fake and people hide. That’s the thing about being an asshole, I may be a jackass but I’m going to be a jackass to your face and I’m going to be a jackass with a pipe or a chair or a ladder in my hand.

Anderson poses briefly before returning to the mic.

Oh and you can tell your pal Barrett that if he wins his title back on Sunday night then you’ll have put off my championship win by about, oh say, 1 month? If he doesn’t win it back you can tell him I’ll give him the first shot when I win the gold. You should be on the shelf so I’ll be able to prove, without any bullshit, that I’m the best in the business.


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Raw 5/15/12: Mr. Anderson vs. Cody Rhodes


Whoa Oh

*The crowd immediately get on their feet and boo towards the stage, as Rhodes emerges through the curtain*


*Rhodes walks down the ramp slowly, looking at the crowd with a look of disgust clear enough that you can see it even with the mask covering his face, he makes his way up the steel steps before wiping his feet on the ring apron and stepping into the ring picking up a microphone from ringside*


Cody Rhodes:

How deplorable have things gotten to now, for in the span of a couple weeks four men I have soundly defeated in one way or another are set to face off for the Undisputed Championship. As well as two men Brock Lesnar a man I never met when he's been on my brands in the past mainly because I was always at a level above him, and Ted DiBiase a former...acquaintance of mine who I have proved without a shadow of a doubt that I am far superior than are competing for the United States championship. While I am facing a man whose career I have figuratively taken under my wing as it has gone down the drain as of late, the biggest star of this company is in a Number one contenders match while everyone knows I am the top contender to any championship I see fit. But it makes no difference, as it is not the ranking of which I am after, it is the suffering that I seek and thus comes into play a Mr. Anderson.

*The crowd pops at the mention of Anderson as Rhodes looks around looking disgusted at the crowd reaction*

Are you finished?

*The crowd boos in response as Rhodes simply talks over them*

A man who, to put it simple, likes to talk. A rather different kind of egotist as while I was in the right when talking about my former...Dashing...looks this man only seems to like one thing and that's the sound of his voice. He even goes so far as to shut out all the lights, move his arm up as high as he can as a special microphone drops down for him, but in that comes an epiphany of sorts. That simply, no one could care less what he has to say.

*The crowd boos in disagreement but Rhodes is quick to continue*

Of course all you homely looking people care but at the end of the day you all are just a faceless crowd who still manage to sicken me with your absence of attractiveness. When it comes to people who matter, Mr. Anderson is simply yelling with a megaphone at someone who is too far away to try and listen. He repeats his name because no one was listening the first time, he makes a point to try and get attention and yet the one thing he wants he can never get. It is almost as sad as my story, as while this mask may cover my once dashing face once my enlightenment comes and I have gotten the recognition I deserve the mask will come off and my face will shine upon you all once again. But Mr. Anderson sadly will be yelling until his voice has run out and at the end of the day no one important will have remembered who the "jackass" with the mic was. I however will be contributing to that silence, I don't focus my energy on people like Mr. Anderson I tend to do so with people who matter however I feel it only necessary to be the one to first make him realize that for as louder as his bark may be there is always a bigger dog in the proverbial yard. Cody Rhodes 6:25

*Rhodes crinks his neck looking around the crowd moving his hand up to his face for a moment as it seems he is about to leave the ring before...*

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Jun 3, 2010
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The crowd are cheering and chanting Anderson's name, however Cesaro looks highly unimpressed as he applauds Anderson sarcastically before replying.


Antonio Cesaro: Bravo, bravo, gut gemacht, das war wunderbarste. However, I am not convinced with this whole bravado that you show. I am not convinced that you are wholly convinced that you have what it takes to defeat me, 'The Swiss Sensation' Antonio Cesaro, and so you cover up your uncertainties with witty remarks... for an American... and insults that have no grounds. I mean curtain jerker?... not so much, last time I checked I, am the European Champion... and you?... I don't see any gold on you... or in your future for any time soon. But, I must say your show really did impress me, I mean you have what we call... tollkühnheit... which essentially means that you go forth and mouth off without having the funds neccesary to cash the cheques that your mouth is writing.

The crowd boo heavily on Cesaro and chant Anderson's name even as he talks.

However, I, of course being from the great country of Switzerland have as much money to cash as many cheques as I want, and that essentially means I can back up whatever I say, and you?... well your cheques simply bounce. Which is why when you implied you were going to brutalize me with a lead pipe, I showed no fear because I knew that you wouldn't have the chance... and I know I can say with the utmost confidence that I will show you how a real man fight's when I grind you down to a rubble of inadequacy with my European Catch style and defeat you without the use of any weapons, like a real man does... not some, 'asshole' like you. And it honestly pains me that you pride yourself on being what we in Switzerland call 'ein Arschloch' because only in this stinking, backwards, cess-pool of a country could someone pride themselves in being something that is meant for passing wind, and excretion!.

Cesaro fails to grasp the meaning of 'asshole' with regards to it's use.

We in Europe have more class than that... we in Europe have more dignity in that. And it is also only in America that people with not very many skills can make it in this business... and I'm talking about you... and I suppose that's part of the reason I took you out because in this country, and in this company, the standard so far has been mediocrity, the likes of Robbie E, Chris Jericho and Steve Austin... however where I'm from, and where my good friend Wade Barrett is from, mediocrity is laughed it, taunted and shunned... we bring that with us to this company... and together we set the standards... so Kenneth, which I call you as you do not deserve the dignity of being called 'Mister' something reserved for real men... like Mister Antonio Cesaro, you bring your little pipe and your mediocre skills and talk away to your hearts content... because at the end of the day, I'm going to show you why exactly being Very European means the standard in this company is not mediocrity like you and all the other soft-egg nobodies, but rather me... the European Champion... Mister Antonio Cesaro.
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Jun 26, 2010
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Raw 5/15 Zack Ryder vs. Dolph Ziggler


"WOO WOO WOO! You Know It!" Blast out from the speakers followed by Zacks "Oh Radio" Theme. The crowd gives a nice reaction to the "Long Island Iced Z." Zack bounds out from the back, all smiles. He has on his normal merchandise. He yells out some words which can't be heard over the noise of the crowd, and continues down to the ring. He stops towards the end of the ramp and panders to his fans some. Pointed out to many of his loyal "Broskis."


He makes his way to the ring, slapping a few hands along the way before entering the ring and preparing to speak.


Zack Ryder: Heeeeeeelllllllloooooo BROSKIS! Last week you witnessed it, you saw it all. You all saw the start of the Ryder Revolution! Last week, I pinned the number 1 contender for the United States Title! So I should be in the United States title match right? I mean, it only makes sense. But nope! Once again the Long Island Iced Z! Is cheated out of what he rightfully deserves. And instead of facing for the United States title at Backlash next Sunday, I don't even have a match! You heard me right, no match. Instead I get Dolph Ziggler and his oversized chin this week. So instead of having me face Ted for the title, Brock Lesnar gets that match. Management, please explain to me what the hell Brock Lesnar has done to deserve that title! After I fist pump Ziggler's face, I'm coming for you Brock! US title or not, you're mine! I'm not going to forget those F-5's you gave me. I will not be pushed aside by you!

The fans cheer at Ryder's heart and determination.

Zack Ryder: But now on to Ziggler. Unlike Dolph, I actually won my match last week! And Teddy Long wants to see "More" out of me? "More?" Well I'll show him just that when I beat Ziggler. You see, Ziggler is just a cheap, generic bad guy. He comes out here, he says his "Scary" things, he talks in a low voice and he talks fast. Hes the perfect example of a heel. Hell, he even calls himself that. Hashtag No One cares. The thing is you try to hard Ziggler. You do your fancy moves in the ring but it can't deny the fact that all you are is some bleach blond dude with abs. And your abs can only get you so far in this business. Ask my good friend John Morrison.

The crowd gives off a reaction to Morrison's name being dropped.

Zack Ryder: This week on Raw. On the 15th, this is my PPV. My Backlash, and I'll be damned if I loss to some oversized chin, baywatch wannabe. I'm going to enjoy fist pumping your face. I hope you like losing Ziggler, because you did last week, and your doing it again this week. If I were you, I'd get used to it. Show....OFF!

The fans cheer at Ryders use of Zigglers catch phrase.



Jun 3, 2010
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I come from Money....


I come from money hits the PA system and Ted DiBiase Jr comes out from the back with a cocky grin on his face. He gets a mixed reaction from the fans as he walks down the ramp, blowing off their attempts to give him. Ted flexes his muscles at the bottom of the ramp before grabbing a mic off one of the ringside crew and climbing the steps to the ring to enter it. Once in the ring DiBiase points to himself in a cocky manner before bringing the mouth to his mic and speaking...


Ted DiBiase Jr

Shut up, all of you shut up... You all need to realize that I am a man of greatness, I am the man with the most class in UWF, instead of booing me, or even cheering me, you should remain quiet any time I speak, because my words are worth far more than any of you and the things that are close to you... I am on my way to the top, and before you can blink not only will I be the classiest man in this company, but I will also be the proud holder of the UWF United States Championship. After years of the title being handled by worthless nobodies, I will finally bring prestige back to the title, no more dirty finger prints will ever be imprinted on that title, and it will no longer be thrown around like a measly prop. I will restore the greatness of that title and hold it until it has more prestige than the UWF Championship, that's right ladies and gentleman, I am going to make the US Title one of the most prestigious titles EVER, all by myself, and the reason I will be able to do that is because I'm classy, and none of the other Champions are.

Ted smiles as he looks over to his opponent Dean Ambrose. He points at the Hardcore Title and laughs.

Oh, look who it is, my opponent for RAW, Dean Ambrose. Hey, Dean nice looking title you got their, it looks, er real ni... Ha, get real man, that title looks exactly like you, a dirty piece of crap which hasn't been treated with due care since it's creation. Honestly Dean, you look awful, I get the impression that you've been sleeping in the trash can outside of the arena just before you made your way out here you look that bad. As for the Hardcore title that you treat with so much pride and passion? Dude, I wouldn't even wipe my arse with that joke of a title, who in the right mind would want to hold a title that's been around the locker room nearly as many times as Kelly Kelly has? It's not worth jack shit, nor will it ever be, so if you want to continue on your rise to the top I suggest you drop that piece of shit title and actually go for something worth something, otherwise management isn't going to take you as a threat at all.

Ted shakes his head as the crowd disagree with his words, they really love Dean and they're making this clear.

How clever of you to bring up my father, I mean it wouldn't be the same if the person I was facing didn't bring up my father, I've become so accustomed to it that it doesn't bother me anymore and it actually brings me a laugh. I actually respect you for saying you'd like to kill off my father, I agree with you that he's a piece of crap, but unfortunately for you I already killed off my father by being a better man than he ever was.. Another thing, I don't care if i lost to Zack Ryder, the guys a joke and on a different planet to everyone in this company, I'd rather focus on the future, which is winning the U.S Title, than focus on a guy who'll be gone from the company soon enough. So keep taking digs at me Dean, keep mentioning my father and matches I lost, the only thing that matters is that I'm better than you, I will beat you, and most importantly, I have more CLASS than you.

Ted lowers the mic when...


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Dean immediately starts laughing maniacally once Dibiase lowers his mic. He throws himself on his back and starts kicking his feet up in the air. He rolls over the the ropes and uses them to get his limp body up and he lays against the turnbuckle, both arms under the top ropes with mic still in hand and still laughing.


Really? Class? You say it as if you've earned it. You're not even a champion yet. I'm pretty sure I make more money off of royalties than you do off your simple paycheck. Pft. You wanna talk to me about class? You don't know the first thing about real class. Don't get me wrong I'm not classy, hell I'm far from it as anyone can tell by my appearance but do you even know why they brought you in here? Fodder. You're simply fodder for me. Sure you might not have been directly thrown in front of me but you're fodder nonetheless. You can't restore greatness to a title that was never really all that great to begin with. Let's be honest, my title was never that great. Hell look at it, it looks like a piece of trash because it's just that, a piece of trash. This title is worth absolutely nothing.

The crowd is a bit taken back but they still look on closely to see what Dean is getting at.

But once you put this hunk of metal around my waist, it immediately because the most prestigious title in all of UWF. This championship is around the waist of the man whose beaten nearly everyone in the so called main event picture. It's really quite simple Teddy, people who stand in my way get run over. Right now, your right square in the middle of my path. I'm not driving a car or truck, no that implies that you could potentially still be standing after I run you down. No I'm driving a steamroller. I'm gonna flatten you like a toothpaste bottle and there's gonna be nothing left of you except partial remains. You simply won't be in the shadow of your father anymore no, you'll be non existent. By the way there is a reason people bring up your father all the time, it's the same reason everyone brings up how my Hardcore Championship looks all the time, they're telling the truth. My title does look like shit. You don't have half the talent your dad has which let's be honest was very little in the first place. All he had was money. Money can buy you a lot of things. I could survive off $20 for a whole week so just imagine what millions could do. Money can buy you fame, power and even championships. One thing it doesn't get ya' is respect. Deep down everyone is afraid of me but most of all they respect me. Just like these people here respect me.

The crowd cheers as Ambrose starts creeping up slowly into the face of Ted Dibiase.


What's wrong? You don't like me telling the truth. Even with all that money your just a sad little boy in a big man's world. What, you couldn't buy off Zack Ryder to let you win your match? I'm pretty sure that's how you managed to win your first match. Even if you didn't, you managed to beat four people that haven't proven themselves yet, even if one of them won a title here. Keep avoiding the past and looking to your future but look off in the far future because there won't be a future for you. All your money is gonna go to your hospital bills.

Dean looks at his waist and takes off his Hardcore Championship and holds it in his hand staring at it as the crowd is firmly behind him.

You claim this title has been handed around the locker room so many times and yet it’s actually been handed around the least of any title in UWF. Sure this title may have been pure shit in WWE but this is UWF. Only two other people have been champion before and none since. Oh and those two people, I beat them back into obscurity, you may actually know one of them. So before you go running your big mouth next time, if you win, and that’s a big IF, your title will be worth less than mine just like every other title. Granted, I've yet to fight the new World Champion but it's just a matter of time before he falls like the rest. These championships are only as good as the person wearing them and sorry Teddy, but I’m the god damn king of the world!

Dean raises the Hardcore Championship above his head as the crowd goes wild chanting “Ambrose! Ambrose! â€￾ as he slowly walks away, title still firmly in the air.


The Hoov

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RAW: 5/15 Daniel Bryan vs Brock Lesnar

The fans are going crazy anticipating some great UWF action. Then, an old familiar theme song hits the PA system.



“The Final Countdown†by Europe is heard and out comes the self-proclaimed “Best Wrestler In The World†Daniel Bryan yelling “YES!†at the top of his lungs over and over again. He strides down the ramp and enters the ring. He calls for a microphone walks around the ring as the crowd boos him.

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Daniel Bryan: Before I get any remarks as to my absence last week on RAW, I wasn't avoiding Dean Ambrose or anything. As a matter of fact, management had informed me of my match-up with Brock Lesnar that is scheduled to take place this week and I decided to take that opportunity to get some training time in. You see, Brock, you really haven't really had a REAL wrestling match thus far in UWF. That's right, its mostly been you throwing your weight around like a neanderthal and coming up short. Well, your streak of bad luck continues when you step into the ring with me because I have something to prove to all of these ingrates out here and, more importantly, I have something to my opponent at Backlash Dean Ambrose.

Bryan is being booed out of the building here tonight but he keeps on talking, addressing the big man.


Daniel Bryan: Brock, you might be a former UFC Heavyweight Champion and you might think that intimidates me but, to tell you the truth, it really doesn't. You think of yourself as a tough guy but, let me ask you something: Have you ever competed in a match with your eyeball hanging out of your eye socket? Because I have. Brock, you've been coddled in this business. You've had every single person in this profession take you by the hand and lead you around like a lost and scared puppy dog. Not me. I've scratched and clawed and earned everything that I have achieved and the reputation that has been given to me. Brock, you rely on your size and name to get you everywhere but let me tell you something, it's not going to get your hand raised against me this week on RAW. You have MMA training but so do I. I know 1 thousand different submission holds that I can apply in a thousand different positions. You're not “The Next Big Thing†anymore, Brock. You're yesterday's news and on RAW, I'm taking out the trash and proving just who the future is.

The crowd is mixed because of their hatred for both competitors involved. This has little effect on Bryan.


Daniel Bryan: And Dean, I hope you sit down in front of a monitor in the back and watch this match very closely because I plan on giving you just a taste of what's in store for you at Backlash. Brock, “Here Comes The Pain� Really? No. On RAW, when that bell rings, there's only one inevitability that's coming. Brock, on RAW......HERE COME THE......YES! YES YES! YES! YES!

The crowd is chanting along with Daniel Bryan as he screams “YES!†over and over at the top of his lungs.
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The Wrestling Addict

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"The Beast" Brock Lesnar struts down to the ring. He grabs a microphone and enters the squared circle, staring down the American Dragon.


Brock Lesnar

Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, look at yourself. Do you not realize what you are doing? I mean it's one thing to have the stupidity to actually show up and face me tonight. But you must be plum Blue to come out here and call me out before the match. You said you didn't show up last week because you were training for your match against me tonight? Well you need a whole hell of a lot more than training to beat Brock Lesnar. Last week while you were "training", I was beating the living hell out of the Undertaker. Last Monday on Raw, I destroyed a legend in this business and after his match with me, he is no longer a deadman walking. He is just a deadman!

After his comments, a smile runs across Lesnar's face.


Brock Lesnar

After seeing what I did to the Undertaker, why would you even bother stepping in the same ring with me, Daniel? You said it doesn't intimidate you that I am a former UFC Heavyweight Champion. Well does it intimidate you that I have destroyed guys like The Undertaker, The Rock, The Big Show, Hulk Hogan, Kurt Angle, and many more? Bryan, you are nothing compared to those guys. If I didn't have a problem beating them, why would I have a problem beating a curtain jerker like yourself? You asked me if I have ever wrestled a match with my eyeball hanging out of socket? Trust me, no way in hell would anyone have the balls to knock my eye out of socket, and no way in hell would I let someone do that to me. I'm not like you, I don't get beat up all the time. You talk about how stuff was giving to me and you had to earn everything. Do you really think I give a rat's ass? I didn't have to waste my time in the indies for ten years to get where I am at. I've never wrestled in a bingo hall, an armory, or a community center. I don't care what you have done throughout your ridiculous career because it pales in comparison to my career. And Daniel Bryan, you pale in comparison to myself. I don't have to say the word "yes" a thousand times just to get the fans to notice me. Instead, I show up and these fans realize who is standing in front of them. I am a beat! I am an ass-kicker! I am Brock Lesnar! You are Daniel Bryan and you are a scrub who worked his way through the Indies but still hasn't accomplished a damn thing. You claim to be the best wrestler in the world. If you want to talk about the best wrestler in the world, we can talk about that. I won the NCAA Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. I won the WWE Championship three times, and I won the UFC Heavyweight Championship. If that doesn't prove that Brock Lesnar is the best wrestler in the world, I don't know what will.

You boast and brag about being a vegan. You also talked about my size. Do you think I got as big as I am, fasting away from meat? Hell no! I ate meat and I am proud of it. Sure animals were harmed in the process but I really don't give a damn. I grew up on a farm. I remember when I was ten years old. I took one of our cows out back and I shot the damn thing in the head with a twelve gauge. Do you think I cried about it? No, in fact, I smiled. I was happy because in my mind I was thinking about the meat from the cow that I was going to eat. Daniel, tonight you will be just like that cow. I will take you out back, put a bullet in your head, chew you up, spit your rotten ass out, and hit you with an F-5! In fact, you're lucky I don't lock in the camora and snap your arm out of place right now! Tonight you aren't facing some unknown indy scrub. Tonight you are facing the most badass human being, walking this planet. Tonight, you face Brock Lesnar!

Brock+Lesnar's+Backstage+Outburst+at+Extreme+Rules  +Reportedly+a+Work.jpg

Brock Lesnar

After I take care of this bastard, I have a match for the United States Championship against Ted Dibiase at Backlash. Now I think it's ridiculous that I am in the US Title match and not the main event but I won't complain because the US Title will be nice to add to my long list of achievments. Think about how awesome the US Title will look around my waist. I would be an amazing represenative for the United States. But you see, The Undertaker, Daniel Bryan, and Ted Dibiase are all just bumps in the road to Lesnar's stride in winning the UWF Undisputed Championship. I made a damn good WWE Undisputed Champion, a damn good UFC Undisputed Champion, and I will make a damn good UWF Undispited Champion. Now Bryan, let me speak in words you willl understand. Will Brock Lesnar not only beat you but demolish you in this ring tonight? YES!!! Will Brock Lesnar move on and win the United States Championship at Backlash? YES!!! Will Brock Lesnar become the face of the UWF? YES!!! Now here's a question you can't answer with the word yes... Why is Brock Lesnar so deadly and why will he take out every man who steps in his way? Because Brock Lesnar is a professional ass-kicker!!!
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