POI- Point of Impact Wrestling

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Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
BM: A.J Styles .vs. Randy Orton. Good match, pretty decent. I also liked Petey Williams .vs. KENTA, great matches.

WM: Had to be the opening match, Claudio Castagnoli vs. Rhyno. It was really, a bad match.

BP: None, all your promo's this week wernt strong. Infact, you didnt have many. So there isnt a bad one, or a good one for me.

WP: Read above..

AI: A decent show, but not your best. You must of typed that in like 20 minutes. And ive seen you write better shows. So, on Wednesday, il review your next show, and I hope its better:) Keep up the good work, your at Episode #21 already, great job man.

CP: Check out VWE if you like.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
Okay now heres the POI Episode 22 Preview. Reviews for Episode 21 would be appreciated. Thanks for reading.

POI Wrestling Episode 22 Preview​

The next edition of POI is going to be huge. It’s a rematch from six weeks ago. HHH vs. CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe for the POI title. The last time that these three clashed it began the POI vs. WWE war. Ever since HHH won the POI title and handed it over to Vince McMahon, the WWE have had an advantage in this war. CM Punk and Samoa Joe hope to change this. This match will set the course for the future of POI.

Match 1: Delirious vs. Psychosis
Delirious starts off the match with a knee to the stomach on Psychosis. Psychosis uses some right hands on Delirious. Psychosis kicks him in the head and then whips him into the corner. Suddenly Psychosis is hit in the head with a chair by Homicide. Homicide is wearing a facemask to protect his broken nose. Homicide uses a barrage of punches on Psychosis and then picks him up. Homicide hits the Gringo Killah on Psychosis. Homicide places Psychosis in the corner for Delirious. Delirious hits the Panic Attack, a running knee to the head on Psychosis. Delirious locks in the Cobra Stretch and makes Psychosis tap out.

Along with the POI title match next week, Lashley will face Rhyno. There will be a special stipulation for this match; the first person to connect with a spear or gore wins the match. Then in IC.T.T. action Paul London takes on Low Ki. Now Chris Sabin would like to make a challenge.

Sabin: Teddy Hart, you rammed a ladder into my head. I’m not too happy about that. So I’m here to challenge you to a match. You wanted the tag champs attention, you got it. Hart, you show up for the match, or I’ll come looking for you.

Chuck Taylor's Grenade

HHH vs CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe
Lashley vs. Rhyno
Low Ki vs. Paul London
If it happens: Chris Sabin vs. Teddy Hart


HHH vs CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe
Lashley vs. Rhyno
Low Ki vs. Paul London
If it happens: Chris Sabin vs. Teddy Hart

Good card, I will check it out once it is up :y:

Check out YTW if you want, second show is up :)

Moonlight Drive

HHH vs CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe
Lashley vs. Rhyno
Low Ki vs. Paul London
If it happens: Chris Sabin vs. Teddy Hart

Head by World Wrestling Entertainment: The Second Coming and tell me what you think of the Past PPV Analysis


Good card I like this type of preview and it should be good, I will check out the show, but for now my predictions-

HHH vs CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe
Lashley vs. Rhyno
Low Ki vs. Paul London
If it happens: Chris Sabin vs. Teddy Hart

If you can, check out WWE- Reaching for the Top and leave a short review. ECW is posted!

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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Sorry for the late review man....

Best Match: I think the MCMG vs. Sabu/RVD match is the best match of the night

Worst Match: Claudio/Rhyno is like an angle to me

Best Promo: I'll go with Raven and the arrival of the Age of the Fall. This is going to be a good feud. Styles/Orton one is also a good promo and it could be a very good feud between the two.

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedback: This is a good show and I think POI is going to be a better BTB if you try to write it in full. It's unique in some storylines and on how you set up the show. I'll try to check out Episode 22!


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
As I re read this show I noticed something. Theres only two promos. Just so you know in the future there will be more promos in a show and they will be much better along with the matches. If you read please leave a review and I will return the favor. Thanks for reading!

POI Wrestling Episode 22​

When the show starts Commissioner Joey Styles is in the ring.

Joey: I have a huge announcement to make. In four weeks POI will hold its second Pay-Per-View, War Zone. War Zone will have many POI vs. WWE matches on its card. The main event for War Zone will be announced next week. Now it’s time for the first match of the show.

Match 1: Lashley vs. Rhyno in a spear/gore match
Lashley and Rhyno start the match by exchanging punches. Lashley is able to get the advantage and uses a knee to the gut. Rhyno fires back with an elbow to the face. Rhyno whips Lashley into the ropes and then clotheslines him on his bounce back. Rhyno bounces off the ropes and hits a legdrop on Lashley. Out of instinct Rhyno goes for a pin, but realizes that it is useless in this match. Rhyno stomps on Lashley, until Lashley grabs one of his feet and applies an ankle lock. Lashley releases the hold after he notices that he has caused some damage. Lashley goes to the outside and brings in a chair. Lashley tries to crush Rhyno’s ankle, but Rhyno moves just in time. Rhyno stands up, rips the chair out of Lashley’s hands, and hits him in the back with it. Rhyno places the chair in the corner and turns around. Lashley attempts a spear on Rhyno, who moves out of the way causing Lashley to crash into the chair. As Lashley staggers back Rhyno turns him inside out with a gore. This wins Rhyno the match.

Chris Hero runs to the ring and takes down Rhyno with a yakuza kick. Hero picks up the chair and rams it into Rhyno’s stomach. Hero gives Rhyno a hangman’s neck breaker and then leaves the ring.

IC Title Tournament Match 7: Low Ki vs. Paul London
They shake hands and lock up to start the match. Ki overpowers London and whips him into the ropes. London bounces back and leapfrogs over Ki. London bounces back again and dropkicks Ki. London drops an elbow on Ki before going to the top rope. London waits until Ki stands up and goes for a cross body block. Ki dropkicks London out of midair and then goes for the pin. London kicks out at 2 and recovers fast. London takes down Ki with an armdrag and knees him in the head. London uses a second knee to the head and then goes up to the top rope. London goes for a 450, but crashes and burns on the mat when Ki moves out of the way. Ki goes to the top rope and hits the double foot stomp on London. Quickly, Ki locks in the dragon sleeper. London tries as hard as he can to escape the hold, but he eventually passes out. Ki picks up the win and moves onto round two.

Match 3: Chris Sabin vs. Teddy Hart
As Hart walks to the ring Sabin attacks him from behind. Sabin hits him in the back of the head with a forearm. Sabin whips Hart into the guard rail and then knees him in the face. Shelton Benjamin runs to Harts aid and exchanges punches with Sabin. Hart hits Sabin in the back with a chair. Hart and Benjamin double team Sabin until Alex Shelley makes the save. Shelley surprises Benjamin from behind with a back breaker. Hart and Sabin roll into the ring and the match officially begins. Hart whips Sabin into the ropes and goes for a dropkick, but misses. Sabin uses a baseball slide, kicking Hart in the face. On the outside Shelley is being double teamed by Benjamin and Petey Williams. RVD and Sabu run down the entrance ramp and attack the Hart Foundation and Shelley. As the brawl on the outside goes on Sabin brings a ladder into the ring. Hart dropkicks the ladder into Sabin’s chest and then takes him down with a drop toe hold. Hart places the ladder in the corner before lifting Sabin up by his hair. Hart whips Sabin into the ladder. Hart charges at Sabin, only to have the ladder smash into his skull. The brawl on the outside has spilled into the crowd. Sabu has been busted open by a chair shot from Shelley. RVD hits the VanDaminator on Benjamin before being kicked in the head by Petey. Back in the ring Sabin suplexes the ladder onto Hart, but Hart just kicks it back in his face. Hart gets up and sets up the ladder. Sabin bounces off the ropes and hits a swinging neckbreaker on Hart. Sabin gets Hart in a fireman’s carry and climbs the ladder. Sabin hits the Cradle Shock piledriver off of the ladder. Sabin goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. The brawl on the outside has been broken up, but it is obvious that this war is not over.

After the ring has been cleared Raven, Edge, and Tommy Dreamer enter it.

Raven: Jimmy Jacobs, you say that you’re leading a revolution and that I’m your first target. I’m going to end your revolution as fast as it’s begun.

Jimmy Jacobs comes through the crowd with Tyler Black and a masked man.

Jacobs: The Age of the Fall is here to show people the way. If anyone gets in the way of our destinies, we will take them out. Raven, you’re standing in our way.

Both sides charge at each other in the ring. Raven and Jacobs exchange right hands while Edge elbows the masked man in the face. Black picks up Dreamer in a fireman’s carry and then drives his head into the turnbuckle. Raven tries to use the Raven Effect on Jacobs, but Jacobs gets out of it and uses an enzugiri. Jacobs bails out of the ring and then he and his followers leave the building.

Match 4: HHH vs. CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe for the POI championship
The three men stare each other down until Joe and Punk turn to face HHH. The both elbow him in the face and use a flurry of punches on him. Then Punk and Joe clothesline him over the top rope. Joe and Punk bounce off the ropes, charge at each other, and hit simultaneous clotheslines. Punk gets up and tries to bounce off the ropes again, but HHH pulls down the top rope causing Punk to fall out of the ring. Punk and HHH exchange punches until Joe comes flying over the top rope and lands on them. Joe lifts HHH up by his hair and then whips him into the guard rail. Joe turns around and gets a knee to the face by Punk. HHH and Punk return to the ring and HHH gives Punk an inverted atomic drop. HHH hits a facebuster on Punk, but then gets kicked in the head by Joe. Joe locks in the sleeper hold on HHH. Punk gets up and dropkicks both Joe and HHH, breaking the hold. Punk bounces off the ropes and takes down Joe with a cross body block. Punk gets back up, but HHH uses a backbreaker on him. HHH lifts up Punk and then uses the pedigree on him. HHH goes for the pin, but Joe breaks it up at 2. Joe and HHH exchange punches until Joe whips HHH into the ropes. On his bounce back HHH gets taken down with a powerslam by Joe. Joe bounces off the ropes and has his faced slammed into the mat with a drop toe hold by Punk. Punk gets up and dropkicks Joe in the face. Punk uses an enzugiri on HHH and then locks in the anaconda vice. Just as HHH is about to tap Joe breaks up the hold with a standing senton. Shawn Michaels runs into the ring and uses the super kick on Joe. Michaels tries to use the superkick on Punk, but Punk catches the leg, gets Michaels in a fireman’s carry, and hits the Go to Sleep. Punk grabs HHH, takes him up to the top rope, and hits the Pepsi Plunge. Punk goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. CM Punk is the new POI champion!

Before Punk can even touch the belt it is stolen by Vince McMahon. Vince runs out of the building with the belt screaming “I’m the Champ!â€￾

(End episode 22)


BM: CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe, shocker with Punk winning.

BP: Probably Raven's

WM: Low Ki vs. PL

WP: There weren't that many.

AC: No offense, but it can be way longer. Although my matches aren't that much longer than yours. You just need more promos. Space it better so it looks like more.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Styles promo: Was just really an announcement. Nothing else.

Lashley vs Rhyno: Meh. Should have been way longer imo. The action was a little bit disjointed. Hero's attack was alright afterwards I guess in terms of developing a feud.

London vs Low Ki: TBH this match was bad. Really bad. It was slowly starting, and suddenly it finished. It was just random. There was no build up. Don't take this as flaming please, it isn't meat to be. I'm just saying try to work on how the match builds up.

Sabin vs Hart: It doesn;t say it is a no DQ match, so I am lost as to why they were allowed to bring a ladder into he match. Oh well. This match was also too short, but at least an improvement on the last one.

Raven promo: This was way too short, with neither in character. It was like: I will beat you. You need to work on length here, as well as content.

Triple Threat: Transition between moves wasn';t good. You had HHH and Punk in the ring, and last we had heard, Joe was on the outside. Then suddenly Joe hit a move on the two of them. You have to kinda tell us he is getting into the ring and stuff. The finish was pretty weak imo, and it should have been longer.

AC: Well, you have a fair bit to work on tbh, but it isn;t really bad. It is an average BTB I'd say. You just need to improve on the above points. I'll try to check out next show.

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
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Styles Promo: Nothing that great. Just the announcement for the match. If it is a big WWE vs. POI match like from the Invasion you should've added more character into it like if he was declaring war.

Bobby Lashely vs. Rhino: I've been wanting to write this match for quite some time now actually. I'm kind of bummed you didn't do it so long :/
Couldv'e had some wonderful chemistry man.

London vs. Low Ki: You could'e done alot more with Low Ki. Throw more kick's in there, more knee's, submission holds. All the good stuff. You didn't. London wen't up two, to many times. Pretty dumb if you ask me. Overall this was the worst match sorry man.

Sabin vs. Hart: Whoa really random stuff here. The ladder? I wasn't to happy with that. A ladder? Seriously bro. To little action to bring in a ladder man. If your bringing a big weapon you better use it alot. Especially when there's nothing to climb for. Like at Victory Road last week. In the Full Metal Mayhem match everyone used the ladder alot, and at the end that's what won it. So again, not a great match.

Raven Promo: Damn, that was short. Raven had one line before Jacob's comes out. I love Jacobs but some back, and forth dialouge wouldn't kill you! Also, Raven usually has a "Hey F**k You" attitude, and that really wasn't shown in that one line.

Triple Threat: Needed to be longer. Also, the talent was wierd here. Punk, and HHH I can hardly picture, and Samoa Joe, and HHH is even crazier. You needed to be SO in character to get me to picture this happening, and you really weren't :/ sorry dude. Nice to see Punk use the Pepsi Plunge though.

Additional Comments: It can be a better show man. Just put more effor into it. Double space next time, and I'm telling you.. USE COMMENTARY! Most show's are 40% commentary, and without it there the show's feel lifeless, like the first half of the Parking Lot Brawl last night. So I will check out the next show to see if you put my words of wisdom to use..


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
Hey guys thanks for all of the tips that you've given me.

POI Wrestling Episode 23 preview​

CM Punk: I am the POI champion, but it doesn’t feel like it. McMahon you stole my title and stole what rightfully belongs to POI for a second time. McMahon you either return the title or I’ll come looking for you and take it back myself.

CM Punk is now the uncrowned POI champion, but what happens now? Next week’s edition of POI will kick off with the announcement of War Zone’s main event. Then in IC title tournament action Chris Sabin takes on Jack Evans in the final match of the first round.

Match 1: Matt Sydal vs. Delirious
They lock up and Sydal takes the advantage by putting Delirious in a side head lock. Delirious fights out of it and whips Sydal into the corner. Delirious goes for a knee lift, but Sydal moves out of the way. Sydal takes him down with a clothesline and then uses a cannonball legdrop. Sydal goes for the pin, but Delirious kicks out at 2. Sydal lifts up Delirious by the mask before taking some headbuts to the stomach from Delirious. Delirious hits an enzugiri and then places Sydal in the corner. Delirious hits the Panic Attack and goes for the pin. Sydal kicks out at 2. As they try to stand they exchange punches. Delirious whips Sydal into the ropes. Sydal bounces back and takes him down with a huracanrana followed by an elbow drop. Sydal goes to the top rope and attempts a Shooting Star Press. Delirious moves out of the way, causing Sydal to crash and burn. Delirious locks in the cobra stretch on Sydal. Sydal tries to make it to the ropes, but he eventually taps out.

Next week the Age of the Fall/Flock situation will erupt. Raven will face Jimmy Jacobs in what is sure to be a brawl. Now Samoa Joe would like to lay down a challenge.

Joe: I’ve had two title matches and I was screwed over in both of them. In the first John Cena attacked me. Then three weeks later I took him out. Michaels, I’m not gonna wait that long. I want you in the ring next week.

Michaels had this response.

Michaels: Sure I’ll face you in a match. I’ve already pinned you before, how hard can this be?

In next weeks main event it’s Samoa Joe vs. Shawn Michaels. This show is going to be huge.

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
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The show look's good.. Kind of odd storyline with Punk/McMahon..

Sabin to go over Evan's..

Will review..
Dec 13, 2007
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Knoxville, TN
Episode 21 review

BM: MCMG vs. Sabu and RVD - Fast paced just like it should be.
WM: Claudio vs. Rhyno - Only because there wasn't much to the match.
BP: I liked where Jimmy Jacobs and the AotF attack Raven. Thought it could of used more in depth writing, but the idea was great and executed all right.
WP: The attack by the HF seemed a little awkward. Just didn't read easy.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Here comes POI Episode 23. If I havent reviewed your BTB and I normally do, I will get around to doing that tomorrow. If you read please leave a review and I will return the favor. Thanks for reading.

POI Wrestling episode 23​

When the show starts Commissioner Joey Styles is in the ring.

Joey: I am here to announce the main event for POI’s second pay-per-view War Zone. It will be CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe vs. HHH vs. Shawn Michaels for the POI championship. Oh and did I mention that it is a ladder match. Now for the opening contest.

Jimmy Jacobs walks to the ring.

Jacobs: All of you have been blinded by the lies of society. Join me; join the Age of the Fall. Become closer to enlighte-

Raven hits Jacobs in the back of the head with a kendo stick and the match begins.

Match 1: Raven vs. Jimmy Jacobs
Raven beats Jacobs with the kendo stick until Jacobs rips it out of his hands. Jacobs clotheslines Raven, sending them both over the top rope and to the floor. They exchange punches as they try to stand up. Raven takes the advantage and takes down Raven with a discus clothesline. Raven grabs a microphone from the announcer and drives it into Jacobs head. Jacobs surprises Raven with a drop toe hold, slamming Raven’s face into the steps. Raven comes up bleeding, but he gets up fast and kicks Jacobs in the stomach. Raven goes for the Raven Effect, but Jacobs counters it by plowing Raven into the guard rail. Raven falls over the rail and into the front row. Jacobs follows Raven into the crowd, only to be hit with a chair. Raven hits Jacobs with the chair again, this time busting him open. Raven tries to whip Jacobs into the fans chairs, but Jacobs reverses it, sending Raven into the chairs. Jacobs picks up two chairs and sets them up like a table. Jacobs turns around, Raven kicks him in the stomach, and gives him the Raven effect onto the chairs. Raven drags Jacobs from the crowd to the ring. As soon as Raven goes for the pin a masked man attacks him. The man uses a backbreaker on Raven and then picks him up. The man plants Raven’s head into the mat with a tombstone piledriver. The man takes off his mask and reveals himself to be Vampiro. Jacobs covers Raven and gets the 3 count. The lights go out and when they come back on Jacobs and Vampiro are gone.

After Raven is helped out, AJ Styles enters the ring.

Styles: Randy Orton, two weeks back we had a match. It didn’t solve anything because it ended in a double KO. I wasn’t happy with that, but then when Joey announced War Zone, It gave me an idea. Orton, we need to have a match at War Zone *Orton sneaks into the ring without Styles noticing* and not just any match. An anything goes match. *Styles turns around and gets RKO’ed by Orton*

Orton: Challenge accepted. This time you’ll be the only one who gets knocked out.

Match 2: Super Dragon vs. Super Crazy
Dragon starts off the match by kicking Crazy in the side of the head. Dragon goes for another kick, but Crazy blocks this one and takes Dragon down with a leg whip. Crazy drops an elbow on Dragon and goes for a standing moonsault. Dragon gets him knees up, causing Crazy to crash into them stomach first.

The shot goes from the ring and to the back where Rey Mysterio and Homicide are brawling. Homicide whips Mysterio into the wall and then picks up a chair. Homicide swings for Mysterio’s head, but he ducks. Mysterio uses a low blow on Homicide followed by a kick to the head. Security comes in and separates the two. Homicide breaks away and stabs Mysterio in the head with a fork. The security grabs Homicide and they manage to keep them apart.

The shot cuts back to the ring where Dragon hits the Psycho Driver on Crazy. Dragon goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. John Cena runs to the ring with a chair. Before he can even react Dragon is flattened with a chair shot. Cena picks up Dragon and gives him the FU. CM Punk runs to the ring to make the save. Cena bails out of the ring and runs for the door. Dragon is helped out of the ring and Punk picks up a mic.

Punk: McMahon, you’ve had a whole week to think this over. Are you giving up my title? *long pause* There’s not a title in my hands right now, so I’m taking that as a no. Vince, I will come looking for you so I recommend that you watch your back.

IC Title Tournament Match 8: Chris Sabin vs. Jack Evans
They shake hands and the final match of round one begins. They lock up and Sabin whips Evans into the ropes and hits a flying forearm. Evans takes down Sabin with a drop toe hold and then goes for a drop kick to the face. Sabin moves out of the way of the kick before using a knee to the head on Evans. When Evans stands up Sabin tries to boot him in the head, but Evans catches the boot and uses an enzugiri. Evans attempts a DDT, but Sabin reverses it into a gutbuster. Sabin goes for the pin, but Evans kicks out at 2. Sabin pulls Evans to his feet and then gets a kick to the side of the head from Evans. Evans hits the DDT that he was looking for earlier. Evans sets up Sabin before going to the top rope. Evans hits the 630 and then goes for the pin. He gets the 3 count and moves on to the second round.

After the match Taz comes to the ring.

Taz: In case any of you forgot, I’m the Hardcore champion. I haven’t had a match in awhile so I decided to make a challenge. Next week I want a match with one WWE wrestler. Any wrestler, I don’t care who it is as long as they come and fight me. Be warned, you'll become just another victim.

After Taz leaves Shawn Michaels, Vince McMahon (with the POI title), and John Cena walk through the crowd and to the ring. Samoa Joe walks to the ring alone.

Match 4: Shawn Michaels vs. Samoa Joe
The two wrestlers exchange punches to start off the match. Joe whips Michaels into the ropes and then takes him down with a clothesline. Joe lifts up Michaels before whipping him into the corner. Joe goes for a knee lift, but Michaels moves out of the way. Michaels goes for the superkick, but Joe ducks and grabs HBK’s leg. Joe picks up Michaels and gives him a powerbomb. Joe goes for the pin, but Michaels kicks out at 2. Vince gets onto the ring apron and takes Joe’s attention away from the match. Michaels elbows Joe in the back of the head and then hits a backbreaker on him. Michaels goes to the top rope and attempts an elbow drop. Joe moves out of the way causing Michaels’s elbow to smash into the canvas. Joe gets up and waits for Michaels to stand. Michaels stands up and gets a super kick from Joe. HHH runs through the crowd, enters the ring, and begins exchanging punches with Joe. Joe gets the advantage and clotheslines HHH over the top rope. Joe turns around and gets a super kick from Michaels. Vince gets into the ring and Michaels lifts up Joe. Just as Vince is about to hit Joe with the POI title CM Punk gets into the ring and tackles McMahon. Punk unloads on Vince with some stiff right hands. Cena and Michaels attack Punk and stomp on him. Super Dragon runs to the ring, climbs to the top turnbuckle, and takes down Cena and Michaels with a cross body block. Vince tries to escape, but Joe grabs him and gives him to Punk before giving HHH multiple headbuts. Punk gets Vince in a fireman’s carry and then hits the Go to Sleep. The WWE wrestlers grab Vince and bail out of the ring, but they forgot one thing. CM Punk picks up the POI title and holds it high. Joe grabs a microphone.

Joe: Punk, I appreciate the help, but at War Zone I will do whatever it takes to win the POI championship. If you get in the way I won’t be responsible for what happens.

Punk: I just got my title back. I don’t plan on losing it again.

(End episode 23)