POI- Point of Impact Wrestling

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The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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It's my first time to read this BTB and I think it has some potential. The PPV is great and I think it could be more great if it's not in a recap form. My fave match will definitely be the Daniels/Punk match and the Boiler Room Brawl only if it's way longer. I'll try to get on to your storylines. I'll check out your next show.


Nov 29, 2007
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POI isnt that bad you know that, I like reading your shows, cause its easier to read, and not so much writing. Il be defently checking in for the next episode!


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
Here will be POI Wrestling Episodes 11 and 12. Now for the next 6 shows there might be some continuity errors, because I was writing these last year and I took some time away from writing because of school. In between some of the shows there was 1 to 2 months before I wrote the next one. Thanks to my readers for the support that has been given.

POI Wrestling Episode 11

The show starts with shots of what happened after Explosive Choices. The video shows Punk and Daniels leaving the arena in stretchers.

We go to the ring where HHH is standing with the POI title in his hands.

HHH: Look whose champion now. It’s not Christopher Daniels. It’s not C.M. Punk. It’s the man who was the smartest and who was the only man standing. As far as I’m concerned I’m the new POI champion.

C.M. Punk comes from the back.

C.M. Punk: Hey what have you done lately to earn that title? You beat Carlito and disappeared for a month only to reappear last night and steal my title. If you want a title match I’ll give you one right now.

Punk rushes the ring and he and HHH exchange blows in the middle of the ring.

Match 1: C.M. Punk v. Triple H for the POI championship
HHH kicks punk in the legs knocking him down to his knees. Then HHH went for a clothesline, but Punk reverses it into a drop toe hold into a STF. Punk was still weak from the PPV and HHH was able to break out of the hold. Punk charges at HHH, but HHH reversed it into a spine buster. Then HHH locked in an Indian Death lock on Punk. Christopher Daniels comes racing down the ramp chair in hand. HHH doesn’t have time to unhook his legs and gets smashed in the face with a chair. Daniels helps up Punk, shakes his hand, and heads up the ramp. Punk turns around and is planted into the mat with a pedigree. HHH pins Punk and gets the three count to become the POI champion.

As the crowd looks on shocked Samoa Joe comes down the ramp and gets in HHH’s face.

Samoa Joe: That title shot was mine. I want a title shot, tonight.

HHH: It’s all yours just come and take it.

March 2: Raven v. Edge
Raven is already in the ring when Edge walks down the ramp. Two men in hoods jump Edge. One hits him over and over with a kendo stick. The other man hits a DDT on the Edge on the steel entrance ramp. The two men bring Edge into the ring and Raven easily pins him.

Then Raven orders the men to carry Edge to the back.

Raven: A new age is upon us. I am sick and tired of how this company is run and I want to change it. Join me and you will have immeasurable power.

Match 3: A.J. Styles v. Low Ki for the IC title (rematch from Explosive Choices)
Low Ki takes Styles down with a leg tackle and turns it into a Boston Crab. Styles rolls out of it and kicks Low Ki in the fact to release the hold. Low Ki goes for a high kick. Styles blocks and turns it into a kick of his own. Styles runs to the top rope and uses a moonsault. Low Ki catches him and reverses it into a slam followed by the double foot stomp on Styles’ chest. Low Ki goes for the pin and only gets a two count. Low Ki whips Styles into the ropes. Styles leap frogs over Low Ki, turns around and super kicks Low Ki in the back of the head. Then Styles toes for the Styles Clash and wins the match.

*commercial break*

Match 4: Vampiro and Abyss with Father James Mitchell v. Finlay and Randy Orton
The match starts already in progress and the New Church is dominating. A replay shows Abyss slamming Finlay through a table and Vampiro giving Orton a pile driver. Vampiro throws Orton into the ropes and Abyss hits the Black Hole Slam on Orton to win the match.

Mitchell gets on the microphone.
Mitchell: For too long have my monsters Vampiro and Abyss been overlooked. Now that’s all going to change.

Christopher Daniels comes from the back.

Daniels: Mitchell, I think we have something to talk about.

Mitchell smiles and goes to the back with Daniels.

Match 5: Triple H v. Samoa Joe for the POI Championship
They lock up in the middle of the ring and HHH powers Joe into the corner. They separate and HHH slaps Joe in the face. Joe comes back and chops HHH’s chest red. HHH kicks Joe in the gut and tires to use the pedigree. Joe reverses it into a back body drop followed by a leg drop. Then Joe throws him into the corner. Joe runs and hits HHH in the face with a high knee lift. HHH rolls outside of the ring and Joe goes after him. Joe charges at HHH and HHH used a drop toe hold and smashes Joe’s face into the guard rail. Joe gets up and gets hit with the POI title belt. Joe comes up bleeding as HHH waits to hit him with the belt again. Joe gets a burst of energy and hits a spinebuster on HHH through the announce table. Joe gets up and gets sent back down by a chair shot. CM Punk came out of the crowd and blasted Joe in the head with a chair. Then Punk repeatedly hit HHH with the chair until HHH was knocked out. Joe got up again and Punk wrapped the chair around his head. Punk picked up the POI title and headed up the entrance ramp with the title as the show closes.

End episode 11

POI Episode 12​

Tonight on POI Wrestling: Joey Styles makes an announcement about the POI Championship and for the tag titles its Rey Mysterio and Homicide v. Abyss and Vampiro. But first, it’s Petey Williams v. Ron Killings.

Match 1: Petey Willimas v. Ron Killings
Killings starts the match with a right hand to Williams. Williams recovers and gets a high kick in on Killings. Williams then hits Killlings with some stiff forearms. Williams kicks Killings in the stomach and sets up for the Canadian Destroyer. Killings turns it into a back body drop followed by an elbow. Killings springs into the ropes, but from out of nowhere, Williams hits a dropkick on Killings. Williams gets Killings up, kicks him in the stomach and scores the Canadian Destroyer. Williams gets the three count and wins the match.

Joey Styles appears on the screen holding the POI title belt.

Joey: CM Punk agreed to give up the belt to me once he heard what I’m going to do. I am holding up the POI Championship. Its three top contenders are HHH, Samoa Joe and CM Punk. Those three will meet in a match for the POI title five weeks from now. In the next 3 weeks, the wrestlers will meet both of their opponents in one-on-one matches. In week one, HHH will face Samoa Joe in a sledgehammer match. In week two, Samoa Joe will meet CM Punk in a submission match. Then in the third and final match, CM Punk will fight HHH in a street fight.

Match 2: Lashley v. Delirious for a shot at the IC title
To start the match, they lock up in the middle of the ring. Lashley easily overpowers Delirious and then throws him into the ropes. Lashley goes for a clothesline, but Delirious ducks it and lands a standing drop kick. Then, Delirious gets in a few right hands on Lashley followed by a high kick to the side of the head. Delirious goes up to the top rope for a moonsault. He jumps and Lashley catches him in mid-air. The Delirious shifts his weight and hits a spinning DDT. Lashley was knocked out, but he woke up quickly. Delirious is waiting for Lashley up on the top rope. Lashley gets up and Delirious launches a drop kick. Lashley catches him in mid-air and delivers a devastating spinebuster. Lashley goes for the pin and gets a two and ¾ count. Fed up with Delirious, Lashley goes to the outside. He sets up a table and goes up on the ring apron. Delirious is already up and he drop kicks Lashley off the apron and through the table. Delirious picks up a chair and goes up to the tope rope. He then takes a page out of Sabu’s playbook and uses the Arabian facebuster off the top rope. Delirious drags Lashley into the ring and goes for a pin. Lashley kicks out at two. Delirious goes up to the top rope for a moonsault, but catches nothing but mat when Lashley rolls out of the way. Both men struggle to their feet and exchange punches with Lashley getting the better of Delirious. Delirious kicks Lashley in the stomach and then hits a DDT out of nowhere. Delirious goes for a pin, but is too late. Time runs out and the bell rings after the twenty minute time limit.

We go to the back where a brawl has broken out between CM Punk and HHH. Security is able to hold them back until Samoa Joe joins the fray. He cracks Punk in the head with a chair. Joe then takes down two of the security staff with the chair. HHH lunges at Joe and tackles him into the wall. Punk gets up and drop kicks them both.

Another fight is going on in the back between the MWR and the New Church. Homicide and Rey Mysterio whip Abyss into a table that was set up on the wall. Vampiro hits a side slam on Super Crazy onto the cement. Homicide takes a wrench out of his pocket and hits Vampiro in the back of the head with it. Mysterio is attacking Abyss and is trying to rip his mask off. From out of nowhere, Sonjay Dutt drop kicks Mysterio away from Abyss. Christopher Daniels attacks Homicide with a chair and the MWR retreats from the attacking Church of Daniels. The damage has been done to the New Church, and they have their tag title shot next.

We come back from the break and see that Christopher Daniels has taken Abyss’ spot in the match.

Match 3: Rey Mysterio and Homicide v. Vampiro and Christopher Daniels for the tag titles
The match starts with Vampiro spearing Homicide. Daniels throws Mysterio into the ropes and Mysterio comes back and kicks his legs out from under him. Vampiro hits punch after punch on Homicide. He then takes an exacto knife out of his pocket and slashes Homicide’s head open. Homicide hits a low blow followed by a swinging neck breaker on Vampiro. Homicide goes for the pin and gets a two count. Homicide tags in Mysterio and Mysterio kicks Vampiro in the back of the head. Mysterio throws Vampiro into the ropes. Vampiro hits a huge clothesline on Mysterio. Vampiro crawls toward Daniels for the tag, but Homicide runs into the ring and pulls Vampiro back. Mysterio stomps on Vampiro, but Vampiro reverses it into an ankle lock. Vampiro lets go of the hold and makes the tag to Daniels. Daniels runs across the ring and knocks Homicide off the apron. Daniels charges at Mysterio and hits a drop toe hold followed by a drop kick to the face. Daniels goes for the pin, but is attacked when Puma and Kaos hop the rail. Puma plants Daniels with a DDT and Kaos slams Vampiro’s throat into the top rope. Mysterio pins Daniels and gets the win.

Joey Styles comes out to the ring.

Joey: Next week, Mysterio, you and Abyss, one-on-one, in a Mask v. Mask match.

Raven comes out from the back and DDTs Joey Styles. Raven picks up the mic.

Raven: The revolution begins now!!

Raven slams down the mic as the show closes.

End Episode 12.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
As I said before some stuff gets confusing in the following episodes. Thats why I'm posting Episodes 13, 14, and 15 all at once. This is also a good set up for Episode 16 which is coming this sunday. Starting with Episode 16 there will only be one episode when I post that shows, becuase I think that this story arc deserves all the attetion that it can get. Please enjoy POI and if you read please drop a review. I'll return the favor.

POI Wrestling Episode 13​

Tonight on POI Wrestling HHH vs. Samoa Joe in a sledge hammer match and Rey Mysterio vs. Abyss in a Mask vs. Mask match, but in the first match, it’s Christopher Daniels vs. Puma.

Match 1: Christopher Daniels vs. Puma
Puma starts the match by going for a spear. Daniels moves out of the way and kicks Puma in the face. Puma staggers back and from out of nowhere Vampiro hits a neck breaker on him. Kaos comes from behind and blasts Vampiro with a chair. Daniels kicks the chair into Kaos’ face. Homicide gets in the ring, kicks Daniels in the gut, sets him up, and hits the gringo killer on Daniels. Lashley comes into the ring and spears Homicide. Puma gets back up and plants Lashley’s face in the mat with a DDT. Puma quickly pins Daniels and wins the match.

Match 2: Ron Killings vs. Jay Lethal
The lights shut off right at the beginning of the match. The lights come back on and Killings and Lethal are knocked out.

Standing in the middle of the ring is Raven. Standing behind him are Edge, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley and Tommy Dreamer. Raven grabs the mic and starts talking.

Raven: Last week, you all saw what I did to Joey Styles. It is the beginning of a revolution in POI. Joey plays favorites and I know he doesn’t like me. He never gave me the title shot I deserve. Joey decided to put me against Cactus Jack for the Hardcore title. I won the piece of crap title and sent Cactus out of a stretcher. So, I went home, polished my terd of a title, and made it into something of value.

Joey Styles comes out onto the entrance ramp.

Joey: Raven, do you ever do anything but whine? Raven, just so you know, you’re leaving out one huge detail: You don’t deserve a title shot.

Raven: I think that DDT last week might have affected your brain. Why don’t we see if I can fix it?

Joey: You won’t lay a finger on me.

Right when he says that, Randy Orton, Finlay and 6 Pac go and attack Raven. His followers fight back and the brawl begins. Dreamer hits Finlay with the kendo stick. Orton hits the RKO on Shelley. Raven escapes the fighting and goes after Joey. Suddenly Rhino comes down the ramp and gores Raven. The lights go out and Raven and the flock are gone.

After the break, Samoa Joe is in the ring with a sledgehammer for his match with HHH.

Joe: The POI title is nearly in my hands. HHH, you can’t stop me. CM Punk, you can’t stop me. Hunter, I’ll just have to drive this hammer into your skull to practice for the title match.

HHH comes racing down to the ring and the match begins.

Match 3: Samoa Joe vs. HHH in a sledgehammer match
Joe dives out of the ring onto HHH. Joe tries to swing HHH into the guard rail, but HHH reverses it and throws him into the rail. Joe grabs a chair out of the audience and jabs HHH in the stomach with it. HHH tries to hit Joe with his hammer, but Joe blocks it with the chair. Joe puts the chair down and HHH starts to choke Joe with the handle of the hammer. Joe picks up his hammer and is able to drive it into HHH’s face. HHH falls down and Joe drags him into the ring. HHH was playing possum and pedigrees Joe. He goes to the outside and gets a hammer. Joe recovers quickly and goes for a suicide dive to the outside on HHH. HHH is able to hit Joe with the hammer in mid-air. The blow knocked out and bloodied Joe. HHH drags Joe into the ring and goes for the pin, but Joe kicks out at two. HHH puts the hammer in the middle of the ring and then he pedigrees Joe onto it. HHH gets the pin and wins the match.

HHH leaves the ring while medics and referees come to help Joe out of the ring. On his way to the back, HHH is attacked by CM Punk. HHH and Punk fight dangerously close to the edge of the stage. Joe sees this and with a burst of energy he charges at HHH and Punk. HHH dodges Joe, but Joe crashes into Punk, knocking them both off the stage and through the tables below. The medics go to help Joe and Punk. They put both of them on stretchers and take them out of the arena.

After the break, AJ Styles is in the ring with the IC title.

AJ: There are too many contenders for the IC title. So, I am officially surrendering it and there will be a 16 man, 15 match tournament. The only confirmed members so far are Delirious, Jack Evans, Petey Williams, Lashley, Matt Sydal, Low Ki, Paul London, Puma and I. That’s nine people. As you can see, I need seven more people. Next week there will be a twelve man over the top rope battle royal to decide the final six spots spots. The next match will be a one-on-one match to qualify for the tenth spot.

Match 4: Sonjay Dutt vs. Teddy Hart
They lock up in the middle of the ring. Hart throws Dutt into the ropes and goes for a clothesline. Dutt ducks it, bounces off the ropes and connects with a drop kick. Dutt springs into the ropes again and Hart hits a drop toe hold on Dutt. Hart uses a leg drop on the back of Dutt’s head. Dutt rolls over and Hart crushes him with a standing moonsault. Hart goes for the pin and only gets a two count. Hart goes up to the top rope as Dutt gets up. Hart tries for a cross body block, but Dutt dropkicks him out of the air. Dutt pins Hart, but only for a two count. Dutt gets Hart up and throws him into the ropes. Hart turns it around on Dutt and scores a spine buster. With Dutt down, Hart runs up the ropes and does a shooting star press. Hart gets the three count and becomes the tenth entrant into the IC title tourney.

After the match, Bret Hart welcomes Teddy Hart into the New Hart Foundation.

Match 5: Rey Mysterio vs. Abyss in a Mask vs. Mask match
Abyss comes to the ring alone while Mysterio comes with the entire MWR. The New Church of Daniels comes out of nowhere and attacks the MWR, taking them out of the match. Abyss charges at Mysterio, but gets his legs drop kicked out from under him. Mysterio stomps Abyss’ face and then drops a knee onto the head of Abyss. The battle between the MWR and the Church spills out into the crowd. Homicide and Vampiro both enter the ring. Homicide hits him with a chair and handcuffs him to the ring rope. Homicide turns around and Abyss boots him out of the ring and through a table. Mysterio uses the ropes to spring into Abyss, but Abyss reverses it into a chokeslam on Mysterio, who reverses that into a DDT. He goes for the pin and gets a two count. Mysterio goes up to the top rope and waits for Abyss to get up. He gets up and Mysterio launches a drop kick at him. Abyss catches him in mid air and hits the black hole slam on him. Abyss goes for the pin, but it is broken up when Homicide KO’s him with a bat. With Abyss knocked out, Mysterio scores an easy pin. They hit Abyss with the bat over and over until they finally rip the mask from his limp body. A church bell chimes and the lights go out. It rings again and the lights come up. Undertaker and Kane are in the middle of the ring. Homicide and Mysterio bail out of the ring as the show closes.

(end episode 13)

POI Wrestling Episode 14​

Tonight on POI: Undertaker and Kane vs. Rey Mysterio and Homicide, the final 6-spot rumble for the IC title tournament and CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe in a Submission match, but first it’s Raven vs. Rhyno.

Last week on POI Rhyno saved Joey Styles by knocking Raven out with a gore.

Match 1: Rhyno vs. Raven
On Rhyno's way down the entrance ramp Raven attacks him with a kendo stick. Rhyno fights back by landing some stiff punches and then grabbing the kendo stick out of Ravens hands. Rhyno picks up a chair and tries to hit Raven with it. Raven ducks and hits a low blow on Rhyno. Raven picks up the kendo stick and breaks it over his knee. Then he uses a sharp piece of wood to stab Rhyno's forehead causing him to bleed. Rhyno hits Raven with an elbow to the face when he’s not paying attention. He grabs Raven by the hair and drabs him to ringside. Rhyno tries to throw Raven into the stairs, but Raven reverses it into a drop toe hold, smashing Rhyno’s face into the stairs. Raven takes a fans chair and tries to hit Rhyno with it, but Rhyno blocks it with a garbage can. Rhyno hits Raven with the garbage can, knocking him into the crowd. Rhyno goes after him and is blinded when Raven throws a fans beer in his face. Then Raven takes a chair and hits Rhyno in the back with it. He throws the chair into the ring and gets out of the crowd. Rhyno clotheslines Raven and rolls him into the ring. Rhyno gets into the ring and lines up Raven for the gore. Rhyno goes for it, but is blasted in the face with a chair by Raven. Then Raven hits the DDT on Rhyno for the win.

Raven: Joey Styles, I will continue to wipe out all of the people you put in front of me until I get my title shot.

Raven goes to the back as the show goes to a break. After the break it is revealed that after the beating that he received from Rey Mysterio and Homicide, Abyss has extensive injuries which will cause him to be on the shelf for an unknown amount of time. A clip is shown from last week at the end of the show.

A church bell chimes and the lights go out. It rings again and the lights come up. Undertaker and Kane are in the middle of the ring. Homicide and Mysterio bail out of the ring as the show closes.

Match 2: Undertaker and Kane vs. Rey Mysterio and Homicide
As Kane and Undertaker walk to the ring they are attacked by Mysterio and Homicide along with Puma, Super Crazy, and Konnan. The numbers over power Kane and Undertaker, but out comes Vampiro, Lashley, and Christopher Daniels to even up the odds. The brawl spills into the crowd and to the back. Security and other wrestlers are able to separate the two factions and end the fighting. The match is ruled a no contest and Joey styles sends home the MWR to prevent another incident.

Match 3: CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe in a submission match.
The bell rings and Joe charges at Punk. Punk moves out of the way and tries to lock in an arm breaker. Joe is able to get out of the hold quickly and throws Punk into the ropes. Punk springs back and hits a neck breaker. Joe gets up, takes Punk down with a German suplex, and then applies the ankle lock. Punk gets to the ropes to force the break, but Joe doesn’t let up at all. He goes for another German suplex, but Punk blocks it and reverses it into a belly-to-belly suplex. Punk knees Joe in the head and then uses the STF. Punk used it to close to the ropes and Joe was able to break it. Punk throws him into the corner and then goes for another knee to the face. Joe catches him and reverses it into a powerbomb. Joe charges at Punk, but Punk is able to use his momentum to take him down and apply the Figure Four.
Joe is nowhere near the ring ropes, but he uses his power to turn Punk over reverse the pressure. Joe releases the move, picks up Punk, and sits him on the top turn buckle. Joe picks Punk back up and uses the muscle buster. Then Joe locks in the clutch. Punk tries to fight it, but he eventually passes out, giving Joe the win.

Next week CM Punk takes on HHH in a street fight. The show goes to a break and when it comes back AJ Styles is in the ring.

Styles: Last week I announced the IC title tournament. Six spots remain open for this rumble to fill. Twelve men will compete in this rumble and six will move on to the tournament.

Final Six-Spot Rumble Combatants: Austin Aries, Funaki, Chris Hero, Ron Killings, Chris Sabin, Sonjay Dutt, Claudio Castagnoli, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Hass, Alex Shelley, Konnan, and KENTA.
The match starts and no one wants to get to close to the ropes. Hero throws Aries into the ropes, but Aries springs back and lands a dropkick on Hero. Benjamin and Hass work as a team and toss out Killings. Konnan attacks KENTA from behind and nearly throws him out. Castagnoli clotheslines Funaki over the top rope to eliminate him from the match. Sabin uses the cradle piledriver on Dutt and then he throws Dutt out of the ring to eliminate him. Shelley lands a dropkick onto Hass from the top rope. KENTA throws Konnan into the corner and superkicks him out of the ring and to the floor. Aries hits a standing moonsault onto Hero. Sabin and Shelley both land standing dropkicks on Hass sending him out of the ring. Hero powerbombs Aries onto the top rope. Aries falls out of the ring, but only one of his feet touches the ground before he saves himself and gets back into the ring. KENTA gets Benjamin in a fireman’s carry near the ropes. KENTA uses the Go to Sleep making Benjamin tumble over the top rope. The Rumble ends and KENTA, Alex Shelley, Claudio Castagnoli, Chris Sabin, Chris Hero, and Austin Aries move on to the IC title Tournament. Next week the sixteen wrestlers in the tournament will be in a seeding rumble to rank them from one to sixteen.

End promos
CM Punk: I may have lost tonight, but I’ll beat HHH next week just like I beat him on the first episode of POI. So HHH, lets make it a real street fight. Meet me in the parking lot next week.

Delirious: NextweekIwilltakeout15otherwrestlerstobenumber1.

Rey Mysterio: Those gringos barred the MWR from the building next week. But that don’t matter they promised us something big in two weeks.

Samoa Joe: I won tonight just like I will win the POI title in two weeks. HHH beat me in a sledgehammer match, but he can’t win against me in a real match.

(end episode 14)

POI Wrestling Episode 15​

The show starts with CM Punk in the parking lot with a garbage can of weapons.

Punk: HHH, get out here we’re having out match now.

HHH attacks Punk from behind as the match starts.

Match 1: CM Punk vs. HHH in a street fight
HHH attacks Punk with a forearm to the back of the head. Punk hits HHH with his garbage can. Punk uses a crutch and breaks it over HHH’s back. HHH pokes Punk in eye and then slams his head into the hood of a car. HHH picks up the garbage can and smashes it into Punks face. HHH tries to go for the pedigree, but Punk reverses it into a back-body-drop onto the car. Punk picks up a baseball bat and drives it into HHH’s stomach. Punk gets onto the car and delivers a cross-body-block to HHH. HHH catches Punk and slams him into the cement. HHH proceeds to stomp Punk, but Punk grabs his foot and goes for a roll up. HHH kicks out at 2. Punk picks up a cookie sheet and bends it in half on HHH’s head. HHH elbows Punk in the side of the head, but Punk fires back with a flurry of slaps followed by a kick to the head. HHH kicks Punk in the stomach and goes for a neckbreaker. Punk is able to slip out of it and use a drop-toe-hold to slam HHH’s head into the hood of the car. Punk puts HHH on the car and lays the garbage can on the cement. Punk goes on the car, locks in the pedigree, and uses the Pepsi Plunge, jumping off of the car and landing on the garbage can. Punk scores the 3 count and wins the match.

The shot goes to Joey Styles in the ring.

Joey: For a while now a stable war has raged between the MWR and the New Church of Daniels. This war will end next week. There will be a 4-on-4 gauntlet team match with the tag titles on the line. Also the losing team will have to disband. Then the week after that the tag champions will put the belts on the line in a 5-team gauntlet.

Raven comes to the ring.
Raven: Joey, last week I faced another one of your challenges and won. When am I going to get the title shot that I deserve!

Joey: Why aren’t you getting this through your head? You don’t deserve a title shot. By the way when was the last time you defended the title you already have?

Raven: I’ve faced all comers for the House of Pain title. Nobody wants it.

Joey: How about you have a match right now. Your flock cannot interfere in this match at all.

Raven: That doesn’t matter I’ve made my flock disperse, I worked better alone.

Joey: Sure you do. I would like to add one new stipulation to House of Pain title defenses. 1. The winner of the match does not have to be one of the original two combatants. Now let’s meet your opponent.

Ron Killings comes to the ring.

Match 2: Raven vs. Ron Killings for the House of Pain title.
Raven takes knocks Killings off of the ring apron with a baseball slide. Raven gets a stop sign from under the ring. He smacked it over Killings head. Killings throws Raven into the guard rail. Killings charges at Raven, but Raven knocks out Killings with a chair shot. Raven goes for the pin, but Tazz comes from the audience and Tazzplexes Raven onto the steel entrance ramp. Then he locks in the Tazzmission and makes Raven pass out to become the second ever HoP champion.

Killings tries to get up, but Tazz Tazzplexes him into the crowd and then goes to the back. The show goes to a commercial break and when it comes back its time for the IC title Tournament seeding Rumble.

All 16 wrestlers will be in the ring at the start of the match.
The first person thrown over the top rope will be ranked 16 and the final person in will be ranked 1.

Ranking Rumble- Combatants: Delirious, Jack Evans, Petey Williams, Lashley, Matt Sydal, Low Ki, Paul London, Puma, AJ Styles, Teddy Hart, Austin Aries, Chris Hero, Chris Sabin, Claudio Castagnoli, Alex Shelley, and KENTA.
The match starts and it is complete chaos. The two biggest men, Lashley and Castagnoli attack each other right away. Evans dropkicks Sydal into the ropes and London hits a second dropkick to knock Sydal out of the ring. Evans throws London into the ropes and takes him down with a drop toe hold. Petey hits the Canadian Destroyer on Puma and throws him out of the ring. Sabin and Shelley both hit superkicks at the same time on Teddy Hart knocking him out and sending him over the top rope. Castagnoli gets Lashley onto the top turnbuckle. Then Castagnoli and Hero pick up Lashley and powerbomb him out of the ring. Aries and Styles fight on the ring apron until KENTA goes to the top rope and delivers a missile dropkick to Styles, making him fall to the floor. Aries gets back in the ring, picks up KENTA, hits the brainbuster and throws him out of the ring. Delirious hits a standing moonsault on London. Then Evans hits the 630 on London. Delirious throws out London and then Evans with a back-body-drop. Low Ki throws Sabin in the corner and hits him with repeated kicks. Shelley goes for a running knee lift on Low Ki. Low Ki dodges and Shelley knees Sabin in the face. Low Ki tosses out Sabin, but Shelley throws him out of the ring following a cradle powerbomb. Delirious is fighting on the ring apron with Petey. He jumps over the top rope and brings Petey down with a facebuster and a spin kick to knock him out of the ring. Hero delivers a swinging neck breaker to Aries and then throws him out.

The shot goes from the ring to Joey Styles office. Raven is being held back by security guards.

Raven: Styles, you’re the reason I lost my title! I’ll make you pay!

Back in the ring Delirious and Shelley work together to toss Hero out of the ring. Shelley kicks Delirious in the side of the head, knocking him out of the ring. Castagnoli attacks Shelley with some European uppercuts and then throws him into the ropes. Castagnoli chases after Shelley, but Shelley kicks him in the stomach. Castagnoli catches Shelley’s boot and then picks him up. He side-walk-slams Shelley to the out side of the ring. Castagnoli wins the seeding rumble.

End promos
Punk: Next week: HHH vs. Samoa Joe vs. CM Punk. I will win and I will regain my title.

Christopher Daniels: Next week is the end of the MWR and the beginning of the reign of the new tag team champions.

Tazz: I’m sure some people are wondering-

Raven attacks Tazz with a garbage can. Tazz grabs Raven and Tazzplexes him into the wall as the show closes.

(end episode 15)

Look for a preview for Episode 16 to be posted on Friday!
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
Knoxville, TN
BM: My favorite was Rhyno and Raven actually. Very good match and i can see them doing something like this in real life.
WM: The ranking rumble was a little short for my taste for as much as you have going on. Wasn't bad, but i try not to do rumbles often because they should be really long in my opinion.
BP: Delirious randomly blurting his long phrase about being number one next week LOL!
WP: None.
AC: Your shows are short and easy to read. This is a plus and a negative as i can see how it may make it hard to compete with a big complex show. Overall fun to read though, good job!


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
Here is the schedule for the coming weeks for episodes of POI.
June 13th- POI Episode 16 Preview
June 15th- POI Episode 16 (Church of Daniels vs. MWR gauntlet, Samoa Joe vs. HHH vs. CM Punk for the POI Championship)
June 18th- POI Episode 17 (Six team gauntlet for the POI Tag Championships)
June 22nd- POI Episode 18 (can't say what the main event is yet)
June 29th- POI Episode 19 (can't say for this episode either)
July 2nd- POI Episode 20 Preview (this begins the weekly previews)

Now to all of my readers, I'd like to thank you for your support. Please continue to read, because if you think that POI's been good so far, you haven't seen anything yet!

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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Previews for the next show look nice so far, things are definitely looking better writing wise. Posting a couple of shows at a time are better, so you can catch up to where you are on your freewebs site.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
Previews for the next show look nice so far, things are definitely looking better writing wise. Posting a couple of shows at a time are better, so you can catch up to where you are on your freewebs site.

I don't know if I'm going to try to catch up to the freewebs site or not. I really want to keep posting show regularly, and lately I really haven't been able to write as often as I used to. When I was originally posting the shows there were a couple of times where breaks were needed so that I'd be able to write the next month of shows, but there also was a couple of weeks without shows. I really don't want that to happen here.
So heres the short answer: I'm not going to try to catch up to the freewebs site.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
Special Preview for POI's biggest show yet: POI Wrestling Episode 16

The MWR and the New Church of Daniels feud started back at our first PPV when Rey Mysterio and Homicide won the tag titles over Kane and the Undertaker. Then in episode 12 it was scheduled to be Mysterio and Homicide defending their titles against Abyss and Vampiro, but the MWR had a different Idea.

A fight is going on in the back between the MWR and the New Church. Homicide and Rey Mysterio whip Abyss into a table that was set up on the wall. Vampiro hits a side slam on Super Crazy onto the cement. Homicide takes a wrench out of his pocket and hits Vampiro in the back of the head with it. Mysterio is attacking Abyss and is trying to rip his mask off. From out of nowhere, Sonjay Dutt drop kicks Mysterio away from Abyss. Christopher Daniels attacks Homicide with a chair and the MWR retreats from the attacking Church of Daniels. The damage has been done to the New Church, and they have their tag title shot next.

Because of this the New Church of Daniels was officially formed when Christopher Daniels took Abyss’ spot in the tag match.

Rey Mysterio and Homicide v. Vampiro and Christopher Daniels for the tag titles
The match starts with Vampiro spearing Homicide. Daniels throws Mysterio into the ropes and Mysterio comes back and kicks his legs out from under him. Vampiro hits punch after punch on Homicide. He then takes an exacto knife out of his pocket and slashes Homicide’s head open. Homicide hits a low blow followed by a swinging neck breaker on Vampiro. Homicide goes for the pin and gets a two count. Homicide tags in Mysterio and Mysterio kicks Vampiro in the back of the head. Mysterio throws Vampiro into the ropes. Vampiro hits a huge clothesline on Mysterio. Vampiro crawls toward Daniels for the tag, but Homicide runs into the ring and pulls Vampiro back. Mysterio stomps on Vampiro, but Vampiro reverses it into an ankle lock. Vampiro lets go of the hold and makes the tag to Daniels. Daniels runs across the ring and knocks Homicide off the apron. Daniels charges at Mysterio and hits a drop toe hold followed by a drop kick to the face. Daniels goes for the pin, but is attacked when Puma and Kaos hop the rail. Puma plants Daniels with a DDT and Kaos slams Vampiro’s throat into the top rope. Mysterio pins Daniels and gets the win.

Then the week after that Mysterio took on Abyss in a mask vs. Mask match which brought in some unexpected guests.

Rey Mysterio vs. Abyss in a Mask vs. Mask match
Abyss comes to the ring alone while Mysterio comes with the entire MWR. The New Church of Daniels comes out of nowhere and eliminates the MWR from the match. Abyss charges at Mysterio, but gets his legs drop kicked out from under him. Mysterio stomps Abyss in the fact and then punches him square in the stomach. The battle between the MWR and the Church spills out into the crowd. Homicide and Vampiro both enter the ring. Homicide hits him with a chair and handcuffs him to the ring rope. Homicide turns around and Abyss boots him out of the ring and through a table. Mysterio uses the ropes to spring into Abyss, but Abyss reverses it into a chokeslam on Mysterio, who reverses that into a DDT. He goes for the pin and gets a two count. Mysterio goes up to the top rope and waits for Abyss to get up. he gets up and Mysterio launches a drop kick at him. Abyss catches him in mid air and hits the black hole slam on him. Abyss goes for the pin, but it is broken up when Homicide KO’s him with a bat. With Abyss knocked out, Mysterio scores an easy pin. They hit Abyss with the bat over and over until they finally rip the mask from his limp body. A church bell chimes and the lights go out. It rings again and the lights come up. Undertaker and Kane are in the middle of the ring. Homicide and Mysterio bail out of the ring as the show closes.

Now its going to be 4-on-4 in a team gauntlet with Daniels, Vampiro, Kane, and the Undertaker taking on Mysterio, Homicide, Super Crazy, and Psychosis.

Then in next weeks main event it's HHH vs. Samoa Joe vs. CM Punk for the POI championship. This feud also started back at our first PPV when Joe won a title shot and HHH stole the title from Punk after he won it. This is what happened the next night.

We go to the ring where HHH is standing with the POI title in his hands.

HHH: Look whose champion now. It’s not Christopher Daniels. It’s not C.M. Punk. It’s the man who was the smartest and who was the only man standing. As far as I’m concerned I’m the new POI champion.

C.M. Punk comes from the back.

C.M. Punk: Hey what have you done lately to earn that title? You beat Carlito and disappeared for a month only to reappear last night and steal my title. If you want a title match I’ll give you one right now.

Punk rushes the ring and he and HHH exchange blows in the middle of the ring.

Match 1: C.M. Punk v. Triple H for the POI championship
HHH kicks punk in the legs knocking him down to his knees. Then HHH went for a clothesline, but Punk reverses it into a drop toe hold into a STF. Punk was still weak from the PPV and HHH was able to break out of the hold. Punk charges at HHH, but HHH reversed it into a spine buster. Then HHH locked in an Indian Death lock on Punk. Christopher Daniels comes racing down the ramp chair in hand. HHH doesn’t have time to unhook his legs and gets smashed in the face with a chair. Daniels helps up Punk, shakes his hand, and heads up the ramp. Punk turns around and is planted into the mat with a pedigree. HHH pins Punk and gets the three count to become the POI champion.

As the crowd looks on shocked Samoa Joe comes down the ramp and gets in HHH’s face.

Samoa Joe: That title shot was mine. I want a title shot, tonight.

HHH: It’s all yours just come and take it.

Later that night.

Triple H v. Samoa Joe for the POI Championship
They lock up in the middle of the ring and HHH powers Joe into the corner. They separate and HHH slaps Joe in the face. Joe comes back and chops HHH’s chest red. HHH kicks Joe in the gut and tires to use the pedigree. Joe reverses it into a back body drop followed by a leg drop. Then Joe throws him into the corner. Joe runs and hits HHH in the face with a high knee lift. HHH rolls outside of the ring and Joe goes after him. Joe charges at HHH and HHH used a drop toe hold and smashes Joe’s face into the guard rail. Joe gets up and gets hit with the POI title belt. Joe comes up bleeding as HHH waits to hit him with the belt again. Joe gets a burst of energy and hits a spinebuster on HHH through the announce table. Joe gets up and gets sent back down by a chair shot. CM Punk came out of the crowd and blasted Joe in the head with a chair. Then Punk repeatedly hit HHH with the chair until HHH was knocked out. Joe got up again and Punk wrapped the chair around his head. Punk picked up the POI title and headed up the entrance ramp with the title as the show closes.

Punk gave up the title to Joey Style who announced the match that would be held next week. He also announce three other matches in which each man in the match would face both of his at least once. Each one of them won one of their matches. And that brings us to next week. Who will win? Who will lose? Find out next week on POI Wrestling when the gold is on the line.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
Thanks again for reading POI. If you do read, please leave a review and I will be sure to return the favor. This show ia a turning point in POI history and has a shocking ending that will cause ripple effects in all upcoming POI Episodes.

POI Wrestling Episode 16​

This action packed show starts off with the MWR vs. the New Church of Daniels 4-on-4 team gauntlet match. In the ring representing the MRW is Super Crazy. Coming to the ring representing the New Church of Daniels is Kane.

Match 1: Super Crazy (MWR rep. 1) vs. Kane (NCoD rep. 1)
Before Kane can get into the ring Super Crazy hits the missile dropkick off the top rope onto him. Kane whips Crazy into the ring post. Kane goes for an elbow, but Crazy ducks causing Kane to drive his elbow into the steel post. Crazy tries to get Kane in an armbreaker, but Kane grabs him with his good arm and chokeslams him onto the cement floor. Kane rolls Crazy into the ring and goes for a pin. Somehow Crazy kicks out at 2. Kane goes up to the top rope and waits for Crazy to get up. Kane takes down Crazy with the top rope clothesline. Then Crazy rolls to the outside and is followed by Kane. Crazy picks up a wrench from under the ring and hits Kane with it, busting him open. From out of nowhere Kane chokeslams Crazy on the cement a second time and rolls Crazy into the ring. Kane goes for the pin and gets the 3 count.

Rey Mysterio comes to the ring.

Match 2: Rey Mysterio (MWR rep. 2) vs. Kane (NCoD rep. 1)
Mysterio starts off the match with a spring board dropkick. Kane gets up fast and takes Mysterio down with a clothesline. Mysterio rolls to the outside and is followed by Kane. Mysterio drives Kane's head into the steel steps with a drop toe hold. Mysterio picks up a chair, but Kane boots into his face. Kane picks up Mysterio for a powerbomb, but Mysterio reverses it into a DDT. He picks the chair back up and flattens Kane with it. Now Kane is bleeding worse than before and is losing energy. Mysterio rolls Kane into ring. He hits the shooting star press off the top rope onto Kane. Mysterio goes to the top rope again, this time using a moonsault. Then he goes for the pin and gets the 3 count to eliminate Kane.

Christopher Daniels comes to the ring.

Match 3: Rey Mysterio (MWR rep. 2) vs. Christopher Daniels (NCoD rep. 2)
Daniels throws Mysterio into the ropes and gets him with a spinebuster on his way back. Daniels goes for the pin, but Mysterio kicks out at 2. Daniels headbuts Mysterio and throws him out of the ring. Daniels flips over the top rope onto Mysterio. Mysterio gets up and smashes Daniels head into the guardrail. Daniels kicks Mysterio in the stomach and then uses the angles wings on him. Daniels rolls Mysterio into the ring and pins him for the 3 count.

Psychosis comes to the ring.

Match 4: Psychosis (MWR rep. 3) vs. Christopher Daniels (NCoD rep. 2)
Daniels elbows Psychosis in the face and then throws him into the ropes. Psychosis springs back and hits a DDT on Daniels. Psychosis goes for the pin, but Daniels kicks out a 3. Psychosis stomps on Daniels and then goes up to the top rope. Psychosis goes for the moonsault and eats canvas after Daniels rolls out of the way. Daniels waits for Psychosis to get up and then takes him back down with a German suplex. Daniels pins Psychosis for a 2 count. Daniels goes to the top rope for the BME, but Psychosis gets a burst of energy, follows him up, and superplexes him off the top rope. Daniels get to his feet first and superkicks Psychosis. Then he hits the BME and pins Psychosis for the 3 count.

Homicide comes into the ring through the crowd without Daniels seeing him.

Match 5: Homicide (MWR rep. 4) vs. Christopher Daniels (NCoD rep. 2)
Homicide surprises Daniels with the cop killer. Homicide goes for the pin and gets the 3 count.

Vampiro comes to the ring.

Match 6: Homicide (MWR rep. 4) vs. Vampiro (NCoD rep. 3)
Before Vampiro can get into the ring Homicide takes him down with a suicide dive. Homicide tries to whip Vampiro into the guard rail, but he reverses it, throwing Homicide into the rail. Vampiro grabs a chair and tries to hit Homicide, but he ducks and hits Vampiro with another chair. Homicide rolls Vampiro into the ring and goes up to the top rope. Vampiro gets up and Homicide goes for a cross-body-block. Vampiro catches him and reverses it into a powerslam. Vampiro goes for the pin and only get a 2 count. He helps Homicide up and throws him into the ropes. On Homicides way back Vampiro takes him down with a swinging neckbreaker. Vampiro stomps on him and goes to the outside to set up a table. Vampiro gets onto the ring apron, but is blinded when Homicide throws powder into his eyes. Homicide gets onto the ring apron and is able to use the cop killer to put Vampiro through the table at ringside. Homicide rolls Vampiro back into the ring and pins him for the 3 count.

Undertaker comes to the ring, but Konnan attacks him on the entrance ramp. Undertaker fights back and chokeslams him off of the ramp and through a table.

Match 7: (Final Gauntlet match) Homicide (MWR rep. 4) vs. Undertaker (NCoD rep. 4)
Undertaker boxes Homicide into the corner with repeated punches. Homicide bails out of the ring and picks up a chair. Undertaker follows after him, but gets nailed by a chair, thrown by Homicide. Homicide goes on the attack, but Undertaker boots him in the face. Undertaker picks him up for the chokeslam, but Homicide reverses it into a DDT. Homicide throws the chair again, but Undertaker catches it and throws it back. Undertaker rolls Homicide into the ring and then picks him up for the last ride. Homicide stabs a fork into Undertakers forehead, busting him open. Undertaker drops Homicide and falls onto the ropes. Homicide gets up and Undertaker goes for the clothesline. Homicide ducks and pulls down the top rope causing Undertaker to fall out of the ring. Homicide goes out on the other side of the ring. He gets a bottle of tequila out from under the ring. Undertaker goes back into the ring at the same time as Homicide. Homicide surprises him and breaks the bottle over his head. The tequila burns his wound and his eyes, blinding him. Homicide somehow is able to use the cop killer on Undertaker. Homicide goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. The MWR wins, retains the tag titles and forces the New Church of Daniels to disband.

Coming Soon: The ferocity of a dragon and the spirit of a wrestler are combined. Super Dragon is coming to POI.

The first round matches for the IC title tournament.
• Claudio Castagnoli vs. Matt Sydal
• Alex Shelley vs. Puma
• Delirious vs. Teddy Hart
• Chris Hero vs. Lashley
• Austin Aries vs. AJ Styles
• Petey Williams vs. KENTA
• Low Ki vs. Paul London
• Chris Sabin vs. Jack Evans

IC title tournament match 1: Claudio Castagnoli vs. Matt Sydal
The two shake hands and lock up in the middle of the ring. Claudio gets Sydal in a headlock. He throws Sydal into the ropes and takes him down with a dropkick. Sydal gets up and uses a drop toe hold into an armbreaker on Claudio. Claudio reaches the ropes and gets the break. Claudio gets back up and attacks Sydal with some European uppercuts. Sydal kicks Claudio in the head, knocking him down. Sydal hits the standing moonsault and goes for the pin, which gets him a 2 count. Sydal goes to the top rope. He goes for a cross body block, but Claudio dropkicks him in mid-air. Claudio picks him up a powerbombs him into the top turnbuckle. Claudio goes for the pin, but Sydal kicks out at 2. Claudio goes to the top rope for a flying headbut. While he’s in mid-air, Sydal get up, grabs Claudio’s head, and drives it into the mat with a DDT. Sydal goes for the pin and Claudio kicks out at 2 ¾. Sydal and Claudio get up at the same time. Sydal springs off the ropes toward Claudio, but Claudio kicks Sydal’s legs out from under him and then elbows him in the chest. Claudio picks up Sydal in an inverted fireman’s carry and then takes him out with a cutter. Claudio goes for the pin and gets the 3 count.

Announcer: The following contest is for the POI championship and is your main event of the evening.

Match 9: Samoa Joe vs. CM Punk vs. HHH for the POI Championship
The bell rings and Punk attacks HHH. HHH fights back, but Joe knocks him out of the ring with a flying knee lift. Punk takes down Joe with a drop toe hold and then drop kicks him in the head. HHH gets back in the ring, clotheslines Punk, and puts him in the Indian Death lock. Joe breaks up the hold and then picks up HHH for a suplex. HHH reverses the suplex into a neckbreaker. Punk surprises HHH with a face buster and then goes for the pin. HHH kicks out at 2 and then rolls to the outside. Joe throws Punk into the ropes and then takes his head off with a clothes line. Joe picks up Punk for the musclebuster, but HHH hits Joe in the back with a chair. HHH kicks Punk in the stomach and goes for the pedigree. Punk reverses it into a back body drop. HHH gets back up, but Joe throws the chair in his face, knocking him out of the ring. Punk attacks Joe with a barrage of punches and slaps. Joe fires back with a superkick while HHH sets up a table on the outside. HHH gets back into the ring and hits a DDT on Joe. Punk elbows HHH in the face and throws him into the ropes. On his way back HHH uses the spinebuster on Punk. HHH slams Punks face into the mat with a pedigree. When HHH gets up Joe dropkicks him in the back of the head. Joe throws HHH into the ropes and then powerslams him on his way back. Joe goes for the pin and gets a 2 count. Joe picks up HHH and puts him on the top turnbuckle. Suddenly John Cena comes through the crowd and gets in the ring. He kicks Joe in the stomach, gets him in the fireman’s carry, and FU’s him out of the ring and through the table that HHH set up. Then Shawn Michaels comes to the ring, smiles at HHH and superkicks Punk. HHH pedigrees Punk again and pins him for the 3 count to win the POI championship. HHH goes under the ring and grabs a WWE flag while Vince McMahon comes through the crowd and into the ring.

Vince: The POI title is mine. This time I’m not going to buy my competition, I’m going to destroy it.

Low Ki, Carlito, Finlay, and Chris Sabin come to the ring to fight off the invaders. Carlito and Finlay turn on POI and help HHH, Cena, and Michaels beat down Sabin and Low Ki. The show closes as HHH holds the POI championship and a WWE flag.

(end episode 16)


Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
BM: I liked the Gauntlet match, and it was probaly my favorite. I was suprised to see MWR retain the Tag Team Championship. Also, I loved the main event aswell, with Triple H becoming new Champ! It would of been sweet also, to see CM Punk capture gold, but still brilliant!

WM: Homicide .vs. Christopher Daniels, thought it could of had a bit more added to it. Psicosis .vs. Christopher Daniels really didnt interest me either.

BP: n/a

WP: n/a

AI: I thought your show was good, but I didnt see any promo's in there? But the show was awesome. You made it a good wait, and I cant wait for the next episode, to see what Vince does. So, my rating for you would be 8/10. Good work! EDIT: I also loved how you made Triple H become the new champion, I think he will make POI more interesting:)

Plug: Check out VWE: Raw tomorrow night!

CT Styles

It's quite unrealistic, Crazy wouldn't kick out of a Chokeslam. The matches weren't that great and were very robotic.

Best Match: Main Event, with a good angle beginning.

Worst Match: They were all on the same level of quality, imo.

Best Promo: Wasn't any.

Additional Comments: There is definitely room for improvement in nearly every aspect but it seems quite good. Thanks for the review also.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Here we are, POI Wrestling Episode 17. If you read please leave a review (all reviews get reps). Leave any kind of feedback at all, positive or negative. Thank's for reading.

POI Wrestling Episode 17​

Joey Styles is in the ring.

Joey: Last week HHH won the POI championship and then handed it over to Vince McMahon. Along with the POI title HHH, Shawn Michaels, Carlito, and Finlay all went to the WWE. Now because of the beating that they received at the hand of these men, CM Punk and Samoa Joe will not be here tonight. It now seems that POI is at war with the WWE. Even though the title is gone we will continue to bring you the wrestling that you have come to expect. Now for the first match of the night.

Match 1: IC title Tournament Match 2: Alex Shelley vs. Puma
Shelley and Puma shake hands as the match begins. Shelley throws Puma into the ropes. Puma hits a springboard drop kick on Shelley. Shelley gets back up and takes Puma down with a Russian leg sweep. Shelley goes for the pin and gets a 2 count. Shelley gets up and uses a leg drop on the back of Puma’s neck. Shelley gets Puma standing, but Puma kicks him in the back of the head. Then Puma DDT’s him, goes for the pin, and only gets a 2 count. Shelley rolls out of the ring for a rest, but Puma sails over the top rope towards him. Shelley uses Puma’s momentum against him and powerbombs him onto the ring apron. Shelley rolls Puma back into the ring and puts him in the Indian death lock. Then Shelley bridges back, grabs Puma’s chin, and pulls up, causing pain to Puma’s legs, back, and neck. Puma taps out to the Shelley Stretch. Shelley moves on to face Claudio Castagnoli in the next round.

In the back Bret Hart is in Joey Styles office.

Hart: Why isn’t the New Hart Foundation in the tag team gauntlet? They’re more qualified than any other tag team.

Joey: Might as well add one more team to the mix. Hopefully they’ll make some good matches.

Hart: And they will prove that they are the best there is, the best there was, and the bes-

Joey: Yeah we get it. I’m busy I need to get our title back.

Raven is in the ring.

Raven: Taz, I want my House of Pain title back and I want a match next week.

Taz comes to the entrance ramp.

Taz: You want a shot at my FTW title. That’s fine, I’ll destroy you again.

Raven: If you’re so confident you’ll defend the belt in a House of Fun match.

Taz: I’ll beat you in any match that you want.

Joey Styles comes onto the screen.

Joey: Please stop renaming the belt. It is the Hardcore title and as for next week it will be Taz vs. Raven in a House of Fun match for the Hardcore Title.

Raven: I still blame you for making me lose the belt, Joey.

Commercial Break. Super Dragon is coming to POI soon. When the show comes back its time for the six team gauntlet with the tag belts on the line.

Gauntlet Match 1: MWR (Rey Mysterio and Homicide) vs. the Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli)
Hero and Mysterio start off the match. Mysterio spring boards off the top rope at Hero. He hits Hero with a flying forearm and then a kick to the back. Hero whips Mysterio into the ropes and then clotheslines him on his bounce back. Hero stomps on Mysterio and tags in Claudio. Claudio lands an elbow drop from the second rope onto Mysterio. Claudio goes for a pin, but Homicide breaks it up. Homicide drags Mysterio into their corner and tags him. Homicide dropkicks Claudio and then takes him down with a drop toe hold. Mysterio comes in to double team Claudio, but Hero takes Homicide out with a chair shot and a neckbreaker to put the man advantage on the KoW’s side. Then the KoW take out Mysterio with their version of Total Elimination. Claudio makes the pin and gets the 3 count. The shocked KoW have taken the tag champs out of the gauntlet.

The Dudleys come to the ring carrying a table.

Bubba: There’s no chance that we’d ever lose to some punks like you. We’re so confident in our win that we’ll put our jobs on the line.

Gauntlet Match 2: the Kings of Wrestling vs. the Dudley Boys
The Dudleys charge the ring and attack the KoW with some stiff punches. Claudio is clotheslined over the top rope by D-Von just as Hero gets a kick in the gut from Bubba. Hero dodges another kick from Bubba and then takes down D-Von with a Yakuza kick. Claudio rolls back into the ring and uses some European uppercuts on Bubba. The ref forces Bubba and Claudio into their corners, leaving Hero and D-Von in the ring. D-Von whips Hero into the ropes and takes him down with a DDT on his way back. D-Von goes for the pin, but Hero kicks out at 2. D-Von stomps on Hero before tagging in Bubba. Bubba goes for an elbow, but Hero moves out of the way causing Bubba to drive his elbow into the mat. Hero attempts a neckbreaker on Bubba, but Bubba reverses it into a face buster. Bubba whips Hero into the Dudleys corner. D-Von hits Hero in the back of the head with a chair. D-Von gets tagged in and hits Hero in the back with the chair. D-Von puts the chair down and then DDT’s Hero onto it. Meanwhile on the outside Bubba is setting up the table. D-Von goes for the pin, but it gets broken up by Claudio. Bubba gets up onto the ring apron, but gets a knee in the face from Claudio. This causes Bubba to fall off of the apron and go through the table. Claudio gives Hero time to recover by attacking D-Von with some chops and European uppercuts. Hero gets up and the KoW deliver the KRS ONE (Kings Reign Supreme Over Nearly Everyone) which is an elevated flip into modified aided Michinoku Driver II. Bubba tries to get back into the ring, but Claudio gets him back out of the ring with a baseball slide. Hero goes for the pin and gets the 3 count to move on in the gauntlet and retire the Dudley Boys.

Gauntlet Match 3: the Kings of Wrestling vs. RVD and Sabu
Claudio starts off the match with Sabu. Sabu goes for a leg tackle, but he misses and is kicked in the head. Sabu gets up, springs off of the ropes, and dropkicks Claudio. RVD throws a chair to Sabu, who throws it into Claudio’s face. Sabu sets up the chair and slams Claudio’s face into it with a drop toe hold. Sabu goes for the pin, but Hero breaks it up. RVD hits a dropkick off the top rope onto Hero. Claudio clotheslines Sabu over the top rope. RVD throws a chair at Claudio and then delivers the VanDaminator. Sabu brings a table into the ring. Hero hits RVD with the chair and then gives him a DDT. Sabu rams the table into Hero’s stomach. Claudio takes down Sabu with a Russian leg sweep. Claudio sets up the table. RVD hits a second VanDaminator on Claudio, knocking him out of the ring. RVD uses a facebuster on Hero and then puts him on the table. Sabu goes up to the top rope with a chair. He puts Hero through the table with an Atomic Arabian Facebuster. Sabu goes for the pin and gets the 3 count.

The New Hart Foundation’s Petey Williams and Teddy Hart come to the ring with their partner Shelton Benjamin and their manager Bret Hart.

Gauntlet Match 4: RVD and Sabu vs. the New Hart Foundation (Petey Williams and Teddy Hart)
Hart and RVD start off the match. RVD whips Hart into the ropes and takes him down with a drop kick. Hart gets up fast, springboards off the ropes, and elbows RVD in the face. Hart gets RVD in an armbar, but RVD reaches the ropes before any damage could have been done. Hart tags in Petey, who attacks RVD with some right hands. RVD fights back and kicks Petey in the head. Sabu gets tagged in by RVD and then throws a chair into Petey’s face. Sabu puts down the chair and slams the back of Petey’s head into it with a Russian leg sweep. Then Sabu hits the Triple Jump Moonsault on Petey and goes for the pin. Hart breaks up the pin and knocks RVD off of the ring apron. RVD gets up, but Bret Hart breaks a hockey stick over his head, knocking him out. Petey and Teddy Hart give Sabu a double DDT. Then Petey hits the Canadian Destroyer on Sabu. Petey goes for the pin and gets the 3 count for the win. The NHF move on to the final gauntlet match.

Gauntlet Match 5: The New Hart Foundation vs. the Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley)
Shelley starts the match by slapping Hart. Hart charges at Shelley, but Shelley uses a drop toe hold on Hart, causing him to slam his throat onto the top rope. Shelley distracts the ref while Sabin kicks Hart in the head. Shelton Benjamin kicks Sabin’s legs off of the ring apron. The ref sees this and sends Benjamin and Bret Hart to the back. Teddy Hart headbutts Shelly and then clotheslines him. Hart tags in Petey who gives a facebuster to Shelley. Petey throws Shelley into the ropes. Shelley comes back, takes Petey’s legs out from under him, and drives his elbow into Petey’s chest. Shelley knees Petey in the head and then tags in Sabin. Petey gets up and kicks Sabin in the head. Sabin chops Petey and Petey chops back. They do this over and over until Sabin bounces off the ropes and forearms Petey in the face. Sabin Irish whips Petey into the corner and then goes for a splash. Petey moves out of the way of the splash and rolls up Sabin for a 2 count. Petey picks up Sabin and delivers a Death Valley Driver. Petey tags in Hart who hits a standing moonsault on Sabin. Hart goes for the pin and gets a 2 count. Hart puts Sabin in the corner and backs up. Hart tries to drive his boot into Sabin’s face, but Sabin moves, causing Hart to crotch himself on the ropes. Sabin kicks Hart in the head and tags in Shelley. Shelley uses a chin breaker on Hart and then elbows Petey, knocking him off the ring apron. Shelley hits a bulldog on Hart and then goes to the top rope. Shelley goes for a moonsault, but Hart rolls out of the way. Hart gets up and is taken down with the cradle shock piledriver by Sabin. Petey comes in the ring and hits the Canadian Destroyer on Sabin. Shelley gets up and superkicks Petey. Shelley locks in the Shelley stretch on Petey while Hart goes up to the top rope. Hart hits the open Hart surgery on Shelley and then goes for a pin. Sabin breaks up the pin at 2. Sabin gives a DDT to Hart and then helps up Shelley. Shelley and Sabin both superkick Hart and then Shelley goes for the pin. Shelley gets the 3 count. The MCMG become the third tag team champions.

The MCMG celebration is cut short when WWE wrestlers invade the ring. Cena throws Petey out of the ring. Cade and Murdoch grab and hold the MCMG.

Vince: Looks like you two are tag team champs. Why don’t you come to the WWE and give me those belts.

Sabin spits at Vince as Christopher Daniels, Low Ki, Vampiro, Claudio Castagnoli, RVD, and other wrestlers run to the ring. Low Ki kicks Finlay in the face as Vampiro clotheslines Cade out of the ring. Daniels and Carlito fight into the crowd. HHH pedigrees Sabin, but then has a chair thrown in his face by RVD. Carlito hits a backcracker on Daniels. Claudio powerbombs Murdoch onto the ring apron. The WWE wrestlers retreat as the show comes to a close.

(end episode 17)

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
BM - I really liked the 5th match of the MCMG vs the Hart Foundation 2. It was a good length match, and the two teams have similar styles, which always makes for a very good match. The HF with Petey Williams is pretty nice, adding a power guy instead of Jack. It's good to see MCMG get the gold.

WM - Mysterio & Homicide vs Hero & Castagnoli. I thought it could've been way better IMO.

BP - Teddy Hart getting cut off by Joey Styles was classic.

WP - Not enough to nominate

AC - Another OK show, I felt that the title win for Sabin & Shelley could've been hyped way more. There were a few promos, but the ones on were average. Obviously, the shows are greatly improving. But things like a roster would help, it's just weird with random guys showing up and leaving every show. It would be nice to see some main players.


New Member
May 26, 2008
Reaction score
Good Card

My favorite match was the HHH and Punk match. It was a awesome match. keep it up.