POI- Point of Impact Wrestling

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Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
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POI Wrestling Episode 46

The show opens with a shot of the POI Commissioner Joey Styles standing in the middle of the ring.

Joey: Hello and welcome to POI. I am Joey Styles and I am here to make a few announcements. In a few weeks POI will celebrate its one year anniversary. The week after that POI will celebrate its 50th episode. On that 50th show we will be having what can only be called a supercard. In the main event Samoa Joe will defend the POI World Championship against Christopher Daniels. There will be a rematch from last week as well when Paul London meets Brian Kendrick in a 2 Out of 3 Falls Match. This week neither London nor Kendrick will be on the show due to the injuries they received last week. Also on the 50th show Delirious will defend the Intercontinental Championship against Edge, Chris Hero, Ken Kennedy, and Mike Quackenbush in a ladder match.

The crowd pops over these announcements. “Break is Down Again†hits and Mike Quackenbush heads to the ring.

Joey: Mike, what can I do for you?

Quack: Well I’d like to make you an offer.

Joey: I’m listening.

Quack: For awhile not Chikara wrestlers have been making sporadic appearances here on POI. I would love for Chikara to help POI celebrate its milestone. Maybe at the 50th show there could be a Chikara vs. POI match. I’ll bring six of Chikara’s best to battle six of POI’s best. What do you say?

Joey: I like it. Who do you have lined up for your team?

Quack: I wasn’t really prepared to answer this question, but I think I know who to pick. Team Chikara will be made up of Hallowicked, Vin Gerard, Stigma, and the Colony; Fire Ant, Soldier Ant, and Worker Ant. What about team POI?

Joey: I’d like to bring together two factions to make team POI. It will be Matt Sydal, Jack Evans, and Roderick Strong otherwise known as Generation Next teaming with the New Hart Foundation; Teddy Hart, Shelton Benjamin, and Petey Williams.

Quack: Are you sure that’s a wise choice? Those two teams really don’t get along.

Joey: Well-

Joey is cut off by “Hybrid Stigmata†as Delirious runs to the ring.

Delirious: JoeyJoeyJoeyJoeyJoeyJoeyJoeyJoeyJoeyJoeyJoeyJoeyJoeyJoey!

Joey: What is it Delirious?

Delirious: DoIhaveamatchtonight?

Joey: No. Do you want a match tonight?

Delirious: Aadabadabadabadababa!

Joey: What?

Delirious: Sure.

Joey: Okay; Delirious, Quack. You two are having a match, right now.

Joey leaves the ring.

JR: Hello everybody! I am JR, Jim Ross.

Shane: I am the “Franchise†Shane Douglas and things here have started off with a band. The 50th show is going to have a stacked card.

JR: Tonight is also a stacked card. We’ve got a Tag Title Match in the main event and a Hardcore Title #1 Contenders Match. Now we have the first match of the night.

Match 1: Delirious vs. Mike Quackenbush
The bell rings and Delirious loses it. He starts running around the ring and spills to the outside where he continues running. Delirious takes a fan’s hat and puts it on someone a couple of seats over. Delirious finally charges back into the ring and offers a handshake to Quack, who accepts it. The two lock up and Mike applies a wristlock on Delirious. The masked man reverses the pressure onto Quackenbush before grabbing his other arm and taking him down with an armdrag. Delirious keeps on Quack’s arm by using another wristlock. Mike springboards off the middle rope and takes down Delirious with an armdrag of his own. The two men get to their feet. Quackenbush goes for a dropkick. Delirious dodges it and Quack falls to the mat. Mike gets to his hands and knees and he is hit with a dropkick to the face from Delirious. The masked man gets up and brings Quack to his feet. Delirious Irish whips him into the ropes. Mike bounces back and Delirious goes for a leaping lariat. Quackenbush ducks it causing Delirious to crash into the ropes and spill out of the ring. Delirious gets to his feet on the outside. Quack runs at the ropes, springboards off the top rope, and goes for a plancha on Delirious. Mike angles his body so that he can take down Delirious with a huracanrana. Quackenbush wastes no time getting to his feet and standing up Delirious. Quack rolls Delirious into the ring before getting onto the ring apron.

Delirious gets up and Mike springboards himself into the ring towards the masked man. Delirious knocks Quackenbush out of the air with a lariat. Delirious goes for the pin, but only gets a 2 count. Delirious gets up and climbs to the top rope while Quack gets to his hands and knees. Delirious leaps off the top rope and goes for Shadows Over Hell. Mike rolls out of the way and Delirious crashes into the mat. Quackenbush slowly stands up and then helps Delirious to his feet. Quack picks him up and hits the Black Tornado Slam. Mike goes for the pin and Delirious kicks out at 2. Quackenbush gets both he and Delirious standing. He sets up the masked man for the Quackendriver, but Delirious slips out of it and rocks him with a headbut which forces him to a seated position in the corner. Delirious charges at Quack and hits the Panic Attack, driving his knee into Quack’s skull. The IC Title holder drags Mike to the middle of the ring and goes for the pin, but he gets the shoulder up at 2. Delirious gets up, lifts up Quackenbush, and locks in the Cobra Stretch. The masked man has it wrenched in tight. Quack is desperately trying to reach the ropes, but he is stranded in the middle of the ring. Suddenly Mike shifts his weight and pins Delirious’ shoulders to the mat. Delirious can’t break the hold fast enough. Quackenbush is able to score the 3 count.

JR: That was a huge win for Mike Quackenbush. If Delirious thought that he couldn’t take his title before, he better think again.

Shane: Good thing for Delirious that it was non-title. It would suck to lose the title because of a fluke like that.

After the ring is cleared “I Fought the Law†hits and Nigel McGuinness walks to the ring with the ROH Pure Championship. He grabs a microphone while the fans are mercilessly booing him.

Nigel: Now it’s time for all you clam diggers to shut you fat faces, I have something to say. I hold this belt with a lot of pride and I’ve taken on all comers. I am the best pure wrestler in the world and this belt proves it. Now, I’ve been doing some thinking. Since POI management refuses to book my matches, I have to do it myself. Well that’s fine and dandy. I’ve decided to book two matches. One of them will be on the 50th show and it will be me defending the belt. The other match will be next week and it’ll decide who I’m going to beat. I want the match to be a four man gauntlet. So the first four people that want in get in. If I were in your shoes I wouldn’t even bother. You won’t beat me because I am in it... to win it.

The crowd continues to boo.

Nigel: Piss off ya bunch of yanks.

Nigel walks to the back.

JR: He’s always nice to the fans.

Shane: That’s an understatement, he loves out fans.

JR: Yeah sure. Well our next match should be a slobberknocker. We’ve seen Super Dragon tormenting Nick Mondo for the past couple of weeks. He wants a shot at the Hardcore Title, but Jeff Hardy had stepped up to stop him.

Match 2: Super Dragon vs. Jeff Hardy in a #1 Contender match for a shot at the Hardcore Title
The bell rings and the two men walk to the center of the ring. Hardy gets in Dragon’s face and starts talking trash. Dragon isn’t even fazed by what Jeff is saying. Hardy shoves Super Dragon, who responds with a hard forearm shot to the face. Jeff fires back with a punch to the face. The two men trade punches with Dragon getting the better of the exchange. Super Dragon attempts a kick to the head. Hardy ducks it and goes for a step up enzuigiri, which dragon ducks. Jeff falls to the mat and Dragon cracks his spine with a double foot stomp. Hardy rolls out of the ring to recover. Dragon lines up Jeff, waiting for the perfect time to strike. He gets onto the ring apron, springboards, and hits a corkscrew moonsault press on Hardy. Both men crash to the floor while the crowd shows their appreciation for what Dragon just did. The two men slowly get to their feet. Jeff boots Dragon in the gut before Irish whipping him into the guard rail. Hardy jumps and runs on the top of the guard rail. He launches himself at Super Dragon and hits a dropkick to the face. Jeff gets to his feet, holding his back in pain as Super Dragon is slumped down on the floor. Hardy looks under the ring and he pulls out a table before shoving it into the ring. He looks under the ring again and this time pulls out a garbage can, two street signs, and a Singapore cane.

Jeff picks up the garbage can and walks towards Super Dragon, who is now standing. Dragon hits a spin kick which drives the garbage can into Hardy’s face. Jeff staggers back and picks up the cane, which he drives into Dragon’s gut. Super Dragon doubles over in pain and gets hit with the cane in the back of the head. While Dragon is bent over he picks up one of the street signs, as does Hardy. The two men begin to exchange shots to the head with the steel signs. After eight shots each, the men are wobbly on their feet. Hardy kicks Super Dragon and then hits him one more time. Dragon finally drops to the floor. Jeff grabs him and shoves him into the ring. Hardy gets into the ring himself as Taz walks onto the entrance ramp to watch the match. Jeff sets up the table in the ring before bringing Dragon to his feet and laying him on the table. He climbs to the top rope and notices Taz. This slight distraction allows Super Dragon to climb to the top rope as well. He surprises Hardy, picks him up, and in one fluid motion, drives him through the table with a Psycho Driver. Super Dragon goes for the pin and gets the 3 count.

Shane: Taz just cost Jeff Hardy that match. Fire that man!

JR: Oh stop Jeff Hardy shouldn’t have taken his eyes off the match. Well by any means Super Dragon is the #1 Contender to the Hardcore Title.

The shot cuts to the back where POI Women’s Champion Lacey holds her belt and a microphone.

Lacey: The Age of the Fall now holds more power than ever in POI. We hold the Women’s Championship and the Tag Team Championships. While Jimmy and Tyler have been preparing for their match later tonight, I’ve been contemplating a decision I have to make; who’s going to get the first shot at my belt? Well MsChif, Gail Kim, and Beth Phoenix all have come to me asking me to give them that shot. I really don’t know who to give it to. Maybe I should just let you fans decide. Should I do that? *The crowd pops* Do you idiots really think that I would let you have any say in the matter? You people are the reason why the world is as bad as it is. There’s no way that I’m letting you decide anything. I’ve decided to let the three women sort it out themselves. I talked to Joey Styles and next week it will be MsChif versus Gail Kim versus Beth Phoenix and the winner will get a shot at my belt at the 50th show. Now to all of you people out there who don’t bother to listen to us, the revolution will continue and you will listen to it eventually.

Shane: I still don’t think women should be wrestling.

JR: If anyone needs the definition of a horse’s ass, it’s right here.

The shot cuts to the ring. “The Champ is Here†hits and Samoa Joe walks down to the ring with a purpose. He holds the POI World Title and a baseball bat. He throws them into the ring and grabs a microphone before getting in himself.

Joe: Daniels! You and your little buddies need to get out here right now! Last week RVD and Low Ki got what they had coming, not I just have you, Kane, and Undertaker. Come on, get out here and let’s see if five guys can take me out when I’m actually ready for them.

Daniels: Hey Joe! Up here.

The shot cuts to the big screen which Christopher Daniels is on. It is obvious that he is not in the building.

Daniels: Joe I’m sure that you recognize where I am better than anyone else. It’s your house. Now I know you’re planning on beating us down with that baseball bat, but it’s just not going to happen tonight. Don’t be disappointed, I have a surprise for you. Bring her out!

Rob Van Dam and Low Ki bring a woman with a hood over her head into frame.

Daniels: Joe, I’m sure you can guess who this is. It’s your wife! I decided that after what you did to Rob and Ki there had to be some retribution. We were just in the neighborhood and we thought of this plan.

Joe: If you even touch her, I’ll kill you.

Daniels: That’ll have to wait until later. We have to do what I planned right now.

Daniels pulls the hood off of Joe’s wife’s head. A look of fear is plastered across her face as tears stream out of her eyes. Daniels has a sick smile on his face.

Daniels: Do you have anything to tell your husband?

She doesn’t respond.

Daniels: Fine. Rob, Ki; do it.

Joe: Don’t do this Daniels!

Low Ki and Van Dam line up Joe’s wife. Then at the exact same time they both kick her in the head. She falls to the ground, knocked out.

Daniels: Joe, if you had just listened to me, none of this would have had to happen. Maybe we’ll see you later tonight. I don’t know about that for sure, but what I do know is that this was the gospel according to Christopher Daniels.

The feed to Joe’s house cuts out. Samoa Joe is standing in the ring with a stunned look on his face. He drops the bat, the belt, and the mic and rushed to the back. The crowd is silent after that they just saw, not sure how to react.

JR: Daniels just crossed a line that should not have ever been crossed. You don’t bring a wrestler’s family into the sport.

Shane: I never thought that we’d see something like that in POI. God knows what will happen to Daniels once Joe gets his hands on him.

JR: Hopefully Joe’s wife will be okay. As sick as I’m feeling right now, the show must go on.

Match 3: Chris Hero vs. Ken Kennedy
The bell rings and the two men square off. They move in for a collar and elbow tie up, but instead Kennedy just yells “Kennedy!†in Hero’s face. Hero responds with; “Chris is awesome!†which gets the crowd to start chanting it. Kennedy starts saying “Kennedy!†over and over until some of the crowd starts to chant along with him. Hero, not wanting to be one-upped, starts to show his athleticism by running up the turnbuckles, flipping off the top, and landing on his feet.

JR: What is this, a jackass contest?

Hero turns to face Kennedy and he is hit with a stiff punch to the face. Ken grabs Hero and whips him into a corner. Kennedy charges at Chris and drives an elbow straight into his face. Spit flies out of Hero’s mouth before he slumps down into a seated position. Ken backs up and then charges at his opponent once again. Kennedy’s boot scraped across Chris’ face when Kennedy hits the facewash. Ken gets up and says; “Oh I bet that hurt!†He brings Hero to his feet and whips him across the ring into another corner. Kennedy charges at Hero for the third time in the match and this time it backfires on him. Chris cracks Ken in the face with a roaring elbow. Ken drops to the mat and Hero says; “Oh I bet that hurt!†Chris drops a knee to the skull on Kennedy before going for the pin. Ken kicks out at 2. Hero pounds the mat in frustration and then brings his opponent to his feet. Chris locks in the cravate on Kennedy. He struggles to get out of the hold while Hero has it locked in tight. Eventually Ken grabs onto the ropes. Chris breaks the hold. Kennedy immediately grabs him and hits a Russian leg sweep. Both men slowly get to their feet. Hero kicks Ken in the gut and sets him up for the Heroes Welcome. Kennedy slips out of it and rolls up Chris. He hooks the tights and gets the 3 count.

JR: Yeah, that was a jackass contest and Kennedy obviously won.

Shane: I think that Kennedy proved that he was the smarter man.

The shot cuts to the back where Homicide stands with Hernandez.

Homicide: Last week that bitch CM Punk went back to his ROH roots. He and Colt jumped me and Hernandez from behind. They know they couldn’t take us by themselves. So Punk brings in Ace Steel and he takes us out with a chair. Ace, I ain’t got a problem whit you, but now that you’re whit Punk you’re a dead man. Now it looks like the Second City Saints are back together. Ya know what; I’m goin back to me roots too. That’s why I brought in the J-Train.

Julius Smokes walk into frame.

Smokes: Yea, yea, yea! Bllllllllllllllllllllllat! Me and my boy Homicide back together. Look who else I got with me.

Ruckus walks into frame.

Smokes: That’s right, we got Ruckus now too.

Homicide: Punk, you wanna fuck with me, ya gotta fuck with all a us. We are the Rottweilers 2.0

JR: Now, that is a force to be reckoned with.

The shot cuts back to the ring. “I Am†hits and AJ Styles walks to the ring.

AJ: Shut off my music. I’ve come to this ring tonight to educate all of you morons about the matches that myself and Austin Aries have had. Aries would be here to help me, but he’s in Mexico so it looks like you’ll just have to take me. In our first match Aries cheated to beat me. There’s no need to even watch that clip. Then we met again and I won, let’s watch this one.

Austin stomps on Styles before going to the top rope for the 450. AJ gets up, grabs Aries for a powerbomb, rips him off the top rope, and gets onto the second rope. Styles sets up for the Styles Clash and then he hits it off the second rope. Aries is knocked out on impact. Styles goes for the pin and gets the 3 count.

AJ: Oh, that was just beautiful. I could watch that again *the Styles Clash plays again* and again *the Styles Clash plays again* and again *the Styles Clash plays again*, but we don’t have all day. There was a slight meeting between us in the middle of a 6 man match; could we look at that clip?

Austin gets to his feet and he is attacked from behind by AJ Styles. Styles uses repeated punches on Aries, followed by a kick to the side of the head. AJ picks up Austin, gets him in a torture rack, walks over to the announce table, and puts Aries through the table with a powerbomb before walking to the back.

AJ: I think that one might have been even better. Then we crossed paths in Survival of the Fittest and he dropped me on my head twice. I think that footage was destroyed in some sort of fire or something like that. Actually I think that win in a tag match might be my favorite. It was the slap in the face that was long due.

Austin lifts up Styles and hits a shinbreaker. Out of nowhere AJ gets Aries in a small package for a pin. 1, 2, Strong tries to break it up, and the referee counts 3.

AJ: Now as you can all see, I am much better than Aries. Always have been, always will be. Aries you just need to face facts, you’re not in my league. Maybe you should stay in Mexico because you will never be like me. You will never be simply phenomenal.

“I Am†kicks in again and AJ leaves the ring.

JR: What arrogance shown by AJ Styles.

Shane: That’s not arrogance, that’s confidence. Well now it looks like it’s time for our main event which will be for the Tag Team Titles.

“Beautiful Disaster†hits and the Motor City Machine Guns; Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin walk to the ring to the cheers of the fans. The lights cut out and the sound of a woman screaming fills the arena. “The Haunted†kicks in and the Age of the Fall; Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black walk to the ring to a mix of cheers and boos.

Dave Prazak: The following contest is for the POI Tag Team Titles and is your main event. Introducing first the challengers; from Detroit, Michigan and weighing in at 215 pounds; Alex Shelley and also from Detroit, Michigan weighing in at 210 pounds; Chris Sabin. They are the Motor City Machine Guns. Now introducing the champions. From Buffalo, Iowa and weighing in at 210 pounds; Tyler Black and from Grand Rapids, Minnesota and weighing in at 173 pounds; Jimmy Jacobs. They are your Tag Team Champions; the Age of the Fall.

Match 4: The Age of the Fall (Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black) vs. The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin) for the POI Tag Team Championships
The bell rings. Tyler Black and Alex Shelley start off the match. They step to the middle of the ring; there won’t be any handshakes here. The two men exchange words until Shelley drives his fist into Tyler’s face. Black steps back a bit, jumps in the air, and nails a kick to the head on Alex, who falls to the mat. Tyler springs off the ropes and goes for a knee drop, but the Gun rolls out of the way. Shelley quickly gets to his feet and boots Tyler in the face. Black falls to the mat and Alex springs off the ropes. He goes for a standing senton, but Black rolls out of the way. Both men get to their feet. Black goes for a kick to the head, which Alex ducks. Shelley goes for a dropkick, which Tyler dodges. Black tries for a dropkick and it is dodged by Alex. Both men get up. Shelley grabs Tyler and hits a double knee backbreaker. As Black spasms on the mat in agony, the Gun goes to his corner and tags in his partner. Tyler gets to his knees and Chris Sabin charges at him. Chris blasts Black with a step up enzuigiri. Sabin goes for the pin, but Tyler kicks out at 2. Chris brings Black to his feet and whips him into the corner. Sabin charges at him and drives an elbow into his face. Tyler falls to the mat and the Gun lifts him up and gets him in the tree of woe. Shelley gets into the ring and the Guns both hit dropkicks on the hanging Black. Alex leaves the ring ad Chris goes for the pin. Jacobs runs in and breaks up the pin at 2. As Jimmy leaves the ring Sabin drags Tyler to his feet by his hair. Chris worked over Black with five forearm shots to the back of the neck. Sabin gets Tyler in a waistlock and then goes for a release German suplex. Black lands on his feet and hits the unsuspecting Sabin in the back of the head with an enzuigiri. Tyler picks up the fallen Sabin, sets him up, and powerbombs him into the top turnbuckle. Black has just received his second wind. Chris falls to the mat and rolls to his back trying to recover the breath that was just knocked out of him. Tyler charges towards Sabin and hits a standing shooting star press. The crowd is mixed in support between the two teams. Black opts not to go for the pin, but instead tags Jimmy Jacobs into the match.

Jacobs charges across the ring and knocks Shelley off the ring apron with a spear. Sabin just starts to get up and he is hit with a spear as well. Jimmy gets up and stalks Sabin. Chris stands up. Jacobs grabs him and locks in the End Time. They are in the middle of the ring. Sabin has nowhere to go. Just as he is about to tap out Alex Shelley runs into the ring and boots Jacobs in the head. Alex gets back to the ring apron. Jimmy gets to his feet and begins to exchange words with Shelley, allowing Sabin to recover. Chris stands up, grabs Jacobs and surprises him with a tiger suplex. Sabin holds the bridge for a pin and Jimmy kicks out at 2. The two men get to their feet. Jacobs charges at Sabin for a big boot, but the Gun ducks it and sweeps out Jimmy’s legs. Chris drops a knee to the skull on Jacobs. Sabin walks onto the ring apron while Jimmy stands up. Chris springboards into the ring, grabs Jacobs, and hits a tornado DDT. The Gun gets up and drags Jacobs to his feet by his hair. He picks up Jimmy and hits the Cradle Shock. Chris hooks the leg and goes for the pin. Jimmy Jacobs somehow gets the shoulder up at 2. Sabin can’t believe that didn’t put him away. Chris gets up and tags in his partner. They talk a bit and plan a double team attack. They get on opposite sides of Jacobs, who gets to his knees. The Guns charge at Jimmy and go for the S and S Crusher. Jacobs dodges the double dropkicks causing the Guns to collide. As Sabin rolls to the outside Jimmy begins to crawl to his corner. Shelley tries to stop him, but he’s not fast enough. Jacobs tags in Tyler Black, who bursts into the ring and hits Alex with a boot to the face. Sabin gets onto the ring apron and Tyler blasts him in the head with an enzuigiri, knocking him to the floor. Black faces Shelley who grabs him for an STO. Tyler blocks the STO and boots him in the stomach. Black picks up Alex and hits God’s Last Gift. He holds the small package, but Shelley is able to get out of it at 2. Black gets up and positions Alex on the mat before going to the top rope. He jumps off and hits the Phoenix Splash on Shelley. Black goes for the pin. 1, Sabin gets into the ring, 2, Jacobs runs in and cuts him off, and the referee counts 3. The Age of the Fall retain the Tag Team Titles.

JR: What a phenomenal tag team match.

Shane: These two teams tore the house down.

The sound of a gong is heard and the lights cut out. They come back up and the Church of Daniels excluding Christopher Daniels is in the ring. Kane and Undertaker attack the tag champs while Low Ki and Rob Van Dam use a barrage of kicks on the Guns.

JR: This is completely uncalled for. The Church has done enough here tonight already. I thought that they weren’t even in the building.

Van Dam takes Sabin out of the ring and kicks his head into a ring post. Low Ki puts Alex Shelley on the announce table. He goes to the top rope and puts Shelley through the table with a double foot stomp. Back in the ring Kane and Undertaker grab Jimmy by the throat and double chokeslam him. Black stands up and he is hit with a boot to the face from Kane. Undertaker brings Tyler to his feet before slamming him to the mat with the Last Ride. The show closes as the Church stands over their fallen victims.

(End Episode 46)

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
My Review on Episode 46...

Promo: CHIKARA vs. POI looks pretty good. Vin Gerard is the MAN and The Colony can do some great comedies in the match and by the looks of Team POI, this will be a highflying cruiserweight like match.

Delirious/Quack: And by mentioning a good highflying cruiserweight match, this one is an example of it. A good fast paced match with a surprising ending imo.

Nigel Promo: I've seen few Nigel promos and I say this is in his good character. You managed to use some his most used words hehe... Good to see him as a brave cocky heel here.

Hardcore Match: A nice Hardcore Match and I enjoyed reading it. Taz really have a fierce shifty eyes that can really change the phase of the match and making Dragon win it :p

Lacey's Promo: Just like Nigel's promo here, definitely a generous but arrogant heel right there...

Daniels/Joe: I still can't believe Daniels is a leader of a faction with the Brothers of Destruction in it. Some intense story here and I wonder what will happen next and what does Joe's wife look like? :shifty:

Kennedy/Hero: I totally LOL'd at this match! Now I am dreaming of this two face off in a real match damn! The comedy really made this match entertaining. Damn! I can't decide which one to chant on? Kennedy? Chris is Awesome???

Homicide Promo: Now we are seeing another faction war here in POI! I believe Hernandez will join Homicide in the Rottweiler 2.0 so this could end in a 6 man tag match at your Anniversary show.

AJ Styles: Good Hype with his ongoing feud with Austin Aries! This should end with an awesome match indeed.

Main Event: This match is totally awesomeness in a can! I know AOTF is a heel here (correct me if I am wrong) but you made them not do some dirty tricks that made this match totally good and by seeing them win the match cleanly made the Guns look as the heel team lol. The Church interference at the end makes me think what they did to Joe's wife. We need some answer for next week.

Additional Feedbacks: Great to see you back Comic. This show is good compared to your past shows. The promos is well done and I've seen some improvements and there are no more brawl at the end part which is a POI signature when it comes to promos :p. I missed some of the stories and feuds but by reading this show, I believe I recall some of it. I hope your Anniversary show will make POI up the ranks more. Good Luck!

Chuck Taylor's Grenade

I'm going to try something a little different with this review.


Delirious versus Quackenbush was a good and fun opener. Very evenly matched. Finish I couldn't really see happening since both men are stomach down during the cobra stretch unless Quackenbush is really flexible. Super Dragon versus Jeff Hardy was nice and violent. Could see something developing between Taz and Jeff Hardy. Plus we also get Super Dragon vs. Nick Mondo. Hooray! Chris Hero verus Mr. Kennedy (Kennedy) was pretty fun with two cocky loudmouths. I especially liked the dueling chants competition at the start. MCMG vs. AOTF was great. Lots of action, definitely worthy of being the main event match. I think the finish would have worked better if Sabin had broken up the pin after the God's Last Gift but other than that it was excellent.


Joey Styles, Quack and Delirious was a fun way to open the show. Nice lineups for both team POI and team Chikara. Wonder if Generation Next and New Hart Foundation will be able to coexist considering their history. Deliriousbaba wasba Delirious. Nigel McGuiness did a great job as the arrogant heel who wants competition. I can't wait to see who gets into the four way. Lacey's promo was also very nice as it got her over huge as a heel while at the same time championing the causes of the Age of the Fall. Although I have to question Lacey wanting competition. Most heels usually avoid having to defend the title unless forced to. Maybe we'll see her interfere in the triple threat match to get the winner she wants. Anyway moving on to Joe/Daniels and friends-Oh my god this is the greatest promo I've ever seen in my life! And boy was it intense. Made Orton and Triple H look like child's play in comparison. The Rottweilers 2.0 promo was okay. Homicide rules on the mic and is right up there with Eddie Kingston when it comes to bringing the intensity. AJ's promo was very entertaining with AJ showing all the clips of AJ beating Austin Aries but "losing" the clips of Austin beating AJ. The end segment was a little strange. I don't really see why the Church of Daniels would be beating up MCMG and AOTF. Not only that but it made it very obvious that the Daniels, Low Ki and RVD segment was pretaped. Undertaker and Kane could have easily beaten down all four men by themselves.


Nearly everything was booked logically on this episode. The only complaint was the Church of Daniels beat down on the tag teams in the end but that was adressed in the promos section. Each match had a unique finish so things didn't get too repetitive. The feuds were developed nicely with the heels getting lots of heat. Just remember to not let the heels get too much heat because you want the feuds to be at least somewhat even. The face promo in the beginning was entertaining as well.


The flow of this show was very nice and easy to follow. There was an even pacing of Matches to Promos so things didn't get boring and people weren't begging for wrestling. Also concerning flow the matches were placed perfectly with the good and fun opener going to the violent hardcore match to the slightly slowed down but still entertaining heel vs heel match and ending with the great main event tag team match.


POI is back with a vengeance. Episode 50 is shaping up to be an awesome show with Daniels vs. Joe, team Chikara vs. team POI, Kendrick vs. London, Nigel vs. ???, Lacey vs. ??? and Delirious vs. Quack vs. Kennedy vs. Hero vs. Edge in a ladder match. Wow. I hope you stick around for a long time because POI rules.


Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
My review

A good promo to start off the show as Styles announces the 50th episode/anniversary supercard.
Interesting setting up a Chikara/POI match up. But it seemed weird for Styles to have the POI team ready especially when it is a contrasting team. Maybe this should have strung out to the weeks leading up to the show instead of just getting out tonight.

Delirious and Mike Quackenbush match is good, You had a lot of good moves and kept up a pretty fast paced match. Nice win by Quackenbush against the champ and he did it in a flukey fashion to not weaken Delirious.

I really liked the Nigel promo. It was quick and to the point but provided him with good heat. Insulting the American crowd is a cheap but proven way to do it.

Another good match with Jeff Hardy and Super Dragon. You walked the fine line in Hardcore type of match as you didn't rely too much on the weapons aspect and let both men wrestle too. I liked the whole Taz coming out and distracting Hardy to cost him the win. Good Job.

Another good promo with Lacey.You have improved with this alot from last time I read one of your shows. You did two things here and that was put over the Women's Title and put over Age of the Fall as a stable.

Funny comments by JR there afterwards toward Shane Douglas.

Great promo here with Joe's wife. Nothing takes a rivalry to the next level then getting their innocent family members involved. I could have done without them kicking her. If you just left as a mystery of they were going to do, that suspense would have been better, I thinking. That not knowing of what is happening would have been the worse thing for Samoa Joe.

Another solid match here with Kennedy and Hero as I liked the beginning of it showing how cocky both men are. I'm not sure of the way it finished though as it mirrored too much of the Delirious/Quackenbush match witht the quick pin counter from a finishing move.

Interesting turn of events with Julius Smokes and Ruckus back with Homicide and Hernandez to go agains the Second City Saints. I think this is somewhat of a risky move though as I think Homicide has outgrown the two in means of talent. I think LAX should have just found somebody else other the revisting the past.

A good promo with Styles here putting him over as a heel against Aries. I was waiting for Aries to interrupt the proceedings but it never happened. I think an attack from Aries right here would have been great.

The main event was very good but it seemed the teams were reversed here as reading it the AOTF seemed like faces. It just unfolded that way with the Guns having good control then a hot tag to Black who comes in and gets the win. But the aftermath with the Church of Daniels makes me wonder if a turn is coming for AOTF as they are attacked by Undertaker/Kane. I don't know if you are going for a tweener group with the AOTF now but if so that ruins the solid promo of Lacy earlier in the show. I also have to say that Undertaker and Kane seem very out of place in POI. I'm not sure if they are a good fit for what else you have going on.

Overall its a very good show and probably the best one you have done. You have really improved on the promos as they more then held their own with the matches. But for me it seems that POI is at a crossroads idenity wise. I don't like Undertaker and Kane being in it as it makes it more of a big time promotion then what POI was originally. And if that is the step you are going for then don't mess around with Chikara feud. But who am I to judge lol.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
Here's the POI Episode 48 Preview. I tried to shorten up the preview match a bit. Reviews for Episode 47 would still be nice and they will be repped and returned. Thanks for reading.

POI Episode 47 Preview

The show opens with Dave Prazak in the POI Headquarters.

Prazak: Hello and welcome to POI Previews. Last week on POI the Church of Daniels struck again taking out both the Age of the Fall and the Motor City Machine Guns, but that is not the worst of what they did. Christopher Daniels, Rob Van Dam, and Low Ki entered Samoa Joe’s home and assaulted his wife. I’ve been told that she suffered a concussion. Our thoughts and prayers here at POI go out to Joe and his wife. It’s safe to assume that POI World Champion Samoa Joe will not be at next week’s show. Speaking of next week there will be a big min event match. CM Punk will take on Homicide in what is sure to be a straight up fight. Now in this week’s bonus match we have a special POI versus Chikara match. Shelton Benjamin takes on Hallowicked, who is one and 0 in POI.

Match 1: Shelton Benjamin vs. Hallowicked
The bell rings and Benjamin is more interested in yelling at the fans than wrestling. Hallowicked charges at Shelton for a Yakuza kick. Benjamin dodges the kick causing Hallowicked to crotch himself on the top rope. Shelton takes advantage of the situation and hits an enzuigiri to the side of the head, knocking Hallowicked to the outside. Once HX makes it to his feet Benjamin goes for a suicide dive. Hallowicked surprises him be catching him in midair and then powerbombing him onto the ring frame. HW gets both of them into the ring before going for the pin, which gets a 2 count. The match is complete control by Hallowicked from then on. HW picks up Shelton and sets up for the Go 2 Sleepy Hallow. Benjamin slips out of it and hits the Pay Dirt out of nowhere. Shelton goes for the pin, but only gets a 2 count. Benjamin stands up and drags Hallowicked to his feet before whipping him into the ropes. HW bounces back and goes for a bicycle kick, which is narrowly ducked by Benjamin. Hallowicked bounced off the opposite set of ropes and charges at Shelton. Benjamin grabs HW and slams him to the mat with an exploder suplex. Shelton goes for the pin and gets the 3 count.

The shot cuts back to Dave Prazak

Prazak: Along with next week’s main event we also have a four man gauntlet to decide the #1 contender to the ROH Pure Title. The four men in that match are Matt Sydal, Paul London, The Brian Kendrick, and Claudio Castagnoli. Then in another #1 contender match, this time to see who will challenge Lacey for the Women’s Championship, it will be Gail Kim versus MsChif versus Beth Phoenix. Also on the show will be Intercontinental Champion Delirious taking on Edge in a non-title match. See all this and more on the next episode of POI.

Known Card
CM Punk vs. Homicide

Gauntlet Match to decide #1 Contender for ROH Pure Title
Matt Sydal vs. Paul London vs. Brian Kendrick vs. Claudio Castagnoli

Match to decide #1 Contender for the POI Women’s Championship
Gail Kim vs. MsChif vs. Beth Phoenix

Delirious vs. Edge​


May 9, 2007
Reaction score
Cool preview and I liked the match during the show. It looks like you are doing a good job heading into the next PPV event and the 50th show coming. Here are my predictions:

CM Punk vs. Homicide
Punk is a solid superstar as well as Homicide, but I think that Punk will gain the advantage in this one. It will be a very good match though.

Gauntlet Match to decide #1 Contender for ROH Pure Title
Matt Sydal vs. Paul London vs. Brian Kendrick vs. Claudio Castagnoli
Claudio seems like not only the bigger man in this match, but he has his own experiences in ROH that seem to give him more experience with the Pure title.

Match to decide #1 Contender for the POI Women’s Championship
Gail Kim vs. MsChif vs. Beth Phoenix
Kim is a tough bitch like Phoenix and MsChif seems a little off from the other 2 in the match. Kim is the much more experienced and better women in this match.

Delirious vs. Edge
Delirious is good and you seem to be pushing him pretty heavy, but I think that Edge will pull off a cheap victory in this.
Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
Edinburgh, Scotland
Known Card
CM Punk vs. Homicide

Gauntlet Match to decide #1 Contender for ROH Pure Title
Matt Sydal vs. Paul London vs. Brian Kendrick vs. Claudio Castagnoli

Match to decide #1 Contender for the POI Women’s Championship
Gail Kim vs. MsChif vs. Beth Phoenix

Delirious vs. Edge


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Here it is POI Episode 47, which I only finished last night. This should's matches are kinda shorter, which you should expect from the weeks until Episode 50. I feel bad about how short I cut the women's match, but I just didn't have the time to make it any longer. Thanks for reading. All reviews will be repped and returned.

POI Wrestling Episode 47

The show opens with shots of the crowd and the ring. The lights cut out and “Hybrid Stigmata†kick in over the speakers. Delirious erupts out of the curtain and starts running around the ring.

JR: Hello everybody and welcome to POI Wrestling. I am JR, Jim Ross.

Shane: And I am “The Franchise†Shane Douglas. We are starting things off tonight with a head case.

JR: That head case happens to be our Intercontinental who will be defending his title in a ladder match at POI’s 50th show.

“Metalingus†hits and Edge walks to the ring.

JR: And Edge is one of the five men in that ladder match. Let’s see if he can do what Mike Quackenbush did last week and get a win over the champion.

Match 1: Delirious vs. Edge
The bell rings and Delirious starts to run around the ring like the crazy person he is. Edge sits back and watches until Delirious finally calms down. Delirious charges at Edge, who runs out of the way. Delirious chases Edge around the ring until Edge turns around and clocks Delirious with an elbow. Delirious drops to the mat and Edge goes for the pin, which gets a 1 count. Edge gets up and drags Delirious to his feet by his mask. Delirious headbuts Edge in the gut. The masked man stands up and whips Edge into the corner. Delirious charges at Edge and nails a leaping lariat. Delirious doesn’t let up. He hits 20 more lariats in the corner. Delirious steps back and Edge slumps in the corner. Delirious screams and then runs towards Edge for a Panic Attack. Edge reveals he was playing possum by quickly dodging the knee of Delirious.

Edge and Delirious get to their feet. Edge boots Delirious in the gut and hits the Impaler DDT. Edge goes for the pin and Delirious kicks out at 2. Without wasting any time Edge grabs Delirious and locks in the camel clutch. He has it locked in tight, but the IC Champion refuses to give up. Eventually Edge releases the hold, stands up, and waits for Delirious to get to his knee. Once that happens Edge runs at him and boots him in the head. The Rated-R Superstar crouches in the corner and lines up Delirious, who is struggling to get on his feet, for a spear. Delirious stands up and faces Edge, who charges at him for a spear. Delirious, at the last moment, dodges the spear. Edge can’t stop his momentum causing him to slam face first into the middle turnbuckle. Delirious grabs Edge, hits a backbreaker, and locks in the cobra stretch. Edge is stuck in the middle of the ring. After nearly a minute in the hold, he taps out. The IC Champion Delirious wins this non-title match.

Shane: Edge was robbed!

JR: No he wasn’t, he was beat fair and square. Well congra- We need to send it to the Dave Prazak in the parking garage. Samoa Joe just arrived!

The shot cuts to the parking garage where Samoa Joe’s car just arrived. Dave Prazak runs up to him.

Prazak: Joe, we didn’t expect you to be here tonight.

Joe gets out of the car. He doesn’t acknowledge Prazak at all. He goes to the trunk, opens it up, and pulls out a baseball bat. He closes the trunk and walks away.

Prazak: Joe, do you have any comment at all?

Joe stops.

Joe: You know “Joe’s gonna kill you†was just a catchphrase, but tonight I assure you that it will be much more than that. For Christopher Daniels it will be the truth.

Joe walks away.

JR: Joe looks dead serious; Daniels should watch his back tonight.

The shot cuts to the back where the Motor City Machine Guns are sitting.

Alex Shelley: Last Week Chris and I battled against the Age of the Fall in what I think is the match of the year. It was good.

Chris Sabin: Really good. I’ve already watched it five times. It sucks that we lost though.

Shelley: Yeah it does, but we can accept when we’re not the better team. Jimmy, Tyler; you may have been the better team last week, but we will get another shot at those belts.

Sabin: We want those belts, but another team has caught our eyes. After our amazing match Low Ki and Rob Van Dam attacked up when we were at our weakest. The Church of Daniels is trying to pick apart POI and we won’t let them get to us.

Shelley: Those two better be ready for up because we don’t have our belts and we’ve got two people to take out our anger on.

The shot cuts back to the ring.

JR: Those two did not look happy.

Shane: The Church of Daniels has a lot of people to watch out for now.

“I Fought the Law†hits and Nigel McGuinness walks out to the announce desk to commentate on the gauntlet match. He shakes Shane’s hand and disregards JR.

JR: Well it looks like the ROH Pure Title holder has come out to help us call this gauntlet match.

Nigel: I figured I’d see who I’m going to beat at the 50th show.

Shane: That right there is the true mark of a champion; confidence.

Gauntlet Match to decide the #1 Contender to the ROH Pure Title

Match 2a: Paul London vs. The Brian Kendrick
London comes to the ring first. Kendrick’s music plays, but no one comes out of the curtain. Kendrick runs out of the crowd with a chair and attacks Paul from behind. Brian cracks London in the back of the head with the chair, knocking him down and out. Brian hits London with the chair ten more times until the ref calls for the bell, disqualifying Kendrick. Kendrick brings London to his feet and hits Sliced Bread #2 before leaving the ring.

Nigel: That was entertaining and all, but I wanted a real match.

JR: I just hope that young man will be all right. Those two men will meet in a 2 Out of 3 Falls Match at the 50th show. Here comes the second participant; Matt Sydal.

Match 2b: Paul London vs. Matt Sydal
Sydal asks the ref if this match is actually happening before going for the pin. Surprisingly London gets the shoulder up at 2. Matt grabs the barely moving London and sets him up on the mat before going to the top rope. Sydal hits the shooting star press on Paul. He goes for the pin and gets the 3 count.

Nigel: Well so far the first two matches have sucked, yeah?

Shane: Yeah.

JR: You can blame Kendrick for that. Here comes the final man in the gauntlet.

Nigel: Oh great, it’s Castagonads.

Match 2c: Matt Sydal vs. Claudio Castagnoli
The bell rings and the two men shake hands. They circle a bit before locking up. The larger Castagnoli gets Matt into a side headlock. Sydal fights his way out with a few elbows to the ribs before trying to whip Claudio into the ropes. Castagnoli reverses the whip, sending Matt into the ropes. Sydal bounces back, ducks a big boot, bounces off the opposite set of ropes, runs toward Claudio, and hits a jumping spinkick to the face. Castagnoli gets knocked back onto the ropes. Matt charges at him and hits a crossbody block, causing them to both fall over the top rope and to the floor. The two men get to their feet. Claudio nails Sydal with a European uppercut to the face. Both men get back into the ring. Castagnoli hits two more European uppercuts on Matt before booting him in the gut.

Claudio looks to end the match early by picking up Sydal for the Ricola Bomb. Matt tries to stop the move by driving his fists into Claudio’s face. Sydal then takes down Claudio with a headscissors. Matt gets up fast and hits a cannonball legdrop on Castagnoli. Sydal goes for the pin and gets a 2 count. He gets up and hits a standing moonsault on Claudio, who is on the ropes after Sydal’s flurry of offence. Matt positions Castagnoli on the canvas before going to the top rope. Sydal goes for the SSP, but Claudio rolls out of the way. Matt smacks into the mat hard. Both men slowly get to their feet. Castagnoli takes Matt’s head off with a bicycle kick. Claudio brings Sydal to his feet, picks him up, and slams him to the mat with the Ricola Bomb. Castagnoli goes for the pin and gets the 3 count.

JR: Claudio Castagnoli is now the 31 Contender to your title Nigel.

Nigel: Well I think I should go congratulate him.

Nigel sneaks into the ring. When Claudio turns to face him, Nigel takes his head off with a jawbreaker lariat. Nigel walks back to the announce desk and puts his headset back on.

Nigel: Quite unfortunate what just happened to Castagonads. You two gents have a good show, I’m going back home to London where it doesn’t smell like a fat man’s ass.

The shot cuts to the back where the camera is following Hardcore Champion Nick Mondo. The lights cut out. The sound of breaking glass and a struggle is heard. The lights come back on and Mondo is Ko’ed. Super Dragon is standing over him with some broken light tubes in hand.

Shane: Super Dragon once again outsmarted the Hardcore Champion.

The shot cuts to Joey Styles’ office. Samoa Joe walks in.

Joey: Oh... Joe, I wasn’t expecting you to be here tonight. I really don’t have a match planned for you. Did you want one?

Joe: Joey, I didn’t come here looking for a match. I came to let you know what’s going to happen tonight. I am going to take all of my pent up rage and frustration and unleash it on the Church of Daniels.

Joey: Joe, I’d really suggest that you don’t do that. The odds are five on one. Do you really think that you can fight five men by yourself?

Joe: I don’t know if I can, but I want them all to feel the pain that my wife felt. I don’t feel like getting revenge, I have to.

Joey: For your own good, I’m going to have to ask you to leave the building.

Joe: You can tell me what I can and can’t do when your wife gets her head kicked in. I’m not leaving this building until I get what I came here for.

Joe leaves the office and the shot cuts to the ring.

JR: I’ve never seen Joe look so determined. Daniels should get the hell out of here. Now we’ve got our next match; which will determine the #1 Contender for the Women’s Championship.

Shane: Oh great, my favorite part of the show. *yawns*

Match 3: MsChif vs. Gail Kim vs. Beth Phoenix for a shot at the Women’s Championship
The three women battled viciously for ten minutes. They were all down. MsChif and Beth get to their feet. MsChif goes for a spinning backfist, but Phoenix dodges it and kicks her in the stomach. Beth picks her up and hits the fisherman’s buster. MsChif rolls out of the ring while Gail Kim stands up. Phoenix turns to face Kim and she is hit with a spinkick. Gail grabs Beth and hits a double knee facebuster. Kim stands up and she is hit with a spinning wheel kick by the Women’s Champion Lacey, who just snuck into the ring. Phoenix starts to stand up, but Lacey plows her head into the mat with an Implant DDT. MsChif gets into the ring and helps her fellow Age of the Fall member assault the two other women. Suddenly Daizee Haze runs into the ring and hits Lacey with a Yakuza kick. Daizee doesn’t stop her attack. She grabs MsChif, nails a heart punch, and follows up with the Mind Trip. She tries to go after Lacey again, but Lacey bails out of the ring and heads up the ramp.

JR: So, we don’t have a #1 contender.

Shane: Who cares? I sure don’t.

The shot cuts to the locker room where AJ Styles is sitting on a bench. Austin Aries walks up to him.

AJ: Oh, hey Austin. Uh, didn’t know you were here tonight.

Aries: I’m sure you’d be happier if I wasn’t here. I saw that promo you cut last week.

AJ: Yeah, you know that was just a joke.

Aries: Of course. I got a good laugh out of it, but I think you left out the funniest part of all. You forgot to show the part where I dumped you on your head twice. Oh wait, you lost that footage, right?

AJ: I really don’t think it was funny to get knocked out on pay-per-view.

Aries: It just tickled me. You know, when I’m not here you run your mouth, you make fun of me, but when I’m actually here, you sit and hide, hoping that I don’t find you.

AJ: I’m not hiding.

Aries: You’re not phenomenal. You’re a coward.

AJ: I am NOT a coward! What do you want, a match?

Aries: Actually, that’s exactly why I came here. Everybody’s making a big deal about the 50th show, but the 49th show is the one year anniversary of POI. So I was thinking that show needs a main event and we need to have a match. We need to prove which man is better. What do you say?

AJ: AJ Styles vs. Austin Aries on the one year anniversary show. I like the sound of that. You’ve got yourself a match. *they shake hands* Aries, you should know, I will be the better man.

Aries: We’ll see.

JR: What a huge match! I can’t wait to see that.

The shot cuts to somewhere not at the building. Jimmy Jacobs sits against a brick wall.

Jacobs: Last week Tyler and I retained out Tag Team Championships, just like I knew we would, but when something I wasn’t expecting happened. We were attacked by the Undertaker and Kane; the Church of Daniels. Now Daniels wanted to start a revolution, which I was fine with, until now. His men tried to stop what Tyler and I were doing. They tried to derail our revolution. Kane, Undertaker; do you think that you scare us? Do you think you can stop us or take our titles? I don’t. I’ll invite you to a match. At the 50th show I want it to be Undertaker and Kane versus Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black for the Tag Team Championships. Some might say that I’m crazy to ask for this match. Maybe I am crazy, but I know that we won’t lose. When I look at Kane and the Undertaker I don’t see two phenoms, I see two broken down men, past their prime, who are depending on another man to lead them. Undertaker, you're not a dead man, you're not some dark priest, you're just a man, nothing more, nothing less. Actually you are something more than a man, you're overrated. You are the most overrated man to ever step into a wrestling ring. People say that you are one of the toughest men to ever lace up a pair of boots. Hell, I'm tougher than you. Have you ever wrestled and finished a match where you lost a tooth and tore your ACL? Have you ever wrestler in a match where a seven inch long gash was opened up on your shoulder? I think not. The Age of the Fall is coming for you full force and we cannot be stopped.

Shane: The freak’s out of his mind.

The shot cuts to the ring where CM Punk stands holding a microphone.

Punk: Now listen, I know that Homicide and I have a match right now, but I’ve got something to say. I’d like to extend an offer to Homicide. *a fan yells “Punk sucks!â€* Shut up you drunk fuck! As I was saying. ‘Cide, you know I don’t like you and I know you don’t like me. Because of that, I want a one on one match. We both leave our boys in the back. What do you say?

“The Truth†hits and Homicide walks to the ring. He tells Punk something and then shakes his hand. Punk goes for a kick to the head, which ‘Cide ducks and counters with a lariat. The bell rings.

JR: Well it looks like out main event is underway and we will not see any interference if both of these men keep their word.

Match 4: CM Punk vs. Homicide
Punk rolls to the outside to catch his breath after that lariat. Homicide runs towards the ropes, jumps, and hits the Topé con Hilo on CM. Both men get to their feet. ‘Cide delivers some forearm shots to the face of Punk. CM responds with a kick to the kidneys. Punk tries to whip Homicide into the guard rail, but ‘Cide reverses it. Punk slams into the guard rail and flips over it, spilling into the crowd. Homicide follows after him, but he is blindsided by a chairshot from CM. ‘Cide drops to his knees. Punk goes for another chairshot, but Homicide gets his hands up and blocks it before ripping it out of Punk’s hands. Before ‘Cide can use it Punk jumps over the guard rail and runs into the ring. Homicide laughs at him, drops the chair, and slides into the ring. Punk puts the boots to ‘Cide, not allowing him to stand. Homicide eventually gets to his feet by fighting off CM with punches. ‘Cide peppers Punk with punches to the face. Punk looks out on his feet, but he fires back with an enzuigiri to the side of the head. Homicide takes the kick and doesn’t go down. Punk gets up and Homicide goes for a roaring elbow. CM ducks the elbow and nails another kick to the head. ‘Cide still doesn’t go down. Punk kicks Homicide in the gut, gets a double underhook, picks him up, and hits the Welcome to Chicago backbreaker. CM goes for the pin, but Homicide kicks out at 2. Punk stands up and drags ‘Cide to his feet. CM whips Homicide into the corner and then lines him up. Punk charges for a high knee lift, but ‘Cide gets out of the way, causing Punk to crotch himself on the top rope.

Punk steps back onto the mat and Homicide catches him with an ace crusher. ‘Cide brings Punk to his feet and viciously slams him to the mat with an exploder suplex. Homicide doesn’t look done yet. He heads up to the top rope, jumps off, and hits a frog splash on CM. Homicide goes for the pin, but Punk gets his shoulder up at 2. ‘Cide says “Not done yet, huh?†Homicide waits for CM to stand. Once he does ‘Cide goes for a big boot to the face. Punk dodges the big boot and catches Homicide with a spinning backfist. CM continues his assault, with a flurry of slaps, punches, and chops. He finishes up with a roundhouse kick. Instead of falling, ‘Cide leans against the turnbuckles in the corner. Punk charges at Homicide and hits the high knee lift he was looking for earlier. CM is on a roll, hitting a one handed bulldog on Homicide. Punk opts not to go for the pin; instead he locks in the Anaconda Vice. Homicide struggles to get out of it, but Punk had it locked in tight. Punk yells “Tap!†at ‘Cide, who refuses to give up. Homicide reaches his leg out as far as it would go and he manages to reach the ropes. The ref sees this and forces Punk to break the hold. Punk stands up, a look of anger on his face, and waits for Homicide to get up. ‘Cide slowly inches to his feet. Punk picks him up in a fireman’s carry. Homicide fights out of the carry with elbows to the side of the head. He grabs Punk and hits his second ace crusher of the match. Knowing that that won’t put Punk away, he doesn’t bother to go for the pin. Homicide stands up and brings CM to his feet. He sets Punk up and hits Da Cop Killa. Homicide goes for the pin and gets the 3 count.

Shane: Whenever these two get in the ring they have a good match and tonight was no different.

JR: A good effort from both men. I was surprised that they both kept their word, especially Punk.

Once the ring is cleared “Mama Said Knock You Out†hits and Samoa Joe walks to the ring with a baseball bat in hand. He grabs a mic before heading into the ring.

Joe: Daniels, last week you took this thing to another level. Before it was all just business, I’m the champion, you wanted my title, but then you attacked my wife. You made this personal. Now I could go to your home and do the same thing to your family, but I’m not going to. I’m a man of honor. Unlike you, I won’t drag family into wrestling. I solve my problems here. Daniels, any pain you made my wife feel, you will feel tenfold. When we finally have our match, I’m going to make you bleed, I’m going to punish you, and then I’m going to choke you out. Tonight, I’m just going to kick your ass all over the arena.

“Disposable Teens†hits and the Church of Daniels (Christopher Daniels, Undertaker, Kane, Rob Van Dam, and Low Ki) walk to ringside.

Daniels: Joe, great promo so far, but we were just tired of waiting for you to call us out. I just have to say, I’m really looking forward to seeing how you expect to take on all five of us. Do you have a plan?

Joe: No, I’m just gonna wing it.

Joe whips the baseball bat at Daniels, who catches it. The POI World Champion charges towards the ropes, jumps over them, and lands on all five members of the CoD, taking them down. The crowd is on their feet after that. Joe grabs Daniels and drives punch after punch into his face. Low Ki tries to pull Joe off of Daniels. Samoa Joe turns around and superkicks Ki’s head off. Joe picks up the bat and drives it into Kane’s ribs. Kane fires back with a stiff uppercut. Joe reacts by cracking Kane’s skull with the bat. Daniels tries to escape through the crowd. Joe sees this and chases after him. He hits Daniels with a forearm to the back of the head. Joe grabs Christopher and Irish whips him through the fans chairs and into the guard rail. Undertaker attacks Joe with repeated punches. Taker gets in about ten solid punches before he picks up Joe for a chokeslam. Joe fights out of the grasp of the Undertaker with elbows to the face. Joe turns around to find Daniels, but he is kicked in the head by RVD.

On the entrance ramp Tyler Black has begun to trade punches with Kane, looking to get retribution from the attack at the end of the last show. Kane appears to be getting the better of Black until Black nails a superkick to the face. Low Ki is about to hit Tyler with a chair, but he is saved by Alex Shelley, who is also looking for retribution. Shelley knocks Ki off the ramp and into the crowd. Ki stands up, next to RVD and the Undertaker. Shelley and Black look at each other, nod, run off the side of the ramp, and hit suicide dives on Ki, RVD, and the Undertaker. The chant of “Holy shit!†rings throughout the building. Meanwhile halfway through the crowd Joe and Daniels exchange punches. Daniels pokes Joe in the eyes. While Joe is blinded Daniels takes a chain out of his pocket and wraps it around his fist. He punched Joe with the chain wrapped fist. This appears to anger Joe more than it hurts him. Joe picks up Daniels and uses his body to crush a fan’s chair with a powerslam.

Shane: This is complete chaos. I don’t think that Joe would have made it this far without the unexpected help from Shelley and Black.

JR: I’m afraid that we’ve run out of time for tonight’s show. I hate to end it here, but goodnight!

The show ends at the camera pans across the chaos in the arena.

(End Episode 47)


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
Hey guys. Reviews for the last show would be great to have. Thanks for reading.

POI Wrestling Episode 48 Preview

The scene opens on Dave Prazak in the POI Headquarters.

Prazak: Last week our show had one of the most chaotic endings that we have ever seen on POI TV. The situation between Samoa Joe and the Church of Daniels exploded. They brawled around the building and Tyler Black and Alex Shelley even got involved. Three of next weeks matches are spinning off of that brawl. One half of the Tag Team Champions; Tyler Black will meet Kane in the ring. Also Alex Shelley will take on Low Ki. Then in out main event, it’s two main events in one. Samoa Joe and Austin Aries will face Christopher Daniels and AJ Styles in tag team action. I’m looking forward to next week, but right now we have a Chikara versus POI match.

Match 1: Teddy Hart vs. Fire Ant
Fire Ant puts out his hand for a handshake, but Hart just boots him in the gut. Hart controls the early part of the match, but the Ant turns the tide of it with a stunner. Fire Ant controlled the middle of the match with various submission maneuvers, such as the Octopus stretch, but Teddy refuses to give up. Ant brings Hart to his feet and whips him into the ropes. Teddy bounces back, grabs Fire Ant, and hits the cradle DDT. After that move the ball is back in Hart’s court. Teddy dominates with his fast paced offence. Eventually Fire Ant is laid out on the mat and Hart is on the top rope. He goes for Open Hart Surgery, but Ant rolls out of the way. Hart smacks into the canvas hard. The two men slowly climb to their feet. Hart grabs Fire Ant, but out of nowhere Ant picks up Hart and hits an inverted Death Valley Driver. Fire Ant goes for the pin and gets the 3 count.

The shot cuts back to Prazak.

Prazak: Along with the three matches mentioned earlier the second City Saints and Rottweilers 2.0 war will continue when Ruckus faces off against Ace Steel. Also there will be POI’s first edition of the Cutting Edge. It’s host Edge will welcome Mike Quackenbush, Ken Kennedy, Chris Hero, and Intercontinental Champion Delirious as his guests. All this and more will be on the next episode of POI Wrestling.

Known Card
Samoa Joe and Austin Aries vs. Christopher Daniels and AJ Styles

Tyler Black vs. Kane

Alex Shelley vs. Low Ki

Ruckus vs. Ace Steel

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
Returning review for review man. As you know I do enjoy me some POI, so this should be good regardless of reduced match length. If anything I might get through it easier.

Delirious Vs. Edge

Now see? Only in POI would Delirious ever defeat Edge. Solid opener regardless, definitely felt like Del got a majority of the offense here, and I am just shocked that I am reading a show where Edge isn't pushed the moon. In a good way.

** Stars.

Samoa Joe Promo:
Last I checked on POI I think Joe was the champion, but I'm not too positive on that. So this will be a good refresher regardless. Joe says he's gonna kill Christopher Daniels. I dunno what he did, but he's about to get his fucking head kicked in.

MCMG Promo:
Perfectly in character and gets the point across of what they wanna do. Rob Van Dam in a Church of Daniels? I scratch my head at this. Lol.

#1 Contenders Pure Title Match:
So we start with London and Kendrick, how fitting. Lol. Kendrick brutalizes London with a steel chair and gets himself disqualified. I still think London can win the whole thing. Hardy har har. Matt Sydal comes into the ring and pwns your face off. End of story. Here comes Castagnoli, ohhh yeah that's mah boi. Lol. Pretty quick match up, I can just tell you were itching to do more with Sydal/Claudio, so maybe we might get a feud somewhere down the line. In the mean time, Castagnoli Vs. McGuiness is going to be SICK.

Eh, **1/4 Stars

Segment: Mondo Gets Pwned by Super Dragon

Mondo gets pwned by Super Dragon.

Samoa Joe & Joey Styles Promo:
Styles is such a wiener. Samoa Joe was on target with the character, and it elaborated a little bit on whats going on. All good shit.

MsChif Vs. Gail Kim Vs. Beth Phoenix #1 Contenders Match

Not much to say on this one, it wasn't very well organized but at least you saved it at the end by having Lacey attack everyone. Daize Haze comes in and blasts the Age of the Fall. Kinda funny how you have the Church and the Age of the Fall, two dark slightly emo heel stables. Lol. At least I assume the Church is emo, it consists of dark characters.

*3/4 Stars

AJ Styles & Austin Aries Promo:

Styles really really looked week in this one. Both guys were kind of dry but they both will be delivering on the 49th show, thats for sure.

Jimmy Jacobs Promo:

Very in depth promo here, Jacobs showing pretty much he has what it takes in case he should ever find himself a singles wrestler. But he lays down the challenge, and I gotta admit, I'm not looking too much forward to this literaly david vs. goliath in tag form, but with AOTF, ya never know what kind of match is about to happen.

CM Punk Vs. Homicide:

Absolutely beautiful match. I mean this is what we're talking about with prime time main event action between two great competitors. I loved it. Homicide winnings surprised me, but not in any particular negative way. I think you've been giving Homicide a singles push for a long time now anyway, I am curious to see what you will do with him in the future.

***1/4 Stars

Ending Promo:

Ah yes, the classic brawl to end the show. Except this is far more meaningful because it really shows the Church as being some of the most hated guys since both face, heel, and tweener alike are going to team up to kick their asses. To be honest I don't really like the hodge podge of choices for the stable members, but that will only make their heel heat all the better in the future because I will always be wanting them to lose.

Rounding It Out:

The Good: Definitely the main event, and most of the promo work from the actual superstars barring AJ Styles. Everyone was spot on character wise and everything had a purpose.

The Bad: You already know that the Women's match is the most underwhelming of the night, and the Gauntlet was definitely a bit short. But I'm still excited to see Claudio Vs. Nigel.

The Ugly: This show felt a lot like it was guided misdirection. There seems to be a lot of stuff all over the place with too many title belts with too little time to give them all proper storylines and meaning. I would probably work around maybe condensing the amount of titles, especially if the Women's Division isn't so hot and maybe a fusion match between Delirious and whoever wins between Claudio & Nigel.

Predictions For Preview:

Samoa Joe & Austin Aries Vs. Christopher Daniels & AJ Styles

I don't know about this one, its rather unique and yet confusing at the same time trying to see where this one will go. I say probably a Daniels win, to rebuild his heel heat on losing the momentum to Joe in the last episode.

Tyler Black Vs. Kane

I think you were definitely teasing Kanes superiority over Tyler Black during that end segment, so I am gonna pick Kane.

Alex Shelley Vs. Low Ki

I really hate there being such a heel heavy influence in my picks for this week, but something just tells me you're gonna do a CoD clean sweep of all their opponents and they will probably maintain momentum until Show 50 to where we will probably end this chapter of the feuds.

Ruckus Vs. Ace Steel

Another one that I don't know enough about to really see where your going with it. So I will just pick Ruckus because who doesn't love Ruckus?


Hai comic, you've been epic with reviews, so here's yours in return.

Delirious over Edge was a funny decision and I commend you for it actually. It was not something you would expect in any BTB and it made your IC champ look awesome. Only possible problem I see is that I don't think you could take Delirious much further up the card with the gimmick he has, while Edge could main event, but I'm not debating the decision.

Lol, Joe's gonna eat someone tonight.

The MCMG promo was really off from some minor spelling and grammar mistakes to having no traces of their charahcters that I've seen you portray to prefection in previous promos. Shelley and Sabin both talked like Matt Morgan and not like the guys they are. Dissappointing, and I lol-ed and Shelley saying 'it was good' but I suppose thats not a good thing.

Nigle was gold on commentary and the mini matches were pretty tiny, thought the overall concept was good. CC winning is meh as I don't really know him but Nigel pwnt him bad here. Hopefully the Kendrick/London feud keeps going though, it pwns. The Sydal/CC part of this match was actually pretty good though, so kudos.

Lol, Joe's gonna eat someone tonight.

Women's match was really short for a multi person match, and you didn't really explain the ending which I assume was a DQ, but there aren't any in Fatal 4 Ways, so idk, I'm confused. The best part was Shane on commentary.

The AJ/Aries match should be pretty fucking awesome but I'm a little depressed the promo leading up to it was so generic, because neither man showed real charachter here, and that saddened me.

Lighter note now as the Jacobs promo that followed was awesome! He got a good cahrachter going, set up what should be a great match, and made me genuinely interested in it. Good job!

Rofl at heel Punk. Just rofl.

Homicide/Punk match was really good, with some great back and forth action that entertained in the length it was given. It was overall impressive but it just seemed like 'move.move.move' sometimes with no selling, but I understand the match length restricted that.

Lol, Joe's gonna eat someone tonight.

Or at least jump on someone, that dive would be sick. So AOTF and MCMG interfere in what would have been an epic brawl. I smell a 5 on 5 survivor type match coming from this. Wait, I just noticed the lack of Sabin and Jacobs. Idk if that was a mistake or intentional or if it means something. Anyway, Joe v Daniels is epic so far.

Overall alright show, some generic promos and short matches but mostly solid, though as always, there is room to improve.