POI- Point of Impact Wrestling

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Ep 40 review:

Joe Proemoe- Nice set up here, perfectly in charachter.

Rhino v Jacobs- I liked the hardcoreness here, and it could have gone longer as I was really enjoying reading this tbh.

Nigel- Good promo, interested in the ROH pure title here.

Nigel v London- Lol, especially at Shane Douglas afterwards.

Kendrick- I must say that I am interested about this.

Punk- Another good promo, and I expected the Homicide interference.

Tag Match- Great action throughout in here. However, at times it just seemed like move after move and not enough selling or wearing down. Exciting though. Post match attack!

Quack- Owned. Next week should be a good match.

Womens Match- Another good match here, you do not dissappoint. Lol at the commentators here as well, but this was another solid match.

Delirious- The commas weren't necessary.

Main Event- A better match here, some nice heel and face work in here, with the slap and then the not letting the submission go. Joe wouldn't have recovered so quickly though, I don't think. The post match attack was pretty awesome.

This show reminded me why you are one of, if not the most underrated booker on here. I must say you truly deserve more respect than you get.

If you want, check out WWE 2009- Fast Forward to Future. Raw is posted
Dec 14, 2008
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Melbourne, Australia
Quick suggestion: could you highlight, underline, and largen the font to describe which match is coming up, and then add a similar line to describe the result of the match?


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
Quick suggestion: could you highlight, underline, and largen the font to describe which match is coming up, and then add a similar line to describe the result of the match?

Umm, I guess. Not really my style. I didn't know it was that hard to figure out what happened in the ending of my matches.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
Here comes POI Episode 41. Now first off I would like to give a late thank you to everyone who helped get POI over the 200 post mark. Secondly... there are a lot of peeps who owe me reviews now (I'll be waiting for them lol). Thanks for reading, drop a review if you can. All reviews will be repped and returned. I'm doing something different with the spaceing of my matches, please tell me what you think.

POI Wrestling Episode 41

The show opens with an intro from the commentary team.

Jim Ross: Hello and welcome to POI Wrestling. I’m JR; Jim Ross.

Shane Douglas: And I’m the “Franchise†Shane Douglas. Our main event tonight should be a technical masterpiece. Mike Quackenbush will challenge Nigel McGuinness for the ROH Pure Title.

Jim Ross: In tonight’s opening contest Intercontinental Champion Delirious will defend his belt against Go Shiozaki.

“Disposable Teens†Hits and Christopher Daniels walks to the ring.

Daniels: I’m guess that you all saw what happened to Samoa Joe last week. I showed what I thought of Samoa Joe, POI, and all of you people. POI asks too much from its wrestlers. You people will be the death of the wrestlers in the back. Some of the guys think that I’m trying to take their jobs away; I’m really trying to save them. Last week the Church of Daniels destroyed Joe, just like we will destroy this entire company. This crusade will not end until we have won.

“Momma Said Knock You Out†hits, Samoa Joe runs to the ring, and attacks Daniels. Joe tackles Daniels to the mat and rains down punches on him. Daniels escapes Joe and rolls out of the ring.

Shane: Daniels ran like a little *****.

JR: You would too if you were in Daniels position. Well now we have tonight’s first match.

Match 1: Delirious vs. Go Shiozaki for the IC Title.
The bell rings and the two men shake hands in the middle of the ring. They lock up and the stronger Go throws Delirious to the mat. Delirious gets up and runs around the ring, screaming. Go takes Delirious off his feet with a lariat. Delirious gets up, yells “Thathurt!†and falls back to the mat. Shiozaki goes for the pin, but Delirious kicks out at 1. Go brings Delirious to his feet before whipping him into the corner. Delirious reverses it, sending Shiozaki into the corner. Delirious hits a lariat in the corner on Go. Delirious follows it up with five more lariats in the corner. Delirious backs up and goes for one more lariat, but Shiozaki gets hit boot up. Delirious crashes face first into the boot. Go grabs Delirious and throws him into the corner. Shiozaki begins to use chop after chop to the chest of Delirious. The hard chops busts open the chest of Delirious. Go stomps the onslaught for a moment allowing Delirious to hit an elbow to the side of the head. Delirious uses forearm shots to fight his way out of the corner.

Delirious uses a headbut on Go before kicking him in the gut. Delirious grabs Shiozaki and hits a cutter. Delirious goes for the pin, but Go kicks out at 2. Delirious pulls Shiozaki to his feet by his hair. Go grabs Delirious and applies a waistlock. Shiozaki slams Delirious to the mat with a German suplex. Go holds the bridge for a pin, but Delirious kicks out at 2. Shiozaki brings Delirious to his feet and sets him up for a vertical suplex. Delirious blocks the suplex and pushes Go into the corner. Delirious charges at Go and hits the Panic Attack. Delirious drags Shiozaki out of the corner and locks in the Cobra Stretch. Go tries to fight his way out of the hold, but he eventually taps out.

JR: Go put in a good effort, but he just couldn’t beat the champ. Wait! What’s he doing?

Edge runs into the ring and spears Delirious out of his boots.

Shane: Looks like somebody wants a title shot.

The shot cuts to the back where AJ Styles has a mic.

AJ Styles: Last week I couldn’t make it to the show. That’s because at Decimation I got dumped on my head, twice! I really wasn’t feeling too great and do you know whose fault that is? Austin Aries; my quote-unquote “rival†To be perfectly honest I’m sick of Aries. I just don’t want to deal with him anymore. Aries eventually we’re going to meet again, not now I’m still woozy. Austin once I get my hands on you it’s all over. Someday we’ll have one last match and I assure all you people it’ll be simply phenomenal.

JR: That is a match I can’t wait to see.

Generation Next walks to the ring.

Jack Evans: So the New Hart Foundation likes to put people through tables. Last week we found out that it’s pretty fun to do.

Matt Sydal: Teddy and Shelton found out what it feels like to be put through a table.

Roderick Strong: And they’re gonna feel it a lot more. We have a challenge for the Hart Foundation. We want a 6 man Tables Match.

Evans: Not just any tables match. A 30 Minute Iron Man Tables Match.

Sydal: And we want it next week.

Generation Next leaves the ring and heads to the back.

Shane: Now that’s a match I want to see.

JR: You’ll have to wait for that one, but right now we’ve got Chris Sabin hitting the ring for his match.

Match 2: Chris Sabin vs. Tyler Black
As Tyler is making his way to the ring Sabin springboards off of the top rope and hits a suicide dive on Tyler. Chris stands up unscathed as Black tries to get to his feet. Sabin grabs Tyler and whips him into the guard rail. Chris grabs Black by the hair and drags him into the ring. Sabin brings Tyler to his feet and whips him into the ropes. Black bounces back and Chris goes for an enzuigiri. Tyler dodges the kick and hits a big boot to the face of Sabin. Black lifts up Chris and gets him in a fireman’s carry. Tyler drives Sabin’s face into the top turnbuckle before hitting a summersault Samoan drop. Black goes for the pin, but Chris kicks out at 2. Tyler tries to get Sabin standing, but Sabin hits a chinbreaker. Chris gets up and up and uses a spinning heel kick to the stomach on Black.

Sabin continues his attack with an enzuigiri and follows up with a dragon suplex. Chris immediately gets Black standing, gets the double underhook, lifts Black up, and hits a piledriver. Sabin goes for the pin and Tyler kicks out at 2. Chris drags Black into the corner and gets him in the tree of woe. Sabin backs up and goes for the hesitation dropkick, but Tyler sits up and moves out of the way. Black gets onto the mat, grabs Chris, and hits a STO. Tyler springs off of the ropes and hits a standing shooting star press on Sabin. Black goes for the pin, but Chris kicks out at 2. Tyler sets up Sabin on the mat before going to the top rope. Black goes for the Phoenix Splash, but Chris rolls out of the way. Tyler smacks into the mat. Sabin brings Tyler to his feet and sets him up for the Cradle Shock. Black slips out of it, kicks Chris in the gut, picks him up, and hits the small package piledriver. Tyler holds the small package and gets the 3 count.

JR: The Age of the Fall picks up another win over the Motor City Machine Guns.

Shane: I really don’t care either way.

The shot cuts to Joey Styles office which Raven is walking into.

Raven: Joey I want another shot at Edge.

Joey: No.

Raven: What, you can’t say no!

Joey: Yes I can. In the contract that you signed for that match it said that there would not be a rematch.

Raven: Joey, I’m not asking, I’m telling you that you’re going to book me in a match with Edge.

Joey: You know what; you’re not getting that match now, next week, or ever. And I’m sick of you always whining.

Raven: Does this rant have a point?

Joey: Yes, you’re fired! Security gets him out of here.

Raven: What?!

Raven lunges at Joey as the security grabs him and drags him out of the office.

Shane: Hey Raven’s gone, cool!

The shot cuts to somewhere in the back where Homicide has a mic.

Homicide: That ***** *** CM Punk wants me out of POI. He only hates me cause he can’t beat me. He’s never beat me here in POI, ever. That’s why he didn’t want me in Survival of the Fittest. Punk is scared of me. If you were scared of me before, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Punk next week, I’m coming for ya.

JR: If I were CM Punk I’d watch my back.

Shane: If CM Punk was you he’d have a lot of back to watch.

The shot cuts back to the ring where Sonjay Dutt is waiting for his match with a POI newcomer.

Match 3: Brian Kendrick vs. Sonjay Dutt
Sonjay offers the Brian Kendrick a handshake, but Kendrick doesn’t accept it. Brian slaps Dutt, showing no respect. Dutt fires back with forearm shots to the face. Kendrick backs up and goes for a kick to the head. Dutt ducks it and hits a kick to the head of his own. Brian falls to the mat and rolls out of the ring while holding his face in pain. Dutt waits for Kendrick to get to his feet before springing off the ropes. Sonjay dives over the top rope and lands on Brian. Dutt lands on his feet and plays to the crowd before rolling Kendrick into the ring. Sonjay gets into the ring while Brian stands up. Kendrick grabs Dutt and hits a facebuster. Brian grabs Sonjay and shoots hit into the ropes. Dutt bounces back, leapfrogs over Kendrick, springboards, and hits a moonsault press on Kendrick. Dutt gets up and goes to the top rope. Sonjay goes for the moonsault double foot stomp, but Brian rolls out of the way.

Kendrick gets up and hits a superkick on Dutt as soon as his feet hit the ground. Sonjay falls to the mat; Brian springboards and hits a moonsault on DDT. Kendrick goes for the pin, but Sonjay kicks out at 2. Brian brings Dutt to his feet and whips him into the corner. Kendrick goes for a dropkick in the corner, but Sonjay moves out of the way. As Brian tries to stand up Dutt grabs him and hits a bulldog. Sonjay springs off the ropes and hits a standing shooting start press on Kendrick. Dutt goes for the pin and Brian kicks out at 2. Sonjay grabs Kendrick by the hair and lifts him to his feet. Dutt picks up Brian and goes for a brainbuster. Kendrick blocks it, springboards, and hits a tornado DDT. Brian waits for Dutt to stand up. Sonjay gets to his feet and he is hit with a superkick for the second time in the match. Kendrick lifts up Sonjay and brings him into the corner. Brian runs up the turnbuckles and hits Sliced Bread #2. Kendrick goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. As the bell rings Paul London runs to the ring. Kendrick bails out and escapes to the back to get away from London.

JR: Kendrick ran faster that a porcupine’s hiccup.

Shane: What does that even mean?

After London and Dutt leave, Brent Albright walks to the ring.

Shane: After what this guy did to Taz he’s my new favorite wrestler.

Albright: At Decimation I did something that has never been done in POI. I destroyed Taz. I beat him to the point where he needed help to get to the back. I didn’t win the match, but how can anybody say that Taz did? Everyone that watched Decimation saw history. You all saw the last of Taz. He was living in the past. Now he is just like all of the old washed up wrestlers of the past; worthless. He was just taking up...

Taz runs down the ramp and attacks Albright. The two men exchange punches and forearm shots. Albright tries to escape by going to the outside, but Taz follows after him. Brent picks up a chair and tries to slam it down on Taz. Taz catches the chair and rips it out of Albright’s hands before cracking him over the head with it. Brent appears to be unaffected by it. Albright hits a roaring elbow on Taz, knocking him over the guard rail and into the crowd. Brent follows Taz into the crowd and drives an elbow into Taz’s back. Taz grabs Albright and whips him into the fans chairs. Brent gets up and charges at Taz, spearing him into another group of chairs. Security attempts to break up the brawl, but the men refuse to stop. Both men are being restrained and are throwing punches at the same time. Taz tackles Albright, sending both men out the door and out of the building. Brent runs off while the security holds down Taz. Taz fights his way to his feet. Suddenly a car driven by Albright speeds toward Taz and the security. Taz gets out of the way, but one of the security gets run down. The car drives away as the security checks on the fallen guard. The shot cuts back to the commentary team.

JR: These two men have brought a different kind of hate to this company.

Shane: I love it. Let’s send it to the back.

The shot cuts to the back where Lacey has a mic.

Lacey: Last week Daizee Haze challenged me to a street fight. I am a wrestler, not some back alley brawler, but Daizee is a back alley something. I may not be a hardcore wrestler, but I would love a chance to beat Daizee at her own challenge. So I accept the challenge. Daizee I’ll meet you in a street fight in two weeks. Once that happens I’ll beat you head in with any weapons that you want.

JR: Now it is time for our main event. It is a pure wrestling match, let’s go over the rules.
 There is a 20 count on the floor
 Each wrestler has three rope breaks. After the three breaks are used the ropes are in play for their opponent
 Closed fist punches are illegal. The first punch will be a warning, after that a rope break will be taken away if a punch is used. If no rope breaks are left the wrestler will be disqualified.​

Shane: Enough with the rules, its match time.

Dave Prazak: The following contest is your main event and it for the ROH Pure Wrestling Championship.

“Break It Down Again†hits and Mike Quackenbush walks to the ring.

Prazak: He weighs in at 200 pounds and hails from West Lawn, Pennsylvania. He is Mike Quackenbush.

“Anarchy in the UK†hits and Nigel McGuinness walks to the ring.

Prazak: He weights in at 220 pounds and hails from London, England. He is the ROH Pure Wrestling Champion, Nigel McGuinness.

Match 4: Nigel McGuinness vs. Mike Quackenbush for the ROH Pure Championship
The bell rings and the two men begin to circle the ring. Nigel and Quack get into a collar and elbow tie up. McGuinness breaks the tie up and applies a hammerlock on Mick. Quackenbush gets out of it and puts a wristlock on Nigel. Mike keeps the wristlock applies tightly before springboarding off the ropes and taking down McGuinness with a Tilt-a-whirl armdrag. Quackenbush waits for Nigel to stand before gong for a leg lariat. McGuinness ducks the lariat and rolls up Mike for a 2 count. The men get up and Nigel hits Quack with a European uppercut. McGuinness uses another uppercut on Mike, slowly backing him into the corner. Nigel continues to batter Quack with uppercut after uppercut. The ref steps in and tries to separate the two men. Behind the ref’s back McGuinness hits a punch to the face on Mike. Quackenbush uses a punch of his own, but this time the ref sees it. The ref gives a warning to Quack, who yells that Nigel used a punch as well.

Mike turns around and McGuinness tries to take his head off with a lariat. Quackenbush ducks the lariat and takes down Nigel with a drop toe hold. Mike grabs the left leg of McGuinness and locks in a half Boston crab. Nigel yells in pain, but not for long as he grabs a hold of the bottom rope. Nigel McGuinness has used his first rope break. Nigel gets up and Quack hits him with repeated palm strikes. Mike uses about ten palm strikes before McGuinness finally ducks one. Nigel grabs Quackenbush and locks in a Cobra Clutch. Mike tries to elbow Nigel in the gut to get out of the hold, but McGuinness refuses to break the hold. Quack lunges forward and grabs a hold of the ropes. Mike Quackenbush has used his first rope break. Nigel releases the hold and then takes Quackenbush’s head off with a short arm lariat. McGuinness goes for the pin, but before the ref counts 3 Mike puts his foot on the bottom rope. Mike Quackenbush has used his second rope break.

Quack rolls to the outside of the ring to get some rest. Nigel follows Quack, grabs him, and tries to whip him into the guard rail. Mike reverses it, sending McGuinness into the rail. Quackenbush rolls into the ring at the count of 10. Quack gets up, springs off the ropes, dives over the opposite set of ropes, and hits a plancha on Nigel, breaking the count at 16. Mike grabs McGuinness and rolls him into the ring before getting onto the ring apron. Quack slingshots himself into the ring and hits a corkscrew senton on Nigel. Mike goes for the pin, but McGuinness kicks out at 2. Quack gets back onto the ring apron and waits for Nigel to stand. McGuinness gets up and Mike springboards into the ring. Quack goes for a headscissors, but Nigel ducks it. McGuinness picks up Mike, places him on the top rope, and hits the Tower of London. Without wasting any time Nigel locks in the London Dungeon. Mike yells in agony as McGuinness wrenches in the hold tighter. Quack reaches his foot out and places it on the bottom rope, forcing Nigel to break the hold. Mike Quackenbush has used his final rope break.

McGuinness stand up and lines up Mike for the Jawbreaker lariat. Quack gets to his feet and Nigel goes for the lariat. For the second time in the match Mike ducks the lariat and takes down McGuinness with a drop toe hold. Quackenbush grabs Nigel and applies a cloverleaf followed by a crossface, locking in the Lightning Lock. McGuinness reaches out his arm and manages to grab onto the bottom rope. Nigel McGuinness has used his second rope break. Quack brings Nigel to his feet. McGuinness gets a hammerlock on Mike and plants him into the mat with a DDT. Nigel grabs the arm of Quackenbush and locks in the London Dungeon. Mike places his foot on the bottom rope, but it doesn’t matter. Quack tries to hang on, but the pain in his arm is unbearable. Mike taps out and Nigel wins the match.

JR: Nigel McGuinness retains the ROH Pure Title in an amazing match. Join us next week for another huge show. For Shane Douglas, I’m Jim Ross, good night everybody.

(End episode 41)

Chuck Taylor's Grenade

BM: Nigel vs. Quack was head and shoulders above the rest of the card. Quackenbush really looked like he belong in the ring with Nigel and the finish made sense with Quack using all his breaks and tapping out from the pain.

WM: None. Every match was entertaining and a good read.

BP: AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels promos were both equally good and did a good job of furthering their feuds/angles.

WP: Lacey's felt a little rambly and did nothing for me.

AC: Let me just say that I love JR and Shane Douglas on commentary. Daniels and Joe looks to be an incredible feud. Edge and Delirious should have a nice little feud over the IC title. Good show.

Headfirst For Hardcore

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Feb 8, 2007
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BM - Nigel vs Quack. I really want to see this match in real life, and you did a good job with the match under Pure rules. The ending sequence was pretty sick, with Nigel missing the Lariat (thank God) but winning with the London Dungeon.

WM - Chris Sabin vs Tyler Black. I have a similar feud in PRIDE (Spoiler), and I wrote Sabin vs Black too. Your version was an OK match, but I was expecting some interference from Jimmy Jacobs.

BP - AJ Styles teasing a feud with Austin Aries seems really interesting, I can't wait to see what kind of matches you're going to have there.

WP - The Raven promo was really off, but it continues the feud with Edge, which was its purpose.

AC - This was a really balanced show. You're building lots of feuds with that show, and I like Punk vs Homicide and what could be Aries vs Styles too. The announcement of the 30 Minute Iron Man Tables match is pretty creative, I've never seen that in a BTB. The matches and overall presentation of POI is getting better, I'm looking forward to what's next.


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May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
POI is back!!!! Please leave any thoughts that you have. And hey, if you have the time, drop a review for episode 41. Then come back this weekend and review episode 42. I'll make my reviewing rounds this weekend. Thanks for reading.

POI Wrestling Episode 42 Preview

Dave Prazak: Hello and welcome to POI Previews. Our next show looks to be a big one. The POI World Champion will take on Church of Daniels member; Rob Van Dam. Can the Church continue their crusade and beat Joe? Well have to wait and see as these two former friends clash. Last week on POI Generation Next challenged the New Hart Foundation to a 30 Minute Iron Man Tables Match. We have the Foundation’s answer to the challenge.

The shot cuts to the New Hart Foundation.

Bret Hart: So Generation Next wants to challenge my boys to an Iron Man match. I was in one of the best Iron Man matches in history. The only difference is that tables are involved instead of pin falls because Generation Next knows that they can’t win a real Iron Man match. We aren’t scared of Generation Next. We’ll accept their challenge and beat them at it.

The shot cuts back to Dave Prazak.

Prazak: Well it has been confirmed, next weeks main event will be the New Hart Foundation versus Generation Next in a 30 Minute Iron Man Tables Match. On the last POI Previews Soldier Ant and Fire Ant defeated Mr. Kennedy and Claudio Castagnoli. For this weeks bonus match it will be a rematch.

Match 1: Mr. Kennedy and Claudio Castagnoli vs. Fire Ant and Soldier Ant
Kennedy and Soldier Ant start off the match. Ken yells at Claudio “Let me show you how it’s done!†Soldier Ant schoolboys Kennedy and pins him for a 3 count. Kennedy rolls to the outside and grabs a mic.

Kennedy: No! No, no, no! This is not happening, I’m not losing again. Claudio this is your fault! I quit the so called Kings of Wrestling. You guys aren’t Kings, you’re frauds. Claudio I want a match right here, right...

Claudio uses a European uppercut on Kennedy and the bell is rung.

Match 2: Claudio Castagnoli vs. Mr. Kennedy
Ken fires back with repeated punches to the face. Claudio uses a European uppercut followed by a palm strike to the throat. Castagnoli springs off the ropes and goes for a bicycle kick. Kennedy ducks the kick, grabs Claudio, and hits inverted DDT. Ken goes for the pin and Castagnoli kicks out at 2. Kennedy brings Claudio to his feet, lifts him up, and hits a side slam. Ken gets up and springs off the ropes before dropping a knee on Castagnoli. Kennedy goes to the top rope. Claudio gets up and uses a European uppercut on Kennedy. Castagnoli tries to pick up Ken for a superplex, but Ken holds onto the ropes. Kennedy boots Claudio in the gut, knocking him to the mat. Ken jumps off the top rope and hits the Kenton bomb on Castagnoli. Kennedy goes for the pin, but Claudio gets his shoulder up at 2.

Ken gets to his fee and drags Castagnoli into the corner. Kennedy backs up before going for the facewash. Claudio moves out of the way making Kennedy crotch himself on the bottom rope. Ken rolls to the outside to collect himself. Castagnoli suicide dives through the top and middle ropes and hits a European uppercut on Ken. Claudio grabs Kennedy before rolling him into the ring. Castagnoli yells “Hey!†at the crowd before getting in himself. Claudio picks up Kennedy for a vertical suplex. After holding him up for 75 seconds Castagnoli slams Ken to the mat. Claudio goes to the top rope and starts a “Hey†chant before going for an elbow drop. Kennedy rolls out of the way and Claudio’s elbow crashes into the mat. Ken brings Castagnoli to his feet and hits a hangman’s neckbreaker. Kennedy goes for the pin, but Claudio kicks out at 2. Ken brings Claudio to his feet and yells at him “You’re a king, huh?†This seems to wake up Castagnoli. Claudio kicks Kennedy in the gut, sets him up, and hits the Ricola Bomb. Castagnoli goes for the pin and gets the 3 count.

The shot cuts back to Dave Prazak.

Prazak: Next week one half of the Motor City Machine Guns will take on a member of the Age of the Fall as Alex Shelley faces Jimmy Jacobs. Also The Brian Kendrick will take on his former partner Paul London. In something that I can’t officially confirm; Homicide has promised some people something violent. To find out what that means and much more check out the next episode of POI Wrestling.


BM: Quack Vs Nigel. I don't know Quackenbush to well but I enjoyed the match and reading that makes me want to go and watch a couple of his matches lol. Good to see Nigel won still making him look good but at the same time it made Quack look good too. Good match, you got Nigels moveset on lockdown and it was an awesome way to end the show! Good stuff.

WM: Well, they were all decent. There wasn't really anything to point out that was nad imo. These matches weren't to bad, could have been better but this was all that was needed really. They had nothing on the main event though.

BP: AJ Styles' promo was quite good. I think I said something about them feuding when I read Decimation a while ago. I like both of these wrestlers and I am looking forward to seeing where they will go from here, I also expect a good match out of this. Christopher Daniels' promo was decent too. I see a little improvement with promos this show round which is good, they weren't awesome but they seemed a little better.

WM: Raven just isn't your kind of promo guy I guess lol. As HFH said though, it continues his feud with Edge which is what it was meant to do...

AC: Sorry for the late review, I just realized that the show was up when you posted your preview lol. The matches were pretty good this show round, all were decent and the main event was really good imo. The promos were kind of up and down, you would have a good one then bad one etc. Pretty good show all round though. Onto the predictions:

Rob Van Dam Vs Samoa Joe

This should be a very entertaining match up but I see RVD getting a little help from Christopher Daniels to get the win. It should still be a good read since Joe and Van Dam are both great, I don't think I have ever read a match between those two tbh.

Generation Next Vs Hart Foundation

Generation Next are awesome but I dunno why I am choosing them, I think they might get the win here which will definitely heat this feud up more. Ironman table match is a good idea, this should be a must read.

Alex Shelley Vs Jimmy Jacobs

Should be yet another great match, I think ill go with Alex Shelley get the victory here.

Brian Kendrick Vs Paul London

Most people push Brian Kendrick for some reason but I have a feeling Paul London may get the win here. Again this should be a good match to read.

Looks like a good show CGK, Ill check it out. Also, Explosion has been posted in IPW if you wanna take a look.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
Hi and welcome to POI. Thanks for reading. If you read please review and I'll try to return those reviews whenever I get the chance.

POI Wrestling Episode 42

The show opens with an intro from the commentary team.

JR: Hello and welcome to POI. Tonight we have a huge main event when the New Hart Foundation takes on Generation Next in a 30 minute Iron Man Tables match. Oh I almost forgot; if you don’t know me yet I’m JR Jim Ross.

Shane Douglas: And I’m the “Franchiseâ€￾ Shane Douglas. Also tonight we’ve got the POI World Champion Samoa Joe taking on Rob Van Dam.

“The Fire Burnsâ€￾ hits and CM Punk walks to the ring.

CM Punk: So I hear that Homicide is promising people something violent. He also said that I’m scared of him. Those are two lies. Homicide, you’re nothing to me, nothing to me except a pile of crap. You are the world’s garbage. You’re useless, a waste of space, but you don’t care. You actually think people care about you, but in reality- Ow!

Homicide came out of nowhere and blasts Punk with a forearm shot to the face. Homicide uses repeated punches on Punk. CM rolls to the outside of the ring and he is followed by Homicide. Punk boots ‘Cide in the gut before slamming his head into the ring frame. Joey Styles walks onto the entrance ramp.

Joey: I know security won’t be able to break up you two so we’re going to have a match. It’s going to be Falls Count Anywhere. Ring the bell.

JR: Looks like we’ve got our first match.

Shane: Good, this should be a fun one.

Match 1: Homicide vs. CM Punk in a Falls Count Anywhere match
Punk grabs Homicide and drives his head into the ring frame once again. ‘Cide fights back with a punch to the gut followed up with a European uppercut. Homicide grabs Punk and whips him into the guard rail. ‘Cide charges at CM. Punk gets his boot up and Homicide gets booted in the face. CM grabs ‘Cide by the head and begins to choke him on the guard rail. Homicide uses elbows to save himself from being choked out. Punk staggers back before using a thumb to the eye on Homicide. CM takes the ring bell away from the timekeeper. CM tries to crack ‘Cide over the head with it, but ‘Cide ducks it. Homicide picks up a microphone and drives it into Punk’s head, making Punk drop the bell. CM grasps his forehead in pain as ‘Cide uses repeated forearm shots on CM. Punk lifts up Homicide and drives him back first into the guard rail. CM uses knees to the gut on ‘Cide. After about six knees Homicide grabs Punk and reverses their positions. ‘Cide uses five stiff uppercuts, rocking CM. Homicide backs up and hits a big lariat on Punk, knocking him over the guard rail and into the crowd.

‘Cide follows after CM. Homicide picks up a fans beer, drinks it, and spits it into Punk’s face. CM freaks out, wiping the beer off of his face while screaming obscenities at ‘Cide. Homicide picks up a chair and slams it down on the back of Punk. ‘Cide picks up another chair and again slams it down onto CM’s back. Punk tries to escape from Homicide by walking away from him. ‘Cide charges at CM. Punk catches Homicide off guard, lifts him up, and slams him onto the concrete ground with a biel. CM goes for the pin, but ‘Cide kicks out at 2. Punk gets Homicide standing and gets him in a fireman’s carry. ‘Cide uses elbows to the head to get CM to drop him. Homicide grabs Punk and hits the gringo cutter. ‘Cide goes for the pin and CM punk kicks out at 2. Homicide gets up and sets up a chair. Punk stands up, kicks Homicide in the gut, gets the double underhook, and hits the Welcome to Chicago backbreaker onto the chair. Punk goes for the pin and gets the 3 count.

JR: CM Punk may have broken the back of Homicide.

Shane: That’s the bloodthirsty attitude I like to see.

Punk stomps on Homicide until the ref is able to stop him. Punk walks to the back with a big smile on his face, while Homicide is barely able to stand. Taz walks to the ring once everything from the last match is cleaned up.

Taz: Albright! Last week you tried to run me down with a car. You wanted to end my career, my ability to make a living. You should know that if I had the chance, I’d do the same thing. I wouldn’t think twice about taking you out. Last week we gave the security a work out and we proved that nobody can keep us from killing each other. People are saying that we both can’t be in POI. I’m starting to think that they’re right. POI is only big enough for one of us. Albright, I’m challenging you to a match. Next week, you, me, Loser Leaves POI. You’re gonna be just another victim.

Albright runs through the crowd and surprises Taz with a waistlock. Brent slams Taz headfirst into the mat with a German suplex. Security floods the ring and grabs Albright before he can cause anymore damage. As Albright is being held back he is screaming “Challenge acceptedâ€￾ at Taz. Security forces Albright to the back and for the second time in the night a hurt wrestler; Taz walks out of the ring.

JR: After what’s transpired so far tonight our main event is going to be as hardcore as it gets. In our next match we have two former partners in a one-on-one match.

Match 2: The Brian Kendrick vs. Paul London
The bell rings and Kendrick taunts Paul. London dares Brian to launch the first attack. Kendrick seems wary at first, but he grabs Paul in a waistlock before transitioning into a full nelson. London slips out of it and kicks Brian in the face while lying on the mat. Paul gets up and takes Kendrick to the mat with a monkey flip. The two men get up and Brian takes down London with an armdrag. They stand up and this time Paul takes Kendrick down with a headscissors. London gets up first and tries to take Brian to the mat with another headscissors. Kendrick catches Paul and slams him to the mat with an odd looking powerbomb. Brian uses a folding press for a pin and London kicks out at 2. Kendrick gets up, springs off the ropes, and hits a double foot stomp on Paul. Brian brings London to his feet and whips him into the corner. Kendrick backs up and goes for a dropkick in the corner. Paul moves out of the way, Kendrick crashes into the turnbuckle and he slams headfirst into the mat.

London sees an opportunity. He sets up Brian before going to the top rope. Paul hits a shooting star press on Kendrick. London goes for the pin and Brian kicks out at 2. London is in disbelief. Paul gets up and hits a standing moonsault on Kendrick. Once again London goes for the pin, but Brian kicks out at 2. The frustration begins to show on London’s face. Paul ventures up to the top rope one again. London goes for the 450 splash, but Brian rolls out of the way. Paul smacks into the mat as Kendrick gets to his feet. Brian steps onto the ring apron while London stands up. Kendrick springboards and hits a tornado DDT on Paul. Brian uses a folding press with his feet on the ropes to pin London. Paul tries to kick out, but with the added pressure from Kendrick he can’t. Kendrick gets the 3 count and immediately bails out of the ring. London argues with the ref before grabbing a mic.

London: Brian, we both know that you didn’t cleanly beat me tonight. Next time we meet even if you do cheat, to beat me you’ll have to do it twice. I want a Two out of Three Falls match.

The tired London hands the mic to the ref before heading to the back.

Shane: Another huge challenge issued tonight.

JR: There’s something going on in the back!

The shot cuts to the back where Daizee Haze and Lacey are exchanging punches. Lacey uses a thumb to the eye of Daizee before kicking her in the stomach. Lacey grabs Haze and tries to whip her into a wall. Daizee turns it around on Lacey, sending her into a set up table. Lacey tumbles over the table and hits the ground hard. Lacey gets up and charges at Haze. The security grabs both women and holds them back before they can cause anymore damage to each other.

JR: These two women are ready to tear each other apart. Good thing their street fight is next week.

Shane: I can’t wait to see how that match goes.

“The Hauntedâ€￾ hits and Jimmy Jacobs walks to the ring.

Jimmy Jacobs: Last week once again a member of the Age of the Fall beat a member of the Motor City Machine Guns. Tyler easily disposed of Chris Sabin. The Guns will never; let me repeat that, NEVER win the POI Tag Team Titles as long as Tyler and I hold them. Shelley and Sabin may have been the best team in POI, but now they have been replaced.

“Beautiful Disasterâ€￾ hits and Alex Shelley walks to the ring.

Alex Shelley: Jimmy, I don’t know how to break this to you, but you’re so boring that I nearly fell asleep waiting for our match. You think that Chris and I will never win the tag belts back? You can have your opinion, but it’s wrong. Once we get our title shot we’ll hold gold again. Ya know what, I’m sick of talking.

Shelley punches Jacobs in the face and the bell rings.

Match 3: Alex Shelley vs. Jimmy Jacobs
Alex uses repeated punches to the face on Jacobs. After seven punches Shelley grabs Jimmy and whips him into the ropes. Jacobs bounces off the ropes and charges at Alex for a big boot. Shelley dodges the boot. Jimmy can’t stop his momentum causing him to fall over the top rope and to the floor. Alex waits for Jacobs to stand before vaulting himself over the top rope and landing on Jacobs. Shelley grabs Jimmy by the hair and rolls him into the ring before getting in himself. Alex takes his mind off of Jacobs allowing him to soak in the cheers of the crowd. Shelley turns around to face Jimmy and he gets hit with a spear by him. Jacobs goes for the pin, but Alex kicks out at 2. Jimmy stands up and then hits four brutal double foot stomps to the chest on Shelley. Before Alex has a chance to catch the breath that was knocked out of him, Jimmy hits an elbow drop. Jacobs goes for the pin and Alex kicks out at 2.

Jimmy brings Shelley to his feet and goes for the Contra Code. Alex manages to slip out of it and hits a double knee backbreaker on Jacobs. Both men slowly get to their feet. Shelley grabs Jimmy and hits a leg hook swinging reverse STO. Alex quickly gets up, springboards, and hits a moonsault on Jacobs. Shelley goes for the pin and Jimmy kicks out at 2. Alex gets up, looking somewhat frustrated. Shelley grabs the legs of Jacobs and applies an Indian Deathlock. Alex bridges back and uses a chin lock, fully locking in the Shelley Stretch. Jimmy screams in pain as Shelley synchs in the Stretch even tighter. Jacobs reaches out his hand and just barely grabs the bottom rope, breaking the hold. Shelley releases Jacobs and they both slowly get to their feet. Alex goes for an enzuigiri, but Jacobs ducks it. Jimmy picks up Shelley and hits a snap suplex. Jacobs goes for the pin, but Shelley kicks out at 2. Jimmy brings Shelley to his feet. Alex kicks Jacobs in the gut. Shelley picks up Jimmy, sets him up, and hits the Air Raid Crash. Alex goes for the pin and gets the 3 count.

Shane: Alex Shelley just beat one half of the Tag Team Champions. This has to give the Guns some confidence.

After the ring is cleared “Hybrid Stigmataâ€￾ hits and Delirious walks to the ring.

Delirious: Okay,solastweekIbeatGoShiozaki. Then...BAM! IgothitbyEdge. Ihewantsashotthat’scool,buthedidn’thavetoattackme.

“Metalingusâ€￾ hits and Edge walks to the ring.

Edge: Please shut up, none of us can understand what you say. For all I know you could have just been offering me the Intercontinental Title.

Delirious: NoIsaid-

Edge: Nobody cares! Last week I showed that I can take you out whenever I want. These people will be happy to have a champion who they can actually understand.

“Break it Down Againâ€￾ hits and Mike Quackenbush walks to the ring.

Quack: Somebody called for a Delirionese translator?

Edge: Who exactly are you? Oh wait let me guess, some overhyped indy wrestler.

Quack: Actually I’m someone who has more respect for this business than you ever will.

Edge: I don’t need respect; the talent that I have is all that I need.

Quack: I guess I’m better than you in that aspect to. I didn’t come out here to argue with you. I wanted to request a title shot from my friend Delirious.

“Turn Up the Troubleâ€￾ hits and Ken Kennedy walks to the ring.

Kennedy: Whoa, whoa, whoa. You don’t deserve a title shot... I do.

Quack: Really? The guy who’s lost three matches in a row deserves a title shot?

Kennedy: Hey, that was not my fault. It was the Kings of Wrestling and their false promises.

“Kryptoniteâ€￾ hits and Chris Hero walks to the ring.

Hero: Excuse me? The Kings of Wrestling have nothing to do with your sucktitude. Now all of you losers can leave. I get the first title shot.

Edge: Edge: Oh joy another overrated indy loser. Listen I deserve a shot more than everybody here.

Delirious: Everybodyshutup! I’llthinkofsomethingthat’sfairtoeverybody. Nowpleaseexcuseme.

Delirious leaves the ring, leaving everybody confused.

JR: What just happened?

Shane: I don’t know. Oh well. In our next match the POI World Champion Samoa Joe takes on Rob Van Dam. Let’s take a look at what happened the last time Joe took on a member of the Church of Daniels.

Joe is suddenly attacked by Rob Van Dam and Christopher Daniels. Daniels, Rob, and Ki each goes to the top rope in three different corners. Daniels hits the BME on Joe. Then RVD hits the Five Star Frog Splash. Finally Low Ki hits a double foot stomp to the head. Daniels grabs the POI World Title before spitting on it and draping it over Joe.

The shot cuts to Rob Van Dam walking to the ring. Samoa Joe runs down the entrance ramp and hits a forearm to the back of the head on RVD. Joe lifts Rob to his feet by his hair before whipping him into the guard rail. Samoa Joe yells “You’re on your own now *****!â€￾ Joe charges at Van Dam and boots him in the face. Joe grabs Rob and rolls him into the ring before getting in himself.

Match 4: Samoa Joe vs. Rob Van Dam
Joe brings Van Dam to his feet. Rob hits an enzuigiri on Joe. RVD gets up and begins to unload on Joe with kick after kick. Van Dam takes Joe off his feet with a dropkick. Van Dam springboards and goes for the split legged moonsault. Joe gets his knees up and RVD crashes into them. The Church of Daniels runs to the ring. Joe stands up and he is hit with an Ace Crusher by Low Ki. Christopher Daniels grabs three chairs and brings them into the ring. Daniels uses a chair on Joe, bending it across his back. Joe clutches his back in pain while the ref calls for the bell.

JR: This is sick... not again.

Low Ki gets Joe to his feet. Daniels holds a chair over Joe’s face and RVD hits the VanDaminator. Joe falls to the mat, busted open. The Church of Daniels stand victorious over Joe.

Shane: Another brutal attack by the Church of Daniels. Let’s send it to the back, something’s going on.

The shot cuts to the back where medics are attending to Nick Mondo. Nick appears to be knocked out and is in a puddle of blood. “SDâ€￾ is written on the wall.

Shane: I think I might know what “SDâ€￾ means.

The shot cuts to another part of the backstage area where Austin Aries has a mic.

Aries: Last week AJ Styles said that sooner of later we’re going to have a match. We’ve met in the ring a lot of times here in POI, but neither of us can say that we’re the better man. Now AJ I know you’re not feeling your best after I dropped you on your head twice, that’s okay. When we finally do meet I want you to be at your best because I don’t want there to be any excuses after I beat you.

JR: Strong words from Austin Aries.

The shot cuts to the ring where it is surrounded by tables.

JR: Out next match is the main event is the 30 Minute Iron Man Tables match.

Shane: Now this is gonna be a fun match.

Dave Prazak: The following contest is your main event of the evening and is a 30 Minute Iron Man Tables match. I this match tags will not be necessary. Whichever team puts their opponents through the most tables win the match.

“A Victim, A Targetâ€￾ hits and Generation Next walks to the ring.

Prazak: Introducing first; Roderick Strong, Matt Sydal, and Jack Evans. They are Generation Next!

The legendary music of Bret Hart hits and the New Hart Foundation walks down the entrance ramp without their mentor.

Prazak: Now introducing Teddy Hart, Petey Williams, and Shelton Benjamin. They are the New Hart Foundation!

Before the New Hart Foundation can get into the ring, Matt Sydal and Jack Evans vault over the top rope and land on the New Hart Foundation.

Match 5: The New Hart Foundation vs. Generation Next in a 30 Minute Iron Man Tables Match
The bell rings as Roderick Strong exits the ring to join his fellow Generation Next members. Teddy Hart gets up and he gets his chest caved in with a chop from Strong. Shelton Benjamin and Matt Sydal exchange punches while Petey Williams sends Jack Evans shoulder first into the steel steps. Petey puts the boots to Evans before lifting him to his feet and rolling him into the ring. Near the announce table Benjamin is getting the better of Matt with punch after punch until Sydal leaps into the air and hits an enzuigiri on Shelton. On the opposite side of the outside Hart has Roderick set up for a DDT. Strong uses his strength to plow Teddy back first into the ring frame. In the ring Evans takes Petey to the mat with a headscissors. Jack gets to his feet and immediately hits a standing moonsault. On instinct Evans goes for the pin and then realizes that it is useless in this match. Back on the outside Strong has Teddy set up for a piledriver on the entrance ramp. Hart shifts his weight and back body drops Roderick onto the steel. Elsewhere on the outside Matt Sydal set up a table and is standing on it waiting for Benjamin to get to his feet. Shelton stands up, jumps onto the table, and puts Sydal through it with the Pay Dirt before Matt even gets a chance to react. The New Hart Foundation is leading one to nothing.

Knowing that they are ahead Petey takes his sweet time bringing a table into the ring. Hart grabs Roderick and whips him toward the guard rail. Strong reverses it sending Teddy into the rail. Roderick charges at Hart and hits a Sick Kick to the face, knocking Teddy into the crowd. Back in the ring Petey and Shelton have Evans in the corner and are stomping a hole in him. They bring him to his feet and whip him into the ropes. Jack bounces off the ropes and hits a double dropkick. Evans gets up before hitting a double foot stomp on Shelton followed by a stomp on Petey. Jack grabs the table in the ring and sets it up. Evans brings Petey to his feet and places him on the table. Roderick gets into the ring and keeps Benjamin from saving Williams. Evans springboards off the top rope and hits a 450 Splash on Petey, putting him through the table. Generation Next ties up things at one a piece.

Shelton picks up Strong and hits a T-Bone suplex. Sydal sets up a table on the outside before getting into the ring. Teddy Hart sets up two tables on the outside before also getting into the ring. Sydal catches Teddy off guard and hits a dropkick to the face. Roderick grabs Benjamin and sends him into the corner. Strong uses a hard chop to the chest on Shelton. Roderick follows up with four more stiff chops. Hart grabs Strong, kicks him in the gut, and hits a DDT. Hart lifts Roderick to his feet and dumps him over the top rope and to the floor. Teddy follows Strong and boots him in the stomach. Hart lifts up Roderick and rolls him onto the two tables. Teddy drives some fists into Strong’s skull before going to the top rope. Jack Evans tries to stop Hart, but he isn’t fast enough. Teddy hits Open Hart Surgery on Strong putting him through two tables. The New Hart Foundation now leads three to one.

Hart stands up from the rubble. Evans flies over the top rope and hits a suicide dive on Teddy. Jack pops up, picks up a chunk of the table, and slams it down onto Hart. Back in the ring Petey Williams has gotten back to his feet. Matt Sydal springs off the ropes and tries to take down Benjamin with a headscissors. Shelton blocks it and Sydal falls to the mat. Benjamin and Williams stomps on Matt. Shelton picks up Sydal and takes them up top the top rope while Petey attacks Evans on the outside. Benjamin sets up Matt for a T-Bone suplex, but Sydal fights out of it. Matt sets up Benjamin, jumps off the top rope while holding him, and puts him through the table with Cyclorama, a moonsault slam. Generation Next came closer to the New Hart Foundation making the score two to three.

Elsewhere on the outside Petey hits a Canadian Destroyer on Evans. Petey gets to his feet and he and Teddy begin to build a pyramid on three tables. Hart goes under the ring and takes a ladder out from under it before slideing it into the ring. Petey grabs Evans and gets into the ring, being followed by Hart. Petey sets up the ladder and forces the weak Evans to climb up it. Teddy climbs up the other side while Matt Sydal gets into the ring. Sydal hits an enzuigiri on Williams, knocking him out of the ring. Strong gets into the ring while Sydal pulls Evans off the ladder. Roderick pushed the ladder, sending Hart flying. Teddy crashes through all three tables on the outside. The buzzer sounds signaling the end of the match. Generation Next wins the match five tables to three.

JR: This was an amazing match! We’ve got six broken men out here.

Shane: And eight broken tables. For JR, I am the “Franchiseâ€￾ Shane Douglas. Goodnight.

(end episode 42)


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Double post! Oh no! Some reviews for POI Episode 42 would be cool. I plan on going on a reviewing spree tomorrow because school is closed. As always thanks for reading and reviews will be repped and returned. BTW the Castagnoli promo in this preview is just terrible.

POI Wrestling Episode 43 Preview

Dave Prazak: Hello and welcome to POI Previews. I am your host Dave Prazak and we are coming off of a violent week. It looks like things are only going to get worse. Next week we have two grudge matches. One of them might actually end a long lasting feud that has spanned across many promotions as Lacey faces Daizee Haze in a Street Fight. Let’s take a look at what led up to this.

It started with an open challenge.
Lacey: Feel free to come and just become one more body on the trail to the truth.
The first women’s match in POI went smoothly...
Match 1: Lacey vs. Daizee Haze
Lacey forearm’s Daizee in the face. Haze uses a forearm of her own on Lacey. Lacey grabs Haze and hits the German suplex. Daizee hits the heart punch on Lacey and follows up with the Mind Trip. Daizee gets the 3 count.

A few moments later as Daizee is heading up the entrance ramp Lacey attacks her from behind. Lacey sets Haze up and hits the implant DDT.
Daizee paid back Lacey for her attack from behind.
Match 1: Alex Shelley vs. Tyler Black w/ Lacey vs. Ken Kennedy
Lacey has been attacked by Daizee Haze. Haze whips Lacey into the guard rail. Back on the outside Daizee drives Lacey’s head into the ring frame with the Mind Trip.

A rematch was made.
Match 1: Daizee Haze vs. Lacey
Daizee uses a kick to the gut before hitting a stunner. Daizee starts to stand up, but Lacey takes her back down with a double knee backbreaker. Daizee lines up Lacey and goes for the Yakuza kick. Lacey dodges it and dumps Haze over the top rope and to the floor. Lacey grabs a chair from under the ring and drives it into the face of Daizee. Lacey sets up Haze and hits the Implant DDT. Lacey goes for the pin and gets the 3 count.

Another challenge was issued.
Haze: In our last match you used a chair to beat me. In our next match I’ll do much worse than that because I want our match to be a street fight.
The challenge was answered...
Lacey: I may not be a hardcore wrestler, but I would love a chance to beat Daizee at her own challenge. So I accept the challenge. Once that happens I’ll beat you head in with any weapons that you want.

And the violence escalated.
Daizee Haze and Lacey are exchanging punches. Lacey grabs Haze and tries to whip her into a wall. Daizee turns it around on Lacey, sending her into a set up table. Lacey tumbles over the table and hits the ground hard. Lacey gets up and charges at Haze.
Next week the issue will hit a new high in violence.

Prazak: We will also have a non-title tag team match as the Motor City Machine Guns take on the POI Tag Team Champions, Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black; the Age of the Fall. Now in this weeks bonus match Vampiro will face Claudio Castagnoli.

Match 1: Vampiro vs. Claudio Castagnoli
The bell rings and Claudio gets the “Hey!†chant going. The two men lock up. Vampiro breaks it and applies a wristlock ob Castagnoli. Vampiro steps over the top rope and jumps to the floor, snapping Claudio’s arm across the top rope. Vampiro gets back into the ring while Castagnoli holds his arm in pain. Vampiro continues to work over the arm with a hammerlock. Claudio manages to slip out of it only to have Vampiro boot him in the gut. Vampiro drives his elbows into the spine of Castagnoli. Vampiro grabs the weakened arm of Claudio and drives his elbow into it. Vampiro grabs Castagnoli and tries to whip him into the corner. Claudio reverses it, sending Vampiro into the corner. Castagnoli charges at Vampiro and hits a hard European uppercut.

Claudio grabs his bad arm in pain after using it for the uppercut. The dazed Vampiro stumbles out of the corner. Castagnoli turns to face Vampiro and he gets taken off of his feet with a leg lariat. Vampiro stands up and lifts Claudio to his feet by his hair. Vampiro uses punches to the face on Castagnoli before picking him up. Vampiro drives Claudio to the mat with a side slam. Vampiro goes for the pin, but Castagnoli kicks out at 2. Vampiro gets to his feet and begins to stalk Claudio, waiting for him to stand. Castagnoli slowly gets to his feet and is grabbed by the throat by Vampiro. Vampiro tries to go for the chokeslam, but Claudio uses elbows to the head to get out of it. Castagnoli backs up and takes Vampiro off his feet with a boot to the face. Claudio grabs Vampiro by his ankles and goes for the giant swing. After fifteen revolutions Castagnoli drops Vampiro and tries to regain his balance. Claudio gets Vampiro standing, sets him up, and slams him into the mat with the Ricola Bomb. Castagnoli goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. Claudio gets to his feet and calls for a mic.

Claudio: Now that I am on a bit of a winning streak I figured, why not challenge for a title. Next week I want a shot against Nigel McGuinness’ ROH Pure Title.

Dave Prazak: And he will get that shot. I next weeks main event Taz takes on Brent Albright in a Loser Leaves POI match. Let’s take a look back at the events that led up to this.

It started as a war of words,
Albright: He lost two weeks in a row; he’s a waste of TV time, and a waste of money. Now I’m going to take him out. Taz; I recommend that you watch your back.
Taz: You want to say that I don’t deserve my spot? You say it again and I’ll choke you out!

But it soon turned into more.
Albright attacks Taz from behind with a chair. Brent picks up Taz and puts him through a table with a half nelson suplex. The two men are trading huge forearm shots. Brent sends Taz into the wall and then goes for an elbow to the face. Taz dodges the elbow, picks up Albright, and German Tazplexes him into the wall.
Match time came and it didn’t end like anybody expected.
Match 2: Taz vs. Brent Albright
Brent goes to the outside and brings a chair into the ring. Taz stands up and he gets cracked in the head with chair. Taz falls to the mat, knocked out. Albright hits Taz with the chair over and over. The referee calls for the bell to protect Taz. The ref DQ’s Albright for attacking Taz after he was knocked out. Security comes to the ring to make sure Albright stops his attack.

Even though it looked like it couldn’t get any worse, it did.
Taz runs down the ramp and attacks Albright. Brent picks up a chair and tries to slam it down on Taz. Taz catches the chair and rips it out of Albright’s hands before cracking him over the head with it. Brent follows Taz into the crowd and drives an elbow into Taz’s back. Taz grabs Albright and whips him into the fans chairs. Brent gets up and charges at Taz, spearing him into another group of chairs. Taz tackles Albright, sending both men out the door and out of the building. Taz fights his way to his feet. Suddenly a car driven by Albright speeds toward Taz and the security. Taz gets out of the way, but one of the security gets run down.
Now it will come to a final and decisive end.
Taz: You wanted to end my career, my ability to make a living POI is only big enough for one of us. Albright, I’m challenging you to a match. Next week, you, me, Loser Leaves POI.
Albright runs through the crowd and surprises Taz with a waistlock. Brent slams Taz headfirst into the mat with a German suplex. As Albright is being held back he is screaming “Challenge accepted†at Taz.

Prazak: You’ll be able to see all this and more on the next episode of POI Wrestling.

Chuck Taylor's Grenade

BM: Iron Tables Match-I didn't think it would be possible to top the match from Decimation but you managed to pull it off. I can't imagine how this war's gonna be settled.

WM: RVD vs. Samoa Joe-I understand the way it was booked regarding the feud but it didn't really feel like a match. A brawl/beatdown angle would have accomplished the same thing.

BP: Hero, Kennedy, Edge, Quack and Delirious-Great promo. Everybody in character, Quack was awesome as usual. I hope this is gonna lead to either a 4 way with a title shot on the line or a 5 way with the title on the line.

WP: Paul London's was a little on the weak side.

AC: I think it's no secret that this is in my top 5 favorite BTBs. I just love the indy feel of it mixed with some established stars. Everything is developing nicely for the next big show. Samoa Joe will have an even bigger challenge defending the title against Daniels. MCMG vs. AOTF should be awesome and is a feud I would love to see happen in real life. Good work as always.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: The Iron Tables Match This is just viciously brutal! I truly loved the match. I don't know what to say but this could slip as a Match of the Year tbh.

Worst Match: RVD/Joe, a very short one. It should be a bit longer before it ended with a DQ imo.

Best Promo: Well another obvious pick here and that's the thing going with the Intercontinental Title. I wonder what's with Delirious now???

Worst Promo: I really didn't like most of the promos tbh, we have the same weakness and that's the promo writing lol.... well, it still able to have a point though.

Additional Feedback: After reading the show, I started to mark for the main event. A really entertaining match and you really work hard for it. Good to see POI is getting improve as time goes by, good job.

CT Styles

Best Match: The Main Event, I like your writing, your matches aren't pages long but you still fit everything you need in there which is a really, really good thing.

Worst Match: They're all a good length so even if it's a bitch to read you can cop it.

Best Promo: I wouldn't classify any of them as promos, more 'statements' as they were all mostly one lines by each person in them. You need to work on your promos imo.

Worst Match: Delirious' part was kinda annoying lol.

Additional Comments: Keep it up. :y:


BM- Definately the main event, the crowd should be happy to get a match like this on free TV. I especially liked the ending and how they got three points at once. Overall props for the match concept, has this type of match ever been done irl, or at least in mainstream wrestling?

WM- Joe and RVD wasn't badly written for what it was, but as others have said, a simple beatdown angle would have sufficed instead.

BP- The one with Edge, Kennedy and others. This has five good promo men and was in charachter throughout, definately best promo.

WP- It's hard to say. There were many small promos that could have benefitted from having a few more lines added to them. Too many one person promos as well in this show.

AC- Not too bad CGK, your matches are great as usual and with your promos, the issue is quantity not quality. We just need more from the promos, not more promos altogether. Decent work here, 7/10


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Wow, thanks for the sudden explosion of reviews in this BTB. POI will start going to a bi-weekly schedule next week. So next sunday you will be getting a show preview instead of a show. This is because with school I really haven't been able to write as much. I will try to post random news stories on wednesdays if I get the chance. Well thanks for reading, enjoy the show, and if you review you'll get a rep and a review in return.

POI Wrestling Episode 43

The show opens with shots of the crowd and an introduction from the commentary team.

Jim Ross: Hello and welcome to POI! Tonight have we got a show for you. In our main event it’s the end of a hate filled feud as Brent Albright takes on Taz in a Loser Leaves POI match.

Shane Douglas: I can’t wait for that match. Albright better win. In out first match it’s a Street Fight; Daizee haze versus Lacey.

Both women come to the ring in street clothes, ready to battle it out.

Match 1: Lacey vs. Daizee Haze in a Street Fight
They charge at each other and exchange stiff punches. Have rocks Lacey with a shot to the temple, but she fires back with a hard uppercut. Daizee backs away, holding her jaw in pain, while Lacey hits a boot to the stomach. Lacey drives an elbow into Haze’s back. Daizee tries to escape the attack, but instead hits a spinning heel kick to the stomach on Lacey. Haze uses repeated punches to the face on Lacey. After about five punches Lacey bails out of the ring. Daizee goes to the top rope and waits for Lacey to face her. Lacey turns around and she gets hit with a flying crossbody block. Haze gets to her feet first before lining up Lacey for a boot to the face. Daizee goes for the kick, but Lacey grabs Daizee, lifts her up, and drops her face first onto the ring frame. Lacey looks under the ring and pulls out a Singapore cane.

Lacey cracks the cane across Haze’s back. That seemed to wake up Daizee, who rips the cane out of Lacey’s hands and hits her over the head with it. Haze grabs Lacey and whips her into the guard rail. Daizee charges at Lacey, who gets a boot up causing Daizee to slam face first into the boot. Lacey grabs Haze and throws her into the crowd. Lacey follows after Daizee. Haze picks up a bottle of water and hits Lacey in the head with it. Daizee grabs a chair and drives it into Lacey’s stomach. Haze slams the chair down onto Lacey’s back. The chair bounces off and Lacey screams in pain. Lacey takes a page out of Jimmy Jacobs book and takes a spike out of her boot. Haze goes for another chair shot, but Lacey ducks it. She takes the spike and drives it into Daizee’s skull. Haze backs up. Lacey clotheslines her over the rail and back to ring side. Lacey grabs a chair before going back to ringside herself. Daizee gets to her feet, revealing that she has been busted open by the spike. Lacey attempts to hit Haze with the chair. Daizee charges at Lacey and hits a Yakuza kick, slamming the chair into her face.

Haze, dizzy from the blood loss, begins to look under the ring. She pulls out a table and heaves it into the ring. Daizee gets into the ring and sets it up, while Lacey crawls in. Lacey attacks Haze from behind with a forearm to the back of the neck. Lacey grabs Daizee and the two climb onto the table. Lacey sets up for the Implant DDT, but Haze slips out of it. Daizee grabs Lacey’s head and hits the Mind Trip, putting them both through the table. The referee tries to clear away some of the rubble from the table. Neither of the women are moving. Just as the ref is about to call for the bell and make this match a no contest Haze reaches out her arm and covers Lacey. The ref counts and Daizee gets the 3 count.

Shane: That may have been the best women’s wrestling match that I’ve ever seen.

JR: It’d be hard to argue with you there.

Both women lay on the mat unable to move after the war that they just went through. The shot cuts to the back where Brent Albright has a mic.

Albright: Tonight is the last night that any of you will ever see Taz in POI. He has hung onto his legacy for too long and it ends tonight. In our match I won’t hold anything back. I expect the same from you. This won’t be your typical wrestling match; this will be a straight up fight. If any of the referees try to stop this match, I assure you that they’ll be gone from POI as well. Taz, tonight we settle the score.

The shot cuts back to the ring where CM Punk is making his entrance.

JR: Strong words from Brent Albright.

Shane: I’m sure that Punk has something to say too.

Punk: Boy, how fun was last week? The match I was in just put a smile on my face. For you drunken idiots who barely remember what you had for breakfast, let me tell you what happened. It was me versus Homicide in a Falls Count Anywhere match. Long story short, I used Homicide to crush a chair. It was great. I think it became one of my favorite matches ever. I was disappointed at the fact that I didn’t cripple Homicide. Oh well, I’ll get another chance sometime.

The Kill Bill theme hits and Homicide begins to walk to the ring.

Punk: Speak of the devil. Whoa there big guy maybe you should just stay on the ramp. You don’t want to get hurt worse do you? Actually, I’m gonna let someone else kick your *** tonight.

Suddenly a masked man jumps the guard rail and slams a chair into the back of Homicide. The pain causes ’Cide to fall to his knees. The masked man drives the chair into Homicide’s back two more times. The masked man picks up Homicide and hits a double underhook overhead backbreaker drop. The man gets into the ring and rips off his mask revealing that he is Colt Cabana. Colt and Punk hug in the ring.

Punk: Second City Saints!

Punk drops the mic and the two men head to the back.

JR: We just saw the surprising return of Colt Cabana.

Shane: I expected Homicide to kick some ***, but I guess I was wrong.

JR: Now we’ve got some non-title tag team action as the POI Tag Team Champions; Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black will take on the number one contenders; Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin.

Match 2: The Age of the Fall (Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black) vs. the Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley)
The bell rings and Black and Shelley start off the match. They lock up and both men hold their ground. Alex transitions into a side headlock. Shelley wrenches it in tighter until Tyler uses elbows to the ribs to free himself. Black goes for a kick to the head, but Alex ducks it and hits a kick of his own. Shelley grabs Tyler and shoots him into the ropes. Black bounces back, leapfrogs over Alex, bounces off the opposite set of ropes, and hits a big boot to the face on Alex. Shelley falls to the mat while Tyler walks toward his corner. Before Black can tag in Jacobs, Alex gets to his feet and hits a double knee backbreaker. Shelley goes for the pin, but Tyler kicks out at 2. Alex stands up and tags Chris Sabin into the match. Sabin gets into the ring and lifts Black to his feet by his hair. Chris goes for a spinning heel kick, but Black ducks it, grabs Chris, and hits a STO. Tyler gets up, springs off the ropes, and hits a standing shooting star press on Sabin. Black goes for the pin and Chris kicks out at 2.

Tyler gets to his feet and tags in Jimmy Jacobs. Jimmy stalks Sabin, waiting for him to stand. Chris gets to his feet and Jacobs goes for a cradle DDT. Sabin blocks it and hits a double foot stomp to the chest of Jimmy after he falls to the mat. Chris waits for Jacobs to stand up before charging at him. Jimmy takes down Sabin with a spear. Jacobs gets up and quickly hits a back senton on Chris. Jimmy gets Sabin and himself to their feet. Jacobs sets up for the Contra Code, but Chris slips out of it, grabs Jacobs, and hits a Tiger Suplex. Sabin tags Shelley into the match and they wait for Jimmy to get up. Jacobs gets to his knees. Shelley and Sabin spring off opposite sets of ropes, run at Jimmy, and they both hit dropkicks to his head. Shelley goes for the pin while Sabin knocks Black off the ring apron with an enzuigiri. Shelley covers Jacobs and gets the 3 count.

Shane: The Motor City Machine Guns picked up a win over the Tag Team Champions.

JR: I was talking to the Guns earlier today and they were telling me about that double dropkick. They’re calling it the S and S Crusher. Now, let’s send it to the back.

The shot cuts to the backstage where AJ Styles has a mic.

Styles: Austin Aries, I’ve decided that it’s time for us to meet in the ring once again. I’m still not feeling one hundred percent so this wont be the one on one match that the fans are hungry for. I think that I’m only at fifty percent, so let’s have a tag match. I’ll bring a partner, you bring a partner, and we’ll have a great match. Aries, I’ll see you next week.

The shot cuts to the ring as The Brian Kendrick is entering it.

Kendrick: So Paul London wants another match with The Brian Kendrick. Paul London isn’t good enough to be my personal assistant, much less wrestle me again. He even has the nerve to demand a Two Out of Three Falls match. After a large amount of thought I decided that I will accept this challenge. You may ask yourself; “Why did the great Brian Kendrick accept the match?†I accepted this match because of the money. No I’ll see you guys in two weeks, I’m going to Jamaica for some much needed rest next week. London, in our match, I promise you that you won’t win a single fall.

Kendrick drops the mic and heads to the back.

JR: A five star match in the makings right there.

Shane: I bet they’ll use a lot of cool flippy moves. In our next match Nigel McGuinness will defend his Pure Title against Claudio Castagnoli.

Match 3: Nigel McGuinness vs. Claudio Castagnoli for the ROH Pure Title
They lock up and Claudio gets McGuinness in a hammerlock. Nigel slips out of it and applies a wristlock on Castagnoli. Claudio reverses the pressure onto McGuinness before whipping him into the ropes. Nigel bounces back and Castagnoli goes for a bicycle kick. McGuinness ducks the kick and sweeps Claudio’s legs out from under him. Nigel goes for an elbow drop, but Castagnoli rolls out of the way. Claudio gets to his feet and goes for a legdrop. McGuinness rolls out of the way, gets to his feet, and goes for a dropkick. Castagnoli dodges the kick and rolls up Nigel. He only gets a 2 count when Nigel reaches out and grabs the bottom rope the break the pin. Nigel McGuinness has used his first rope break. Both men get to their feet and Nigel drives his forearm into Castagnoli’s face with a European uppercut. McGuinness goes for a second uppercut, but it is ducked by Claudio. Castagnoli uses palm strikes to the chest and throat of Nigel. McGuinness catches one of the strokes and takes down Claudio with a deep armdrag. Before Castagnoli has a chance to recover Nigel grabs his arm and locks in the London Dungeon. Claudio struggles to get out of it, but McGuinness wrenches it in tighter and tighter. Castagnoli reaches out his foot and places it on the bottom rope. Claudio Castagnoli has used his first rope break.

Nigel stands up and waits for Castagnoli. Claudio gets to his feet and McGuinness goes for a lariat. Castagnoli ducks the lariat and boots Nigel in the gut. Claudio sets up McGuinness and then hits the Ricola Bomb. Castagnoli goes for the pin, but yet again Nigel breaks the pin by grabbing onto the bottom rope. Nigel McGuinness has used his second rope break. The dazed McGuinness rolls to the outside while Claudio waits for him to stand. Once Nigel faces Castagnoli, Claudio springs off the ropes, dives through the bottom and middle ropes on the opposite side, and hits a suicide dive European uppercut on Nigel.

The referee starts his count. At 5 both men slowly get to their feet. They start to exchange stiff European uppercuts. At 10 Claudio rocks McGuinness with a brutal shot. Nigel is spun around by the forearm. He uses the momentum to blast Castagnoli with a lariat, which knocks him into the crowd. At 15 McGuinness gets into the ring while Claudio struggles to get out of the crowd. At 17 Castagnoli gets to the outside. “18!†Claudio’s up to his knees. “19!†He uses the ring apron to pull him to his feet. “20!†Castagnoli tries to get into the ring just as the ref calls for the bell. Nigel celebrates in the ring while Claudio stands on the outside in disbelief. The timekeeper hands McGuinness a mic and his belt.

Nigel: Castagonads, you just helped me show that I will never lose this belt. I am the greatest pure wrestler in the world.

JR: Good showing from Castagnoli.

Shane: Castagonads, ha! Let’s send it to the back.

The shot cuts to the backstage where the Hardcore Champion “Sick†Nick Mondo has a mic.

Mondo: Last week you all saw me knocked out and laying in a puddle of my own blood. No one knows who did it. I don’t even know, he attacked me from behind like a little *****. He did leave one clue by writing “SD†on the wall. There’s one man that would have done that. If you wanted a shot all you had to do was ask. Now you made this personal. Super Dragon; I’m going to hunt you down and make you pay.

The shot cuts back to the ring where Christopher Daniels is standing.

Daniels: Yet again the Church of Daniels stood victorious over the POI Champion; Samoa Joe. Now what most of you have forgotten is that I was the very first POI Champion. This company was built around me! I had high hopes for POI, but then I saw the truth. I’ve seen the torture that the boys in the back go through and for what? For the love of the fans? Screw the fans, you people don’t matter. They do it for the money, but what we do money can’t compensate for the pain, it can’t give us more time with our families. Joe, I’m trying to make you realize that. If you don’t figure it out soon, I promise you that the worst is yet to come.

“Momma Said Knock You Out†hits and Samoa Joe walks onto the entrance ramp.

Joe: The worst is yet to come? Daniels if you’re going to take me out you’re going to have to give me everything you’ve got. I’ve faced the best in POI and I’ve beaten them all. You’re not any different. Daniels I want you in the ring, next week. Non-title, that way you can still use your title shot some other time. It’s good for me too, I get to kick your *** twice. So what do you say?

Daniels: I accept your challenge. After our match you’ll understand what I’m trying to teach you.

Joe: During the match I’ll teach you a lesson myself.

Joe’s music hits and the two men are locked in a stare down. Eventually they walk to the back.

JR: This match will be huge. This will have to be the main event.

Shane: No doubt about it. Now we’ve got this week’s main event. I don’t know what to expect outa this one.

JR: Well we know that one of the two men will be out of a job.

“Faint†hits and Brent Albright walks to the ring.

Dave Prazak: Making his way to the ring weighing in at 230 pounds and hailing from Tulsa, Oklahoma; “The Gun for Hire†Brent Albright!

“Just Another Victim†hits and Taz walks to the ring.

Dave Prazak: Making his way to the ring weighting in at 240 pounds and hailing from The Red Hook section of Brooklyn, New York; “The Human Suplex Machine†Taz!

Match 4: Brent Albright vs. Taz in a Loser Leaves POI match
They get face to face and begin to exchange words. Brent reaches back and slaps Taz in the face. Taz smirks and elbows Albright in the face. The two men start to exchange punches with neither man giving any ground. After fifteen punches by each man they change it up and start throwing forearms. After ten forearms each they start to get wobbly on their feet. A forearm from Taz backs Brent into the ropes. Albright springs off them and takes Taz off his feet with a clothesline. Both men go down. Brent rolls to the outside and looks under the ring. Albright pulls out a garbage can, two chairs, and a table. Brent sets up the table on the outside before throwing the other three weapons into the ring. This all gave Taz time to recover. Taz picks up the garbage can and throws it at Albright, hitting him right in the head. Taz gets out of the ring and picks up the garbage can while Brent holds his head in pain. Taz grabs the can and brutally slams it down onto Albright’s back. Brent fights back with a spinning back fist causing Taz to drop the can. Albright grabs Taz and drives his head into the table. Brent lines up Taz and goes for a roaring elbow. Taz ducks the elbow, grabs Albright, lifts him up, and puts him through the table with a T-Bone Tazplex.

Taz gets to his feet to the cheers of the fans. Taz grabs Brent by his hair and gets him standing before rolling him into the ring. Albright appears to be out of it. Taz gets into the ring and covers Brent. Somehow Albright gets his shoulder up at 2. Taz gets to his feet and grabs the two chairs in the ring. Taz stomps on Brent a bit before setting up the two chairs like a table. It looks like Taz has something planned for Albright, who is beginning to stir. Taz grabs Brent and tries to get him standing. Albright gets to his feet, gets a burst of energy, grabs Taz for a waistlock, and hits a German suplex. Before Taz has a chance to recover, Brent grabs has arm and locks in the Crowbar. Taz struggles to get out of it; all the while Albright screams “Give up!†at him. The referee asks Taz if he wants to give up, but Taz responds with “No!†Brent wrenches in the move while Taz slowly moves his body toward the ropes. Taz reaches out his free arm and grabs hold of the bottom rope.

The ref forces Albright to break the hold. Brent is shocked that he didn’t beat Taz there. Albright stands up and grabs one of the chairs as Taz slowly gets to his feet. Brent swings the chair at Taz, who dodges it. Taz picks up the other chair and cracks it across the back of Albright. Brent takes his chair and drives it into the bad arm of Taz. Brent slams the chair into the skull of Taz, who seems to be unaffected. Taz lifts up Albright and slams him to the mat with a release belly to belly Tazplex. Taz goes for the pin, but Brent kicks out at 2. Both men get to their feet. Albright picks up a chair and takes Taz off his feet by hitting him in the backs of the knees. Then Brent starts swinging the chair like a crazy man, repeatedly beating Taz with it. Once Taz stops moving; after about seventeen chair shots, Albright sets up the two chairs like a table again. Brent stalks Taz as he slowly gets standing. Taz gets to his feet and Albright grabs him with a waistlock. Taz gets the go behind, lifts up Brent, and sends him crashing through the chairs with a release German Tazplex. Taz goes for the pin and Albright gets his shoulder up at 2. Taz quickly locks in the Tazmission on Brent. Albright refuses to give up, but he is beginning to fade away. The ref raises Brent’s hand and it falls to the mat. The ref raises his hand and it falls yet again. The ref raises his hand and it falls to the mat for a third and final time. The ref calls for the bell and the winner; Taz releases the hold.

JR: What a brutal match!

Shane: I may not like Taz, but after this match I have to respect him. It’s unfortunate that Albright lost him job, hopefully we see him back in POI someday.

JR: It’s the wrestling business, anything can happen. For Shane Douglas, I’m Jim Ross. Good night everybody, thanks for watching.

(End episode 43)