POI- Point of Impact Wrestling

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Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
Here we are, it's preview time. The reviews for POI are at an all time high and my time that I have for reviewing is at an all time low (damn it!). I'll try to get the reviews that I owe out whenever I can. Writing screenplays take time and I have to write two of them for two different classes. Thanks to those of you who read POI, and a bigger thanks to those who review. Enjoy the preview.

POI Episode 38 Preview

Dave Prazak: Hello and welcome to POI Previews. This past week on POI we saw CM Punk beat all of the other Survival of the Fittest match contestants in a battle royal. This has to give Punk an edge in the upcoming match. Stemming from the battle royal will be next weeks main event. It will be a tag team match as CM Punk and AJ Styles take on the unlikely team of Austin Aries and Super Dragon. Will these teams be able to work together, we’ll find out this week. Now in this weeks bonus match it will be a Chikara showcase. Mike Quackenbush takes on Gran Akuma, next.

Match 1: Mike Quackenbush vs. Gran Akuma
The bell rings and they begin to circle each other. Akuma starts to kick away at the legs of Quack. Gran Akuma goes for a kick to the head, but Mike ducks it. Quack hits a palm thrust to the chest on Akuma. Mike forces Akuma into the corner with palm thrust after palm thrust to the chest and throat. Quack grabs Akuma and goes for a monkey flip, but Akuma lands on his feet. Mike gets up, but he is soon taken back down to the mat with a snap suplex. Akuma bounces off the ropes and looks for a standing senton on Quack, but Mike rolls out of the way, causing Akuma to fall onto the mat. Quack gets onto the ring apron and waits for Akuma to stand. Akuma gets to his feet; Quack springboards and hits a tornado DDT. Mike goes for the pin, but Akuma kicks out at 2. Quack brings Akuma to his feet. Gran Akuma boots Mike in the gut, picks him up, and hits the Falcon Arrow, a sitout suplex slam. Akuma goes for the pin and Quack kicks out at 2. Akuma sets up Quack on the mat before going up to the top rope. Akuma goes for the 450 splash, but he crashes and burns when Mike rolls out of the way. Quack covers Akuma, but somehow Akuma gets the shoulder up at 2. Mike brings Akuma to his feet, picks him up, and hits a Quackendriver III, a modified fisherman driver. Quack grabs Akuma and locks in the Lightning Lock, a crossface/cloverleaf combo. Gran Akuma looks like he is about to tap out, but he uses his last ounce of energy to reach out and grab the bottom rope to break the hold. Quackenbush and Gran Akuma make their ways to their feet. Akuma catches Mike off guard and hits a stiff kick to the side of the head. Akuma picks up Quack and drops him on his head with a leg hook suplex. Gran Akuma goes for the pin, but Quackenbush puts his foot on the rope at the count of 2. Akuma brings Quack to his feet, who takes Akuma down to the mat with a Russian Leg sweep. Before Akuma knows what happened to him Quackenbush has locked in the Chikara Special. Akuma tries to reach the ropes, but he is in the middle of the ring. Quack forces Gran Akuma to tap out. Quack wins this hard fought match via submission.

As Quackenbush celebrates his win Vampiro walks to the ring.

Vampiro: Mike, I’m sure you heard about the challenge I laid out last week. I want to fight and beat “Lightning†Mike Quackenbush. I want to beat the man who’s "unbeatable". So what do you say, Mr. Quack?

Quackenbush walks to the back without giving an answer to Vampiro.

Dave Prazak: Next week on POI the Generation Next/New Hart Foundation war will continue when Jack Evans takes on Shelton Benjamin. In addition POI Commissioner Joey Styles has a few announcements to make. Last week on POI Previews Lacey and Daizee Haze had the first ever women’s match in POI. After the match Lacey drive Daizee’s face into the ground with an Implant DDT. Because of that attack Haze could not appear this week, but she wants’ to let Lacey know that she will be back next week. Also next week it will be a match that was requested by Christopher Daniels. In his return match Daniels and RVD will meet Sonjay Dutt and Lashley. We will find out why this match was requested before it happens, as promised by Daniels. See all this and more on POI Wrestling Episode 38.

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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Writing screenplays take time and I have to write two of them for two different classes.

Jesus Christ dude, that's crazy. I can't even write an English essay that well, but a screenplay just seems pretty wild, whatever floats your boat.

good preview, I'm looking forward to you have planned with Chris Daniels' return. Punk & Styles vs Super Dragon & Aries should be pretty good too.

Chuck Taylor's Grenade

BM: The main event was well executed. Interesting to see the champion eliminated first. But I guess in the overall scheme it makes sense with the situation between Joe and Nigel. Other than that everything was easy to follow (a rarity for matches with multiple participants). Only thing is I would have used less finishers and more things that can eliminate people like rope low bridges and clotheslines over the top.

WM: The hardcore match was short considering the number of participants. It also felt a little like a random series of weapon shots until Jeff hit the twist of fate on Rhino to end it. I know it's a hardcore match but still a little psychology wouldn't hurt.

BP: Punk's promo was funny and heelish at the same time. Really puts over the straight edge character and sets up the main event as well.

WP: Raven's promo was generic and bland. Nothing about boweries, death, or Poe references.

AC: Things are looking up in POI. Punk is at his all time heelishness. Joe and Nigel should have an incredible match. Generation Next/New Hart Foundation's continued battles should be violent. Survival of the Fittest has all the makings of a can't miss classic. Just work on the Raven promos. Good work.

Predictions for POI 38

Shelton Benjamin vs. Jack Evans

CM Punk and AJ Styles vs. Austin Aries and Super Dragon

Daniels and RVD vs. Dutt and Lashley

Lacey vs. Daizee Haze


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Here comes POI Episode 38. Thanks to all of you who have been giving POI reviews lately. Also a huge thanks to those who helped me win Most Improved BTB for the second time. Just to let you know there will not be a new POI next week because of Trios Tournament 2008. Be sure to check out all three nights of the Trios action. Thanks for reading, all reviews will be repped and returned.

POI Wrestling Episode 38

The show begins and POI Commissioner Joey Styles is in the ring.

Joey: In two weeks POI has its third pay-per-view; Decimation. At Decimation Chris Hero will defend the IC title against Delirious and the Survival of the Fittest match will decide the POI World Championship. I’m here to announce the two other title matches. The Motor City Machine Guns will defend their Tag Team Titles against Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black from the Age of the Fall and Claudio Castagnoli and Ken Kennedy of the Kings of Wrestling. Also a wrestler is coming out of retirement to face Jeff Hardy for the Hardcore Title. The mystery opponent is going to make his POI debut next week. Now in tonight’s opening match it will be a preview of the Tag Title match at Decimation. Please enjoy the show.

Match 1: Alex Shelley vs. Tyler Black w/ Lacey vs. Ken Kennedy
Kennedy jumps the gun and attacks Tyler with a barrage of punches to the face before the bell is rung. Tyler gets whipped into the ropes by Kennedy. Black bounces back and he is hit with a dropkick from Shelley. Alex brings Black to his feet and whips him toward Kennedy, who takes him down with a clothesline. Ken and Alex bring Black to his feet and whip him into the ropes. Tyler puts on the breaks by grabbing onto the ring ropes. Kennedy charges at him and Black pulls down the top rope, causing Ken to fall out of the ring. Shelley tries to catch Tyler off guard, but he gets back body dropped out of the ring. Black leaps over the top rope and hits a shooting star press onto Kennedy and Shelley. Black gets up and rolls Kennedy into the ring. Tyler goes for the pin, but Kennedy kicks out at 2. Black brings Kennedy to his feet and sets him up for a powerbomb. Before Tyler can lift up Kennedy, Alex Shelley gets into the ring and hits a leaping enzuigiri on Black. Tyler falls to his knees; Shelley bounces off the ropes, and hits a dropkick to the face on Black. Alex gets to his feet, but he is taken back down to the match with a Samoa drop by Kennedy. Ken goes for the pin and Shelley kicks out at 2. Kennedy gets up and starts to put the boots to Alex. Ken brings Shelley to his feet, but it backfires on him when Shelley hits a chinbreaker. Something’s happening on the outside of the ring. Lacey has been attacked by Daizee Haze. Haze whips Lacey into the guard rail and follows up with some chops to the chest. Back in the ring Kennedy and Black work together to hit a DDT on Shelley. Tyler gets up, springs off the ropes, dropkicks Kennedy, and transitions into a back senton on Shelley. Black goes for the pin, but Alex kicks out at 2. Tyler stands up and he is hit with the Mic Check from Kennedy. Back on the outside Daizee drives Lacey’s head into the ring frame with the Mind Trip. In the ring Kennedy hits the Kenton Bomb on Tyler. Ken goes for the pin on Black. Shelley tries to break it up, but he is to late. Kennedy gets the 3 count on Black.

The shot cuts to the back where Taz has a microphone.

Taz: From what I’ve heard last week Brent Albright decided to say that I don’t deserve my spot. Albright, I’ve been working in this business longer than you’ve been watching. You want to say that I don’t deserve my spot? You say it again and I’ll choke you out!

Albright attacks Taz from behind with a chair. Brent picks up Taz and puts him through a table with a half nelson suplex.

Albright: You don’t deserve your spot! How’re you gonna choke me out now?!

We go back to the ring where the Church of Daniels; Low Ki, Rob Van Dam, and Christopher Daniels stand.

Daniels: I promised to explain why I requested the match of myself and Mr. Van Dam versus Sonjay Dutt and Bobby Lashley, and I am a man of my word. This match is to prove that my new crusade is much stronger than my past one. All those weeks back the original Church of Daniels was destroyed by the MWR. Dutt and Lashley were the two first members of my group. Now I can only see Dutt and Lashley as failures; this match will prove my point.

Match 2: Christopher Daniels and Rob Van Dam vs. Sonjay Dutt and Lashley
Daniels and Lashley start off the match. They lock up and the bigger, stronger Lashley backs Daniels into a corner. Bobby goes for a clean break, but Daniels slaps him in the face and yells; “You are nothing!†Lashley uses a forearm to the face on Christopher before whipping him into the ropes. Daniels bounces back and gets hit with a kneelift to the gut. Lashley whips Daniels into the ropes again, but this time Daniels springboards and hits a moonsault press. Daniels waits for Bobby to get to his feet. Lashley stands up and he is hit by a STO from the Fallen Angel. Christopher goes for the pin, but Lashley kicks out at 2. Daniels begins to choke Lashley by standing on his throat before tagging in RVD. Bobby gets to his feet and Van Dam hits a spinning heel kick to the stomach of Lashley. Rob goes for a kick to the head, but Lashley ducks it and hits a huge clothesline on RVD. Rob falls onto the ropes; Lashley picks him up and hits a powerslam. Lashley drags RVD into his corner before tagging in Sonjay Dutt. Sonjay slingshots himself over the top rope and hits a double stomp to the chest on Van Dam. Dutt brings RVD to his feet. Rob fires away on Sonjay with repeated punches. RVD bounces off the ropes and hits a wheel kick to the face on Dutt. Van Dam grabs Dutt by the hair and starts to kick away at his face. Rob drops Sonjay and he appears to be out of it. Van Dam goes up to the top rope after setting up Dutt on the mat. RVD hits the Five Star Frog Splash on Sonjay. Rob goes for the pin, but Lashley breaks it up at 2. Daniels gets into the ring and takes down Lashley with a headscissors. Daniels holds off Lashley long enough for RVD to cover Sonjay and get the pin.

The shot cuts to the back where Dave Prazak is with Chris Hero.

Prazak: Chris, recently your feud with Delirious has escalated to the point where you two can’t be in the same building. Your thoughts?

Hero: My thoughts? I think that I’m sick of a crazy man attacking me every week. It was actually nice to have the last show off, I got to relax for once. Now I’m back and better than ever. Delirious, next time I see you I’m going to run you over with my car.

Delirious: I’mgonnagetyou!

Delirious attacks Hero and they begin exchanging punches. Delirious whips Hero into the wall. Hero runs at Delirious and goes for a roaring elbow. Hero’s elbow connects with the face of Delirious. Security runs in and manages to separate the two men.

Hero: *yelling as security holds him back* Delirious! I’m gonna run you over!

Delirious: NotifIdoitfirst!

The shot cuts to the ring where Shelton Benjamin is standing with Bret Hart.

Hart: For awhile I felt like this New Hart Foundation was a disgrace to the Hart name. Now this newfound power has renewed my faith in this version of the Foundation. We will take down Generation Next and prove that the New Hart Foundation is the best faction there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be.

Match 3: Jack Evans vs. Shelton Benjamin w/ Bret Hart
The bell rings and the two men get into a collar and elbow tie up. Shelton gets the advantage and transitions into a wrist lock on Evans. Jack Evans back flips his way out of the wristlock before taking down Benjamin with an armdrag. Shelton gets back up and goes for a clothesline. Evans ducks the clothesline, grabs the arm of Shelton. and applies a crucifix hold, into a pin. Benjamin kicks out at 2. Jack gets up, springs off of the ropes, and gets caught with a leg lariat by Benjamin. Before Evans has the chance to get to his feet Shelton locks in a Boston Crab on him. Jack manages to break the hold by making it to the ropes. Benjamin pulls Jack back to the middle of the ring and applies an ankle lock. Evans rolls over and kicks Shelton in the face to get out of the hold. Jack gets to his feet and hits a dropkick on Benjamin. The two men stand up. Shelton charges at Evans. Jack takes him down with a drop toe hold and then hits a double foot stomp to the back of the head. Jack goes for the pin, but Benjamin kicks out at 2. Evans stands up and it is obvious that his legs are bothering him after the Boston Crab and ankle lock. Shelton gets up and hits a dropkick to the knees of Evans. Benjamin drives his knee into the ankle of Jack before getting back to his feet. Shelton hammers away at the face of Evans with punch after punch. Jack fights his way to his feet with punches of his own, but he is taken back down to the mat after a powerslam from Benjamin. Shelton goes up to the top rope. Evans follows Shelton up and hits a Frankensteiner on him. Jack goes for the pin, but Benjamin kicks out at 2. Evans sets up Shelton, goes to the top rope and signals for the 630. Benjamin gets up, runs up the turnbuckles, and slams Jack to the mat with the T-Bone suplex. Shelton covers Evans and gets the 3 count. The New Hart Foundation just picked up a win over Generation Next.

After it is cleared Edge walks to the ring.

Edge: Two weeks ago Raven knocked me out cold. Then he challenges me to a Last Man Standing match at Decimation. Now on one hand I could be risking my career by going into this match, but on the other hand I could easily end Ravens just as soon. That last part makes my decision easy. Raven at Decimation it will be you and I in a Last Man Standing match. One more thing... Raven I promise you that this will be your last match.

After Edge leaves the wrestlers in the main event make their way to the ring.

Dave Prazak: The following contest is a tag team match and is your main event of the evening. Introducing first the team on my right; They are CM Punk and the “Phenomenal†AJ Styles. Now the team on my left. They are Austin Aries and Super Dragon.

Match 4: CM Punk and AJ Styles vs. Austin Aries and Super Dragon
CM Punk and Austin Aries start off the match. The bell rings and the two men lock up. Aries powers Punk into the corner before chopping the chest of Punk. CM reverses their positions, putting Aries in the corner. Punk delivers two double knife edge chops to Austin. Aries drives an elbow into the face of CM, fighting his way out of the corner. Punk and Aries begin to exchange punches in the middle of the ring until Aries whips Punk into the ropes. CM bounces back and hits a high knee lift to the gut on Aries. Punk tags Styles into the match, who immediately goes to work on Austin with forearm shots to the back of the head. Aries stumbles back, but then rocks AJ with a roaring forearm. Styles bounces off the ropes and hits a roaring forearm of his own. Aries tries to spring off the ropes, but Super Dragon tags himself into the match. Dragon comes into the match like a house of fire, rocking Styles with a forearm to the face. The hit makes AJ spin around, but AJ surprises Dragon with the Pele kick. Styles stomps on Dragon until he goes to the ring apron. When Dragon stands up AJ springboards, but gets caught with a kick to the face by Dragon. Super Dragon brings Styles to his feet and whips him hard into the corner. Dragon starts to deliver chop after chop to the chest of AJ. Dragon turns around and from out of nowhere he gets hit with a high knee lift to the face from CM Punk.

Dragon stumbles out of the corner only to be hit with a bulldog from Punk. CM gets to his feet and he is slammed to the mat with a crucifix bomb by Austin Aries. Aries stands up, but his head is planted into the mat with a tornado DDT by AJ Styles. AJ stands back up, but Super Dragon knocks him out of his boots with a lariat before falling to the mat. All four men in the match are down and out. Dragon crawls over to Styles and pins him. AJ kicks out at the count of 2. As the men get to their feet the referee sends Punk and Aries into their corners. In the middle of the ring Dragon and Styles begin to exchange punches with Dragon getting the advantage. AJ shifts the advantage after hitting an enzuigiri. Styles goes for a boot to the stomach, but Dragon catches the boot and hits a dragon screw leg whip. Dragon grabs the leg and drives it into the mat with a knee-DT before tagging Aries into the match. Austin tries to get Styles standing, but Styles grabs him and applies a small package. Aries kicks out at 2. AJ gets to his feet and tags in Punk. Austin stands up; Punk kicks him in the gut, sets him up, and hits the Welcome to Chicago backbreaker. CM goes for the pin, but Aries gets his shoulder up at 2. Punk brings Austin to his feet. Aries lifts up CM, hits a shinbreaker, and follows up with a Saito suplex. Austin gets to his corner to tag in Super Dragon. Dragon pulls his hand away before he can get tagged in. As Aries looks at him in confusion, Dragon walks to the back. Punk surprises Austin by getting him in the fireman’s carry and hitting the Go to Sleep. Punk tags in AJ Styles. AJ sets up Aries on the mat, goes to the top rope, and hits the Spiral Tap. Styles goes for the pin and gets the 3 count.

After the bell rings Styles begins to stomp away on Aries. Joe runs to the ring and attacks AJ with a flurry of punches and slaps. Nigel runs to the ring as Joe clotheslines Styles over the top rope. Joe turns around and Nigel goes for the jawbreaker lariat, but CM Punk cuts him off with a kick to the face. Nigel rolls to the floor. The show closes as Joe and Punk are in a stare down.

(end episode 38)

The Rated R CMStar

BM: I liked best Daniels and RVD vs Lashley and Dutt. Great physicology in this one, especially with the heels, and the mic work before the match was also good.

WM: Jack Evans vs Shelton, you could have done more with this two stars, it was too basic and I just think than with the movesets of this two could have mesh way better than this.

BP: It's kinda hard, because again, promos are way too short, but I am going with Chris Hero's one, it was more in character and was the longer. I think the interaction between Delirious and Hero is great and you are handling it greatly.

WP: Taz's. Couldn't get into it and the Brent attack felt way too anticlimatic. You could have sold the attack way better.

AC: In another comments, I can't get into this new Hart Foundation. It's about family, not more talented wrestlers, so having Shelton in it makes no sense to me.

CT Styles

Best Match: Your Main Event really showcased what you're capable of. This was a pretty well written match. The other matches were shorter and seemed quite robotic - 'Person does this. Other Person does that.' I think you should work on your vocabulary more and transitional writing to like I stated.

Worst Match: Maybe Benjamin/Evans. That one seemed the most robotic to me. All matches were at least decent though.

Best Promo: I think you need to work on your promos. They aren't very long and like your matches are very robotic and not very in-character. I wouldn't really call them promos; more statements since they're not that long.

Worst Promo: Edge's probably, like I said; it's a statement more than anything.

Additional Comments: I said all that needs to be said in everything else.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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Best Match: The Main Event, you really do improved here.

Worst Match: I think I am going to go for the Evans/Shelton match as well. This two could deliver a much better match than this and I hope we can see it from you.

Best Promo: I am going to pick the promo that made something to hype their feud. I think it will be the Hero/Delirious one and maybe the one with Taz as you really showed how the Old School Taz talk lol..

Worst Promo: I only can say is maybe to improve more on the promos and POI could be one of the best BTB's here.

Additional Feedback: Sorry if this review is such a quick one but I may say that this show is good compared to your past shows. Decimation is looking good with the feuds you've made. I'll try to check it out.


Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
Best Match--Triple Threat--It was written good and I like the interaction between the ring and the floor. Kennnedy picking up the win was a good move.

Worst Match--The Church of Daniels match--Could have gone longer and been better written with the performers you had in it. But it is good to see Daniels back on the show.

Best Promo--Delirious/Hero--The best promo of the night probably because it had the most in it. This is the one thing you need to approve on.

Worst Promo--All the rest--The biggest problem is lack of depth due to them being short.

Overall--You are getting better every week which is a very good sign but next month I'm taking you down as Most Improved :mrgreen:


BM: Main Event, IMO. This match really showed us what you can do if you put your mind to it.

WM: Benjamin vs. Evans, bad match imo. Short and bland. Try and get your match length up by a paragraph for each match.

BP: Your promos are rarely in character. They are short too... try watching vids of wrestlers, to see what things they really see.

WP: Most, sorry.

AC: It was an improved show, but the promo were not very good at all. Meh! Something to work on.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
Okay here comes the return of POI. If you get the chance please at least check out the final night of the Trios Tournament. Thanks for reading. I'd like to hear any thoughts that you'd have about this preview.

POI Wrestling Episode 39 Preview

Dave Prazak: Hello and welcome to POI Previews. Next week on POI we have a huge eight man tag match. It will be the New Hart Foundation and Chris Hero versus Generation Next and Delirious. That won’t be the only tag team war of the night, bit more on that later. Now I recently had a sit down interview with Mike Quackenbush. Lets go to that clip.

Prazak: Mike, thank you for this interview. Now as of late Vampiro has been challenging you to a match so that he can “crush†you. Why haven’t you responded to him yet?

Quack: Well that goes back to when I first signed with POI. I told Joey that I wouldn’t be able to appear as often as most wrestlers and that I really would have to keep out of getting into a "feud".

Prazak: Now, why is that?

Quack: As you and most of the other POI viewers know I run my own company; Chikara. That doesn’t allow me to work here or anywhere else as much as I would like to. I would rather have fun matches with guys I like instead of having a blood feud.

Prazak: Are you going to accept the challenge?

Quack: I’m still thinking. *Quack gets up and leaves*

Prazak: Well I guess we’re done.

The shot cuts back to Dave Prazak in the POI headquarters.

Prazak: Next week there will be a second preview match for the tag title match at Decimation. It will be Jimmy Jacobs versus Chris Sabin versus Claudio Castagnoli. Now in this weeks bonus match it will be Low Ki taking on Vampiro. Let’s go to the match.

Match 1: Low Ki vs. Vampiro
The bell rings and the two men lock up. Ki backs Vampiro into the corner and breaks the hold at the referee’s request. Vampiro boots Ki in the gut before driving his head into the turnbuckle. Vampiro rakes the eyes of Low Ki across the ring ropes. Vampiro whips Ki into the corner, follows after him, and hits a big splash. Ki stumbles out of the corner. Vampiro lines Ki up before booting him in the face. Vampiro has dominated the opening moments of this match. Vampiro taunts the crowd, giving Low Ki time to recover. Vampiro turns around and gets hit with a huge kick to the face from Ki. Low Ki continues his attack with kicks to the legs, arms, and head of Vampiro. Ki hits a spinning heel kick to the gut of Vampiro before whipping him into the ropes. Vampiro bounces back, dodges a dropkick from Ki, bounces off the ropes again, and then gets hit with a leg lariat by Ki. Low Ki brings Vampiro to his feet. Vampiro surprises Ki with a chinbreaker. Vampiro picks up Low Ki and hits a sidewalk slam. Vampiro stands up and then drops a knee on the skull of Low Ki. Vampiro picks up Ki and sets him up for a tombstone piledriver. Mike Quackenbush walks down the ramp and to the ring. Vampiro drops Ki and begins to exchange words with Quack. Low Ki gets up and kicks Vampiro in the back of the head. Ki goes up to the top rope and hits a double foot stomp to the head on Vampiro. Low Ki goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. Quack picks up a microphone.

Quack: Vampiro, your challenge is accepted!

The shot cuts back to the POI headquarters.

Prazak: On the next POI there will be some hardcore action when Jeff Hardy’s mystery opponent at Decimation makes his debut. Then in the main event it will be a Six Man War when AJ Styles, Nigel McGuinness, and Super Dragon take on Austin Aries, CM Punk, and Samoa Joe. There are sure to be fireworks at the last POI before Decimation. On the next POI Previews it will be the huge Decimation Preview where Lacey will take on Daizee Haze and Mike Quackenbush will face Vampiro. Be sure not to miss a moment of huge POI action.


Whoops I forgot to review your last show, here is my review, sorry for it being late...

BM: The matches were again pretty good, you have improved well. The Main Event was without a doubt the best match on the show, it was a good length, had some good guys in it and I like Styles and Punk getting the win in a thrilling finish. Alot of good spots in the match and this was one of the best matches you have written that I have seen tbh. The other matches were decent, good work.

WP: Daniels/RVD Vs Sonjay Dutt and Lashley: It wasn't to bad of a mmatch but it was worst on the show, it could have been longer but its still good to see Daniels back. Not to bad but could have been great.

BP: Likes the others said, Hero/Delirious was the best. It builds more hype to their feud and was more in character then the others. This still could have been a little better but it was the best of this show...

WP: Yeah again the promos weren't to good. They were short and quite our of character, I also need to improve on these. If I struggle with writing promos for someone I watch a video and try to visualize their style as I write and it has helped me a little, I still need to get better but they do help so trying that out could help you.

AC: Alright show, I will be checking out your next show to see how you get on with your promos. The way your next show looks it should be great and I will have to read it lol. Check out IPW if you get the chance...

Evil Austin

Good solid show this week, here is my review.

BM Your'e matches are improving greatley as I flick through the past couple of pages of this thread. But my favorite match for this show was CM Punk & AJ Styles vs. Austin Aries and Super Dragon. A huge match up for your BTB and it was, everyone delivered and had their moments of the match where it looked like they were going to win. My favorite match of the night.

WM I would have to say Alex Shelly vs. Tyler Black, not that it wasn't a good match I personally never got into it and it just didn't work for me.

BP (Below)

WP Edge promo before the main event, Edge is someone who would talk and run their mouth about anything he had done in the past. But Edge just got one line and it wasn't too much in character wasn't a good promo if you ask me. Most of your promo's are very short and seemed really rushed like going straight into the announcing of something. If I were you I would work on them a bit because your matches are good.

AC I know I hardly ever come in here in fact maybe once or twice I reviewed this before today but this was pretty good expect it more often, also if you feel like it check out my BTB SWF.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
Here is POI Wrestling Episode 39. Next week is POI's biggest show ever; Decimation. BTW thanks to Gards for the PPV poster. Check out the Decimation preview this wednesday for two bonus matches. Also if you get the chance drop a review for the final night of the Original Trios Tournament 2008. Thanks for reading. All reviews will be repped and returned.

POI Wrestling Episode 39

The show opens and POI commissioner Joey Styles is standing in the ring.

Joey: This is the last POI before our next pay-per-view; Decimation and I still have to officially announce three more matches. Raven will meet Edge in a Last Man Standing match. Also two of the toughest wrestlers in POI will clash when Taz takes on Brent Albright. Then in a six man tag match Generation Next will face the New Hart Foundation. Now please enjoy tonight’s show.

Match 1: Roderick Strong, Matt Sydal, Jack Evans, and Delirious vs. Teddy Hart, Petey Williams, Shelton Benjamin, and Chris Hero
Delirious and Shelton Benjamin start off the match. The bell rings and Delirious starts to franticly run around the ring. Benjamin catches Delirious off guard and hits him with a dropkick. Shelton begins to mock Delirious by talking gibberish. Benjamin turns around to face Delirious and he is hit with a leaping lariat. Shelton gets up and Delirious goes for another lariat, but Shelton ducks this one. Benjamin hits an enzuigiri on Delirious before quickly applying a wristlock. While still keeping Delirious in the wrist lock, Shelton tags Teddy Hart into the match. Hart boots Delirious in the stomach before whipping him into the ropes. Delirious bounces off the ropes and gets hit with a punch to the face. Delirious fights back with some punches of his own. Teddy steps back and Delirious hits a headbut to the stomach. Delirious hits a second headbut to the stomach on Hart, knocking him out of the ring. Delirious tags Jack Evans into the match. Evans dives over the ropes and hits a moonsault press onto Teddy. Jack stands up and rolls Hart back into the ring. As Evans tries to get into the ring, Hart gets to his feet and begins to stomp on Evans. Jack stands up; Hart springs off the ropes, grabs Jack, and hits a cradle DDT. Teddy goes for the pin, but Evans kicks out at 2. Hart steps on the throat on Jack while he tags Chris Hero into the match. Evans uses the ropes to climb his way to his feet while Chris lines him up for a Yakuza kick. Hero goes for the kick, but Jack dodges it and Hero crotches himself on the ropes. Evans jumps and hits a spinning heelkick to the head on Chris. Jack dives into his teams corner and tags Roderick Strong into the match.

Hero stands up and he is hit with a hard chop from Roderick. Strong whips Chris into the corner and unloads on him with chop after chop. Hero boots Roderick in the gut before elbowing him in the back on the neck. Chris runs to his corner and tags Petey Williams into the match. Strong goes for a chop, but Petey ducks it and hits a Russian leg sweep. Williams applies a camel clutch on Roderick. Strong claws at the mat trying to get to the ropes. Finally Roderick reaches the bottom rope, forcing Williams to break the hold. They get to their feet and Petey goes for a kick to the head. Strong ducks the kick, lifts up Petey, and hits a half nelson backbreaker. Roderick goes for the pun, but Williams kicks out at the count of 2. Strong stands up and he gets hit with a facebuster by Hero. Delirious attacks Hero from behind and hits a backbreaker. All of the men on the ring apron enter the ring and the match breaks down into a brawl. Strong and Benjamin battle on the outside while Petey climbs to the top rope. Williams hits a huracanrana on Strong. Petey gets to his feet; Evans gets on the ring apron, springboards, and hits a 450 senton splash on Williams and Benjamin. As the men continue to brawl on the outside Hart climbs to the top rope and hits Open Hart Surgery on the group of men. Everyone on the outside gets to their feet only to be hit with a shooting star press by Matt Sydal. Back in the ring Hero hits the Heroes Welcome on Delirious. Hero goes for the pin and gets the 3 count.

After all of the men go to the back, Raven walks down to the ring.

Raven: Edge, I am the reason why you still have a job in POI and you turned on me. You stabbed me in the back, but that’s okay. At Decimation the pain and suffering that I’ll put you through will make up for how you’ve wronged me. I’m going to...

Edge’s music hits and he walks to the ring.

Edge: Well if it isn’t Mr. Pain and Suffering. I can see you’re as excited about our match as I am. Raven, in POI I’ve never needed you and I never will. In face, you’re pretty useless aren’t you? What have you ever done in your career except be a garbage wrestler? Wait, I’ll answer that. Nothing! When I beat you I will prove to everyone that you are nothing.

Raven: I’m nothing? Ever since you joined POI you’ve been stuck in the mid card while I was main eventing and you were in my Flock.

Edge: Whatever happened to the Flock? You lost power! We saw through you, you have no real power.

Raven: We’ll see about that at Decimation. Quote the Raven, nevermore.

They each leave the ring. Tommy Dreamer walks to the ring for his match and Joey Styles walks onto the entrance ramp.

Joey: At Decimation the Hardcore Champion; Jeff Hardy will face a wrestler that is coming out of retirement. This wrestler has been in some of the most dangerous match ever. He is “Sick†Nick Mondo.

Match 2: “Sick†Nick Mondo vs. Tommy Dreamer (Hardcore rules)
Whole Joey was talking Dreamer filled the ring with weapons. Tommy picks up a stop sign and tries to smash it over the head of Mondo. Nick ducks the sign and hits a kick to the side of the head n Dreamer. Mondo picks up the stop sign and slams it onto the back of Tommy. Nick picks up a cookie sheet, but he gets cracked in the head with a Singapore cane by Dreamer. Tommy goes to town on Mondo with shot after show with the cane. Dreamer brings Sick Nick to his feet and whips him into the ropes. Mondo bounces back, ducks a cane shot, springboards off the ropes, and hits a back elbow to the face on Tommy. Nick picks up a cutch and breaks it over the back of Dreamer. Mondo goes up to the top rope. Tommy picks up a chair and throws it into the face of Mondo, knocking him to the mat. Dreamer brings Nick to his feet and then slams him onto the chair with a Russian leg sweep. As Mondo clutches his back in pain, Tommy makes a pile with all of the weapons in the ring. Dreamer gets Sick Nick standing before kicking him in the gut. Tommy sets up for a DDT, but Mondo slips out of it and hits a hard kick to the head. Nick Picks up Dreamer, gets him in an electric chair, flips Dreamer over in midair, and slams him down onto the pile of weapons back first, executing the Assault Driver. Mondo covers Tommy and gets the 3 count.

The shot cuts to the back where Chris Sabin is standing with a microphone and his Tag Team Title.

Sabin: In the next match I face Jimmy Jacobs and Claudio Castagnoli. In the match I’ll prove that I deserve to hold this belt, by beating two of my opponents for Decimation. And I’ll also prove that being from Motor City just makes you a better wrestler.

Match 3: Chris Sabin vs. Jimmy Jacobs vs. Claudio Castagnoli
The bell rings and Jimmy and Sabin lock up while Claudio gets the crowd going with the “Hey†chant. Chris forces Jacobs into the corner and hits a forearm to the face. Sabin turns around and gets hit with a European Uppercut by Castagnoli, which makes the crowd yell “Hey!†once more. Claudio gets hit with a dropkick to the back from Jacobs. Castagnoli falls to the mat and Jimmy acts fast by hitting a double stomp to the stomach of Claudio. Jimmy steps off of Double C; Sabin kicks him in the gut, sets him up, and hits a northern lights suplex with a bridge. Chris holds the bridge for a pin, but Jacobs kicks out at 2. Sabin gets to his feet and he is picked up by Claudio for a vertical suplex. Castagnoli holds Chris in the air for a full minute before slamming him to the canvas. Jimmy quickly grabs a hold of Claudio and lock in the End Time. Castagnoli fights to stay conscious and fights to get out of the hold. Sabin gets up, springs off the ropes, and dropkicks Jimmy in the back of the head to break the hold. Jacobs gets to his feet and he is hit with an enzuigiri by Chris. Before Jimmy can fall to the mat Sabin picks him up and slams him to the mat with a tiger suplex. Chris lifts up Jacobs and puts him in the tree of woe. Sabin goes to the opposite side of the ring and charges at Jimmy. Claudio cuts Sabin off and takes him out of his boots with a huge European uppercut. Castagnoli grabs Jimmy by the legs and gets him in the giant swing. Claudio completes twenty revolutions before releasing Jacobs. Castagnoli staggers over to Jimmy and goes for the pin. Jacobs kicks out at the count of 2. Claudio stands up and gets hit with a superkick from Sabin. Then Chris picks up Castagnoli and hits the Cradle Shock. Sabin goes for the pin and gets the 3 count.

The shot cuts to the back where there is a brawl going on between Taz and Brent Albright. The two men are trading huge forearm shots. Brent sends Taz into the wall and then goes for an elbow to the face. Taz dodges the elbow, picks up Albright, and German Tazplexes him into the wall. The shot cuts back to the ring for tonight’s main event.

Match 4: Six Man War- Samoa Joe, Austin Aries, and CM Punk vs. AJ Styles, Nigel McGuinness, and Super Dragon
The bell rings and all hell breaks loose. Aries clotheslines Super Dragon and himself over the top rope. Nigel backs Punk into the corner and delivers a huge European uppercut. Punk fights back with forearms to the face. On the other side of the ring AJ Styles is seated on the mat and Joe delivers a stiff kick to the back. Joe keeps kicking away at AJ as AJ gets to his feet. Joe whips Styles into the ropes, Styles bounces back, and hits a tornado DDT on Joe. AJ stands up, gets onto the ring apron, springboards, and hits an Asai moonsault on Aries on the outside. Super Dragon stomps on Aries before grabbing a chair and slamming it down on his back. Dragon brings Aries to his feet before trying to whip him into the guard rail. Aries reverses it, sending Dragon into the rail. Austin dropkicks Dragon in the face, knocking him over the rail and into the crowd. Aries gets up, turns around, and is hit with a trash can lid by AJ Styles. Back in the ring CM Punk and Samoa Joe are teeing off on Nigel McGuinness with punch after punch. Nigel falls onto the ropes, bounces off, and hits a big lariat on Punk. McGuinness turns around and he gets caught with a kick to the face from Joe. AJ Styles gets back into the ring with a Singapore cane and cracks it over Joe’s head. Back on the outside Super Dragon has a table rested on the ring apron and the guard rail. Dragon picks up a chair and crushes Aries with it. Dragon places Austin on the table before going to the top rope. Dragon goes for a senton, but Aries moves off of the table at the last second, causing Super Dragon to crash through the table.

In the ring CM Punk has been busted open from a cane shot by Styles. AJ and Samoa Joe are exchanging chops while Punk hits a knee lift on Nigel. Styles hits the Pele kick on Joe. AJ picks up Joe, gets him in a torture rack, and transitions into a powerbomb. Styles goes for the pin, but Punk breaks it up at 2. McGuinness grabs Punk, locks in the cobra clutch, releases him, and hits a short arm lariat. AJ goes to the outside and brings a table into the ring. In the crowd Aries and Super Dragon are trading forearm shots. Dragon picks up a chair and nails Aries with it. Austin picks up a chair and cracks Super Dragon over the head with it. Dragon goes for a roaring elbow. Aries ducks it and hits a roaring elbow of his own. Dragon uses a headbut on Aries before both men fall to the floor. Back in the ring two tables have been set up. CM Punk and Nigel McGuinness are fighting on the top rope. Punk gets the double underhook, sets up Nigel, and hits the Pepsi Plunge through the table. Meanwhile on the other side of the ring Joe tries to pick up AJ for the Muscle Buster. Styles fights his way out of it and uses elbows to the face to force Joe onto the table. AJ goes up to the top rope and then puts Joe through the table with the Spiral Tap. Punk and Styles make their ways to their feet. Styles bounces off the ropes and goes for a dropkick. CM dodges it, brings Styles to his feet, gets him in a fireman’s carry, and hits the Go to Sleep. Punk goes for the pin and gets the 3 count.

The show closes as all six men are exhausted and laid out.

(end episode 39)


Decimation Card

Survival of the Fittest match for the POI World Title
Samoa Joe (c) vs. CM Punk vs. Nigel McGuinness vs. AJ Styles vs. Super Dragon vs. Austin Aries

Intercontinental Title
Chris Hero (c) vs. Delirious

Triple Threat Match for the Tag Team Championships
Motor City Machine Guns (c) vs. Age of the Fall vs. Kings of Wrestling

Hardcore Title
Jeff Hardy vs. “Sick†Nick Mondo

Last Man Standing
Edge vs. Raven

Six Man Tag
Generation Next vs. New Hart Foundation

Brent Albright vs. Taz​

Chuck Taylor's Grenade

BM-The Main Event was truly a war. Everything was violent as expected and the finish/aftermath was well-executed.


BP-Raven and Edge was pretty good. Your Raven promos are a little better. I also liked Sabin's promo.

WP-Tazz and Albright's brawl felt a little random. A promo from Tazz after the suplex could have made it a little better.

AC-Decimiation looks awesome. Survival of the fittest should be incredible. The IC and Tag Team matches also have my interest as does the Hardcore Title Match moreso now that Nick Mondo is in the match. I can't wait.
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
Knoxville, TN
BM: Main event. This is exactly what I expect from yuo Comic. Pure Chaos. Loved it. Could have been a bit longer, but that's just my epicly long matchwriter speaking. Well done.

WM: Nick Mondo and Tommy. I only felt this way because I find it comic that you made it a "Hardcore Rules" match as most of your matches are hardcore anyway lol. Was left wanting a little more from both men, but it wasn't awful by any means.

BP: Edge and Raven. Though not amazing, it was the best promo of the night. This was the best you have done Raven IMHO.

WP: None, though I really wish you would beef up your promos. It is the next thing I think you need to go to the next level.