POI- Point of Impact Wrestling

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Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
It's wednesday and that means a new POI Preview. If you check it out please drop some sort of review for POI Episode 33. Reviews and reps will come your way if you do. Thanks for reading. (150 posts in this thread. Woo!)

POI Wrestling Episode 34 Preview​

Dave Prazak: Last week we saw AJ Styles defeat Austin Aries in an amazing match. Next week we’ll find out who will take the fifth spot in the Survival of the Fittest match when Super Dragon meets Homicide. Homicide laid out the challenge this past week and Super Dragon has accepted it. Also in a non-title match Samoa Joe will take on Nigel McGuinness. The two former ROH World and Pure champions will clash. Nigel wants to prove that he deserves the POI World Title while Joe just wants a match. Now it is time for this weeks bonus match; a four corner survival match.

Match 1: Mike Quackenbush vs. Paul London vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Petey Williams
Paul London starts off the match with Sonjay Dutt. They lock up and London whips Dutt into the ropes. Dutt bounces off the ropes and runs at London. Paul leapfrogs over Dutt. Sonjay bounces off the ropes and it hit with a dropkick. Dutt gets up and he is taken back down with a headscissors by London. Dutt falls into Petey Williams’ corner, who tags himself in. Petey elbows London in the face before picking him up. Petey slams London to the mat with a spinebuster. London rolls to Quackenbush’s corner and tags him in. Quack takes down Petey with an armdrag. Petey gets up and goes for a boot to the face. Quack catches the boot and takes down Williams with a dragon screw leg whip. Quack gets up fast and locks in the Chikara Special on Petey. Dutt goes to the top rope and hits a dropkick on Quack. Williams gets up, kicks Dutt in the stomach, and hits the Canadian Destroyer. London gets in the ring, clotheslines Petey, and causes both of them to go over the top rope. Quackenbush gets up, grabs Dutt, and hits the Quackendriver. Mike goes for the pin and gets the 3 count.

Dave Prazak: Coming out of last weeks six man tag match there will be two matches. It will be Chris Sabin going up against Tyler Black and Colt Cabana taking on Vampiro. See all this and more on POI Wrestling Show 34.


Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
Best Match--Styles/Aries--It went along good with alot of action in I think the right man one. It is an interesting storyline between the two. Thanks for the recap before the match which I liked to hype up the match

Worst Match--Taz/Sabu--The action seemed too frantic. It seemed that alot of weapons was used which is okay with a match between these two but the damage inflicted by the weapons wasn't really sold until the finisher.

Best Promo--The Hardy Swanton off the balcony that is a way to make a statement without words

Worst Promo-They were all solid

Overall-I like the idea and the name of the Survival of the Fittest Match, it seems to be an original idea. The show was good overall but the Taz/Sabu action threw me off a bit. And the other question I wondered is why was their a tag team title match on the line in a 6 man match. That confused me if that was the stipulation because I couldn't find one until the end of the match when you named the winner.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Heres POI Episode 34. If you get the chance check out 33 if you didn't. Drop some sort of review if you read. Looking back at this show the Edge/Raven promo is just terrible. Oh well, thanks for reading.

POI Wrestling Episode 34​

The show starts right away with the first match.

Match 1: Vampiro vs. Colt Cabana
Colt Cabana challenges Vampiro to a test of strength, but instead gets him in a side headlock. Vampiro elbows his way out of the headlock and whips Cabana into the ropes. Colt bounces back and gets Vampiro back into the side headlock. Cabana releases the headlock and uses a bionic elbow on Vampiro. Vampiro falls to the mat and rolls up Colt. Cabana kicks out at 2. Vampiro picks up Colt and hits a sidewalk slam. Vampiro goes for the pin and Cabana kicks out at 2. Vampiro gets up and stomps on Cabana. Vampiro brings Colt to his feet. Cabana uses repeated punches to the face on Vampiro before whipping him into the corner. Colt hits the flying asshole on Vampiro. Cabana grabs Vampiro, who uses a rake to the eyes. Vampiro kicks Colt in the gut and then sets him up for the tombstone piledriver. Colt reverses it, drops Vampiro, picks him up again, and finally hits the Colt 45, a Double underhook overhead backbreaker drop. Cabana goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. Colt Cabana picks up a win in his first singles match.

After it is cleared Edge walks to the ring.

Edge: Two weeks back I took out Raven. I did what I said I was going to do. I gave him a piledriver and spiked his head on the concrete. I got rid of that has been once and for all.

Raven: No you haven’t. You can’t get rid of me. In two weeks I want a rematch.

Edge: If it’ll give me the chance to kill your career that’s fine.

Raven: I’ll be sure to return the favor and knock you out.

Match 2: Survival of the Fittest Qualifier- Super Dragon vs. Homicide
Homicide waits in the ring for Super Dragon. Dragon comes through the crowd and hits a springboard spinning heel kick to the back of the head and neck on Homicide. Dragon throws ‘Cide out of the ring and follows after him. Dragon grabs Homicide and follows after him. Dragon grabs Homicide and whips him into the guard rail. Dragon unloads right hands onto Homicide. ‘Cide fights back with some punches of his own. Homicide picks up a chair and cracks it over Dragon’s head. Dragon staggers back and Homicide hits a lariat on him. ‘Cide lifts up Dragon and rolls him into the ring before throwing two chairs into the ring. Homicide picks up a chair. Dragon gets up and dropkicks the chair into his face. Dragon brings ‘Cide to his feet before hitting a Dragon suplex. Super Dragon goes for the pin, but Homicide kicks out at 2. Dragon rolls Homicide onto a table at ring side. Dragon gets onto the ring apron and then puts Homicide through the table with a double foot stomp. Super Dragon grabs ‘Cide and gets him into the ring. Dragon sets him up and goes to the top rope. Dragon goes for a senton, but Homicide moves out of the way and puts a chair in his place. Dragon crashes into the chair. ‘Cide drapes his arm over Dragon and goes for the pin. Dragon kicks out at the count of 2. Homicide picks up a chair and slams it down onto Super Dragon. Homicide brings Dragon to his feet and the two begin to exchange punches. Homicide gets the better of Dragon before kicking him in the gut. Homicide sets up Dragon and hits the Cop Killa. ‘Cide goes for the pin, but it is broken up at the 2 count by CM Punk. Homicide gets to his knees and Punk hits the Shining Wizard. Punk lays the body of Super Dragon on Homicide for a pin. Somehow ‘Cide still manages to get the shoulder up at 2. Punk goes to the outside, takes a guardrail, and brings it into the ring. Punk wakes up Super Dragon, who picks up Homicide and gives him a Psycho Driver on the guard rail. Dragon goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. Super Dragon has gotten into the Survival of the Fittest match with the help of CM Punk. Punk grabs a microphone.

Punk: I told you... look at me you piece of trash! *stomps on Homicide* I told you that you wouldn’t make it into Survival of the Fittest. Look my prediction cane true. You’re going to need to drink a lot to forget what just happened.

Punk walks to the back as the EMT’s come out to help Homicide.

Match 3: Tyler Black vs. Chris Sabin
The bell rings and Sabin attacks Black with repeated right hands. Black is whipped into the ropes by Sabin and then is hit with a dropkick. Black gets up and he is taken back down with an armdrag. Black gets up again and this time he catches Sabin with an enzuigiri. Black grabs Sabin and plants him into the mat with a STO. Black goes for the pin, but Sabin kicks out at 2. Black brings Sabin to his feet. Chris grabs Black and hits a Northern Lights suplex.

The shot cuts to the back where security is trying to restrain Chris Hero from attacking a knocked out Delirious. Hero breaks away grabs Delirious, and hits the Heroes Welcome.

Back to the match where Sabin hits a Tiger suplex on Black. Sabin holds the bridge for a pin, but Black kicks out. Sabin brings Black to his feet. Black hits a jawbreaker followed by an enzuigiri. Black picks up Sabin and hits the Small Package Driver. Black keeps the small package locked in and goes for a pin. Sabin kicks out at 2. Black gets up and hits a standing shooting star press on Sabin. Black positions Sabin and then goes to the top rope. Black hits the Phoenix Splash, a Corkscrew 450 on Sabin. Black goes for the pin and he gets the 3 count. The AOTF have beaten the MCMG two weeks in a row.

Once it is cleared commissioner Joey Styles walks to the ring.

Joey: POI’s next show will be a night of title defenses. Sabu will put the Hardcore title on the line against Jeff Hardy and Taz. Chris Hero will defend the IC title against Delirious. Then in the main event Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black will challenge the Motor City Machine Guns for their tag team championships. Now please enjoy the rest of the show.

In the back Christopher Daniels walks up to Rob Van Dam.

Daniels: Rob, you know of my mission to take down POI, am I correct?

RVD: Yeah, are you here to start with me?

Daniels: Actually quite the opposite. I’ve noticed that POI hasn’t exactly been the best place for you. You finally got you the main event, but now you’re not even on the card. Rob, I’m here to ask you to join me. Join the Church of Daniels, help me take down the company that has held you down. So what do you say?

RVD: I’ve wanted a change for a while. So the answer is yes, I’ll be the first member of the Church of Daniels.

Daniels: Actually you’re not the first member. The other recruits will all be revealed in due time.

Samoa Joe and Nigel McGuinness make their ways to the ring.

Dave Prazak: The following contest is a special challenge match and is your main event. Introducing first the man on my left. He hails from London, England and weighs in at 220 lbs. He is Nigel McGuinness. The man on my right hails from the Isle of Samoa and weighs in at 290 lbs. He is the POI World Champion, Samoa Joe.

Match 4: Samoa Joe vs. Nigel McGuinness
The bell rings and Nigel catches Joe by surprise with a European uppercut. Joe backs into a corner and Nigel charges at him. McGuinness goes for another uppercut, but Joe ducks it, grabs Nigel, and slams him to the mat. McGuinness gets to his feet and he is hit with a flurry of punches and slaps by Joe. Nigel fires back with a headbut to Joe. Nigel looks to whip Joe into the ropes, but instead goes for a short arm lariat. Joe ducks and hits an enzuigiri on McGuinness. Nigel falls to the mat, but Joe brings him to his feet. Joe hits an exploder suplex on McGuinness before going for the pin. Nigel kicks out at 2. Joe and Nigel stand up and Joe whips Nigel into the corner. Nigel gets in a handshake on the top rope and Joe charges at him. Nigel hits a mule kick to the face on Joe. Nigel lines up Joe before hitting a European uppercut on him. Nigel uses a wrist lock on Joe before whipping him into the ropes. Joe takes down McGuinness with a shoulder block before dropping an elbow. Joe brings Nigel to his feet, bounces off the ropes, and hits an STO on Nigel. Joe goes for the pin, but McGuinness kicks out at 2. Joe gets Nigel to his feet and whips him into the corner. Nigel gets in a headstand on the top rope again. This time Joe uses a chop on Nigel before grabbing him and hitting a Death Valley Driver. Nigel rolls to the outside and Joe follows after him. McGuinness stands up and hits a lariat on the World Champion. Nigel rolls Samoa Joe back into the ring before getting in himself. Joe gets to a seated position and McGuinness hits a European uppercut to the back and neck of Joe. Nigel brings Joe to his feet, bounces off the ropes, and hits a lariat to the back of the head on Joe. McGuinness goes for the pin, but the World Champ gets the shoulder up at 2. Nigel gets Joe to his feet and then seats him on the top rope. McGuinness goes for the Tower of London, but Samoa Joe is able to counter it by locking in the Coquina Clutch. Nigel begins to panic and he uses a chinbreaker. This doesn’t break the hold, but Nigel reaches the ropes. Joe releases McGuinness. Nigel uses the ropes to get to his feet. He turns around and gets caught with a superkick from Joe. Instead of going for the pin Joe picks up Nigel and seats him on the top turnbuckle. Joes sets him up, lifts him up, and hits the musclebuster. Joe goes for the pin. 1, 2, Nigel gets his foot on the rope, and the referee counts 3. Just as he is about to call for the bell the ref sees that Nigel had his foot on the rope. As the ref restarts the match and tells Joe that he hasn’t won yet Nigel gets to his feet. Joe turns around and Nigel hits him with the Jawbreaker lariat. Nigel goes for the pin and he gets the 3 count. Nigel McGuinness has just beaten the POI World Champion. Nigel celebrates as the show closes.

(End POI Episode 34)

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Samoa Joe vs. Nigel McGuinness- This was a very good match. I think it was the best of the show and it was quite a shocker for me that McGuinness defeated the POI World Champion.

Worst Match: Vampiro vs. Colt Cabana- This was the worst match on the show for a couple of reasons. It was very short and I don't feel as though there is much chemistry between Cabana and Vampiro.

Best Interview/Segment: RVD/Daniels Segment- I thought this was an interesting segment with RVD thinking he was the first to join the Church of Daniels only to have Daniels say RVD isn't and the others will be revealed soon. I'm curious as to who else is apart of the Church of Daniels.

Worst Interview/Segment: Edge/Raven Segment- This segment probably had the most potential out of all your segments but it definitely didn't. This was a terrible promo. Too short and not very much in character either.

Additional Feedback/Comments: I think this was another good show. Super Dragon in the Survival of the Fittest match sounds good and Punk's attack on Homicide was nicely done as well. I liked the short promo by Punk after he assaulted Homicide. I don't know about cutting in on a match to show a backstage assault, it seems to take away from the match in the ring. It sounds great the next show will be a night of title defenses. Sabu/Hardy/Taz should be a good match as well as Chris Hero defending against Delirious. But I'm most looking forward to Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black defending the tag team title against the Motor City Machine Guns. That should be a great match IMO. Joe/McGuinness was a great match. I really got into it.

Edit- I think your next show should be very good. I'm really looking forward to it.


BM: Samoa Joe Vs Nigel McGunniess was a good match, a pretty good length and it really stood out as the Main Event of the show and Joe losing shocked me lol. Good stuff.

WM: Opening match, way to short and a bad choice to open the show with, the two didn't mix well and it would have been really hard to write imo.

BP: Daniels/RVD was interesting but RVD was out of character imo. If you got his character right it would have been a great promo, thats something ti improve on in shows to come.

WP: Raven/Edge was very bad, both are so good with promos but you didn't execute it very well, short and out of character.

AC: Well this was not as good as your others shows, you should try and make your promos and matches a little longer and also try to work on the characters of the people. You are usually quite good but this show wasn't to great, I will see how you do next week.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
Okay well here it is one day late. To those of you that I owe reviews to, I will try to get them out soon. Life's been a bit hectic lately. Thanks for reading and feel free to speak your opinions about the show.

POI Wrestling Episode 35 Preview​

Dave Prazak: Hello and welcome to POI Previews. Last week POI World Champion Samoa Joe received his first loss since winning the belt. This loss came at the hands of Nigel McGuinness. Now looking onto next week where there will be three title defences. One of them will be for the IC title as the champion Chris Hero defends the belt against Delirious. Now Hero’s tag partner Claudio Castagnoli faces Shelton Benjamin in this weeks bonus match.

Match 1: Claudio Castagnoli vs. Shelton Benjamin
The bell rings and Castagnoli offers a handshake to Benjamin. Shelton knocks away the hand and kicks Claudio in the gut, Benjamin uses repeated right hands to the face until Castagnoli fires back with a European uppercut. Claudio uses three of the uppercuts before whipping Benjamin into the ropes. Shelton bounces back and leapfrogs over Castagnoli. Benjamin bounces back and goes for a dropkick. Claudio dodges it and tries to drop an elbow on Shelton. Benjamin moves out of the way and stands up. Castagnoli takes down Shelton with a leg sweep. Claudio tries for a legdrop on Benjamin, but Shelton rolls out of the way. Benjamin gets up and dropkicks Claudio in the face. Shelton brings Castagnoli to his feet before picking him up for the T-Bone suplex. Claudio slips out of Benjamin’s grip and then kicks Shelton in the stomach. Castagnoli sets up Shelton and hits the Ricola Bomb. Claudio pins Benjamin and gets the 3 count.

Dave Prazak: The second of three title matches will be for the Hardcore title as the Champ Sabu will have two challengers; Taz and Jeff Hardy. Now lets take a look back at this violent feud.

It all started when the belt changed hands.
Then Hardy sets up Taz and goes to the top rope. Hardy hits the Swanton Bomb on Taz. Hardy goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. Jeff Hardy is the new POI Hardcore champion.
A new challenger stepped up,
The match starts before Hardy can even get into the ring when Sabu attacks him with a cross body to the outside.
But he was taken out by the old champion.
Taz walks down to the ring and grabs Jeff. Taz gives Hardy a German Tazplex onto the ring. Sabu lunges at Taz, but Taz picks him up and gives him a release Tiger Tazplex into the crowd.
A rematch was made
Match 4: Jeff Hardy vs. Taz for the Hardcore title
Hardy grabs a fans chair and throws it into the face of Taz. Taz catches him and powerbombs him onto the wood and metal frame of the ring. Taz recovers fast, grabs Hardy, and gives him a release Tiger Tazplex into the crowd.

And the ending was something that no one expected.
The lights go out. When they come back on Sabu appears and cracks Taz over the head with a chair. Sabu grabs a spike out of his boot. He jabs it into the skull of Jeff Hardy, busting him open. Sabu grabs a chair, goes into the crowd, and hits an Arabian facebuster on Hardy. Sabu goes for the pin and this time he gets the 3 count. Sabu just won the Hardcore title.
A war waged between these men.
Taz breaks away, grabs Sabu, and hits a T-Bone Tazplex. Hardy grabs a chair and pitches it at Taz. Taz picks up the lifeless Sabu and Dragon Tazplexes him through the table. Sabu flings the chair at Taz and hits him in the face. Sabu boots Taz in the face, knocking him into the front row. Sabu gets onto the ring apron and hits a springboard Asai moonsault to the floor on Taz. Sabu picks up a chair and chucks it at Taz. He does this with ten chairs before hitting an Arabian facebuster on the downed Taz. Taz grabs Sabu and hits a devastating T-Bone Tazplex onto the pile of chairs. Taz sees Jeff Hardy in the upper balcony. Hardy dives off and hits a Swanton Bomb on the standing Taz.
Next week it will end.

Dave Prazak: Next Weeks main event will be for the Tag Team Titles. The Age of the Fall members; Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black will challenge the Motor City Machine Guns for the belts. Can the Age of the Fall end the Machine Guns reign of over 20 weeks? Find out next week.

(End POI 35 Preview)


Good bonus match and the preview was good, here are my predictions for the show...

Chris Hero Vs Delirious

I think this will be the only title change of the show but Hero could retain, not to sure.

Sabu Vs Tazz Vs Jeff Hardy

This could steal the show, I am guessing Sabu here but once again I am not to sure of who will win.


I have a feeling they will hold the titles for over 20 weeks, this should be a great match!


Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
POI Review

Best Match-Joe VS Nigel--It was written well and I really liked the restart at the end. I was surprised with Nigel picking up the win as well

Worst Match--Homicide VS Super Dragon--It wasn't written bad but I didn't like the ending. Punk throwing in a guardrail was a reach for me.

Best Promo--I really think most of the promos was weak this week.

Worst Promo--Moreless all of them. Raven and Edge was a mess. Punk's comments was strange for me also. I would have liked RVD to waver about the offer for awhile. I think it would have been better if his answer was drawn out a bit.

Overall--It seemed to me that you rushed this show just to crank it out this week, it happens to everybody because that is moreless what I did with mine this week alson. I'll keep on reading though lol


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Here it is POI Episode 35. Thanks to thoes who read, even more thanks to those who drop reviews. I just finished up giving reviews to those who I owed them to. Remember if you review a review and some rep will come your way.

POI Wrestling Episode 35​

When the show kicks off Nigel McGuinness is in the ring.

Nigel: Last week, I beat the top guy in this company. I beat Samoa Joe. I gave him his first loss since he won the belt. In a couple of weeks I’ll beat him again, but this time I’ll take the POI World title. Good night yankees, I’m out of here.

Samoa Joe runs to the ring. He and Nigel begin to exchanging punches. Nigel hits a European uppercut. Joe fires back with a superkick. Nigel bails out of the ring and heads to the back, leaving Joe standing tall in the ring.

Match 1: Sabu vs. Taz vs. Jeff Hardy for the Hardcore Title
Taz comes to the ring followed be Hardy. The brawl begins before Sabu can get into the ring. Hardy and Taz exchange punches while Sabu climbs to the top rope. Sabu hits a dropkick to both of them. Jeff rolls to the outside and grabs a chair. Sabu slingshots himself over the top rope to the floor and goes for a crossbody on Hardy. Jeff counters the crossbody with a chair shot. Hardy brings Sabu to his feet and whips him into the guard rail. Jeff turns around and he is hit with a clothesline by Taz. Sabu takes the spike out of his boot and drives it into the skull of Taz. Taz grabs the champion and uses a belly to back Tazplex to drive him through the announce table. Taz goes for the pin, but it is broken up by Jeff Hardy. The busted open Taz gets to his feet and Hardy gets him into the ring. Hardy looks under the ring and brings out a Singapore cane. Jeff gets into the ring and hits Taz in the head with the cane. Hardy goes for another shot to the ribs, but Taz catches the cane and rips it out of Hardy’s hands. Taz slams the cane onto Jeff’s head causing the cane to break in half. Sabu gets into the ring with a ladder. The Hardcore Champion drives the ladder into the face of Taz and then slams it onto Hardy. Sabu gets out of the ring, goes to the back, and brings out a table covered in florescent light tubes. Sabu sets it up before bringing Hardy to his feet. From out of nowhere Hardy hits the Twist of Fate on Sabu. Jeff puts Sabu on the table, sets up the ladder, and climbs it. Sabu gets a burst of energy and climbs up the other side of the ladder. Sabu tries to vertical suplex Hardy through the table, but Taz climbs up the ladder, grabs Sabu, and release German Tazplexes Sabu through the table. Sabu has many lacerations on his body from the glass. Before Taz can go for the pin Hardy hits the Whisper in the Wind on him. Hardy covers Sabu and gets the 3 count. Jeff Hardy has just won the Hardcore Title.

IC champion Chris Hero is in the back with Dave Prazak.

Prazak: Chris, what are your thoughts on your upcoming title defense.

Hero: What are my thoughts? Plain and simple, Delirious belongs in a mental hospital. He doesn’t deserve this match and tonight I’m going to give him another concussion.

Match 2: Chris Hero vs. Delirious for the Intercontinental Championship
The bell rings and Hero is busy jawing at the fans. He turns around and Delirious hits a leaping lariat on him. Hero rolls to the outside and Delirious chases after him. Hero runs away and the two start running laps around the ring. Hero gets back in the ring, followed by Delirious. Hero goes for a Yakuza kick, but Delirious ducks it and goes for another leaping lariat. Hero turns the lariat into an armdrag. Chris grabs Delirious’ arm and locks in an armbar. Delirious gets a headscissors on Hero, making him break the hold. Hero pries his head out and gets to his feet. The men are at a stalemate. They lock up and Hero forces Delirious into the corner. Instead of breaking clean Hero uses a palm thrust to the throat. Hero whips Delirious into the corner and goes for a Yakuza kick. Delirious dodges the kick, which once gave him a concussion. Hero turns around and he is hit with a kick from Delirious. Hero staggers out of the corner and flops onto the mat. Delirious goes to the top rope. Hero gets to his hands and knees and Delirious hits Shadows Over Hell. Delirious uses a crucifix pin, but Hero kicks out at 2. Delirious brings Hero to his feet, who uses a poke to the eye. Hero takes down Delirious with an armdrag before getting to his feet and hitting a standing senton. Hero gets Delirious to his feet and locks in the cravate. Delirious fights out of the hold with elbows to the gut. Delirious uses repeated right hands on Hero before hitting a backbreaker. Delirious locks in the Cobra Stretch on Hero, but it was too close to the ropes. Hero breaks the hold by grabbing the ropes. Hero goes to the outside and picks up a chair. Delirious tries to drag Hero back into the ring by the hair, but Hero cracks him in the head with the chair. Hero gets into the ring, grabs Delirious, and hits the Heroes Welcome. Hero goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. Hero retains the Intercontinental title after a chair shot.

Dave Prazak is in the back with the Motor City Machine Guns.

Prazak: Sabin, Shelley; you two are the longest reigning champions in POI, how long will your reign last?

Shelley: I guess we’ll hold onto them until a team better than us comes along. The best answer is until we retire. So far in POI we’ve beaten every team that’s been put in front of us.

Sabin: And the Age of the Fall won’t be any different. Tyler you may have beat me last week, but as a team Alex and I are unbeatable.

Prazak: Strong words coming from the tag champs. I’m being told that commissioner Joey Styles is in the ring to make a special announcement. Let’s go to the ring.

Joey: Next week there will be the final qualifying match for Survival of the Fittest. The match will be a Six Man Mayhem consisting of Homicide, Chris Hero, Delirious, Brent Albright, Rob Van Dam, and Austin Aries. The Survival of the Fittest match will take place at POI’s next pay-per-view Decimation. Please enjoy the rest of the show.

Match 3: Sonjay Dutt vs. Teddy Hart
Sonjay is attacked from behind at the start of the match by Hart. Teddy takes down Dutt with a dropkick to the back before stomping on the downed Sonjay. Shelton Benjamin and Petey Williams run to the ring and join in on the attack on Dutt. The ref rules the match a NO CONTEST. Benjamin picks up Sonjay and hits the T-Bone suplex. Shelton moves out of the way and Hart hits Open Hart Surgery. Then they bring Dutt to his feet so Petey can hit the Canadian Destroyer. Hart grabs a mic.

Hart: Now no one can take the New Hart Foundation lightly. If you cross us, the same thing will happen to you.

Dave Prazak is in the back with the Age of the Fall.

Prazak: Jimmy, Tyler; tonight you get your first shot at the POI Tag Titles. Do you think that you can win?

Tyler: That may have been the stupidest thing that you have ever said. I can guarantee a win tonight. We beat the Machine Guns two weeks ago and I beat Sabin last week.

Jimmy: We also have one thing that they don’t; a cause. We fight for something in every match, whether it is to give others a voice or to fight corruption. Sabin and Shelley only fight for glory. Tonight we take what’s ours. Tonight is out stage to spread the message that you people refuse to listen to, because deep down you know it’s true. It’s time that we become recognized as the best tag team in the world.

Match 4: Roderick Strong vs. Jack Evans
The two shake hands and the bell is rung. Strong holds onto the handshake and uses it to drag Evans into a half nelson backbreaker. Roderick brings Jack to his feet. Strong goes for a chop. Evans ducks it and hits an enzuigiri. Jack goes to the top rope and hits a huracanrana on Roderick. Strong stands up and Evans tries to take Strong down with a headscissors. Roderick catches him and transitions into the Stronghold, a Boston crab with Strong’s knee being driven into the back of Evans. Jack is able to break the hold by making it to the ropes. Evans has no time to recover as Strong picks him up and hits a double underhook backbreaker, slamming Jack onto his knee. Roderick goes for the pin, but Evans kicks out at 2. Strong brings Jack to his feet. Evans uses some forearm strikes to the face on Roderick. Jack bounces off the ropes and hits a handspring back elbow on Strong, knocking him over the top rope. Evans climbs to the top rope and hits a Shooting Star Press onto the Roderick. Jack brings Strong to his feet before whipping him into the guard rail. Evans charges at Strong, who back body drops him into the crowd. Roderick follows after him and goes for a chop. Jack blocks the chop with a chair. Strong grabs his hand in pain and Evans hits a heel kick to the head on Roderick. Jack goes for another kick to the head, but Strong ducks it, kicks Jack in the gut, sets him up, and hits the Gibson Driver. Evans was slammed back first onto the hard floor. Roderick drags Jack back into the ring and goes for the pin. Strong gets the 3 count in the brutal match.

Jack Evans is helped to the back and the tag champions and the challengers make their ways to the ring.

Dave Prazak: The following contest is for the POI Tag Team Titles and is your main event. Introducing first the challengers; from Buffalo, Iowa and weighing in at 210 pounds; Tyler Black and from Grand Rapids, Minnesota and weighing in at 173 pounds; Jimmy Jacobs. They are the Age of the Fall. Now introducing the champions. From Detroit, Michigan and weighing in at 215 pounds; Alex Shelley and also from Detroit, Michigan weighing in at 210 pounds; Chris Sabin. They are your Tag Team Champions; the Motor City Machine Guns.

Match 5: The Motor City Machine Guns vs. the Age of the Fall for the POI Tag Team Titles
Jacobs and Shelley start the match. They exchange words until Jimmy spits in Shelley’s face. Alex wipes off the spit and hits an enzuigiri on the cocky Jacobs. Jimmy falls onto the ropes, bounces off and uses an elbow to the face on Shelley. Alex fires back with an elbow to the face of his own. Shelley whips Jacobs into the ropes, takes him down with a drop toe hold and applies a chinlock. Alex releases Jacobs only to lock in an armbar. Jimmy uses Shelley’s own hold to pin him. Alex releases the hold and kicks out at 2. Jacobs grabs Shelley and tries to end the match early with the End Time, but Shelley is able slip out of the hold before it is completely locked in. Alex tags Chris Sabin into the match. Sabin gets into the ring and hits a step-up enzuigiri on Jacobs. Sabin tries to spring off the ropes, but Lacey grabs his leg. Chris turns his attention to Lacey allowing Jacobs to hit a bulldog on Sabin. Jimmy stands on the chest of Sabin before delivering five double foot stomps followed by an elbow drop. Jacobs tags Tyler Black into the match. Black gets into the ring and boots Sabin in the face before knocking Shelley off the ring apron with an elbow to the face. Black brings Chris to his feet, whips him into the ropes, and takes him down with a dropkick. On the outside Lacey is choking Shelley by stepping on his throat. The ref sees this and sends Lacey to the back. Black and Jacobs argue with the ref, giving Sabin time to recover. Tyler is rolled up from behind by Sabin for a 2 count. Chris gets to his feet and begins to unload forearm shots on Black. Tyler manages to get to his knees and he is caught with a kick to the side of the head. Sabin goes to his corner and tags in Shelley. Alex gets into the ring and applies an Indian deathlock and bridges back for a chinlock, locking in the Shelley Stretch on Black. Tyler struggles to get out of this devastating hold, but he can’t. Black is just about to tap out, but Jacobs saves him by hitting a standing senton onto the wide open Shelley. Sabin gets into the ring and hits a kick to the side of the head on Jimmy. Alex springs off of the ropes and runs at Black. Tyler picks up Shelley and hits a powerslam. Black picks up Alex again, sets him up, and hits the Small Package Driver. Tyler goes for the pin, but it is broken up by Sabin at the count of 2. Black gets to his feet and he is hit with a forearm to the face by Chris. Sabin turns around and Jacobs goes for a spear. Chris dodges it, causing Jimmy to spear Black. Sabin grabs Jacobs, picks him up, and hits the Cradle Shock. Shelley and Tyler begin to get to their feet as Chris rolls Jimmy out of the ring. Sabin and Shelley hit the double superkicks on Black. Alex goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. The Motor City Machine Guns retain their titles in this great match. The show closes as the Guns celebrate.

(end episode 35)

The Rated R CMStar

BM: I guess the main event. Matches need a lot of improvement. Last time I reviewed, and it was a while back, I said you need to improve and you said you would, but to me, it's just the same, and in some points, lenght of matches is ridiculous considering it's not a summarize show.

WM: Teddy Hart vs Sonjay Dutt. It was a squash that didn't do anything for Hart. Interference didn't help neither

BP: All were on a similar level. None was really deserving to be called the best as they need to be longer and require a helluva lot if improvement.

WP: ALL where way too short. Prazak's question in some cases were too obvious. The AOTF promo was sort of a let down, and it made no sense in this:

Dave Prazak is in the back with the Age of the Fall.

Prazak: Jimmy, Tyler; tonight you get your first shot at the POI Tag Titles. Do you think that you can win?

Tyler: That may have been the stupidest thing that you have ever said. I can guarantee a win tonight. We beat the Machine Guns two weeks ago and I beat Sabin last week.

Jimmy: We also have one thing that they don’t; a cause. We fight for something in every match, whether it is to give others a voice or to fight corruption. Sabin and Shelley only fight for glory. Tonight we take what’s ours. Tonight is out stage to spread the message that you people refuse to listen to, because deep down you know it’s true. It’s time that we become recognized as the best tag team in the world.

Why would they care about recognizition if they don't want glory?

AC: Shows need a lot of improvement, especially your promos. All of them were way too short.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
I guess I should have worded that promo better. What I was trying to imply was that if you are the POI Tag Team champion you are the best tag team in the world.

My promos are getting better. I wrote Episode 43 last week hopefully you'll be able to see the improvement by then. I discovered this forum around the time that I was writing Episode 39. Reading other BTB's has influenced my writing a lot until I found this forum I really didn't read any other BTB's.

A lot of people don't know that all of my shows are kinda old. Episode 35 is nearly 6 months old. That's why there hasn't been much improvement.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
Here it is POI Episode 36 Preview. One day late once again, but who cares. If you get the chance drop a review for POI Episode 35. Enjoy the show and thanks for reading. I think that this may be one of my best POI Preview Shows because I'm starting to add feuds into it.

POI Wrestling Episode 36 Preview​

The show kicks off with a word from Raven.

Raven: Edge, next week I get you in the ring again. Last time we fought you dropped me head first on the concrete, knocking me out. This time I’ll return the favor. Edge be ready for the pain and suffering that I will make you go through. Quote the Raven, nevermore.

The shot cuts to Dave Prazak.

Prazak: Hello and welcome to POI Previews. You heard it from Raven, he and Edge will meet one-on-one in the ring next week. Also Next week in the main event it will be a 6-Man Mayhem for the Final Spot in Survival of the Fittest. The men competing in this match will be Chris Hero, Homicide, Brent Albright, Austin Aries, Delirious, and Rob Van Dam. One of the men already in Survival of the Fittest; AJ Styles put out an open challenge for this weeks bonus match. It was accepted by his formal rival Paul London. Those two will clash right now.

Match 1: Paul London vs. AJ Styles
The two men lock up and London powers Styles into the ropes. AJ shoves London to the ground. Paul takes Styles off his feet with a leg sweep. London goes for the folding press, but AJ kicks out at 2. They get to their feet and Styles hits the Pele kick. Paul falls onto the ropes, Styles gets up, and delivers a dropkick. AJ grabs London. London gets the go behind, grabs AJ, and hits a dragon suplex. Paul goes for the pin and Styles kicks out at 2. London brings AJ to his feet. Styles picks up London, gets him in a torture rack, and transitions into a powerbomb. Styles positions Paul on the mat before going to the top rope. AJ goes for the frog splash, but London gets his knees up. While Styles writhes in pain on the mat London makes his way to the top rope. Paul is about to go for the 450 when Styles dropkicks him off of the top rope. AJ acts fast by picking up London, setting him up, and hitting the Styles Clash. Styles goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. After the match AJ grabs a mic.

AJ: Now I’ve heard that Austin Aries is going to get a second chance at getting into the Survival of the Fittest match. Aries I told you that I’m going to keep you from ever winning a title here in POI and I will keep my word. Austin I recommend that you watch your back in that match.

CM Punk walks down to the ring.

Punk: AJ you’re not the only person who wants to keep a person out of Survival of the Fittest. I managed to help Super Dragon beat Homicide, now he gets another shot at getting in. ‘Cide you don’t deserve to be in and I’ll be sure to keep that from happening. AJ next week, lets work together, then maybe we’ll both get what we want.

AJ: Fine, but at Decimation there won’t be any partnership.

Punk: I was just about to say the same thing.

The shot cuts back to Dave Prazak.

Prazak: In addition to the other two announced matches Low Ki will make his return to POI action after taking some time off to heal nagging injuries he’s back. His first opponent won’t be an easy one. It will be Taz. Also Matt Sydal will take on Petey Williams. Now before we leave Lacey from the Age of the Fall wanted some time to speak.

Lacey: For too long I have been standing in the background letting Jimmy and Tyler and Vampiro do all the work. POI as a company has held me back. Now I have finally been given an opportunity and I’m going to take it. Next POI Previews I get to have a match. I’m putting out an open challenge to any women’s wrestler in the world. Feel free to come and just become one more body on the trail to the truth.

Prazak: On the next POI Previews POI will have it’s first women’s match. It looks like we’ll have to wait to see Lacey’s opponent. Please tune into POI and POI Previews to see all of the matches that you’ve heard about today.

(end POI Previews)


Good preview once again and I liked London Vs Styles in the bonus match, two really mixed well...

Edge Vs Raven

Chris Hero, Homicide and Brent Albright Vs Austin Aries, Delirious, and Rob Van Dam

Low Ki Vs Tazz

Matt Sydal Vs Petey Williams

Lacey Vs ???

Matches look quite good and I will check out the show, I have posted the rest of No Way Out in IPW if you ever wanna check it out.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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Good Preview and Bonus Match there, your next show looks good and I am getting more interested with what happens between Edge and Raven. The 6 Man Mayhem looks good, I'll try to check it out.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
Okay here it is POI Episode 36. Looking back at this show I think I was waaaaaaaaay off with the timeframe that I described in my response to CMS. I think that I wrote this show around the time that I discovered IWF. Hopefully the improvement shows. If you get the chance drop a review and I'll get one back to you the next chance I get. Thanks for reading.

POI Wrestling Episode 36​

The show starts and the Age of the Fall members Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black are in the ring.

Jacobs: The Motor City Machine Guns beat us to retain the POI Tag Team titles. In that match we never gave up. It took both of them to take down Tyler.

Black: Now we want a rematch. You’ve beat us once, we’ve beaten you twice. As far as were concerned we deserve one more shot. Are you going to give us that match or are you too scared that you might actually lose those precious belts?

The Machine Guns music hits and they walk to the ring.

Shelley: So, you two actually think that you can have another title shot?

Sabin: Well we’re nice guys and you’re right about beating us twice. So sure, why not?

Shelley: On one condition! If you lose you actually have to smile for once.

Claudio Castagnoli’s music hits and he walks to the ring.

Claudio: Hold on a second. The Kings of Wrestling have never had a tag title match in POI and you’re going to give these losers another one! I don’t think so. I talked to Joey Styles and the Kings are going to get a Tag Title shot at Decimation.

Sabin: Okay, that’s fine with us. So Hero’s going to try to be the golden boy and hold two titles?

Claudio: Actually I’ve brought new blood into the Kings, but I think I’ll let him introduce himself.

Voice: Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Kennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnedyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Ken Kennedy’s music hits and he walks to the ring.

Kennedy: KENNEDY!

Jacobs: Will you shut the hell up you obnoxious...

Kennedy: Hey junior, don’t interrupt me. You should be happy just to be in the ring with someone as great as me.

Sabin: Kennedy, you’ve done a lot in your career, but you’ve never been a POI champion and we’re planning on keeping it that way.

Kennedy: Both of you forgot that I’m from title town; Green Bay, Wis...

Jacobs takes his cane and drives it into the skull of Kennedy. Jimmy turns around and he is caught with a European uppercut from Claudio. Black kicks Castagnoli in the side of the head as Kennedy attacks Jacobs with a barrage of punches. The Machine Guns exit the ring as the two teams who want their belts brawl. Security comes to the ring and breaks up the fight. It’s time for the first match of the night.

Match 1: Edge vs. Raven
Raven gets into the ring and gets into a stare down with Edge. The “Rated R Superstar†slaps Raven in the face. Raven rocks Edge with a forearm to the face. Edge staggers back, but then fires back with a forearm shot of his own. These two begin to exchange punches until Raven gets the advantage and hits a discus clothesline. Edge falls to the mat and rolls out of the ring to get away from Raven. The former Hardcore champion follows after Edge and boots him in the stomach. Edge fights back with a thumb to the eye. Edge grabs Raven and whips him into the steel steps. Edge stomps on Raven before standing on his throat to choke him. Edge gets off of Raven and brings him to his feet. Edge tries to whip Raven into the guard rail, but it is reversed. Edge goes back first into the rail. Raven charges at Edge. The former WWE Champion surprises Raven with a spear. Edge gets to his feet and stands over his rival. Edge grabs two chairs and places one under the head of Raven. Edge calls for the conchairto, but the referee pleads for him not to d it. The ref is shoved out of the way and Edge goes for the conchairto. Raven rolls out of the way at the last second. When the two chairs collide Edge drops the chair that he was holding, clearly in pain. Raven gets to his feet, kicks Edge in the gut, and hits a Raven Effect onto one of the chairs. Raven stands up, lifts Edge to his feet, and gives him a second Raven Effect onto the chair. Edge isn’t moving at all, he’s knocked out cold. Raven grabs a microphone.

Raven: Debt paid in full.

Raven walks to the back and the match is thrown out. As the ref helps Edge to the back the scene cuts to Delirious in Joey Styles office.

Delirious: *babbling incoherently*

Joey: Delirious, slow down. I can barely understand you as it is and now you’re talking faster than usual. What do you want?

Delirious: LastweekChrisHero,hecheated. Hehitmewithachairandithurt. Iwaswinninguntilthathappened. Hescrewedmeoutofthetitle,Iwantarematch.

Joey: You want a rematch for the IC title? You’ve got it at Decimation. Now get ready for your match tonight.

Match 2: Low Ki vs. Taz
In Low Ki’s return match he has a hard challenge in Taz. The bell rings and they get in a collar and elbow tie-up. Taz powers Ki into the corner. Instead of breaking clean Taz hits a big forearm shot to the face on Ki. Taz tried to whip Low Ki into the opposite corner, but instead Ki reverses it, sending Taz into the corner. Low Ki charges at Taz and hits a dropkick to the face. Taz slumps down in the corner and Ki starts kicking away at the body of Taz. Ki brings Taz to his feet, looking to score more kicks. Taz grabs Ki and hits a belly to belly Tazplex. Taz goes for the pin, but Low Ki kicks out at 2. Taz brings Ki to his feet and they begin to exchange punches. Ki gets the advantage and goes for an enzuigiri. Taz ducks the enzuigiri, gets the go behind, and hits a German Tazplex. Instead of going for the pin Taz brings Ki to his feet. Taz butterfly’s the arms of Low Ki and goes for a release Tiger Tazplex. Ki lands on his feet, Taz turns around, and Ki hits a superkick. The kick sends Taz down to the mat. Ki bounces off the ropes, runs at Taz, and hits a double foot stomp to the chest. Low Ki bounces off the ropes again and hits a second double foot stomp on Taz. Ki goes for the pin and Taz kicks out at 2. Ki brings Taz to his feet. Low Ki goes for a kick to the head, but Taz ducks it, picks him up, and hits a T-Bone Tazplex. After the suplex Taz quickly locks in the Tazmission. Low Ki struggles to get to the ropes, but he’s right in the middle of the ring. Ki uses his body to force Taz’s shoulders onto the mat. Taz breaks the hold to keep himself from being pinned. Both Taz and Low Ki get to their feet. Ki hits a heel kick to the side of the head on Taz, knocking him back down to the ground. Ki continues his attack by locking in the Dragon Clutch on Taz. Taz tries to fight out, but he eventually passes out. Low Ki wins his first match back in POI. After the bell rings Christopher Daniels music hits and he walks to the ring.

Daniels: Ki, long time no see. If you’ve been keeping up with the product you must know that I am soon beginning a crusade against POI. Now all good crusades need soldiers. I’m looking for the most ruthless and blood thirsty wrestlers for my army. Ki, you fit that description, will you join my army?

Low Ki: Yes, but some day, you will owe me.

Low Ki drops the mic and he and Daniels walk to the back.

Match 3: Matt Sydal vs. Petey Williams
Sydal offers Petey a handshake, but he is kicked in the stomach by Williams. Williams uses repeated forearm shots to the back of Sydal before whipping him into the ropes. Matt puts on the breaks by grabbing the ropes. Petey charges at Sydal. Matt flips Petey over the top ropes with a back body drop. Sydal gets onto the ring apron. Williams gets to his feet and he is hit with a moonsault plancha. Sydal stands up and then puts Petey back in the ring. Just as Sydal is about to get into the ring he is attacked from behind by Teddy Hart and Shelton Benjamin. Benjamin and Hart wear down Sydal with repeated punches and kicks before rolling him into the ring. Shelton and Teddy make their ways into the ring as well. Benjamin goes for a kick to the head of Sydal. Matt ducks it and hits a kick of his own. Hart surprises Sydal and plants him head into the mat with a cradle DDT. Petey brings Sydal to his feet and sets him up for the Canadian Destroyer. Suddenly Williams is hit with a dropkick to the face from Jack Evans. Evans gets up and takes down Hart with a headscissors. Evans stands up again and this time he is hit with a leg lariat by Benjamin. The New Hart Foundation all begin to stomp on Evans until Roderick Strong enters the ring, picks up Hart, and hits a half nelson backbreaker. Strong uses a hard chop on Benjamin, sending him down to the mat. The NHF escape from the ring and start heading up the ramp. Strong grabs a microphone.

Strong: Hart, you and your buddies wanted to prove how dominant you are. I was fine with that until you decided to attack one of my friends. See, Jack, Matt, and I know a little something about factions. We dominated ROH as Generation Next and we’ll do it again here in POI. Hart Foundation, you’ve got bullseyes on your backs because Generation Next is back.

The shot cuts to the back where Dave Prazak is with Samoa Joe.

Prazak: Who do you think will win tonight’s main event and face you at Decimation?

Joe: It really doesn’t matter who I think will win. All that matters is who does win. Honestly I don’t care who gets the pin because I plan on beating them and retaining the POI World Title.

Nigel McGuinness: Hey wanker!

Joe turns around and he is blasted with a lariat by Nigel.

Nigel: Don’t you ever attack me from behind again.

The shot cuts to the ring for tonight’s main event.

Match 4: Homicide vs. Chris Hero vs. Brent Albright vs. Delirious vs. Austin Aries vs. Rob Van Dam for a spot in the Survival of the Fittest match
This match is a six man mayhem, but tags are not needed and there are no rules. The bell rings and all the men are wary of their opponents. Delirious charges across the ring and attacks Chris Hero. They exchange punches until Hero uses a knee to the gut. Homicide uses a European uppercut on Albright. Brent fires back with a forearm shot to the face on ‘Cide. RVD goes for a kick to the stomach on Aries. Austin catches the boot of Van Dam and then hits a dragon screw leg whip. Aries stomps on Rob before going for an elbow drop. Van Dam rolls out of the way, causing Aries to drive his elbow into the canvas. Across the ring Delirious bounces off the ropes and hits a leaping lariat on Hero, knocking him over the top rope and out of the ring. Albright turns his attention to Delirious. Brent boot Delirious in the gut before throwing him out of the ring. Homicide hits a dropkick on Albright, knocking him out of the ring. Homicide spring off the ropes, dives through the first and second ropes, and hits Topé con Hilo on Hero, Delirious, and Albright. In the ring Van Dam hits a split legged moonsault on Aries. RVD sees the men on the floor, gets onto the top turnbuckle, and hits a splash onto the four wrestlers below. Van Dam stands up and he is hit with the heat seeking missile by Aries. Austin gets to his feet and he is attacked from behind by AJ Styles. Styles uses repeated punches on Aries, followed by a kick to the side of the head. AJ picks up Austin, gets him in a torture rack, walks over to the announce table, and puts Aries through the table with a powerbomb before walking to the back. Chris Hero is in the crowd now. Delirious follows after him and hits him in the back with a chair. Hero falls to his knees and uses a low blow on Delirious. Back in the ring Albright and Homicide are exchanging forearm shots.

RVD gets onto the ring apron, springboards, and hits a dropkick on Brent and ‘Cide. Albright and Van Dam get to their feet first. RVD catches Albright with a kick to the head and follows up with a facebuster. Van Dam sets up Brent, heads up to the top turnbuckle, and signals for the Five Star Frog Splash. RVD goes for the splash, but he is caught with a Gringo Cutter by Homicide. ‘Cide goes for the pin on Van Dam, but it is broken up at 2 by Albright. In the crowd Hero tries to whip Delirious into a wall, but it is reversed, sending Hero into the wall. Delirious takes a fans hat and starts to beat Hero with it. Delirious grabs Chris and whips him into the fans chairs. Back in the ring Homicide drives a fork into Albright’s head, busting him open. ‘Cide picks up Brent and hits a bridging exploder. Homicide holds the bridge for a pin, but it is broken up at 2 by CM Punk. Homicide begins to get to his feet. Punk cracks him over the head with a chair. Punk gets ‘Cide in a fireman’s carry and then hits the Go to Sleep. Punk leaves the ring and Albright pins Homicide. RVD breaks up the pin with Rolling Thunder. Albright gets to his feet and Van Dam goes for a kick to the head, but Albright ducks it, picks up Van Dam, and hits a German suplex. While this is going in back in the crowd, Hero is set up in a corner. Delirious hits the Panic Attack on Hero. In the ring Albright hits a half nelson suplex on Homicide. Austin Aries gets into the ring, kicks Brent in the gut, picks him up, and hits a brainbuster. Van Dam gets to his feet; Aries picks him up, and hits a brainbuster. Aries sets up RVD, goes to the top rope, and hits the 450. Austin goes for the pin. Homicide tries to break it up, but he is too late. Austin Aries gets the 3 count and takes the final spot in Survival of the Fittest. The destruction that this match has caused is surveyed as the show closes.

(End episode 36)