POI- Point of Impact Wrestling

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Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
If you haven't yet, drop a review for POI Episode 31. For those of you who I owe review to I'll try to get them to you by tomorrow. Thanks for reading.

POI Episode 32 preview​

Edge: Raven, you want a match with me next week, you’ve got it. I’m going to take you out of POI and make sure that you never come back.

Dave Prazak: Well you heard it here first. Next week it will be Raven vs. Edge. Last week we saw a lot happen; one return, two debuts, and Nigel McGuinness takes the second spot in the Survival of the Fittest match. Next week on POI our main event will be Christopher Daniels vs. Ken Kennedy in a cage match with the winner getting a future POI World title match. Now lets go to this weeks bonus match.

Match 1: Jack Evans vs. Shelton Benjamin
They lock up and Shelton overpowers Evans, throwing him to the mat. Evans kicks Benjamin’s legs out from under him before bouncing off the ropes and hitting a double foot stomp on Shelton. Jack brings Benjamin to his feet, who boots Evans in the gut. Shelton picks up Evans and hits a Samoan drop. Benjamin works over the back some more by driving his knee into it. Shelton whips Evans hard into the corner. Benjamin runs at Jack and goes for a splash in the corner. Evans dodges it causing Benjamin to crash and burn. Evans grabs Shelton and hits a Northern Lights suplex. Jack goes for the pin, but Benjamin kicks out at 2. Evans goes to the top rope and signals for the 630. Benjamin moves out of the way before Evans even attempts the move. Jack hits a dropkick to the back on Shelton. When they both get to their feet Benjamin uses a low blow on Evans. Shelton picks up Evans and hits the T-Bone suplex into a pin. Benjamin gets the three count for the win over Evans.

The shot cuts to the back where CM Punk has a mic.

CM Punk: Next week I’m putting out an open challenge. Anyone can accept it, I don’t care who you are. Now here comes the best part. Whoever wins the match gets the third spot in the Survival of the Fittest match. Next week gives me the chance to prove the straightedge means I’m better than you.

Dave Prazak: Indeed it will be CM Punk vs. One person from the POI roster for a spot in the Survival of the Fittest match. Also there will be a Six Man Mayhem match where the first fall wins the match. POI Wrestling Episode 32 will have all this and more.


Nice little preview, yea bonus matches are great! Raven Vs Edge next weeks hould be good and I will definitely be checking it out :)
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
Knoxville, TN
BM: RVD and Nigel. Whoa, Nigel won? I really wasn't expecting this actually so it gives him a really big boost IMHO.

WM: I have to say that the first blood match just wasn't realistic enough for my taste. It wasn't awful, but was a little too chaotic and hard to follow. Nice idea, not as good a follow through.

BP: I still feel this is where you need the most improvement. Your stories would be much easier to follow if the promo's had more meat to them. But I guess I'll choose MCMG.

WP: Raven and Edge. Little weird to read, though I get the idea.

AC: Overall an Ok show. Not bad. I'm looking forward to see what you do with Punk next week. Come check out XCW and leave a review if you get the chance! Keep up the good work.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Here it comes... POI Episode 32. If you drop a review I'll be sure to return the favor and I'll throw in some rep. Sounds like a good deal to me. Thanks for reading.

POI Wrestling Episode 32​

The show opens with Christopher Daniels in the locker room.

Daniels: Tonight my feud with Ken Kennedy ends. Tonight I’m going to take what is mine. I will win the POI World title shot. Then one part of the prophecy will be fulfilled. And that was a reading from the gospel of Christopher Daniels.

Match 1: Raven vs. Edge
As soon as Edge gets into the ring Raven attacks him with a barrage of punches. Edge fires back with an elbow to the face. Raven uses an elbow of his own before whipping Edge into the ropes. On his bounce back Ede is taken down with a drop toe hold. Edge rolls out of the ring and gets into the crowd. Edge heads for the door and Raven chases after him. Raven picks up a chair and hits Edge in the back with it. Edge boots Raven in the gut and then escapes out of the building. Raven follows after him with the chair. When he gets outside Edge attacks Raven from behind with repeated punches to the head. Edge kicks Raven in the gut, sets him up, and hits a piledriver. Raven’s head collides with the concrete. Edge leaves Raven knocked out and outside the building. The referee rules the match a NO CONTEST.

The Motor City Machine Guns and Colt Cabana walk out to the ring.

Chris Sabin: Well it looks like you all found out who our backup is.

Colt Cabana: And that would be “Classic†Colt Cabana for those of you that don’t know. Jimmy, you tried to get rid of me in ROH, but I found you again.

Alex Shelley: Now we’re here to issue a challenge to the Age of the Fall. There are three of us and three of you...

Tyler Black (in the upped balcony): Now that’s where you’re wrong. There are more than three of us. The Age of the Fall is a social revolution, not just a wrestling faction.

Alex Shelley: Like I was saying there’s three of you. Why don’t we have a 6 man tag match? If you guys win you can have a tag title shot.

Tyler Black: If it will bring us closer to the tag belts, we’ll see you next week.

Colt: Say hi to jimmy for me!

The shot cuts to the back where security is trying to break up a brawl between Taz, Jeff Hardy, and the Hardcore champion Sabu. Taz breaks away, grabs Sabu, and hits a T-Bone Tazplex. Hardy grabs a chair and pitches it at Taz before he is restrained. The security gets the situation under control. CM Punk is in the ring.

Punk: As most of you know I’ve laid out an open challenge. Now get my opponent out here.

The lights flash red and Homicide’s music plays. As Homicide walks down the entrance ramp the crowd explodes.

Punk: Whoa, whoa, whoa, Homicide I know for a fact that you aren’t my opponent. Sorry, better luck next time.

Super Dragon walks down the entrance ramp.

Punk: Hey Dragon, I know that you’re not who I’m facing either, so you can stop right there.

Teddy Hart walks down the ramp and into the ring.

Punk: Now there’s my opponent. Well now you two ladies can head to the back.

Super Dragon grabs Homicide and rams him into the guard rail. Homicide stands up and Dragon clotheslines him into the crowd. Dragon heads to the back as Punk laughs at what just happened. Punk turns around and he is hit with a dropkick to the face by Hart.

Match 2: CM Punk vs. Teddy Hart for a spot in the Survival of the Fittest match.
Hart catches Punk with another dropkick, knocking Punk over the top rope. As Punk stands up Hart slingshots himself over the top rope and he hits a crossbody on Punk. They get to their feet and Punk slams Teddy’s head into the ring apron. Punk whips Hart into the guard rail. Hart jumps onto the rail, jumps off, and hits a moonsault press onto Punk. Hart rolls Punk into the ring before getting in himself. Teddy gets Punk to his feet before using some right hands. Punk fires back with some forearms to the face. Punk hits an enzuigiri on Hart before whipping him into the corner. Punk goes for the high knee lift, but Hart dodges it and takes down Punk with a headscissors. Punk stands up and he is booted in the face by Teddy. Hart goes for the pin, but Punk kicks out at 2. Teddy gets up and stomps on Punk before going to the top rope. When Punk stands up Hart goes for a dropkick. Punk ducks the kick, making Hart crash into the mat. When Hart gets to his knees Punk hits the Shining Wizard. Before Hart gets any chance to recover Punk locks in the Anaconda Vice on him. Hart is forced to tap out allowing Punk to get the third spot in the Survival of the Fittest match.

The shot cuts to Ken Kennedy in the locker room.

Kennedy: This whole thing between Daniels and I started back at War Zone when Daniels cheated to win the POI World Title shot. Later tonight I’ll beat Daniels and become Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisterrrrrrrrrrrrr Title Shot
*pauses* Title Shot.

Delirious is in the ring.

Delirious: I’mmmmmmmmmmmmmmbackandI’mhereforChrisHero. AwhilebackHeroputmeontheshelf. Hekickedmekickedmekickedmekickedmekickedmeandgavemeaconcussion. HeroIwantyounextweek.

Match 3: Shelton Benjamin vs. Roderick Strong vs. Matt Sydal vs. Jack Evans vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Petey Williams
The match starts with Sydal and Dutt. They lock up and Dutt pushed Sydal into Benjamin’s corner. Shelton tags into the match and he uses a kick to the side of the head on Dutt. Benjamin whips Dutt into the ropes. On his bounce back Dutt hits a dropkick to the knee on Benjamin. Sonjay drops a knee on the head of Benjamin before hitting a standing moonsault. Dutt goes for the pin and Petey breaks it up at 2. Petey turns around and he is taken off his feet with a chop from Strong. Roderick turns around and he is hit with a missile dropkick from Sydal. Sydal stands up and he is taken down with a huracanrana by Evans. On the outside Dutt and Williams are exchanging punches. Evans goes to the top rope and hits a shooting star press on Dutt and Petey. In the ring Roderick picks up Shelton and hits a half nelson backbreaker. Strong goes for the pin, but he isn’t the legal man. Sydal drags Dutt into the ring and hits the fisherman’s brainbuster on him. Sydal puts Dutt into the corner, gets onto the ring apron, and tags himself in. Strong whips Benjamin into the ropes. When Benjamin hits the ropes Evans tags into the match. Evans hits a springboard leg lariat on Sydal. Evans uses a facebuster on Sydal before going for the pin. Strong breaks up the pin, drags Sydal into the corner and tags himself in. Strong chops the chest of Evans and then hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on him. Benjamin tags Evans to make himself the legal man. Benjamin takes down Strong with a leg lariat. Benjamin brings Roderick to his feet and tries to lift him up. Strong elbows Benjamin in the face, making Shelton release him. Strong kicks him in the gut, sets him up, and hits the Gibson Driver. Roderick goes for the pin and he gets the 3 count, picking up his first win in POI.

Austin Aries makes his way to the ring after it is cleared.

Aries: AJ Styles has been a thorn in my side for awhile now. He even said that he would steal away every chance I had for a title in this company. Now I’m going to give you the opportunity to do that. AJ, I’m challenging you to a match. Next week, Austin Aries versus AJ Styles for a spot in the Survival of the Fittest match. Styles, do you accept my challenge or not?

Styles comes through the crowd and attacks Aries from behind with a dropkick. AJ hits a neckbreaker on Aries. AJ signals for the end, sets up Aries, and hits the Styles Clash.

Styles: Challenge accepted.

Once AJ leaves and Aries is helped to the back, the cage is lowered. Christopher Daniels and Ken Kennedy make their ways to the ring.

Dave Prazak: The following contest if for a future shot at the POI World Title and is your main event of the evening. Introducing first the man on my left. He hails from the City of Angles and weighs in at 235 pounds. He is the “Fallen Angle†Christopher Daniels. Now the man on my right...

Kennedy: Step aside junior. I weigh in at 247 pounds. I hail from Green Bay, Wisconsin. I am the greatest wrestler in POI history, Misssssssssssterrrrrrrrrr Kennedy.

Match 4: Christopher Daniels vs. Ken Kennedy in a cage match for a future shot at the POI World Title
Kennedy stares down Daniels and then immediately tries to escape from the cage. Daniels grabs Kennedy and rips him down from the cage wall. Kennedy pokes Daniels in the eye before whipping him into the ropes. Kennedy takes down Daniels with a shoulder block before stomping on him. Kennedy begins to taunt the crowd, giving Daniels time to get to his feet. Kennedy turns around and he is hit with an enzuigiri by Daniels. Kennedy gets up and he is hit with a dropkick by Daniels. The Fallen Angle springboards off the ropes and goes for a moonsault on Kennedy, but Kennedy gets his knees up, causing Daniels to crash onto them. Kennedy gets to his feet and kicks Daniels in his stomach. Kennedy brings Daniels to his feet before throwing him face first into the cage wall. Kennedy grabs Daniels and grinds his forehead into the cage, busting him open. Kennedy picks up Daniels and hits a sidewalk slam on him. Kennedy gets up and drops a knee to the skull of Daniels. Kennedy starts to climb out of the cage slowly, mocking Daniels all the way. Suddenly Daniels gets up, goes to the top rope, grabs Kennedy, and hits a STO off the top rope. Daniels gets to his feet at the same time as Kennedy. Daniels picks up Kennedy and hits an exploder suplex. Daniels brings Kennedy to his feet and slams him face first into the cage. Kennedy stands up and he is busted open. Daniels tries to grab Kennedy and from out of nowhere Kennedy hits the Mic Check. Kennedy seems to be just going on instinct now as he goes for the pin, even though you need to escape the cage to win the match. Kennedy realizes this and begins to try climb out the cage. Daniels rips him off of the cage wall and gives him a Death Valley driver. Daniels begins to climb and Kennedy follows him. They get to the top of the cage wall and begin to exchange punches. Daniels and Kennedy begin to climb down the cage's outside wall. Daniels elbows Kennedy in the face, grabs him, and hits an STO off of the cage wall through a table. The ref rings the bell, but who won? The referee tells some thing to Dave Prazak.

Prazak: It appears the Christopher Daniels’ feet hit the ground first so the winner of this contest is the Fallen Angle Christopher Daniels.

Daniels tries to get to his feet, but he is unable to. The show closes as Kennedy and Daniels are helped to the back.

(End episode 32)

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: For me it's really a tie between Daniels/Kennedy and Benjamin/Strong/Sydal/Evans/Dutt/Williams. These matches were both great and I honestly cannot choose one.

Worst Match: Raven vs. Edge- This wasn't a horrible match by any means but it was relatively short.

Best Interview/Segment: Austin Aries/AJ Styles Segment

Worst Interview/Segment: Punk Segment- It seemed to be lacking something. It wasn't a very bad promo but I felt like it could've been just a bit better.

Additional Feedback/Comments: This was a good show. Like I said I loved the six way match as well as the main event. With the conclusion of the main event, I"m curious if Daniels is actually the number one contender or if they'll have another match for the championship opportunity. I'll be checking out your next show and thanks for the review.


BM: The Main Event was pretty good, it was a big improvement of last week and had quite alot of good moments in it. I also liked the 6-man match, action all round there, good stuff and those were the two best of the night.

WM: Opening between Raven and Edge. Way to short and it could have been great with the two who were involved...

BP: MCMG and colt was pretty good, nice in character and built there feud up a little as well imo. Styles/Aries also wasn't to bad.

WP: None were really terrible but I feel they all still have room for improvement, they were pretty good but are far from perfect.

AC: The matches were much better this week imo. They were longer then usual which was good ans also the promos were quite good. Everything is heating up quite nicely and I will check out your next show.

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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BM - I would've said the Cage Match, but the 6 Way was just crazy, I loved it. There was lots of great talent in the match, but it's always good seeing Strong pick up a win. I have a feeling he's going to get a pretty nice push from now on.

WM - Raven vs Edge wasn't that great, just because of the NO Contest. I don't think it's over between the two yet, so I'll be keeping my eye out for that feud.

BP - The Aries/AJ segment made me really look forward to what you're going to do with that, it gave me some ideas of my own as well.

WP - The MCMG & Colt promo with TBlack was kind of awkward and out of character.

AC - This was a pretty good show. Other than the lack of promos again, all the matches were pretty entertaining. The feuds you've set up are great, and you've outlined them clearly. Survival of the Fittest should be good too, it could be a great match with feuds starting because of it. It's good to see POI still on track, and getting better again.


Best match: Christopher Daniels vs Mr. Kennedy in the cage, this was awesome. The finish was great, you had be in suspense because you didn't reveal the winner right away so that was a nice little idea. The table spot at the end was sick

Worst match: Raven vs Edge, it led to nothing.

Best Angle: I guess I'll go with the Christopher Daniels promo, all of your angles are very basic so its hard to rate them. I liked the Daniels promo though, it was short but sweet.

Worst angle: The Kennedy promo wasn't as good as everything else on the show. It was a little too cut and dry for me, plus it was short as hell.

Line of the night:
I’mmmmmmmmmmmmmmbackandI’mhereforChrisHero. AwhilebackHeroputmeontheshelf. Hekickedmekickedmekickedmekickedmekickedmeandgavem eaconcussion. HeroIwantyounextweek.

Additional Thoughts: A good show, its very basic as I said but at least the quality of your storylines, and your match writing, is pretty good. I really enjoyed reading the cage match, Daniels and Kennedy seemed to have good chemistry in the ring and you did a great job with that sick bump in the end. I'm guessing that you don't really focus on promos, which is why they are so short, but I would suggest that if you are going to have a short show, try and lengthen your promos. I would focus more on storytelling with this kind of BTB.

Overall rating: 7.5


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Hey guys, thanks for the reviews. I'll try to get my reviews out later in the week when I have time. Once again thanks for reading and drop a line, tell me what you think.

POI Wrestling Episode 33 Preview​

Dave Prazak: After last weeks brutal main event Christopher Daniels is in line for a POI World Title shot. Now let’s talk about the match that everybody’s been waiting for. Austin Aries will take on AJ Styles for a spot in the Survival of the Fittest match. Their issue as to who is the better man will finally be resolved after this match. Speaking of issues Delirious laid out a challenge to IC champion Chris Hero. Hero had this to say.

Chris Hero: Delirious is back to get revenge on me. Oh well. I beat him once, I can do it again. Delirious before you get a match with me you have to beat me best friend and my tag partner; Claudio Castagnoli. If you beat him you can have a match with me. Now I have something to say to the tag champs too. Motor City Machine Guns, when you finish your feud with the little revolution that could, the Kings of Wrestling are coming for the tag belts.

Dave Prazak: Next week it will be Delirious vs. Claudio Castagnoli. Now it’s time for this weeks bonus match.

Match 1: Paul London vs. Sabu
London is in the ring when Sabu is thrown down the ramp by Taz. Taz grabs Sabu and T-Bone Tazplexes him onto the ring apron. Taz goes under the ring, gets a table, and sets it up. Taz picks up the lifeless Sabu and Dragon Tazplexes him through the table. Taz rolls Sabu into the ring and orders London to pin him. London goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. Taz grabs a microphone.

Taz: Sabu, I want a match next week. Beat me if you can, survive if I let you.

Dave Prazak: Sabu has accepted Taz’s challenge and the two will meet next week in a non-title Hardcore match. Along with that match there will be a six man tag match next week. It will be the Age of the Fall; Jimmy Jacobs, Tyler Black, and Vampiro taking on the Motor City Machine Guns and Colt Cabana. See all this and more on the next POI Wrestling. Now because the bonus match this week was so short, there will be a second bonus match this week.

Match 2: Rhino vs. Brent Albright
Albright starts off the match with a right hand to the face of Rhino. Rhino fires back with some punches of his own before whipping Albright into the ropes. When Albright bounces back Rhino tries to take him down with a shoulder block. Albright doesn’t budge at all, but Rhino steps back when he is hit with a forearm by Albright. The Gun for Hire back Rhino into a corner and pummels him with repeated forearms. Albright grabs Rhino and hits a belly to belly suplex. Albright goes for the pin, but Rhino kicks out at 2. Albright brings Rhino to his feet and whips him into the ropes. Rhino bounces back and goes for the gore, but Albright dodges it. Albright grabs Rhino and hits a German suplex before locking in the crowbar. Rhino tries to reach the ropes, but he is forced to tap out. Albright is now 2 and 0 in POI.

(End POI Previews)


Taz Vs Sabu

Delirious Vs Claudio

Good little preview, I liked Rhino Vs Brent Albright and the London/Sabu was alright too. I will be checking out your next show. Check out IPW if you ever want to...
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
Knoxville, TN
BM: Daniels and Kennedy. The 6 way was good, but I thought your flow and intensity was much more upbeat in teh cage match. You did a good job not giving away the winner as well, which is nice to see.

WM: I was expecting a lot more out of Raven vs. Edge. These were two of my favorite superstars and I was very let down as it seems everyone else was as well. *Tear*

BP: Aries and AJ, though i STILL feel like you could do better with your promos. They have gotten much better, but it would help clean up and progress storylines much better if you really put some more thought and effort into them.

WP: Punk and Kennedy's promos were both kinda lacking IMHO.

AC: Good show, but god I was looking forward to Edge and Raven and really felt let down. Please do a rematch in the near future as the main event! PLEASE! Come by and check out part 1 of Breaking Point when you get a chance. It's got some shockers!

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: The whole show is very chaotic and the Six Pack Challenge just add to it. A great match, I thought Evan will win though.

Worst Match: nothing match, I think the Raven/Edge is more of a promo than a match to hype their feud.

Best Promo: I really liked the Colt/MCMG and Tyler Black one.

Worst Promo: none, but if I had to choose, I'll go with Delirious' one.

Additional Feedback: One word will describe this show... CHAOTIC! Lots of interference, rumble at the backstage and stuffs and it served to continue every storylines without talking lol... I'll try to check your next show.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Here we go... POI Episode 33. Big action this week. If you review I'll return the favor and I'll throw in some rep too. Thanks for reading.

POI Wrestling Episode 33

The show starts with Christopher Daniels in the ring.

Daniels: As most of you know I beat Ken Kennedy to receive a shot at the POI World Title. Now I do have to question the judgment of POI. At War Zone I won the title shot. Then they made me compete for it again. Not just once, five times. Because of this injustice, I plan to do something. I plan to succeed where Vince McMahon failed. I plan to destroy POI from the inside out and this title shot, which they can’t take away from me, will help me do it. POI will fall. And that was a reading from the gospel of Daniels.

Match 1: Claudio Castagnoli vs. Delirious
The bell rings and Delirious goes crazy. Delirious starts to run laps around the ring. Delirious gets into the ring and Claudio goes for a boot to the face. Delirious ducks the boot, bounces off the ropes, and hits a leaping lariat on Claudio. Delirious brings Claudio to his feet and Castagnoli uses a European uppercut on him. Claudio whips Delirious into the corner before charging at him. Castagnoli goes for another uppercut, but Delirious moves out of the way, causing Claudio to crash into the turnbuckles. Delirious uses repeated lariats on Claudio in the corner. After hitting fifteen lariats Delirious grabs Castagnoli and whips him into the opposite corner. Delirious charges at Claudio, but he is hit with a huge European uppercut from Castagnoli. Claudio picks up Delirious and hits a vertical suplex. Claudio goes to the top rope and Delirious gets to a seated position. Castagnoli hits a diving European uppercut to the back of the neck of Delirious. They get to their feet and Claudio goes for a bicycle kick. Delirious dodges the kick, kicks Claudio in the gut, gets the go behind, grabs Claudio, and hits the Chemical Imbalance II, a double pumphandle wheelbarrow driver. Delirious brings Claudio to his feet and hits a backbreaker on him before locking in the Cobra Stretch. Claudio taps out and Delirious wins the match and a future match with Chris Hero.

The shot cuts to Homicide in the back.

Homicide: Last week that punk *** ***** Super Dragon attacked me from behind. Dragon next week I want a match. Let’s make the match a qualifier for the Survival of the Fittest match. Whatever gets you into the ring with me I will do it, I don’t care what kind of match we have. Dragon next week get in the ring with me so I can **** you up.

Match 2: The Motor City Machine Guns and Colt Cabana vs. The Age of the Fall
Alex Shelley will start with Jimmy Jacobs in this trios action. They lock up and Jacobs backs Shelley into the corner. Jimmy teases a clean break, but instead slaps Shelley in the face. Shelley attacks Jacobs with repeated forearms to the face. Alex whips Jacobs into the ropes, gets onto the ring apron, and hits a slingshot elbow to the face on Jacobs. Shelley grabs Jacobs and Jimmy picks up Shelley before planting him into the mat with a side slam. Jacobs jumps on Shelley and delivers five double foot stomps to Shelley. Jacobs tags in Tyler Black who hits a big boot to the face on Shelley. Black brings Alex to his feet and Shelley uses a facebuster on Black. Shelley reaches his corner and tags in Colt Cabana. Colt takes down Black with a clothesline. Black gets up and he is hit with a bionic elbow from Cabana. Colt runs at the ropes, springboards, and hits a moonsault press on the standing Black. Cabana goes for the pin and Black kicks out at 2. Colt gets up and brings Tyler to his feet. Black hits an enzuigiri on Colt before hitting an STO on him. Black tags in Jacobs just as Colt gets a burst of energy and tags in Sabin. Cabana rolls to the outside and Vampiro follows after him. Vampiro takes Cabana off of his feet with a leg lariat. Back in the ring Sabin hits a Northern Lights suplex. Sabin brings Jacobs to his feet and hits a tiger suplex. Sabin holds the bridge for a pin, but Jacobs kicks out at 2. Jacobs rolls to the outside and Sabin gets ready for a suicide dive. Sabin goes for it and Jacobs sees it coming. Jacobs moves out of the way causing Sabin to fly into the third row of seats. Still on the outside, Vampiro lifts up Cabana and drives him through the announce table with a chokeslam. Back in the ring Black and Jacobs are stomping a hole in Shelley. Black gets Shelley standing and Jacobs takes him down with a spear. Black picks up a Shelley and hits the Small Package Driver. Then Jacobs locks in his guillotine choke, The End Time. Shelley struggles, but he passes out. The ref calls for the bell and the AOTF get a future tag title match.

After the MCMG and Colt are helped to the back Samoa Joe walks to the ring.

Joe: I haven’t had a match in POI in three weeks and I’m ready for a fight. I’m laying down an open challenge. Next week anyone in that locker room can accept it. I don’t care who you...

Joe is interrupted by Nigel McGuinness.

Nigel: I’ll accept your challenge sunshine. Next week you and me, we’ll put on a preview of the Survival of the Fittest match for all these fans. Now all you people should know that I don’t give a damn about you. Joe, I know that once I beat you that will just bring me one step closer to that World Title.

Joe: The only problem with that is that fact that you won’t win. Nigel next week I’ll do what all these fans chant for me to do; kill you.

Nigel: I’m sure you will.

Match 3: Sabu vs. Taz
As Taz walks down the entrance ramp he is hit in the back with a chair by Sabu. Sabu whips Taz back first into the ring apron. Sabu flings the chair at Taz and hits him in the face. Taz grabs Sabu and belly to belly Tazplexes him to the hard cement floor. Sabu tries to get to his feet and Taz drives his elbow into the spine of Sabu. Taz brings Sabu to his feet. Sabu boots Taz in the face, knocking him into the front row. Even though they haven’t made it into the ring the ref rings the bell to officially start the match. Sabu gets onto the ring apron and hits a springboard Asai moonsault to the floor on Taz. Sabu brings Taz to his feet and tries to whip him into the fans chairs. Taz reverses the Irish whip into a short arm lariat. Taz goes for a release tiger Tazplex on Sabu, but Sabu lands on his feet. Sabu picks up a chair and chucks it at Taz. He does this with ten chairs before hitting an Arabian facebuster on the downed Taz. Sabu goes for the pin and the ref decided to make this match falls count anywhere, Taz kicks out at the count of 2. Sabu and Taz get to their feet. Taz grabs Sabu and hits a devastating T-Bone Tazplex onto the pile of chairs. Taz brings Sabu to his feet and hits a second Tazplex onto the chairs. Taz goes for the pin and he gets the 3 count. Taz has beaten the hardcore champion, but can he do it again for the belt?

Taz stands in victory and sees Jeff Hardy in the upper balcony. Hardy dives off and hits a Swanton Bomb on the standing Taz. After they crash to the ground neither man is moving. Paramedics come to help the men.

Austin Aries and AJ Styles feud video package
Their first encounter was 13 weeks ago.
Styles goes to the top rope and hits the corkscrew moonsault. Styles is about to go for the pin, but suddenly Randy Orton is in the ring. Orton gives Styles the RKO and then leaves the ring. Aries, not knowing that this has happened, goes to the top rope and hits the 450 on Styles. Aries goes for the pin and gets the 3 count, moving him onto the second round in the IC title tournament.
Over a month later a defeat was not forgotten.
Styles: You had to take the cheap way out and beat me while I was down. Now whenever you get a chance at a title I’ll be waiting to steal it away from you.
The battle spanned across the globe.
Aries whips AJ into the ropes before clotheslineing him over the top rope. Aries bounces off the ropes, dives through the middle and bottom ropes, and hits a suicide dive on Styles. On the outside Styles hits a spinebuster to the floor on Aries. Aries gets in the ring, runs at Styles, and knocks him off the turnbuckle with a dropkick. Aries takes down Muta with a head scissors. Aries stands up and he is hit with a shooting star plancha by Styles.
A challenge was made...
Aries: He even said that he would steal away every chance I had for a title in this company. Now I’m going to give you the opportunity to do that. Next week, Austin Aries versus AJ Styles for a spot in the Survival of the Fittest match.
And accepted.
Styles comes through the crowd and attacks Aries from behind with a dropkick. AJ hits a neckbreaker on Aries. AJ signals for the end, sets up Aries, and hits the Styles Clash.
Now another chapter will be written and one man will win. Will Austin Aries come one step closer to the POI World Title or will AJ Styles succeed and steal away Aries chance?

Dave Prazak: The following contest is for a place in the Survival of the Fittest match and is your main event of the evening. First the man on my left. He hails from Milwaukee, Wisconsin and weighs in at 205 pounds. He is Austin Aries. Now to the man on my right. He hails from Gainesville, Georgia and weighs in at 219 pounds. He is the Phenomenal AJ Styles.

Match 4: Austin Aries vs. AJ Styles for a spot in the SOTF match
The lock up and AJ powers Aries into the corner. Instead of giving a clean break AJ uses a rake to the eyes. Styles uses some forearms to the face before whipping Aries into the ropes. Aries springboards and elbows Styles in the face. Styles staggers back and Aries clotheslines him over the top rope. Aries runs at the ropes, bounces off, dives through the second and third ropes, and hits a suicide dive on Styles. Aries gets Styles to his feet before rolling him into the ring. AJ lays on the canvas and Aries slingshots himself in the ring. Aries goes for a senton, but Styles gets his knees up. Aries crashes back first into the knees of Styles. AJ gets to his feet and stomps on the back of Aries. Styles brings Aries to his feet and then slams him back first to the canvas with a spinebuster. Styles brings Aries to his feet again, but this time Aries gets AJ in a crucifix. Aries hits the crucifix bomb on Styles and holds the crucifix for a pin, but AJ kicks out at 2. Aries gets up and Styles gets to a seated position. Aries bounces off the ropes and hits a neck snap on AJ. Aries brings AJ to his feet and Styles hits the Pelé kick on Aries. AJ runs at the ropes, springboards off, hits a moonsault on the standing Aries, and transitions into a DDT. Styles goes for the pin, but Aries kicks out at 2. AJ gets onto the ring apron and waits for Aries to stand. Austin gets to his feet and AJ goes for the springboard forearm strike. Aries ducks it, picks up AJ, hits a shin breaker, and follows up with a Saito suplex. Aries brings Styles to his feet before whipping him into the corner. Aries runs at AJ and goes for a drop kick. Styles dodges the dropkick, causing Aries to crash into the corner. Styles picks up Aries, gets him in a foreman’s carry, and hits a gutbuster. Styles picks up Aries again, but this time he sets up for the Styles Clash. Styles hits the Clash and then goes for the pin. Aries gets the shoulder up at 2. Styles is in shock, he thought that he had the match won. Styles goes up to the top rope and attempts the Spiral Tap. Aries rolls out of the way and AJ hits the canvas hard. Aries gets to his feet before hitting a pendulum elbow drop on Styles. Aries brings Styles to his feet, picks him up, and slams him head first to the mat with a brainbuster. Aries goes for the pin and AJ gets the shoulder up at the count of 2. Aries grabs Styles and locks in the Horns of Aries, a bridging arm triangle choke. AJ struggles to get out of it, but he can’t. The ref lifts up Styles hand and it hits the mat. He does it a second time and again it falls to the mat. The ref lifts it the third time and it stays up. Styles is still in this match. AJ reaches his foot up and he is able to reach the ropes. Aries is forced to break the hold. Austin stomps on Styles before going to the top rope for the 450. AJ gets up, grabs Aries for a powerbomb, rips him off the top rope, and gets onto the second rope. Styles sets up for the Styles Clash and then he hits it off the second rope. Aries is knocked out on impact. Styles goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. Styles was successful in his goal of taking away Austin Aries chance at the POI World title.

(end episode 33)

Tsaalyo Phoenix

Active Member
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
St. Catharines, Ontario
BM: The Motor City Machine Guns and Colt Cabana vs. The Age of the Fall. High flying and crash'n'burning. Always fun.
WM: Que?
BP: Jeff Swantoning Taz from the balcony. Epic.
WP: No comprendo.
AC: Let's hope Roxxi wins the title tonight!