POI- Point of Impact Wrestling

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BM: Main Event by a million miles. Best match I have seen from you ever. It was a mediocre match however but I did like the ending, having it seem like Homicide was goign to break it up, but was just too late.

WM: Edge/Raven or Sydal/Williams, cannot tell, they were below average, but good for you.

BP: Opener, pretty good, best of the night for sure, like the inclusion of Kennedy.

WP: The rest of them tbh. Lol, do you really think Nigel McGuiness would call someone a wanker on live TV? And all one liners.

AC: IT was a better show from you, well done.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Six Man Mayhem, a great match involving great guys and your longest match so far I think, :p

Worst Match: Petey Williams vs. Matt Sydal, this is going to be a great match. I blame Teddy Hart and co. for it! :smh

Best Promo: The first one, I found out that most of your promos have some brawl in the end lol... Mr. Kennedy being with Hero and Claudio is quite interesting.

Worst Promo: The Nigel one didn't get in me.

Additional Feedbacks: Looks like your matches are getting longer and got improved but the promos are still not that good and it really need some work, but still it's a good show man. I am looking forward to your next show and so does the Trios Tournament! :)

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: The main event was off the charts. Definitely one of the best matches I've read thus far. You utilized all the competitors wisely and I think it was an overall great match.

Worst Match: Sydal vs. Williams- This had potential to be a great match and I'm disappointed as to how it concluded.

Best Interview/Segment: The opening promo was the best of the night. Kennedy being put with the Kings is interesting to say the least although when Kennedy said "junior" for some reason I thought of Jericho. lol...

Worst Interview/Segment: Daniels/Low Ki- It seemed a bit sudden having Low Ki just join Daniels' army. I thought it could've had more dialogue in it.

Additional Feedback/Comments: Your matches are pretty good. Your promos, not so much. I think your promos begin nicely but then take a dive, however, the opening on this show was very good. However, as Levi pointed out, I noticed your promos end up being turned into brawls. This isn't good to do consistently. Brawls should only occur when it seems like the tension is at it's max. I think it would've made your opening promo much better if Kennedy would've gotten a few more words in and took some shots at MCMG to add fuel to their impending feud.


Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
Best Match--Main Event 6-man--You did a good job describing it as you got all the action going on. A match with this many wresters are the toughest to write.

Worst Match--Sydal/Williams-Could have been better. You showed skills writing the main event you need to put in the same effort throughout the show.

Best Promo--Opening--The whole Kennedy thing made it. I liked the Title Town reference.

Worst Promo-Daniels/Low Ki--I think you need to have them think about joining more than what you do. But I did like the one day you owe me bit.

Overall--It's alright. You showed you got talent with the opening promo and the main event match. You just need to do it throughout the show.

Chuck Taylor's Grenade

BM: Main event match. Usually multi man matches become clusterfucks but you kept order which resulted in a top notch match.

WM: Sydal vs. Williams had so much potential but fell short. The interference came too soon which made the match feel like it was just there to set up the after match melee.

BP: Opening Promo by and large. Kennedy joining the Kings should provide lots of feud options. Really builds the tag title match.

WP: Low Ki joined Daniels way too soon. He should have said he'd think about it. Then next week he could have interfered in a Daniels match and given his answer.

AC: Lots of improvement with this show. The opening promo was a huge step up from the usual three line promos of your past shows. The matches showed great improvement as well as no match was less than 13 lines of text. Not saying that every match has to be pages and pages but the more written the more the people reading can see and feel what's happening.

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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BM - Like everyone's said, 6 Man Tag was pretty great. I think this is what you're best at, and you should continue with 6 man tags like Dragon Gate and NOAH.

WM - Edge vs Raven was pretty disappointing, that could've been a main event type match anywhere. odd ending with Edge actually getting beaten down.

BP - Opener was good. It flowed well, but there were some spots that were a bit too brief.

WP - Nigel's promo was pretty odd, it seemed pretty out of place.

AC - I could see the improvement here. Most of the things you did made sense, but some of the promos didn't really do it for me. The matches were pretty good though, even though interference was done at the wrong time. good improvement here, I can tell that better stuff is coming up.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
Here we go Episode 37 Preview. It's on time for once. Thanks to those of you who reviewed the last show to make it the top reviewed show in POI's history. I'll try to get out all of the reviews I owe soon. Thanks for reading and tell me what you think of the preview.

POI Wrestling Episode 37 Preview​

The Following took place after POI went off the air last week:
Delirious and Chris Hero are still fighting in the crowd. Delirious brings Hero to his feet. Hero surprised Delirious with a neckbreaker. Chris grabs a chair and slams it down onto Delirious. Hero continues to beat Delirious with the chair. The shot cuts to Hero placing Delirious on a table before climbing a ladder. Hero goes for a senton off of the ladder, but Delirious rolls off of the table at the last second. Hero goes through the table, leaving both men unable to get to their feet.

The scene cuts to Dave Prazak.

Dave Prazak: Hello and welcome to POI Previews. As you just saw Chris Hero and Delirious didn’t care that the match that they were in was over, they still kept on beating the hell out of each other. I have been told that Commissioner Joey Styles has banned them both from the building next week to keep something like this from happening again. In a match stemming from what happened this past week Mr. Kennedy of the Kings of Wrestling will face Jimmy Jacobs of the Age of the Fall. Now another member of the Age of the Fall; Lacey has placed out an open challenge and it was accepted by Daizee Haze. This weeks bonus match will be POI’s first ever women’s match.

Match 1: Lacey vs. Daziee Haze
The bell rings and the two women meet in the middle of the ring. The exchange words and then Lacey forearm’s Daizee in the face. Haze uses a forearm of her own on Lacey before grabbing Lacey and whipping her into the ropes. Lacey bounces off the ropes and Haze goes for a boot to the face. Lacey ducks it, gets the go behind, and sets up Daizee for a German suplex. Haze uses elbows to the face to get out of Lacey’s hold. Daizee chops away at the chest of Lacey. The Age of the Fall member pokes Haze in the eye and then hits a spinning heel kick to the stomach. Lacey grabs Haze and hits the German suplex that she was looking for earlier. Lacey goes for the pin, but Daizee kicks out at 2. Lacey brings Haze to her feet and Daizee surprises her with a facebuster. Daizee hits the heart punch on Lacey and follows up with the Mind Trip, a snapmare driver. Daizee goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. A few moments later as Daizee is heading up the entrance ramp Lacey attacks her from behind. Lacey uses repeated forearm shots the back of the head on Haze until she kicks her in the stomach. Lacey sets Haze up and hits the implant DDT. Lacey walks to the back with a smile on her face as the referee attends to Daizee.

Dave Prazak: In next weeks main event it will be all six of the men in the Survival of the Fittest match in a different type of elimination match. This will be a over the top rope battle royal. Also next week there will be a tag team match; Roderick Strong and Matt Sydal vs. Teddy Hart and Petey Williams. Now... *Vampiro enters* Um, can I help you?

Vampiro: You can give me a mic. There’s been one man in POI who as of late has been untouchable. He hasn’t lost a match yet. He is Mike Quackenbush. Now Quack, I’ve noticed that you really haven’t been in any kind of feud and I notice that you’re not really around here very much either. Is that because you think that you’re better than us? Quack, if you haven’t figured it out by now, I’m calling you out. Not because I want to end your unbeaten streak, I want to crush you!

Vampiro drops the microphone and walks away.

Dave Prazak: Well, join us on the next POI Previews where Mike Quackenbush will be in action and I’m sure he’ll have something to say about Vampiro. Be sure to not miss the next edition of POI Wrestling.

(end Preview)

Tsaalyo Phoenix

Active Member
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
St. Catharines, Ontario
Delirious and Chris: Eeeeee, brutal violence. :D

Prazak: O_O YES!

Daizee/Lacey: Short but nice. I'm not sure about Lacey being able to get up and go full throttle on Daizee after taking a Mind Trip though. That finisher is lethal.

Prazak: Huh, survival of the fittest match. I'll have to read back to find out what that is.

Vampiro: Yay for a promise of impending violence!

And wow, did I pick an awesome time to click this thread or what, lol.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
I got out every review that I needed to return. Yay for me! If you'd like to get a review from me, please drop a review for POI. As always thanks for reading and I look forward to your feedback.

POI Wrestling Episode 37

The show begins and a voice is heard; “Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssssssssssssteeeeeerrrrrrrr Kennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneddddddddddddyyyyyyyyyyyâ€
Ken Kennedy’s music hits and he walks down to the ring.

Kennedy: KENNEDY! Last week that punk Jimmy Jacobs attacked me for no reason. I’m a good person, why would anyone want to hurt me? I know that none of you would, right? *crowd boos* Now that’s no way to treat a King. You people are worthless, even if you all charged the ring at once, I could still take out each and every one of you.

Jimmy Jacobs music hits and he runs to the ring. When Jacobs gets into the ring he and Kennedy begin to exchange punches. A referee runs to the ring and the bell is rung.

Match 1: Ken Kennedy vs. Jimmy Jacobs
Jacobs gets the advantage and begins to punch away at Kennedy’s face before throwing him out of the ring. Jimmy leaves the ring as well, but he is met by Kennedy with a boot to the gut. Ken grabs Jacobs and slams his head into the announce table. Kennedy tries to whip Jimmy into the guard rail, but Jimmy reverses it, sending Kennedy into the rail. Jacobs runs at Ken and hits a dropkick to the face. Jimmy grabs Kennedy and rolls him into the ring. Jacobs gets in the ring and waits for Ken to get to his feet. When Kennedy stands up Jimmy goes for a bull dog. Ken is able to dodge Jacobs and kick him in the face. Kennedy grabs Jimmy and goes for the Mic Check. Jacobs slips out of Ken’s grasp. Kennedy turns to face Jimmy and he is hit with a spear. Jacobs goes for the pin, but the Kings of Wrestling member kicks out at 2. Jacobs rolls Ken over to the ring ropes and begins to deliver double stomp after double stomp to the chest of Kennedy. Ken gets the wind knocked out of him over and over. Jimmy goes for a standing senton on Kennedy, but Ken is able to get his knees up. After crashing back first onto Kennedy’s knees; Jacobs lies on the mat and grabs his back in pain. Kennedy gets to his feet and starts to kick away at the back of Jimmy. Ken brings Jacobs to his feet, all the while driving elbows and forearms into Jacobs back. Kennedy picks up Jimmy and drives him down onto the canvas with a Samoan drop. Ken gets to his feet and begins to stomps away at Jacobs. Kennedy gets Jimmy to his feet, takes him up for the top rope, and sets up for the Green Bay Plunge. Tyler Black rushes to the ring and gets inside. Kennedy throws Jacobs onto Black. Ken attacks Tyler with repeated punches and forearms to the face. While Kennedy is dealing with Black, Jimmy climbs to the top turnbuckle. Ken clotheslines Black over the top rope. Kennedy turns around and he is hit with a DDT from Jacobs. Jimmy immediately locks in the End Time on Kennedy. Ken tries to reach the ropes, but he is unable to and he taps out. Jacobs gets to his feet and signals that he will be a tag champion.

The shot cuts to the back where Brent Albright has a microphone.

Albright: For those of you that don’t know, I am the “Gun for Hire†Brent Albright. Last week I got my first shot at the main event here in POI and I came up short. This week I wasn’t even booked. That got me thinking, there’s one older wrestler one the roster who doesn’t deserve his spot. He lost two weeks in a row; he’s a waste of TV time, and a waste of money. Now I’m going to take him out. You should know who I’m talking about, but if you can’t figure it out, the dead man walking is Taz. Taz; I recommend that you watch your back.

Match 2: Roderick Strong and Matt Sydal vs. Teddy Hart and Petey Williams
Hart and Strong start off the match. They lock up and Hart whips Roderick into the ropes. Strong bounces back, Teddy leapfrogs over Strong; Roderick bounces off the ropes again, charges at Hart, and hits a boot to the face. Hart rolls to the outside for a rest, but he is followed by Roderick, who delivers a hard chop to the chest. Teddy gets back into the ring, trying to escape from Strong. Roderick gets back into the ring and Hart begins to put the boots to him. Strong tries to get to his feet, but Teddy continues the onslaught of boots to the back, stomach, and head. Hart stops the assault and begins to taunt the crowd. While Hart is occupied with the crowd Roderick gets to his feet. Hart turns around and he gets nailed by a chop from Roderick. Before Strong can hit another chop, Teddy boots Strong in the stomach, sets him up, and hits a cradle DDT. Hart goes for the pin, but Roderick kicks out at 2. Teddy lifts Strong to his feet and whips him into the New Hart Foundation’s corner. Hart tags in Petey Williams, who slingshots himself over the top rope, grabs Strong, and hits a double knee facebuster. Williams goes for the pin on Roderick, but he kicks out at 2. Petey brings Strong to his feet and slaps him in the face, taunting him. Roderick gets a burst of energy and fires back with a forearm to the face. Strong uses forearm after forearm on Petey before kicking him in the stomach, setting him up, and hitting the Powerbreaker, a powerbomb onto Strong’s knee. Roderick goes for the pin, but it is broken up at 2 by Hart. Sydal tries to get in the ring, but the referee holds him back. Roderick stands up and he is hit with a springboard moonsault from Hart. As Hart gets back onto the ring apron, Williams locks in a Fujiwara armbar on Strong. Roderick claws at the mat in pain as he tries to reach the ropes. Eventually he does reach the ropes, forcing Petey to break the hold. Williams begins to argue with the ref, allowing Strong time to rest. Roderick grabs Williams and surprises him with a half nelson backbreaker. Strong makes it in Generation Next’s corner and tags in Sydal. Matt come into the ring and hits a standing shooting star press on Williams. Hart gets into the ring and he is hit with a dropkick by Sydal, knocking him out of the ring. Sydal gets onto the ring apron and waits for Petey to get to his feet. Williams stands up and he is hit with a springboard Dragonrana into a pin from Matt. Sydal gets the 3 count and picks up a win for Generation Next.

Raven is in the back and he has requested some time to speak.

Raven: Edge, last week I did what I said I was going to do when I knocked you out. Let’s say I paid what was owed. Now Edge you knocked me out once, I knocked you out once, but we’ve never beat one another in a match. I think that we should change that. I propose that we have a match, a match that could easily end a wrestler’s career. I propose that we have a Last Man Standing match. You can give me your answer next week.

The shot cuts to the ring where Jeff Hardy is standing with a mic.

Hardy: A couple weeks back, I retained the Hardcore Title in a triple threat match. Now I want a bit more of a challenge. Let’s have a Fatal Four Way for the Hardcore title and let’s have it right now! I want any three guys in the back to come out here and challenge for the belt.

The three men that come to the ring are Rhino, Tommy Dreamer, and Sabu.

Match 3: Jeff Hardy vs. Rhino vs. Tommy Dreamer vs. Sabu for the Hardcore title
The bell rings and Sabu immediately attacks Hardy. Dreamer goes to the outside and starts looking under the ring for weapons. Rhino follows after him, but he is hit with a garbage can. Rhino swats the can out of Tommy’s hands before unloading punches on Tommy. Dreamer falls to his knees, grabs a Singapore can from under the ring, and drives it into Rhino’s crotch. Tommy stands up and starts to cane the crap out of Rhino. Dreamer goes under the ring, grabs random weapons, and begins to throw them into the ring. Dreamer gets into the ring, where Sabu springboarded and hit a dropkick on Jeff Hardy. Tommy grabs a cookie sheet and slams it onto the skull of Sabu. Hardy charges at Tommy and the same thing happens to him. Sabu takes the railroad spike out of his boot, gets Dreamer’s attention, and drives it into his forehead. Tommy falls to the mat while Rhino gets into the ring and picks up a crutch. Rhino drives the crutch into Sabu’s gut before trying to take Hardy’s head off with it. Hardy ducks the crutch, kicks Rhino in the gut, grabs the crutch, and breaks it over Rhino’s back. Jeff runs up the turnbuckles and then hits the Whisper in the Wind on Rhino and Sabu. Hardy gets to his feet and a busted open Tommy Dreamer cracks the Singapore cane over Hardy’s head. Dreamer picks up a stop sign and drives it into Hardy’s back. Tommy boots Jeff in the side before Sabu hits him in the back with a chair. Suddenly Dreamer is hit with a Gore by Rhino. The “War Machine†goes for a pin on Tommy, but it is broken up at 2 by Sabu. Hardy looks under the ring and brings a barbed wire board into the ring. Rhino is on a roll as he hits his second Gore of the match, this time on Sabu. Hardy gets Rhino’s attention, boots him in the stomach, and hits the Twist of Fate onto the barbed wire board. Jeff goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. Hardy retains the Hardcore title over three other wrestlers.

After the wrestlers go to the back CM Punk walks down the ramp while the ring is being cleared.

Punk: Now while we all wait until I win a six man battle royal, lets play a game. It’s called how many people am I better than in the front row. *Punk begins to count off everybody in the front row who has a beer* One, two, three, four, (looks like he’s got a bug gulp) five, six, seven, eight, nine, (he’s going’ it double fisted) ten, eleven, twelve, (you two don’t even have beers and I know I’m better than you) thirteen, fourteen, and fifteen. I am better than fifteen people in the front row. Wait... what am I talking about? I’m better than all of you! *laughs* I like this game.

The other wrestlers begin to make their ways to the ring of the main event.

Match 4: Over the top rope battle royal- Samoa Joe vs. Austin Aries vs. CM Punk vs. Nigel McGuinness vs. AJ Styles vs. Super Dragon
The bell rings and a huge brawl begins in the middle of the ring. Super Dragon and Samoa Joe exchange huge forearm shots to the face. Aries goes for an enzuigiri on Styles. AJ ducks the kick and goes for a kick of his own. Austin ducks the kick as well, but he is blindsided by CM Punk with a dropkick. Punk and Styles put the boots to Aries until Nigel McGuinness hits a lariat on Punk. On the other side of the ring Joe is whipped into the corner by Super Dragon. Dragon charges at Joe, but the POI World Champion grabs Dragon and powerslams him into the turnbuckles. Joe brings Dragon to his feet and tries to throw him out of the ring, but Dragon holds onto the ropes. Styles was almost thrown out of the ring, but he landed on the ring apron. AJ springboards and hits a flying forearm on Nigel. Styles stands up and he is hit with a crucifix bomb by Austin Aries. Nigel gets up and he is hit with a STO from Joe. Joe turns around and he is hit with a roaring elbow by Aries. Joe is then hit with a high knee lift by Punk. Aries and Punk whip Joe into the ropes. Joe bounces back and he clotheslines both of them. Aries manages to stay on his feet, but not for long as Joe hits a belly to belly suplex on him. Joe gets to his feet and he is clotheslined over the top rope and to the floor by McGuinness. The POI World Champion has been the first man eliminated. Nigel is so proud of himself that he doesn’t notice Super Dragon in time to stop him from hitting a dragon suplex. Joe gets back into the ring and locks in the Coquina Clutch on McGuinness. Nigel passes out, Joe leaves the ring, and McGuinness gets eliminated by CM Punk.

Styles brings Aries to his feet and whips him into the corner. AJ charges at Austin, but he is taken out of his boots with a lariat by Super Dragon. Dragon bounces off the ropes and hits a double stomp to the stomach on Styles, but then out of nowhere he gets caught with a bulldog from Punk. Punk goes for a high knee lift on Aries, but Austin moves out of the corner. Aries picks up Punk, hits a shinbreaker, and follows up with a Saito suplex. AJ Styles gets to his feet. Aries kicks Styles in the gut, sets him up, and hits a brainbuster. Austin goes to the top rope looking for the 450. Before he can hit it CM Punk gets up and hits a dropkick on Aries. This knocks Aries to the floor, eliminating him. A dazed AJ Styles gets to his feet. Super Dragon grabs AJ, picks him up, and hits the Psycho Driver. Dragon brings AJ to his feet before throwing him over the top rope and to the floor, eliminating him. Punk tries to throw Dragon out of the ring, but he lands on the ring apron. Dragon springboards and hits a spinning wheel kick on Punk. Punk falls onto the ropes. Dragon sees an opportunity and tries to clothesline Punk out of the ring. Punk ducks the clothesline and hits an enzuigiri. Punk lifts up Dragon and gets him in a fireman’s carry. Dragon uses elbows to the face to get out of the carry. Super Dragon lifts up Punk, setting him up for the Psycho Driver. Punk slips out of the Psycho Driver and boots Dragon in the stomach. Punk gets the double underhook, lifts up Dragon, and hits the Welcome to Chicago backbreaker. Punk brings Dragon to his feet and throws him out of the ring and to the floor, eliminating him. Punk wins the battle royal. The show closes as Punk celebrates.

(end episode 37)

The Rated R CMStar

Let me first say that this match had a big improvement match wise. The promos also got better but I think you can space them a little better. The message in fact gets across, but maybe you can add some crowd reaction in between lines, so it doesn't end a whole promo in just one paragraph.

BM: I liked better Jimmy Jacobs vs Mr.Kennedy, the previous attack was a good decision, and it kept the brawl like style during the contest. I also enjoyed the fact that it set the tone for what would be a better show in quality.

WM: Kinda hard, but I am going with the main event. It was written nicely, but because of the gimmick, I would have expected maybe a longer match. To summarize, quality? Great. Lenght, could have been longer.

BP: I liked the Punk promo, it was kinda fun seeing his heel persona. Kennedy's promo on the opening had its hits as well.

WP: Raven's. Completely out of character, and he didn't even drop his characteristic catchphraze.

AC: See my tips above, but definitevely there was improvement in this show.


BM: This was a hard choice because you really have taken everyones advice in and this has helped you very well matchwise, all of your matches were decent but my personal favourite would have been the Main Ecent battle Royal, it may have been your best match ever written. It flowed quite well and Punk winning was a pretty good choice. Strong/Sydal Vs Hart/Petey was also a good match, it followed the Main Event on best match.

WM: The Hardcore title match, it wasn't a bad match but it was just to short for a Hardcore match imo. There wasn't really anything to bad with it though, I just prefered the others to it.

BP: Yeah I have to agree with CMS here, the Punk promo would have to be the best for this show. I like seeing the other side of Punk, also the Kennedy promo was quite good, I liked where he said he would take the crowd members out if they came down there lol.

WP: Your Raven promo, again. I don't know why that it but your Raven promos just never seem to be right, and he is one of the best in the world when it comes to them imo. Maybe watch some of his stuff, that could help you out abit, I need to improve on these too lol.

AC: This was one of your best shows EVER imo. The matches were much better, I enjoyed them. The promos were also a little better but you still need to improve with them, esp with the Raven ones, you have one by him like each week and they aren't very good but if you study Raven promos you will get them eventually. Good show and Ill see how you do next week.

Check out IPW if you get a chance.


Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
BM--Main Event--You wrote it good and it seems you do well when you have more people in the match. Joe eliminated early was a nice touch.

WM--Kennedy/Jacobs-- Alright match really, just didn't like the interference lol.

BP--Punk--I like the promo, you make Punk hateable to the crowd.

WP--Kennedy--It is alot like Punk's promo hating on the fans, even though it was first, it wasn't close to being better.

Overall--You are getting better each week. You matches are getting better and are almost really there but promos are still work in progress but where is Daniels this week?
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
Knoxville, TN
BM: Wow, you really have gotten better at match writing. It's been a while since I visited this thread as I haven't gotten a lot of time to both write and review recently. I would have to say that my favorite match was the Main Event. I like that it came down to Dragon and Punk, and also liked that the POI champ was eliminated first.

WM: Hardcore match. It was over really quick for a Hardcore match in my opinion. That may have been your intent, but it was a bit too soon for my liking.

BP: Punk. You are doing some interesting things with him, and I have never seen Punk as a heel (though I know he has played one before). Kudos. Your promos have improved as well.

WP: You aren';t really catching the Raven character IMHO. I use Raven in my BTB and find it difficult to write for him as his character is so dark and different than anything else. You got the point across in the promo, it just didn't feel like Raven.

AC: Good show, as usual, and whats more they continue to get better. You really do deserve those awards for most improved...and if you continue to get them you will eventually be the best! Swing by and check out XCW when you get a chance.


BM: Main Event HAS to be the Best Match on the card in a wrestling show, and you did it. One of the best matches I have seen from you. You stepped up your game this week.

WM: I say Hardcore Title, this was a nig match, and should have been longer.

BP: The Punk Promo was the best of the night by far. IMO. Quite in character, but still improvement needed.

WP: The Raven promo almost made me cry, not trying to be too harsh, but I think I should send you a Raven Promo of my own, that I wrote, also, log on to WikiQuote and search for him, you should find about 10 to 15 of his many catchphrases there.

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
BM - Main Event Battle Royal was pretty good. you handled everyone in the match well. everything made sense in the match, and it told a story. great win for Punk, I wasn't really expecting that when the match began.

WM - I can't believe you had Jeff Hardy win a match over 3 original hardcore guys. it's good for a championship belt, but it just doesn't make sense when you really think about it.

BP - Punk being an asshole. That was so simple, and it was pretty effective. great way to show Punk's persona in an easy way.

WP - Raven's promo wasn't great, but I didn't like Albright's promo that much either. He seemed so generic, if I didn't know who he was, I wouldn't really care for the promo.

AC - This was a second good show in a row. the matches seemed at the same pace and length, which was a good thing. the promo side was OK, there's lots of things that could be better, like the Raven promo. I'm looking forward to the next show. Either that or I look at it right now and spoil myself.