POI- Point of Impact Wrestling

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May 26, 2008
Reaction score
bm: Opener and main evet tie
wm: Wasn't really anything bad about it, just the others were better, Jeff Hardy vs Sabu
BP: Styles post match
WP: not really
Plug; Posting WNG's second ppv final fight tomorrow.

comments: Reliving the classic POI moments brings things back
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
Knoxville, TN
BM: I really did like the opener, but I have to say the ME was my favorite. The Psycho Driver through the table was insane, though I think there could have been a little more of a build up to its inception rather than just saying "Super Dragon picks up Punk, goes onto the ring apron, and then hits a Psycho Driver through the table." Overall a good match though.

WM: Hardy vs. Sabu with a close second being the tag match. Neither of these did much for me, though I'm sure they are important to storyline progression.

BP: Age of the Fall and the Rednecks.

WP: Chris Hero. Very little personality displayed at all. I have never seen him cut a promo before and I don't know anymore about him now than I did before.

AC: An OK show from you. I must say your conveying of information is getting more and more entertaining. The story lines you are cranking out are wicked for sure. Keep up the good work, and don't worry, the No-Review Rut has happened to me too. Let's climb out of it together. XD

ALSO: Check out Full Throttle...it's INSANE this week!


Daniels vs. Kennedy...... Kennedy - Interesting here with the rules. Kennedy gets a warning right away shouldn't have been that way. It should have happened when Daniels got the control to show Kennedy's true heelness.

Age of Fall/Redneck wrecking crew/MCMG Promo - Hmmmmmm, your matches are good quality, but your promos lack of that. Show fan emotions and wrestler emotions. Everyone shouldn't get one word in. They should get a very angry conversation going and MCMG aren't the owners as far as i know. O_O

Redneck Wrecking Crew vs. Age of Fall - Not to familiar with Age of Fall, but i like the innovation of the two lol. Cade and Murdoch got owned. An ok match with a good storyline building up.

Chris Hero Promo - Shows a new personality abotu him, but as the same as all the other promos on this show, it lacks of fan reactions.

Jeff vs. Sabu - Ok the start. Sabu nails Jeff with a springboard crossbody and Jeff gets up first???????????? Taz beating the shit outta both of them can start a good three way feud if booked right, but the match in itself wasn't that good.

Raven's Promo - Very simply Raven asking for a match against Edge. For next week is the probelm. If Edge wasn't going to come out and accept it then Raven shouldn't have asked for next week.

Aries vs. Williams - Pretty solid match between the two. Aries had the win, but got sidetrack by Styles lol.

Styles' Post Match Promo - If you wanna be technical, Styles didn't interrupt the match. Aries just pay to much attention to him, but still the general idea of what Styles is doing is heard.

Main event - Wait? Your blow to blow style match writing doesn't do well with interference. Trust me, same with me when i started writing. How the hell does Joe get up like he wasn't affected by a 20 foot crossbody on him. Other then some of the stuff it was a great match.

BM - Opener

BP - Styles

Overall Rate - For your style of writing, i give you a 7/10.

Cheap Plug - Go check out RPW's return show when you have the chance, i'm kinda in the no review rut myself and I'll try to review your next show.


BM: For me, Super Dragon vs. CM Punk took the cake. It was a real Indy feel to it, which I love in BTB. Just an overall great match

WM: Hardy and Sabu was quite short, but still good none the less

BP: Age of the Fall's was pretty good


Love to see your matches are getting more lengthy, hope to see your next show up soon. Keep it going and thanks for the review. Always appreciate it
Apr 12, 2008
Reaction score
BM: Has to be the opening match for me, I love Kennedy and I loved this match. Very good stipulation, was a great read, too bad Kennedy didn't win the match.

WM: Hardy v Sabu, it was too short.

BP: Age of the Fall's was the only one that stood out for me.

WP: Ravens, way to short.

Really good show to be honest, some things were a little too short, but nothing too bad. Nice first show {1st show I've read}. Cheap plug: I have a NEW BTB if ya wanna check it out.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
I went with a somewhat new direction with POI Previews. I've added a host and promos to the show. Tell me what you think.

POI Wrestling episode 28 Preview​

Please welcome the new host of POI previews; Dave Prazak.

Prazak: Hello and welcome to POI previews. What a brawl we saw between CM Punk and Super Dragon. Dragon came out on top with some help from Rob Van Dam. CM Punk wanted some time to talk on this preview and it was granted.

CM Punk: Rob Van Dam, why do you think that you belong in the main event? I guess the drugs have finally killed every brain cell in your head. You attacked me with the VanDaminator, were you trying to prove a point? I am a two time POI champion, while you, you’re just a tag team champion. You can’t keep up with guys like me and Joe, but if you want a match against me you’ve got it. I’m going to win next week because straight edge means that I’m better than you.

Prazak: Along with that match Christopher Daniels and Ken Kennedy will meet in their second match in this best of five series. This match will be a tables match. Also next week the Motor City Machine Guns’ Chris Sabin will face the Age of the Fall’s Tyler Black. Now we will see another member of the Age of the Fall in action in this weeks bonus match. This is a wild match to say the least.

Match 1: Vampiro vs. Paul London
On his way down to the ring, London is attacked from behind by Vampiro. The Age of the Fall member hits a backbreaker on London before whipping him into the steel steps. Vampiro grabs London by the throat and chokeslams him into the crowd. Vampiro grabs a microphone and heads into the ring.

Vampiro: People have been asking me why I joined the Age of the Fall and I figured that I’d take some time now to answer that question. I joined them because I know when I see talent. Jimmy and Tyler are some of the best wrestlers today why not join them and dominate POI.
Paul London gets into the ring and climbs to the top rope. London hits a cross body on Vampiro. London brings Vampiro to his feet and hits a dragon suplex. When Vampiro gets to his feet London goes for a superkick. Vampiro catches his boot, picks him up and hits a sidewalk slam. Vampiro goes for the pin, but London kicks out at 2. Vampiro picks up London and heads to the top rope. He goes for a powerbomb, but London reverses it into a Frankensteiner. London goes for the pin, but Vampiro kicks out at 2. London goes to the top rope and goes for a 450. Vampiro moves out of the way causing London to crash and burn. Vampiro picks up London and sets him up for the tombstone piledriver. London rolls him up and gets the three count. Paul London gets an upset victory over Vampiro.

Prazak: Along with the matches mentioned before Low Ki will take on Jack Evans in an IC Title Tournament match. Also Taz will Challenge Jeff Hardy for the Hardcore title. I have also been told that commissioner Joey Styles has three big announcements to make. See all this and more on the next edition of POI Wrestling.

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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looks like a good show coming up, and having AOTF on your roster seems great. Things seem to be shaping up now, and the promos were good too in this preview. Lol at Prazak being annoucner, I hate him.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Here it is POI Episode 28. If you read please leave a review and I'll try to get back to you with a review of my own. Thanks for getting POI the #5 spot on the Power 10.

POI Wrestling Episode 28​

Raven is in the ring when the show starts.

Raven: Edge I told you that I wanted you in the ring last week. Now the time’s come. Get out here now.

Edge walk onto the entrance ramp.

Edge: You know Raven, I don’t really feel like having a match tonight. So I don’t think that is happening tonight, but I would like to introduce you to my new protection. To get to me you’ll have to get through the Gun For Hire, Brent Albright.

Albright walks to the ring. Raven attacks him with repeated right hands. Albright takes him down with a clothesline. The “Psycho Shooter†brings Raven to his feet before plowing him into the mat with a German Suplex. Then Albright locks in the Crowbar, a Fujiwara armbar. Raven taps out, but it doesn’t matter. Albright releases the hold and leaves the ring all the while edge is laughing at Raven.

Match 1: IC Title Tournament Quarterfinals Match 4: Low Ki vs. Jack Evans
They shake hands and the match begins. They lock up and Ki whips Evans into the ropes. Evans bounces back, leapfrogs over Ki, and hits a dropkick to the back on him. Ki stands up, but he is soon taken back down with a dragon screw leg whip. Evans hits a standing moonsault on Ki and then goes for the pin. Ki kicks out at 2. Evans and Ki get up at the same time. Evans springs off the ropes and is caught with a spin kick to the face by Ki. Ki uses repeated kick to the back and chest of Evans. Low Ki. bounces off the ropes, runs at Evans, and hits a step up enzugiri. Ki goes for the pin, but Evans kicks out at 2. Ki goes up to the top rope and attempts the Warriors Way. Evans moves out of the way, gets up, and hits a DDT on Ki. Evans springboards off the ropes and hits a corkscrew moonsault on Ki. Evans goes for the pin, but Ki still has enough energy to kick out at 2. Evans goes to the top rope and signals that it’s time for the 630. Low Ki gets up and dropkicks the top turnbuckle, causing Evans to fall and crotch himself. Ki picks up Evans and drops him head first onto the mat with a brainbuster. Instead of going for the pin Low Ki locks in the Dragon Sleeper. Evans tries to fight out of the hold, but he eventually passes out. The ref call for the bell and Low Ki moves onto the Semi-Finals of the tournament

After it is cleared Joey Styles walks down to the ring.

Joey: I am here to make some huge announcements. Next week will be the end of the IC Title Tournament. In the first semi-final match it will be Alex Shelley vs. Chris Hero followed by Petey Williams vs. Low Ki. Then in week 30 the POI Championship will become the POI World Title when POI goes to Japan. Samoa Joe will defend the POI Championship against KENTA. That match will also be the first match in a Survival of the Fittest tournament for the soon to be POI World Title. Now lets move onto our next match.

The Age of the Fall’s music hits and they walk to the ring. Vampiro grabs a microphone.

Vampiro: Paul London, last week you got lucky. This week on previews I want a rematch.

The Motor City Machine Gun’s walk out to the entrance ramp.

Chris Sabin: So you lost big deal. Vampiro, don’t worry you won’t be the only loser in the Age of the Fall after my match with Tyler.

The Machine Guns rush the ring and the match begins.

Match 2: Chris Sabin vs. Tyler Black
Sabin and Shelley hit the ring and immediately clothesline Jimmy Jacobs over the top rope. Vampiro goes for a clothesline of his own on Shelley, but Shelley ducks and he and Sabin back body drop Vampiro to the outside. Black catches Sabin with an elbow to the face while Shelley climbs to the top turnbuckle. Shelley jumps off the turnbuckle and takes down Jacobs and Vampiro with a flying cross body. Black whips Sabin into the corner and begins to use chop after chop on him. Sabin fights his way out of the corner with a kick to the stomach. Sabin whips Black into the ropes. On his bounce back Tyler is taken down with a head scissors by Sabin. On the outside Jacobs slams Shelley’s head into the announce table. Back in the ring Sabin hits a DDT on Black. Sabin goes for the pin, but it wasn’t enough to put Black away. On the outside Jacobs has forced Shelley to pass out to the hangman’s clutch. In the ring Black has just hit a superkick on Sabin. Jacobs hands Black his cane. Tyler plows the metal cane into the head of Chris Sabin. Sabin is busted open and appears to be knocked out. Black drags him into the corner before climbing to the top turnbuckle. Black hits the 450 and then goes for the pin. Black gets the 3 count and he has just beat one half of the tag champs.

The AOTF leave the ring and Alex Shelley grabs a microphone.

Shelley: Age of the Fall, next time that we have a match Sabin and I aren’t gonna be a man down. Jimmy, the backup that we’re bringing, you know him pretty well.

Chris Hero attacks Shelley from behind. Hero kicks Shelley in the gut, sets him up, and gives him the Heroes Welcome.

Hero: See ya next week Alex.

Match 3: Match 2 of 5: Christopher Daniels vs. Ken Kennedy in a tables match. Before Daniels can even get to the ring he is attacked from behind by Kennedy. Kennedy whips him into the guard rail before taking a fans chair. Daniels has the chair slammed into his back. Daniels fights back with some punches to the face, but Kennedy stops his offence with a knee to the gut. Kennedy tries to whip Daniels into the steel steps. Daniels reverses it, sending Kennedy crashing into the steps. Daniels grabs Kennedy and rolls him into the ring before getting himself in. The bell ring and the match officially starts. Daniels brings Kennedy to his feet and then hits an enzugiri, knocking Kennedy into the ropes. Daniels hits a cutter on Kennedy before going to the outside. Daniels gets a table out from under the ring. He tries to get it into the ring, but Kennedy kicks it into his face. Kennedy stomps on Daniels as he tries to get into the ring. Kennedy hits a facebuster on Daniels. Kennedy grabs the table and sets it up. Daniels makes it to his feet. Kennedy goes for a reverse STO, but Daniels reverses the move into a STO of his own. Daniels places Kennedy on the table before going to the top rope. Daniels is about to go for the BME, but Kennedy rolls off of the table. Daniels brings Kennedy to his feet. Kennedy surprises Daniels with a Mic Check, the reverse STO. Kennedy puts Daniels on the table and then goes to the top rope. Kennedy hits the Kenton Bomb on Daniels breaking through the table. Kennedy wins the match tying it up 1 to 1.

Match 4: Jeff Hardy vs. Taz for the Hardcore title
This rematch from War Zone looks like it’s going to be a brutal one. Before Taz can even enter the ring Hardy is on the attack with a suicide dive. Hardy grabs a fans chair and throws it into the face of Taz. Hardy boots Taz in the stomach before slamming his head into the ring. Jeff gets onto the ring apron and goes for a huracanrana. Taz catches him and powerbombs him onto the wood and metal frame of the ring. Taz goes for the pin, but somehow Hardy manages to kick out. The lights go out. When they come back on Sabu appears and cracks Taz over the head with a chair. Sabu grabs a spike out of his boot. He jabs it into the skull of Jeff Hardy, busting him open. Sabu gets Taz in the camel clutch. Hardy picks up a chair and crushes Sabu with it. Taz recovers fast, grabs Hardy, and gives him a release Tiger Tazplex into the crowd. Sabu uses a backbreaker on Taz. Sabu grabs a chair and hits an Arabian facebuster on Taz. Sabu goes for the pin, but Taz kicks out at 2. Sabu grabs a chair, goes into the crowd, and hits an Arabian facebuster on Hardy. Sabu goes for the pin and this time he gets the 3 count. Sabu just won the Hardcore title in a match that he wasn’t scheduled to be in.

After the match Jeff Hardy is helped to the back by the EMT’s. Then once it is cleared Homicide walks to the ring.

Homicide: When I got Rey Mysterio kicked out of the company I finally got the monkey off my back. Now I only want one thing, the POI championship. Joey, I want to get into this Survival of the Fittest Tournament that you just announced. I don’t care who I have to face to get in, just make it happen.

CM Punk’s music hits and he walks to the ring.

CM Punk: Homicide, Why even enter the Tournament, it’s a hopeless cause. Both you and Rob Van Dam have one thing in common; I’m better than you are. Your minds have been destroyed by drugs and alcohol. I’m straightedge and that makes me better than you. Now get the hell out of my ring, I’ve got a match now.

Homicide catches CM Punk off guard with the Gringo Cutter. Homicide leaves the ring as Rob Van Dam’s music hits. Van Dam walks into the ring while CM Punk is just getting to his feet.

Match 5: CM Punk vs. Rob Van Dam
CM Punk is still dazed from Homicides attack on him and Van Dam goes to work on him with repeated kicks to the legs of Punk. Punk fights back with a backhand to the face followed by an enzugiri. RVD hits a roundhouse kick on Punk, but Punk doesn’t back down and he hits a roundhouse of his own. This match has turned into a contest of who will fall first. Punk whips Van Dam into the corner. Punk charges at him and goes for a knee lift. RVD moves out of the way and then hits a spinning crescent kick on Punk. Punk stumbles out of the corner before falling to the mat. RVD bounces off the ropes before hitting Rolling Thunder on Punk. Van Dam goes for the pin, but Punk kicks out at 2. RVD brings Punk to his feet. Punk uses a back body drop on RVD, followed by a knee drop to the head. Punk brings RVD to his feet, gets him in a double underhook, and slams RVD on his knee with the Welcome to Chicago backbreaker. CM Punk covers RVD, but Van Dam kicks out at 2. Punk brings RVD to his feet again, but this time RVD rolls him up for a 2 count. Van Dam gets up first, runs at the ropes, springboards, and hits a leg lariat on Punk. Punk gets up and he is grabbed by RVD. Van Dam slams Punk to the mat with a German suplex. Van Dam gets up fast and hits a standing moonsault on Punk. Van Dam gets Punk in position before going to the top rope. RVD goes for the Five-Star Frog Splash, but he crashes into the mat when Punk moves out of the way. Punk goes for the pin, but Van Dam gets the shoulder up at 2. Punk stalks Van Dam until he gets to his knees. Punk hits the Shining Wizard on RVD, slamming his knee into Van Dam’s face. RVD falls back to the mat and Punk goes for the pin. Van Dam gets the shoulder up at 2 again. Punk doesn’t let up on RVD, locking in the Anaconda Vice. RVD tries to fight out of the hold, but he can’t reach the ropes. Van Dam passes out, making Punk the winner of the match.

CM Punk has his hand raised in victory as the show closes.

(end episode 28)

Tsaalyo Phoenix

Active Member
Nov 5, 2007
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St. Catharines, Ontario
BM: Christopher Daniels vs. Ken Kennedy. The more extreme the match type, the better. Would have been more fun to Green Bay Plunge Daniels through the table though.
BP: Edge, Albright, and Raven. Most violent, therefore best.

As you'll quickly learn, i'm wooed by brutality. :)

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
BM - Punk vs RVD was pretty good, and the promo before it with Homicide was classic CM Punk, way in character against two people with histories of drugs and stuff like that. Surprising seeing a win from Punk though, after the Cutter from Cide.

WM - Hardy vs Taz because of the interference from Sabu, kinda ruined the match.

BP - Homicide and Punk's promo like I said above was pretty good.

WP - Shelley's promo at the end was kinda bland, but I want to see who they could bring in, maybe BJ Whitmer?

AC - This was a pretty nice show with lots of feuds going through. The matches and promos are improving, and the storyline/storytelling work is good as always. Things are looking good at this point, I'm looking forward to more.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Here it is, only one day late. If you read please leave your thoughts and if you didn't review, please leave a review for POI Episode 28. Thanks for reading.

POI Wrestling Episode 29 Preview​

Dave Prazak: Hello and welcome to POI previews. Next week it will be the final three matches of the IC Title Tournament. In the first match Alex Shelley will face Chris Hero. Then in the second semi final match Petey Williams will take on Low Ki. The winners of these two matches will meet in the main event for the IC Title. Last week on POI Previews we saw Paul London upset Vampiro and win in their match. Now Vampiro wanted a rematch and London accepted. Let's go to this weeks bonus match.

Match 1: Paul London vs. Vampiro
Just like last week Vampiro tries to attack London from behind. London was expecting the attack and takes down Vampiro with a drop toe hold. London brings Vampiro to his feet before whipping him into the ring post. London goes for a dropkick, but Vampiro moves out of the way. London gets up, but is taken right back down with a leg lariat from Vampiro. Vampiro picks up London and drops him crotch first onto the guard rail. The Age of the Fall member grabs London and rolls him into the ring. Vampiro goes for the pin, but London kicks out at 2. Vampiro gets up and begins to stomp on London. Paul tries to get to his feet, but Vampiro kicks him in the gut. Vampiro picks up London and slams him to the mat with a chokeslam. Vampiro goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. As Vampiro starts to walk up the entrance ramp London grabs a microphone.

London: Vampiro, you won one and I’ve won one. Next week why don’t we find out who the better man is?

Vampiro: You’ve got a deal.

Dave Prazak: Well you heard it, next week on POI previews it will be Paul London vs. Vampiro in their third meeting. Now POI newcomer Mike Quackenbush wanted some time to speak.

Quackenbush: Ever since Joey Styles announced that POI was going to Japan I wanted to issue this challenge. Tiger Mask IV, last time that we had a match I won after I ripped off your mask. I’m not proud of what I did, but Tiger Mask I want another match with you. I want to cement my spot in POI and beating you again will do it.

Dave Prazak: It has been confirmed that Mike Quackenbush will be meeting Tiger Mask IV in a match when POI goes to Japan. Also on the next POI Christopher Daniels will take on Ken Kennedy in a street fight. All that and much more will happen on POI’s 29th episode.


BM: Daniels/Kennedy, anice good match and quite brutal at that. I like both wrestlers which made it even better for me. Punk Vs RVD was also good.

WM: Hardy/Tazz for the exact same reason as HFH, it ruined it imo.

BP: The opening promo was pretty good, I liked the attack but also Punk/Homicides was pretty good. Nice job.

WP: Not sure, probably the Shelley promo but it was still quite interesting...

AC: Pretty good show, the matches were interesting and pretty good, I will try and check out your next show which also looks alright.

CP: Check out IPW if you want, first show is up.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Here come POI Episode 29. This show has the final three matches of the IC Title Tournament. Then next week POI travels to Japan where Samoa Joe takes on KENTA in the main event; DON'T MISS IT!!!! Thanks to thoes who got me the #4 spot on the Power 10. If you read please leave a review and I'll besure to return the favor and give some rep.

POI Wrestling Episode 29​

The show starts off with the first match of the IC Title Tournament’s Semi-finals.

Match 1: IC Title Tournament Semifinals Match 1: Alex Shelley vs. Chris Hero
After what happened when Hero attacked Shelley last week Shelley refuses to shake the hand of Hero. They lock up and Hero powers Shelley into the corner. The ref wants a break, but he doesn’t get a clean one. Hero slaps Shelley in the face and Shelley fires back with some forearms to the face. Shelley whips Hero into the ropes. Shelley grabs Hero on his bounce back and hits an STO. Shelley goes for the pin, but Hero kicks out at 2. Shelley goes to the top rope. Hero recovers and follows him up there. Hero grabs Shelley and hits a superplex. Hero goes for the pin, but Shelley is able to kick out at 2. Hero brings Shelley to his feet, but he is surprised with a facebuster from Shelley. Shelley bounces off the ropes and hits an enzugiri. Shelley brings Hero to his feet, whips him into the ropes, and goes for a back body drop. Hero sunset flips over Shelley and rolls him up for a count of 2. Hero gets up and dropkicks him in the face. Hero bounces off the ropes and is taken down by Shelley with an armdrag. Shelley drops an elbow on Hero before locking in an armbar. Hero reaches the ropes and breaks the hold. Shelley brings Hero to his feet before whipping him into the ropes. Shelley goes for a clothesline, but Hero ducks it. Hero kicks Shelley in the back, sets him up, and hits the Heroes Welcome. Hero goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. Hero beats Alex Shelley and moves on to the finals to face the winner of this match.

Match 2: IC Title Tournament Semi-Finals Match 2: Petey Williams vs. Low Ki
They shake hands and the match begins. Low Ki goes for a kick to the head, but Petey ducks it. Williams catches the leg and takes down Ki with a dragon screw leg whip. Petey stomps on Ki before running into the ropes. Ki gets to his knees and Petey goes for a running knee lift. Ki ducks the knee, gets up, and hits an enzugiri to the back of the head. Ki kicks Petey’s legs out from under him before kicking him in the stomach. Low Ki bounces off the ropes and goes for a running double foot stomp. Petey moves out of the way at the last second before rolling to the outside. Petey hopes for a rest but he doesn’t get it. Ki jumps through the top and middle ropes and hits a suicide dive on Williams. Ki brings Petey to his feet before whipping him back first into the ring. Ki uses some knife edge chops on Petey until Williams escapes back into the ring. Ki tries to get back into the ring and Petey stomps on him for his efforts. Low Ki finally makes it into the ring and is whipped into the ropes by Petey. Ki springboards and hits a spin kick to the head on Petey. Ki grabs Petey, brings him over to the corner, and gets him in the tree of woe. Low Ki goes to the top turnbuckle and hits the Warriors Way. This has to be the end for Petey. Ki goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. Low Ki moves on to the finals of the IC Title Tournament where he will face Chris Hero later tonight.

Dave Prazak is in the back with Chris Hero.

Prazak: Chris Hero, what do you have to say about your match later tonight against Low Ki?

Chris Hero: Low Ki, tonight is my night. You’ve already been IC champion, now it’s my time. I will walk out of here tonight the Intercontinental Champion.

Match 3: Christopher Daniels vs. Ken Kennedy in a street fight
After tying up the best of 5 series one to one, Kennedy appears very confident. Daniels music plays, but he doesn’t come to the ring. Kennedy walks to the back with a smile on his face. He comes back out to the ring dragging a knocked out and bloodied Christopher Daniels. Kennedy brings Daniels into the ring and the ref reluctantly rings the bell. Kennedy pins Daniels and gets the 3 count. Kennedy grabs a microphone.

Kennedy: And people said that it would be hard to beat Daniels. All I had to do was use my head to win this one. That’s something that none of you idiots know how to do. I am the smartest wrestler in this company. Daniels, remember the next time that I win, I get my title shot.

Kennedy brings Daniels to his feet before hitting the Mic Check. Kennedy begins to taunt Daniels with random insults as the shot cuts to the back where Dave Prazak is with Low Ki.

Prazak: Low Ki, tonight you have a chance to become the first two time IC champion. What are your thoughts on this match?

Low Ki: I don’t have much to say about this, but I do have to say one thing. Chris Hero will not walk out of this building champion.

Samoa Joe’s music hits and he walks out to the ring.

Joe: Next week in Japan I’m defending the POI championship against KENTA. More importantly that’s the beginning of the Survival of the Fittest Tournament. KENTA is a great wrestler, but I’m just a little bit better. I know that I’m in this tournament. What I don’t know is who else is in it.

Nigel McGuinness’ music hits and he walks to the ring.

Nigel: Well sunshine, I know that I’m in that tournament. Joe, when I joined POI the first thing that I wanted to accomplish was to get that POI championship.

Rob Van Dam’s music hits and he walks to the ring.

RVD: Nigel, last time that I checked you haven’t even had a match in POI yet. What makes you think that you deserve a title shot?

Nigel: The first day that I was here I kicked your yankee a**.

RVD: Wanna try and do it again?

They stand off and Nigel headbuts RVD, knocking him back. Van Dam bounces off the ropes and hits an enzuigiri on Nigel. McGuinness slams into Joe before giving him a European uppercut. Joe attacks Nigel with a flurry of punches and slaps until McGuinness escapes from the ring. Then Joe turns to RVD, grabs him, and tosses him out of the ring. Joey Styles walks onto the entrance ramp.

Joey: I’ve decided that the second Survival of the Fittest qualifying match will be Rob Van Dam vs. Nigel McGuinness. Now clear the ring, we’ve got an IC title match coming up.

The two IC Title Tournament finalists make their way to the ring.

Dave Prazak: The following contest is your main event and is for the Intercontinental Championship. The contender to my left weighs in at 240 pounds and hails from Metropolis. He is Chris Hero. The man on my right weighs in at 180 pounds and hails from Brooklyn New York. He is Low Ki.

Match 4: IC Title Tournament Finals- Chris Hero vs. Low Ki
This is the end of a near 15 week tournament. They shake hands and begin to head to their corners before Hero attacks Ki from behind with a forearm to the back of the neck. Hero pummels Ki with repeated punches. Ki fires back with a kick to the stomach of Hero. Low Ki whips Hero into the ropes. He goes for a clothesline, but Hero ducks it. Hero bounces off the ropes again and goes for a clothesline of his own, but Ki leapfrogs over him. Hero bounces off the ropes a third time and this time he is met with a Kawada kick to the face from Low Ki. Hero rolls to the outside and Ki goes up to the top rope. Hero turns to face Ki and Ki goes for his second suicide dive of the night. This time it does not pay off. Hero moves out of the way and Ki crashes into and through the announce table. Hero picks up Low Ki and drags him into the ring. Hero pins Ki and Ki somehow manages to kick out at 2. Hero is in disbelief and he argues with the ref that it was a 3 count. Hero grabs Ki and sets him up for the Heroes Welcome. Low Ki sips out of the hold and hits a superkick on Hero. They both hit the mat and appear knocked out. Ki crawls over to the ropes and climbs his way to his feet. Hero gets to his knees, Ki runs at him, and hits a step up enzuigiri. Ki goes up to the top rope before attempting the double foot stomp. Hero moves out of the way, Ki turns around, and Hero hits the Yakuza kick. Hero bounces off the ropes and hits the standing senton on Low Ki. Hero brings Ki to his feet before using a palm strike to the chest. Low Ki gets a burst of energy and kicks Hero in the side of the head. Hero falls back on the ropes, bounces off of them, and hits another Yakuza kick on Ki. Hero brings Ki to his feet, sets him up, and hits the Heroes Welcome. Hero goes for the pin and he gets the 3 count. Chris Hero has just won the tournament and the IC championship. Claudio Castagnoli comes to the ring to celebrate with Hero as the show closes.

(end episode 29)

Chuck Taylor's Grenade

BM: Low Ki vs. Hero was a great match to end the IC title tournament. I thought Hero had it won after the table spot.

WM: Kennedy vs. Daniels. Not really a match just a pin fall after a prematch beatdown.

BP: Joe, Nigel and RVD. Sets up Nigel vs. RVD and also hypes next week's match with Joe and KENTA

WP: Low Ki and Hero's post match promos weren't as developed and basically said the same thing that each person was walking out as champion.

AC: Good show to end the IC Title Tournament on. Chris Hero should be a good champion. Daniels should win the next match to set up the deciding fifth match. Joe and KENTA should be brutally stiff. Can't wait.


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May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
If you havent reviewed POI Episode 29 do it now!!!!!!!! Please :)

POI Episode 30 Preview​

Dave Prazak: Hello and welcome to POI Previews. On the next episode of POI we are going to make history with our first show out of the states in Japan. In the main event the POI Championship will become the POI World Title when Samoa Joe defends his title against KENTA. Also two powerhouses will go head to head when Morishima takes on Taz. Now it is time for this weeks bonus match. In the past two weeks Paul London and Vampiro have had two matches. They each have won one of them, now this match will decide who the better man is.

Match 1: Vampiro vs. Paul London
This week the match actually starts in the ring. They lock up and Vampiro overpowers London, shoving him to the mat. London gets up fast and kicks Vampiro’s legs out from under him. London drops an elbow on the back and spine of Vampiro. London bounces off the ropes and baseball slides, kicking Vampiro in the face. London goes to the top rope and waits for Vampiro to stand up. Vampiro gets up and slams into the ropes, causing London to crotch himself on the top rope. Vampiro climbs to the second rope, grabs London, and slams him into the mat with a superplex. Vampiro goes for the pin, but only gets a 2 count. Vampiro brings London to his feet before whipping him into the ropes. London springboards off the ropes and hits an enzugiri. London hits a facebuster on Vampiro before setting him up on the mat. London goes up to the top rope and attempts a 450. Vampiro moves out of the way causing London to crash into the mat. Vampiro picks up London and hits the Tombstone piledriver. Vampiro goes for the pin and he gets the 3 count.

Dave Prazak: Next week in Japan there will be a huge tag match. It will be Austin Aries and Jushin “Thunderâ€￾ Liger going up against AJ Styles and the Great Muta in a no disqualification tag tram match. Then in the show opener Mike Quackenbush will face Tiger Mask IV. See all this and more next week when POI goes to Japan.