POI- Point of Impact Wrestling

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Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
Knoxville, TN
This was interesting. Vince seems very out of character at times, but other times is dead on. I do really like the layout of the review portion, flowed very nicely.

BM: Claudio vs. Shelley.
WM: The opener. Wasn't awful, i just would have liked more.
BP: The one with Vince, duh!
WP: Tazz.

AC: If you haven't yet, please check out my first ever PPV: Tabula Rasa!

WCW Rules

May 27, 2008
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La Florida
WCW Rules' Review of comicgeekelly's POI 25

Third show here, my friend. Let's see how weell you've done for yourself. :)

Like the prior show, we're starting off with a match here. Quite a chaotic match, TBH. Again, the beginning match came off as rushed and unclear, not to mention you're still relying on the same old tricks for the writing. You need to use transitions, or else your match will appear disjointed and increasingly irritating to read. The match itself was okay for what it was, but there was no purpose in using the weapons lik you did, or it didn't seem so. It's a TLC match, yes, but you didn't give the wrestlers any incentive or meaning in their actions, it just happened. I'm not asking you to rely on exposition, if just a little detail here and there. It was expected RVD would go over in the end, but... I'm not seeing any reasoning behind it.

Minor Taz promo, opening a challenge up for WarZone. Too short for my liking, ending too quickly. The promo didn't work for me, though. Oh, and Snitsky = jobber, IMO. :)

Hmm.... I didn't read Claudio nor Shelley arriving. Little things like this really add to the overall quality of the show. They're minor, and I may be coming off as nitpicky, things are just happening so quickly, no time to sink anything in, really. I'm really having a hard time reading your matches, man. Not only is the writing a detriment, but the matches aren't as good as they can be. They're just a conglomeration of manuevers serving no higher purpose. This match, like the previous one, took the same path and received the same result. There's no flow nor transition, and things fall into an unorganized mess. Shelley winning was cool, though I like Claudio as well. Please take my tips into consideration.

A promo involving Styles and Vinnie Mac, eh? Hmm.... Super Dragon and John Cena? Interesting match, IMO. Might be a mismatch, but an interesting one. Taz Vs Jeff Hardy? Another interestingly booked match. LOL @ Vince's comments of the Battle Royale just being a vehicle for WWE's supremacy. The Battle Royale seems like it can be a fun, if not a clusterfuck of a match. Adding a title shot to the stipulation was quite ingenius booking, if I say so myself. Typical, but ingenius nonetheless. LMAO @ Punk getting superkicked by HBK unexpectedly. I liked that, TBH. The entire situation degenerated into a brawl, which was a nice touch. War Zone is looking interesting, however, I do hope you can improve in the time you're writing it, because if not, it might not be as good as I'm hoping it can be. Overall, the ending to POI 25 was cool; again, no description and things just happened in no real sequence. Sometimes, it's okay to just let loose and write to get the point across, but a little detail now and then wouldn't hurt.

Rather short and disappointing show, though. I think I don't need to reiterate the same old points I've been making. I mentioned much of it in the last review I did for you, and this time around, I've tried to include it in the critique of the individual sections of the show. Not a good show, the ending pretty much made it, TBH. I do hope you put forth a little more effort, though, because you can make a truly kick ass show if ya tried to give it some more thought, detail, meaning, and you improve on your writing technique.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
The Road to War Part 2​

Welcome to the Road to War part 2. This half will cover each match by itself unlike part 1 which followed the entire war.

One of the biggest matches on the card is the TLC match for the Tag titles. This feud started after the Motor City Machine Gun’s with Rob Van Dam and Sabu.

Sabin picks up Sabu and hits the Cradle Shock piledriver. Sabin goes for the pin, but it is broken up by RVD. Shelley gets into the ring and uses some elbows on RVD. RVD tries to kick Shelley in the head, but he misses. Before he can attempt another, Shelley and Sabin take him out with their double superkicks. Sabin uses a double foot stomp on Sabu. Then Shelley locks in the Shelley Stretch on Sabu. Just as Sabu is about to reach the rope, Sabin pushes it away. Sabu taps letting the MCMG retain their titles.

After the match Petey Williams, Shelton Benjamin, and Teddy Hart of the New Hart Foundation run to the ring. They attack the champs from behind with ladders. When RVD gets into the ring Hart hits him in the stomach with a ladder and Petey uses the Canadian Destroyer on him. Sabin gets up and Hart drives the ladder into his skull. They place Sabu on a ladder and then Benjamin hits a moonsault onto him. The Hart Foundation leaves all four men laid out in the ring as the show ends.

One week after that Chris Sabin met Teddy Hart in a one-on-one match.

On the outside Shelley is being double teamed by Benjamin and Petey Williams. RVD and Sabu run down the entrance ramp and attack the Hart Foundation and Shelley. As the brawl on the outside goes on Sabin brings a ladder into the ring. Hart dropkicks the ladder into Sabin’s chest and then takes him down with a drop toe hold. Hart places the ladder in the corner before lifting Sabin up by his hair. Hart whips Sabin into the ladder. Hart charges at Sabin, only to have the ladder smash into his skull. The brawl on the outside has spilled into the crowd. Sabu has been busted open by a chair shot from Shelley. RVD hits the VanDaminator on Benjamin before being kicked in the head by Petey. Back in the ring Sabin suplexes the ladder onto Hart, but Hart just kicks it back in his face. Hart gets up and sets up the ladder. Sabin bounces off the ropes and hits a swinging neckbreaker on Hart. Sabin gets Hart in a fireman’s carry and climbs the ladder. Sabin hits the Cradle Shock piledriver off of the ladder. Sabin goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. The brawl on the outside has been broken up, but it is obvious that this war is not over.

In POI episode 24 Teddy Hart and Petey Williams faced RVD and Sabu.

Hart catches the chair, but RVD kicks it into his face. Petey gets into the ring, kicks RVD in the gut, and gives him the Canadian Destroyer. Sabu gets into the ring and uses a drop toe hold on Petey followed by an Arabian Facebuster. Hart gets up, gives Sabu a tornado DDT, and then goes to the top rope. Hart hits the open Hart surgery on Sabu before going for the pin. The pin is broken up by Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin. Hart tries to fight off the MCMG’s, but they overpower him and hit the double superkicks. RVD is on the top turnbuckle. He jumps off and hits a dropkick on both Shelley and Sabin. RVD gets up and is rolled up from behind by Petey. Petey gets the 3 count and immediately rolls out of the ring.

Last week on POI it was a preview of the TLC match.

Match 1: Chris Sabin vs. Petey Williams vs. Rob Van Dam
Petey bounces off the ropes and goes for a clothesline on Sabin, but Sabin ducks and uses a back drop on him. RVD rams the ladder into Sabin’s head. Petey gets up, kicks RVD in the stomach, sets him up, and hits the Canadian Destroyer. Petey goes to the outside and brings two chairs into the ring. Petey sets up the ladder and chairs like a table. Sabin gets up, uses an inverted atomic drop on Petey, picks him up, and hits the Cradle Shock. Sabin places Petey on the ladder before going to the top rope. RVD knocks Sabin off with an enzugiri. Then RVD goes to the top rope and hits the 5-star frog splash on Petey. RVD goes for the pin and gets the 3 count.

This Sunday the Motor City Machine Guns defend their tag belts against both RVD and Sabu and the New Hart Foundation in a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match.

One feud that has been brewing for awhile is between Homicide and Rey Mysterio. It all started when Homicide quit the MWR.

Homicide: Last week, me and Mysterio lost the tag belts. I couldn’t be happier. In our matches, I did all the work. I beat 3 members of the New Church of Daniels. Then last week, Mysterio lost the titles, not me, he got pinned. I quit the MWR.

Mysterio comes to the ring.

Mysterio: You really want to quit? Fine by me. You were the only thing keeping the MWR from going to WWE.

Homicide slaps Mysterio and the two start brawling. Super Crazy and Psychosis attack Homicide. The numbers get to Homicide as all three stomp on him. Then Homicide’s former partner Low Ki runs to the ring. The MWR clears out of the ring.

Homicide: Next week, Mysterio, you and Crazy vs. me and Low Ki.

The week after that Rey Mysterio and Super Crazy took on Low Ki and Homicide.

Mysterio places Homicide on the ropes for the 619. Homicide was playing possum and takes Mysterio out of his boots with a clothesline. Mysterio tags in Crazy as Homicide tags in Low Ki. Ki unloads on Crazy with some stiff kicks. Ki hits a kick to the side of the head on Crazy just as Homicide gets into the ring to attack Mysterio. Mysterio runs off, leaving Crazy alone. Homicide gives Crazy a Gringo Killer and then Ki makes him pass out to the Dragon Sleeper. Homicide and Ki win, but Mysterio got away.

One week later Homicide was attacked by Rey Mysterio and Psychosis.

In the back Homicide is being attacked by Rey Mysterio and Psychosis. Mysterio and Psychosis stomp on Homicide and then whip him into the wall. While Psychosis continues to punch and kick Homicide Mysterio goes into the bathroom and grabs a mirror. He has Psychosis hold it in front of Homicides face. Then Mysterio dropkicks it making it shatter across Homicides face. The security saves Homicide from any more damage.

Homicide later gained revenge against Psychosis by helping Delirious to a victory against him. The in POI episode 23 a brawl broke out in the back.

The shot goes from the ring and to the back where Rey Mysterio and Homicide are brawling. Homicide whips Mysterio into the wall and then picks up a chair. Homicide swings for Mysterio’s head, but he ducks. Mysterio uses a low blow on Homicide followed by a kick to the head. Security comes in and separates the two. Homicide breaks away and stabs Mysterio in the head with a fork. The security grabs Homicide and they manage to keep them apart.

One week after that the match was made.

Homicide: Rey Mysterio, you’ve tried to injure me and you’ve tried to end my career, but we haven’t even had a match against each other. At War Zone I want a match with you. I want a street fight.

Rey Mysterio walks onto the entrance ramp.

Mysterio: I’ll give you a match at War Zone, but I want it to be a Last Man Standing match.

Homicide: Sounds good to me.

Joey Styles appears on screen.

Joey: Then at War Zone it will be Homicide vs. Rey Mysterio in a Last Man Standing match. I have also decided that you two can’t even be in the same building until that match. So I’m asking Rey Mysterio, that you leave the building.

Mysterio: I’ll leave, but at War Zone, Homicide’s getting knocked out.

At War Zone these two will meet in their first ever one-on-one match.

Randy Orton made his return to POI an explosive one, attacking AJ Styles during his match against Austin Aries.

Styles goes to the top rope and hits the corkscrew moonsault. Styles is about to go for the pin, but suddenly Randy Orton is in the ring. Orton gives Styles the RKO and then leaves the ring. Aries, not knowing that this has happened, goes to the top rope and hits the 450 on Styles.

One week later...

AJ: Last week I was cost my chance at the IC title by Randy Orton. Austin Aries, you deserved that win, but someday I want a rematch. Randy I don’t know what I did to you to make you attack me, but you chose the wrong time to do it. Get out here, I want some answers.

Randy Orton enters the ring through the crowd.

Orton: AJ, you want to know why I attacked you. Back in POI’s second week we had a match and I won. After that you get even more matches while I eventually went back to WWE because I wasn’t getting booked anymore. AJ I went after you because you’re one of POI’s top wrestlers and I’ve already beat you. I want to show you that I’m better than you.

Orton slaps AJ and the match begins.

AJ Styles vs. Randy Orton
Orton takes down Styles on his bounce back with a powerslam. Orton waits for Styles to stand up again. This time when Styles stands up Orton hits the RKO. Orton goes for the pin, but Styles kicks out at 2. A frustrated Orton goes to the outside and sets up a table. Orton gets up on the ring apron and is attacked with some punches by Styles. Orton and Styles exchange punches until Orton hits a RKO from out of nowhere. The move causes Orton to fall off of the ring apron and go through the table. With neither wrestler moving the referee ends the match and calls it a double knock out.

This double knockout did not sit well with AJ Styles and he wanted a rematch.

Styles: Randy Orton, two weeks back we had a match. It didn’t solve anything because it ended in a double KO. I wasn’t happy with that, but then when Joey announced War Zone, It gave me an idea. Orton, we need to have a match at War Zone *Orton sneaks into the ring without Styles noticing* and not just any match. An anything goes match. *Styles turns around and gets RKO’ed by Orton*

Orton: Challenge accepted. This time you’ll be the only one who gets knocked out.

The next Monday night on Raw, Styles struck back against Orton.

Randy Orton just hit the RKO on Hardcore Holly. AJ Styles gets into the ring and hits his own version of the RKO on Orton when he turns around. Then Styles Picks up Orton and uses the Styles Clash on him. Styles leaves the building when WWE wrestlers run to the ring.

And that brings us to War Zone, who will win the Anything Goes match?

For around a month now a faction war between the Flock and the Age of the Fall has been waged. It all started in POI episode 21.

Raven: Last week I was cost my title when I was attacked by some punks that I couldn’t see. Now Joey I know that you were behind it. You’ve wanted to take the title away from me ever since I first held it. Now you did it, good job. Joey, I just want to know who the people who attacked me were.

All of the lights go out except for one red spotlight on Raven. A masked voice comes over the sound system.

Voice: Raven, Joey Styles had nothing to do with the attack. One group was behind it and we are revolutionaries.

A group of men, all in black with ski masks covering their faces, run through the crowd and enter the ring.

Voice: Raven you are our first target in POI.

The men all attack Raven. Soon after the attack begins a man dressed in all white using a cane walks to the ring. The voice changes.

Voice: I’ve decided to meet you face to face Raven so that I can reveal who I am and what I lead. (The man in white steps into the ring and the others stop the attack.) I’m sure that some of you are expecting a WWE wrestler, (Raven tries to stand.) but you are far off. (He breaks the cane over Raven’s head, busting him open. The man removes the mask.) I am Jimmy Jacobs and we are the Age of the Fall. A revolution is here.
The light goes out. Then all of the lights come back on. All of the men are gone and for the second week in a row Raven is knocked out and busted open in the middle of the ring.

One week after that Raven and the Flock called out the AOTF.

Raven: Jimmy Jacobs, you say that you’re leading a revolution and that I’m your first target. I’m going to end your revolution as fast as it’s begun.

Jimmy Jacobs comes through the crowd with Tyler Black and a masked man.
Jacobs: The Age of the Fall is here to show people the way. If anyone gets in the way of our destinies, we will take them out. Raven, you’re standing in our way.

Both sides charge at each other in the ring. Raven and Jacobs exchange right hands while Edge elbows the masked man in the face. Black picks up Dreamer in a fireman’s carry and then drives his head into the turnbuckle. Raven tries to use the Raven Effect on Jacobs, but Jacobs gets out of it and uses an enzugiri. Jacobs bails out of the ring and then he and his followers leave the building.

A week after that Raven met Jimmy Jacobs in a match.

Raven vs. Jimmy Jacobs
Raven tries to whip Jacobs into the fans chairs, but Jacobs reverses it, sending Raven into the chairs. Jacobs picks up two chairs and sets them up like a table. Jacobs turns around, Raven kicks him in the stomach, and gives him the Raven effect onto the chairs. Raven drags Jacobs from the crowd to the ring. As soon as Raven goes for the pin a masked man attacks him. The man uses a backbreaker on Raven and then picks him up. The man plants Raven’s head into the mat with a tombstone piledriver. The man takes off his mask and reveals himself to be Vampiro. Jacobs covers Raven and gets the 3 count. The lights go out and when they come back on Jacobs and Vampiro are gone.

One week later...

Match 2: Edge vs. Vampiro
Edge waits in the ring for Vampiro, but he doesn’t come. The lights go out. After awhile the lights come back on just as Vampiro gives Edge a tombstone piledriver. Vampiro goes for the pin, but Tommy Dreamer breaks it up. Tyler Black and Jimmy Jacobs run to the ring. Dreamer holds them off with repeated kendo stick shots. Vampiro uses a backbreaker on Dreamer. Then Vampiro places Dreamer on the top turnbuckle and Edge on the mat. Black gives Dreamer a dropkick and turns the move into a moonsault for Edge. Raven runs to the ring with a chair and cracks Vampiro over the head with it. With all of the interference the referee calls the match a NO CONTEST. This decision doesn’t stop the brawl. Security runs to the ring to stop the fight. Raven knocks out one of the security with a chair shot before breaking away and giving Black a Raven Effect. Jacobs brings out a chain and begins to choke out Raven with it. Security finally breaks up the brawl and then remover the Age of the Fall from the building.

At War Zone it will be Raven, Edge, and Tommy Dreamer taking on Jimmy Jacobs, Tyler Black, and Vampiro in a Six Man War.

One other POI vs. WWE match at War Zone will be Super Dragon vs. John Cena. This feud started three weeks ago when Super Dragon was in a match against Super Crazy.

The shot cuts back to the ring where Dragon hits the Psycho Driver on Crazy. Dragon goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. John Cena runs to the ring with a chair. Before he can even react Dragon is flattened with a chair shot. Cena picks up Dragon and gives him the FU. CM Punk runs to the ring to make the save. Cena bails out of the ring and runs for the door.

On the next edition of Raw Super Dragon retaliated.

Cena is in the ring cutting a promo when the lights go out. They come back on and Super Dragon is in the ring with a chair. Dragon cracks the chair over Cena’s skull. Dragon picks up Cena and hits the Psycho Driver on him. Dragon escapes from the building before any WWE wrestlers can get to him.

This will certainly be a hard hitting match. Also at War Zone will be the the 10Man Battle Royal where the winner gets a title shot of their choice. Then in the main event it will be CM Punk vs. HHH vs. Samoa Joe vs. Shawn Michaels in a ladder match for the POI title. (For info on this match read the Road to War Part 1)


(I know it's not good, I made it on mspaint)​

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
Lol well that was real cool man.. I liked that.. Never really thought of it.. Now if you can get your show's that long :eek:

Anyway's, just PM me if you ever need a poster :grin:..

Great matches, billed here.. Superdragon, and Cena sounds awesome.. So does the ladder match, and TLC match. I'm excited man... I will review warzon in full... If haven't by then, pm me.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
Here it is POI War Zone. This is really the end of what I would call POI Season 1. After this show look for improvements in the writing of POI. If you reald please leave a review and I will be sure to return the favor. Thanks for reading. By the way, 6th Best BTB. WOOOOOO!

POI Wrestling PPV: War Zone

War Zone will start right off with its first match.

Match 1: Taz vs. Jeff Hardy for the Hardcore title
Taz starts the match by going for a clothesline. Hardy ducks the clothesline and pulls down the bottom rope, causing Taz to fall to the outside. When he gets up Taz sees Hardy flying toward him. Taz moves out of the way and Hardy misses the suicide dive. Taz lifts up Hardy and whips him into the steel steps. Taz picks up a chair and attempts to hit the still dazed Hardy with it. Hardy ducks the chair shot and then kicks the chair into Taz’s face. Hardy uses some right hands on Taz before looking under the ring. Hardy brings out a garbage can and then tries to hit Taz with it. Taz blocks the can, rips it out of Hardy’s hands, and smashes it over his head. Taz puts down the can and picks up Hardy. Hardy is slammed onto the can by Taz with a t-bone Tazplex. Taz goes for the pin, but Hardy gets the shoulder up at the 2 count. Taz gets up, grabs two chairs, and sets them up like a table. Taz grabs Hardy to slam him onto the chairs, but Hardy gets a burst of energy and gives Taz a tornado DDT onto the chairs. Then Hardy sets up Taz and goes to the top rope. Hardy hits the Swanton Bomb on Taz. Hardy goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. Jeff Hardy is the new POI Hardcore champion. Hardy grabs a microphone and gets into the ring.

Hardy: This belt will not be going to Vince McMahon. It’s going to stay right here in POI. POI is the best thing in wrestling today. Vince if you want to fire me that’s fine. As far as I’m concerned I work for POI now.

Taz gets into the ring, shakes Hardy’s hand, and then leaves.

Match 2: The Motor City Machine Guns vs. Rob Van Dam and Sabu vs. Teddy Hart and Petey Williams in a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match for the POI Tag Team Championships
Shelley and Sabin come to the ring last and clothesline both Sabu and Hart over the top rope. RVD takes down Sabin with a leg lariat while Shelley and Petey exchange punches. On the outside Hart picks up a ladder and rams it into Sabu’s gut. RVD goes for a suicide dive on Hart, but Hart stops him by throwing the ladder into his face. Back in the ring the MCMG’s double team Petey with a backbreaker, leg drop combination. Shelley gets up and gets hit with a missile dropkick by Hart. On the outside RVD and Sabu set up a table, while in the ring Hart whips Sabin into the ropes. Sabin slides out of the ring, but gets hit with a chair by Sabu. RVD gets back into the ring and brings a ladder with him. RVD hits Hart in the back with the ladder before Shelley and Petey dropkick it into his chest. On the outside Sabin is on a table and Sabu is jumping off of a ladder. Sabin moves at the last second causing only Sabu to go through the table. Back in the ring Petey is climbing the ladder. RVD climbs up the other side and the two exchange punches. Petey uses a sunset flip into a powerbomb on RVD. Petey stands up, but gets hit with an enzugiri. Shelley turns around and almost has his head taken off with a chair shot from Hart, but he ducks at the last minute. Sabin has set up a table on the outside before getting into the ring. Sabin kicks Hart in the gut, takes him out onto the ring apron, elbows him in the back of the head, and gives him the Cradle Shock pile driver through the table. While this is going on RVD was at the top of the ladder. Shelley dropkicks the ladder, knocking RVD off of it. Sabu makes it back to the ring, bringing a table with him. Shelley has set the ladder back up and begins to climb while Sabu sets up the table. Sabu climbs up the ladder behind Shelley. He is able to grab Shelley and powerbomb him off the ladder and through the table. Petey starts to climb up the ladder just as Sabin brings another one into the ring. Sabu climbs the ladder on the opposite side as Petey. Sabin sets up his ladder and climbs it. All three wrestlers meet at the top and begin trying to knock each other off. Sabin pushes the other ladder down sending Petey and Sabu out of the ring. Sabin begins to unhook the belts, but RVD hits him in the back with a chair. Shelley gets up and clotheslines RVD and himself over the top rope. Sabin grabs the belts, unhooks them, and pulls them down. The Motor City Machine Guns retain their belts in this epic match of the year candidate.

Match 3: Rey Mysterio vs. Homicide in a Last Man Standing match
The match begins on the entrance ramp when Mysterio attacks Homicide from behind. Homicide gets the advantage and uses some stiff right hands on Mysterio. Mysterio pokes Homicide in the eye and then whips him into the ring. Mysterio knees Homicide in the face and tries to whip him into the guard rail. Homicide reverses it, sending Mysterio into the rail. Homicide uses some knife-edge chops on Mysterio before rolling him into the ring. Homicide gets into the ring, but Mysterio gives him a facebuster. Mysterio hits a DDT on Homicide before going to the top rope. Mysterio goes for a moonsault, but Homicide moves out of the way causing Mysterio to crash into the mat. Homicide gets out of the ring and the ref starts the count. 1, 2, 3, Homicide grabs a chair, 4, 5, Mysterio gets up, and Homicide cracks him in the head with the chair. Homicide sets up the chair and lifts Mysterio to his feet. Homicide tries to whip Mysterio into the ropes, but Mysterio reverses it. On his bounce back Homicide has his head slammed into the chair by Mysterio with a drop toe hold. The ref starts the count, 1, 2, 3, and Homicide is up. Mysterio uses some right hands on Homicide, but Homicide fires back with some punches of his own. Homicide whips Mysterio into the corner and then boots him in the face. Mysterio falls to the mat and rolls out of the ring. Homicide follows Mysterio out of the ring and begins to exchange punches with him on the entrance ramp. Mysterio kicks Homicide in the stomach, sets him up, and gives him a piledriver onto the steel. The ref starts the count, 1, 2, 3, 4, Homicide begins to stir, 5, 6, 7, He gets to his knees, 8, 9, and Homicide is back up. Mysterio is in shock at this, he thought that he had the match won. Mysterio gets up onto the ring apron and attempts a springboard West Coast Pop. Homicide catches Mysterio and powerbombs him to the floor. The ref starts the count, 1, 2, Homicide starts to set up a table, 3, 4, Mysterio gets to his knees, and Homicide uses a running knee lift on Mysterio. Homicide picks up Mysterio and brings him onto the ring apron. Mysterio is put through the table with a Gringo Killer by Homicide. Homicide stands up and the ref starts the count. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Mysterio is out cold, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and the match is over. Homicide has won the match and is the last man standing.

Match 4: Anything Goes rules- AJ Styles vs. Randy Orton
Orton doesn’t even get into the ring before Styles uses a suicide dive on him. Styles gets up and stomps on Orton. Styles gets back into the ring and waits for Orton. Orton gets into the ring and whips Styles into the ropes. Styles bounces back and gets taken down with a clothesline by Orton. Orton drops an elbow on Styles and goes to the outside. Orton brings a chair into the ring and tries to hit Styles with it. Styles ducks the chair shot and kicks Orton’s legs out from under him. Orton gets a kick to the side of the head followed by another to the chest from Styles. Styles picks up Orton and sets up for the Styles Clash. Orton fights out of the hold and picks up the chair. Orton goes for a chair shot, but Styles ducks causing Orton to hit the ref. The ref is knocked out and Styles turns to check on him. Styles turns back to face Orton and Orton hits the RKO on Styles. Orton brings Styles to his feet and sets up for a second RKO. Styles surprises Orton with a backcracker. Styles gets up and picks up the chair. Styles hits Orton in the back with the chair before picking him up. Styles hits the Styles Clash on Orton. Styles goes to wake up the ref, but Orton rolls up Styles and grabs the ropes for leverage. The ref sees this, but can’t stop it. Orton gets the 3 count and bails out of the ring immediately. AJ Styles has been cheated out of a win by Randy Orton.

Match 5: 6 Man War- Raven, Edge, and Tommy Dreamer vs. Jimmy Jacobs, Tyler Black, and Vampiro
The match starts with the Flock attaching the AOTF from Behind. Dreamer cracks Vampiro over the head with his kendo stick while Black knees Raven in the gut. Edge gets whipped into the guard rail by Jacobs. Jacobs charges at Edge, but all he gets is a boot in the face. Raven uses repeated punches on Black followed by a discus clothesline. Vampiro rips the kendo stick out of Dreamers hands, breaks it over his knee, and stabs a sharp end into Dreamer’s forehead. Vampiro headbuts the busted open Dreamer to make him bleed worse. Raven and Black have now made it into the ring. Raven jabs a chair into the stomach of Black. Raven sets up the chair and then whips Black into the ropes. Raven goes for a drop toe hold, but Black blocks it, picks up the chair, and throws it into Raven’s face. On the outside Jacobs elbows Edge in the throat. Jacobs looks under the ring and pulls out a baseball bat. Jacobs turns around and he is speared by Edge. Black gets onto the ring apron and hits a Shooting Star Plancha on Edge. Near the entrance ramp Vampiro has set up a table. Vampiro grabs Dreamer and stands up on the table. Vampiro gives Dreamer a tombstone piledriver through the table. Back in the ring Raven and Jacobs are exchanging punches. Raven kicks Jacobs in the stomach and sets up for the Raven Effect. Vampiro comes from behind and uses a neckbreaker on Raven. Vampiro lifts up Raven, but Raven uses a low blow on him. Raven picks up the chair and hits Jacobs in the head with it. Raven puts down the chair, kicks Vampiro in the crotch, and gives Vampiro a Raven Effect onto the chair. On the outside a table is set up against the ring and Black is propped up against it. Edge spears Black through the table, taking out the second AOTF member. Back in the ring Raven has Jacobs set up for the Raven Effect. Raven plants Jacobs’ head into the mat with a powerful DDT. Raven goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. Raven stands up, but he gets taken down with a spear by Edge. Why has Edge speared his leader? Hopefully we’ll get some answers on the next POI

All of the remaining matches on the card are POI vs. WWE matches. Now the war will really begin.

Match 6: John Cena vs. Super Dragon
Cena challenges Dragon to a test of strength, but he just gets a kick to the stomach. Dragon uses repeated chops on Cena until Cena whips Dragon into the ropes. Dragon bounces back and is hit with a boot to the face from Cena. Cena goes for the 5-Knuckle Shuffle, but Dragon dodges it and locks in an armbreaker. Dragon breaks the hold and kicks Cena in the side of the head. Dragon takes down Cena with a backbreaker before bouncing off the ropes. Dragon goes for the standing senton, but Cena moves out of the way. Cena pulls a chain out of his boot and wraps it around his fist. Cena punches Dragon’s lights out when he stands up. Cena goes for the pin, but Dragon kicks out at 2. Cena waits for Dragon to stand up and then goes for another punch. Dragon ducks the punch and takes Cena out of his shoes with a clothesline. Dragon takes the chain out of Cena’s hand, wraps it around his head, and headbuts Cena until he is busted open. Dragon goes up to the top rope and attempts a double foot stomp. Cena moves out of the way, kicks Dragon in the stomach, and gets him in a fireman’s carry. Dragon elbows Cena in the face, but Cena still hits the FU. Cena goes for the pin, but Dragon gets the shoulder up at 2. Cena goes to the outside and then brings a section of the steel guard rail into the ring with him. Cena sets it up in the corner of the ring before getting Dragon to his feet. Cena tries to whip Dragon into the barricade, but Dragon reverses it, sending Cena into the steel. Dragon hits a standing dropkick making Cena crash into the steel again. Dragon grabs Cena, takes him down with a drop toe hold, grabs him by the wrists, and executes the Curb Stomp. Dragon brings the guard rail into the center of the ring and gets Cena in a reverse fireman’s carry. Dragon slams Cena’s head into the guard rail with a Psycho Driver. Dragon goes for the pin and gets the 3 count.

10 man WWE vs. POI battle royal rules:
 A new wrestler with enter the ring every minute.
 To be eliminated you must be thrown over the top rope and both feet must touch the floor.
 The last man in the ring is the winner and will receive a title shot of their choice.

Match 7: 10 man battle royal
The first man in the ring is Mr. Kennedy.

Kennedy: Now that I have everybody’s attention. I weigh in tonight at 242 pounds. I hail from Green Bay, Wisconsin. Missssssssssssssster KENNEDY


Next Christopher Daniels walks to the ring. They lock up and Kennedy whips Daniels into the ropes. Daniels bounces back, leapfrogs over Kennedy, and elbows him in the back. Daniels hits a springboard enzugiri on Kennedy before the third entrant Miz comes to the ring. Miz starts off strong by attacking Daniels with some right hands. Miz bounces off the ropes and he gets taken down with a clothesline by Kennedy. When he stands up, Miz gets taken right back down with a dropkick from Daniels. The fourth entrant Sonjay Dutt gets into the ring and uses a head scissors on Kennedy. Daniels uses the Angels Wings on Miz before throwing him out of the ring and eliminating him. Kennedy knees Dutt in the stomach and then attempts to throw him out of the ring. Dutt escapes elimination and the fifth entrant, Matt Hardy comes to the ring. Hardy climbs to the top rope and hits a cross body on Daniels. Kennedy hits a Death Valley driver on Dutt. Kennedy throws Dutt out of the ring and Daniels and Hardy exchange chops until Kennedy boots Daniels in the face. Hardy kicks Kennedy in the stomach and hits a facebuster on him. The sixth entrant Chris Hero comes to the ring and takes Hardy out of his boots with a Yakuza kick. Kennedy and Hero exchange right hands while Daniels throws Hardy out of the ring. Daniels goes to the top rope and takes down Hero with a huracanrana. The next person to the ring is Carlito. When Daniels stands up Carlito uses a backcracker on him. Carlito tries to throw out Daniels, but Daniels elbows him in the face until he lets him go. Hero sets up Kennedy for the hangman’s neckbreaker, but Kennedy is able to get out of it. The eighth entrant, Shelton Benjamin comes to the ring and uses a flying forearm on Carlito. Benjamin takes down Hero with a leg lariat before using a kick to the side of the head on Kennedy. Benjamin goes for a kick on Daniels, but Daniels catches the leg and hits an enzugiri. Daniels drops an elbow on Benjamin and the ninth entrant, MVP walks to the ring. MVP boots Carlito in the face, knocking him out of the ring and eliminating him. Kennedy whips Hero into the ropes. Hero bounces back and he and Kennedy both use clotheslines. Daniels hits the Angels Wings again, this time on Benjamin. Daniels tosses Benjamin out of the ring and the final entrant, Low Ki comes to the ring. Ki kicks Hero in the head followed by another to the back. Ki bounces off the ropes and hits a dropkick on Kennedy. Daniels and MVP exchange right hands while Ki hits the Warriors way on Kennedy. Ki tosses Kennedy over the top rope, but Kennedy is able to escape elimination by staying on the ring apron. Hero kicks MVP in the stomach, sets him up, and hits the hangman’s neckbreaker. Hero throws MVP out of the ring. Ki goes to bounce off the ropes, but Hero pulls down the top rope. Ki falls out of the ring making him the seventh person eliminated. This battle royal has come down to Kennedy, Daniels, and Hero. From out of nowhere Hero hits the Yakuza kick on Daniels. Kennedy elbows Hero in the face before hitting a low blow. Kennedy gets Hero in a fireman’s carry, but he breaks the hold when Daniels dropkicks him in the face. Hero gets up, clotheslines Daniels, and throws him over the top rope. Kennedy grabs Hero, knees him in the stomach, and throws him out of the ring. Kennedy is celebrating his win, but Daniels was never eliminated, only one foot touched the floor. Kennedy has his back turned. Daniels grabs Kennedy and tosses him out of the ring. Daniels wins and gets a title shot.

The whole show has led up to this, the main event. There are four men, two from POI and two from WWE, but there is only one title. This match has been months in the making and it will all end tonight. CM Punk, the reigning champion and perhaps one of the best in the business. Triple H, the game, the cerebral assassin, call him whatever you want. He still gets the job done. Shawn Michaels, a veteran who wants to put another accomplishment on his long list. Samoa Joe, he has come close, but has never reached his goal. He hopes to change this tonight. These four wrestlers will wage war in that ring all for one thing: the POI championship.

Match 8: CM Punk vs. HHH vs. Samoa Joe vs. Shawn Michaels in a ladder match for the POI championship
This has to be the biggest match in POI history. Punk starts off the match by exchanging punches with HHH. Joe whips Michaels into the ropes. Michaels bounces back and gets taken down with a clothesline. Punk forces HHH out of the ring when Punk attacks HHH with a barrage with punches and slaps. Punk climbs to the top rope and hits a cross body on HHH. In the ring Michaels drives his knee into the skull of the downed Joe. Michaels stomps on Joe before going to the top rope. Michaels goes for the elbow drop, but Joe moves out of the way. Michaels’s elbow slams into the mat at the same time that Punk is whipped into the steps by HHH. HHH lifts up Punk and slams his head onto the announce table. HHH lifts up Punk again, but this time Punk uses repeated punches to the stomach on HHH. Punk rams HHH back first into the guard rail. Punk picks up a ladder and drives it into the face of HHH. Back in the ring Joe takes down Michaels with an armdrag before stomping on the elbow that slammed into the mat. Joe brings a ladder into the ring and smashes it into the elbow. Joe sets up the ladder and starts to climb. Punk gets into the ring, climbs to the top rope, and dropkicks Joe off of the ladder. HHH comes into the ring with a chair. He attempts to hit Punk with it, but Punk ducks and the chair collides with Michaels’ head. Punk kicks HHH in the side of the head. Joe stands up and hits Punk in the back with the ladder. Joe tries to hit HHH with the ladder, but HHH ducks. HHH hits a drop toe hold on Joe, causing Joe’s face to smash into the ladder. HHH stands up, turns around, and is blasted with a superkick from Michaels. Michaels sets up the ladder and begins to climb. Punk follows him up on the other side. The two get to the top and begin to exchange punches. Joe gets up and pushes the ladder causing Punk and Michaels to fall. HHH is somehow still in this match. HHH slides a ladder into the ring. HHH sets up the ladder against the turnbuckle at an angle just as Joe begins to climb the ladder. HHH grabs Joe, picks him up, and powerbombs him onto the second ladder, breaking it in half. Punk gets back into the ring and knees HHH in the face. Punk takes HHH to the outside where he set up a ladder like a table on the guard rail and the ring apron. Punk hits a facebuster on HHH. Punk lays HHH on the ladder while Michaels begins to climb the ladder in the ring. Joe is back to his feet and Michaels is nearly at the top of the ladder. Joe tips over the ladder, Michaels falls off, lands on HHH, and breaks through the ladder. Joe sets up the ladder and begins to climb. Punk gets back into the ring and starts to climb up the other side. Joe and Punk meet at the top and they begin to exchange punches. Punk slams Joe’s head into the top step of the ladder. Punk makes a grab for the belt, leaving himself open to a headbut from Joe. Joe uses another headbut on Punk followed by an elbow to the face. Joe grabs Punk and lifts him onto his shoulders. Joe jumps off the ladder while still holding Punk. Joe hits the ultimate muscle buster on Punk, crushing him when they hit the mat. Joe gets to his feet and he is the only man left standing. Joe climbs up the ladder, grabs the belt, and pulls it down. Samoa Joe is the new POI champion. Joe gets down off of the ladder and can barely stand. Punk stands up and shows Joe a lot of respect by shaking his hand. The War Zone has cleared and Samoa Joe is the victor.

(End War Zone)

The Rated R CMStar

BM: Fatal Fourway Ladder Match. It could have been longer, but since you said you were going to improve yor writting, then I'l five you the bye.

WM: The rest. They were really too short.

BP: They lacked in this show. I expected more promos and segments.

WP: Hardy's one.

AC: The show was badly spaced. Promos and other segments were missing, as it really didn't feel like a show but just like matches being thrown together. It was a decent show and a promising future as you say you will improve. I'll be reviewing.

Check out BTW, show has been posted

Chuck Taylor's Grenade

BM: The main event four way match. This match was a huge improvement over past main events and easily stands out on the best match on the card.

WM: The opener was way too short. The other matches on the card were too short for this being such a major event.

BP: What CMS said-Not enough promos and segments to break up the show.

WP: Jeff Hardy's was way short and really didn't capture Hardy's persona.

AC: The show could have used more segments or promos to add hype to the matches and further storylines. You are improving and can only go up from here.


BM: 4 Way Ladder match. It wasn't short, that's about my length for match, so I think you're in good shape

WM: For anything goes, Orton and AJ was kind of weak

BP: You need promos in between matches. It was kind of match-match-match going on lol.

WP: ehh lol

AC: I loved reading the matches because I have a short attention span, so these were perfect for me. I just would have like some promos here or there, that would have been cool, but I hear you are going to improve, that's good. Thanks for the review btw :)


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
I didn't really have a preview written up for POI Episode 26, so this isn't as good as it usually is.

POI Wrestling Episode 26 Preview

POI waged war with WWE and they came out on top. This week it will be the aftermath of the war. We have two new champions and some new wrestlers. One of the new wrestlers being the debuting Mike Quackenbush, who will take on Sonjay Dutt.

Also in the IC Title Tourney Delirious will face Chris Hero. Along with that match Edge will take on Tommy Dreamer.

POI will be full of suprises this week. Don't miss it this sunday.

Signed to appear: Christopher Daniels, Delirious, Chris Hero, Edge, Raven, Tommy Dreamer, Rey Mysterio, Homicide, Mike Quackenbush, Sonjay Dutt, Samoa Joe, CM Punk, Rob Van Dam, Austin Aries, and others.
Apr 12, 2008
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Comic, I owe you a review from when you last reviewed my old BTB.

PM me when your show is up and I'll get a review done! :)
Dec 13, 2007
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Knoxville, TN
BM: 4 Way ladder match- very good, though I agree with others in that it was a bit short.

WM: Opener. Far too short, and an odd match.

BP: Um, you need more IMHO.

WP: Jeff Hardy's little two liner did little in the way of advancing anything.

AC: You are getting much better at this. By far my favorite write up by you. I look forward to Quack next show and am interested to see how you use him. Also I love Edge, so I hope you do 'right' there. Good show, and swing by XCW in your free time!


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
Here is POI Episode 26. I really don't know how good this episode is because it was written two months after War Zone. There are some BTB's that I have to get reviews out to and I'm hoping to get thoes out by the end of the day. If you read POI please leave a review.

POI Wrestling Episode 26

This past Monday night on Raw: Vince is in the ring.
Vince: I now have no interest in buying or destroying POI. They are not worth it and I’m not going to waste my TV time on them. This war is over.

Now back to live POI where Christopher Daniels is in the ring.

Daniels: Well guess who’s back in the title hunt. POI’s first champion wants to get his title back.

Ken Kennedy walks to the ring through the crowd.

Kennedy: I should have won, you cheap Shawn Michaels knockoff. You were eliminated and that is my title shot.

Daniels: Only one of my feet touched the floor. I wasn’t-

Kennedy: Eliminated and yes you were. I know it, you know it, and all of these people- *Daniels grabs him by the throat*

Daniels: Don’t you ever interrupt me again.

Joey Styles walks onto the entrance ramp.

Joey: I think that I know how to solve this. Starting next week you two will face each other in one-on-one matches in a best out of five series. The first match will be a pure wrestling rules match. Good luck to the both of you.

Daniels and Kennedy glare at each other before leaving the ring.

Match 1: IC Title Tournament Quarterfinals match 2: Delirious vs. Chris Hero
They shake hands, letting Hero get Delirious in a side headlock. Delirious elbows Hero in the gut until he lets him go. Delirious whips Hero into the ropes. Hero bounces back and goes for a clothesline. Delirious ducks the clothesline before hitting a spin kick to the head on Hero. Delirious whips Hero into the corner and then starts using repeated clotheslines on him. After about 15 or so clotheslines Hero kicks Delirious in the stomach. Hero puts Delirious in the corner and begins to beat him with repeated double palm strikes to the chest. Hero gets Delirious in a cravate and goes to the second rope. Delirious gets out of the hold and headbuts Hero in the gut. Hero elbows Delirious in the back, but Delirious just fights back with a second headbut. Delirious punches Hero before lifting him up. Delirious hits the Yokosuka cutter on Hero. Delirious goes for the pin and Hero gets the shoulder up at 2. Delirious drags Hero into the corner before going for the Panic Attack. Hero dodges the move causing Delirious to drive his knee into the turnbuckle. Delirious, gets up, turns around, and is hit with a Yakuza kick from Hero. The back of Delirious’ head crashes into the mat. Hero lifts Delirious to his feet, but Delirious can’t even stand. Hero places Delirious in the corner. Hero steps back and hits a running Yakuza kick on Delirious making Delirious fall lifeless to the mat. Hero lifts up Delirious, sets him up, and hits the hangman’s neckbreaker. Hero pins Delirious with one foot and gets the 3 count. Chris Hero leaves the ring just as a stretcher comes for Delirious. Delirious is loaded on and he is taken to the back.

After the ring is cleared Edge walks to it.

Edge: Ever since War Zone people have been asking me “Why did you spear Raven?†The reason is because Raven is a hypocrite. He claims the Joey Styles is not letting wrestlers live up to their full potential, but what is he doing? By making Tommy and I join the Flock he was holding us back. Raven you keep saying that you deserve a POI title shot, but you’re wrong. You’re worthless now; if it wasn’t for me the Flock would have lost at War Zone. Raven your time has passed, my time is now.

Raven and Tommy Dreamer walk onto the entrance ramp.

Raven: Without me you wouldn’t even have a job anymore. Without me you wouldn’t have been on that pay-per-view. So, I got it okayed with Joey. Right now it’s gonna be Tommy vs. Edge.

Match 2: Edge vs. Tommy Dreamer
Tommy runs to the ring and slides under the bottom rope. Edge stomps on Dreamer until Tommy punches him in the stomach. Dreamer gets to his feet and whips Edge into the ropes. Edge bounces back and takes down Dreamer with a dropkick. Edge gets up, brings Dreamer to his feet, and is lifted up into a fireman’s carry by Dreamer. Dreamer hits the Death Valley driver on Edge. Dreamer goes for the pin, but Edge gets the shoulder up at 2. Dreamer goes to the outside and begins to look under the ring. Dreamer pulls out a garbage can and brings it into the ring with him. Before he can use it Dreamer is caught with a spear by Edge. Edge goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. Raven gets into the ring, but Edge bails out of it before Raven can attack him.

After the match Joey Styles walks down to the ring.

Joey: You heard it from McMahon himself, war is over. POI came out the winner. Now I have some announcements to make. First off all POI wrestlers that sided with the WWE will be fired. So that means that you won’t be seeing Triple H or Shawn Michaels on POI ever again. Now-

Rey Mysterio runs to the ring and takes Joey’s microphone.

Rey: Homicide get the hell out here. I want one last match. If you win I’ll leave POI. If you lose you lose your job. So what do you say?

Homicide: I say get ready to leave POI.

Homicide runs down the entrance ramp and he and Mysterio begin to exchange punches.

Joey: I guess I’ll let this match happen. Ring the bell.

Match 3: Homicide vs. Rey Mysterio- loser leaves POI match
Mysterio grabs Homicide and slams his head into the steel steps. Mysterio whips Homicide into the guard rail before charging at him. Homicide throws a chair into the face of Mysterio. Homicide knees Mysterio in the gut and elbows him in the spine. Homicide takes a fork out of his boot and jabs it into the forehead of Mysterio. Out of desperation the busted open Rey uses a low blow on Homicide. Mysterio kicks Homicide in the head before rolling him into the ring. Rey throws two chairs into the ring and climbs onto the ring apron. As Homicide gets to his feet Mysterio springboards and hits a hurricanrana. Mysterio goes for the pin and Homicide kicks out at 2. Rey lifts Homicide to his feet and Homicide hits a chinbreaker on Rey. Homicide picks up one of the chairs in the ring and attempts to hit Mysterio with it. Mysterio blocks the chair shot with the other chair in the ring. Homicide drops his chair and Mysterio flattens Homicide with a chair shot. Rey places Homicide on the ring ropes and then hits the 619. Mysterio goes for the pin and Homicide gets the shoulder up at 2. Mysterio can’t believe that Homicide was able to escape defeat. Mysterio goes to the outside and brings in a table. Rey puts Homicide on the table before going to the top rope. Homicide gets up, grabs Mysterio, and DDT’s him through the table. Homicide kicks out at 2. Homicide sets up a chair, picks up Mysterio, and gives him the Gringo Killer onto it. Homicide goes for the pin and gets the 3 count.

Joey: Well it looks like Rey loses his job after all. Now clear this ring, someone has to have their debut match.

Match 4: Mike Quackenbush vs. Sonjay Dutt
This is Mick Quackenbush’s debut match in POI. They shake hands and the match begins. Quack whips Sonjay into the ropes. Dutt bounces back, leapfrogs over Quack, turns around, and hits him with a dropkick. Quack gets up fast and takes down Sonjay with an armdrag. Quack locks in an armbreaker. Dutt counters it with a head scissors. Quack rolls up Dutt. Dutt breaks the hold and the two are at a stale mate. They lock up in the middle of the ring and Sonjay whips Quack into the ropes. Quack springboards and hits a shooting star press on Dutt. Quack gets up, bounces off the ropes, and is taken down with a drop toe hold by Dutt. Sonjay goes for the pin, but Quack kicks out at 2. Dutt gets Quack to his feet. Dutt uses some right hands to the stomach, but Quack fights back with some palm thrusts to the chest. Dutt kicks Quack in the stomach before setting him up for a piledriver. Quack gets out of it and uses a back body drop on Dutt. Quack hits a standing moonsault on Dutt before picking him up. Quack slams Dutt into the mat with the Quackendriver an inverted crucifix powerbomb. Quack goes for the pin, gets the 3 count, and picks up his first win in POI.

After the match Samoa Joe walks down to the ring.

Joe: Finally I am the POI champion. Like they say, “third times a charm.†On my first and second shots at the belt I was screwed out of the win. That just made me want the belt even more. Now I’m the champion and it feel great.

CM Punk’s music hits and he walks down to the ring.

Punk: Joe, I just came down here to congratulate you on your title win. Now that we got that over with, when do I get my title shot?

Joe is about to speak when Rob Van Dam’s music hits and he walks to the ring.

RVD: Punk you’ve had plenty of shots at the POI title. I think that it’s my turn.

Punk: Listen you high idiot, you don’t deserve this title shot.

Austin Aries interrupts.

Aries: He’s right Rob you don’t deserve that title shot, I do. Joe just imagine the match that we would have.

As he is saying this Nigel McGuinness walks through the crowd, enters the ring, and takes RVD’s microphone.

McGuinness: Give me that ya dumb yank. Well nobody expected me to show up here in POI. Now I’d like a title shot.

RVD: *takes his mic back* You think that you can just walk into POI and get a title shot. Who do you think we are TNA? What have you done to deserve a shot?

McGuinness: I’ve done this.

Nigel uses a European uppercut on RVD before whipping him into the ropes. Nigel takes down RVD with a clothesline. McGuinness turns around and is hit with a dropkick from Aries. The lights go out. When they come back on Super Dragon is standing nose to nose with Joe. Dragon headbuts Joe knocking him down. Punk goes for a clothesline, but Dragon ducks and hits an STO. On the outside Nigel whips Aries into the guard rail. RVD is at the top turnbuckle and he takes down both Aries and McGuinness with a cross body. Back in the ring Dragon hits a Psycho Driver on Punk. Dragon stands up and he is hit with a superkick from Joe. The show closes as this chaos continues.

(end episode 26)


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May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
Heres the next shows preview. I didn't get any reviews for the last show (which I'm kinda pissed about). If you read the preview please drop a review for Episode 26.

POI Episode 27 preview​

After the brawl on last weeks episode it was decided that the main event for this week would CM Punk vs. Super Dragon. There will also be a Hardcore title match with Jeff Hardy taking on the winner of this weeks bonus match.

Match 1: Sabu vs. Rhino for a shot at the Hardcore title. The match starts with Sabu throwing six chairs into the ring. Rhino doesn’t know what to make of this so he picks up a chair. Before he can use it Sabu kicks it into his face. Sabu picks up a chair and slams it into Rhino’s leg. Sabu goes for the Arabian Facebuster, but Rhino moves out of the way. Sabu crashes into the mat and then gets a chair thrown into his face by Rhino. Rhino sets up two chairs like a table. He places Sabu on them before going to the second rope. Rhino goes for a splash on Sabu, but Sabu moves. The chairs crush under Rhino. Sabu grabs a chair and heads up to the top rope. Sabu hits the Atomic Arabian Facebuster. He goes for the pin and gets the three count.

It looks like Sabu will be the one to challenge Jeff Hardy. Also next week Christopher Daniels will face Mr. Kennedy in a pure wrestling match. Then in IC Title Tournament action Austin Aries will battle against Petey Williams. See all this and more on the next episode of POI Wrestling.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
Looks like POI has fallen into a no-review rut. If you're reading this you could be the person to end this rut. Leave a review and I promise that a review and some rep will be coming your way. Here it is POI Wrestling Episode 27

POI Wrestling episode 27​

The show starts off this week with the first match in a best of five series.

Match 1: Christopher Daniels vs. Mr. Kennedy in a pure wrestling match (only three rope breaks, no punches to the face, and a 20 count on the floor)
The match starts when Kennedy punches Daniels in the face; getting him a warning from the ref. Daniels chops Kennedy before whipping him into the ropes. On his bounce back Kennedy is taken down with a clothesline. Daniels locks in a chin lock on Kennedy. Kennedy tries to fight out of it, but he can’t. Kennedy makes it to the ropes and uses his first rope break. Kennedy rolls to the outside for a breather, but he doesn’t get much rest because Daniels attacks him with a suicide dive. The ref is up to the count of 12 when Daniels gets Kennedy and himself back into the ring. Kennedy uses repeated shots to the back, taking Daniels down to his knees. Kennedy bounces off the ropes and hits a neck snap on Daniels. Kennedy goes for the pin, but Daniels kicks out at 2. Kennedy uses a bow and arrow on Daniels. This was applied too close to the ropes allowing Daniels to use his first rope break. Kennedy bounces off the ropes and goes for a clothesline. Daniels ducks, grabs Kennedy, and gives him a STO. Daniels goes for the pin, but Kennedy gets his foot on the rope, using his second rope break. Daniels gets Kennedy to his feet, but Kennedy picks up Daniels and hits the Green Bay Plunge. Kennedy goes for the pin and somehow the fallen angel manages to get his shoulder up at 2. Kennedy gets up and lifts Daniels to his feet. Kennedy grabs Daniels for a German suplex, but Daniels gets the go behind. Daniels kicks Kennedy in the back of the knees taking him down. The fallen angel locks in a Dragon Sleeper. Kennedy gets to the ropes before any damage can be done. That was his third and final rope break. Daniels kicks Kennedy in the stomach, sets him up, and hits the Angel’s Wings. Daniels goes for the pin, but Kennedy gets his shoulder up at 2. Daniels grabs Kennedy and applies the Koji Clutch. Kennedy grabs the ropes, but it doesn’t matter. Kennedy taps out and Daniels win putting him up 1 to 0.

After it is cleared the Age of the Fall walk out to the ring.

Jimmy Jacobs: We may have lost at War Zone, but in truth we did win. The Flock is no more, while the Age of the Fall is stronger than ever. Now we want to show our dominance.
Tyler Black: Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin, we want a tag title shot. You either give it to us or we’ll take it.

Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch walk through the crowd and enter the ring.

Cade: We know that Mr. McMahon wants nothing to do with POI, but we still want those tag belts.

Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin walk out onto the entrance ramp.

Sabin: If you guys want a tag title shot so bad fight for it.

Jacobs: Okay, fine.

Jacobs drives his cane into the skull of Cade as the match starts.

Match 2: Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black vs. Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch for a tag title shot
Murdoch boots Jacobs in the face before being hit with a clothesline from Black. Cade is busted open and is on wobbly legs. Jacobs takes Cade’s legs out from under him with a cane shot. The ref gains order, forcing Black and Murdoch into their corners. Jacobs goes for another cane shot, but the ref rips the cane out of his hands and throws out of the ring. While Jacobs is distracted Cade is able to hit a low blow on him before tagging in Murdoch. Murdoch hits a huge clothesline on Jacobs. Murdoch charges at Jacobs, but Jimmy pulls down the top rope, making Murdoch fall out of the ring. When he gets to his feet Murdoch drags Jacobs out of the ring. Murdoch whips Jacobs into the guard rail. Murdoch charges after Jacobs, but he is hit in the face with a chair from someone in the crowd. The person who hit Murdoch hops the guard rail. It’s Lacey; the female member of the Age of the Fall has come to POI. Cade runs across the ring to attack Black, but Black gets into the ring, kicks him in the gut, and hits a small package DDT. Jacobs gets Murdoch into the ring. Black picks up Murdoch for a power bomb while Jimmy climbs to the top rope. Jimmy locks in the three-quarter facelock and goes for the Contra Code. Black slams Murdoch down with the power bomb, only making the move more painful. Jacobs goes for the pin on Murdoch and gets the 3 count.

We now have an update on the condition of Delirious after last week. Delirious received a concussion at the hands of Chris Hero in their match. Delirious will be out for three to five weeks. We at POI Wrestling wish Delirious a speedy recovery. Chris Hero is in the ring.

Chris Hero: People have been asking me why I hurt Delirious as bad as I did. I did it because people don’t take me seriously anymore. People just look right past me. I am going to change that. Doing what I did to Delirious was the first step. Winning the Intercontinental championship is the next step. I will not be ignored.

Match 3: Jeff Hardy vs. Sabu for the Hardcore title
The match starts before Hardy can even get into the ring when Sabu attacks him with a cross body to the outside. Hardy stands up and whips Sabu into the steel steps. Taz walks down to the ring and grabs Jeff. Taz gives Hardy a German Tazplex onto the ring. Sabu lunges at Taz, but Taz picks him up and gives him a release Tiger Tazplex into the crowd. Both men have been knocked out by Taz here. Taz holds up the Hardcore title before going to the back.

After the match Raven walks down to the ring.

Raven: Edge I do so much for you and then you turn your back on me. I’ve been holding you back? You’ve been holding yourself back, you untalented piece of crap. Edge next week I want you in the ring.

Match 4: IC Title Tournament Quarterfinals Match 3: Austin Aries vs. Petey Williams
They shake hands and the match starts. They lock up, Petey over powers Aries, and whips him into the ropes. Aries bounces back and goes for a clothesline. Petey ducks and grabs Aries’ arm. Aries hits an enzugiri followed by a DDT. Aries bounced off the ropes. Petey gets up and hits a gutbuster on Aries. Petey goes for the pin, but Aries kicks out at 2. Petey gets Aries to his feet and whips him into the corner, but Aries reverses it, sending Petey into the corner. Aries gets onto the ring apron and hits a slingshot back elbow on Petey. Aries brings Petey to his feet and hits a forward Russian leg sweep. Aries goes for the pin, but Petey kicks out at 2. Aries stands up and goes for the pendulum elbow, but Petey moves out of the way causing Aries to smash his elbow into the mat. Petey gets up and kicks Aries in the elbow. Petey goes to the top rope and waits for Aries to get up. When Aries stands up Petey goes for a huracanrana. Aries catches Petey and hits a powerbomb. Aries is about to go for the pin, but he notices the AJ Styles has come to the ring and is now standing on the ring apron. AJ and Aries exchange words. Aries turns around, he is kicked in the gut by Petey, and is given the Canadian Destroyer. Petey goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. Styles grabs a microphone.

Styles: Aries, I bet you wonder why I interrupted your match. Why did I cost you your win? I did it because you’re the reason I’m not going to be IC champion. When Orton attacked me in our match you could have just had the match ruled a no contest, but you had to take the cheap way out and beat me while I was down. Now whenever you get a chance at a title I’ll be waiting to steal it away from you.

Match 5: CM Punk vs. Super Dragon
Just as they are about to start Samoa Joe’s music hits. Joe grabs a chair, sits down, and gets ready to watch the match. Dragon goes for a clothesline on Punk. Punk ducks and attacks Dragon with a barrage of punches and slaps. Punk whips Dragon into the ropes. Dragon springboards and hits a spin kick on Punk. Dragon whips Punk into the corner and begins to use repeated chops on him. Punk knees Dragon in the gut and then smashes his head into the top turnbuckle five times. Dragon takes the advantage by using a jawbreaker on Punk. Dragon clotheslines Punk over the top rope and to the outside. Dragon follows Punk to the outside and whips him into the guard rail before elbowing him in the face. Dragon turns to Joe, but he is hit with a chair by Punk. Punk brings Dragon to his feet and then slams his head onto the ring. Punk begins to talk to Joe. This distraction allows Dragon to go to the top rope. Punk turns around and Dragon goes for a cross body. Punk dodges Dragon, causing him to hit Joe. Joe stands up and hits an enzugiri on Dragon. Joe brings Dragon to his feet and whips him into the guard rail. Nigel McGuiness walks down to the ring. Joe turns around and he is hit with a huge lariat by Nigel. Dragon and Punk exchange punches while Rob Van Dam runs to the ring. Nigel is surprised by RVD with a kick to the face. Dragon crushes Punk with a chair shot while McGuiness whips RVD into the ring. Punk begins to wake up and Dragon is setting up a table. Joe hits a running boot to the face on Nigel, knocking him into the crowd. RVD picks up a chair and throws it at Punk, who catches it. RVD hits the VanDaminator on Punk. Rob does his RVD taunt before going to the back. Super Dragon picks up Punk, goes onto the ring apron, and then hits a Psycho Driver through the table. Dragon drags Punk into the ring and goes for the pin. Dragon gets the 3 count and wins this wild brawl.

(end episode 27)