POI- Point of Impact Wrestling

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BM: The main event was a good match, written very well and there was alot at stake for the two men, their job. Some good action throughout it and I was actually a little shocked to see Albright lose, I am curious to see if you are just getting rid of him this way or if he will return later down the track. Also, the opening match and Pure title match were good runners up.

WM: MCMG Vs AOTF. The match was a little short imo and it seemed rushed at times, it wasn't a terrible match but I do think you could have pulled it off a little better with the men involved. Builds up the MCMG with a clean win though.

BP: CM Punks was quite good, he had a couple of good lines and I was actually really shocked to see Colt attack Homicide. Good to see the Second City Saints back together. Should be good. Christopher Daniels/Joe was alright, went a little off at times but was good for the most part.

WP: I didn't like AJ Styles' promo, it was very bland and generic imo but it should make for a good match. Also, Albrights opening one could have had a little working on but the rest were decent.

AC: Sorry about missing your last show, I wasn't on when you posted it and then never realized it was up. Anyways for this show, the matches were good and flowed really well which made them easy to read and the promos were quite good, need a little working on a couple and maybe getting a little more length on them would help, maybe go into more detail. Good show.


BM- I would normally say the main event but I will go with the opener. Props to you for having a Women's division and taking so much time to write great matches for that division. I don't know either Lacey or Haze but it is great to see Women's wrestling be so good in this BTB.

WM- Well all matches were good this week, but MCMG vs AOTF will get my vote here because it had the potential to be so much more. Too short for what you have going on here, but otherwise it was not a bad match. The match standard in this show is very good.

BP- I liked the Punk promo, showing his cocky heel side that I wish we could see nowadays. I like the idea of a Second City Saints promo but I only have one problem with this promo. Punk and Cabana hugged, that's gay! >_>

WP- Styles promo made him sound like a bitch. After reading it I wanted to slap him, idk why. Maybe it's just the ultra genericness.

AC- Very good matches on this show, and promos were good as well, but I will say the thing I said reviewing your last show. You need more dialogue in your promos, too many of your segments are just one person in the ring or backstage, trashing their opponent or hyping up a match. Dialoque in promos is more entertaining, helps freshen things up and adds the opportunity to make things more unique. Another thing, a generic promo with another person added in there can also make it seem less generic. There was not much improvement from your last show CGK, I think you should really push to improve from here. I really want you to be considered one of the best, and it's possible, you just have to push yourself. 7/10

Smackdown is up in WWE 2009- Fast Forward to Future


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May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
Thanks for reading POI. Reviews for Episode 43 would still be cool to have, they'll all be repped and returned.

POI Episode 44 Preview

Dave Prazak: Hello and welcome to POI Previews. This past week we saw two extremely brutal matches. We saw Daizee Haze defeat Lacey in a Street Fight and Taz beat Brent Albright in a Loser Leaves POI match. As a result of the main event Brent Albright is out of a job. Now let’s move on and look at next week’s main event. The POI World Champion Samoa Joe challenged the #1 Contender to a non-title match. Christopher Daniels accepted the challenge and these two men will clash for the first time in POI. This match will be one to remember. Also there will be a special tag team challenge when AJ Styles and a mystery partner take on Austin Aries and a mystery partner. I’ve been told that Roderick Strong will be Austin Aries’ partner. Recently four men have popped up as potential #1 Contenders to Delirious’ Intercontinental Championship. Now two of those men will battle in this weeks bonus match.

Match 1: Mike Quackenbush vs. Edge
They charge toward each other and lock up when the bell rings. Edge overpowers Mike and gets him in a wristlock. Quack runs toward the ropes, springboards, and takes Edge down with a tilt-a-whirl armdrag. Quackenbush gets up while Edge gets to a seated position. Mike dropkicks Edge in the back of the head, knocking him out of the ring. Quack stands up while Edge gets to his feet. He looks into the ring only to see Quackenbush fly out of the ring and land on him. Mike pops up to the cheers of the fans before getting Edge back into the ring. Quack gets in himself and is met with an elbow to the face by Edge. The Ultimate Opportunist boots Quackenbush in the gut before driving an elbow into his neck. Edge uses a knee lift to the face on Mike before backing up and booting him in the side of the head. Quack falls to the mat and Edge quickly covers him for a 2 count.

Edge brings Quackenbush to his feet and forearms him in the back before whipping him into the ropes. Mike bounces back, uses a headscissors on Edge, turns it into a DDT, and quickly locks in a Fujiwara armbar. Edge flops around the mat like a fish trying to get out of the hold. Eventually he uses his strength to pin Quack’s shoulders to the mat, forcing him to break the hold at the count of 2. Both men get to their feet. Edge grabs Quackenbush and drives him into the mat with a STO. Edge begins to stalk Mike, beckoning him to stand up. Quack gets to his feet and he is taken out of his boots with a spear. Suddenly Chris Hero comes out of nowhere, enters the ring, and hits Edge with a Yakuza kick. The referee calls for the bell and declares the match a NO CONTEST. Ken Kennedy runs to the ring and starts to exchange punches with Hero. The dazed Quackenbush gets onto the ring apron, springboards, and hits a corkscrew senton onto Hero and Kennedy. The shot cuts back to Dave Prazak as security tries to restore order.

Prazak: The #1 Contender situation is exploding. I’ve been told that Delirious is promising a solution to this situation this week. Also Homicide will surely be looking for revenge. See all this and more on the next episode of POI Wrestling.

Headfirst For Hardcore

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Feb 8, 2007
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Christopher Daniels vs Samoa Joe

AJ Styles & ??? vs Austin Aries & Roderick Strong

BM - Albright vs Taz. It was a pretty good back and forth match, between two intense guys. Having Albright leave didn't seem like that hot of a decision, but it potentially could give Taz a big push or have Albright come back as something different. Nigel vs Claudio for the pure title was pretty sweet too, I'm guessing that there'll be more to this match with Double C losing by 20 count.

WM - AOTF vs MCMG. Could've been way better. Check PRIDE soon because I'll be doing something eerily similar. I like the feud between the two teams though.

BP - Joe & Daniels. I like how the match between them was set up, and it should be a pretty nice match.

WP - AJ Styles' promo could've been better, and you could've hinted just a little to who his mystery partner for next week could be.

AC - This was an OK show from you. The opening and the main event matches were def the best of the show. I like the reforming of the Saints in POI, they should be good, and you don't really need Ace Steel. I'm guessing Homicide will bring in someone too. Joe vs Daniels for show 44 should be pretty good, and I think there could be more going between the two of them. What disappointed me was MCMG vs AOTF. The feud isn't over, but I'm expecting more from the matches.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
Dear everyone that reads POI. In the coming week I will be giving out all of the reviews that I owe. I haven't been reviewing lately because I've been sick all week and my teachers have been pileing on the homework. Thanks for reading, all reviews will be repped and returned (eventually). Thanks for your support, this may be one of POI's last shows. Hopefully it's a good one.

POI Wrestling Episode 44

The show starts with shots of the crowd and Delirious running around the outside of the ring.

Jim Ross: Hello everybody and welcome to POI. I am JR, Jim Ross.

Shane Douglas: And I’m the “Franchise†Shane Douglas. It looks like we’re kicking off the show with a bit of crazy.

JR: You never know what to expect from Delirious.

Delirious grabs a microphone and heads into the ring.

Delirious: Delirioushasalwayswantedtodothis. Welcome...to...POI! *the crowd cheers* I’vegotallthesepeoplewhowantashotatmytitle. Fourofthemandtheynevershutup. Ihadanidea. The4menandmehaveabattleroyal. Winnergetsashotatmytitle. Kennedy,Edge,Hero,Quack,getouthere.

Shane: I have no idea what he just said, but I do know I heard something about a battle royal.

The four men make their ways to the ring.

JR: Looks like we’ve got our first match of the night.

Match 1: Delirious vs. Edge vs. Chris Hero vs. Ken Kennedy vs. Mike Quackenbush- Battle Royal for a shot at the IC Title
The bell rings and all four men stare at Delirious, ready to attack. Suddenly Hero blasts Kennedy with a forearm to the head. Kennedy nearly flips over the top rope, but he is able to stop his momentum. Ken elbows Hero in the side of the head while Edge boots Delirious in the gut. Quackenbush catches Edge off guard and takes him down with a headscissors. Quack gets up and drops a knee on Edge’s head. Quackenbush grabs Edge by the hair and drags him to his feet. Delirious springs off the ropes and takes Edge and Quack off their feet with a leaping lariat. On the opposite side of the ring Hero and Kennedy are exchanging punches. Kennedy takes the advantage and hits five straight punches to the face. Ken picks up Hero for a fireman’s carry. Chris slips out of it and lands of his feet. Kennedy turns around and he gets his face rearranged with the Yakuza kick by Chris. Hero takes his opportunity and dumps Kennedy over the top rope and to the floor.

Hero turns around he gets taken down with an armdrag by Quackenbush. On the other side of the ring Delirious whips Edge into the corner. Edge falls to a seated position. Delirious charges at him and goes for the Panic Attack. Edge dodges it, causing Delirious to slam his knee into the turnbuckle. Both men get to their feet and Edge takes Delirious out of his boots with a spear. Edge charges across the ring and spears Mike Quackenbush. Edge gets up and hits one more spear, this time hitting Chris Hero. Edge grabs Quack and brings him to his feet. Quack gets a burst of energy, picks up Edge and hits the Quackendriver. Now all four men are down.

After awhile Quack and Hero stand up. They begin to exchange palm strikes. Quackenbush hits Chris hard enough to spin him around. Hero uses the momentum to hit a roaring elbow on Quack. The elbow knocks out Mike. Chris grabs Quackenbush and throws him out of the ring. Hero turns around and he gets kicked in the gut by Edge. Edge sets up Chris and plants him into the mat with an Impaler DDT. Edge brings Hero to his feet and throws him out of the ring. Delirious is back to his feet. He grabs Edge, sets him up, and hits the Chemical Imbalance II. Delirious quickly gets Edge standing and throws him out of the ring. The ref calls for the bell and Delirious begins to jump up and down in celebration. Then he stops and stands in the ring with a disappointed look on his face.

JR: Looks like Delirious realized that he didn’t solve the number one contender problem.

Shane: I can’t believe that this idiot’s a champion. *grumbles* Let’s send it to the back.

The shot cuts to backstage where Paul London has a microphone.

London: So next week I get my match with Bri... excuse me The Brian Kendrick. Two out of Three Falls. The first ever in POI. Brian even though you’ve done nothing to deserve it, you get to make history. I’m going to put you in the history books as the man who lost the shortest Two out of Three Falls match. When everything is said and done, I’m sending you back to the WWE.

Shane: We’ve only got one match signed for next week and it’s going to be short? I think I’ll take the night off.

JR: Actually I’ve heard that there are big plans for next week.

Shane: Shane: Stop making things up to make it look like you know stuff.

“The Truth†hits and Homicide walks to the ring.

Homicide: Last week I came out here to kick some ***. Then I got jumped from behind by that chicken**** Colt Cabana. Those gringos want to play it like that, fine with me. Punk you wanna bring in one a your boys. Me and Colt go way back. I thought we were cool now, but if you wanna side against me I’ll have to take you out too. Punk you bring in backup, I got friends I can bring in to. Try to help Colt and you’ll find out who it is.

Match 2: Homicide vs. Colt Cabana
The bell rings and Homicide charges across the ring toward Cabana. Colt gets out of his way at the last second before rolling him up for a 2 count. Cabana transitions into a folding press for another 2 count. Colt tries to lift Homicide to his feet. ‘Cide blasts Cabana in the face with a hard uppercut. Colt staggers back, but then charges at Homicide and goes for a lariat. ‘Cide ducks it, grabs Cabana’s arm, and goes for a backslide. Colt slips out of it and takes down Homicide with an armdrag. Cabana applies an armbar to Homicide’s right arm. ‘Cide tries to reach one of the ropes, but he’s stuck in the middle of the ring. Homicide rolls himself over and begins to pummel Colt with left hands. Cabana releases the hold and rolls to the outside to escape from ‘Cide. Homicide gets to his feet, springs off the ropes, dives through the opposite set of ropes, and hits the Tope con Hilo on Colt.

‘Cide gets to his feet and celebrates with the crowd a bit before stomping on Cabana. Homicide grabs Colt by his hair and lifts him to his feet. ‘Cide Irish whips Cabana back first into the guard rail. Homicide charges at Colt, who picks him up for a scoop slam. Cabana slams ‘Cide back first onto the rail. Homicide slumps onto the ground and clutches his back in pain. Colt lifts up ‘Cide and uses a bionic elbow to the head before rolling into the ring. Cabana gets in himself. Homicide tries to get up, but Colt drives a boot into his back. ‘Cide tries to crawl away from Cabana, but he just drives more boots into ‘Cide’s back. Colt grabs the legs of Homicide and applies a Chicago Crab. ‘Cide yells in agony as he claws at the mat. He pulls himself across the ring slowly, but surely. Homicide reaches out his hand and just barely grabs a hold of the bottom rope. Colt breaks the hold and waits for Homicide to get to his feet. Once ‘Cide gets to his feet Cabana goes for a lariat. Homicide ducks it and hits a lariat of his own. ‘Cide quickly gets Cabana standing and sets him up for the Cop Killer. Suddenly CM Punk runs to the ring, gets in, and hits a knee to the face on Homicide. Punk lifts up ‘Cide in a fireman’s carry. A huge man runs into the ring and takes Punk’s head off with a big boot. The man is Homicide’s tag partner from LAX; Hernandez. The big man kicks Colt in the gut, sets him up, and hits a powerbomb. Then Hernandez grabs Punk and throws him across the ring with a Border Toss. Homicide gets up and hugs Hernandez before they throw up the LAX hand sign.

Shane: Homicide said he had some backup and boy he wasn’t lying.

JR: LAX just decimated the Second City Saints. I don’t think CM Punk was expecting this at all.

Shane: If he was expecting it he wouldn’t have shown up tonight. I’ve gotten word that something’s going on in the back.

The shot cuts to the backstage where the Hardcore Champion; Nick Mondo and Super Dragon are in a stare down.

Mondo: So, did you come here to try to take me out again? You can try, but now I’m ready for you. We’re standing face to face; you wanna try something go ahead and do it.

Super Dragon doesn’t move an inch.

Mondo: I figured that you wouldn’t try anything. You can’t sneak up on me today.

Super Dragon backs up, away from Mondo. Another Super Dragon runs in and hits a wheel kick to the back of the head and neck of “Sick†Nick. The real Super Dragon, which just kicked Mondo, picks up the Hardcore title and drives it into Mondo’s skull.

Shane: What a way to play mind games. He caught Mondo completely off guard.

JR: It looks like Super Dragon might have one over the champion.

The shot cuts to the locker room where Jeff Hardy is watching the show on the monitor. Taz walks in.

Hardy: This is crap! I never even got my rematch.

Taz: Do you think anyone cares? Every wrestler faces a time where that aren’t given what they’re owed.

Hardy: Hey don’t talk to me like I’m some rookie.

Taz: I wouldn’t call you a veteran either.

Hardy: I was experienced enough to beat you.

Taz: That’s true, but I think you still have a lot of growing up to do.

Taz leaves the room and the shot cuts to the ring.

JR: An interesting encounter between those two.

Shane: I still hate Taz.

“Personal Jesus†hits and Austin Aries and Roderick Strong make their ways to the ring.

JR: This team is reuniting here for the first time in around two years.

“I Am†hits and AJ Styles walks down to ringside. He waits a bit before Tomko walks down the ramp.

Shane: Looks like Tomko took time out of his busy schedule in Japan to come to POI to help his buddy AJ.

Match 3: Austin Aries and Roderick Strong vs. AJ Styles and Tomko
Aries dives through the bottom and middle ropes and hits the Heat Seeking Missile on AJ, driving him back first into the guard rail. At the same time Strong vaults over the top rope, landing on Tomko. Austin and Roderick get to their feet to the cheers of the fans. Aries brings AJ to his feet and slams his head into the ring frame. Tomko stands up and nails Strong with a clubbing forearm to the back of the head. Tomko boots Roderick in the gut before forcing him into the ring. Tomko gets in himself, while Austin and Styles exchange punches on the entrance ramp. The ref has rung the bell and the match officially starts. Tomko grabs Strong by the hair and drives his face into the turnbuckle. Tomko backs up and drives an elbow into Roderick’s head. Strong hits Tomko with a hard chop to the chest, which echoes throughout the arena. Tomko fires back with a punch to the face. Roderick fights his way out of the corner with two more hard chops. Tomko uses another punch on Strong while Aries and Styles get to their corners. Tomko grabs Roderick and whips him into the ropes. Strong bounces back. Tomko tries for a back body drop, but Styles knees him in the face. Roderick backs up and bounces off the ropes again. He charges at Tomko and hits a Sick Kick. Strong drags Tomko into Gen Next’s corner before tagging in Austin Aries. Austin slingshots himself and enters the ring with a senton on Tomko. Aries hooks Tomko’s leg for a pin, but he kicks out at 2.

Austin stands up and gets Tomko to his feet. Styles reaches out his hand and slaps Aries in the back of the head. Austin turns to face Styles and the two start exchanging words. Aries pushes AJ off the ring apron. He turns around and gets his head taken off by a boot to the face by Tomko. Tomko tags Styles into the match. AJ climbs to the top rope. He goes for the Spiral Tap, but Aries gets his knees up just in time. Styles crashes into Austin’s knees ad screams in pain. Aries goes to the top rope and calls for the 450. Tomko pushes him off the top rope and into the ring. Aries and AJ get to their feet. Styles jumps and hits a Pele kick to the face on Austin. AJ goes for the pin, but Aries kicks out at 2. The two men climb to their feet and begin to exchange punches. Austin starts to get the better of Styles. Tomko gets into the ring to break Aries momentum, but Strong cuts him off and hits a half nelson backbreaker. Austin lifts up Styles and hits a shinbreaker. Out of nowhere AJ gets Aries in a small package for a pin. 1, 2, Strong tries to break it up, and the referee counts 3. AJ Styles gets to his feet and he and Tomko begin to celebrate their victory. Strong and Aries leave the ring looking frustrated.

JR: It looked like Aries and Strong had the match won, but Styles showed that one move can win a match.

After AJ and Tomko leave the POI Commissioner Joey Styles walks to the ring.

Joey: Last week we saw an incredibly brutal match between Daizee Haze and Lacey. After watching their match I decided that POI is in need of a change. POI needs a new title; a Women’s Championship. Next week there will be a one night tournament to decide who will be the very first POI Women’s champion. Now everyone enjoy the rest of the show. Thank you.

JR: I told you that there was something big planned for next week.

Shane: I don’t recall you saying that.

The shot cuts to the back where Lacey and Daizee Haze are watching the show. Daizee has a bandage on her forehead and lacey has a black eye.

Daizee: Hey look at that. He did that because of us.

Lacey: You’re excited about this? It took excess violence to get this far. We should have just been accepted for our abilities and not for one big match.

Lacey walks away.

Daizee: Just take wins where you can get ‘em... weirdo.

The shot cuts to the ring. “Disposable Teens†hits and Christopher Daniels walks to the ring.

Shane: Well it looks like it’s main event time. Christopher Daniels has a lot of momentum coming into this match.

“Momma Said Knock You Out†hits and the POI World Champion Samoa Joe walks to the ring.

JR: Daniels may have momentum, but Joe is the champ. We’ll see which is better right now in our main event.

Dave Prazak: The following contest is your main event of the evening. Introducing first on my left. Now coming to the ring weighing in at 210 lbs. and hailing from the City of Angels, the “Fallen Angel†Christopher Daniels. Now the man on my right. He weighs in at 290 and hails from Huntington Beach, California. He is the POI World Champion, Samoa Joe.

Match 4: Samoa Joe vs. Christopher Daniels- Non-title match
The two men square off and begin to circle in the ring. They charge at each other and lock up. Joe powers Daniels into the corner. Joe breaks the collar and elbow tie up and begins to beat Christopher with knife edge chops to the chest. Daniels drives an elbow into Joe’s face and follows up with a punch. The Fallen Angel uses two more punches to fight his way out of the corner. Daniels grabs Joe and whips him into the opposite corner. Christopher charges across the ring at Joe and goes for a high knee lift. Joe catches Daniels out of midair and slams him down to the mat. Before Daniels can get up Samoa Joe drop a knee on his head. Joe brings Christopher to his feet before slamming him into the mat with a German suplex. Joe holds the bridge for a pin. Daniels kicks out at 2.

Samoa Joe gets Christopher to a seated position and unloads on him with rapid fire soccer kicks. After five kicks to the back Joe brings Daniels to his feet and whips him into the corner. The champ charges after Christopher, but just crashes into the corner after Daniels moves out of the way. Christopher jumps and hits the high knee lift to the face on Joe. Daniels grabs Joe by the hair and forces him to the mat. Before Joe has a chance to recover Christopher springboards and hits a split legged moonsault. Daniels goes for the pin, but Joe kicks out at 2. The Fallen Angel goes for the pin and once again Joe kicks out at 2. Daniels stands up and gets Samoa Joe to his feet as well. Joe knees Christopher in the gut before hitting a flurry of punches and slaps. The champ lifts up Daniels and seats him on the top turnbuckle. Joe tries to set him up for the Muscle Buster, but Daniels kicks him in the face and drops down to the outside. Joe acts quickly by diving through the top and middle ropes and landing on Daniels.

Samoa Joe gets to his feet unscathed and brings Christopher with him. He seats Daniels in a chair next to the guard rail and backs up. Joe charges at the Fallen Angel and hits the Ole kick to the face, knocking Daniels into the front row. Samoa Joe stands tall while the fans chant his name. He tries to drag Daniels over the guard rail, but it looks like he wasted too much time. Christopher picks up a fans chair and cracks Joe over the head with it. Samoa Joe staggers back and Daniels gets back to the outside before driving the chair into Joe’s gut. Daniels jabs the chair twice into the champ’s kidneys. To escape Daniels, Joe rolls into the ring. Christopher leaves the chair on the outside and follows after him. Joe turns to face Daniels and he has his face planted into the mat with a STO. Christopher transitions into locking in a Koji clutch on Joe. Samoa Joe struggles to get out of the hold, but the chair shots took a toll on his body. Daniels yells at Joe to give up which Joe responds with by putting his foot on the bottom rope.

The Fallen Angel breaks the hold and gets to his feet before stomping on Joe. Daniels grabs the champ by his hair and pulls him to his feet. Christopher sets up Joe for the Angels Wings, but Joe gets out of the double underhook and slams Daniels to the mat with a back body drop. Samoa Joe jumps in the air and hits a senton splash on Daniels. Joe gets to his feet and hits a second senton, flattening Christopher. The champ lifts Daniels to his feet, seats him on the top turnbuckle, and sets him up. Joe picks up the Fallen Angel and hits the Muscle Buster. Joe goes for the pin. Just as the referee is about to count 3 the lights go out. After a few seconds a gong is heard and the lights come back on. The Undertaker and Kane are standing in the ring. Joe gets to his feet; they both grab him by the throat and hit a double chokeslam. The referee stands up and the same thing happens to him. The Brothers of Destruction help Christopher Daniels to his feet.

JR: Oh my god! The Undertaker and Kane are in POI!

Shane: I guess Daniels wasn’t lying all those weeks back when he said that the Church of Daniels had more members.

Kane drags Joe into the corner and gets him standing. Undertaker goes to town on Joe with punch after punch. While that is happening on the outside Daniels sets up two chairs. Low Ki and Rob Van Dam carry a pane of glass out from the back and set it up on the chairs like a table. The Brothers of Destruction grabs Joe and carry him to the ropes. Then they grab him by the throat and chokeslam him out of the ring and to the floor. Joe crashes through the glass, causing it to shatter. Samoa Joe hits the cement floor with a thud.

JR: I’m sorry for you all having to witness that.

Shane: Even I’d say that this has gone too far.

The Church of Daniels stands over Joe as the show closes.

(End Episode 44)

Chuck Taylor's Grenade

Battle Royal-Good way to open the show. Lots of action but we still have no number one contender.

London Promo-Served it's purpose. London is better on promos than people realize.

Homicide vs. Colt Cabana-A decent match with lots of nearfalls at the beginning. The finish made it better with Hernandez. LAX vs. SCS please.

Dragon and Mondo Promo-Good use of mind games on the part of Dragon. This could be a good feud if executed properly.

Taz and Hardy Promo-Felt awkward and just kinda ended abruptly.

Aries/Strong vs. Styles/Tomko-Good tag match. Ending leaves the feud door open.

Women's Title-I really can't see the creation of a women's championship based on a couple matches between two people.

Daizee and Lacey-Interesting to say the least. I wonder who else will be in the tournament.

Daniels vs. Joe-Incredible match. Although I have to question giving away Joe vs. Daniels prior to the payperview. Kane and Taker in POI? Very interesting. We'll see where this leads.

Overall-This was pretty good. We got a lot of unique developments, but no number one contender to the IC title. The deck is really stacked against Joe this time. I really hope this one doesn't end, or at least doesn't end until we get the next payperview.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
Well here is the Episode 45 preview. Later today I'm gonna try to pick up my POI notebook for the first time in a month and see if I can finish up Episode 46. Thanks for reading, please leave any thoughts you have. All reviews of Episode 44 will be repped and returned.

POI Wrestling Episode 45 Preview

The show opens with clips of what happened after POI went off the air. Security and other referees run down the entrance ramp to protect the defenseless Samoa Joe from the Church of Daniels. Joe isn’t moving at all. The Church leaves peacefully and walks to the back. Medics come to the ring and load Joe onto a gurney. The shot cuts to Dave Prazak.

Prazak: Utter domination by the Church of Daniels. Hello I am Dave Prazak and you just saw what happened after POI went off the air last week. The Brother’s of destruction; Kane and the Undertaker, made their POI return, once again on the side of Christopher Daniels. There is a good chance that Samoa Joe will not be at next weeks show due to the injuries that he sustained. Moving onto next week we will see the very first 2 Out of 3 Falls match in POI. The Brian Kendrick would like to speak his thoughts on the match. We brought the POI cameras to him due to him being on vacation.

The shot cuts to The Brian Kendrick standing on a sunny beach.

Kendrick: Welcome to the Bahamas. Well actually you’re not here because you know that you’re not good enough to share a beach with The Brian Kendrick. One of those people would be Paul London. I’m really surprised that I tag teamed with you for so long. I mean really; look at London, then look at me. I should have been main eventing, but he held me down. No longer will I be at the bottom of the card. It’s all main event from here on out.

The shot cuts back to Dave Prazak.

Prazak: Kendrick certainly doesn’t lack confidence. Now in this weeks bonus match Generation Next member Jack Evans will take on the visitor from CHIKARA; Hallowicked.

Match 1: Jack Evans vs. Hallowicked
The bell rings and both men walk to the middle of the ring. Hallowicked challenges Jack to a test of strength with a Greco Roman knuckle lock. Evans instead challenges Hallowicked to a dance off. Jack pulls off some crazy flippy move. Hallowicked seems a bit uneager at first, but then he fires back with a pop n’ lock. Evans shows up Hallowicked with another impressive move. Jack turns to face Hallowicked and he gets blasted in the face with a big forearm. Evans staggers back and Hallowicked yells something along the lines of “No more dancing!†Hallowicked charges at Jack and hits a series of knife edge chops. Evans jumps and hits a heel kick to the head on Hallowicked. Jack springboards off the second rope and hits a spin kick to the face. Hallowicked falls to his knees. Evans bounces off the ropes and hits a dropkick to the face, finally taking the big man off his feet. Jack goes for the pin, but Hallowicked kicks out at 2.

Evans gets up and brings Hallowicked to his feet. Jack tries to Irish whip Hallowicked into the corner, but it gets reversed. Evans hits the turnbuckles hard. Hallowicked charges at Jack and goes for a Yakuza kick. Evans dodges the kick causing Hallowicked to crotch himself on the top rope. Jack grabs him by his other leg and dumps him out of the ring and to the floor. Evans goes to the top rope and wits for Hallowicked to get to his feet. Hallowicked stands up and he is hit with a shooting star press by Jack. Evans gets up fast, jumps onto the top of the guard rail, and hits a moonsault off of it. The crowd is going nuts for Evans. Jack gets up and brings Hallowicked to his feet so he can roll him into the ring. Evans gets onto the ring apron, slingshots himself up, springboards off the top rope, and hits a 450 splash on Hallowicked. Jack foes for the pin and Hallowicked gets his shoulder up at 2 and 7/8ths. Evans looks to be in shock. He grabs Hallowicked and sets him up on the mat before going to the top rope. Jack goes for the 630, but Hallowicked moves out of the way at the last second. Both men slowly get to their feet. Hallowicked charges at Evans and nails the Yakuza kick to the face. Hallowicked wastes no time. He picks up Jack, gets him in a fireman’s carry, throws him forward, and hits the Go to Sleepy Hallo; a punt kick to the gut. Hallowicked doesn’t let up at all. He picks up Evans once again and then slams him to the mat with a Tiger Driver. Hallowicked goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. The big man gets to his feet and celebrates his first win in POI.

The shot cuts back to Dave Prazak.

Prazak: Impressive win for Hallowicked. Maybe we’ll see him and Delirious hold the tag belts down the road. Speaking of belts next week will be the one night tournament for the POI Women’s Championship. There will be eight women involved in the tournament. They are Daizee Haze, Lacey, Beth Phoenix, Roxxi, MsChif, Rain, Sara Del Ray, and Gail Kim. The tournament will be three rounds. The first round will be a battle royal that will end when four women are eliminated. The second round will be two one-on-one matches. The winners of those two matches will battle it out in the third and final round to crown the champion. To see all this and more be sure to check out next week’s POI.


First off great to see POI is still going dude...

Best Match: Had to be Joe vs. Daniels. That was one hell of a technical classic X-Division style match up. It was great, though Samoa Joe brought out his heavyweight hard hitting style as well as his high flying-ness. It was a great match all around.

Worst Match: Out of all of them, it was Homicide vs. Cabana, but that by no means was a bad match. All of you matches were fantastic and this one just happened to come in last place. I loved the match though, it flowed nicely.

Best Promo: Dragon's promo was pretty well thought out. There wasn't too many promos here, you might want to stick a couple more onto the show, but the promos you did use were very great and served their purpose, they weren't filler which is always a good thing.

Worst Promo: Again, none at all, it's rare to see a bad promo.

AC: Sorry I haven't been around much I will try to drop a review on most bookers here and there, if I got the time, again good to see you still going, loved the show.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Well at this point I'm not sure if there will be a new POI next week. I'm hoping there will be, but I really don't want to get your hopes up. Oh well. Thanks for reading and supporting POI. All reviews will be repped and returned.

POI Wrestling Episode 45

The show opens with shots of the arena and the crowd.

JR: Hello and welcome to this historical episode of POI. I am JR; Jim Ross.

Shane: And I’m the “Franchise” Shane Douglas. Tonight is a one night tournament to decide the first ever POI Woman’s Champion.

JR: Also Paul London will take The Brian Kendrick in the first ever 2 Out of 3 Falls match in POI history.

Shane: Now we’ve got our first match of the Woman’s Title Tournament; an eight woman battle royal. This match will end when four women have been eliminated.

Match 1: First Round of the Women’s Title Tournament: Battle Royal- Daizee Have vs. MsChif vs. Gail Kim vs. Roxxi vs. Sara Del Ray vs. Lacey vs. Rain vs. Beth Phoenix
The bell rings and all eight women are wary of each other. Lacey and Daizee charge across the ring towards each other and begin exchanging punches. As they drive their fists into their rival’s face the other women pair off. Gail Kim whips Roxxi into the ropes. Roxxi springs off and hits a flying forearm to the face of Gail. Beth Phoenix and Sara Del Ray exchange stiff forearm shots with neither woman backing down. Rain whips MsChif into a corner and charges after her. MsChif grabs Rain and back body drops her out of the ring. Rain lands on the ring apron. MsChif goes for a forearm to the face, but Rain ducks it and hits a shoulder block through the top and middle ropes. Rain gets back into the ring only to be hit with an enzuigiri by MsChif. Phoenix picks up Del Rat in a military press, but Sara slips out of it and lands on her feet. Del Ray grabs Beth and hits a backbreaker. Lacey and Daizee trade chops until Roxxi sprays Asian mist into their eyes. Roxxi turns around and she gets mist sprayed in her eyes by MsChif. MsChif grabs Roxxi and hits the Desecrator, her scissored DDT. MsChif grabs Roxxi and throws her out of the ring, eliminating her.

Del Ray picks up Phoenix, sets her up, and hits the Royal Butterfly suplex. Sara brings Phoenix to her feet, before throwing her over the top rope. Beth lands on the ring frame and narrowly ducks a punch by Del Ray. Phoenix grabs Sara by the hair and drags her over the top rope and onto the ring apron. The two women exchange forearms, each one nearly knocking them to the floor. Beth kicks Del Ray in the stomach, picks her up and hits a fisherman’s buster on the ring frame. Sara falls to the floor and is eliminated while phoenix rolls into the ring. On the other side of the ring Rain has Kin in the corner and is chopping away at her. Gail gets a burst of energy and begins to fight back with chops of her own. Rain backs up and she gets hit with a spear by Kim. Gail goes up to the top rope. Once Rain gets back to her feet Gail jumps off and hits a huracanrana that sends Rain into the arms of Phoenix. Beth gets Rain in a military press and throws her out of the ring, eliminating her. Daizee is fending off both MsChif and Lacey with hard forearms. Haze tries to whip MsChif into Lacey, but MsChif reverses it. Daizee charges at Lacey, who pulls down the top rope. Haze gets pushed over the top rope and to the floor by MsChif. The bell rings.

JR: Well it looks like Beth Phoenix, Lacey, Gail Kim, and MsChif will move onto the next round.

Shane: They’ll have to win three matches in a row to win the belt. These women have a rough night ahead of them.

The women walk to the back. Fire explodes from the ring post and “Disposable Teens” hits. The Church of Daniels; Low Ki, Kane, Rob Van Damn, the Undertaker, and Christopher Daniels walk to the ring. The Church gets booed worse than any other wrestlers on the POI roster.

JR: What these men did last week was sick. Samoa Joe was completely destroyed.

Daniels grabs a microphone.

Daniels: Last week all of you saw what the Church of Daniels is capable of. We worked as a unit to take out the POI World Champion; Samoa Joe. Because of what we did he is sitting at home this week. Hopefully now he will see that this company will destroy him. Hopefully he will be able to see that we have been right all along. I have a feeling that he won’t. I have a feeling that we are going to have to step up our efforts. We shocked all of you last week by bringing the Undertaker and Kane into POI. Two of the most destructive wrestlers ever have joined my crusade. All POI wrestlers should now be on notice. Join us or you will fall, just like Joe did.

Their music plays and they walk to the back.

JR: Strong words from the Church of Daniels. It looks like they’ll be targeting more than just Samoa Joe now.

Shane: Right now the Church is gonna have to wait because we’ve got some women’s title tournament second round action.

Match 2: Second Round of the Women’s Title Tournament- Beth Phoenix vs. Gail Kim
The bell rings and the women circle the ring. They charge across the ring and lock up. Phoenix shows her strength by shoving Gail to the mat. Kim gets up fast and goes right back to the collar and elbow tie up. This time Beth Phoenix forces Kim into the corner. The referee calls for a clean break, but doesn’t get one. Phoenix boots Gail in the stomach. Beth grabs her by the arm and Irish whips her across the ring and into the opposite corner. Phoenix charges at Gail and goes for an elbow to the face. Kim moves out of the way and Beth crashes into the turnbuckles. Gail grabs Phoenix by the hair and begins to bash her head in with repeated forearm shots to the face. Beth fights back with punches. Kim ducks a punch and rocks Beth with a punch of her won. Gail springs off the ropes, charges at Phoenix, and takes her down with a clothesline. Kim waits for Beth, lining her up for another clothesline. Beth gets to her feet. Kim charges at her. Phoenix picks up Gail and drives her into the mat with a scoop slam. Beth goes for the pin, but Kim kicks out at 2.

Phoenix gets up and gets Gail to a seated position. Beth drives her knee into the back of Kim. Phoenix grabs Gail’s arms and pulls them back, putting Gail in a submission predicament. The referee asks Kim if she wants to give up. She yells in pain before responding with “No!” The crowd cheers for Gail, who begins to fight to her feet. She stands up and breaks free of Phoenix’s grasp. Kim boots Beth in the stomach and then hits a spinning neckbreaker. Gail goes for the pin, but Beth kicks out at 2. Both women slowly get to their feet. Phoenix drives her elbow into Gail’s weakened spine. Beth picks up Kim in a military press. Gail slips out of it and lands on her feet. She hits Phoenix in the back of the head with a stiff kick, which takes down Phoenix. Kim quickly grabs Beth’s legs and locks in the cloverleaf. Phoenix struggles to get away, but Gail has the cloverleaf locked in tight. Beth slowly crawls towards the ropes. Kim drags her right back to the center of the ring. Phoenix can’t take the pain anymore and she taps out. The ref calls for the bell and names Gail Kim the winner.

JR: Gail Kim goes onto the finals to meet the winner of the Lacey versus MsChif match later in the night.

Shane: We’ve gotta send it to the back where the Second City Saints and LAX have found each other.

The shot cuts to the locker room. Hernandez is battering CM Punk in the corner of the room with repeated punches. Homicide picks up a garbage can and tries to hit Colt Cabana with it. Colt dodges it and then boots it into Homicide’s face. ‘Cide appears unaffected as he drives the can into Col’s face. Hernandez continues to his Punk with stiff punches. Suddenly a man runs in with a chair and flattens Hernandez. That man is Ace Steel. Homicide turns to face Steel and he gets laid out with a chair too.

Steel: The perfect set up. Ha ha.

Colt: The gang’s all here.

Punk: Homicide if you think that Ace was the last card up my sleeve you’re dead wrong.

Punk spits on Homicide and the three men leave.

Shane: What a plan that was!

The shot cuts to another part of the backstage where Paul London has a microphone.

London: Kendrick, tonight is the night. Tonight is the night where we finally find out which of us is the better man. We were a team for a long time. We know each other better than we know ourselves. We were like brothers. I just want to know what happened. When did we stop being brothers? I guess we both just moved on with our careers. Kendrick you may think that you’re the better man, but I’ll prove that I’m that man.

JR: That 2 Out of 3 Falls Match later tonight looks like it could be a classic.

The shot cuts to the ring where MsChif and lacey make their entrances.

Match 3: Second Round of the Women’s Title Tournament- Lacey vs. MsChif
The bell rings and the two members of the Age of the Fall shake hands in the middle of the ring. The two women square off and lock up. MsChif gets Lacey in a wristlock. Lacey reverses the pressure and drives her elbow into the twisted arm of MsChif. MsChif manages to tug her arm away from Lacey. MsChif tries for the spinning backfist, but Lacey ducks it. Then she takes down MsChif with a drop toe hold. Lacey kneels on MsChif’s back, grabs her legs and neck, rocks back, and locks in the bow and arrow. MsChif screams in pain as she is locked in a devastating hold. She reaches out her hand as far as she can and is able to grab onto the bottom rope. Lacey breaks the hold and gets back to her feet. MsChif gets up and the two women begin to exchange punches. MsChif ducks a punch, allowing her to grab Lacey and hits a Russian leg sweep. MsChif quickly stands up and hits a standing moonsault on Lacey. MsChif goes for the pin, but Lacey kicks out at 2.

Before Lacey gets a chance to recover MsChif grabs her and locks in the camel clutch. Lacey refuses to give up. MsChif begins to drive crossface shots into Lacey’s face. Lacey manages to get her hands up to protect herself. MsChif grabs her arms and applies a Japanese stranglehold. Lacey is having the life choked out of her, but she still refuse to give up. Eventually MsChif breaks the hold and gets to her feet while Lacey gasps for air. Once Lacey stands up MsChif goes for the Desecrator. Lacey blocks the scissored DDT by holding onto the ropes. She fights off MsChif with punches to the face. Lacey gets a waistlock on MsChif and slams her into the mat with a German suplex. Lacey holds the bridge for a pin and gets a 2 count. The two women get to their feet. MsChif attempts a spinning backfist, but Lacey narrowly ducks it. Lacey picks up MsChif in a fireman’s carry. Then she hits the TKO. Lacey stands up fast and stalks MsChif. MsChif slowly gets to her feet. Lacey kicks her in the stomach and sets her up. She drives MsChif face first into the canvas with the Implant DDT. Lacey covers MsChif and gets the 3 count.

JR: The finals of the Women’s Championship Tournament have been set. Gail Kim will meet Lacey in just a bit.

Shane: Speaking of Gail Kim, she’s in the back with Dave Prazak.

The shot cuts to the back where Dave Prazak is standing with Gail Kim.

Prazak: Gail Kim, first I would like to welcome you to the POI roster.

Gail: Thank you.

Prazak: What are your thoughts on your match with Lacey in just a few moments?

Gail: I think that we’re going to go out there and prove why POI added this Women’s Championship. I’m glad to have a place to showcase my wrestling abilities. Lacey, you and I, we’ve never me in the ring. I barely know anything about you as a wrestler, but that won’t stop me. I can adapt to any situation, tonight you’ll see that for yourself

The shot cuts to another part of the backstage where The Brian Kendrick is standing with a microphone.

Kendrick: Tonight is finally here. Yay! London I hope you’re ready because if your not you’re gonna get the crap kicked out of you worse that I originally thought. And it’s not like this is one match, it’s really three. No wait, only two. I forgot that I’m going to beat you two to zero. Once everything is said and done out there, I assure you that you will never step into a POI ring again. I am not lying about this. Look into my eyes as I say it. You will never step into a POI ring again.

JR: Kendrick is one determined young man.

Shane: I’m looking forward to tonight’s main event.

The shot cuts to another part of the back where Lacey is sitting, resting after her match. Dave Prazak rushes up to her.

Prazak: Lacey, what are you doing?

Lacey: Waiting for my match, what does it look like?

Prazak: But you need to get to the ring, your match is next.

Lacey: What!? This is crap. I don’t even get five minutes to rest.

The shot cuts back to the ring.

JR: In this match Lacey looks to be at a disadvantage.

Shane: Or is that what she just wants us to think?

“The Game” hits and Lacey walks to the ring to a mix of cheers and boos from the crowd. “Unstoppable” hits and Gail Kim walks to the ring to the cheers of the fans.

Dave Prazak: The following contest is part of tonight’s double main event and is to crown the first POI Women’s Champion. Introducing first on my right. She weights in at 125 pounds and hails from Tampa, Florida. She is Gail Kim. Now on my left. She weights in at 135 pounds and hails from Minneapolis, Minnesota. She is “The Lovely” Lacey.

Match 4: Women’s Title Tournament Finals- Gail Kim vs. Lacey
The bell rings and Gail offers Lacey a handshake. Lacey accepts it, but she uses it to draw in Kim. Lacey kicks her in the stomach and sets her up for the Implant DDT. Gail manages to slip out of it. She leaps in the air and connects with a dropkick to the face on Lacey. Gail goes for the pin, but Lacey kicks out at 1. Kim gets up and lifts Lacey to her feet by her hair. Gail Irish whips Lacey into one of the ring’s corners. Lacey hits the turnbuckles hard. She tries to take a rest from a split second, but she sees Kim charging towards her. Lacey manages to get out of Gail’s way, causing her to run into the turnbuckles. Kim turns around to face Lacey. She charges at Gail and hits a spinning wheel kick to the face. Lacey grabs Kim and snapmares her down to the mat. Lacey begins to drive repeated kicks into Gail’s back. Lacey springs off the ropes and hits a dropkick, connecting with the back of the head and neck of Kim. Lacey goes for the pin, but Gail kicks out at 2.

Lacey gets up and brings Kim to a seated position. She goes back to work on the back of Gail Kim. Lacey applies a chin lock while driving her knee into Kim’s back. Gail yells in pain, but still refuses to give up when she is asked by the referee. Kim starts to pound her foot on the mat which gets the fans to clap along with the pounding. With the fans behind her she begins to fight to her feet. Gail and Lacey stand up. Lacey still has the chinlock held in tight. Kim uses repeated elbows to the stomach to get out of the hold. Gail managed to build a bit of momentum, but it is brought to a screeching halt. Lacey grabs Kim and hits a double knee backbreaker. Lacey goes for the pin, but Kim kicks out at 2. Lacey stands up and brings Gail to her feet. Lacey sets up Kim for a German suplex, but Gail fights out of it with elbows to the face. Gail follows up with three European uppercuts. Lacey is on the ropes after these three shots. Kim jumps up, grabs Lacey, and hits a double knee facebuster. Gail quickly goes for the pin, but Lacey is able to get her shoulder up at the count of 2.

Kim gets up and begins to stomp on Lacey’s right arm. Gail stops the assault after seven stomps. Kim stalks Lacey waiting for her to get to her feet. Once Lacey stands up Gail Kim charges at her. Gaul jumps in the air, hits a headscissors without taking down Lacey, and locks in an armbar. This devastating hold has Lacey screaming in pain. Kim wrenches it in tighter as Lacey slowly walks towards the ropes. She falls to her knees, just inches from the ropes. Lacey falls to the mat, pinning Gail Kim in the process. Kim breaks the hold and gets out of the pin at 2. Both women get to their feet. Gail charges at Lacey for a spear. At the last possible second Lacey dodges the spear. Lacey applies a wristlock on Kim and dumps her on her head with a German suplex. Lacey stands up and drags Gail to her feet by her hair. Kim tries to defend herself with a European uppercut, but Lacey blocks it. She kicks Kim in the stomach, sets her up, and hits the Implant DDT. Lacey quickly pins Gail Kim and gets the 3 count. The crowd is on their feet applauding both women for this match.

JR: What a match we just saw. These women just put on a clinic for women’s wrestling.

Shane: It’s hard to disagree with you, that was a fantastic match. I can’t believe that we still have a contract signing for next weeks tag title match and a 2 Out of 3 Falls match left in the show.

Once both women leave, the ring is set up for the contract signing. POI Commissioner Joey Styles walks to the ring.

Joey: Next week there will be a Tag Team Title match. Right now we will officially make that match when this contract is signed. Let’s get the four wrestlers in this match out here. First the challengers; the Motor City Machine Guns.

“Beautiful Disaster” plays and Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley walk to the ring. They take a seat in the chairs by the table.

Sabin: Good to see ya Joey.

Joey: Same to you. Now let’s bring out the Tag Team Champions; the Age of the Fall.

“That Haunted” hits and Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black make their ways to the ring. They sit across the table from the Guns.

Joey: Now that we’re all here the next thing to do it to sign the contract.

Shelley: Now wait a minute Joey. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. You should know how these things work by now. We both talk some trash, then sign the contract, and sometimes it ends with a brawl.

Jacobs: Will you shut up and sign the papers.

Shelley: I’ll get to it eventually. I just want to make sure that everything goes according to plan.

Sabin: Ever since you guys took those belts from us, our lives have changed. I miss my belt; I used to wear it everywhere. It was like what you dream about as a little kid watching wrestling. You want to be the top dogs in the company. Those belts proved that we were the best.

Shelley: And they were great for picking up chicks.

Sabin: Yeah, that too.

Black: Is that all you two care about? The glory, the fame. There are much more important things to fight for. Jimmy and I have our cause.

Shelley: And what cause is that; getting people to drink your Kool-Aid.

Jacobs: You know I expected that from somebody as ignorant as you. Our cause is to change the world and save it from itself. Idiots like you two are part of the reason why we do this. Once everything falls apart we’ll be there to put it back together.

Shelley: Ya know what; let’s just sign the contract before you bore the crowd to death.

Black: You’re just like everybody else, trying to escape from the truth.

The four men sign the contract.

Joey: Well it’s official. Next week Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black will defend their POI Tag Team Championships against Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin. Now, can we get a handshake?

The two teams just glare at each other. After awhile the Machine Guns extend their hands, not to Jacobs and Black, but to each other. Tyler Black flips over the table. He and Jacobs advance on the Guns. Security floods the ring before either team is able to attack. Eventually both teams are taken to the back.

JR: You could cut the tension with a knife.

Shane: after you cut it you would slather it in barbecue sauce and eat it.

JR: A fat joke, that’s new.

Shane: You’re damn right. Well folks its main event number two time.

Dave Prazak: The following contest is our final match of the evening and is a 2 Out of 3 Falls match.

“London Calling” hits and Paul London runs to the ring to the cheers of the fans.

Prazak: He weighs in at 205 pounds and hails from Austin, Texas. He is Paul London.

“Man With a Plan” hits and The Brian Kendrick walks to the ring. The fans hate towards Kendrick is evident.

Prazak: He weighs in at 184 pounds and hails from Venice, California. He is The Brian Kendrick.

Match 5: Brian Kendrick vs. Paul London in a 2 Out of 3 Falls match
The bell rings and the two men begin to circle around each other. London charges at Brian, who gets out of his way as fast as he can. Kendrick wants to start the action on his own terms. The two men lock up and are at a stalemate in the middle of the ring. Paul London takes the advantage and forces Kendrick into the corner. The referee calls for a clean break, which London gives him, but not Brian. Kendrick disrespects Paul by slapping him in the face. London fires back with a flurry of punches. He backs up and goes for a dropkick, but Brian moves out of the way. Paul crashes into the mat. Kendrick leaps into the air and crushes Paul’s torso with a knee drop. Brian goes for the first pin of the match and gets a 2 count.

Kendrick stands up while London gasps for breath. Brian drags London to his feet by his hair. Kendrick delivers Knife edge chops to the injured chest of Paul. Brian whips London into the corner before yelling; “Let me show you how it’s done.” Kendrick charges at Paul, who fights back by hitting Kendrick with an enzuigiri. Before Brian has a chance to hit the mat London grabs him and hits a tornado DDT. Paul goes for the pin, but Kendrick kicks out at 2. London gets to his feet. He springboards off the ropes and goes for a moonsault on Brian. Kendrick gets his knees up and Paul crashes chest first into them. Once again Brian stands up while London struggles to breathe. Kendrick lines up Paul before delivering a stiff kick to the chest. London lies on the mat holding his chest in pain. Brian gets up and hits a standing senton on London. Kendrick goes for the pin, but Paul kicks out at 2. Brian stands up fast and crushes London with a double foot stomp to the chest. Kendrick stares at Paul and laughs as he spits blood into the mat. Brian stalks London as he tries to get to his feet. Paul uses the ropes to stand up. He faces Kendrick who goes for a superkick. London ducks the kick and hits Brian with a superkick of his own. Kendrick drops lifelessly to the canvas. London sees an opportunity and heads up to the top rope. Brian is set up perfectly. Paul risks his own b hitting the 450 splash on Kendrick. London, who might be hurt worse than Brian, goes for the pin and gets the 3 count.

JR: This kid looked like he was out of it. He’s running on pure adrenaline.

Shane: Don’t count out Kendrick yet, this match isn’t close to being done.

Kendrick rolls to the outside while London sits in the corner, hoping to get some rest. Brian gets to his feet and starts to walk up the entrance ramp. London sees this and follows after him. Kendrick suddenly turns around and smashes Paul in the face with a roaring forearm. Brian grabs London and dumps him off of the ramp and into the crowd. The fans clear out of Paul’s way, taking most of their chairs with them. London stands up. Kendrick jumps off the entrance ramp and hits a huracanrana on Paul. London goes flying and crashes into some fans. Brian stands up, gets London to his feet, and Irish whips him into a senton of chairs. Paul slowly gets back to his feet while Kendrick admires his handiwork. Once London is fully standing Brian charges at him. Paul lifts up Kendrick and drops him onto some chairs with a back body drop. Brian grabs his back and screams in anguish. Welts from the chair are appearing on the bodies of both men. Paul approaches Kendrick, who drives a chair into his chest. Brian whips the chair at London and it smashes into his face. The referee tries to convince both men to get back into the ring.

In most companies this would have ended with a DQ by now, but not POI. Kendrick sets up a chair. When Paul faces him, he runs, uses the chair as a launch pad, and goes for a flying forearm. London catches Brian and Northern Lights suplexes him into some more chairs. Paul stands up and some thing catches his eye. London walks over to where a ladder is set up near some of the bleachers. Paul grabs the ladder and rags it near to where Kendrick is. London begins to climb the ladder. He climbs all twenty feet and stands at the top. The crowd starts to chant “Please don’t die!” Brian is up to his feet. Paul jumps off the ladder and hits a shooting star press onto the standing Kendrick. Both men are down and the crowd is now chanting “Holy shit!” After nearly two minutes, neither man has moved. The referee calls for the bell as EMT’s make their way’s to where the human car wreck is.

JR: It’s a shame to see a match end like this.

Shane: And such a good match. If I know these two, I’d bet that we’ll see a rematch down the road.

JR: I pray that these two are alright. Well folks I hate to end the show, but that was our last match. Goodni- Wait a minute! What’s this?

Rob Van Dam comes bursting out of the back and rolls down the entrance ramp. Samoa Joe follows after him, baseball bat in hand. Joe slams the bat down onto RVD’s back. Joe brings the bat up again and this time brings it down on Rob’s knee, Low Ki runs down the ramp and catches Joe with a kick to the back of the head. Joe drops the bat. He turns around and unleashes a flurry of punches and slaps on Ki. Joe picks up the bat again and drives it into Low Ki’s gut. Joe turns around and RVD goes for a superkick. Joe dodges the kick, which connects with Ki. Joe picks up Van Dam and release exploder suplexes him into the crowd. Joe doesn’t waste any time, picking up Low Ki, and setting him up for the Muscle Buster. Joe teases the move for a bit before slamming Low Ki into the steel entrance ramp with the Muscle Buster. Joe gets to his feet and the crowd is chanting his name. He yells “Daniels! Next week I’m coming for you.”

JR: Samoa Joe just got a measure of revenge for what the Church of Daniels did to him last week.

Shane: I didn’t even know that Joe was in the building.

JR: I don’t think Daniels did either, he left after his promo. Well, now I think we can officially end the show. For the Franchise Shane Douglas, I am JR; Jim Ross. Goodnight folks.

(End Episode 45)

Tsaalyo Phoenix

Active Member
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
St. Catharines, Ontario
Yay women!

BM: Match 4. Longest, and the most competitive.
WM: Match 1. Roxxi > MsChif. :p
PB: Contract signing. I enjoy violence, even if it's interrupted.
WP: ?
AC: The show consisted mostly of women's matches, so expect a lot of people saying the best match was Match 5. They suck, don't listen to them. ;P


Best Match: I'm not saying this because I didn't like the womens matches but the Main Event was the best. Kendrick and London are both great and you used them really well in this match, 2 out of 3 falls matches are always awesome and this showed that. Crazy ending to the match and I am curious to see where this leads as neither man really got the win over the other so I think and hope they have another match sometime. Great match!

Worst Match: I found all the womens matches quite equal, they were all decent and the finals of the tournament were good. They weren't bad matches but they just weren't as good as the main event which would have been very hard to beat. Good matches this show round.

Best Promo: MCMG/AOTF Contract Signing. It was a good length as a contract signing should be and I feel that these four were improved on from the last time I read promos from them in this BTB which is good. It was an awesome way to set up for the tag title match next week which should be awesome with the four men involved.

Worst Promo: Hernandez/Homicide attack was bad imo, they said it was planned but don't you think Steel would have helped Punk/Colt earlier instead of letting LAX beat them down first, then at the end its like Punk just no sold Hernandez punches by walking away. It was a good idea but it wasn't written out as well as it could have. The other promos weren't to bad, I think they have improved from recent shows.

Additional Comments: Good show, the matches were good and the promos were also done quite well this show round. I am liking what you are doing storywise and I will try to review as often as possible. MCMG Vs AOTF should be awesome on the next show. Btw, feel free to check out the first part of my IPW PPV :)

The Rated R CMStar

BM: I am going with your main event. Honestly I think this could be your best match up to date. The tension was written perfectly, Kendrick and London's style were showcased nicely and you had subtle things like the crowd reviving the "Please don't die chant". I enjoyed this match very much.

WM: Pheonix tapping out? I Don't buy it one bit. BTW, Gail Kim was the newcomer, gets the upset over Pheonix...and then loses to Lacey? I Don't like it.

BP: The contract signing. Damn, it is your best promo ever imo. The contrast of styles was fun to read and you did an awesome work on it. I expected a different ending with Shelley already predicting a brawl earlier in the promo but meh, I still like it.

WP: I am not sure about how you book Kendrick. If you book him as crazy, remorseless heel, then ignore this. If you have the WWE version of him, in which he is laid back and cocky, then his promo was a little out of character.

AC: A show of bests. A lot of improvement since my last read. The ending was a little bizarre tbh, as it felt you crammed up all the important players that hadn't appear on the show til then and you just couldn't leave out. Feuds are building nicely nonetheless.

Check out BTW, Nitro has been posted


Best Match: Kendrick vs. London 2/3 Fall. It was one hell of a main event with those two. I was wondering if they could pull of main eventing a show, but you did it perfectly. The match was sick alot of high flying moves, back and fourth it was great.

Worst Match: Gail vs. Beth. I am not a big fan of Women's matches because I always thought they were tough to write, but this really didn't do it for me. Pretty short, and like CMS said how does Phoenix tap? Ehh, it's your BTB. lol

Best Promo: I liked the LAX/SCS beatdown backstage. I always love a good CM Punk beatdown whether or not he gets the advantage or not. That was good stuff.

Worst Promo: Kendrick's, the guy has no personality that I can relate to so it's hard to see a good promo from him. He was all over the board.

Additional Comments: Great show, heavily devoted to the women, which I don't see too much in a BTB, great stuff, again, great main event bro loved reading.


BM- As the others (the sane ones) have said, the Main Event really shined above all other macthes on this show. It was a very competitive match with both men going all out and I especially liked the finish, and the way you showcased the brutality of the match.

WM- The opener just seemed too short, and to me it felt like you were writing finisher after finisher after finisher, with no real action in between.

BP- I liked the brawl at the end with Joe gaining a small upper hand on the CoD, but it wasn't that much of a promo. The contract signing was the longest and could have been the best but it was kinda off at times, so I'll say the Kendrick interview which was better than others say it was tbh.

WP- The attack backstage with Homicide and Hernandez getting beaten down by Colt, Ace and Punk didn't feel right. Punk wouldn't get up that quickly after a battery of punches and it seemed the LAX just went down too easily.

AC- I'm liking your match length but for things like battle royales it is not enough to include substantial action. Your promos are steadilty improving but they still need more interaction, and less 1 man interviews. What I love about your BTB is that it is such a fun read, and keeps the excitement going. Also, nice fresh change with a women's themed show, I liked that. :y:

Check out WWE 2009- Fast Forward to Future. Raw Week 3 is posted.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: I go for two matches here. First, the women's match between Gail Kim and Lacey, it's a good women's match and I see it's a bit above the other women's matches, good to see a women's division in POI. The other one and a really entertaining match is the one with the Londricks. A good highflying encounter between the two and I do really able to visualize it.

Worst Match: Hmmm... Among the women's matches, my least fave is the one between Beth and Gail.

Best Promo: lol @ the Contract Signing, I say it's a good confrontation between the two teams.

Worst Promo: The Londricks, for me, it didn't gave so much hype to the main event. It didn't made some heat eventhough they try to say to their opponent that he is the better man than the other.

Additional Feedbacks: Sorry if I haven't paid a visit in your BTB and looks like I missed some things but by seeing at this shows, looks like you've improved well. Good to see POI is still running, I believe you are about to leave but then you managed to get back.