POI- Point of Impact Wrestling

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Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Here is POI Wrestling Episode 18. Starting this week, you will no longer get new POI Episodes on Wednesday. Instead there will be the new mini-show POI Previews. Please enjoy the show, leave a review and I will get back to you with a review and rep in the next day. Thanks for reading.

POI Wrestling Episode 18​

Last Monday night on RAW...

HHH is in the ring.

HHH: I am the POI champion and there’s nothing that Joey Styles or the rest of the POI can do about it. Dad and I are going to put POI out of business. Getting the belt was the first step, now we run them into the ground!

He is interrupted when Samoa Joe and CM Punk come through the crowd to attack him. Joe gives him a face buster as Cena runs to the ring. Punk hits Cena with a chair and whips him into the guard rail. Joe and HHH fight on the outside. Jeff hardy tries to attack Joe, who spine busters Hardy through the announce table. Jerry Lawler tries to restrain Punk, but he just gets a knee in the face. As more WWE wrestlers come, Joe and Punk run for the exit. The WWE wrestlers chase them outside, but they are attacked by more POI wrestlers. Low Ki smashes Snitsky’s face into the ground with a drop toe hold. MVP kicks Chris Hero in the face. Cena throws Joe into the wall. Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin double superkick Lance Cade. The POI wrestlers drive away from the scene, leaving the WWE beaten.

Back to live POI where Joe is in the ring.

Joe: Two weeks ago some punk attacked me from behind and put me through a table. John Cena, I’m not the POI champion because of you. Next week, I want a match, Cena. You and Me. One on one. If you’re not scared, you’ll show up.

IC Title Tournament Match 3: Delirious vs. Teddy Hart
They shake hands and then Hart throws Delirious into the ropes. Hart goes for a clothes line, but Delirious ducks and takes him down with a dropkick. Hart gets in some right hands on Delirious. Delirious goes for a running knee lift, but Hart dodges and knocks Delirious out of the ring. Hart moonsaults over the top rope onto Delirious. Hart whips Delirious into the ring post and then rolls him into the ring. Hart uses a face buster on Delirious and then goes to the top rope. Hart goes for the open hart surgery, but Delirious rolls out of the way. Delirious drives his knee into Hart’s back and then locks in the cobra stretch. Hart taps out, letting Delirious move on to the second round.

Delirious and Hart go to the back as Homicide gets into the ring.

Homicide: Last week, me and Mysterio lost the tag belts. I couldn’t be happier. In our matches, I did all the work. I beat 3 members of the New Church of Daniels. Then last week, Mysterio lost the titles, not me, he got pinned. I quit the MWR.

Mysterio comes to the ring.

Mysterio: You really want to quit? Fine by me. You were the only thing keeping the MWR from going to WWE.

Homicide slaps Mysterio and the two start brawling. Super Crazy and Psychosis attack Homicide. The numbers get to Homicide as all three stomp on him. Then Homicide’s former partner Low Ki runs to the ring. The MWR clears out of the ring.

Homicide: Next week, Mysterio, you and Crazy vs. me and Low Ki.

Mysterio: No way, I’m part of the WWE. I don’t have to.

Joey Styles walks onto the entrance ramp.

Joey: Actually, Mysterio, you’re still a POI contracted wrestler. So, you will face Homicide and Ki next week.

Commercial break. After the break, X-Pac and Ron Killings are in the ring.

X-Pac: We were never appreciated in POI. We are the best wrestlers on the POI roster. But not anymore. We are going to the WWE where we will be appreciated. We want to challenge any team in the back to come out here and get the crap kicked out of them.

With his POI debut, Super Dragon comes to the ring.

X-Pac: Hey, where’s your partner?

X-Pac hands the mic to Super Dragon, who looks at it and drives it into X-Pac’s head.

Match 2: X-Pac and Ron Killings vs. Super Dragon
Dragon kicks X-Pac in the head and throws him out of the ring. Killings punches Dragon in the back of the head and tries to take him down with a drop toe hold. Dragon blocks it and elbows Killings. Dragon goes to the outside, picks up a chair, and dents it on X-Pac’s head. Dragon throws X-Pac into the guardrail and then kicks him into the front row. Dragon tries to get back in the ring, but Killings hits him with a baseball slide. Killings goes to the outside and slams Dragon’s head on the ring apron. Dragon looks a Killings and headbuts him. Dragon repeatedly headbuts Killings until X-Pac throws a chair at Dragon. Dragon rolls into the ring and is followed by X-Pac. Dragon knocks X-Pac out of his boots with a clothesline. Then Dragon uses a standing corkscrew moonsault on X-Pac. Dragon goes to the outside and sets up a table. Killings hits Dragon in the back with a chair. Dragon turns around and elbows Killings in the face. Dragon uses a drop toe hold on Killings. Then Dragon twists Killings’ legs, grabs his hands and pulls him up. Dragon puts his foot on the back of Killings head. He releases Killings hands and lets his foot plow Killings’ face into the ground, executing the curb stomp. Dragon gets back into the ring and gets kicked in the head by X-Pac. X-Pac goes for a second kick, but Dragon grabs his leg and gets in a kick of his own on X-Pac. Dragon repeatedly knees X-Pac in the head and then takes him onto the ring apron. Dragon gets X-Pac in an torture rack, pushes him forward while holding his leg with one arm and the head with the other arm, and then sits down, driving the opponent head first down to the floor using the Psycho Driver to put X-Pac through the table at ringside. Dragon brings X-Pac back into the ring and pins him for the 3 count to pick up a win on his debut match.

IC title tournament match 4: Chris Hero vs. Lashley
They shake hands and the match begins. Lashley tries to spear Hero, but misses. Hero kicks Lashley in the head and then throws him into the ropes. Hero goes for a clothesline, but Lashley ducks and takes Hero’s legs out from under him. Lashley bounces off the ropes and goes for a legdrop. Hero moves out of the way, bounces off the ropes, and connects with a dropkick. Hero locks in the Boston crab on Lashley, but he is some how able to get out of it. Lashley gets up fast and charges at Hero, only to be taken down with an arm drag. Lashley is furious and heads to the outside. He throws a chair into the ring, which gets thrown back at him by Hero. Lashley grabs Hero by the ankles and drags him out of the ring. Lashley whips Hero into the ring post and then charges after him. Hero moves out of the way causing Lashley to slam his head on the post. Hero gets Lashley and himself in the ring. Hero uses the Hangman’s neckbreaker on Lashley and goes for the pin. Hero gets the 3 count and moves on to the second round to face Delirious.

Once both wrestlers clear out of the ring the New Hart Foundation comes out to the ring.

Bret Hart: Last week, my boys were cheated out of their title win. The deck was stacked in the favor of the Motor City Machine Guns. Petey and Teddy had already had a five star match that night. So Motor City Machine Guns, the New Hart Foundation wants a title shot.

Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli come to the ring.

Hero: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Claudio and I, the Kings of Wrestling deserve that title shot. We wrestled the most matches, we beat the former tag champs, and we retired the Dudleys.

RVD and Sabu come to the ring.

RVD: But, we beat you, “Kings of Wrestlingâ€. We should get that title shot.

Joey Styles walks onto the entrance ramp.

Joey: Okay, I know how to solve this. Next week there will be a six man match. It will be one member of the Hart Foundation vs. another member of the Hart Foundation vs. Chris Hero vs. Claudio Castagnoli vs. RVD vs. Sabu. Whoever picks up the win in that match will earn his team a Tag Title shot against the Motor City Machine Guns. Now let’s get ready for the main event.

Match 4: Taz vs. Raven in a House of Fun match for the Hardcore title
Before the match can even start Raven begins beating Taz with a kendo stick. Taz grabs the kendo stick from Raven and breaks it over his knee. Taz whips into the ropes and then takes him down with a clothesline. Taz goes for an elbow drop, but Raven moves out of the way. Raven picks up a stop sign and smashes it into Taz’s head. Taz is unaffected by the sign and proceeds to pummel Raven with punches. Raven blocks one of the punches with a chair causing Taz to injure his hand. Raven hits Taz with the chair and then DDT’s him onto it. Raven goes for a pin and gets a 2 count. Raven puts the chair on Taz’s hand and then smashes it with a baseball bat. Raven sets up a table in the ring, but then gets hit in the back of the head with a clock by Taz. Taz T-bone Tazplexes Raven out of the ring. Tommy Dreamer comes into the ring and hits a DDT on Taz. Taz gets up, turns around, and is speared by Edge. Taz gets back up again and is given a conchairto by Dreamer and Edge. A disoriented Taz stands up, takes out Dreamer with a German Tazplex, and uses a Northern Lights Tazplex on Edge. Raven gets back into the ring and uses the Raven Effect on Taz, putting him through the table. Raven goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. Raven regains the Hardcore title as the show closes.

End Promos
Chris Hero: I won this week and the Kings of Wrestling are going to win next week.

Raven: My title is back in its rightful hands and Taz you can’t do anything about it.

Samoa Joe: Cena, next week I’ll prove that POI is a stronger promotion that WWE by beating you, their champion.

Delirious: I’monestepclosertowinningtheICtitleandIcouldn’tbehappier.

(end episode 18)

WCW Rules

May 27, 2008
Reaction score
La Florida
WCW Rules' Review of comicgeekelly's POI Episode 18

I feel a measure of obligation to you, so I shall meet your review with one of my own. :)

Refreshing the readers' minds of last week's POI was ingenious, as it lends itself to some momentum being accrued for this edition of POI. I'm guessing this is some sort of Invasion angle being brought forth by the 'E? Intriguing, if I do say so myself.

Rather short promo by Joe, but I guess he more or less "Actions speak louder than words," kinda guy, so yeah. Still, I feel you should add more to your characters to help strengthen their resolve, as it just seems rushed. The foundation of the matches tend to become weaker because of the build up to them.

Delirious defeats Teddy Hart? Hmm... awkward, but unexpected, which sometimes is good if done well. I suggest you use antecedents for your matches, as there were no transitions to speak of. Sorry if I sound nitpicky, but in order for you to improve on your match writing, I suggest you use something like this, i.e;

Delirious goes for a running knee lift, but Hart dodges and knocks him out of the ring.

Try to rid yourself of the habit of mentioning their names each and every time they're about to precede a manuever. Using he and him goes a long way, trust me on this.

Okay promo, but some more detail, if you're not writing recap, can help enhance the emotion and drive of the characters. Not to mention, guys are getting cut off so early in their promos and it detracts from the flow of the promo. Content wise, it was okay, but I felt the beatdown was unnecessarily early and the match made was too rushed, if ya get my drift. Try to let situations sink in first for the characters before throwing them into fisticuffs, as it speaks of rushing.

Hehe, X Pac; not too much of a fan of him, but eh. As I mentioned prior for the last match, try to use antecedents. The match itself was quite decent, but it just made it harder for me to read with all the grammatical hurdles present. I'm surprised Super Dragon (whomever he is) won in a Handicap match, especially against Ron Killings and X Pac, regardless of my bias towards him. I'm not one to judge matches on weekly shows, since I tend to lean more towards to storytelling within them than the actual matches themselves.

Everything came so fast, I didn't know what was going on. The match was kind of a clusterfuck with so much happening within a span of time. The only thing I noticed was that Lashley lost, so I'm guessing the 'E is taking quite a few losses, if I'm not correct?

Alright, this promo was iffy. As I mentioned early, take it nice and easy with these promos and the purpose behind them. One liners, and such, won't cut it. Try to flesh them out a bit, even with two or more sentences. If you're pressed for time, I can understand, but you're churning out numerous shows, when you can take your time and make one with enough quality and writing fidelity to create a truly kick ass show. Quality > Quantity, to be honest. This promo was largely thrown together and Joey just makes yet another match so damn fast, it hurts the storylines. Try to ease yourself and take things slowly.

I knew, judging by the stipulation, this match would be hardcore and violent, and indeed, it was. Surprised Taz can still go in the ring, especially at this juncture in his life. Raven makes for some great gimmick matches, so kudos. Raven retains the title, which was expected as this is his style of match.

End Promos? Weird, I saw nothing too necessary in them other than the fact that they basically just mouthed off to their opponents in the end.

Overall: Eh... not so much a good show, but not a terrible one either. Take my advice into account, and I assure you, you can make one kickass show instead of producing mediocre ones which look rushed and have no flow nor transition to them. I didn't feel the characters, I didn't feel the impact of the matches, and I was lost on the storylines. I don't hand out grades, because I want people to actually read the review. Good luck on your next show, hopefully it's much better than this one. Do not take my advice to heart, I just want you to improve.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: X-Pac and Killings vs. Super Dragon, a great debut for Dragon in my opinion. I also liked the Raven/Tazz one.

Worst Match: Teddy Hart/Delirious

Best Promo: I'll go for the HHH one since there are lots of guys appeared, lol, it's pretty hard for me to have so many wrestlers in the rosters.

Worst Promo: Mysterio/Homicide

Additional Feedbacks: I need to get familiar with your storylines again but I feel that there is a big rivalry between WWE and POI currently. Your promos are not that good imo, I think it need some improvements. I'll try to catch up and see your next show.

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
BM: I would have to say the house of Fun match but you really need to improve on the transition between the moves as WCW rules said and try and lengthen them out abit.

WM: Handicap Match and Lashley and Hero: I got really lost in both of these matches because they where so fast and I can't believe Killings and Pc got beaten so easily. That was a bad Move By you.

BP: Well tbh I don't really like the promos you put on because of no depth in the promos, One Liners are not very. Although I suck at promos myslef

WP: See above.

AC: Well it was a average show at the most because I felt abit lost. Not because of the storylines but because of your writing do those things that both me and WCW rules said.

Moonlight Drive

BM: I like the House of Fun between Raven and Tazz

WM: Teddy and Delirious

BP: None really stood out to me, but probably the opener since it furthered the WWE/POI feud

WP: I didn't get the ending promos either, sort of just saying they'll beat their opponeonts. I think you could've done without 'em

AF: Good show, I enjoyed it 7/10


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Okay, I suppose that I should explain the end promos. If you watch some of the old ECW shows (from 1996) they have promos at the end of the show and that is what I tried to replicate. It really didn't turn out well. Now onto the Episode 19 Preview. This isn't the best preview, but next week wednesday the second show POI previews will begin.

POI Wrestling Episode 19 Preview

Last week on POI Samoa Joe challenged John Cena to a match next week. In an interview on wwe.com Cena accepted the challenge. Cena responded to Joe's challenge by saying; "Me and Joe go way back, but that won't stop me from kicking his ass. Joe, I'm coming to POI next week, get ready, cause I'm gonna take you out." Next weeks Main event will be Samoa Joe vs. John Cena.

Then for a shot at the Tag Team Titles it will be a 6 Man Mayhem match. Chris Hero vs. Claudio Castagnoli vs. RVD vs. Sabu vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Teddy Hart. This match will have all six men in the ring. The first pin gets the Tag Title shot for their team.

In the opeining contest this week it will be a tag team match as Homicide and Low Ki take on Super Crazy and Rey Mysterio. Also signed to appear CM Punk, Christopher Daniels, Super Dragon, Lashley, Chris Hero, Raven, and there are sure to be appearences by Invading WWE wrestlers. Be sure to read POI Wrestling Episode 19 this Sunday.


Apr 20, 2008
Reaction score
Good preview man! Wow, Cena coming from WWE to POI to face Samoa Joe is big, and it is something i like. I predict Cena gets the win, and starts a big rivalry between POI and WWE. Hmm, i like the 6 man thing, and i predict Sabu, or RVD to win. The opening contest looks good, and i say Super Crazy and Rey Mysterio win. All the other superstars invading looks good. Could you possibly hook me up with a link to your website? Thanks!

Cheap Plug: Please check out ECW: Bringing Home Extreme! First ECW show has been posted!


Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
Good preivew there, like the Cena and Joe fued, I predict that Samoa Joe will take the win. I personally dont like John Cena at all, and Samoa Joe is an amazing wrestler, so Samoa Joe.

The 6-Man Tag match sounds even better than the main event tbh. I think RVD or Sabu or Shelton Benjamin will take the win for this match, but its hard to say, Chris Hero might take it.

Super Crazy and Rey Mysterio are going to lose.....Yes, im saying that, but Homicide and Low Ki, both are good wrestlers, but it might go different, Rey Mysterio can pull great talent outta his ass at times.

Good preview, WWE invades POI is pretty sweet aswell, I will be checking in for this show.


BM: Taz vs. Raven, was pretty interesting and kept me reading

WM: Delirious and Teddy

BP: I agree with Levi, Triple H's was quite nice, but maybe you should work on the promos a bit

WP: They were all on the same level

AC: Real good show, loved the match writing in this one, great preview as well
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
Knoxville, TN
BM: Taz and Raven in the House of Fun Match. Ended just the way it should have and made the most sense of all the matches to me.

WM: Delirious and Teddy Hart. I agree with some of the above comments in that it seemed very jumbled and thrown together. Interesting ending though with Delirious actually winning.

BP: Mysterio and Homicide. Was probably the most in depth promo I have seen from you in a while.

WP: Well, as others have mentioned, your promos are your weak suit at the moment. I would definitely try to beef them up a bit more. It will add to your story lines and make reading them much more interesting.

AC: I like your invasion storyline and you made use of some interesting match-ups. The shows keep getting better, but I'd like to see you try your hand at a large scale show with some really in depth matches and promos. Do you have any PPVs or do you plan to do one in the near future? Keep up the good work!

Also, thanks for your feedback on XCW:Full Throttle. You seem to be one of my only loyal readers and I don't think many people feel compelled to check it out because I'm new to the forums and to BTB all together so they may see me as some random noob that doesn't know what he is doing. :disgust:


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Here it is, POI Wrestling Episode 19. On wednesday look for the POI Episode 20 Preview. If you review and review and a rep will be given to you. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy.

POI Wrestling Episode 19​

Things start off with a POI vs. WWE tag match.

Match 1: Homicide and Low Ki vs. Rey Mysterio and Super Crazy
Mysterio was going to start the match, but he saw that Homicide was the other legal man and decided to have Crazy start for the MWR. Crazy gets Homicide in a side headlock. Homicide gets out of it and then takes Crazy down with an arm drag. Homicide elbows Crazy in the face and then whips him into the ropes. Crazy bounces back and goes for a head scissors, but Homicide reverses it into a powerbomb. Homicide drags Crazy to Mysterio’s corner, but Mysterio won’t tag in. Crazy gets in a low blow on Homicide, then Mysterio is happy to tag in. Mysterio kicks Homicide in the face and knees him in the gut a couple of times. Mysterio places Homicide on the ropes for the 619. Homicide was playing possum and takes Mysterio out of his boots with a clothesline. Mysterio tags in Crazy as Homicide tags in Low Ki. Ki unloads on Crazy with some stiff kicks. Ki hits a kick to the side of the head on Crazy just as Homicide gets into the ring to attack Mysterio. Mysterio runs off, leaving Crazy alone. Homicide gives Crazy a Gringo Killer and then Ki makes him pass out to the Dragon Sleeper. Homicide and Ki win, but Mysterio got away.

After the match Samoa Joe and CM Punk come to the ring.

Samoa Joe: Later tonight I face John Cena one-on-one and I’m gonna destroy him. I’m going to unleash all of the anger for not winning the POI title onto you.

CM Punk: Cena, if you bring any of your buddies from the WWE we’ll just run them out of the building. Vince we have a bit of a challenge for you. Next week you bring three of your best wrestlers to face me, Joe, and another POI wrestler. If you think that you can win this war, you’ll show up.

Joe: See you later tonight Cena.

After Joe and Punk leave Deuce and Domino come through the crowd and enter the ring.

Deuce: Hey Stupid Dragon, *laughs* all jokes aside, you beat two of our friends last week and we want revenge. So you grab a partner from the back and let’s have a match.

Super Dragon comes to the ring with Christopher Daniels.

Match 2: Deuce and Domino vs. Super Dragon and Christopher Daniels
Dragon and Daniels clothesline D and D over the top rope. Daniels launches himself over the top rope, landing on them. Dragon leaves the ring, gets a chair, and crushes Deuce with it. Daniels whips Domino into the guard rail and then boots him in the face. Dragon kicks Deuce in the head and then brings him into the ring. Daniels uses a drop toe hold on Domino before entering the ring. Dragon uses the Curb Stomp on Deuce and sets him up for Daniels. Daniels hits the BME on Deuce then gives him to Dragon. Dragon uses the Psycho Driver on Deuce, pins him, and gets the 3 count.

After the match Dragon and Daniels pick up D and D, take them out of the building, and leave them on the street.

Lashley comes to the ring.

Lashley: Last week I lost my chance to win the IC title. Chris Hero, I want a rematch. I want to show that you were just lucky last week.

Chris Hero walks onto the entrance ramp.

Hero: I’ll give you a rematch... next week. I have bigger thing so deal with. Tonight I’m going to win the King of Wrestling a tag title shot. Bobby, next week I’ll be glad to beat you again.

Hero and Lashley go to the back. Soon after Raven, Tommy Dreamer, and Edge come to the ring.

Raven: Last week I regained what was mine. I regained the hardcore title, but I do have to give credit where credit is due. Edge, Dreamer you two helped make my win easier. I would say thank you, but letting you be in my flock is thanks enough.

Taz: Do you ever shut up? The only reason that you won last week is because of your two buddies. Next week I want a rematch. You can even bring your friends, this time I’ll be ready for them.

Raven: I don’t have to give you a shot.

Joey Styles appears on screen.

Joey: Actually Raven, you do. The Hardcore champion must accept all challengers.

Raven: How long has that been a rule? You just make this up as you go along and hope that I lose the belt. You know what Joey you’re a great commish. Our championship is gone, you can’t keep WWE wrestlers out of here, and you keep wrestlers from ever being something. I just hope that you keep this company from folding long enough for me to win the POI title.

Joey: Raven, stop worrying about me and get ready for your match next week.

Six Man Mayhem: Chris Hero vs. Claudio Castagnoli vs. RVD vs. Sabu vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Teddy Hart
All six men enter the ring and the match starts. Hero elbows Sabu in the face, but then gets his legs kicked put from under him by Hart. Claudio clotheslines Benjamin over the top rope. RVD kicks Claudio in the side of the head, knocking him out of the ring. Sabu and Hero exchange punches as Benjamin whips Claudio into the guard rail. Benjamin turns around and RVD jumps off the top rope onto him. Back in the ring Hart has been busted open by Sabu’s spike. Hero takes down Sabu with a Yakuza kick. Hero gets Sabu standing and then uses the Hangman’s neckbreaker on him. Hero goes for the pin and it gets broken up by Hart. On the outside Claudio hits Benjamin with a chair, but then has it kicked in his face by RVD, knocking him into the front row. RVD charges at Claudio, but he gets hit with a leg lariat from Benjamin. In the ring Hero and Hart double team Sabu and whip him into the ropes. Sabu springs back and takes them both down with a springboard moonsault. Sabu sees that Claudio has hit Benjamin with a European uppercut and has placed him on the announce table. Sabu goes to the top rope, jumps off, and puts Benjamin through the table with a legdrop. RVD throws a chair at Claudio, who catches it, but then has it kicked into his face with a VanDaminator. In the ring Hart bounces off the ropes and hits a facebuster on Hero. Then Hart goes to the top rope and delivers the Open Hart Surgery to Hero. Hero rolls out of the ring and Hart lays there in pain. Suddenly RVD is on the top rope. He hits the 5-Star Frogsplash onto Hart. RVD goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. RVD earned a tag title shot for Sabu and himself against the Motor City Machine Guns.

Commercial break. The ring is cleared when the show is back. Then Vince McMahon and John Cena head to the ring through the crowd.

Vince: You know people think I’m bad for attacking POI. I don’t want to hurt POI; I just want to own it. I want all of my wrestlers back. I want to make POI bigger, just like I’ve done for ECW. I’ve already started to improve POI by making HHH the champion. We’ve been winning the war so far, but there is one person who has demolished four of my wrestlers in the past two weeks. Super Dragon come to the ring, right now.

Super Dragon comes to the ring.

Vince: Now Mr. Dragon I’ve been very impressed by you. I would like to offer you a job. *he takes a contract out of his pocket* Now all you have to do is sign here.

Dragon takes the contract, rips it up, and throws it in Vince’s face.

Vince: I think you’ve made the wrong choice.

Cena attacks Dragon from behind, knocking him down. Cena and Vince stomp on Dragon until Samoa Joe runs to the ring and spears Cena. Cena gives Joe some right hands. Vince tries running, but Dragon grabs him. Dragon takes Vince’s head off with a clothesline. Dragon throws him out of the ring and goes to the back.

Match 4: John Cena vs. Samoa Joe
With the match started early, Joe has the advantage. Joe whips Cena into the ropes. Cena bounces off and hits a powerslam on Joe. Cena goes for the pin, but Joe kicks out at 1. Cena stomps on Joe and then goes to the outside. Cena picks up a chair, but doesn’t get a chance to use it. Joe comes flying over the top rope and lands on Cena. Joe tries to get Cena standing, but Cena uses a low blow on him. Cena picks up the chair and smashes it into Joe’s back. Cena hits Joe again and then whips him into the guard rail. Cena rolls into the ring and starts taunting the crowd. Joe gets in the ring and attacks Cena with a flurry of punches and slaps. Joe whips Cena into the corner and then knees him in the head. Joe goes to the outside and brings a table into the ring. Cena gets a burst of energy and picks up Joe for the FU. Joe elbows him, but Cena still executes the move. Cena goes for the pin, but Joe kicks out a 2. Cena sets up the table, turns around, and is picked up by Joe. Joe uses Cena’s own move, the FU to put Cena through the table. Joe picks up Cena again and gives him a musclebuster. Joe goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. Joe just destroyed the WWE champion. Cade and Murdoch run through the crowd and help Cena and Vince out of the building.

(End episode 19)

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
BM - I liked the 6 Man Survival/Scramble you had. It had some really nice spots, and it was good seeing RVD get the victory and the tag title shot.

WM - Deuce and Domino vs Super Dragon & Daniels. I really doubt anyone would think the 50's guys would come back alive after that.

BP - Vince McMahon talking about buying POI. It should be a very interesting story that's coming up with what you set up, there could be some pretty epic matches.

WP - Hero and Lashley was way too short, and Hero was out of character.

AC - Though the matches and the promos still need improvement, you are doing a good job with the storylines. I really like what could happen with WWE vs POI, and having Cena there. The angles are good, and this is what keeps this BTB steady.


Apr 20, 2008
Reaction score
BM: Chris Hero vs. Claudio Castagnoli vs. RVD vs. Sabu vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Teddy Hart

WM: Duece and Domino vs Super Dragon and Christopher Daniels.

BP: I liked the Chris Hero, Raven, and Lashley promo, even though they were a bit out of character.

WP: Samoa Joe and CM Punk promo. It was really short.

Additional Comments: Good Show, your storylines are making me read everyone of your shows. The WWE invading POI is brilliant, and really good. Keep up the good work, and i will continue to read.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
POI Wrestling Episode 20 preview​

On next weeks show Raven takes on Taz in a Hardcore title rematch. This week in the IC title tourney AJ Styles faces Austin Aries and in a rematch from IC.T.T match 4 Chris Hero takes on Lashley. Before we take a look at the Six-Man War next week it’s time for this weeks bonus match.

Match 1: Sonjay Dutt vs. Matt Sydal
Dutt starts off the match, by surprising Sydal with a forearm to the back of the head. Sydal fires back with a knee to the gut. Sydal kicks Dutt’s legs out from under him, bounces off of the ropes, and dropkicks Dutt. Dutt gets up fast, uses a backcracker on Sydal, goes to the top rope, and goes for a moonsault. Sydal gets his knees up causing Dutt to crash into them. Sydal gets Dutt standing, uses a DDT on him, and goes to the top rope. Sydal hits the Shooting Star Press on Dutt and then covers him for the 3 count.

In the main event next week it’s the WWE vs. POI in a Six-Man War. The WWE’s team is John Cena, Shawn Michaels, and HHH. As of now the POI team consists of CM Punk and Samoa Joe with the final man to be announced next week. Samoa Joe wish to have time to speak on this preview so here it is.

Samoa Joe: It looks like the WWE picked out a team for the war. Cena, you’re no threat, I already beat you. Shawn Michaels, out of anyone on the team you pose the biggest threat to us. So I’ll be sure to take you out early. Now HHH that brings me to you. Punk and I have been waiting to tear you apart ever since you stole the POI title. HHH you’re going to have to defend the POI title eventually and when you do I’ll be waiting.