POI- Point of Impact Wrestling

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Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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next show looks good, I'm intrigued by the WWE vs POI 6 Man Tag as the Main Event. The IC title tournament looks good too, some pretty good talent on there.

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
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The main event match look's very good.. Can't wait.. I see WWE winning it though...

Sydal might go over Sonjay on this one.. Will review man.. Stop by my BTB once you get the chance brother..


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
Here is POI Episode 20. If you read please leave a review and I will get back to you with a rep and a review. Thanks for reading.

POI Wrestling Episode 20​

When the show starts off Commissioner Joey Styles is in the ring.

Joey: I am here to announce the third member for team POI in tonight’s Six-Man War. He is undefeated in POI and holds a grudge against the WWE after last week. He is Super Dragon. So that makes tonight’s main event John Cena, Shawn Michaels, and HHH vs. Samoa Joe, CM Punk, and Super Dragon. Now let’s go to the first match of the show.

Match 1: Chris Hero vs. Lashley
Lashley charges at Hero and clotheslines him over the top rope. Hero uses some stiff punches on Lashley and then whips him into the guard rail. Hero charges at Lashley, but gets suplexed into the front row. Hero throws a fans soda into Lashley’s face before hitting him with a chair. Hero gets out of the crowd and is given some headbuts by Lashley. Lashley whips Hero into the steps and then rolls Hero and himself into the ring. Hero gets up and Lashley tries to spear him. Hero dodges it, trips Lashley, and rolls him up. Lashley kicks out at 2, goes for another spear, and connects with it this time. Lashley goes for the pin, but Hero kicks out at 2. Lashley goes to the outside and brings in a table. While he sets it up Hero recovers. Hero kicks Lashley in the gut and hits the hangman’s neckbreaker. Hero goes for the pin and gets the 3 count.

Hero stands up and is gored by Rhyno, who came out from under the ring. Rhyno sets up the table in the corner, gets Lashley standing, and gores him through the table. Rhyno leaves just as Claudio Castagnoli comes to the ring to help Hero. Was this an attack by the WWE?

Match 2: Raven vs. Taz for the Hardcore title
Before he can even get into the ring Raven is attacked by Taz. Taz clubs him in the back with some forearms. Raven uses a low blow on Taz and makes it into the ring. Taz chases after him, but gets taken down with a drop toe hold. Raven stomps on Taz and then goes to the outside. Raven grabs a trash can from under the ring. Taz baseball slides under the bottom rope, kicking the can into Raven’s face. Taz whips Raven into the ring apron and then German Tazplexes him through the announce the table. Taz goes for the pin, but it gets broken up by Tommy Dreamer. Dreamer hits Taz with a chair, but gets taken out with a clothesline sending him into the guard rail. Taz turns around and is speared by Edge. Raven gets back up and grabs the ring bell. Raven slams the bell into Taz’s head. Raven gets Taz standing again and hits the Raven Effect. Raven goes for the pin. The pin stops at 2 when the lights go out. When the lights come back on Raven is knocked out and busted open in the middle of the ring. Taz gets into the ring, pins Raven, gets the 3 count, and wins the Hardcore title.

IC Title Tournament Match 5: AJ Styles vs. Austin Aries
The match starts after Styles and Aries shake hands. Aries whips Styles into the ropes. Styles bounces back, leap frogs over Aries, and bounces off the ropes again. Aries and Styles both hit clotheslines simultaneously. Aries and Styles get up at the same time and both go for dropkicks. Styles gets up first and goes for a standing moonsault. Aries moves out of the way, causing Styles to land on the mat. Aries goes for a standing senton, but misses when Styles moves out of the way. Aries takes Styles down with an arm drag and then locks in an armbreaker. Styles gets Aries in a head scissors. Aries gets out of it and dropkicks Styles. Styles gets up and takes down Aries with a drop toe hold. Styles goes to the top rope and goes for a frog splash. Aries gets up and catches Styles in midair for a cutter. Aries goes for the pin, but Styles kicks out at 2. Aries gets Styles standing and whips him into the corner. Aries charges at Styles and goes for a running knee lift. Styles ducks, grabs his leg, and somehow reverses it into a Styles Clash. Styles goes for the pin, but Aries kicks out at 2. Styles is in disbelief. He picks up Aries and goes for a vertical suplex. Aries reverses the move into a brainbuster. Aries goes for the pin, but Styles kicks out at 2. Aries gets Styles standing, then from out of nowhere Styles hits a neckbreaker on Aries. Styles goes to the top rope and hits the corkscrew moonsault. Styles is about to go for the pin, but suddenly Randy Orton is in the ring. Orton gives Styles the RKO and then leaves the ring. Aries, not knowing that this has happened, goes to the top rope and hits the 450 on Styles. Aries goes for the pin and gets the 3 count, moving him onto the second round in the IC title tournament

In the back Homicide is being attacked by Rey Mysterio and Psychosis. Mysterio and Psychosis stomp on Homicide and then whip him into the wall. While Psychosis continues to punch and kick Homicide Mysterio goes into the bathroom and grabs a mirror. He has Psychosis hold it in front of Homicides face. Then Mysterio dropkicks the mirror making it shatter across Homicides face. The security saves Homicide from any more damage.

Back in the ring the WWE wrestlers have already arrived.

HHH: The POI title’s returned home, for a little while. I’ve been the POI champ for around a month now and I plan on keeping it even longer. As long as I have the POI title the WWE is winning this war.

CM Punk: But soon that’s going to change. I just talked to Joey Styles. HHH, you are still under POI contract. So in two weeks it’s going to be a rematch from a month ago. HHH vs. CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe for the POI title. This time I’m going to win.

HHH: You can’t do that. I’m the champ; I have to agree to the matches that I’m put in.

Punk: Ever since you breached your contract, Joey can put you in any match that he wants.

Samoa Joe and Super Dragon come onto the entrance ramp. The three POI wrestlers storm the ring and then war starts.

6-Man War: CM Punk, Samoa Joe, and Super Dragon vs. HHH, John Cena, and Shawn Michaels
Punk clotheslines HHH over the top rope and then follows after him. Cena and Dragon exchange punches. Joe gets chopped repeatedly by Michaels as HHH whips Punk into the guard rail. HHH charges at Punk who back body drops him into the crowd. Dragon leaves the ring to get a chair, but Cena slides under the bottom rope, kicking it into Dragons face. Joe takes Michaels down with a powerslam and then hits a standing senton. In the crowd Punk whips HHH into the fans chairs. HHH picks up a chair and whips it at Punk. Outside of the ring Cena slams Dragon’s head into the steps. Cena goes under the ring for a table, but he gets hit by Dragon with a monitor from the announce table. Back in the ring Michaels hits the superkick on Joe. Michaels goes for the pin, but it is broken up by Super Dragon. Cena grabs Dragon’s leg and drags him back to the outside. In the crowd Punk knees HHH in the face. Then Punk gets attacked from behind by Snitsky. The Motor City Machine Guns run into the crowd to help Punk. Shelley and Sabin hit double superkicks on Snitsky, soon after they are attacked by Cade and Murdoch. As the brawl in the crowd goes on Michaels and Cena both stomp on Joe in the ring. Dragon goes to the top rope and takes them both down with a cross body block. Dragon brings a chair into the ring and gives it to Joe. Joe blasts Michaels with a chair shot. Joe tries to hit Cena, but he dodges it, causing Joe to hit Dragon. Cena picks up Joe and hits the FU. Cena goes for the pin, but Joe kicks out at 2. In the crowd the MCMG have forced the WWE wrestlers out of the building. Punk has placed HHH on a table after hitting the Go to Sleep on him. Punk goes up to a balcony and then hits a moonsault putting HHH and himself through the table. In the ring a table has been brought in and Joe and Cena are exchanging punches. Dragon bounces off the ropes and takes Cena's head off with a clothesline. Dragon turns around and is superkicked by Michaels. Joe picks up Cena and gives him a musclebuster. Joe gets up and is superkicked by Michaels. Michaels goes for the pin, but Joe kicks out at 2. Michaels gets Joe standing for another superkick. Before Michaels can execute it Joe attacks him with a flurry of punches and slaps. Joe gets hit in the back of the head with a chair by Vince McMahon, who snuck into the building. Then Michaels hits a third superkick on Joe causing him to fall through the table. Michaels goes for the pin and gets the 3 count.

Vince: I win. I beat POI. I don’t care about buying this company anymore. I can tell that it’s just full of crappy wrestling. I’m going to all that I can to put POI out of business.

(end episode 20)

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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Nice Show, the WWE vs. POI feud is getting more interesting to me and I wonder what will happen next after WWE won the 6 man tag war. POI might have their payback if HHH defend the POI title against Punk and Joe. I really don't like Mysterio as a heel tbh, lol... maybe when he's mask is off then I could like him as a heel but the Homicide/Rey feud is also interesting. I'll check out episode 21.

Moonlight Drive

BM: The 6 Man Tag. It furthered the feud with WWE/POI, something I am enjoying thoroughly

WM: The Hero/Lashley one. I was just a little confused about how he was allowed to use the chair, you probably should've made it a little clearer. But I loved Rhyno's interference, POI/WWE FTW

BP: The one between HHH/Punk/Joe, but it did seem like a pretty generic promo, albeit these guys don't really have a definitive style

WP: There was only 2, so I have to go with your opening one

AF: Really good show, I am enjoying this POI/WWE angle a lot, keep it up man


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
As of late I've noticed that there were some questions reguarding the use of weapons in POI. I decided to write up an official list of POI's rules. I hope this clears up any confusion.

The official POI Wrestling Rules​

1. The match starts when all of the participants have entered the ring. *
2. There are no countouts.
3. Pins must be made in the ring. *
4. Assaulting the referee or a wrestler who is already knocked out can cause a disqualification.
5. Large amounts of interference can cause a No Contest.*
6. Pin falls cannot be broken up by a foot or hand on the rope.
7. Weapons can be used in matches.

* This does not apply to Hardcore title matches.


Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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Bristol, England
BM: 6-man tag. The funny thing is that as soon as I saw the match, the competitors summed up both your company and WWE. Your 3 men had the talent facotr and were born to wrestle and WWE's superstars are born entertainers and that really summed up both companies. Anyway as for the match it was good and best of the night but it could've been a bit longer to give each man a real chance to get in on the fight.
WM: N/A, even though Hero/Lashley was extremely short I found that match amazing for it's size and managed to include a bit of brawling, a bit of technical wrestling and a bit of hardcore wrestling all in one.
BP: N/A, sorry but that HHH/CM Punk promo just didn't seem right and as it was the only promo then I'm gonna have to give it WP because it isn't BP standard.
AC: Hope I wasn't too tough on you in what I saidbut criticism helps people get better and overall I like how you keep your shows short and sweet and as for the rules they seem pretty cool and unique but what's with no rope break? That's only good in SvR lol. Check out WWE: Era of '08 if you want.

Chuck Taylor's Grenade

BM: Six Man Tag as already mentioned. Entertainers vs. Wrestlers. Nice to see a balcony dive in a BTB.

WM: Hero and Lashley could have been longer but still managed to work in the WWE vs. POI feud with Rhino attacking Hero.

BP: HHH-Punk although it was the only real promo on the show so it kind of wins by default.

WP: Vince's at the end. Vince is usually really good on the mic and this one just fell flat.

AC: If your episode recaps are this good I would love to see you write a full-blown event.


BM: Your main event 6-man tag was great, I liked the mix of wrestlers and it was the best of the show. The others were quite good too.

WM: Hero and Lashley was the worst but I got nothing to complain about, Hero kicked his ass :D

BP: im really not sure, the HHH/Punk one was okay and it is probably better then VKMs little one liner at the end.

WP: Both? Vinces was worst actually...

AF: Quite a good show, the matches were good and so is the POI/WWE feud. Keep it up and try and get your promo's a little better :)

CP: Check out YTW if you want...


BM: 3 on 3 Tag, really cool match, loved the dive that was pretty sick by Punk

WM: Lashley's, I hate the man, he sucks, I hate him, therefore, any match he is in is bad. Looking past that, your match writing was still good

BP: Punk/HHH


AC: Loved the Punk HHH table break with the moosault, it was pretty sick, don't get that in BTB too often


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
POI Wrestling Episode 21 Preview​

The WWE won the Six-Man War, but in two weeks Samoa Joe and CM Punk are hoping to shift the advantage in this company war and bring the POI title home. In next weeks main event AJ Styles will take on Randy Orton in what should be an amazing match. Also next week in the IC.T.T.’s sixth match Petey Williams faces KENTA. Now its time for this week’s bonus match.

Match 1: Puma vs. Jack Evans
Evans whips Puma into the ropes and then dropkicks him on his bounce back. Puma gets up and takes down Evans with a drop toe hold. Puma uses a leg drop on Evans and then elbows him. Puma goes to the top rope for a moonsault. Evans moves out of the way, causing Puma to crash and burn. Evans goes to the top rope, hits the 630, goes for a pin, and gets the 3 count.

Next week RVD and Sabu will challenge the Motor City Machine Guns for the tag titles. This could be a match of the year candidate. Now Claudio Castagnoli would like to lay out a challenge.

Claudio: Rhyno you want to attack people after they just won a hard fought match? That is a sign of a coward. You broke two of Hero’s ribs and I want revenge. Rhyno I want you in a match next week. Are you up for it?

Breaking news: Homicide has been injured after being attacked by the MWR. He may be out of action for the next couple of weeks.

Chuck Taylor's Grenade


AJ Styles vs. Randy Orton

Petey Williams vs. Kenta

MCMG vs. RVD/Sabu

Claudio vs. Rhyno

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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Styles vs Orton
Petey Williams vs KENTA
MCMG vs. RVD/Sabu
Claudio vs. Rhyno

Evans vs Puma was short and quick, pretty cool that you gave a match in the preview.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
Here is POI Episode 21. If you review I'll be sure to return the favor and give you a rep and review. Please enjoy and thanks for reading.

POI Wrestling episode 21​

This past Monday on Raw.

Shawn Michaels just hit the superkick on Val Venis. Suddenly Samoa Joe runs into the ring and attacks Michaels. Joe whips him into the corner and then uses a running knee lift on him. Michaels tries to escape to the outside, but Joe follows after him. Joe whips Michaels into the ring apron, picks him up, and gives him a musclebuster through the announce table. After that Joe leaves the building as he is chased out by other WWE wrestlers.

Back to live POI for the opening contest.

Match 1: Claudio Castagnoli vs. Rhyno
When Rhyno’s entrance is supposed to be made he’s a no show. Suddenly Rhyno is forced out onto the entrance ramp. Lashley follows him out and hits him with a chair. Claudio runs onto the ramp and boots Lashley in the face. Claudio uses some European uppercuts on Rhyno before being hit in the back with the chair by Lashley. Claudio and Lashley trade punches. Lashley kicks Claudio in the gut and tries for a pump handle slam, but Claudio blocks it. Suddenly Rhyno gores them both off of the stage sending them through some tables. Rhyno goes to where they landed, grabs Claudio, and drags him to the ring. Now the match officially starts, but ends soon after. Rhyno goes for the pin and gets the 3 count.

Rhyno goes to the outside and brings a table into the ring. Before he can use it Chris Hero runs to the ring with a chair. Rhyno leaves the ring, but tells Hero that this isn’t over.

IC Title Tournament Match 6: Petey Williams vs. KENTA
They shake hands and the match begins. Petey whips KENTA into the ropes and goes for a clothesline. KENTA ducks it, puts on the breaks, and kicks Petey in the back twice. Petey ducks a kick to the head, grabs his leg, and takes him down with a dragon screw leg whip. Petey stomps on his chest and then hits a leg drop. As soon as KENTA stands up Petey whips him into the ropes. KENTA bounces off of the ropes and kicks Petey in the face before taking him down with a drop toe hold. KENTA goes to the top rope, but Petey follows right after him. Petey uses a superplex on KENTA and then goes for the pin. KENTA kicks out a 2. Petey goes up to the top rope for a moonsault. KENTA catches him in mid air and gets him in a fireman’s carry. KENTA hits the Go to Sleep and goes for the pin. Somehow Petey kicks out at 2. Petey gets up and KENTA tries to pick him up for a second GTS. Petey gets out of the hold, kicks KENTA in the gut, and hits the Canadian Destroyer. Petey goes for the pin and gets the 3 count. Petey moves on to face Austin Aries in the second round.

After it is cleared AJ Styles comes to the ring.

AJ: Last week I was cost my chance at the IC title by Randy Orton. Austin Aries, you deserved that win, but someday I want a rematch. Randy I don’t know what I did to you to make you attack me, but you chose the wrong time to do it. Get out here, I want some answers.

Randy Orton enters the ring through the crowd.

Orton: AJ, you want to know why I attacked you. Back in POI’s second week we had a match and I won. After that you get even more matches while I eventually went back to WWE because I wasn’t getting booked anymore. AJ I went after you because you’re one of POI’s top wrestlers and I’ve already beat you. I want to show you that I’m better than you.

Orton slaps AJ and the match begins.

Match 3: AJ Styles vs. Randy Orton
Orton and Styles exchange right hands until Orton uses an eye poke. Orton whips Styles into the ropes and goes for a clothesline. Styles ducks the clothesline and kicks Orton’s legs out from under him. Styles locks in the surfboard on Orton, but he refuses to give up. Styles breaks the hold and knees Orton in the head. Styles bounces off the ropes and goes for a standing moonsault, but Orton moves out of the way. Orton stomps on Styles, kicks him in the head, and then waits for him to stand up. When Styles stands up Orton goes for the RKO. Styles reverses the move into a backbreaker. Styles gets Orton in place and hits the Styles Clash. Styles goes for the pin, but Orton kicks out at 2. Styles stands up, but Orton uses a low blow on him. Orton knees him in the stomach and then whips him into the ropes. Orton takes down Styles on his bounce back with a powerslam. Orton waits for Styles to stand up again. This time when Styles stands up Orton hits the RKO. Orton goes for the pin, but Styles kicks out at 2. A frustrated Orton goes to the outside and sets up a table. Orton gets up on the ring apron and is attacked with some punches by Styles. Orton and Styles exchange punches until Orton hits a RKO from out of nowhere. The move causes Orton to fall off of the ring apron and go through the table. With neither wrestler moving the referee ends the match and calls it a double knock out.

When the ring is cleared Raven walks out to it.

Raven: Last week I was cost my title when I was attacked by some punks that I couldn’t see. Now Joey I know that you were behind it. You’ve wanted to take the title away from me ever since I first held it. Now you did it, good job. Joey, I just want to know who the people who attacked me were.

All of the lights go out except for one red spotlight on Raven. A masked voice comes over the sound system.

Voice: Raven, Joey Styles had nothing to do with the attack. One group was behind it and we are revolutionaries.

A group of men, all in black with ski masks covering their faces, run through the crowd and enter the ring.

Voice: Raven you are our first target in POI.

The men all attack Raven. Soon after the attack begins a man dressed in all white using a cane walks to the ring. The voice changes.

Voice: I’ve decided to meet you face to face Raven so that I can reveal who I am and what I lead. (The man in white steps into the ring and the others stop the attack.) I’m sure that some of you are expecting a WWE wrestler, (Raven tries to stand.) but you are far off. (He breaks the cane over Raven’s head, busting him open. The man removes the mask.) I am Jimmy Jacobs and we are the Age of the Fall. A revolution is here.

The light goes out. Then all of the lights come back on. All of the men are gone and for the second week in a row Raven is knocked out and busted open in the middle of the ring.

Match 4: Motor City Machine Guns vs. RVD and Sabu for the POI tag titles
Alex Shelley Starts the match against Sabu. Sabu goes for a leg tackle, misses, and is kicked in the head. Shelley gets Sabu in a headlock. Sabu punches him in the kidneys until Shelley takes him down with an armdrag. Shelley locks in an armbreaker. Sabu reverses the hold into a pin. Shelley breaks the hold and runs toward the ropes. Shelley springs back and gives Sabu a bulldog while he is trying to stand. While Shelley was driving Sabu’s face toward the mat, Sabu was able to reach out to RVD and make a tag. RVD blindsides Shelley with a kick to the head. RVD tries to clothesline Shelley, but Shelley ducks and uses a drop toe hold on him. Shelley elbows RVD in the back and tags in Sabin. Sabin goes to the top rope and hits a legdrop onto the back of the neck of RVD. Sabin goes for the pin, but RVD kicks out at 2. RVD gets a burst of energy and takes Sabin’s head off with a kick. RVD tags in Sabu, who goes to the top rope and hits a missile dropkick on Sabin. Sabu stomps on Sabin and then locks in the Camel Clutch. Shelley breaks up the hold with a kick to the back of Sabu’s head. Sabu goes after Shelley and is rolled up from behind by Sabin. Sabu kicks out at 2, grabs Sabin, and rains down right hands. Sabin is able to escape Sabu’s attack before any damage can be done. Sabu whips Sabin into the ropes. Sabin bounces back and surprises Sabu with a kick to the side of the head. Sabin uses another kick, this time to the stomach. Sabin picks up Sabu and hits the Cradle Shock piledriver. Sabin goes for the pin, but it is broken up by RVD. Shelley gets into the ring and uses some elbows on RVD. RVD tries to kick Shelley in the head, but he misses. Before he can attempt another, Shelley and Sabin take him out with their double superkicks. Sabin uses a double foot stomp on Sabu. Then Shelley locks in the Shelley Stretch on Sabu. Just as Sabu is about to reach the rope, Sabin pushes it away. Sabu taps letting the MCMG retain their titles.

After the match Petey Williams, Shelton Benjamin, and Teddy Hart of the New Hart Foundation run to the ring. They attack the champs from behind with ladders. When RVD gets into the ring Hart hits him in the stomach with a ladder and Petey uses the Canadian Destroyer on him. Sabin gets up and Hart drives the ladder into his skull. They place Sabu on a ladder and then Benjamin hits a moonsault onto him. The Hart Foundation leaves all four men laid out in the ring as the show ends.

(End episode 21)