Donnie watches WWF 1986

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Championship Wrestling
June 28th, 1986
Poughkeepsie, NY

Match#1 Fake US Express vs Tiger Chung Lee & The Gladiator

Another dull as hell squash for these fraudulent cowards for 3 minutes. Hate them a whole lot. Bulldog does it

WWF Update-
-Randy Savage is being hunted from all sides by the likes of JYD, Wonderful & Steele.

Match#2 Don Muraco w/Mr Fuji vs Bob Boyer
Our beloved beach bum beats up a super old looking jobber on the mat with arm work, and it's good times as always. Shame his days of getting a singles run are over as he's still got a ton to offer. Don gets sick of hurting the arm and switches to good old murder for a while that rules as well. Tombstone does it

Killer Ken-
Ken hypes the KOTR coming up in a few weeks
-No footage, so whatever.

Match#3 Tito Santana & Pedro Morlaes vs Al Navarro & Lane Anderson
Tito does his thing in these matches as always, and Pedro brings nothing to it because he's old and doesn't give a shit. Tito wins with the Forearm

Killer Ken-
-More hype for KOTR
-The days of this becoming a PPV can't come quick enough (i will never eat these words come 1995...)

Match#4 Paul Orndorff vs Max Blue
Wonderful is very popular and does some Hogan poses much to the crowds delight. He does this for a minute before finally snapping and kicking the jobber's blue ass in amazing brutal fashion as we've come to know and love from the Wonderful one. Piledriver does it

Fink tries to announce him as the winner, but Paul grabs him and makes him call him the "OLD Mr Wonderful" Wonderful cups his ear like Hogan to close it

Flower Shop is up next. Bobby Heenan walks on and says last week he was interrupted by a punk and now he wants to tell some truth. Paul walks on from the ring and Bobby calls him "Hulk jnr" and laughs at him calling himself the old Mr Wonderful. As he might be that in the ring as a bad and tough guy beating up a nobody. If he so tough he should fight Studd and Bundy next week with a partner of his choosing. Hell, he can pick Hulk Hogan. Paul grabs the mic and screams all he has to do is go to the phone and call Hogan and he'd be right by his side. As a matter of fact, he's going to call him NOW. He walks off and Heenan says Hogan probably changed his number because he's sick of him. This build is perfect.

Match#5 British Bulldogs w/Lou Albano vs Mike Lucca & Ricky Thompson
Standard awesome stiff as fuck squash from the boys. Love how much they don't give a shit about the jobbers lives and just nuke them dead and good. DK kills one of them with a motherfucker of a super backdrop that folds the kid in half

During the closing of the show, Wonderful walks on the set looking none too happy. He says he tried to call him for the last 5 minutes but he never answered, and he's assuming he's working out. He storms off as Vince and Bruno say Hogan would want the match and will answer when he finds out.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Maple Leaf Wrestling
June 28th, 1986
Hamilton, Ontario

12 minute file. booooooo

Match#1 Jake Roberts vs Mario Mancini
God yes. Jake gets 3 minutes to play and it's sooooo good as he's getting more and more unhinged as this blood war with Ricky keeps going. Steamer has a cut in saying he's going to bring the bag to Jake next week. DDT ends it

Post match, Jake wraps Damien around his neck.

Match#2 Fake US Express vs John Rizzo & IRON Mike Sharpe
Sadly my dad Mike gets fed to these goofs in hopes that anyone will care about them, but thankfully no one is that silly. I mean, unless you think Born in the USA is a pro American song and not what it actually is. Spivey rules as always and woks so hard as he's not going to be bought down by IRS, but it's not enough sadly. Bulldog ends it

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Randy Savage (c) w/Miss Elizabeth vs Paul Ordroff (WWF Intercontinental Championship-28/6)
Sadly, this is only 8 minutes but it's still two of the best in the world going at it so it rocks for what we get. Sweet opening as Wonderful shuts down Randy with ease and kicks his ass, so Randy gets angrier and more crazy than normal. Randy tries to use some flowers to attack, but Wonderful steals them away and whips Randy in the face with them. Savage manages to catch him with a looping lariat to the face to take over. He attacks the neck with kicks and holds and it's really good even for the short time it lasts as he's always doing something, and Wonderful's selling is fantastic. Paul fights back and quickly drags him to the outside where they brawl and Wonderful gets back in to win via countout in the classic bullshit finish of the 80's
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Championship Wrestling
July 5th, 1986
Poughkeepsie, NY

Tonight; Hogan & Wonderful on the Flower Shop. Guess Hogan found the phone.

Match#1 George Steele & Junkyard Dog vs Steve Lombardi & Gino Carobella
Doing my best not to skip anything as i want to review the entire thing, but goddamn it not today.

WWF Update-
-Footage airs of Savage cheating to beat Tito for the IC Title for some reason
-About 6 months behind, you nerds

Match#2 The Funk Brothers & Bob Orton w/Jimmy Hart vs SD Jones, Mario Mancini & Don Driggers
Oh come on, don't stick Bob with these fake ass losers. He's barley in it and has to stand on the side while JJF fucks everything up and looks like a complete dweeb. He wins with a bad powerslam

Match#3 Billy Jack Haynes vs Rusty Brooks

More bad shit from this crazy fool. He's not only really bad in the ring, but he's boring which is far worse as there is nothing to distract you as he slowly ruins the match. He wins with the Full Nelson

Killer Ken-
-More KOTR hype

Match#4 Jake Roberts vs Eric Cooper
Jake again wrestles like a killer stalking his prey and striking only when he needs to with each shot being something that hurts like hell. DDT kills another one

Post match, he puts Damien on the kids head

Flower Shop is up next and the super team make their way out. AA says he thought being the champion means being able to answer a phone call. Hogan says not to worry about his business and they're fighting Studd and Bundy. Wonderful shouts no much to the shock to everyone. He clears it by saying they'll face them in two weeks as first they need to fight the Moondogs next week to show everyone they're on the same page. Hogan is shocked but gets on board provided he sees the old Wonderful out there. Paul assures him he'll get that.

At ringside, Heenan is standing by with Vince. He says he got Andre suspended and Lou needs to stop wasting his time trying to fix it. Vince says Gene has a special interview from Japan and throws it to a video

Heenan is beyond mad at this and screams he's no dummy and that's Andre. He doesn't care what they say, this is a crock and he;'s not an idiot. More than fair for Bobby to be mad, but like it's clearly not Andre as this man is wearing a mask and Andre does not.

Match#5 The Killer Bees vs Jack Kirby & Roger Kruger
This gets 6 minutes for some insane reason. They're good wrestlers we know, but they can't fill this long without it getting boring and lame. Double dropkick ends it

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Maple Leaf Wrestling
July 5th, 1986
Hamilton, Ontario

Match#1 Adrian Adonis w/Jimmy Hart vs Mario Mancini

AA has gained so much weight and looks really awful for the first time, and it hurts a lot to see his downfall happen before my eyes. He drags the jobber out of the ring and slams him on the concrete and wins via countout in like 20 seconds

Post match, they host an impromptu Flower Shop in the ring. AA says he's got zero competition in the WWF and is now the greatest wrestler in the world.

Killer Ken-
-Bruno hypes KOTR

Match#2 The Rougeau Brothers vs Mike Sharpe & Brian Mackney
More good standard stuff from the brothers red, but you can see that the heel turn is going to give them a much needed hook for someone to latch on to. Albano has a cut in saying he's got a backup plan to make Heenan pay for what he did to Andre. One of the brothers wins with a sleeper.

Killer Ken-
-Ken shows off the amazing trophy, which make me want to see this now
-As it's not taped, i would spoil it but it leads to a pretty cool rung for an all timer, so i won't

Match#3 The Hart Foundation w/Jimmy Hart vs Frankie Lane & Terry Morgan
Wicked stuff from the boys once more as they run through these guys like they're nothing. Gorilla dubs Bret "Excellence of Execution" for the first time, so fuck yeah Gorilla. Hart Attack ends another life

Body Shop with Randy Savage!! He walks on and throws confetti on the floor and says he has all the respect for Don as he was the first man to bring prestige to the IC title. Don says he respects him and the way he lives and handles his life. Don says neither of them has struggled to get a woman and he wants to know if has a tip. Randy laughs and says to watch this as he snaps his fingers and liz walks on and kisses him. He says if you've got one or 30, you've gotta control them. He shouts at Liz and says isn't it great he has 30 women, and she smiles and nods.

Match#4 Big John Studd & King Kong Bundy vs Joe & Bob Marcus
Sadly not good at all as shitty Studd does most of the work and sucks the life out of the match doing slow, plodding offence. Bundy wins with a running Elbow this week.

Match#5 The British Bulldogs w/Lou Albano vs Johnny K9 & Steve Lombardi

Two crazy killer dogs meet for the first time, which is pretty historic. K9 has the fuck beaten out of him by the Dogs as Lombardi has moved up in the world and doesn't get the bulk of violence. The ode to themselves does it
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Championship Wrestling
July 12th, 1986
Poughkeepsie, NY

Tonight; Wonderful & Hogan vs Moondogs

Match#1 Ricky Steamboat vs Les Thorton
Ricky brings his dragon out in a metal cage and shows it off to the fans, and it's massive. Ricky then puts on his killer squash as he's now wrestling in a bandana and just bashing heads in because he's rightly pissed. Jake has a cut in saying he's a master of games and Ricky should have realised that when he saw his blood stained hands, but now he can step up if he has the guts. Crossbody ends it

WWF Update-
-Hart Foundation are dirty and rotten and will do whatever it takes to win.

Match#2 Dream Team vs Ricky Hunter & Steve Jourdien
DT get a lot of time for the first time in ages and it's pretty damn good. Brutus is still trying hard and hits like a truck and stiffs them, and Hammer rocks. Figure Four ends it

Match#3 Tito Santana & Pedro Morlaes vs Terry Gibbs & Ricky Hunter

Same old shit as always with this bad team. Just want Tito to make friends with Martel and end this. Tito wins with the forearm

Match#4 Harley Race w/Bobby Heenan vs Steve Johnson
Old man Race slowly stalks and kicks the snot out of this kid and it's a blast. What he's lost to father time he makes up for in being mean as hell. He wins with a Fisherman's Buster

Flower Shop with the Dogs. AA calls them hush puppies that pee on plants and he hates them a lot. Lou says maybe they'll use him a hydrant instead, so AA kicks them off set.

At ringside, Heenan and the family is standing by with Vince. He sends it to another video with Mean Gene in Japan

Coming back, Studd says no one else has been in front of Andre as much as him, and he knows that's him. Vince says it's not and quickly ends it

Match#5 Hulk Hogan & Paul Ordnroff vs The Moondogs
Hogan does the first minute of work and kills them with ease, but Paul keeps begging for a tag and Hogan lets him in. Paul then works the entire match and beats them up as Hogan now is begging for the team and the fans chant for Hulk, but Paul ignores it and keeps beating the crap out of them. Paul beats one of them with the Piledriver

Post match, Paul poses right away and pays zero attention to Hogan trying to raise his hand. Hogan finally lifts his arms, BUT PAUL PULLS AWAY AND KEEPS POSING. OH SHIT. Hogan joins in and they have a pose off much ti the crowds delight. This is the best feud, man.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Maple Leaf Wrestling
July 12th, 1986
Hamilton, Ontario

Match#1 Randy Savage w/Miss Elizabeth vs Jimmy North

Ahh, no better way to open the show. Randy gets dirty tonight doing some strangling and eye poking, and it's a nice reminder that he's a scumbag at his very core. He stays on him and gets more brutal as it goes on and it's wonderful as always. Elbow does the deed

WWF Update-
-Mean Gene covers Jimmy Hart's time in the pop band The Gentrys

-Jimmy says the Funks are coming back with revenge on their mind.

Match#2 Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff vs Frankie Lane & Paul Roma
Roma is the best wrestler in a match. Jesus Christ this is not something i ever wanted to say, but here we are. Backbreaker ends it because it's always 1979 in Nik's heart.

Killer Ken
-KOTR hype

Match#3 Paul Orndorff vs Larry Finnegan
Wonderful poses a ton to start again and it's so good as you can't quite tell if he's doing it because he likes it, or because he's sending a not so subtle message to Hogan. The squash is insane as he bashes the kid on the outside and is way meaner and stiffer than normal as he holds nothing back, and the poor jobber is murdered. Paul hits a nasty piledriver to win

Match#4 The Funk's w/Jimmy Hart vs Afi & Terry Morgan
Horrible as always. Just go away and give me Terry, you lame turds.

Body Shop is next with Jake Roberts as the guest. He says Damien has cold hard eyes just like him, and Don says he can see the darkness in both of them. Jake says some people are lead by foolish pride, but some are smarter and adapt whenever they need to. The snake has been here since Adam & Eve, and even she made a choice. The snake doesn't have ears and it's nice because they don't have to listen to trash. Everyone knows the DDT rules.

Match#5 Dream Team vs Lanny Poffo & Jose Luis Rivera
Another good one for the fellas. Heenan spends the entire match losing his mind at the Machines and swears he's not an idiot! Brutus is again super violent and good as hell in this role, and i don't want him as a singles guy where i'll never enjoy him again. Figure Four does it
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Feb 1, 2021
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Randy Savage & Adrian Adonis vs Tito Santana & Bruno Sammartino (Steel Cage Match-12/7/86)
Mayhem breaks loose right away as they get right to it and have a wild, wild brawl. Bruno is the weaker link, but Savage takes some insane bumps for him by kissing the cage over and over and it's soo good as he holds nothing back and rams his skull into it like a madman. Tito and AA rock as well, and while AA is becoming worse and worse, he's trying very hard here and makes for some killer fights with Tito. We get a ton of escape cut offs and more and more selling from everyone as they batter the shit out of each other. Randy and Tito both bleed buckets, and i wish these two had a cage match because it would have been perfection. Randy and Tito finally pair off and it's amazing, but then AA JUMPS OFF THE FUCKING CAGE WITH A SICK MISSED KNEE DROP. Bruno whips his ass as Tito deals with Randy on top of the cage in a wonderful bloody war between them. Tito kicks Randy off and he lands on AA and then Bruno rams him into the cage and the faces escape to win.

Post match we get an all time amazing photo

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