Donnie watches WWF 1986

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Maple Leaf Wrestling
August 2nd, 1986
Hamilton, Ontario

AA joins commentary for this week to replace Bobby Heenan.

Match#1 Randy Savage w/Miss Elizabeth vs Frankie Lane
Randy puts on another super angry squash he breaks out all his nasty offence on this kid and never gives a second to breath or attempt to fight back. Lanny has a cut in reading a poem saying Randy will never beat Hogan fair and square. What a dick. Randy wins with two amazing Elbow Drops.

Match#2 Harley Race vs Mario Mancini
AA says the Giant Machine could be the Nightstalker under the mask!!!! Harley gets violent like Randy before him as he drags the kid on the outside and drops him on the mat with a wicked suplex. He stays on him and beats him worse and worse and it's a sick old man mauling. He kills him with a Lariat and then the Fisherman's Buster

They replay Hogan's interview.

Match#3 Billy Jack Haynes vs Gino Carobello
More trash from this lunatic hack. At least other famous crazy wrestlers were actually good at this, while BJH is just the dirty worst and offers nothing good. Full Nelson ends it after a million minutes.

Match#4 Hercules Hernadez w/Freddie Blassie vs Bob Marcus

Jesus, what a bad duo of squashes to follow each other. Bad muscle head stuff as always, and i dread his first proper feud. He wins with his shitty Rack

We go to the Body Shop with Bobby Heenan who is now managing two Korean wrestlers. They walk on with bags on their heads and it's clearly Bundy and Studd. One is named Duck and the other is Han, and hey they take the bags off to show their real faces. Studd says this is stupid and it's not fooling anyone just like Andre isn't fooling them. Bundy says they're going to squash these little men and take their masks.

Match#5 Tito Santana & Pedro Morales vs ??
JIP and the jobbers aren't named, so whatever. Pedro does most of the work and drags it down just to make things a little worse, so now i'm even more upset. Tito wins with the Figure Four

We go backstage where Wonderful is watching himself turn on Hogan. He says it didn't have to be this way as all he had to do was pick up the phone like a friend and it would be fine. There was a time when the fans wanted to see the old Mr Wonderful, WELL HERE HE IS. Hogan is too big for his britches and he's getting what's coming to him.

Match#6 King Tonga & Afi vs Mike Sharpe & Mr X
Afi works most of the match so it's another piece of shit, which seems to be the theme of this episode. Thankfully the tape runs out and the show ends
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The Hart Foundation w/Jimmy Hart vs Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff w/Slick (#1 Contenders Match)
Slick is making his debut, which is awesome as it means we're super close to the debut of one of my favourite monsters OMG (and eventually Big Boss Man), so i'm happy as hell about this. IN EVEN BETTER NEWS THE FOUNDATION WORK FACE FOR THE FIRST TIME AND JUMP NIK AS HE'S SINGING. The crowd gets behind it with not much of a fight, which bodes well. Bret uses his speed to mess them up and makes fools of them, and it's a wonderful sight to see him get to do this and do it this well right away. Sheik catches him with a lariat to the nose to take over. Good control seg thanks to Bret selling his ass off for them, and Sheik giving a shit for the first time in ages helps as well. Anvil gets the hot and his insane actions work so well as a pissed off face running through these goofs that have hurt his little buddy. He gets tripped by Sheik and Nik lands on top and the heels steal it. Booooo

Jake Roberts vs Ricky Steamboat

Nice change of pace as both men take their time and try to make the other mess up first. Jake grabs the arm first and works it and really throws Ricky off by doing his thing to him before he had a chance to do it. Jake keeps taunting him and working the arm, and it's amazing work from a guy whose not a mat based wrestler for the most part. He's always doing something cool or mean looking, and Ricky's selling is Ricky Steamboat selling a limb. Steamer finally fires back with karate and drops him and makes him break to the outside for the first time, and Jake is pissed about it. Ricky hits him again when he pops back in and he unloads a series of chops and strikes, and whips his ass in revenge. Ricky goes another chop but Jake moves and Steamer's hand smacks off the post and he's badly hurt. Jake smashes it off the rails and bends in between the ropes in a nasty angle, and Ricky's all messed up. Jake keeps it up and obliterates it and uses to cut Ricky off whenever he attempts to comeback. Truly amazing and brutal work on it as he's focused on trying to break Ricky's fingers or his wrist depending on the chances he gets to work on it. Just a sick display from a insane person. He gets too crazy however, and Ricky is able to hang him on the ropes and smashes his head off the rails and beats the fuck out of him in incredible fashion. HE SMASHES HIS FACE OFF THE RINGSIDE TABLE AND JAKE TAKES IT RIGHT TO THE JAW. Steamer stay on him and breaks out more karate based strikes, but Jake grabs him and throws him into the ref. Jake beats Ricky down some more and more but he now realises the ref is down and is forced to get him back up, so Ricky sneaks up behind him and rolls him up to steal the win.

Post match, Jake backdrops him onto his head as he's celebrating with the fans! He kills him with the DDT and takes Damien out of the bag. Sadly, the babyfaces run down and scare him off before he can drop him onto Ricky. This feud is sooooooo amazing, my God.

Hulk Hogan & George Steele vs Randy Savage & Adrian Adonis w/Miss Elizabeth
Pro wrestling bullshit hits as Hogan strips Adonis of his dress as Steele eats a buckle and showers himself in it as he flings into the air. Steele keeps chasing Randy for a good minute and Hogan throws him to the wolves when he tries to run for it, and the crowd explodes as Steele murders him. They turn their attention to AA and Hogan beats his ass around ringside, and AA again takes wild bumps for a big man, including going crotch first onto the rail. The heels eventually calm it down and isolate Steele, and it's mostly good enough even if Steele is a bad fip, and they aren't working all that hard in control. Hogan gets the tag and is actually isolated brifley much to everyone's shock. He comes back with ease and runs through everyone and beats AA with the legdrop.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Championship Wrestling
August 9th, 1986
Poughkeepsie, NY

Mr Wonderful makes his way out to REAL AMERICAN in an immaculate troll job. Vince is heartbroken and keeps shouting this has gotten to him.

Match#1 Paul Ordnorff w/Bobby Heenan vs Mario Mancini
Wonderful jumps him in the corner and unloads a wicked beating full of super mean offence and dirty shit like rubbing his face on the mat and pulling his hair. He keeps teasing the piledriver but keeps dropping him as Heenan shouts to make him feel it!!! He drags him on the outside AND HITS THE PILEDRIVER. OH SHIT. The fans cheer for Hogan as Paul taunts them in the corner. He wins via countout because poor old Mario is dead on the floor.

Post match, Heenan gets the mic and says the crowd wants Hogan and so do they!!

WWF Update-
-Gene speaks about martial arts now becoming part of wrestling and it leading to success for many
-Steamboat says he uses it and works very well, but he follows the rules and doesn't do anything dirty or mean that could hurt someone more than he means to.

Match#2 Tito Santana & Pedro Morales vs Terry Gibbs & Dave Barbie
You know the deal, folks. Tito is god and Pedro is an old man that needs to go away and never come back. Johnny V has a cut in saying there is no comparison between these two and his dream team and they've got no chance. They're a Rolls fighting a Ford Fairlane, daddy. Pedro wins with a bad victory roll after stinking the match up.

Killer Ken-
-Savage and Adonis walks on with a Hulk Rules sign and Randy shouts RIGHT BETWEEN YOUR EYES, THAT'S THE STORY YEAH. He doesn't admire too many people but he and Adrian admire themselves and that's enough yeah. Adrian says they're going to run Hogan and Steele over. Randy has now debut the famous purple glasses shirt that everyone should own.

Match#3 Randy Savage w/Miss Elizabeth vs Mark Fabian
Randy takes the kid to the mat for something different and mauls him in epic fashion because he's incredible there and everywhere else at this point. The fans chant for JYD, and i suspect we might have a new feud on our hands, but i honestly don't know. Sick Elbow Drop does the job.

Post match, Randy hits another one as the ref talks to Liz in the corner. Vince names the referee as Danny Davis and says he thinks he's allowing Randy to get away with these actions. Hey, that's slander and you have zero proof, you jerkoff.

Killer Ken-
-Jake Roberts says fools never shock him these days, Ricky is a a fool. He should have second thoughts about fighting him when he's never lost. 86-0 and three arrests after being taken away by the cops. He's ready to move onto gold and he wants this over, so lets get it done, my man.

Match#4 The Dream Team wJohnny Valiant vs Rick Hunter & Paul Roma
The Bees have a cut in saying they're going to make them the nightmare team. They respect what they can do in the ring, but it's time to move up the rankings and win the gold. Fun outing for DT as they ramp up the violence and beat the dogshit out of Roma, which never fails to make me happy. Brutus is again really good as a musclehead dude and it sucks that all goes away once he turns face. Hammer is Hammer always. He wins with the Figure Four.

The Flower Shop is up next. AA says last week that mongrel dog destroyed his prize winning tulip and he's going to make him pay and fall like an angel. He went into his pay book and pay for a man to watch his back. This is a man who has experience doing this as he's the #1 bodyguard in the world, and that man is BOB ORTON. Ace walks on and says he's the man and he knows how to bodyguard and he doesn't need to worry about anyone. He was making nuts before, but he's getting paid and he's got Adrian's back. I'm sure Roddy Piper is going to take very kindly to this.

Match#5 George Steel & Junkyard Dog w/Lou Albano vs Mike Sharpe & Mike Hayley

Vince announces The Machines will debut next week, and we might see if one of them is Andre.

In the ring, Freddie Blassie officially announces he's sold his teams contracts to Slick. Slick makes his way out to stand with his boys on TV for the first time.

Match#6 Iron Sheik & Nikolai Koloff w/Slick vs Corp Krichner & Tony Garea
Not good at all as Corp is still very bad for the most part and the old men are old and past it and aren't doing much to help. Garea is also here for some reason, and you know how i feel about that asshat. Sheik beats Tony with a loaded boot to the head.


To close the show, Slick walks onto the booth and says you've just seen greatness and the slickster is taking them all the way.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Maple Leaf Wrestling
August 9th, 1986
Hamilton, Ontario

Johnny V is on commentary tonight for some classic heel nonsense.

Match#1 Ricky Steamboat, King Tonga & Afi vs Johnny K9, Don Koloff & Larry Finnegan
Another super fun trios match for the two of the best dudes in the company, and the other goof. Can't wait for Tama to debut so Afi can go away forever. Meng gets lots of time this week and really fucks the jobber up with nasty kicks and strikes. Ricky gets in at the end and cleans house and wins with the Crossbody

WWF Update-
-Lou Albano is promoting his new book, but he then turns into an insane classic promo about bringing in the Machines and daring anyone to prove it's Andre under that mask.

Match#2 King Kong Bundy & Big John Studd w/Bobby Heenan vs Brickhouse Brown & Frankie Lane
Fuck yeah, Brickhouse is amazing and one of those dudes you love as soon as you see him in the ring. He goes out of his way to make the monsters look awesome, and it's good fun watching Bundy crack his head in. Avalanche and the elbow ends it

Killer Ken-
-JYD is going to get them cakes and bones and beat up that not so Mr Wonderful for his best pal Hulk Hogan.

Match#3 The British Bulldogs w/Lou Albano vs The Gladiator & Terry Gibbs
Hell yeah, another tremendous one from the fellas. They beat the living shit out of them and don't give two shits about anything else, and it's the best. DK wins with his sick Superplex

Killer Ken-
-Sheiky Baby is going to humble someone or something.

Match#4 Jake Roberts vs Ivan McDonald
Jake is getting more cheers this week, which might be important to his career. Another sick one for our hero as he does the cool arm work and then wreaks the kid for daring to fight back and not die as he should. DDT ends it.

Post match, he drops Damien on the kid. Johnny V freaks out and says he wouldn't want that on his neck, but he wouldn't mind seeing it on Monsoons grandma's neck.

It's time for the Body Shop with Dicky Slater. Don says he's not used to dealing with the south or the rebel attitude, but he'll give it a shot. Dicky gets him to hold the flag and says he looks really good holding that. He's been a rebel his entire life and he's representing the south, and it's all for him and none for you. They jaw at each other to close it.

They replay the Hogan/Vince interview from a couple weeks ago.

Match#5 Adrian Adonis w/Jimmy Hart & Bob Orton vs Scotty McGee
AA gives the kid too much and looks like he's not in the mood to care tonight, which is not fun and very sad given he's about to enter the biggest feud of his WWF career. Ace has a cut in saying he's not the richest bodyguard in history and has kept his word and came through, and he's got his back, daddy. AA wins with the flying knee after making a 10 second comeback. Fuck off.

Killer Ken-
-Super Machine says they have been guided by their trainer and have been told to prove themselves outside of Japan to show everyone what they can do. Ken asks if he can compare hands with Giant Machine, They do it and the Giant's hands are huge like Andre, but again he's not Andre.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Championship Wrestling
August 16th, 1986
Poughkeepsie, NY

Tonight; Machines debut.

Match#1 The Killer Bees vs Steve Lombardi & Rusty Brookes
They come out with the stupid masks on and i hate it so much. You just know that Vince thought it was awesome and stuck with it despite it being stupid. Anyway, fine little squash thanks to Blair and the jobbers being rad as always and really working their asses off. The Bees kill Rusty with an incredible double flapjack that bounces him into the air, and Vince starts laughing like crazy at it. Jim wins with a dropkick.

WWF Update-
-Hogan was born with evil and good in his life, but Paul sold out and it makes him sick. He sold out all the little hulksters that worshipped him and trained with him, just like those traitors in DC, brother. He's going to be thrown into the ring and he'll be his judge and run wild on him.

Match#2 The Hart Foundation w/Jimmy Hart vs Jim Powers & Terry Morgan
The boys get 3 minutes to work and really show off as a result. Plus we get more Jimmy Hart being a little shit at ringside jawing with fans and the like. Superstar Billy has a cut in saying he's coming back for Iron Sheik. NO. The boys beat the shit out of Morgan with sick offence and really clean his clock time and time again, and it's the best. They win with a nasty Hart Attack

Killer Ken-
-He hypes up an upcoming Philly show where it will be Savage vs Steele for the IC title.
-Lou walks on and promotes all his boys and says none of them will lose no matter how good the other wrestlers are. His Machines are the biggest in the world and he dares Heenan to get in there and unmask him if he's so sure.

Match#3 The Super Machine w/Lou Albano & Giant Machine vs Scotty McGee
It's Bill Eadie aka Ax under the mask. He's awesome as clubbing and clobbering the kid all over the place, and makes me even more excited to see Demo show up next year. Heenan walks out with a camera and snaps pics of them until Lou scares him off. The jobber botches a little, so Super fucks him up even more and kills him with a reverse Neckbreaker to win.

Killer Ken-
Sheiky Baby is coming for the tag titles with his best friend Nik.

Match#4 The Dream Team w/Johnny Valiant vs Mario Mancini & Jose Luis Rivera
More good stuff from DT. It sucks they got shafted and haven't had any feuds since they lost the title, but it's the way of the world sadly. Hammer gets a lot more time this week and wreaks these goobers with the classics and wins with the Figure Four

It's time for the Flower Shop. AA goes to introduce Don Muraco, BUT RODDY PIPER WALKS ON AND SAYS THANK YOU FOR HOSTING THE SHOW DURING HIS ABSENCE, BUT HE WANTS IT BACK AND THE FIRST THING THEY NEED TO GET RID OF ARE THESE FLOWERS, AND HE RIPS A BUNCH OF THEM UP AND THROWS THEM ON THE GROUND. Adrian says he's no summer rerun and this his show now as the contract states. Piper says he invented this, and Orton walks on as Adrian calls him "Acey". Piper is confused and asks what he's doing with him. Ace says he was paying him penuts and this is what he needed to do. Piper wants to know how much he's being payed to wear pink!!! Jimmy grabs the mic and says this is the flower shop and he needs to stop. Piper asks if Ace is coming with him or not as he's getting his show back, and Jimmy tries to speak over him and Piper fucking loses it and screams at him to shut up. HE WANTS TO TELL THEM SOMETHING. IF HE CHOOSES TO STAY THERE THEN THEY HAVE A CASE OF ACEY DEUCEY AND BIRDS OF A FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER. Piper storms off to end it.

Match#5 King Tonga, The Tonga Kid & Afi vs Terry Gibbs, Joe Mirto & Frankie Lane
Fuck yes, Islanders are finally here as Tama makes his return after a few years away. He's a tiny sparkplug that hits super hard and moves even quicker as he kicks all the ass, and i love him a ton. Afi is dogshit and looks more out of place than normal, and thankfully Vince will do the right thing and get rid of him from this team. Meng rocks as well and busts many heads as always. TK wins with a sweet splash.

Match#5 Hercules w/Slick vs Tony Atlas
Vince assumes Slick has now bought Herc's contract along with the others, and it feels like a much better fit than Blassie did. Honky Tonk Man makes his debut with a cut in doing his terrible Elvis impression saying he's here because Hulk Hogan called him to restore law and order to the WWF. This is a bad match as both men are losers that suck the life out of wrestling along with being boring dweebs on top of it. Slick trips Atlas with his cane, and Herc rolls on top to steal it.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Maple Leaf Wrestling
August 16th, 1986
Hamilton, Ontario

Match#1 Paul Orndroff w/Bobby Heenan vs Jose Luis Rivera

Woooooo more gross and mean shit from Wonderful as he's snapped all the way and is ready to kill anyone who steps in his way. Bobby has a cut in saying Hogan will be forced to look across the ring at the man who carried him, made him tougher and stronger and the man who will be the next WWF World Champion. Paul wins with the Piledriver.

Post match, Wonderful screams to Gorilla that he's going to win the title. He tries to attack him but Heenan stops him and makes him leave before he can stomp the old man to death.

WWF Update-
-We see clips from an interview on Tuesday night Titans between Heenan and Gene. Bobby keeps saying they aren't Japanese and it's all a big lie that needs to be ended.

Match#2 US Express vs Les Thorton & Gino Carebello
Ughhhh. No matter how good a company i review will get, there will always be a super pushed act that sucks snot and bothers me to no end. These guys are it. Bulldog ends it after a boring squash.

Match#3 The Funk Brothers & Bob Orton vs Mario Mancini, Ivan McDonald & Ron Shaw

Oh joy just what i needed, man. Really bad as the fake brothers are being phased out and don't give a shit, and Orton can only do so much in this setting. Orton wins with a Superplex

Post match, they hog tie a jobber and kick him a little. Rea cool guys.

Match#4 Billy Jack Haynes vs Terry Gibbs
HAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Jack works the arm and holds it and does some lazy shoulder twists every once and a while as he's lost at what to do, and it's very funny watching this goof make a dick of himself in front of millions. He wins with his horrible Full Nelson

Post match, Jack walks over to the booth and says he's not shaking hands as he's about business and nothing else. He tells Bobby to shove it where the sun doesn't shine.

Time for the Body Shop with Blassie and his men by his side. He talks about selling the contracts to Slick, and then brings him out to meet Muraco. Slick says he's the new dude here and has more money than anyone else and he's here to bring pain and money. This is his congregation of pain and power and everyone will bow to him. It's no ones business how he got his money, they can keep guessing.

Match#5 Dick Slater vs Steve Lombardi
Dicky finally saves the show as he gets into a sick back and forth with Lombardi and fights like hell to beat his big ass up. Really awesome punches and kicks along with some cool bumps, and Lombardi is the best jobber in the world and does all he can for Dicky. He hits the Leg Sweep and then wins with a sweet flying punch to the skull.

Match#6 The Rougeaus vs Tiger Chung Lee & Frankie Lane
Nice to see they saved the best squashes for last... The Brothers are vastly getting better and better on the mat and with offence in general, and it's wonderful to see. DT have a cut in saying they're not going to let these French punks take their spots!!!! Now that's a feud. The Brothers get a lot out of stretches and body work and it's a cool mix up from what they've been doing. One of them wins with a sleeper. Need a proper finish, boys.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Championship Wrestling
August 23rd, 1986
Poughkeepsie, NY

Match#1 The British Bulldogs w/Lou Albano vs Mike Sharpe & Gladiator

The boys show off their freakish strength by tossing Mike around like he's nothing and really laying hard shots to him, and it's another wonderful showing. DT have a cut in saying they can't wait to put their hands on the bodies of the champs and hurt them real bad. Davey wins with the running Powerslam

WWF Update-
-The Machines are here and are coming for the Heenan Family.

Match#2 King Kong Bundy & Big John Studd w/Bobby Heenan vs Jimmy Jackson & Tony Garea
Another perfectly fine squash from Bundy and his turd of a partner. Loads of gross shots and cool fat man stuff from Bundy. Superstar Billy has a cut in saying he's now coming for Studd. NO. Avalanche does the deed.

Killer Ken-
-Albano cuts his standard promo that he's been cutting for months about the Machines and the rest of his men being the best.

Match#3 The Rougeau Brothers vs Mr X & Les Thorton
Really smooth and crisp work from the brothers again as they just have this sick snap to everything they do and hit, and it's making for great squashes. THEY DEBUT LE CANNON BALL FOR THE WIN. FUCK YEAH

Killer Ken-
-Sheiky is going to humble and break the back of those dogs baba.

Match#4 Roddy Piper vs AJ Pertruzzi
The crowd comes unglued for Piper as soon as his music hits, and then gets insane when he shows his face. The easiest face turn ever. He puts his hand behind his back and beats the shit out of the jobber with one hand with headbutts and knees, and it's a sick display of anger and skill. He keeps it up and beats him with a nasty punch to the face and pins him with his foot on his chest.

It's time for the Flower Shop. Adrain shows up late and seems really angry after last week. He tries to interview Sheik, but Piper walks on the set and says he was invited anytime he wanted, fluffy. He makes a gross racist comment to Slick about his face, and yeah fuck that. Piper leaves as Slick says he's going to slap that dude if he ever steps to him again. Horrible stuff.

Match#5 Tito Santana & Pedro Morales vs The Moondogs
Hey, an actual tag match. Nice. Dogs get a control seg on the old man and it's fine on their end with some stomps and choking, and it sets up a sweet Tito hot tag. Tito wins with a Forearm.

Match#6 Don Muraco w/Mr Fuji vs Bob Bradley
Don gets nearly 5 minutes in an odd choice as he's really not the guy who needs that long to kick someone's ass. Tombstone ends it

Killer Ken-
-Randy Savage wants to tell you something, TV Man, He doesn't need to stand here and tell you about Steele and how much he hates him, yeah. He overshadows everyone everywhere he goes, and he's got a lot to gain if he digs down deep in this fight. He's coming to town and this is the new world, yeah dig it. He's going to settle the score and the belt will stay on him forever. He's got his heart set on embarrassing Steele.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Maple Leaf Wrestling
August 23rd, 1986
Hamilton, Ontario

24 minute file this week.

Match#1 The Killer Bees vs Brian McKnee & Les Thorton
Fine squash from the Bees are they keep the mask shit to the end and work a good little match as we know they can. The Foundation has a cut in saying they're going to kill some bees and steal honey. Assisted dropkick does it

Killer Ken-
-Ken finally promotes THE BIG EVENT!!! which is happening on the 28th and hasn't been spoken about until now.
-Hulk Hogan vs Mr Wonderful for the world title will main event.

Match#2 The Hart Foundation w/Jimmy Hart vs Afi & Mario Mancini
Afi is finally where he belongs getting squashed by amazing wrestlers. They run through him with ease and the target Mario for the rest of it with another fantastic beatdown. Hart Attack does it.

The Body Shop with Mr Wonderful is next. Paul says he betrayed no one and one day the truth will come out. Hogan was so jealous of him that he wouldn't even come out with him or speak to him. Hell, he used to use the same music as him so he could be cheered like him. Heenan says the only to shut up the humanoids is by winning the world title and that's exactly what they're going to do.

Match#3 Randy Savage w/Miss Elizabeth vs Terry Morgan.
Randy gets 3 plus minutes to show off and steal the show, and he does just that. He hurls the jobber over the rails into the crowd and beats the fuck out of him, and we get amazing shots of Liz looking very sad and concerned at his actions. Randy hits 2 wicked Axe Handles in between whipping his ass in another amazing showing for the best in the world. Elbow ends it.

Killer Ken-
-Mr Wonderful says what he did to Hogan on TV was reality slapping him in the face and that's what he's going to keep doing. He's got women sending him cards thanking and asking him out on the dates, and he's going to do it for them and himself.
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Reactions: Chris


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86


AUGUST 28TH, 1986

Mean Gene narrates over helicopter shots of the arena and clips of the matches we're about to see.

Match#1 The Killer Bees vs The Funks w/Jimmy Hart
Zero clue why these goons are still here and getting a massive showcase on the biggest show since Mania. Even more so when Savage and the Harts aren't even on the show despite being the hottest heels outside of Wonderful. Mind boggling stuff. Anyway, the match is a dull affair as everyone in this bar Blair isn't all that good, nor do they deserve this spot as talked about. The Bees put the masks on and do the twin switch and one of them beats Jimmy Jack with a roll up

Match#2 Don Muraco w/Mr Fuji vs King Tonga

This is a 20 minute time limit draw because it's one of those weird shows where nothing makes sense for the most part, so just do whatever. Opening is all Haku busting Don's head by using sick karate strikes. The commentators call him Haku for the first time, so i'm assuming this was released after the Islanders debut when he and Tama changed their names. We get clipped and get back to Don in control after some cheating and a cane shot from Fuji. Pretty good control seg from Don as he works the knee and gets very far with as he beats the snot out of Haku, and the big man's selling is awesome as hell for someone who's never been asked to do it before. So, yeah it's good times. Don uses a Figure Four leading to Gorilla saying he's never him do that before in a reminder of how awful he is at his job. Haku makes a comeback and hits a sweet crossbody just as the time limit expires

Match#3 Ted Arcidi vs Tony Garea

The fans are now booing Ted for being awful and lame, so he works heel as an awful and lame muscle head. So, uh, the same thing he always does. He wins with a Bearhug

At ringside, Gene interviews Jimmy Hart. Jimmy says this is the night he finally gets revenge on JYD for branding him and ripping his pants off twice!! AA walks over and drags him off to the ring for the match.

Match#4 Adrian Adonis w/Jimmy Hart vs Junkyard Dog
JYD attacks him like a coward with his chain to the face, and AA breaks out the wild bumps and stooging for him. AA keeps getting thrown all over the place as JYD won't stop beating him down. Jimmy sprays him in the eyes with something and keeps hitting him with the megaphone. AA tries to help but he gets crotched on the top rope and then ran into Jimmy and is counted out.

Match#5 Dick Slater vs Mike Sharpe
Match is clipped down to about 3 minutes, so there's not much here to write about. Dicky wins with the flying fist.

At ringside, Bobby Heenan says the masks are coming off the Machines and then he's strapping the world title around Orndorff's waist. He MAKES history and its because of him and the Family that they sold out this stadium and they should be thanking him. Gene gets the fans to chant weasel at him, and he's very upset.

Match#6 Super Machine & Big Machine & Lou Albano w/Giant Machine vs King Kong Bundy, Big John Studd & Bobby Heenan
Big is Blackjack Mulligan making his return after a few months away. He's still really good and hits Studd super hard and wreaks him with ease time and time again, and it's very good stuff. Super is isolated and the Family has a fun control seg with Heenan getting in and getting some licks in like the little prick that he is. Bundy gets to show off again with fat man goodness and he and Ax match up super well. All hell breaks loose and Giant gets in and cleans house for the DQ

Match#7 Jake Roberts vs Ricky Steamboat (Snake Pit Match)
Just a cool name for a no DQ match instead of some insane FMW match with snakes at ringside that could bite and kill either man. Jake rushes him and tries to DDT him on the floor, but Ricky fights him off and kicks his ass for daring to even try it again. Ricky stays in him for a while and it's very good, but something sort of feels off as most of the pure hate has seemingly vanished after the series of matches before this. They fight on the outside and Jake slips in a slam onto the floor and targets the neck with some wicked knees, but then Ricky no sells it and fights back and goes right to controlling again in some real bullshit. Jake manages to hurl him off into the corner leading to Ricky taking an insane Harley Race bump over it to the floor, and now Jake kicks him ass proper and finally gets to control. It's short and brutal as hell as he flings him into the post and busts him open and goes crazy on the cut like the mad bastard he truly is. Jake gets too cocky and sits on his chest to taunt him, and it lets Ricky pull his arms down and pin him for 3.

Match#8 Billy Jack Haynes vs Hercules

Oh fuck, it's starting and i can't hide from it anymore. Very boring power stuff from both men in a true rock vs rock type match up as neither man can carry or guide the other, so it's two roided up idiots tripping and stumbling over each other. Good thing WWF runs this until Mania where i'm sure there will be a vast improvement and it will be the easy match of the night. Jack wins with a bad backslide.

Match#9 The Rougeau Brothers vs. The Dream Team

YES. They get 14 minutes and finally make this show (along with Jake/Ricky) worth watching. Super fun opening flurry with the brothers pinballing them and throwing sweet new bits of offence like mule kicks and new takedowns, and it's fantastic. Hammer hits Raymond from behind and goes to work in classic Hammer fashion and it's been badly missed, and he makes up lost time by beating the piss out of him. Brutus again works very hard and throws killer shots himself and further wins me over as a fan, and it's a weird feeling to say the least. They stay on Ray and kill his back using the apron to smash him into it over and over, and it's simple and brutal and one of those lost art forms of pro wrestling that more people should use. His selling is tremendous as he's hunched over and can't stand straight as he gets beaten down worse and worse. He finally rolls out of the way of an elbow and tags in his brother for a siiick hot tag. Jaques goes crazy with dropkicks and slams and beats the hell out of them before he gets his knee clipped and Hammer locks in the Figure Four. Ray runs back and breaks it up and attacks Brutus as it all breaks down. Hammer goes to lock it again, BUT RAY RUN OVER AND FLIPS HIM INTO A CRADLE AND GETS THE 3. FUCK YEAH

Match#10 Harley Race vs Pedro Morales
This is also clipped, but that's not awful given Pedro is the worst and no one should be subjected to his full matches. Unless you're me, and you are thankfully not that. Harley beats his ass and doesn't let him be lazy and not care and actually forces him to hit him back and try. Harley trips him and gets his feet on the ropes during the pin to steal it

Match#11 Hulk Hogan (c) vs Paul Orndorff w/Bobby Heenan (WWF World Championship)

The crowd is beyond electric for this before they even lock up, and it speak to how perfectly done this feud has been. Paul jumps him with a knee to the ribs in and batters his head with sick punches, but Hogan fights back and unloads an even better series of strikes as it turns into a back and forth. Danny Davis the ref pulls Hogan up by the hair to get him to stop which allows Wonderful to get back into the fray and keep it an even fight. Hogan moves ahead when he breaks out some lariats in the corner to crush him, and it's an underused piece of his offence as you forget how huge the pythons are and how much they would kill a dude. Heenan causes a distraction to turn the tide, and Wonderful's control seg is wonderfully mean and petty. The highlight is a nasty suplex to the floor that Hogan sells like death!! Paul stay on him and beats his ass, and it's the longest i can recall anyone not named Savage beating him this long. Hogan's attempted comebacks are awesome as he's breaking out backdrops and lariats just to get some space to breathe, and it does a ton for Wonderful. Hogan finally hits a running knee to the back but it sends Paul into the ref. Heenan gets in and breaks a wooden chair over Hogan's head. Paul makes the pin as the ref crawls over and taps Wonderful on the shoulder 3 times and Paul thinks he's won, but the ref DQ's Paul despite not seeing anything that happened when he got hit.

Post match, Paul attacks Hogan, but the champ fights back and runs him off and poses with the crowd.
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Feb 1, 2021
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WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Championship Wrestling
August 30th, 1986
Poughkeepsie, NY

The FINAL CW episode.

Tonight; A king will be crowned!!!!!! Slater vs Jimmy Jack Funk.

Match#1 Randy Savage w/Miss Elizabeth vs Mario Mancini
How fitting of a way to start the last one than with the best wrestler in the company murdering one of the best jobbers in the company. A truly rad 3 minute showcase as Randy kills this poor fella in incredible fashion, yeah dig it. He breaks all the offence out and is just the smoothest and crispiest man in the world. Steele has a cut in holding a pic of Liz as he keeps saying she's nice and he likes her. This is all Lou's fault for letting this freak stalk her for months and months. Elbow Drop ends it

WWF Update-
-Billy Jack Haynes is in no way an actual psychotic person who has made it to TV.
-He's going to put his Full Nelson on anyone who messes with him.
-Given his history to date, i doubt anyone would dare.

Match#2 Junkyard Dog & George Steele vs The Gladiator & Mr X
Sucks as always, but the big thing is Honky Tonk having a cut in saying he called his daddy who told him to get in the car and grab some. THUMP ends it.

Post match, JYD gets the mic and introduces his soul brother Honky Tonk Man to the live audience. Vince calls him by his real name "Wayne Farris" in a really jarring moment. He walks out and grabs the mic and goes to speak but the tape thankfully cuts away.

Killer Ken-
-Randy Savage says the last time he was in Boston it was his type of place, but it's the worst place he's ever been in. That tag match has caused him visions and he needs to know how long until he can bury the legend of Steele. He's going to beat him and end this. Everyone in Boston will see and learn that he's better than the best. He's once in ten thousand lifetimes. iI's time.

Match#3 Paul Orndorff w/Bobby Heenan vs Tommy Sharpe
Paul is still using Real American and is even more insane now that he's fucked his big shot up, so the jobber is obliterated as a result. Quick and nasty before the Piledriver is hit to end it.

Killer Ken-
-Ken runs down the Boston card and the big stand out is Hart Foundation vs US Express.
-Bobby Heenan walks on and says a Red sox fan is as dumb as anyone who thinks the Machines are from Japan. He's going to rip those masks off and his Family will leave them laying as the fans are left gasping when Andre is shown. He knows who the other man is and he knows he's no rookie, and he's going to prove he knows who it is.

Match#4 Dick Slater vs Jimmy Jack Funk w/Jimmy Hart & Hoss
In a perfect world this would be Dicky vs Terry, but that world is not here. Hopefully i can join it one day. Dicky runs through this goof with sick punches and other fun offence beating the crap out of him, and it's the best JJF match ever as a result. Dicky hits the Fist, but Hoss trips him for the DQ.

Post match, the trio try to attack him, but he gets a bull rope and beats them down and holds the ring.

It's time for the Flower Shop with Lou Albano & Bobby Heenan. Bobby asks to inspect the Machines one by one. Super is out first and he asks him to move his head and flex, and Bobby says he understands english and he knows him from somewhere. He calls for Giant next, but Big walks out instead and Bobby calls it out. Giant now walks out and bows to him and Bobby says hi to him. He gets angry and says he just told him he was Andre, and Adonis says he heard it as well. The show ends before any resolution.

In the ring, Fink is standing by with every heel wrestler and manager in the company sans Randy Savage. Bobby reads from a scroll about this being the most important coronation in history that will eclipse any that have ever happened before. Harley Race makes his way out in an amazing purple robe accompanied by someone carrying a crown for him. He gets in the ring and sits in his throne as Bobby calls him the one true king in pro wrestling and will be now known as King Harley Race. Bobby puts the crown on his head and bows to him and kisses the ring. LONG LIVE THE KING. LONG LIVE THE KING. Studd and Bundy carry him out on their shoulders to end it.



Match#5 US Express vs Steve Lombardi & Gino Carobello
What an awful way to end an otherwise fantastic final episode. They get 5 minutes and don't do much with it as they're not those guys, and never will be no matter what. Roddy has a cut in saying he's been granted permission to be on a guest on the Flower Shop, and it doesn't matter if Adonis wants him there or not, he's coming. Bulldog ends it
Born in the USA is not a pro US anthem, you stupid fucking morons.

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Feb 1, 2021
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WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Maple Leaf Wrestling
August 30th, 1986
Hamilton, Ontario

The FINAL MLW episode.

Jake Roberts is on commentary tonight.

Match#1 Dream Team & Johnny Valiant vs Paul Roma, Jose Luis Rivera & Terry Morgan
Jake says people might be confused as to why Johnny is in there, but if you have DT backing you, you can do whatever you want. Jake then says he's got Damien around and he might bring him out, and Gorilla says he'll be doing the show by himself. Jake has no problems with it. Good squash from the DT as they're busting heads and taking names, and it's good stuff. Johnny is very old and brings nothing to it, but he's fine doing basics and the like. He wins with an elbow on Rivera.

Match#2 Hercules, Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff w/Slick vs Mario Mancini, Frankie Lane & Lanny Poffo

Guess it's a 6 man type of night for the last episode of the B show, and i don't hate it for the most part. This sucks though, but the highlight is Slick and Jake becoming friends on commentary to bother Gorilla for the entire match. Jake says this gives him pleasure, my man. Sheik wins with the Clutch

Killer Ken-
-Ricky says he's been scouting Jake as much as he's been scouting him, and he's got creature features backing him in every city in the country. Ken asks his thoughts on Orndorff, and Ricky says Hogan has done so much for America and the kids, and he's not actually shocked that Paul turned on him. He was on their side for a few months but he could tell the ego never went away, and it's a sad but not a shock to him.
-Give me that feud right now.

Match#3 Corp Krichner vs Johnny K9
Jake says he wouldn't call this guy his hero and he's got something for him as he's a leader and he can lead him down the road to a bad place. He's been punished by fools his entire life and time has made him bitter. Fine little squash from Corp as he's working more striking and powerhouse stuff, which he's decent at and it's enough to make for an ok watch. Corp wins with his Samoan Drop

It's time for the Body Shop with Honky Tonk Man. He does his awful Elvis stuff and makes Don stand up because he likes to twist and shout when he talks to someone. He swam the great lake to get here and he's got some good friends in the WWF who warned him about Muraco and the type of man he is. His special friend has sent him on a special mission and that man is Hulk Hogan. Oh goddamn it.

Match#4 King Kong Bundy & Big John Studd w/Bobby Heenan vs Ricky Hunter & Nelson Vildeoux
Same old stuff from this dead in the water team. Thankfully Studd is gone in a few weeks and i can finally have a break from him. Avalanche ends it

Match#5 Tito Santana vs Mike Sharpe

YES. Tito is finally free and can do his thing for a few minutes with our hero and Canada's greatest son. Tito sells big for him and gives him a ton so his comeback means even more, and it works as the place loses it when he finally fights back and trucks this big motherfucker. Tito botches the Forearm and gets pissy about it and smashes Mike's face off the mat and it turns into a sick dog fight between them. AND THEY FIGHT ON THE OUTSIDE AND PUNCH THE FUCK OUT OF EACH OTHER IN A RAD FIGHT. WHAT THE FUCK. They get back in and keep fighting as Gorilla freaks out about them going over time. TITO KILLS HIM WITH A FLYING FOREARM AND GETS THE WIN TO CLOSE OUT MLW FOR THE LAST TIME.

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Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
Favorite Wrestler

The Hart Foundation w/Jimmy Hart vs Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff w/Slick (#1 Contenders Match)
Slick is making his debut, which is awesome as it means we're super close to the debut of one of my favourite monsters OMG (and eventually Big Boss Man), so i'm happy as hell about this. IN EVEN BETTER NEWS THE FOUNDATION WORK FACE FOR THE FIRST TIME AND JUMP NIK AS HE'S SINGING. The crowd gets behind it with not much of a fight, which bodes well. Bret uses his speed to mess them up and makes fools of them, and it's a wonderful sight to see him get to do this and do it this well right away. Sheik catches him with a lariat to the nose to take over. Good control seg thanks to Bret selling his ass off for them, and Sheik giving a shit for the first time in ages helps as well. Anvil gets the hot and his insane actions work so well as a pissed off face running through these goofs that have hurt his little buddy. He gets tripped by Sheik and Nik lands on top and the heels steal it. Booooo

Jake Roberts vs Ricky Steamboat

Nice change of pace as both men take their time and try to make the other mess up first. Jake grabs the arm first and works it and really throws Ricky off by doing his thing to him before he had a chance to do it. Jake keeps taunting him and working the arm, and it's amazing work from a guy whose not a mat based wrestler for the most part. He's always doing something cool or mean looking, and Ricky's selling is Ricky Steamboat selling a limb. Steamer finally fires back with karate and drops him and makes him break to the outside for the first time, and Jake is pissed about it. Ricky hits him again when he pops back in and he unloads a series of chops and strikes, and whips his ass in revenge. Ricky goes another chop but Jake moves and Steamer's hand smacks off the post and he's badly hurt. Jake smashes it off the rails and bends in between the ropes in a nasty angle, and Ricky's all messed up. Jake keeps it up and obliterates it and uses to cut Ricky off whenever he attempts to comeback. Truly amazing and brutal work on it as he's focused on trying to break Ricky's fingers or his wrist depending on the chances he gets to work on it. Just a sick display from a insane person. He gets too crazy however, and Ricky is able to hang him on the ropes and smashes his head off the rails and beats the fuck out of him in incredible fashion. HE SMASHES HIS FACE OFF THE RINGSIDE TABLE AND JAKE TAKES IT RIGHT TO THE JAW. Steamer stay on him and breaks out more karate based strikes, but Jake grabs him and throws him into the ref. Jake beats Ricky down some more and more but he now realises the ref is down and is forced to get him back up, so Ricky sneaks up behind him and rolls him up to steal the win.

Post match, Jake backdrops him onto his head as he's celebrating with the fans! He kills him with the DDT and takes Damien out of the bag. Sadly, the babyfaces run down and scare him off before he can drop him onto Ricky. This feud is sooooooo amazing, my God.

Hulk Hogan & George Steele vs Randy Savage & Adrian Adonis w/Miss Elizabeth
Pro wrestling bullshit hits as Hogan strips Adonis of his dress as Steele eats a buckle and showers himself in it as he flings into the air. Steele keeps chasing Randy for a good minute and Hogan throws him to the wolves when he tries to run for it, and the crowd explodes as Steele murders him. They turn their attention to AA and Hogan beats his ass around ringside, and AA again takes wild bumps for a big man, including going crotch first onto the rail. The heels eventually calm it down and isolate Steele, and it's mostly good enough even if Steele is a bad fip, and they aren't working all that hard in control. Hogan gets the tag and is actually isolated brifley much to everyone's shock. He comes back with ease and runs through everyone and beats AA with the legdrop.

Shame you skipped the infamous Tony Atlas vs. Ted Arcidi match from this show. It's the one where they just did constant test of strength spots and went to a double count-out while commentary buried both guys
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Feb 1, 2021
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Shame you skipped the infamous Tony Atlas vs. Ted Arcidi match from this show. It's the one where they just did constant test of strength spots and went to a double count-out while commentary buried both guys
whaaaaaa. Damn it, i'll make sure i do a bit more checking for live events from now on
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For my buddy Sky (any and all future terrible matches throw them at me, please and thank you)

Ted Arcidi vs Tony Atlas
Hayes says Ted has won all his matches based on power alone and hasn't needed to show any wrestling skills. So, we're starting very early. They have a test of strength to start and Ted seems stronger (like he's the words strongest man, or something) but Atlas is no slouch and gives as good as he gets as he holds his own throughout. Ted moves ahead leading to Lord Hayes getting bothered by Tony playing this game as he should be wrestling him. They keep locking up until Ted throws a dogshit forearm, so Tony fires back with this

BUT TED FIRES BACK WITH A POWERSLAM. HELL YEAH. They're both dead tired and throwing bad shots and Gorilla fires off an all timer
"Both guys are walking around the ring like they’re on death’s door. I think riggor mortis may be setting in at any moment!” They keep having a god awful power battle to the point Gorilla and Hayes start shouting at them to something of note. They lock up again and fall out of the ring and keep it on as they battle into the crowd as the fans boos the hell out of both of them. The ref counts them both out


Post match, they shake hands and Gorilla says they're thanking each other for not taking money from them. DEAD.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
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WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

September 6th, 1986
Providence, RI

Vince, Bruno and the returning Jesse are our new hosts.

Vince throws it to an amazing new intro

They have brand new graphics for all the wrestlers who will be on the show, and it's a wonderful and super cool new look for the show.

Tonight; Koko B Ware debuts. Piper will be in the Flower Shop.

Match#1 Ricky Steamboat & Silvi Afi vs Terry Gibbs & Rodger Kirby
Ricky kicking us off is sick as hell. Shame he's stuck with this dweeb for 3 minutes, but i'll take what i'm given. Pretty fun showcase on Steamer's end as he gives the jobbers a little and then runs through them with his amazing offence. Vince and Jesse are the perfect duo right away as they mesh well and pretty much cut Bruno out unless one of them asks him something. Afi wins with his awful splash.

WWF Update-
-Gene hypes up the return of Superstar Graham to the WWF.
-We go to a workout video set to bad to the bone. Killer song to use for this awful, awful old man.
-Graham has a spider on his head and says he's feeling tough and mean and he's coming for Big John Studd. Thankfully that never happens as it could be a war crime if it went ahead.

Match#2 The Hart Foundation w/Jimmy Hart vs Koko B Ware & Paul Roma
THE BIRDMAN IS HERE. GOD YES. Vince loves him a lot as he does that thing where he shouts and laughs as he talks about him, and it's a nice thing to hear because Koko fucking rules. He shows off his speed with some sweet armdrags on Anvil, but he then tags in his idiot partner to be killed. The boys beat the snot out of Roma with all the killer offence and it's fantastic. Jesse says there is no better technical wrestler in the world than Bret. Koko has a cut in saying he's ready to join the WWF and he's got a mean dropkick and he's going to show it. Hart Attack does it

Post match, the Foundation try to attack Koko, but he fights them off with his amazing dropkicks and cleans house on them.

Killer Ken-
-Ken hypes up tonights Boston show
- Randy Savage walks on and loses his shit right away. What must they be thinking seconds away from coming to the Boston Gardens where Randy Savage won the IC title and made History. Steele is thinking and saying nothing because he's a halfwit whose been ridding his back for months and months, and it's time to get him off. He can say two words over and over and over, but he's going to understand what PAIN means. Yeah, dig it.

In a pre-tape, Honky says people have been wondering what he can do along with sing, well he can tap dance on Mr Wonderful's head if he needs to.

Match#3 Hillbilly Jim & Cousin Luke vs Ron Shaw & Pete Doherty
DON'T GO MESSING WITH A COUNTRY BOY. Jesse says they stink and he wants the WWF to make them shower and wash their clothes as it's a health risk. He also says they're both prone to injury and he would go after Jim's bum leg. Fine showcase for the boys as they're still hitting hard and have a ton of energy to everything they do. Jim wins with the Bearhug.

Killer Ken-
-More Boston hype.
-Slick & Blassie walk on and steal the Bulldogs interview time. They've got the titles but they're coming back to their men and they'll be hopping back home like bullfrogs. Slick says the Dogs have the fans and the titles, but they want them.
-The Dogs walk on and scare them off. They say they've worked too hard for these titles and they aren't losing them any time soon, so come on down and try. DK says they're dogs not frogs and they'll show who the better team is.

Match#4 Kamala w/King Curtis & Kimchee vs Tommy Sharpe
YES. OH MY SWEET JESUS YES. Love him so fucking much and i've missed him a ton, so i'm a happy boy. He uses his faaaaaaat and amazing offence to kill this soul and it's amazing. Vince and Bruno riff about Kamala maybe eating the kid and sticking him into a pot plant for later. Curtis has a cut in yelling complete nonsense about finding Kamala in a cave and sending him to the USA. Not looking forward to WCW 1995, i can't lie. Kamala wins with the running Splash.

Post match, Kimchee has to pull Kamala off the kid and get him away. Love those little things a ton.

It's time for the Flower Shop (with an updated set to go along with the new show). Piper is called up by Adrian and he slowly walks over with a pipe in his hand. He pats AA on the belly and says he's looking like 34B's as he cups him. He's not here to tell him take a home pregnancy test, no sir. He came here for a reason and that's to show the WWF ratings of viewers who watch the show. Piper says 20 million people watch a week and the first 35 minutes is watched by the total audience and then this show is is the highest rated show for constipation as everyone is in the bathroom. He throws a piece of paper at Jimmy and walks off. Jimmy reads it aloud and it says next week the Flower Shop will be postponed in place of PIPER'S PIT. AA freaks out and runs away.

Match#5 The Rougeau Brothers vs Bob Bradley & Mike Fever
Amazing jobber name. Another tremendous showing for the brothers as they're getting quicker and meaner with offence and really bash the hell out of the jobbers at break neck speed. Le Cannon Ball ends it.

They air clips of the Machines in the Flower Shop from a few weeks ago.

Match#6 King Kong Bundy & Big John Studd w/Bobby Heenan vs SD Jones & Corp Krichner
Oooooof, guess the Corp push is finally over as he;'s teaming with the biggest loser in the company. He does get a bit of offence before Studd shuts him down and pinballs him over the place, and then Bundy wreaks him as well with cool fat man offence. Corp finally tags in SD after Vince calls him a fool for not doing it sooner, but like he was getting killed. Bundy quickly murders SD with the Avalanche to win.

Killer Ken-
-The Machines cut the same promo they've been cutting for months about taking out the Family. Steele walks on and one of the Machines taps him on the head and says he has new information in his head. Steele shouts "Liz nice. Get belt"

Next week; Bulldogs in action. The Machines in a 6 man tag. Randy Savage in action. Piper's Pit returns. The Islanders vs Moondogs.

Awesome episode.
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