Donnie watches WWF 1986

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Feb 1, 2021
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WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Superstars of Wrestling
November 22nd, 1986
Binghamton, NY

Tonight; Savage vs Steamboat for the IC title. The results of the vote of confidence.

We go to Ricky Steamboat earlier today. He's excited to have this chance to wrestle for the IC title in front of millions of people, and you can bet he's going to give it his best shot.

Before the opening match, Danny Davis attempts to be the offical as he has for all of Randy's matches on Challenge, but Dave Hebner kicks him out of the ring and does the job.

Steamer makes his intro to an insane ovation that Vince gushes over, and you can tell he loves him a lot. Sure nothing will ruin that.

Match#1 Randy Savage (c) w/Miss Elizabeth vs Ricky Steamboat (WWF Intercontinental Championship)
Super aggressive start as they lock up and throw everything they've to try and take over. Ricky uses his speed to dominate him and works the arm, and Randy gets flustered as he's not able to fight out of like the house show matches. Randy gets loose, but he Ricky uses his insane speed to leap frog over him and hit him with this insane deeeeeeeeeeep armdrag. They fight near the corner and Savage manages to smash Rick's face into the buckle and unloads offence onto the head, and the crowd actually explodes when he climbs to the top of the axe handle. so the tide is turning. They even boo when Ricky kicks out of a pinfall which is a wild thing to type. Steamer's selling rules, but he never stops fighting and manages to get a sick flying fistdrop of his own off the top. It turns into a back and forth with a lot of close calls and counters, and it's great shit. Randy is thrown into the ref, and Ricky hits the crossbody, but Davis runs down and breaks up the count to check on the ref, and Ricky goes after him BUT RANDY KNEES HIM IN THE BACK AND PULLS HIM OUT OF THE RING AND DROPS HIM THROAT FIRST ONTO THE RAIL. HE LAYS HIM ON IT AND JUMPS OFF THE TOP WITH THE AXE HANDLE AND HE CRUSHES HIS THROAT AND RICKY GRABS ONTO IT AND HE CAN'T BREATHE. The ref counts them both out.

WE AREN'T DONE AS RANDY GRABS THE RING BELL AND JUMPS OFF THE TOP AND DRIVES IT INTO STEAMBOATS THROAT. HOLY SHIT HE'S DEAD. Ricky shakes on the mat as he holds his throat, and Savage goes for it again but the ref stands in his way and gets him to back off. Vince keeps shouting he's turned purple and possibly swallowed his tongue in the best call of his life. They bring out a stretcher and load him on it as Ricky is coughing and spluttering as they take him away. Even Jesse seems to be struggling to defend Randy's actions, and instead says the EMT's are very good at their jobs. One of the best and most important angles EVER.

WWF Update-
-Mr Wonderful is the true #1 contender no matter what anyone tries to say.
-Heenan reads a WWF magazine where faces wrote in about how much they hate Wonderful, so Bobby rips it up and says this is a waste of time. Wonderful says he's the cream of the crop and ice cream, and he's sure glad he doesn't give a darn what anyone thinks of him as long as he gets that title.

Match#2 Junkyard Dog vs Al Navarro
JYD wins with Thump in 20 seconds

In the back, Bruno says Ricky couldn't breathe and they had to put a tube down his throat. A medic runs out the door as Bruno says an ambulance has been called for Steamboat.

Killer Ken-
-Hogan ain't scared of no damn giant and he's got his pump back, baby. He turns this road into an 8 lane highway and he's ready for this war. If there was a gorilla in a cage right now, he would match power with it to get ready for Kamala. He fears no man, woman or beast. He feels no pain, brother. He's back on track jack, and the fans have been standing behind him so long he won't let them down. Time to find out who the king of the jungle is.

Superstar Billy is still in the desert as he's old and lost and needs help.

Match#3 Dino Bravo w/Johnny Valiant vs Kurt Kaufman
50 seconds of Dino doing lame power stuff to a small little boy. He wins with his Backdrop Suplex

Bruno rejoins the desk and says he's never seen anything so gross in his life having to see man with a tube in his throat. He says he was suffocating and it was needed to save his life.

Killer Ken-
-The Islanders are ready to face the Dream Team. Haku calls them babies who need Johnny to change their nappies and feed them. They want to face real men in Boston, not these kids. Tama tells them to bring a box of nails with them because they're going to need them. They're the best team in the world and they'll show it.
-Yeah, but why do they need nails man, don't bury the lead.

Outback Jack is sitting at a fire with Indigenous Australians.

Match#4 Dick Slater vs Jimmy Jack Funk
Dick gets two minutes to cook and mostly does ok despite JJF being awful. He sells his bullshit offence and then kicks his head in with some sweet punches right to the face. Vince says Randy's actions were deliberate in hurting Ricky, and Jesse says it's called eliminating the #1 contender. Yeah, got em. Dicky wins with an elbow drop to the face

Piper's Pit with Kamala is up next. Piper calls them candy bars and asks if you'd let your daughter date one of them. He says they built the swing backwards when Kamala was a kid and that's why his face is that way. Curtis yells his trash, so Piper mocks him back by talking like him and it's very funny. Piper asks about the belly paints like the stars and moons, and says he's not from Texas, but did he eat a million moon pies and now has two people inside him. He then asks about the mask, and Curtis says its for control and then takes it off. Piper says he now knows why he wears it and says please do America a favour and don't let him breed with anyone.

Match#5 Billy Jack Haynes vs Ray Vance
BJH is weirdly working more heelish as he slowly kills the kid with punches and kicks to the head and body, and it's fine i guess. The fans get on his case and chant boring at him, so he quickly locks in the Full Nelson and ends it.

We go to the results of the vote of confidence with Jesse and Honky. Jesse runs it down and says 634 thousand and 384 votes were cast in this by the fans. Honky is very happy and says he knew he could persuade them to like him. Jesse quickly cuts him off and explains he said the number of votes cast, not the number of yah or nah's. Only 71,000 people voted yah for him, but 603,000 voted nay and they don't dig his style or his greaseball ways. Honky says this can't be true and he's going to see that fat fool Jack Tunney to get to the bottom of this. Jesse says he's an angry greaseball. Again, this angle rules.

Match#6 Tito Santana, Pedro Morales & Hillbilly Jim vs Dream Team & Johnny Valiant
What in the world??? Way too much Jim in there being bad instead of the better wrestlers, plus they keep having Davis get mad at the faces and he messes with them time and time again. Everyone fights in the ring, so Danny DQ's the faces and gives the match to the heels.

Killer Ken-
-Bobby Heenan is incredibly angry that JYD is being thrown at them in Boston, and somehow Kamala is getting the shot. So now he's in their way and he wants his dream of managing the world champion to come true. He's going to take JYD's chain and housebreak him like the dog he is. Then they'll take whatever is left of Hogan and win the title.

In the back, Bruno explains Ricky was taken to hospital and there was no reason for this slime to do this. Randy runs on and demands to know the update himself! Bruno is disgusted and asks how could he, and Randy laughs it off and says he's never been prouder of himself, AND BRUNO SCREAMS HE'S A PIECE OF SLIME AND STARTS CHOKING HIM AGAINST THE WALL. KOKO AND OTHER FACES DRAG BRUNO OFF HIM.

At the booth, Jesse is raging mad about Bruno's actions and says he's never going to work with him again, and Vince says Jesse might never work again.

All time episode.


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Feb 1, 2021
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WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Wrestling Challenge
November 23rd, 1986
Glenn Falls, NY

Tonight; Hart foundation vs Moondogs. Orton/Muuraco vs Killer Bees. Hogan in the Snake Pit!!!

Match#1 The Hart Foundation w/Jimmy Hart vs The Moondogs
HF work heel as they jump the Dogs in the corner and are quickly beaten up with a bone!!!. Dogs target Bret with awesome punches and old school basics, until Anvil trips Rex to turn the tide. Another cool control seg with Anvil leading the charge with his crazy stuff and power moves, and it's rad to see him get a lot of shine. Spot gets the tag and cleans house as Rex joins in as it all breaks down. The ref is clearing Spot out of the ring, which lets the Foundation double team Rex and hit the Hart Attack to win.

Match#2 Can-Am-Connection vs Barry O & The Gladiator
Heenan calls them pretty boys who don't want to be hit, which is some amazing foreshadowing for Rick's future. Martel is again the standout on the mat and doing offence as he's so smooth and good at everything, and really smokes everyone. Zenk is fine again, but he really should be called the original "Jannetty" as he's nothing compared to his far better partner. Slingshot Splash ends another one.

Killer Ken-
-JYD has a list of fools he wants to fight from Jake Roberts, Race to Butch. He's a happy fella when he gets to beat someone up. He's looking for more gold and he likes that IC title that Savage carries around, and 87 will be a banner year for him.
-Oh God.

Bobby Heenan shows the footage of his team beating the Machines as a goodbye to Albano.

Match#3 Sika w/King Curtis vs Paul Roma
Sika murders old rat boy with his fantastic wildman offence for 90 seconds, and i love everything man Samoan Drop does it.

Killer Ken-
-The Bulldogs show off Matilda to the camera as she's the true star of this team.
-They say nothing new.

Match#4 Dino Bravo w/Johnny Valiant vs Mario Mancini
Dino gets 3 minutes this week as life is pain. More bad power stuff that he can't hit correctly as he's dropping people too soon and it looks like crap, or he's doing his awful strikes. Mario does his best to save it, but it's not possible. Dino wins with his Backdrop Suplex.

It's time for the Snake Pit. Jake says we're living in a world full of persecutions, no morals, star wars defence systems and kids using drugs. The people are looking for a special man to lead them into the lights, and he is that man as he has it going for him. The crowd cheers loud and Jake is happy, but Hogan walks out from behind and says he heard him running his mouth and he's gots some advice for him. Sometimes its better to shut up and be thought of as a fool than to speak right out and erase all doubt. Jake says that's a wonderful thing he had to say, but let him ask you this big man how do you guard all the doors with everyone coming for him. Hogan says he's got a pack of Hulkamaniacs he's running with and he's running better than an old beat up car. Jake says everyone has their day and Hogan's might be coming to an end. Hogan shows off his pythons and says if he's the real snake, when is going to get the urge to bite him. Hogan struts off as Jake loses his shit.

Again, this feud never happens but the build to what could and should have been is SO sweet.

Match#5 Dick Slater vs Mike Sharpe
Dicky has a cut in saying he's not whistling dixie and he ain't afraid of no man. Dicky get 4 minutes on our beloved B show against my dad, and it rules. Mike stooges and stalls in-between getting his face pounded in with those sick punches and other cool bits of offence. Dicky wins with his flying Fistdrop

Outback Jack is still driving in the outback.

Match#6 Bob Orton & Don Muraco w/Jimmy Hart vs The Killer Bees
God Yes. Good back and forth to start with everyone matching up very well with cool battles for control throughout. Orton gets Jim in the back with a knee right in front of Davis!!! Awesome control seg with tons of brutal stuff on the lesser of bees as they stomp the honey out of him. Blair has a killer hot tag bouncing them around and more than holds his own as the better Bee, He hits Don with the Bee Sting and looks to have him beat, but Davis is distracted again and it lets the heels fight back, BLAIR FINALLY HAS ENOUGH AND SHOVES DAVIS ON HIS ASS FOR THE DQ

Killer Ken-
-Slick says there is nothing in the world wrong with Hercules, but the money was talking and he needed to make the deal. He brings on Butch Reed and says the world is more afraid of him than a dog is of a flea.
-Butch once again says everything about him is natural and great and he can't be stopped. He'll fight Randy Savage or Hogan for the title, and they'll understand what he's about naturally.


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WWF MSG-24/11

Hulk Hogan & Roddy Piper vs King Harley Race & Paul Orndorff w/Bobby Heenan
Massive brawl to start with the insane MSG crowd exploding for every moment, and it just the coolest shit in the world watching it unfold. Paul can't throw a punch at all as his arms as all taped up with two arm pads on, so yeah he's cooked. Still, the other 3 absolutely rule and more than make up for it. Piper and Hogan are hesitant to tag each other at first, but they get it going and control Race with arm work, and his selling and attempts to fight out are killer as you'd expect. Race finally unloads a nasty headbutt to take over and isolate Piper. Paul's work is horrible as he's got no force behind his shots and looks rightly scared to death when he's doing stuff. Race thankfully gets and does most of the work and does a fantastic job. Hogan's hot tag rocks as well as he does double noggin knockers and pinballs them around. Hogan goes after Heenan on the outside, and Wonderful misses a lariart and takes Race's head off and Piper gets the 3 despite not being legal.

The Islanders vs The Dream Team w/Johnny Valiant

This is a #1 contenders match according to Gorrila, which is bullshit as HF beat Islanders a week ago, and the Dream Team are dead in the water loser. STILL, it's nice to see a brand new match in the growing tag scene. Hammer is dominated to start ,and Brutus refuses to help him out as he stays on the apron. Guess we're starting that. He finally gets in and for the first time looks awful fighting Tama as he's sandbagging and slow as as a snail on stuff, and also had some lame bumping, so fuck him as of now. After a few really bad minutes, Tama is isolated and Hammer does the work, so it's very good. Haku has a nice hot tag beating Brutus' stupid skull in before it all goes to breaking down. They steal the same finish as the Hart Foundation match where Tama is crotched and closelined off the ropes and is pinned.

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Only watching two shows from this as the rest of the card looks awful as hell, and i'm not falling for that one again Sky.

Jake Roberts vs Tito Santana
A an honest to goodness dream match is happening. Jake tries to goad him right away by giving up his head and telling him to hit him, but Tito isn't dumb and refuses to engage. He clocks him in the face once Jake has backed off and knocks his ass into the corner!!! Jake is now mad and turns into a fight and it's so cool watching them go at it with their great punches and bumps for each other. Tito gets the best of it and drags Jake to the mat and works his arm for a while, and it's super solid stuff even if it's a touch too long. Jake cracks him with a jawbreaker to cut him off and gets to it with another awesome slow and mean control seg with a ton of gross knees and punches as he grinds and beats the piss out of him. He hurls him to the floor and goes after his face with some forearms and just batters him, but Tito won't die and his attempted comebacks rock as he gets closer and closer to getting back in the fight. He finally gets back into and fires up and decks him with a series of wild punches that bust Jake's nose up. He gets the figure four on, but the time limit expires!!!!!

Randy Savage (c) w/Miss Elizabeth vs Junkyard Dog (WWF Intercontinental Championship)

Figured i should watch this matchup at least once. Lots of stalling and stooging from our hero as always. Liz is very upset and Gorilla stops her and tries to talk to her, so Randy snaps and threatens to kill him for speaking to her, but sadly he backs off and gets back in the ring. JYD beats him up with his awful lazy stuff that even Randy's bumping can't save as JYD is REALLY terrible in his big shot. They end up fighting on the outside there's a super weird fuck up as the ref counts them both out, but he raises Randy's hand and declares he got back in despite him not actually doing that.

Randy jumps off the top and drops him with an Axe Handle, but JYD no sells it and steals the IC title.
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Feb 1, 2021
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WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Superstars of Wrestling
November 29th, 1986
Notre Dame, IN

Tonight; An update on Ricky Steamboat. Hart Foundation vs British Bulldogs in a non title match.

We go to England to where an interview is standing by, he announces that Andre's suspension has been lifted by Jack Tunney. Andre walks on looking very happy and says it's great to be back. He's says he's got a big surprise for the fans when he comes back, and he's more than happy to be back in the ring. Andre reuses to say what he's been doing in England, but he tells the fans to keep watching the WWF to see what's about to happen.


Vince is very confused as to why it was lifted and says he's going to ask Jesse for a comment later on this matter. Jesse is in shock and can't believe what's happened.

Match#1 King Harley Race w/Bobby Heenan vs Lanny Poffo
90 seconds of Race beating this snot out of our favourite little jobber. Lanny has some token arm work and it's good times, and then Race shuts him down and cleans his clock with a wicked knee to the face. Jesse says there must have been some underhand tactics under the table to get the suspension lifted as he would know why otherwise. Fisherman's Buster ends it

WWF Update-
-Gene covers Ricky's injury from last week and says he has sustained a larynx injury that could end his career.
-Gene interviews Ricky's wife Bonnie via telephone. She says it's a tragedy they're trying to deal with as best they can, but it's very hard. Gene asks about the possible retirement, and Bonnie says she would love to have him at home more and he's considering it. Ricky is despondent about not being able to speak.
-Gene is incredible as he puts on his best news caster voice saying he wishes Ricky the best in his recovery.

We go to a pre-tape with Jesse and the reunited US Express. Jesse says Danny has a locker-room rep about knocking people down, but we'll see if he can do it in the ring.Danny challenges him to a fight, but Jesse says they would never let him hurt the golden boy.

The locker-room bit is a reference to Danny beating Adrian Adonis to a bloody pulp in a backstage fight when AA tried to mess with him and didn't realise Danny was fucking nuts and not the guy to to try and fight. ... an-spivey/

Match#2 The US Express vs Dave Wagner & Rick Renslow
Jesse dubs Danny the locker-room thumper, and Vince says he can indeed handle himself in and out of the ring if he needs to. Nice to have him back as he's still hitting hard and looks good and he offsets Rotundo's mostly boring act. He breaks out a cool slingshot splash and a sweet dropkick, so fuck yeah Danny. Running Bulldog does the job.

Killer Ken-
-Hogan walks and says Kamala gets power from a magic tooth around Curtis's knick, but he's going to bend that Ugandan giant in half just like he's bending this parking metre in half. He's been on a heck of a high jumping on little dudes and squashing them like grapes. He's the Hulkster and not a slice of meat, when you climb into the Boston Garden you're walking into his jungle, CREEP. He ain't scared of no giant or a manger with a mask on. When Kamala hears the rumbling and thunder he won't be in Africa, he's in Hogan's jungle.

In a pre-tape, Honky says he went to the fat man Jack Tunney's office and he counted all the votes because he couldn't believe he would be let down after kissing ugly babies with puke on them. Yes ita true he came up on the short end, but it's also true he can do some trash talking and back fighting and there's going to be a big old surprise for them as he's not going to take it anymore. He's going to slap some babies and some bitches and he can throw a man in the ring and beat them up. YOU DESERVE THIS.

I will not like Honky Tonk Man. I will not like Honky Tonk Man.

Match#3 Kamala w/Kimchee & King Curtis vs Bob Boyer
Another sick minute long squash with the fat and epic strikes all here. KAMALA HITS THE SUPER SPLASH OFF THE TOP TO KILL THE KID AND WIN THE MATCH.

Post match, they take Boyer out on a stretcher.

Killer Ken-
-Hype for Boston. JYD vs Wonderful.
-JYD praises Paul for being a great athlete, but he refuses to be a stepping stone for him or anyone else.
-He says Kamala is the biggest man he's ever seen with toes and stomach that sticks out and he's a monster, but Hogan knows what he's doing and he's going to beat that monster.

Match#4 The British Bulldogs vs The Hart Foundation w/Jimmy Hart
Danny Davis is the referee tonight as Vince and Bruno say the Dogs need to be careful. Opening minutes are the same as always and it rocks like it always does. Anvil and Davey have a power battle that Davey gets the best of, and DK uses that speed to own them as well. Bret catches Davey. in the back with a gross knee to take over, which i've noticed is his favourite thing as of late. Super fun control seg happens as they target the back with high impact stuff and we get more wild bumps from Davey. DK gets in and blasts them in sweet fashion and really singles out Bret as his bitch as he drags him up by his hair and slams him over and over. Jimmy distracts Danny on the apron, and Anvil boots DK in the skull and tosses Davey out, and they kill DK with the Hart Attack and they pin the champs. OH FUCK

In the replay, we can see Danny walked over to Jimmy first as all the action happened right behind his back. Bruno calls it highway robbery.

It's time for Pipers Pit. Piper says he's going to bring on Steel, but Jimmy Hart walks on and says he got rid of Steele by giving him a photo of Liz and he's off drooling in the corner. Jimmy screams that Piper humiliated him in front of millions and he wants some damn respect from him. Piper wonders what he's meant to respect when he's small skinny jerk. Jimmy says he thinks he's tough because these fans cheer for him, but it means nothing. Piper refuses to beat him up because he's too small for him, but don't touch him. Jimmy keeps touching him and slaps him!!! Piper lets it go at first, BUT JIMMY SLAPS HIM AGAIN AND AGAIN AND PIPER LIFTS HIM UP, BUT ADONIS COMES OUT OF NOWHERE AND BREAKS A CRUTCH OVER PIPER'S BACK AND THEY HAVE A SICK FIGHT. JIMMY HITS PIPER WITH HIS MEGAPHONE AND AA LOCKS IN THE SLEEPER AND PUTS PIPER OUT AS JIMMY SHOUTS HE'S NOTHING. JIMMY DUMPS FLOWERS INTO PIPER'S MOUTH AND THEY LEAVE.

In another video, we find Outback Jack showering in the bush singing tie me down kangaroo.

We see footage of the attack on Ricky Steamboat.

We go to Mean Gene standing by with Ricky's doctor to break some of that sweet doctor patient confidentially. Fuck yeah, breaking laws. The doc explains Ricky's larynx was crushed and he can breathe. but he doesn't have his voice and will require speech therapy. His career is possibly over as a result of this injury. The doc is also worried about his ability to breathe and work out due to the damage he's sustained.

In another video, Blackjack Mulligan is working hard on the farm and fighting people in the doo drop in and he's ready to fight King Kong Bundy because he ain't scary to him.

Before his match, Slick makes a female ring attended take off Butch's jacket.

Match#5 Butch Reed w/Slick vs Max Blue
50 seconds of Butch beating this kid up and winning with his Flying Closeline

Killer Ken-
-King Curtis screams the entirety of the earth knows about Hulkamania, but now the darkness comes down on it on Boston thanks to Kamala. Hulk Hogan you are looking at the face of a man that will cage the greatest tiger in wrestling history and will take the title. Emotionally he can't be controlled, so they have a magic tooth from the Grand Wizard. Hogan will feel this tooth buried into his face and skull in Boston.

Next Week. Randy Savage returns. Adrian returns as well.
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Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86


Jesse opens the show welcoming everyone to his town of tinsel town.

-Jake Roberts is holding Damien telling him to squeeze the life out of Randy Savage. They've got to squeeze the fight out of the man as that's the only way you're going to squeeze a title off a champion. We can do it, we've got ways to do it. So, Macho Man TRY ME IF YOU FEEL LUCKY
-Randy is backstage with Liz making her shine his title. He asks her if he's the #1 champion in the WWF and she agrees, but he tells her to shut up and keep polishing. If he loses it's her fault.
-Koko B Ware and Frankie are going to drop some bombs on Volkoff.
-Roddy tells the fans to put grandma away before he squashes some worms tonight. It won't be pretty, but he will be when it's finished.
-The Hart Foundation introduce themselves! Anvil says you can squash a bee, you can spray them, or you can give them a Hart Attack.
-Hogan says he knew a man with the body of a superhuman would step up and challenge him, but he's more than ready for Hercules. Whattcha gunna do when the 24 inch pythons challenge you.

My one problem with SNME is WWF's piss poor job of promoting it and building these matches on TV.

At the booth, Vince makes fun of Jesse's new wig.

In the back, Mean Gene meets Jake Roberts. Jake sneaks up and scares him and says he turned his back on him like a fool. Very few men shake his hand a second time as they don't want to cross the snake. No one knows where's headed as they have no idea where he's been. Some men live in their sandboxes letting life pass them by, but he's like Halley's Comet and nothing is stopping him. Randy he is the man his mother warned him about.

In the back, Gene is now with Randy and Liz. Randy says he can't be intimated and he's going to get a Jake-Skin belt and he might make a belt out of Gene when he's done.

Before the match, the fans shout DDT in unison as they've picked their man, so he scares Randy and Liz with Damien and the fans love it. So do i.

Match#1 Randy Savage (c) w/Miss Elizabeth vs Jake Roberts (WWF Intercontinental Championship)
Fantastic start as they take each other down with arm drags, but Randy grabs the hair first while Jake doesn't, so we've got our roles. Jake has some amazing mat wrestling really showing off what he can do, and Randy meets him hold for hold. Randy catches him running into the corner with two knees right to the face and starts beating his face in, in manic fashion and it's so good as he's super violent and nasty, and Jake is a fantastic FIP right away as his woozy selling and attempted comebacks with his punches are top-tier. Jake starts kicking out on one as a fuck you, so Randy ties him in the ropes and leaves the ring and chucks Damien under the ring. JAKE GETS LOOSE AND MURDERS RANDY WITH A SICK RUNNING KNEE AND GETS DAMIEN BACK. Jake's comeback rules as he's breaking out the short arm lariats and awesome offence and just kicks the snot out of him, and hey Randy's selling is also perfect on top of it. They go to the outside and Randy uses Liz as a distraction and knees Jake into the post when he stupidly turns his back on him. He kills him with the axe handle and it turns into a knock down back and forth with a wonderful fight to get an inch to finally win. They won't stop fighting and the ref tries to break it up, so both men toss him away and he DQ's them.

Post match, Randy gets a chair and goes after the ref, BUT JAKE GETS DAMIEN AND DROPS HIM ON RANDY AND SCARES HIM OFF. That was tremendous.

We get a recap of Bobby Heenan buying Herc's contract.

In the back, Bobby Heenan says his credit is always good and he can whatever he wants wherever he goes just like that. Hercules praises Bobby as the smartest man and he's the type of man he needs as world champion. Gene tries to correct him, but Herc keeps saying it over and over to end it.

In the back, Hogan shakes his pecs and is all jacked up. He's got his pump back and he's glad he does as Herc's got the body of a god and he's stronger than the real Hercules. He's trained for him like he's an immortal, he was in the garden with Eve and spent 40 days and nights on the Titanic to get prepared for this. Herc is in his way and now on his hit list, and after he's going to squeeze Bobby's head like a grape. He lifts his hand up and screams that this is where the power lies.

Jesse shits over the promo and says he's lost his damn mind. Dude, we haven't even begun with the cocaine promos.

Match#2 Hulk Hogan (c) vs Hercules Hernadez w/Bobby Heenan (WWF World Championship)
They lock up and Herc immediately overpowers him with a knuckle lock, and Hogan's facial expressions rule so much as he's in shock but keeps his game face on. Hogan fights back and punches him and drops him which is good, but sadly Her'c bumping is awful and makes it looks like crap. Hogan goes for the leg drop too early and misses, and Herc takes over. The control work is dreadful as he's either doing stuff with a ton of daylight between the strikes, or he's being boring and doing lame bearhugs and backbreakers. Jesse is very upset that Hebner is the ref for this after being knocked out earlier, and he raises a good point. Hogan's selling isn't there at all as he's not killing himself for this turd, and i can't blame him. Hulk fights back with ease and nails the boot and Legdrop to win to show Herc is a nothing and shouldn't be here at all.

We go to a pre-tape with Jesse, Orton and Jimmy sitting in a cafe. Jimmy says Piper had to use a wooden crutch to hurt Adonis and he has no chance without it. Jesse asks Bob about the end of the friendship, and Bob says he was used and did everything and Piper got all the glory. Tonight he has no friends.

Hype video for Piper/Orton. First time they've done that.


Match#3 Roddy Piper vs Bob Orton w/Jimmy Hart & Don Muraco
Vince brings up AA attacking Piper earlier today and wonders how that will affect him going in. Muraco tries to help right away, so the ref kicks him out. Piper unloads a beating on Bob in great crazy fashion, and Bob's selling and bumping is awesome. Bob catches him with a knee and starts beating him down and it's very fun, but it's too short as it the problem with this only being an hour show. Piper shoves him into Jimmy and rolls him up to end it. Booooo

In the back, Gene interviews Piper. He is not terribly enthused and says he still has a lot of work to do. Gene asks about Orton and Muraco wearing kilts, and Piper shakes his head. He says he wears a kilt, but those two are wearing skirts. He says when he's good, he's good, but when he's bad, he's much better.

We go to a pre-tape with the Foundation and Jimmy. Jimmy says the tag titles are their number 1 goal and the only goal they have. They're going to clip the bees wings and squash them, and Anvil says they'll be called the winged bees.

Match#4 The Hart Foundation w/Jimmy Hart vs The Killer Bees
Hey, this gets 8 minutes. Thank God. Bret drags Brunzelle to a fun back and forth and gives him a lot, and then Blair gets in and they match up super well again. The Bees have a cut in with those masks on and confuse Gene by refusing to say which one they are. Lamest stuff in the world. Bret once again uses a knee to the back to turn the tide and take over, and we get another solid control seg on the lesser bee, but it would be more fun with Blair. Also, Bret REALLY needs a new transition spot because this is like the 5th time he's done it. Blair gets the tag, but Anvil knocks him off the ring, so the bees put the lame ass masks on and pinball them around like big stupid cheaters. One of them rolls Bret up to win. FUCK NO

Match#5 Koko B Ware vs Nikolai Volkoff w/Slick

Cool two minute showcase for the Birdman. Nik is awful and brings nothing to it, but Koko's fire and talent is undeniable and he smokes this big idiot as best he can. Koko wins with a rollup because Nik is still a piece of shit old man that can't take an actual finish. Hate him so much

In the back, Hogan says Jesse is dead wrong about the things he sees and says, and Herc was a strong man but he uses the power of the Hulkamaniacs to win. The hulkster won't be here forever, but Hulkamania will live forever.

In the back, Don says he took this match so he could watch Bob's back against that lunatic Piper, and because he likes Dick's song. He and Fuji sing it and clap hands

Match#6 Dick Slater vs Don Muraco w/Mr Fuji
Two minute main event in a bullshit call. Still, it's a really fun back and forth as Dicky finally gets uncorked and brings it all to Don with his awesome punches and other offence, and Don rocks as always. Fuji trips Dicky with his cane allowing Don to take his head off with a Lariat when he gets back up to win.

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Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Wrestling Challenge
November 30th, 1986
Rockford, IL

Tonight; Bravo & Dream Team vs Islanders & Afi.

We go to a pre-tape with Slick. He has his arm in a cast and says Matilda did this to him when she attacked him in the ring, and he hates dogs and he's going to make them pay. The injury is real as he took a nasty spill when Matilda ran at him, so they turned it into a story.

Match#1 George Steele & Junkyard Dog vs Dave Wagner & The Raider
Nice to see the WWF added a new jobber to the ranks. He's another masked guy in a black singlet, and it's pure pro wrestling nonsense. Bad squash as always. but the highlight is Heenan making fun of the lack of offence the faces do, and it's very funny. THUMP ends it.

They replay Savage's attack on Ricky.

Killer Ken-
-Ken lists all the new great teams in the WWF who are now fighting up the ranks.
-Koko & Frankie walk on and speak about being in the WWF is the dream, and now Frankie has a girlfriend named Lucile. Koko tells the foxy ladies they can kiss both of them. He then dances to end it.

Superstar is STILL playing with spiders. Someone shoot this man.

Match#2 Dino Bravo & The Dream Team w/Johnny Valiant vs The Islanders & Sivi Afi
"You know who an IQ of 11 with 9 teeth?" -Bobby Heenan.
"Don't tell me"-Gorilla
"The Islanders"-Bobby
Danny Davis has another cut in saying some people don't like he how he does his job, well he had a license until April and he's going to call it like he sees it. The Islanders tear the house down to start and do really well, and it's far better than the house show match as everyone gives a shit tonight. Haku is briefly isolated and it's ok for the 90 or so seconds it gets thanks to Hammer. It all breaks down as it seems to do, and Davis lets it go. Dino beats Afi with his Backdrop Suplex that really needs a name.

Killer Ken-
-King Curtis cuts another insane one about magic teeth and his men searching for JYD and Jim so they can eat them and the Bulldogs later on.

Blackjack is coming like he's never come before. Get ready.

Match#3 Kamala w/King Curtis & Kimchee vs Moondog Spot
HELL YEAH. Spot jumps him with his bone and gives him a fight, but Kamala kills him with a kick to the chest and beats the hell out of him with his clubs and fat. Spot won't die and throws some bombs back, but Kamala leapfrogs him and drops him with another kick and then kills him with the Super Splash to win.

Post match, Spot is taken out on a stretcher.

We go to the Snake Pit where Jake is wearing a sweet black fur coat. He talks about how's a big success because he took what he wanted, but his guest is a loser. Hillbilly Jim walks out and says his daddy told him not to touch things he can't clean on his pants. Jake says he only lives in Kentucky because he can't afford to live anywhere else. Jim says he loves it because it's peaceful and tranquil, and Jake will never understand that. Jim says Jake's jacket looks like a skunk, and Jake gets very upset. Jim ends it by saying he would like to make Damien into a pair of boots.

Match#4 The Rougeau Brothers vs Gino Carobello & Jimmy Jack Funk
Sick as heck two minutes for the boys. Jobbers are dreadful as always, but the Brothers have a way of making everyone work harder by virtue of their hard work. Loads of cool dropkicks and double teams as always, and i love them more and more as the weeks go on. Seated Senton ends the fun.

They replay Mean Gene interviewing Ricky's doctor.

Outback Jack is walking around in the Outback. What is with these wrestlers being lost on their way to the WWF.

Match#5 Hercules Hernadez w/Bobby Heenan vs Jack Foley
Jack's last WWF match until 1996, and the last time i'm going to see him for a little while in a review. He does his best to carry this giant bucket of nuts and bolts, but Herc is the dirt worst and can't be helped. Mick does at least take a sick bump for a lariat and then dies to the Rack, but yeah no dice.

Killer Ken-
-SD Jones is back from an overseas tour and he's very proud of all the new wrestlers in the WWF.
-George Steele walks on and gets him to look at the camera and sticks his face right against it and tells him to say hi to the people. Steele waves and says "Camera, SD, Ken Doll" He makes Killer look at it as well and keeps pointing at it and then randomly says kangaroo, and Ken asks if he wants to go to Australia. Steele is very confused and hugs SD to close it.
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The Rougeau Brothers vs. The U.S. Express
Our heroes fight these evil Americans for the good of the world. Great back and forth to start as everyone shows off their speed and skills, and it's the best IRS has looked in this run to his credit. Danny matches up really well against the brothers as he's doing some cool arm takeovers and is getting more confident. Really want to see his work in AJPW and eventually the NWA run to see more of his growth. (i will watch it one day) Mike gets back in and has his knee taken by the brothers and they use their awesome speed to kill it with awesome splashes onto it. Great work on it as they're super focused and mean as possible, and Mike's selling is very good as he's hobbling and can't put all his weight on it. There's a weird moment where Jaques lets him back up and tags Danny with no effort to stop him. Good tag from Danny though as he's showing off his speed and some power stuff. Mike then gets back in as it's a strange match and his arm is now worked over by the brothers despite the earlier leg work??? It eventually breaks down and everyone brawls until the ref DQ's both teams.

Hulk Hogan (c) vs Kamala w/Kimchee & King Curtis (WWF World Championship)

Big old battle of the bulls to start with them running at each other and knock being able to knock the other down, and Kamala shows off his freakish athleticism with the leap frog right over Hogan. Kamala starts chopping him and slamming him down and it's awesome as he holds nothing back on the beating, and Hogan sells huge for him. Hogan fights back with a sick running knee right to the jaw to stun him, but he can't drop him even after a series of rights and lefts. Wizard throws in the magic tooth and Kamala drives it into Hogan's skull make him bleed like a stuck pig. Kamala attacks the cut with biting and chops to it, and it's so cool. Kamala stays on him and mangles the cut by squashing Hulk's skull in hands and we get a wicked camera shot of it. Kamala squashes him in the corner and goes for the big splash, but Hogan crawls out of the way and Ken shouts he's never seen him crawl from any man, and he's not even sure if you can call Kamala a man. Kamala hits the normal splash and Hulk kicks out and starts Hulking up covered in blood for an all time fuck yeah visual. Hogan beats the hell out him and his blood smears the chest of Kamala!!! HE SLAMS HIM AND HITS THE RUNNING LEGDROP AND PINS THE BIG MAN. HELL YEAH

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
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WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Superstars of Wrestling
December 6th, 1986
Notre Dame, IN

Tonight; Randy Savage returns. Adrian Returns as well. An update on Steamboat, Dream Team & Dino vs Rougeau's & BJH.

In a pre-tape, Honky says he told you he wasn't kissing ugly babies with dirty diapers or shaking anymore greasy hands, or going near fat women. He's got a big surprise maybe the fans will appreciate, AND HE BRINGS ON JIMMY HART AS HIS NEW MANGER. He appreciates him and his good talent. Jimmy says they're jealous him because he can sing and he's what's happening right now and they're going to show the world and they'll all see. Oh God.

Match#1 Randy Savage w/Miss Elizabeth vs SD Jones
In a cut, Randy says line him up and they'll get carried out the same way. They're all going to end up like Steamboat. GONE FOREVER. Bruno says not really all that macho and he's disgusted by him. This is another rad two minutes of Randy cracking the skull of an all time bad jobber. Jesse says you do what it takes to win, and this is what Randy felt he needed to do. Bruno says he was very upset by what happened and he can do his job, but he will not take that kind of abuse from anyone. Randy takes his nerds head off with a sick lariat and kills him with the Elbow to end it.

-Bobby Heenan is demanding more respect for King Harley Race.
-Race says the working fan should take a bath. All these wrestlers would dearly love to be king for one day, but there's not a man on God's green earth worthy of wearing this crown. He would never sign an autograph and he will be King forever.
-Gene says this is the type of thinking you get when you sit on the throne for too long.

In a pre-tape, Blackjack shows off a new honey wagon that fertilises the land he owns, and says he can use this to hold King Kong Bundy and fertilise half of Texas.

Match#2 Koko B Ware vs Bobby Colt
Hell yes. Koko is again a wild ball of fire as he beats the hell out of this fat old jobber. Jesse says he will be interviewing Tunney later about Andre's suspension being lifted. Koko kicks him with his amazing dropkick and then the Ghostbuster to win.

Killer Ken-
-King Curtis yells about the eyes and ears around the globe being on them and the monster and slayer of the white tiger, Kamala. He is the earthquake and tidal waves of the toast of the world.

Replay of Adonis attacking Piper in the pit last week.

Match#3 Adrian Adonis w/Jimmy Hart vs Paul Roma
AA comes out in an oxygen mask for some odd reason and Jimmy has a spray bottle, and Vince deduces it's some form of perfume he's now using. AA has somehow gained more weight and looks awful as hell. This is all of 50 seconds of nothing before he hits a splash and wins with his Sleeper.

Post match, he shoves flowers down Roma's throat.

Killer Ken-
-Johnny V introduces his newest man Dino Bravo
-Dino says his intention is take care of business and beat people up.

Outback Jack is very excited to meet his new American mates and give the WWF a go.

In a cut in, Bobby Heenan calls Hercules his greatest investment that will pay him back a hundred times over. Even the greats make mistakes.

Match#4 Hercules Hernadez w/Bobby Heenan vs Jose Luis Rivera
Herc now has fancy new armour for his entrance, and it's far too cool for a complete dork like him. Hideous stuff as he still can't do an offensive move well and just looks terrible. Rack ends it.

It's time for Piper's Pit with George Steele. Piper says he got him a woman to make him his friend and then put him a cage and gave him hamburger and a woman and they've been friends ever since. He then brings on JYD as his other pal that likes to dance. JYD says they've been through some ups and downs, but they're pals now as they high five and get George to put his paws in and they all leave together.

We go to an interview with Gene and Ricky's wife at Ricky's house. Bonnie is angry as what has happened as he's suffering now. She says this was an intentional attack and there was no reason for him to do this, and she hates that man. All time bad acting job.

Match#5 Kamala w/Kimchee & King Curtis vs Salvatore Bellomo
Kamala murders another long time jobber with his sick offence and fat man antics. Super Splash ends it quick.
Fuck Yeah

Post match, they take Sal out on a stretcher.

We go to the interview with Jack Tunney and Jesse. Jesse says he saw Andre reinstated last week with full privileges and he wants to know how this could take place. Jack says it was the most unusual hearing he ever attended and it was outright bizarre with what happened. But he doesn't want to say too much at this time. Jesse is very angry that Andre wasn't there as that's what got him suspended in the first place, but Jack ignores him. Jesse asks if Bobby Heenan was there, and Jack confirms he was indeed there. HOLY SHIT WHAT. He reuses to say what he said as it's privileged information. Jesse loses his mind and says the people need to know and he needs to know, so he'll get to the bottom of this.

A truly fantastic building block in this story as we're now given such a wild piece of info with zero explanation that demands we know more.

Match#6 The Rougeau Brothers & Billy Jack Haynes vs The Dream Team & Dino Bravo w/Johnny Valiant
Two nothing minutes of good wrestlers trying to make up for their awful partners being alive and in this match. Davis again favours the heels the yells at the faces and stops them from helping their partners out. Everyone fights in the ring and Davis DQ's them all.

Burning Trash.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Wrestling Challenge
December 7th, 1986
Rockford, IL

Tonight; Butch, Volkoff & Sheik vs BJH & Bulldogs

They replay the announcement that Andre's suspension has been lifted.

Bobby Heenan refuses to say anything as Gorilla brings up the fact he helped to get him suspended in the first place.

Match#1 Tito Santana, Pedro Morales & Hillbilly Jim vs Barry O, Brian Costello & Iron Mike Sharpe
EWWW BROTHER WHAT'S THAT. 2 minutes of the crappy wrestlers taking time away from our Tito, and i am not pleased at all as you can imagine. Jim wins with his bearhug.

They replay HTM being upset about the votes.

Match#2 Kamala w/Kimchee vs Jack Foley
i was wrong and i'm very happy about it. Kamala murders him in 30 seconds with all the amazing stuff, and Mick dies on everything as you'd expect the GOAT to do. Super Splash does it

Post match, Jack is loaded onto a stretcher.

Killer Ken-
-Bobby Heenan says it's no ones business how much Hercules' contract cost him, he's guiding him to the top. He's bigger and more violent than ever before, and he now has to hold him back from hurting people.
-Herc walks on and thanks Bobby for getting him the best trainers he needed to get bigger and better than he's ever been.
-Fuck yeah, Steroids

Match#3 Don Muraco & Bob Orton w/Mr Fuji vs Mario Mancini & Max Blue
90 wonderful seconds. Lots of gross offence from both as they drop the jobbers on their heads and don't give a shit about them. Tombstone ends it

Killer Ken-
-BJH says he doesn't cry over spilt milk but this Danny Davis cost him the IC title and he's not happy about it. He can't understand why Davis is like this, nor can he understand why Savage did what he did. He wants Randy bad, but he knows Ricky's got a bone to pick and he's got him first.

Match#4 The Hart Foundation w/Jimmy Hart vs Bob Boyer & Salvatore Bellomo
More good shit from the fellas even at a little over a minute as they can't miss. Great double teams on Boyer and then they kill him with the Hart Attack to win.

We go to the Snake Pit where Jake says maybe he's like his dad being too bold, or his mum who was never sastifyid. He brings on the man responsible for Piper's demise, Adrian Adonis and Jimmy Hart. Jake says some people want to go through life being something more than they are and that's Piper. AA says Roddy picked on his manager and friend, so he met the wrath of goodnight Irene. He hasn't seen nothing yet as he makes the rules and breaks them. Jake says they aren't born from the original sin, but they might be the real sinners.

Match#5 Koko B Ware vs Rick Renslow
Koko gets two minutes to fly and spread his wings against this joker with his sick array of offence. His top rope dropkick is beyond insane and then he hits the Ghostbuster to take it

We go to a pre-tape with Gene and Danny Davis. Gene brings up the fact Hebner was the ref and Danny had to no reason to be there. Danny says it's none of his business as to why he was there, and he felt it was the right thing to do to check on the ref. Gene asks if he regrets maybe playing a part in Rick's career ending, and Danny laughs off and says them the breaks. Gene lays into him and says he's gone off the deep end and should be ashamed.

Match#6 Butch Reed, Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff w/Slick vs Billy Jack Haynes & The British Bulldogs
Same old shit between the teams, but Butch brings something to it with his power and speed and drags BJH into a cool little back and forth. He fights Davey in a fun power battle for 10 seconds, goddamn it. Hell breaks loose and BJH gets Butch in the Full Nelson, but Slick hits him with his cast to knock him out and Butch steals it.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Superstars of Wrestling
December 13th, 1986
Notre Dame, IN


Match#1 Tito Santana, Pedro Morales & Hillbilly Jim vs Barry O, Moondog Spot & The Raider
WWF really went out of their way to rob Tito of wrestler of the year two years in a row by sticking him in the middle of the ocean without a lifejacket. Very rude and cruel. Tito gets maybe 10 seconds of offence to make it even worse. Pedro wins with a shitty rollup

-We go to Randy Savage "Complete mental insanity, oh yeah. Ricky the Dragon Steamboat your future seems bleak, oh yeah it does. But you got involved over your head, didn't you? THE MACHO MAN RANDY SAVAGE THE NUMBER ONE WRESTLER IN THE WORLD WRESTLING FEDERATION. Take your wife's advice. retire. Understand, understand you're learning sing language now. Understand you're trying to talk, communicate. Understand two more signs that you can add to your repertoire, number one could possibly be this (as he puts his thumb down), Ricky the Dragon Steamboat, your future. And possibly (makes cut throat sign) that if you ever decide to come back and wrestle the Macho Man Randy Savage"
-All time stuff.

Match#2 Adrian Adonis w/Jimmy Hart vs Mario Mancini
Piper has a cut in saying Adrian thinks he's the only man to ever hit him upside the head, well he's wrong and it's time to pay the piper. Better than his last squash as he's actually trying this week by hitting hard and doing more than two moves, which is kind of him. Jesse announces he's interview Heenan this week!!!!! Sleeper ends it.

Post match, he shoves the flowers down Mario's throat.

Killer Ken-
-Randy Savage will be facing Bruno in Boston.
-Savage says Bruno and the fans figure it could happen and he could treat the old dog a new trick. He can do that on the 7th of January as a long time ago he won the IC title there, and a longer time ago years and years ago Bruno beat a living legend. Bruno is a hasbeen and he's going to teach Mr Cheapshot that. He's going to eat you up and teach you respect. Macho Madness.
-Randy is on another level its actually insane.

Outback Jack says it's all going to be sweet with no worries when he shows up.

Match#3 Can-Am-Connection vs Jimmy Jack Funk & Mike Sharpe
WWF really needs to restock the jobber ranks because JJF sucks a bag of shit and then some, and i hate him. Still, more than good enough stuff from Martel as he carries this bum (and his dope of a partner, lets be fair) to a cool squash as he's working so hard and just killing it. Sharpe rocks as well and gives the boys a proper fight by making them earn all their offence. Martel wins with the Slingshot Splash.

Killer Ken-
-Blackjack Mulligan walks on looking bloated and bright red, and it's a sad sight. He can't even cut a promo without losing his breath as he rants about winning a battle royal in Boston.
-Get rid of him now.

They now air a video with Blackjack showing off his new prize bull. Holy shit, stop it.

Match#4 Kamala w/Kimchee & King Curtis vs Jack Kurger
Vince is now begging for Kamala's top rope splash to be outlawed after he sent wrestlers to the hospital! He kills the kid in 30 seconds and hits the Super Splash to win.

Post match, Jesse rightly brings up Vince not having a problem with Ricky coming off the ropes, and he's only got a problem because Kamala is 400 pounds. Vince says he cares when someone is hurt, and he's now hurt three men. I love this story so much.

We go to Piper's Pit with Butch and Slick as the guests. Butch does his thing about being all natural, so piper says he dyed his roots blonde. Butch says he's jealous of his all natural body. Slick brings up the girl from a few weeks ago who took Butch's jacket off, and Piper brings her out and asks if she wants to touch Butch and she says no. Piper asks if she thinks he's attractive and she's says he is. Piper scoops her up in his arms as Butch says he's challenging him because he's jealous.

They run a video showing some highlights over the last few weeks.

Gene is with Ricky's doctor again. The doc is amazed by his recovery thus far, and Gene says it's because of the shape he's in. The doc says that is why. Gene asks what could happen if he gets hit in the throat again, and the Doc says it could be fatal. Well, goddamn.

We now go to the interview with Jesse and Bobby. Jesse says he had no idea this was happening and Tunney gave him no answers and you might need to send him to a POW camp to get answers. This is beyond him, but he did say Bobby was there and asks if that's. Bobby says it was true and he was reinstated. Jesse screams about him letting that happen as Andre is 7ft4 and 500 pounds of freak of nature. Bobby cuts him off and says there is NO reason he shouldn't be back in the WWF, and repeats his height and weight and says he's the most agile and coordinated human being in the world for his size and there is no reason he shouldn't be in pro wrestling. Jesse is in complete shock and asks if he's really saying this and if he really stood at this meeting and allowed him back. Bobby loses it and shouts "HEY, I DON'T HAVE TO ANSWER TO YOU OR ANYBODY ELSE. ANDRE THE GIANT IS BACK AND AT THE END OF EVERY SENTENCE IS A PERIOD". He leaves as Jesse again screams he's going to get to the bottom of this.


Match#5 Jake Roberts vs Dick Slater
Danny Davis is the referee again. They get right to it with gross strikes and arm work, and Davis makes sure to cut Dicky off when he has Jake in the ropes. Dick doesn't let it bother him as he goes after the leg and hurting it bad. Jake limps on it and hurts it more on a leap frog, and Dick goes to work on it with some fantastic work in the best stuff he's gotten to do thus far. Slater stays on him and really beats his ass, and he nails the fist drop and the ref counts 3!!! But Danny then says his foot was the ropes and argues with Dick. Jake gets back up and closelines Dick and gets Damien and goes after him, but Dick punches him in the face! DAVIS SHOVES HIM BACK IN THE CORNER SO DICK THROWS HIM ACROSS THE RING FOR THE DQ.

Killer Ken-
-Bruno is here. He says when he was young man he was elated to meet the great as he respected them and his peers are the same. Here's this man who is meant to have class because he's a champion. He called him names over and over, and he was so furious and he's putting the tights back on not only for crippling Steamboat, but he's doing this to show you this washed old man can make mince meat of you and mop the floor with you.
-I don't want to see this, but i want to see Randy beat the fuck out of him so i have to see it.

Next week. Islanders vs Muraco & Orton!.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Wrestling Challenge
December 14th, 1986
Rockford, IL

Match#1 Randy Savage w/Miss Elizabeth vs Mario Mancini

Randy kills poor Mario for maybe the 100th time this year and it's again the raddest squash in the world. Gross beating and killer selling is all here, and the Elbow ends it

In a pre-tape, King Curtis yells about Kamala not being featured in the WWF Magazine this month. He blames Hogan for this slight and says he will pay with his life.

Match#2 The US Express vs Steve Lombardi & Bobby Colt
Bobby refuses to answer Gorilla about Andre's hearing once more. Another good outting for the fellas thanks to Spivey being good and wreaking shop whenever he can. Bulldog ends it

Killer Ken-
-They replay Johnny V introducing Dino Bravo.

Match#3 King Harley Race w/Bobby Heenan vs Paul Roma
Roma hits his dropkick to knock Harley out of the ring and puts on his crown like a dick, so Race smashes his head in and beats fuck out of him. Fisherman's buster ends it

They replay HTM and Jimmy Hart joining forces.

Match#4 Butch Reed w/Slick vs Lanny Poffo
Fun stooging to start as Lanny unloads a ton of fire onto him with a sick dropkick. Butch finally shuts him down and HIP TOSSES HIM ONTO THE CONCRETE. HOLY FUCK. He drags him back in and kills him some more and Lanny takes more and more gross bumps. Flying Lariat ends it.

It's time for the Snake Pit. Jake says he's got a man who needs to stir up some guts and bring on what's left of him, and out walks Roddy Piper. Jake says he's not trying to start anythijng, but a man told him last week he was through and done and cornflakes without milk. it's his world and he's a squirle trying to get a nut. Piper ignores his questions and keeps asking if Adrian is wrestling next. Jake calls him a fool and says is time is up as he's not speaking to him. Piper asks again if Adrian is wrestling, and Jake says yes he is but what does that have to do with anything. Piper smiles and says it's HIS time that's up.

Match#5 Adrian Adonis w/Jimmy Hart vs SD Jones
AA uses his fat to abuse SD for a little while. and it's ok but he's clearly cooked and only getting fatter and lazier. Piper walks out to watch, so AA gets angry and it allows SD to fight back and get offence in on him. PIPER FINALLY HAS ENOUGH AND JUMPS IN THE RING AND ATTACKS HIM FOR THE DQ

Piper keeps attacking him until the locker-room runs down and breaks it up.

In the back, Jesse interviews Can-Am-Connection. He says they've impressed him because they wrestle well as a team and they've got nice tanned bodies. But his body has massive arms and asks Martel if he can match up, and Rick says he can. Zenk says he can as well. Jesse asks if they can match up to his good looks, and they laugh in his face.

Match#6 Sika w/King Curtis vs Bob Boyer
60 good murder of a very, very old ass jobber. Dude legit looks like he's 70 and near death. Samoan Drop does it.

In a pre-tape. Hogan says he tries to keep personal matters out of business as the world title matters the most, but after what he did to Ricky, he'll throw the title away to get his hands around Randy's neck.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Superstars of Wrestling
December 20th, 1986
Phoenix, AZ

Tonight. Islanders Muraco & Orton. King Kong Bundy returns.

Match#1 The Islanders vs Don Muraco & Bob Orton w/ Mr Fuji
Hell breaks loose right away with a massive brawl and it's stellar as heck as everyone is game to kill each other. Haku gets dropped by a series of punches from Orton, and then Bob kicks him in the face! Tama gets back in and whips ass until he takes a knee to the back in the WWF's new favourite spot. Short and fun control seg on him before Haku is tagged back and cleans house on them as only he can. Haku kills Orton with his splash, but Don jumps off the other side with a knee to the back of the head and Davis DQ's him????? Awful.

Post match, they fight again and brawl up the aisle way to the back.

-They again show Randy's attack on Steamboat.
-We go to footage of Ricky with a speech therapist trying to speak, but he can't and gets angry and punches the table.

Match#2 Kamala w/Kimchee & King Curtis vs Pedro Gonzales
Kamala is now wearing a black towel over his head which makes him look even scarier. The jobber from last week has a cut in saying he wrestled the most dangerous man in the world, and you need to imagine having a truck run across your chest and then you can imagine having that monster on top of you. He says he will never wrestle him again under no circumstances. The big man gets 50 seconds to murder and squash this kid, and its awesome as always. Super Splash ends it

Killer Ken-
-There will be a Bunkhouse Battle Royal on the card.
-Randy Savage walks on and calls Bruno a stupid fool and a complete idiot. He says it might have been his building, but he's doing the thing now, yeah. He says if he was around two decades ago, Bruno would have been #2 to the Macho Man.It's going to be his last night in pro wrestling and teach him how to bed. MACHO MADNESS, YEAH!

The file has adds left in it, so buy some new installation and siding for your house so you can save on heating this winter.

We get another awful Blackjack Mulligan video.

Match#4 Honky Tonk Man w/Jimmy Hart vs Jose Luis Rivera
Jesse says he thought Honky was stupid when he first met him, but being with Jimmy has shown he's got brains. HTM is a way better heel as he's finally hitting hard and throwing the jobber around super roughly as he should be. I still hate him a LOT, but this is a good match. Shake, Rattle & Roll ends it

Post match, he grabs the mic and yells "HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOW?" He says he knew they'd come around and like him. He and Jimmy dance to the back.

Killer Ken-
-Jim Neidhart will be in the battle royal.
-Jim says this will be very dangerous and unconventional as anyone can bring anything they want in, like a surfboard or a cane. But, he could bring in his football helmet from his days in the NFL. He won't tell us what he's wearing that night, but he can tell you will be different. HAHAHAHAHA.

In another pre-tape, Randy Savage says the fans have been sending Ricky get well cards. He knows the Dragon appreciates as he does as well, just don't expect him to read it out loud because he can't do that anymore.

Match#5 King Kong Bundy w/Bobby Heenan vs Gatorwolf
Bundy is finally free of tag matches and can finally go back to murdering people all by himself. Killer 90 beating of this cunt with all the cool fat and clubbing offence. Jesse says he's found nothing out about Andre yet, but he'll go to Andre if he has to. Avalanche ends it.

We go to the Piper's Pit with the Hart Foundation. Piper has a bone and says the Dogs gave it to him just in case. Jimmy Hart is very scared to come out, but he does and stands behind the Foundation. Piper asks if Davis is part of the Foundation, and Anvil says no but he is the best referee in the WWF. Bret says they're the best tag team in the world. Anvil pulls out a toy dog and puts it on his foot and Bret kicks it away and they say this what happens to Matilda. Piper brings on a toy fire hydrant and says it's from Matilda as well. Anvil picks up and tries to throw it on him, but the water splashes back on the heels to end it.

Match#6 Butch Reed w/Slick vs Gary Monty
Short and fun squash from the all natural Butch Reed. He kills the kid with some gross strikes and beats him with the Flying Lariat.

They replay the Heenan/Jesse interview.


Outback Jack is spending time with a local tribe who have helped him live in the Outback and get ready for battle in the WWF.

Match#7 Killer Bees & Koko B Ware vs Buddy Ryder, Dennis Stamp & Mike Luca
Birds and Bees living together in harmony. Koko is wearing the mask with his glasses on in an all time amazing moment.

Super fun 3 minute squash with a ton of energy and fire from a sweet babyface trio dancing and kicking a ton of ass. Koko breaks out Bees offence by hitting the best Bee Sting ever as he smashes the jobbers head with his ass and hip. One of the Bees hits a Knee Lift to win.

Killer Ken-
-They replay Bruno and Randy fighting from a few weeks ago.
-Bruno says he could have ended this jackass on that night but he was pulled off, but this time he's going to hurt him. He doesn't care about the title as he only wants to expose him for the punk he is. What a way to sell the match, you dope.

Next Week; A tribute to Andre. Dream Team & Bravo vs Tito, Pedro & Jim
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
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WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Wrestling Challenge
December 21st, 1986
Tuscon, AZ

Tonight; Bulldogs & JYD vs Dream Team & Spot.

Match#1 Honky Tonk Man w/Jimmy Hart vs Lanny Poffo
Lanny whips his ass to start like always, and i can't wait for the Genius. HTM cuts him off and beats his butt like his last squash, and it's good and basic and not awful. So, good for him. SRR ends it.

In a pre-tape, Mr Wonderful says the WWF Magazine could be Wonderful if was on the front cover instead of Piper.

We go to Mean Gene standing by with two doctors. One of them says it's a life threatening injury, but with Ricky's want and desires to get back in the ring, that's the risk he runs. The other doctor says he's known Ricky for a long time and he should retire for his safety. The other doctor disagrees and says he can come back.

Match#2 The Rougeau Brothers vs Dennis Stamp & Mike Luca
Heenan wonders why anyone cares about that never-was Steamboat, he should retire. Awesome stuff from the brothers as they've got 3 minutes to show off all the sick offence against some decent jobbers willing to die on everything thrown at them. Le-Canon-Ball ends it.

Killer Ken-
-Ken thanks Hillbilly Jim for giving him craw fish as it was beautiful to eat. Jim laughs and says he told him it was good eating. Jim says he's hosting a big Christmas party with JYD and Hulk Hogan, and Ken can come as well. Granny is doing the cooking and she's got catfish on the menu.

Blackjack is still doing stuff.

Match#3 Hercules w/Bobby Heenan vs David Gold
Herc has lost his last name it seems, not sure if that sticks or not. He also has a big steel chain with him in another thing far too cool for a nerd like him. Another dreadful squash from this walking door frame. Bad strikes and chin locks before the Rack ends it.

Killer Ken-
-Tito's 1986 was a difficult one with losing the IC title, but he's ready to get another shot at Randy in 1987. He' staying in top shape my man, and he hopes he's still holding the belt when he gets another crack at him. He thanks the fans for cheering for him and standing behind him.

We go to a special interview with Jesse and Andre The Giant. Jess says he knows they don't always see eye to eye, but he needs to ask if he was at that meeting. Andre confirms he was and that Heenan was indeed there as well. Jesse asks him to tell him what went on, and Andre's face changes as he says that's none of his business! Jesse demands he must know, but Andre refuses to answer him.

Match#4 Billy Jack Haynes, Hillbilly Jim & Pedro Morales vs. Buddy Ryder, Kevin Collins & Tim Patterson
WHAT THE FUCK? Horrrrrrrrrible as all hell thanks to no one in this being good or talented, and no matter how much we love Jim, he can't carry a damn thing. Full Nelson ends it.

We go to the Snake Pit. Jake says some people go through life without knowing what its like to be different or special, but his guest has blue blood coursing through his veins. King Harley Race. Bobby says he loves to see the people standing for their king, but they should bend the knee for him. Jake asks what happens if something doesn't bow to him, and Bobby says a wrestler will be dispatched quick and the humanoids will be ignored. Jake says some people will never know what it's like to be the real king, and Bobby says only Harley will ever know what that's like.

In the back, JYD meets Matilda about what type of bones she likes and what he likes. He licks her to end it. God Bless.

Match#5 The Dream Team & Spot vs The British Bulldogs & Junkyard Dog
STOP RUNNING THIS GODDAMN MATCH. I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE FOR REAL. Completely fine in ring thanks to the two teams being good as you fucking know, but i can't watch this bullshit anymore. THUMP ends it.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF MSG-26/12

The Hart Foundation vs Dick Slater & Corp Krichner
Far too weird and out of this world not to watch. Bobby kills it by saying he can't believe Krichner spent this long in the marines only to never make it to a higher rank. Gorilla and Bobby praise Bret's progression since he debuted and Gorilla call him the Excellence of Execution, which is a massive moment. Corp gets a run of offence to start as is the norm and it's ok thanks to the boys bumping around for him, but you can tell why he fell off so quickly after Mania. Dicky is amazing though as he beats the shit out of Anvil on the outside with a nasty right hand!!! HF slow it down and isolate Corp for another very good control seg as they've reached a point where a bad match isn't happening if they can help it. They beat his face in with solid basics and clean his clock, and Corp sells and bumps really well as he's a good punching bag. Dicky gets the hot tag and unloads punches onto both of them and beats their asses in awesome form. He and Bret match up so well, and i need a singles match. He gets cut off by Anvil and they go to work on his back, and it's another good batch of offence on him, with some killer selling from Dick. Slater's comeback rocks as he fights like hell to get some space and drops them a few times before he manages to tag Corp in. Corp's hot tag isn't good at all, but it doesn't last long thankfully. Things break down and the boys give him a Hart Attack for the win.

Hulk Hogan (c) vs Kamala w/Kimchee & King Curtis (WWF World Championship)

FUCK YEAH. Another tremendous battle of the bulls to start with Kamala holding his ground and not letting Hogan knock him down, and Hogan is shook. Kamala attacks the back like Boston, but doesn't get far as Hogan moves out of the way and unloads another sick array of offence of knees and punches to the monster. Kimchee distracts Hogan, and Kamala gets the tooth and smacks it into his throat. Good work on it as he strangles and throttles his head, and Hogan sells it really well as he's holding it and coughing his lungs up trying to catch his breathe. Kamala nails the running splash and gets a super close 2.9, and to Hogan's credit he sells the damage and takes a minute or so to hulk up and do his thing to the big guy. Hogan slams him and goes for the finish, but Curtis trips him over!!! Hogan attacks him, BUT KAMALA RUNS OVER AND SPLASHES HIM AGAIN AS CURTIS HOLDS HIS LEGS DOWN. HOGAN IS OUT COLD AND KAMALA HITS ANOTHER TO HIS BACK AND THE REF THROWS IT OUT.

Post match, Kamala goes for the super splash, but Hogan comes to life and knocks him down and smacks his face off the buckle and kills the other two. He poses to end it. I love this feud so much.
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