Donnie watches WWF 1986

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

September 6th, 1986
Hartford, CT

Our hosts are Gorilla, Ernie Ladd and Johnny V. Super weird trio.

Tonight; Koko B Ware in singles action. Jake Roberts debuts the Snake Pit.

Match#1 Don Muarco & Mike Sharpe w/Mr Fuji vs US Express
Fuck it, get as weird as possible if you're going to get weird with it. The Express get a lot of offence in on Don and make a fool of him with slams and armdrags, and it's wild to see him getting his butt kicked. Sharpe gets in and has the hell beaten out of him as well, and we get some amazing bumps and screaming every time he gets hit. Sharpe is pinned with a cradle by Rotundo after a series of it being turned over by the other tag partner.

In a pre-tape, Randy Savage says he doesn't like when fans cheer and applaud for Liz. It should be in his direction as it shows their ignorance and they need to get on the bandwagon. YEAH DIG IT.

Match#2 Adrian Adonis w/Jimmy Hart & Bob Orton vs Tommy Sharpe
The fans chant slurs at AA super loud right away, and he laughs it off and does his thing. Orton has a cut in saying he's very happy with the money he's getting, and he's even learning to love the smell of flowers. Fine squash from AA as he uses his fat to wreak the kid as he normally does. The ref Danny Davis keeps pulling the jobber away and getting easily distracted so the heels can double team the kid. They hit Sharpe with an assisted double closeline to beat him.

Killer Ken-
-Bob Orton says he gave this a lot of thought and he couldn't refuse the offer he got. They gave him faith man, and that's something Piper never gave him when he ran away to Hollywood and stopped paying him. He'll wear any hat for the money he's being paid, and it takes a man to walk around with a hat like this. Without him behind Piper, he wouldn't have said half the things he said and now he's got AA's back and you can take that to the bank.

Match#3 Koko B Ware vs Bob Bradley
Koko is a manic ball of energy and he shows it off by running circles around Bob as he beats him from pillar to post with a ton of sweet offence. He kills him with two dropkicks and then one off the top and finally a big splash to win.

Killer Ken-
-Jimmy Hart walks on and says Ken is nosey just like all the people out there. AA needs a bodyguard just like he does when it comes to JYD. Ken lists off all the wrestlers he's got and wonders why he needed a bodyguard. Jimmy says because they don't go all over the world with him as they're in different towns, and he needed someone with him at all times. Like the song says, money changes everything. Bob is going to get some respect.

Match#4 Paul Orndroff w/Bobby Heenan vs Troy Martin
Wonderful squashes a young skinny Shane Douglas making his debut! He throws him all over the place and lays in some nasty shots as he kicks the crap out of him on the outside. He tosses him over the rail onto the concrete in a scary bump. He drags him back and keeps taking him apart as the crowd chants for Hogan. Piledriver ends it

It's time for the debut of Snake Pit with Jake Roberts. He says you may expect lightning because there's been rain before, but he's going to give you thunder. He brings out Kamala and his crew. Curtis yells more nonsense about him being the biggest headhunter in the jungle and he found Damien's cousin who told him to find Kamala and get him over here and fight. He fought a white bangle tiger. Jake finally cuts him off and says Kamala is something they can taste just like the DDT.

They show Race's coronation in full.

Match#5 The British Bulldogs vs The Moondogs
Fun roughhouse type showcase for the champs this week as they have to use their power and speed to fuck them up to have a chance. DK gets tripped and beaten on in a fine little control seg with some great selling from him as you'd expect. He fights back and tags Davey who has a fun hot tag beating the shit out of them. Davey wins with a crossbody in a weird finish.

Killer Ken-
-Jake Roberts walks on his sweet white suit. He says there a lot of people squawking about banning the DDT, well those are birds in the nest not getting fed. It's cruel but fair just like him. He walks the road he chooses and he'll DDT anyone and everyone to get what he wants. There's a man just like he likes a lot, and that man is Randy Savage. Randy walks on and says they've seen rainbows together. He points his finger at Jake because he likes him a lot as he says and does strange things. They're both better than the rest and they come out at night. Jake says people don't know where they're going because they don't know where they've been. Randy says men like them come along every thousand years.


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Feb 1, 2021
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WWF Boston-6/9

Randy Savage (c) w/Miss Elizabeth vs George Steele (WWF Intercontinental Championship)
Steele runs in and bodyslams him as Randy tries to hit him with the belt, and we get another fun display of Savage's bumping and stooging. It's a lot of fun as Randy mixes it up and makes himself the fool much to the happiness of the white hot crowd. Randy gets something out of his tights (which i assume is what he used to beat Tito) and he cracks the hairy man in the face to take over. Short and manic control seg with a ton of punches and axehandles to the big man. Steele gets mad and finds a bunch of chair and throws them in the ring and the finally cracks Randy in the back with a wooden one for the DQ

Post match, Randy runs in and tries to attack, but Steele fights him off and eats a buckle. Randy tries again but Steele smacks his face into the buckle and shoves the pad into Randy's mouth and beats the crap out of him in the aisle way. Wonderful piece of bullshit.

The Hart Foundation vs The US Express
Can never give up a chance to watch my boys beat up these big silly Americans. Bret goes to the mat with Mike to start and it's a cool scientific battle as he and Mike are evenly matched and neither can get ahead. Danny gets in and Bret has a rare botch where he fucks up a leap frog and catches his dick on top of Spivey's head and has to tag out because he's badly hurt as anyone would be. The Xpress dominate Anvil as he's now alone for a time. They target his leg and get pretty far with it thanks to it being a simple thing they can work on, and Anvil's awesome selling of it. Gorilla and Hayes riff about the size of Anvil's thighs and how they're not as big as Hayes's wives. Bret punches Spivey in the back of the head and finally comes back in and beats his ass for earlier. Mike gets the hot tag and is quickly isolated when he misses a charge into the corner. Fun control seg as they beat his head in and keep cutting him off time and time again with bearhugs and strikes to the head, but it does get a little too long in the end. Danny getting in at the end and hits Bret with the bulldog just as the 20 minute time limit expires



Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Superstars of Wrestling
September 13th, 1986
Providence, RI

Tonight; Islanders vs Moondogs. Piper's Pit returns.

Match#1 Paul Orndorff w/Bobby Heenan vs Silvi Afi
Vince is still spitting mad at Paul using Hogan's music, and Jesse fires back saying it's a free country and he told everyone the real Wonderful would come back to life. Paul has a cut in laughing about turning on Hogan and having the fans wonder if he feels bad. The next time he's going to make sure he never gets up. Good squash from Paul as he's still throwing sick shots and not giving a shit about the jobber's life, which is how this is meant to work. It also helps that i hate Afi and want him to get nuked. Piledriver ends it.

WWF Update-
-Recap of King Harley Race's coronation.

Match#2 Sika w/King Curtis vs Don Driggers.
Hell yeah, he's back baby. Sika jumps poor Don during the intros and mauls him proper wildman style with biting and wicked strikes and the like. Curtis has a cut in speaking more funny nonsense about Sika being the sins of mankind come to life and he's coming for Hulk Hogan. Danny Davis lets Sika try to eye gouge the kid and rip his nose off, and Vince and Bruno are very mad. Samoan Drop gets it done.

Killer Ken-
-Randy Savage will face Steele in a no DQ match.
-Randy says if Jack Tunney was here he would spit in his face. Boston is where he won the title and this is a disgrace to him. He's going to come up with a surprise no one will see or understand, and that incudes him.

Match#3 The Islanders vs The Moondogs
The've finally formed and life and tag wrestling gets a hell of a lot better. Pretty good showcase as Tama get his ass kicked by the Dogs and is fine at it. Haku goes nuts on the hot tag beating them all over the joint. Tama gets back in and wins with a flying splash.

Killer Ken-
-Tito will face Race in Boston!!! The Machines will get a new partner called Piper Machine.
-Race says Boston is where he became the King and it's his town now, and he's going to step on Santana's face and show them who the real king is.
-Bobby is very upset that Piper is now involved in his business when he has done nothing to him, and has always show respect. Stay out of it or you're in big trouble.

Match#4 Randy Savage w/Miss Elizabeth vs Troy Martin
Randy gets to squash an all time mortal enemy!!! God Bless. Randy gives the kid a little and he does ok for himself, before Randy thankfully cuts him off with a sick flying axehandle and beats the piss out of him in the crowd. He brings him back in and wins with the Elbow.

It's time for Piper's Pit. THE BOSS IS BACK. The first thing he got rid of was those damned flowers and the silly makeup and wigs. This show is all man and that's all you've got. He brings on Killer Ken as the guest, but AA and his crew walk on and scream at him. Adrian calls him a egotistical hambone that's like watching MASH 3 times a night. He's a real man, he's 1995. Piper is stale while he's today and he's made history. He asks if he's ever heard of the battle of the bands, well he's making a challenge for two weeks for a debate to see which show the fans truly want. Piper says he doesn't need two weeks and they can do it now. He sits down and offers a set to AA, but he pulls it out and sends him on his ass before he walks off.

Match#5 The Machines w/Lous Albano vs Rick Hunter, JJ Jackson & Al Navarro
Jesse says that's indeed Andre and Bobby is right, but he should keep the mask on so no one has to look at his face. Short little squash for the monsters and it's pretty fun. Lots of hard shots from the other two and Giant is used to clean house. Al has a cut in saying there could be more machines to come. Al is in charge of SKYNET. Giant wins with a Heart Punch.


Match#6 The British Bulldogs vs Jack Foley & Les Thorton

Hey, my all time favourite wrestler is making his debut. That's pretty cool. This is infamous as the Dogs beat the complete piss out of him and DK shatters his jaw to the point he couldn't eat food for 6 weeks and had to drink through a straw. Jack keeps fighting because he's Mick Foley and doesn't know any other way, so they ramp the beating up worse and worse and really kill him. DK hits the lariat that does the damage and then murders him with a disgusting super back drop.

Killer Ken-
-The Machines say their thing before Steele walks on and shouts no rules! He smashes the floor with a chair a few times before wandering off.

Next week; Dream Team vs US Express.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Wrestling Challenge
September 13th, 1986
Hardford, CT

Tonight; Funks vs JYD/Steele. Hillbilly Jim in the Snake Pit. That's B show heaven, my man.

Match#1 Junkyard Dog & George Steele w/Lou Albano vs The Funks w/Jimmy Hart
Gorilla calls this is a main event in any country, and that's maybe the most damming statement in history. This is slow plodding and uglier than sin, and i adore every second of it. Steele chases Hoss off with a chair, and JYD beats JJF with a shoddy looking backdrop.

In a pre-tape, Jim says the fans have been calling them nasty boys and they have no problems with that. However he doesn't like when they call Bret a greaseball or him beer belly. Bret says they'll win the titles and shut them up.

Match#2 Kamala w/Kimchee & King Curtis vs Mario Mancini
Woooo more sweet wildman murdering off a small boy by a big scary monster. Loads of cool strikes and choking before the Splash ends it.

Killer Ken-
-Lou is praised for the hard work he's put into Steele to make him smarter and more human. Lou says he has the heart of a lion and he knows every move even if never does any of them. He has speed, guts and ability. He was made fun of as a kid because of how he spoke, and now the people are behind him and he's stronger than ever before because of them.

Match#3 Hillbilly Jim & Cousin Luke vs Joe Mirto & Jack Kruger
DON'T GO MESSING WITH A COUNTRY BOY. Another decent squash for the good old country boys as they dance and hit hard, and it's sort of impossible to be a dickhead and hate on them. Jimmy Hart has a cut in saying he's going to send one of his teams after the hillbillies to make things easier to get the titles. Bearhug does the job.

Killer Ken-
-Ken hypes up the tag division and much it's grown.
-The Rougeau Brothers walk on and Ray says they've been here since the start of the year and they haven't lost a match yet. They're here to become the number 1 team and eventually face the Bulldogs for the titles. They're sticking together against the world. Jaques says he loves his brother and being able to travel and spend time with him and he's an inspiration and they want the titles.

In a pre-tape, Honky Tonk Man cuts another god awful promo about Peggy Sue and the like. Just never speak again, you nerd.

Match#4 Ricky Steamboat vs Roger Kirby
Fuck yeah. Ricky gets 3 minutes to do his thing and it's a blast. So much fire and anger is shown as he's not being held back in tag matches and can now go nuts with his karate moves and the rest of his offence. He gives the kid a little and then fights back and shuts him down and wins with the Crossbody.

It's time for the Snake Pit. Jake says the wisest of men can be made a fool of, but his guest has a head-start. Hillbilly Jim walks out and Jake says he might recognise some of these as his grandmama's recipes. Jim says he doesn't like it at all. Jake says if he doesn't understand him because he talks too fast and smart, just tap your foot twice. Jim says wise men let fools do the talking, so go ahead. Jake says he smells like a pig and wants to know if he bought one with him because he stinks. Jim says it's better than a snake. Jake says it seems like the nest is empty, and Jim says sometimes the lights are on but no one is home. Jake shakes his head and leaves.

Match#5 King Kong Bundy & Big John Studd w/Bobby Heenan vs Paul Roma & Billy Jack Haynes
Jack vs John is my nightmare match, so thank you very much for giving it to me. They have a bad power fight that maybe turns into a shoot as both guys seem to throw live rounds as they get pissy at each other. Bundy gets in and shows them how it's done as he wreaks Jack and beats his head in. Roma gets the hot tag and mostly sucks, but it thankfully doesn't last long before Bundy kills him with the Avalanche to win.

Match#6 Iron Sheik, Nikolai Volkoff & Hercules vs Jim Powers, Corp Krichner & Salvatore Bellemo

Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Very ugly showcase for the heel trio as the other two are old as shit and pretty much cooked outside of a very rare match, and Herc is Herc and can't do anything all that well. Herc wins with the Rack on Powers. Bet they racked it up after the match as well.

Killer Ken-
-Jimmy Hart walks on and says normally he does these by himself. but his boys the Foundation are here. Anvil says the fans are calling them nasty and he doesn't like that at all. WHAT IS SO NASTY ABOUT THE HART FOUNDATION. Ken says there tactics are very nasty, but Bret says that's how the win and keep winning. The Bees cheat with masks and they don't need to cheat. They've got strength and skill, and not to mention good looks. No other team has muscles like them. When you're big and stupid it doesn't matter, and they've got skill and strength. They're going after the leather that the Bulldogs have.



Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Superstars of Wrestling
September 20th, 1986
Providence, RI

Match#1 The Dream Team w/Johnny Valiant vs The US Express

Super tight mat work to start between Hammer and Mike as they match up very well, and it's nice to see Hammer get to do this again. Spivey gets in and use his power to hold his own, but Hammer claws his eyes and takes over. Good short control seg on the big man, and Brutus once again works his really hard in this role to his credit. Things break down leading to Johnny hitting Mike with his cane for the DQ

Post match, Jesse rightly points out a DQ win isn't going to get you a title shot. Love him calling out trash booking.

WWF Update-
-Honky Tonk Man is coming to the WWF in between time at the recording studio.
-HTM says people know he can wrestle, but people demand that he sings, so he made his own studio and he's laying down some tracks and soon, everyone will get to hear his song, and the bad guys will shake, rattle, and roll away from the Honky Tonk Man

Match#2 Junkyard Dog & George Steele w/Lou Albano vs Steve Lombardi & Tony Nardo
Once again, the best tag match in pro wrestling history happens and i am blessed to see it. Slam ends it.

Killer Ken-

HULK MACHINE will be teaming with Big and Super in MSG on Monday night. Lou says this Monday they'll fill the rafters as they storm into the ring and take out Bobby Heenan and his men. Very soon Albano-san has been promised victory and they won't let him down. They'll prove to the Americans that they're good pro wrestlers. Hulk Machine growls and says Tokyo is a long place away and there is a 15 thousand dollar bounty on a big man name Studd, and that's a lot of rice paddies, dude. They're going to stay in American once they're finished with this.

They replay Piper being a racist shithead to Slick for some reason.

Match#3 Hercules, Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff w/Slick vs Mario Mancini, Nick Kiniski & Billy Jack Haynes
Nick is Gene's son, and Jesse says he's lucky he's not as ugly as his old man. This is all of 50 seconds of nothing before Herc wins with the Rack.

Killer Ken-
-Hulk Hogan says everyone knew he would face Orndorff in NYC, dude. It makes him sick to see a few people still cheering for those two when everyone knows who created the heavens and earths with the largest arms in the world. Paul was jealous and did the wrong thing, but he's a spy and traitor just like those people in DC who sell people out. He made millions of Hulkamanics feel sad and terrible and he's coming for you.
-I much prefer Hulk Machine.

In another pre-tape, Superstar Billy is still in the desert with spiders on his stupid face. A true shame he wasn't bitten like Eight Legged Freaks (2002). Anyway, he keeps calling out heels to fight. Go away, you old son of a bitch.

Match#4 Jake Roberts vs Tony Garea
Jake squashes this horrible son of a gun. I love 1986 so bloody much. He gives him a little and it's nothing to write home about as per, and it doesn't last long either. Jake runs through him with his sick offence and batters him for me and you. He does a leap frog and turns around into the DDT to end it. Awesome finish.

Post match, Jake tries to drop Damien on him, but the ref pulls Tony to safety. Boooooo.

In another pre-tape, we find Hogan in his gym working out. He's very upset that he told his little Hulkamaniacs to believe in Paul because he now feels like he gave them a bum steer. When they tell him they ripped posters up and cried that affects him. This gets him ready for the combat zone and the battle ahead. Everything was nearly taken away from him in one night, and he's going to make him pay, dude.

We go to the Flower Shop where AA is trying to put his plants back together after Roddy ripped them up. The fans chant for Piper as AA starts to cry and walks away very sad.

We find Piper backstage with a broom sweeping up the mess he made. This is his not fault it looks like Adrian had 6 puppies, and it's not his fault that to debate with him is like saving the Titanic with a cork.

Match#5 The Killer Bees vs Joe Mirto & Jack Kruger
Jimmy Hart has a cut in saying his Funks are coming for the Bees to get them out of the way, and the masks make it unfair. He's not wrong, he's just an asshole. Kamala walks out to watch at ringside with his crew. Fine showcase from the Bees are normal, but i'm pretty much over them at this point and can't wait for Demo to murder them. One of them using the flying hip attack to win

Match#6 Don Muraco w/Mr Fuji vs Lanny Poffo
Lanny takes it to the mat to start, and Jesse says it's the best chance he has as he's too lean to fight Don. To prove him right, Lanny tries to fight him after a cool battle on the mat and Don beats the hell out of him with those amazing strikes to the head and throat. Danny Davis lets cheating happen, so Vince cried foul again and Jesse says he only does that when one of his guys is getting beaten up. Lanny has a great comeback with a sweet dropkick along with a ton of fire AND HE HITS A FUCKING MOONSAULT AND GETS A NEAR FALL. HOLY SHIT. Don catches him with a powerslam when he runs in again and then he drills him in the face with a knee. He picks him up for the Tombstone and shouts it's for Jesse, and Jess stands up at ringside and cheers as Don hits it to win.

Killer Ken-
-Bob Orton says Piper has been flapping his gums in Hollywood where he can't get hurt, but now he's back and it's going to get bad. He remembers the wars with Santana and Bruno and the blood they spilled together, but those days are dead. I'M GOING TO HURT YOU. YOU HEAR ME? I'M GOING TO HURT YOU.

Next week. The Debate. Tito returns to action.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Wrestling Challenge
September 20th, 1986
Hardford, CT

Tonight; Islanders vs Hart Foundation. Wonderful in the Snake Pit.

Ernie Ladd was fired during these taping for being awful, and it's proven correct when he stumbles over the intros for a good ten seconds until Johnny V yells at him to spit it out.

– Ernie Ladd debuted as announcer for Wrestling Challenge with Monsoon and Jimmy Valiant, and he’s already fired after one taping because it was such a disaster.

Match#1 The Hart Foundation w/Jimmy Hart vs The Islanders
They're now Haku and Tama, but the name plate says "Hakoo and Tamu" in a massive mess up. Crazy flurry to start as the Foundation jump them in the corner and throw Haku out and target Tama. Good beating from Anvil as he gets into his biting stuff again along with his power stuff that's getting better every match. They kick the snot out of him for a good 2 minutes and it's a blast to watch it unfold. They cut him off and get more and violent until Haku jumps in and attacks Anvil and a sick fight breaks out on the outside. Bret jumps in and attacks haku and they brawl on the outside and Bret is chucked into the rail and it topples over and he falls into the crowd. The ref DQ's both teams.

Post match, Islanders stay on them and kick the crap out of them with karate until they run them off. Yeah, i'll take this feud.

Recap of the Adonis/Piper feud.

Match#2 Randy Savage w/Miss Elizabeth vs Tony Garea
Randy jumps him from behind as Danny Davis distracts Tony as he's getting more brazen about it. Savage works in his bandanna and glasses for a minute as he kicks his ass and it's another killer moment for Randy. He goes to town on him with the Axehandles and other sweet offence, and Tony dies over and over. Elbow Drop does it

Gorilla says no one is kicking out of that Elbow, which i guess means Steele kicking out Mania never happened. Fine by me.

Killer Ken-
-Jake Roberts says he has risen to the top faster than anyone before him, and that includes Hulk Hogan!!! Steamboat keeps putting his hand on the fire and getting burned over and over, and he's done with this idiot after this match. He's got real talent and has something no one has to offer. He's a mystery to some people, but deep down they know he's telling the truth. Let him do because he is the man.

Match#3 The Machines vs Al Navarro, Tiger Chung Lee & JJ Jackson
Lord Hayes is doing the ring intros and fucks up and has to ask JJ what his name is as he doesn't have a card. Holy shit, i'm dead. Heenan has a cut in saying there a lots of machines and he's sick of this and Lou is a zero. Short and nothing squash from the trio as the other two do the work and Andre gets in at the last moment because his body is getting worse and worse, sadly. Punch to the head does it.

Killer Ken-
-Koko walks on with a radio player on his shoulder. He dances and gets Ken to join him in getting down with the birdman. There are some big and bad tough men in the WWF coming after him, but this is the dream and he's no stepping stone. Beware of him as he's going to fly over them as the WWF is #1 in the world. GET DOWN WITH THE BIRDMAN.

Match#4 Dream Team vs Lanny Poffo & Dick Slater
DICK AND HAMMER HAVE A FIGHT AND IT'S AMAZING. DICKY DROPS HIM WITH A PUNCH TO THE FACE AND KICKS HIS ASS, AND JOHNNY V LEAVES THE BOOTH TO RUN DOWN TO THE RING. Dicky stayb on him and whips his ass until he's forced to tag in Brutus, but Dicky kicks the crap out of that loser as well. Lanny tags in and has that fire again as he flys around the ring and does well for himself. The ref is dealing with Dicky, and it lets Hammer drop Lanny throat first on the ropes and Brutus makes the pin.

It's time for the Snake Pit with Mr Wonderful. Jake says reputations are based on what you think and not results, but his guest is truly wonderful. Paul and Bobby walks out and the crowd wants them dead. Jake says they have a thirst that can't be quenched or satisfied and they're always looking for something more. Paul says he used to look at Hogan on the benchpress and he was trying to be something he could never be. He wanted to be a man, that man was him but he could never be him. He takes his jacket off and shows off his body as Bobby says he's starving and he'll stop being hungry when he beats Hogan. Paul says he's eating out of the palm of his hands and he's going to be the next world champ.

Match#5 Sika w/King Curtis vs Ricky Hunter
More good shit from the scary savage as he strangles and mauls the kid for a while. He again tries to rip the guys eyes out along with his lips, and it's a great monster bit. Samoan Drop does it.


Match#6 The Killer Bees vs Jack Foley & Terry Gibbs
Our God is back to help these losers have a good squash again. He takes some wild bumps off takedowns and a double flapjack and splats face first time and time again, even more so off a running knee to the head. He bleeds from the mouth after just to show how amazing he is. HE TAKES THE HIP ATTACK RIGHT IN THE FUCKING FACE AND BLAIR LANDS ON HIS HEAD TO MAKE IT WORSE AND PINS HIM FOR 3. JESUS, MICK I LOVE YOU.

Killer Ken-
-Bobby Heenan says Mr Wonderfulmania is running wild. Hogan has ripped shirts and patted kids on the head, but those days are over. Paul is the only thing that still exists in wrestling. Paul walks on and says he tried to tell them Hogan does nothing but use people and he's seen it time and time again. He was lifting the weights that Hogan thought he was doing it himself, and he could see traces of the man he wanted to be. That man was him! The man that left Hulk Hogan laying in the ring and he's more of man to give him another chance to try and prove himself to the people. Hogan is stealing his music and ripping his shirt, and even doing his poses. Those fans are cheering for him and he's telling it like it is. They're going to have to put Hogan in a bodycast to get him out of the ring this time.

Next week; HTM debuts. British Bulldogs vs Sheik/Volkoff.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF MSG-22/9

The Hart Foundation w/Jimmy Hart vs The Rougeau Brothers
Fantastic start as the Brothers hold nothing back and own them on the mat and through fighting, and the Harts are left scrambling for once. They hit a stunning double dropkick that catches Bret right in the face, and he holds his nose like it's broken and it's one of those small cool as fuck sells i wish more people did now days. He slows it down and goes hold for hold with Jaques in a killer battle with bret actually getting owned a few times as Jaques throws there's insane on point dropkicks to keep knocking him out of the ring, and he's left looking for answer. The answer to is to tag Anvil and hope he fucks them up, and well it doesn't work as the brothers are tougher than the look and hold their own against the big bear. Jaques locks him in a crab, but Bret runs in and kicks him in the throat and they finally isolate him. Anvil slams him on the concrete to further hurt him and then Bret rams his back into the apron like the Dream Team did at the last show in a really smart callback that shows the wrestlers are all watching each other. The control is very fun as always as they target the back and beat him down and cut him off, and they get meaner and meaner about it, and Bret even adds a new wrinkle by attacking Raymond to get him to distract the ref when he tries to fight back. Jaques attempted comeback rules as he gets closer and closer, and Bret really fucks him up a little worse each time before he finally gets free. Ray has a mad hot tag going nuts on them dropkicking the hell out of them and holding his own against both. It all breaks down and Jaques shoves Anvil into a sunset flip from Ray and the brothers get the win. Viva La France.

King Harley Race w/Bobby Heenan vs Tito Santana

Tito finally get a big match again after months of carrying Pedro's ass, and he uncorks himself right away with a house of fire running the old man all over the place at a breakneck speed. He works the arm to ground him and it's good stuff as always when it comes to Tito working a limb. He throws him off into the corner and Race takes a wild bump to the floor. They have a really different type of fight on the floor as first Race beats the shit out of Tito and leaves him laying with a punch right to the face, but then Tito comes back to life and throws him onto a row of chairs and punches him over and over in the face with some gross rights and lefts, and then even harder knee right to the fucking temple. Race is dragged back in where he takes another wild backwards bump over the ropes onto the mat. Race manages to move out of the way of an elbow and Tito takes the wind out of himself and Harley goes to work on the ribs with a wicked belly to belly and wreaks him for a short time, but Tito refuses to die and keeps fighting back and hurting him in a really killer back and forth with both men kicking the absolute hell out of each other. Race slips in a kick to a dick to break a sleeper and fucks Tito up with an uppercut, but Santana fires back with an atomic drop that has him beat but Heenan puts his foot on the ropes. Race catches Tito with a kick to the shoulder to drop him and tries the headbutt, but Tito moves and Race crushes his brain. Bobby tries to help, but Tito fights him off but he falls back into a roll up and Race grabs the tights to steal it.


Hulk Machine, Big Machine & Super Machine vs Bobby Heenan, King Kong Bundy & Big John Studd
Hulk Machine is wearing the black mask but with the Hogan bandanna over the top in some beautiful cocaine madness that i have truly missed. He slams Bundy and does a ton of awesome Hogan moves as the crowd explodes and the poor heels are left looking like fools. The other Machines hold their own against the big men and we get a fun battle of freakish humans for a while. Ax has a ton of fire and energy as he clubs the hell out of Studd in a real standout moment for him. He's isolated when Bundy hits him from behind and the control is good shit thanks to Bundy leading it. They really kick the snot out of him with clubbing of their own, and now i want them vs Demo in a different world. HEENAN GETS IN AND HEADBUTTS HIM BUT HE KNOCKS HIMSELF SILLY AND HULK MACHINE GETS THE TAG AND BEATS THE SHIT OUT OF HIM. BOBBY TAKES A WILD BUMP INTO THE CORNER AS HULK KEEPS IT UP AND KILLS HIM SOME MORE. More funny stuff happens and Hulk Machine beats Studd with a Legdrop he learnt from Hulk Hogan.



Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Superstars of Wrestling
September 27th, 1986
Providence, RI

Tonight; The Debate. Tito vs Jimmy Jack Funk. Slick has a surprise.

Match#1 King Harley Race w/Bobby Heenan vs Mike Kelly
Shane Douglas is working under this name for some reason. Harley breaks out some brutal suplexes onto the kid and really lays in all his knees and elbows more than normal. Fisherman's Buster does it

WWF Update-
-Ricky Steamboat beats up ninjas somewhere on an island.

In a pre-tape, Jesse speaks to Superstar Billy. Billy says Jesse stole his look and moves and he's getting them back. No you fucking aren't.

Match#2 Superstar Billy Graham vs Bob Bradley
Billy has aged like a hell and it shows in ring work as he's slow and hideous and looks like burning trash. Bradley bumps his ass off for him to try and help, but it doesn't help at all. Bearhug does it.
Burning Trash

Killer Ken-
-Bobby Heenan claims he knows who the Machines are but he's not showing them the respect by saying their names. He'll put the tights on and take the masks off them himself.
-Studd says they were on Piper's Pit months ago and he couldn't have been nicer and sweeter to them, and now he's turning on them and he's going to pay for it. Bundy says they take rowdiness out of people and they're going to hook Piper up to a machine and take him out. He used to walk tall, but those days are over.

Match#3 Kamala w/Kimchee & King Curtis vs Tony Parks
Curtis has another cut in about chills being sent down his spine when he stands next to the slayer of cats, Kamala. He's coming to slay Hulk Hogan. NEED that feud right now. Jesse wonders if Kamala pounds his stomach because he's hungry. Awesome squash again as he chucks the kid around and uses his fat to kill him in new and cool ways. I don't trust anyone who doesn't love the big man. Kamala wraps the kid in the ropes and sits on top of him and chokes the hell out of him, and Davis lets it go much to Vince's anger. Kamala breaks out the top rope splash to win.

Killer Ken-
-Tito will face Race in a rematch in Boston.
-Tito says wearing a crown doesn't make you a king, and he's in the WWF now. Heenan helps him win matches and in Boston he's going to show him why it's his town.

It's time for the debate. Piper comes out to a MASSIVE pop, and AA comes out on the other side getting booed like hell. Adrian brings Orton out as his guest and asks for his unbiased opinion on which show and host is better. Bob says it's easy as Adrian as talent and class and this set is beautiful and not dark and drag like Piper's. Point being, Piper needed a backbone like him to stand behind him and protect him. Piper walks over to AA's side and says he's an ugly son of a goat up close, and Orton couldn't hold his jock strap on his best day. Bob says he carried the load as Piper stole all the glory. Piper says he sold out for the money and he puts a tiny little hat on his head and says to wear that. He calls AA an old cow and pats his belly. Adrian gets flustered as Piper brings the camera man over to his side and shouts the boss is back. He is doing this for one reason, it's not to be a nice man or anything, it's because he doesn't like what AA is doing to wrestling. He's making a complete idiot of himself and hurting this sport he loves. He says he's got a man who hosted a show when Jesse was away, that man is Don Muraco. Don walks on looking like a drug dealer on Miami Vice. Don says he never thought of himself as imitating Piper, and Piper says it's because he doesn't stutter like him. Don gets mad and says he has one shirt and one skirt that he always wears. Don says he puts his time in and he's never imitated any man. Adrian walks on and says his show is the future and his flowers have won prizes. Piper brings out some pink undies and puts them on AA's head, and Don says this is a joke as he thought he was going to shown respect and not some cartoon trash. Piper says he's stopping a cartoon right now and he doesn't want his kids watching this idiot. Don says this is a free country and he can do what he wants, and that's why he's smarter and classier than Piper. He says Piper is jealous of him, so Piper calls him fat. All 3 surround him and Piper shoves Bob, BUT DON GRABS HIM FROM BEHIND AND ORTON DECKS HIM WITH A PUNCH AND ADRIAN BREAKS A POT OVER HIS HEAD. HE GRABS A CHAIR AND SMASHES IT OVER PIPER'S HIP AND FACE AS ORTON AND DON RIP UP THE SET OF THE PIT. Adrian pants Piper's face with lipstick and hits him some more with the chair and then shows off his broken and slumped body. AMAZING ANGLE.

In a pre-tape, Slick says he's got the biggest surprise that will knock sight into the blind. The Slickster will deliver.

Match#4 Butch Reed w/Slick vs William Tabb
BUTCH FUCKING REED IS HERE. OH MY GOD. He's on fire as runs through the jobber with some awesome basics and kills him with a gutbuster in about 90 seconds to win.

Post match, Butch shouts he's the man. Yes you are.

Match#5 Tito Santana vs Jimmy Jack Funk
JJF is now such a loser that Jimmy doesn't even come out to the ring with him, thank god. Good showcase from our hero as he beats this dork up with relative ease and finally puts him in his place as a nothing jobber. He gives him a little so we get some great selling before he shuts him down. Forearm and the Figure Four ends it.


Next week; Jesse has a sitdown interview with Hulk Hogan.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Wrestling Challenge
September 27th, 1986
Salisbury, MD

Bobby Heenan is now joining Gorilla on commentary. THANK GOD.

Tonight; Bulldogs vs Sheik & Volkoff

Match#1 Koko B Ware vs The Gladiator
Koko has a cut in saying the same stuff he's been saying since he debut, and Bobby calls him a birdbrain that looks like he's been up all night in a cage. Good 2 minute squash thanks to Koko using his awesome speed to stick and move and drop this masked goober a few times. Koko kills him with brutal Brainbuster

In a pre-tape, Slick says he can't stand the jealousy since he got here, and he can't help how good looking and talented he is. Sheik says he's going to humble some people.

Match#2 Paul Orndroff w/Bobby Heenan vs Lucius Brown
Brown is Virgil making his debut as a jobber, and it's a cool thing to see him, He sucks a tooooon as we know, but it means we're close to DiBiase coming back and that rules. Paul beats the shit out of him with his normal awesome output and it's fun times. Piledriver does it.

Killer Ken-
-Ricky has turned the tide with his lizard but this feud is far from over. He's been doing this for a long time and he's come to a point where he feels something needs to change in order to further himself and win a title. It took him 11 years to reach the top whereas Jake did in one night with a concrete floor. That shot him to the top and he's made it, but he's also on the upswing and Jake will be on the downswing to the concrete headfirst.

Match#3 Honky Tonk Man vs Terry Gibbs
Goddamn it. He throws a good punch and has some ok basics and he's far from bad, but i loathe him so fucking much. Hogan has a cut in saying HTM will rock and roll in the WWF. Bobby says to save the oil crises they should take it out of HTM's hair. Honky wins with a flying fistdrop

Killer Ken-
-Lanny Poffo says he has a good sense of humour to walk around with his terrible hair. He promotes the special olympics and reads the poem that he read at Randy's HOF induction.

Match#4 Butch Reed w/Slick vs Mike Kelly
Butch has a cut in saying he's the natural because he's a natural man, talent and the next world champ. Butch gets a little longer this week to play and he does well throwing hard shots to Shane's stupid face and body. He kills with an even nastier Gustbuster than the one he did on Superstars as he deadlifts Shane all the way up and smashes him on his knee.

It's time for the Snake Pit. Jake says we've all started from seeds and he's got two sad seeds who have become nasty boys, and he brings on the Hart Foundation. Anvil says he knows he feeds the snake a rat a month, but can he feed them a bee hhaahahhahahahaha. Jake says that would be a snack. Jake says you've got to worry about a quiet man like Bret. Bret asks if they can eat French Frog. Anvil asks if they could eat a big headed British Bulldog. Jake says if a snake is hungry enough it can't be quenched, and men are the same, and if they want the Dogs they can eat. He's warned them and they are the men their mama's warned them about.

Match#5 The British Bulldogs w/Lou Albano vs Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff w/Slick & Freddie Blassie
Heenan calls the Dogs cowards for not putting the titles on line on TV in a very funny moment as he actually sounds sincere. GOAT. Good back and forth to start as Sheiky cares on this night as he's doing cool throws and hitting hard, and the Dogs are right there to meet him at every turn. Sheik catches Davey with a huge backdrop to knock the wind out of him, and the fellas go to work with a good ass basic control seg. DK gets the hot tag and throws them over the place and beats some heads in. The ref is distracted by Nik and it lets Slick trip DK with his cane and Sheik steals the win on the champs. Oh shit.

Killer Ken-
-Slick says he's always wanted to the best in wrestling and there was no better way to enter than by the side with Freddie Blassie and his stable. The tag titles were stolen from these men and he's going to help get it back for them. Nik says they're now better with two managers as their side and his contract now makes him more money than ever before. Sheik says Slick is an honest black man and he respects him, baba. Anyone who talks bad about him is a punk and jealous. He poses to end it.

Next week; JYD vs Jimmy Jack Funk. PRO FUCKING WRESTLING


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Feb 1, 2021
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Randy Savage (c) vs George Steele (WWF Intercontinental Championship-No DQ)
Randy's entire song plays and he doesn't come out and Steele is sad, but Randy runs out from behind and jumps him in the corner. They have a fun back and forth, and it's noted that Liz isn't there and it seems he's keeping her away to make Steele angry and sad. They fight over the buckle again and it gets shoved in Randy's mouth, so he gets his robe and strangles George with it and kicks the hell out of him with elbows and punches to the big man's head. They fight on the outside and the ref counts Steele out as Gorilla says countouts are still a thing in a really bullshit call.

Post match, they fight again and Steele gets an object from Randy and punches him in the face and busts him wide open!!! WHY WASN'T THIS THE MATCH??? Randy finally gets free and runs for it. Super weird booking.

Piper Machine, Big Machine & Super Machine vs Bobby Heenan, King Kong Bundy & Big John Studd
Andre is off filming Princess Bride for a few months, so we've got another super random cocaine induced match. 10 minutes of funny moments and good monster mash fighting thanks to Bundy and the Machines again. Piper doesn't fit into this this all that well compared to Hogan whose a natural bullshit guy. He gets isolated and bumps ok for the monsters, but he's still prone to being a dick and no selling stuff, and you can see the heels getting mad at him at points. It all breaks down (tm) and Bundy miss-times an elbow and kills Studd and Piper gets the 3 off it.

Post match, Bundy and Studd shove and yell at each other as Bobby tries to keep the peace. They come close to fighting but they eventually leave together. SO close.

Tito Santana vs King Harley Race w/Bobby Heenan
Fuck yeah. Race smacks Tito right away with a gross headbutt and beats him down, and Tito is fighting from underneath and it's fantastic as always. Even more so as Race is such a dickhead when he's hurting Tito and then running away the moment his back is against the wall. Tito knocks him out of the ring onto the wooden steps and beats his ass in revenge for last month, and it's a great continuation of that battle as he's not letting a moment go by this time. Harley drives him into the corner and hits a nasty piledriver and both men are hurt. They have a killer back and forth with changing momentum that neither can really take hold off, so they just kick the crap out of each other whenever they get a chance. Race keeps throwing headbutts and hard strikes and Tito sells like a motherfucker, but still fights to the bitter end. Tito takes out Bobby again when he tries to help, but he walks into a lowblow from Race. Harley now beats his ass. He hits a backdrop suplex and both mens shoulders are down, BUT TITO GETS HIS UP AT THE LAST MOMENT AND WINS. FUCK YEAH TITO SANTANA

Post match. Tito goes after Bobby and it lets Harley catch him in the face with a punch before the heels bail.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86



Jesse opens the show by saying he's a new man in a new season.

-Jake Roberts and Damien are in the shower. Jake says there are winners and losers in this life, and he'll show everyone he is the ultimate winner as the DDT as never failed.
-Johnny V says his Dream Team will get the titles back as he's never told a lie. Brutus and Hammer say they're sending them back to the pound.
-King Curtis calls Kamala the destiny of WWF, so get ready
-Wonderful is posing in front of a mirror. The next world champion, the man who left Hogan laying in the ring. Wonderful calls Hogan a crybaby.
-Hogan says he sold out for jealously when he had all the little hulkamaniacs on his side, well now he's going to run wild on him. WHATCHA GONNA DO WHEN HULKAMANIA RUNS WILD ON YOU?!

At ringside, Vince says Piper is injured and can't wrestle. Jesse says he must be hurt because he's the toughest man in the world.

In the back, Gene is sitting with Piper who has his knee tapped up with ice on it. He says the doctors have banned him from the ring. Piper says he can't wrestle because of some fat goofball in a dress and another moron have hurt him, well he doesn't care. The doc can go out and deliver some babies because he's never done what he was told his entire life, and he's not starting tonight. He's not sitting back as there is a difference between him and every other wrestler in the world.

Vince recaps Wonderful turning on Hogan.

In the back, Hogan says he can't believe this actually happening and that he sold him out. He looks around and sees confused people and he wants to lay this out. God created hulkamania to straighten people out who don't know how to live. He's the old battered down Hulkster that keeps running better than ever before. The bond is stronger than before with the Hulkamaniacs and Paul is an old dog that can't wag his tail and he's not beating him.

In the back, Wonderful and Bobby calls Hogan a liar. Paul says he's going to rip his tongue out and put it on HIS world championship belt.

Hogan is walking out to the ring and Gene tries to talk to him, BUT HOGAN LIFTS HIM UP AND SAYS NOT NOW AND PUTS HIM ASIDE AND WALKS OUT TO THE RING.

Match#1 Hulk Hogan (c) vs Paul Orndroff w/Bobby Heenan (WWF World Championship)
Starts off hot with all that hate involved. Awesome strikes and the like from both dudes, and the crowd is red hot for every second of it. Jesse says Paul won't want his face hurt if the ladies see him. Bobby causes a distraction and Paul takes Hogan out with a lariat and takes over. Good control seg like Big Event, and he changes it up by smacking Hogan with a microphone and beating the crap out of him on the outside. He beats from pillar to post and it's very fun for the time it gets, and Hogan sells it all well. He hits a sweet running knee to knock Paul on his ass and mounts a comeback. Heenan tries to get involved again, so the ref orders the cops to throw him out. They carry him to the back and lock him outside in a wonderful moment. We go back to the ring where Paul catches Hogan with a knee to the head to control again, and it's short but mean as hell as Paul holds nothing back as he lays it all in. Hogan hulks up and wreaks him in awesome form. Hogan tries the piledriver as a fuck you, but Adrian Adonis jumps the rail and attacks Hogan for the DQ.

They beat on him BUT RODDY GODDAMN PIPER HOBBLES DOWN ON A CRUTCH AND GETS IN THE RING. HE KILLS ADRIAN WITH A GROSS SHOT TO THE ARM AND SWINGS AT PAUL BUT HE DUCKS AND IT NEARLY HITS HOGAN. They stare each other down as the heels leave (and you can see Adrian's arm is bent), and Piper backs off and walks away from a very confused Hogan.

Loved that so much as it's clean Piper is no good guy or hero saving Hogan, he just wants to murder Adrian and it doesn't matter who else is near him be it a good or bad person.

We go to earlier today with Jake and Gene standing in the showers. Gene demands to know why they're in here, and Jake says because this is his time and he didn't ask to talk to him, Gene asked to speak to him. Gene says last time it was the DDT that did Ricky in, and Jake says it's more shameful to deny fear than it is to run from danger, and Ricky Steamboat is the most shameful man he's ever seen. Jake keeps taunting Gene with Damien and laughing at him and tells him to go back to selling encyclopaedias if he thinks Ricky can beat him, my man. Gene is very upset and says he never sold them

In the back, Ricky has his dragon and says he's going to teach Jake a lesson.

Match#2 Jake Roberts vs Ricky Steamboat (Snake Pit Match)
Jesse says the lizard would make for a good pair of boots. Same opening as always as Ricky rushes him and controls the arm and throws Jake over the place, and has him on the backfoot right away. The bag moves and Jesse tells Vince to go and stick his head in it and check out what it can do. Love these two. Ricky keeps owning Jake's ass with his speed, but he goes for a dive and Jake gets his knees up and crushes his ribs and he's all messed up. Jake goes right after the ribs and works them in sick fashion with knees and punches to them, and Steamer's selling is the best. Jake gets dirty and chokes him on top of it, and it's another gross and incredible display from this psycho. Jake throws him against the ropes, BUT RICKY JUMPS ON JAKES'S BACK AND WRAPS HIS BODY AROUND HIS ARMS AND PULLS HIM DOWN INTO A PIN AND GETS THE WIN. SON OF A BITCH YEAH

Jake snaps and rams Ricky into the post and apron and kills his back. He gets Damien out of the bag he stops in his tracks and the camera pans back to Steamer holding his dragon and he runs at Ricky and scares him off and stands tall.


In the back, Gene is with Hogan and says this must have been the most bizarre title match he's ever been in. Hogan says he was about to be Paul's judge and execute him, but then it all came apart. Roddy Piper don't ever come into my combat zone looking for Adonis with tombstones in your eyes, brother. Even though you took him out, you jump in his face and it could be all over for that guy. He'll never trust him. 20, 000 people were putting their thumbs down for Paul and Bobby and he's going to take them out.

Jesse is very mad at Hogan for not thanking Piper for helping him, and Vince says it was clear that wasn't his intention.

Earlier today, Jesse met Sheik and Slick getting out of a limo. Slick says a happy wrestler is the best wrestler and Sheik is the next world champion. He always knew Piper was a yellow coward, but he'll go with the flow. Sheik's future is as big as this limo. Sheik says he's ready for this, baba.

In the ring, Pedro has seemingly taken Piper's place, but the rowdy one walks out to the ring and kicks him out and demands the match to start.

Match#3 Roddy Piper vs Iron Sheik w/Slick

In the back, Gene interviews The Dream Team. Beefcake says they gave the Bulldogs like 15 title matches before they won the belts, and since WrestleMania 2, the Bulldogs have been ducking giving them a proper rematch. Valentine says anyone who says the Bulldogs can beat them is either blind, stupid, or a liar.


Match#4 The British Bulldogs (c) vs The Dream Team (WWF World Tag Team Championships-2/3 Falls Match)
This is only 13 minutes because WWF is very weird sometimes even in a boom period. The heels waste no time in going after DK's knee with some good focused work, and it forces Davey to get in and fight them by himself while DK recovers, but he gets his ass beaten as well and now they're both cooked. Brutus is again a fucking standout in the control seg throwing these really good hard punches and making sure to stay on top of them. I'm going to blame Hogan for his downfall. DK tags back in to help, but Hammer quickly takes out his knee and locks in the Figure Four to win the 1st fall.

We go backstage to Gene who throws it to the footage of Piper smashing the crutch on AA's arm, and he says he has a possible dislocated elbow. Yeah, zero shock there, sadly.

The second fall starts with Brutus attacking DK's bum wheel in awesome fashion as this his game and we're playing it. Hammer joins in and wreaks it as well, and DK's selling is very, very good. Hammer stupidly tries an elbow off the top and misses and Davey finally gets tagged in,. He has a tremendous hot tag with dropkicks and headbutts and throws these sons bitches around with freakish ease. He kills Hammer with the powersam and then they hit the Ode to even it up.

Third falls starts off slower now that everyone is hurt. DK's knee is still cooked but he fights like hell and gives Hammer as good as he's got, and it's a sweet meathead back and forth. Brutus gets in and steps up again with another nice series of offence. Davey is tagged in and Brutus cleans his clock with a lariat and beats him down to take over on him. It doesn't last long as Davey hits a snap Fisherman's buster to get the 3 and retain the titles.

In the back, King Curtis says some more nonsense.

Match#5 Kamala w/Kimchee & King Curtis vs Lanny Poffo
Fun 90 second squash for our hero. He breaks out some new cool fat man stuff on poor Lanny, who takes a wicked beating. Big Splash does it

Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Superstars of Wrestling
October 4th, 1986
Baltimore, MD

Tonight; Jesse interviews Hulk Hogan. Killer Bees vs Moondogs

Match#1 Koko B Ware vs Randy Barber
I should have mentioned that Koko has his pet parrot Frankie with him now. Koko has a cut in saying Frankie can do the bird just like him. Another cool 2 minutes of Koko being a ball of fire with everything he hits, and it's impossible not to love him. Brainbuster does it

WWF Update-
-Hillbilly Jim is a very nice man who can sing and dance along with wrestling.
-We see clips of him signing a nice song.

Match#2 Sika w/King Curtis vs Mario Mancini
So it turns out Curtis is here to get his son a job, but that never happens and he's thankfully gone soon. I love nonsense in pro wrestling, but he's just bad and bugs me to death. 90 seconds of mauling of poor Mario on the outside using the rail along with some biting and karate. Jesse wants to see a Sika/Kamala team, and so do i. Samoan Drop does it.

Killer Ken-
-Killer hypes up the next card with another Piper Machine match.
-Tito Santana walks on and says he's been putting in hours of work to battle Race tonight. He's going to fight this man and we will see whose bowing to who. Get ready for the toughest match of your life, my man. It's a joke that Race is wearing an overcoat in 100 degrees every night, and he's going to beat him.

Match#3 Honky Tonk Man vs Ron Shaw
Mr Fuji has a cut in making fun of how HTM dresses and says he's the best dressed man, and he doesn't want some greasy guy touching him. Boring squash from HTM as he tries to work the arm and he stinks at it, and Shaw isn't a great jobber so it's ugly all round. He wins with this crappy fistdrop that misses by a mile to the point Vince actually says it missed and Jesse is forced to quickly to say it hit. LMAO

Killer Ken-
-Randy Savage walks on and paces back and forth and is maaad. He tells Ken not to speak unless spoken to. If he's going to a different galaxy than let it be tonight that he goes. How can it be worse than the last time he fought Steele, well he's going to find out. He's going to be creative and special and do something BIG YEAH DIG IT.

Match#4 Paul Orndorff w/Bobby Heenan vs Dan Haskins
Paul has a cut in screaming that this his is music and Hogan stole it from him. Paul gets nearly 4 minutes this week to work and kills it with a wicked beating of this poor bastard. Brutal work on the outside and inside as always, and it rules that Paul is still this angry and motivated and hasn't gotten lazy in the least. Piledriver bounces the kids head right off the mat before he's pinned.

We go backstage to Piper walking on a crutch shouting it's going to take a hell of lot more than that to keep him down. He's here to get rid of the flower shop and if those sons bitches think they can keep him down, they're wrong. HE PULLS OUT A BASEBALL BAT AND SMASHES THE SET UP AS HE SCREAMS LIKE A MADMAN THE ENTIRE TIME. THE WAR HAS JUST BEGUN Wonderful stuff.

Match#5 Randy Savage w/Miss Elizabeth vs Dan McGuire
Randy kills it again for two minutes as he's breaking out axehandles on the outside and just wreaking the kid like he's not even there. BITW, baby. He smacks his face off the rail in a nasty moment and just kills again and again before hitting the Elbow to win.

We go to Jesse interview Hulk Hogan. Jesse taunts him about Paul being the real American, which leads to Hogan losing it at Jesse and saying he think he's got a full head of hair and big arms until he's standing next to him. He's not afraid of Paul at all. He's gotta dedicate himself to be at the top and you've got to have a non mortal man next to him and he has that, and Paul doesn't.

Match#6 The Killer Bees vs The Moondogs
Fun 3 minute showcase for the Bees. They give the dogs nothing and run through them for the most part, which sucks because the Dogs rule. But still, really good array of offence from the honey lovers and there are worst teams in this spot. Rex misses an elbow and crushes Spot, and the Bees dropkick him out of the way and pin Spot to win.

Post match, the Dogs yell at each other and look to hit with the bone, but cooler heads prevail.

Next week. Muraco & Orton team up! Bulldogs vs Dream Team in a non title match


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Wrestling Challenge
October 4th, 1986
Salisbury, MD

Tonight; JYD vs JJ Funk

Match#1 King Harley Race w/Bobby Heenan vs Allan Martin
Fun 60 seconds of murder from the old king on his last run of glory. Fisherman's Buster ends it

In a pre-tape, Machines say they've been enjoying America because of the food and hotels.

Match#2 The Rougeau Brothers vs Bob Bradley & Steve Regal
Sadly, not that Regal. The Brothers have a cut in speaking in French, and Bobby is very upset. Awesome squash as the brothers are on one and go at full speed beating the complete shit out of them in wonderful fashion. They break out a sick assisted West Coast Pop off the top to win.

Killer Ken-
-Corp Kirchner is ready to face Randy Savage for the IC title as he feels he's earned this chance and he's proud that the promoters have seen his hard work. He's not going to be distracted by Liz, even though she's much better than the alligators he saw during his time in war. She doesn't have the title, Randy does and he wants that.

They replay Piper's Pit vs Flower Shop in full.

Killer Ken-
-Dick Slater wants to fight some of these tough boys in the WWF, but he really wants to fight Paul Orndorff after what he did to Hulk Hogan. They go way back and he knows he's got a bad attitude and he wants to give him an adjustment.

Match#3 Dick Slater vs Tiger Chung Lee
Dicky beats the the big man up for 3 minutes and change with some great right hands and other cool bits of offence, and it's good fun. He's never getting pushed in the WWF sadly, but he at least got paid and a ton of TV time and that's pretty sick. Flying Fistdrop does the deed.

It's time for the Snake Pit. Jake says sometimes you have to go back to where you started so you don't lose control or your reality. That man is now being handled by Slick, Butch Reed. Butch says anything natural goes through his mind as he's a natural man, leader and athlete. From his head to his boots it doesn't get more natural than him. Slick says he's so excited to have the best athlete in the natural world and he can't be beat. Jake says he always looks for a weakness and he can't find one in Butch. He says there's a black dog walking around here and he hopes he'll be a black snake and take him out. Butch laughs and says he's better stay away from him. Bill Watts must be booking.

Match#4 The Dream Team w/Johnny Valiant vs Don Hastings & Jerry Allen
Heenan says Piper got what he deserved and he's proud of AA. Another very good squash from DT as Brutus again steps up and works very hard by bashing the hell out of the jobbers with cool power stuff. Danny Davis helps the heels out by cutting a jobber off from tagging out by standing in his way, and Gorilla is very upset. Figure Four does it

Match#5 Junkyard Dog vs Jimmy Jack Funk

5 Minutes of horrible offence from both as they're sucking wind a minute in and looking like complete dogshit missing big stuff from the get go. It gets to the point where Heenan and Gorilla riff about JYD being stupid and having no brains. Bobby says he loves the word thump because that's what JYD parents used to do in the kennel back in the day. THUMP ends it

Killer Ken-
-Bobby Heenan says his hand is sore after signing all the contracts for his men to compete around the world. He knows the Machines are pure yellow chicken cowards, but he's not shocked they won't fight Bundy and Studd.
-Studd and Bundy walk on and Studd cuts the same godforsaken promo he always cuts, and Bundy does the same because he's getting lazy as well, sadly.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Superstars of Wrestling
October 11th, 1986
Baltimore, MD

Tonight; Bulldogs vs Dream Team part 500000

We go backstage to where Jesse is interviewing the Bulldogs. He says he heard British women are very nice but don't have nice faces and this is proof, and the camera pans down to the debut of Matilda!!! Davey says she's the new manager and mascot for them and they are very proud of her. Jess asks her a question but she grunts, so he says he always knew British intelligence was like no other.


Match#1 The British Bulldogs vs The Dream Team w/Johnny Valiant
A big brawl breaks out right away and it's awesome and different from all the other matches, so i'll take it. Davey is isolated in another fine control seg with both DT's working hard to kick his butt, and we get some good Davey selling to go along with it. DK gets the tag and is quickly isolated as well, and it's much better as he's nuts and leans into the abuse and really gets battered as he deserves. Davey gets in and cleans house but he's thrown into the ref and knocks him out, and all hell breaks loose. Hammer and Brutus double team DK and when the ref gets back up he DQ's them for it.

Jesse calls bullshit on that ending, but i have to hope this is the end of the feud.

WWF Update-
-They re-air the interview of Jake in the shower from SNME
-There might not be anything more pro wrestling than a half naked man in the shower with a giant python threatening to kill people who dare fuck with him.

Match#2 Bob Orton & Don Muraco w/Mr. Fuji vs Billy Jack Haynes & Sivi Afi
They come out to Piper's music wearing kilts in a great sack of shit moment from these two turncoat bastards. They have a cut in praising each other for the way they turned on Piper and laughing about giving him a limp. BJH has some offence against both and they guide him with basics and make him look good for once bumping around for him. Afi gets in and is promptly destroyed for being a big loser. Superplex from Bob ends it.

Post match, Don grabs the camera and demands someone get him some. bagpipes.

Killer Ken-
-Ken hypes up a Boston show in November. Feels a little early for that, but you do you, Killer.
-Don Muraco vs Roddy Piper. Savage vs Steamboat
-Randy calls Ricky a three time loser with some ghosts in his life. Muraco and Snake gave him brain damage, and now he's at the top of the ladder only for him to knock him back down because he's not as good as him. You're not going to stop him.

Match#3 King Kong Bundy & Big John Studd w/Bobby Heenan vs Dick Slater & Ricky Hunter
Dicky fights them with everything he's got. but he gets thrown around and killed. Hunter gets in and has a worse time of it as the monsters isolate him and beat the complete tar out of him with good monster offence. Studd is still meh, but Bundy rocks as we know. He really lays in shots and makes sure he has nothing to give him back. Avalanche gets the W

Killer Ken-
-Ricky speaks about this meeting not being that far away from now. Savage's track record speaks for itself, but he only defends it every 30 days as stated in the contract and he's been making people wait their turn. Well, he's been climbing the ladder this entire time. He overcame Don and Jake trying to take him out, and this will be the biggest fight of his life, and you can bet it'll be yours.

Match#4 The Rougeau Brothers vs Barry O & Hercules Hernandez
Jesse says the brothers are too pretty and not tough enough to become champions and they'll run when they get their face kicked in. Davis has a cut in saying he calls it 50/50 and he doesn't care what anyone thinks about him, he's a good ref. Another good squash for the brothers as after they deal with shitty Herc, they target Barry and run through him with some cool stuff before hitting Le Cannon Ball to win.

Post match, Hercules yells at Davis about something and Danny seems to say sorry. OH SHIT.

We go to a video of the new Piper's Pit set being built by a crew.

They air clips of Piper breaking AA's arm on SNME.

We go to a pre-tape with Piper. He screams it hurt when he got his leg smashed and it doesn't bother him as he's got other worries. He saw those idiots wearing kilts and making fun of him, but they're blubbering fools and they're going to find out it's easier to jump on than it is to jump off.

Match#5 Hart Foundation & Ken Glover vs The Islanders & Pedro Morales
Super fun 90 seconds of the best wrestlers fighting again and matching up super well, and we NEED that match asap. Glover is isolated and killed as he's the fall guy in this weird match up. Tama beats him with a splash

Post match, the Foundation attack Glover and lay him out with the Hart Attack.

We go a pre-tape with Slickster and his men in a limo. He says they're the best team in the world and it's only a matter of time before they become the richest if they stick with him. They pull up and meet Jesse. He praises them for having class in the WWF. Slick says he can buy anything but the WWF tag titles, but he's working on fixing that. Jesse says they'll be the next champions.

Match#6 Junkyard Dog & George Steele vs Steve Regal & Terry Gibbs
50 seconds of poop before the THUMP does it. Butch has a cut in saying they're taking no prisoners and it's been a while since he broke JYD's head, and he's going to be on him like ugly on a dog.

Killer Ken-
-More Boston hype
-Bob Orton says when Grand Wizard passed he never thought he would have another manager, but Jimmy has made him rich and giving him the spotlight that he deserves. Piper is letting his guts overrule his brain and he needs to walk away. He's heard BJH is a great wrestler, but he's going whip him like a dog.
-Don says it was a rough night for Piper when he called him to help, but he wasn't sincere and honest with him and he stabbed himself in the back. He's the best before Piper ever laced his boots and now he's going to feel his wrath and infamy he's going to place on him.

Next Week; US Express in Piper's Pit


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Wrestling Challenge
October 11th, 1986
Salisbury, MD

Tonight; Randy Savage vs Billy Jack Haynes.

Match#1 Randy Savage w/Miss Elizabeth vs Billy Jack Haynes
The biggest Randy carryjob to date as Steele might mostly suck, he can at least work hard once and a while and look ok. BJH is pure stinky burning trash, and it takes a special man to get a thing out of him. Liz has a cut in saying Randy buys her nice clothes and can be kind, but he doesn't like it wh....Randy screams at her to leave. AMAZING. Randy bumps around for him to start and gives Jack enough to look good for once. Randy grabs onto the ropes and makes BJH miss a dropkick to take over, and the control is the weakest stuff yet as he's not going nuts, but it's ok. BJH has a bad comeback where he botches a simple suplex that Gorilla calls him out on for not hitting correctly. Jack gets the Full Nelson on and Randy can't get out, so he kicks the ref in the stomach for the DQ

Post match, Danny Davis runs down and DQ's BJH and gives the match to Randy. FUCK YEAH DANNY, YOU'RE A GREAT REF. TO HELL WITH THE DOUBTERS. Bobby says it was clear that BJH threw Randy into the ref and that's why he was DQ.

In a pre-tape, we go to Ricky Steamboat talking about his fan mail asking him what ticks him off. He says it's wrestlers needing managers when he's been doing this for 11 years and has never needed one. He knows they're there to distract and be the third man to help them cheat and he doesn't play that game. He finishes by saying Jake Roberts also ticks him off.

In another pre-tape, we find Don and Bob still in their kilts from the last show. Don says it was an extraordinary moment to have Bob by his side when they attacked Piper. We see the footage agin of the attack as they said they knew Piper would get back up and try something. He's stumbling around and flopping like a fish when he smashed the set with the bat. Bob laughs and says he'll be walking around with that limp for the rest of his life. Don says Piper never wanted Bob to be able to feed his family and be a better man, and he wanted the same for him and he's going to pay for it. When they're done with him he'll know the men who carried him around and he'll know who demands from him and apology for his actions.

Killer Ken-
-Machines cut the same promo they always cut
-Time for Andre to come back and fix this.

Match#2 The Killer Bees vs Barry O & Butch Cooper
Good squash from the honey lovers. Jim gets more time this week and shows he's got a wicked dropkick and some snap to his stuff, and Blair rocks so much with everything he does. Dropkick ends it

Killer Ken-
-Harley Race says he's been a king in wrestling long before he got this crown, but he'll take what is his. He loves nothing more than getting in the ring and showing there is no one in the world better than him. Hulk Hogan is just a little shorter than him and his time is coming as he's the king to end kings. All he asks is to feed him people as he's going out there to hurt people until he's done hurting people.

Match#3 Hart Foundation w/Jimmy Hart vs Mario Mancini & Nick Kiniski
WWF still can't spell Bret's name correctly on the title cards as they use two T's. HF have a cut in saying they get along very well even if Jim snores very loud. and Jim says he's not leaving his hair in the toilet and sink every night hahahahhahahahahahaha. Super rad 2 minute squash where they nuke crappy little Nick for not being very good, and then Mario gets in and takes a sick and swift beating as he's the best jobber in the company. Hart Attack takes his head off for the win.

Post match, they beat up the jobbers as Danny Davis stands there and watches on. He leaves with them!!!!!

It's time for the Snake Pit. Jake says there are no mortal men who can withstand the DDT and what Damien can do, so he brings out the immortal Hulk Hogan. He asks what he thinks of the python, and Hogan says it doesn't matter what he thinks about him running with the devil. But if he ever decides to run with his 24inch pythons, it'll be touch and you're gone. Hogan says he's been raising pythons since he was a little hulkster, and Jake wants to see them. Hogan flexes and says he'll cover up Jake's face, and he does just that. Jake says don't you know it's more shameful to deny fear than it is to run from danger. Hogan says he's from the positive side and he doesn't run from fear. Jake says would he ever turn his back on a man he fears, and Hogan says no and turns his back and walks off as Jake loses his shit and demands he come back.

OK, so we gotta cover this. There's a documented story that on one of the Snake Pits, Jake DDT's Hogan to start the feud after throwing powder in his eyes. They had one match on a live event and Jake would cut a promo referencing the attack during it, however, the story goes that the fans sided with Jake and chanted DDT either on the night the angle started or during their match. Either way, the feud was promptly dropped as Vince didn't want Hogan being booed and wasn't going to turn Jake in favour of him, so it's history. There's no real 100% date and time of when the angle was shot, but given how tense that was and the fact Jake had a handcuff around his wrist for some odd reason, i can only assume it's this one. But we'll never truly know sadly as the footage has never seen the light of day and probably never will.. So yeah, that's the abridged version of a feud that would have been incredible that never happened because the fans picked the guy who wasn't the chosen one. Tale as old as time.

Match#4 Tito Santana & Pedro Morales vs Ken Glover & Steve Lombardi
Damn it, i thought we were finally done with Tito carrying the old man by the hand. Pedro does most of the worst and it dies a death because he stinks, and Tito can't save it from him. Pedro wins with a crappy backbacker.

In a pre-tape, George Steele visits a zoo and plays with animals.

Match#5 Tama vs Moondog Spot
Bobby kills it by asking why Tama stole a shower curtin from the hotel he was staying in, and Goriila is very mad. Bobby then asks why he's wearing a natural dress and why islanders are always in dresses, and poor Monsoon has nothing to say. This is 60 seconds of nothing before Rex attacks Tama for the DQ.

Haku runs down and helps his partner beat the dogs up and clear the ring.

Killer Ken-
-King Curtis says (i think) he met a man on a dock who told him to go and find the headhunter and the slayer of the big cats and went on a mission to find them both, The grand wizard took him to the 33rd level to where the waters flow and where you see Sika, a complete throwback. There is oblivion coming for Hulk Hogan
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