Donnie watches WWF 1986

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Feb 1, 2021
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1 second ago#46
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Championship Wrestling
May 17th, 1986
Poughkeepsie, NY

Tonight; Bulldogs vs Heenan Family!!!!

Match#1 King Tonga & Ted Arcidi vs Dave Barbie & Gladiator
Guess, this random team is now a thing. Again, not bad at all as Ted at least throws people hard , and it works with Meng being amazing at everything else. Ted wins with the bearhug

WWF Update-
-Ricky Steamboat is now 100% fit and wants revenge on Jake Roberts

Match#2 The Hart Foundation w/Jimmy Hart vs Don Driggers & Lanny Poffo
Hell yeah. The boys get 3 minutes to work and it's a lot of fun as always. Anvil is really on one tonight with his power stuff looking brutal as hell as he kills the kids, and Bret is rad. Vince announces there has been a hearing scheduled by Tunney about the Andre situation. Hart Attack does it

Ken Resnick-
-Ken has jumped from the AWA to the WWF as a new backstage announcer. He's pretty cool and brings a sports caster type vibe to the show.
-Hulk Hogan walks on and dubs him "Killer Ken" He says he's facing Randy and the match will be outrageous in Boston. Liz is sweet and nice, but he trusts her like a pit full of rattlesnakes. SHE HAS NOTHING HE WANTS BABY DOLL, BECAUSE HE''S ALREADY SEEN IT AND IT TURNS HIM OFF SEEING HER HANGING OUT WITH THE DUDE. WHAT A FUCKING CUNT. He promises to run wild on Savage in Boston.
-Incredible how quickly my hate for Hogan has popped up now that he's in full blown shithead mode.

Match#3 Hillbilly Jim & Pedro Morales Spot & Cyclone Capone
No thank you

Killer Ken-
-More hype for Boston
-Corp K is ready to wave old glory and take down Volkoff. The Russian people are blind and nothing like the American fans. Blassie is to blame for the loss at Mania, and he's getting put down by the all American man.

Match#4 Hercules Hernadez w/Freddie Blassie vs Micheal Saxxon
Ernie Ladd joins commentary, and he will now be here for the next couple of years on and off. Really awful stuff from Herc as per the norm as he's a giant goon that isn't even funny to watch fuck things up because he's boring on top of it. Rack ends it.

The Flower Shop. AA fawns on his flowers as they smell nice and he loves them very much, and he loves pretty and smelly things. Randy Savage and Liz walk on in pink, and AA says he's jealous of liz doing her own makeup. Randy tells Hogan and Tito to accept how things are now, and they don't need to be jealous of him. AA says he loves him and gives some flowers to Randy to close the show.

Match#5 Tito Santana & Danny Spivey vs Paul Christie & Steve Lombardi
More hodgepodge nonsense makes it way to TV. Good squash though as both dudes are very good and have some arm work on the jobbers, so it's ok by me. Bulldog gets the W

Match#6 The British Bulldogs vs King Kong Bundy & Big John Studd w/Bobby Heenan
This gets 5 minutes and rocks a ton. The Dogs use their speed to stay alive and drop the big men back a step whenever they can, and Heenan keeps telling his men to slow it down to have a chance. Bundy does just that and wreaks Davey to isolate him, and we get a fun control seg from both men as Studd is giving a shit tonight for some reason. Bundy is amazing as always throwing and squashing the hell out of Davey at every turn. They throw Davey into the corner and refuse to stop attacking him so the ref DQ's them

Post match, Studd throws Bundy in for the Avalanche but Davey moves and Bundy cracks the corner super hard!! The Dogs leave the scene, AND BUNDY SHOVES STUDD ON HIS ASS AND HEENAN GETS BETWEEN THEM AND CALMS THEM DOWN. OH SHIT.

Killer Ken-
-Randy says he won the IC title in Boston against Tito, and he'll do the same against Hogan. Victory is his and he's going to do it again. Liz walks on and is wearing a Macho Man banner. He tells Ken to look at her, BUT NOT TO CLOSE THE CLOSER YOU GET THE LESS YOU SEE. He introduces them and screams not shake hands and kicks her off set. Boston is Macho Man country and Hogan will regret coming down there as he's losing the belt. Hogan would be the greatest to ever live if he wasn't in the same era as Randy Savage


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Randy Savage (c) w/Miss Elizabeth vs Tito Santana (WWF Intercontinental Championship-Bruno Sammartino is the guest referee)
WWF has finally added something new to the feud of the year by throwing in Bruno after the last few matches have ended with the ref being killed. Slower start this time as Randy does a lot of stalling and running, and Tito finally catches him and blasts him off the apron with a punch to the head that sends Savage all the way into the rails. They get back into it and Randy slips in a jab to take over and has a short, but fun control seg working the head and neck. The highlight is when Tito tries to fight back, Randy hurls him to the concrete and kills him with an axe handle to the back to drop him face fist into the ground. They get back in and it turns into another wild slug fest with a ton of gross punches from both. Tito gets the Figure Four on, but Adonis runs down and attacks for the DQ

Post match, Bruno slams Adonis and goes for the kill, but Randy hits him from behind and nails the Elbow. Tito makes the save with a chair and helps the old man up.

Ricky Steamboat vs Jake Roberts
RICKY ATTACKS HIM BEFORE THE BELL. OH GOD. He beats the shit out of him with amazing strikes to the face and body, and Jake's selling rules. Jake catches him with an elbow to the face and starts his attack with short arms and killer offence, and Ricky's selling is perfect as always. Jake mixes it up with his offence and taunting as he laughs and begs for Ricky to fight back as he beats his ass. Jake misses a charge into the corner and Ricky fights back and gets some shots in before he misses a dive of his own and both men are badly hurt. It turns into a dog fight and both men beat the shit out of each other. Ricky counters the DDT by throwing Jake off into a backdrop. Ricky mounts him and punches the piss out of him over and over and the ref has no choice but to throw it out



Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Championship Wrestling
May 24th, 1986
Poughkeepsie, NY

Tonight; Killer Bees vs Nik & Sheik. Harley Race debuts.

Match#1 Mike Rotundo & Danny Spivey vs Steve Lombardi & Paul Christy
Oh No, he's back in our lives. Perfectly fine showcase for the US Express .30. Arm work and decent offence for a while mostly on Lombardi, so it works well. Airplane Spin and a splash combo does it

WWF Update-
-Mean Gene is now hosting the show
-King Kong Bundy is mean and angry and wants another crack at Hogan.

Match#2 Harley Race w/Bobby Heenan vs John Centeno
Old man Harley is here for the last part of his career. He's mean as fuck and throws nasty knees and elbows, and he looks really good tonight as a mean old bastard. He wins with a Brainbuster

Killer Ken-
-Nik Volkoff is very angry at stupid American's like Krichner and fans chanting USA. They drive Russian and Japanese cars and they are liars and scumbags. He will show him what a real wrestler looks like.

Match#3 Ricky Steamboat vs Ron Shaw
Ricky is MAD and takes it out on Shaw for being in his way. Sick karate moves and other killer offence, and it's the best squash he's had this year. Crossbody smokes him

Killer Ken-
-Hogan says he hates pre-tapes and he wants this to be an hour before the match. He's heard Randy say Boston is his town, well its not his at all. He robbed Tito in Boston like a punk and he might be the #1 contender, but there's a big tough guard standing in his way. The odds are against him in Hogan country and he's going to run wild on him, boy.

Match#4 The Dream Team w/Johnny Valiant vs George Wells & Micheal Saxxon
Fine squash for the DT as always, but it sort of feels like it's time for them to break up. Bobby joins commentary and announces that Andre has been suspended for his no show last month, and because he didn't even show up to the hearing to defend himself. Hammer wins with the Figure Four

The Flower Shop is up next, and AA is wearing a red dress this week. He brings on Muraco and Fuji as the guests. Don has a bucket of flowers and gives it to him because he's smart and a wonderful host. AA says they've got the same problems with Wonderful and Hogan and he needs to know what's going on. Don says people who wear ripped shirts and collars make him sick. AA ends it and says to drive safely and may the lord be your companion.

They air the amazing Real American video.

Match#5 The Killer Bees vs Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff w/Freddie Blassie
Gosh darn it, ok then. The heels are very fat and old and well past caring, but the Bees are young, hot and talented so it evens out for the most part. Jim is isolated and it's pretty dull, but not the worst thing in the world thanks to his selling. The Bees put on masks to confuse the heels in a really silly idea, and they do the twin switch on them like real dicks. The heels eventually bail on this crap and get counted out



Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Maple Leaf Wrestling
May 24th, 1986
Hamilton, Ontario

Match#1 Corp Krichner & Pedro Morales vs Spot & Tiger Chung Lee

Match#2 Bob Orton vs Serge Jordin

Gorilla calls Bob the best all round wrestler in the company, and Heenan is in shock and demands he say it again. Really good slow and methodical beating from Acey in his return to the ring after the awful boxing stuff. Dude shows off his power with one armed powerslams and the like, and it's awesome as hell. Superplex ends it

Killer Ken-
-Tito is still angry about having the title stolen from him months ago, but he's working on getting him back in there one on one my man. He's going to make sure the ref will check him for anything and everything that night, and the belt will be coming back home.

Match#3 Tito Santana vs Terry Gibbs
Tito gets some time to work and kill a dude, and hey it's great. The true downside to the 80/90's squash era is you run out of shit to say, so it gets very samey. Figure Four does it

Match#4 Adrian Adonis w/Jimmy Hart vs Terry Morgan

Fuck yeah, fat man murder. Lots of gimmick work this week with Jimmy shoving a mirror in the jobbers face as Adrian beats his head in for a while. He wins with a sick flying knee drop

We go backstage to Don Muraco and Fuji now hosting a show of their own, and they have Harley Race on. He's here to kick butt and nothing else. He doesn't care what slimeballs that make him fight, they're all getting hurt. He's here to raise hell and more than he's ever raised before.

Match#5 The Rougeau Brothers vs Steve Lombardi & Tiger Chung Lee
Another fine showcase for the fellas with really good double teams again. Sleeper from one of them does it

Match#6 Jimmy Jack Funk & Hoss Funk w/Jimmy Hart vs SD Jones & Jim Powers

Jesus is that enough Jim's????? Really lame as it was the last time as they have no chemistry or talent, so it's a massive bag of shit. Hoss wins with a crab



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To start the show, Gorilla interviews Savage and demands to know how liz got a contract with only one of the title on the line. He says its because he's throwing it in the trash can when he wins the worlds title tonight. He is quicker and faster than Hogan could ever be. He's not answering any of his questions as this night belongs to him and he's going to be the greatest world champion ever. OH YEAH DIG IT.

Hulk Hogan (c) vs Randy Savage w/Miss Elizabeth (WWF World Championship-24/5/86)
Randy immediately puts on the best stalling and stooging job of his run thus far as he gets his ass handed to him by Hogan in a lock up, and then loses his goddamn mind as a result. He storms around the ring and gets more and more crazed, and Hogan fucks with him by stalling back and begging him to fight on the outside. It's the most likeable thing he's done in months. Hogan gets back in and beats his ass and pinballs him all over, and Randy ramps up the bumping to another level of cool as Hogan keeps wreaking him. Randy finally catches him coming back into the ring and chokes him with the ropes and nails a sweet axe handle to the back of the head and stays on him and hits another to the floor to send him into the hardwood floor, AND THEN HE THROWS HIM THROUGH THE STEEL GUARD RAIL FUCK YEAH. He drags him back in and hits a third one to the head and Hogan is all fucked up and hurt. Fantastic selling from him as he's woozy and badly hurt and can't get anything going as Randy stays on him beating his ass. Hogan of course then hulks up and kicks Savage in the face, but Liz distracts him and Randy able to slip back in and goes right to the attack. The ref gets bumped and Randy steal the title, AND HE JUMPS OFF THE TOP ROPE AND SLAMS IT DOWN ON HOGAN'S FACE AND KNOCKS HIM OUT COLD AND DRAGS THE REF BACK UP TO COUNT HOGAN OUT. WOOOOO

Post match, we get a shot of a bloody dying Hulk on the outside. Randy thinks he's won the title and snaps when it's announced that Hogan is still champ. He goes to leave but Hogan comes back to life and drags him back into the ring and beats him up and holds the ring.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Championship Wrestling
Ma 31st, 1986
Poughkeepsie, NY

Match#1 Corp Krichner vs Bob Bradley

Someone decided to give Corp 5 minutes to work and my god he can't handle that at all. Lots of boring sleepers and bad strikes to fill time, and the easiest way to do this would to be not give him 5 fucking minutes. Corp fucks up a sunset flip and then wins with his bad Samoan Drop

WWF Update-
-George Steele is a freak on a roll

Match#2 Jimmy Jack Funk & Hoss Funk w/Jimmy Hart vs Lanny Poffo & Chris Duffy
Fuck this episode.

Post match, they hogtie the jobber. Yeah, that's almost as cool as branding someone.

Killer Ken-
-Hogan walks on and says everywhere he goes all he hears is "Hulk we can't believe you're still alive" SO WHAT HE'S STILL THE WORLD CHAMPION. SINCE HE WAS TURNED ON IN BOSTON AND HE LOVES THE TITLE AND THE IRON. THE WAY RANDY TREATS LIZ TURNS HIM OFF, BROTHER. He's watched him saw like an Eagle since he got here, but this is now all out war and he's taking him out.
-The rematch is taking place in June 27th in Boston.

Match#3 Paul Orndorff vs Dave Barbie
Finally the show gets started with Wonderful beating some ass like a man should. Great strikes and muscle head stuff, and i can't wait for his push in a few weeks because it's much needed. Paul even beats him up on the outside for something new and different, so hell yeah. He kills him with two gross Piledrivers to win

Killer Ken-
-More hype for Boston on the 27th,
-Bobby Heenan says if Randy is any kind of man he will put the title on line against Bundy or Studd!!! Ken says Hogan is champ, so Bobby cuts him off and says for now he is. He then says Bundy is going to chew a hole in JYD. Bundy walks on and says he's going to crush this dog for good
-Bobby again says Randy needs to prove he's a man.

Match#4 Don Muraco & Bob Orton w/Mr Fuji vs Scott McGee & Don Driggers
Hey, a super cool team has formed for the next year. Love to see it. Great muscle head stuff from Don, and Orton kills it everywhere else and they compliment each other very well. Albano joins commentary in a cut in and says it's true that Andre has been suspended. He calls it a miscarriage of justice as Andre was told not to show up to that tag match that night, and he's now paying for his lawyers to fight this and get Andre reinstated as he's one of a kind and deserves better treatment. This angle rules a ton. Bob wins with the Superplex

The Flower Shop is next with the Dogs and Albano as the guests. Lou says his record speaks for itself and the Dogs are the best athletic team ever. Lou gets pissy and says he doesn't like AA's lifestyle, so Adrian says he doesn't like him at all. Got em. AA says he's a fake radical like it's the 60's, and that's that.

Match#5 Tito Santana & Pedro Morales vs Mad Richard & Primo Manzello
Vince questions how mad Richard actually is, and Bruno says he must be pretty mad to be called that. This is all Pedro sadly, so really crappy and upsetting. Backbreaker ends it


Match#6 Jake Roberts vs Rick Hunter
Jake gets time to be an evil mean dickhead as always, and it's the best. Ricky joins commentary to have the best seat and see how this man operates as he never had a chance at SNME. He can't sleep at night and the concrete is all he thinks about. Jake works the arm in great fashion and it's always interesting and cool, and more people could take a lead from him in that respect. Jake hits the knee lift and then kills the jobber with the DDT


Killer Ken-
-SAVAGE WALKS ON AND SPITS ON THE IC TITLE AND THROWS IT ON THE FLOOR. He says he had Hogan beaten 1-2-3 and no one can say otherwise. Fans have been coming up to him and saying he's right that Hulkamania is dead and he beat him on that night in Boston. He doesn't like this at all and it's real, real real bad in his head. He tells Hogan not to dare glance at Liz or he'll slap him in the face right there. He's going to do the thing and will win the title and no one in the WWF will be able to deny him. He's going to be walking like the Statue of Liberty after he wins the title. He rips his shirt off and screams Hogan doesn't scare him at all. Jesus Christ.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Maple Leaf Wrestling
May 31st, 1986
Hamilton, Ontario

File is only 23 minutes, so we're jipped again.

Match#1 Jake Roberts vs Andre Malo
Good shit again from Jake. He gets very mad when the jobber actually tries to fight him, so he walks on his face and kicks the snot out of him for being such a silly person. DDT kills the kid dead.


Match#2 Ricky Steamboat vs Joe Mirto
Ricky is mad as always and shows with killer arm work that throws the jobber around the ring, and it's a really cool way to do it. Ricky fires up with some Karate as well and wins with his sick Crossbody

Match#3 Paul Orndorff vs Neil Carr
Wonderful fucking snaps right away and slams him on the concrete and rams him into the ringside table. He pulls him back and beats the fucking shit out of him with lariats and dropkicks as Heenan shouts he's a lunatic that needs to be locked up right away. He hits a disgusting spike piledriver to win

Post match, Wonderful walks over to the booth and shouts that some people are saying he doesn't have it anymore, well he'll hurt someone if has to. This is the OLD Mr Wonderful. Oh shit.

We go to another Muraco & Fuji segment with Adrian Adonis and Jimmy Hart as the guests this week. AA says he's a treasure just like him, and he admires him. He got rid of his challengers like they got rid of Jimmy Hoffa. He says together they would be fantastic and unbeatable and they should work together. Muraco says it could be possible down the line.

Match#4 King Kong Bundy & Big John Studd vs Lanny Poffo & Jose Luis Rivera
Good squash as always thanks to Bundy. Studd is giving a shit again, but he's still not much at all. Bundy is fucking rad though, so it evens out. Avalanche and the 5 count do the deed



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Randy Savage (c) w/Miss Elizabeth vs Tito Santana (WWF Intercontinental Championship-No DQ)
Randy once again uses Liz as shield, ONY THIS TIME TIME HE THROWS HER AT TITO AND KNEES HIM IN THE FACE WHEN HE GOES TO CHECK ON HER. They have another incredible brawl and while it's the same as the last matches in terms of what they're doing, this time Tito is WAY more fired up and is throwing ugly punches right to Randy's face and it's the angriest and pissed he's been thus far. Randy gets his face bashed in and bounces around like crazy as Tito whips his ass like a mad man. Randy grabs him by the tights and throws him face first into the buckles and Tito's jaw smacks right off in a nasty bump. Randy goes crazy and strangles Tito right on the mat and holds it for nearly a minute in a scary moment, and Tito's selling is amazing. Randy lets it go and kicks him in the face and strangles him some more in the ropes and even locks in an Iron Claw to hurt him more and more. Tito can't mount a comeback and instead hits a shoulderblock to knock him back and does another one, but it's not enough and Randy stays on top of him and keeps killing him with wild strikes and gross kicks to the face. Tito is only able to get flash cradles in and force Randy to stop for a moment, and it's such a killer way to sell the beating he's getting. Tito finally is able to throw some punches to the face and slowly comes back as he smacks his face off the ring post. Gorilla says Liz is being treated for an injury in the back, and these two will be joining her. TITO GRABS A OPEN FOLDING CHAIR AND SMASHES RANDY IN THE FACE WITH IT AND BUSTS HIM RIGHT OPEN. Randy's head is once more covered in blood and he gets desperate and goes for the eyes to get him to stop, but Tito is mad and won't die. They fight on the outside and Tito rams him face first into the post and Randy takes a hideous bump to the floor. Randy slowly gets back up and we get a gross shot of his face covered and his eye is starting to swell shut. TITO PUNCHES THE CUT OVER AND OVER AND DROPS A KNEE ON HIS FACE AND RANDY SOMEHOW KICKS OUT AT 2.9. RANDY POKES TITO IN THE EYE AND THEN HE PUNCHES THE REF IN THE FACE, BUT HE TURNS AROUND AND TITO HITS THE FOREARM AND KNOCKS HIM OUT COLD. HE PUNCHES HIM MORE AND MORE AND GOES TO WAKE UP THE REF, BUT RANDY FOLLOW AND TITO KNOCKS HIM OUT AGAIN WITH A DROPKICK. THEY KEEP FIGHTING OVER PINS AND RANDY ROLLS OVER AND GRABS A HANDFUL OF TIGHTS TO SOMEHOW STEAL THE WIN. GORILLA SHOUTS "HE'S LUCKY TO ESCAPE WITH HIS LIFE"

Incredible, incredible match, and more than likely our MOTY.

-Ricky Steamboat is up first. He says Jake is trying to pych him out bu saying he's making another mistake of fighting him. Jake blasted his head on the concrete and he's trying to say coming back is a mistake, well tonight is a Saturday night and this is no mistake as far as he's concerned. He's ready to get in there and kick his can all over the ring. The writing is all over the wall and he's made up his mind in that moment. He takes his hat off and gets the interviewer feel the bump on his head and says that's been there for a month and the doc tells him that is scar tissue and he had two weeks of not being able to see and in real pain. Jake had his first main event and took his shot on that night, well now he's going to take that shot of his own. Don't you dare take that snake out of the bag.

-Jake is next and says he did it for money and to impress people. He knows Ricky is upset, but when a man is upset he doesn't do his best work. You spend a lot of time getting to the top and there is not a finer athlete than Ricky, but he's not thinking straight. He's not going to back him up as he's here to say, my man. The world saw him go to the concrete and not get back up, and no one will ever. DDT is a poison that was outlawed after people were eating the plants it was being sprayed on and giving themselves brain damage and, Ricky will be brain dead if he keeps this up. In the dark he will see the light and all his fears. He gets off on putting the snake on people and that's all that matters.

Ricky Steamboat vs Jake Roberts
Another amazing fight breaks out between them with so much hate and dick shots being thrown. Ricky goes to the karate and cleans his clock with it and suplexes and Jake is all messed up and bails to catch his breath and come up with a new plan. Jake slowly slides in and catches hi with a knee to the guts and slows it right down and gets methodical in his beating, and it's again a fantastic control seg mixed with offence and him being a truly evil fuck to Ricky and the fans. He lights him up with rights and lefts and they're easily the best punches of anyone in the company, and Steamer sells each one like death. Jake goes for a massive running knee lift and Ricky moves and Jake eats all the shit on his head and back. Ricky mounts his comeback and beats the shit out of him targeting the now hurt neck in a smart move, and it's rad as hell as Steamer is all fired up. They fight on the outside and Jake goes for the DDT again, but Ricky slams him into the apron and then into the rails to hurt his back and gets even more angry in turn as he nearly died again. He takes him out with a wonderful chop off the top. They get into another knock down punch off and both men attack the ref when he tries to stop them and he DQ's both of them. Booooo

Post match, Ricky mounts him and punches him over and over until Jake is busted wide open. Jim Neidhart and Mike Sharpe run out and drag him off and hold him in place for Jake to beat him up. Danny Spivey and the Bees run down and fight the heels off and get Ricky to safety for a moment. But Ricky breaks free and tackles him again and punches the fuck out of him and Jake fires back and they have to be pulled apart again. Jake screams he's going to fucking kill him as Jim drags him away. RICKY GETS FREE AGAIN AND JUMPS JAKE IN THE AISLE AND PUNCHES HIM AGAIN AS EVERYONE SCRAMBLES TO GET THEM OFF EACH OTHER. Danny finally picks Ricky up and puts him back in the ring as Jake runs for it. This is the coolest feud. Man, i love 86 so much.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Championship Wrestling
June 7th, 1986
Poughkeepsie, NY

Tonight; Randy Savage in action. Jake Roberts visits the Flower Shop

Match#1 Fake US Express vs Joe Mirto & Terry Gibbs
Man, fuck this team taking away the sweet Corp/Danny team that was way funner and cooler than IRS could ever dream of being. Not very good at all as Mike does most of the work and he's boring as sin for the most part. Bulldog at least ends it, but whatever man

WWF Update-
-Freddie Blassie is a cheap and evil man, but he's an incredible manager
-This of course means we're very close to Slick debuting, so fuck yeah.

Match#2 The Hart Foundation w/Jimmy Hart vs Don Driggers & Jose Luis Rivera
Another fantastic one for the boys. Bret is really mean this week as he throws amazing strikes and beats the dog shit out of poor old Driggers. Anvil rocks as well, but this is Bret's night. Hart Attack ends the fun.

Killer Ken-
-Jake Roberts is standing by. He says it was Ricky's fault for turning his back and playing with him time, so he took advantage of him. The DDT on the floor was awesome thing and it made him feel good inside. He gets off on this, my man. With him you only get two strikes and with the DDT he controls the game.

Match#3 King Tonga & Ted Arcidi vs Spot & Gladiator
Another weirdly ok squash from the most random of random teams 1986 has given us. Ted is again good at busting heads and Meng is Meng, so it works well. Meng wins with a splash

Killer Ken-
-Don Muraco walks on in a sweet suit and says one time Wonderful was Wonderful but he's nothing to talk about now. Right now you are seeing magnificence and in Boston he'll show that. Wonderful is a lucky man to share the ring with him


Match#4 Hercules Hernadez & Big John Studd vs Jim Powers & Barry Vonwinckle
Both managers are at ringside, and this feels like the start of the Heenan family growing from two to a ton of dudes in a really awesome idea. Shame they went with awful Herc, but i'll take what i can get. As for the match, yeah awful, awful stuff as both men are bad and can't do anything good. Rack ends it
Stubbing your toes

Flower Shop with Jake Roberts is next. Jake walks on with Damien and says it's a shame people can't shed skin like Damien because there's a few that could use it. AA asks if he bites, and Jake says ALL snakes bite. Jake says Ricky is ignorant as he's been burnt by fire once and now he's sticking his back into the fire. If wants to get burnt again he can step up

Match#5 Randy Savage w/Miss Elizabeth vs Bob McNeill
Randy has the sweet red and white tights on this week. He beats the fuck of the kid with his sunglasses and bandanna on in another GOAT moment for him. He wreaks him in the ring and on the outside and ends his night with the Elbow

Post match he hits another one for the hell of it.


Match#6 The British Bulldogs w/Lou Albano vs AJ Pertruzi & Bob Bradley
The tag show continues with our champs beating some morons heads in with roids, speed and insane power. They win with the Ode to themselves

Killer Ken-
-Hogan says he was left laying like trash didn't do nothing to him. Liz might have distracted him but that lady's got nothing he wants and she hangs out with him on park benches. FUCK YOU MAN. He doesn't like to feel degraded and be sent cards by his fans because he doesn't need that man, he needs to know they've got his back in Boston. Last time it was really close, but no cigar dude. They're coming after the title so Randy can have the money, power and the ego trip that comes with it. Hogan wants those things and the power he gets from it more than anything else.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Maple Leaf Wrestling
June 7th, 1986
Hamilton, Ontario

Heenan in on commentary tonight meaning the dream duo is together.

Match#1 Junkyard Dog & George Steele vs Don Koloff & Johnny K9

WWF Update-
-Sheiky and Nik are on the warpath and the tag champions stand in their way.

Match#2 Hercules Hernadez w/Freddie Blassie vs Jimmy North
Heenan kills it by saying North is a wrestler who's facing an actual tough one. Really bad as always as Herc throws weak looking shots and does a lot of bad stomps to kill time, and it's everything wrong with this push. Rack ends it

Killer Ken-
-They replay Jake's amazing promo

Match#3 Mike Rotundo & Danny Spivey vs Larry Finnigan & Brian McKinley
Another lame outing for the fake ass express for a few minutes. Airplane spin ends it like it's 1976 up in here

Match#4 Randy Savage w/Miss Elizabeth vs Joe Daniels

FINALLY we get the show back on track with our one true God. He's wearing a sweet gold robe and yellow tights to match Liz this week, and hey it's all time look. Dude can't miss it seems. Randy beats the dog shit out of the kid and it's such a wonderful sight to behold after the last 20 minutes of trash. Elbow ends the fun

We go to Muraco's show with Ricky as the guest as Don has battled the darkside with him. Ricky says Jake was the first man to give a taste of the actual darkside when he knocked him out cold. Don keeps asking how it felt to have the snake on him and to be squeezed blue, and Ricky says it's all the darkside and it was hell. Don demands to know how it felt and lowers his voice and gets really creepy about it. Ricky says he's going to put the snake around Jake's neck the first chance he gets.

Match#5 Dream Team vs Frank Marconi & Nelson Villeiux
Hell yeah, keep this going. Brutus is trying really hard and throws some wicked looking strikes tonight, and Hammer is Hammer always. Figure Four ends it

Match#6 The British Bulldogs w/Lou Albano vs Paul Christy & Moondog Rex
Zero clue as to why the Moondogs aren't working together as they're both here, but i would love an answer. This rules as the Dogs are again tiny little monsters bashing the fuck out of anyone who dares to stand in their way, and it's just the coolest shit. Davey kills the jobber with the super powerslam to win

Post match, the champions go over to the booth and say they're thinking of all the challengers out there coming for them, and they welcome the fight.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Championship Wrestling
June 14th, 1986
Poughkeepsie, NY

During the intro, Ricky walks on with a giant black bag and says he has a gift for Jake. He doesn't want to do this at all, but it's a gift for Mr Roberts. HERE WE FUCKING GO

Match#1 George Steele & Corp Krichner vs Les Thorton & Max Blue
Oh, this is a goddamn test, Corp rules as always in that weird loser guy trying his best to do well, but Steele is dire trash and reminds us that somethings are just bad. Samoan Drop does it

WWF Update-
-Gene covers Andre winning the battle royal at Mania and how it's now his last possible match after being suspended.
-Gene says he shouldn't be suspended and does the "see, speak and here no evil" gestures.

Match#2 Randy Savage w/Miss Elizabeth vs Les Monty
Amazing green gear this week. Vince says Randy is upset that the IC title hasn't given him the world title matches he feels he's earned and deserves. Love that Randy is looking too far ahead and can't see the fire breathing down his neck. Tito has a cut in calling Randy a coward and says he's not that bad. Awesome squash as always from Randy because he don't miss. Gross Elbow to the head does the deed

Killer Ken-
-Ken hypes a show and says Billy Jack Haynes is about to debut.
-Don Muraco says Boston is his city, and he put Boston on the map every time he went to war with a man. He says Paul wishes he was still Wonderful as he once was because he's always magnificent.

Match#3 Ricky Steamboat vs Jack Kruger
Ricky has the bag with him and Vince and Bruno suspect it's too large to be a snake, but they have no clue what it might be. Sick squash from Dragon as he gets a lot of time to batter this dork and takes his anger out on him. He whips his ass with strikes and hurls him all over, and the kid takes a wicked beating. Crossbody ends it

Killer Ken-
-Hulk walks on and says a lot of people are insinuating that he lost to Randy Savage in Boston and he's no longer the champion, but none of them have said it to his face. HAVEN'T HEARD A WORD YET. Boston turned him on, and the men in the gym turn him on as do the long tall women. The Madness raised his hand like he was raising American, and it has gotten him to a point where he's going to the outer limits, dude. He's here to prove a point that he's the baddest. Best Hogan promo in a few weeks as he wasn't a cunt to Randy or Liz for any reason.

Match#4 Dream Team w/Johnny Valiant vs Ricky Thompson & Mike Lucca
Another good showing for the DT. They're days are numbered for the most part with the new influx of talent, but they can still rock a head if needed. Brutus wins with the high knee.

The Flower Shop is up next with Mr Wonderful as the guest. AA says Wonderful is taking a backseat to Hulk Hogan these days! Wonderful says he takes a seat to no man, and he doesn't care. AA says Hogan is getting cheered more and getting more toys sold, so Wonderful says none of that matters. In fact, Hogan's toy went out first and it doesn't matter to him. AA says it seems like Wonderful does all the work and then Hogan takes the credit and wins. WONDERFUL LOSES IT SAYS IT MIGHT BE TRUE THAT HE SELLS MORE DOLLS AND GETS MORE CHEERS AND HE DOES 90% OF THE WORK, BUT HOGAN IS HIS FRIEND MAN. AA SAYS TO ENJOY BEING CHEAP LABOUR AS HE LEAVES. WONDERFUL KEEPS YELLING THAT HOGAN IS HIS FRIEND.

Match#5 Jake Roberts vs Don Driggers
Jake does his thing and it rules as always. Bruno shows how smart he is by saying there is no doubt that Damien is in that bag, but Jake must be confused as to what is in Ricky's bag. Jake slaps the fuck out of the kid and just wreaks him in a real slow stalking way like he's in a horror movie, and it's so cool. DDT ends it

Post match, Steamboat runs down with the bag and attacks Jake. They have another amazing fight that Ricky gets the best of with a sick closeline. He opens the back and it's a fucking Komodo dragon. Jake runs for the hills. AMAZING.

Before his match, Studd says he wants a bodyslam match tonight, and King Tonga runs down to accept the challenge!!! Studd says the two guys he's about to face go first and he has to wait.

Match#6 Big John Studd w/Bobby Heenan vs Ricky Hunter & Jim Powers
Both men fail to slam him alone and together, so he wreaks them both and slams them. He beats them up in boring Studd fashion for a while, and it still sucks shit. He beats one of them with an elbow to the chest

TONGA RUSHES THE RING AND FUCKING SLAMS HIM. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GO MENG. He grabs the mic and demands his 50 grand. Imagine owing Meng money.

Killer Ken-
-Randy says people in Boston who told him they saw a 4 count and this was injustice done. Justice will be done in Boston and go his way when he's declared the WWF world champion. He spits on the IC title again and says into the garbage can it goes. This time he leaves nothing to the imagination and the intensity is going SKY HIGH. Hogan has been affected and infected by Madness and he knows he's better than him and he's coming to Boston to get HIS title.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Maple Leaf Wrestling
June 14th, 1986
Hamilton, Ontario

Match#1 Corp Krichner & King Tonga vs Tiger Chung Lee & Johnny K9

Gorilla is confused as to why Tiger hasn't found an "oriental parter like himself". Yikes. Bad squash this week as Corp does all the work and looks really lame again, sadly. He wins with the Samoan Drop

WWF Update-
-Mean Gene reads a poem sent in by Lanny about the Bulldogs being the heroes the world needs

Match#2 Hart Foundation w/Jimmy Hart vs Lanny Poffo & Joe Marcus.
Fuck yeah, the boys get some more time to murder and show everyone they're the best. Anvil gets a lot of shine to crack skulls this week and it's awesome as hell, and Bret is Bret. Hart Attack does it

Killer Ken-
-Killer hypes the growing tag scene
-HF walk on and Anvil says there are NO OTHER TEAMS, PRETTY BOY. They have mashed out the Bees and that was easy as cake, and now the pups are next. No one messes with the Foundation and the time is coming. Bret is sick of fans calling him a greaseball because of his hair and it's no one's business what's in it. The Dogs are getting sent to the pound. S
-The Fake Express walk on next and cut a really terrible promo about being all American boys and the like. Mike shows how dumb he is by saying "Born in the USA" shows why America is the best country in the world.

Match#3 The Rougeau Brothersvs Ted Grizzly & Les Thorton
Good stuff for the brothers once more as they're scientific as hell and grind them down in fun fashion where they're always doing something fancy or cool. One of them hits a crossbody to win

Body Shop with Killer Bees in full masks look like massive goddamn dweebs. They say they're wearing them because they match their tights and they look cool, and Don says they look like damned fools.

Match#4 Ricky Steamboat vs Gino Carobella
Ricky has cut his hair and is wearing a red bandana and looks sick as hell. Bobby cracks jokes about Ricky having no brains and it's a shock that Jake was able to hurt him. Monsoon calls him a sick man. Wonderful squash as Ricky works on the mat and wreaks the poor kid before snapping and beating the shit out of him with the karate. Crossbody does it

Killer Ken-
Volkoff and Sheiky cut the same promo they've been cutting forever.


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Feb 1, 2021
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Tito Santana & Bruno Sammartino vs Randy Savage & Adrain Adonis w/Miss Elizabeth & Jimmy Hart (14/6/86-MSG)
THE FACES JUMP THEM TO START AND THROW A SERIES OF AMAZING PUNCHES AND KICKS AND PINBALL THEM ALL OVER THE GARDEN. They fight on the outside and a chair is thrown at Adrian's face by Tito, and Bruno beats the fuck out of Randy and looks incredible thanks to Savage dying on everything. They get back in the ring and Randy has his ass handed to him. AA gets in and is also beaten to shit, and it's such a killer babyface shine. They finally cut Tito off and we get a short but very fun control seg before it all breaks down again. All 4 fight on the outside and the heels manage to scramble back in to win via countout


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Championship Wrestling'
June 21st, 1986
Poughkeepsie, NY

Tonight; Billy Jack Haynes debuts.

Match#1 The Killer Bees vs Steve Lombardi & Terry Gibbs
Fine squash from the Bees as is the norm. Sheik has a cut in calling them American cheaters that are typical of the scummy country they're from. Same old shit all round from this feud. Blair wins with a flying Closeline

WWF Update-
-Mean Gene talks about Jimmy Hart being a short little rat.
-Jimmy storms on the set and is very upset, so Gene hands him his undies that were branded and set on fire a few months ago.

Match#2 Hercules Hernadez & Bob Orton vs Tony Park & Jerry Monti
Eww, don't stick poor Ace with this fucking turd. Orton is on one as always and thankfully does the bulk of the work to make sure it doesn't suck, and it works well. Herc is still terrible as hell, but he can't hurt it. Rack ends it

Killer Ken-
-Hulk walks on and says close but no cigar, brother. The fact he hides behind liz really turns him off. Maybe it was a 3 count last time, but the ref called it and they've got it do it again. His parents are hanging and banging for him from reading the bible to making the protein shakes, and he's ready for war. Last time he didn't hit liz, but this time he just might do it. What a prick.

Match#3 Billy Jack Haynes vs Joe Marcus
Ah fuck, here we go sadly. BJH is a famous crazy person even by wrestling standards, and i invite everyone to google him and learn about him as it's insane and would make an incredible movie. Horrible match though as he's a bad wrestler who looks lost most of the time and throws bad shots in between lame power stuff for a while. He wins with a rough looking Full Nelson

Killer Ken-
-Don Muraco walks on and says Boston Gardens is falling apart everywhere you look except the ring where you can see him being magnificent. Orndorff was once his friend but now he's a coward standing in his way of the number one contedership.

Match#4 Hoss Funk & Jimmy Jack Funk w/Jimmy Hart vs George Wells & Rudy Diamonds
Yuck. Fake funks suck a ton and do nothing to make this at all interesting. Fake Xpress have a cut in saying they're ready to fight these two and work their way up to the tag titles. Cloverleaf ends it.

Post match, they try to tie Rudy up and brand him, but Wells makes the save and holds the ring.

The Flower Shop with Bobby Heenan. Brain says from this moment you'll never seen Andre again and he did it. HOGAN RUNS ON THE SET AND HEENAN BAILS FOR THE HILLS. Hogan grabs the mic and screams how dare he try to stir up trouble with him and his Wonderful brother. He's been to his house and broken bread with his family. in fact, Paul's mama said he was like a #1 son to her. JESUS CHRIST. He never has to worry about Paul, and he's the best partner and blood brother he's ever had. He swear to rip off AA's balls and hang them on display if he ever does it again. AMAZING.

Match#5 Hart Foundation w/Jimmy Hart vs Mario Mancini & Bob Boyer
Another fantastic one for the boys as they throw out all the gross and cool offence along with the ever growing taunting and being all around shitheads.. Hart Attack does it


Match#6 David Sammartino, Lanny Poffo & King Tonga vs The Moondogs & Les Thorton
What in the holy fuck is this???? No for real when the hell was this taped as i thought David had quit last year. Really awful as Meng is the only dude in this worth anything, and he can't do a thing to save it. He at least wins with a kick to the head

Killer Ken-
-Jake Roberts doesn't play games, nor watch them, HE CONTROLS THEM. He has the most deadly move in all of wrestling and Ricky was too stupid to back up, and he'll do it again if he needs to. It takes a lifetime to build a career and he can end it just like that
-Randy Savage walks on and says he won last time in Boston and this Friday night the reign is through as Hogan has met his match. He's a psyched up man and he's going to do the thing. Don't bet on Hogan otherwise you'll go broke. He's leaving with two titles and two hands raised in the air.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF Boston Gardens-27/6/86

Jake Roberts vs Ricky Steamboat
AMAZING opening minute as Jake tries to trip him, so Ricky stomps on his hand and beats him down, but Jake catches him with a nasty knee lift to the face and knocks him loopy. Ricky won't die and hits a belly to belly and start punching the shit out of him and makes Jake back off and run to the outside for once. Steamer stays on him with offence and wreaks him and we get some fantastic Jake selling every shot in cool and different ways and really shows off for the first time in that regard. Jake hits a gross punch straight to the jaw as he catches Ricky running in, and he goes to work on him in this super scary slow and murderous way as he stalk and punches the fuck out of him all while taunting him to fight back, and it's some goddamn evil stuff. He gets more and more unhinged during the attack and Ricky's selling is, well Ricky Steamboat selling a beating. So you know, amazing. Steamer slowly tries to fight back and Jake gets even more crazy in the beating as now he's mad that he's actually fighting back. Jake goes for Damien, but his hands are covered in sweat and he cant get it open, AND RICKY RUNS AT HIM AND CATCHES HIM WITH A LARIT AND FINALLY MOUNTS A COMEBACK AND BASHES THE FUCK OUT OF HIM. They fight on the outside and Ricky posts him and throws him back in, but the ref keeps counting and Steamer is counted out

Post match, Jake hits a knee from behind to knock him to the floor! Jake goes after him but Ricky fights back and hurls him into the rail and busts him open and hits a stunning chop off the top and punches the hell out of the cut and runs him off.

Hulk Hogan (c) vs Randy Savage w/Miss Elizabeth (WWF World Championship)
Randy uses Liz as a distraction and jumps him from behind with the IC title and hits him in the back and the head!! Randy tries to choke him to death, but Hogan sadly fights back and whips his ass. He steals Randy's glasses and kicks the crap out of him while wearing them. He stays on him and does all his good offence and it's pretty good as always, but Randy's maniac bumping is what makes it work so well. Randy manages to dump him to the floor and Hogan smacks off the hardwood floor. Randy follows him out and throws him into the metal rails and looks to have a long control seg, only to have Hogan easily fight back and run through him with the bullshit offence and hits the Legdrop to win like Randy is a complete nothing. Fuck off

Post match, Adonis tries to help Randy attack him, but Hogan easily fights them off and poses to the crowd. I now hate Hulk Hogan