Donnie watches WWF 1986

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The Dream Team-24/8/8

WWF Championship Wrestling
April 5th, 1986
Poughkeepsie, NY

Match#1 Hillbilly Jim & Uncle Elmer vs Chuck Simpson & Al Navaro


Mean Gene-
-William Perry thinks of Andre all the time and he's watching his back so he doesn't get slapped by him.

Match#2 Don Muraco w/Mr Fuji vs Ivan McDonald
Sick squash from the beach bum as he fucks this poor slob up. Vince is super excited about all the famous people coming to Mania! You can tell how proud and gleeful he is at how huge this is becoming, and it's a nice human moment for a goddamn monster. Spike Tombstone gets it done.

Mean Gene-
-The Funks and Jimmy Hart promise to brand JYD no matter what. Funk says pro wrestling is the toughest sport in the world, and those football players better remember that.
-Randy Savage is zooming in on the Animal and he's going to teach him to say he's the best in the world. Liz isn't here but she's watching him and she knows the score.

Match#3 Danny Spivey & Corp Krichner vs AJ Petruzzi & Steve Lombardi
Hey, another good one for the Express .20. Danny is getting more and more confident with offence and does some cool stuff, and Corp is ok as always. Samoan Drop ends it

Mean Gene-
-Wonderful says he has worked too hard and too long to be made a name of by Muraco. He's going to crush that Beach Bum with the Piledriver.
-Dream Team don't care how many refs there are, they'll be the champs coming in and coming out of this.

Match#4 Adrian Adonis w/Jimmy Hart vs Nelson Villeoux
More good shit from AA as he's 100% leaning into gimmick on top of already being a fucking awesome fat shit heel. Sleeper does it

Match#5 Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff w/Freddie Blassie vs Lanny Poffo & Jim Powers
Short and whatever. Humble fuck does it

In a pre-tape, Mean Gene talks to Hogan's doctor. The doc says he has not healed from the attack and he needs another month to get better and he could sustain a permanent injury. Hogan has made up his mind and there is nothing he can do about it.

Mean Gene-
-Hulk Hogan says he has thought about this over and over and he's glad it came to this. Bundy has pride, but he's coming to the ring fired and wired and he's going to take his pride and beat him down and climb over the top and prove that he is the only champion in the world. He knows this won't be a pretty sight and he'll have to live with the scars for the rest of his life like those who got shot in Vietnam that now live the American Dream (LMAO WHAT THE FUCK). He's doing this for the hulksters the big and small, and he's gotta to show them what it takes to be a champion. He loves American and he's going to win this. Wonderful cocaine promo
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The Dream Team-24/8/8


APRIL 7TH, 1986

We're starting off in NYC

Vince is standing by in the ring and gives the famous "WELCOME TO WRESTLEMANIA" Introduction that will be used for the next 30+ years. He introduces Ray Charles to sing the anthem.

We go the stage with Mean Gene-
-He throws it Chicago with Piper, Orton and a trainer standing by.
-Piper says he's cute and he grew his hair long so they could tell the difference between him and Mr T as not to confuse people. He says he'll quit boxing and wrestling if T knocks him out tonight, so he'll put his head out there and see if he can hit it. He finishes by saying he'll never cut his hair like an Indian or paint himself black. Well, one of those is a lie.

Match#1 Paul Orndorff vs Don Muraco w/Mr Fuji
Wish we'd actually gotten build and angles between these two, but it's the time period and we have to deal with it. They air voice overs by both wrestlers hyping the match in a super weird thing to do. This is 4 minutes of back and forth and it's not bad at all, but like these two for 10 would be fucking amazing goddamn it. They fight on the outside and the ref quickly counts them both out in a horrible finish.

Post match, Wonderful chases them off with a chair. The fans are PISSED and boo the hell out of all of this. So hey, great start to the show.

We go to Mr T in his locker room with Haiti Kid and Smokin' Joe. He's going to do some dirty stuff to Piper after all the dirty things he's done. He doesn't play that stuff and he's going out there to get it.

We go to a pre-tape with Randy Savage. FREAK OUT FREAK OUT. He's going to make Steele call him in the best in the world when this is said and done. He's zeroing on him, oh yeah.

Match#2 Randy Savage (c) w/Miss Elizabeth vs George Steele (WWF Intercontinental Championship)
Susan Saint James is on commentary and is super bad and adds nothing to it, so Vince is essentially calling his part of the show solo. Randy breaks out his stalling and stooging to start, and it's such a nice thing to see him get to do it on PPV. Steele catches him and bites his leg and does wildman animal stuff, and Randy sells the leg and eats a ton of shit. He peppers in offence in between and it's great stuff as you'd expect. Steele gets distracted by Liz being stunning, so Randy is able to use it his advantage and hurt him whenever it happens. Randy takes him out with the Axe Handle and hits the elbow, but Steele is the first person to kick out in a bullshit call. He no sells it and beats Randy up in the corner, but Randy thankfully trips him over and puts his feet on the ropes to pin him and steal the win.

Post match, Steele eats a buckle and chases after the ref like a big baby.

Mean Gene-
-He's on the stage with John Studd and Nfl player Bill Fralic. They talk shit about the others respective sports and whatnot

Match#3 Jake Roberts vs George Wells
Fuck yeah, they rush each other and throw sick punches and have a super fun fight for 3 minutes. Wells does shoulderblocks and slams, and Jake does all his super cool sells for him and looks amazing as a result. Vince and Susan call Wells an idiot for not pinning Jake right away, and they're correct as the Snake survives it all and catches him with a nasty knee lift and hits the DDT to win.

Post match, Jake opens the bag and lets the snake out and wraps it around Wells head and face!!!!

We get a recap of all the history between Piper and T.

In LA, Jesse is standing by with Hulk Hogan. He talks about his injures and the cage match, and he's shocked he;'s doing this as world champ. Hogan says he doesn't care what Jesse thinks as he's getting paid to ask questions. The world title is everything he believes in and it means America to him. Mr T will come out on top because he's fighting for what he believes in. T won't take shortcuts like Jesse does. Jesse laughs and says nice guys finish last.

Joan Rivers comes out as the ring announcer for the boxing match. She introduces the judges, Darryl Dawkins, Cab Callaway, and G. Gordon Liddy.

Match#4 Roddy Piper w/Bob Orton vs Mr T w/Smokin' Joe (Boxing Match)
As always, it's a boxing match and i can't review it as i can for wrestling because it's dudes throwing worked (and maybe real, given how much Piper hated T) punches for 4 rounds. So, not a lot of stuff i can say that would make you care. More to the point, i don't actually care to see this given a quick match would have been way cooler and meant more to the entire thing. The interesting parts are Piper kicking him in the head during round 2 on a knockdown, Orton throwing water at T in the corner in between rounds, and Piper taking a huge bump to the concrete when T kills him with a right hand. Piper finally snaps during round 4 and slams him for the DQ.

Post match, they brawl in the ring as the fans boo most of it. Awful, awful shit.

Piper walks out and is now gone from the WWF for the next few months to go make movies.

We now go to Chicago for the next portion of the show.

Gorilla and Gene are on the call with Cathy Lee Crosby.

Match#5 Fabulous Moolah (c) vs Velvet McIntyre (WWF Women'sChampionship)
90 horrible seconds of bodyslams and bad elbows from Velvet. She misses a splash off the top and Moolah jumps on her with an awful splash and makes the pin.

The fans are pissed off as you'd imagine. Maybe don't book shitty matches and finishes in all the cities and they wouldn't be

Match#6 Corp Krichner vs Nikolai Volkoff w/Freddie Blassie (Flag Match)
This is two minutes as well because fuck anything getting time, i guess. They beat the shit out of each other on the outside and Corp gets busted open when he's thrown into the post!! They fight inside and Corp elbows the ref by mistake. Blassie tries to throw in the cane, but Corp catches it and knocks Nik out to win.

Post match. Corp waves his flag.

Gene introduces a special referee for the battle royal, Dick Butkus.

Match#7 20 Man Battle Royal (WWF vs NFL)
Andre the Giant, Jimbo Covert (NFL player - Chicago Bears), Pedro Morales, Tony Atlas, Ted Arcidi, Harvey Martin (Former NFL player - Dallas Cowboys), Danny Spivey, Hillbilly Jim, King Tonga, The Iron Sheik, Ernie Holmes (Former NFL player - Pittsburgh Steelers), B. Brian Blair, Jim Brunzell, Big John Studd, Bill Fralic (NFL player - Atlanta Falcons), Jim Neidhart, Bret Hart, Russ Francis (NFL player - San Francisco 49ers), Bruno Sammartino, and William "Refrigerator" Perry (NFL player - Chicago Bears). Meng and Jimbo fight right away and tackle each other over the top!! This is pretty fun as the wrestlers are throwing bombs at the football players because fuck yeah, and the players either don't fire back or get pissy and return fire. Perry dumps Atlas out and fights Studd in the corner, and the crowd loses their minds. Bruno tosses a bunch of people in between doing next to nothing because this crap just won't end, sadly. Studd thankfully throws him out. PERRY TACKLES STUDD AND GOES FOR A SECOND BUT STUDD MOVES AND PUSHES HIM OUT. Perry offers his hand but he famously pulls him out when he takes it out. It gets down to the Foundation and Andre for a couple of minutes, and hey Andre is the god of these matches and boots Anvil out and then press slams Bret to the floor to win.

MOTN thus far.

We go back to NYC where Piper is with Vince and Susan. He says T and Perry are both cheats and cut from the same cloth. He talks some shit and gets really racist and gross again before Vince ends it.

Match#8 The Dream Team (c) w/Johnny Valiant vs The British Bulldogs w/Lou Albano & Ozzy Osbourne(WWF World Tag Team Championships-Two referees)
Same fine opening as always with everyone trying hard and looking good, but this is a dead feud in terms of bringing something new or cool to the table. Good back and forth for a while with both teams trading off control for a couple of minutes (Hammer & Davey) and both are good times. DT really beat the fuck out of Davey with Hammer leading the charge, and he bumps around huge. DK CLIMBS THE TOP ROPE AND DAVEY MANAGES TO THROW HAMMER HEAD FIRST INTO HIM AND HAMMER IS KNOCKED OUT COLD AND DAVEY MAKES THE PIN AND THE DOGS WIN THE TITLES.

Super weird finish on a night of them, but fuck it at least the Dogs are champs now and we move on to new feuds.

Post match, Ozzy is interviewed by Gene and shouts "Bulldogs forever".

We now go to LA for the last part of the show.


Match#9 Ricky Steamboat vs Hercules Hernadez
Dragon is given 7 minutes to get something out of this fucker after everyone else has failed to do it. He keeps it super basic and does everything he can to guide him by the hand with huge bumps and good offence and makes him look good. Herc's control on his end is sloppy and bad, but Steamer dies on everything to save it. Ricky catches him coming off the top with knees to the guts and climbs up and nails the crossbody to win

Match#10 Adrian Adonis w/Jimmy Hart vs Uncle Elmer
3 unholy minutes. Adrian takes a series of completely insane bumps onto the floor and really gets his ass beaten, but none of that matter when Elmer is a fat turd that can't do one thing good and fucks it all up on his end. Adrian thankfully wins with a flying headbutt

In the back, Lord Al is with Hogan. Hulk says there are rumours he's busted up and hurt, well so what. Hulkamania is going to live forever and even if he crawls to the ring with one arm, he's still doing it. He's been thinking of being taken away in the ambulance and he's actually been feeling sorry for Bundy after he thought about what he's going to do to him. He's going to take Bundy pride and slap him in the face with it.

Lee Marshall of WCW fame is the ring announcer for the next match.

Match#11 The Funk Brothers w/Jimmy Hart vs Tito Santana & Junkyard Dog
This gets 11 minutes, holy shit what. Sick opening with the babyfaces going mad and beating these rotten cowboys butts all over the place, and it's what this show has needed for the last 2hrs. Terry takes a series of insane bumps and stooges his ass off on top of it. JYD fights him and finally, finally cares and looks like peak JYD beating the fuck out of him all over the place. TITO AND TERRY FIGHT AND MY GOODNESS IT'S AMAZING AS HELL. Tito gets dumped to the floor and isolated, and the control is really good thanks to Funker beating his ass, and Dory caring to try. Tito is wonderful at getting his ass kicked and really does a ton to help the brothers. JYD's hot tag is very fun before it all breaks down. Terry kills JYD with the megaphone to steal the win

The cage is set up as the talking heads talk to kill some time.

Mean Gene throws it to a recap video of the hatred between Bundy and Hogan that has lead us here.

Jesse is standing by with Bobby and Bundy. Heenan says this is the proudest day of his life as he's going to be packing the title in Bundy bag at the end of the night. Bundy says it's been proven by fact that everytime they fight, Hogan is left laying and taken to hospital and tonight will be no different. Heenan says the doctors in LA will have a hard time to put Hogan back together when they leave him in pieces. Bundy says he's leaving LA on its ear tonight.

Match#12 Hulk Hogan (c) vs King Kong Bundy w/Bobby Heenan (WWF World Championship-Steel Cage)
Hogan is mad and batters the big man to start for his crimes, and it's a classic Hogan flurry. Bundy has some wonderful wobbly selling for it all, and the crowd gets hotter and hotter as Hogan wreaks him. Bundy catches him with a knee to the ribs to cut him off and goes to work on them. He rams him into the cage and beats the hell out of them, and Hogan's selling is very good. Bundy can't finish him off, and Hogan is able to fling him into the cage to bust him open and he attacks the cut. We get an amazing overheard shot of the beating and it's some all time camera work. Bundy knocks him down and hits the Avalanche in the corner, but Hogan some doesn't die and manages to craw over and drag Bundy as he's trying get out the door. Hogan hulks up and slams the big man and hits the leg drop!! He climbs over the top as Bundy crawls to the door, and Hogan gets out first.

Post match, Hogan chases Heenan into the cage and beats the crap out of him like a true bully.

Hogan poses to end a really bad show.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Championship Wrestling
April 12th, 1986
Poughkeepsie, NY

Match#1 Ricky Steamboat & Junkyard Dog vs Mr X & Spot

Oh, great the random JYD teams are still a thing. Far too much JYD nonsense over Ricky, and i'm not happy at all. THUMP ends it.

-Clips air of the Rougeau Brothers debuting in Australia
-Admittedly i haven't seen much of them, so i'm excited to see how this goes.

Match#2 The Hart Foundation w/Jimmy Hart vs Mario Mancini & SD Jones
The boys get 3 minutes to play and it's sooooooooooo good. Wonderful stooging and selling for the jobbers, and then they nuke the hell out of them with the ever expanding offence. They break out a gross Death Sentence on Mario during the control and it legit bends the poor fucker in half. Hart Attack ends it

Mean Gene-
-Johnny V & The Dream Team walk on and blame Albano for the title loss at Mania, and at Boston they're going to stick his feet down his throat. Hammer says he's been a champ and ex champ, but he's never had a manager get involved before, but he knew Albano couldn't be trusted. They're in the best shape ever and they're the true champions. Brutus says he doesn't have time to say what's on his mind, so he won't

Match#3 George Steele w/Lou Albano vs John Rizzo
Horrible piece of shit as always. Kinda funny that Steele becomes a road agent when he retires and was hated by all the wrestlers. Dude is just an asshole. Hammerlock ends it

Mean Gene-
-It will be The Funks and Jimmy Hart vs Steamboat, JYD & Haiti Kid in Boston.
-Ricky says they've been beating up and making fun of JYD for months and months, well now it stops.
-Haiti walks on and does karate, and Ricky says they've been feeding him pineapples.

Match#4 Don Muraco w/Mr Fuji vs Terry Morgan
Really good stuff for Don as always. The fans keep calling him beach bum and pissing him off, so he smokes Morgan as a result. Tombstone ends the beating.

We go to the Pit where Jimmy Hart is filling in for Piper who is away on holidays. His guest is Jake Roberts! Jimmy says his poodle does tricks for him, but does Damien do any? Jake says no and that's why he loves him. He does whatever he wants to do just like him. When you play with snakes every day, you're bound to get bit, you feel me. People make mistakes in their lives and is warning to anyone fighting him is it's a mistake they can't afford to make. Piper sends in a letter saying he would love to team with him if he doesn't have the snake him with.Jimmy asks what the snake eats. Jake says he'll eat anything, small rabbits...small people. Jimmy gets scared and leaves after saying he can call him if he wants a manager.

Match#5 Paul Orndroff vs Steve Lombardi
Fuck yeah, another killer one for Wonderful. He wreaks the arm this week and gets mean and gross with it, and Lombardi fights and fails to do anything about it. Piledriver does it

Match#6 Corp Krichner & Danny Spivey vs Dave Barbie & Gladiator
US Xpress2 do their thing as always and it's good. Still shocks me these two mesh really well together given how bad Corp is on his own, but there you go. Bulldog ends it



Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Maple Leaf Wrestling
April 12th, 1986
Hamilton, Ontario

Flle is only 11 minutes in some bullshit, fuck it

Match#1 The Hart Foundation w/Jimmy Hart vs Frank Marcon & George Wells
Another awesome one for the boys. They are red hot right now and won't miss ever again in this run. Hart Attack does it

Match#2 The Killer Bees vs Rex & Marc Carr
Short but fun little one for the bees. Dropkick ends it

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Championship Wrestling
April 19th, 1986
Poughkeepsie, NY

Match#1 The Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff w/Freddie Blassie vs Ivan McDonald & Terry Morgan

So much better this time as Sheik beats the fuck out of them and fucks some asses and humbles. Nik is the worst, but he can't really drag it down thankfully. Clutch ends it

WWF Update-
-We get clips of all the famous people at Mania.

Match#2 Adrian Adonis w/Jimmy Hart vs Mario Mancini
Short but fun as hell as Adrian just gets how to make all of this work so well. Sleeper does it

Mean Gene-
-Albano walks on and speaks Italian to all his fans in Boston. He then screams a lot and i can't possibly cover it. Cocaine rules, though.

Match#3 Killer Bees vs Tiger Cung Lee & Joe Mirto
Another fine match for the Bees who maybe Kill. Jobbers are dogshit and add nothing to it, but the Bees are solid enough to get it on the board, Sunsetflip from Blair gets the W

Mean Gene-
-Gene hypes the Boston show
-Ted Arcidi walks on and is from Boston, so he's very happy about coming home in front of his friends and family.
-He has a score to settle with Studd over powerlifiting records. Classic Vince bullshit.

Match#4 Hoss Funk w/Jimmy Hart vs Nelson Villieoux
Terry is gone after famously telling Vince his horse was sick and he was going home to tend to it. One of the single best exits ever from pro wrestling. This sucks because Hoss is a boring shit and can't squash anyone to save his life, so yeah no good. Hoss wins with a move

Piper's Pit is back with Piper as the host. He says he's back to bring back two men who have put out a challenge and want to do it on TV. Bundy and Studd walk on and challenge Andre and a parter of his choosing to a tag match so they can finally end this. Studd says they are THIS close to ending his career. Piper gets Bundy to lift Orton up to show how they would slam Andre, and then he gets Studd to do it. Orton is none too pleased as Piper laughs his balls off about it. He asks Orton to lie down so they hit him with the Avalanche and Orton does it, but Piper stops Bundy from actually hitting and says he needs his Acey Baby.

We get clips of the tag title match at Mania.

Match#5 Randy Savage w/Miss Elizabeth vs Sal Gee
Randy gets 3 minutes and KILLS it. Dude is on fire as always but with the extra time he can get more insane and crazy and really show more and more cool stuff that he can now do. Dude is the complete package at this point, and it's going to take a motherfucker to end all motherfuckers to knock him off the perch as the best in the world. He hits maybe 5 axe handles just to do it and wreaks this poor bastard over and over again. Elbow finally ends the kids life



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Feb 1, 2021
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Randy Savage (c) w/Miss Elizabeth vs Tito Santana (WWF Intercontinental Championship-No DQ. 22/4-MSG)
RANDY THROWS LIZ DOWN AND JUMPS TITO WITH A KNEE AND GOES RIGHT TO THE ATTACK, BUT TITO CATCHES HIM WITH A PUNCH TO THE GUTS AND IT'S ON. Amazing fight as always but with the no DQ stip it now allows them to kill each other without worrying about anything else. Tito gets violent and smacks him in the face with a chair, but Randy peels him off and throws him shoulder first into the post. Tito is badly hurt and Randy smells blood and goes to work on with an axe handle and then beats the complete shit out of it, and it's soooooo good. Amazing offence and shithead antics throughout as Randy can now get more and more crazy with the beating. Tito's selling is incredible as he's holding onto this body and just gets killed. His attempted comebacks rule as he goes for violence to have a chance, but Randy is able to keep fighting him off and won't let him get back that easy. RANDY GOES FOR THE AXE HANDLE BUT TITO CATCHES HIM IN RIGHT IN THE GUTS AND RIBS WITH A CHAIR!! He drags him back in the ring and bashes the fuck out of him with right hands and forearms to the skull, and Savage's selling is insane. Tito smacks his face off a table and nails a gorgeous flying forearm off the top and tries the Figure Four, but Randy pokes him in the eyes to get him off. They fight on the outside and have a wonderful fight, and Randy gets smashed head first into the post and he's busted wide open in a truly nasty gusher that covers his entire face in an instant. Randy's concussion selling is fantastic as he's wobbly and all messed up, but still on his feet. Tito unloads again with strikes and it turns into a battle of strikes and each one is cooler and meaner than the last. The ref tries to break it up, so Randy kills him with a punch. Tito nails another Forearm and has Randy beat, but the ref is dead. Tito stays on Randy and beats his ass some more, but when he goes to pick the ref up, Randy runs at him and knees him in the back and rolls him up, but Tito reverses it and Randy rolls back over and grabs a handful of tights to steal the win and save his life

Incredible match.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Championship Wrestling
April 26th, 1986
Poughkeepsie, NY


Match#1 Ricky Steamboat & King Tonga vs Steve Lombardi & Gladiator
The best team is back on TV with a few minutes to squash some people. Hell yeah. Wonderful flurry as always and a ton a gross bumps from Lombardi. Meng hits an insane dropkick to hit one of them square in the face, and it's reminder that this dude can fucking go on top of being Meng. Ricky's crossbody ends the fun

WWF Update-
-Lord Al says 4 million people watching WrestleMania 2 at home and another 2 million on closed circuit
-We then get clips of William Perry being awesome.

Match#2 Hercules Hernadez w/Freddie Blassie vs Mario Mancini
More dreadful stuff from this goon. Dude is a bad wrestler who is gassed in 20 seconds and is clearly struggling to figure out how to do this. I'd feel bad if i didn't have to watch him until 1992. Rack beats the kid

Mean Gene-
-Gene is now in front of the famous blue WWF backdrop
-Bulldogs walk on and mumble about beating the DT when they get a chance.

Match#3 Tito Santana & Pedro Morales vs AJ Petruzzi & Mr X
Short and not much thanks to Pedro getting the most in ring time of Tito. Forearm does the job

The Heenan family is in the ring waiting for Andre to come out, but Jim's music hits and he has Ted Arcidi with him for some reason. Fink announces him as the partner while Vince and Bruno are concerned and worried about where Andre is

Match#4 King Kong Bundy & Big John Studd vs Ted Arcidi & Hillbilly Jim
Bundy and Jim get right to it in a sick big man fight with loads of stiff elbows and punches!! Studd gets in and fights Arcidi and gets his ass beaten, so Bundy saves him and they double team him for the DQ

Post match, they beat him down as the fans chant for Andre, but he never shows up.

Piper's Pit with the Killer Bees. Jim has a broken hand, so Piper makes fun of him having a broken wing and being a loser. Jim says he'll wrestle with the cast, SO ORTON CALLS HIM A CHEATER AND SAYS THAT'S NOT RIGHT. AMAZING. Blair says they remember when Orton wore one for a year, so Piper responds he doesn't remember that at all. Piper says Jim can't put a hold on anyone with that wing, so he dares him to try. Jim goes for it, but Piper makes him grab Ace instead!!! Bob and Piper run off to close it.

Match#5 Jake Roberts vs Andre Malo
Jake gets 2 and half minutes to show off, and hey he's really good at dragging the kid down to the mat and beating the crap out of him. He drags the jobber to the bag and screams to Damien to come out and get him in some real horror movie stuff. DDT ends it

Post match, he brings Damien out and puts him on the jobber.

Match#6 George Steele & the Junkyard Dog w/ the Haiti Kid vs Iron Mike Sharpe & Dave Barbie
Yeah no



Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Maple Leaf Wrestling
April 26th, 1986
Hamilton, Ontario

Gorilla opens the show with Don Muraco & Mr Fuji as his commentators as Jesse is not here this week. I have a feeling this will be an all timer. Don proves me right when he calls Ricky and Tonga "two islanders that are lost no matter where they go"

Match#1 George Steele & Corp Krichner vs Neill Carr & Tiger Chung Lee
Jesus Christ. Hideous match, but Don talking non stop trash is worth the pain of it. Hammerlock ends it
Hair in ya mouth

They air clips of the Funks vs Tito/JYD at Mania.

-Jake Roberts is here and he's out to get everyone in the WWF. Jake says he came out to talk to this guy and choices are something everyone has to make in their lives. Is it worth it, is it going to be good for them? He is the kind of man who makes his own decisions and anyone who gets in the ring with him will have to make a choice, and they can't afford to make the mistake of fighting him. When the end comes in the match man, he's going to drop them on their heads and Damien will come out to play. You should always look because you never know whose behind you.

Match#2 Jake Roberts vs Ron Hutchison

Don is super excited at the bag in the corner moving and its amazing to hear. Jake puts on another killer squash as he gives the kid a little bit and then murders him all while talking shit to the crowd. His offence is sick as hell, but his punches really stand out as they're brutal and loud as hell. He hits a gross DDT to bend the kids head to win.

Post match, he drops the snake on the kid as Don shouts the bag is pandora's box and laughs his balls off.

Rougeau Brothers are very happy to be in the big time for the world to see. They're going through this together as brothers and have the fans behind them, and hopefully they'll become the tag champions one day.

Match#3 Ricky Steamboat & King Tonga vs Joe Mirto & Spot

Don says Tonga has made a big mistake teaming with Ricky, and he's going to get Fuji to speak to him about this. Fantastic stuff from the fellas as they're kicking the piss out of jobbers with the karate, and it's the best. Crossbody ends it

"What does DDT stand for?"

Savage and Liz make their way out for the next match and someone gives Liz some flowers again! Tito walks out and stand at ringside and Randy loses his shit and grabs the mic and screams he's giving a warning that he's the only one who gives her flowers. He's the IC champion and Tito isn't. This is the best feud.

Match#4 Randy Savage w/Miss Elizabeth vs Ricky Hunter
Randy is pissed after that so he smokes the fat old jobber for it. Adore that he gets more and more insane when Liz is put in the forefront. Randy wins with the Elbow in a little under a minute.

Match#5 King Kong Bundy & Big John Studd vs Scott McGee & Mario Mancini

Not great as Studd takes most of the time and he sucks shit, even more so now that his push is dead and has gone to Bundy. Avalanche and the 5 count do it, but it's too little too late.

-Randy Savage says he's the hottest piece of property in the WWF right now. Hulk Hogan used to not mention his name because he was terrified that Randy was his teacher. Well, he was a one millon percent correct that he's his teacher. He tells Hogan to not look behind him or in front of him because he's not ahead or behind. He can spin around 3 times to left and right and he won't see him. He needs to look up and see that's he ABOVE HIM IN EVERY WAY. He tells Hogan to call Tito up and ask what happened in Boston, and what its like to be below him. There was never a chance that Tito could beat him, and no one likes him being champion. Well it doesn't matter as the beat goes on and he's burning up the WWF. Is it the heat or is it just his career. AMAZING promo
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Jimmy Jack Funk, Hoss Funk & Jimmy Hart vs Junkyard Dog, Ricky Steamboat & Haiti Kid (26/4-Boston)
JJF is replacing Terry. He's famous for being Sam Barr's kid and Art Barr's brother. He's pretty good, but the gimmick is death because he's not in any way (nor is anyone) a good replacement for Terry fucking Funk. Also doesn't help he's wearing a lone ranger mask and looks really silly as a result. Still, the work between him and Ricky is very good and a singles match would be cool with me.Ricky also carries Hoss as best he can be carried, and if not for Randy, he would be the best guy in the company. Hoss drops JYD with a gross punch to isolate him, and the control is boring, but thankfully Ricky gets the hot tag and is quickly isolated by JJF, and it's way better as he kicks the shit out of him and Ricky leans into it and dies on everything. JYD gets the tag but he's isolated again before it all breaks down. Hoss slams the kid and throws Jimmy on top to steal the win
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Feb 1, 2021
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WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Championship Wrestling
May 3rd, 1986
Poughkeepsie, NY

Tonight. Wonderful/Tito vs Savage/Orton

Match#1 The Dream Team w/Johnny V vs Don Driggers & Tony Garea
Great stuff from the DT as the norm. Garea is a bum, so Hammer bashing his head in and Brutus throwing mean kicks to his shitty body makes my heart sing. Driggers is also mauled and it rocks as well. Figure Four does it.

WWF Update-
-They air the Funks mania match again, and Hayes says Terry has hurt his knee and has sworn revenge on JYD
-Guess he's not gone as of yet.

Match#2 Ricky Steamboat vs Al Navarro
Another sick one two punch from the WWF when it comes to squash matches. Ricky does his thing for 3 minutes and it's sicker than hell. Crossbody does the deed.

Mean Gene-
-Sheik and Nik want another tag title match after having the titles stolen from them. Nik says there has never been a good British athlete who has beaten a Russian one, and this will be no different.
-Sheik says they beat Americans and threatens to choke Gene and says he can't wait to pound the Bulldog, and he slaps Gene when he tries to tell him that there are two Bulldogs

Match#3 Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff vs Scott McGee & John Centaro
Fine squash again thanks to Sheik giving a shit again. Hate the push is back on, but fuck it Sheik is god. Blassie joins commentary and challenges Corp Krichner to fight Sheik next week. Clutch humbles.

Mean Gene-
-Ricky Steamboat has never been jumped on so many times in life since he got here, but he came out on top.
-He is looking at maybe Randy Savage down the line!!!! but first he's got his eye on a snake whose been taking on the world. He says he doesn't like snakes and it's an insult that he drops it on people after he's beaten them, and this will be a classic confrontation.

Match#4 The British Bulldogs w/Lou Albano vs Cycle Cyclone & Paul Christie
Dogs beat these freaks up with musclehead and insane speed spots, and hey it's a blast again. Davey wins with the super powerslam.

-Adrian rubs his nose on Jimmy's and says he's the heart of his heart. He admires the flowers and whatnot as the fans chant a slur at him. Hillbilly Jim walks on and Adonis says he's a big one. He asks if his name is actually Hillbilly Jim, and Jim says no he's just proud of who he is. Adonis brings out Elmer's hat he took at Mania and asks if he next in line to fight him. Jim says Elmer is hurt and he'll be after him when he comes back. Adrian rubs the hat in Jim's face, so Jim slaps him and stares at him to close the show.
-Yeah, this is going to rule.

Match#5 Jake Roberts vs Serge Jordan
Fuck yeah, this episode. Jake batters another kid for a few minutes. He ties him in the ropes and punches the crap out of him, and then unloads all his cool offence for the rest of it. He again drags the jobber over to the bag and screams at Damien to come out and play, and it's one of the coolest and meanest things ever. Heenan joins commentary and says Andre is yellow since they cut his hair and put him in the hospital, and he demands the WWF investigate what has happened to him and give him the results. DDT ends it

Post match, he drops Damien on the jobber, AND BRUNO SHOUTS "LOOK AT HOW THICK AND LONG IT IS" AMAZING.

Match#6 Tito Santana & Paul Orndorff vs Randy Savage & Bob Orton w/Miss Elizabeth
Killer stooging to start as Randy does everything he can not to fight Tito, so Orton is forced to do all the work. Fantastic battle with Wonderful on the mat as they both fight over arm control, and it's sooo good. Tito gets in and works the arm for a moment, but Randy distracts him and it allows Orton to rake the eyes and they go to work. Awesome control seg lead as they kick the shit out of him, and Tito is once again the best possible fip as he's just insanely good at this. Randy knees him in the back and goes for something, BUT TITO DUCKS UNDER AND HITS A FOREARM AND PINS THE CHAMPION. HOLY SHIT YEAH

Post match, Randy attacks him from behind and chokes him at the camera cuts away.

Mean Gene-
-Gene is wearing an Australian army hat after coming back from the last WWF tour there, and Bobby Heenan walks on and can't stop laughing him. Gene gets mad and calls him a valet at a hotel, so Bobby says it's at least better than being an out of work Boomerang salesmen. He keeps laughing and finally walks off set
-Studd and Bundy walk on and call Gene an Ugly American who probably made a fool of himself over there.
-Bundy says no one can slam him ever and that's that. The cage door at Mania was not made for a man of his size and it wasn't fair at all, but either way he's winning the WWF title.
-Heenan walks on and says he hopes it was a gift as no one would pay money for it. Gene says he got it from Bob Hawk. (Aussie PM)
-Amazing segment

To close the show, Corp Krichner walks on set and accepts the challenge
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Maple Leaf Wrestling
May 3rd, 1986
Hamilton, Ontario

Ricky Steamboat is on commentary tonight.

Match#1 Danny Spivey & Hillbilly Jim vs Bob Bass & Joe Mirto
What in the holy mother of WWE Universe Mode is this shit? Good tag though as both dudes hit very hard and kill the jobbers, and it's more than ok by me. Bulldog does it

Match#2 The Hart Foundation w/Jimmy Hart vs Bob Marcus & Joe Marcus
They get 3 minutes this week and really go to town with power spots and cool mat work etc. Just a blueprint great HF squash. They again use that insane Death Sentence to fuck one of them up. In another life them vs AMW would be everything. Hart Attack ends another one

Mean Gene-
-British Bulldogs are proud to have proven their fans right by winning the titles, and they're going to do that again in Vancouver when they beat the Dream Team again.

Match#4 The Rougeau Brothers vs Gladiator & Neil Carr
Ricky says the brothers dad was a wrestler who helped him a lot, so he hopes they do well. They break out fancy mat work and do really cool double teams like proto Whisper in the Winds and double dropkicks and the like. Jaques wins with a sleeper.

Mean Gene-
-Wonderful will be facing Muraco in a rematch
-He's here to beat him in the middle of the ring, and he can handle anything Fuji can throw at him. He's not getting the edge on him this time.
-Gene talks about Paul's football background, and Paul says it was respect to do that and always tell the truth to the young fans.
-Weird stuff

Match#5 Adrian Adonis w/Jimmy Hart vs Andre Malo

AA does his thing and it's cool as hell again. Ricky doesn't like him at all, and i now want a match between them. Sleeper does the job.

The Body Shop with Randy Savage. Jesse doesn't think Randy can ever be beaten, and Randy says he gets it. He sent Tito to the promise land with a right hand and he'll do it again. He lets Liz hold the title, NAH HE FAKES HER OUT AND SAYS NO WAY NOT TODAY IS SHE STEALING THE SPOTLIGHT.

Match#5 Tito Santana vs Johnny K9
Good squash of this piece of shit from our boy Tito. K9 sucks and adds nothing, so Tito just nukes him on the mat and kicks his face in whenever he gets a shot. Figure Four ends it

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

MAY 3RD, 1986

We open the show with Damien slithering across the floor, and Gene asking if anyone can beat him. Well, tonight the DRAGON will try. YES
-Bundy vs Elmer
-British Bulldogs vs Sheik/Nik
-Wonderful vs Adonis
-Adrian kisses a Wonderful cutout and says he always wanted that man.
-Hogan & JYD vs the Funks
-Hogan says they're going to chew on them like bones

Bobby Heenan is on commentary with Vince!!!! He screams that Vince needs to treat him with dignity and respect for the next 90 minutes.

In the back, Gene is with the Funks and Jimmy. They show footage of Mania again. Jimmy says Jimmy Jack is going to take out the Haiti kid tonight.

On the stage, Hogan says the kid is their answer to Jimmy Hart. This little dude has a lot more heart than Jimmy Hart. JYD says he's the top dog and these puppies are getting bit. Hogan calls them butt washers and says it's time to get them

Match#1 Hulk Hogan & Junkyard Dog w/Haiti Kid vs The Funk Brothers w/Jimmy Hart
This Terry's last match in the WWF until 97, so i am now a sad boy. Fantastic bullshit to start as Hogan steals the chain and chases them around the ring, and the kid comes out from under the ring and drags Jimmy under. Bobby kills it when he demands to know what THUMP means and why it's on JYD's butt. Hogan keeps running through them and it's a blast, and we get out first taste of how much Heenan hates him as he loses his mind over it. Jimmy finally catches him Kid and knocks him out, and Heenan can't stop laughing about it. JYD carries him out and Bobby shouts "He's going to rent-a-midget" DEAD. Hogan is alone and gets thrown to the floor and Funk kicks his head in, and gets a quick and awesome control seg as he goes wild on this fucker. JYD sadly saves and slams Funker on the concrete as Hoss gets his ass kicked because he sucks. It all breaks down and Hogan beats Terry with the legdrop to send him away

Post match, the Funks attack again and try to brand Kid, but Hogan saves and ruins the day.

We go to footage from earlier today where Bundy weighed in at 440 pounds
-Elmer walks on with a giant chicken bucket and weighs in at 430.

Match#2 King Kong Bundy vs Uncle Elmer
FAT MAN FIGHT FOR TWO MINUTES. They run at each other and hit really hard and it's the best Elmer ever looked. He misses a splash and Bundy nails an elbow to win

In the back, Adonis swoons over the cutout and says he's going to put a crack in his head like the Liberty Bell.

Match#3 Paul Orndorff vs Adrian Adonis w/Jimmy Hart
Adonis wrestles in a dress to further add to the gimmick. Wonderful wreaks him to start and pinballs him all over the place. Insane bumps again from AA. He pokes Wonderful in the eyes to take over, and the control is really good as he mixes his cool offence on the mat along with strikes that batter Wonderful. Just good ass pro wrestling. AA goes for a dive but Wonderful gets his knees up and kicks his ass. He ties him in the ropes and goes nuts on him and it's the best stuff. He rips the dress and starts choking him, and when the ref (Tim White) tries to stop him. Wonderful shoves him across the ring for the DQ

They air footage of Hogan/Bundy in the cage.

In the back, Gene interviews Ricky Steamboat. He says it is the snake vs. the dragon, and he's seen too many fine young men get humiliated with that snake, and he won't tolerate it. Gene shows footage of Jake's match at Mania 2, and Steamboat says Jake might be the one humiliated tonight with a snake on his body.

In the back, Jake is talking to Damien. He says it's time to show the world what they can do. He's taught him so much about the secretes of being a snake and he needs him to squeeze the life out of that Hawaiian.

Both men come to the ring for their match, AND JAKE RUNS OUT AND LARIATS RICKY ON THE APRON WITH A SHORT ARM AND HITS ANOTHER ONE. HE GETS OUT OF THE RING AND HITS THE FUCKING DDT ONTO THE CONCRETE AND YOU CAN HEAR THE SPLAT. JESUS CHRIST. HE THROWS HIM BACK IN AND DRAGS HIM TO THE MIDDLE OF THE RING AND DROPS DAMIEN ONTO HIS DEAD BODY AND SHOVES THE SNAKE INTO HIS MOUTH. Officials come out to stop him, and Jake holds them off with the snake and leaves on his own accord. Ricky is loaded onto a stretcher as his life is upset and leaves with him. One of the greatest angles ever.

Also, it's famous as Ricky was knocked out cold and got a concussion as a result, and Jake was furious because he never wanted to do it as he felt he couldn't do it without hurting Ricky for real and it's exactly what ending up happening.

Match#4 The British Bulldogs (c) w/Lou Albano vs Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff (WWF World Tag Team Championships-2/3 Falls)
DK is legit hurt as his back is badly injured, so the heels jump him and Sheik wins with the Clutch in 90 seconds to go 1-0, and to also get rid of DK for most of it. (Won't be the last time this happens). We come back from break where Davey is now in getting controlled by Sheik, and it's really good as the big man finally gives a shit in a major TV spot and he rocks like it's 1984. Davey bravely fights back against the odds and slowly wreaks them more and more. He rams them into each other and rolls Nik up to even it up. We come back again with the heels beating on Davey some more, and it's good. DK makes the tag but is still hurt and looks to be done, but Davey runs in and switches spots with him and rolls Sheik up to steal the win

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Bobby & Gorilla are on the call for the first time together. Massive improvement to finally have Brain here.

Match#1 Bret Hart w/Jimmy Hart vs Jim Brunzell
Good opening back and forth on the mat to start with Jim more than holding his own going for the leg. Bret's selling and attempts top fight out are very good as always, and he does a lot to guide and help Jimbo look good. Bret fights out and controls with a sleeper/headlock for a while, and it's pretty solid but not the most exciting shit in the world. It turns into a little fight and that's much better as both dudes throw good rights and lefts. Bret drops Jim dick first on the ropes and gets DQ for it in a bullshit call

Match#2 Jim Neidhart w/Jimmy Hart vs B Brian Blair
Blair punches Jim in the ear which leads to Gorilla using really big words to describe it, and Heenan loses his mind as a result and tells him to keep it simple. This is much better than the last match as it's a straight fight to start and both dudes throw bombs with hatred in mind, and it's a blast and then some. Blair gets a flash sunset flip to get the win out of nowhere.

Post match, the other partners run down and a big brawl breaks out. B gets a chair and runs the Foundation off.

Match#3 Randy Savage (c) w/Miss Elizabeth vs Tito Santana (WWF Intercontinental Championship-No DQ)
Randy again throws Liz at Tito and brawls with him right away, and it's amazing as hell. Pure hate from both men. Tito gets a chair and smacks him in the face and then tosses him on the concrete, and the brawl gets more and more crazed as Tito loses it and Randy fights for his life. Randy gets a knee up to cut him off and goes into his control seg, and it's fantastic as he's choking and mauling him at every turn, and Tito sells like a motherfucker for all of it. Randy gets more and more unhinged as he breaks out the axe handle to the floor and just smothers him, and it's on the same level of his crazed one in their last match. Tito hits him in the ribs with a chair when he goes for another one, and he then mounts a tremendous comeback beating the fuck out of Randy. They fight on the stage and Tito slams his face off it over and over and fucks him up at every turn. Tito rams him into the post to bust him open, and Randy gets another nasty gusher that covers his head as soon he turns around to show it off. Santana stays on him back in the ring with rights and lefts, but Randy won't die and throws more back at him. The ref gets knocked down as Tito nails the Forearm. They roll each other up and Randy gets a handful of tights to steal it as the ref comes back to life and counts 3

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Championship Wrestling
May 10th, 1986
Poughkeepsie, NY

Tonight; Sheik vs Krichner

Match#1 George Steele & Junkyard Dog w/Lou Albano vs Mike Angelo & Tiger Chung Lee

WWF Update-
-Jake & Damien are evil and play roles in each other lives, but to what end we do not know.

Match#2 Hoss Funk & Jimmy Jack Funk w/Jimmy Hart vs Andre Malo & Dan King
Not good at all as Terry was keeping this together by being Terry, and this can't be saved with a lame jobber and a lazy ass Dory. Bad offence for a while as neither does anything good or fun. JJF wins with a powrerslam

Mean Gene-
-Hype for Boston the 24th,
-Hogan vs Savage is announced
-We go to a pre-tape with Hogan. He likes the way everything is turning out in the WWF these days. Randy has become the number 1 contender because of the way Liz struts down the aisle. FUCK YOU. Randy hurts people in the ring and on the concrete and that's cool, but he's got the heart and souls of every living breathing American out there. When you way their lifestyles up against each other, there is no way he can beat him. What a dick.

Match#3 The Killer Bees vs Iron Mike Sharpe & Joe Mirto
Finally a good match on this show. Heenan joins commentary and says he has met with Jack Tunney and he is looking into this and give him a report on what actions will be taken with Andre falling to show up. Andre is more yellow than the Bees and he is an out and out coward. Bees do their thing for 2 minutes and its fun and stuff. Dropkick does it

Mean Gene-
-Corp Krichner is sick of hearing Volkoff run his mouth about WrestleMania, that's in the past and in Boston they'll find out whose better. Corp says he's going to have someone in his corner to watch his back against Blassie. This will be like a headache pounding on your head.

Match#4 Randy Savage w/Miss Elizabeth vs Serge Jordin
Yes. Another fantastic squash for our hero. He jaws with fans and gets angrier and angrier, and given the bullshit Hogan said earlier you can't blame him at all for being upset. The jobber is murdered dead and beaten with the Elbow.

The Flower Shop is up next and the guest are Dream Team & Johnny V. AA asks them about Mania and being ripped off by Ozzy. Johnny says it was a fix from the start and it's wrong. Brutus says his leg was being held and he couldn't do anything about it, and AA says he should take it to court. Hammer says it was 4 on 1 and payback is coming for the Dogs. Adrian says he's got flowers for them when they win the titles back.

-We see the footage of Jake Roberts attacking Steamboat at SNME.
-We go backstage to where Ricky is laid out on the floor with doctors and JYD tending to him. He wakes up and can't remember what happened to him, and JYD has to explain to him. Ricky is more upset about Damien being put on him than having his brains knocked loose. AMAZING
-Love this story so much, and bless them for actually using more footage to further stories.

Match#5 Iron Sheik w/Freddie Blassie vs Corp Krichner
Two minutes of nothing before Nik attacks for the DQ

They double team him until the Bees make the save. Pretty sure this feud will now last until Mania 3...FML
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Randy Savage-8/2/86
WWF Tag Team Champions: The British Bulldogs-7/4/86

WWF Maple Leaf Wrestling
May 10th, 1986
Hamilton, Ontario

Match#1 Lanny Pofo & Sivi Afi vs Bobby Bass & Ted Grizzly

They replay Steamboat's interview from a few weeks ago

Match#2 King Tonga & Ted Arcidi vs Don Koloff & Brian Mackney
Jimmy Hart is on commentary this week, which is very bad because his voice is the worst. A pretty ok squash as Ted shows off muscle head stuff and drops the jobbers around, and Meng is the man as always. Plus it's always fun seeing the random teams WWF comes up with. Ted wins with a bearhug

Mean Gene-
-Jake walks on with Damien, and says if Gene is good to him and the snake will be good to him. Trust him. Adam and Eve trusted a snake and they've been here forever. Everyone will have to deal with this, and fear is a strange thing we all have to deal with. He fawns over how strong snakes are and how sooner and later everyone will get bit, and it's only a matter of time before he strikes and the WWF will never be the same.

Match#3 Rougeau Brothers vs Tiger Chung Lee & Bobby Banks
Adrian joins commentary and says it's clear the brothers like red things. A good squash from the bothers as they again break out cool dropkicks and double teams, and look very good in the process. One of them wins with a top rope dropkick

Match#4 Jake Roberts vs Terry Morgan

AA says he likes snakes as they're at the parties he goes to. Jake murders another poor kid in epic fashion and i'll never get sick of it. DDT does it

Post match, he puts Damien onto the jobber and then scares Jimmy Hart off.

Body Shop with JYD and the Haiti Kid. JYD says the kid wants a match with Jimmy Hart to take care of him, and Kid says he'll use karate to hit him hard. Jesse says he'll pass the word on down and then laugh about it with Jimmy.

Match#5 Paul Orndroff & Scott McGee vs Don Muraco & Spot
Ok, why not? Don and Paul fight again and it's good, but doesn't get the play with the other two there. Still, it rocks for what little we get, and i need a proper singles match. Paul beats Spot with a Lariart
