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Fuji Vice
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  • that is true they could encase them in a decent amount of glass. I have been in a Red Robin where upon walking up to the hostess to get seated they had a TV on the floor that people stand on.
    at least someone is thinking inside the urinal. I am surprised that they haven't installed TV's in most stadiums bathrooms so no one misses any of the action
    nothing. Hope he doesn't end up with the Ravens because he would hurt the Steelers if he does end up there.
    the steelers told James harrison today that the door is closed for him to come back to the team since he would not take a pay cut to help the team out.
    I have it opened in a tab, posting some ROH event threads first then I'll get to it!
    Fuji my man, a word:

    I was re-reading through your 20 most hated films list (great job again BTW) I noticed that the number one film, the film I avoided having spoiled, the action that caused the shit storm that got the thread closed, never got revealed. So I still have no idea what number one is.

    What I'm trying to say is PLEASE FINISH THE LIST FUJI! :flypig:
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