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Fuji Vice
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  • So you saw bth WM6 AND WM18? Lucky bastard lol

    How was the crowd during the Hogan vs Rock match?
    You should continue your MCU reviews. I wasn't aware before but I'll respond to every review from now on.
    Been doing pretty great. Just recently left my night shift job, aiming for something offering better pay.

    Living life, trying to keep up with it. Looking at getting engaged fairly soon. Scary, haha.

    The organisers of that bike ride I was doing cancelled the event last minute due to a weather warning. Do you want your donation back?
    The original was the best. I did get a chuckle out of Ford and Statham. I also though Gibson was great reminded me of Payback.
    So that was a pretty fun ride there. No jokes on old movies but it was decent. I think I liked it better than the second storyline wise while not perfect but good.
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