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Fuji Vice
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  • Hey Fuji. Been a while. Just wanted to pop by, check in on you, make sure you're doing alright. Hope things are good with you, man.
    Fuji Vice
    Fuji Vice
    Hey hey hey, things are great and I hope they are with you as well!
    Jazz Wolf
    Jazz Wolf
    Right on, Fooj, glad to hear it, you just popped into my head the other day and I wanted to check in on you, y'know, because I'm a sap. Things are going okay more or less over here, all things considered, some medical stuff notwithstanding but hey we got through it.

    Good to hear from you. Don't be a stranger, my guy.
    Hey I was going through my Followers trimming the bots on my Twitter and I saw it's your birthday today Fuji! @Fuji Vice. I hope you have a great one engage!
    Season 3 of Star Trek Discovery came out today. Hmm I think we might need a full fledge Thread.
    It's the WRESTLING PURGE, you get a pass for your avatar but you need to post more in the wrestling sections this next year.
    Hey dude. I was wondering if I could message you about something.... speaking of, how do I inbox you on here? I can't find the button on this new layout! Hahah
    I so wish I could break my own rules and go out of order in the Bond reviews. Rewatched a certain movie I love (a Moore film) last night to write its review. I wrote the review, assigned its ratings... and bam. Hit the nail on the head with the final score I was aiming to give it. Gets me excited to get Thunderball out of the way and get rolling.
    Merry Christmas. And don't forget to watch to watch the big giveaway at 9...Oops, this isn't Halloween...Nevermind :p
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