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Fuji Vice
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  • I only need the Boomstick region, if you can find it if not I will make a new one during the week for it. I have them all tallied and winners moving on.
    Hey working on the horror movie hero's tourney to get it finished. I was wondering if you had the original brackets and templates you used for the the two you were doing so I can get them all out you can email them to me if you get the chance.
    Mr. Fuji.... after a long absence, I have returned, and Halloween 5's review is up!!! I always look forward to your opinion, even when we differ!!! Enjoy!!!
    Welcome back Mr. Vice, the one and only true Fuji Vice that is lol, hope to see some of your genius posts again, I really enjoy your lists and reviews. You may not have been gone that long, but it does feel weird not seeing you on the forums heavily lol.
    I just came up with an idea for a cheesy slasher film.

    It's about an abandoned hockey arena scheduled for demolition. A bunch of idiots spend the night in the arena in hope to bring souvenirs before the place's final day. As they explore the place, they soon find out that they're not alone, and are in fact being watched by ghosts of old hockey team members.

    Hockey related death scenes, lots of gore, cheesy as hell, and of course, deh boobs (wouldn't be a cheesy horror flick without 'em!).
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