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- Hell's Club
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WWF Champion: Vacant
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Vacant
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: D'Lo Brown
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku
WWF Woman's Champion: Jacqueline
October 12th, 1998
Nassau Coliseum: Long Island, New York
Earlier Today; Vince McMahon drove himself to RAW, and is driving this all-white Corvette. JR says he's invited Austin tonight to Raw, the stooges show up with his wheelchair and place him in it. Vince yells at them to make sure the garage door stays open for Austin.
WWF Tag Team Championships: The New Age Outlaws vs. Animal & Droz (w/Hawk)
So Billy is back and I guess everything is cool now, but fuck all that. HAWK IS BAK! but he's sober
Droz is in full LOD gear with facepaint. Hawk joins commentary and claims he's sober now, JR asks what happen and says he's had some injuries and family problems and took it too far, he says Animal has asked him to be an alt until he can get fully back to where he used to be. King keeps stirring it by saying Hawk has been replaced. This goes about 2 minutes until DOA attack Hawk on commentary, LOD comes out and make the save all 6 begin to brawl. Suddenly, The Headbangers run down and smash a boombox over Dogg's face. As Billy is watching what's happening on the floor. Dogg gets up and is all bloodied up.
FUCK! JR announces LOD vs. DOA/Ellering and Headbangers vs. Outlaws for the titles @ Judgment Day.
In the parking lot, KANE arrives in his 90's Nike tracksuit.
Steve Blackman comes out and JR says Vince has forced him back to action, even though he's just coming off knee surgery.
WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament First Round Match: Steve Blackman vs. Ken Shamrock
This is a ton of fun for the 2 and a half minutes it got, they have no problems just punching one another in their faces. Shamrock targets the knee for the majority and Blackman goes a fantastic job selling and limping around. He makes a brief comeback but makes the mistake taunting Ken, so Shamrock locks in the ankle lock and Blackman taps.
After the match; THE BLUE BLAZER RUNS OUT AND ATTACKS BOTH MEN! FUCK! He runs once he notices Shamrock recovering. Ken then locks in the ankle lock on Blackman out of RAGE!
In the parking lot, Casual Taker arrives.
In the back, Terri is kissing on Val's neck.
Video package airs on Goldust's matches with Razor and Piper from 1996.
WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament First Round Match: Val Venis (w/Terri Runnels) vs. Marc Mero (w/Jacqueline)
This goes about 2 minutes or so, I think that's Russo's new thing is just having all the matches go 2 minutes then allow the main eventers to go over 10. They go back and forth doing stuff until Jacque gets on the apron to distract the ref and Mero for some reason. Which allows Terri to get on the apron to further distract mero, that allows Val to hit the fisherman suplex for the win.
After the match; Jacque attacks Teri for her involvement, they roll around and shit until refs break it up.
Backstage: Michael Cole goes to interview Sable, but Sable runs off and when she sees Jacque. She drags her by her hair into part of the arena but Mero, refs and agents pull them apart.
Earlier Today: Michael Cole interviews Mankind from the boiler room, Mankind says Ken Shamrock doesn't swing a chair hard enough for him to hurt him, as a matter of a fact. Ken was the weakest chair shot he's ever got hit in the head with. And if he doesn't like it, well he's got one word for him.................SOCKO! Have a nice day.
WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament First Round Match: Mankind vs. Mark Henry
JR announces Mankind/Shamrock for Judgment Day, and Rock/Henry at Judgment Day too (WHICH IS SO FUCKING RANDOM). Chyna comes out and watches on from the floor, this is a Mankind special he does very little on offense, and bumps around making Henry look way better then he really is. Mark targets the ankle and works on it for a bit. He goes for the big splash off the top, but Mankind avoids and tries to make a comeback but he can't run or walk CAUSE HE KNOWS HOW TO FUCKING SELL! So, he hits a flash double armed DDT and takes off his sneakers to reveal MR. SOCKO! He applies the Mr Socko mandible claw and chokes Mark out. **
Chyna gets into the ring and has words with Mark, but he just leaves saying it's out of his hands.
In the parking lot, Stone Cold Steve Austin arrives in a cement truck. Cole goes over to ask him what the hell he's doing and Austin says he had an open invitation, he says to go get that 1 legged bastard cause he might wanna see what he's about to do. Vince is shown pissed and the Stooges say they will check it out.
WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament First Round Match: Jeff Jarrett vs. X-Pac
FUCK YEAH! Renewal of this feud, winner of this faces Mankind. Jeff attacks Pac as he makes his way into the ring, as he's still not gotten over Pac cutting his hair. This is the usual funess Pac takes some awesome bumps, and shows tons of heart. Jeff is also super aggressive. Sadly, this is only 3 minutes and ends just as things start getting good. The ref gets bumped and Jeff gets the boot up on the Bronco buster, he goes under the ring to get a guitar case. But when he opens it HEAD is inside. That distraction allows Pac to roll him up for the win. **1/2
Al Snow comes out to get head and taunts Jeff.
Stone Cold Steve Austin comes down to the ring, He says first off, he'd like to thank Mr. McMahon for the invitation here tonight. There must have been some mistake in the address that went to Austin 3:16 Construction Company. When he screwed Stone Cold, he submitted his own damn fate. He can rest assured that as long as Stone Cold's in the WWF with him, he will make his life a living Hell and that's all he's got to say about that. As far as this Sunday goes, he'll be glad to put the shirt on because he thinks he'd make a damn good referee for this match. After those two big bastards beat the living hell out of each other, you can bet your ass that the only hand Stone Cold's gonna hold up is his own. And there ain't a damn thing Vince can do about it. Vince comes out in his little wheelchair. BUT VINCE HAS ATTACK POLICE DOGS AND A BIG MAN IN A SKi MASK NEXT TO HIM! Austin stays back at that and gives him the finger instead. Vince asks what gives him the right to destroy other people's property. That car was part of a collection and he ruined it. He says he's going to wrestle in that ring tonight and books Austin and Rock vs. Undertaker and Kane. He tells Austin to have eyes in the back of his head tonight. He admits his life HAS been a living hell the last 2 weeks. He drove that Zamboni in the ring to get him, then because of him, The Undertaker and Kane crushed his ankle. He may never play another polo match again, and he holds him responsible. Then, in the hospital...his head is still ringing. THEN HE VIOLATED HIM. He's going humiliate him NOW, because if he doesn't raise the hand of the new WWF Champion and humble himself, then he promises him, HE'LL FIRE HIS ASS ON THE SPOT. Austin says he ain't got the balls to fire Stone Cold, and Vince says he has balls the size of grapefruits and this Sunday, and he'll be picking seeds out of his teeth. They can do this the easy way or the hard way. I PROMISE YOU! I GUARANTEES YOU! I WILL FIRE YOUR ASS!
WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament Semi-Final Match: Val Venis (w/Terri Runnels) vs. Ken Shamrock
FUCK YEAH! PISSED OFF NEW ATTITUDE SHAMROCK ATTACKS VAL during his entrance, he beats on him on the floor before rolling him in to start the match. This is a ton of fun, Ken keeps his vicious steak alive and works the lower back, Val's selling during the work is great, screaming in pain and taking some really nice back bumps. JR announces Goldust/Val for Judgment Day. Sadly, Val stops all his good selling during his comeback, Ken whether that storm and chops the knee out from under him. He locks in the ankle lock and Val taps out quickly. **1/4
Goldust comes down to the ring, Terri gets out of there as Val backs off. He attacks Val in the corner and hits Shattered Dreams.
In the parking lot, Vince and his associates are looking at Vince's wrecked Corvette. Brisco says maybe he can get a shovel and scrap it off
Mankind comes over, he says he can still sell it. Mankind begins digging through the cement to get Vince his keys back.
Backstage: Michael Cole interviews The Rock, Rock says he fears no man, he's beaten The Undertaker and Kane, thus making him the #1 Contender. The only thing The Rock has a problem with is being Stone Cold Steve Austin's tag team partner. The Rock would just as soon slap the taste out of his mouth as slap his hand if you smell what The Rock is cooking. D'Lo and Mark Henry come over and D'Lo asks what this is and if he's too good for them. Rock says not to address him in public and says to know their roles and take their candy asses outside and they'll talk about it right now.
WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament Semi-Final Match: Mankind vs. X-Pac
FUCK YEAH! 98 DREAM MATCH! This only goes 3 minutes, but it fucking rules with both men's willingness to bump their asses off and take a bunch of awesome thuds. They take turns on offense, and have a nice back and forth. Mankind hits a neckbreaker on the floor and Ken Shamrock comes out. Mankind rolls Pac back in, but as Mankind goes back in Shamrock nails Mankind in the ankle with the chair. That allows Pac to roll him up for the win. **1/4
After the match; Ken beats up both Mankind and Pac, Mankind goes to leave as Shamrock locks in a triangle choke. Mankind gets a chair, but the stooges come out. Patterson says Mr. McMahon wants him in the back because he's hurt, so Mankind leaves. They help him to the back as referees try and get Shamrock off, as we go to break.
Back from break, Triple H comes out in his crutches to check on Pac who is grabbing at his neck. The refs all keep Shamrock back, and PAC YELLS RING THE BELL!
WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament Final Match: X-Pac (w/Triple H) vs. Ken Shamrock
I LOVE THIS VERSION OF KEN, he's super aggressive, stiff and now doesn't seem to have a problem filling up these 2-4 minute matches. He works Pac's neck and throat with some nasty/mean strikes, just taking pleasure in torturing Pac. Pac is Pac, so he bumps his ass off, and does a phenomenal job selling his neck, he doesn't normally sell this well but he's going above and beyond at making Ken look like a killa. Huner goes on commentary and says he found out he was stripped of the title by watching RAW. Pac hits a desperation spin kick, and tries to mount a comeback. But he throws 1 kick too many and Ken grabs the ankle and locks in the ankle lock. Pac makes it to the ropes, but Ken pulls him back to the middle, Pac gets close to the ropes again. BUT KEN PULLS HIM BACK AGAIN AND PAC TAPS! **3/4
This tournament fucking ruled I didn't even mind the short matches cause for the most part they all delivered.
The Undertaker & Kane vs. The Rock & Stone Cold Steve Austin
All 4 brawl to start, Taker keeps sitting up after stuff like it's 1991 again. Paul Bearer comes out and watches on from the floor, Taker has a brief control over Austin, but he's so distracted by Bearer's presence that it allows Austin to make a comeback. He tags Rocky back in and ROCK HITS THE PEOPLE'S ELBOW! YOU KNOW THE ONE, THE ONE WHEN TAKER SITS UP BUT ROCK BOOTS HIM BACK AND HITS THE ELBOW. That only gets a two, Kane comes in to distract Rock which allows Taker to hit a desperation chokeslam giving the brother their control back. They wear down Rocky with punches and chokes as D'Lo and Mark come down too. Austin's hot tag rules, as he cleans house. JR keeps mentioning Rock/Mark at the PPV, then right on queue AS ROCK IS LAID OUT ON THE FLOOR, MARK DROPS HIM WITH A BIG SPLASH! Mark and D'Lo leave with Rock down and Austin is alone. Austin tries to overcome the 2-1, BUT THE SECURITY GUY IN THE SKI-MASK THAT CAME OUT WITH VINCE EARLIER COMES AND HITS AUSTIN WITH THE NIGHTSTICK FOR THE DQ! **1/2
HE TAKES OFF THE SKI MASK AND IT'S THE BIG BOSS MAN! Bossman watches on as Kane and Taker put the boots to Austin. Vince comes out on the stage with Patterson, Brisco, and Sarge. Vince has a huge smile on his face as Taker locks on his leg lock hold to end the show.
Bossman is now choking Austin with the nightstick as Taker and Kane leave, Bossman eventually leaves and says he's ENFORCING MCMAHON'S RULE! Vince then gets Bossman to leave, as the stooges wheel Vince down to the ring. Vince orders Patterson and Brisco to put the boots to him, and they do.......UNTIL AUSTIN RECOVERS AND DESTROYS THEM! He hits them both with stunners, THE ROCK IS BACK UP AND HITS A DOUBLE PEOPLE'S ELBOW! Vince tries to wheel himself away but is stuck on one of the camera cables so Austin shoves him out of the chair and puts the boots to him before leaving.
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Vacant
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: D'Lo Brown
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku
WWF Woman's Champion: Jacqueline
October 12th, 1998
Nassau Coliseum: Long Island, New York
Earlier Today; Vince McMahon drove himself to RAW, and is driving this all-white Corvette. JR says he's invited Austin tonight to Raw, the stooges show up with his wheelchair and place him in it. Vince yells at them to make sure the garage door stays open for Austin.
WWF Tag Team Championships: The New Age Outlaws vs. Animal & Droz (w/Hawk)
So Billy is back and I guess everything is cool now, but fuck all that. HAWK IS BAK! but he's sober
FUCK! JR announces LOD vs. DOA/Ellering and Headbangers vs. Outlaws for the titles @ Judgment Day.
In the parking lot, KANE arrives in his 90's Nike tracksuit.
Steve Blackman comes out and JR says Vince has forced him back to action, even though he's just coming off knee surgery.
WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament First Round Match: Steve Blackman vs. Ken Shamrock
This is a ton of fun for the 2 and a half minutes it got, they have no problems just punching one another in their faces. Shamrock targets the knee for the majority and Blackman goes a fantastic job selling and limping around. He makes a brief comeback but makes the mistake taunting Ken, so Shamrock locks in the ankle lock and Blackman taps.
After the match; THE BLUE BLAZER RUNS OUT AND ATTACKS BOTH MEN! FUCK! He runs once he notices Shamrock recovering. Ken then locks in the ankle lock on Blackman out of RAGE!
In the parking lot, Casual Taker arrives.
In the back, Terri is kissing on Val's neck.
Video package airs on Goldust's matches with Razor and Piper from 1996.
WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament First Round Match: Val Venis (w/Terri Runnels) vs. Marc Mero (w/Jacqueline)
This goes about 2 minutes or so, I think that's Russo's new thing is just having all the matches go 2 minutes then allow the main eventers to go over 10. They go back and forth doing stuff until Jacque gets on the apron to distract the ref and Mero for some reason. Which allows Terri to get on the apron to further distract mero, that allows Val to hit the fisherman suplex for the win.
After the match; Jacque attacks Teri for her involvement, they roll around and shit until refs break it up.
Backstage: Michael Cole goes to interview Sable, but Sable runs off and when she sees Jacque. She drags her by her hair into part of the arena but Mero, refs and agents pull them apart.
Earlier Today: Michael Cole interviews Mankind from the boiler room, Mankind says Ken Shamrock doesn't swing a chair hard enough for him to hurt him, as a matter of a fact. Ken was the weakest chair shot he's ever got hit in the head with. And if he doesn't like it, well he's got one word for him.................SOCKO! Have a nice day.
WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament First Round Match: Mankind vs. Mark Henry
JR announces Mankind/Shamrock for Judgment Day, and Rock/Henry at Judgment Day too (WHICH IS SO FUCKING RANDOM). Chyna comes out and watches on from the floor, this is a Mankind special he does very little on offense, and bumps around making Henry look way better then he really is. Mark targets the ankle and works on it for a bit. He goes for the big splash off the top, but Mankind avoids and tries to make a comeback but he can't run or walk CAUSE HE KNOWS HOW TO FUCKING SELL! So, he hits a flash double armed DDT and takes off his sneakers to reveal MR. SOCKO! He applies the Mr Socko mandible claw and chokes Mark out. **
Chyna gets into the ring and has words with Mark, but he just leaves saying it's out of his hands.
In the parking lot, Stone Cold Steve Austin arrives in a cement truck. Cole goes over to ask him what the hell he's doing and Austin says he had an open invitation, he says to go get that 1 legged bastard cause he might wanna see what he's about to do. Vince is shown pissed and the Stooges say they will check it out.
WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament First Round Match: Jeff Jarrett vs. X-Pac
FUCK YEAH! Renewal of this feud, winner of this faces Mankind. Jeff attacks Pac as he makes his way into the ring, as he's still not gotten over Pac cutting his hair. This is the usual funess Pac takes some awesome bumps, and shows tons of heart. Jeff is also super aggressive. Sadly, this is only 3 minutes and ends just as things start getting good. The ref gets bumped and Jeff gets the boot up on the Bronco buster, he goes under the ring to get a guitar case. But when he opens it HEAD is inside. That distraction allows Pac to roll him up for the win. **1/2
Al Snow comes out to get head and taunts Jeff.
Stone Cold Steve Austin comes down to the ring, He says first off, he'd like to thank Mr. McMahon for the invitation here tonight. There must have been some mistake in the address that went to Austin 3:16 Construction Company. When he screwed Stone Cold, he submitted his own damn fate. He can rest assured that as long as Stone Cold's in the WWF with him, he will make his life a living Hell and that's all he's got to say about that. As far as this Sunday goes, he'll be glad to put the shirt on because he thinks he'd make a damn good referee for this match. After those two big bastards beat the living hell out of each other, you can bet your ass that the only hand Stone Cold's gonna hold up is his own. And there ain't a damn thing Vince can do about it. Vince comes out in his little wheelchair. BUT VINCE HAS ATTACK POLICE DOGS AND A BIG MAN IN A SKi MASK NEXT TO HIM! Austin stays back at that and gives him the finger instead. Vince asks what gives him the right to destroy other people's property. That car was part of a collection and he ruined it. He says he's going to wrestle in that ring tonight and books Austin and Rock vs. Undertaker and Kane. He tells Austin to have eyes in the back of his head tonight. He admits his life HAS been a living hell the last 2 weeks. He drove that Zamboni in the ring to get him, then because of him, The Undertaker and Kane crushed his ankle. He may never play another polo match again, and he holds him responsible. Then, in the hospital...his head is still ringing. THEN HE VIOLATED HIM. He's going humiliate him NOW, because if he doesn't raise the hand of the new WWF Champion and humble himself, then he promises him, HE'LL FIRE HIS ASS ON THE SPOT. Austin says he ain't got the balls to fire Stone Cold, and Vince says he has balls the size of grapefruits and this Sunday, and he'll be picking seeds out of his teeth. They can do this the easy way or the hard way. I PROMISE YOU! I GUARANTEES YOU! I WILL FIRE YOUR ASS!
WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament Semi-Final Match: Val Venis (w/Terri Runnels) vs. Ken Shamrock
FUCK YEAH! PISSED OFF NEW ATTITUDE SHAMROCK ATTACKS VAL during his entrance, he beats on him on the floor before rolling him in to start the match. This is a ton of fun, Ken keeps his vicious steak alive and works the lower back, Val's selling during the work is great, screaming in pain and taking some really nice back bumps. JR announces Goldust/Val for Judgment Day. Sadly, Val stops all his good selling during his comeback, Ken whether that storm and chops the knee out from under him. He locks in the ankle lock and Val taps out quickly. **1/4
Goldust comes down to the ring, Terri gets out of there as Val backs off. He attacks Val in the corner and hits Shattered Dreams.
In the parking lot, Vince and his associates are looking at Vince's wrecked Corvette. Brisco says maybe he can get a shovel and scrap it off

Backstage: Michael Cole interviews The Rock, Rock says he fears no man, he's beaten The Undertaker and Kane, thus making him the #1 Contender. The only thing The Rock has a problem with is being Stone Cold Steve Austin's tag team partner. The Rock would just as soon slap the taste out of his mouth as slap his hand if you smell what The Rock is cooking. D'Lo and Mark Henry come over and D'Lo asks what this is and if he's too good for them. Rock says not to address him in public and says to know their roles and take their candy asses outside and they'll talk about it right now.
WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament Semi-Final Match: Mankind vs. X-Pac
FUCK YEAH! 98 DREAM MATCH! This only goes 3 minutes, but it fucking rules with both men's willingness to bump their asses off and take a bunch of awesome thuds. They take turns on offense, and have a nice back and forth. Mankind hits a neckbreaker on the floor and Ken Shamrock comes out. Mankind rolls Pac back in, but as Mankind goes back in Shamrock nails Mankind in the ankle with the chair. That allows Pac to roll him up for the win. **1/4
After the match; Ken beats up both Mankind and Pac, Mankind goes to leave as Shamrock locks in a triangle choke. Mankind gets a chair, but the stooges come out. Patterson says Mr. McMahon wants him in the back because he's hurt, so Mankind leaves. They help him to the back as referees try and get Shamrock off, as we go to break.
Back from break, Triple H comes out in his crutches to check on Pac who is grabbing at his neck. The refs all keep Shamrock back, and PAC YELLS RING THE BELL!
WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament Final Match: X-Pac (w/Triple H) vs. Ken Shamrock
I LOVE THIS VERSION OF KEN, he's super aggressive, stiff and now doesn't seem to have a problem filling up these 2-4 minute matches. He works Pac's neck and throat with some nasty/mean strikes, just taking pleasure in torturing Pac. Pac is Pac, so he bumps his ass off, and does a phenomenal job selling his neck, he doesn't normally sell this well but he's going above and beyond at making Ken look like a killa. Huner goes on commentary and says he found out he was stripped of the title by watching RAW. Pac hits a desperation spin kick, and tries to mount a comeback. But he throws 1 kick too many and Ken grabs the ankle and locks in the ankle lock. Pac makes it to the ropes, but Ken pulls him back to the middle, Pac gets close to the ropes again. BUT KEN PULLS HIM BACK AGAIN AND PAC TAPS! **3/4
This tournament fucking ruled I didn't even mind the short matches cause for the most part they all delivered.
The Undertaker & Kane vs. The Rock & Stone Cold Steve Austin
All 4 brawl to start, Taker keeps sitting up after stuff like it's 1991 again. Paul Bearer comes out and watches on from the floor, Taker has a brief control over Austin, but he's so distracted by Bearer's presence that it allows Austin to make a comeback. He tags Rocky back in and ROCK HITS THE PEOPLE'S ELBOW! YOU KNOW THE ONE, THE ONE WHEN TAKER SITS UP BUT ROCK BOOTS HIM BACK AND HITS THE ELBOW. That only gets a two, Kane comes in to distract Rock which allows Taker to hit a desperation chokeslam giving the brother their control back. They wear down Rocky with punches and chokes as D'Lo and Mark come down too. Austin's hot tag rules, as he cleans house. JR keeps mentioning Rock/Mark at the PPV, then right on queue AS ROCK IS LAID OUT ON THE FLOOR, MARK DROPS HIM WITH A BIG SPLASH! Mark and D'Lo leave with Rock down and Austin is alone. Austin tries to overcome the 2-1, BUT THE SECURITY GUY IN THE SKI-MASK THAT CAME OUT WITH VINCE EARLIER COMES AND HITS AUSTIN WITH THE NIGHTSTICK FOR THE DQ! **1/2

HE TAKES OFF THE SKI MASK AND IT'S THE BIG BOSS MAN! Bossman watches on as Kane and Taker put the boots to Austin. Vince comes out on the stage with Patterson, Brisco, and Sarge. Vince has a huge smile on his face as Taker locks on his leg lock hold to end the show.
Bossman is now choking Austin with the nightstick as Taker and Kane leave, Bossman eventually leaves and says he's ENFORCING MCMAHON'S RULE! Vince then gets Bossman to leave, as the stooges wheel Vince down to the ring. Vince orders Patterson and Brisco to put the boots to him, and they do.......UNTIL AUSTIN RECOVERS AND DESTROYS THEM! He hits them both with stunners, THE ROCK IS BACK UP AND HITS A DOUBLE PEOPLE'S ELBOW! Vince tries to wheel himself away but is stuck on one of the camera cables so Austin shoves him out of the chair and puts the boots to him before leaving.