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- Dec 3, 2010
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- Hell's Club
- Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: The Rock
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Ken Shamrock
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: X-Pac
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Duane Gill
WWF Woman's Champion: Sable
WWF Hardcore Champion: The Big Bossman
WWF Capital Carnage
December 6th, 1999
London, England
Gangrel vs. Al Snow
Don't care.
The Headbangers vs. NEW LOD 2000
Terrible angle match, Droz goes for twin magic but Thrasher rolls him up and counts to three, even though he wasn't the legal man. Man, the ref is so dumb. After the match; Droz and Animal finally FIGHT! As Animal has had enough of this piece of shit person, who turned him against his best friend and tried to kill him. Also LOL at doing this on a meaningless UK house show.
Val Venis vs. Goldust
I was gonna skip this but thought better as I enjoyed their feud a lot and they had 2 really solid matches, and even though this feud has pretty much been over for like 2 months why not see who comes out on top in the rubber match. They have a solid brawl to start, with Val taking some nice bumps, sadly, Goldust's fire has been burnt out again as he totally reverts to being average again. Sadly this is about 5 minutes so it ends just as it starts to pick up, the ref got in the way of Shattered Dreams, which let Val get free, and he got a schoolboy for the win. The highlight of the match was King telling JR he tricked a girl into marrying him, by him telling her she's pregnant.
After the match; Goldust attacks Val and gives him shattered dreams.
Vince, Shane and their entourage come out. Pat says the line up has been changed just to please them. Pat says The Rock will face his toughest opponent yet. He was supposed to wrestle Hunter Hearst Hemsley tonight but it won't be him, because Hunter will have his hands full one on one with Jeff Jarrett. And the Rock will go on one on one against a man who just a few weeks ago almost became WWF Champion, X-Pac. Brisco says Mr. McMahon has loaded the night with great surprisements and says they have UK's favourite son, that SOCCER rulebreaker, Vinnie Jones. Shane says he's been dubbed a hard man, and being from America, he does not know what that is. He figured it out last night. He was at the bar last night and eavesdropped on two men talking about the George Michael interview. George never named his boyfriend, so he began thinking and asked if he could be Vinnie Jones. In all seriousness, Vinnie Jones is a great representative of Great Britain. Vince says he's sure they're wondering what he thinks of Great Britain and her majesty's loyal subjects. Oddly enough, he has an opinion. Firstly, tea time is a pile of pious crap. They've convinced themselves that they have the greatest nation on Earth and that they have the most dignified and civilized nation. The rest of the world does not agree with that. History will prove that the British are the most barbaric and vile sloths to every walk the face of the Earth. He can understand why they want to hang onto their little customs from when they used to be somebody. The British Empire, however, crumbled long ago. With the exception of that treasure, the Falkland Islands, which they fought so hard to keep. There's no doubt in his mind that all of them here and at home wishes they were NOT British.
They might ask him, as a visionary, to say what Britain will be in the future. The future is a cesspool of decay, a cesspool of decadence and debauchery, and in all likelihood, will be governed by a Prime Minister of Pakistani extraction.
Edge vs. Tiger Ali Singh
Christian & Sable vs. Marc Mero & Jacquelyn
This sure as shit happens for some reason, Jacque attacks Mero to start and they don't function at all, it's like a tale of two matches before Mero just leaves because fuck this. Sable hits Jacque with the TKO for the win. THIS BETTER BE MERO'S LAST MATCH AS HE QUIT ON RAW, A FUCKING WEEK AGO!
After the match; Sable rips off Jacque's top EXPOSING HER TITS! But it gets blurred out on the network
WWF Intercontinental Championship: Ken Shamrock (w/The Big Bossman) vs. Steve Blackman
Solid 7 minutes, lots of back and forth striking. But it felt too house showish. Like Ken isn't super violent and brutal on his strikes, he just seems to be going through the motions. He targets the head and does some nice things, but Blackman does sell unless you call just laying on the mat selling. Blackman mounts a comeback and gets a couple of near falls off suplexes, Blackman randomly attacks Bossman on the floor so as he tries to run the ropes, Bossman hits him in the ankle with the nightstick and Shamrock locks in the ankle lock forcing Blackman to tapout. **
After the match; Bossman beats up Blackman with the nightstick.
Backstage: Michael Cole interviews The Rock, Cole asks Rock about his match tonight and Rock makes him hold his half-eaten apple and Rock says he received his corporate e-mail last week saying there was no way in hell that degenerate Triple H would receive a title shot here in front of all The Rock's fans. Of all the opponents they could get through, they get X-Pac. He almost put that boney jabroni in a coma with the Corporate Elbow. What The Rock plans on doing is laying the smack down on his boney little candy ass, and when the millions and millions of The Rock's fans are done chanting his name and the corporate smoke has cleared, X-Pac will have known his role.
"WHATCHA GONAN DO......that's not it. THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE ......no, that's not it either. TO BE THE MAN, WOOOO, YOU G....... nope. THE BEST THERE IS, THE BEST.......that's definitely not it. IF YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKIN"
Jeff Jarrett (w/Debra) vs. Triple H (w/Chyna)
I guess the divorce has finally gone through as Finkle doesn't call her Debra McMichaels, just Debra. This is Triple H's first match back since the knee injury, again either this is just a boring house show match, or they have absolutely no chemistry together at all. Jarrett targets the head with punches and kicks before locking in a sleeper to kill time. Hunter makes a comeback, but Debra gets on the apron to distract him, but clearly, she isn't his type
Chyna scares her off, and Hunter fights back some more before hitting the pedigree for the win. *3/4
Backstage: Michael Cole interviews Stone Cold Steve Austin, Cole says Vince says he has some surprises for him tonight, Austin says the surprises don't make a difference to him, he didn't come to England just for the hell of it. Three people are gonna get their ass whipped, if not more. He says it's anything goes and just because Kane and he teamed up don't mean anything. There ain't no love affair and Kane's ass is on the line just like everyone else's. He's a little bit pissed off and in a bad mood. Undertaker and Mankind and Kane are in the wrong place at the wrong time, and Michael can take his ass outta here because he's a little tired of him.
Former European Champion D'Lo Brown was walking around London, soaking up the sights.
WWF Tag Team Championships: The New Age Outlaws vs. D'Lo Brown & Mark Henry
AHHHHH The match we should have got at Survivor Series, this gets 12 minutes and they seem to be the only ones that care. Good back and forth action, with the Outlaws getting the better each time. This is also the first match where the crowd are super into it like they popped huge for Goldust's shattered dreams but this is where we get the camera shake pops. Man the Outlaws were over. Mark has a good iso on Gunn, it's pretty much just a singles match, he also has one on Dogg. So I like that they play off the Outlaws can beat D'Lo pretty easily, but they can' get Mark who beats the both of them down giving his team the advantage. Gunn has a great hot tag yet again, as he continues to be built as the breakout star. The match breaks down and D'Lo misses the Lo-Down, which allows Gunn to hit a Piledriver for the win. A couple more false finishes at the end would have put this over the top. **3/4
WWF World Heavyweight Championship: X-Pac vs. The Rock
This again delivers, they again playoff the story from their RAW Title match 2 weeks ago, with Pac being the faster and more experienced guy so he dominates early totally throwing the rock off his game to the point where he grabs the mic and announces he's leaving. He makes it halfway up the ramp, but Triple H and Chyna come out and the Rock back peddle it. Pac attacks him on the floor and beats on him some more. Rock avoids the Bronco buster and now he finally gets to take over, slowing down the pace keeping Pac grounded. He works the neck but kinda has a problem filling time, which he's had that problem all year in some of these over 10-minute matches. Pac has his Pac comeback with awesome spin kicks and stuff, Chyna even sneaks in a low for a hot near falls. The ref gets bumped, and Rock rolls out to sucker punch Triple H, he grabs the WWF title but Pac ducks it and Hunter nails him with the Euro title. The ref is slow to recover as Pac crawls on top for a great near fall. The Attitude Era, did that spot so well 90% of the time. Pac connects with the Bronco Buster but Rock rolls to the floor, he smartly shoves Chyna which triggers Triple H who attacks him from behind for the DQ. After the match; Pac and Hunter put the boots to him until refs all run down to separate them. ***
Shane McMahon is the guest ring announcer, Vince is on commentary, Pat Patterson is the guest timekeeper, Brisco is the special referee, and the Big Bossman is the special enforcer. This doesn't even touch the Over the Edge introductions.
Vinnie Jones comes out, he and Bossman go face to face before Vinny shoves him on his ass out of the ring. Brisco pulls out the old' cheesy red card gimmick and ejects him from ringside, this took way too long.
Fatal Four-Way Match: Mankind vs. Kane vs. The Undertaker vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin
Mankind and Kane don't wait until the other two get to the ring as they immediately start fighting. They bell even rings cause LOL! Taker and Kane team up to take out Mankind, so they can fight but Austin's music hits and Taker drops what he was doing to meet Austin on the ramp. This is house show level too, don't get me wrong it's pretty chaotic and action-packed the whole time with them brawling for the entire 16 minutes with pinfalls being broken up once in a while. Mankind/Austin, Mankind/Taker, Mankind/Kane and Kane/Austin all rule. Vince on commentary is awesome as he's trying to blend his 90's announce voice, with his heel evil boss gimmick. Kane and Taker again team up which makes no sense, given what's happened the past month and a half. They go for the Spike Tombstone on the chair, but Mankind stops it by hitting Kane with a chair, Taker then kills Mankind with a chair shot to the head, but Austin hits Taker with a chair in the back, but Brisco slow counts him to 1. The match breaks down again and Brisco again refuses to count for Austin, Taker drops Austin and Kane with Chokeslams but no ref. Earl Hebner runs out but Kane kicks out, Mankind and Taker fight on the floor as Austin hits Kane with the Stunner in the ring and Hebner counts to three. **1/2
Vinny Jones comes back out and attacks Bossman, Austin, Hebner and Vinny all drink beer together to end the show.
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Ken Shamrock
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: X-Pac
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Duane Gill
WWF Woman's Champion: Sable
WWF Hardcore Champion: The Big Bossman

WWF Capital Carnage
December 6th, 1999
London, England
Gangrel vs. Al Snow
Don't care.
The Headbangers vs. NEW LOD 2000
Terrible angle match, Droz goes for twin magic but Thrasher rolls him up and counts to three, even though he wasn't the legal man. Man, the ref is so dumb. After the match; Droz and Animal finally FIGHT! As Animal has had enough of this piece of shit person, who turned him against his best friend and tried to kill him. Also LOL at doing this on a meaningless UK house show.
Val Venis vs. Goldust
I was gonna skip this but thought better as I enjoyed their feud a lot and they had 2 really solid matches, and even though this feud has pretty much been over for like 2 months why not see who comes out on top in the rubber match. They have a solid brawl to start, with Val taking some nice bumps, sadly, Goldust's fire has been burnt out again as he totally reverts to being average again. Sadly this is about 5 minutes so it ends just as it starts to pick up, the ref got in the way of Shattered Dreams, which let Val get free, and he got a schoolboy for the win. The highlight of the match was King telling JR he tricked a girl into marrying him, by him telling her she's pregnant.
After the match; Goldust attacks Val and gives him shattered dreams.
Vince, Shane and their entourage come out. Pat says the line up has been changed just to please them. Pat says The Rock will face his toughest opponent yet. He was supposed to wrestle Hunter Hearst Hemsley tonight but it won't be him, because Hunter will have his hands full one on one with Jeff Jarrett. And the Rock will go on one on one against a man who just a few weeks ago almost became WWF Champion, X-Pac. Brisco says Mr. McMahon has loaded the night with great surprisements and says they have UK's favourite son, that SOCCER rulebreaker, Vinnie Jones. Shane says he's been dubbed a hard man, and being from America, he does not know what that is. He figured it out last night. He was at the bar last night and eavesdropped on two men talking about the George Michael interview. George never named his boyfriend, so he began thinking and asked if he could be Vinnie Jones. In all seriousness, Vinnie Jones is a great representative of Great Britain. Vince says he's sure they're wondering what he thinks of Great Britain and her majesty's loyal subjects. Oddly enough, he has an opinion. Firstly, tea time is a pile of pious crap. They've convinced themselves that they have the greatest nation on Earth and that they have the most dignified and civilized nation. The rest of the world does not agree with that. History will prove that the British are the most barbaric and vile sloths to every walk the face of the Earth. He can understand why they want to hang onto their little customs from when they used to be somebody. The British Empire, however, crumbled long ago. With the exception of that treasure, the Falkland Islands, which they fought so hard to keep. There's no doubt in his mind that all of them here and at home wishes they were NOT British.

They might ask him, as a visionary, to say what Britain will be in the future. The future is a cesspool of decay, a cesspool of decadence and debauchery, and in all likelihood, will be governed by a Prime Minister of Pakistani extraction.
Edge vs. Tiger Ali Singh
Christian & Sable vs. Marc Mero & Jacquelyn
This sure as shit happens for some reason, Jacque attacks Mero to start and they don't function at all, it's like a tale of two matches before Mero just leaves because fuck this. Sable hits Jacque with the TKO for the win. THIS BETTER BE MERO'S LAST MATCH AS HE QUIT ON RAW, A FUCKING WEEK AGO!
After the match; Sable rips off Jacque's top EXPOSING HER TITS! But it gets blurred out on the network
WWF Intercontinental Championship: Ken Shamrock (w/The Big Bossman) vs. Steve Blackman
Solid 7 minutes, lots of back and forth striking. But it felt too house showish. Like Ken isn't super violent and brutal on his strikes, he just seems to be going through the motions. He targets the head and does some nice things, but Blackman does sell unless you call just laying on the mat selling. Blackman mounts a comeback and gets a couple of near falls off suplexes, Blackman randomly attacks Bossman on the floor so as he tries to run the ropes, Bossman hits him in the ankle with the nightstick and Shamrock locks in the ankle lock forcing Blackman to tapout. **
After the match; Bossman beats up Blackman with the nightstick.
Backstage: Michael Cole interviews The Rock, Cole asks Rock about his match tonight and Rock makes him hold his half-eaten apple and Rock says he received his corporate e-mail last week saying there was no way in hell that degenerate Triple H would receive a title shot here in front of all The Rock's fans. Of all the opponents they could get through, they get X-Pac. He almost put that boney jabroni in a coma with the Corporate Elbow. What The Rock plans on doing is laying the smack down on his boney little candy ass, and when the millions and millions of The Rock's fans are done chanting his name and the corporate smoke has cleared, X-Pac will have known his role.
"WHATCHA GONAN DO......that's not it. THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE ......no, that's not it either. TO BE THE MAN, WOOOO, YOU G....... nope. THE BEST THERE IS, THE BEST.......that's definitely not it. IF YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKIN"
Jeff Jarrett (w/Debra) vs. Triple H (w/Chyna)
I guess the divorce has finally gone through as Finkle doesn't call her Debra McMichaels, just Debra. This is Triple H's first match back since the knee injury, again either this is just a boring house show match, or they have absolutely no chemistry together at all. Jarrett targets the head with punches and kicks before locking in a sleeper to kill time. Hunter makes a comeback, but Debra gets on the apron to distract him, but clearly, she isn't his type

Backstage: Michael Cole interviews Stone Cold Steve Austin, Cole says Vince says he has some surprises for him tonight, Austin says the surprises don't make a difference to him, he didn't come to England just for the hell of it. Three people are gonna get their ass whipped, if not more. He says it's anything goes and just because Kane and he teamed up don't mean anything. There ain't no love affair and Kane's ass is on the line just like everyone else's. He's a little bit pissed off and in a bad mood. Undertaker and Mankind and Kane are in the wrong place at the wrong time, and Michael can take his ass outta here because he's a little tired of him.
Former European Champion D'Lo Brown was walking around London, soaking up the sights.
WWF Tag Team Championships: The New Age Outlaws vs. D'Lo Brown & Mark Henry
AHHHHH The match we should have got at Survivor Series, this gets 12 minutes and they seem to be the only ones that care. Good back and forth action, with the Outlaws getting the better each time. This is also the first match where the crowd are super into it like they popped huge for Goldust's shattered dreams but this is where we get the camera shake pops. Man the Outlaws were over. Mark has a good iso on Gunn, it's pretty much just a singles match, he also has one on Dogg. So I like that they play off the Outlaws can beat D'Lo pretty easily, but they can' get Mark who beats the both of them down giving his team the advantage. Gunn has a great hot tag yet again, as he continues to be built as the breakout star. The match breaks down and D'Lo misses the Lo-Down, which allows Gunn to hit a Piledriver for the win. A couple more false finishes at the end would have put this over the top. **3/4
WWF World Heavyweight Championship: X-Pac vs. The Rock
This again delivers, they again playoff the story from their RAW Title match 2 weeks ago, with Pac being the faster and more experienced guy so he dominates early totally throwing the rock off his game to the point where he grabs the mic and announces he's leaving. He makes it halfway up the ramp, but Triple H and Chyna come out and the Rock back peddle it. Pac attacks him on the floor and beats on him some more. Rock avoids the Bronco buster and now he finally gets to take over, slowing down the pace keeping Pac grounded. He works the neck but kinda has a problem filling time, which he's had that problem all year in some of these over 10-minute matches. Pac has his Pac comeback with awesome spin kicks and stuff, Chyna even sneaks in a low for a hot near falls. The ref gets bumped, and Rock rolls out to sucker punch Triple H, he grabs the WWF title but Pac ducks it and Hunter nails him with the Euro title. The ref is slow to recover as Pac crawls on top for a great near fall. The Attitude Era, did that spot so well 90% of the time. Pac connects with the Bronco Buster but Rock rolls to the floor, he smartly shoves Chyna which triggers Triple H who attacks him from behind for the DQ. After the match; Pac and Hunter put the boots to him until refs all run down to separate them. ***
Shane McMahon is the guest ring announcer, Vince is on commentary, Pat Patterson is the guest timekeeper, Brisco is the special referee, and the Big Bossman is the special enforcer. This doesn't even touch the Over the Edge introductions.
Vinnie Jones comes out, he and Bossman go face to face before Vinny shoves him on his ass out of the ring. Brisco pulls out the old' cheesy red card gimmick and ejects him from ringside, this took way too long.
Fatal Four-Way Match: Mankind vs. Kane vs. The Undertaker vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin
Mankind and Kane don't wait until the other two get to the ring as they immediately start fighting. They bell even rings cause LOL! Taker and Kane team up to take out Mankind, so they can fight but Austin's music hits and Taker drops what he was doing to meet Austin on the ramp. This is house show level too, don't get me wrong it's pretty chaotic and action-packed the whole time with them brawling for the entire 16 minutes with pinfalls being broken up once in a while. Mankind/Austin, Mankind/Taker, Mankind/Kane and Kane/Austin all rule. Vince on commentary is awesome as he's trying to blend his 90's announce voice, with his heel evil boss gimmick. Kane and Taker again team up which makes no sense, given what's happened the past month and a half. They go for the Spike Tombstone on the chair, but Mankind stops it by hitting Kane with a chair, Taker then kills Mankind with a chair shot to the head, but Austin hits Taker with a chair in the back, but Brisco slow counts him to 1. The match breaks down again and Brisco again refuses to count for Austin, Taker drops Austin and Kane with Chokeslams but no ref. Earl Hebner runs out but Kane kicks out, Mankind and Taker fight on the floor as Austin hits Kane with the Stunner in the ring and Hebner counts to three. **1/2
Vinny Jones comes back out and attacks Bossman, Austin, Hebner and Vinny all drink beer together to end the show.