WWF 1998 Review

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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: The Rock
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Ken Shamrock
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: X-Pac
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Duane Gill
WWF Woman's Champion: Sable
WWF Hardcore Champion: The Big Bossman


WWF Capital Carnage
December 6th, 1999
London, England

Gangrel vs. Al Snow
Don't care.

The Headbangers vs. NEW LOD 2000
Terrible angle match, Droz goes for twin magic but Thrasher rolls him up and counts to three, even though he wasn't the legal man. Man, the ref is so dumb. After the match; Droz and Animal finally FIGHT! As Animal has had enough of this piece of shit person, who turned him against his best friend and tried to kill him. Also LOL at doing this on a meaningless UK house show.

Val Venis vs. Goldust
I was gonna skip this but thought better as I enjoyed their feud a lot and they had 2 really solid matches, and even though this feud has pretty much been over for like 2 months why not see who comes out on top in the rubber match. They have a solid brawl to start, with Val taking some nice bumps, sadly, Goldust's fire has been burnt out again as he totally reverts to being average again. Sadly this is about 5 minutes so it ends just as it starts to pick up, the ref got in the way of Shattered Dreams, which let Val get free, and he got a schoolboy for the win. The highlight of the match was King telling JR he tricked a girl into marrying him, by him telling her she's pregnant.

After the match; Goldust attacks Val and gives him shattered dreams.

Vince, Shane and their entourage come out. Pat says the line up has been changed just to please them. Pat says The Rock will face his toughest opponent yet. He was supposed to wrestle Hunter Hearst Hemsley tonight but it won't be him, because Hunter will have his hands full one on one with Jeff Jarrett. And the Rock will go on one on one against a man who just a few weeks ago almost became WWF Champion, X-Pac. Brisco says Mr. McMahon has loaded the night with great surprisements and says they have UK's favourite son, that SOCCER rulebreaker, Vinnie Jones. Shane says he's been dubbed a hard man, and being from America, he does not know what that is. He figured it out last night. He was at the bar last night and eavesdropped on two men talking about the George Michael interview. George never named his boyfriend, so he began thinking and asked if he could be Vinnie Jones. In all seriousness, Vinnie Jones is a great representative of Great Britain. Vince says he's sure they're wondering what he thinks of Great Britain and her majesty's loyal subjects. Oddly enough, he has an opinion. Firstly, tea time is a pile of pious crap. They've convinced themselves that they have the greatest nation on Earth and that they have the most dignified and civilized nation. The rest of the world does not agree with that. History will prove that the British are the most barbaric and vile sloths to every walk the face of the Earth. He can understand why they want to hang onto their little customs from when they used to be somebody. The British Empire, however, crumbled long ago. With the exception of that treasure, the Falkland Islands, which they fought so hard to keep. There's no doubt in his mind that all of them here and at home wishes they were NOT British.


They might ask him, as a visionary, to say what Britain will be in the future. The future is a cesspool of decay, a cesspool of decadence and debauchery, and in all likelihood, will be governed by a Prime Minister of Pakistani extraction.

Edge vs. Tiger Ali Singh

Christian & Sable vs. Marc Mero & Jacquelyn
This sure as shit happens for some reason, Jacque attacks Mero to start and they don't function at all, it's like a tale of two matches before Mero just leaves because fuck this. Sable hits Jacque with the TKO for the win. THIS BETTER BE MERO'S LAST MATCH AS HE QUIT ON RAW, A FUCKING WEEK AGO!

After the match; Sable rips off Jacque's top EXPOSING HER TITS! But it gets blurred out on the network :(

WWF Intercontinental Championship: Ken Shamrock (w/The Big Bossman) vs. Steve Blackman
Solid 7 minutes, lots of back and forth striking. But it felt too house showish. Like Ken isn't super violent and brutal on his strikes, he just seems to be going through the motions. He targets the head and does some nice things, but Blackman does sell unless you call just laying on the mat selling. Blackman mounts a comeback and gets a couple of near falls off suplexes, Blackman randomly attacks Bossman on the floor so as he tries to run the ropes, Bossman hits him in the ankle with the nightstick and Shamrock locks in the ankle lock forcing Blackman to tapout. **

After the match; Bossman beats up Blackman with the nightstick.

Backstage: Michael Cole interviews The Rock, Cole asks Rock about his match tonight and Rock makes him hold his half-eaten apple and Rock says he received his corporate e-mail last week saying there was no way in hell that degenerate Triple H would receive a title shot here in front of all The Rock's fans. Of all the opponents they could get through, they get X-Pac. He almost put that boney jabroni in a coma with the Corporate Elbow. What The Rock plans on doing is laying the smack down on his boney little candy ass, and when the millions and millions of The Rock's fans are done chanting his name and the corporate smoke has cleared, X-Pac will have known his role.

"WHATCHA GONAN DO......that's not it. THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE ......no, that's not it either. TO BE THE MAN, WOOOO, YOU G....... nope. THE BEST THERE IS, THE BEST.......that's definitely not it. IF YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKIN"

Jeff Jarrett (w/Debra) vs. Triple H (w/Chyna)
I guess the divorce has finally gone through as Finkle doesn't call her Debra McMichaels, just Debra. This is Triple H's first match back since the knee injury, again either this is just a boring house show match, or they have absolutely no chemistry together at all. Jarrett targets the head with punches and kicks before locking in a sleeper to kill time. Hunter makes a comeback, but Debra gets on the apron to distract him, but clearly, she isn't his type 8D Chyna scares her off, and Hunter fights back some more before hitting the pedigree for the win. *3/4

Backstage: Michael Cole interviews Stone Cold Steve Austin, Cole says Vince says he has some surprises for him tonight, Austin says the surprises don't make a difference to him, he didn't come to England just for the hell of it. Three people are gonna get their ass whipped, if not more. He says it's anything goes and just because Kane and he teamed up don't mean anything. There ain't no love affair and Kane's ass is on the line just like everyone else's. He's a little bit pissed off and in a bad mood. Undertaker and Mankind and Kane are in the wrong place at the wrong time, and Michael can take his ass outta here because he's a little tired of him.

Former European Champion D'Lo Brown was walking around London, soaking up the sights.

WWF Tag Team Championships: The New Age Outlaws vs. D'Lo Brown & Mark Henry
AHHHHH The match we should have got at Survivor Series, this gets 12 minutes and they seem to be the only ones that care. Good back and forth action, with the Outlaws getting the better each time. This is also the first match where the crowd are super into it like they popped huge for Goldust's shattered dreams but this is where we get the camera shake pops. Man the Outlaws were over. Mark has a good iso on Gunn, it's pretty much just a singles match, he also has one on Dogg. So I like that they play off the Outlaws can beat D'Lo pretty easily, but they can' get Mark who beats the both of them down giving his team the advantage. Gunn has a great hot tag yet again, as he continues to be built as the breakout star. The match breaks down and D'Lo misses the Lo-Down, which allows Gunn to hit a Piledriver for the win. A couple more false finishes at the end would have put this over the top. **3/4

WWF World Heavyweight Championship: X-Pac vs. The Rock
This again delivers, they again playoff the story from their RAW Title match 2 weeks ago, with Pac being the faster and more experienced guy so he dominates early totally throwing the rock off his game to the point where he grabs the mic and announces he's leaving. He makes it halfway up the ramp, but Triple H and Chyna come out and the Rock back peddle it. Pac attacks him on the floor and beats on him some more. Rock avoids the Bronco buster and now he finally gets to take over, slowing down the pace keeping Pac grounded. He works the neck but kinda has a problem filling time, which he's had that problem all year in some of these over 10-minute matches. Pac has his Pac comeback with awesome spin kicks and stuff, Chyna even sneaks in a low for a hot near falls. The ref gets bumped, and Rock rolls out to sucker punch Triple H, he grabs the WWF title but Pac ducks it and Hunter nails him with the Euro title. The ref is slow to recover as Pac crawls on top for a great near fall. The Attitude Era, did that spot so well 90% of the time. Pac connects with the Bronco Buster but Rock rolls to the floor, he smartly shoves Chyna which triggers Triple H who attacks him from behind for the DQ. After the match; Pac and Hunter put the boots to him until refs all run down to separate them. ***

Shane McMahon is the guest ring announcer, Vince is on commentary, Pat Patterson is the guest timekeeper, Brisco is the special referee, and the Big Bossman is the special enforcer. This doesn't even touch the Over the Edge introductions.

Vinnie Jones comes out, he and Bossman go face to face before Vinny shoves him on his ass out of the ring. Brisco pulls out the old' cheesy red card gimmick and ejects him from ringside, this took way too long.

Fatal Four-Way Match: Mankind vs. Kane vs. The Undertaker vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin
Mankind and Kane don't wait until the other two get to the ring as they immediately start fighting. They bell even rings cause LOL! Taker and Kane team up to take out Mankind, so they can fight but Austin's music hits and Taker drops what he was doing to meet Austin on the ramp. This is house show level too, don't get me wrong it's pretty chaotic and action-packed the whole time with them brawling for the entire 16 minutes with pinfalls being broken up once in a while. Mankind/Austin, Mankind/Taker, Mankind/Kane and Kane/Austin all rule. Vince on commentary is awesome as he's trying to blend his 90's announce voice, with his heel evil boss gimmick. Kane and Taker again team up which makes no sense, given what's happened the past month and a half. They go for the Spike Tombstone on the chair, but Mankind stops it by hitting Kane with a chair, Taker then kills Mankind with a chair shot to the head, but Austin hits Taker with a chair in the back, but Brisco slow counts him to 1. The match breaks down again and Brisco again refuses to count for Austin, Taker drops Austin and Kane with Chokeslams but no ref. Earl Hebner runs out but Kane kicks out, Mankind and Taker fight on the floor as Austin hits Kane with the Stunner in the ring and Hebner counts to three. **1/2

Vinny Jones comes back out and attacks Bossman, Austin, Hebner and Vinny all drink beer together to end the show.


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Never see any of those UK only PPVs


Nov 13, 2010
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Sounds like Vince could've ran the tory party with that promo.
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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: The Rock
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Ken Shamrock
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: X-Pac
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Duane Gill
WWF Woman's Champion: Sable
WWF Hardcore Champion: The Big Bossman

December 7th, 1998
New Haven, Connecticut

I should mention, Jim Ross suffered his second Bells palsy attack on-air during the Capital Carnage PPV, Michael Cole is filling in for him and says JR's mum passed away this week too, so he's off TV until Mania 15 :(

Triple H, X-Pac and Chyna come down to the ring, Hunter says WE need to know where Billy and Road Dogg stand. If they're made a "business decision", that's fine by them, but have the balls to come out and tell him to his face. The New Age Outlaws come out in suits Dogg dubs them "THE NEW CORPORATE OUTLAWS" Dogg says it brings him great pleasure to introduce the Commissioner, Shawn Michaels. They all get in the ring and Shawn says if Triple H wants to talk about balls, they should start with him and go back in time to the birth of D-Generation X. Shawn Michaels is THE founding father of DX. As far as he's concerned, he at least owes him an apology if for nothing else, gimmick infringement. Hunter says he owes him nothing, Shawn asks if he doesn't owe him for riding his coattails since day one and for turning him into a Somebody when he was an absolute nobody. Triple H says it was him that was carrying his dead ass around while he couldn't walk and hold up a belt he had no business carrying anymore. After WrestleMania, when he got burned, it was HIM who picked up the ball. Shawn says he's had balls Triple H will never have. He made him, and he can break him. Hunter says the only thing broken down here is Shawn's ego. Shawn says he and his little buddy X-Pac can suck on this because they'll have the privilege of facing Ken Shamrock and The Big Bossman in a tag team match tonight. Anything Goes, and if the Outlaws HAPPEN to get involved, then so be it. NOW, HIT HIS MUSIC! "Break it down" hits.

The Corporation come out onto the stage and shake the Outlaws' hands.

Backstage: What's left of DX are talking, Hunter tells Chyna she needs to have their backs, but she looks kinda disinterested.

Jeff Jarrett (w/Debra) vs. D'Lo Brown (w/Mark Henry)
IDK if Jeff is upset that he hasn't done anything truly meaningful since SummerSlam, or he's just turning into the awful Jarrett that I've come to hate. It's the same basic formula, not much happens. It also doesn't help that this is a match between two heels. Debra tries to distract the ref, but Goldust comes out in a trenchcoat. He flashes her and Jeff is also distracted and D'Lo rolls him up to win.

Backstage: Stone Cold is complaining to one of the agents about having to be in this tag team match with Mankind against Taker and Rock. Austin says it's a bad deal for everyone.

The Headbangers vs. Gangrel & Edge (w/Christian)
This goes about a minute before Luna attacks the Headbangers for the DQ.

In the back, a cameraman records Vince, Shane, and The Rock talking to Paul Bearer from a distance.

Owen Hart vs. Goldust
Angle match, Owen comes out looking rusty, they really play up the this is his first match in 2 months angle. This is really bad, super slow both men just go through the motions just waiting for the fuckery. And right on time, here comes Debra and Jarrett, Debra has a trenchcoat on now, but when she flashes Owen is the one that gets distracted and Goldust rolls him up for the win.

Va Venis, The Godfather and 2 Hoes come down to the ring, Godfather says they've got some fine hoes in this town. He says the holiday season is upon them and the pimping business has been very good to him, so he's going to do something he's never ever done before. He's going to offer one of his fine hoes to somebody in the audience. A guy in the front row pulls money out, and the Godfather brings him into the ring. It's a short fat fucker called BOB! Godfather gives him both the hoes for free and they leave.

Val Venis & The Godfather vs. The Acolytes (w/The Jackyl)
Goes about a minute, they brawl the whole time and refuse to stop, so the ref calls for the bell. PUSSY! Damn Tim White is the worse.

Stone Cold Steve Austin comes down to the ring, he says for the last few months here in the WWF, title or not, Vince McMahon has thrown everything he can at him and somehow, he's always managed to scrape by. But in six days, in a Buried Alive match, the stakes are stacked up higher than they've ever been for Stone Cold Steve Austin. The Undertaker comes out here talking about sacrificing him and wanting his soul, he'd hit him with a shovel, tried to bury him, tried to embalm him, and none of it worked. In the Ministry of Stone Cold, he can bet his ass at Rock Bottom, he can expect no mercy from Stone Cold Steve Austin. The Undertaker's music hits and the Taker symbol comes down in front of the Tron, Taker doesn't come out but his voice is on the sound system. He says they've travelled down the Highway to Hell together and their journey has enlightened them on a few matters. He is helpless against his Ministry and he can take his rotting soul any time he wishes. Tonight, their journey stops in Austin's purgatory where he will remain until Rock Bottom. And on that night, he will sacrifice him to the Ministry of Darkness and let the entire world watch him get buried alive, then burn in hell. THE SYMBOL THEN BURSTS INTO FLAMES!

Backstage: Mankind walks around with a bag and says Stone Cold must be the silliest SOB in the WWF if he thinks they're not friends, and he's going to have to fix that.

Steve Blackman vs. Tiger Ali Singh (w/Babu)
Blackman wins with the Bicycle Kick to the chest, after the match the Blue Blazer runs out BUT PULLS A TITUS AND TRIPS ON THE RAMP! That allows Blackman to beat him up on the floor, Owen Hart runs out and attacks from behind, he puts him into the Dragon Sleeper until he passes out.

Backstage: Mankind finds and goes into Austin's dressing room.

Mark Henry (w/D'Lo Brown) vs. Droz (w/Animal)
King dubs Mark "SEXUAL CHOCOLATE" for the first time :mark: This match is bad, it's so bad. Droz is bad. They do stuff for 3 minutes until Chyna comes out and punches Droz which allows Mark the hit the running big splash for the win.

Backstage: The Outlaws, Shawn, Shamrock and Bossman are having a business meeting.

Anything Goes Match: Triple H & X-Pac (w/Chyna) vs. The Big Bossman & Ken Shamrock
Good stuff to start, Bossman/Pac and Bossman/Hunter are really good before the match breaks down. Bossman tries to throw the steps at Pac but he misses and the stumbles into the steps and the post. That allows DX to briefly isolate Ken in the ring, but Bossman recovers and takes Pac's head off with a clothesline to give the Corporation the advantage. Shawn and The Outlaws comedown to the ring, mid-way, that sparks a Pac comeback and Triple H gets the hot tag. The match breaks down again, Gunn grabs a chair BUT THEN HITS SHAMROCK WITH IT! Dogg then goes after Bossman. For some reason, the ref calls for the bell even though it's an anything goes match AND the Outlaws were allowed to interfere. FUCKIN HELL RUSSO! The Outlaws take off their shirts and jackets to reveal DX t-shirts. Shawn has one of his "overselling" moments on the floor as DX celebrates getting one over on the Corporation. **1/4

Backstage: Mankind leaves Austin's dressing room.

Backstage: DX continue to celebrate.

Backstage: Austin now enters his dressing room. the garbage bag is there along with a note in crayon, it says he's gone to the ring to get Rocky, but have a cold on him. Austin opens it up and it's a garbage bag full of beers and ice. Austin drinks a beer as we go to break.

The Rock & The Undertaker (w/Paul Bearer) vs. Mankind & Stone Cold Steve Austin
Finally something good on this god awful go home show, they have the AWESOME chaotic Attitude Era brawl to start as we get the best pairings Rock/Austin, Mankind/Taker. Eventually, the match settles down after Taker hit Mankind with a chokeslam and the heels take over. They target the head but it's mostly punches, kicks and clotheslines for a few minutes. Austin gets sick of waiting on the apron, so he just starts attacking Mankind but that brings in Taker and they brawl on the floor. Shamrock and Bossman run out for the DQ. **3/4

They handcuff Mankind to the top rope and beat on him, as Taker and Austin are now fighting in the crowd. Austin begins choking Taker with the camera cables, but Taker hits him with the ring-bell, he follows up with a chair shot and Taker is out. I should mention, but this point Rock, Shamrock and Bossman have all left. Taker carries Austin up the ramp, druids come out and strap Austin to Taker's symbol that was on fire earlier. The symbol raises and we get this cool shot to end this piece of shit show.



Nov 13, 2010
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LEL the ol hold the chair, stare and turn hips and hit the other guy Russo special. :lmao


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: The Rock
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Ken Shamrock
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: X-Pac
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Duane Gill
WWF Woman's Champion: Sable
WWF Hardcore Champion: The Big Bossman

WWF Sunday Night Heat
December 13th, 1998
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Mr McMahon comes out, he says at the risk of repeating himself. THERE IS NO CHANCE IN HELL STEVE AUSTIN WILL BECOME WWF CHAMPION AGAIN! He knows, I said Austin can qualify if he was to win this match, and that's true I won't go back on my word. But Austin himself said along with his hopes will be buried alive. Now as far as the Rock is concerned, this PPV is dedicated to him, and as such we should all pay homage to him..............DRUM ROLLLL! Vince pulls down two huge blown up pictures of The Rock holding the title comes down. Vince says 1 thing that confused the Rock when crossing over was, he couldn't understand why it said "welcome to Canada" and under it had "Bienvenue au Canada" WHAT IS THAT? YOU PEOPLE IN CANADA CAN'T MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MINDS IF YOU WANT TO BE FRENCH OR ENGLISH! You can't speak either language very well, and no doubt you have an identity crisis. The French hate the English, and the English hate the French. ALL OF YOU FOR SOME REASON, ARE PROUD TO BE CANADIAN? NAW! Why don't you all do the best thing you can possibly do, tomorrow you should renounce their Canadian citizenship. THERE SHOULD BE A MASS EXODUS AS YOU GET ON YOUR HANDS AND KNEES AND CRAWL TO WASHINGTON D.C. AND ONCE THEY'RE DOWN THERE, THEY SHOULD ASK FOR WHAT THEY REALLY WANT. ALL CANADIANS REALLY WANT IS TO BE RECOGNIZED AS UNITED STATES CITIZENS. SPEAKING OF AMERICANS, A REAL AMERICAN, his son, Shane McMahon.

Shane joins Kevin Kelly on commentary.

WWF Light Heavyweight Championship: Duane Gill vs. Matt Hardy
Matt dominates for a minute before the Blue Meanie runs out through the crowd and DDT's Matt, Gill then covers for the win.

Earlier Today, Michael Cole interviews The Rock in one of the skyboxes. BUT FROM BEHIND MANKIND ATTACKS HIM! They brawl around and it's super fun, Mankind beats him up and calls everything Corporate. E.G. Corporate Plant, Corporate table.

In the back; The Rock is being tended to by a doctor, the doc says their's no way he can compete tonight. Rock tells Vince to go tell Mankind he screwed himself out of a title match. Rock then screams out "MY CORPORATE RIBS!"

Mankind is watching on a TV, but leaves and comes down to the ring. He says he has an early Christmas present for Dad right here. He taught him very well to read the fine print and this contract and says that if The Rock should FOR ANY REASON fail to wrestle tonight, the title becomes MINE, MINE, MINE ALL MINE! He'll erase that little clause if they can have a little father to son talk, they can make a deal.

Backstage: The Stooges are trying to calm The Rock down.

Brian Christopher (w/Scotty Taylor) vs. Kevin Quinn
Scotty comes out on crutches after Droz's knee attack. This is pretty much a shitty Lawler's Kid showcase he dominates for two minutes. BUT OUT OF NOWHERE QUINN ROLLS HIM UP FOR THE UPSET!

Kelly Announces The Outlaws vs. Shamrock/Bossman for the Tag Team Titles at Rock Bottom

Triple H (w/D-Generation X) vs. Droz (w/Animal)
in terms of writing this is smart, have Triple H comeback and his 2nd match is against Droz that fucked Scott Taylors' knee up. But, this is on;y like 2 minutes so Droz does one kick to the knee that Hunter doesn't sell and it's never revisited again. Hunter drops him with a pedigree like 30 seconds later for the win. So pointless.

After the match; Animal walks out on Droz

Shawn Michaels then comes out, he says DX better celebrate now because it'll suck from here. Tonight during the title match, DX is barred from ringside. What that means is Chyna and Triple H and X-Pac, if they stick their nose in anyone's business for any reason, the Outlaws will be stripped of the tag titles on the spot. The Outlaws pulled a fast one on ol' HBK, but as the power guy, he's bullet proof. Before their title match, he'll give them a good little warm up match right here on Heat.

Backstage: Vince McMahon is standing by. Shane asks about The Rock. Vince says he won't forfeit the title, but this will require a little negotiation on his part, but he's very likely to reach him wherever he is in the bowels of this building.

Michael Cole is in the ring and brings out Jeff Jarrett and Debra, Jeff says they are confident and when he beats Goldust he will have to strip BUTT-ASS NAKED! He says no way he's gonna let the fans see Debra's body.

Awesome Taker/Austin video package airs.

Michael Cole is at the grave for tonight's main event, he talks about the match and tries to put it over.

The New Age Outlaws vs. The Acolytes
This goes all of 2 minutes before the Bossman and Shamrocks runs out for the DQ, WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT? DX runs out and they leave so the Acolytes and Shamrock/Bossman begins fighting.

TAKER'S MUSIC HITS Taker says over the sound system tonight they write the final chapter of their journies down the Highway to Hell. He's claimed his soul and tonight, he claims his very existence. His ministry grows stronger every day, and upon this stone, he shall build his Ministry. LIGHTNING STRIKES THE TOMBSTONES.

FUCK HEAT! Seriously.


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Who tf was Kevin Quinn?
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Nov 13, 2010
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Seth Rollins got his knee selling from Triple H
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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: The Rock
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Ken Shamrock
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: X-Pac
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Duane Gill
WWF Woman's Champion: Sable
WWF Hardcore Champion: The Big Bossman


WWF Rock Bottom
December 13th, 1998
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Val Venis & The Godfather (w/Hoes) vs. D'Lo Brown & Mark Henry (w/Terri Runnels & Jacqueline)
This is solid, Val/D'Lo has a really fun opening sequence. It's also nice that Godfather is FINALLY getting his hands on D'Lo and Mark since they attacked him in September or October I forget, but it was when Godfather returned from injury and Rock made the save. Anyway both Godfather and Val at 1 time get isolated but both heats are like 1 minute so so they don't get to do much. The just breaks down ass all the thots begin to argue on the floor. The Godfather and D'Lo argue on the floor about stuff, which allows Jacque to sneak away and into the ring. She pulls Val's pants down and slaps him, which allows Mark to hit the big splash for the win. **

Backstage: Dox is with Triple H and Chyna, Dox says it's pretty obvious Shawn is doing everything he can to ensure the Outlaws do no leave the building tonight, by barring DX from the ring tonight. Hunter says Shawn thinks he' smart, but he's the king up one-upmanship and he knows the Outlaws can get it done.

The Headbangers vs. The Oddities
Wasn't this suppose to be a 4 person match? Oh well, fuckit I don't care at least the Headbangers won.

Earlier Today; Austin arrived at the building early and surveyed the grave for the buried alive match.

Owen Hart vs. Steve Blackman
Owen is super over obviously, and as a result, we get motivated Owen :mark: he bumps well but the crowd totally fucks this with their "bizarreness" cheering Owen and Boooing everything Blackman, even starting the US Sucks chant. Both guys go back and forth, Owen keeps suckering him in by pretending he's trying to leave just to get the advantage back with sneak attacks. Owen targets the upper body and head for a brief moment before Blackman makes a comeback. Owen then exposes the unprotected turnbuckle, but Blackman sends him into it chest first. Black doesn't work it and they go right into the finish with Blackman getting out of the Dragon Sleeper and locking in Owen's own Sharpshooter, Owen reaches the ropes but then finally decides this is enough and leaves, Blackman briefly goes after him but Owen runs away and gets counted out. **1/4


Backstage: Vince McMahon is walking around, he finds the boiler room that says "Mick's Office" Vince knocks on the door and Mankind opens it and says it's about time we talked DAD!

The J.O.B. Squad vs. The Brood
two things Edge debuts the baby blue and silver attire, which doesn't scream gothic at all but fuckit it rules as a colour scheme. Also, Holly debuts the shaved head super bleached blonde hair. This is super average, kinda boring the Brood briefly isolate Al but it's mostly Gangrel and Al like they pretty much have a mini-match inside the match. A good 3 minutes of the heat is just Al and Gangre; which sucked. The match just breaks down cause no one gives a shit anymore, Al hits Christian with head behind the refs back, which allows Scorpio to his a fucking MOONSAULT INTO A LEGDROP FOR TWO. He cleans house on Gangrel but from behind Christian hits him with the unpreittier for the win. **

In Mick's office, Mankind and Vince are still talking.

"Strip Tease" Match: Jeff Jarrett (w/Debra) vs. Goldust
This gets 8 minutes and is a joy, for the most part, Jeff seems to give a shit and Goldust puts on a good showing. Neither man can really maintain the advantage for long periods of time, but Jeff would always find a way to be 1 step ahead or cut him off after a brief flurry by Goldust. The match ended when Debra almost hits Jeff on accent with the guitar but the Jeff stops himself, the ref gets distracted by that. Goldust then hits the curtain call, but the ref is still busy with Debra. About a minute later Debra comes in and hits Goldust with the guitar as the ref is counting Jeff out, that allows Jeff to recover and hit the stroke for the win. **

After the match; Shawn Michaels comes out he congratulates Jeff and sends him to the back, but asks Debra to stay with him. Shawn says he was looking at the rule book and it said IF YOU BRING IN A FOREIGN OBJECT, THAT LEADS TO A DQ. Therefore the WINNER OF THE MATCH IS GOLDUST! Shawn orders her to strip, she reluctantly began to do so before eventually getting into it and enjoying herself; Cole yelling "YOU GO GIRLFRIEND" is hilarious, as she prepared to take off her bra, Jarrett and the Blue Blazer run out to cover her up and take her to the back.

WWF Tag Team Championships: The New Age Outlaws vs. Ken Shamrock & The Big Bossman (w/Shawn Michaels)
This gets 17 minutes :mark: Bossman and Shamrock control the majority, with both Outlaws having their awesome brief comebacks but kept getting cut off. Potty mouth Bossman is in full display tonight, every other word out his mouth is fuck, or he spits at a member of the outlaws :lmao I love Bossman. The Corporation keep targetting Dogg as they feel he's the weak link and it's really good, they don't target apart just beat and wear Dogg down for a few minutes. They also keep provoking Gunn so when he tries to get into the ring, that allows Bossman and Shamrock to cheat behind the refs back. Good shit. Gunn has an AWESOME hot tag and cleans house, the match breaks down Shawn pulls the ref which allows Bossman to hit Gunn with the nightstick for two. Then the match ends when Shawn tries to trip Gunn up from the floor, but Gunn rolls through on the bump and rolls Shamrock up for the win. Good match that got a shit ton of time, i just wish they would have more near falls towards the end. Still the best thing on this card so far. **3/4

AWESOME Video package of The Rock and McMahon's MASTER PLAN at Survivor Series airs.

Backstage: Vince, Shane and The Rock are all talking.

Everyone comes down to the ring, Mankind has that contract with him he says he will put a line through the stip about if the Rock cannot compete he will be stripped of the title, Mankind says Vince has to do something first, ADMIT TO THE WORLD THAT YOU NEVER HEARD THE WORDS "I QUIT" AT SURVIVOR SERIES! He says Vince better do it on his knee, he forces Vince into a corner and Vince says......................I HEARD THE WORDS! I HEARD SOMEBODY SAY I QUT! IF THE ROCK HEARD IT THEN.....MANKIND CUTS HIM OFF AND GETS THE CROWD TO CHANT "Asshole" Vince says The Rock heard it, and that's damn good enough for him. Mankind then rips up the contract, so the Rock attacks him to start the match.

WWF World Heavyweight Championship: Mankind vs. The Rock (w/Vince McMahon & Shane McMahon)
Good match, probably the weakest match they'll have. It's mostly about Rock's "Injured ribs" so Mankind targets it a bunch, and Rocks' selling, for the most part, is good, to decent like when Mankind works it he sells but as soon as it's Rock's time to come back on the offensive he forgets about them. Vince gets on the mic and distracts Mankind by saying if he does anything on the floor that is remotely close to illegal the ref must DQ him. That allows Rock to recover and attacks him behind to take over. But it doesn't last long as Mankind makes a comeback until he goes for the elbow or axe off the top, but Shane grabs his boot and distracts him long enough for Rocky to launch him off the middle turnbuckle and he takes a sick bump to the mats on the floor. ROCK THEN DEBUTS THE MID-MATCH COMMENTARY STUFF :mark: Mankind makes a comeback and they go back and forth hitting moves for near falls, MANKIND HITS A LEGDROP TO ROCK'S DICK SO VINCE ORDERS THE REF TO RING THE BELL, BUT BEFORE HE CAN DO IT! MANKIND PILEDRIVES THE REF! Vince then signals to the timekeeper to ring the bell, but Mankind bolts out of the ring and grabs the bell. He begins stalking Vince and Shane around the ring, but from behind Rock hits him with the chair. Rock rolls him back in and hits the Rock bottom, but signals for Shane to come in and hit him with the title. But, Mankind ducks and Rock is hit, another ref runs down but ROCK KICKS OUT! Mankind then hits the double arm DDT for two, he pulls out Socko and applies it to Rock and gets him down to the mat. THE REF THEN RINGS THE BELL AS IT APPEARS ROCK IS OUT. **3/4

Vince then enters the ring and grabs a mic, he says okay Mankind won the match, but the Rock was not pinned nor did he submit, he was still the champion. Mankind put the Mr Socko Mandible Claw on Vince but Shane hits him in the back with a chair shot from Shane. Mankind no-sold the chair and reapplied the hold before Shane once again uses the chair. Mankind then applied the hold to Shane but Pat Patterson and Jerry Brisco run out and gets destroyed. Mankind proceeds to beat on everyone until Bossman and Shamrock came out to help the Corporation. Rock puts the boots to Mankind and they all leave.

Buried Alive Match: The Undertaker (w/Paul Bearer) vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin [If Austin wins he qualifies for the Royal Rumble]
Taker goes after Austin during his entrance so this has this fun brawl on the entrance way, Austin totally carries it cause it's what he excels at, these awesome high energy manic brawls. They brawl around the grave and the arena before making their way to the ring to continue to fight, sadly Taker goes into Taker mode and slows this down with his 1998 style but at least it makes sense as he's trying to stop Austin's from mounting any type of comeback. Taker does seem to be bumping a whole lot better than he's been doing the past 4 to 6 months. They tease one another going into the grave a few times and even fight inside it before getting out and fighting everywhere again back to the ring where Taker hits this awful chokeslam, and drags Austin to the grave he rolls him in but Austin fights out. They fight over a gas can and AUSTIN HITS HIM WITH IT! HE THEN HITS THE STUNNER AND TAKER BUMPS INTO THE GRAVE :lmao He dumps some soil on Taker but stops to go after Paul Bearer, they go to the back and Taker recovers, he gets out of the grave......................................BUT PRO HITS THE GAVE AND KANE CRAWLS OUT!!!! THE BROTHER BEGIN FIGHTING But Taker throws dirt in his eyes, but KANE no-sells it. They fight by the grave and KANE TOMBSTONE'S TAKER INTO THE GRAVE. AUSTIN THEN COMES BACK DRIVING A FUCKING BULLDOZER OUT! HE THEN GETS SOME BUM ASS GUY TO DROP DIRT ONTO TAKER AND AUSTIN WINS THE MATCH! Fun match, but it didn't need 22 fucking minutes and that ending was awful, the bulldozer guy could barly get the thing to work which fucked up the whole finish. Austin just yelling at him the whole time was funny though. **1/2

Pretty shitty PPV to end the year.


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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December PPVs usually kinda suck


Nov 13, 2010
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I honestly forgot about Austin/Taker ending the show.

Also....Vancouver is such a shitty city to try book anything non hockey....athletic commission and city hall are so anal.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: The Rock
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Ken Shamrock
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: X-Pac
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Duane Gill
WWF Woman's Champion: Sable
WWF Hardcore Champion: The Big Bossman

December 14th, 1998
Tacoma, Washington

D-Generation come out dressed as the Corporation.
  1. The Rock is dressed as The Rock
  2. Chyna as the Big Bossman
  3. X-Pac as Ken Shamrock
  4. Billy Gunn as Shane
  5. Road Dogg is Vince, he also has two midgets stuck to his ass representing Patterson and Brisco
Dogg has Vince's word down, but his accent is pretty terrible. Billy is a horrible Shane as he's in a diaper and no pants and calls him pop the whole time. X-Pac as Shamrock yelling ALL THIS TALK ABOUT SPHINCTERS IS PUTTING ME IN THE ZONE IT'S FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE TIME! Chyna then plays with the nightstick, as the Crock says there's only one man can take his own Corporate Head and stick it up his own Corporate Ass, and when he's not doing that, his Corporate Lips are buried in Mr McMahon's sphincter. Jason Sensation comes out as Shawn Michaels he's holding a basketball, he orders them to clean up their act. Hunter says he dropped the ball again. Jason says if you wanna know who the real ass kisser around here is, it's him "HBGAY" And the reason he doesn't lie down for anybody is because he's always bending over. He drops the ball again, and Hunter says he keeps doing that. PAC ENTERS HIS ZONE AGAIN! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! The Corporation we got two words for ya. SUCK IT!

The REAL The Corporation comes out onto the stage, Shawn says there's DX with another skit. GOSH! HOW ORIGINAL. This is like a worn out rendition of a song that used to be his favourite. To show that they also have a sense of humour, he's awarding the Outlaws a rematch for the Tag Team Titles against Bossman and Ken Shamrock! He hands the mic off to The Rock and he says Triple H wants to try and imitate The Great One. He hopes he's not too busy tonight because he plans on whipping his monkey ass all over Tacoma. Shawn says Hunter's only used to HANGING OUT with main eventers, he's NEVER BEEN IN ONE. Since he's mid-card for life, Rock says that jabroni doesn't deserve a shot at the big shot's gold. Shawn says he only hangs out with world champions, he's never been one. Triple H says when he was here, he was the guy kicking his ass every single week on TV and the last time they fought and he had gold, IT WAS HIM WHO LEFT THE RING WITH IT. Rock says last time it was Chyna who nailed The Rock in his Corporate jewels to give him the Intercontinental Title. Going one on one with The Great One makes his monkey ass famous, AND HE'S GOT HIS TITLE MATCH.

"WHATCHA GONNA DO WHEN......that's not it, hold on. TO BE THE MAN WOOO YOU GOTTA BEAT.......wait, that's not it. This is it. OOOOOOOOOOOOOH YEAH DIG.....damnit, that's not it either. Triple H yells out that his is no better, THE BEST THERE IS, THE BEST......that damn sure ain't it. This is it. The most electrifying line in sports entertainment today, IF YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING"

Backstage: The Corporation is having a meeting, Vince says it starts with The Outlaws, then Triple H. AND ENDS WHEN THE BIG RED MACHINE WILL FALLS!

The Godfather & Val Venis (w/Hoes) vs. Edge & Christian (w/Gangrel)
E&C teaming for the first time :mark: this is good for 3 minutes, it's mostly Val and Godfather on offense, E&C briefly gets some offense in but it doesn't matter, the match breaks down Val hits the fisherman suplex with Edge in the ring just looking at him the whole time, Edge then goes after Godfather instead of breaking up the pin and Val gets the 3.


Backstage: Kevin Kelly interviews Steve Blackman, Blackman says Owen ran from him last week and tonight he will unmask him showing the world it' Owen that filthy Nugget.

The Blue Blazer vs. Goldust
Solid for 2 minutes both men get to do stuff, Goldust hits the curtain call but doesn't go for the cover instead he sets up shattered dreams but Jarrett attacks him from behind for the DQ. Blackman runs out for the save as Goldust and Jarrett fight on the floor, then in the ring. Blackman unmasks the BLUE BLAZER AND OH...MY...GOD... IT'S OWEN HART!

In the back, DX and The Corporation are being held back.

Mark Henry, D'Lo Brown, Terri and Jacque come out................AND MARK DEBUTS THE "SEXUAL CHOCOLATE" song :mark:

He has a mic and says he is a lover, not a fighter, he came out here to tell them a bedtime story about his and Chyna's date. She told him to slip into her bed and says D'Lo had the camera rolling. He considers himself to be a well-tuned athlete and a finely tuned machine, but she wore him out.

Mark Henry & D'Lo Brown (w/Terri Runnels & Jacqueline) vs. The J.O.B. Squad (Scorpio & Bob Holly)
Standard throwaway 3 minute TV match, both teams split the time on half on offense before it breaks down. Terri gets hit on by Blue Meanie who's official in the j.o.b squad now, Gill and Al and Head. Scorpio and D'Lo fight on the floor, which allows Jacque to dropkick Bob off the top and he walks into the worlds strongest slam for the win.

WWF Tag Team Championships: The New Age Outlaws vs. Ken Shamrock & The Big Bossman (w/Shawn Michaels)
This gets 10 minutes less than last nights PPV match, The Outlaws come out hot especially Gunn who still making a case that he's DX's future breakout star, they do this awesome call back from last night when Bossman tries to crotch Gunn, and just like last night he blocks it and sends Bossman into the ring post. BUT UNLIKE LAST NIGHT SHAMROCK HITS HIM IN THE LEG WITH A CHAIR! They work the leg and it's solid but HOLY SHIT! Gunn puts on the best selling I've seen in 1998 maybe all year, he can't run the ropes and has to use the ropes or somebodies body to get back to his feet. Dogg has this awesome hot tag as Gunn just lays on the apron the whole time, he cleans house, but outta nowhere SHAWN HITS DOGG IN THE BACK WITH THE CHAIR THAT TOOK GUNN'S KNEE OUT! Bossman takes too much time taunting which allows Dogg to kick out at two, the ref allows Dogg to low blow Bossman and he tags Gunn in who FUCKIN HOPS AROUND CAUSE HE CAN'T PUT ANY WEIGHT ON THE KNEE! HOLY SHIT! BA BILLY GUNN! He fights off Shamrock but Shawn gets on the apron, so Gunn goes after him. But, Shawn his him in the nightstick which KO's him and Shamrock locks in the ankle lock, Earl Hebner calls for the bell. NEW CHAMPS! ***


The owners of the WWF come out, Shane and Vince McMahon. They have a tumbler in the ring too. Vince says as a result of last night, they have a real bad taste in their mouths. They'll never forget what it tastes like and feels like to have Mr Socko down their throats. Mankind will pay some time tonight, but they also have a bad taste because Stone Cold Steve Austin has qualified to be in the Royal Rumble. Who would have thought Kane would be a part of that? He knows Kane is here tonight and Mankind is here tonight, and they will have a No Holds Barred match tonight :mark: Shane spins the "corporate" tumbler and picks out Austin number............................................WHAT DO YOU KNOW IT'S NUMBER #1. Shane says it's the holidays, so they should give him another chance to draw a better number. Shane tumbles it again and draws a number. AND SELECTS #1. Vince says whichever one of the twenty-nine competitors throw Stone Cold over the top WILL COLLECT, COURTESY OF ONE OF SHANE'S TRUST FUNDS, THAT INDIVIDUAL WILL BE $100,000 RICHER! He says they will name one other individual in this match right now. That individual equals Stone Cold's skills and is the only superstar who could ever save "WCW" But the WWF has him, and he competes for the very first time at the ROYAL RUMBLE..................................VINCENT K. MCMAHON! Vince says to show the world that this draw is on the up and up, he wants Shane to draw his number for him. Shane pulls out one of the balls AND IT'S #30. There's one more reason, on top of one hundred thousand of them, OF WHY THERE'S NO CHANCE IN HELL STEVE AUSTIN WILL EVER AGAIN BE THE WWF CHAMPION.

In the boiler room, Mankind says that sounds like a lot of fun, but he has a better idea. VINCE HAS THE TWENTY INCH GUNS AND HE'S A SUPERSTAR NOW. SO WHY DOESN'T HE FACE HIM TONIGHT IN TACOMA?! Unless he suffers from a complete and utter lack of testicular fortitude, he'll see him in the ring. Have a nice day.

Backstage: Vince, Shane and his entourage are trying to think of plans on how to get to Mankind tonight.

Guitar on a Pole Match: Jeff Jarrett (w/Debra) vs. Steve Blackman
Solid 2 minutes, they have better chemistry then I thought they would, Jeff bumps around for all of Blackman's stuff making him look great. Debra then comes in, she begins to strip which distracts Blackman long enough for Jarrett to grab the guitar. Both men fight and miss hitting one another with it, the ref gets bumped and Owen runs out with a 2nd guitar, he smashes Blackman in the head with it and takes the original one away, Jeff climbs on top for the win. **1/2

Backstage: Tiger Ali Singh finds "BLOODBATH" written on the wall and refuses to go, but the stooges make him go out for his match.

Backstage: Shane asks Vince if he'll do it. and he says he'll do it, but he'll do it his way.

Tiger Ali Singh comes out for a match, but The Brood's music hits. Tiger tries to leave but the Brood have him surrounded and beat him down in pitch darkness. The lights come back on and The Brood is gone and Tiger is down on the stage and covered in blood.

No Holds Barred Match: Mankind vs. Kane
Mick is the best man, he's already got WOTY locked up but this further cements it as he's one of two guys that can get anything out of Kane. He just allows Kane to beat the shit out of him with punches, kicks and weapons. Mankind bumps around so well, he has that unorthodox bumping that makes it feel so real. Just the way he falls like he crumbles like a sack of potatoes or when you see two drunk old fucks try to fight and one connects and he just falls awkwardly, that Mankind in every bump. Anyway, after about 4 minutes of getting his ass kicked. Mankind finally mounts a brief comeback clearing the ring of Kane, but Mr McMahon comes out onto the stage. He says he agrees to Mankind's fight, but his way, in the parking lot for a good 'ol fashion street fight and leaves. Mankind then chases after him and I guess the match is over. Thanks Russo.

During the break, Kane was attacked by, Shamrock, Bossman and orderlies. They get Kane into a straightjacket, and he's taken away into an ambulance.

In the parking lot, Mankind beating up Vince, Patterson and Brisco come over but Mankind beats them up too he throws them into garage doors. Mankind applies Mr. Socko to Vince again and shoves him in a trunk, but The Rock attacks from behind. AND HITS A FUCKIN THE ROCK BOTTOM ON THE HOOD OF THE CAR!


WWF World Heavyweight Championship: Triple H (w/Chyna) vs. The Rock (w/Shawn Michaels)
This gets 10 minutes so bravo to them and they totally deliver and deliver better than their other matches from the summer. They have gotten so much better at their filler brawling, Rock again gets on commentary while he's beating on Hunter he drops the "Triple H looks like Tarzan but wrestles like Jane" line. They still fall into the aimless brawling and Rock's doing this headlock rest stuff which almost kills the match but thankfully, Hunter fights out and makes a comeback, they go back and forth trading their big moves for near falls, the ref is distracted by Chyna trying to fight Shawn on the floor at the same time Triple H hits the pedigree but Shawn slips away and hits Hunter in the back with the title for two. Chyna has finally had enough and starts attacking Shane on the floor, Suddenly, some big, tall guy comes from the crowd and hits a Pumphandle Slam on Triple H, allowing Rock covers to win. **3/4

Cole and King identify the tall guy as "Motley Crue's bodyguard"


Nov 13, 2010
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Billy Gunn....being underrated again.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2012
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Gunn could’ve had a decent run as a main eventer. Not saying World Champ but a potential challenger.

Summer of 99 killed him
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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: The Rock
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Ken Shamrock
WWF Tag Team Champions: Ken Shamrock & The Big Bossman
WWF European Champion: X-Pac
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Duane Gill
WWF Woman's Champion: Sable
WWF Hardcore Champion: The Big Bossman

WWF Sunday Night Heat
December 20th, 1998
Tacoma, Washington

Tonight: Mankind vs. The Rock vs. Ken Shamrock vs. The Big Bossman

X-Pac vs. Tiger Ali Singh
Only so much Pac can do with 2 minutes and this sack of shit, Kevin Kelly names the bodyguard as Test so that's a thing. Pac hits all his stuff before hitting the X-Factor for the win.

Backstage: Shawn, Rock, Shamrock, and Bossman are all talking.

Brian Christopher & Kevin Quinn (w/Scott Taylor) vs. The Hardy Boyz
This happens, I still have no idea who this Quinn is and where he came from, Hardys do an awesome job bumping around and doing some high spots. Jeff randomly breaks out a Phoenix Splash is INSANE! He misses it allowing Quinn to hit a t-bone suplex and Brian to hit the leg drop off the top for the win.

In the boiler room, Mankind is yelling about it being 3-1 tonight and he wants to be on the "rewind of the week" :lmao

Al Snow vs. Droz (w/Animal)
Animal comes out but he's a couple of steps behind shaking his head the whole time, ABOUT A MINUTE IN HAWK COMES OUT TO A HUGE POP! Hawk seems to be fine, he only has a cast on his left arm. Anyway, he gets onto the apron, and DROZ TRIES TO SHOVE HIM DOWN! BUT HAWK SMACKS HIM WITH THE CAST, HE STUMBLES into Al's Snowplough for the win.

Hawk gets on the mic, he says it's the beginning of the end because on Raw, he'd let out their deep dark secret.

The Headbangers vs. The Oddities
HOLY SHIT! THIS IS STILL GOING ON! WHY?!?!!?! this goes about 30 seconds until George The Animal Steele busts out of a giant fucking Christmas present and joins the Oddities. MOTHERFUCK EVERYTHING! Alright, I'm ready for 1998 to end.

D-Generation X comes down to the ring, Billy Gunn says he doesn't know how The Corporation can feel comfortable having their titles when everyone knows they had "a little" help. He says Shawn can only hide behind that commish job so long before he jerks a knot in his ass. Wait, what? Dogg says he'll jerk a knot in it, but he'll put a foot in it, and as for Ham Hock and Boss Hog, they stole their gold, and it's time to whip their asses. Triple H asks Rock how many times he has to beat his ass? that belt belongs to him, they both know it. As for Shawn, they're done and if he doesn't get out of the way, he'll take him out of the way. As for Test, tests are like rules, and you what DX does with rules and tests, you make em' and will break 'em. The Rock comes out to the stage with Test behind him. He says he'll tell them what, since they want to be big shots, The Great One is in the house. Now, Billy Gunn has a bad sounding name to make everyone think he's bad, but he can TASTE how jealous he is of The Rock. There he is looking at The Rock in a position he'll never be in. Road Dogg is one of the biggest pieces of trailer park trash walking. Rock says he sees that bony jabroni X-Pac and about a month ago, he just about put him his bony ass in a coma with the Corporate Elbow. And Chyna. She went on a date with Mark Henry, enough said. Now Triple H we have gone toe to toe, and he made his monkey ass famous. He's a prime example of a guy who looks like Tarzan and wrestles like Jane. Triple H says Jane kicked his ass last week. Rock just pats the title and says The Corporation doesn't walk alone, because they have Test now. To ever, ever get to Shamrock, the Bossman, Vince, Shane, and especially to the Great One, you've gotta pass the test. IF YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING. Triple H says they'll pass the Test without any problem and says that taste in his mouth is deez nuts. Oh god. Triple H tells him anytime he wants to get his monkey ass in the ring with them, and they'll hand it back to him each and every time.

The New Age Outlaws vs. The DOA (w/Paul Ellering)
DOA is still around, FUCK EVERYTHING! This gets 2-3 minutes, the Outlaws do what they can but DOA suck so bad it's all punches, kicks and chokes. Ellering accidentally hits one of DOA with his briefcase and Gunn gets the cover for the win. After the match; DOA are mad and beat down Ellering before leaving.

Ken Shamrock vs. The Big Bossman vs. The Rock (w/Shawn Michaels) vs. Mankind
This gets 6 minutes, they gimmick this up by having one of the corporation in the ring with Mankind, while the other two wait on the apron for a "tag" Mankind/Bossman rules early with Bossman stiffing Mankind with straight punches to the head, Shamrock and Mankind have their usual goddess, but he gets distracted by trying to attack Rock so Shamrock takes his knees out softening him up for Rock who finally tags in. Lots of cheating and beatings, with nothing, seems wasted. Mankind takes a hell of a beating and some great bumps, Vince and Test come out as Mankind has one of his awesome brief flurry of comebacks. Bossman slides a chair in as Shamrock distract the ref allowing The Rock to hit the rock bottom on the chair, he follows up with the people's elbow for the win. **1/4