WWF Champion: Vacant
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Ken Shamrock
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: X-Pac
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Christian
WWF Woman's Champion: Jacqueline
WWF Hardcore Champion: Mankind
November 9th, 1998
Dallas, Texas
X-Pac vs. The Undertaker (w/Paul Bearer)
All of 20 seconds before the lights go out, and KANE comes down to the ring. KANE TRIES TO SHOOT A FIREBALL AT HIS BROTHER, BUT TAKER PUSHES PAC INFRONT OF IT and Pac rolls around in pain, as Taker just bails, with Kane going after him up the ramp.
Dogg and Gunn run out with EMT's to check on Pac.
Backstage: Mankind arrives at the building, and is greeted by Vince and the Stooges, Vince says if he thought last week was special, tonight he gets to defend the title against Ken Shamrock. It's his kind of the match, and it's only the beginning and says there are more titles to come and says if he wants to be somebody, he needs to look like somebody, and Mick asks what he can do. Vince says to come with him and that there's a real makeover coming.
Terri tries to come out with Val Venis, but he sends her away and yells that IT'S OVER!
Val Venis vs. Steve Blackman
Shockingly good for 2 minutes, Blackman's strikes have gotten so much better, Val does well too he keeps trying to battle back but Blackman would hit a strike that he doesn't see coming and take over. Anyway, just as Val makes his comeback Terri runs back out and low blows Val for the DQ.
Owen Hart and the Blue Blazer run out, they attack Blackman as he's laid out on the mat.
Backstage: Mankind is getting a makeover, he's gotten his beard shaved off. The makeup lady is now combing his hair. Mankind says he never thought his hair looked that bad, but since Mr McMahon is paying for it, why not? He says he knows Vince has always taken good care of his champions, so this has to mean something.
Shane comes out to officiate the next match
Road Dogg (w/Billy Gunn) vs. D'Lo Brown (w/Mark Henry) vs. Mosh (w/Thrasher)
Dogg and D'Lo don't even wait for Mosh, as they brawl immediately. This gets a good 5 minutes, D'Lo/Dogg is a good time, Mosh contributes nothing as usual. Lots of 1-1, with the 3rd guy, break up a fall or something, then 1 gets tossed and it goes back to 1-1. The match ends when D'Lo takes out Road Dogg with Sky High, but Mosh hits a seated senton on D'Lo for the win. *3/4
After the match; Gunn cleans house on everyone.
Backstage: Michael Cole tries to interview Jarrett and Debra, but Jeff shoves him away. Jeff says Al Snow pisses him off, but at the Survivor Series, that ends. Debra says as, for tonight, Goldust isn't fooling anyone. She knows he's 100% man underneath all that, and tonight, she's going to prove it.
Backstage: Mankind is getting a pedicure, he says he lost Mr Socko, but has Mr McMahon and the fans all looking for him. He can't just replace a sock, he's sentimental that way. Even without Mr Socko, he has a new family. Gerald, Pat, Commissioner Slaughter, and dad. It really cushions the blow.
Terri comes back out in gold, in attempt to gold dig her way back in with Goldust. He grabs a mic and asks what she's doing. He says she's been a bad girl and while they had a life together once, the time has come for her to forget that she ever heard the name of Goldust. He tells her to get out of his life, and she leaves too.
Goldust vs. Jeff Jarrett (w/Debra)
HOLY SHT! This is fun, it only gets 3 minutes and GOLDUST IS ON! He busts out these awesome punches, and uppercuts. Like where the fuck has this guy been for the past 11 months. SMH! Jeff is also great in his bumping, Goldust gets distracted by Debra's boobz which allows Jeff to get the jump, but that doesn't last long. It's pretty much a Goldust showcase, who i can't stress enough how motivated and good he looks here. He sets Jeff up for Shattered Dreams, but Debra comes in for the TEASE! Goldust unzips his suit and makes out with her, but Jeff breaks the guitar over his head for the 3rd DQ in 4 matches. **1/4
Backstage: The Rock arrives at the building.
Backstage: Michael Cole interviews The Rock, Rock tells him to shut up and says sure, that jabroni piece of trash Vince McMahon holds all the people's cards in his hand, and yeah, The Rock said it before and will say it now in front of everyone. Nobody crosses The Rock and nobody bosses The Rock. The Rock will walk down and lay the smack down on Mark Henry's fat ass if you smell what The Rock is cooking.
Goldust attacks Jarrett in the back, he beats the shit out of him with weapons. BUT THE BLUE BLAZER ATTACKS Goldust from behind and allows Jeff to get the upper hand until refs break it up.
Mankind comes out in a tuxedo and is rocking a MANBUN~!
Vince and his entourage come out onto the stage to watch on. Huge Boooooo's
WWF Hardcore Championship: Ken Shamrock vs. Mankind
Awesome as usual, who would have thought the first weapon used in the first ever hardcore match would be a shoe. Anyway, they don't do too much but what they do is so good. They just take turn beat on one another, another thing I like is they only use the shoe, cable wires and a chair as the weapons so it's not OTT like it would be by 1999. Both men take some awesome bumps and turn ob the intensity. Mankind tries a piledriver onto the chair, but Ken backdrops him on it instead. They end up fighting up the stage but Vince and them, with Shamrock killing Mankind with a nasty, nasty belly-to-back suplex on the stage for a two count. Mankind ducks a chair shot and backdrops Ken onto the stage, but as Mankind is doing the BANG! BANG! Shamrock waffles him with a chair shot to the head, but from behind Bossman hits Shamrock with the knight stick and Mankind falls on top for the win. ***
Backstage: Cole yells "THE ROCK HAS BEEN ATTACKED!" EMT's rush into The Rock's locker room as we go to break.
Stone Cold Steve Austin comes down to the ring, he says ever since he got reinstated with that new five-year contract, it's been relatively easy for himself. He hasn't had to drive any cement trucks or Zambonis to the ring, but he still hates Vince's guts and knows he hates his. There's something going on, he knows Vince is hiding like the little yellow bastard that he is and he thinks up plans with his little stooges. But if he's got a plan for Stone Cold, he can bet his sorry ass it's gonna backfire and that's all he has to say about that. Big Bossman comes out to the stage and says he's damn right Mr McMahon has plans for him, and they include him. Mr McMahon has paid him very well for his services, which means not pinning him 1.2.3, but by kicking his ass and putting HIM in a wheelchair. All he is is a dumb son of a bitch who doesn't know what hard times is all about. He's had it easy, but times have changed, and law and order are back in the WWF. Austin says "WHAT THEY HAVE HERE IS A FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE" That sounds like a threat and he knows all about the little games prison guards love. Stone Cold doesn't play that crap, but if he brings his ass to that ring, he'll shove that nightstick so far up his ass that he'll have to move it out of the way to brush his yellow teeth. Bossman says Mr McMahon is the judge and jury, and at Survivor Series, me and you are gonna play and you're gonna pay, dumbass. Austin laughs and says if he's scared, he can take his ass back there. Bossman says to wait, punk, and Austin says he'll beat his ass for free and that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so.
Backstage: Cole says EMT's continue to work on the Rock, and an ambulance has been called.
Back from break, Cole interviews Vince. Vince says it's not his problem if The Rock can't watch his back. The stipulation stands, so if he can't compete, he's unemployed.
Al Snow vs. Babu (w/Tiger Ali Singh)
FUCK Outtahere with this shit.
Backstage: EMT's still work on The Rock. Cole asks for an update, but Vince wheels and says the update is that very soon, The Rock will be out of a job, and asks how it feels to hit rock bottom.
Edge (w/The Brood) vs. Kane
Kane comes down to the ring with gasoline and a blowtorch. This gets like 3 minutes, it's highly enjoyable for the most part a lot of these matches have been really fun. Edge keeps trying to use his speed to avoid and frustrate Kane, but he can only sting off maybe 2 or 3 things before Kane comes back with power. Christian tries to distract Kane, but he gets dropped for his troubles. Kane then press slams Edge to the floor on top of Gangrel, THEN HOLY SHIT! KANE RUNS THE STEPS AND HITS THE FLYING CLOTHESLINE ONTO EDGE! Then from behind the Brood attack Kane, that allows Edge to recover and hit the no hands plancha. The Brood, then triple team Kane for the DQ. **
They roll Kane back in, but he recovers and drops all 3 men with Chokeslams. He stacks them all up on one another, brings the gasoline and torch into the ring. The ref tries to stop it, but he gets chokeslammed for his troubles and thrown onto the pile. He pours gasoline on all four men and more referees come out to stop it. Officials drag the Brood and the ref out of there before Kane can light the blowtorch. Kane wonders off into the crowd, STOPS! And Chokeslams a fan to ringside before walking off.
Vince McMahon, Bossman, Patterson, Brisco and Sarge all come down to ringside.
Vince says when you are the people champion you never know who will attack you and even though The Rock's career is on the line, he would suggest he comes out here right now. He's sure he has quite the headache, but if he's the People's Champion, he can wrestle with a headache. Vince says this is Dallas, Texas home of the Dallas Cowboys, matter of fact some of the Cowboy are here tonight. I wonder if they have to guts to stand up and identify themselves. Hey Rock you should come out, the last time we saw you last week you went off the jail, you'd be in great company "BECAUSE HALF THE ROSTER IS CONVICTED FELONS" Rock is on the streak as the cowboys, a losing one

Shane McMahon comes out to be the referee with a mic, Vince says referees don't have microphones. Shane tells him to cut the crap and he's taking his frustrations out on everyone. The fans, Stone Cold, The Rock, and why? It's not about any of them, it's about them. Vince says to get the hell out and Shane says to take his frustrations out on him just like he always does. Vince says to get out, or he'll have another beating coming, and he refuses. Vince says he'll enjoy this then and tells Bossman to get him. Bossman corners him in the ring, BUT STONE COLD RUNS OUT AND ATTACKS BOSSMAN! Austin and Shane leave, and Vince is mad again. Vince says for Bossman to stay here with him.
If The Rock wins he's back in the Deadly Games, if he loses he's no longer employed by the WWF
Mark Henry (w/D'Lo Brown) vs. The Rock
Thank god, that techno Rock theme was a 1 week only deal. AWFUL! This gets 8 minutes, and the super hot Texas crowd helps a ton. The Rock is wearing his sweatpants and weird oversized black t-shirt here. IT BEGINS! Rock sells the dizziness as he makes his entrance, but as soon as the bell rings he comes out like a house on fire, he takes the fight to Mark in and out of the ring, Mark takes some good bumps here too, he hits a desperation low blow as D'Lo distracts the ref and that allows Mark to take over. Not Mark's best showing, it's decent enough for the 2 minutes it got before Rock mounts a comeback. Bossman gets up onto the apron and tries to handcuff Rock to the ring post, but Rocky manages to slip out and cuffs Bossman instead. Rock hits the float over DDT, but D'Lo pulls the ref out to break the fall, Rock takes him out and hits the Rock Bottom followed by the People's Elbow..................SHANE THEN RUNS OUT CAUSE HE'S AN EMPLOYED REF AND COUNTS THE THREE. FUCK YEAH! **1/2
After the match; Shane runs off celebrating, as Vince has that "Shocked/smug" he got me look on his face, ROCK THEN LOOKS OVER AT VINCE! He grabs him and rolls Vince into the ring, the Stooges try to shield Vince but Rock disposes of them, Bossman is still handcuffed. ROCK THEN HITS VINCE WITH THE ROCK BOTTOM AND PEOPLE ELBOW TO THEN THIS REALLY FUN GO-HOME SHOW.