WWF 1998 Review

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Nov 13, 2010
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Billy Gunn would've been BrIan Cage if he was in his prime today.

The suspect shit really hampered his career.
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Nov 13, 2010
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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Champion: Stone Cold Steve Austin
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Triple H
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: X-Pac
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku
WWF Woman's Champion: Jacqueline

WWF Sunday Night Heat
September 27th, 1998
Copps Coliseum: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

The Steel Cage is above the ring.

Vince McMahon, Jerry Brisco, and Pat Patterson come down to the ring. Vince says he comes before you tonight to apologize to three WWF superstars who fought their hearts out on Raw. He would like to apologize to Ken Shamrock, to The Rock, and to Mankind. There was no winner due to interference, and he said he would not be responsible for The Undertaker and Kane. He was not responsible, but he didn't live up to his end of the deal to those three. He IS a man of his word, therefore tonight there will be a #1 Contender's rematch with those three inside the steel cage above them. He says should any heroic WWF superstar interfere in the title match tonight, he will order the match stopped and strip Stone Cold of the WWF Title. The only thing better than one triple threat is two, my only regret is that tonights PPV has to take place in Canada. Vince then GUARANTEES that Stone Cold will not leave this ring tonight as WWF Champion.

Golga (w/The Oddities) vs. Headbanger Mosh (w/Headbanger Thrasher)
2 minutes of nothing, Golga wins with a butt splash. After the match, The Oddities get some revenge and hit powerbombs.

Michael Cole is standing in the back, he yells Triple H has been attacked. DX bust in and Cole says someone hit him in his bad knee with a pipe. Pac then kicks Cole out for being Cole.

Mark Henry comes down to the ring, apparently, Mark was scheduled to face Triple H for the IC title on the PPV. Mark says he hasn't seen him but heard Hunter got himself hurt. Mark says he came here to wrestle and take the IC title, also to impress all his fans. He mostly came here to tonight to impress his girlfriend, Chyna. He's just gonna go home then, and Vince McMahon comes out. He signals not to leave yet and says they can help each other tonight. Everyone wants him to compete and it may not be against Triple H, but what if he was to compete on Heat prior to the pay-per-view against ANOTHER champion? It'd be a non-title match, and he needs to test this cage and at 400 pounds, Mark can test it. So what if he competed inside this cage on Heat? Mark says he didn't sign up for a cage match, but Vince says it's against Stone Cold Steve Austin, and Mark says he'll crush him in that cage.

Backstage: Michael Cole says Austin has arrived and after the next match. Cole then motions that Mankind, The Rock, and Shamrock have all also arrive. The camera pans over to Vince telling them about their Steel Cage match.

The Hardy Boyz vs. Kai En Tai (MEN'S Teioh/Sho Funaki w/Yamaguchi-san)
HARDYZ DEBUT! This is fun, lots of dives, spots, double teams and great bumping by all 4. The match breaks after 2 minutes because why not, Jeff goes for a senton but Kaientai avoid and Jeff takes a nasty bump on the floor. It's a 2-1 but they miss the flag spot, and the Hardyz hit the Legdrop/Splash double team spot off the top for the win. **


Billy Gunn vs. Skull vs. 8-Ball
Angle Match, this is basically a punishment match for Gunn and to give the fans a glimpse of the fuckery for the main event. On commentary, Shane says that X-Pac and Road Dogg were told if they interfere, their match tonight would be canceled. DOA double team and beat on Gunn for 3 minutes. One of them hits a flapjack and covers for the win.

As soon as the bell rings, X-Pac and Road Dogg run out and clear the ring, but Jeff Jarrett and Southern Justice come out too. They beat down DX.

The cage is being lowered, as The Undertaker, Kane, and Mr. McMahon come down to the ring. Vince gets in and tests out the cage while the brother waits on the floor. Mark's music hits, but HE DOESN'T COME OUT! The camera cuts to Chyna attacking Mark in the back. She gets dragged off by referees and he says she can't wait to get her hands on him, so she hits him in the side with a pipe and gets dragged away. Vince calls for the door to be opened and the cameraman TAKES OFF HIS HAT AND WIG TO REVEAL THAT IT'S STONE COLD! He attacks Vince and begins raining down with punches, and stomps as Taker and Kane climb the cage. But Austin climbs out and escapes before they can get a hold of him.


During the break, Vince berates Kane and Taker for allowing that to happen.

Vince is back and says he who laughs last laughs loudest. ON RAW I'LL BE HOLDING THE WWF CHAMPIONSHIP! I GUARANTEE IT!


Nov 13, 2010
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Steve Austin in glasses looked like a fully bald Arn Anderson


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: Stone Cold Steve Austin
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Triple H
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: X-Pac
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku
WWF Woman's Champion: Jacqueline


WWF Breakdown
September 27th, 1998
Copps Coliseum: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Edge vs. Owen Hart
No story behind this at all, it's the typical 1998 booking of just throw two guys on PPV to fill time. They do some solid counter wrestling to start, Owen does a good job carrying Edge through it. They do the traditional story of Rookie vs. Vet, so Edge comes out full of energy, he pinballs Owen around who bumps well, Owen whether the story and catches Edge going for one high risk too many and counters a crossbody to the floor into a scoop slam. Owen takes over working the lower back, and neck. Edge doesn't sell cause 98% of the roster doesn't sell for anything. Edge has some solid comeback, and they move into hitting big moves, followed by bigger moves for near-falls. Suddenly, a CLB comes through the crowd, his presence distracts Edge allowing Owen to roll up Edge for the win. Edge follows the bastard through the crowd after the match. **3/4

Backstage: Dok is with Sable, who isn't looking washed anymore. THANK GOD! They hype up the PPV and shit.

Too Much vs. Al Snow & Scorpio
More thrown together stuff, but at least this has some backstory that never gets mentioned. KOTR remember that? This is alright, I guess it's pretty much an extended RAW match. There is a shit ton of miscommunications and sloppiness throughout. AL STEALS SABU'S SPRING OFF THE CHAIR LEG LARIAT INTO THE CORNER! Scorpio goes for it too, but his skinny fat ass botches it and hits Lawlers' kid in the back of the leg. The match breaks down, and everyone just begins doing stuff until Snow hits the SnowPlow for the win. *3/4

Backstage: Michael Cole is with The Undertaker and Kane. Cole asks them which brother will take the fall and become champion. Taker says it's none of his business, and secondly, his brother and he has come to an understanding. Taker says you will see the total annihilation of one Steve Austin.

Marc Mero (w/Jacqueline) vs. Droz
Fuck me, things keep going from bad to worse. This goes 5 minutes, they brawl for the most part with Mero actually taking some good bumps, but ruins it with his shitty offense, he's stopped doing the 1 good thing he was ever good at and that's his body blow punches. Droz's comeback is stiff, he's just throwing his body into Mero. Jacque hits Droz with her shoe, and then Mero hits a bad slam and follows up with the SSP for the win. *

Backstage: Michael Cole interviews Bradshaw, who cut his hair. Bradshaw says he says he didn't come to wrestle that FAT BASTARD! He came here to fight him. Vader your fixing to find out its survival of the fittest, not survival of the fattest.

No Holds Barred/Falls Count Anywhere Match: Vader vs. Bradshaw
Oh, goodie, Russo, and his crack team remembered this was a feud. Good battle of the big men fight here, lots of clubbing stiff punches, kicks, and clothesline. Everything they do seems like it hurts. They don't go crazy with weapons, but more of use the stip to fight on the floor for 4 minutes of the 7. Vader hits the big splash, and HITS THE MOONSAULT! But Bradshaw kicks out, Vader is shocked which allows Bradshaw to comeback hitting a clothesline from hell for two, Bradshaw is PISSED! So he hits another and follows up with a neckbreaker for the win. **1/2

Backstage: Kevin Kelly is with Dr. Tom and Jason Sensation at Backstage @ wwf.com. Jason does a bunch of imitations, they all suck compared to his Owen one.

D'Lo Brown vs. Gangrel
The trend continues, not only of these random matches but the miscommunications and awkward spots too. But, D'Lo continues to be one of the few bright sparks in the ring. His running Liger bomb rules, he somewhat targets the back but mostly wears down Gangrel who look, god, awful tonight. Mark Henry comes down to help his boy after Gangrel begins to come back. Mark rams Gangrel into the post and then D'Lo hits him with the Sky High in the ring for the win. D'Lo breaks Gangrel's unbeaten streak. After the match; Gangrel spits the blood in Mark's eyes, and he hits D'Lo with the Impaler. **

Recap of Taker and Kane's assault on Rocky, Mankind, and Shamrock from RAW.

Backstage: Michael Cole interviews Ken Shamrock, Cole asks him how far will he go to win this match. Ken says he came to the WWF to be the champion and nothing else matters He says lately he's been getting burned whenever he's in the ring, but tonight he's gonna take his frustration out on Rocky and Mankind.

Backstage: Dok Interviews The Rock, Rock says he could give two pieces of monkey crap about him and his little frustrations. Make no mistake about it, this is the night of The Rock, so if these two candy-assed jabronies don't have too much sugar in their testes, they can come on down and face The Rock 2 on 1, and he'll make their monkey asses famous in the middle of the People's Cage. The Rock will take his right and left hand and commence laying the smackdown on both their monkey asses. Then he'll raise the People's Eyebrow, drop the People's Elbow, and climb the People's Cage inch by damn inch, and when the smoke is clear, two jabronies will join the millions and millions of The Rock's fans who know that The Rock is and will forever be the People's Champ.

Backstage: Kevin Kelly interviews Mankind, Kelly says Ken is looking for blood, while Rocky is looking for glory. He asks Mankind what he's looking for? Mankind says He says he's looking for an end to world hunger, but he doesn't expect to have that happen during this match. But he'll overlook this stupid question because he's used to stupidity. He saw a grown man urinating on an electric fence once, and that was stupid. The President of this country sacrificing a nation for a girl even he would have turned down in high school is probably a stupid thing. But of all the stupid things he's seen in his life, NOTHING RIVALS THE PEOPLE'S ELBOW! IF YOU THINK IN A PAY PER VIEW MATCH, MANKIND IS GOING TO LAY DOWN AND SELL THAT ABORTION, THEN YOU'RE EVEN STUPIDER THAN HE LOOKS. And Ken Shamrock as far as you looking for blood goes, I have news for you I am trained for you. SUGAR COATED TESTIES, IS THAT A NEW CEREAL?

Steel Cage #1 Contenders match for the WWF World Championship: Ken Shamrock vs. Mankind vs. The Rock
A few things, 1, Rock is clearly the 2nd most over guy in the company now, it's not even close. The reaction when he comes out is nuts. 2, they have the ugly blue cage but have the steel support at the top giving away someone is jumping off it tonight. Ken and Rock go at it as the bell rings, as Mankind smartly lets them be and tries to sneak out the door. This is much better than the RAW match, mainly because it gets 18 minutes and it keeps to the same formula of all 3 constantly being involved. Instead of the Double sleeper spot, we get a double abdominal stretch spot. Rock and Mankind team up early to pick apart Kenny for a bit, before Rocky turns on him. Minutes later, Rock and Shamrock form an alliance and double team Mankind. But, again Rocky turns on him. And lastly, Mankind and Shamrock smarten up and team up on The Rock to big BOOOOOOO's :mark: Rocky manages to wheater the onslaught and connects with two beautiful DDT's and hits a DOUBLE PEOPLE'S ELBOW TO THE BIGGEST POP OF THE NIGHT SO FAR! Keen and Mankind keep teaming up, and now the crowd fully turns on Ken yelling Shamrock SUCKS! Jerry dubs Canada Bizarro World :mark: Rock keeps picking his sports and does his best to keep it 1on1, but the numbers keep catching up to him. MANKIND FINALLY TURNS ON KEN! When he has Rock in the ankle lock, he begins climbing the cage but Rocky meets him up top and they fight up top until Rocky pulls him back up by his hair. Ken joins them, but he gets knocked down, Mankind then knocks Rocky down too. BUT INSTEAD OF CLIMBING OUT.........HE JUMPS OFF WITH THE CACTUS ELBOW BUT ROCK ROLLS AWAY! Ken crawls to the door and tries to escape but Mankind has him but the boots and drags him back in, Shamrock has a chair and pull it in with him. Mankind fights the chair away from Ken and destroys him with it. Mankind begins climbing over for some reason, but as he's halfway up the cage THE ROCK CRAWLS OVER AND COVERS KEN FOR THE WIN. ***1/4


WWF Jugement Day ~ October 18th

Val/Dustin video package airs, it's ruled. It's even got me excited for the match.

Dustin is already in the ring preying when Val comes out. He then introduces his Valet for the night......DUSTIN'S HOE ASS WIFE Terri Runnels.

Dustin Runnels vs. Val Venis (w/Terri Runnels)
This gets 9 minutes, but it's basically an angle match. Dustin is super aggressive, but every time he's in control he's either distracted by his wife's presence or just can't string together more than 2 offensive moves in a row and it allows Val to take over. I legit have no idea who the heel and who the face it here, cause think about it. Dustin is just a good guy, trying to do things the right way and preach turn the over cheek. While Val is a sleazeball fucking everyone's wife, but the kicker is Dustin is also telling us how to act, and not to get involved in sexual activities and woman loving. While Val has funny sexual innuendos. I'm so confused. They don't really do much, outside trading moves and cool counters. Dustin makes a comeback, but gets distracted whole Val and Terri grinding on one another, Dustin hits the running bulldog but the ref fucks up the count and claims Val got a shoulder up. Dustin looks lost, so Val drops 4 elbows onto his chest and follows up with the money shot for the win. **1/4

Dustin walks away all heartbroken and shit, as Val and Terri start making out and touching.

Jeff Jarrett & Southen Justice vs. X-Pac & The New Age Outlaws
Decent, all 6 brawl immediately, and they cut right into the heels isolating Dogg for a bit. They wear him down a bunch, sadly it's mostly Justice doing the work. Pac gets the hot tag and takes the fight to Jeff, but Dennis kills Pac with a clothesline and the heels again take over. Again they wear down Pac with power moves and holds, cutting off the ring. Pac's bumping isn't insane like he's been doing since his return, but he's still the best guy in the match. Gunn gets the final hot tag and cleans house, the match breaks down Jarrett breaking the guitar over Pac's head on the floor, in the ring Gunn hits the Fame-Asser outta nowhere for the win. **

Pac is holding his eye, as the Outlaws check on him.

Video Package for the Main Event airs.

Triple Threat Match for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship: Kane vs. The Undertaker vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin
So the stipulations, Kane can't pin Taker, and Taker can't pin Kane. Also if anyone gets involved on Austin's behalf, the match will be ended and Austin will be stripped of the title on the spot. Kane comes out first, as Taker makes his entrance. BUT AUSTIN! DOESN'T WAIT HE ATTACKS TAKER WITH A CHAIR! He tries to divide by taking out Taker first and begins brawling with Kane in the ring. Sadly that was the peak of the match as Austin can't put Kane away, and Taker comes back which leads to 15 minutes of slow, boring, terrible, crappy 2-1 against Austin. Austin would get brief comebacks but keeps getting cut off and the just as the crowd gets into it, they instantly die as soon as control goes back to the brothers. Kane's aura is completely gone now and is just the bad wrestler we've come to know and sometimes love. Taker is also really banged up at this point, so he's just lazy and gives no fucks really. I know we love taker but we have to mention 1998-2001 Taker was god awful in the ring, outside of maybe 4 or 5 matches he was really bad. At least he Music from those years were all-time greats though. Austin does what he can with his bumping, but it's not enough and the 22 minutes didn't help. Late in the match, Taker has Austin beat but Kane pulls him off the cover and they have some words, later Kane also has Austin beat but Taker pulls him off. TAKER THEN ATTACKS KANE AND IT NOW TURNS INTO A 3-WAY! That allows Austin to mount a comeback, but NAW! The brothers hit a double Chokeslam and double cover Austin for the win. WOAH! *3/4

WINNER AND NEW WWF CHAMPION........VINCE COMES OUT AND FORCES BRISCO TO GET HIM THE BELT! Vince and his associates then bail to the back, as Austin hobbles to the back after them. The Stooges come back but Austin beats the shit out of them and goes to the back. He gets to the parking lot and Vince holds it up through the limo roof.




Nov 13, 2010
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Owen wore an Argonauts jersey for heat.
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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Christian debut looks like the only real highlight


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: ???
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Triple H
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: X-Pac
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku
WWF Woman's Champion: Jacqueline

September 28th, 1998
Joe Louis Arena: Detroit, Michigan

Stone Cold Steve Austin's music hits, but Vince McMahon who has the smoking skull championship over his shoulder comes out, with his associates. They are being escorted to the ring by about 8 police officers. Vince says he knows some are upset, but time heals all wounds. Maybe the next time he makes a guarantee, you should listen to him. All he ever wanted from Stone Cold was to listen to him and take direction. We could have had it the easy way, but we had to do it your way. The hard way. Now they're doing things the Vince McMahon and as such, unlike the last time he lost this, there will be no rematch. However in a magnanimous gesture to Stone Cold, to show appreciation for his career, he'll deem this Stone Cold Steve Austin night. and has a welcoming committee for him to ensure easy access, Police PD are standing in the parking lot, blocking the entrance. Vince says tonight, they will crown a NEW WWF Champion and that new champion will be presented the official WWF belt, not this one. This title belt is going above his fireplace on his mantle in one of his homes, with his other awards and trophies. Vince again asks will Austin join them as he presents the WWF title to the NEW WWF CHAMPION! Vince hands Sarge the Smoking Skull title........AND SARGE STRAPS THE TITLE AROUND VINCE'S WAIST:mark: He tells everyone to enjoy the evening and they all leave. Vince is the best.

Jerry Lawler claims he's got beef with Jim Carey and hopes he shows up tonight.

Dogg's got his voice back and does the intro. Detriot is super hot for the Outlaws, man what good times.

WWF Tag Team Championships: The New Age Outlaws vs. Southen Justice (w/Jeff Jarrett)
JR claims it's been a rough couple of weeks for DX, from Dogg's throat injury, Triple H who had knee surgery recently, and Pac got a splinter in his eye last night. JR talks up Gunn as the only non-injured DX guy in the last few weeks. I guess The Outlaws offered the challenge for this match, cause why would WWF reward the tag team that lost the fall on the PPV last night. The Outlaws control like 98% of the match, Gunn hits the Fame-Asser but Jeff throws the guitar in, but Dogg takes it away and hits Dennis for the DQ.

After the match; Gunn is upset for some reason, I guess he wanted the pin more than getting revenge for his friend. Pac runs out to calm things down, but Gunn shoves him and accidentally hits him in the bad eye. Road Dogg checks on him, but Gunn leaves. Chyna wheels Hunter down but Gunn just barges past them. JR again brings up that Gunn must be physically and mentally exhausted from carrying the load recently.

Backstage: Michael Cole is standing outside the DX locker room, where yelling is heard.

Submission Match: Dan Severn vs. Owen Hart
FUCK YEAH! Dan is back, 1 thing Russo and co got right is most matches from this year stem from something. Like this, even though Dan hasn't been on TV since SummerSlam when the walked away from Owen, so when he returns they go right into this with Owen looking for revenge. This is basically an angle match, it goes about 2 and a half...................AND OWENS BUSTS OUT THE OWEN 3:16 DRIVER! Dan lays prone in the ring, and they cut it to break.


Back from break, refs and EMTs are in the ring. Dan is getting a neck brace put on as Owen just stands there watching on. They place him on a stretcher, and he is wheeled to the back. Dan says he can't feel his arms and it felt like a lightning bolt shot down his spine.

After the break, Severn is loaded onto a stretcher and taken out in an ambulance.

Vader comes down to the ring with commissioner Slaughter for some reason.

Vader (w/commissioner Slaughter) vs. Al Snow
Oh, I get it, Vader is just hired gun for Sarge this week. Vader does some things for two minutes but Al hits him with head and covers for the win.

In the parking lot, Billy Gunn leaves the arena by himself.

Six-Man Elimination Match with the winner getting a shot at the European Champion Next Week: Droz vs. Marc Mero vs. Gangrel vs. Jeff Jarrett vs. D'Lo Brown vs. Edge

Edge and Gangrel start, they go about a minute and a half until Edge cradles the arm and rolls him up for the elimination. Edge/D'Lo do some things, before Droz tags in. Jeff also gets tagged in and they do some things. They fight onto the floor and both men get counted out. Mero and Edge get in, D'Lo shakes the ropes as Mero goes for the SSP so Mero crotches himself, Edge hits the rana but see's D'Lo coming off the top with the Low Down so he moves and Mero takes it. Edge then dropkicks D'Lo out and covers Mero for the elimination. Gangrel and that CLB come out, and Edge is distracted and D'Lo hits the Sky High to win. Fun stuff that could have benefitted with an extra 2 minutes or so. **

The red carpet is in the ring, as the old school WWF 1988-1998 World Championship is in a glass box. Vince comes out with Patterson, Brisco, and Sarge. Vince says we're about to present the most covenant prize in our game to the most worthy superstar, we that in mind he introduces The Undertaker and Kane. He says they both deserve to be the WWF Champion, the two of them both covered Stone Cold Steve Austin. BUT IN THE BACK! AUSTIN IS DRIVING A ZAMBONI! He's completely fucked up the sets and the lights as he drives through the back.

AUSTIN DRIVES IT OUT AND CRASHES INTO THE RING! HE THEN RUNS DOWN THE HOOD AND ATTACKS VINCE WITH A FLYING CLOTHESLINE! He punches at him until the police pull him off and cuff him. AUSTIN RUNS INTO VINCE AND TAKES HIM DOWN AGAIN BEFORE HE GETS PULLED OFF! AUSTIN KICKS THE BELT TOO. Undertaker and Kane just kind of watch and Austin is taken away to the back while he laughs. Vince yells to take him to jail.


In the back, Austin is being carried away and Austin yells "I AIN'T THROUGH WITH YA VINCE. NOT YET BY A LONG SHOT." They load Austin into the back of the squad car and Vince yells at him for being a son of a bitch. Vince then acting tough while Austin is handcuffed and says to let him go. They drive Austin off to jail.


Vince, Taker and Kane are back in the ring alone. Vince says he was about to present the WWF Championship, however, the deal was that they would get the shot as long as they kept Stone Cold away from him, but three times in less than a week, Austin's attacked him. They didn't live up to their end of the deal, so i'm not gonna live up to mine. THEY HAVE TO FIGHT FOR IT! On the next PPV! The two of them would fight for the WWF Title whether they like it or not. and by the way, since they can't seem to keep Stone Cold out of their business, he'll put him in it AS THE GUEST REFEREE! He wants him to suffer the indignity of having to give one of them the WWF Title, but so everyone gets their money's worth tonight, he books Undertaker and Kane in a handicap match against the men they attacked last week, The Rock, Mankind, and Ken Shamrock. And maybe they can get it right this time, because this is like dealing with the handicapped. One's physical and the other is mental. Undertaker grabs him and says he needs to watch his ass. The next time he gets out of line with either one of them, he'll be the one handicapped. They go to leave, and walk past Vince. BUT VINCE GIVES THEM THE MIDDLE FINGER! BUT TAKER TURNS AROUND AND SEES IT. TAKER THEN DECKS HIM! FUCK YEAH! He starts beating the shit out of him and Kane joins in. Taker goes after the leg and they take him to the floor. They put his leg over the bottom half of the steps and slam his ankle with the top half of the steps. FUCK YEAH!


In the back, Vince is on a stretcher everyone begins yelling "Where is the ambulance" but JR notes the ambulance left with Dan Severn and has not returned yet.

FUCKING AMAZING 20+ SEGMENT! Top 3 segment in wrestling history.

Mark Henry vs. Faarooq [Special Referee - Chyna]
LOOOOOOOOOOOL Faarooq still being alive, how that man fell off once he turned face :lmao This goes about a minute, and it's basically an angle match. Mark beats up Faarooq for a bit, he gets him up for a press slam but Chyna low blows him and Faarooq falls on top for the win. After the match; Chyna is served with papers. She reads them and is upset and she tears them up and leaves.

in the parking lot, Vince is being loaded into an ambulance. Mankind tries to get Vince to drink out of a cup :lmao

Backstage: Michael Cole interviews Ken Shamrock, he tries to get his thoughts on this upcoming match tonight. Ken says he doesn't like Detroit much and he doesn't like what happened last night at all. He says he owes all four men in the ring with him tonight, it's payback time. And Mankind I haven't forgotten about the chair show either.

Steven Regal, a real man's man.

The Oddities vs. The Headbangers
Remember earlier when I said that #1 Contender needed an extra two minutes, well this is where the 2 minutes is wasted. They do stuff it's all terrible, heel headbangers just cheat some but it doesn't matter the ICP trip Mosh up and Kurrgan hits a big splash to win.

Backstage: Michael Cole tries to Interview The Rock, but Rocky shoves him away. He says The Rock did exactly what he said he was gonna do when he walked into Breakdown last night. He walked into the People's Cage, flexed the People's Elbow, dropped the Double People's Elbow, and planted some poor jabronie with the Rock Bottom., and now he has to go into the ring with the same two jabronies he beat last night. But that's okay because The Rock is now the #1 Contender. The Rock could care less though because whether anyone likes it, there ain't nothing and The Rock means nothing that could ever compare to being the People's Champ.

Backstage: Val is getting head from Terri.

WWF European Championship: Val Venis (w/Terri Runnels) vs. X-Pac
Total throwaway match :( They do some nice things, Pac uses his speed as Val counters with power move attempts and begins targetting the eye with punches and kicks. Val gets too cocky, which allows Pac to make a comeback. But Terri trips Pac up from the floor and Chyna comes out to even the odds. She shoves Terri and stalks her around the ring, Val then gets in Chyna's face so Pac baseball slides him. Pac and Chyna begin putting the boots to Val and the ref calls for the bell. **

Refs and agents all come from the back to pull them off and send them to the back. Val and Terri get back into the ring, they begin grinding and kissing........BUT SHATTERED DREAMS HITS! Goldust's voice is over the system and says he told him that he was coming back. AIR BITE!

Backstage: Michael Cole is with Mankind, he asks for his thoughts on tonight's match. He says two things are apparent. Number one, he swings a mighty chair, ask Ken Shamrock. Number two, in the one hundred plus years of pro wrestling's existence, last night's double People's Elbow was the worst move he's ever seen. But he's not about to let the fact that he pulled a Mark McGuire on Ken Shamrock or that he split the People's Eyebrow worse than Bill and Hillary's marriage on Inauguration Day 2001 stand in the way of tonight's match. He's looking for their friendship and mutual respect to overcome The Undertaker and Kane's prowess and geometric knowledge, and it will be a nice day.

Handicap Tag Team Match: Ken Shamrock, Mankind, & The Rock vs. The Undertaker & Kane
FUCK YEAH! Ken comes out first and is followed by Mankind, and they start fighting :mark: The Rock comes out to another monster pop and he begins fighting Shamrock. Mankind gets back in and joins The Rock in attacking Ken, they continue to fight as Taker and Kane make their way to the ring. The brothers clean the ring of Mankind and Ken, who continue to fight on the floor but stop once they see Rocky getting double teamed. And now it settles down into a traditional match. Rock has gotten so much better since the Hunter feud, it also helps that he's getting the Austin pop and the pops make his high energy comebacks look so much better. I love that Ken/Mankind/Rock try to wrestle the match, but then they realize they can't stand one another and starting fighting amongst themselves allowing Taker and Kane to take control of the match. They briefly isolate all 3 men, Mankind continues to get the most out of Kane and Taker by trying to cripple himself. He takes the knee steps bump twice, and Kane fucking kills him with a chair show to the head. Rock has a pretty awesome as the growth since July has been remarkable. Earl yells at them 35 seconds and they cut right into the finish, with Kane brawling with Mankind and Shamrock on the floor, then in the ring, The Rock hits the Rock Bottom outta nowhere and pins the Undertaker clean. FUCK YEAH! ***

After the match; The Rock celebrates all the way to the back as Taker and Kane have words with one another. Rock has now cemented himself as the Number #2 babyface in the company.
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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Raws like that are the ones that make people look back on the attitude era with rose colored glasses
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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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WWF Champion: Vacant
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Triple H
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: X-Pac
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku
WWF Woman's Champion: Jacqueline

Sunday Night Heat
October 4th, 1998
East Lansing, Michigan

X-Pac (w/D-Generation X minus Billy Gunn) vs. Owen Hart
The Nation is pretty much dead at this point :( This is a total Angle/build/hype match. Dogg doesn't want to do the intro, Owen comes out and is pretty bummed out and seems out of it due to the Dan incident. D'Lo comes out to hype up his European title match on RAW. This gets 3 minutes maybe, as stated Owen heart just isn't in it, which allows Pac pretty much to dominate. Owen keeps trying to leave, but Pac won't allow it and whenever he gets control he stumbles around which allows Pac to roll him up for the win. *1/2

After the match; Michael Cole interviews Triple H, he asks him where Gunn is? Hunter says he doesn't know. And Chyna rolls him off.

Live via Satellite ~ Mr. McMahon is laid up in a hospital bed, Vince says he would like to be there tonight, but he was readmitted to the hospital today and is in such excruciating pain. His leg's been crushed and he will never ever forgive The Undertaker and Kane for what they did. But really, it was Austin's fault. Every bit of this pain will be worth it if Austin has to suffer the indignity of counting to three to crown one of those ungrateful monsters as the WWF Champion. He says he has another evaluation tomorrow, and he's gutting it out.

Matt Hardy vs. Sho Funaki (w/Mr. Yamaguchi-san)
This is solid for a couple of minutes, everything is clean they don't do too much but they also spend half the match showing Vince in the hospital. Funaki gets his knees up on a Moonsault and follows up with a Fisherman's Buster and Diving Headbutt for the win.

Outside the arena, Austin is looking for something.

The Headbangers vs. The Oddities (w/ICP)
Yeah, No. I'mma pass on this one.

Backstage: Stone Cold Steve Austin is walking around with an ax.


The DOA (w/Paul Ellering) vs. Ken Shamrock & Mankind
Ken attacks DOA as Mankind makes his entrance, but it backfires and they isolate him early. It's all shitty punches and elbows until Ken makes his comeback and tags Mankind in. They again immediately go into isolating Mankind, with Ken no really caring or sticking out his hand for the tag. FUCK YEAH! THIS HEELISH VERSION OF SHAMROCk! We cut to the back, with Austin breaking into the production truck. Just like Ken, Mankind makes his own comeback but Paul Ellering trips him from the floor. Mankind puts the mandible claw on but Ken comes over with a chair, and goes to hit Paul but misses badly and hits Mankind. Skull then covers for the win. *1/2

In the production truck, Austin forces someone to show him which cable is the feed to Vince's hospital room. A worker shows him, and Austin cuts it. Shane yells "DAD, DON'T LEAVE ME" :lmao

Stone Cold Steve Austin comes out to do commentary, he threatens and fucks with Shane the whole time.

Jeff Jarrett vs. The Rock
This gets 6 minutes or so, it's solid Rock continues to get better and is adjusting to working face really well. Jeff also continues to be a real solid hand for 1998. Austin says he won't DQ, count anyone when he's the ref. VINCE IS ON THE LINE! He phones in and belittles Austin for his actions. Austin threatens him and says he knows where the hospital is so Vince hangs up. While this is going on, Rock makes a comeback he hits a DDT and Dennis Knight comes out. Rock sneak low blows Jeff and hits the People's Elbow to a monster pop. Knight pulls the ref out and KO's him. **

It's 2-1, but Austin says when he's the special ref he won't allow any of this. He comes in and stuns both Jeff and Knight. AND HEAT ENDS WITH ROCK AND AUSTIN GOING FACE TO FACE :mark:


Nov 13, 2010
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You skipped the Headbangers sandbagging and no selling the ICP.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: Vacant
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Triple H
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: X-Pac
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku
WWF Woman's Champion: Jacqueline

October 5th, 1998
East Lansing, Michigan

Quick flaw that I just noticed, why is Vince in hospital in EL, Michigan instead of Detriot, where the incident took place?

FUCK YEAH! RAW starting with a match.

WWF European Championship: X-Pac (w/Chyna) vs. D'Lo Brown (w/Mark Henry)
Fun stuff, as usual, D'Lo works the neck as Chyna gets served with another letter. Mark continues to taunt her from the other side of the ring. D'Lo misses the frog splash off the top, which allows Pac to make a comeback. He hits the Bronco Buster but Mark trips him up from the floor, Pac makes the mistake by trying to hit a plancha onto Mark but Mark catches him and sends him spine first into the ring post and rolls him back in where D'Lo hits the Sky High for the win. **

In the hospital, the nurse gives Vince grape juice, he spits it out and screams HE WANTS APPLE JUICE!

The Headbangers come down to the ring, Thrasher calls the ICP out for getting involved in their business, he says he knows that ain't wrestlers and they didn't come to wrestle they came to fight. The Oddities come out, and they say they want the ICP not them and want them alone. The ICP come out and come down to the ring, so the Headbangers beat the ever living shit out of them :lmao Mosh sandbags one as Thrasher kills the other with a chair shot The Oddities run back out for the save.

Recap of Vince getting his ankle shattered.

Live via Satellite ~ The nurse comes in and tells Vince he has a "visitor" He says he doesn't want any visitors. She says it's a really big guy and he's threatening staff and orderlies. He yells for no damn visitors, BUT MANKIND COMES IN WITH BALLOONS! He gives a box of candy too and says he brought another guest to see him. Vince gets freaked out and says you brought HIM? Mankind says it's not a he, it's a she. He brought him some female entertainment AND BRINGS IN YURPLE THE CLOWN! She brings in a balloon rainbow and makes a balloon dog, and gives him stickers. Vince says he doesn't want any of this, and Mankind has one more visitor........................................MR. SOCKO! SAY HELLO TO MR. SOCKO. Vince looks so distraught as Mr. Socko kisses the ankle in a cast. Vince loses it and asks him to leave. Mankind keeps blowing one of those annoying whistle thinks so Vince yells to take all this crap out. MR. SOCKO!

Sable comes out and joins commentary, superfan Tori is behind her in the crowd.

Vader vs. Marc Mero (w/Jacqueline)
Vader's run has to be coming to an end soon, right? I don't remember him on any upcoming PPV's. Horrible Mero showcase, that's right fucking Mero gets a showcase match against Vader. FUCK OFF! Mero no selling Vader's punches so DOUBLE FUCK HIM! This goes for 3 minutes. Jacque jumps off the top at Vader, but he catches her and puts her down. The ref tries to get her to leave but that distraction allows Mero to low blow him from behind and hit the SSP for the win. UGH!

After the match; Jacqueline challenges Sable to a fight. She goes into the ring but Mero gets in front of Jackie. He says she's only upset is because as a woman, she can never satisfy Marc Mero. She slaps him, but then Jackie hits her from behind. She takes out a pair of scissors and cuts off a bit of Sable's hair.

Tonight: Ken Shamrock vs. Kane, and The Undertaker vs. The Rock.

Edge comes through the crowd for his match, JR says the young CLB running around with Gangrel is Edge's younger brother named Christian. Owen Hart comes out but is in street clothes. Owen grabs a mic and says he's been in the wrestling business for thirteen years now and it's been his whole life, but last week after he did what he did to Dan Severn, he looked in his eyes and saw his wife and two children, and he never meant for anyone to get hurt. He's so sorry for what he did, Owen breaks down and leaves.

Backstage: Michael Cole tries to interview Owen Hart, Owen says it's over and he's done.

Kane vs. Ken Shamrock
This is really really awkward in stages. Ken keeps targetting the leg but Kane no sells or just shakes him off. So, Ken switches his gameplan to the stick and move approach until Kane drops him with a sweep powerbomb and takes over again. Kane does 4 different variations of throat chokes in a row before doing something else :lmao He works the neck with holds and stuff until Taker comes down, as Shamrock makes a comeback. Kane gets up top but Taker gets up on the apron, he dares Shamrock to take a swing but when he does Taker jumps down he shakes to ropes purposely causing Kane to crotch himself. That allows Ken to hit a belly to belly off the top for the win. Shamrock is the 3rd person to ever pin Kane. *3/4

Val Venis (w/Terri Runnels) vs. Gangrel (w/Christian)
This gets a couple of minutes, they don't do much it seems like they're just filling time until Edge comes through the crowd to confront his brother. Gangrel goes out and blindsides him. he drops Edge with a DDT on the floor. Gangrel and Christian put the boots to him and the ref calls for the bell. Ref claims it was a count out, which was the fastest 10 count in wrestling history.

Christian and Gangrel leave, but a man comes and gives Val a card. Val reads it and is shocked. Goldust's music then hits and his voice is heard again as Terri tears up the letter. Goldust says that's his personal invitation to his world premiere next week on Raw.

In the hospital, Vince asks for a new nurse and for the old nurse to bring him something for the pain.

Al Snow (w/Head) vs. Jeff Jarrett
More angle fuckery, they go 2 minutes or so until Sarge comes out. Al then tries to sneak up on Sarge, but Jeff kills him with a vile chair shot to the back of the head. DAMN! Al gets goes to the top, but Sarge shakes the ropes and crotches Al for the DQ. Jeff is pissed and leaves, with Sarge following him.

The Road Dogg comes out wearing both WWF Tag Team Champions, along with X-Pac and Chyna, they also have a blowup doll called "Mrs Ass" dressed in Billy Gunn's attire.

Jerry Lawler has the papers served to Chyna earlier in the show, apparently, Mark is suing Chyna for "Sexual Harassment"

The Road Dogg (w/Mrs Ass, Chyna, X-Pac) vs. Mark Henry (w/D'Lo Brown)
This is solid, Mark does some good power based offence and Dogg bumps well for all of it. D'Lo trips Dogg up from the floor, so Pac goes after him. D'Lo begins taunting Pac with his Euro title, but when he turns around Chyna decks him. The ref is distracted which allow Pac to sneak in and hit Mark with the X-Factor and Dogg covers for the win. *3/4

Mark grabs a chair and goes after DX.

Back at the hospital, Vince wants more juice.

Another recap of the Vince, Austin, Taker, Kane stuff from last week.

Live via Satellite ~ The nurse is checking Vince's blood pressure, he's getting more and more angrier as he claims she's done this so many times and the results haven't changed. She says everything is fine and the Doctor says..........................."I'LL TAKE IT FROM HERE NURE" IT'S AUSTIN! Austin begins beating the shit out of Vince in the hospital bed and begins punching away at the foot. HE THEN KILLS VINE WITH A BEDPAN SHOT TO THE HEAD. Before putting the defibrillator on Vince's cheat. BUT AUSTIN'S NOT DONE HE TAKES THE IV AND SHOVES IT UP VINCE'S ASS AS THE TAPE CUTS BACK TO RAW.


The Rock vs. The Undertaker
This gets 13 minutes, Taker dominates early as Mark and D'Lo come down to watch on their Leader/Former Leader's back. It's weird the Nation hasn't been talked about or mentioned since the Rock's "face turn" Rock is able to turn the tide as Kane comes out now to watch on. That distraction allows Taker to drop Rock with a chokeslam. D'Lo and Mark just end up leaving. Taker continues his awful slow plodding offence, full of rest holds, but at least he still throws the best working punch in the business. Speaking of punches how Bart Gunn won the Brawl4All and hasn't been seen since :lmao Rock makes a comeback he wiggles out of the Tombstone into the side Russian leg sweep and hits the People's Elbow. Rock doesn't go for the cover instead picks him up, and they brawl for some more. Earl Hebner gets taken out, as both men get double KO'ed off the double clothesline. Kane picks up a chair but doesn't move from the floor. Rock whips Taker into the ropes, and Kane nails him in the back with a chair and walks off. Rocky covers by the ref is still out, that allows Taker to sit up and hit the Tombstone onto the chair and cover for the win. **1/4
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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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My laptop is acting up, so gifs are not happening for a while.

WWF Champion: Vacant
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Triple H
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: D'Lo Brown
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku
WWF Woman's Champion: Jacqueline

WWF Sunday Night Heat
October 11th, 1998
East Lansing, Michigan

WWF Woman's Championship: Jacqueline (w/Marc Mero) vs. Starla Sexton
Jacque now has parts of Sable's hair weaved into hers, this is okay. Starla is a young Molly Holly. She's leaps and bounds better than Jacque and gets a ton of offence in. Until Jacque hits a desperation DDT for the win. After the match; she keeps putting the boots to her until Sable makes the save.

Kai En Tai (w/Mr Yamaguchi-san) vs. The Hardy Boyz & Too Much
That's great, Russo team up a jobber babyface with two heels to face off against a heel faction. Great logic. This is like 2 minutes of Kaientai getting their asses kicked before it randomly breaks down. TOO MUCH DEBUT AMW'S DEATH SENTENCE! HOLY SHIT! FUCK THEM I'M NOT CREDITING THEM FOR SHIT! THEY STOLE IT FROM AMW SOMEHOW! Anyway, the ref is distracted by all this action so he doesn't see the cover, that allows Funaki to come off the top with a diving headbutt and rolls Teioh on top for the win. After the match; the Hardyz and Too Much begin brawling as Shane yells "Pound it, pound it" Refs come out to break it up.

Recap of Mankind/Vince/Yurple and the debuting Mr Socko from RAW airs.

Vader vs. Edge
This happens, Vader beats on him for like 90% of the match, Cornette announces Hunter has to relinquish the IC title due to injury so tomorrow on RAW they will have a 1 night only tournament crowning a new champion. Edge does some nice things, he uses his quickness and shows an aggressive streak, but Vader uses that against him. Edge then hits the downward spiral for the win. This gotta be it for Vader now.

Backstage: Austin is getting ready for his match.

Ken Shamrock vs. Al Snow
This goes all of 40 seconds until Ken locks in the ankle lock, Al gets to the ropes and begins biting it. Ken refuses to break so the ref calls for the bell. Poor Scorpio comes out to save his buddy but gets dropped. Ken goes back to applying the hold, but Mankind runs out with a chair and Ken bails.

Backstage: Michael Cole asks Road Dogg if he's had any contact with Billy Gunn, Dogg says if he wants to talk to him, he'll give him his personal pager number so HIS ass can call somebody, okay? Cole asks about his match with Jeff Jarrett next, and Dogg says he's got a little payback coming from this braided-headed bad boy.

Road Dogg comes out and does the intro, he shrows mad shade at Gunn and says HE IS THE TAG TEAM CHAMPION!

Road Dogg vs. Jeff Jarrett
More shortness, about 2 and a half so both men get about 1 minute 15 on offense before Dogg grabs the guitar and breaks it on Jarrett's head for the DQ.

They replay Austin attacking Vince in the hospital.

D'Lo is hailing from Paris, France.

D'Lo Brown (w/Mark Henry) vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin
This gets 2 minutes on the dot, Austin runs through all his shit and hits the stunner for the win. D'Lo gets maybe 2 punches and some kicks in. Way to make one of your champions look like a fucking joke. Don't you have jobbers on the roster for this?

Mark comes in to attack Austin post-match, but he eats a Stunner too.