WWF Champion: Stone Cold Steve Austin
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Triple H
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: X-Pac
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku
WWF Woman's Champion: Jacqueline
WWF Breakdown
September 27th, 1998
Copps Coliseum: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Edge vs. Owen Hart
No story behind this at all, it's the typical 1998 booking of just throw two guys on PPV to fill time. They do some solid counter wrestling to start, Owen does a good job carrying Edge through it. They do the traditional story of Rookie vs. Vet, so Edge comes out full of energy, he pinballs Owen around who bumps well, Owen whether the story and catches Edge going for one high risk too many and counters a crossbody to the floor into a scoop slam. Owen takes over working the lower back, and neck. Edge doesn't sell cause 98% of the roster doesn't sell for anything. Edge has some solid comeback, and they move into hitting big moves, followed by bigger moves for near-falls. Suddenly, a CLB comes through the crowd, his presence distracts Edge allowing Owen to roll up Edge for the win. Edge follows the bastard through the crowd after the match. **3/4
Backstage: Dok is with Sable, who isn't looking washed anymore. THANK GOD! They hype up the PPV and shit.
Too Much vs. Al Snow & Scorpio
More thrown together stuff, but at least this has some backstory that never gets mentioned. KOTR remember that? This is alright, I guess it's pretty much an extended RAW match. There is a shit ton of miscommunications and sloppiness throughout. AL STEALS SABU'S SPRING OFF THE CHAIR LEG LARIAT INTO THE CORNER! Scorpio goes for it too, but his skinny fat ass botches it and hits Lawlers' kid in the back of the leg. The match breaks down, and everyone just begins doing stuff until Snow hits the SnowPlow for the win. *3/4
Backstage: Michael Cole is with The Undertaker and Kane. Cole asks them which brother will take the fall and become champion. Taker says it's none of his business, and secondly, his brother and he has come to an understanding. Taker says you will see the total annihilation of one Steve Austin.
Marc Mero (w/Jacqueline) vs. Droz
Fuck me, things keep going from bad to worse. This goes 5 minutes, they brawl for the most part with Mero actually taking some good bumps, but ruins it with his shitty offense, he's stopped doing the 1 good thing he was ever good at and that's his body blow punches. Droz's comeback is stiff, he's just throwing his body into Mero. Jacque hits Droz with her shoe, and then Mero hits a bad slam and follows up with the SSP for the win. *
Backstage: Michael Cole interviews Bradshaw, who cut his hair. Bradshaw says he says he didn't come to wrestle that FAT BASTARD! He came here to fight him. Vader your fixing to find out its survival of the fittest, not survival of the fattest.
No Holds Barred/Falls Count Anywhere Match: Vader vs. Bradshaw
Oh, goodie, Russo, and his crack team remembered this was a feud. Good battle of the big men fight here, lots of clubbing stiff punches, kicks, and clothesline. Everything they do seems like it hurts. They don't go crazy with weapons, but more of use the stip to fight on the floor for 4 minutes of the 7. Vader hits the big splash, and HITS THE MOONSAULT! But Bradshaw kicks out, Vader is shocked which allows Bradshaw to comeback hitting a clothesline from hell for two, Bradshaw is PISSED! So he hits another and follows up with a neckbreaker for the win. **1/2
Backstage: Kevin Kelly is with Dr. Tom and Jason Sensation at Backstage @ wwf.com. Jason does a bunch of imitations, they all suck compared to his Owen one.
D'Lo Brown vs. Gangrel
The trend continues, not only of these random matches but the miscommunications and awkward spots too. But, D'Lo continues to be one of the few bright sparks in the ring. His running Liger bomb rules, he somewhat targets the back but mostly wears down Gangrel who look, god, awful tonight. Mark Henry comes down to help his boy after Gangrel begins to come back. Mark rams Gangrel into the post and then D'Lo hits him with the Sky High in the ring for the win. D'Lo breaks Gangrel's unbeaten streak. After the match; Gangrel spits the blood in Mark's eyes, and he hits D'Lo with the Impaler. **
Recap of Taker and Kane's assault on Rocky, Mankind, and Shamrock from RAW.
Backstage: Michael Cole interviews Ken Shamrock, Cole asks him how far will he go to win this match. Ken says he came to the WWF to be the champion and nothing else matters He says lately he's been getting burned whenever he's in the ring, but tonight he's gonna take his frustration out on Rocky and Mankind.
Backstage: Dok Interviews The Rock, Rock says he could give two pieces of monkey crap about him and his little frustrations. Make no mistake about it, this is the night of The Rock, so if these two candy-assed jabronies don't have too much sugar in their testes, they can come on down and face The Rock 2 on 1, and he'll make their monkey asses famous in the middle of the People's Cage. The Rock will take his right and left hand and commence laying the smackdown on both their monkey asses. Then he'll raise the People's Eyebrow, drop the People's Elbow, and climb the People's Cage inch by damn inch, and when the smoke is clear, two jabronies will join the millions and millions of The Rock's fans who know that The Rock is and will forever be the People's Champ.
Backstage: Kevin Kelly interviews Mankind, Kelly says Ken is looking for blood, while Rocky is looking for glory. He asks Mankind what he's looking for? Mankind says He says he's looking for an end to world hunger, but he doesn't expect to have that happen during this match. But he'll overlook this stupid question because he's used to stupidity. He saw a grown man urinating on an electric fence once, and that was stupid. The President of this country sacrificing a nation for a girl even he would have turned down in high school is probably a stupid thing. But of all the stupid things he's seen in his life, NOTHING RIVALS THE PEOPLE'S ELBOW! IF YOU THINK IN A PAY PER VIEW MATCH, MANKIND IS GOING TO LAY DOWN AND SELL THAT ABORTION, THEN YOU'RE EVEN STUPIDER THAN HE LOOKS. And Ken Shamrock as far as you looking for blood goes, I have news for you I am trained for you. SUGAR COATED TESTIES, IS THAT A NEW CEREAL?
Steel Cage #1 Contenders match for the WWF World Championship: Ken Shamrock vs. Mankind vs. The Rock
A few things, 1, Rock is clearly the 2nd most over guy in the company now, it's not even close. The reaction when he comes out is nuts. 2, they have the ugly blue cage but have the steel support at the top giving away someone is jumping off it tonight. Ken and Rock go at it as the bell rings, as Mankind smartly lets them be and tries to sneak out the door. This is much better than the RAW match, mainly because it gets 18 minutes and it keeps to the same formula of all 3 constantly being involved. Instead of the Double sleeper spot, we get a double abdominal stretch spot. Rock and Mankind team up early to pick apart Kenny for a bit, before Rocky turns on him. Minutes later, Rock and Shamrock form an alliance and double team Mankind. But, again Rocky turns on him. And lastly, Mankind and Shamrock smarten up and team up on The Rock to big BOOOOOOO's

Rocky manages to wheater the onslaught and connects with two beautiful DDT's and hits a DOUBLE PEOPLE'S ELBOW TO THE BIGGEST POP OF THE NIGHT SO FAR! Keen and Mankind keep teaming up, and now the crowd fully turns on Ken yelling Shamrock SUCKS! Jerry dubs Canada Bizarro World

Rock keeps picking his sports and does his best to keep it 1on1, but the numbers keep catching up to him. MANKIND FINALLY TURNS ON KEN! When he has Rock in the ankle lock, he begins climbing the cage but Rocky meets him up top and they fight up top until Rocky pulls him back up by his hair. Ken joins them, but he gets knocked down, Mankind then knocks Rocky down too. BUT INSTEAD OF CLIMBING OUT.........HE JUMPS OFF WITH THE CACTUS ELBOW BUT ROCK ROLLS AWAY! Ken crawls to the door and tries to escape but Mankind has him but the boots and drags him back in, Shamrock has a chair and pull it in with him. Mankind fights the chair away from Ken and destroys him with it. Mankind begins climbing over for some reason, but as he's halfway up the cage THE ROCK CRAWLS OVER AND COVERS KEN FOR THE WIN. ***1/4
WWF Jugement Day ~ October 18th
Val/Dustin video package airs, it's ruled. It's even got me excited for the match.
Dustin is already in the ring preying when Val comes out. He then introduces his Valet for the night......DUSTIN'S HOE ASS WIFE Terri Runnels.
Dustin Runnels vs. Val Venis (w/Terri Runnels)
This gets 9 minutes, but it's basically an angle match. Dustin is super aggressive, but every time he's in control he's either distracted by his wife's presence or just can't string together more than 2 offensive moves in a row and it allows Val to take over. I legit have no idea who the heel and who the face it here, cause think about it. Dustin is just a good guy, trying to do things the right way and preach turn the over cheek. While Val is a sleazeball fucking everyone's wife, but the kicker is Dustin is also telling us how to act, and not to get involved in sexual activities and woman loving. While Val has funny sexual innuendos. I'm so confused. They don't really do much, outside trading moves and cool counters. Dustin makes a comeback, but gets distracted whole Val and Terri grinding on one another, Dustin hits the running bulldog but the ref fucks up the count and claims Val got a shoulder up. Dustin looks lost, so Val drops 4 elbows onto his chest and follows up with the money shot for the win. **1/4
Dustin walks away all heartbroken and shit, as Val and Terri start making out and touching.
Jeff Jarrett & Southen Justice vs. X-Pac & The New Age Outlaws
Decent, all 6 brawl immediately, and they cut right into the heels isolating Dogg for a bit. They wear him down a bunch, sadly it's mostly Justice doing the work. Pac gets the hot tag and takes the fight to Jeff, but Dennis kills Pac with a clothesline and the heels again take over. Again they wear down Pac with power moves and holds, cutting off the ring. Pac's bumping isn't insane like he's been doing since his return, but he's still the best guy in the match. Gunn gets the final hot tag and cleans house, the match breaks down Jarrett breaking the guitar over Pac's head on the floor, in the ring Gunn hits the Fame-Asser outta nowhere for the win. **
Pac is holding his eye, as the Outlaws check on him.
Video Package for the Main Event airs.
Triple Threat Match for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship: Kane vs. The Undertaker vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin
So the stipulations, Kane can't pin Taker, and Taker can't pin Kane. Also if anyone gets involved on Austin's behalf, the match will be ended and Austin will be stripped of the title on the spot. Kane comes out first, as Taker makes his entrance. BUT AUSTIN! DOESN'T WAIT HE ATTACKS TAKER WITH A CHAIR! He tries to divide by taking out Taker first and begins brawling with Kane in the ring. Sadly that was the peak of the match as Austin can't put Kane away, and Taker comes back which leads to 15 minutes of slow, boring, terrible, crappy 2-1 against Austin. Austin would get brief comebacks but keeps getting cut off and the just as the crowd gets into it, they instantly die as soon as control goes back to the brothers. Kane's aura is completely gone now and is just the bad wrestler we've come to know and sometimes love. Taker is also really banged up at this point, so he's just lazy and gives no fucks really. I know we love taker but we have to mention 1998-2001 Taker was god awful in the ring, outside of maybe 4 or 5 matches he was really bad. At least he Music from those years were all-time greats though. Austin does what he can with his bumping, but it's not enough and the 22 minutes didn't help. Late in the match, Taker has Austin beat but Kane pulls him off the cover and they have some words, later Kane also has Austin beat but Taker pulls him off. TAKER THEN ATTACKS KANE AND IT NOW TURNS INTO A 3-WAY! That allows Austin to mount a comeback, but NAW! The brothers hit a double Chokeslam and double cover Austin for the win. WOAH! *3/4
WINNER AND NEW WWF CHAMPION........VINCE COMES OUT AND FORCES BRISCO TO GET HIM THE BELT! Vince and his associates then bail to the back, as Austin hobbles to the back after them. The Stooges come back but Austin beats the shit out of them and goes to the back. He gets to the parking lot and Vince holds it up through the limo roof.