- Joined
- Dec 3, 2010
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- Hell's Club
- Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: The Rock
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Ken Shamrock
WWF Tag Team Champions: Ken Shamrock & The Big Bossman
WWF European Champion: X-Pac
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Duane Gill
WWF Woman's Champion: Sable
WWF Hardcore Champion: The Big Bossman
December 21st, 1998
Spokane, Washington
Before RAW went in the air, Vince leaves to continue his training for the Rumble, he leaves Shane in charge for the night. Vince says he's holding Patterson and Brisco responsible for Shane's actions. He warns Shane to take his ego and pride in check, and Vince promises bonuses for everyone. Vince leaves, and Shane says he has a lot to do.
The Corporation comes down to the ring, Shane says since his pops has stepped out, he now has the keys to the kingdom and we're gonna do things his way. DX's music hits and outcome DX, Hunter says Shane might have the keys to the kingdom, but they have the keys to the boiler room, and Mankind joins them on the stage. Shane says this is like the Bad News Bears of the WWF, and Hunter says the bad news is Shane's an even bigger asshole than his dad. Shane thanks him, and says obviously the Outlaws are not tag team championship material and there will be no rematch, but there's something they can work out on an individual basis. Shawn says for Billy Gunn, he gets to receive a bonafide UFC ass-kicking courtesy of Ken Shamrock. For the Road Doggy Dogg, he gets one rolled up stomping courtesy of The Big Bossman. For Triple H and his male companion X-Pac, they'll receive a paid vacation here to the ring against the Corporate champ The Rock and the Corporate insurance policy, Test. Shane says to save the best for last, Mankind, you deranged freak. Nobody puts their hands on his father without payback, so tonight, IT'S GONNA BE MANKIND VS. HIM! Patterson and Brisco freak out and Shane says this will happen right here in this very ring. Mankind and DX laugh and Mankind calls him a snivelling little silver spoon sucking sissy. Mankind, DX, and everybody in this building are going to love to watch him try. HAVE A NICE DAY!
Backstage: D'Lo is trying to advise Mark against going to a private room with two girls, Mark says just watch his back and make sure no one comes in.
Gangrel vs. Al Snow (w/Head)
This gets like 3 minutes, it's average nothing really happens they just do stuff until Al hits the Snowplough for the win. After the match; Gangrel's music hits and the lights go out. Edge and Christian attack Al on the floor, and the lights come back on Al is covered in blood. BLOODBATH!
WWF WWF Intercontinental Championship: Billy Gunn vs. Ken Shamrock
This gets 8 minutes and rules, Ken keeps going after the knee but Gunn keeps him on the mat and far away from the leg, by targetting Ken's arm. Shamrock eventually takes over and works on the knee and again Gunn puts on an all-time great selling display for 1998, FUCKIN' BA BILLY GUNN! In a rare Shamrock moment, he gets too fancy and cocky which allows Gunn to blocks a Victory Roll attempt by sitting back on the pin for the win. NEW CHAMP~! **1/2
Shawn comes out onto the stage, he says once again we got a guy with a million dollar body, but a 10 cent brain. Billy Gunn, I told you, you can fight the IC champion. I NEVER SAID THE TITLE WAS ON THE LINE! Gunn shows Shawn his asshole and goes to leaves, but Shamrock attacks Billy from behind and they leave.
Hawk comes down to the ring, he says it's time to let this cat out of the bag. Droz is the "pusher man". He's the enabler. He doesn't have to cover for him anymore because he's clean and he likes it now. Droz had a good little plan to make him undependable, sneak up, and take his job. He's the DOPE PUSHER and he was the dopey and nobody regrets it more than him. When he heals up, LOD stands for Legion of Doom and Lords of Discipline, and he is gonna discipline the hell out of him. Droz comes out and looks pissed and Hawk yells that he hates him. Droz attacks from behind to confirm it and Animal runs out to save and attacks Droz. Droz leaves.
Droz the dope dealer
Why do I not remember this 
In the back, Terri and Jacque say they're ready for some SEXUAL CHOCOLATE!
Steve Blackman vs. The Blue Blazer
Owen Hart comes out with the Blazer, and joins commentary, he overshadows this angle match claiming he's not the Blazer and has never been the Blazer
He then claims someone tampered with the footage last week, it wasn't him
Cole shuts Owen up by saying RAW was LIVE not taped, Owen then rethinks and says "IT WASN'T ME" He then dropped the "it's a conspiracy against him"
Owen leaves and trips up Blackman before attacking him for the DQ.
After the match, it's a 2-1 until Goldust makes the save. The Blazer tries to run but Goldust catches him and unmasks him, and OH...MY...GOD...IT'S JEFF JARRETT! SWERVE! Owen runs over and covers the Blazer's identity but also yells "WHO IS THAT MASKED MAN"
Backstage: Terri and Jacque tease Mark, by having him watch as they take a shower. Outside the door, D'Lo takes off his jumper as their tag match is coming up soon.
The Road Dogg comes down to the ring, he does the Outlaws intro and Bossman comes out. Dogg then says it's a damn shame that Hardcore Title isn't on the line. He'd love to steal that piece of crap of his to make this even. He's got a cousin that spent some time in the Cobb County prison system, and he's a good-looking cousin, and he told him that come night time, the boys got a little funky with those nightsticks. It's too bad he's too much of a chickenshit to put that belt up. Bossman says he's gonna teach him about hardcore and hard times and says he'll put it on the line.
WWF Hardcore Championship: Road Dogg vs. The Big Bossman
This is the debut of the "Hardcore title" matches that will take place from 1999-2002, tons of brawling and shots to the head with baking trays and stuff they can find under the ring, they brawl into the crowd and Bossman breaks a broom over Dogg's arm. They fight back to the ring, where Bossman begins whipping him with a belt and uses it to clothesline him with. HOLY SHIT! BOSSMAN THEN PULLS OUT SOME WHITE POWER AND LAWLER SAYS "IT MUST BE SOME OF THAT STUFF HE CONFISCATED FROM COBB COUNTY" Does that mean it's cocaine? I wonder if Bossman is Droz's plug? SO MANY QUESTIONS. Anyway, Dogg kicks it back into Bossman's eyes blinding him, he then gets some revenge with the belt, until Bossman throws him into the crowd again. They fight to the back and BOSSMAN PULLS OUT A FUCKIN NOOSE! He begins choking him but only gets a two. Dogg fights back and even puts a trashcan over his head before knocking it off. MANKIND COMES OUT FROM THE BACK AND THROWS A NET OVER BOSSMAN AND KNOCKS HIM OUT WITH A CROWBAR ALLOWING Dogg to cover for the win. ***
Backstage: Terri and Jacque take Mark's clothes off, they put a dog collar around his neck. Terri says he needs a message.
In the back, Patterson and Brisco try to call Shane off and remind him about keeping his ego and temper in check. Shane says he's doing it.
Back with Mark Henry, who is now chained to a massage bed and blindfolded with a ball gag in his mouth and covered in oils, whipped cream and other stuff.
The Acolytes vs. The J.O.B. Squad (Scorpio & Bob Holly)
3 and a half minutes of brawling, the match does settle down, but then they just all start fighting again and the ref calls for the bell. Thanks.
Shane McMahon comes out to the BRAWL4ALL music
Shane McMahon (w/Pat Patterson & Gerald Brisco) vs. Mankind
This happens, Mankind lets Shane get his jabs off before taking over. The rest of the corporation come out, but Shawn keeps holding them back. Mankind then hands Shane a chair but no-sells it when he hits him from behind. Mankind then tees off on him, Patterson and Brisco. He gives Shane the running knee in the corner before giving him Mr Socko. The Rock has finally had enough and attacks Mankind for the DQ.
Rock and Mankind brawl on the floor, as DX comes out to stop the Corporation from getting into the ring. Pac then hits Shane with the Bronco Buster. IT BEGINS!
Patterson and Brisco are waiting for Vince in the parking lot, both are depressed cause they know they have "HARD TIMES" ahead.
Backstage: D'Lo is waiting for Mark, but his music hits he yells at Mart its time. AND MARK YELLS "HE'S COMING"
D'Lo Brown vs. The Headbangers
More angle nonsense, in the back Jacque and Terri are whipping Mark
D'Lo tries to fight them off, but the numbers catch up to him and the Headbangers hit a Double Flapjack to win.
Mark Henry comes out and D'Lo says he told his FAT ASS! D'Lo walks off as Mark asks for a key.
In the parking lot, Brisco and Patterson are still freak out about how in trouble they probably are. Vince shows back up and yells at them and asks if Shane's hurt. Vince yells that he holds them responsible.
D-Generation X come down to the ring, Shawn tries to eject DX, but Vince McMahon comes out and says since it's the holidays, he's in the holiday spirit, and DX is allowed to stay so it can be a fair fight, and they can all watch what's going to happen.
Triple H & X-Pac (w/D-Generation X) vs. The Rock & Test (w/The Corporation)
This gets 9 to 10 minutes, Test is super green but shows flashes of being decent. They briefly isolate Hunter with Rock doing the majority and Test coming in for the heel 101 punches and chokes. Pac has an awesome hot tag before Rock takes a cheap shot on the floor and the corporation takes over again. This heat segment is way better than the one on Hunter because Pac bumps around for Test really making his generic 101 big man offense look good and Pac/Rock rules, it really allows Rock to be a dick on offense. Triple H has a pretty solid hot tag and hits Test with the Pedigree, but Rocky makes the save. Suddenly, the lights go out. AND KANE'S MUSIC HITS. HE COMES DOWN TO THE RING...AND CHOKESLAMS ALL OF DX Kane has joined The Corporation. Chyna punches him, and he grabs her by the throat but the show just ends. **1/4
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Ken Shamrock
WWF Tag Team Champions: Ken Shamrock & The Big Bossman
WWF European Champion: X-Pac
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Duane Gill
WWF Woman's Champion: Sable
WWF Hardcore Champion: The Big Bossman
December 21st, 1998
Spokane, Washington
Before RAW went in the air, Vince leaves to continue his training for the Rumble, he leaves Shane in charge for the night. Vince says he's holding Patterson and Brisco responsible for Shane's actions. He warns Shane to take his ego and pride in check, and Vince promises bonuses for everyone. Vince leaves, and Shane says he has a lot to do.
The Corporation comes down to the ring, Shane says since his pops has stepped out, he now has the keys to the kingdom and we're gonna do things his way. DX's music hits and outcome DX, Hunter says Shane might have the keys to the kingdom, but they have the keys to the boiler room, and Mankind joins them on the stage. Shane says this is like the Bad News Bears of the WWF, and Hunter says the bad news is Shane's an even bigger asshole than his dad. Shane thanks him, and says obviously the Outlaws are not tag team championship material and there will be no rematch, but there's something they can work out on an individual basis. Shawn says for Billy Gunn, he gets to receive a bonafide UFC ass-kicking courtesy of Ken Shamrock. For the Road Doggy Dogg, he gets one rolled up stomping courtesy of The Big Bossman. For Triple H and his male companion X-Pac, they'll receive a paid vacation here to the ring against the Corporate champ The Rock and the Corporate insurance policy, Test. Shane says to save the best for last, Mankind, you deranged freak. Nobody puts their hands on his father without payback, so tonight, IT'S GONNA BE MANKIND VS. HIM! Patterson and Brisco freak out and Shane says this will happen right here in this very ring. Mankind and DX laugh and Mankind calls him a snivelling little silver spoon sucking sissy. Mankind, DX, and everybody in this building are going to love to watch him try. HAVE A NICE DAY!
Backstage: D'Lo is trying to advise Mark against going to a private room with two girls, Mark says just watch his back and make sure no one comes in.
Gangrel vs. Al Snow (w/Head)
This gets like 3 minutes, it's average nothing really happens they just do stuff until Al hits the Snowplough for the win. After the match; Gangrel's music hits and the lights go out. Edge and Christian attack Al on the floor, and the lights come back on Al is covered in blood. BLOODBATH!
WWF WWF Intercontinental Championship: Billy Gunn vs. Ken Shamrock
This gets 8 minutes and rules, Ken keeps going after the knee but Gunn keeps him on the mat and far away from the leg, by targetting Ken's arm. Shamrock eventually takes over and works on the knee and again Gunn puts on an all-time great selling display for 1998, FUCKIN' BA BILLY GUNN! In a rare Shamrock moment, he gets too fancy and cocky which allows Gunn to blocks a Victory Roll attempt by sitting back on the pin for the win. NEW CHAMP~! **1/2
Shawn comes out onto the stage, he says once again we got a guy with a million dollar body, but a 10 cent brain. Billy Gunn, I told you, you can fight the IC champion. I NEVER SAID THE TITLE WAS ON THE LINE! Gunn shows Shawn his asshole and goes to leaves, but Shamrock attacks Billy from behind and they leave.
Hawk comes down to the ring, he says it's time to let this cat out of the bag. Droz is the "pusher man". He's the enabler. He doesn't have to cover for him anymore because he's clean and he likes it now. Droz had a good little plan to make him undependable, sneak up, and take his job. He's the DOPE PUSHER and he was the dopey and nobody regrets it more than him. When he heals up, LOD stands for Legion of Doom and Lords of Discipline, and he is gonna discipline the hell out of him. Droz comes out and looks pissed and Hawk yells that he hates him. Droz attacks from behind to confirm it and Animal runs out to save and attacks Droz. Droz leaves.
Droz the dope dealer

In the back, Terri and Jacque say they're ready for some SEXUAL CHOCOLATE!
Steve Blackman vs. The Blue Blazer
Owen Hart comes out with the Blazer, and joins commentary, he overshadows this angle match claiming he's not the Blazer and has never been the Blazer

After the match, it's a 2-1 until Goldust makes the save. The Blazer tries to run but Goldust catches him and unmasks him, and OH...MY...GOD...IT'S JEFF JARRETT! SWERVE! Owen runs over and covers the Blazer's identity but also yells "WHO IS THAT MASKED MAN"

Backstage: Terri and Jacque tease Mark, by having him watch as they take a shower. Outside the door, D'Lo takes off his jumper as their tag match is coming up soon.
The Road Dogg comes down to the ring, he does the Outlaws intro and Bossman comes out. Dogg then says it's a damn shame that Hardcore Title isn't on the line. He'd love to steal that piece of crap of his to make this even. He's got a cousin that spent some time in the Cobb County prison system, and he's a good-looking cousin, and he told him that come night time, the boys got a little funky with those nightsticks. It's too bad he's too much of a chickenshit to put that belt up. Bossman says he's gonna teach him about hardcore and hard times and says he'll put it on the line.
WWF Hardcore Championship: Road Dogg vs. The Big Bossman
This is the debut of the "Hardcore title" matches that will take place from 1999-2002, tons of brawling and shots to the head with baking trays and stuff they can find under the ring, they brawl into the crowd and Bossman breaks a broom over Dogg's arm. They fight back to the ring, where Bossman begins whipping him with a belt and uses it to clothesline him with. HOLY SHIT! BOSSMAN THEN PULLS OUT SOME WHITE POWER AND LAWLER SAYS "IT MUST BE SOME OF THAT STUFF HE CONFISCATED FROM COBB COUNTY" Does that mean it's cocaine? I wonder if Bossman is Droz's plug? SO MANY QUESTIONS. Anyway, Dogg kicks it back into Bossman's eyes blinding him, he then gets some revenge with the belt, until Bossman throws him into the crowd again. They fight to the back and BOSSMAN PULLS OUT A FUCKIN NOOSE! He begins choking him but only gets a two. Dogg fights back and even puts a trashcan over his head before knocking it off. MANKIND COMES OUT FROM THE BACK AND THROWS A NET OVER BOSSMAN AND KNOCKS HIM OUT WITH A CROWBAR ALLOWING Dogg to cover for the win. ***
Backstage: Terri and Jacque take Mark's clothes off, they put a dog collar around his neck. Terri says he needs a message.
In the back, Patterson and Brisco try to call Shane off and remind him about keeping his ego and temper in check. Shane says he's doing it.
Back with Mark Henry, who is now chained to a massage bed and blindfolded with a ball gag in his mouth and covered in oils, whipped cream and other stuff.
The Acolytes vs. The J.O.B. Squad (Scorpio & Bob Holly)
3 and a half minutes of brawling, the match does settle down, but then they just all start fighting again and the ref calls for the bell. Thanks.
Shane McMahon comes out to the BRAWL4ALL music

Shane McMahon (w/Pat Patterson & Gerald Brisco) vs. Mankind
This happens, Mankind lets Shane get his jabs off before taking over. The rest of the corporation come out, but Shawn keeps holding them back. Mankind then hands Shane a chair but no-sells it when he hits him from behind. Mankind then tees off on him, Patterson and Brisco. He gives Shane the running knee in the corner before giving him Mr Socko. The Rock has finally had enough and attacks Mankind for the DQ.
Rock and Mankind brawl on the floor, as DX comes out to stop the Corporation from getting into the ring. Pac then hits Shane with the Bronco Buster. IT BEGINS!
Patterson and Brisco are waiting for Vince in the parking lot, both are depressed cause they know they have "HARD TIMES" ahead.
Backstage: D'Lo is waiting for Mark, but his music hits he yells at Mart its time. AND MARK YELLS "HE'S COMING"
D'Lo Brown vs. The Headbangers
More angle nonsense, in the back Jacque and Terri are whipping Mark

Mark Henry comes out and D'Lo says he told his FAT ASS! D'Lo walks off as Mark asks for a key.
In the parking lot, Brisco and Patterson are still freak out about how in trouble they probably are. Vince shows back up and yells at them and asks if Shane's hurt. Vince yells that he holds them responsible.
D-Generation X come down to the ring, Shawn tries to eject DX, but Vince McMahon comes out and says since it's the holidays, he's in the holiday spirit, and DX is allowed to stay so it can be a fair fight, and they can all watch what's going to happen.
Triple H & X-Pac (w/D-Generation X) vs. The Rock & Test (w/The Corporation)
This gets 9 to 10 minutes, Test is super green but shows flashes of being decent. They briefly isolate Hunter with Rock doing the majority and Test coming in for the heel 101 punches and chokes. Pac has an awesome hot tag before Rock takes a cheap shot on the floor and the corporation takes over again. This heat segment is way better than the one on Hunter because Pac bumps around for Test really making his generic 101 big man offense look good and Pac/Rock rules, it really allows Rock to be a dick on offense. Triple H has a pretty solid hot tag and hits Test with the Pedigree, but Rocky makes the save. Suddenly, the lights go out. AND KANE'S MUSIC HITS. HE COMES DOWN TO THE RING...AND CHOKESLAMS ALL OF DX Kane has joined The Corporation. Chyna punches him, and he grabs her by the throat but the show just ends. **1/4