WWF Champion: Stone Cold Steve Austin
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Triple H
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: D'Lo Brown
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku
September 21th, 1998
Sacramento, California
Vince McMahon, Ken Shamrock, and Mankind are already in the ring, The Rock then comes out to join them. Vince says f Stone Cold is contemplating rushing this ring and savagely attacking him, he'd better think again, and The Undertaker and Kane come out onto the stage. Vince says everyone knows that this Sunday in the triple threat match for the WWF Title, he has GUARANTEED that Stone Cold Steve Austin will no longer be the WWF Champion. And he's about to guarantee the three of them an opportunity of a lifetime. But first, it will be Austin with any volunteer will face The Undertaker and Kane TONIGHT! Vince says he's called all 3 to the ring, so he can tell them to NOT volunteer as Austin partner tonight. He's not asking for any favors because he doesn't ask for favors. He gives opportunities, and they shouldn't settle for anything less than what Kane and The Undertaker want. They shouldn't be allies against a common enemy. He would be proud of one of the three of them as WWF Champion and he can guarantee that opportunity. "To HELL with Stone Cold Steve Austin" He then announces a triple threat match tonight between all three of them tonight, with the winner getting a title match 1 week from tonight, the night after Break Down. All he'll say is that whoever they face, damn sure WON'T be Stone Cold.
No JR and King this week, so Jim Cornette and Shane McMahon are on commentary again.
X-Pac and The New Age Outlaws come down to the ring, Dogg's throat is still fucked up so Gunn has to do the intros again. BUT HE'S COMPARED! Dogg has the big key cards with the intro written on them. Gunn doesn't fuck it up

Jeff Jarrett and SJustice come out, but everyone gets ejected apart from the guys in the match.
Billy Gunn vs. Jeff Jarrett
Gunn is out for revenge so he hits a bunch of cool power moves, which Jeff bumps around for. He manages to take over with a crossbody, he doesn't work a body part, more of wear Gunn down and make Gunn use his own momentum against him. They go back and forth in a really solid effort, not hitting their big stuff saving it for potential matches down the line. Gunn side bumps the ref, which allows Jeff to grab the guitar, but Timmy White recovers and takes it away from him allowing Gunn to recover and hit a neckbreaker for the win. **1/2
Tonight: Sable vs. Jacque FOR THE WOMAN'S CHAMPIONSHIP!
Backstage: Michael Cole goes over to Mr. McMahon, he asks who he thinks will volunteer to be Austin's partner, Vince says he doesn't know and if he can't find a partner, he still will have to be in the ring with Taker and Kane.
Stone Cold comes out to a monster pop, he says things are starting to look pretty bad for Stone Cold Steve Austin. He's got Taker and Kane back there making deals with Vince McMahon. The Undertaker comes o tells him it's not personal and is strictly business. But if your trying to take the WWF championship from Stone Cold, you're damn right it's personal. Vince makes his stipulations last week and it's the biggest load of crap he's ever said out here. He's not gonna come out here and piss and moan and whine, and cry, but he'll come out and give his opinion, and it's bullshit. So tonight he comes out in this ring and someone's supposed to volunteer to help Stone Cold in a tag match against The Undertaker and Kane. And he knows nobody back there wants to help Steve Austin out because they're afraid they're gonna piss off Vince McMahon. It doesn't matter who shows up. He'll come out and take both their asses on because it doesn't matter how big and bad you are, because there ain't no way to finish off Stone Cold Steve Austin. Going into the pay-per-view six days out, a triple threat match, you can bet your ass that if he goes into Hell against Undertaker and Kane, don't expect Austin 3:16 to show up. Expect Austin 6:66, and that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so.
Earlier Today: The Undertaker and Kane arrive at the building, WE GET THE RETURN OF CASUAL TAKER AND EPIC 90'S TRACKSUIT KANE WITH TOWEL OVER HIS HEAD!
The Headbangers, and The Oddities come down to the ring. But before the bell The Headbangers attack the Oddities. They tear up Golga's Cartman doll and beat them down. HEADBANGERS HEEL TURN!
Backstage: Michael Cole is with The Undertaker and Kane, Cole asks them about Taker's warning. Undertaker says Austin spews so much venom that it's starting to infect his own mind. Who is he to warn them about anything? He better take a long hard look at what's in front of him, yes they made a deal and he doesn't care how Austin feels about it, and due to that deal, they get their opportunity. One of them will take it and there's nothing Stone Cold can do about it. If he shows up tonight by himself, there's gonna be a funeral.
WWF Woman's Championship: Sable vs. Jacqueline (w/Marc Mero)
Tori again is in the crowd, this is bad. Like really bad, it's the worse "wrestling" match of the year so far. They do stuff for 3 minutes, Sable mounts a comeback, she goes to suplex Jacque back in but Mero trips her up and holds the legs allowing Jacque to fall on top and cover for the win.
Mero and Jacque quickly leave with Mero yelling "We're going to Disney Land"
Taker, Kane, and Austin all come out.....................BUT................BREAK IT DOWN HITS! AND BILLY GUNN COMES OUT! Good for him man.
Kane & The Undertaker vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin & Billy Gunn
In the back, Vince is PISSED! He blames this on Patterson and Brisco. This gets 8 and a half minutes, all 4 brawl to start with Austin and Taker brawling in the ring, as Kane and Gunn go at it on the floor. Taker and Austin rule, and try to make us forget about the horrid SSlam match. Gunn again puts on a great face showing, as now he can play the slightly smaller man and can use his speed to counteract Taker's stuff. Austin again gets the most out of Kane as he's back to his amazing high energy brawling, and doesn't heel it up like he did last week. The brother briefly isolates Gunn as he's the weaker of the two, plus he's already wrestled tonight. They wear him down, with punches and slams for a bit. Gunn and Kane do the double clothesline spot, before Austin gets the hot tag and cleans house. He stuns Kane, but KANE SITS UP! The refs gets bumped by Taker but recovers and Taker hits a Chokeslam for the win. **3/4
After the Match; Austin grabs a chair and nails Taker and Kane in the head with it out of frustration, due to HIM BEING THE LEGAL MAN! Earl Hebner you IDIOT!
The DOA (w/Paul Ellering) vs. Southen Justice
So this is taking place because earlier Paul Ellering laughed at Jeff for losing, okay. They do some of the shittest stuff all year. Then Jeff runs out and breaks the guitar over Paul's head, and Justice just randomly leave with Jeff. The ref doesn't even count them out or anything. We then just cut to back. WAT THE FUCK! RUSSO YOU IDIOT!
Backstage: Micahel Cole is with Vince McMahon. Cole asks Mr. McMahon if he was surprised at the volunteer to be Austin's partner. He says he doesn't think he's ever surprised exactly, but he's awfully disappointed. The fact that someone DID volunteer has really angered The Undertaker and Kane, so he won't be held personally responsible for what they may or may not do later tonight.
Boot Camp Match: Commissioner Slaughter vs. Al Snow [If Snow wins, he's reinstated by the WWF]
6 minutes, sigh. Sarge takes some comedic old man bumping, as Al is just meh he does nothing for me. They whip one another with a belt. Sarge ducks a chair shit, and hits Al with a Lance Storm level WOAT chair shot. Eventually, Al gives Sarge head, he follows up with another dick kick and hits him with Head. Al covers for the three Sarge makes sure to kick out right after three, because FUCK AL LOOOOOOOOL.
Uncle Pat and Uncle Jerry run out to attack Al, but Scorpio makes the save.
Backstage: Michael Cole is with The Rock, Cole goes to ask a question, but The Rock, tells him to shut his mouth. Rock says if Vince wants to be a big shot and call out The Rock, but nobody dictates anything to The Rock. He accepted this match for one reason, and it's because one day, The Rock will be the best damn WWF Champ there ever was. As far as Mankind, Rock's rubbed elbows with him, but he smells like a piece of trash and IS a piece of trash. On his best day, he couldn't beat The Rock on his worst day. Ken Shamrock is living breathing proof that anyone can act tough, so what The Rock plans on doing is going to the People's Ring, taking his big right hand, lifting the People's Elbow, and laying the smackdown on both their candy ass, if you smell what The Rock is cooking.
Dustin Runnels joins commentary.
Val Venis vs. Owen Hart
Shane and Jim keep trying to get Dustin to comment on what Val has done to his wife, but he refuses cause he's a changed man. Dustin does say Val will burn in hell, and will get his someday. Dustin says his wife doesn't talk to him anymore, and he's trying to turn the other cheek to all of this. The match is fine, Owen seems to care this week so it's a good time. He's super aggressive and leads Val along very nicely. Dustin eventually SNAPS! And attacks Val while Owen was in control for the DQ. It backfires, and Val gets the better he has Dustin tied to the ropes and Val yells at him to "Turn the over cheek" and begins slapping him. He says he stuck his nose in his business and paid the price last week while his wife reaped the benefits. He says he was starting to feel bad for him and was going to let it go, but then he pulled a stupid stunt like this. He then shows his next film "SOMETHING ABOUT TERRI". On the tron, Terri says not to take this so personally and says Val is a much bigger man than him. Val then comes out from under the covers and says that Kitty kat is not under the covers, but will go back to look and goes back under. Back live, Val says he never did find that kitty kat, but his wife's vitals were so tender.
This feud
D'Lo is hailing from Madrid, Spain
WWF European Championship: X-Pac vs. D'Lo Brown
Again this rules, cause you can argue they are the 3 and 4th best wrestlers on the roster right now. 2 and 3 if I had some sort of point system, D'Lo uses his weight to keep Pac grounded who takes some real good bumps, and gets his ass kicked for the majority. D'Lo targets the chest, but he misses the moonsault which allows Pac to make a comeback. He hits the Bronco Buster, but D'Lo hits the Sky High outta nowhere but is too worn down to cover, so when he eventually covers too much time has passed and Pac kicks out. D'LO THEN GOES FOR THE A DIVING HEADBUTT BUT PAC COUNTERS IN MID-AIR INTO THE X-FACTOR FOR THE WIN. FUCK YEAH! **1/2
During the break, Michael Cole interviews Mankind. He says Mr. McMahon has him all fired up. He feels a little bit like the little engine that could because he thinks he can. He thinks he can. As far as The Rock goes, on his best early to mid-afternoon, he could beat him on his worst late evening. Ken Shamrock thinks he can put him in a hold. HE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO GET OUT OF A DAMN ONE OF THEM. IT TAKES A GOOD MAN TO BEAT MANKIND. IT JUST DOESN'T TAKE 'EM VERY LONG. HAVE A NICE DAY.
Mankind is the best
Triple Threat #1 Contenders Match: Mankind vs. Ken Shamrock vs. The Rock
This gets 12 minutes and is a total blast, all 3 pretty much just beat on one another, I like that the 3rd man keeps trying to get in but gets taken out, so we get all the combinations a lot instead of 2 guys in and the 3rd takes a shit long time selling on the floor. Mankind/Rock > Mankind/Ken > Rock/Ken, they avoid doing anything big as I'm guessing they know the ending is fuckery. THEY BUST OUT THE TRIPLE SLEEPER! Vince McMahon comes out with the Undertaker and Kane. It goes a 2 more minutes with some near falls before Undertaker and Kane pull Mankind out and beat him up on the floor. Rocky and Kenny, do stuff with VINCE LOOKING PLEASED WHENEVER ROCK ALMOST WINS or KICKS OUT

Ken mounts a comeback, and throws Rock to the floor. He goes out to follow but Kane and Taker attack Shamrock and leave him laid out. The Rock recovers in the ring and attacks the brothers but the numbers catch up to him and hit the Double Chokeslam. Vince signals for them to leave, but Kane and Taker see Mankind getting back up so they attack him some more. THAT ALLOWS AUSTIN TO RUN OUT AND ATTACK VINCE! He puts the boots to him and runs as he sees Taker and Kane come after him. RAW JUST ENDS AFTER THAT! **1/2