WWF 1998 Review

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Nov 13, 2010
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You notice the audience started popping for takedowns in the semi finals?

Shows all you need is to educate them wen they don't like it at first. And people knocked the fuck out.....always works.


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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I think the wrestlers needed either more or less drugs before they sent them out bc that half drunken brawling wasn't doing it for me.


Nov 13, 2010
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drunken brawls always gathers a crowd bro :russo


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Quick note, I've never seen this PPV before so this is all new to me.

WWF Champion: Stone Cold Steve Austin
WWF Intercontinental Champion: The Rock
WWF Tag Team Champions: Mankind & Kane
WWF European Champion: D'Lo Brown
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku


WWF Fully Loaded
July 26th, 1998
Fresno, California

Backstage: Jerry Lawler goes into Sable's dressing room, he asks if he can get a brief preview so she goes behind the curtain and takes off her clothes. She calls him to the back for a little peep, and he LOSES HIS SHIT!

Southen Justice get sent to the back, Kaienti then comes out but get sent to the back too, but Yamaguchi-san sneaks past the refs and joins commentary.

Val Venis vs. Jeff Jarrett (w/Tennessee Lee)
This is really good, it's basically an angle match to further the Val/Yamaguchi angle and Jeff is one of the better wrestlers on the roster so, he's the right choice to be wrestling on PPV in one of these thrown together no build matches to fill PPV time. Both men are super on here, Jeff uses his experience and cheating to gain advantages but Val keeps fighting back and throwing awesome power moves and strikes to make comebacks, so what we get is good back and forth for 7 minutes or so. With some really good near falls, I like that they don't hit their big stuff or even hit their finishers clearly saving it for potential matches down the line. The match ends when Val shoved Jeff into Tennessee Lee on the apron and then got an O'Connor Roll for the win. On commentary, Yamaguchi-san says Val will never be the same after tomorrow night. **3/4

After the match; Val gets on the mic and says his wife was right because he'll never measure up to the Big Valbowski.

D'Lo Brown (w/The Godfather) vs. X-Pac (w/Chyna)
YOU BETTER RECOGNIZE! JR says D'Lo refused to put the title on the line, I didn't know wrestlers could do that. This has a little more backstory than the opener with the stable warz, and them wrestling at KOTR. But they tell a similar story with neither guy able to control for long periods of time, and they do similar things which both men have scouted so they have to come up with new things on the fly. D'lo uses the rare time he has the weight advantage and targets the next, as Pac does his usual awesome bumping which includes his corner bump which is only 2nd to Benoit. D'Lo misses a moonsault which allows Pac to make a fun comeback, he hits the spin kick and follows up with the Bronco Buster but Godfather gets on the apron, and decks Pac, so Pac drops him and walks into a Sky High and D'Lo covers for the win. Damn if this would have gotten 3 or 4 more minutes at the end for some near falls this would have been so much better. **3/4

Backstage: at the WWF.com backstage area, Kevin Kelly says The Undertaker has not arrived yet, Dr. Tom says he thinks Taker will show because he doesn't want to let the locker room down, but says it's strange as Undertaker is almost always at the arena on time.

Backstage: Terry Funk and Bradshaw are standing by for an interview, Terry Funk announces that this next match will be his last match in the WWF for a while he say's he needs 6 months to recharge. Bradshaw is upset that he's only finding out now and storms off.

Faarooq & Scorpio vs. Terry Funk & Bradshaw
Okay so, Faarooq & Scorpio have been teaming up on "Shotgun Saturday" shows these past weeks and are undefeated, and Funk/Bradshaw are a team for this night because they are both Texans, I guess the Vince's forgot FUNK AND SCORPIO HAVE BEEN ON AND OFF TEAMING FOR THE PAST 2 MONTHS? FUCKIT! This is good, but it's just an extended random 98 TV match. Both teams are relatively new to one another so it's lots of 1on1's, granted all the little 1on1's rule even Faarooq has his moments. Funk and Scorpio have this awesome fight on the floor, where Funk tries to beat the black off him before hitting the Vader Bomb to the floor, no Asai Moonsault :( FUCK THE FANS FOR CHANTING BORING! The match just breaks down with no hot tag and Scorpio hits the 450 onto Funk and covers for the win. **1/2

After the Match; Bradshaw is pissed and keeps piefacing Funk, he then yells this is BULLSHIT AND DARES Scorpio and Faarooq to comeback, Funk tries to calm him down but Bradshaw kills him with a LARIAT! Scorpio comes down and Bradshaw takes his head off with a sick clothesline. Faarooq comes down, so Bradshaw backs off. He grabs a chair and blasts Faarooq in the back before leaving.


Vader vs. Mark Henry
This PPV is such an IYH show, okay so granted these two have been having their problems since the KORT, but we haven't seen them interact on TV or been mentioned on TV since KOTR. Vader being super over warms my heart, as he's basically just here now to put over talent. This gets 5 minutes, Mark is still green and he gets caught a lot weighting for stuff or mistimes some of his whips and strikes. He does a decent enough job with power slams and splashes but that's about it. Vader then takes over and the match picks up a ton, he beats the holy heck out of him with Mark bumping for everything. MARK KICKS OUT OF THE SPLASH OFF THE MIDDLE ROPE and hits one of his own for the win. **1/4

Back at the WWF.com area, Kelly says The Undertaker still isn't here but the WWF have people out looking for him :lmao Dr. Tom again says he doesn't believe the Undertaker will let us, the fans or the boys down.

Paul Bearer, Kane, and Mankind come down to the ring, Paul says he knew it. It's plain and simple the Undertaker does not want to wrestle his brother Kane. And he knows why he wants to stay in 1 piece for SummerSlam. He's a coward and Stone Cold Steve Austin is just in the wrong place at the wrong time. He boyz are going to be finished like they started on Raw last week, but this time, The Undertaker won't be there to help him. The New Age Outlaws come out, Dogg yells to cut the music. He calls them Gomez, Morticia, and Cousin It and says if they're so confident Taker won't show up and they'll have their way with the Cold One, surely they'll have no trouble accepting a challenge against them tomorrow night on Raw is War. They don't respond, and Gunn says they can help them make up their minds, so the Outlaws jump them, they begin brawling until refs, agents and Sarge break it up.

The DOA (w/Paul Ellering) vs. LOD 2000
AWFUL! This is basically a 3-2 match as the ref blatantly sees Ellering beating up Hawk or Animal on the floor and just allows it, DOA then do twin magic and hit a DDT for the win. I HATE THIS FEUD!

Vince McMahon and his Entourage come down to the ring, Vince says he's sure the vast majority of them are just as upset as he is about the possibility of The Undertaker not performing tonight. In the unlikely event that The Undertaker pulls a no-show, don't blame Vince McMahon. Last Monday on Raw, it was Stone Cold who almost decapitated Undertaker with a steel chair, not Vince McMahon. In the past, we've seen Stone Cold Steve Austin with unseemly and grotesque hand gestures to the Undertaker. Stone Cold has provoked The Undertaker in challenging him for the WWF Championship at SummerSlam. That was Stone Cold, not Vince McMahon. Don't blame him, blame Stone Cold Steve Austin. In every WWF advertisement, there is fine print reading Card Subject to Change. So with that in mind, he reads the program part about how when scheduled talent is unable to appear due to circumstances beyond the control of the promotor (That's me) the promoter reserves the right to make a suitable substitution. He says in the unlikely event that Undertaker pulls a no-show, Steve Austin's replacement partner will be..........................THE BROOKLYN BRAWLER! :lmaolmao:lmao Vince is the greatest. Brooklyn comes out and hugs all of them and thanks them for being in the main event, Brawler the yells "I'M READY" :lmao

We cut over to the Hart family Dungeon in Calgary, Owen wearing a fly af t-shirt that says "and then there was one OWEN" Ken busts open the door and makes his way down to the basement, no ring, little padding and Dan "THE BEAST" is the ref.

Dungeon Submission Match: Owen Hart vs. Ken Shamrock [Special Referee: Dan Severn]
So this is fucking amazing, holy shit. It's so violent, stiff and nasty. example they have no problem slamming one another head and back into the unprotected wood walls and raining down on one another with punches. AWSOME Spot with Owen who has the home field advantage using a water pipe to swing on and kick Shamrock back into the wall, and then uses it to hit a 'rana. They continue to brawl with favors Ken, but he makes the mistake of trying the 'rana like Owen did but Owen counters into a powerbomb. OWEN THEN HIP TOSSES KEN INTO THE WATER PIPES AND LIFTS HIM UP PUTTING A HOLE IN THE ROOF. Owen locks in the Sharpshooter but Ken fights back and makes a comeback, he goes for a roundhouse kick but Owen ducks and Dan gets taken out. Ken goes to check on him, but Owen levels him with a dumbbell and Ken is out. Owen then locks him in a crossface and Owen uses Ken's own hand to tap him out. OWEN WINS! AMAZING! HOLY SHIT! It's not really a match, but fuck it. IT RULES SO MUCH! Credit whoever came up with this match.


A few things, Sarge sends everyone not named Chyna to the back, Rocky debuts the Brahma Bull logo on his butt attire. and lastly, JR announces the WWF has set up camera's at the entrances and the male locker rooms and will cut if Taker shows up.

Two-out-of-Three falls match for the WWF Intercontinental Championship: Triple H vs. The Rock
They start off really well and do the typical 1998 style, tons of brawling in and out the ring, up the ramp and back down. Lots of back and forth which seems to be the theme of the night, they go back to brawling on the floor and Rock hits a suplex to the floor and follows up with a scoop slam, as Rock has the ref distracted. Mark comes out and hits the big splash, Gunn runs down and brawls with him to the back. Rocky rolls him back in as Chyna pleads with the ref with what happens, that allows Rocky to nail Hunter with the IC title but only gets two. Man, Rocky controls the match working the head and neck with chinlocks clearly trying to run the clock out. As JR says we're past 15-minute mark, Hunter has some brief comebacks but keeps getting cut off and Rock goes back to the chinlock as we approach the 20-minute mark. The Godfather comes out but the Outlaws run down and force him to the back, Rock distracts the ref as D'Lo runs down with the European Title, he goes after Hunter with it but he crotches him and Hunter knock him off the apron, he then turns around and walks into a Rock bottom and Rock covers for the first fall. 1-0. They have a 60 second wait period before the 2nd bell rings, and now this begins to get really good. Hunter does the "exhaustion selling" but shows heart and keeps fighting back, the People's Elbow gets two as D'L begins to recover. He tries to get onto the apron, but Chyna attacks. As she distracts the ref now, X-Pac runs out and hits Rock with the X-Factor. Hunter covers but Rock kicks out, man this near gall and the IC title one earlier one would have been great, I wonder why they kicked out of those. Hunter grabs a chair as Chyna distracts the ref again, they fight over it and Rock swings but Hunter ducks and the ref gets taken out. Rock still has the chair, but Chyna comes in and low blows him. She follows up with a DDT onto the chair and Huter covers for the three. 1-1, with 4 minutes remaining, maybe 3 after the 60 seconds rest. Hunter goes for the cover again, but the refs are too busy helping the original ref to back so Hebner runs out but too much time has passed and Rocky kicks out. They go back to brawling on the floor, and Hunter wins that exchange, back in the facebuster and clothesline gets 2. Rocky's Samoan Drop also gives him a 2. Hunter hits the pedigree but time expires so it's a DRAW. Oh man, if they would have had the first 10 minutes and the last 10 minutes and cut all the filler of Rock's headlocks this would be in my top 3 MOTYC for 1998. Thankfully, this pairing would get so much better come may 2000 and they are able to go 60. **3/4

After the Match; The rest of the Nation run out to attack Hunter, but DX make the save.

Kevin Kelly announces, The Undertaker has arrived and shows footage.

EXCLUSIVE FOOTAGE: The Rock and D'Lo Brown are leaving the building, Rocky cuts a promo and says anytime Triple H wants to go 1on1 he's got it.

DUSTIN RUNNELS COMES OUT AND PRAYS FOR THE SOULS OF THESE GRILS COMING OUT NEXT! Dustin says "HE'S" coming real soon so get ready for him.

Jerry Lawler is in the ring to host the bikini contest, Jacque and Mero come out, followed by Sable. Jacque undresses and has a nice sexy red number on. BUT FUCK ALL THAT! Sable takes off her pants and proceeds to cut a promo. UGH! BUT THEN SHE TAKES OFF HER TOP AND REVEALS THE HANDPRINT PRINT OVER HER TITS! FUCK YEAH! Mero claims that's cheating and that isn't a bikini so Jacque should win. Sable wins the fan vote. Vince and the Stooges come out, he forces her to cover up and go to the back with him.


Video package hyping up the Main Event.

WWF Tag Team Championships: Kane & Mankind (w/Paul Bearer) vs. The Undertaker & Stone Cold Steve Austin
This is a good time, but it really didn't need 18 minutes. Taker's 1998 "something different" or "dark side" theme is so underrated. As Taker makes his entrance, Taker quickly bails out and gets in Austin's face, but Kane and Mankind attack them before anything escalates. This is vintage 1998 stuff, tons of brawling with story surrounding the match. E.G. Austin and Taker rarely speak or have any communication, but it doesn't come to blows. Taker takes a few shots at Kane but they seem half-assed but he hits his brother so he goes over and gives Austin the middle finger showing him see no CAHOOTS! But Lawler points out that maybe Taker let him tag out by doing that. Austin/Mankind rules, Taker/Mankind will forever rule, Austin again carries Kane to a fun brawl. The champs briefly isolate Taker, taking turns working over him. Taker and Kane seem to take it lightly on one another. Mankind goes for the elbow off the apron, but Austin intercepts and bumps Mankind off the apron crashing onto the Spanish announce table. RIGHT ONTO THE FUCKING HIP! Austin has a fun hot tag, Mankind throws a chair in but Austin gets it and levels Kane with it in the head for two. Kane comes right back with a big boot and the champs take over again. Taker and Austin continue to have tension as Taker seems uninterested and doesn't even stick out his hand whenever Austin is near his corner. They go a couple more minutes until Taker accepts the tag and goes off on his brother, the match breaks down and Taker hits Kane with a Chokeslam followed by the Tombstone and covers for the win. NEW CHAMPS! **3/4


Taker grabs both titles and leaves with them, as Austin bad mouths him to end this highly entertaining PPV.
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Nov 13, 2010
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Owen vs Shamrock was an underrated rivalry....and I don't use underrated as loosely as people seem to do nowadays.
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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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WWF Champion: Stone Cold Steve Austin
WWF Intercontinental Champion: The Rock
WWF Tag Team Champions: Stone Cold Steve Austin & The Undertaker
WWF European Champion: D'Lo Brown
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku

July 27th, 1998
Arrowhead Pond: Anaheim, California

The Undertaker comes down to the ring, he's holding both tag team titles with him. He grabs a mic and says last night, he Tombstoned his own brother into hell and Stone Cold Steve Austin and he are the world tag team champions. They may be champions, but they'll NEVER be partners unless Stone Cold comes out here right now and apologizes to him. I DEMAND AN APOLOGY! Vince McMahon comes out with his entourage. He says sometimes he just can't believe his ears and says the reason he's demanding an apology is because, since he Tombstoned Kane, that proves he and Kane were not conspiring together, right? NOT IN HIS BOOK. He did exactly what he would have done if he were him. He'd make certain he Tombstoned his brother to prove there's no conspiracy and he doesn't know if everyone is that gullible as to buy that. He's not, and he doesn't think Austin will. How many Tombstones did it take to beat Kane at WrestleMania? Three. Both of them are damn near impervious to pain, so he's not buying it. Not at all. And if anyone deserves an apology, IT'S HIM! He put his hands on him last week, and Taker says he might do it again. Vince says he sustained a neck injury and he'll get his apology right now. But not before he lets he and Stone Cold know that in this ring tonight, they will defend the titles against the New Age Outlaws. Vince then says he will not leave the ring until he gets his apology. BUT AUSTIN MUSIC HITS AND OUT COMES THE WWF CHAMPION! WITH A NEW BELT! THE SMOKING SKULL BELT! Vince and his entourage quickly bail from the ring and back up the ramp. says he hit the nail on the damn head. Are the champions? Hell yeah. He never asked for any of this and he ain't here to shake his damn hand or run circles around him, because he doesn't give a damn about all that. But if that jackass is gonna make a match for them tonight, then he's damn right, he'll come out and defend the belt that he's holding. But if he wants an apology from Stone Cold? He's got one for him right here, Austin gives him the MIDDLE FINGER AND A FUCK YOU! Before leaving.

D'Lo Brown comes down to the ring, he grabs the mic and says he just got off the phone with Disney Land Euro and they told hem they've added 2 new rides, the LOW DOWN or the SKY HIGH so Vader get your fat ass out here and choose which one you wanna ride.

D'Lo Brown vs. Vader
Again, JR says D'Lo has refused to put the title on the line and his representatives have also refused to have this be a title match. Solid match, Vader does a bunch of power moves directed to the chest but it has no effect CAUSE THE CHEST PROTECTOR IS ON. D'Lo uses lots of basic punches and chokes, kinda coasting until he decides to leave, but Vader gets him on the floor. He takes off the chest protector and murders him with a Big Splash on the floor. D'Lo's chest is hurt again after that, so he gets counted out. **

A fucking Droz video package airs, highlighting his love for his pet snakes, guns, and puking.

Quarter Finals in the Brawl For All: "Dr. Death" Steve Williams vs. Bart Gunn
Doc goes for the takedowns and gets one in the early before they slug it out. Bart continues to do his half-assed looking punches but they connect. I think it's 5-5 after one. 2nd round is a lot of the same, with Doc throwing wildly while Bart is looking for that 1 punch. He then smartens ups and takes Doc down to end the round, and the crowd pops. So Deezy was right only the takedowns or KO's get pops. 10-10 after 2. Both men are gassed going into the 3rd, Doc a little more than Bart so Bart is able to take him down and then KNOCK HIM OUT WITH 10 SECONDS REMAINING. Bart wins.


Poor JR his boy dun got knocked out.

As Bart is celebrating, Owen Hart comes out with a mic. He says last night he proved that he is truly the most dangerous man here in the WWF and he also proved that he is NOT a nugget. HE IS NOT A NUGGET. He is the baddest in the WWF and if there's anyone that has the guts to challenge him, he welcomes them to come on down and take a piece of the baddest man in the WWF. Nobody comes out, so Owen says nobody has the guts to face him............................ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! AND IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE HITS! JASON SENSATION DRESSED AS OWEN COMES OUT! He starts a "NUGGET" chant and Owen goes to get him, but Dan Severn comes out onto the stage and walks down towards Owen.

Owen Hart vs. Dan "THE BEAST" Severn
Dan is wrestling in a suit, so this goes a minute. Owen quickly goes for the Sharpshooter but Dan powers out and begins going for body blows, BUT SHAMROCK RUNS OUT FROM THE CROWD AND ATTACKS OWEN FOR THE DQ. Ken locks Owen in a dragon sleeper, but Dan is pissed and locks in a Dragon Sleeper of his own until refs, agents and mutual friend Steve Blackman comes out to pull them apart.


Michael Cole stupidly tries to interview Ken Shamrock, he asks him what happen out there and Ken yells at him if he's blind and stupid, IS EVERYONE BLIND! DAMN!

Bradshaw is on commentary for this next match

Faarooq & Scorpio vs. The DOA (w/Paul Ellering)
They do stuff for a few minutes until the Pissed off Texan Bradshaw attacks everyone for the DQ.

Backstage: The Rock is standing by and JR asks how he feels about the match. Rocky asks how he feels about The Rock laying the smackdown on him for his stupid question. He says the entire world saw The Rock lay the smack down on Triple H for thirty minutes and leave the Intercontinental Champ. It's two on one tonight and if Triple H and X-Pac have a little itch for The Rock, they can go ahead and scratch it, because going two on one with The Rock will make you famous. If you smell what The Rock is cooking.

WWF Intercontinental Championship: Triple H (w/Chyna) vs. X-Pac vs. The Rock
This gets 8 minutes or so, it's mostly 2-1 as to no shocker. Hunter and Rock do a lot of the stuff they did last night, Hunter hits the pedigree on Rock and covers but Pac breakers it up, Pac then goes for a cover of his own but Hunter breaks it up. Hunter gets taken out by accident when Rock whips Pac into him and he takes a great bump onto the announce table, that leads to a dope Rock/Pac interaction for a minute or two, jam-packed with near falls and cool counters before Hunter comes back. Pac and Hunter eventually come to blows, when both tried to win, and Rock left with the title and got counted out. FUCKING COUNTOUT! **1/2

Backstage: Michael Cole interviews The New Age Outlaws, he asks if they are concerned after watching that last match. Dogg say No, DX is a family and money is thicker than water. Their only concern is the Tag belts. The names may have changed to Stone Cold and Undertaker, but the mission remains the same. Whipping ass and taking back THEIR belts. And if you don't think we will win back our belts then. SUCK IT!

Brakkus vs. Jesus

In the back, Val is getting head in the shower, the woman gets out and it's Mrs. Yamaguchi-san

Kaientai comes out with a table, 2 sausages, and Mr. Yamaguchi-san has a fucking sword.

Brian Christopher (w/Scott Taylor) vs. Val Venis
Val showcase for a few minutes, Lawler's kid doesn't completely suck and bumps around so it's not all bad. Val hits a Fisherman's Suplex and covers for the win.

After the Match; Too Much attack Val from behind, until TAKA makes the save. Mr. Yamaguchi-san has a mic and says Kaientai challenges them next week, and after they win, he'll give him a big surprise to him. They chop a sausage in half and Yamaguchi-san yells "I CHOPPY CHOPPY YOUR PEE PEE"

Backstage: Michael Cole interviews LOD 2000, IT'S STARTING! Hawk is drunk so he keeps burping, stumbling and is having a hard time keeping his eyes open. Animal yells about their match with The Nation and says the LOD are gonna kick some butt.


Mark Henry & The Godfather (w/Hoes) vs. LOD 2000
Total angle match, but fuckit. With Hawk being drunk he forgets his shoulder pads and stumbles down to the ring. HE THEN TRIPS GETTING INTO THE RING! JR and King try to play it off as LIVE TV is unpredictable. JR does mention that Hawk doesn't look right and there have been reports of him getting bad news earlier today, and sort of implies he's on a bender without saying it he then also gets King to go along with it. This is 2-1 for the majority, with Hawk too out of it to make a tag and we get awesome shots of drunk Hawk damn near on the verge of passing out. Bad news it, Animal works this so he doesn't sell and just keeps running through all of the Nations stuff. Hawk goes up for the Doomsday Device but falls off the top rope :lmao Godfather takes advantage and drops Animal with a DVD for the win.

The King is in the ring and brings out Mero, Jacque, and Sable to present the trophy to the winner of the bikini contest. Lawler reads an official letter that says due to the fact that body paint is not a bikini, Sable has been disqualified, so Jacque is the winner. They celebrate and rub it in before leaving with the trophy. Lawler asks Sable how she feels about that and says she doesn't need a trophy to tell her that she won this contest and she just wishes Mr. McMahon would have been man enough to tell her to her face. Vince McMahon then comes out, He asks if she dares to question his masculinity? He's dealt with a lot of ingrates before when he's made superstars but he never thought she'd be one of them. Mero tricked her and he was the knight in shining armor who rescued her, he admits that he brought her back because of her overwhelming popularity and he does everything he can for the WWF fans. However, people like her are a dime a dozen. He can SNAP his fingers and have her replaced by any number of bimbos and airheads. She owes him. He then plays with her hair and says when people like her owe him, he collects. However, he'll allow her to be gainful employment just as long as she doesn't become an ungrateful bitch. Vince leaves and she gives a double finger and reveals a new bikini just cause.


WWF Tag Team Championships: The New Age Outlaws vs. The Undertaker & Stone Cold Steve Austin
This gets 10 minutes so it rules, Austin does his stuff and Gunn bumps his ass off for it. Taker and Dogg also have a nice exchange. The Outlaws play the heels by default, so they revert back to getting their ass kicked but it only takes that one opening to get the advantage, and that would come at the hands of Austin distracting the ref and Gunn chopblocking Taker's knee out from under him. They work the knee it's alright, but Taker refuses to sell. UGH! Tons of cheating and double teams behind the refs back, Austin attacks, but the Outlaws use their quickness to avoid his hands. Taker fights back and Austin gets the hot tag, he cleans house and hits the Stunner and covers for the win. Damn, they ended it way too soon :( **1/4

Taker re-enters the ring and hits Gunn with a chokeslam, Austin leaves the ring and grabs some beers, he goes to leave but TURNS AROUND AND TOSSES TAKER A BEER! Taker drinks it as they stare one another down. BUT MANKIND AND KANE ATTACK AUSTIN FROM BEHIND! Taker heads to the floor and fights Mankind off to end the show.


Austin and Kane are in the ring, Austin ducks the back elbow and hits the Stunner and celebrates as Taker watches on from the stage.


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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I don't think Bart milked that KO of Dr Death near enough when he went to Japan


Nov 13, 2010
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In all fairness to Dr Death....he did tear his quad before ye got caught by Bart Gunn.

and those damn beach balls were there too.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: Stone Cold Steve Austin
WWF Intercontinental Champion: The Rock
WWF Tag Team Champions: Stone Cold Steve Austin & The Undertaker
WWF European Champion: D'Lo Brown
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku

August 2nd, 1998
Arrowhead Pond: Anaheim, California

Owner of the WWF Mr. McMahon comes out onto the stage and introduces the star of Sunday Night Heat, his son Shane McMahon. Shane comes out with 2 ladies and joins Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross on commentary.

Edge vs. Jeff Jarrett (w/Tennessee Lee)
This is fine, but gets shadowed by Shane's awful/hilarious commentary, I guess this is practice for Shane as he leads the match with JR barely getting a word in and King says even less. At one point in the match, a makeup lady comes down and puts makeup on Shane to impress the ladies, who also have headphones on and talk. As for the match good back and forth, Edge isn't good yet but he has the basics down and Jeff does a decent enough job carrying him for 4 minutes. Jeff signals for Lee to run interference, but the ref stops it from happening, minutes later Lee accidentally trips Jeff up allowing Edge to cover after a FUCK TRIP AND WIN. **1/4

After the match; Jeff shoves Lee and leaves on his own.

Amy Hunter-Cornelius and Mario Lopez are in the crowd, promoting Pacific Blue television series on USA Network.

Backstage: Triple H, X-Pac, and Chyna are talking.

D-Generation X members Triple H, X-Pac, and Chyna come down to the ring, Jerry Lawler is in the ring too. He lets Hunter get his stuff off before asking Pac that Mr. McMahon has ordered that tomorrow night on RAW that it will him vs. Triple H and the winner gets the Intercontinental Title match against The Rock at SummerSlam. Pac says they are nothing but pros, they will rip it up and then shake hands and Vince McMahon, in case he doesn't remember, he can SUCK IT! Triple H says from the very beginning of DX, Vince McMahon hasn't been able to stand it. Because they did what they wanted, said what they wanted, kicked whose asses they wanted to, even showed their asses, because they were the most TITILLATING section of this show every week. Hunter then gets some females to flash again.


Shane overexcitement is so bad it's funny.

Droz' world Part II, he talks about the time he was training with Mark Henry and puked all over his hand and in the ring.

Commentary is now just Shane and JR.

Val Venis and Mrs. Yamaguchi-san comes out onto the stage and grind on one another.

The Headbangers & Droz vs. Kaientai (w/Mr. Yamaguchi-san)
Another short one, it's standard Kaientai stuff bump like crazy, but then comeback with cool spots. This is basically an angle/push match, further the angle with Val and Yamaguchi-san. And to try to legitimize Droz as a wrestler. 1 of the 2 works. Droz hits a sitdown powerbomb for the win. After the match; Val comes down to the ring, they tease fighting but Kaientai walks to the back.

Afterwards, Val Venis hits on Amy Hunter-Cornelius and pushes Mario Lopez away. Lopez jumps the guardrail and takes down Val and they get into it as refs break it up.

Fucking Sable/Jacque video package airs.

WWF European Championship: D'Lo Brown (w/Mark Henry) vs. Ken Shamrock
Super short, but fun for what it was. Ken beats up on D'Lo to start, but Mark interferes giving D'Lo control. That prompts Steve Blackman and Dan Severn coming out to tilt the odds in Ken's shoulders. They go a couple more minutes, with Ken making a comeback. But D'Lo smartly rolls to the floor and shoves Dan, so Dan attacks him and Ken is DQ'ed. After the match; Steve Blackman tries to calm Shamrock down after the match, but Shamrock throws chairs and ring steps around in anger.

Paul Bearer says the road to destruction starts tonight and it doesn't matter who it is because they will be winning back their Tag Team Championships.

Pacific Blue star Shanna Moaker talks with Bart Gunn about his brawl-for-all win over Dr. Death.

WWF Tag Team Championships #1 Contender Tag Team Match: Kane & Mankind (w/Paul Bearer) vs. Owen Hart & The Rock

This gets 8 minutes so, for the most part, it's really good, a couple of cool little factors this is Mankind/Rocks first meeting since early 1997 and for me, it's the battle of the two guys in the race for WOTY, you can throw Rocky in 3rd too. good feeling out process for the first half of the match, neither team can gain advantage for long periods of time as we go to break. But when we return it's the Nation isolating Mankind, targeting either the head or that still banged up arm. Kane has a decent hot tag, he goes to chokeslam Owen but Owen kicks away at the knee to break it up, he follows up with a dropkick off the top for two. Kane comes right back with a Chokeslam but Rock breaks up the Tombstone. All 4 begin brawling on the floor, then at the 9 count, Owen rolls back in so Mankind and Kane are counted out. **1/4

Backstage: Michael Cole interviews Steve Austin, Cole says on RAW Austin threw Taker a beer so does that mean signs of solidarity? Austin says NO! The SOB looked thirsty so I threw him a beer, so he tossed him a beer. Mean nothing other than that to him. Cole asks about the attack by Kane, and Austin says he dropped his guard and that's on him. Undertaker didn't lift a damn finger to help him out, so maybe there's something there, but didn't need his help either. He says they're just a team, and as far as Rock and Owen go he's got all the respect in the world for them as a team, but when the bell rings someone's getting their ass beat. They're still gonna be tag champions whether he likes it or not.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: Stone Cold Steve Austin
WWF Intercontinental Champion: The Rock
WWF Tag Team Champions: Stone Cold Steve Austin & The Undertaker
WWF European Champion: D'Lo Brown
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku

August 3rd, 1998
San Diego, California

The entire Nation of Domination come down to the ring, Rocky has a mic and says the world is ready to see the People's Champ and Owen Hart take on The Undertaker and Stone Cold Steve Ausin, he says he knows they're both back there so why wait when we can get it on right now so the Rock and Owen Hart can lay the smack down on them like never before. Sarge comes out instead, and Rock says he was expecting two jabronis, but this is a third. Rock says to bring them the titles by forfeit then because The Rock calls the shots. He says to take his seventy-five cent shirt and go bring them the titles. He needs to know his role before The Rock lays the smackdown on his candy ass. Austin comes out followed by Taker, they both come down to the ring Austin gets int he ring but Taker stops as Kane comes out onto the stage. Taker pauses and stares down his brother as it's 2-1 in the ring, Kane leaves but Mankind comes out and jumps taker. They brawl into the crowd, back in the ring Austin hits Owen with a stunner, he goes for one on Rocky but he bails to the floor. Austin brings a chair in, and The Nation bails as Taker and Mankind have brawled out of sight.

In the back, Dan Severn says he withdrew from this because he has nothing to prove if he has a score to settle he will do it with his bare hands.

The Godfather has a mic, he says he's gonna give Scorpio 2 choices either he can spend the next 3 rounds getting his ass beat, or he can take 3 of his lovely ladies for the night? Scorpio stupidly asks to fight.

Quarter Finals in the Brawl For All: The Godfather (w/Hoes) vs. Scorpio
3 Rounds of Godfather pushing the pace and picking apart Scorpio in boxing, I think Scorpio tried the rope-a-dope but Godfather never tires so he failed. Godfather wins 20-0. JR announces that Dr. Death tore his groin, dislocated his jaw and tore something in his knee too. Blackman also injured himself training so he's out and Mero is back in.

Backstage: Michael Cole interviews The New Age Outlaws, Dogg says revenge is sweet, but the tag titles are even sweeter, and they want them back. They're not afraid of them, but they're afraid of the lengths they'll go to to get their belts back. Gunn says they don't care who it is. The D stands for Determined, and the X stands for eXcellence, and if you don't like it, you can SUCK IT!

The New Age Outlaws vs. Mankind & Kane (w/Paul Bearer)
Awesome start, it's dark because KANE is doing his pyro stuff so the Outlaws jerk Mankind out of the ring and double team him for 10 seconds. Another fun match, Outlaws try to keep Mankind in, because he's the weaker link of the two. Kane is Kane so he dominates the Outlaws for a few minutes, with them barely getting any offense in. Mankind tags back in and they do this cool spot with Mankind destroys Road Dogg with a chair shot to the head on the floor and Gunn immediately hits Mankind with one in return and then Kane clotheslines him down before rolling him back in. Gunn tags in and cleans house, he takes out Mankind and they are able to hit Kane with a double suplex, Mankind distracts the ref by putting Dogg in the Mandible Claw. Gunn then takes Mankind out again, Kane hits Road Dogg with the Tombstone and the ref counts the three even though Dogg wasn't the legal man. **1/2

Backstage: LOD 2000 are standing by, Hawk says he wants to apologize to the fans, Titan Sports, Vince McMahon, and everyone in the WWF. But, especially his partner for last week and now he's going to go out and do the Hawk thing.

Jeff Jarrett (w/Tennessee Lee) vs. Road Warrior Hawk
Hawk is sober this week :( This is about 2 minutes, Hawk does things and Jeff bumps around for him. Jeff avoids a Hawk charge and Hawk crashes into the ringpost, he begins to target the arm before calling for Tennessee's belt, and he takes too long taking it off, so Hawk hits a Hangman's Neckbreaker for the win. After the match; Animal comes from the back and celebrates with Hawk, but Southern Justice comes out and attacks the LOD from behind. Droz makes the save and the heels retreat.

Vince McMahon and his Entourage come down to the ring, Vince says the Highway to Hell winds up at SummerSlam on August 30th. The way he sees it, we have The Undertaker on one highway, Stone Cold on a parallel one, and they intersect at SummerSlam. But tonight, there's likely to be a roadblock on the Highway to Hell. Because he's predicting that they lose the tag team championship. They will crown new winners, winners that know all about unity and family, Owen Hart and The Rock. Just to prove his point, what about the "coincidence" last week on RAW. He shows the footage of last weeks RAW ending. Vince says The Undertaker knew that as he accepted that beer, Kane was about to obliterate Stone Cold. What about tonight? Austin blasting out with Undertaker behind him, but he leaves Austin all by himself against an entire Nation because he's "distracted" by his brother, Kane. He calls out the Deadman for a viable explanation. Taker comes out, but as soon as he gets into the ring Austin's music hits and out comes Austin to the ring. He says he don't trust anybody, and Vince oughta know that. As far as tossing Taker a cold beer, the sumbitch looked thirsty. It doesn't mean they're buddies and all he's looking at is beating his ass at SummerSlam. That's all he wants with him, and he can have both those belts because he doesn't want them. his title is the only one he wants a damn thing to do with and that's all he's got to say about that. Austin leaves, Austin leaves the belt with Taker and goes to leave, but Taker calls to stop and says he's talking to him, boy. He's doing exactly what Vince wants him to do. He's trying to drive a wedge between them. So just like he came to him like a man and asked for his shot at the WWF Title, he wants him to be a man, come back here, and take what's his. Austin marches back down and takes the belt and leaves, without taking his eyes off of Taker. Taker whether he likes it or not until SummerSlam, Stone Cold is the "SAFEST SOB", and at SummerSlam, he'll be the one taking what's rightfully his, the WWF title.

#1 Contender's Match for the WWF Intercontinental Championship: Triple H (w/Chyna) vs. X-Pac
This gets 5 minutes, Hunter has a great showing as he's at his best when he can face a smaller guy so he can get into his power moves, he's working more cerebral here targetting the neck and lower back. Pac doesn't really sell it but he does take some good bumps. He shows a ton of heart and continues to fight, not allowing Hunter to control for long periods of time. Hunter has some good cutoff stuff before Pac makes fuck comeback, he goes to end the match but Chyna trips Pac up from the floor, he yells at her so she decks him. Hunter looks confused but takes advantage and hits the Pedigree for the win. After the match; Pac and Huter go nose to nose, Pac is PISSED and walks out on the both of them. **1/2

Val Venis & TAKA Michinoku vs. Kaientai (w/Mr. & Mrs. Yamaguchi-san)
Angle match, Val works the majority he then walks over to TAKA.......................BUT, TAKA TURNS ON VAL! He dropkicks him in the face and drops Val with a DDT. They all team up and put the boots to Val. TAKA yells that that's his sister and slaps Val. They beat Val up some more before dragging him to the back.

A couple of things, 1, why didn't TAKA turn on Val as soon as he banged his sister? 2, Why didn't Mrs. Yamaguchi-san or TAKA tell Val they were family, I doubt Val would care but still. and 3, HOLY SHIT! JR DIDN'T KNOW! YOU KNOW JR THE MAN THAT KNOW'S EVERYONE SHOE SIZE.

In the back, Kaientai are dragging Val around.

D'Lo grabs the mic and says he's wrestling this match out of protest.

WWF European Championship: D'Lo Brown vs. Dan "THE BEAST" Severn
D'Lo jumps Dan as he makes his way into the ring, as he hasn't forgotten Dan was the one that made him tear his pec. About a minute in Mark comes out, but then is followed by Blackman to even the odds. D'Lo controls this, he targets the chest for revenge but Dan doesn't care or sell before making his comeback with some sweet throws. Ken Shamrock comes out. D'Lo sees another way out, and slides out and strikes Ken. Ken half ass snaps and attacks D'Lo and Mark. Dan tries to distract the ref, but he sees all of it and calls for the DQ. Steve Blackman goes over to pull Shamrock off and Severn is PISSED! Shamrock looks pretty happy with himself, as D'Lo grabs his title and bails up the ramp. BUT EDGE ATTACKS D'LO FROM BEHIND! *3/4

D'Lo asks Mark what happen, and Mark says "I DON'T KNOW, SHIT"

Kaientai are still beating up Val Venis.

FUCK! Tiger Ali Singh comes down to the ring, he says all American woman have no class, morals or self-respect. So he's here to show the world how low they can go for cash. He says he will pay $500 for them to take off their clothes. Tiger's servant picks some ugly woman out of the crowd and bring her into the ring. She strips to her bra and panties for $1000. Thankfully, he stops her before she can take off her bra and says he will give her $500 to put on her clothes.

Backstage: Mr. Yamaguchi-san now has his SWORD! He forces the cameraman out as Kaientai hold Val down.

WWF Tag Team Championships: Owen Hart & The Rock vs. The Undertaker & Stone Cold Steve Austin
This gets some time and rules, Taker and Owen starts, the champs dominate early and Owen seems to care this week so he's bumping around. I think this is the first time Owen and Austin have been in the ring since their feud in 1997. Austin and Rock have a fun exchange :mark: Taker goes for a chokeslam, but Owen chopblacks the knee to give the Nation the advantage. They semi work the knee, Taker doesn't sell apart from doing some limping. Austin gets in and he does his awesome brawl style, he goes to lock Owen in the sharpshooter but Rock stops it and the Nation again take over. So far this has been rather enjoyable, both teams going back and forth. They're not real tag teams, so it's just a bunch of good 1on1 rolled into 1 match. Taker's hot tag was fun he cleans house as the match breaks down, Taker hits Owen with a Chokeslam but Rocky breaks up the cover. Austin comes back and he and Rock have this awesome brawl on the floor allowing Taker to hit the Tombstone and cover for the win. **3/4

Mankind hits the ring and applies the Mandible Claw, Kane also comes down with a chair. Taker has his back turned, as Kane swings the chair, but Taker ducks and Mankind gets drilled with the chair. Taker then grabs the chair and hits Mankind too. He stares down Kane but the Outlaws hit the ring and brawl with Kane. Taker goes over to Owen, as Austin hits the ring and attacks The Outlaws he drops Dogg with a stunner as we cut to the back.



The shows cuts out just as Mr. Yamaguchi-san is about to CHOP CHOP HIS PEE PEE!


Nov 13, 2010
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Steve Blackman would've won the Brawl for All if he wasn't injured, Bart Gunn wouldn't be able to stuff his takedowns.

And Severn vs Shamrock was something I really wanted to see since I knew them from the early UFC.
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Reactions: Crippler


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: Stone Cold Steve Austin
WWF Intercontinental Champion: The Rock
WWF Tag Team Champions: Stone Cold Steve Austin & The Undertaker
WWF European Champion: D'Lo Brown
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku

August 9th, 1998
San Diego, California

Kane, Mankind, and Paul Bearer come down to the ring, Mankind says is on his knees and has a mic, he says the day before King of the Ring, knowing his life might never be the same, he took his two little children to Santa's Village. It's the nicest place on Earth and as he sat on the rollercoaster, his four-year-old little girl kissed him on the cheek and when he asked her what for, she said, "Because Daddy, you're a good man." And it was the most beautiful thing he'd ever heard. And the very next day, THE UNDERTAKER TRIED TO TAKE ALL OF THAT AWAY FROM ME! Throw your garbage and say what you want, because they're scum that don't deserve to share this arena. He threw him off a sixteen-foot-high cage in an attempt to cripple him, but you can't keep Mankind down. so he chokeslammed him through the cage in an attempt to kill him, but he couldn't keep Mankind down. So with my arm hanging by a thread, his tongue sticking through a hole beneath his lip, and a tooth somehow coming through his nostril, he finished the match because he can. Jim Ross sat there and said that if ever a man deserved a standing ovation, it would have to be Mick Foley. And about out of a crowd of 20,000, about 200 cheered, which meant that the world was looking at the WWF's toughest son of a bitch AND THEY WERE TOO STUPID TO KNOW. So, things became very clear. He will not and cannot wrestle ever again for the acceptance of the fans. And his career will never end in a blaze of glory. Not in a dumpster or off of a cage. He will slowly lose all his bodily functions and nobody will give a damn. So right now, he's going to talk to Kane about ripping apart his very flesh and blood in the back. If he has a problem with that, maybe they can work it out and maybe they can't. Somewhere somehow backstage, The Undertaker better come out tonight and face him man to man, because he will NOT give him the satisfaction of putting the final nail in the coffin of Mankind. And if he finds the guts, then as God as his witness, he's going to tear him apart. Have a nice day.

Shane has two more lovely busty ladies with him.

Vader vs. Mark Henry
So, this ruled for 3 minutes they pieface one another, but MARK COMES BACK AND PRESS SLAMS VADER! HOLY SHIT! Mark is still meh in the ring, he's getting better but a lot of his stuff is big man 101. Shane yelling "I feel ya dog" as Mark yells about his handy work is great. Vader begins really laying in his shit, so he bloodies up Mark's mouth with punches and nasty clothesline. Mark fights back and sends Vader into the steel steps, he rolls Vader back in and hits a sweet clothesline of his own before hitting 4 big splashes, but refuses to go for a cover so the ref DQ's him. LOOOOOL! **1/4

Backstage: Michael Cole says he can confirm that The Undertaker did hear the challenge and was promised some kind of a statement later in the broadcast.

The Headbangers (w/Droz) vs. Southern Justice (w/Tennessee Lee & Jeff Jarrett)
The only good thing about this is Southen Justice coming out to the Jarrett/Debra theme. They do stuff for 3 minutes until Jeff attacks Droz on the floor and then the Headbangers. Droz then fights back and attacks SJ so the ref changes this to a double DQ :lmao Having DQ's on this meaningless B show.

JR announces a Fatal 4 Way for the WWF Tag Team Championships on RAW tomorrow.

TAKA Michinoku (w/Mr. Yamaguchi-san) vs. X-Pac
So this is fun, sadly it's only 2 minutes but they do enough to make me want more. All the spots and moves are crisp, TAKA has a brief control period before Pac has a great comeback and hits the X-Factor for the win. After the match; Kaientai run out from the back and attack Pac, but DX make the save. Mr. Yamaguchi-san tries to leave but he bumps into Chyna who punches him, and he bumps/rolls down the ramp :lmao DX celebrate and then moon the crowd.

Backstage: Cole says he was just in Taker's room and was about to get answers about Mankind's challenge, but when Taker saw the camera's.........................HE BACKED OUT! Cole says for a moment he wasn't sure who he was looking at :hm:

Bradshaw vs. Dustin Runnels
This happens for 2 minutes, Dustin doesn't care so Bradshaw beats him up and hits the Clothesline From Hell for the win. During this, JR announces that Droz has challenged Double J and Lee has accepted the challenge on his behalf.

Droz' world Part III, he talks about being himself and the meaning of some of his tattoos.

Droz vs. Jeff Jarrett (w/Tennessee Lee)
Jeff is clearly upset at not only having to wrestle again on the B show, but having to wrestle again a man who is mainly known for puking. This gets the most amount of time at 4 minutes becuase this Droz push is happening. Justice come out to distract Droz allowing Jeff to take over, Justice get involved too which leads to The Headbangers coming down to ringside. Lee throws in his cowboy boot as a weapon, but Droz gets it first and uses it for the win.

After the match; Jarrett and Lee get into a shoving match, Tennessee gets the mic and says there's a problem, but it's HIS problem and signals for Southen Justice to attack Jeff...........But, instead Southen Justice attack Lee and they beat him down :lmao Jeff takes the mic and and says if you dont like them, then kiss his A-double-S.

Mankind, Kane and, Paul Bearer come down to the ring. Mankind has a steel pipe of sorts and is on the apron, he grabs a mic and says Uncle Paul, i'm going to tear the Undertaker apart. KANE THEN GRABS MANKIND BY THE THROAT AND CHOKESLAMS HIM OFF THE APRON THROUGH THE TIMEKEEPERS TABLE. He then decks Paul, and nails Mankind with the steps. He beings going "crazy" according to Shane and drops Mankind with a Tombstone. He rolls into the ring and unmasks......................IT'S THE UNDERTKAER DRESSED AS KANE AGAIN.





Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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You gotta review at least one Shotgun Saturday Night show for the culture


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: Stone Cold Steve Austin
WWF Intercontinental Champion: The Rock
WWF Tag Team Champions: Stone Cold Steve Austin & The Undertaker
WWF European Champion: D'Lo Brown
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku

August 10th, 1998
Omaha, Nebraska

In a boiler room, Mankind is swinging a chair around he yells that he can handle the truth and deserves the truth, he's not afraid of the truth because the truth will set him free. He walks up the stairs yelling that he wants the truth.

Recap of the Austin/Taker/Kane/Mankind stuff from last week airs.

Mankind comes down to the ring, he says he's tired of being lied and deceived too, and all he'd like is the truth. As much as it sometimes hurts, there's only been one man who has ever really given him the truth. Not Uncle Paul, or Steve Austin. So Mr. McMahon where are you? I NEED YOUR HELP? He says he will beg if he has to, Vince comes out and Mankind says he's waiting for him and needs him. Mankind sits on the floor and hands Vince the mic, Vince asks how humiliating this must be for him, for him to call him out here to find out the truth. Vince says he detests people who need help. He loathes people like him, who rely on pillars of strength like him just to get through the day. The mere sight of the invalid makes his stomach turn, but he, Mick Foley, Mankind, Dude Love, Cactus Jack whoever the hell you are is a special case. He says he didn't invite him out here to help him but to hurt him. And hurt him I will. , so he will when he tells the truth because the truth hurts. His partner Kane rared back with a chair last week and it was no accident that he hit him and not The Undertaker. Mankind stands up at that and Vince says when The Undertaker took the chair from Kane, he could have obliterated his brother, but he chose not to. He says to think about last night on Heat. The Undertaker disguises himself as Kane, but it may as well have been Kane himself. They are in collusion not just against Mankind and Stone Cold, but every superstar on the WWF roster. What he's saying is that Kane and The Undertaker are one in the same. Kane and Paul Bearer come out. Paul tells Mankind to excuse him and yells that for once, Vince McMahon is gonna listen to the fat man. It's true that he may very well be the big manipulator and the puppeteer of the WWF. He might be able to get in Mankind's mind. BUT HE'LL BE DAMNED IF HE GETS IN HIS MIND OR HIS SON'S MIND. Vince has a son, and how would he feel if someone tried to poison his mind like he's been doing to his. He'll be damned to hell if he lets him ruin this, he says he's been here 7 years and he's made a lot of money. But he doesn't need him anymore, he and Kane can hit the road right now, as far as he's concerned. Vince asks if he's finished venting his spleen at him, and says the truth is..................."THAT'S NOT HIS SON. THAT'S A SON OF A BITCH. THAT'S YOU, UNDERTAKER! I CAN SMELL THE STENCH OF DEATH UPON HIS BREATH" Vince demands Kane take off his mask...............................BUT THE LIGHTS GO OUT! Kane is gone, but Taker is in the ring with his hand around Vince's throat. Mankind attacks Taker but he fights him off and decks Paul too before leaving. Mankind and Paul look confused.


Backstage: Undertaker walks into his dressing room, and KANE is in the room too.

Sable comes out to the ring, looking amazing in leather. FUCK! She introduces The Oddities and Luna.

Luna (w/The Oddities) vs. Jacqueline (w/Marc Mero)

In the parking lot, The New Age Outlaws arrive alone and seem pretty pissed off.

Quarter Finals in the Brawl For All: Droz vs. Savio Vega
Both men throw heavy right hands, none that connect the ref is super into it trying to break everything. I have no idea who won the first round. Savio keeps trying to take him down but gets stuffed every time. Droz gets the better of punches and even has a takedown, so, I think he's up 15-0. 3rd is pretty much the same so Droz wins off points.

In the parking lot, Triple H and Chyna arrive. After the break, Hunter is gone Cole goes to interview Chyna but she says she's got two words for him. SUCK IT! And shoves him into the car.


Back from break, Sarge and agents talk to Hawk, they say he's not in any state to wrestle so they send him to the back. Southern Justice comes out for the scheduled match, Hawk jumps one of them but the agents pull him off and drag him to the back leaving it 2-1 until Droz makes the save and cleans house. Jarrett runs out with a guitar that says "DON'T PISS ME OFF" He breaks it over Droz' head and begins cutting his hair.

X-Pac arrives at the building by himself.

The New Age Outlaws come down to the ring, Pac then comes out followed by Triple H and Chyna. Hunter says everyone wants to know where DX stands, it's been a long two weeks. Pac then grabs the mic from him, he says he's just about had it with him and his bitch. He's come to the conclusion they're a couple of jack-offs. Hunter says if he's a jack off and she's a jack off, the biggest jack off in the world is right in front of him, and as far as jack offs go, the Outlaws are two of the biggest jack offs he's ever met in his life. Gunn says you are calling me a jack off, Dogg agrees and asks if he's a jack off too. Triple H says everyone in this ring is a bunch of jack offs. He says there's a discrepancy over if they should split or not, and since they all agree that they are all jack offs there's one thing left to do and that's to give everyone what they want and give the DX split. They get ready to show their bare asses. But, Chyna grabs the mic and says to wait a minute. She says people are tired of looking at their asses, and says if anyone is gonna initiate a DX split it's gonna be here. She then pulls her pants down to her thong and moons the crowd. JR yells they got us, and we all fell for it.

Backstage: Michael Cole interviews Steve Austin who has yet another new t-shirt, Cole asks him on his thoughts on the show so far. Austin leads him to the showers and turns the water on, on him and leaves. What a dick.

The Godfather comes down to the ring 1 really attractive hoes, and 2 ugly ones but damn they got bodies. Bart runs down to commentary, He says he wants some damn respect around here and says he knocked out Dr. Death, but when he watches show, all he hears is JR making excuses for him, like he's got a hurt knee and a torn hamstring, but that's a bunch of bull. JR says he's sorry he misunderstood and claims he wasn't making excuses and Bart got the job done ON THAT NIGHT! He says he needs to be worried about the Godfather next week. Bart says if Vader doesn't knock him out tonight, then he will.

Vader comes down to the ring, and now the Godfather has the mic. He aks Vader if he's ever been with a Hoe before, and asks him if he's ever been with anything this fine. VADER'S FACIAL EXPRESSION :lmao Godfather offers him the deal, fighting him or spending the night with 1 of the hoes. Vader shakes his head no, but Godfather then ups the offer to all three and says he can do anything with them, SO VADER NODS HIS HEAD AND GOES OFF WITH THE HOES! Vader leaves with them and Bart Gunn is not happy. Vader tells him to take the women too, AND BART GUNN FUCKING KNOCKS OUT VADER! UGH! Godfather and Bart get into a pull apart but the Godfather leaves with the hoes and says pimping ain't easy.

Poor Vader, gets KO'ed and doesn't even get laid :(

John Wayne Bobbit AKA the guy that got his dick cut off arrives in a limo with Val Venis.

Dustin Runnels says this next segment deals with explicit subject matter and contains numerous references to genitalia, adultery, and fornication. It is rife with gratuitous violence unfit for family viewing. He says they have the choice to send a message to the WWF and choose to watch quality family entertainment instead of violent sensationalist nonsense. There's a special on reptiles on the Discovery Channel right now, and that sounds like a much better way to spend the evening, parents. Choose wisely, because he is coming back.

John Wayne Bobbit, Mrs. Yamaguchi-san and, Val Venis who is in a wheelchair comes down to the ring. Lawler is in the ring, he asks Val if he's still hanging in there. Val does his "Hello Ladies" intro but his voice is off, he says he comes before them a humble man, half the man he used to be. But when you live by the sword, you die by the sword. There's only one way to stop the mighty boa and that's sever it at the head. BUT THE BIG VALBOWSKI IS ALIVE AND READY TO FIGHT. He takes off his clothes to reveal his gear and gyrates. Val says thanks to a cold butcher's block and some shrinkage, oh and his good friend John who just happened to cut the lights at just the right time, the Big Valbowski is standing at full attention. Cocked, rocked, and ready to unload. King makes a bunch of dick and cut short jokes towards John before giving the mic back to Val, Val then turns to Mrs. Yamaguchi-san and says it's been a long hard road, BUT IT ENDS RIGHT HERE. No woman is worth the trouble she's brought him, and he hopes she enjoys the ride because this is where she gets off :lmaolmao:lmao HIT THE BRICKS! Val then throws her a battery and says "GOODBYE LADY" Val is a dick :lmao

Quarter Finals in the Brawl For All: Marc Mero vs. Bradshaw
This happens it's terrible, Mero uses Bradshaw's weight against him and sidesteps whenever he comes charging in tries a takedown, Bradshaw gets a lucky takedown, but Mero lands more strikes so it's 5-5. Mero keeps running away and doesn't do shit in the 2nd so Bradshaw wins. 15-5. LOL Mero getting pissed at Bradshaws refusal of breaking at 5, and that he can't do shit to he yells in Bradshaw's face FUCK! They do stuff and apparently, it leads to a draw, so that means Mero must have won the striking battle, which I agree but he didn't once take him down so FUCK that. The ref announces for an extra round which gets Vince level heat :lmao Bradshaw gets a takedown, but Mero also lands more strikes so it should be another round, but thankfully that ref declares Bradshaw the winner.


Michael Cole is with The Undertaker, Taker says he will do his explaining in the ring tonight.

JR announces the Outlaws rule, where one partner cannot pin the other.

Owen Hart & The Rock come down to the ring, followed by the New Age Outlaws. BUT SHAMROCK HITS THE RING AND ATTACKS OWEN. The Outlaws then jump Rocky, it's 2-1 until the rest of DX run out and attack, but the Nation hits the ring and they all brawl. Ken now has Owen in the ankle lock until Sarge and Blackman break it up.

JR announces that D'Lo has replaced Owen, Kane and Mankind come out next with Mankind far behind as he doesn't trust Kane or even know if that is Kane or not. Taker and Austin are out next, Austin's pop is ridiculous.

Fatal 4-Way for the WWF Tag Team Championships: The Rock & D'Lo Brown vs. The New Age Outlaws vs. Kane & Mankind (w/Paul Bearer) vs. The Undertaker & Stone Cold Steve Austin
So, this gets 15 minutes and rules. It's not chaotic but it's jam-packed with different interactions. and bell-to-bell action. It's fucking crazy that the crowd is already hot, but whenever Austin tags in they go from 80 for 1000 real quick. God how wrestling has changed. No team can really control the match as either they tag out, or someone blind tags in. There is a moment where The Nation and Mankind/Kane briefly work over Dogg which ruled. Dogg/D'Lo outside Austin's amazing high energy brawling was the highlight of the match. Taker gets the hot tag as all hell breaks loose, Taker and Austin clean house as Kane just watches on from the apron. Mankind tags Kane in and hits a chokeslam and pins Taker. 1 CHOKESLAM WINS IT! NEW CHAMPS! **3/4

After the match; Austin looks bewildered as King claims he knew Taker would screw Austin, and says look he ain't hurt. Austin asks what the hell happened before he leaving as Taker stares him down.


Austin grabs his title and goes back into the ring, he and Taker go face to face, Taker then signals for the belt and leaves. The Outlaws watch on from the floor, before everyone leaves.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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You gotta review at least one Shotgun Saturday Night show for the culture
You bugging, Heat just debuted and 2 shows in its pretty pointless outside the segments, now you want me to watch the red-headed step child that has been dead for 2 years. UGH!
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