Quick note, I've never seen this PPV before so this is all new to me.
WWF Champion: Stone Cold Steve Austin
WWF Intercontinental Champion: The Rock
WWF Tag Team Champions: Mankind & Kane
WWF European Champion: D'Lo Brown
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku
WWF Fully Loaded
July 26th, 1998
Fresno, California
Backstage: Jerry Lawler goes into Sable's dressing room, he asks if he can get a brief preview so she goes behind the curtain and takes off her clothes. She calls him to the back for a little peep, and he LOSES HIS SHIT!
Southen Justice get sent to the back, Kaienti then comes out but get sent to the back too, but Yamaguchi-san sneaks past the refs and joins commentary.
Val Venis vs. Jeff Jarrett (w/Tennessee Lee)
This is really good, it's basically an angle match to further the Val/Yamaguchi angle and Jeff is one of the better wrestlers on the roster so, he's the right choice to be wrestling on PPV in one of these thrown together no build matches to fill PPV time. Both men are super on here, Jeff uses his experience and cheating to gain advantages but Val keeps fighting back and throwing awesome power moves and strikes to make comebacks, so what we get is good back and forth for 7 minutes or so. With some really good near falls, I like that they don't hit their big stuff or even hit their finishers clearly saving it for potential matches down the line. The match ends when Val shoved Jeff into Tennessee Lee on the apron and then got an O'Connor Roll for the win. On commentary, Yamaguchi-san says Val will never be the same after tomorrow night. **3/4
After the match; Val gets on the mic and says his wife was right because he'll never measure up to the Big Valbowski.
D'Lo Brown (w/The Godfather) vs. X-Pac (w/Chyna)
YOU BETTER RECOGNIZE! JR says D'Lo refused to put the title on the line, I didn't know wrestlers could do that. This has a little more backstory than the opener with the stable warz, and them wrestling at KOTR. But they tell a similar story with neither guy able to control for long periods of time, and they do similar things which both men have scouted so they have to come up with new things on the fly. D'lo uses the rare time he has the weight advantage and targets the next, as Pac does his usual awesome bumping which includes his corner bump which is only 2nd to Benoit. D'Lo misses a moonsault which allows Pac to make a fun comeback, he hits the spin kick and follows up with the Bronco Buster but Godfather gets on the apron, and decks Pac, so Pac drops him and walks into a Sky High and D'Lo covers for the win. Damn if this would have gotten 3 or 4 more minutes at the end for some near falls this would have been so much better. **3/4
Backstage: at the WWF.com backstage area, Kevin Kelly says The Undertaker has not arrived yet, Dr. Tom says he thinks Taker will show because he doesn't want to let the locker room down, but says it's strange as Undertaker is almost always at the arena on time.
Backstage: Terry Funk and Bradshaw are standing by for an interview, Terry Funk announces that this next match will be his last match in the WWF for a while he say's he needs 6 months to recharge. Bradshaw is upset that he's only finding out now and storms off.
Faarooq & Scorpio vs. Terry Funk & Bradshaw
Okay so, Faarooq & Scorpio have been teaming up on "Shotgun Saturday" shows these past weeks and are undefeated, and Funk/Bradshaw are a team for this night because they are both Texans, I guess the Vince's forgot FUNK AND SCORPIO HAVE BEEN ON AND OFF TEAMING FOR THE PAST 2 MONTHS? FUCKIT! This is good, but it's just an extended random 98 TV match. Both teams are relatively new to one another so it's lots of 1on1's, granted all the little 1on1's rule even Faarooq has his moments. Funk and Scorpio have this awesome fight on the floor, where Funk tries to beat the black off him before hitting the Vader Bomb to the floor, no Asai Moonsault

FUCK THE FANS FOR CHANTING BORING! The match just breaks down with no hot tag and Scorpio hits the 450 onto Funk and covers for the win. **1/2
After the Match; Bradshaw is pissed and keeps piefacing Funk, he then yells this is BULLSHIT AND DARES Scorpio and Faarooq to comeback, Funk tries to calm him down but Bradshaw kills him with a LARIAT! Scorpio comes down and Bradshaw takes his head off with a sick clothesline. Faarooq comes down, so Bradshaw backs off. He grabs a chair and blasts Faarooq in the back before leaving.
Vader vs. Mark Henry
This PPV is such an IYH show, okay so granted these two have been having their problems since the KORT, but we haven't seen them interact on TV or been mentioned on TV since KOTR. Vader being super over warms my heart, as he's basically just here now to put over talent. This gets 5 minutes, Mark is still green and he gets caught a lot weighting for stuff or mistimes some of his whips and strikes. He does a decent enough job with power slams and splashes but that's about it. Vader then takes over and the match picks up a ton, he beats the holy heck out of him with Mark bumping for everything. MARK KICKS OUT OF THE SPLASH OFF THE MIDDLE ROPE and hits one of his own for the win. **1/4
Back at the WWF.com area, Kelly says The Undertaker still isn't here but the WWF have people out looking for him

Dr. Tom again says he doesn't believe the Undertaker will let us, the fans or the boys down.
Paul Bearer, Kane, and Mankind come down to the ring, Paul says he knew it. It's plain and simple the Undertaker does not want to wrestle his brother Kane. And he knows why he wants to stay in 1 piece for SummerSlam. He's a coward and Stone Cold Steve Austin is just in the wrong place at the wrong time. He boyz are going to be finished like they started on Raw last week, but this time, The Undertaker won't be there to help him. The New Age Outlaws come out, Dogg yells to cut the music. He calls them Gomez, Morticia, and Cousin It and says if they're so confident Taker won't show up and they'll have their way with the Cold One, surely they'll have no trouble accepting a challenge against them tomorrow night on Raw is War. They don't respond, and Gunn says they can help them make up their minds, so the Outlaws jump them, they begin brawling until refs, agents and Sarge break it up.
The DOA (w/Paul Ellering) vs. LOD 2000
AWFUL! This is basically a 3-2 match as the ref blatantly sees Ellering beating up Hawk or Animal on the floor and just allows it, DOA then do twin magic and hit a DDT for the win. I HATE THIS FEUD!
Vince McMahon and his Entourage come down to the ring, Vince says he's sure the vast majority of them are just as upset as he is about the possibility of The Undertaker not performing tonight. In the unlikely event that The Undertaker pulls a no-show, don't blame Vince McMahon. Last Monday on Raw, it was Stone Cold who almost decapitated Undertaker with a steel chair, not Vince McMahon. In the past, we've seen Stone Cold Steve Austin with unseemly and grotesque hand gestures to the Undertaker. Stone Cold has provoked The Undertaker in challenging him for the WWF Championship at SummerSlam. That was Stone Cold, not Vince McMahon. Don't blame him, blame Stone Cold Steve Austin. In every WWF advertisement, there is fine print reading Card Subject to Change. So with that in mind, he reads the program part about how when scheduled talent is unable to appear due to circumstances beyond the control of the promotor (That's me) the promoter reserves the right to make a suitable substitution. He says in the unlikely event that Undertaker pulls a no-show, Steve Austin's replacement partner will be..........................THE BROOKLYN BRAWLER!


Vince is the greatest. Brooklyn comes out and hugs all of them and thanks them for being in the main event, Brawler the yells "I'M READY"
We cut over to the Hart family Dungeon in Calgary, Owen wearing a fly af t-shirt that says "and then there was
one OWEN" Ken busts open the door and makes his way down to the basement, no ring, little padding and Dan "THE BEAST" is the ref.
Dungeon Submission Match: Owen Hart vs. Ken Shamrock [Special Referee: Dan Severn]
So this is fucking amazing, holy shit. It's so violent, stiff and nasty. example they have no problem slamming one another head and back into the unprotected wood walls and raining down on one another with punches. AWSOME Spot with Owen who has the home field advantage using a water pipe to swing on and kick Shamrock back into the wall, and then uses it to hit a 'rana. They continue to brawl with favors Ken, but he makes the mistake of trying the 'rana like Owen did but Owen counters into a powerbomb. OWEN THEN HIP TOSSES KEN INTO THE WATER PIPES AND LIFTS HIM UP PUTTING A HOLE IN THE ROOF. Owen locks in the Sharpshooter but Ken fights back and makes a comeback, he goes for a roundhouse kick but Owen ducks and Dan gets taken out. Ken goes to check on him, but Owen levels him with a dumbbell and Ken is out. Owen then locks him in a crossface and Owen uses Ken's own hand to tap him out. OWEN WINS! AMAZING! HOLY SHIT! It's not really a match, but fuck it. IT RULES SO MUCH! Credit whoever came up with this match.
A few things, Sarge sends everyone not named Chyna to the back, Rocky debuts the Brahma Bull logo on his butt attire. and lastly, JR announces the WWF has set up camera's at the entrances and the male locker rooms and will cut if Taker shows up.
Two-out-of-Three falls match for the WWF Intercontinental Championship: Triple H vs. The Rock
They start off really well and do the typical 1998 style, tons of brawling in and out the ring, up the ramp and back down. Lots of back and forth which seems to be the theme of the night, they go back to brawling on the floor and Rock hits a suplex to the floor and follows up with a scoop slam, as Rock has the ref distracted. Mark comes out and hits the big splash, Gunn runs down and brawls with him to the back. Rocky rolls him back in as Chyna pleads with the ref with what happens, that allows Rocky to nail Hunter with the IC title but only gets two. Man, Rocky controls the match working the head and neck with chinlocks clearly trying to run the clock out. As JR says we're past 15-minute mark, Hunter has some brief comebacks but keeps getting cut off and Rock goes back to the chinlock as we approach the 20-minute mark. The Godfather comes out but the Outlaws run down and force him to the back, Rock distracts the ref as D'Lo runs down with the European Title, he goes after Hunter with it but he crotches him and Hunter knock him off the apron, he then turns around and walks into a Rock bottom and Rock covers for the first fall. 1-0. They have a 60 second wait period before the 2nd bell rings, and now this begins to get really good. Hunter does the "exhaustion selling" but shows heart and keeps fighting back, the People's Elbow gets two as D'L begins to recover. He tries to get onto the apron, but Chyna attacks. As she distracts the ref now, X-Pac runs out and hits Rock with the X-Factor. Hunter covers but Rock kicks out, man this near gall and the IC title one earlier one would have been great, I wonder why they kicked out of those. Hunter grabs a chair as Chyna distracts the ref again, they fight over it and Rock swings but Hunter ducks and the ref gets taken out. Rock still has the chair, but Chyna comes in and low blows him. She follows up with a DDT onto the chair and Huter covers for the three. 1-1, with 4 minutes remaining, maybe 3 after the 60 seconds rest. Hunter goes for the cover again, but the refs are too busy helping the original ref to back so Hebner runs out but too much time has passed and Rocky kicks out. They go back to brawling on the floor, and Hunter wins that exchange, back in the facebuster and clothesline gets 2. Rocky's Samoan Drop also gives him a 2. Hunter hits the pedigree but time expires so it's a DRAW. Oh man, if they would have had the first 10 minutes and the last 10 minutes and cut all the filler of Rock's headlocks this would be in my top 3 MOTYC for 1998. Thankfully, this pairing would get so much better come may 2000 and they are able to go 60. **3/4
After the Match; The rest of the Nation run out to attack Hunter, but DX make the save.
Kevin Kelly announces, The Undertaker has arrived and shows footage.
EXCLUSIVE FOOTAGE: The Rock and D'Lo Brown are leaving the building, Rocky cuts a promo and says anytime Triple H wants to go 1on1 he's got it.
DUSTIN RUNNELS COMES OUT AND PRAYS FOR THE SOULS OF THESE GRILS COMING OUT NEXT! Dustin says "HE'S" coming real soon so get ready for him.
Jerry Lawler is in the ring to host the bikini contest, Jacque and Mero come out, followed by Sable. Jacque undresses and has a nice sexy red number on. BUT FUCK ALL THAT! Sable takes off her pants and proceeds to cut a promo. UGH! BUT THEN SHE TAKES OFF HER TOP AND REVEALS THE HANDPRINT PRINT OVER HER TITS! FUCK YEAH! Mero claims that's cheating and that isn't a bikini so Jacque should win. Sable wins the fan vote. Vince and the Stooges come out, he forces her to cover up and go to the back with him.
Video package hyping up the Main Event.
WWF Tag Team Championships: Kane & Mankind (w/Paul Bearer) vs. The Undertaker & Stone Cold Steve Austin
This is a good time, but it really didn't need 18 minutes. Taker's 1998 "something different" or "dark side" theme is so underrated. As Taker makes his entrance, Taker quickly bails out and gets in Austin's face, but Kane and Mankind attack them before anything escalates. This is vintage 1998 stuff, tons of brawling with story surrounding the match. E.G. Austin and Taker rarely speak or have any communication, but it doesn't come to blows. Taker takes a few shots at Kane but they seem half-assed but he hits his brother so he goes over and gives Austin the middle finger showing him see no CAHOOTS! But Lawler points out that maybe Taker let him tag out by doing that. Austin/Mankind rules, Taker/Mankind will forever rule, Austin again carries Kane to a fun brawl. The champs briefly isolate Taker, taking turns working over him. Taker and Kane seem to take it lightly on one another. Mankind goes for the elbow off the apron, but Austin intercepts and bumps Mankind off the apron crashing onto the Spanish announce table. RIGHT ONTO THE FUCKING HIP! Austin has a fun hot tag, Mankind throws a chair in but Austin gets it and levels Kane with it in the head for two. Kane comes right back with a big boot and the champs take over again. Taker and Austin continue to have tension as Taker seems uninterested and doesn't even stick out his hand whenever Austin is near his corner. They go a couple more minutes until Taker accepts the tag and goes off on his brother, the match breaks down and Taker hits Kane with a Chokeslam followed by the Tombstone and covers for the win. NEW CHAMPS! **3/4
Taker grabs both titles and leaves with them, as Austin bad mouths him to end this highly entertaining PPV.