WWF Champion: Stone Cold Steve Austin
WWF Intercontinental Champion: The Rock
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: Triple H
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku
WWF King Of The Ring
June 28th, 1998
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The Headbangers & TAKA Michinoku vs. Kaientai (w/Yamaguchi-san)
Good choice of an opener, the crowd is hot and all the Japanese guys bump around. The Headbangers also put on a good showing, TAKA again puts on a crisp offensive display until Togo attacks TAKA from behind giving Kaientai control. They isolate TAKA hitting all their stuff, cutting off the ring and dong sweet double and triple teams. TAKA makes the double hot tag, so the Headbangers clean house, the match breaks down with Funaki missing the elbow off the top and the Headbangers elevate TAKA high into the air for a big splash, he then follows up with the Michinoku Driver and covers for the win. **1/2
Sable comes out looking all-time hot in one of her leather PVC outfits comes down to the ring, She introduces the owner of the WWF, Mr. Vince McMahon. Vince comes out along with Patterson and Brisco. She goes to leave the ring and they hold the ropes open. Patterson slaps her on the ass so she slaps him
JR then makes a gay joke. Patterson yells at her. Brisco yells at the people to cheer for 3 Legends in the ring. He asks how many people joined them because they want to see the title change hands, and gets booed. He asks how many have joined them to see Austin defeated tonight. He then asks how many have joined them to witness Kane setting himself on fire, should he not be successful. He says he would suggest they're all setting themselves up for one great big disappointment, but most of them shouldn't be surprised, their lives have been a symphony of disappointments. In all likelihood, they were likely disappointments to their mothers and fathers. They didn't quite measure up to that level of success that their parents wanted them. They didn't quite make the grade, whether it be athletics or academics, and they were disappointments to their own parents. But that's okay because those parents probably disappointed them too. Because in the end when you suffer disappointments, nobody will ever look in the mirror. They'll blame good old mom and dad. That lousy DNA. They blame them for the propensity to be obese or that genetic heart defect. Nonetheless, they know what failure and disappointment is all about. Therefore he's here to soften the blow when Austin loses the title. He wants to prepare them for what they'll feel deep down in their stomachs when Austin is no longer the WWF Champion. Indeed, he wants to warn them of the inevitable when they hear the following.
Semi-Finals for the King of the Ring: Jeff Jarrett (w/Tennessee Lee) vs, Ken Shamrock
For the most part, this is a good time, short but a good time. Both men come out hot with strikes and counters everything is smooth. They go back and forth with Ken winning the majority of the battles and Jeff bumping his ass off for him, until Lee trips Ken up on his bad ankle then from behind Jeff chop blocks it and targets the ankle/knee. Weird but cool sport, Jeff almost makes the 5 count to the ref pulls Jeff off by his hair, so from the floor Lee again trips Ken up and wraps his ankle around the ringpost. Sadly, Ken barley sells any of this and makes his comeback. He hits the Standing 'rana and locks in the Ankle Lock and Jeff taps immediately. Lee enters the ring, but is dropped with a Belly-to-belly. **1/4
After the match; Cole interviews Ken, he says he has 1 more peak to climb, and he didn't come to be 2nd best.
Semi-Finals for the King of the Ring: The Rock vs. Dan "THE BEAST" Severn
JR official dubs Kama as the Godfather, he's called him "The Godfather of the Nation" before, but now he's calling him just the Godfather
Refs send the Nation to the back. This isn't good, they don't have chemistry, their styles are completly different and neither guy is at the point where they can lead a match. Dan hits a bunch of takedowns and stretches the shit out of The Rock, Rocky is clearly frustrated cause he just pulls off his elbow pad and puts the boots to him to take over. Late in the match, Mark and The Godfather run out to distract the ref, which allows D'LO TO RUN OUT THROUGH THE CROWD WEARING A CHEST PROTECTOR. HE HITS DAN WITH THE LOW DOWN AND ROCKY COVERS FOR THE WIN. *3/4
Michael Cole interviews, Rocky at ringside. Rocky tells him to know his role and shut his mouth. Shamrock talks about climbing mountains, but ain't hearing any of that jack. Rock says if Shamrock wants to climb a mountain, he's going to have to go through this man and a half. He says before Shamrock gets to any damn peak or valley, he's going to hit Rock Bottom.
Rock/Shamrock ~ Finals.
Al Snow/Jerry Lawler video package airs.
Once everyone makes their way out, Jerry "The King" Lawer is announced as the Special Guest Referee.
Too Much vs. Al Snow & Head [Special Guest Referee: Jerry "The King" Lawler]
8 and a half fucking minutes, UGH! This is angle/fuckery the whole time, with Lawler helping his kid and best friend cheat the whole time. The heat on Al goes way too long, the fuckery goes way too long. Al ends up cleaning house with Head and hitting Taylor with the Snow Plow, but at the same time Lawler's kid pulls out a FUCKING BOTTLE OF HEAD AND SHOULDERS SHAMPOO AND PUTS IT UNDER HEAD AS LAWLER'S KID COVERS FOR THE WIN. Get it, Head and Shoulders
X-Pac (w/Chyna) vs. Owen Hart
So this is really good, not a ton of hate like they've been showing on RAW but Owen seems motivated tonight and is really aggressive, Pac bumps around and damn near almost looks like he breaks his back off the hard Irish whip bumps. Owen's heelness is also on display here as he takes a ton of shortcuts, they go back and forth for the majority with strikes and shit until Owen whips Pac into the timekeeper's area and he completely wipes out everything, Owen follows up with a front suplex onto the Spanish table. Sadly, Owen doesn't follow up and goes right into sleepers and chinlocks. Pac fights out and debuts the X-Factor, but it's used as a transition move leading to his comeback, he hits a bunch of spin kicks before hitting the worse looking Bronco Buster ever. Both men takes a nasty spill to the floor, with Owen bumping to the mat and Pac falling to the floor. That leads to Mark running down and hits Pac with a splash. Chyna comes over and gets in his face, bur Vader runs down and shoulder blocks Mark out of the way, they begin brawling up the entrance way. The ref tries to separate them, which allows Chyna to sneak in and drop Owen with a DDT and Pac covers for the win. ***
Paul Bearer comes down to the ring, He says nobody thought he'd be here tonight, but he wouldn't miss this night for the world. He says he took 2 of the worse beatings at the hands of YOUR Phenom, The Undertaker. Last week, when the stitches were taken out, he cursed him to Hell, and he still curses him to Hell. And for 20 years my son Kane would sit around with pictures of his brothers. He used to watch WWF Superstars every Saturday for 20 years and idolize his older brother, and he has ridiculed all his life and suffered all his life. He couldn't go outside in the sunshine, because the heat would hurt his scares. But he would say "DADDY, I WANT TO BE LIKE HIM!" how that's supposed to make him feel, he says tonight will be the happiest night of his life, because he will be the father and manager of the WWF Champion, and then you can laugh at the fat man all you want, because he'll damn sure laugh all the way to the bank.
WWF Tag Team Championships: The New Age Outlaws (w/Chyna) vs. The NEW Midnight Express (w/Jim Cornette)
One of the bright spots of WWF 1998 is that if you're not hot you don't get TV time, so angles and guys like the NWA died a huge death and rarely ever get seem. But, another one of those problems is HOW THE FUCK DID THE NMEx get a title shot? they were first out in the tag team rumble match if we're going off the order of eliminations shouldn't Scorpio/Funk get this match? Bart and Billy have a really good interaction period, like really good. The match as a whole is good to start, it has a few sloppy moments but both teams really go all out in making the other team look good. NMEx then isolates Dogg, they do a fine job cutting the ring off, they don't really work anything on the heat, just take turns beating on Dogg. Gunn had a pretty good hot tag, as the match breaks down after that, Gunn goes for a piledriver, but Jim hits Gunn with one of the NWA tag belts for two. Gunn then rolls Bob up but Jim comes back with one of the title belts, Chyna then comes in and low blows Jim allowing the Outlaws to hotshot Bob onto the top rope and cover for the win. **3/4
Triple H and Chyna come out, LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL @ Chyna going to the back 3 times in the past 3 matches just to come back out. Hunter joins Lawler and JR.
JR announces Austin, was in a hospital for 3 days with a high fever and a staph infection.
1998 King of the Ring Finals: The Rock vs. Ken Shamrock
Hunter debuts calling The Rock da CROCK! Chyna at some point joins the Spanish commentary, this is the best Rock/Ken match out of the three. Both men bump around, they don't rush anything or get caught waiting for stuff. Rock tries to get DQ'ed when he goes over to Hunter on commentary and gets in his face, but Hunter spits water into his face so Rocky pie faces him. Ken comes out to get him some but as the ref holds Hunter back, Rocky low blows Ken and takes over. They do have some head scratching wrestling moments, like Ken takes a spill to the floor and "reinjures" the ankle but, and Ken even sells it but Rocky doesn't even bother and goes after the neck with a shitty chinlock. Ken then stops selling the ankle and doesn't even bother to sell the neck too so fuck it. Ken hits his usual stuff during his comeback, some pretty cool back elbows, and spinning kicks. Both men begin trading awesome near falls and counters leading into a big move for even better near falls. The match ends when Rock gets in the refs face as he thought he got a slow count, but when he turns around Ken picks the ankle and locks in the ankle lock forcing Rocky to tap. **3/4
The Hell In A Cell Match: Mankind vs. The Undertaker
My body is ready, so Mankind comes out first holding a chair he walks around the cell and opens the door....BUT INSTEAD WALKS OUT AND THROWS THE CHAIR ON TOP OF THE CELL. HE THEN BEGINS CLIMBING IT RIGHT BEFORE TAKER MAKES HIS WAY DOWN. Taker takes off his jacket and begins climbing the cell, he makes it to the top and they begin fighting. Mankind grabs the chair and nails Taker in the back with it twice. Fucking' hell as they walk over, part of the cell damn near collapse.....................BUT TAKER FIGHTS BACK AND FUCKING THROWS MANKIND OFF THE CELL CRASHING THROUGH THE SPANISH ANNOUNCE TABLE.
Mankind tries to move, but he can't he barely manages to take off the Mankind mask. Terry Funk rushes out to tend to his friend, EMT's, referees and other personnel from the back run out to check on Foley as we get 4 or 5 replays of the throw. Vince and Sarge also come out to check on Foley. Taker is still on top of the cell as it begins to raise for the stretcher to come pass. They get Mankind onto the stretcher and begin wheeling him up the entrance, Taker begins climbing down....................BUT THIS MOTHERFUCKER MANKIND ROLLS OFF THE STRETCHER AND IS WALKING! HE HAS A SMILE ON HIS FACE AND BEGINS CLIMBING THE CELL AGAIN! Taker sees this and climbs up again. They again fight up top. THIS TIME TAKER CHOKESLAMS MANKIND THROUGH THE CELL ROOF WITH THE CHAIR THAT MANKIND BROUGHT IN SMACKING HIM RIGHT IN THE FACE ON THE LANDING.
Taker climbs down from the roof, IDK if he broke his foot during this or was prior but he lands awkwardly on his foot. Funk tries to check on Foley, but Taker grabs him by the neck and hits him with a chokeslam trying to bye time. AND GOD DAMMIT! FOLEY IS BACK UP. But, Taker punches him and Foley collapses like a ton of bricks or a punch-drunk man at a bar fight. Taker then goes for old school, but out of desperation, Mankind shoves him off the ropes and falls into the turnbuckles and we get this amazing visual.
I can't even say Foley is selling, because he's LEGIT KNOCKED OUT SILLY, He's still trying to gather his wits. WHEN TAKER NAILS HIM IN THE HEAD AND ARM WITH THE STEEL STEPS. Foley pretty much uses the cage to keep him standing upright just for Taker to rain down with punches. Taker then goes for the suicide dive, but Mankind avoids and Taker crashes into the cage mesh busting him open. Foley smells blood and starts attacking the cut, he brings in Taker back in and drops Taker with a piledriver onto that GOD DAMN CHAIR THAT STARTED IT ALL! Foley's seems to have recovered, maybe 80 now as he starts targeting the head. He hits the double arm DDT AND ROLLS TO THE FLOOR TO GRAB A SACK.....................A SACK OF MOTHERFUCKING THUMBTACKS! HE SPREADS THEM AROUND TO GET MORE COVERAGE, AS THEY BATTLE FOR POSITION. MANKIND THEN LOCKS IN THE MANDIBLE CLAW, BUT AS TAKER WAKENS, HE FINDS NEW LIFE AND FIGHTS BACK. AND BACKDROPS MANKIND ONTO THE TACKS.
After the Match; Taker leaves as the stretcher and EMT's come back out, Foley REFUSES to be stretchered out and is helped to the back WALKING with Sarge on one side, and Funk on the other. He leaves to a standing ovation, which is well deserved. Numerous replays are shown as JR goes above and beyond in putting over both men's efforts here, but mostly Foleys.
WOW! JUST! WOW! I haven't seen that match in years, but god damn its' still the most insanely, violent, crazy spectacle in WWF/E history. Like how do you rate something like this? One man, putting his life on the line for some star ratings. It's above that, my hats of to Foley.
Video Package airs hyping up the Main Event
First Blood match for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship: Kane (w/Paul Bearer) vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin [If Kane Loses, He Will Set Himself on Fire]
Kane comes out in my all time favorite look but him, with his whole body covered up, even his arm just to ensure no fuckery. Austin comes out hot, hitting Kane with the title twice trying to bust him open, but how do you bust a man open with a mask on. They brawl around ringside, as the Cell begins to lower. Austin takes a number of awesome bumps 1 with the Cell almost lowered Kane whips Austin into the steel support beam at the feet. He then tries to choke Austin on the floor and position him, to where the cell lowers crushing his throat. AWESOME. The cell is eventually lowered and both men do a fantastic job of utilizing the cell along with fuckery. E.G. Like when Kane was in control the cell lowered, but as Austin regains control the cell raised. They end up brawling up the entrance way, with Austin getting desperate and trying to use any part of whats near him as a weapon. This is also Kane's best showing so far, as he's gotten so much better at brawling and can use his height and weight to fight a brawler instead of the slow, rest holds wear-down tactics he's been doing since his debut. They eventually, fight back to the ring and continue to brawl around ringside. Ref Earl Hebner gets bumped, as Austin uses the exposed turnbuckle and begins ramming the only part of Kane's body that is exposed, the back of his head into the steel. BUT MANKIND IS BACK! HE RUNS DOWN WITH THE SAME CHAIR FROM THE CELL MATCH! Austin meets him in the ring and drops him with a stunner, as the cell lowers again. He then drops Kane with a stunner, as Taker limps down with a chair of his own. Austin then grabs a chair of his own, then as Mankind gets up, Taker swings with his chair, but Mankind ducks and Taker's nails Austin with a chair. Taker takes out Mankind and throws the ref back into the ring. Taker then begins pouring the gasoline onto him, but from behind Kane nails him with a chair. AUSTIN IS BUSTED OPEN THOUGH! Austin mounts a comeback, but Earl Patrick notices Austin and calls for the bell at the same time Austin nails Kane with a chair. More Attitude era fun fuckery. ***