WWF 1998 Review

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I can’t wait to see what you think of the “I’m just a fat piece of shit” comment
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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Champion: Shawn Michaels
WWF Intercontinental Champion: The Rock
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: Owen Hart
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku

February 16th, 1998
Dallas, Texas

So this is happening on Saturday Night. So, it's WWF RAW Saturday Night.

JR, Cole, and Kelly talk about how DX plan on suing Austin over his actions towards Chyna at No Way Out.

The Legion of Doom vs. The Quebecers
Typical LOD shit, no sell your shit while they get all their shit in. It's funny how the story is LOD losing a step but they're the only ones who don't get it cause they continue to dominate matches, even if they lose at the end. They should have just said LOD can no longer win the big ones or close the deal, that would make more sense. But, on the other hand, if the LOD wasn't such marks and had to get their shit in to look strong then maybe I would care. The Outlaws come out with a dumpster, they roll it down to the ring. Then, behind the refs back they slam Hawk into it before putting him inside and sitting on top trapping him. Quebecers do what they can with Animal but he's lazy. He ends up grabbing a chair and chasing the Outlaws away as Hawk climbs out of the dumpster. They chase the Outlaws to the back and the Quebecers win via countout. Good for them. *3/4

WWF Attitude.

JR again talks about DX suing Austin over Chyna suffering emotional distress after he stunned her at the PPV. They then play a video highlighting Chyna beating up dudes and interfering to counter DX's claims.

Jackyl joins commentary.

Ken Shamrock vs. Snipper (w/Recon)
Snipper is boring, bad, generic, trash, every word that can be used for someone who sucks at wrestling, he is it. Ken has to lead, and he's still pretty green himself. He does a decent enough job, at guiding him through stuff, but that all goes to waste when Snipper takes over with wrestling 101 heel stuff. Thankfully, it doesn't last long and Ken does the armbar takedown into the Ankle Lock for the win. *1/2

After the match; Ken hits Recon with the side belly to belly when he tries an attack. He leaves and Jackyl yells at Sniper. He says he washes his hands of him and slaps him. Sniper shoves Jackyl before walking out on.

Jerry "THE KING" Lawler brings out Marc Mero and Sable for an in-ring interview, Lawler asks if they're about to split up. Mero says he's tired of being painted as the bad man. It started when he had knee surgery and Sable wasn't there for him but was all over Monday Night Raw in Austin 3:16 on. She's stealing his spotlight and trying to become the star, but he's the one who wins matches, not her. She dresses like this so people chant for her because she loves that. He says Sable now knows her place and does what he says because she belongs to him. Lawler asks about No Way Out and Mero says he tripped. A stagehand comes out to give Sable flowers. Mero says he wants to know who's sending her all this stuff and Sable says they're hers and it's nice to know someone's thinking about her, and she leaves.

Tonight: Owen vs. Jarrett

Earlier Today: Jim Cornette cuts a promo, he says he demanded this time to talk to you people about when he first brought back tradition the fans of the WWF all applauded his sentiment, but boo when he produced. He brought them the NWA and legends and a star of the future in Jeff Jarrett. They boo now and he's ashamed of the people and appalled by their fickleness. They're going to show them what real wrestling is all about, teach them what it is, and if they're smart, they'll learn to like it with a smile on their faces. And in tonight's match NWA have flown in Tommy Young who will see it straight down the middle with none of that WWF shenanigans.

NWA World Tag Team Championship: The Rock n' Roll Express (w/Jim Cornette) vs. The Headbangers
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL RnREX are using the Rockers theme. This goes a couple of minutes, RnREX does some nice things, and the Headbangers don't completely suck. Thrasher gets the hot tag as the match breaks down, The Headbangers hit the stage dive and have it won, but Mosh throws Morton over the top to save the pinfall, but the ref sees it and per NWA rules, he DQ's them. *3/4


Stone Cold Steve Austin comes down to the ring, JR is also in the ring. JR asks why he gave Chyna the stunner. Austin says it's real simple when you get in this ring, your ass belongs to Stone Cold. If you've never watched the show before, his name is Stone Cold Steve Austin. If you have, give him a HELL YEAH! Chyna found out what he's been saying all along, don't mess with Stone Cold. She's lucky he was in such a good mood. The absence of Shawn Michaels doesn't concern him because he knows he's getting his ass ready for WrestleMania 14. When best meets best, he wants him at his best because an ass whipping is always the same, no matter how good of shape he's in. As far as Mike Tyson is concerned, he's hired to be the enforcer, and as long as that's all he does, fine. He gets in his face and like he said before, he'll knock that gold tooth out of his head and make a necklace or a bracelet or a ring or whatever he wants. WrestleMania XIV on March 29th. Austin. Michaels. Tyson. THE SHIT'S ON. And that's the bottom line, 'cause Stone Cold said so.


The Monday on RAW is will be the LOD vs. The Outlaws for the WWF Tag Team Championships.

The entire NWA come out to the ring, but Windham and RnREX are forced to leave because they don't have a mangers licence.

WWF European Championship: Jeff Jarrett (w/Jim Cornette) vs. Owen Hart
Short, but super fun. Owen is super on with his spots and Jeff bumps for him, and vice versa. Jeff doesn't really work a body part, cause why bother in this short match so he just wears Owen down with stuff. Owen has a couple of mini-comebacks but Jeff usually suckers him in and allows Owen's momentum to backfire or avoid something before taking over again. They bump heads for the double knockdown before Owen makes his comeback. Owen hits the enzuigiri, but as he goes for the Sharpshooter Cornette enters the ring. Owen ducks the racket shot and punches him, but that counts for a DQ. Owen puts him in the Sharpshooter on Cornette, but Jeff now has the racket but Owen ducks that too and chases him off. **1/4

Michael Hayes/Dok Hendrix VIDEO PACKAGE!

HOLY SHIT! Michael Hayes/Dok Hendrix comes out to "Badstreet USA" to be the special ring announcer........................BUT! THE LIGHTS GO OUT! Kane and Paul Bearer come out and Hayes won't back down, and charges at Kane with his boot but it has no effect so, Kane hits him with the Chokeslam and then the Tombstone. PYRO~!

Sunny comes out to do her weekly ring introductions for the Lightweights.

Pirata Morgan & Brian Christopher vs. Aguila & TAKA Michinoku
The faces show off their flashy offense, Lawler's kid does the usual and Pirata adds nothing. It's basically a showcase for the faces, and Lawler's kid taunting and being loud af. TAKA hits Pirata with the Michinoku Driver for the win.

The Nation of Domination come down to the ring, Rocky has a wrapped up present with him :mark: He says before the match. The Rock is here to clear up a few things, regardless of what happened at No Way Out, The Rock is still your Intercontinental Champion. And of course, The Rock is here to clear up the simple fact that there is no dissension within the Nation. He's here to let them know The Rock doesn't harbor any hard feelings whatsoever. He pulls out a box and says he knows everyone wants to be like The Rock, so he gives Kama, Mark, and D'Lo three identical $15,000 solid gold Rolexes. He says for Faarooq, he's here to let him know that he's the only one capable of leading The Nation. He says Faarooq is the greatest thing since an egg white omlet AND GIVES FAAROOQ A FRAMED PICTURE OF ROCK POSING WITH THE INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP! Faarooq is not happy and throws it to the ground.

Faarooq (w/The Nation of Domination) vs. Steve Blackman
Angle match, Faarooq gets distracted by Rock flaunting the picture of The Rock to the hard cam and tries to use it as a weapon, but Rock takes it back to the floor. Faarooq then gets mad and Blackman gets a schoolboy for the win.

After the Match; Rocky and Faarooq argue over the picture, Rock calms down and hands it back to him. So Faarooq ends up ripping it up.

Backstage: Michael Cole is out the Nations locker room, he hears yelling and shit. D'Lo comes out and says they're just packing for a long flight and it's not a problem. It's nothing but love in their, some tough love but nothing but love and judging by D'Lo's new Rolex, this interview is over.

The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust & Marc Mero (w/ Luna) vs. Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie
Goldust is dressed as Goldust so does that make him GoldustDUST? Anyway, King tells us that Goldust will present to us the American Dream this Monday on RAW! This goes about 3 or 4 minutes, Funk and Foley are just used as insert wrestlers for a pointless angle match. Sable comes out with her flowers so Luna destroys them, they have to be pulled apart. The ref is distracted and Foley knocks out Goldust with a chair and Funk covers to win. *3/4


Nov 13, 2010
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Cornette promo sounds like him vs the internet now.


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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^^ That's cause he hasn't changed an opinion since 1986

Also LOL when RAW used to be bumped for Tennis


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: Shawn Michaels
WWF Intercontinental Champion: The Rock
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: Owen Hart
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku

February 23rd, 1998
Waco, Texas


WWF Tag Team Championships: The New Age Outlaws vs. The Legion of Doom
You know the deal by know, LOD do offense while the Outlaws bump around for them. They dominate for a few minutes until Gunn sneaks around ringside and shoves Hawk into the steps allowing the champs to take over. Lots of cheating and heel tactics, they do the double knockdown spot which leads to Animal getting the hot tag, he cleans house and they hit Road Dogg with the Doomsday Device. But Nick Patrick is distracted with Hawk being in the ring, and then on the floor. Which allows Gunn to hit Animal in the head with one of the title belts and Dogg covers for the win. **1/2

After the Match; LOD are frustrated so, Animal shoves Hawk. AND THEY END UP BRAWLING FUCK YEAH!

JR says the LOD are still fighting backstage and is having to be pulled apart.

Ken Shamrock vs. Jeff Jarrett (w/Jim Cornette)
Super fun, Ken is one step ahead of Jeff and uses his explosiveness to counter all of Jeff's stuff. Jeff bumps around and tries to cheat just to counter what Ken is doing. Cornette accidentally hits Jarrett with the racket, and Shamrock puts on the Ankle Lock for the win. **1/4

After the match; Michael Cole goes to interview Jarrett and he says it's time he and Cornette go their separate ways. RIP!

Backstage: Jerry Lawler interviews Animal in the men's locker room, asks about the split and says he and Hawk were like brothers. Animal yells that he doesn't have a FUCKIN' brother, and Hawk comes in and hears that so he rushes over and they have to be pulled apart again.

The DOA vs. The Truth Commission (w/Jackyl)

LIVE via San Antonio, DX are in Shawn's house, Shawn says they all know JR wants them to lend some kind of truth to the rumors about legalities between DX and Stone Cold. He says it's an open and shut case, but this woman took his best shot and still looks great. DX doesn't get into legalities, because they police their own. Hunter says all they want with this interview is ratings and says if that's what they want, they'll set the Neilson books on fire before WrestleMania. Shawn says everyone's going to be there next week. Owen, Austin, even Mike Tyson, and that's a perfect place to start. And it will end at Mania. Hunter says Mania is now stamped x-rated. Discretion is advised but will be completely fucking ignored.

Sunny comes out, I guess she's fucking TAKA cause she's just been introducing his matches :side:

TAKA Michinoku vs. Barry Windham (w/Jim Cornette & The Rock n' Roll Express)
Gets a few minutes, TAKA gets his ass kicked for the majority, Barry hits the superplex and LARIAT! BUT, THE LIGHTS GO OUT! Kane and Paul Bearer come down to the ring, team NWA bail as TAKA gets to his up. Kane hits him with a chokeslam and then a Tombstone. Paul Bearer grabs a mic and says there is only one WWF Superstar that he is interested in, AND HIS NAME IS STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN! Bearer says he knows he can hear him and says to listen good. If he's got the guts, next week right on RAW is WAR, he'll step into the ring and look his Kane square in the eye. PYRO~!


Michael Cole is with The Outlaws outside the building, the Outlaws have their bags and are leaving Gunn says people said they couldn't shave their hair or take the LOD's pads, but not only did that do that, but they also split them up. He says everyone knows they split the LOD up, not themselves. Dogg says they're no more and what they do doesn't cut it anymore. This is a new age, and they're its Outlaws, and he's already half drunk. They put their bags in the car and Cole leaves..........CHAINSAW CHARLIE COMES RUNNING OVER AND TRIES TO SAW THROUGH THE CAR. CACTUS JACK SMASHES A BAT ON THE WINDSHIELD. The Outlaws barely manage to escape driving off.

"The American Dream" The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust vs. Bradshaw
Goldust working all of Dusty's stuff and it backfires, so Goldust goes out and gets on the mic and says he's supposed to be bumping his little ass off for him so stop and let me beat you up:lmao This goes another minute or so before Bradshaw hits the big Clothesline for the win.

Backstage: Kevin Kelly tries to interview Hawk, but he just walks off with his bags.

Steve Blackman vs. The Rock (w/The Nation of Domination)
Pretty rough, Rock isn't their yet and Blackman needs another year or so. Rocky does his usual boots and punches, choking along with the Rocky elbow. Blackman doesn't sell a lick of damage. Rocky has it won but Faarooq gets on the apron to distract the ref, he and Rock argue until Blackman whips Rock into him, knocking him off the apron, but he kicks out of the schoolboy by Blackman that beat Faarooq two days prior. Faarooq distracts the ref and D'Lo throws in the nunchucks but overthrows them and Blackman catches them. He KO's Rock and covers for the win. *3/4

After the match; Rock argues with D'Lo as the rest of the Nation is confused. D'Lo then snitches and says Faarooq told him to do it. Rock demands Faarooq gets in the ring. He gets in and Rock blames him, but Faarooq blows him off and leaves. He then signals for everyone to follow and they do leaving Rocky alone in the ring.

Backstage: Kevin Kelly interviews Luna as she tapes her fists. He asks why she wasn't with Goldust earlier tonight, she says she's calm, cool, and collected as a time bomb of insanity waiting for the luscious Sable to make her grand appearance. She's the one who's going to take her Estee Lauder face and rearrange it into an Andy Warhol original. She's the vandal on her mind and from this point on, she'll be on her like maggots on road kill.

JR and King recap Kane/Vader from No Way Out, JR says Vader is having surgery to fix several broken bones in his face.

Commissioner Slaughter brings out a WWF referee in Earl Hebner and has him replace Tommy Young since this is a WWF show.

NWA Tag Team Championships: The Rock n' Roll Express (w/Jim Cornette) vs. The Headbangers
This was way too short and just didn't click, RnREX tease breaking up after some miscommunication just to hug it out. Mosh knocks Morton down but Cornette hits him in the back with the racket. He falls on top of Morton to win the belts. MEH!

Austin isn't here this week so check out his Road to WrestleMania 14

Marc Mero and Sable come out, but Mero orders Sable to the back.

WWF European Championship: Marc Mero (w/Sable) vs. Owen Hart
Goes about 5 minutes or so, Owen continues to rule on offense and bumping. Sable comes back out to steal the spotlight again. Mero doesn't completely suck, but he gets caught waiting for the next spot and doesn't do enough body blows. Owen makes a comeback, but Mero winds up piefacing the referee across the ring for the DQ.

After the match; Luna comes out to attack Sable, Goldust comes out along with refs and officials. And the woman has to be separated. But, Mero sucker punches Goldust and beats him down. LOOOOOOOOOOOL AT THIS BEING THE CLOSING ANGLE TWO WEEKS IN A ROW! Just goes to show how washed everyone that is not Austin or Shawn is.


Nov 13, 2010
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Thus NWA shit makes me glad Smoky Mountain died tbh.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: Shawn Michaels
WWF Intercontinental Champion: The Rock
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: Owen Hart
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku

March 2nd, 1998
Cleveland, Ohio

D-Generation X comes down to the ring, Hunter says the Road to WrestleMania officially begins tonight, and it goes like this. WrestleMania is now X-Rated, so parents need to get their children's permission to watch. Discretion is advised but will be completely ignored. Which leads me to Owen Hart, whos been dancing around the WWF with HIS European Title, but his run is about to come to a screeching halt. He's about to go through him like a hot knife through butter. Shawn then says from Owen Hart to Iron Mike Tyson, when Mike and his posse make it to the Gund Arena tonight, DX is gonna make him an offer he cannot and will not refuse. But in case for one reason or another, he makes the wrong decision, he will never ever forget D-Generation X and that's a promise. WrestleMania, Stone Cold Steve Austin. Will challenge the number one man in the WWF, he will take on The Showstopper, the Icon, the Main Event, the WWF Champion, "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels. And at WrestleMania XIV, he'll show the world that the toughest SOB is not tough enough to take on the Heartbreak Kid. Austin I showed you showed him once how close he could get to the WWF Championship, and tonight, Stone Cold will boogie to the sounds of Sweet Chin Music. Austin comes down to the ring and goes face to face with Shawn..............BUT THE LIGHTS GO OUT! Kand and Paul Bearer come out onto the stage. DX leaves Austin alone in the ring and Bearer has the mic. He says he won't have to worry about WrestleMania because this very evening, he'll cross the bridge to eternity and Kane will send him straight to hell.

Austin then leaves the ring and goes to the commentary table. He says this is the biggest BS he's ever seen. First, the lights go out, then Shawn is nowhere to be seen. SOMEONE GO GET ME A HOTDOG! I'm gonna whip Kane's ass tonight, it doesn't matter if he turns the lights on or off. I'll just bring a flashlight. Then I will go to WrestleMania and whip Shawn's ass and win the WWF title. And when Mike shows up I'll put on the gloves to whip his ass too, wanna know why...Cause Stone Cold said so, you piece of trash.

Mike Tyson along with Shane and two thugs pull up to the arena.

The New Age Outlaws are in neck braces, Road Dogg finally has the intro down :mark: A dumpster is at ringside and Dogg calls it their mascot. He says after last week attack, they've pressed charges and those two lunatics are up for murder in the first degree. Some people say they don't have a case and they show their personal handheld video from last week inside the car. Dogg apologizes to everyone and says you will not see the champions in action tonight, and they have a doctor's excuse. Sgt. Slaughter comes on the tron and says they're not hurt and orders them to wrestle right now. And the Tag Titles will be on the line.

WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws vs. The DOA (Skull & 8Ball)
About a minute of before the dumpsters open and it's Cactus and Charlie. The Outlaws bail through the crowd and get counted out.


Marc Mero and Sable come out but, Mero sends Sable to the back.

Tom Brandi vs. Marc Mero
Pretty average stuff, it's the standard 1998 match, just do stuff until the fuckery...And right on time here it comes. Luna comes out to watch on, but then she helps Mero by tripping up Brandi allowing Mero to hit the low blow and TKO for the win.

After the match; Mero is confused. Luna kisses him, but he shoves her off. He's really confused, but TAFKA Goldust comes in from behind and attacks Mero. Sable comes down to attack Luna and throws her around. Mero comes back and drives Goldust from the ring. Referees come out to calm it down, and Mero and Sable then argue again and she shoves Mero down.

The Nation of Domination come down to the ring, but SGT Slaughter comes out and sends ever but Mark Henry to the back.

WWF European Championship: Owen Hart vs. Mark Henry
Once again standard 1998 stuff, but god damn Owen is on his game here he goes after Marks' legs early to try to break him down, but when that does work he starts sticking and moving with running kick attacks. Chyna makes her way down to ringside to distract Owen. Which allows Mark to sneak up from behind and take over. Mark is still pretty green but he has some decent power moves. Owen is wary of her when he goes up top, but she shoves him off the top into a bear hug. Chyna then gets in and low blows Mark for the DQ. Saving the title for Hunter at Mania. Brilliant. **3/4

After the match; Cole asks Chyna why she did that, and she says "Because I can"

TAKA Michinoku & The Headbangers vs. Barry Windham & The Rock n' Roll Express (w/Jim Cornette)
Another minute match, RnREX have a cool little segment on TAKA before Mosh tags in, it all breaks down and Thrasher then wins after taking the racket away and hitting Ricky with it for the win. I didn't see it, as the cameraman was busy shooting a shitty brawl on the floor but JR told me it was the finish.

After the match; Cornette challenges the painted up freaks to a title rematch next week.


Vince McMahon comes down to the ring, Vince then introduces Mike Tyson. He asks if he's going to be the enforcer or if someone like Stone Cold Steve Austin will enforce his own rules. He asks the fans to have some respect and says that's what it's all about. He asks Tyson who he thinks will win, DX's music hits and out they come down to the ring. Referees and agents come down to try and get between DX and Tyson. Shawn says they're not here to disrespect him like Steve Austin did. Their style is to call people out face to face, so his name is Shawn Michaels. The Heartbreak Kid. The WWF Champion, And what he's doing right now is treating him like a man AND CALLING HIS ASS OUT RIGHT NOW AND RIGHT HERE. BOY. Tyson says he'll go right now and they get their people out of there. They shove each other, AND SHAWN RIPS TYSON'S SHIRT! BUT TYSON'S WEARING A DX SHIRT!


Backstage: DX-Tyson is celebrating.

SGT Slaughter again comes out to send every from the Nation apart from Kama to he back.

Steve Blackman vs. Kama Mustafa
Decent Blackman showcase, he does all his stuff and Kama gets a little bit of offense in before Steve makes his comeback. But, that brings out Faarooq and Rocky to jump him for the DQ. UNITY~! After the match; Faarooq hits the Dominator, and Rock follows with the Rock Bottom. Ken Shamrock runs out to save. Rocky and Faarooq get out of there, but Shamrock hits Kama with the side Belly to Belly.

OH FOR FUCK SAKE! Tennessee Lee is in the ring and introduces the greatest wrestler to ever come in the squared circle. The greatest entertainer of all time. The greatest singer too. DOUBLE J! Jarrett comes out in his classic attire. "Double J here, that's J-E-DOUBLE F (HA HA) J-A-DOUBLE R-E-DOUBLE T! JEFF JARRETT!" The world's greatest singer, the world's greatest entertainer, and the world's greatest wrestler! He says the NWA was not prepared for a man of Jeff Jarrett's stature, and only one man can promote Double J and do it right, and it's Tennessee Lee.

Jeff Jarrett (w/Tennesee Lee) vs. Flash Funk
Only gets a couple of minutes but really enjoyable, both men get their shit in. Jeff continues to be the best bumper when Shawn isn't wrestling. He makes all of Flash's stuff look good. He goes for the 450 but Lee shoves him off allowing Jeff to apply the figure four for the win. **1/4

Michael Cole is in the parking lot, he tries to interview Tyson but Hunter tells him to shut up. He says Tyson is a winner and wants to be surrounded by winners. Tyson says Stone Cold is gonna be knocked out cold, and they get Mike in the limo and he's driven away.

The fall of LOD video airs.

KANE and Paul Bearer come down to the ring, Paul says it was a shot heard 'round the world tonight when Mike Tyson joined DX. But the biggest shock to Steve Austin is going to be when he wakes up tomorrow morning side by side next to The Undertaker in the pits of Hell. Austin then comes out but Hunter is on the side of the stage, Austin goes up to Hunter but when he turns around Shawn hits him with a superkick. DX taunts as agents send them to the back, while refs check on Austin. Austin eventually gets up and goes after DX in the back.

Kane and Paul are still in the ring when Paul says under the circumstances there's something he'd like to do with Kane's help. He has Kane go get the ring bell from the floor, BUT KANE CHOKE THROWS A FAN IN AN AUSTIN 3:16 SHIRT OVER THE RAILINGS! Kane stomps him out before getting the bell and the timekeeper. Paul says several weeks ago, he forgot something, and that's to pay last respects to The Undertaker. He says to toll the bell ten times. And the timekeeper does it. Paul says to ring it once more for him, AND KANE HITS HIM WITH THE CHOKESLAM! Paul calls for the Tombstone, so Kane hits it. Paul says they've come to the end of a long long road. Kane's done exactly what he told all you leeches of the night what he said he was going to do. For all the people that laughed at the fat man and called him a liar. His Kane has one more Tombstone left in his giant body and isn't finished yet. Vader is gone. referees, timekeepers, and wrestlers have all gone down at the hands of his Kane. Paul asks for someone to step up............................................GONG! THE LIGHTS GO OUT! GONG! Paul says it's not him, he's gone. But the GONG! still hits. A LIGHTNING BOLT HITS A CASKET ON THE STAGE AND IT BURSTS OPEN!

THE UNDERTAKER SITS UP! He stands up on the stage and says WELCOME TO HELL! And the demon who will lead him into eternal damnation. Kane has disappointed him. Was that the best effort he could put together at the Royal Rumble? Did he think that could destroy him? You cannot destroy that which does not wish to perish. And Paul? The audacity to come out here week after week and claim responsibility for his disappearance. On those times when he returns to the world of darkness, it's of his own accord. A time for the truth and spiritual healing. On this trip, he was soothing the souls of his parents as he had to explain to them why he would have to do the one thing he would promise never to do. Paul says he's not the phenom anymore, and he's standing next to the real phenom. KANE SETS OFF FIRE ON THE STAGE BUT TAKER WALKS THROUGH IT! And says "HE WILL WALK THROUGH THE FIRES OF HELL TO FACE HIM" And he will understand why he is the Lord of Darkness. Remember when we were kids and we use to fight, mother and father use to pull me off. Well, at WrestleMania NO ONE WILL BE ABLE TO PULL ME OFF! May the hounds of Hell eat his rotting soul. REST IN PEACE!


Nov 13, 2010
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"nobody watches wrestling for the wretling bro" :russo


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: Shawn Michaels
WWF Intercontinental Champion: The Rock
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: Owen Hart
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku

March 9th, 1998
Wheeling, West Virginia

Faarooq & The Rock (w/The Nation of Domination) vs. Steve Blackman & Ken Shamrock
This is decent, but fuck all that. KEVIN KELLY WAS THE ONE TO DUB IT THE PEOPLES ELBOW. NOT KING OR EVEN JR! FUCKING' KEVIN KELLY. The Nation iso both Ken and Steve for like a combined minute and 10 seconds. Shamrock's hot tag was good though as the match breaks down, the rest of the Nation jump in for the DQ. I should point out during the match, some weird static thing keeps popping up on the screen. JR is confused by it, as am i.

After the match; The Nation beat down Shamrock, but Rocky pulls Faarooq off and says he wants him one on one. So Faarooq leaves with the Nation. Ken fights back and hits the belly-2-belly and applies the Ankle Lock as Faarooq holds the Nation back on the ramp. Refs and agents have to pull Shamrock off.

HHH and Chyna come down to the ring, Hunter says this week is another episode of DX's pre-WrestleMania showdown. As always, this week's show is stamped X-rated. Discretion is advised, but once again, will be completely ignored. He says last week, Chyna got inside Owen Hart's itty bitty little head and this week, she might take it to a more physical level if she wants to. Before they bring you your Main Event, the Showstopper, the Icon who unfortunately cannot be with them tonight, he plays the clips from last week of the kick. They then send it to Shawn in San Antonio. He says they acquired the greatest commodity in the world today, Iron Mike Tyson. The Baddest Man on the Planet is now in DX. And now he wonders what that does to the odds since he's the special enforcer. And kind of in his corner, right? Then he went out and did what he told the world he would do. He made the baddest SOB in the WWF found out he was just like everyone else. He goes down whether he likes it or not. He knows he'll be all mad and beat everyone up, but the reason he's the WWF Champ is because he's dealt with that before. He hasn't shown him anything new. He's a fad, but he is what's ALWAYS going to be the WWF. He's the Heartbreak Kid, and he's not stepping down for anybody. He doesn't lay down for anyone, and he's not doing it for Steve.

HHH and Chyna join commentary kicking Kevin Kelly off who just stands on the side.

Static again messes up the backstage shots.

WWF European Championship: Owen Hart vs. Barry Windham (w/Jim Cornette)
Barry is useless, he dominates and contributes nothing He refuses to take bumps so he makes Owen look like shit for the majority. And Hunter buries him on commentary too. They go to the floor and Owen rolls Barry back in. Jim distracts the ref and Chyna gets a low blow, so Owen gets counted out, but still retains. *1/2

After the match; Bradshaw comes out to attack Barry. The then show footage of Owen rolling his ankle in the ring, so now we have an injury angle.

Backstage: Mero is getting handcuffed to Sable.

Backstage: Jerry Lawler is interviewing Paul Bearer and Kane, Lawler brings up the Undertaker but Bearer cuts him off saying he wants to talk about his KANE destroying Vader and how his Kane broke his face, not The Undertaker. Lawler keeps mentioning Taker and every time he does, a small locker door flies open and then shut and Bearer says to quit it. Bearer says he'll tell the truth tonight and all the doors begin opening and closing, so both Bearer and Lawler run away as Kane just stares at it.

At ringside, Kevin Kelly says he spoke to someone in the truck and it's not technical difficulties, he can't explain it.

Aguila (w/TAKA Michinoku) vs. Brian Christopher (w/Jerry "THE KING" Lawler)
Angle match to put over the "not technical difficulties" stuff. But this does have some cool Aguila spots and dives like a corkscrew plancha, the AJ's moonsault reverse DDT onto the steel ramp. The lights begin to flicker and shit, I guess Taker has arrived at the building. They start to really get going but then Lawler punks out TAKA and throws him into the post. Moments later Lawler also crotches Aguila up top, but the ref sees it and calls a DQ. *3/4

Backstage: Stone Cole arrives, he drops all his bags on the floor and comes out through the side entrance. He marches down to the ring and grabs a mic, he says he stopped by the truck and he's got some video he's been watching all week long and it's got him all pissed off. This whole thing about Mike Tyson being the baddest man on the planet is getting a little old, and shows video of Vince calling Tyson that again last week. He focuses on Vince calling Tyson UNQUESTIONABLY the baddest man and says that's an insult. If you think he's insulting Stone Cold Steve Austin, give him a HELL YEAH! He goes out and brings in a chair and says he's prepared to sit out here for the 2 hours until Vince McMahon brings his sorry ass out. He asks for some beer since he ain't going nowhere. Jerry Brisco and Jack Lanza come out to try and calm him down. Austin threatens them not to get in his ring, so they leave instead. He sits back down until Commissioner Slaughter comes down. Austin tells him to bring him Vince McMahon, and that's an order, jackass. Austin says he can't make him do nothing. What's he gonna suspend or fire him with WrestleMania right around the corner? If he doesn't come out, he'll go back there and just beat his ass.

Backstage: Brisco tells Vince that he's the only one who can stop this, and Vince shakes his head.

Back from break, security is sent down with Pat Patterson as Austin's still out there. Austin says they ain't got no guns or weapons, so if they dare he will knock their lights out. Security leaves and Vince finally comes out with Brisco, Slaughter, and Earl Hebner. Austin says he told the world he was the world's toughest son of a bitch, but he follows around Mike Tyson like a little puppy dog and blows smoke up his ass, and it makes him sick. Austin says he's pissed on him, yanked the carpet out from under him, and insulted him for the last time. He's as guilty as Shawn Michaels is of trying to provoke him. Vince says it was just a figure of speech. Baddest man on the planet is just a figure of speech. So Austin gives him the finger and says so was that. Austin says Vince doesn't want to see him as WWF Champion and asks if he's right. He asks Vince to give him a HELL YEAH if he wants him to be WWF Champion. Vince doesn't say anything...Vince tries to leave but Austin stops him from him and says he'll give him the first shot now that there's nothing left for them to do. Austin tears his jacket pocket and yells at him to do something. He doesn't and Austin says to either hit him or get his yellow ass out of his ring because he's had enough of him. Vince plays calm so Austin forces him out of the ring, Vince says he will pay for that. Austin says nobody wants him as WWF Champion and as for Triple H he is in the wrong place at the wrong time tonight, and he's gonna kick him in his ass if he sees him tonight. Shawn Michaels might not be here tonight, but the next time he sees him, he ain't asking him to lay down. He's gonna knock his ass down, beat him 1-2-3, and that belt is his. And that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so.


The Quebecers vs. Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie
Brawl to start before it settles down into a tradisional match, Quebecers isolate Funk for a bit. It's cool and Funk does his amazing drunk Funk bumping. Cactus' hot tag is okay, he cleans house as the match breaks down. Funk misses the Moonsault and Piere hits the 'rana off the top for two. Quebecers miss the double team which leads to Jack hitting the double arm DDT for the win. **1/4

Road Dogg comes out on to the stage, he has his arm in a sling. He says you two hardcore fossils saw him come out last week with a brace around his neck, but like the plague, they've spread to his shoulder. If they thought the dumpster ride was fun, wait until WrestleMania. At less than 100%, he can't take them both on, but he'll take one of them at half strength. Cactus leaves to go up the ramp. But, Gunn hopes the rails and nails Funk in the back with a chair. Cactus sees it on the tron and runs back to make the save. The Outlaws bail as Funk and Cactus walk up the ramp after them.


I just realized they didn't do the WARZONE intro. Thank god, that was dumb. Anyway, Kane and Paul Bearer come out. Paul says so, Undertaker you decided to come back. Oh, what a mistake he's made. He's had a week to think about it and the more he thinks about it, the hotter and hotter he gets. Can't he understand that they did him a favor by sending him back to the dark side. He could have stayed there with his poor mother and father and rested in peace for eternity, but NO! You had to comeback. Kane has only just begun, like a fire on a stove. You turn it notch by notch and it gets hotter and hotter until it turns into an inferno. He's stepped back into an inferno, and this is not a game. GONG! TAKER IS IN THE RING WHEN THEY COME BACK ON. THE LIGHTS GO OUT AGAIN AND HE'S GONE WHEN THEY COME BACK! Bearer says at WrestleMania, he'll stand in this ring eye to eye with his brother, and he'll wrestle him to the finish and go back to the dark side, never to return.

The Artest Formerly Known As Goldust (w/Luna) vs. Marc Mero (w/Sable)
Luna and Sable are both handcuffed to the ringpost. TRASH! They do stuff but no one gives a fuck, so Goldust punches the ref and the match just ends. Goldust gets the key out of his pocket and then attacks Mero. He un-handcuffs Luna from around the post and tells her to be good. They go slowly over to Sable and Goldust taunts her. Luna grabs her and starts rubbing black make up all over Sable's face before referees come out to pull her off.

Backstage: Goldust and Luna are standing by and JR asks what's gotten into them. Goldust says he's sick and tired of holding Luna back and blowing himself up night after night when she needs to get a piece of Sable's ass. It's high time that they both get what they want and they issue a challenge for a mixed tag at WrestleMania.

A video package on all the media coverage Tyson is getting with the WWF.

JR sits down with Mike Tyson and asks about all this. Tyson says he's always wanted to have some kind of participation, but he was skeptical about how he would be treated. JR asks about the near-fight with Stone Cold. Tyson says he's the former and future champion of the world and for him to disrespect him, he won't take that from Steve Austin or anybody. Steve pissed him off pretty bad. JR asks about the alignment with DX and asks how he can be fair now. Tyson says everyone uses someone. He says JR probably used someone to get the spot he's in now, he's never been treated fair. Get with the program, man. Fair is winning.

Savio Vega vs. Triple H (w/Chyna)
Refs, officials and Savio's crew are all at ringside........And this goes all of 10 seconds until Austin comes down the ramp, he walks past everyone and gets into the ring. He hits Brisco, one of the refs and Savio all get hit with a stunner..........BUT SHAWN MICHAELS IS HERE! HE HETS AUSTIN WITH ANOTHER SUPERKICK and Huner begins punching away at him.
Chyna brings Shawn a chair, but the show fades out before he hits it.

FUCKING WCW Booking to end the show.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: Shawn Michaels
WWF Intercontinental Champion: The Rock
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: Owen Hart
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku

March 17th, 1998
Phoenix, Arizona

Ken Shamrock comes down to the ring, Kevin Kelly is in the ring, he shows footage of Ken destroying Rocky once the Nation left. He asks Ken about his temper and if he can keep in in check with the title being on the line. Shamrock says he's fought in no holds barred and when it comes to losing his temper, he prides himself on discipline. He says he's lost his temper a few times, but it's also saved his life a couple of times. And when it comes to WrestleMania, nobody has to worry about him losing his temper except for Rocky. When Rocky steps into his zone, there will be a NEW Intercontinental Champion. He calls himself the People's Intercontinental Champion, but come WrestleMania they would find out who the real one is. Rocky and the Nation come out. Rock says "KNOW YOUR ROLE, AND SHUT YOUR MOUTH" because the People's Champ is ready to talk, The Rock is sick of this jabroni whining about what he's going to do to The Rock, but he couldn't last two minutes with any member of the Nation, let alone the People's Champ. Seeing how The Rock is the people's champ and is calling all the shots if Kenny can last two minutes, he'll give him a shot at the IC Title tonight on Raw is War. He sends D'Lo down and tells him to know his role and go get the job done. D'Lo comes out and Ken says to shut his monkey ass up. He turns his back and says he doesn't care about this monkey. HOLY SHIT!

Ken Shamrock vs. D'Lo Brown
D'Lo attacks him from behind, cause RACISM! Awesome hot 1:50, both men bump big and do some dope things on offense before Ken makes a comeback. He hits the Belly-2-Belly and locks in the Ankle Lock. But from behind the Rock nails Ken in the back with a chair. Ken is on his knees and dares him to hit him with a chair so ROCKY FUCKING KILLS HIM! Ken is out cold, so Faarooq takes the chair away and Rocky storms off.


Backstage: Kevin Kelly is with Shamrock, who can barely stand. He confirms Ken has a concussion as you hear him refusing to go to the hospital.

Tonight: Charlie vs. Gunn, and Vince talks about last week.

Sable comes down to the ring, she calls Luna a "LITTLE BITCH" and says it's time to settle this once and for all, so she challenges her to a fight one on one on RAW tonight. And if she has any guts she'll be here so she can kick her ass.

The Phoenix Suns Gorilla mascot comes down from the rafters, he dances all around ringside before having a seat next to JR and Cole.

Tom Brandi is in the ring, but FUCK ALL THAT............JEFF JARRETT RIDES A FUCKN' HORSE OUT TO RINGSIDE!

Tom Brandi vs. Jeff Jarrett (w/Tennessee Lee)
AWFUL! Jeff almost breaks his neck off the rude awaking, before locking in the Figure Four.


Backstage: Kevin Kelly is giving us an update on Shamrock when the Rock butts in he tells Kelly to Know his role and shut his mouth. He says he couldn't give two pieces of monkey crap about Ken Shamrock. His concern is with who the WWF is going to have him face at WrestleMania now. He knows it's hard and next to impossible to find anyone on the Rock's level, but they have to try. If Ken Shamrock is still alive after all of this, then he can enjoy WrestleMania and The Rock from the comfort of his own home.
Awesome Shawn Michaels Video Package airs
So on Shotgun, RnREX faced the Headbangers, and if the Headbangers won. One of them would get Jim alone for 5 minutes. Well, The Headbangers won but after the match. Thrasher got KO'ed with a chair so Jim taunted and beat him up before pinning him. So Slaughter made this match.

Handicap Match: The Rock n' Roll Express & Jim Cornette vs. The Headbangers
Usual stuff, RnREX bump around and make this enjoyable, Headbangers don't completely stink it up so that's a nice surprise. The Headbangers win with the Stage Dive. After the Match; The Headbangers throw Cornette into the ring. BUT BOB HOLLY AND BART GUNN ATTACK FROM BEHIND! They tie Thrasher up in the ropes as Holly hits a super spinebuster off the top. They then hit a sidewalk slam and splash off the top. Cornette grabs the mic and says for eight years, fans have begged him to bring back the Midnight Express. He's done it! HE GIVES YOU BOMBASTIC BOB AND BODACIOUS BART! THE NEW MIDNIGHT EXPRESS! He then has them beat up the RnREX.

The Suns gorilla is back..................BUT THE LIGHTS GO OUT! Kane and Paul Bearer come out. Kane hits him with the Chokeslam and Tombstone. PYRO~!


Owen Hart comes out in a walking boot. He hobbles down and joins commentary, he says he will not be missing WrestleMania.

The New Age Outlaws come out with a dumpster and it has "Jack's House" spraypainted on it.

Chainsaw Charlie vs. Billy Gunn (w/Road Dogg)
Dogg has a mic and talks down Funk the whole match. Gunn beats him down before hitting two piledrivers but refuses to cover, so Funk mounts a comeback he hits a DDT but Road Dogg whips Funk in the back with the tag title for the DQ. After the match; Funk fights off both men and hits Gunn with a DDT on one of the titles. Cactus Jack comes out by the dumpster and Funk hogties Road Dogg around the legs with the rope that the gorilla rode down and Cactus has the other end in a pull system. They try to raise him up, but stop after a little bit and punch at him in the air. Cactus says he has a confession to make, and it's that he doesn't know how to get him down SO HIS ASS BETTER CALL SOMEBODY. BANG BANG!

Backstage: Luna and Goldust are standing by, Luna calls Sable an ignorant little slut and says no one tells her what to do. She'll give her another makeover tonight, but when she decides.

Kevin Kelly is in the ring and introduces Mr. McMahon who gets boooooo'ed out of the building.Vince says last week was very unfortunate and very unprofessional, and Kelly shows the video footage. He says he can understand giving Austin the benefit of the doubt after Austin was stunned by Shawn Michaels' mental acumen when he brought Mike Tyson into DX. Kelly then shows the footage of Austin daring Vince to hit him, and Vince says he does what he does which is a professional standpoint for WWF fans all over the world. Kelly asks what that means and Vince says, he was saving the main event. How could Stone Cold Steve Austin compete for the WWF Title at WrestleMania with a broken jaw? VINCEGAWD! Kelly asks about being ordered out of his ring and Vince repeats that he does what he does for all the WWF fans all over the world. It would not have looked good if he had taken Austin down. Kelly repeats Stone Cold's question about if he wants to see Stone Cold Steve Austin as the WWF Champion, yes or no. Vince says it DOESN'T Matter what he thinks it matters what the WWF fans think, not him. Kelly pushes and asks again, and Vince says if Austin would be reasonable and be molded into a respectful WWF Champion, it would be one thing. But if he becomes WWF Champion as we know him now, it would be a public relations corporate nightmare. Kelly asks for a direct answer, yes or no. Vince says it's not just a NO!, it's an "OH! HELL, NO!" and he leaves after saying that's the bottom line because Vince McMahon said so.

Awesome Steve Austin Video Package airs.

Triple H comes out, he challenges Owen Hart to a match tonight. He asks if he's really a man because a man wouldn't run and hide and cower behind a desk. A man would accept a challenge and he's challenging him right now for that title. Owen says Hunter is the guy who challenges someone in a cast, and Hunter says they both know his leg is fine and asks if he's a loser or a coward and a punk. Owen says in 12 days, he'll kick his ass. Hunter shoves him out of the chair and says to suck it. Owen gets up to fight and beats him around ringside. They roll into the ring, and the bell rings.

WWF European Championship: Triple H vs. Owen Hart
About 40 seconds, Hunter sends him into the ring post he then distracts the ref and Chyna comes down and nails Owen in the bad ankle with a baseball bat. Owen is out cold after being hit in the ankle so Hunter locks in a calf crusher type move and the refs stops it. NEW CHAMP!

Hunter grabs the mic and says you people wanted to see the best you saw it, he tells Owen to get his ass outta here and if he knows what's smart he won't bring it on the 29th because he'll send him back to Canada once and for all in a wheelchair. TWO WORDS FOR YA! SUCK IT!

Luna comes out with TAFKA Goldust while Sable comes out with Mero, referees immediately come out to try and restrain them and they just have a pull apart. They finally let them fight and Sable gets the best of it until TAFKA Goldust pulls her out to safety. Sable hurt her knee during this, BUT THE LIGHTS OUT AND KANE'S MUSIC HITS! He and Paul Bearer come down to the ring. They get to the apron and Mero bails while she can't stand up. And yells he's going to get help :lmao Bearer says well, well, well. BUT, GONG! AND THE LIGHTS GO OUT! THE UNDERTAKER IS ON TOP OF THE TRON! He says he will strike down upon thee with anger and furious vengeance. He will deliver him to the fiery pits of eternal damnation. He will know his name as the Lord of Darkness, little brother I felt your wrath, and now you will feel mine. Too late to turn back. The only thing he can do now is REST IN PEACE.



Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: Shawn Michaels
WWF Intercontinental Champion: The Rock
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: Triple H
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku

March 23rd, 1998
Tucson, Arizona

For some reason, Kevin Kelly tries to deepen his voice when he introduces Stone Cold Steve Austin. He asks Austin about Vince's comments last week. Austin takes the mic and says to shut the hell up. Last week, Vince McMahon made it perfectly clear that he does not want Steve Austin as the WWF Champion. He said maybe he could be molded, but you cannot mold Steve Austin. You cannot break Stone Cold. In his eyes, he might be the biggest piece of trash he ever saw, but he does what he wants when he wants, and can't nobody stop him. Right now, the single most important thing is to get Shawn Michaels' ass in this ring at WrestleMania and beat it 1-2-3. He's got all the respect in the world for him as a professional wrestler and it will be THE toughest match of his life. The WWF and Vince McMahon can throw as much trash and horse shit at him as they want and he'll walk through it all because he wants Shawn Michaels' ass. Kevin says DX and Tyson are on their way to the arena in full force. Austin says and HE'S NOT? Austin says don't make me do it, I will snap you just like that. He says that's all fine with him because he's got the night off. He's gonna be sitting in the back with a big cooler full of Steveweisers and he's gonna be drinking every last one of 'em. Commish Slaughter comes down and Austin says he can't have one of his beers. Slaughter says he will wrestle tonight against The Rock. Austin says he'll wrestle him and turn his lights off like that and Slaughter says if he doesn't wrestle, his match at WrestleMania XIV will be a non-title match.....So, Austin hits him with the stunner.


Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie vs. The Quebecers
FUCK YEAH! Rematch. Sadly this only goes a few minutes, the faces dominate early ass the Outlaws come out in suits. They wheel a dumpster out but also have a mini table set up with champagne and blow up sex dolls dressed as Cactus and Funk. Cactus leaves to go after them, but that leaves Funk alone so the Quebecers get the jump on him and take over. Heat segment wasn't good it was like a minute until the Outlaws jump them for the DQ. He hits them with the champagne ice bucket. While Dogg brings down the mini table for Gunn to nail Funk with it. Dogg then grabs a chair and they SPIKE PILEDRIVE CACTUS ONTO THE CHAIR!

Tennessee Lee is in the ring and introduces J.E.DOUBLE F J.A.DOUBLE R.E.DOUBLE T. Jeff comes out riding a horse again.

Jeff Jarrett (w/Tennessee Lee) vs. Steve Blackman
Solid TV match for 1998, they go back and forth doing moves to one another. Jeff usually uses his experience to stop Blackman before he can really get things going but, Blackman would comeback with his unorthodox style which would throw Jeff off. The match ends when Lee pulls Blackman's leg dropping him off the top, allowing Jeff to cover, then from the floor, Lee grabs Blackman's legs stopping him from kicking out so Jeff wins.

After the match; another ref comes out to snitch on the finish so Lee shoves Jeff into the ref, Blackman comes over and beats down Jeff and hits the Bicycle Kick. Lee then bails to the back.

In the parking lot, a white limo pulls up. It's D-GENERATION X & Tyson.

A video package on Kane's night last week.

The Undertaker is in the graveyard next to his mother and father's tombstones. He says he's done some things in his life of which he's not very proud. And he's sure there have been occasions where he hasn't lived up to their expectations of him. He's come to his crossroads. The Devil himself stands before him in the form of his own brother, Kane. He asks for forgiveness for the sin he's about to commit. It's so heinous but it has to be done, and in the end, he only hopes that together as one, they can rest in peace, a family once again. And if that's not that case, he alone will serve his penance. He has no other choice. He has to fight. Just know I love you.

Kane and Paul Bearer come down to the ring, Paul says he's so sick and tired of hearing The Undertaker whining and crying about his dead momma and daddy and all this ga-ga about the truth. The truth is that his brother Kane has the same powers as he does. Bearer says to give a demonstration and Kane sends lightning up to the lighting truss. Bearer calls for more, so Kane sends lightning to stroke the announces table. Paul says he's sick of that damn spotlight so Kane kills it with more lightning. Bearer asks if the fans are believers yet. He says the Undertaker better believe because it'll be all over at WrestleMania. Chiseled in stone forever. He says this is all The Undertaker's fault. It was his fault his parents perished in that fire and that his brother was locked up for twenty years and that he brought him to the WWF. Paul says he has had enough of all these people so he orders Kane to do what he has to. KANE CALLS DOWN LIGHTNING ONTO A CREW MEMBER AND HE'S ON FIRE! Paul blames Taker for all of this and says The Undertaker will burn for eternity at WrestleMania.


The DOA vs. The NEW Midnight Express (w/Jim Cornette)
This is bad and is just here so JR can talk about some 30 man tag team battle royal fuckery at Mania. The Headbangers, Quebecers, RNREX, and other teams all come out to watch. So, you guessed it turns into a brawl and the match just ends the match.


D-Generation X comes down to the ring, Hunter says it's DX rated, kids, put your parents to bed and lets cut to the chase. He shows footage of the ending of his Owen match last week and him winning the Euro title. He says the fact that Chyna will be handcuffed to the chin at WrestleMania won't be a factor. Make no mistake about it, he owns Owen Hart. He says to milk this injury for all he can, or he'll send him back to Calgary in a wheelchair for good. Shawn says rips some ugly big titty thot in the crowd calling her a skank. He says for the last 3 weeks, he's been listening to Vince McMahon and Stone Cold Steve Austin in what looks to him to be the world's biggest pinch fight. They already have a catfight at WrestleMania, and they don't need two more chicks smacking each other around. He says he appreciates the support, but if he can leave his opinions at home because neither of them gives a damn what he thinks. He'd better forget about Vince McMahon or stunning Sgt. Slaughter for the hundredth time. He needs to think about one thing and one thing only, the WWF Championship belt around the waist of the Heartbreak Kid. There's only one way for him to achieve this dream he's been waiting for. Shawn says He'll give him his ONCE chance, but he's got to beat the greatest WWF Champion of all time, and there's another small little problem he might have at WrestleMania. Their special enforcer, THE BADDEST MAN ON THE PLANET, IRON MIKE TYSON! Shawn asks him what happens if Stone Cold gets his way. TYSON says "HE'S GONNA KNOCK HIM THE F..... OUT" Shawn asks who will come out the WWF Champion. "YOU WILL, HEARTBREAK!" Shawn asks who will still be the baddest man on the planet, "I WILL, HEARTBREAK" D-Generation X, from now until they say differently, will forever rule the World Wrestling Federation.

JR announces if The Rock gets DQ'ed at Mania he will lose the Intercontinental Championship.

The Nation of Domination come out, but Faarooq sends everyone to the back.

Chainz vs. Faarooq
TRASH! The Rock comes out to ringside with a chair. He comes in with it but Faarooq signals to stay back. He lowers his head and Rock swings anyways and probably on purpose hits Faarooq in the head with the chair too for the DQ. After the match; Rock pretends it was an accident and calls out the rest of the Nation to get Faarooq to the back.

Barry Windham and Jim Cornette come down to the ring, RnREX then come out into the crowd to watch on.

Barry Windham (w/Jim Cornette) vs. Bradshaw
Bradshaw dominates for 3 minutes, he signals for the LARIAT! But Barry ducks and connects with a DDT taking over. Jim continues to argue with RnREX that distracts Barry too for some reason, so Bradshaw rolls him up. After the match; Barry and the New Midnights attack Bradshaw and leave, then the RnREX hope the rails loooooooooooooool.

Kevin Kelly and that MOTHERFUCKER Vic Venom are in the ring, Mero and Sable come out. Mero says Sable's success has come courtesy of a ride on his coattails, but he wants her to bask in the glow this one time by herself, and he leaves. Kelly says this is also for Sunny because of a high selling split cover but says Sunny is sick tonight.TAFKA Goldust and Luna come out and Luna takes the plaque and begins beating Sable with it. Mero runs back out to check on Sable.

The Rock (w/The Nation of Domination) vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin
Good, but clearly held back for when it matters. This gets like 8 or 9 minutes so that's cool. They wrestle to start but once Rocky flips off Austin, they turn it up into the more brawl style. Rocks punches and kicks look so good here. Rock avoids the Stunner and bails to the floor to meet with his Nation brothers. So, Austin takes out Mark and goes after the Rock. I like that everytime Austin starts turning up Rock would bail or stall, he suckers Austin in and gets D'Lo to distract Austin, allowing Rocky to jump him from behind. Rock beats him around the ring before rolling him back in, as we go to break. When we return Austin tries a desperation sleeper but Rocky backs him into the corner and takes over again. The People's elbow connects but only gets two. Rock goes for it again but misses and Austin hits the Stunner out of nowhere for the win. **1/2

After the match; D'Lo comes in with a chair, but Austin cuts him off with a Stunner too. He takes the chair and nobody else comes in as DX's music hits. They come out onto the stage and Shawn has the microphone. He says he's turned his lights out twice with SCM and this Sunday, he'll turn his lights out for the last time. Austin gives him the finger, so Shawn goes to fight, but Hunter holds him back.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: Shawn Michaels
WWF Intercontinental Champion: The Rock
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: Triple H
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku


WWF WrestleMania XIV
March 29th, 1998
FleetCenter: Boston, Massachusetts

15 Team Battle Royal to determine the #1 contenders to the WWF Tag Team Championship
This is basically all the tag teams and jobbers, undercard guys not good enough to make the card. LOD 2000 make their return with Sunny in her greatest outfit ever. Neither JR or King tell us who the oddball team are so Blackman and Funk are in but I don't know if they're a team Bradshaw is here for some reason, nevermind Windham comes out and throws Chainz out so JR tells up Bradshaw is out too. Dope heel tactics. D'Lo and Jacques are the next guys out. The keeps going until The final four teams are LOD, Godwins, LOD, and DOA. Godwinns get rid of DOA. LOD get rid of them next so it's down to NEW Midnights vs. LOD, which happens for a few minutes. The Godwinns return and attacked the LOD with slop buckets before leaving. Bart and Bob tried to keep Animal out of the ring while double teaming Hawk, but once he gets back in LOD simultaneously eliminated both Bob and Bart, for the win.

Recap of media week.

WWF Light Heavyweight Championship: Aguila vs. TAKA Michinoku
The challenger getting a jobber entrance at mania, just lets me know how serious this match is being taken. Super fun for 6 minutes tons of dives and spots, they blend the Lucha and Japanese styles really well. Granted nobody sold a lick, but fuckit this is so much fun. Aguila goes for a spot off the top but TAKA hits a dropkick in mid-air and follows with the Michinoku Driver for the win. **3/4

Earlier Today; Gennifer Flowers interviews The Rock. He makes her call him the People's Intercontinental Champ, she then asks him if he was the leader of the country how would he lead us. He then says the term leader is beneath The Rock. A more appropriate term is ruler. She asks if he was the ruler how he would handle the homeless. Rock says it's a touchy subject, but as long as he has his South Beach palatial palace and those bums keep their cardboard homes off The Rock's freshly mowed grass, everything's copacetic. She asks about the judicial system and Rock says as long as his fans realize he's the judge and jury, everything out of find. Actually, if The Rock were the jury, 9 times out of 10, he'd be a hung jury, if you smell what he's cooking. She asks how he would run the White House. Rock says as long as all the interns knew their damn role and didn't get out of line and do anything "oral'ly wrong, excuse The Rock, MORALLY wrong" then he wouldn't have to lay the smack down in a major way.

The DX band plays Triple H and Chyna to the ring.

WWF European Championship: Triple H (w/Chyna) vs. Owen Hart [Chyna Handcuffed to Sgt. Slaughter At Ringside]
Owen wastes no time taking the fight to Hunter before the bell rings, Chyna tries to get involved but SGT pulls her back and he taunts her, he then sees Hunter coming off the apron but he moves and Hunter crashes into the rails and knocks some poor fan off his chair. Owen tries the Sharpshooter in the ring but Hunter rakes the eyes and takes over again. They kinda just aimlessly do stuff not really caring I don't wanna say it feels lazy but like filler for what they really wanted to do. It also really lacks that hate, like it had during the build. After about 5 minutes or so, Hunter finally targets the "injured" ankle. It's good but Owen clearly isn't interested in selling like at all. So Hunter just gives up and they trade near falls until Owen locks in the Sharpshooter but with one hand Chyna pulls Hunter to the ropes. Owen gets pissed and begins hammering away on Hunter so Chyan throws power in Sarge's eyes blinding him. Owen sees this and rushes over which allows Hunter to knee him in the back, the ref backs him up so, from behind Chyna low blows him and Hunter hits the pedigree for the win. **1/2

After the Match; The ref frees Chyna and she nails Slaughter with a forearm and throws him into the rails.

The Artist Formerly Known as Goldust & Luna vs. Marc Mero & Sable
I wouldn't have given them 11 minutes, but I'm not mad at it. Crowd is super hot for sable and I don't blame them she looks amazing tonight. I like that they play off Luna avoiding Sable at all cost so she's forced to tag out, Sable isn't good but who cares. Mero working face is meh, so we don't get the body blows UGH! Goldust busts out the GOAT punches so that's a plus. They do a double crossbody so both men are slow to their corners. The woman finally gets in and Sable comes out like a truck on offense beating up Luna and taking shots at Goldust. She throws these awesome forearms before the men get back in for a bit for a much better showing. Sable and Luna get back in with again Sable running wild, she hits the TKO for the win. **1/4

Tennessee Lee is in the ring, he introduces two of the finest songbirds in the world. First, it's Gennifer Flowers and DOUBLE J THAT IS J.E.DOUBLE F J.A.DOUBLE R.E.DOUBLE T! AIN'T HE GREAT?! Jarrett asks her how great he is. She says she's been with great, and he's great. Jarrett and Lee leave, and she does ring intros for the next match.

WWF Intercontinental Championship: The Rock (w/The Nation of Domination) vs. Ken Shamrock
Faarooq is the only one not at ringside. This is a little under 5 minutes, but super fun. Rocks puts and punches look way better, and the People's Elbow only gets two. For like the 3rd time they brawl on the floor, and Shamrock gets the chair. He brings it in but the ref takes it away or he tries but Shamrock just shoves him out of the way. Rocky grabs the chair and again FUCKING CAVES IN KEN'S FACE! HOLY SHIT! Ken doesn't even get his hands up to block. Rock covers but only gets two. Ken comes back immediately hitting all his stuff, he hits the belly-2-belly and applies the Ankle Lock forcing Rocky to tap out. **1/2


After the match; Ken hits the Nation with belly-2-bellies, and goes back to applying the Ankle Lock. Faarooq runs down and gets on the apron, but stops and goes to the back. Ken refuses to break until refs and officials come out..........But, Ken snaps and starts hitting the refs with belly-2-bellies. Patterson and more referees calm him, and The Rock is stretchered out, BUT IT'S ANNOUNCED THAT THE DECISION IS OVERTURNED AND ROCK RETAINS ON A DQ! Shamrock bolts up the ramp and shoves the stretcher over and beats on Rock some more before taunting for the crowd.

Dumpster match for the WWF Tag Team Championships: Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie vs. The New Age Outlaws
Funk/Gunn pair off on one side, while Jack and Dogg brawl by the dumpster. This is fucking great. It's violent, hard-hitting and just a blast. Awesome spot with Jack about to cannonball himself into Dogg who is backed up next to the dumpster but Gunn makes a desperation save by baseball sliding Dogg out of the way. The Outlaws begin taking turns slamming the lid onto the back of Funk and Jacks head. Tons of baking trey shots and offense with it. Jack then brings out a ladder and climbs it but Gunn low blows Funk and climbs the ladder too. Dogg then nails Funk with the trey who bumps into the ladder sending Jack and Gunn into the dumpster. HOLY SHIT! They powerbomb Funk into the Dumpster and fight Jack all the way to the back and to the loading docks area. FUNK IS BACK! And is in a forklift He has both Outlaws on it and drops them in a dumpster. And Cactus closes the lid. Funk then lowers the forks trapping the Outlaws inside for the win. ***


Epic Undertaker/Kane video package airs

Pete Rose comes out and grabs a mic. He says last time he was here, he kicked their ass. They can't win a World Series. His buddy Bucky Dent says hellooooo. He left tickets for Bill Buckner, but he couldn't bend over to pick them up. HOW BOUT IT? The Curse of the Bambino! The City of Losers............HOW BOUT IT?..............BUT THE LIGHTS GO OUT! KANE AND PAUL BEARER COME OUT! AND KANE TOMBSTONES PETE ROSE :mark: Kane/Rose beef :mark:

Druids come out with torches and Taker makes his entrance wearing this AWESOME evil boss jacket.

Kane (w/Paul Bearer) vs. The Undertaker
The classic Taker carrying the bigger crappier wrestler. Kane is still in the early stages of the invincible monster so he doesn't bump off much and doesn't sell a lick yet. So Taker does what he does bumping around and making all of Kane's stuff look legit. The middle drags a lot, as Kane isn't built for 17 minutes matches. So the punches and basic chinlocks get super repetitive. JR claims that Taker is trying to get Kane punch himself out, so that's cool. This picks up a ton when Taker makes his comeback but KANE SWATS HIM OUT OF MIDAIR WHEN HE DOES THE PLANCHA DIVE AND TAKER CRASHES THROUGH THE SPANISH ANNOUNCE TABLE. When Taker feels Kane has worn himself out he goes for the Tombstone but Kane reversed it and hits his own for two. Now, Taker fires back and Kane has slowed down so the rope-a-dope worked. Taker hits the chokeslam, and the Tombstone but KANE KICKS OUT! Taker drops the big leg, but Kane sits up and Taker hits another Tombstone, but again he kicks out. Bearer yelling "DAMN YOU DEADMAN" is the best. Taker heads up top for a huge Lariat off the top and hits a third TOMBSTONE for the win. **1/2


After the Match; Paul Bearer enters the ring with a chair and tells Kane to get him, but Taker decks him and falls out of exhaustion. Kane hits Taker in the back with the chair when he gets up, and hits the Tombstone on the chair, before walking out with Bearer. Taker sits up and walks out any assistance.

Austin/Michaels/Tyson video package airs.

Mike Tyson gets his own entrance, even though he's wearing a DX shirt.

In the back, Stone Cold Steve Austin walks alone before making his entrance. DX does the same, with Hunter flipping off the cameras. The DX band then plays DX to the ring. God, I love this shit so much. It makes the main event feel so epic, this and pre-match interviews need to be a thing in 2018.

WWF World Heavyweight Championship: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Shawn Michaels (w/Triple H & Chyna) [Mike Tyson as special outside enforcer]
Shawn is super emotional during his entrance, you can see he goes from being hyped to looking out into the crowd and almost loses it but he keeps it together. I feel like everyone has seen this, knows the backstory and all that so I won't go into much details. JR ~ "Nobody has EVER outperformed Shawn Michaels in a big match situation" Shawn gets cocky in the opening minutes with jabs pissing off Austin, so Austin pinballs the shit out of him around the ring, and Shawn is in GOD-BUMPING MODE! he makes everything look so vicious. Hunter gets involved throwing Austin into the rails right in front of the ref, so Hunter and Chyna get ejected. Austin chases Hunter up the ramp and beats him up, but Shawn meets him and they brawl by the band set. This is pretty much the precursor to the Austin style where they brawl for like 5 minutes on the stage and the ref doesn't count just allowing it. They make it back to the ring, and Shawn goes for the Flair bump but hits back first into the turnbuckles so hard. He's clearly so hurt, but god bless him he continues to bump and make Steve's look like a beast. Austin tries to slow it down by applying a headlock, but once they feel the crowd begin to get quiet they immediately go back to brawling on the floor. Shawn backdops Austin over the rails and nails him with the ring bell, Shawn can barely walk and is in a ton of pain. So he targets the knees. Austin sells it at the start, but as the match continues Austin just forgets about it. Shawn applies the Figure-Four and holds the ropes but Austin rolls it to break it, he makes his comeback but the ref gets bumped. As, Austin makes his comeback, but Shawn hits the flying forearm, elbow drop, but Austin ducks the superkick. Shawn counters the Stunner, and Austin grabs the boot and spins Shawn round into the Stunner and covers. Mike counts the 1,2,3. and AUSTIN WINS!


After the Match; Austin celebrates with the title, someone then hands him an Austin 3:16 shirt and Tyson holds it in the air for a HUGE POP! Shawn eventually gets up and sees this and argues with Tyson about it. He shoves him and tries a punch, but, Tyson block and nails Michaels. Austin and Tyson celebrate and Tyson drapes the Austin shirt over Shawn's face. Austin and Tyson then leave together.




Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Yeah that Mania looks about as bad as I remembered. Dumpster match lowkey might be my favorite of the night


Nov 13, 2010
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Vince hates the powder spot....another Owen burial
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Feb 25, 2012
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Rock/Shamrock feud was just foreshadowing what that man could do with a chair
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