WWF Champion: Shawn Michael
WWF Intercontinental Champion: The Rock
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: HHH
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku
January 19th, 1998
Fresno, California
Recap of Kane/Taker from last weeks RAW and the double cross at the Rumble.
Paul Bearer comes out laughing and grinning. He says HE GOT CHA DIDN'T I! HAHAHAHAHA! He yells at the fans to just admit it, and responds to a "YOU SUCK" chant by saying if he does, he must be good

he says he had each and every one of them in the palm of his hand. He should have won a Golden Globe for that interview he did two weeks ago. Then last week in this ring and on this platform, the two brothers got down and saluted each other. That's when he knew he had them, hook, line, and sinker. The Undertaker too. And for the first time in 7 years you saw, The Undertaker smiled because he knew his brother Kane had come back to the fold. BUT I GOT YOU, DEAD MAN. Just when you thought Kane was gonna help big brother, no, no, no. Kane chokeslamed him into his own casket. Then I came down with the three locks. We locked The Undertaker in his casket. Then we rolled him to where everyone can see. He saw a little girl in the crowd crying and asking what they were doing. Finally, he reached in and pulled out a book of matches and there it was. "THE TOWERING INFERNO!" It felt so good. The big plan has now come to pass. The Undertaker is gone and never to return. TAKER'S MUSIC HITS AND DRUIDS BRING THE CASKET OUT! KANE SITS UP OUT OF IT AND LIGHTS OFF HIS PYRO! Ladies and Gentleman I present to you the last surviving member of The Undertaker's family, and that's how he likes it because I'M PAUL BEARER AND YOU ARE NOT!
Will Taker be here?
DX Talks
Backstage: DX are together, Hunter says last night he proved to the world Owen is nothing but a loser. He tells Owen to pack his bags and head down south too cause he can't cut it here. And then the Man proved once again, that he is the man, the icon, the main event. Shawn says last night he went to bed, but couldn't rest it was crazy. He says he woke up feeling guilt-ridden. Not only beating him but seeing his casket on fire. He says he wants the fans to know DX is not all bad, so tonight DX will FIND the Undertaker.
The DOA vs. The Nation of Domination (Faarooq, Kama & D'Lo)
D'lo/8ball is meh, Kama/Chainz was trash, Skull gets in and they go right into the Nation heat segment. D'lo shines cause he's clearly the best wrestler in the match. Kama does things while Faarooq does nothing, the match just breaks down cause why the fuck not so the ref calls for the bell. Double DQ
After the Match; Mark and Rocky run down, but Ahmed and Ken make the save. Everyone brawls and shit.
In the parking lot, a Hearse arrives at the building.
Tom Brandi vs. Marc Mero (w/Sable)
Angle match, someone hands Sables some flowers so Mero loses his shit and forces her to the back. But she refuses cause he ain't shit. Mero gets a low blow and then hits the TKO for the win.
In the parking lot; DX go over to the hearse, they get Chyna to open the door. But it's college girls who jump out and hug Shawn and Hunter, who get into the back of the hearse for an orgy.
Mike Tyson limos arrive, Shane gets out of one with Tyson and his entourage.
The Quebecers vs. Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie
HOLY SHIT! The Quebecers are back for another run. Super short but fucking awesome, all 4 brawl before the bell before things settle down with the Quebecers isolating Funk. They take turns beating the shit out of him, they hit one piledriver, but decide that isn't enough so they try a spike one so Cactus breaks it up. The ref tries to force him out so he gives him the mandible claw so another ref runs out for the DQ.
After the match; they continue brawling with Funk hitting a Vader Bomb like splash to everyone on the floor. Cactus decides enough is enough and grabs a baseball bat that has some barbed wire on it which forces the Quebecers to retreat.
Backstage: DX goes over the mini's and asks if they've seen The Undertaker, Hunter says we don't want no short answers. Shawn says he can't bend down that far to hear what they're saying so he has Chyna lift up Max Mini to Shawn's hight

Max yells NO! NO!
Backstage: Tyson is talking with Pat, Jerry, Sgt, and others.
NWA North American Heavyweight Championship: Blackjack Bradshaw (w/Blackjack Windham) vs. Jeff Jarrett (w/The Rock n' Roll Express & Jim Cornette)
Jeff and RNREX jump Bradshaw before the bell but stop once the bell rings so yeah lol. This isn't good, basic punches and slams low-level brawling. Apparently, Bradshaw went over 40 minutes in the Rumble last night loooooooooool. What a forgettable performance. Ricky and Robert keep interfering and the ref is distracted. Windham comes in to interfere too, but Jeff ducks a lariat and he hits Bradshaw. He just kind of leaves and Jeff covers to win. *1/2
After the Match; Bradshaw is mad and attacks the RNRX and Jeff. It's obviously a 3 on 1, but Blackjack Windham comes back. They back off, but he hits Bradshaw with another lariat and leaves with the NWA. 3 swerves in 4 weeks YAY!
In the arena somewhere; DX can't find The Undertaker. Shawn is sad, but Triple H points off screen scared and the lights go out.
THE LIGHTS GO OUT! THE UNDERTAKER'S MUSIC HITS! It looks like Taker is being lowered from the roof of the building............................WHEN SUDDENLY! "Break it Down" hits, and Shawn Michaels throws off the black wig to reveal that it's him. AW, SON OF A BITCH! (Too soon) nevermind. Shawn begins to dance as Hunter and Chyna come out. They are carrying a grill down with a bag of hot dogs. Hunter has a SUCK THE COOK apron on. They put on these extra long chef hats on. Hunter says they both have jumbo weenies and Chyna pulls out a huge sausage. He asks if Shawn got that entrance gear in a fire sale. Shawn asks if they like their Undertaker rare, medium, or well done. He says he likes him DONE thanks to DX and yours truly. Hunter calls Owen Hart the Mr. Hankey of the WWF and he hopes he enjoyed his royal stumble last night because he sure did. He's going to hand him an opportunity for revenge and challenges him to a shot at his coveted European Title next week. He says he will face him man to boy. Hunter says even with a torn MCL it won't matter because he can beat him any time he wants to end it for good. And on another note, to all you Cali girls there's no need to ride Space Mountain, because it's old and broken down, and if you want to see the stars, he's got the rocket if you've got the ride. Shawn says he gave The Undertaker one more chance last night, but alas, the Heartbreak Kid all alone and all by himself with no help from anyone defeated him once again. Now it's time to go to the list, who's next in line for the Heartbreak Kid. Everyone knows the winner of the Royal Rumble gets a shot at the WWF Champion, so that brings up Stone Cold Steve Austin. He's a former Tag Team Champion, BEEN THERE DONE THAT! He's a former Intercontinental Champion, BEEN THERE AND DONE THAT! It seems there's only one more mountain for Stone Cold Steve Austin to climb. Not only is the Heartbreak Kid at the top of that mountain, BUT HE OWNS THAT MOUNTAIN! Because The Heartbreak Kid says so. Stone Cold's got quite a winning streak going, SON, but he should ask around the WWF locker room and then call every wrestler that he sent down South and they'll tell him the same thing he's about to. THE HEARTBREAK KID LAYS DOWN FOR ABSOLUTELY NOBODY~!
Mike Tyson is talking to LOD when Sunny comes over whoring herself out to him.
For some reason, Honky Tonk Man joins Lawer and JR on commentary.
Los Boricuas vs. Owen Hart, TAKA Michinoku & The Headbangers
Total waste of Owen and Taka, UGH! Boricuas isolate Mosh for like 3 minutes before Owen gets the hot tag, he cleans house and applies the Sharpshooter for the win. After the match; Cole interviews Owen at ringside about Triple H's challenge. He says he doesn't know what the hell he's up to, but he'll take any chance to get his hands on him, and he accepts.
Backstage: The Nation is talking with Mike Tyson. FUCK YEAH!
The Rock vs. Ahmed Johnson
This is all bad. 80% of Rocks strikes don't connect, Ahmed, calling shit louder than Shamrock at this point. Mark Henry comes out to hit Ahmed off the ropes with a chair, and Rock wins with the Rock Bottom. After the match; Ken Shamrock runs out before Rock and Mark can do anything, so they bail.
Backstage: Mike Tyson and his crew are with Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie, Jack gives Mike his barbed wire bat and keeps asking him to hit him in the back with it. LOL
Backstage: Mike is now with DX, Chyna is showing off her gunz while Mike keeps pointing at the WWF title.
Someone in the crowd has a "TOO GAY" Brian Christopher sign
WWF Tag Team Championships: The Godwins vs. The New Age Outlaws
Outlaws once again bump for everything but the Godwins are just atrocious and sloppy. One of the Godwinns botches a Gutwrench Suplex dropping Gunn on his face and neck. The match is 98% Gunn getting his ass kicked, but out of nowhere Road Dogg tosses in the stuffed pig and he hits one of them with it and it gets the pin. LOADED STUFFED PIG. After the match; Road Dogg gets hit with the slop bucket just because.
Vince McMahon is in the ring, he then introduces the BADDEST MAN ON THE PLANET! IRON MIKE TYSON! Mike comes out with at least 5 goonz. Mike says it's a pleasure to be here, Vince asks about his favorites and he yells out for Bruno Sammartino. Vince asks about Don Leo Jonathon and Tyson laughs. Vince officially announces that in this ring at WrestleMania XIV.................GLASS BREAKS! OOutcomesStone Cold. All the officials, agents come out to prevent anything or try to. Vince asks why he's here. Austin says he's sick and tired of Mike Tyson. He's here shaking hands and making friends with all the WWF Superstars and it's made him so damn sick he's been in the back throwing up. He's not here to shake his hand or be his friend. He respects what he's done in the boxing world, but Jesus Christ son, in this ring, you're messing with Stone Cold Steve Austin and that's something you don't do. Imma keep it short and simple "I WANT A PIECE OF MIKE TYSON'S ASS" He respects what he's done, but he's out here calling himself the Baddest Man on the Planet, but he's got his beady eyes locked on the eyes of the World's Toughest Son of a Bitch. He can beat him any day of the week, twice on Sunday. He doesn't know how good his hearing is, but he's got some sign language, so here's to him.
TYSON AND AUSTIN! TYSON AND AUSTIN! TYSON AND AUSTIN! They get pulled apart, Mike's people calmly hold him back after picking up hundreds of dollars that have come out of his pockets. While it takes all the refs, agents, to drag Austin out. Vince finally snaps and yells, "YOU RUINED IT, DAMNIT!" and Austin gives him the finger too before he's dragged away. HELL MOTHERFUCKING YEAH! AWESOME SHIT!
In the parking lot, Tyson is pissed and yells at Vince to bring that coward "COLD STONE" out Vince tries to apologize for Austin. Tyson wants to fight him and before the show totally cuts, Tyson yells out "smurf" and one of his goonz yells "YO, FUCK 'EM".