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WWF Champion: Stone Cold Steve Austin
WWF Intercontinental Champion: The Rock
WWF Tag Team Champions: Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie
WWF European Champion: Triple H
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku
March 30th, 1998
Albany, New York
So a little backstory, this is the first ever episode of RAW i watched. It wasn't live cause I was 7 at the time. But I remember my mum's friends kid, the guy that first showed me Shawn/Taker - HIAC recorded this on VHS. So, IDK what day like if this was the weekend or like months later after this but he gave me this on tape to borrow so I did and never gave it back. I still have it to this day.
Vince McMahon comes out holding the Attitude Era Big winged eagle belt
Vince is also met with BOOOOOOO's. He thinks the mic isn't working because the crowd boos so loudly, cause he can't hear himself. He then says he's pleased to present to you the NEW WORLD WRESTLING FEDERATION CHAMPION STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN. Austin comes out with the old title, he quickly grabs the new one and drops the old one on Vince's foot. Vince congratulates him and he wants to clear up any misunderstandings, and misinterpretations about what he may have said several weeks ago. The truth is, he's proud of him becoming the WWF Champion. He's proud of him to represent his company, and together. the key word is together. with his vision and Austin's charisma, he might become the greatest WWF Champion of all time. Austin says to cut through all the BS and he knows for a fact that he hates him. But that's okay, cause I hate you right back. What he has to understand is that there ain't no "we". He ain't gonna mold him or break him. What you see is what you get, and if he doesn't like that, tough luck. Vince says he is incapable of hate and it's not a word in his vocabulary. He finds him to be a genuine human being. A swell guy. I LOVE YOU! He's a hell of a guy. Austin makes him say he loves him again. Vince says not to get confrontational but repeats himself off mic. Austin makes him say it on mic and Vince says it's a figure of speech. Austin says to look in his bloodshot eyes when he says he won't do things his way. He'll continue to raise as much hell and chaos and give him more grey hairs every single day of his life. Nobody, especially Vince McMahon, tells Stone Cold what to do, and that's the bottom line. Vince says they can do this the easy way or they can do this the hard way, and that's gonna be his decision. Austin says he want's to know what Vince's definition of that? Vince says the easy way is to learn to be flexible and adapt, Adaptation is a key to life and as well as in business. The hard way? He'll wind up doing things his way anyhow if he has to force him and they don't even need to discuss that. Austin says he needs 10 seconds to think about this......He looks into the crowd.............AND HITS VINCE WITH A STUNNER! Austin grabs the mic and says " IF YOU WANT STONE COLD TO CONTINUE THINGS THE HARD WAY, GIMME A HELL YEAH!"
In the back, Vince is being attended to by, Brisco, Patterson, and Sarge.
The Legion of Doom (w/Sunny) vs. Los Boricus
After the match; Sunny dubs LOD...LOD 2000
At ringside, JR talks about how the tag titles have been held up by some bogus technicality so tonight it will be the Outlaws vs. Jack/Carlie in a cage, to determine the undisputed tag champions.
Backstage: Kevin Kelly says an irate Vince just got off the phone with the police and wants Austin arrested NOW.
Kevin Kelly is now in the men's locker room, he says he heard the DOA try to smarten up Austin, letting him know the police are on their way. But Austin told them he ain't going nowhere, and Vince don't have the balls to have him arrested.
On commentary, JR says there has been a rift in DX, and Triple H is gonna let us know what is going on later on.
Kurrgan (w/Jackyl) vs. Chainz
TRASH! We get split screen of Vince waiting in the parking lot for the cops. Kurrgan wins with his shitty vice claw gimmick.
In the parking lot; The feds arrive, it's 4 of them. Sarge and Brisco are now with him and they all walk in search of Austin. Vince tells them where Austin's dressing room is.
Tennessee Lee is in the ring and introduces J E DOUBLE F J A DOUBLE R E DOUBLE T...AIN'T HE GRAT. Jeff comes out on a horse again.
Jeff Jarrett (w/Tennessee Lee) vs. Aguila
A really good Jeff showcase on offense, Augulia has some shaky moments one including a moonsault which he has Jeff too far out so when Jeff rolls in to avoid, Aguila hits his back clean but Jeff acts like it didn't touch him
He then locks in the figure four and Aguila taps. On commentary, Lee claims he has a huge surprise next week.
After the match; Blackman runs out and cleans the ring off Jeff, Blackman then goes after Lee but Jeff makes the save and the heels leave.
Backstage: Austin is now in handcuffs and is being led by officers, he yells that this is a hell of a rib. Austin runs into him Vince with his shoulder after Vince says he deserves this, Austin gets pulled away and says he can't keep him in there forever and his ass is his.
During the break, Austin gets loaded into the back of the police car with Austin yelling he's gonna getcha, ass, Vince.
Vince McMahon, Brisco and Sarge come down to the ring. Vince says he says he feels he owes the fans an explanation if they'll show a little respect. Perhaps in the state of mind, Mr. Austin is in, a twenty-four hour cooling off period is appropriate. He didn't want to have to do that and he gave Mr. Austin a choice. He selected his choice and dammit, he selected his.
Backstage: Triple H and Chyna are sitting, Hunter says he will drop the hammer and the WWF as you know is comes to an X-Rated END!
Backstage: The Nation are standing by, Rocky is now holding the small IC title that I grew up on. He tells JR to shut his damn mouth and know his role, but the fact is this. Ken Shamrock tried to end his career last night. The Rock can hardly walk right and has been spitting up blood, but it doesn't really matter because he's still here like the man and a half that he is. He's got a big hand, and that means he's gonna lay the smack down on him tonight. He says Faarooq showed The Rock something he should have seen a long time ago, and he's grateful to him for opening his eyes. He's the reason he's here and has been successful and is still the IC champion, and after tonight, he guarandamntees that the Nation will be the strongest it's ever been.
Faarooq & The Rock (w/The Nation of Domination) vs. Ken Shamrock & Steve Blackman
Faarooq works 100% of this match and gets his ass kicks for 99% of it. He hits a desperation spinebuster but Rocky refuses to tag in and leaves. Ken then hits the belly-2-belly and covers for the win.
After the Match; Faarooq gets on the mic and says he told Rocky, punk, that no boy grows up to be a man when they cross him. Since he likes high fashion clothes and jewelry, he's got a good ass whooping for him to wear. Rocky comes back to the ring and they go nose to nose. The Nation members get and try to calm it down but it leads to blows. Eventually, officials and refs pull them apart and Rocky leaves he walks up the ramp. Faarooq gets back on the mic and says it ain't over. Rock then raises his eyebrow and Mark, Kama and D'Lo attack Faarooq from behind. They beat him down, and Rock comes back to hit Faarooq with the Rock Bottom. He takes the mic and he says there's a reason The Rock don't ever want him to think he was ever the leader of The Nation. The Rock is not only the leader, but he's the RULER of the Nation of Domination.
Triple H and Chyna come down to the ring, minus Shawn Michaels. Hunter says says a lot can happen in twenty-four hours. Let's start with Mike Tyson. must have asked a thousand times if he's locked in, apart of us, really with us? What he heard was "Don't worry, kid, I've got it covered.", "You worry too much.", and "Let me make the decisions." WELL, YOU DROPPED THE BALL! But don't worry HBK, because Triple H picked it up and now it's in his court. He'll take care of the worries and problems and he'll make the decisions. This is the genesis of D-Generation X. Tonight in front of the world, he forms the DX Army to take care of business that should have been taken care of right from the start. When you start an army you look to your blood. You look to your buddies and friends. You look to the KLIQ!
Triple H says when you've been an indentured servant for two years, you run up a lot of feelings. Talk to em' KID! First things first, he's got a little something-something to get off his chest right now. He heard Hulk Hogan come out on TV and say he couldn't cut the mustard. HULK HOGAN, YOU SUCK, PAL! He better not stop short of Eric Bischoff will go so far up his ass, he'll know what he had for breakfast, He's sitting at home and he gets a call from one of his best friends, Triple H, and he says DX needs his help. Any time he ever needs anything from him, he's got it. Kevin Nash and Scott Hall would be right here with them if they weren't being held hostage by WCW and that's a fact. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. This is a new beginning for DX and they're here to rip ass on the WWF and it starts tonight. SUCK IT!
TAKA Michinoku is in the ring when Mero and Sable come out, Luna shorty comes out after on the stage. Luna comes out and challenges Sable to a match and Sable accepts, Luna then says she wants a special match, an Evening Gown Match. Luna says she's going to strip her down to her bra and panties that is if you even wear any, YOU LITTLE SLUT! Sable says it'll be her pleasure to kick her ass again.
TAKA Michinoku vs. Marc Mero (w/Sable)
After the match; Sable and Mero argue all the way to the back..........WHEN 3 JAPANESE GUYS JUMP THE RAILS AND BEAT DOWN TAKA! Before hopping the rails and leaving. IT'S HAPPENING@~!
Jim Cornette is in the ring and introduces Dan "THE BEAST" SEVERN
NWA World Tag Team Championship: The Headbangers vs. The New Midnight Express
Not good, no effort by both teams they kinda just do stuff until the finish. The MNEX hit the rocket launcher and win the titles. After the match; Severn takes down both Headbangers with suplexes and applies a submission to one until Cornette calls it off.
HOLY SHIT! Austin uses his one phone call to call into the show
He says he ain't calling a lawyer and says to tell Vince that he's a sorry son of a bitch. Vince's ASS belongs to Stone Cold, and next week Vince is gonna find out how pissed of Austin is. Austin 3:16 says he just whipped his ass, and that's what's gonna happen.
The Blue cage is being set up......WHEN THE LIGHTS GO OUT! Kane and Paul Bearer come out to the stage. Paul says for Undertaker to behold his brother. Did he believe last night after the three count that it was all over? Did he think so? He's looking at his flesh and blood. The only man to ever kick out of his famous Tombstone, NOT ONCE BUT TWICE! The Undertaker has had to change deep down inside that cold cold heart. He's faced his flesh and blood one on one. He beat him all over that ring last night and the whole world seen it. He cowered in the corner as his brother put his fist against his skull. Last night, he put himself in bed and shut his eyes and he was proud. But, he was awoken at 2 am by a dream. In that dream he saw a wrestling ring, he saw it surrounded by fire. In that ring, he saw Kane all alone. He challenges The Undertaker to step into his dream and the fire to face his brother one more time. In order to win, either he or Kane will have to catch fire. The loser must catch fire. AN INFERNO! UNFORGIVEN! IN YOUR HOUSE.
Footage airs of earlier today Funk has a bruise on his hip the size of a stretched out hand.
Steel Cage match for the WWF Tag Team Championships: Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie vs. The New Age Outlaws
Short but awesome, they brawl for a few minutes until The Outlaws handcuff Funk to the cage by his neck. So Cactus works this alone. He takes a sick backdrop into the steel bars and also gets flapjacked into it too. Jack fights back and sends both men into the cage, but as he tries to climb out even though it's pin or submission. DX runs out, Kid then nails Jack 3 times in the head with a chair knocking him out. And the Outlaws hit the spike piledriver onto the chair for the win. **1/2
After the match; Chyna, Kid, and Hunter get in. They join in beating up Cactus. Hunter hits the pedigree as the crowd chant for AUSTIN! They send him to the corner and Kid hits the Bronco Buster Gunn and Road Dogg do the SUCK IT! Taunt. Triple H kills Cactus with his own SUCK chair shot to the head as the new DX celebrates to end the show.
WWF Intercontinental Champion: The Rock
WWF Tag Team Champions: Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie
WWF European Champion: Triple H
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku
March 30th, 1998
Albany, New York
So a little backstory, this is the first ever episode of RAW i watched. It wasn't live cause I was 7 at the time. But I remember my mum's friends kid, the guy that first showed me Shawn/Taker - HIAC recorded this on VHS. So, IDK what day like if this was the weekend or like months later after this but he gave me this on tape to borrow so I did and never gave it back. I still have it to this day.
Vince McMahon comes out holding the Attitude Era Big winged eagle belt

In the back, Vince is being attended to by, Brisco, Patterson, and Sarge.
The Legion of Doom (w/Sunny) vs. Los Boricus
After the match; Sunny dubs LOD...LOD 2000
At ringside, JR talks about how the tag titles have been held up by some bogus technicality so tonight it will be the Outlaws vs. Jack/Carlie in a cage, to determine the undisputed tag champions.
Backstage: Kevin Kelly says an irate Vince just got off the phone with the police and wants Austin arrested NOW.
Kevin Kelly is now in the men's locker room, he says he heard the DOA try to smarten up Austin, letting him know the police are on their way. But Austin told them he ain't going nowhere, and Vince don't have the balls to have him arrested.
On commentary, JR says there has been a rift in DX, and Triple H is gonna let us know what is going on later on.
Kurrgan (w/Jackyl) vs. Chainz
TRASH! We get split screen of Vince waiting in the parking lot for the cops. Kurrgan wins with his shitty vice claw gimmick.
In the parking lot; The feds arrive, it's 4 of them. Sarge and Brisco are now with him and they all walk in search of Austin. Vince tells them where Austin's dressing room is.

Tennessee Lee is in the ring and introduces J E DOUBLE F J A DOUBLE R E DOUBLE T...AIN'T HE GRAT. Jeff comes out on a horse again.
Jeff Jarrett (w/Tennessee Lee) vs. Aguila
A really good Jeff showcase on offense, Augulia has some shaky moments one including a moonsault which he has Jeff too far out so when Jeff rolls in to avoid, Aguila hits his back clean but Jeff acts like it didn't touch him

After the match; Blackman runs out and cleans the ring off Jeff, Blackman then goes after Lee but Jeff makes the save and the heels leave.
Backstage: Austin is now in handcuffs and is being led by officers, he yells that this is a hell of a rib. Austin runs into him Vince with his shoulder after Vince says he deserves this, Austin gets pulled away and says he can't keep him in there forever and his ass is his.
During the break, Austin gets loaded into the back of the police car with Austin yelling he's gonna getcha, ass, Vince.
Vince McMahon, Brisco and Sarge come down to the ring. Vince says he says he feels he owes the fans an explanation if they'll show a little respect. Perhaps in the state of mind, Mr. Austin is in, a twenty-four hour cooling off period is appropriate. He didn't want to have to do that and he gave Mr. Austin a choice. He selected his choice and dammit, he selected his.
Backstage: Triple H and Chyna are sitting, Hunter says he will drop the hammer and the WWF as you know is comes to an X-Rated END!
Backstage: The Nation are standing by, Rocky is now holding the small IC title that I grew up on. He tells JR to shut his damn mouth and know his role, but the fact is this. Ken Shamrock tried to end his career last night. The Rock can hardly walk right and has been spitting up blood, but it doesn't really matter because he's still here like the man and a half that he is. He's got a big hand, and that means he's gonna lay the smack down on him tonight. He says Faarooq showed The Rock something he should have seen a long time ago, and he's grateful to him for opening his eyes. He's the reason he's here and has been successful and is still the IC champion, and after tonight, he guarandamntees that the Nation will be the strongest it's ever been.
Faarooq & The Rock (w/The Nation of Domination) vs. Ken Shamrock & Steve Blackman
Faarooq works 100% of this match and gets his ass kicks for 99% of it. He hits a desperation spinebuster but Rocky refuses to tag in and leaves. Ken then hits the belly-2-belly and covers for the win.
After the Match; Faarooq gets on the mic and says he told Rocky, punk, that no boy grows up to be a man when they cross him. Since he likes high fashion clothes and jewelry, he's got a good ass whooping for him to wear. Rocky comes back to the ring and they go nose to nose. The Nation members get and try to calm it down but it leads to blows. Eventually, officials and refs pull them apart and Rocky leaves he walks up the ramp. Faarooq gets back on the mic and says it ain't over. Rock then raises his eyebrow and Mark, Kama and D'Lo attack Faarooq from behind. They beat him down, and Rock comes back to hit Faarooq with the Rock Bottom. He takes the mic and he says there's a reason The Rock don't ever want him to think he was ever the leader of The Nation. The Rock is not only the leader, but he's the RULER of the Nation of Domination.
Triple H and Chyna come down to the ring, minus Shawn Michaels. Hunter says says a lot can happen in twenty-four hours. Let's start with Mike Tyson. must have asked a thousand times if he's locked in, apart of us, really with us? What he heard was "Don't worry, kid, I've got it covered.", "You worry too much.", and "Let me make the decisions." WELL, YOU DROPPED THE BALL! But don't worry HBK, because Triple H picked it up and now it's in his court. He'll take care of the worries and problems and he'll make the decisions. This is the genesis of D-Generation X. Tonight in front of the world, he forms the DX Army to take care of business that should have been taken care of right from the start. When you start an army you look to your blood. You look to your buddies and friends. You look to the KLIQ!

Triple H says when you've been an indentured servant for two years, you run up a lot of feelings. Talk to em' KID! First things first, he's got a little something-something to get off his chest right now. He heard Hulk Hogan come out on TV and say he couldn't cut the mustard. HULK HOGAN, YOU SUCK, PAL! He better not stop short of Eric Bischoff will go so far up his ass, he'll know what he had for breakfast, He's sitting at home and he gets a call from one of his best friends, Triple H, and he says DX needs his help. Any time he ever needs anything from him, he's got it. Kevin Nash and Scott Hall would be right here with them if they weren't being held hostage by WCW and that's a fact. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. This is a new beginning for DX and they're here to rip ass on the WWF and it starts tonight. SUCK IT!
TAKA Michinoku is in the ring when Mero and Sable come out, Luna shorty comes out after on the stage. Luna comes out and challenges Sable to a match and Sable accepts, Luna then says she wants a special match, an Evening Gown Match. Luna says she's going to strip her down to her bra and panties that is if you even wear any, YOU LITTLE SLUT! Sable says it'll be her pleasure to kick her ass again.
TAKA Michinoku vs. Marc Mero (w/Sable)
After the match; Sable and Mero argue all the way to the back..........WHEN 3 JAPANESE GUYS JUMP THE RAILS AND BEAT DOWN TAKA! Before hopping the rails and leaving. IT'S HAPPENING@~!
Jim Cornette is in the ring and introduces Dan "THE BEAST" SEVERN
NWA World Tag Team Championship: The Headbangers vs. The New Midnight Express
Not good, no effort by both teams they kinda just do stuff until the finish. The MNEX hit the rocket launcher and win the titles. After the match; Severn takes down both Headbangers with suplexes and applies a submission to one until Cornette calls it off.
HOLY SHIT! Austin uses his one phone call to call into the show

The Blue cage is being set up......WHEN THE LIGHTS GO OUT! Kane and Paul Bearer come out to the stage. Paul says for Undertaker to behold his brother. Did he believe last night after the three count that it was all over? Did he think so? He's looking at his flesh and blood. The only man to ever kick out of his famous Tombstone, NOT ONCE BUT TWICE! The Undertaker has had to change deep down inside that cold cold heart. He's faced his flesh and blood one on one. He beat him all over that ring last night and the whole world seen it. He cowered in the corner as his brother put his fist against his skull. Last night, he put himself in bed and shut his eyes and he was proud. But, he was awoken at 2 am by a dream. In that dream he saw a wrestling ring, he saw it surrounded by fire. In that ring, he saw Kane all alone. He challenges The Undertaker to step into his dream and the fire to face his brother one more time. In order to win, either he or Kane will have to catch fire. The loser must catch fire. AN INFERNO! UNFORGIVEN! IN YOUR HOUSE.
Footage airs of earlier today Funk has a bruise on his hip the size of a stretched out hand.
Steel Cage match for the WWF Tag Team Championships: Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie vs. The New Age Outlaws
Short but awesome, they brawl for a few minutes until The Outlaws handcuff Funk to the cage by his neck. So Cactus works this alone. He takes a sick backdrop into the steel bars and also gets flapjacked into it too. Jack fights back and sends both men into the cage, but as he tries to climb out even though it's pin or submission. DX runs out, Kid then nails Jack 3 times in the head with a chair knocking him out. And the Outlaws hit the spike piledriver onto the chair for the win. **1/2